#thomas laughing when gally teases him
hi so thanks to tmrss i'm in my maze runner feels again and have you ever thought about brenda and teresa being at a bar or a party and then wonderwalls comes up and brenda sings it at teresa """""""""""""""""""""""ironically""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" but the feelings HIT her when she sings 'cause maybeeee, you're gonna be the one that saaaves meeee' because what IF teresa is the one that's going to save her what IF and now hear me out, what if brenda realizes in that moment teresa is the one who already saved her by being her friend and by making her feel so entirely and utterly herself that there's nothing to be afraid of anymore, what if teresa is the one who sees beyond brenda's though and bubbly exterior, what if she sees the insecure, the melancholic in brenda, too, and what if she loves every bit of it, the right and the wrong and what if the ugly in her is beautiful to teresa too what then what thenwhatthen
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(The Maze Runner) He Gets Jealous
Author’s Note:  In my fics/imagines/headcanons, Gladers are aged up, and also movie version...  Also please bear with me, I’m getting the hang of Thomas’ character.
Thomas: He trusts you, and he knows you care for him, but he gets jealous on occasion.  He doesn’t want to make a big deal out of nothing, so he will quietly watch you and who you’re interacting with, distracted from whatever job he is currently occupied with.  He might ask you later in passing what you were talking about, but won’t say anything more.  He is more worried for your safety than anything.  Sometimes he’ll warn you about being alone with certain gladers, or check on you every now and then if he hasn’t seen you for a while.  He really doesn’t want to smother you or seem overbearing, he just worries.  If anyone makes you feel unsafe, he is bold in protecting you and making sure no harm comes to you.
Newt: He’s generally chill, but once in a while, an interaction in particular with another glader will bug him.  Maybe the guy was getting a little too friendly, or maybe you laughed just a little too hard at a joke he made.  Either way, Newt’s not going to make a scene.  He’s more on the petty, subtly possessive side.  If he’s not already in the vicinity, Newt will make his way over and inject himself into the conversation.  He wants not only your attention, but to also to shoo the other glader away and lay a silent claim.  If the person in question that’s giving you attention is being so forward as to make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, Newt won’t hesitate to jump to your defense and be direct in telling them to back off.
Minho: He is rather confident in himself, you, and the relationship in general.  He isn’t one to really get jealous or possessive.  He actually finds it funny when greenies have crushes on you, and he’ll let them know you’re not available with a chuckle and a playful clap on the back.  He might even throw in some humorous bragging for good measure.  If someone means you any harm or discomfort, there will not be a trace of amusement in his eyes.  He will undoubtedly put himself between you and the threat, expression hard and intimidating.
Gally: He gets jealous rather easily in the Glade.  Early on, he has some insecurities to work through, so it’s a process.  He finds himself less tolerant of other gladers getting too friendly, and he gets irked when greenies come right out of the box staring at you.  He’ll get petty with you over it from time to time, but most of his anger is directed at the person who makes him feel threatened in some way.  One of the more level-headed keepers who he trusts will give him advice, and it’ll finally dawn on him that behaving like that will only push you away.  His patience and confidence begin to build from there.  He still gets jealous, but he doesn’t respond to it in such an unhealthy way.  He even starts teasing the greenies who are crushing on you, and relaxes a bit.  He still doesn’t hesitate to show others you’re his and lay claim.
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m30wk1ttycat · 3 months
pairing: newt x reader
tw: mild cussing ? oh, and thomas and minho are really close.
summary: you and newt get caught cuddling, even though you're supposed to be enemies.
re-did an old draft. for my enemies to lovers trope fans, 'cause i'm feeling nice today.
you and newt never got along. enemies - that'd be the first word that came to mind when people asked you/newt about what you and newt were. never friends, just enemies. he didn't seem to even want to attempt to be nice to you. there was just something about you that drove him insane - and you weren't sure if it was in the good way, or the bad way. if it was your sarcasm, your voice, how you got along with mostly everyone, you had no clue. he'd probably never tell you, anyways.
though - not that you'd admit to it -, deep down, you were hurt, watching him constantly act the way he did. mean, cold, avoidant, - the complete opposite of the newt that the others saw.
bonfire night, the day every glader looked forward to. no work on afternoons, the infamous homemade mead - apparently, gally's secret recipe -, the random games you guys made up. it was all fun, way better than being stuck doing chores in the glade all day. so, naturally, when the new greenie, thomas, came up from the box - as the gladers called it -, you were excited, and so were the others.
however, you didn't expect to get that drunk. drunk so much, that at some point during the night, you ended up in the grass, with newt's chest pressed against your back, his arms comfortably resting around your waist as you both gazed up at the stars. for what seemed like the first time, you could've sworn you saw him smile at you.
all warm and cozy, you jolted awake when you heard a certain runner's voice.
"what are you two, dating?" minho teased, thomas giggling as he looked down at the brit's sleeping face nuzzled against your neck.
it seemed like the greenie's soft laughs seemed to awaken him, judging by the little groan he let out against your - now, flushed - skin.
"my head hurts," newt complained, voice raspy from lack of use.
"yeah, shocker, right?" said minho, who's reply was ignored by newt.
"um," he started, "how drunk was i? we, i mean?"
thomas shrugged, sitting down next to you and newt. minho did the same, smirking. "drunk enough," was all that thomas managed to say, not elaborating further.
newt let out a hum, eyes still half lidded when they met minho's. "are you just.. gonna watch us?"
"are you still drunk?"
a beat. ".. no?"
the two other boys exchange a knowing glance, not lost on the fact that he was still holding you. quite tightly. and you weren't protesting, too exhausted to do so.
after a few moments of silence, you spoke up; "we missed breakfast, didn't we?"
"yeah," replied thomas, who was toying with his sleeve.
"but we decided to be good friends, and bring you two shanks some food," minho cut in, gesturing to the weaved basket that he brought with him, sitting in the grass.
"not hungry," newt grumbled.
"more food for me, then," you said, voice hoarse from the sore throat accompanying the throbbing pain you felt at the back of your head.
newt's hands slid off of you - albeit hesitantly -, allowing you to sit up. once you did do that, you grabbed a strawberry, popping it into your mouth.
"what happened last night, again?" the blond behind you asked, still laying in the grass, only that now he was propping himself up on his elbows.
"a lot," answered minho. "but what the shuck were you two doing, just walking off? together??"
"shut up," you mumbled, annoyed.
"no, really - are you two, like, friends now, or what?" thomas questioned, grabbing a berry for himself and minho while you weren't looking.
"like," he continued, "i know chuck told me that he hates you-"
"i do not!!" newt protested. "i don't hate y/n."
this was not only shocking to hear for you, but for thomas and minho too, apparently.
minho almost choked on the fruit in his mouth, leaving him coughing. "dude, since when?"
"since forever?"
"how come you're always such an asshole to y/n, then?" thomas asked bluntly. "apparently," he added.
"i'm not!" he tried to defend himself, only for you to glare at him in protest. "you are, though."
"fuck," he muttered under his breath. "i get anxious around you, a'ight?"
if it weren't for thomas' giggling and minho's little wheezes cutting you off just as you were about to speak, you'd ask him 'what do you mean?' or something of the sort, expecting something along the lines of 'shut up' from newt.
"i'm sorry," minho laughed, "what?"
"you get anxious? around y/n?" thomas repeated after calming down.
"m'not explaining myself to you," you heard him mumble. leaning forwards, he extended his hand to grab a berry, trying to change the topic to..
"where'd you get these, anyways? frypan's kitchen?" he asked, feigning curiosity.
berries? seriously?
"newt," minho warned. "if you're trying to avoid the topic, it's not working."
thomas nodded, agreeing with minho. "and don't think we'll tell you where we got the berries."
"fuck," newt grunted, swallowing dryly. "i don't know what you want me to say - that i've liked y/n all along? is that what you wanted to hear?"
he went silent, unsure how to continue. hell, he wasn't even sure if he should continue.
"well, i like you too, newt," you told him, voice barely above a whisper as you spoke. at this point, the other two boys felt like the biggest wigmen ever, watching you both confess to eachother.
"right, um," thomas cleared his throat, slowly getting up. "we have to go, chuck wanted to hang out with us.."
minho, too, rose to his feet. "yeah, don't wanna keep the little shank waiting, do we, thomas?"
"yeah, uh, certainly don't want that," he nodded. "have fun, you two," the other winked. thomas grabbed his arm, giggling as the two walked off, leaving you alone with newt.
you turned to the blond boy, only to find him already looking at you. "m'sorry," you could fainty hear him murmur, sounding almost guilty.
"what for?"
"for acting the way i did," he answered, ignoring you when you told him that it's fine. "i like you, i really do, and i know this isn't in any way an excuse for how i acted, but i'm bad at expressing my feelings, especially around you."
"did you not hear a word i said? it's fine," you muttered in response.
".. and, i love you too."
"i love you more," he argued.
"do you, now?" you challenged, a smile playing at your lips.
"mhm," he whispered, leaning in slightly. cupping his cheek, you pressed your lips against his, smiling through the kiss. one specific thing that you noticed was that he tasted like berries.
"you taste like berries," he chuckled, forehead against yours.
and apparently, so did you.
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that-tmr-girl · 7 months
What kind of lover the TMR Characters are
The slow, teasing kind
He'll take his time from the very first time to your hundredth
Being able to discover small things, like what makes you whimper or if you taste different, always has him in a chokehold
The control kind
What she wants she takes, and a lot of the time that's you
She doesn't focus on anything but you when railing you
The dominant but respectful kind
Even if he degrades you he will always make sure that you know how much he loves you and that he didn't hurt you or your feelings after
While he likes you being desperate for him, he always wants you to feel safe
The confident kind
She's more than sure that she knows how to pleasure you because she notices every detail
She doesn't have any doubts that she can make you feel good, and she's absolutely right
The possessive kind
He likes showing you how much of his girl you really are when he rails you
Knowing that nobody can do what he can, turns him out, and he's perfectly fine with you knowing that
The carefully respectful kind
No matter what he asks before every single thing, especially if it's something new
There is no safer place than in his bed, and you even felt that on your first time
The fun kind
She just wants to let loose, maybe make you laugh a little, and enjoy her time feeling you
She doesn't want to worry or stress about the world when you're in front of her in such a private way
The scientific kind
She makes sure she knows all the right parts of you and what the best pleasure spots are
She may not tell you her research about human bodies just for you, but it definitely shows
The needs reassurance kind
He needs you to tell him that he's doing you right, especially after, or he'll be paranoid that he's messing up
If he does he always feels awful and thinks about that mistake so he can never repeat it
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Heyyy do you do reacts? Like "How the TMR boys would react to you calling them pretty" . If so, thank youuu :)
Oooo I never even thought about doing this, but I can absolutely give it a go :))
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SUMMARY: See above. Gender neutral reader.
WARNINGS: None really, maybe some inappropriate language and flirty behaviour.
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"You know, you're actually kinda pretty."
Would not know how to react.
