#while they watch brenda sing
michelle-is-writing · 6 months
Christmas, Dr. Gregory House
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Word count: 1.8k~
Warnings: mention of sex, House being House
"It's a marshmallow world in the winter," I sing, stringing lights on my apartment's Christmas tree. "When the snow comes to cover the ground," I sing the next verse of Brenda Lee's song before turning toward Greg with a smile. Sitting on the couch, the salt and pepper haired man sips at a small glass of eggnog (with a shot of whiskey in it, no less) while staring at the tree with a bored look on his face. Even when he sees my smile, he still remains there with a frown.
"Greg," I state his name, his blue eyes flickering up to mine. Seeing that I have his attention, I smile. "Come help me set up the tree."
"Why? So we can just take it down two weeks later?" He asks, making me sigh, my smile now a frown to match his. I love Greg, but I absolutely hate his pessimistic views - and with it being the week of Christmas, I will not let his negative opinions ruin anything.
"Fine," I say to him, placing the string of lights down beside me. "If you don't want to do that, then do something else for me," He raises an eyebrow in question at me, waiting for me to finish. "Come dance with me."
All of a sudden, he breaks into a dry laugh before stopping all of a sudden with his usual frown. "Have you forgotten?" He asks me, holding his hands over his crippled leg. “Crippled, if you haven’t noticed.”
Rolling my eyes with a smirk, I nod at him. "How could I forget?" I ask him, "There isn't a moment that goes by that you don't use it to your advantage," with that, I let out a fake thoughtful sigh. "And there isn't a moment that goes by where I don't say 'no' to you on getting on top."
At my response, he tilts his head sideways while staring at me with squinted eyes like a child would if you teased them. At his behavior change, I smile once again before walking over to him by the couch. Serves him right for being a smart ass all the time, and finally, I said something he had no clap-back to.
"I don't want to break dance or anything like that," I tell him, taking his rough and big hands into my own smaller ones. "I just want to slow dance with you."
For once, he slowly smiles up at me before standing up with a little help from me. "Okay," He says, stumbling a bit as he tries to stand up straight without his cane. "We'll dance - but if I fall, I'm taking you down with me."
Giggling at him, I nod and kiss his lips for a short second before we wrap our arms around each other and start slow dancing. The next Brenda Lee song that comes on is a slower and sweeter song that I enjoy a lot. Greg on the other hand doesn't really care for anything Christmas, so he could give two thoughts less.
"Rockin' around the Christmas Tree at a Christmas party hop," I sing in a light voice, watching as Greg continues to smile and stare at me. "Mistletoe hung where you can see, every couple tried to st-" I continue on, until abruptly being cut off by Greg's lips on mine. We continue to kiss each other for a few seconds until pulling away, a smirk resting on Greg's face.
"What was that for?" I ask him with a shocked grin. Still smirking, Greg just looks above him with me following his gaze, a small green piece of berry filled fern hanging above us. I don't remember putting that up there...
"I thought it would be useful," Greg states as we both look back at each other. "Turns out this cripple can do a few things for his woman," He notes, matter-of-factly.
Smirking back at him, I shake my head in comical disbelief. "Out of all of these Christmas decorations, you put up mistletoe?" I ask him, receiving a shrug back.
"I like this tradition better than the rest," Greg confesses, still gently swaying us. "Besides," he leans in close, his lips close to my cheek. "It benefits us both."
In response, I can't help but slap his shoulder with a giggle. "You perv," I chide, moving to rest my hands on his shoulders while his linger on my waist. "How long has that been up there?"
"I put it up this morning," He answers with a gentle tone just before we both fall into a comfortable silence. Did I expect Greg to do anything festive during these happy times? Absolutely not. But was I really all that surprised in finding mistletoe that just so happens to be festive? Kind of. Being a little bit of a narcissist, Greg only put that up because he could use the excuse that it was Christmas themed instead of the actual reason being that he just wanted to kiss me without showing spontaneous romance - a possible weakness to him.
As we dance with each other, I quickly notice the usual bags underneath his eyes are slowly fading away and the blueness of his irises have turned more lively with brightness lively in them. In the short amount of time of being away from work, Greg is starting to look a bit younger than he actually is. Although, I do think this is due to him being away from the stressful environment that is his work. And to think, he actually took these days off for me; maybe he isn't such a narcissist after all...
During my thinking, Greg has managed to move us over near the couch while we were dancing, only to trip and cause us both to fall over on the soft cushions. Of course, he did this on purpose. Scrap my earlier thought - he's definitely a narcissist.
"Oops," He says sarcastically, "I fell," Greg points out, staring up at me with a small smirk beginning to take over his lips once more.
At his goofiness, I roll my eyes at him and lightly pat his chest a few times before moving to get up. However, when I go to move over him, Greg quickly catches me in his arms and pulls me back down to his chest, holding me close to him as if he wants me to stay where I am.
"No, no, just stay here, please," He begs, his voice resuming its gentle tone from earlier. Nonetheless, it takes me by surprise. I would have never expected Greg to say that. As I mentioned before, he'll use any excuse he can find to make it seem like he's not being romantic or sweet.
"Okay," I tell him, my eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion as I nuzzle my head further into his chest to become a bit more relaxed in his embrace. "Are you comfortable?" I ask, moving my leg away from his bad one.
"The most I'll ever be," He answers me, his hand smoothing down my hair. "Have I ever told you how great it is to lie with you?" He questions me, making me roll my eyes once again.
"Are you talking about when we’re having sex or when we do this?" I ask for clarification, making him chuckle.
"I mean like this," He answers as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. "Then again, I do enjoy both situations, but I'm talking about right now," I can't help but smile as my cheeks heat up a little in response to his words, a sigh soon falling from his lips. "I've been married before and had a few girlfriends, but nothing with them could ever compare to how I feel with you. You just make me feel the best I have felt in a while," He further admits, his voice still soft and quiet with his confession.
Sighing sweetly, I shake my head against the soft material of his grey jumper before speaking. "I bet you've told all your women that," I half-joke, quickly receiving an answer back.
"No, actually, I haven't," Greg retorts, making me look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. Bright blue eyes look back at me with no emotion, yet at the same time, pure honesty. "I haven't told any other women this because it wouldn't be true, and well, I wouldn't care if they heard me say it or not," Sitting us up a bit, Greg places his hand on my cheek in a sensual and meaningful way.
"(Y/n), I love you," He confesses, his voice never wavering or cracking up. In response to his words, my eyes slightly widen as I feel my whole body become tense. "And I know I may not be the most expressive guy when it comes to my emotions, but believe me when I tell you that you have made me a better man," He adds on, his thumb now beginning to softly run over my cheek.
"Or, at least, I think I have," Greg adds, giving a soft shrug. "Ultimately, it’s you and the guys at work that would see it, so you might have to ask them just to be sure," his words make me roll my eyes that are currently tearing up, but I can't resist my smile at the same time. Once again, Greg can't let it be known that he can be spontaneously romantic at times. "They'd probably tell you I'm still an ass, but I think-"
Before he can say anymore, I move forward and press my lips to his in a sweet kiss. Of course, he kisses back instantly, but not before he smiles as well. Once we pull apart, I stare down at him breathlessly before speaking. "I love you too, Greg," I tell him, the four words I have been dreaming about telling him falling freely from my lips. "I have for a long time, but I was... I was too scared to say it."
Greg then smiles back at me and tilts his head to the side as he moves his arms down to my waist and holds my body closer to his. "Well," he says, searching his mind for a sarcastic answer. A few seconds pass until he sighs and looks back at me with an even bigger smile. "Here’s your Merry Christmas," He chimes, jokingly mocking me.
Grinning at him, I shake my head before he moves forward and reattaches our lips once more, the tune of Christmas carols playing behind us as we kiss. Maybe Greg won't be so pessimistic about Christmas anymore. I mean... we can only pray and hope so. Nonetheless, I guess it really is a Merry Christmas to me.
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zer0brainc3lls · 2 months
my safe haven tmr headcanons 🫶 (also random ones)
All of these are sweet, will make angst ones tho 🤭 Newtmas included ofc
- Thomas blushes super easily
- Brenda loves heavy metal
- newt writes to cope, just about his day and whatnot. (This is sorta canon in crank palace but i think he would continue to write if he lived)
- when Thomas & Minho get drunk together they get up to the most INSANE activities it’s not even funny
- If newt & Brenda are drunk at the same time they bet who is going to get injured first 😭
- minho LOVES Halloween. Absolutely LOVES IT. His costumes are phenomenal every year
- newt is SO GOOD with kids, the kids in the safe haven gravitate towards him and they all love him 100% (uncle newt?!?)
- Thomas on the other hand is like so bad with kids, has absolutely no idea how to talk to them 😔 the kids 100% ask him 2863382 times a day “are you uncle newts boyfriend?! :O” and he has no clue how to respond
- Minho teaches the kids curse words on accident 💀 he would like fall over or something and go “OW FUCK” and they would copy him, newt has scolded him so many times for this
- speaking of Minho and cursing, HE CURSES ALL THE TIME. THE MOUTH ON THAT MAN. It somehow gets worse when he’s drunk
- R.I.P Brenda you would’ve loved thick and crazy eyeliner
- Sonya made matching bracelets for aris and Harriet, aris accepted immediately 😭 Harriet sorta raised a brow but accepted as well but she NEVER takes it off. EVER. Aris on the other hand has lost it so many times, and freaks out every time he does
- Sonya will braid anyone and everyone’s hair. She knows so many hair styles it’s actually ridiculous 💀 she doesn’t remember learning them though. :[ (when she and newt were taken she would brush & braid the other girl’s hair like her mum taught her)
- aris slowly comes out of his shell in the safe haven, and every time he does something “bold” Sonya and Harriet silently cheer for him
- Newt and Sonya got REALLY close in the safe haven, they clicked like instantly and helped each other heal :) “she’s like a sister to me!!” “He’s like a brother to me!!” Is used OFTEN. (Little do they know.. ☹️)
- When Newt is extra pissy his accent is way heavier, and Thomas already being into his accent as is when newts mad at him.. I’ll just give you an example:
Thomas *face hotter then the sun, sweat dripping down his face*: Uhm-
Minho & Gally *with popcorn*: *watching the whole thing go down while holding back tears of laughter*
- newt never practically had a favourite flower, he thought they were all equally beautiful until one day Thomas came home with a sunflower, gave it to him and said “oh this reminded me of you” let’s just say after that day sunflowers were his favourite.
- frypan immediately knew when Thomas and newt first started dating, when he realised he went up to Thomas, patted him on the back and said “so you finally got together huh? Good job man” and walked off leaving Thomas SHOCKED
- if Teresa never betrayed everyone Newt and her would’ve been BFFS. “I remember when you liked Thomas I was so mad” “I was mad at you too!!” “REALLY?!” *whilst making flower crowns*
- Newt loves to read and this is common knowledge, Brenda also loves to read & wears reading glasses and one day newt caught her and she was like “if you tell a soul I’ll kill you. Wanna read together?”
- Newt = ambivert + Thomas = ambivert
- Newt LOVES tea and Minho gives him so much shit for it 😭
- Minho would be the type of guy to carry around a speaker and blast white girl music
- karaoke night once a week or two, Brenda and Minho sing barbie girl ATLEAST ONCE every time
- Thomas is still incredibly smart, like really smart but there is never really opportunity’s to show it ☹️ but like Newt will lead him a 600 page book or something thinking he won’t finish it and like 2 days later Thomas is like “I finished it! Yeah it was really good I really liked-“ goes on a full in depth analysis
- Newt is autistic 🙏🙏 (if yall want a whole headcanon list just for this I will do it because I’m autistic myself and would love to do that lol)
I hope yall enjoyed my ramblings 🤭 I’m gonna post more but the next one will mostly be post death cure, how they cope and how everything has effected them etc etc so angst
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Hello :) can you do a request with modern Thomas again. They play just dance but since she was dumb at dancing in rythm she sing the lyric and Thomas is like « whoa that’s my girl » because he never hear her singing like that before. The music could be one republic. Please. And have a good day/night noon
Hope!!!!! This is literally the cutest idea thank you for requesting love youuuu
sorry if the middle pic is weird lol I just always see short hair in your pfps so I thought why not
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Something I Need
Thomas x fem!reader
Notes: Modern AU, I don't think Something I Need is on Just Dance but it's my absolute fav one republic song I LOVE it so I had to use it, Minho is your bestie/no.1 enemy btw
Warnings: language/swearing
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It's another late afternoon at Gally and Brenda's place, the light streaming through the window as the sun sinks down.