Thomas absolutely would be completely dumbfounded.
He'd been attracted to you ever since he'd arrived in the Glade, so you complimenting him would leave him in a stunned state.
Probably would also be the first and only time he gets complimented because the Gladers just call each other ugly on a daily basis.
"Oh, uh- thanks- thank you."
You probably wouldn't think much of it and go about your day.
He would spend the next four years thinking about it.
"They think I'm pretty."
Definitely a much needed confidence boost since he (especially in the books) is having a permanent identity crisis.
He might not know who he is, but damn, at least he's pretty.
Newt isn't a stranger to compliments. He's one of the oldest standing Gladers and people often comment on his work ethic and ability to think fast.
His appearance though?
That's new.
He'd probably freeze, laughing it off as you just kinda randomly say it whilst he's working with the Track-hoes.
"Heh, what?"
In all honesty, you'd have been watching him for a while, admiring his features and when you say it, it would have been a thought you didn't mean to say out loud more than anything.
That wouldn't stop him from thinking about it. It would get brushed over fairly quickly since Newt is a busy dude, but he would definitely ask Minho and his friends about it.
"What do you think it means?
"Uh, that they think you're pretty? Duh."
Like Thomas, he would probably lie awake thinking about it, or just throughout his day, a soft smile playing on his lips, and he would definitely get caught laughing.
"Dude, you're thinking about it again?"
"Shut up, slinthead!"
"Touched a nerve, pretty boy?"
Minho knows he's pretty. Everyone knows he's pretty. Just look at the guy. Even Thomas thinks he's pretty (*cough* the three paragraphs dedicated to describing Minho's arms in the book *cough*).
He'd probably laugh.
Sure, it's common knowledge that he's a good looking guy, but for someone to say it to him?
That'd be entertaining.
He'd tease you about it, making you the one that becomes a blushing mess.
"Hey, so how pretty do you think I am, exactly?"
He would not let it go.
But he wouldn't brag to the other Gladers about it. He would keep the information to himself, mainly keeping up the light bullying in private and leaving other Gladers confused as to why you tended to leave his presence bright red.
Secretly, he'd be thrilled. Of course, just that you think he's attractive to begin with, but also because it clearly runs deeper at your constant embarrassment.
He probably also wouldn't know how else to flirt with you. But he's trying his best. Compliments don't come as easy to him as they do you, so this is how he expresses it.
Definitely an ego boost.
He would be insulted.
Gally wouldn't take it as a compliment at first. He wants to be a tough guy and you calling him pretty feels like a insult to his masculinity.
Definitely not the intention.
You think he's soft? Pretty? How dare you. How could you?
It wouldn't be until he spoke to Frypan that he'd realise.
"They called me pretty. Pretty! Do I look like a shuckin' sissy?"
"Dude, I'm pretty sure it was a compliment- they think you're hot."
That's when he'd be flustered.
In private, of course, but flustered nonetheless.
He'd feel like such a dick for reacting how he did and without even processing it properly.
He'd end up apologising and you'd laugh about it.
"It's okay, I won't call you pretty again. Promise."
But now he knows you think he's attractive, he'd definitely be bummed that you said you wouldn't compliment him like that again.
"I mean- you can still... yanno- say that."
Turns out Gally actually kinda is a softie when he wants to be.
You find it cute.
He would be ecstatic.
Oh my God, you think he's pretty? His life is complete. The world is good. Kill him now, this is the best day of his life.
He'd tell everyone who would listen.
"Yeah! They called me pretty! Suck it! I'm prettier than you slintheads!"
"Fry, I really don't care."
He'd constantly ask you to call him pretty again. Or even other compliments and you'd find it funny.
He'd be surprising hard to fluster, but very easy to please.
It wouldn't be uncommon to find him grinning from ear to ear after talking to you.
He would also have the courage to return the compliments, creating a friendship that's basically filled with constant praise.
He would worship the ground you walk on.
Thinks he's in love every time you make eye contact.
"Yeah, okay."
Alby would not give a shit.
The man is stressed 24/7.
You can't really blame him. He's in charge of a bunch of teenage boys in a Maze full of monsters, and he has to make sure that everyone is comfortable and surviving.
He has too much on his plate to even realise what you'd be saying at first.
The brain lag is real, and it would be three days later when he'd understand what you said.
"Wait a shuckin' second..."
After that, he'd think about it a lot, internally kicking himself and regretting the choice.
You wouldn't be shocked. This is exactly the kind of response you'd expect from the Leader. But you almost said it because you knew what his response would be.
You wouldn't have to worry about Alby being weird or acting different or telling anyone.
Though, he would become a lot friendlier towards you, starting to develop a sweet spot for you.
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Would ya look at that, I can actually write for characters other than Minho? Who woulda guessed? In all seriousness, this was really fun and I enjoy writing headcanons as much as I like writing stories. I really enjoy these typa requests, tysm for sending it in.
Hope you all enjoy :))
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Gally x Male!Reader [Fluff]
Warning; canon divergence, movieverse.
The Maze Runner
Boisterous laughs were heard in the Glade, the circle of boys just chillin and playing during their break made others wonder what was happening, causing smiles to grow on their faces again.
They had just heard one of Newt's hilarious stories after he had picked true, and he shook his head with a blush on his face and a small smile, turning to look at the next guy's turn.
And that ended up being (M/n), who made eye contact with the blond almost immediately, "True or dare, (M/n)?"
While everyone calmed down, he was thinking about his choice, always picking true wasn't funny (unless you were Newt) and it's been quite a while since someone picked dare, and that's when he felt Thomas nudging him with a playful chuckle, making him laugh with him.
"Okay, fine... Dare," he said releasing a breath, a faint smile still pulling at the corner of his lip and he saw how Minho leaned closer to Newt's ear to tell him something.
Something that got them both laughing like idiots. And the mischievous look in their eyes worried him for a moment, considering if picking dare was a good idea, this almost seemed planned.
"I dare you to kiss Gally, on the lips," (M/n)'s mouth opened in surprise, speechless for a couple of seconds as he processed Newt's words, hearing everyone around him laughing their ass off like Minho and Newt did, even Alby was having a hard time holding back his laugh.
"You're shucking crazy, Newt?! He's gonna kill me!" He yelled while standing up from his spot on the wooden bench, "If we had a guillotine, my head would be the first one to go there! And all of you after he finds out!" No one paid attention to his words and continued to laugh at his panicked reaction, but Minho seemed to have regained himself enough before everyone else did.
"Come on, it's... just a kiss, it doesn't have to be longer than a second," pushing his hair back in frustration, (M/n) sat back down with a heavy sigh, he looked up at everyone and frowned.
"Has this happened before? Daring someone to kiss Gally?" Fry nodded but didn't add anything after that, not even to reassure him that he'll be fine- which he knows he won't, he sighed and shrugged, "Alright... Where's Gally?"
(M/n) saw Newt wriggling his eyebrows while his eyes were focused on something- someone, behind him, "There he is," he looked over his shoulder, and effectively, Gally was working on something over there, completely silent and focused, looking as serious as always, "Go, your prince is waiting~" Newt said in a teasing voice when (M/n) stood up, everyone chuckled at the idea of Gally being a 'prince'.
He smiled a bit and started walking away, "Shut the hell up, Newt."
His smile was soon wiped off his face, cold sweat running down his spine followed by shivers, his palms felt clammy, making him wipe them on his shirt. He occasionally glanced back at the boys, only to see them chuckling and giving him a thumbs up as a way of encouragement.
Now, (M/n) was within hearing distance of Gally, so taking a deep breath he approached him a few more steps, thinking 'you can do it' to himself a few times, "Uh, Gally?"
Gally looked up at the call of his name, his green eyes looking into his (e/c) ones, the movements his hands did to tie the pieces of wood together momentarily stopping.
"What do you want?" He continued working, sparing a few glances at (M/n), realizing how nervous he looked.
"I..." Nothing, he could barely breathe properly, even less formulate a sentence. Gally frowned when (M/n) simply stayed quiet, and annoyed, he completely stopped working, turning his body to look at him.
"You?" He added with an irritated tone, making (M/n) anxiously shift in place and wipe his hands again, Gally didn't miss that, wondering what was going on with him all of a sudden.
(M/n) looked down at the grass under his feet, "Can you promise me you won't punch me?" Gally pressed his tongue against his cheek, his jaw tensing at the question.
"I wanna punch you right now, (M/n)," he just nodded as he took a deep breath, understanding that he was making the situation worse by behaving like this.
"I can do it," he mumbled loud enough for Gally to hear him.
"Can do what?" (M/n) didn't even bother answering him, mostly because he didn't actually hear him over the sound of his own thoughts, and he quickly approached Gally before he lost all the courage he managed to gather in the past ten seconds.
Everything seemed to going in slow motion in the Glade, Gally watched how (M/n) got closer and closer to him, making him feel nervous and anxious, something not many could say have accomplished. And yet, it seemed like (M/n) didn't have to do much to make him feel like his heart was going to burst out of his chest at any given moment.
Gally shifted in place as he observed (M/n) with uncertainty, but soon, his mind was going numb.
(M/n) had reached his arms up to hold him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer and pressing their lips together. Gally's eyes were wide open for a moment, processing what was happening, and yet, his hands went up to gently hold (M/n)'s wrists as his eyes closed, his whole body tingling and face heating up at the feeling of (M/n)'s lips pressed against his.
His sleepless nights imagining, fantasizing, and daydreaming about kissing (M/n) didn't even come close to how he felt right now. It almost felt like they were the only ones around. And he liked that. The small moan he let out was a clear giveaway of the fact.
However, the kiss was cut short when (M/n) backed away. He was caught by surprise at the... Pretty moan he heard from Gally, and now he was really confused.
And seeing Gally blushing made him believe that he was actually knocked down or was killed by him because there was no way that Gally was blushing. He looked taken aback and flustered, his hand reaching up to cover his lips with the back of it, looking away without making eye contact.
(M/n) swears he saw a hint of a smile too.
"Uhm... Gally?" He asked unsure, almost flinching at the soft look in his green eye when he glanced back at him, it was... New and rather nice, it felt good to not be constantly glared at for once.
"We'll talk about this later," and just like that, he left him standing there alone.
(M/n) watched how Gally ran away back to the main building, and he slowly turned around, his steps hesitant as he walked back to the boys, who seemed just as surprised as him.
"What was that?" Thomas asked as soon as he arrived, he opened his mouth to talk but didn't have any answer to that.
He shook his head from side to side and shrugged, "I don't know, Tommy..."
With the tense atmosphere, everyone decided it would be best to stop playing for now and just talk, but (M/n) wasn't feeling like talking at the moment, so he simply excused himself, muttering something about having a headache and he went to the infirmary when Winston told him he could rest there.
Laying on the bed, he racked his brain about the situation, remembering the kiss and Gally's reaction. (M/n) thought that it would've been nice if Gally only pushed him away and left with a threat, but... He was really confused about how Gally reacted.
The last thing he expected was to see him blush and just leave.