Most of the gang is slowly arriving for game night, Newt helping Brenda with food as Gally prepares the drinks, while Thomas lounges on the couch watching Ben and Winston fight over control of the music.
"No one wants Taylor Swift, bitch."
"She's good, you uncultured asshat. Give me the remote or I swear-"
The doorbell rings and Thomas rolls off the couch, snorting at his friends' antics.
"Alby!" he greets, the door swinging open to reveal his friend... holding eggs in his bare hands.
Alby rolls his eyes at Thomas' raised eyebrows. "Brenda wanted egg whites to put foam things in the drinks. I didn't want to crush them in my bag."
"Sure," says Thomas, amused.
"Hold the door!"
Thomas turns at your voice, grabbing the handle to stop the door from closing. His face breaks into a wide smile as he sees you.
"Hi," you say, grinning.
"Hey," he responds, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. "It's good to see you."
You giggle, blushing. "Yeah, you too."
"Goddammit," says Minho, behind you in the doorway. "You two are sickening."
You and Thomas had only started dating about a week ago, so you're very much still in the honeymoon phase, much to your friends' discomfort.
"Alright!" you exclaim, clapping your hands together. "What's going on here, everyone looks bored as hell."
"They were waiting for the fun people to show up," says Minho with a smirk.
You walk in down the hallway, saying hi to Brenda and dropping the groceries she'd asked for on the counter.
"If you're so fun, what should we do?" asks Winston.
Minho exchanges a look with you, and grins. "Just Dance," he says.
"Seriously?" huffs Winston.
"Hell yes," you jump in. "I'm gonna beat you this time, Minho."
"Just Dance is lame," groans Ben, from his upside down position on the couch.
"Only cause you suck at it," you fire back. You turn to the rest of the group. "Who's playing?"
"I'm in," says Thomas, followed by Newt and Teresa.
"Who's up first?" asks Minho, scrolling through the songlist.
Teresa jumps in, taking the controller you pass to her.
Minho selects the song, and grabs the second controller for himself. "It's a 3-person dance, you want in Tommy-boy?" he waves the control in Thomas' direction.
"You're on," says Thomas.
You and Newt pile onto the couch to watch beside Ben and Winston, with Alby standing beside you.
Your eyes stay on Thomas and his dancing; awkward and not quite aligning with the character on the screen that he's meant to be matching, but so free and joyful, laughing at Minho and Teresa, and himself too. So cute.
Newt leans over and whispers in your ear. "So we agree Tommy's got no dance skills whatsoever?"
Your eyes are still caught on Thomas, as he turns to smile at you mid-dance. You let out a cheer and clap over-enthusiastically, and he laughs at your support.
"Yeah, he can't dance," you reply fondly.
"I bet you think this is the cutest thing in the world," mutters Newt, raising his brows at you.
You snort. "Yeah, I really do," you say honestly.
The song ends with Thomas almost but not quite beating out Teresa, and Minho with a score so high it's not even funny.
You cheer along with the others, as Thomas and Teresa turn to the couch to swap players. When he gets close enough, you slip a hand behind his neck to bring him closer, and pull him into a long kiss, taking the controller from his hand at the same time.
Everyone collectively groans immediately, but you just pull back and grin. "That was for good luck. Thanks, Tommy."
"Anytime," says Thomas, with a matching grin.
You turn to Newt, who's covering his eyes dramatically, and you yank him up by the arm. "Get up here with me, you're doing this."
Minho holds up his controller. "Who wants to swap-"
"Nope, you're playing another," you cut him off, shooting him a competitive glare.
Minho smirks. "This'll be easy."
"Just pick a song, losers," calls Newt, shaking his head, as if he isn't equally competitive once you start playing.
"One Republic!" you say excitedly, and Minho selects Something I Need from the menu.
The song starts softly, making it easier to keep up with the smooth, slower dance moves. But then the beat kicks in.
"Shit!" you yell, laughing. "Why's it so hard?"
The characters do a twirl on the screen, and Newt trips, cursing loudly.
You start mumbling the lyrics to yourself, to try to keep in time. Then the chorus hits, and you decide screw it.
"You've got something I need", you sing loudly, punching each dance move out to the beat.
You grin to yourself, belting the song and watching your score go up.
Thomas watches from behind you, cheering loudly. She's so damn good.
"Hey, Y/n can sing!" says Teresa, letting out a cheer as you clap your hands on the beat, the game showing an 'awesome!' over your name.
Thomas has never heard you sing like this; it's adorable, and surprisingly really good since you're dancing at the same time.
"Is she gonna beat Minho?" Thomas hears Ben ask incredulously.
That's my girl, thinks Thomas.
The song reaches the end, and you turn to your audience at the last line. "If we only live once, I want to live with you." You wink at Thomas and shoot him a wide smile with cheesy finger guns.
Your friends start yelling as the game counts up your scores, the shouts becoming deafening as your bar overtakes Minho's.
"She's done it! She's taken him down!" cackles Ben, who for all his 'Just Dance is lame' has gotten surprisingly into the game.
Minho falls dramatically, gesturing his arms towards you with a flourish. "The true champion. Here, take my crown." He lifts an invisible crown off his head and places it on yours.
"Yes, thank you very much," you say, giving your best attempt at a curtsey.
You and Minho pass your controllers to the next players, Newt insisting on another try.
"You killed it," says Thomas, grinning at you as you join him beside the couch, standing to watch.
"It was the luck you gave me before the game," you joke, leaning into Thomas.
He shakes his head, laughing. "I like your voice, by the way."
"You do? Thank you," you say.
You both laugh as Frypan hops in the wrong direction, knocking into Winston who shouts in protest.
"Hey, Y/n." You look up at Thomas. "You know, you are something I need."
"I-" you can feel the blush rising to your cheeks, and you shove him lightly. "So lame," you groan.
Thomas laughs, and pulls you back in, looping an arm around your waist.
"...I need you too, Thomas."
He smiles, and drops a kiss on your head.
"Oh my god- Winston, are you okay?"
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This was so fun to write lolll
Sorry for how long it took, but thank you so much for requesting @hope92100 ❤❤❤
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awigglycultist · 1 year
NPMD thoughts
Omg Richie's screams
Poor Richie my beloved
He's dead <3
Oh wait Ruth's headgear is missing in this song
Grace covering her mouth!
Sycamore! We really need to know more about them
Rip Peter
I love the running in Literal Monster
Out first Max saying Bitch incident!
Get him up! Get this fucker up!!
I love being able to properly see everyone's facial expressions
I hate Solomon so much
Steph is very stupid for putting her hand above her phone as it's about to me smashed but also I'd probably do the same
"this projects on thermodynamics, what the fuck are you talking about?"
I literally love Ruth's, Pete's and Richie's friendship so much
"What was I like when she touched your arm? Did you cum!?"
"Pete silence your phone in the library!" you guys have been screaming this whole time but ok
Ugh Pete you are cooler than you think you are!
Love Max finishing the "woah oh oh oh"
"Had to sell your bowtie to feed your fuckin family?"
Omg Pete's breathing and whining while Max is monologuing <3
"now say your fucking prayers bitch!" "-amen!" is still such a good transition
"mom will you pass the buttstuff?" "I just want some head and butter" "bread and buttstuff" still get me
"I love... Jesus <3 :)"
Dirty Girl should not be so good
Me trying to watch this and imagine watching with my dad to figure out the appropriateness and if gonna have to skip past parts
Ugh Pete <3
Ugh Steph caring about Pete so much despite knowing him for one day <3
Hatchettown notfi!
#pottypants let's get it trending
Love hoe you can see Steph slowly getting into it
Beans cool? Excellent!
Pete's and Richie's finger fun moment!
"who was that?" "my boyfriend!" "sounded like a telemarketer" "okay my ex boyfriend"
Love the screams after "you kinda look like that homeless man from downtown"
"fucking useless Pete!"
"no he thinks the ghost is real he's just really fucking brave"
"I am Jägerman! I am God! Go Nighthawks!"
The little bit of info that Max's dad would call him a cuck and the fact that his bullying likely comes from a lot more trauma with his dad
It's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him :(
Rip the glow in the dark skeleton costume
"this is Hatchetfield, people go missing everyday!"
Love Kyle and Brenda, what a supportive couple
"this is really your C+" "oh, Steph, you can keep it :)"
"with consent of cour cause we care!"
Zeke the fighting Nighthawk like Ezekiel from Perky's Buds! Did Ekekiel name himself after Hatchetfield's mascot?
Love the audience cheering after "fuck Clivesdale fuck em straight to hell!"
Richie struggling with costume is so good
"I love being alive!"
God the costume and makeup up close! So good!!!
Smoke club!
Richie's fall is so good!!!
Jon's singing is seriously so good in npmd
And god Will is incredible
Yup Mark & Karen were just so wild at 18
"you don't say, you don't say. I'm be down there in a jiffy" "what'd they did dad?" "they didn't say"
Jeff voice over cameo!
Love that Grace calls the cops pigs
Davis and Virginia!
Ziggy! Barry! Charlie!
Bryce's solo <3
Love the cameos so much (but also rip Jerry, least it's preserved in the album
The bbq monologues bit is so stupid and so good and funny
Me Barbecue!
I love Trevor I hope we see him again
"I'm my dreams, it's my barbecue!"
Just For Once is so silly and so emotional love it it's underrated
"it fucking worked I'm fucking here he's fucking her!"
Lauren is so good!!
"take a bow, bitch"
"Every citizen of Clivesdale is guilty until proven innocent"
Shapiro saying she found the wwjd bracelet in the principal's office really got me the first time
"it's God plan! And now he's leaving me out to dry! Do something you son of a bitch!"
The knowledge of what card Jon hands Lauren makes this scene better
"I have been waiting for what feels like 5 fucking years and I still haven't gotten my hot chocolate!"
Emma spitting in the coffee!
Rip "women shoe"
"Leave room for Jesus!"
"she's bisexual and dead where else would she be!"
Rip Angela's fall
"get your hands out of your pocket! Put your hands down! He's going for a gun!"
The scream!
Also the audience screaming during this entire scene from Paul's & Emma's entrance to Emma screaming, so valid and great
"don't comfort her she's fucking weird"
I hate him but we absolutely need to know more about Solomon, how do the Mayor's learn so much
The black book! The nightmare time theme!
And another reason we need to know more about Solomon, why tf did he have the black book and what did he do with it
Max's one liners are so great
"on the ground bitch I'm a cop!"
"are you a women of faith?" "catholic" "I'll take that as a no"
"there's something deeply wrong with this whole town" yeah there sure is
Pete saying he has no idea what he's doing when he checks for Shapiro's pulse is such a great way of keeping it unknown if she's alive or dead
"t'noy karaxis" particularly scratches my brain
I am a bit sad you can't see all the dance moves at the same time and you so you can't really see them changing dances with each other but also the close ups are so cool and very fitting for the scene!
Jon putting his fingers together so it's reminiscent of the doll only having three is such a cool choice
They both do a great job during this and I NOT OKAY
Max's fucking beat boxing
"so you do know the bible!"
This is scene is seriously so crazy
Graces entrance afterwards with the cigarette is so great and Max's entrances afterward laying on the bench is so great
The spin!
The lighting!!!
Homecoming time!
Someone remind me to add Joey in best of you to the air guitar thread
And that's it. That's where ends :)
Grace is so crazy and I love her
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solarsonicsoda · 7 months
Rating 500+ Theme Tunes - #2: Amphibia
Another show with an A title... that's randomisation for you.
For those of you of a certain vintage, Amphibia is a 2019 Disney cartoon about three friends ending up in a froggy frog world. OH MY GOD THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED AMPHIBIA LIKE AMPHIBIANS! Anyway, this is part of the newer batch of Disney cartoons coming to an end around now, and has built itself a fairly large fanbase! It also has London Tipton herself, Brenda Song, voicing the main character, Anne!
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I actually haven't got around to watching this one yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to it! Seems like it's got some cool moments, fun characters, and charming animation. What can I say? I picked The Owl House in the new show roulette around the pandemic. I'll get there eventually. I like Marcy, she seems goofy. I also like that the Gravity Falls episode exists.
Now, time to shut up and talk theme tunes! Let's do it!
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Amphibia Theme Tune
It’s very fantastical, fitting for the fantastical setting but also very much tailored for the froggy world of Amphibia itself. Definitely feels like an adventure, especially with that swell of the song with the percussion! It’s also very bouncy and it has a really nice flow that takes it between different vibes. I really quite like this one! It's short and sweet to a degree, but that's all new shows if we even get a theme tune. *cough cough* Sonic Prime...
Now while I won't be counting them, this song also has multiple lyrical versions! First, the *sorta* the same song outro, which replaces the bolder musical cues with almost country-inspired vocals by Celica Gray. I think it's pretty sweet, if generic lyrically, but I prefer the theme they used. There's also Theme Song Takeovers, which are a series Disney do on YouTube where secondary characters repurpose the intros to be about them. The character of Sasha's is decent taking a harsher tone musically, which is pretty fun and has some nice humour. I really like Marcy's though, which I find really funny and often gets stuck in my head. This one has a more electronic sound, some pretty nice flow, and Marcy singing "I fell down a flight of stairs". I do not know why I find that so funny but I do.
But final verdict: Amphibia has a pretty great theme tune! It's a great fit for a fish-out-of-water, fantastical show that dips heavily into both the silly and the more-serious, and I generally like the sound! This one is gonna have to be an A! For Amphibia! Well, no, for being worthy of an A grade.
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Stay tuned for more and be sure to send in any suggestions for other shows you'd like to see done (after the 500 already in the pipeline that is). Check out the intro to this series here, and let's check in on the tier list so far.
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rookthorne · 2 years
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞
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Rockin' around the Christmas tree is all well and good, but when mistletoe is hung where everyone can see, every couple tries to stop.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✰ Biker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ✰ 2.8k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ✰ Fluff, alcohol consumption (not reader), spicy jokes (so. many. innuendos)
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ✰ If it's any consolation, I think I'm hilarious — sue me.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ✰ Merry Fuckin’ Christmas — Masterlist
𝑶𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔, 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒈𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆; 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒕, 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒓, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔…
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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Christmas cheer was all around, every nook and cranny of the store was living proof - tinsel around displays, decorations on every corner and table, gosh, it was enough to bring your inner child to tears with excitement. 
However, the imposing President pushing the cart behind you, well, he begged to differ. 
“Babe, c’mon, we have enough,” Bucky whined as you turned the corner to explore yet another isle. You chose to ignore his protest and continued to browse, perhaps at too much of a leisurely pace because you felt the front of the cart tap against your hip. “We have enough.”
You stared indignantly into his pleading face, and then down at the half full cart. It will not do. “Buck,” you started, turning to face him with a coy smile on your lips. “It is not enough, not for what I have planned-”
“And what is that, exactly, sweetheart?”
“Impatient bastard,” you sneered and Bucky’s brow raised in challenge - a dare to repeat the very true statement. Feigning ignorance, you continued blithely. “I ordered a tree that will be going in the clubhouse games room, and while I have an abundance of decorations at home, it won’t be enough for this one.”
“You have got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” Bucky sighed, his head falling to rest in his palm. You took the opportunity to grin sheepishly - best he not see your reservations. “You did what?”
“I ordered a giant ass tree to bring Christmas to my favourite Grinches.”
The two of you were silent, the space filled with the Christmas carol playing over the loudspeaker. “You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing, let's be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly,” Brenda Lee’s voice carried and soothed your nerves - Bucky would break, he couldn’t be mad. 
It was Christmas, for chrissakes!
Bucky’s hand moved and you could see both cerulean blue eyes staring at you, both with playful irritation and exasperation. Taking a chance, you played the pout card, and you watched Bucky’s resolve begin to crack and fracture. 
“Please, baby,” you asked, a breathy whisper that you knew would absolutely shatter the last of his resolve - obliterate it, even. “For me?”
You knew well before he let a heavy sigh past his lips that you had won, a victory against the biggest Grinch himself. 
The process of checking out had been an ordeal, but after a lot of grumbling and many muttered “why the hell do you need this?” and “what the hell even is that?”, the two of you made your way from the store towards your car. As you started to fill the trunk and back seat with bags and boxes, Bucky’s phone rang and you ignored his glare when his new ringtone blasted for all to hear: “Oh you better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m tellin’ you why; Daddy’s home and-”
“Yes?” Bucky huffed and you giggled. “Wait- what?”
You looked up just in time to see Bucky’s eyes widen in what seemed to be shock. “What do you mean a truck just- no, stop, Peter,” he barked and his gloved hand pinched the bridge of his nose. “A fuckin’ tree?”
You could not help it, you tried, but you ultimately failed. The laugh burst free before you could contain it and Bucky rolled his eyes while Peter continued to exclaim over the phone about a truck in the lot with a damn tree-
“Give it here,” you gestured, pointing at the phone. Bucky handed it over and grumbled under his breath something you probably didn’t want to hear, and continued shoving the last of the bags into the back seat. 
“Hey, Pete,” a shuffling sound and more nonsensical rambling, “Pete-”
“Sweets!” Peter exclaimed, “what have you done! I-I’ve got Steve and Sam here losing their shit over this and-”
“Peter!” You interrupted, and he finally fell silent. “We’re almost done, just sign the papers and unload it for me, please, we can hash out the details when I get back.”
“Wait, wait,” Peter said suddenly before you could hang up. “You did this?”
“Yep,” you confirmed, moving to sit in the passenger seat while Bucky walked the cart back. “I did. You’re welcome.”
“Pete, just wait for me to get back,” you laughed. The line went dead after you said your goodbyes and just in time - Bucky slid into the driver’s seat looking both shocked and annoyed. 
“Only you would be able to pull off this level of damn sorcery, doll,” Bucky remarked, buckling up and turning the keys over. “Only you.” 
The drive home was spent in comfortable silence. Bucky’s right hand on the steering wheel, his left on your thigh, an occasional smirk thrown your way and you knew he wasn’t mad anymore - you were on the nice list once again. 
Moving the tree, after seeing it in all of its glory, you had a mind to apologise to the boys - the sight of the three of them straining under the sheer size of the tree, and the way Bucky’s hair clung to his forehead, you decided that this was a fantastic idea. 
Chaos. You were a harbinger of chaos. 
“Fuckin’ pivot, Steve!” Bucky groaned, attempting to shuffle his hands on the trunk of the tree. “Turn, turn, no you absolute fuckin’ idiot,” Bucky gestured with his head towards the other corner. “That way!”
“Boss, wouldn’t it be better if-”
“SHUT IT, Parker!” Bucky ordered, and you sniggered. 
“Don’t listen to him, Pete,” you offered, slinging an arm over Peter’s shoulder and shaking him slightly. “He’s just hormonal.”
Sam, the snitch, snorted with laughter so hard at your comment that he dropped the tree, and like a stack of dominos, the tree fell from the bottom of the trunk to the tip. 
“What the fuck, Samuel!” Steve panted, bent at the hip to catch his breath. He gestured wildly at the tree and stared at you. “Why, just why, did you get this, surely there were smaller ones?”
You grinned madly and stared at Bucky, who was red in the face from his efforts of pivoting. “Because size matters, Stevie.”
If you had a camera at hand, you had only wished you could have caught the scene that unfolded: Steve collapsed to the floor from laughter with his hand on his chest, Sam was leaning against the doorframe hiccupping through bouts of laughter, and Bucky - Bucky was staring at you with such heat, you were surprised you didn’t melt onto the floor. 
Oh, boy. You would pay for that one. 
“I’ve got you, Sweets,” Peter said while his shoulders shook with silent laughter, and he pulled you behind him, shielding you from Bucky’s gaze. “I’ll protect you.”
Throwing yourself into the act, you gripped Peter’s shoulders and peeked over them towards Bucky, who, to his credit, had mastered his expression into one of interest. Dangerous interest. “Oh no,” you whispered, moving to stand closer to Peter. “Whatever will I do?”
“For fuckin’ starters,” Bucky growled, pointing at the tree. “You will not order another one like this.”
“But I thought you liked them big, Buck.” Bucky looked at you, his expression almost terrifying if you hadn’t seen the glint of mischief in his eyes. He started towards you but you ran into the lot, desperate to avoid getting caught. “No!” You squealed, standing opposite him from his bike. “No, leave me alone!” 
“Sweets!” Peter called, recovering quickly from Bucky’s shove to his shoulder. “I’ve got you!” He beckoned you over wildly, and you weighed the odds; if you darted either way, Bucky would catch you and there was no telling what he would do, but if you lured him to one side somehow…
Fuck it. 
You bolted towards the right and Bucky followed, but to your surprise, Steve jumped into action and grabbed Bucky around his middle - if Bucky’s shout of surprise was anything to go by, he had not expected it. “Run for it, Sweets! I’ll save you!”
“Let go of me, you bastard!” Bucky laughed, struggling against Steve’s grip and you ran towards Peter, his arms wide and ready to grab you.
“My saviour,” you cried dramatically, crashing into Peter’s chest with a loud oof. “How ever will I repay you!”
“Don’t you fuckin’ answer that, Parker!” Bucky snapped, and you all fell into fits of laughter. 
After many more shouts and yells of ‘PIVOT’, the tree, in all of its oversized glory, now stood proudly in the corner of the games room - pine needles scattered in its wake and all through Bucky’s hair, aside. 
“Thank you, guys,” you gushed, the smile on your face wrinkling the corner of your eyes. This truly will be a Christmas to remember. “This is going to be amazing, once we get it decorated.”
A collective groan made you chuckle and you ran a hand down Bucky’s arm, feeling him lean into the touch. “Don’t worry, you can have a break first,” you assured them. Sam, Peter, and Steve walked over to the bar, immediately going for alcohol rather than coffee. 
Bucky stayed next to you, and when you squeezed his arm gently, he turned his focus to you. “Thank you, baby,” you leaned in slightly and he met you halfway, a soft kiss of gratitude. 
“Y’know,” Bucky whispered against your lips and you quirked a brow in question. “I would do anythin’ for you, you know that.” You began to giggle but he continued. “But, doll, please, don’t do this shit again.”
“No promises.”
Bucky conceded with a quiet groan and a roll of his eyes, so you pulled him over to the bar where a shot glass of vodka awaited him. 
“Rockin' around the Christmas tree, let the Christmas spirit ring,” Brenda Lee’s voice played, almost muffled in the background as you worked with Peter, who had been ordered to ‘help’ you while the boys drank shot after shot after shot. “Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some carolling.”
To make matters even better, Natasha had finally arrived, and she was there to wrangle the piles of boxes with fast hands and a sharp tone. “Boys,” she snapped, pointing primarily at Steve while you and Peter shuffled back and forth, sorting the boxes and bags into piles. They stood to attention and promptly fell into a bout of laughter. “Get over here and make yourselves useful!”
Steve saluted and walked over to Peter; Sam close behind. Bucky, however, stood leaning on the bar with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Yes, ma’am,” he sneered, downing another shot to avoid the dagger glare Natasha threw him over her shoulder. 