He let out a groan and rubbed his face with his hands, deciding that staying in bed wasn't gonna help him, he needed to distract himself with some work. Even if that meant seeing Gally.
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Play me something?
Newt x masc!reader
Set during tmr (movieverse)
Summary: reader is a good singer but also an awkward mess and Newt is just gay panicking over voice cracks (Thomas is a little shit who somehow snuck a whole ass guitar in the Box. Just go with it)
Warnings: none really, language
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"Thomas, what are you doing?" hisses Teresa.
"Relax, it'll be fun. God knows they need a little happiness in there these days." He lifts a blanket from a crate of tools and covers the guitar.
"You're gonna get caught."
"It's fine, there's technically no rules for this." Thomas shrugs with a grin, and Teresa rolls her eyes.
"Hey, what's that?" Gally whips the cover off a weirdly shaped item.
"A guitar?" you say in surprise as the instrument is revealed.
"Nice," comments Winston, jumping in to grab it from Gally. "Who plays?" he asks, holding it aloft.
You press your lips together nervously. You've got a weird feeling; something in you just knows that you could play.
Minho nudges you with his arm, raising his eyebrows; he knows your expressions too well.
You shake your head furiously as he opens his mouth to give you up.
No way you're playing in front of this whole crowd.
"What's goin' on?"
You're distracted from Minho's antics as Newt returns, having settled the Greenie wherever he needs to be.
Your heart quickens as he brushes your arm, standing just a little too close as he watches Ben strum out some discordant chords.
Pull yourself together, he's literally just standing next to you.
"Shucking hell, they gave us a guitar? Weird. Either of you play?" asks Newt, turning to you and Minho.
"Well, I don't... but you know who might..." starts Minho with a shark's grin.
"We've got to go on our run," you interrupt, stomping on his foot before grabbing his arm and shoving him away.
"Oh, uh- okay," says Newt, looking slightly confused.
"You alright there?" you ask. He seems a little put out.
"Oh, yeah, fine. I just thought you had the morning off."
"Oh." A beat passes. "I'm on the early run today," you clarify.
The silence stretches, until you awkwardly turn away. "Okay, I'm gonna go now."
"Yeah, see ya." He nods and smiles as though that exchange wasn't completely excruciating.
You turn and see Minho leaning on a wall, facing you with a teasing grin.
"Newtie-boy missin' your company?"
You roll your eyes, flipping him off as you step into the Maze.
"I'm praying for a Griever," you mutter.
Minho's laugh rings out behind you as you start off towards Section 3.
"Alright, I wrestled it away from Ben. He sounds like actual shit, by the way." Minho walks into the Runners hut holding the guitar.
"I'm not playing," you say flatly, turning back to the Map.
"Come on," he whines. "Promise I won't tell anyone else 'till you're ready. Just play one song."
"Why?" you ask sceptically.
"I'm just curious!" he insists. "Go on, Y/n." He forces the guitar into your hands.
"Fine." You bite your lip apprehensively as your fingers find the notes, purely through muscle memory. "Just one song," you say, flicking your eyes up to Minho.
"Yep," he nods.
You start strumming lightly with your hand, picking up the pace and volume as you gain confidence. Hey, it doesn't sound too bad.
You close your eyes as you start singing nervously. It's a little shaky, but you get through the whole song.
When you finish, you open your eyes and turn to Minho worriedly.
"Dude. What the fuck."
"What?" Shuck, were you that bad?
"That was shuckin' amazing!" exclaims Minho incredulously.
"Oh." You fumble for words, pushing down the fluttering in your stomach as you try not to dance happily.
"Your surprise is a little insulting," you deadpan instead.
"Seriously, Y/n. Your voice is insane. You're really good."
"Really?" you say, giving in to your impulse to smile widely, bouncing on your feet.
"Honest, man. Hey, you have to play for other people."
"I- Actually?"
"Hell yes, they've got to hear this. Shucking hell. Play another one."
"Okay," you say, feeling hyped up now.
"Hey, oh!" Greg and Tim, another two Runners, walk in. "Y/n's got the guitar!"
"Go on, play something for us," encourages Tim.
Minho gives you a supportive grin, and you decide shuck it.
Your hands return to the strings, and you start singing again.
It becomes a daily occurrence.
Minho will come in after a run and hand you the guitar. "Play something, Y/n."
The Runners will get bored of mapwork and ask you to play a song.
You play for Frypan too, and Gally.
You even sing one for Alby, which was insane but cool.
It's been really fun, actually, and you start feeling yourself get more comfortable and confident, happy to play for almost anyone now.
...Except for one awkward moment.
You're strumming the intro to a song in the Council Hall with Minho and Chuck, when Newt walks in.
His voice floats in from the door. "Council meeting in 10 minutes," he announces.
You stop playing immediately, hand dropping from the strings as you freeze.
"Hey, finish your song though," he says, grinning at you. "It sounds good so far."
"Uh- that was the end," you lie, setting the guitar to the side. "We'll clear out for the meeting," you say, taking Chuck's arm and heading out.
The door swings shut behind you, and Newt turns to Minho, blinking confusedly.
Minho groans, dropping his face into his hands.
"Did I... do something to him?" asks Newt.
"Oh, you do a lot to him," mutters Minho.
"Nothing. Let's just get this meeting going."
After that embarrassment, you avoid Newt for a while.
Honestly, this crush is getting in the way of your friendship.
You used to just act normal and easy around Newt, comfortable in your relationship.
You loved spending time with him, having conversations that flowed for hours and laughing together during card games from the pack the Creators sent up.
Sure, you always liked him a little, but you could deal with a minor attraction.
But then Gally, of all people, sat you down and had a proper chat with you, and you'd realised that your tiny attraction was a full-blown crush.
Unfortunately, this means you're now always flustered around him, trying not to make a fool of yourself or show that you're head over heels for him.
With you holding back on your interactions with Newt, the boy is starving for your attention.
Completely unbeknownst to you, of course.
He walks up to the Runners' hut one day, looking for you, and freezes when he hears your voice.
You're messing around since it's just a chill day, playing and singing half to yourself while Minho maps out the day's route.
But for Newt, it's the first time he's heard your singing voice.
It's warm and husky and a little rough, but it's the best thing he's ever heard.
He's standing outside the hut, invisible to you, so you obviously don't see his reaction when your voice cracks.
Shucking hell, you're actually giving him a heart attack.
Inside, you roll your eyes as Minho snorts at your cracking, unpractised voice.
You don't notice Newt's silent (gay) panic as his stomach flips turbulently from the voice crack.
What the fuck.
He's actually spinning out right now.
He's silently combusting outside the hut, until he hears Minho say something to you. "Hang on, I'll be back in a minute," and then footsteps sound towards the door.
Newt doesn't move as Minho steps out and sees him.
"Shuck," mutters Minho, grabbing Newt by the elbow and dragging him away.
"Newt," moans Minho, slouched back on a chair in the Council Hall. "This has been happening for months. Can you just tell him how you feel already? It's not funny anymore, it's just sad."
"His voice," says Newt.
"I know, I know. It's amazing, and you're wonderstruck, and in love, and somehow turned on by the voice crack."
"The voice crack," repeats Newt.
"God," says Minho, close to banging his head against a wall. "Just tell him, please."
"I can't," groans Newt, tugging on his hair. "Haven't you seen how he's been acting around me lately? I stuffed something up, obviously."
Minho rolls his eyes. "He's just nervous cause he likes you too, for shuck's sake. It's not that deep."
"I don't know."
"Okay, if I can confirm it for you, will you please ask him out?"
"I mean, I guess..."
"Great," says Minho, standing up. "Gimme like two seconds."
"Hey, Y/n, can I ask you something?" asks Minho, coming back into the hut.
You're oblivious to what just happened.
"Sure," you respond, fingers absentmindedly strumming a few chords.
"Why don't you play for Newt?"
You pause.
"What do you mean?"
"Come on, don't bother with that. You know I know you've got a massive crush on the guy, just admit it already."
There's no point, you decide.
"Fine. I like him. And I'm nervous to play for him."
"Cause it maybe you're all just way too supportive, and I actually suck. Or maybe I'll mess up, cause he'll be watching. Or I could, you know, die. Should I go on?"
"Y/n," says Minho exasperatedly. "You could be the worst singer in the world, and he'd still be genuinely applauding at the end."
"He is gone for you. He's just marginally better at hiding it. Trust me."
Then he says, "Wait here," and leaves.
Minho returns quickly, dragging a certain blonde boy behind him, who protests weakly on the way to the hut.
"Y/n," calls Minho. "Newt has something to tell you."
He shoves Newt in and walks out, shutting the door behind him.
"Uh," starts Newt. "Hi."
You blink at him. "...hi?"
"Shuck, okay. So Minho, actually, forget Minho. I wanted to tell you something."
"What is it?" you ask, setting the guitar down beside you.
"I like you. As in, I like you a lot. Meaning, I like you so damn much I have to stop myself from kissing you every time I see you."
Newt winces. "That last part wasn't supposed to come out."
"I don't know," you say, a grin spreading across your face. "I liked the sound of it."
Newt's eyes jump to your face, before he steps forward, closing the distance between you and capturing your lips.
You kiss back immediately, unable to stop smiling into the kiss.
"I like you too," you say as you break for air.
Newt laughs. "I'd hoped so."
Then his eyes fall on the guitar, leaning on the table beside you.
"Play me something?"
You smile and pick up the guitar, fingers settling on the frets as usual.
Then you pause. "Would a romantic song be too much right now?"
Newt grins in response, blushing slightly. "Of course not."
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Voice cracks are attractive y'all
Hope you enjoyed my first masc!reader post, please give me feedback if anything needs to be changed
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jooo-pl · 3 months
Playing dumb--Minho x Reader
Hey, this is my first story ever, plus English is not my first language, so please admit a few errors, direct from the translator. <3
Warnings?: fluff, slight smut Insinuation, kissing interruption, kiss in public.
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Minho was sitting on a log while you were lying on his lap, your head by his thigh. Everyone was laughing and talking and some were in the circle fighting with Gally. Newt was across from you, talking to Thomas, The newbie. Probably about the first upload of the box that contained you in it.
" ___ was the first one here. We wouldn’t be living without ‘em." -He says Whispering while pointing at you-
"They’re talking about you."
Says a hoarse voice coming from above me.
I look at him from my low vision due to my posture and then look up
"it's not strange, it's a new person on the Glade"
Minho smiled and ruffles your hair gently as he looked at you.
"I guess it isn’t, huh?"-He says softly with a chuckle-
"He's probably telling her the 'super epic story' of how I was the first here, and the only woman so far" -I say trying to hide the clear sarcasm that comes out of my words-
Minho laughed a little at what you said
"Oh yeah, super epic, just like a fairytale." -He says sarcastically as he glances at Newt, who’s still talking to Thomas-
"I want to hear the fairy tale one more time" - I say looking at him trying to hide the desperate desire to hear his interpretation of the repetitive story-
Minho rolls his eyes but he smiles a bit. He knows he can’t say no to that face of yours.
"Ugh, fine." -He sighs playfully and clears his throat dramatically-
"Once upon a time…"
Minho began, using his storyteller voice, adding funny sound effects with his mouth in between.
"In the mysterious, mysterious Glade…"
"A very special person fell out of the box for the first time." -He says with the tone of a silly historian-
"Don't be silly" -I say as I roll my eyes and laugh effusively-
Minho grins and looks down at you, continuing his story as he pokes your cheek.
"Hey, I’m trying my best here." -He jokingly huffed, faking a pout before continuing-
"Anyway, this wasn’t just any person." -He said, holding up a finger, then dramatically pointing the finger at you-
"It was a girl!"
He added, with a playful smile on his face, as he paused his story suddenly when he heard a gasp behind him, coming from Newt. Who had noticed Minho's mockery of his monthly storyI laugh out loud as I see Newt's offended expression. Minho laughs as well, enjoying your reaction. He knew you didn’t mind him making fun of the situation and he loved teasing Newt. He looked back at Newt who looked extremely offended, crossing his arms.
"Oi! That’s offensive, ya shuck face!" -Newt protested jokingly, glaring playfully at Minho-
Minho smirked mischievously back at him, sticking out his tongue childishly.
"Oh come on, you tell the same bloody story to every newbie! Someone had to change it up a bit, you know."
Minho says with an extremely funny face, while I try to express to Newt that I didn't mean to laugh at his story without losing the charisma that characterized the situation. Newt chuckled and shook his head, knowing Minho wasn't going to stop. He then playfully rolled his eyes, still obviously offended.
"Bloody slinthead." -He muttered under his breath, causing a smirk to rise to Minho’s face again-
I look at Minho seeing the interaction before my eyes, while my hands go up without me realizing it, my hands grab his face and pull it down, where our lips meetMinho was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened slightly in surprise when you pulled him down to share a kiss. As you split up, Gally’s voice interrupted the moment, and Minho broke into a small smile, looking mildly annoyed yet amused at the same time.
"Hey, split up"
I hear a playful voice talking to us as we split up, just Gally, our professional shipper laughing at us
"Oh shut up, you shuck face." -Minho retorted, crossing his arms as he looked at Gally, flipping him off-
Gally just chuckled in response, clearly entertained by the whole situation. He leaned lazily against a nearby log, crossing his arms as well.
"What? You two are adorable." -He said with a smirk, his tone playful yet teasing-
I looks at Gally with a blushing face and a small smile
"Oh shut up shuckface, just because your dumb ass hasn't gotten a girl to come down here yet"
Gally pretended to be offended by your remark, placing a hand over his heart dramatically.
"Oh, you wound me." -He exclaimed playfully, feigning distress-
Minho rolled his eyes, amused by the interaction between the two of you and chuckled softly as he noticed the look Thomas was giving towards them, clearly taking in the whole situation.
"Hey, I think the newbie is confused." -He whispered to you jokingly, referring to Thomas-
-roll my eyes as I say- "come on, I don't want to explain our relationship to another newbie, you have permission to do it yourself" -I say laughing quietly-
Minho chuckled softly as well at your remark and pretended to look offended.
"What, you’re making me do all the work?" -He exclaimed, raising an eyebrow jokingly-
He was used to explaining the situation to newcomers, but he still acted like it was a big deal to mess with you.
He looked back at Thomas, who was still watching the group intently.
"Alright fine, I guess I have to do it." -He sighed dramatically before turning back to you- "But I expect a prize later, you know, for my hard work and all that."
He added with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. I laugh discreetly
"I think you have to express your hints in a better way, since I don't understand them at all" -I say feigning insanity, while I stand up from his legs-
"But come on, I'll accompany you I want to see what you say to him" -I say while taking Minho's hand and and I let it lead me to Thomas-
Minho scoffed playfully at your remark, but he was secretly amused.
"Oh, trust me, you understand them perfectly."-He retorted with a smirk, rolling his eyes. As you stand up and take his hand, he grins a little-
"You just like to play dumb, but alright."
He responded, chuckling before leading you towards Thomas, who was still silently observing the situation.
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Not my gif I hope you liked it<3
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maddie0101 · 8 months
Skinny Love Series (Thomas TMR x FEM OFC)
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Summary: the gladers throw the greenie a welcome party and the greenie can’t seem to keep his eyes off Blake.
Warnings: cussing, underage drinking
Word count: 1,705k
➭ Previous Chapter ➭ Series Masterlist ➭ Next Chapter
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Blake stood beside Minho with her arms crossed as the boys lit the torches before them. Her eyes scan the area around her to try and find the newbie. "Light ''em up!" Alby yells, throwing his torch at the pile of wood stacked before them. Soon, the other boys follow the elder's lead, throwing theirs in as well. The flames grow in height and volume as it crackles and pops.
Drums beat as everyone chants, smiles plaster across the glader's faces as some boys start doing back flips. Blake smiles to herself; she loves her boys. They all had become her family, and she wouldn't trade them for the world.
When she first arrived, she had been terrified—being the only female in a place full of males, but she quickly learned they would do anything for her. None of the boys had ever really tried getting with her, considering she had informed them she would 'cut their dicks off' if they ever tried anything. The small girl always had a weapon on her also, never letting her guard down completely—that enough kept them away. Nevertheless, she loved them, and they loved her. Blake built trust and respect from the boys.
As long as they respected her, she would respect them.
Blake gazed around the grassy area in search of her missing best friend. Shifting her head in every direction—before her eyes landed on him, sitting in their favorite spot.
The girl smiles to herself, walking over to him, seeing the god-awful jar sitting in his hands. She nearly cringes at the sight of the liquid.
Plopping down next to the boy, she takes the jar away before he can take a sip. She grins as she brings the jar to her lips, gulping it down. Her eyes flick over to see the boy with his mouth hanging open in a mixture of shock and irritation.
"You shank! What the hell?" Minho scoffs in agitation.
After swallowing the liquid, Blake hands the jar back over to Minho, wiping her lips. Shrugging, Blake eyes the boy playfully as he quickly reaches out to steal the jar.
"What? I didn't drink it all?" She says, teasing the boy as she chuckles.
Minho rolls his eyes at her antics. "Go. Get. your own!" He scoffs as she attempts to grab the jar again, but he moves it away quicker, throwing it to the other side of him as she tries to reach for it.
Blake giggles at the boy beside her, caging his jar away from her reach.
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A little while later, the crowd settles down a tad. The cool night air sends goosebumps to Blake's arms as she scans the area. Her head stops its sweep as she spots the greenie sitting next to Newt. The two boys lean their backs against a log as they converse with each other. Newt scarfs down his supper as Blake notices the greenie fiddling with his hands as he sits beside the blonde.
Gazing at the boy in front of her, Blake takes in his features again. His dark brown hair falling over his forehead, and his sharp jawline clenched as he toys with his hands...the veins in his hands protruding from his tanned skin.
God, that man is gorgeous.
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From across the way, Newt shifts his head toward the greenie as he swallows a bite of his food.  "Hell of a first day, greenie." Newt says, cutting through the awkward silence.
"Here, put some hair on your chest." The blond says as he grabs a jar from below him, handing it over to the boy beside him.
The greenie's eyebrows furrow in confusion at the brown liquid, hesitating for a second before raising the jar to his lips.
Blake watches the scene from afar and smacks Minho on his chest, making the boy jump.  "Check it out, greenie's trying Gally's recipe." She laughs out, pointing to the two boys who sit against a log.
Newt grins at the boy, expecting an inevitable reaction. Sure enough, the greenie takes a large swig, coughing violently when the foul liquid burns down his throat. His hand raises to his chest as he tries to regain his breath.
"Oh my—oh my god, what is that?" The greenie manages to breathe out, pushing the jar back over to the laughing blonde.
"I don't even know." Newt giggles in between breaths, continuing to laugh. The greenie gags and coughs more as he tries to get the horrid taste out of his mouth.
"It's Gally's recipe. It's a trade secret.." Newt laughs as he looks over his shoulder at Gally and the other boys hollering, fighting in the circle.
The greenie mentally cringes at the taller boy's name. "Yeah, well, he's still an asshole."
"He saved your life today." Newt hummed in response before continuing, "Trust me, the maze is a dangerous place."
The greenie stays silent for a split second as his mind fits the puzzle pieces into place. "We're trapped here, aren't we?"
"For the moment."
Newt turns toward the runners as he lowers his jar.
"But..see those guys over there, by the fire?" Says as his finger points to the group. Following the blonde's line of sight and the finger-pointing—the greenie turns to see the runners conversing with each other.
"Those are the runners. And that guy in the middle there—That's Minho, he's the keeper of the runners. Now, every morning when those doors open...they run the maze, mapping it. Memorizing it, trying to find a way out."
Hope surged through the greenie's system at the idea that someone was actually doing something. His eyes land on the only female in the glade, chatting with Minho as she swallows a sip of the disgusting beverage.
"How long have they been looking?" The greenie wonders, gazing at the girl next to Minho.
"Three years." Newt responds to the greenie's question.
Minho's eyes flicker from Blake to the two boys in front of them, noticing a certain pair of brown eyes gaze at the girl beside him. Bumping Blake in the ribs with his elbow, the girl lets out a small yelp, jumping at the jab to her side. Blake's confused eyes find Minho's.
"Looks like Greenie has a staring problem." Minho nods to the two boys in front of them.
Blake's head slowly turns as her eyes land on the boy staring at her. Their eyes connect immediately as Blake feels butterflies tingling in her stomach.
"Newt must've told him about us-runners. He's probably just curious." Blake shrugs, playing it off.
"Yeah—curious about what's under your clothes." Minho says with a laugh, earning a slap from Blake.
From afar, the greenie watches as the two laugh at something—the girl hitting Minho's chest like he said something funny. The brunette boy's jaw ticks as he fiddles with his hands.
"Are they together?" The boy asks curiously, gesturing his head towards the two lead runners.
Newt's eyes flicker up to the greenie and follow his gesture—Of course this shank would be trying to get in her pants.
Newt shakes his head while chuckling. "Might as well be, but I don't think they like each other like that." Newt pauses his sentence as he swallows a gulp of the moonshine, cringing at the sour taste. "Personally, I think Minho has a crush on Blake, but if he does— he hasn't acted on it. Guess he doesn't want to ruin their friendship."
"Blake won't get with anyone around here. I think it's because she doesn't want conflict between anyone. Many gladers pin over her, but she doesn't want anything to do with them."
The greenie's eyes flicker from Newt to the girl as he talks. Ever since he had seen her running out of the maze, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. There was something about her that pulled his eyes toward her like a magnetic force.
The greenie clears his throat as he awkwardly shifts to get comfortable, finally tearing his eyes away from the female. "How long has—Blake—been here?" He asks, testing the waters of her name rolling out of his mouth.