“Bucky,” you called, settled cross-legged on the floor amongst a pile of boxes filled to the brim with assortments and mismatched ornaments. He stared down at you with a softer smile. “Come help me.”
A solid thump later, Bucky was sitting next to you and you shoved a box full of gold and red ornaments into his lap. He looked at you in surprise and you smiled happily. “Sort them into colours, babe,” you pointed at an empty box, “chuck one or the other in there.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said softly, a cheeky smirk and wink thrown your way for good measure. 
An hour, two at the most, passed by in a flash and flurry of Christmas carols and bad jokes. The lot of you, Natasha included, stood staring at the organised although chaotic scene before you. The boxes had been shifted and sorted according to colour, and the now empty shopping bags were strewn in a corner. 
“Good job, guys,” you said excitedly, shaking Bucky’s arm in your haste. “Let’s get started!”
Natasha nodded, an uncharacteristic sense of glee in her aura. You pointed at Peter and Sam, for which they stood to attention, eagerness making their eyes sparkle with mischief. “You two are in charge of the blue and silver ornaments.”
Before you had even finished, Peter had bounded forward and grabbed the box full of blue ornaments, holding them in the air like a trophy. “These are mine!”
“Whatever, man,” Sam deadpanned, but you saw the small smile twitch at his lips when he bent to pick up the box full of silver ornaments. 
“Nat,” you pointed at her and Steve, who followed Sam and Peter’s lead by standing to attention. Nat slapped him on the shoulder. “You have the green and white ones.” They bustled off to grab their boxes and stood around the tree.
You turned your attention to Bucky, who was waiting ever so patiently. “We’ve got the red and gold ones,” Bucky bent down as you spoke, picking up the box of red ornaments and handing it to you with a slight bow. “Thanks, babe,” you chuckled.
Bucky moved towards the tree and you followed. “All right,” you began, staring around at your family, all of them had eager smiles on their faces. “My little elves,” Peter laughed and the rest rolled their eyes, “let’s get started!”
Carols played over the speakers by the bar as all of you got to work - renditions both old and new, and you hummed happily along as you spread the golden candy canes and all manner of shapes all over the tree. The banter had been light-hearted and teasing, jabs of ‘you’ve got no damn sense’ and ‘not there, you idiot’ punctuated the happy atmosphere. 
“Sweets, I’m done,” Peter piped up and you looked up from the bottom of the tree. His box was empty and he had a proud, accomplished smile on his face. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Bucky hummed, still placing red ornaments wherever he fancied. “What d’you want? A medal?” You slapped the back of your hand against Bucky’s knee and he jumped. 
“Be nice,” you chastised, then looked at Peter once again. “Good job, Pete, my favourite elf.”
You looked back up at Bucky to find him pouting. “Deal with it, Barnes,” you goaded, making Bucky roll his eyes. Peter went back to the bar and sat on a stool, providing an abundance of encouragement and commentary while the rest of you continued to work.
“Hey, Sweets,” Steve asked and you hummed in acknowledgement. “Don’t you have a tree at home?”
“Yeah, we do. It’s in the living room and Buck here says I went overboard.” Steve laughed and Bucky huffed, mumbling something under his breath. “No such thing, I say.”
Today was ‘Tree Day’ - a tradition long standing from your family that the singular Christmas tree would be erected tall and proud in the living room of your parents’ home as a child. However, with the new circumstances, tradition was going to be changed, adjusted, to suit your new family. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, putting a strand of hair behind his ear to reveal his handsome face to the morning sun. “Wake up.”
Begrudgingly, and with what seemed a mountainous effort, Bucky opened one bleary eye to stare at you. A nonsensical grunt left his lips and you grinned. “It’s Tree Day!”
“S’not,” he mumbled sleepily, burrowing into his pillow. 
“I have coffee,” you said, and he looked up immediately, unusually lively. The wonders of caffeine.
An hour later your small tree stood in the corner, bursting at the seams with ornaments and decorations. “Baby,” Bucky started, staring at the tree in disbelief. “I think you’ve gone a lil’ overboard.”
“Bah humbug,” you huffed, pouting at him. “It is perfect.”
The last of the decorating passed by in comfortable and companionable silence, an occasional hum or noise of happiness sounded when someone placed an ornament perfectly, or when a box emptied, and you could not ever recall feeling so content. 
Happiness was being surrounded by family - no matter if they were of blood, or if they were chosen. 
“And that’s a wrap!” 
Cheers echoed around the games room as you stared happily at the tree, the colours striking against the contrast of the dark pine tree. 
“Oh! Wait!” You shouted, turning around and jogging over to the bar where Peter stared at you confusedly. “I forgot something!”
“Sweetheart, I swear,” Bucky started, but fell silent when what was in your hand appeared from behind the wooden counter. 
A bundle of mistletoe, accompanied by a bunch of holly and thistles. 
“You fuckin’ didn’t,” Bucky laughed, and you nodded.
“What Christmas would it be,” you wondered aloud, walking back to the tree, back to Bucky. The others laughed and walked past you towards the bar. “If I didn’t get mistletoe?”
“A pretty damn borin’ one, doll,” Bucky said, the mischievous glint back in his cerulean eyes once again. “Now, c’mere.”
And if you grew hot under the collar at seeing Bucky like this, it was nobody’s business. 
“Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop, mistletoe hung where you can see, every couple tries to stop.”
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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cloverask · 10 months
Any Clover Christmas hcs?
Hell ye. The Christmas after Kel met the ghosts was probably the best one she's ever had.
-Dave chopped down the Christmas tree with a chainsaw, but he didn't do it right and it fell on him. (He's a ghost, don't worry)
Suzie found very old ornaments from when she was a kid and looked at them with George and Brenda. Such fond memories.
Grandma Suzie knitted ugly Christmas sweaters for everyone, lets go!
She also makes the best hot cocoa in the world, fr.
If they have nothing to do, they all just sit together and watch bad Christmas movies.
They all sing a lot of carols together too!
Kel has a lot of sleepovers with Rex and Melody at Kel's house during December. Usually they just do whatever.
Dave just carrying Kel on his shoulders as they chase George and Brenda with mistletoe saying "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Over and over.
George and Brenda do a lot of romantic things during the holidays.
Dave has an episode of Wubby that's a Christmas special, and sometimes they watch that.
Kel and Dave hiding Mistletoe in every single place in George and Brenda's room while they're on a date.
On actual Christmas day, they all open presents that they got for eachother. (Very nice, very nice)
Kel made a snowman and used the longest carrot she could find for the nose, then said it was a "Snow George"
Lot's of shenanigans happen over the holidays with these guys. Pretty much anything you can imagine.
Overall, it was the best Christmas ever for Kel.
Hope you like these! Happy Holidays everyone!
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kindheart525 · 10 months
Which characters in the Auraverse and Thirdverse have pets?
I thought this was such a fun question that I decided to draw out my answers! Right now I’m only answering for the Auraverse because there are a lot just for that ng, and thus it might be less overwhelming to show the Thirdverse pets in a separate post.
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1, 2, and 3. Each of the ColorOak sisters has their own cat, and they reflect just how different (and alike!) the sisters are. Red Cedar has a big, fluffy Maine Coon named Mint Bliss. He is just as majestic and noble in attitude as Cedar likes to imagine his namesake is, and his name reflects her strong grounding in her own faith.  In sharp contrast, Blue Velvet has a hairless Sphinx cat named Velour, to go with her own name. This kitty is spoiled rotten and put in all kinds of outfits for aesthetic photos (which she accepts; Blue wouldn’t make her do it if she fought against it). I mustn’t forget her little corn snake Precious either, who has become Velour’s best friend. Velour loves to chill out with Precious wrapped around her like a sweater as if it’s the height of luxury. Much like her own position between her two sisters, Violet’s kitten is a middle ground between the other two cats in being a regular domestic shorthair. As a black cat, often thought of as a harbinger of bad luck, he was the last in his litter to get adopted. But Violet took one look at him and fell in love, naming him Maestro to reflect the kind of greatness she saw in him. He’s also registered as her emotional support animal to help with her anxiety, and he is very good at doing so.
4. Varmint Venom works with snakes of all shapes and sizes for a living, but only two of them permanently belong to her. You’ve met them before, but here we have Bartholomew (green) and Brenda (brown). Brenda is a real escape artist, never able to be left alone unsupervised even when she’s sealed in a tank. Bartholomew can be a feisty one, always watching for potential prey and flicking his tongue in anticipation, but Varmint knows just how to keep him tame and happy, being the snake whisperer she is.
5. After getting her career back on track, River Morganite eventually gets to a place where she can relax and pursue other interests, which includes adopting a macaw for companionship. Her name is Regina, which is short for Princess Regina Pluma Corona the First. She’s not quite as much of a diva as her name would suggest, as blue and gold macaws are known for being quite sociable. But she still wants to be the center of attention at all times, which is fine by River as they make quite a fabulous pair. She loves letting Regina perch upon her horns like she’s her crown…but she may have also accidentally taught her some curse words. Bloody hell.
6. Due to a mispronounced chant during one of her witch coven’s biweekly meetings, Milkweed has found herself the “mommy” of a giant, carnivorous plant that was once naught but a tiny sprout. When she tried to make the plant grow she didn’t expect it to grow this big, but she doesn’t regret this mistake one bit. Itsy Bitsy is as sweet as can be…to her at least, and to those that she has made clear she trusts. She wouldn’t let him hurt a fly though…I mean a pony, because he does eat flies. She loves to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider song to him while feeding him spiders, flies, and other bugs and small critters, as their special nightly tradition.
7. Eclipse’s best friend is a little hermit crab named Io, named after one of Jupiter’s moons but much preferring to hide from the great big universe around him. A feeling Eclipse can relate to all too well. They feel like the little crab understands them in this way and that brings them comfort. When they talk to Io about their day to get stuff off their chest, he just sits there with his cute little claws folded and listens, which is all Eclipse could ask for sometimes.
8. While not one individual pet, Snowcone is a friend of the butterflies, having started raising them as a form of therapy. It brings her great joy and comfort to be part of something bigger in contributing to the health of butterfly populations, but she also loves to watch them flutter around in freedom and peace for the sake of each individual. Glasswing butterflies are her favorite, looking so delicate yet being some of the most beautiful of all!
9. Rosemary has an ant farm! When she’s not out playing with Sandpiper, or visiting her grandparents and cousins, she loves nothing more than to sit down and watch her ants roam around, sometimes for hours. It’s so fun to see the inner workings of their lives in such a small box, and it’s a quiet activity that she sometimes prefers over the constant activity of family time.
10. Also not really a pet, but Amour Étreinte really has a charm with the birds and other woodland creatures! Almost everywhere she goes at least a few of them are following her, even in the Crystal Empire which doesn’t have any real forests. And every note she sings has the birds tweeting along in perfect tune. There’s something absolutely magical to it, a surprise and delight to many even in a world where magic is the norm. She’s a true Disneigh Princess!
11. Duchess Daisy Lace Raspberry III is the only dog who has ever been worthy of Best in Show, and anypony who even dares suggest otherwise is a jealous, vindictive bitch. She’s Southern Belle’s pride and joy but everypony else’s nightmare, with a nasty bark AND bite and a trail of slobber following her almost everywhere except when she has to look nice for the cameras. Even other dogs whine and cower in her presence. But Southern Belle is fine with that, in fact she’s downright proud of her dog’s reputation. That only means she’s the best of the best, just like her owner.
12. One might think that a high-society, somewhat snooty filly like Ingenue would have a sharp distaste for rodents, but that couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to rats. They’re very clean, sociable and intelligent animals and she sees through all the myths that suggest they aren’t. She even has three of her own, a trio of sisters named Dolly, Dora, and Donna. Yes they look kind of alike, and yes their names are remarkably similar, but Ingenue will still get extremely insulted if you dare get them confused. If anything, their little tutus should be a dead giveaway to their individuality (and their owner’s fashion taste). 