At first, he had heard Newt say her name, talking about her being a runner. The blonde had mentioned Blake had tried the exact thing he did, sprinting toward the maze on her first day, but the greenie had thought Newt was referring to another boy. Since 'Blake' was usually a guy's name. So he had thought nothing of it.
"Two years, she came up the box a few months after I got here. We were all surprised when a girl came up. Thought they would eventually send another up, but to this day, she's still the only one." Newt informs the boy beside him, who still fiddles with his hands.
Newt breathed out a sharp laugh, remembering Blake's first day. "Gally went to get her out of the box, but the first thing she did was sock him right in the face." He said, chuckling at the memory.
Newt had watched the girl as they opened the doors to the box; she laid on her back clutching her wrist—looking terrified. As soon as Gally jumped down and grabbed the girl—she punched him, making the rest of the boys die with laughter, including Newt.
"You should have seen it; it was awesome...but much like you, she instantly started running towards the maze and would've gotten through those doors if Minho hadn't tackled her."
The greenie's eyes finally look back at the girl, gazing at her from afar. His eyebrows knit together as his eyes trail over her face with confusion. Why does she look familiar?
From across the fire, Blake's eyes rise to once again meet the greenie's.
He really does have a staring problem doesn’t he? Maybe Min is right…
Something about those whiskey-colored eyes had Blake wondering where she had seen them from. But it's not like she can remember anything at the moment, given she recalls nothing before arriving at the glade.
But still, he looks somewhat familiar to the girl the more she looks at him.
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➭ Next Chapter
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Author’s note:
This series is complete. I am transferring it from Wattpad to Tumblr. If you would like to read the fic without having to wait on me to post the chapters, my Wattpad is: @Maddie5139
Also, if you would like to be tagged lmk!
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witchedwisteria · 1 year
for @xuoria.
when thomas pushes himself up and breathes sharp air tinged with sea salt, minho is waiting. he grips his shoulder and grins, dark eyes shining with a beat of happiness rarely there. “we took bets on who would wake up first,” he teases, gesturing behind him, and oh -
newt is beautiful; he has always been beautiful to thomas, but there are no dark veins alongside his throat and face and his face is relaxed peacefully in sleep. he is bandaged, and breathing, and sleeping. thomas falls over on the way there, dropping to his knees and cupping his face. hope and relief surges up in him so rapidly he lets out a hysterical laugh, and he feels like a crank, losing grip of everything from the sheer amount of feeling. he is here. newt is here. and he loves him.
“doctor’s think he’ll wake up soon, but they’re still not sure. he’s better, but…there’s no medical stuff here. we won’t know until he wakes up,” minho comments softly.
newt does wake up.
the next morning, thomas stirs, and peers over at the cot holding him. his eyes are open, dark eyes so familiar and so beautiful, and thomas’ heart soars, and he opens his mouth, but newt’s eyes are not looking at him and they are not closing and oh, no, please, no-
newt wakes and dies in paradise. but he never got to see any of it. never got to feel the warmth of the ocean in summer, to taste frypan’s new coconut pancakes in the morning, to finally get peace. doctors wrap him in cloth, and thomas presses his forehead against a cold, still chest and wails. it is the last noise he makes for a long time.
thomas sees paradise for one day, and then never sees it again. the warm colours fade the moment they bury newt under the largest tree they find, blossoming spring colours. thomas presses his hand against disturbed earth, as if he wants to reach down and pull his lover back up. he doesn’t even have a coffin. they don’t have wood to spare, and newt would have liked being buried close to the earth, anyway.
gally began to dig in the middle of the space in front of the tree, at first, but thomas remembers stopping him. “to the right,” he whispers. “save a space there.” because he will be buried with newt. he just has to wait in his second maze and build his own walls to cling to his grief.
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mazegays · 1 year
could've followed my fears all the way down
Chapter 14
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15
Frypan’s made some bread, fruit, and egg dishes that seem like they should be for breakfast, but it looks and smells good, so Thomas isn’t going to complain.
He knocks before he opens the door. It takes him a minute to actually look at the two of them, because he’s setting everything up, but when he does he sees they’ve got the beds pushed together.
It wasn’t like that this morning.
Or any other morning.
Minho’s asleep, or at least he looks it— Thomas knows that he tends to stay awake for a long time after nightmares.
Gally is more alert, taking his food with a nod. Thomas’s usual chair is off to one side, and he taps Minho lightly to wake him up before retreating to it. Minho tries to get a few bites down, but eventually just pushes the tray away and goes back to sleep.
They don’t talk over lunch like usual. Thomas wants to ask what the nightmare was about, but he doesn’t think Minho will respond well to that.
“What are you doing later?” Gally finally breaks the silence.
“Probably going back to the greenhouse. I’d go see if Frypan needed anything, but I’m not supposed to be standing a lot today.”
“Why not stay here?” Gally lowers his voice and nods to Minho. “I can’t help much, with my leg like this. He didn’t want you to worry more. And don’t say that it’s stupid, you do the same thing all the time.”
“I have to take the trays back first. Are you sure it’s okay?”
Gally shrugs one shoulder. “Well, Anya never said we couldn’t.”
“She also never said we could.” In fact, she’s been actively keeping Thomas away when they’re asleep.
“When has that ever stopped you, Thomas? Worry about the trays later, Frypan won’t need them for a while and you know it.”
“Minho doesn’t like to be trapped in.” He whispers. Neither does he, really, but he was fine last time.
Yeah, they’ve done this before, but not… here. Not in the medical cabin where Anya or Harriet or anyone, really, could come in at any time.
“So crawl over him?” Gally’s impatient. “Thomas, if you’re worried about hurting us more, don’t be. My broken leg is on the other side of where you’ll be and I don’t think you could squeeze Minho tightly enough to do anything to his ribs.”
“It’s bad today,” Thomas murmurs, studying Minho’s face. In sleep, he can’t hide what he tries to do when he’s awake. “He wanted to run so badly. He’s scared of the forest, or at least wary of it. I didn’t think it’d end up hurting him more.”
finish on ao3 or continue reading
Watching Thomas puzzle out what’s going on with Minho is fascinating. They’ve only known each other for a relatively short time— less than most people here have known each other— and Thomas can read him like an open book. He clearly doesn’t know he’s doing it, but as he’s focused on Minho, Thomas’s fingers are twitching, almost like a half-formed sign language. 
“Thomas,” Gally whispers when it’s been a minute. “It’s not your fault. Minho pushes himself too hard, always has. He likes to be certain of things, even his fears. You’re not going to hurt him.”
“What if I do, though? What if I hurt you both?” It’s said so quietly he knows he wasn’t supposed to hear it.
“You haven’t been sleeping well yourself, I can tell. If Anya wants to kick you out, I’ll fight her.”
“I don’t think you’d beat her without a broken leg, Gally.” Thomas teases, but he’s carefully crawling into the middle of the bed.
He leans his head on Gally’s good thigh for lack of a third pillow, one hand stretched out behind his back to grab Minho’s arm.
“Well, I guess we’ll have to see, huh?” Gally doesn’t bother trying to lay down himself— it’s too painful to move from sitting straight up to laying down by himself, and he doesn’t want Thomas to move.
“No, I know. She’ll stand there with that look on her face and you’ll give in immediately.” It surprises a loud laugh out of him, making Thomas jump.
“I think you’ve got that right, actually.”
“I know I’ve got that right.”
“Go to sleep, Thomas.” He feels awkward doing it, but he runs his hand up and down Thomas’s back lightly, trying to soothe out some of the tension.
He’s watched Thomas seize and this is what he feels weird about.
It takes Thomas longer than Minho, but he settles into a not-entirely-peaceful sleep after a while.
Knowing they’ll be there if one of them has a nightmare makes Gally feel content enough to doze off himself.
(He’ll only learn how much of a mistake that was days later.)
To his surprise, Thomas isn’t woken up by Anya or Harriet kicking him out, but by Minho flailing in his sleep.
He hasn’t had one of the lightning dreams in a while, at least that Thomas knows of.
Minho manages to catch him on the cheek, hard, and he takes a blow or two to his stomach before he’s able to catch his arms and calm him down.
“Minho, the storm is over. Do you hear thunder or rain? It’s the middle of the day, Minho, and we’re not in the Scorch. We’re in Paradise, and you’re in the medical cabin. Gally’s right on my other side, see?” Minho’s still tense, but it’s better than it was.
“Oh, shit, Thomas, I got you good.” Minho pulls one of his hands free and runs his thumb over Thomas’s cheek and jawline. “Well, you’ll match, right?”
Thomas doesn’t mention the other spots; Minho will already feel guilty enough about this.
“What was that one?” Gally asks. “I don’t think you’ve done that before, Minho.”
“The lightning storm,” Thomas answers with Minho.
“I flail every time I get it. Not so much with other nightmares.” Minho admits, looking like he’d rather not be there.
Thomas knows this stuff because he and Minho know each other’s nightmares nearly inside out; neither of them has had many of the louder, more physical nightmares around Gally, it seems.
This is one of the dreams that Minho would usually run off, but that’s not a good idea right now and he knows it.
“I’m surprised no one’s come to check on you.” Thomas says. “Isn’t Anya normally here every hour?”
“Not so much now that we’re both cleared for concussions.” Gally answers. “I’d think someone would have come looking for you.” He shrugs. Sonya likes working with him, but she doesn’t really care when he shows up, because the greenhouse work is pretty easy and not time-sensitive right now. 
“You should go before they wonder, Thomas.” Minho props himself up. “Just come back for dinner, shank.”
“Whatever you say, boss.” He laughs a little.
If they’d been in the Glade longer, if he’d been there longer, what could have happened?
 Would they be like Sonya and Harriet, seemingly unbreakable and happy?
Would Thomas even be wondering about what dating Gally would be like?
Probably not.
Thomas has been in there for far too long. He went to bring them lunch, like he does every day, and this time he stayed. 
He always looks upset when he leaves. Are they making him stay?
She can’t watch the whole time, because she still has work to do, but the door opening catches her attention.
He’s got a new bruise on his face, not fully formed yet.
She knew it.
She can’t be the only one who sees it, either. She’d talk to Harriet, but Harriet’s been buddy-buddy with Minho since they got here. Sonya’s close with Thomas, but she probably won’t want to believe it.
She has to get Thomas alone and talk to him separately. It’s the only way to stop this.
His afternoon looks like it’s going to be about the same as the morning until Rosa grabs him again.
“Rosa, what’s up?” She’s a friend, sure, but normally she doesn’t act this way. They’re not the kind of friends that talk outside of a group.
“Thomas, don’t go see Minho and Gally again.” What?
“Why not?”
“This is the second time I’ve seen you with a bruise on your face after being with them! And you’ve got bruises on your arms, too.”
Right. She’d seen those the other day.
“Rosa, it’s not what it looks like.”
“That’s what everyone says.” She scoffs. “I got my memories back, I’m one of the few who did. That’s what I told my friends before my boyfriend kidnapped me and turned me over to WCKD when I was sixteen. They’re hurting you, Thomas, you don’t have to keep going back to them.”