13. If anyone would be the type to have a spoiled little dog who’s literally ancient and racks up thousands of bits in vet bills, it would be Saltwater Taffy. Little Gumdrop has hardly taken a single step outside of her purse in his 21 years of life because Taffy wouldn’t dare make him get his tender little paws dirty. Nor has he eaten a single bite of brand-name dog food because he deserves much better than that. (I’m exaggerating with the walking bit, he does get adequate exercise and is legitimately well taken care of despite also being coddled.) If Taffy dares leave him to fend for himself alone in her big, lavish castle, even for 10 minutes, he is absolutely beside himself. And in true Taffy fashion she enables all of it.  But the arrival of her daughter meant welcoming another new furry friend to the family. For Spring Palooza was born with some disabilities that required more assistance with mobility and pain management to help her achieve her best life, assistance which could be best provided by a service dog. Enter Jellybean, the slobbery, constantly-shedding, yet eternally easygoing Saint Bernard tasked with meeting Pally’s caretaking needs. Taffy didn’t expect to be the owner of a dog like this after choosing such a tiny, prissy little creature for herself, but it’s the breed Pally chose among the options presented for a service dog. And Taffy would do anything to make her little girl happy. As for Gumdrop’s opinion, Jellybean is his sworn enemy, but Jellybean has not a single clue about this feud.
14. Because of Stockholm’s love of all things historical, Discord thought it would be a great idea to gift her a real life prehistoric animal as a pet. Now. he could have been extra chaotic and pulled a Jurassic Park with some dinosaurs, but after seeing her get emotional over the evolutionary relationship between Joshua trees and the now-extinct giant ground sloth (Megatherium), he decided that was what he would create for her. Stockholm couldn’t be happier with his selection, loving nothing more than to lounge in the sloth’s favorite tree with her new friend who she’s named Coconut.
15. For as long as she could remember, Slumber Party had always wanted a cuddly little pet to call her own, but she couldn’t have one in the orphanage. But in her free time she did do some reading and decided pretty early on that she wanted some guinea pigs. So when she got adopted, it didn’t take long for her to successfully convince Luna to take her down to the pet store to pick out her new best friend. She settled on a bonded pair, who she’s quite fittingly named Snuggles and Cuddles. She could sit in her room for hours just watching them play and giving them lots of love!
16. As a young adult, Etheria decides to really lean into their gothic and intellectual side and get a pet raven, just like in the poems of old. Edgar lives up to expectations in being extremely intelligent, able to solve puzzles and even use tools to aid Etheria in her work. In her true blunt fashion, Etheria likes to pit their pet raven against her brother Raven, even though the latter is plenty intelligent in his own right. It’s all just affectionate teasing.
17. When he reaches his teenage and young adult years, Meteor Shower follows his mom’s hoofsteps in being a lover of reptiles and gets a badass-looking bearded dragon as a pet. Many reptiles are considered stereotypically masculine pets, especially when the owner is such a guys’ guy like Meteor, but despite his friends’ confusion his little lizard is actually a girl! Pepper is obviously completely indifferent to what she’s called, and is content being part of his aesthetic because it also comes with companionship and quality care.
18. After seeing how much Sahar adored the sea and all the colorful life teeming within, Heavenly Glow decided to give her the ultimate surprise for her birthday and commission a personal fish pond to be built just for her. Needless to say Sahar loved it; in fact, it’s one of her favorite birthday gifts she’s ever received! She loves to watch the fish explore their colorful little habitat, and Heavenly loves watching her love enjoy herself. Although, as something of a half-fish, Heavenly is surprised to find herself feeling slightly jealous when Sahar picks a favorite fish from the pond.
19. The apartment building they live in isn’t particularly welcoming towards pets, but even if it was, Minted Glacier and Blueberry Sticks probably wouldn’t have room to take care of one after putting all their time and money into raising Mint’s daughter. But a pet found its way into their lives anyway when a raccoon fell through their ceiling one day and Mint was unable to deny the begging of his daughter and sister. The young CheBe named him Stripy, but Blueberry has her mind in the gutter with her choice of spelling. Unsurprisingly, this literal wild animal soon proved to be too much to handle, so after less than a week Mint finally put his hoof down and “gave him to somepony with a bigger house” (released him in the wild).
20. Meet Polished Antique’s prized purebred Pekingese, the latest in a long line of esteemed show dogs. Her name is Priscilla Pearl (AKA PeePee), and she is the daughter of Jet Set’s dog William Warwick (AKA WeeWee). PeePee lives a very pampered life with only the most expensive dog food and most luxurious beds. But her whole lifestyle goes out the window when she finds anything even slightly edible on the ground, including literal garbage. Which is what Polly’s cooking looks and tastes like, but he doesn’t seem to realize that even when it sometimes sets the smoke alarms off. In his mind he’s just making his precious girl a special treat. And of course, her eager approval of such putrid sludge tells him absolutely nothing about the actual quality of his dishes.
21. While she doesn’t have a pet of her own, Luster Dawn has a pond behind her house that’s a popular attraction for ducks. When she’s not busy studying or spending time with Flurry, she likes to sit by the pond and meditate on its stillness during her breaks. When she’s lucky a duck will come by and accept her offering of corn and peas that she tosses into the water, and sometimes even a family! Seeing the little ducklings follow their parents reminds her of herself in a bygone era, but in a heartwarming way. She’s happy for them.
22. Following his family’s legacy, Bumblebee has healed many ponies and woodland creatures alike, but one case is extra special to him. One day he found an injured baby squirrel with no parents in sight and vowed to do whatever it took to nurse him back to health. He always tries to follow proper protocol to not hurt their chances of returning to their proper habitat, but he just couldn’t help but fall in love. He even gave the little critter a name, Theodore (AKA Teddy). The time eventually came to release Teddy back into the wild, despite how much it broke Bumble’s heart, but it only took Teddy a couple days to return and make it clear that he was staying. He wasn’t physically incapable of surviving alone, he just didn’t want to. Now he’s Bumblebee’s little companion and helper, and neither would have it any other way.
23. After her father died and it became clear that her family would be spending a lot more time at the rock farm, Limestone decided to buy a rooster for the place to keep everypony’s schedules on track (really because Applejack wanted a piece of Sweet Apple Acres there and she couldn’t say no). She named him Igneous as a homage to the late patriarch, even though this rooster is a lot more loud and boisterous than his namesake ever was. He technically belongs to the whole family, but aside from his parents, Mountain Peak is the one who enjoys interacting with him the most. He just needs to invest in some earplugs!
24. As if the universe didn’t hate Summer Beauty enough, it also made her allergic to literally every furry animal. Yes, even the hypoallergenic and hairless ones, it is possible. And she doesn’t particularly care for reptiles or fish so she hates that those are her only options if she doesn’t want to be sneezy or hopped up on allergy medicine all the time. Applejack (despite her own disappointment) tried giving Winona away to another branch of the Apple family when Summer was little and her allergies were first showing up. However, the filly was so utterly and despairingly beside herself that AJ realized Summer really would rather sacrifice her sinuses for her mental health. So Winona came back and now the family has another dog named Ryder, who Summer insists is “the only one around here who likes me anymore.” She loves him the most out of all her siblings and cries the hardest when he dies, and the allergies are only a small price to pay for his love.
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pommedefemme · 5 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨ - I got sent this so now I send to you !
Oh, hey, thanks! Don't mind if I take this opportunity to a) not follow the prompt and b) be a little unhinged :) I'm gonna go with five categories of Things I Listen To instead of five individual songs:
Lesbian Swagger
Okay, so, Brandi Carlile collaborating with Joni Mitchell (a la Lady Gaga with Tony Bennett). They're all great! But this one. Can we talk about her blazer in this clip? Can we talk about Joni bringing the jazz stylings? Can we talk about Elton's cute little hand gestures on the "yeah, yeah, yeah"s?
I watched this and it immediately reminded me of kd performing with Brenda Lee, Loretta Lynn, and Kitty Wells. There's something to be said about a stylish lesbian having an absolute blast and bopping about the stage with a giddy grin because she's doing what she loves. (And if she makes everyone else on stage look like a goofy mom doing wine night karaoke, I mean, hey!)
Both kd and Brandi have that infuriating ability to out-sing everyone they've ever shared a stage with. CAN YOU TWO PLEASE GET TOGETHER ALREADY?
And Now: The Gents
Billy Brown is Penny Lane's out and proud younger cousin. You're Nearer makes me think that there is a Paul McCartney drag show in my future. You Have Been Loved is an underrated gem. I often wonder who these guys' target demographic is. I asked my early-twenties gay male coworker if he liked any of them; he said he'd never heard of them. Alarming! Generational shift? Maybe. I've met too many young lesbians who don't know kd or Indigo Girls or Melissa Etheridge. Still! No offense, but Sam Smith and girl in red can't hold a candle to Ye Olde Homosexuals Of Yore.
The Source Of My Snobbery
My voice teacher (of two months) wanted me to sing Un Moto Di Gioia as a recital piece (before my performance anxiety and commitment-phobia got the better of me). Several performances I looked to as reference points are still coming up on shuffle a year later. My showerhead's ears are bleeding. While rehearsing (before quitting), I kept thinking of Tom Hulce and tried to make my version uhh joyful? Sprightly? A smidge on the ironic side with exaggerated winks at my non-existent audience? Embarrassing. Glad I chickened out before the public humiliation phase. Je Crois Entendre Encore quiets something in my ribcage and leaves me in a fugue state. Hey, have you heard Bach's Ricercar? I checked out this CD from the public library in elementary school and it's still embedded in my neurons.
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The Local Beat
I'm doxxing myself a bit, but here are my musician friends. Amara The Muse, Chris Braegger, Catfish Mustache, Before Giants, and svlph. Support your local musicians today!
Hey, Siri, Play...(The Songs I Put On Repeat Lately)
Love Is The Right Place, As The World Falls Down, Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby, Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes, Close To You, Gentle On My Mind, The Wind, It Doesn't Matter Anymore. I was going to list Newish Songs That Prove I'm Not A Snob Who Only Listens To Old Things, but it was kinda short and disingenuous. I'm old! I try to keep up with the youth, but I keep coming back to the oldies.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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James Stewart and Doris Day in The Man Who Knew Too Much (Alfred Hitchcock, 1956)
Cast: James Stewart, Doris Day, Brenda de Banzie, Bernard Miles, Ralph Truman, Daniel Gélin, Mogens Wieth, Alan Mowbray, Hillary Brook, Christopher Olsen, Reggie Nalder, Richard Wattis, Noel Willman, Alix Talton, Carolyn Jones. Screenplay: John Michael Hayes, based on a story by Charles Bennett and D.B. Wyndham-Lewis. Cinematography: Robert Burks. Art direction: Henry Bumstead, Hal Pereira. Film editing: George Tomasini. Music: Bernard Herrmann.
It's not hard to see why Alfred Hitchcock would want to remake his 1934 film version of The Man Who Knew Too Much. It has good bones: a murder, a kidnapping, a political assassination plot, attractive international locations, colorful villainy, mistaken identifications, and innocents put in jeopardy by sheer accident. But he kind of blew it the first time with pallid protagonists (Leslie Banks and Edna Best), tedious comic byplay involving a sinister dentist, a wacky sun-worshiping cult, and a confusingly staged climactic shootout. Today it's best remembered for Peter Lorre's delicious villainy in his first English-language role. For the remake, Hitchcock supposedly told screenwriter John Michael Hayes not to watch the original or to read its screenplay but to follow his own retelling of the story. The result is a more supple narrative, and the stars, Doris Day and James Stewart, are a definite improvement over Best and Banks. Hayes has made them a rather edgy couple: She's an internationally known musical star who has gone into retirement to marry him, a Midwestern surgeon. He seems to be a bit resentful of her celebrity, and she seems to be a little disappointed at having to settle down in Indianapolis. He's given to outbursts of temper that she sometimes has to quell before he does something rash. Their marital tension never results in an out-and-out fight, but it makes for some uneasy moments. In some respects they verge on '50s stereotypes of male and female roles: He pulls out his medical expertise and administers a sedative to her before telling her that their son has been kidnapped, a rather extreme form of mansplaining. In the 1934 film, Best played an award-winning sharpshooter who fires the shot that kills the villain, while Day is given a softer task: She helps locate their kidnapped son by singing (and singing and singing) "Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)," the film's Oscar-winning song. The remake is 45 minutes longer than the original, and it seems a little overextended. Still, the performances are good, and Robert Burks's Technicolor cinematography and the Marrakesh location of the first part of the film give the remake a definite edge, as does Bernard Herrmann's score. Herrmann makes his only on-camera appearance conducting the London Symphony Orchestra in the "Storm Cloud Cantata" at the Royal Albert Hall, in the pivotal scene that was carried over from the 1934 version.
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ledenews · 1 year
Rachael Haney: It’s Her Plan and She’s Sticking to It
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What she was is exactly what she wanted to be. The local news lady. Sure, Rachael Dierkes was another talented female reporter with WTRF-TV 7, and yes, veteran news director Brenda Danehart has mentored a great number of anchors straight out of town and to a larger media market, but Rachael wasn’t interested with all that larger market/moving away part. Nope, she was happy with being that local news lady like Danehart was for decades before moving up the industry’s ladder. She wanted to be the Shadyside native who tells us about the first new baby every New Year’s Day, to report the names of each local high school’s summa cum lauds each May, and to offer us the next-best “Taste with Rach” every Thursday evening. Rachael wanted to be the local news lady who tells us the good news along with the bad during the ultra-important 6-and-11 p.m. broadcasts, but … you see … Rachael wanted an Eric and an Aubrey even more. And, of course, her husband and her little girl win that battle every single day. For now, perhaps? Rachael and her husband are avid skiers, so Aubrey is learning how to navigate the slopes, too. What is the one thing you miss most about being on the TV news? I had to answer this question last. It’s like opening Pandora’s Box for me because I miss almost everything. But my immediate response is always “Taste With Rach.” This will always be what I’m most proud of during my time on local news. It started as an opportunity to showcase locally owned restaurants and it grew into something so much bigger. I had no idea the stories I would hear. The incredible people I would meet and still stay in touch with to this day. I laughed and cried over many plates of hand cut French fries, grandma’s pie recipes, sandwiches named after kids and tables built by hand. I’ve been able to sit back and watch some of these places flourish and grow, move to new buildings, expand menus, and open new locations. I feel so honored to have had the opportunity to tell their stories. I always said even if a feature only brought in one new customer, I’d feel like I made a difference. What is your daughter’s favorite TV show now and what was your favorite when you were her age? There is a tie for a favorite TV show. It’s between Bluey and anything Mickey Mouse-related (You’d be shocked how many variations there are). While I’m sure many people are familiar with Mickey — let me turn you onto Bluey if you’ve never watched. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m fully immersed into this life, but I could write a thesis statement on how incredible this show is. Each episode is only 7-8 minutes long, so it gets right to the point, but it’s essentially about a dog family that lives in Australia. The main character being the older daughter “Bluey.” It’s hilarious and creative, the situations are incredibly relatable for any parent of young kids. We’ve learned so much about creative play and parenting from watching. And yes, it’s a cartoon. I had to ask my mom about my favorite TV shows as a four-year-old. She said I loved Reading Rainbow (Maybe a pre-cursor to my future career reading on TV?). She reports I used to love to sing the theme song. My all-time favorite movie was The Little Mermaid, though, and when we went to Disney this year, I actually teared up riding the Little Mermaid ride and meeting “Ariel.” The Haney family has had a lot of fun with the holidays. What have you had the most fun doing as a mother? I have loved every second of watching Aubrey grow into her own little person. Developing interests and personality, making friends, finding things she enjoys doing, and figuring out what she does not like doing. Plus, realizing the moment a new skill “clicks” for her, and seeing wonder in her eyes when we experience something new. Being a parent is tough. There’s the obvious factor of being responsible for raising a child. It’s the most adult thing I’ve ever done. But I’ve also got to be a kid again in so many ways. I’ve enjoyed learning how to slow down in certain situations and just enjoy the moment. I get to sit down and play Barbies. I get to be silly. There are so many things I’ve learned to love again seeing it through a child’s eyes. Who does most of the cooking at home? I do most of the cooking. I always joke I never realized how mentally taxing meal planning was (I definitely took that for granted as a kid), but we spent a lot of our relationship before Aubrey rarely getting a chance to sit down and have dinner together. Because of my schedule, I went to bed many nights before Eric was even home from work. Something I’ve cherished about my stay-at-home mom life is making it a priority to sit down at the table and have dinner as a family as often as possible. Like many things in my life, I used to make dinner so complicated and think it was too hard to accomplish. But once I started just going with the flow, I realized I actually enjoy cooking. She enjoyed her "Taste with Rach" food segments the most during her TV career. How often do you watch the local news on WTRF-TV 7? This is tough for me because I wish the answer was more than I actually do get to watch. The short answer is “I’m busy” and rarely even realize what time it is to turn on the TV. I’m partial to morning news, so I always try to catch the last 10 minutes of 7News This Morning. We also try to catch the A-block of the evening shows. When I’m looking to learn more about a specific story or situation, I will do better to tune in at watch. I think local news is something people take for granted. I knew when I was there and I know it even more now. Even though I don’t have the time to tune in like I’d like, I know it’s going to be there when I need it. Read the full article
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wutbju · 2 years
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Paul A. Lunger went home to be with the Lord on May 24, 2022.
Born in Unityville, PA, he was the son of the late Martha (Green) and H. Grant Lunger. Mr. Lunger was a veteran of the U.S. Army, serving as a newspaper reporter at Ft Knox, KY. He was Soldier of the Month in October 1957. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC and earned his Master's in Education from University of Delaware, with additional studies in English at College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA.
Mr. Lunger began his career as an English teacher in Newark, DE for 12 years, where he also coached baseball for 5 years. He was then Youth Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Wilmington, DE. For the next 2 years, he was Principal of Elkton Christian Schools in Elkton, MD, where he also served as Education Chair of Elkton Baptist College and Vice President of the Maryland Association of Christian Schools. For the next 5 years, he was Principal of Upper Bucks Christian School in Sellersville, PA, which grew from 185 students to 687 students under his administration. During this time, he also was Founder and President of the Keystone Christian Education Association, which grew to more than 60 schools while he was President, and was also a Board member of the American Association of Christian Schools. He then was the High School Principal of Chapel Christian Academy in Limerick, PA for 5 years, where he also taught Senior English. He finally served for 5 years as Headmaster at Lan-Chester Christian Schools in Coatesville, PA. Mr. Lunger retired to Delaware about 19 years ago. Throughout his life, he devoted himself to serving Jesus Christ in his career, personal actions and sharing the gospel with others.
Paul was an active member at numerous churches, most recently Faith Community Church in Camden, DE. He loved directing choirs at churches he attended, as well as singing solos in his baritone voice. He has coached and played various sports, including baseball, softball and basketball. He also enjoyed watching local sports, including the Philadelphia Phillies, Eagles and Sixers. He enjoyed gardening and was proud to share what he grew with his neighbors. He enjoyed hunting with family and friends on his family property in Lycoming County, PA, playing golf and tennis, and telling jokes and puns to make people laugh.
Mr. Lunger is survived by his wife of 63 years, Eloise (Frey) Lunger; three children: P. Brent Lunger and his wife Marta of Malvern, PA, Anilisa G. Lunger-Otte and her husband Timothy of Laguna Hills, CA and Brenda A. Lunger and partner Julia Watts of Houston, TX; his sisters-in-law, Mary Lunger of Hughesville, PA and Patricia Frey of Newark, DE; and eight grandchildren.
Friends and family are invited to attend a viewing from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at the Pippin Funeral Home, 119 W. Camden Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming, DE 19934; a graveside service held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at Gracelawn Memorial Park, 2220 N. DuPont Highway, New Castle, DE 19720; and a memorial service at 11 am on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at Faith Community Church, 2240 S. DuPont Highway, Camden, DE 19934, preceded by a time of visitation from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. Thursday.
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askfacultystaff · 2 years
If Neko got sent into Animal Universe
By my calculations, the chances of your best friend's enemies successfully bullying him without us knowing are an abysmal 25 to 1 😌
- Beatrice Loud to Neko-Sufi while showing her calculator.
🎶 I'm singing in the rain~ I'm singing in the rain~ 🙂🎶
- Bippa Loud when she dancing and singing under the rain while holding her umbrella infront of Neko-Sufi who's standing inside of Loud House.
Oh come on! Tell me everything about my brother's studies, Sufi! I won't be mad! 😌💧
- Betty Loud to Neko-Sufi.
I hate when New Girl beating up my brother to death, Sufi! 😒💢
- Brenda Loud to Neko-Sufi while she thinks Rabbit! Stella Zhau is new girl, but Neko-Sufi told her New Girl is actually Rabbit! Stella Zhau.
Aww!! You love Mr. Principal?? Are you with him a couple?? Dating?? Loving each other? 🥰
- Belinda Loud to Neko-Sufi who's blushing with embarrassment and tries to tell her to not tell everyone about it 😂
Hi there, Sufi.
- Bella Loud to Neko-Sufi, causing her to get jumpscared 😂
No need to panic, Sufi, just inhale and exhale calmly, always stay calm and peace. Never end up in danger, always protect yourself~ 👌😌👌
- Bodhi Loud to Neko-Sufi while she calming her down by meditating.
Look, I've captured the moment in oils, I call it "Portrait of a Human Cat Girl Being Saved by Me And My Siblings" 😀
- Bianca Loud to Neko-Sufi while showing picture she painted less than 3 seconds to her.
........ *Texting to her" (You're Sufi, right?) 😶📱
- Bridget Loud when she texting to Neko-Sufi with her phone, since she doesn't speak at all.
But what if you get lost from places!? What if you stuck inside of shopping, cinema or markets!? What if you never come back!? What if we never see each other!? What if- 😨
- Brooke Loud to Neko-Sufi while panicking about anything bad will happen to her, but Neko-Sufi calming down her before she could finish her sentence.
You're guitarist? That's cool, dudette!! Gotta turn music on TV!!! 😆
- Barbara Loud to Neko-Sufi who told her she can play her guitar.
Alright! Let's see my to-do list! *Pointing to every list* Taking a walk, watching movie, cleaning room, taking a bath, taking a shower, studying, washing dishes, going supermarket, going concert, visiting guests, having party, having picnic, going to restaurant- 🙂
- Bethany Loud to Neko-Sufi as she pointing her to-do list, causing her see that's a lot of stuff 🤭
I just took a massive mess in my room! 😶📣 *Neko overheard as she tries to hold her laugh* Sorry! 😓📣
- Bernadette Loud to Neko-Sufi while holding her megaphone.
Where's my shiny object? *Saw shiny spoon under coffee table* Oh there it is! *Takes it* Shines like a mirror! 😊🥄
- Brandy Loud when she found shiny spoon, causing Neko-Sufi to see her holding shiny spoon.
You know... I think I gotta- *Falls fast asleep* 😴
- Beth Loud to Neko-Sufi, much to her confusion as hell 😂
*Blowing her whistle* Hey there! All you need is get in game and never give up! 😆
- Bailey Loud to Neko-Sufi.
Remember, i can catch any enemy by using my lasso! Want to try it? 😉
- Beulah Loud to Neko-Sufi.
I know right? I'm doing more sports than others! Be big and strong like me! 😏
- Bertha Loud to Neko-Sufi while lifting her up, no wonder how strong she is.
Whatever you do, use this pie for smack cam! *Laughs* Get it? 😄
- Bebe Loud to Neko-Sufi as she hands her homemade pie to her.