“No, it’s really not what you think. This one is because I tripped while running. The ones on my arms, and the scratches, same thing.”
“And the second one?” Her eyes are hard. She’s not going to let this go.
“Minho was having a nightmare. It was an accident, Rosa. He’s never hurt me on purpose and he’s not going to.”
“I said that too. I don’t know what they tell you, Thomas, but this isn’t good for you. You don’t have to stay with them.”
“Rosa— ”
“Don’t tell me you love them. If they’re hurting you, they don’t love you.”
“They’re not hurting me.”
“Then why are you always so upset when you leave the cabin? Or after your runs? I see you laughing Sonya and Frypan, having fun, but you get near that cabin and you get sad.”
How long has she been watching him? How *closely* has she been watching him?
“Yes, because Gally and Minho are hurt and in pain. I don’t like seeing my friends hurt.”
“They’re not your friends, Thomas.”
She’s wrong, they are his friends. Even if he and Gally weren’t on good terms before, they’re moved past it.
“I know you and Gally hated each other, before, and I don’t know why but that’s not a reason for him to hurt you, Thomas.”
“He’s not hurting me. Neither is Minho.” She’s got him backed against a literal and metaphorical wall. Nothing he says is going to change her mind, and he can’t get away from her.
“You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
“I’m not scared. I’m fine, Rosa. Please let me go and do my work.”
“Not until you admit it!”
“Admit what? There’s nothing wrong. Minho and Gally aren’t abusing me.”
“Roll up your sleeves then. We all know WCKD took smart kids. You’re always wearing long sleeves, I’ve never seen you take your shirt off.”
Yeah, because he has *other* things he wants to hide, not because Gally and Minho have been hitting him.
Even this time last year, if someone had suggested Gally was hitting him, Thomas would have laughed.
They hadn’t liked each other, but that’s a far cry from beating the other up.
“No. I don’t have to prove anything to you. Minho and Gally *aren’t* hurting me, and you’re going to let me go.”
Has she said anything to anyone else? Not Sonya or Harriet; they would have told him. Maybe Anya? He’d like to think Anya knows them better than that.
She has been trying to keep Thomas away from the medical cabin, but that was because she didn’t want him there all day.
“Hey, Rosa! You found Thomas for me! Let’s go, we’ve got strawberries to pick.”
Thank you, Sonya. Rosa won’t say anything in front of here, and he’ll be able to leave.
“Thomas will have time to talk to you later. He’s got to work now.”
“And I’m bringing Minho and Gally dinner later.” Thomas winces internally when Rosa’s eyes narrow.
That was the wrong thing to say.
“Okay, Thomas, I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Rosa.”
“I didn’t think you two were close.”
“We’re not. She was just wondering about something.” Rosa won’t be able to see them in the greenhouse.
“You looked pretty cornered.”
“It was an intense conversation, she hardly let me get a word in.” He should tell her.
He wants to see what Rosa does next, though. If she tries to corner him again or if she tells someone else.
Telling anyone else will probably get her laughed at. There’s hardly anyone who will believe her. Rosa has to know that.
Maybe that’s why she’s so insistent. That’s why she’s been watching him so closely.
He’s just going to have to be more careful from now on. <- 13 15 ->
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(The Maze Runner) What It's Like Having Him as a Close Friend
(Author’s Note:  In my fics/imagines/headcanons, Gladers are aged up, and also movie version...)
Quiet conversations while working or in between jobs.
Walls coming down gradually over time.  You both open up about things you’re thinking about.
You lend a hand whenever he gets himself into trouble.  Which is all the time.
Seriously, standing up for this guy is a full-time job in and of itself.
On the flipside, you will have a most loyal and trusted friend.
Thomas will keep your secrets.  He will look out for you.  You can count on him no matter what.
The slightest hint that someone will do you harm will send him into overprotective mode.  He’ll stare down anyone who says or does anything to make you uncomfortable.
He has this uncanny ability to convince you his shenanigans are a good idea on occasion.  It doesn’t always happen, but when he does manage to recruit you, it’s chaos.
Witty banter back and forth.
Sitting together at mealtimes and spilling the tea about other Gladers and ridiculous things that happen during the day.
This guy believes in his friends so much, and his actions back that.
He’s there to stomp out any doubts you may have about yourself.  He’ll give you a motivational scolding.
Newt appreciates your willingness to help wherever it’s needed.  As second-in-command, he finds himself helping out in different areas.  It brightens his day when you offer up a helping hand.
He’s super knowledgeable about the Glade, and he never gets tired of questions.  Ask away.
Laughing and joking around at bonfires.
Playful teasing and taunts.
There’s also some joking flirts.  Silly pet names spoken with light-hearted sarcasm.  It’s his love language.
He’s so full of sass, but can turn around and be serious around others when trying to be tough.
With that being said, he likes to be taken seriously by others.  He saves the jokes for his closest friends, but doesn’t do it in front of Greenies.  There’s a time and place in his mind.
He’s the Keeper of the Runners, so he’s usually gone most of the day.  He’ll rely on you to fill him in on anything that took place during the day - unless of course you’re a Runner too.
You also get a heads up on progress made in the Maze.  You know more than you probably should about what’s going on.
In the very beginning, he’s like “oh great, a girl greenie” *sarcasm*
You’re so eager to prove yourself, to do your part, and you do in fact start to grow on him.
He realizes that he had some unfair preconceived notions about having a girl in the Glade, and he comes to respect you.  His respect is bestowed on very few, so don’t take it lightly.
He’ll lighten up a bit and not be quite so gruff.  He still picks on you, but it’s more good-natured and genuine, and it’s usually a cover to distract you from the fact that he’s helping.
“Sheesh.  Move over, Greenie.  You’re going to break your back doing that by yourself.”
Values your opinions and really takes them to heart.  While he’ll tell anyone else to quit complaining or take their ideas elsewhere, he’ll listen to you.  If anyone gives him klunk about being a softie, he gives them a death glare.
He picks on you, but won’t stand for anyone else doing it.
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Kids in love
Pairings | Newt x f!reader
Warnings | kissing, friends to lovers, harassment (not from Newt), smut, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), swearing
Word count | 1.9k
Summary | Newt's the only one that listens to you, the only girl in a group of boys
A/n | this is set about a year to a year-and-a-half into the maze, so well before Thomas and Chuck and Teresa
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You sighed, a heavy breath that fell from your lips as if it was weighed down by something.
"You alright, love?" Newt smirked from beside you, the carefree grin on his lips making your own tug up into a smile.
"I'm good." You said as Newt plopped down beside you behind the log.
"You know I don't believe that for a bloody second." Newt mused, and you sighed again. "Spill it." Newt demanded playfully and you rolled your eyes.
"Oh piss off, you're getting bossy now Alby has you as second-in-command." You teased, nudging his arm with your shoulder. You both chuckled.
"Good that. Now, tell me what's up before I make you." Newt said and you gave him a weak smile.
"I've been getting an odd feeling from Jack," Newt frowned at the mention of the boy, one of the slicers who really didn't seem right in the head. To anyone. "He's been eyeing me up like I'm one of those pigs the shucking creators send up." You admitted.
"I'll keep an eye on it. That shank - or any other shank, for that matter - makes you feel uncomfortable and you find me, okay?" Newt pressed with a raised brow. You mirrored him for a moment before finally giving in.
"Oh alright." You conceded, resting your head on Newt's shoulder. "You're a good friend, you know that?" You mumbled after a moment of comfortable silence.
"Huh?" Newt replied.
"You're a good friend. You always make sure I'm safe." You repeated yourself and Newt flushed pink.
"I gotta make sure the only girl in here doesn't get picked on," Newt said, "after all - who else would make fun of me day and night." Newt smiled and you laughed with him.
"Really. Thank you for standing up for me. Sometimes it can get overwhelming being the only girl in this shank place. No one really listens - except you." You confessed.
Newt didn't respond. He was preoccupied, his eyes flitting between your lips and your eyes. His grip on the bottle of Gally's ghastly concoction failed and it fell into the grass with a soft thunk, and you found yourself slowly leaning in.
His lips were chapped, slightly rough against your own as they locked together. His tongue was like velvet though, caressing every inch of your mouth he could reach. Newt's hand slowly splayed over your throat, whilst the other rested on your hip, massaging slightly.
You moaned, tangling your fingers into his messy, blonde hair as you leant further into him.
You were both panting as you pulled away, lips barely swollen from the kiss.
"Good that." Newt grinned, lips stretched almost as wide as your own.
The next day, you trudged efficiency through the woods to get some fertiliser for Zart, a dopey smile on your lips at the memory of your kiss with Newt the night before.
You swing the woven basket back and forth as you walked, humming a happy tune until you reached the spot.
"Nice ass, y/n." You heard Jack shout from behind you as you bet over to shovelled some fertiliser into the basket. "Although, it'd look much better if your face was down in my hammock." He continued to call and you scoffed.
"Piss off, Jack." You retorted, picking up the now-full basket as you made your way back to Zart.
"Woah, woah, woah," Jack continued, wrapping a hand around your wrist, "I didn't say you could leave, sweetheart." He tutted, pushing you up against a nearby tree. You dropped the fertiliser on impact and inhaled deeply when Jack pressed the bloody knife he was carrying against your neck.
You gasped when he pressed it a little harder. He chuckled, dark and low as he eyed what you hoped was pig's blood on the knife.
"Let's have some fun, sweetheart. Just you and I." He teased, licking his lips as he surveyed you.
"Newt!" You screamed, your voice high with fear, "Newt please help! Help me!" You screamed louder, throat shredding until Jack put more pressure on to shut you up. You gasped as the blade nicked your flesh, a small drop of blood tickling the column of your throat as it sprouted from the small wound.
"Get the bloody hell off her!" Newt shouted, and before you knew it it was his hands on you rather than Jack's.
The boy was pinned to the floor by Minho, one of the other boys that tended to listen to you more often than not.
"Are you okay, love?" Newt asked softly, his hands braced on your shoulders as you breathed heavily. You tore your gaze away from Minho and Jack and placed it on Newt instead before giving him a small nod.
Newt still looked concerned, but gave you an answering nod in return.
"Okay." He panted, still worn out from running to get to you. He led you away from the tree with a gentle touch and a hand on the small of your back, guiding your shaking form away.
By the time you reached the homestead, your negs were practically jelly. You collapsed into the Newt's cot, and he knelt down in front of you as you calmed down.
"Can I touch you?" Newt asked, hand inching towards you.
"Yes." You confirmed and Newt reached out to place a hand on your cheek, thumb running over your cheekbone.
"What happened?" You swallowed the lump in your throat before answering.
"He made a comment, about my ass. Then he pushed me against that tree when I tried to leave and he put the knife to my throat and I panicked and-" you began to ramble, eyes darting around and tears welling in your eyes.
"Hey, hey. Look at me," Newt used his hand on your cheek to guide you to him, "slow down." Newt murmured and you nodded. He was seeing red right now, so how he was keeping composure was beyond anyone's guess.