Don't listen to them, you should have to move on, and stay strong, Sufi. I'll never let you feel down forever 😌
- Beverly Loud to Neko-Sufi while giving her a advice to her.
It's okay if they "like" wear something trendy like you did, i respect their options 😅 But i don't wear leather ones 😓
- Blair Loud to Neko-Sufi.
Book is my life, but mostly are poems! You should try it! 🙂
- Birdie Loud to Neko-Sufi while reading her book.
Want some kelp smoothies, Sufi? 😋
- Brie Loud to Neko-Sufi as she hands kelp smoothie to her 😅
Did you have any allergies? I'm afraid you'll get sick or fever for any reason! 🤒
- Blanch Loud to Neko-Sufi as she asks if she had any allergies.
There will be luck, here's a lucky charm alumet, make your life more better 🍀😊
- Bernice Loud to Neko-Sufi while giving lucky charm alumet to her.
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choco-pudding · 2 years
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Space Channel 5 Gyun Gyun Book p. 103-110. (Translations by myself and @lavoszero. Edit by myself.)
The profile pages for the Earthlings.
Edit: 6/10/2022. made a small change to the Space Pirate (Male)’s profile.
Imgur link to all of the Gyun Gyun Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain Text Below
p. 103
Earthlings Good common folk that were forced to dance by the Morolians. Workers can be found at their respected workplaces while people like women, men, and boys can be found at various places.
NO.005 Spaceport Worker (Barry Plebio) Working men of steel that ensure the smooth landings and departures at Spaceport 9! They’re tough and reliable, just watching them work will give you goosebumps from their coolness! One had the honor (?) of being the first dance victim of the mysterious aliens.
Meeting Place Report 1: Control Tower - Act. 1 Luggage Room - Act. 1
NO.006 Spaceport Worker (Macho) (“Sports” Logan) Herculean men that ensure the smooth landings and departures at Spaceport 9. During breaks, they like to sing while performing light step dances. Jovial fellows. They all have pristine teeth that shine brightly when they smile.
Meeting Place Report 1: Control Tower - Act. 1 Luggage Room - Act. 1
NO.007 Spaceport Worker (Tall) ("Stretch" Kajooie) These men are responsible for the smooth operation of (spaceship) landings and departures at Spaceport 9. They're all player from the Space Basketball League and are all quite famous because of that. Many tourists cause trouble trying to take pictures of them while they work.
Meeting Place Report 1: Control Tower - Act. 1 Luggage Room - Act. 1
NO.008 Space Waitress (Jodie Bundt) A stunning waitress who works at the Luxury Spacecraft G’s dining hall. Her service, and risqué outfit, are popular with customers of all genders. Getting the job required passing a brutally competitive examination.
Meeting Place Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1
NO.009 Guide Lady (Brenda Boggs) She’s like the oasis of Spaceport for passengers lost in the gigantic facility. Her job is to assist them with a kind word and a gentle smile. The young Guide Lady is a lovely person but be careful, she’s known for having a high rate of misdirecting people.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 1
p. 104
NO.010 Boarding Crew Women who work at the spaceship’s check-in counter. Secretly, they look forward to finding out the gap between what approaching passengers’ ages are based on their appearances and the actual number listed on their space passports.
Meeting Place Report 1: Floor 2F - Act 2
NO.011 Pilot (Lex Banana, Esq.) A galactic ace pilot tasked with operating spaceships for the Galaxy Line. He hopes that his stiff way of speaking and aura that were ingrained into him during his rigorous training days are softened by his pink uniform. He still has a habit of saluting.
Meeting Place Report 1: Floor 2F - Act 1 (x)
NO.012 Middle-aged Woman (Millicent Rose) From the outside, she looks like someone people could only describe as the definite “Auntie”, however, she’s actually Space Secret Agent “Sexologist.” She teaches the spies of her country the ultimate techniques for espionage against other countries.
Meeting Place Report 1: Floor 2F - Act 2
NO.013 Green Woman (Glenda Glarotti) A space actress on the way to her next location. Though she is truly quite old, she maintains her youth by a new health "breathing diet.” Even now, bath scenes that show of her so-called “eternal body” can earn her perfect ratings. Middle-aged men long for her.
Meeting Place Report 1: Floor 2F - Act. 1, Act. 2
NO.014 Pudding Bodyguard Boys who have devoted their lives to the Channel 42 reporter, Pudding (who they’ve been fans of ever since her idol days). Treated as official employees of the station, if Pudding is reporting, then they’ll be always there to act as her back-up dancers.
Meeting Place Report 1: Control Tower - Act. 3
NO.015 Space Pirate (Big Male) ("Lug" Messing) A member of the Space Pirates who seeks the truth and freedom, these members are bass voice singers. Whenever Jaguar makes an appearance, he is given the extremely important job of singing "Jaguuaaar" with lots of love. It's almost as if he's a graduate right out of the Vocal Major from the Kunitachi College of Music.
Meeting Place Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 3     Report 3: Asteroid Belt Area - Act.2
[Translator’s notes: the original text lists Space Pirate (Big Male) as “A member of the Space Pirate Broadcasting Station.” However, that’s rather lengthy so I shortened it to Space Pirates. Kunitachi College of Music is a real life college. ]
p. 105
NO.016 Space Pirate (Male) (Xavier Gaboot) Cheerful guys who are members of the Space Pirate Broadcasting Station, they seek both truth and freedom. They zip through space like lightning bolts on their space pirate boards. All of them have sworn their loyalty to Jaguar, and many love him as if he were their own brother.
Meeting Place Report 3: Asteroid Belt Area - Act.2
NO.017 Space Pirate (Female) (Bianca Bardot) A member of the Space Pirates. Usually, she's in charge of steering the Space Pirate broadcasting ship, Bad Tuning. If Jaguar's ever in a pinch, she'll rush to the front lines to support him. There's also other trustworthy, dependable women who have the role of the chorus unit.
Meeting Place Report 3: Asteroid Belt Area - Act.2
NO.018 Maintenance Worker (Solomon Swing) A maintenance worker aboard the Luxury Spacecraft G. He’s a member of the Unbreakables, the winning team of the 42nd Eastern Galaxy Maintenance Contest. Their motto is "your ship will be maintained."
Meeting Place Report 2: Garbage Room - Act. 2
NO.019 Maintenance Worker (Macho) (Terrence Bigoon) A maintenance worker aboard the Luxury Spacecraft G. He’s obsessively committed to his job as a maintenance worker to ensure the passengers’ safety. There’s a warning label that reads “do not modify” on his equipment box.
Meeting Place Report 2: Garbage Room - Act. 2
NO.020 Maintenance Worker (Tall) (Feargal McMiddy) A maintenance worker aboard the Luxury Spacecraft G. His hobby is doing the Space Bamboo Dance with the space metal pipes. He can often be heard shouting "Bamboo! Bamboo!” while working on the ship.
Meeting Place Report 2: Garbage Room - Act. 2
NO.021 Space Homeroom Teacher (Male) (Mr. Joely) A truly nervous man. Maybe it’s because of his mother coddling, as he is her only child, that he grew up (?) to be kind of unreliable at times. Currently, he’s in the middle of escorting his class on a Space Field Trip.
Meeting Place Report 2: Observation Platform - Act. 3
[Translator’s notes: the original text lists Space Pirate (female) as “A member of the Space Pirate Broadcasting Station.” However, that’s rather lengthy so I shortened it to Space Pirates. The original text for “Unbreakables” is 不屈の集団. You could translate this in literally hundreds of ways. The bamboo dance is likely referring to the real life, traditional dance, tinikling.]
p. 106
NO.022 Space Primary Schooler (Red Dress) (Faith Anthony) A Space Primary Schooler with a Space Scholarship. She’s a top-level student and dreams of becoming a space programmer in the future. She’s secretly fond of her classmate, Spiky.
Meeting Place Report 2: Observation Platform - Act. 2
NO.023 Space Primary Schooler (Green) (Amanda Amora) He’s earnestly searching for a legendary dragon said to exist somewhere in the universe. Even during this Space Field Trip, he was looking with wide eyes for the shadow of that dragon from the Observation Platform. I’d love to see you one day!
Meeting Place Report 2: Observation Platform - Act. 2
NO.024 Space Primary Schooler (Spiky) (Biluba Boriskovsky) He loves wontons, a luxury dish said to be from the Edo era. Despite being a primary schooler, he has a bold taste in fashion. He takes pride in his spiky hair, which he gets cut at galaxy known space hair salon "Charis-Man". He’s his class’ president.
Meeting Place Report 2: Observation Platform - Act. 2
NO.025 Space Primary Schooler (Pink) (Chloe Cachooka) A little cutie that loves adventure. Even before Ulala rescued her, she wanted to become a Space Reporter, because it’s a profession that feels adventurous. We'll have to wait and see if that happens. By the way, she has a pet Space Iguana.
Meeting Place Report 2: Observation Platform - Act. 2
NO.026 Red and Blue Striped Woman (Ms. Gretchen Goddeau) She was waiting to meet her friends on the 2nd floor Lobby before going on her high school graduation trip to the Crab Nebula; this is when she got involved in the incident. Seems she didn’t stand out despite her flashy clothes, so it was hard for her friends to spot her.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Lobby 2F - Act. 1
NO.027 Stewardess (Melody McBean) Stewardess of Infinity Line Corp.'s international Space Line. Her pink uniform is a big hit with tourists. The only problem with her husband being a game producer is that he isn't home that often. "My job is to play!" as he says. She's still happy regardless.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 2F - Act. 1
[Translator’s notes: Space Primary Schooler (Red Dress) is actually said to be wearing a one-piece skirt but that’s just a dress isn’t it? Spiky is originally “ツノ君” or “tsuno-kun.” Tsuno means horn though in practice it can mean other kinds of vertical protrusions like Shadow’s helmet spike or the Morolians’ antenna.]
p. 107
NO.028 Space Top Crew (Male) (Hunk Smith) Luxury Spacecraft G’s crew. They fly around the galaxy and are experts on various stars.
Meeting Place Report 2: Cockpit - Act. 1, Act. 2
NO.029 Space Top Crew (Female) (Ms. Hortense Higby) Luxury Spacecraft G’s crew. They mainly work as the operator. Many of these young women are just around 20 years old; there is nonstop chatter and laughter in the cockpit.
Meeting Place Report 2: Cockpit - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 (Extra Mode)
NO.030 Reporter (Tachibana) A reporter for Channel 01. His full name is Tachibana Shinichiro, he’s quite the delicate soul. He’s a sensible and hardworking veteran reporter. He rides a spacecraft that resembles a magic carpet.
Meeting Place Report 3: Asteroid belt - Act. 1
NO.031 Reporter (88Man) A robot reporter for Channel 88. He’s equipped with the latest advanced AI technology. With his steel alloy body, he can report anywhere!! He may be mechanical, but he still understands intense emotions (apparently). He rides an odd spacecraft with foot pedals.
Meeting Place Report 3: Asteroid belt - Act. 1
NO.032 Green Boy (Peter Pepper) A fashionable boy who's a bit headstrong. He likes more mature company instead of hanging out with kids his own age. Ideally they’d be 24 to 29 years old.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2
NO.033 Channel 5 Receptionist (Lucy LeBeaux) She has an amazing talent of shining her smile at any time of day. It’s exhausting to keep it up with the visitors that come by day to day. She has a pretty decent amount of fans around the station.
Meeting Studio Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 2
[Translator’s notes: The Green Boy’s description is truthfully romantic in nature but that makes us both super uncomfortable so.]
p. 108
NO.034 Channel 5 Staff (Lance Sterling) We’re trying our best to make fun and enjoyable programs. However, we're having a difficult time earning a profit. I guess we have no choice but to ask Ulala to do her best here! I’m the one that appears on screen during technical difficulties by the way.
Meeting Place Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 2 (x)
NO.035 News Caster (Male) (Brent Suzuki) Channel 5 Newscaster, Suzuki. A member of the general reporting team. He and Ulala grew up together, they still hang out sometimes. He’s the eldest son of a family of artists. His parent’s house was repurposed as a photo studio.
Meeting Place Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1
NO.036 News Caster (Female) (Ms. Valala Petrie) Channel 5 Newscaster, Valala. A member of the general reporting team. Because their names are so similar, she often ends up with mail and such meant for Ulala. A long time ago she used to be a female announcer.
Meeting Place Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1
NO.037 Woman in Black (Sacha Shearade) Space Fashion Designer. She roams the galaxy in search of new cloths. She's fearfully known for her icy eyes and keen aesthetic sense. She’s always hiding behind her sunglasses.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1, Act. 2
NO.038 White Woman (Missy Melissy) A Newlywed Housewife who loves her dear hubby. Hobbies include shopping and cooking. She’s gained weight thanks to her new love of baking sweets. She’s on a diet.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Lobby 2F - Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1, Act. 2
NO.039 Blue Woman (Bluebell Smith) Space Priestess. She’s been honing her supposed Space Psychic Abilities from a young age. She works as fortuneteller. Apparently she can also use her powers as a Space Medium but it’s unknown if this is true or not.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Lobby 2F - Act. 2 Report 2: Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1, Act. 2
p. 109
NO.040 Pink Woman (Ms. Pinky Petunia) She works as a dancer at a Space Night Cabaret. She's a bit foul mouthed, but she's still a kind soul. Secretly, she’s caring for an abandoned dog. She spends her days wondering whether or not she should embark on a journey to find true love.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1, Act. 2
NO.041 Light Blue Woman (Madame LeBleu) Traveling in the shadows, she is the cold, beautiful Space Assassin that leaves without a trace, “K.” Does she belong to an organization, is she a lone wolf? Her motivations aren’t completely understood. She always wears light blue. She’s a mysterious, secretive lady.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Lobby 2F - Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 2
NO.042 Woman in Red (Rita Pierce) She’s a clerk at “Spacey the Hippie,” a store stocked with everything a Space Hippie could ever need. She is into meditation and is always chewing herbal gum in order to quit smoking.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Lobby 2F - Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2
NO.043 Women in Yellow (Yolanda Yancovich) Leader of Team Pheromone and owner of the space bar “Honey Pod.” Her bar is the lead source of the galaxy’s pheromones. Her contrasting personas as leader and owner have created a mystifying beauty whispered to be the best in the galaxy.  She has many fans that can be seen as her followers.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1, Act. 2
NO.044 Yellow Boy (Boy 23) Twenty-five children. Through the use of the latest space technology, an infertile couple gave birth to quinvigintuplets. They’re the talk of the galaxy. He’s currently at the rambunctious, destructive age of eight and he’s quite a handful for his mother.
Meeting Place Report: 1 Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Lobby 2F - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 (x) Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 (x) Report: 4 Recording Studio - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 (x)
NO.045 Blue Boy (Euclid Ephrodetes) A student at the Space Elite Private School. Being part of the few elites that has to move to space, he’s been separated from his parents for the sake of his studies since he was little. But be wary of pitying that lonesome expression he sometimes shows, it can get you in serious trouble.
Meeting Place Report: 1 Lobby 1F - Act. 2 Lobby 2F - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 (x) Air Ducts ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 (x) Report: 4 Recording Studio - Act. 1 (x)
p. 110
NO.046 Red Boy (Flavio Femure) A habitual lost child. He loves his kind older sister; he purposely gets lost all the time to get her attention. He’s also a bit careless, often dumping or tripping over things and getting himself injured. He’s kind of a spoiled brat.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 2F - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 (x) Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 (x) Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 (x)
NO.047 Purple Man (Butch Agorila) A Space Rhythmic Gymnast. Four years ago, he won the Galaxy Championships for the first time with his execution of a perfect Space Ultra C. He’s since retired due to an injured knee, and works as a coach. Secretly, he’s planning to make a comeback at the next year’s meeting.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 (x); Lobby 2F - Act. 1 (x) Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 (x); Airduct ~ Garbage Room Act. 2 (x) Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 2 (x)
NO.048 Blue Man (Jacob Kalofsky) A Space Homewrecker, he uses his sweet persona and unparalleled mastery of speech to seduce the women of the galaxy. Though he has no criminal record, you should take caution with him as he is still a dangerous man.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 (x) Lobby 2F - Act. 2 (x) Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 (x) Airduct ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 (x) Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 (x)
NO.049 Green Man (Deron Dumont) The manager of a Space Club that's just the hottest in the galaxy right now. Despite his otherworldly looks and unhealthy lifestyle (one has to wonder if he gets any nutrition), he still has a rather nice air to him. He's not a fan of sunlight.
Meeting Place Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 2 (x) Lobby 2F - Act. 2 (x) Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 (x) Airduct ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 (x) Report 4: Recording Studio - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 (x)
NO.050 Bi Man (Yaz Malloy) A Space Cosmetics Salesman. The only things he carries around are product samples. His sale-pitch smile combo makes him popular among wives, young and old; his sales top the charts for the Northern Galaxy. He's in an arranged marriage with the only daughter of an old, respected family.
Meeting Place     Report 1: Lobby 1F - Act. 1 Report 2: Dining Hall - Act. 1 (x) Airduct ~ Garbage Room - Act. 2 (x) Report 4 Recording Studio - Act. 1 (x), Act. 2 (x)
[Translator’s notes: “Galaxy Championships” is original 全銀河大会. You could translate this in many ways so I just went with how it is translated in part 1. In VR it’s called the All-Universe Open.]
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westupid · 2 years
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exchange cards, not feelings! — WARNINGS: nothing except if you don't celebrate Christmas I guess, reader is a bit of an idiot, established a flourishing relationship, blush bakugo, gender-neutral | BRIEF: bakugo loves your "priceless" gift.
dilc (dads i'd like to cuddle)! bakugo — WARNINGS: no gender is revealed, kids tw | BRIEF: just a dad!bakugo who can't let go.
father's day special — WARNINGS: harassment, reader is implied as a female (mother) | BRIEF: father day headcanons.
princess and the frog au — WARNINGS: reader is implied as POC | BRIEF: just headcanons of bakugo in the PTF.
rookie dad mistakes — WARNINGS: no gender is specified (maybe a little in shinsou's and kirishima's), a lil angst in Kirishima's section | BRIEF: mistakes they make as a first-time dad.
bakugo + customized wedding cufflinks — WARNINGS: unproofread (ill re-read and correct stuff later), fluff, gender-neutral, flustered bakugo, kinda rushed, I used katsuki instead of bakugo because I am close to him | BRIEF: bakugo just looks like the guy to do this.
it's your funeral — WARNINGS: assault, reader kinda fits in the damsel in distress role, katsuki knocking them out, gender-neutral, not proof-read, re-uploaded | BRIEF: your assaulter believes you're fucking around when you say you'll go get your boyfriend. It's his funeral.
kind hearts (masterlist) — series, on haitus
earmarks — WARNINGS: the reader is referred to as a female, made-up religion, modern to past au, rivals to lovers au, enemies to lovers, a little bit of an greek mythology au, reincarnation au, character deaths, blood, death, romance, I swear this isn't as grim as it sounds, okay maybe a little, angst, forbidden lovers au ???? happy ending ????, tragedy | BRIEF: A museum date with your boyfriend takes you past two historical sculptures that were feuding a long time ago when rigid kings swore and slaves shriveled up in the hot sun. However, history does not tell the most of the truth.
sunset drift — WARNINGS: gender-neutral, quirkless au | BRIEF: 2001 recordings of you and your bf being 17
christmas special — WARNINGS: kids tw, no gender is referred | BRIEF: dressing up like santa has a few disadvantages...
sarang — WARNINGS: recommend listening to "if you love me" by Brenda Lee before reading, marriage | BRIEF: newly weds being newly weds.
kirishima's badass daughter — WARNINGS: reader is kinda referred to as a female..? Kids tw | BRIEF: come get your daughter.
kirishima & tlc — WARNINGS: self-indulgent, meant for black!readers but could be for anyone | BRIEF: just kirishima dancing/singing to TLC while cooking.
rookie dad mistakes — WARNINGS: no gender is specified (maybe a little in shinsou's and kirishima's), a lil angst in Kirishima's section | BRIEF: mistakes they make as a first-time dad.
mascot!kirishima — WARNINGS: no quirks au/high school football au, no gender revealed, fluff | BRIEF: your boyfriend is on the football team. Your boy-crazed best friend is desperate to know who he is and what position he plays.
ceramic lips — WARNINGS: gender-neutral, high school au, no quirks au, fluff, not proofread so beware | BRIEF: just a little drabble of what it would be like if kirishima was into pottery
rookie dad mistakes — WARNINGS: no gender is specified (maybe a little in shinsou's and kirishima's), a lil angst in Kirishima's section | BRIEF: mistakes they make as a first-time dad.
rookie dad mistakes — WARNINGS: no gender is specified (maybe a little in shinsou's and kirishima's), a lil angst in Kirishima's section | BRIEF: mistakes they make as a first-time dad.
rookie dad mistakes — WARNINGS: no gender is specified (maybe a little in shinsou's and kirishima's), a lil angst in Kirishima's section | BRIEF: mistakes they make as a first-time dad.
nothing here yet!
nothing here yet!
do they watch their hands? — WARNINGS: I’ve not finished reading the manga of the fandoms except for MHA & AOT, so with some characters that I am not familiar with, I won't include them because I want to be as accurate as possible (perfectionist, much?), but besides that, it’s just crack | BRIEF: men are dirtier than girls. In fact, a 2009 study shows that "only 31% of men and 65% of women washed their hands after using a public restroom" (Heather Timmons). So with that said, who doesn't wash their hands?
awkward — WARNINGS: fluff | BRIEF: you're awkward and so it your date. You both like each other, but don't know to communicate it.
34 notes · View notes
witch-city · 3 years
merry christmas, darling
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marvel masterlist | marvel headcanons | navigation
yelena belova x reader
word count: 400
a/n: for this i used the song "rockin' around the christmas tree" by brenda lee and "merry christmas, darling" as the prompts...enjoy :)
warnings: none, all fluff!
requests are open!
zaychik - darling
malysh - baby
"You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing, let's be jolly," you heard a familiar Russian voice sing from your living room. Carrying a box of old ornaments, you stood by the Russian, admiring her handiwork with the lights on your tree.
"Nicely done, Yelena. I didn't know you knew how to trim a tree."
"Of course, I do! I figured it out from undoing and redoing the Rockefeller Center tree."
"I don't think I want to ask."
You placed the box down as you and Yelena kneeled down before it to unpack the ornaments. A lot of them were old ones you had as a child, mostly animals, a Garfield ornament one, some Santa's here and there, and normal bulb ones that weren't very special.
While decorating the tree, Yelena found an ornament that had a picture of you as a baby. "Aw, look at you, zaychik. So small! So cute. I can't tell if you're cuter now or then."
"Well, I'm sure you were cuter than I was. Wait!"
"We should make you one of those! And we can put them together on the tree! Then, everyone will get to see little you next to little me."
"Oh, malysh," she began, cupping your cheek in her hand with a warm smile spread across her own cheeks, "so thoughtful. I will have to ask my mother if she has any to spare for our little arts and crafts project. But we better finish the rest of the tree first."
And so, you and Yelena continued dressing the tree together, listening to various Christmas songs...well, you would have been if Yelena would stop playing 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' on loop. Not that you minded though. You watched with joy as she danced around and sang along to her favorite Christmas song.
Soon enough, you finished. Stepping back to get a better look at the tree, Yelena wrapped her arms around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder comfortably.
"We do good work, huh, Lena?"
"It's all you, malysh."
"Not true."
"Whatever you say," the blonde said happily, looking at you rather than at the tree. She was so incredibly happy here. It was one of her favorite times of the year, and she was with her absolute favorite person. How couldn't she be happy?
"Merry Christmas, Lena," you whispered happily.
"Merry Christmas, darling."
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