As soon as you'd calmed down, Newt was crawling onto the cot beside you and tugging you into his arms, holding you to his chest tightly.
"Shhh. You're safe now." He cooed softly against your ear as he stroked a hand over your hair. And for some reason, his voice so close to you made you shiver with something other than the fear you were calming down from.
You slowly leant back, hands still fisting Newt's shirt as your gaze flicked to his lips. Your own parted in anticipation, and soon Newt found himself unable to tear his gaze from yours.
The kiss was passionate, but soft. Newt was gentle as his lips caressed your own, as if he thought you might break.
The blanket ruffled as Newt lowered you down onto his cot, a hand on the side of your neck and the other sliding slowly up your thigh.
"Is this okay?" You mumbled, hands pushing up the bottom of his shirt as he pulled away to kiss down your neck.
"Yes." Newt breathed onto your skin and a shiver of arousal twirled down your spine.
You hastily removed his shirt, eyes wide in awe at his toned abdomen. Sure, he wasn't ripped, but life in the glade definitely kept him fit.
Your hands explored his chest, touching wherever you could as he continued his assault down your neck.
"May I?" Newt pondered, looking up at you. He hooked his finger into the neck of your shirt and you smiled down at him before nodding. The boy grinned wolfishly before tugging your shirt over your head and discarding it.
His lips descended on your chest, working sloppily over the swell of your breasts before kissing down your stomach.
"Newt, please." Your whining plea was all it took for Newt you remove your cargo trousers and underwear. His eyes seemed to glisten as he looked at you, and you felt heat creeping up in your cheeks under his gaze.
You covered your face with your hands, suddenly embarrassed. Newt chuckled in amusement and pulled your hands away.
"Don't be shy, love. You're beautiful." You smiled at his words.
"You are too." You mumbled, before your eyes widened, "I meant to say you're handsome, is all." You added shyly, scratching the back of your neck.
Newt giggled with a red flush painted on his cheeks.
"I don't mind you calling me beautiful." Newt admitted, "I rather like it, actually."
"Good that." You breathed a little laugh of amusement.
Newt began to kiss your thighs, breath hot on your skin before you weaved your fingers into his golden locks to pull him up to you.
"I need you, Newt. You can do that later." You breathed and he grinned.
"Sure, love. But I need to get you ready." Newt replied happily and you shook your head.
"I'm ready, just fuck me, please." You began to beg, bucking up against him.
"Good that." Newt said as he removed his own trousers and underwear. "Fuck." He cursed quietly as he guided himself to your entrance, your slick coating his length.
"Oh, Newt!" You moaned when he bottomed out, a hand holding him up whilst his other one was intertwined with one of your hands above your head.
"Say my name again." He whispered, lips hot at your ear as he slowly pulled back.
"Newt! You make me feel s'good!" You chanted as he thrusted into you, slow but hard.
"Good girl." Newt mumbled into your neck as he began to kiss his way up to your jaw.
You rocked your hips up into his with every thrust, your head thrown back against the cot and your free hand tangled in Newt's hair.
He moaned against your lips when he reached them, before your mouth was captured in a slow, dirty kiss. His tongue rolled out, licking into your open mouth as you panted.
A layer of sweat formed on both of your skin, sticky and creating more friction as you moved against one-another.
"That feel good?" Newt asked as his fingers slipped over your clit, nimble and fast as they drew circles over it.
"Fuck yes, please don't stop. Please please please." You babbled, eyes scrunched shut and lips parted. Newt moaned into your open mouth, hips stuttering as you clenched around him. "Oh my god, Newt!" You screamed as you came, and Newt's hand flew to cover your mouth.
"We don't want you attracting the whole bloody glade, do we love?" Newt nipped at your ear as you nodded, heaving breaths panted onto Newt's clammy palm. "Shit."
The boy cursed as he pulled out of you, hand stroking his dick so fast as his hips bucked forwards.
He laughed with his high, rolling off of you. Newt turned his head to the side, a happy smile creeping onto his lips as he fixated on your blissed-out face.
"Fuck." You mumbled, eyes still closed. Newt breathed a laugh. A grin tugged your own lips towards your cheeks as you rolled over to face him, a giddy expression on your face.
"We're doing that again." Newt said and you giggled.
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keen--writing · 2 years
Summary: After finding who your crush is, Thomas decides to use that information against you.
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Once you left Newt back at the med-jack station, you knew you had a crush on the young man. It was undeniable to you and problematic. For the next week on the glade you tried to hide your feeling towards him, and you would like to think you were quote successful at it. You kept your conversations with him brief when you were around other Gladers, which hurt since you thoroughly enjoyed talking to the interesting male. Being seen with him less made it easier to avoid having explain why you would suddenly act differently around him, but lucky for you, you learned to lie. You had an answer for every question in the book.
If you blushed while you were near him you blamed it on the sun and staring or laughing was blamed on either exhaustion or being distracted. These tricks worked well to cover your secret, that was until a mischievous Glader cracked your code on the second week of living on the Glade.
You walked across the Glade early in the morning with Thomas. You spotted Newt across the way and waved at him happily as a new rush of energy filled you. Newt smiled at you and waved back, before he walked off to work.
"You like him don't you?" You looked up to Thomas, feeling genuinely confused by his question. Besides Gally's comments on the first day, no Glader has questioned the relationship between you and Newt. 
"Newt. You like Newt." Thomas said with a sneaky smile. You felt your cheeks burn at his comment and you tried not to look at the ground. Was your attraction towards him really that obvious or did Thomas know because he was one of your close friends?
"N-no!" You said, trying your best not to stumble over your words due to being taken by surprise. Thomas just laughed at you. Now that he has caught on, you could not allow him to say anything to the other Gladers. It would be the end of you. No one would ever let it go and your friendship with Newt would be over.
"You're a horrible liar!" Thomas chuckled. You quickly pulled Thomas away by his shirt sleeve and lead him over to the dead heads. You quickly scoped out the area to make sure no one was ease dropping. You had to make sure no one else is around, not another soul could hear what was going to be said.
"You can't tell anyone!" You hissed at him. 
"So you admit it?" He questioned happily with a confident smirk. He had to hear the words 'You were right', or something close to it.  
"Yes." you mumbled shyly, looking at the around as you dug the point of your shoe into the dirt. 
"Yes...."he started off, encouraging you to finish the sentence. This boy really liked to take advantage of embarrassing situations. 
"Yes, I like Newt ok! I have---I have a crush on him." Thomas smiled widely. You felt shy and awkward after actually admitting your feelings. It felt weird to admit them, even to one of your closest friends. Saying it a loud made it feel so official. 
"I knew it. You always look at him and you even have the same job as him!" Your eyes widened at what Thomas was implying.
"That has nothing to do with it!" You piped up quickly and hit him on the arm.
"Yeah sure. We better get back to work before your boyfriend notices." He teased, already taking advantage of the new information he received. You groaned, already regretting the decision you have made to trust Tommy with your secret."Fine. Minho and the other runners probably need you anyways." You both parted ways and you hoped for once in his life, Tommy would listen and keep your secret safe.
You quickly arrived at the gardens and anticipated the work that was already planned out for you. Yesterday most of your work was harvesting readied crops and turning them over to Fry Pan so he could use them in the kitchen. You were sure today's work would revolve around planting new crops. 
The moment you were at the garden, you grabbed a pouch of seeds Zart had bundled up for you and went straight to your row. You watered down the ground to make it soft, pressed your thumb into it to make a hole, placed the seed in and covered it up. Dirt quickly clung to your hands and nestled under your finger nails, but you did not mind. Getting dirty proved how hard you were working, so you wore each spec of dirt like a badge of honor. You were proud to be able to contribute to the Glade. 
"Hey there Greenie." You looked up from your crouched position on the ground to see Newt leaning against a garden trellis. He was staring down at you with his focused deep brown eyes that could have made you melt on the spot. He also tied the familiar sweater you were use to seeing around his waist and was left in his orange tank top. This shirt seemed to show off his muscular arms, so you looked away from him to avoid embarrassing yourself. You acted like you were too focused on your job to look at him. "Tommy said you needed help." 
You mumbled a curse towards the meddling Glader under your breath. He was never one to leave well enough alone and you honestly should have expected him to do something like this. Newt pushed himself off the trellis so he could stand over you and observe your work, that alluring gaze never leaving his face.
"It's ok. This is a simple task--" He cut off your objection by scooping up a hand full of seeds and carefully placing one into each pre-made dent you left in the ground. You continued this pattern as you scooted across the row.    
"So. Besides all the fighting, how do you like the Glade so far?"
"It's pretty nice here. Everyone is friendly and works together, we have plenty of resources to live off of and our own beds." You clapped clumps of dirt off your hands as you finished planting the last seed. You were grateful that the weather had cooled down since yesterday, when it was a least a hundred. Today is dipped down to eighty-five and was much more manageable to work in. "Everyone's just very welcoming."
He smiled proudly at you and was happy that you were getting along with everyone in the Glade so easily. It was a very stressful situation for most Gladers, but you still rolled with whatever came your way and tried your best to get along with everyone. He admired that about you. 
"Do you want to head off to have lunch?" You looked up at him with a bright smile and a nod. You did not even realize it was noon already since the time went by so fast. It felt like you were talking to Tommy this morning just a few minutes ago. 
The mess hall was not as crowded as you expected. There was a long line against the counter where lunch was being served and rows of lunch tables that were filled with people. You rushed your way through the line and spotted Tommy and Minho across the room when you were looking for seats. You tried to ignore them since you did not feel like being teased by Thomas, but it was too late, Newt saw them and immediately pulled you towards them. 
You slid onto the bench and Newt took the seat right next to you. Thomas sat across from you with the biggest grin on his face and Minho also seemed to be in on whatever Thomas was planning. You shot them a warning glare, which they easily ignored. 
The four of you had a surprisingly calm conversation over lunch. The only problems that arose were Minho and Thomas randomly whispering to each other and snickering. Every time they did that, it worried you since you were sure the next thing they would do was announce your feelings toward Newt. Luckily for you, they never revealed your secret, no that would ruin their fun. Instead they decided to hang it over your head and use it against you any moment they could.
After lunch, you decided to wash up and headed straight towards the showers. They were very secluded and hidden towards the edge of the Glade, which you were thankful for. Their placement helped you feel like you had some sort of privacy. You grabbed your only other set of clothes from your sleeping area, along with a towel and a bar of soap and headed straight for the showers.
The shower itself was very calming to you as you stood under the water and washed yourself. The layers of dirt and sweat that have been bothering you all day were finally being washed down the drain and replaced with the smell of your scented soap. You were so in peace you did not even hear the opening and closing of the shower door as someone entered the room and ran off with your things. It was not until you finished your shower and peaked around the wooden divider that you noticed someone stole from you. 
 Without your clothes, there was no way you could leave the room. All you could do was wait for someone to stumble by. Hopefully someone you could trust. It took about five minutes for someone to stumble so far away from the center of the Glade. You heard a rambunctious little boy passing the showers and immediately called out to grab his attention.
 "Chuck!!!" You shouted. The door creaked open and you knew it was him who was standing outside. "Chuck. Please get Newt. Tell him to bring clothes and a towel for me ok."
"Oh. Ok (y/n). I will be right back." he said excitedly. He quickly took off and less than ten minutes later Newt arrived. Newt was surely rushing to your aid and dropped whatever he was doing.
"Uh...(y/n)?" Newt questioned, knocking on the door. He quietly walked in and stood on the other side of the divider awkwardly. "I--uh-I got your clothes and stuff." You looked around the divider and see him scratching the back of his neck nervously and balancing your clothes and towel in the other hand. You never seen him so flustered and nervous. 
"You can hand them to me. Thanks Newt!" You said, sticking your hand around the divider, your palm up and waiting for the items. He placed the objects on your hand. 
"So. You just forgot your things?" He questioned, as he turned his back to the shower and looked at the ground. You were hoping he would not ask that question. If he knew how you really got in this predicament he would be livid and you could not lie to him.
"No. Apparently one of the Gladers thought it would be funny to prank me." You sighed out, slipping on your pants and shirt. Newt recomposes his normal leadership qualities upon seeing you exit the shower fully clothed.
"Bloody shanks." He cursed, upset they would invade your privacy like that. "This will not happen again (y/n). I promise."
"Thanks Newt. I really appreciate the help." You gave him a warm hug. "You are always here for me."
"You know I found out who stole your clothes." Newt added.
"Really who?" You questioned, stopping at the threshold of the door.
"Minho. I saw him running away from this direction about ten minutes ago."
You stop talking. Of course it was! Thomas probably easily talked him into doing it, knowing you would call on Newt. Thomas was trying to set you up!
"I am going to kill that Shank." You mumbled under your breath.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
hey!! i love ur work. could u do hcs for the boys fighting for the readers attention?? 🫶🫶
Of course I can.
Pronouns weren't specified so gender-neutral reader.
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SUMMARY: See above. Gender-neutral! Reader x Glader boys.
You're the most popular Glader around, and it seems like all the boys have a thing for you, so, how would they get your attention?
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, dumb teenage boys, possessiveness and other slightly problematic themes (I don't condone but it's fiction).
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Considering that Thomas moves at a million miles an hour and has Teresa (*cough* and Newt *cough*) as potential love interest(s), I don't think Thomas would actually fight for anyone's attention.
I know, I know, that defeats the point of the prompt.
But, if anything, especially in the books, Thomas is kind of actively trying to avoid attention.
And failing monumentally.
So, I think if he'd want your attention, he'd seek it out in private.
He wouldn't be the type to chase you around the Glade, pining for your attention.
He'd wait until there'd be a moment alone.
Maybe when you're enjoying your own company, chilling after a long day's work, Thomas would approach you.
And he'd get your attention that way.
In an intimate, one-on-one way.
Just simple conversation getting to know one another and some light, and kinda awkward flirting.
Which I guess is a good (and healthy) way to get someone's attention.
Good job, Thomas.
Maybe it's because there isn't much romance in the series, but I can't see Newt fighting for attention in the traditional sense either.
He's the second in command and has enough on his plate.
I can, however, see him going out of his way to offer you more guidance.
Or he'd act nicer to you and let you get away with more stuff.
He'd probably give you gifts and convince Frypan to give you more food.
He'd basically use his influence over the Glade to give you an easier time.
It'd be subtle.
And you might not even realise he'd been doing it until you'd ask Minho or somebody and it'd get spilled.
That's probably when you'd develop an actual relationship.
Now, unlike the previous boys, Minho absolutely would be the stereotype of dumb, slightly overly-cocky teenage boy trying to get his crushes attention.
He'd flex around you.
He'd crack more jokes than usual around you.
He'd also try and act cooler around you at the same time.
You'd "bump" into him at random occasions.
He'd tease and poke fun at the other Gladers to make himself seem better.
Though that being said, he would not be good at flirting.
It'd be the kind of cheesy flirting that would leave you rolling your eyes and having to stop yourself from laughing.
Though, if you'd ever flirt back, he'd lose his cool and be turned into a stuttering, flustered mess.
Not such a cool guy after all, huh?
Gally would be a problem.
More of a problem than usual.
He'd get in fights and insult people in front of you to try and make himself seem seem tougher and more "manly".
Not attractive and definitely not healthy.
You'd often grace his presence and then someone else would end up bruised and bloody.
Alby hates you.
Even though you've done nothing wrong.
He'd also try extra hard at work around you.
Lifting heavier things, barking more orders and pushing himself to his building limits.
"Oh no, it's too hot doing all this manual labour- better take my shirt off" typa energy.
Definitely more of a physical attention seeker.
Though, I think that'd probably scare you off more than anything.
Or maybe not.
I don't know what you're into.
You'd be well-fed, to say the least.
Fry would get your attention in a similar way to Newt.
By providing you with food and anything you need.
Though, he'd be more open and complimentary.
Despite popular belief, he'd probably be the best out of the boys when it'd come to flirting and making you notice him.
He's not shy, but he's not an idiot who succumbs to his emotions and starts acting really different because he has a crush.
He'd ask you what you'd want to eat.
You'd accidentally end up picking the meals for the Glade everyday.
People would start asking you to get Fry to make their favourite foods.
Like Gally, he'd put far more effort into his work.
But in a healthier way with less violence.
Definitely a sweetheart, and no threat.
Thank God.
He simply would not.
Not even Movie! Alby.
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Ahhh I'm back.
This definitely isn't my best work but I'm also working on part 2 for "on my own"- which is a lot of hard work because I have to actually follow the plot lmao.
Anyway, I hope you liked these dumb lil headcanons :))
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Come back to me - Part 2
Read Part 1 here
Newt x gender neutral!reader
Set post-death cure in the Safe Haven - you reunite with Newt
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Coarse fabric presses into your cheek. You sit up slowly, looking around and feeling disoriented. Then you realise; you’re in the Safe Haven.
The memories flood back to you as you recall watching Newt come back to life, you remember how you rested your hands on his firm, warm shoulders… real and alive.
After flying to the Safe Haven, Vince had strung up a hammock for you (hence the fabric you woke up on) in the medical room so you could stay with Newt, and Thomas, who for some reason had a shucking bullet in him. Neither of them had woken up since falling unconscious on the helicarrier, but the medics reassured you that they just needed more rest time.
It’s been a week since arriving. As you’ve done for the past few days, you emerge from the medical hut, squinting into the morning sun. You inhale the salty ocean air and smile when you catch Gally and the rest of your friends waving at you from the breakfast tables.
“How’re they doing?” asks Minho as you sit down.
“Anytime now,” you reply, rolling your eyes slightly as you repeat the phrase you’re constantly told. You know it’s not the doctors' fault; there’s nothing they can do, but it would be great to hear some other words at least.
Thomas wakes up that afternoon, shocked as all hell to see his dead friend lying in a nearby bed, very much not dead.
It’s now been over a week since you settled in the Safe Haven, and you’re idly chatting with Frypan when his gaze moves abruptly to the side, staring past at something behind you. You turn to see what he’s looking at, and your breath hitches immediately.
It’s him. Standing, smiling, alive. Your chair falls and clatters as you stand suddenly, ignoring Frypan’s fond laughs from beside you. You watch from afar as Newt reaches Minho’s open embrace and Gally’s relieved smile.
“C’mon what’re you waiting for?” Frypan squeezes your shoulder before running over to greet Newt. You walk slowly behind him, unable to believe your eyes, until you reach the loose circle your friends have formed around Newt, who is now hugging Frypan tightly.
“Alright, move on Fry, here’s the one he actually wants to see,” teases Minho. Frypan snorts indignantly as he moves aside, revealing you behind him. You let out a soft, disbelieving huff of laughter as you drink in the sight of him, and for a second you both just stand there, staring at each other.
Then you take two long steps and throw yourself into his waiting arms, which wrap tightly around you, as though they want to never let go. You press your face into the crook of his neck and shatter into heaving sobs. You buckle at the knees and both of you sink down until you’re on the ground, still holding on to one another.
No words are said as the others exchange glances and silently agree to move away to give you two some space. Finally, you pull away, cupping his face which is as teary as yours, and you smooth your thumb along his cheek. Newt laughs lightly, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch.
You search for the words to convey how you’re feeling, everything that’s been bottled up within you for the last week, but all that comes out is a soft, raspy “hey”.
“Hey, yourself,” he replies with a grin. You decide to forgo words for a while and instead focus on running your fingers through his hair and looking into his eyes.
For a few seconds, you just look at each other, both in disbelief of the fact that you’re here and you’re safe, and most importantly you’re together. Newt smiles again and pulls you in to press a kiss to your hairline, and you lean in, resting against his chest.
That night, you stick side by side, holding hands through Newt’s medical briefing and cheering together during Vince’s speech. You stand close, shoulders touching, as you move to carve the names of the people you lost into the monument the Right Arm has made.
It’s later, once everyone has celebrated and then fallen asleep, that you creep out of bed, leaving the sleeping area to sit on the sand beside the flowing tide, staring out into the ocean to help you think.
You’ve known for a while that you liked Newt. You were always close back in the Glade, and he was the one you trusted the most out of everyone. Losing him had shaken you to the core, and you still wake up most nights terrified that he’s died for real.
But, knowing that sense of loss has also helped you find your true feelings. It isn’t some small crush, the way you like Newt. It’s love. You know that you’re undoubtedly in love with that kind smile, the eye rolls, the deadpan honesty, the goodness in his soul and the way he helps everyone.
“Y/n.” And… there he is. You must have summoned him with your thoughts.
“Hey,” you say, watching moonlight dance across his face as he sits down beside you.
“Is everything okay?” He asks, sending you a concerned look with his trademark care.
You smile down at your lap. “Mhm, I’m alright.”
“What’s on your mind? You know you can always talk to me.”
“Yeah, I do,” you reply. He stays quiet, waiting patiently for you as you prepare to speak.
There’s a long pause as you stare out into the sea. “I’m in love with you,” you state honestly. You keep your breathing even, attempting to calm your heart rate before you turn to face him to see his reaction.
“I- wow.” he runs a hand through his hair and exhales.
“I’m in love with you,” you repeat, gaze swinging back towards the water. “I’m sorry if this causes issues with our friendship. I just- you had to know. I keep thinking; I almost had to carve your name into that rock. I would regret it so much if I didn’t get to tell you how I felt.”
“No- I get it. Y/n, look at me.” You meet his eyes and he takes your hand. “I love you too. And it’s not just cause you said it then, or cause I almost died. I’ve wanted to tell you forever, I just never figured out how. But I do, I love you.”
You smile at him in the dim moonlight. “So can I kiss you now?” You ask, reaching over to brush stray hairs out of his eyes.
“Definitely,” he whispers, and he pulls you in.
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The end!! Thanks for reading 🫶
Requests are open as always, new fics coming soon
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