#and Cherry was the result of putting a bunch of names on a wheel and spinning
poisonepel · 4 years
School Uniform Story Notes ✨ (1/2)
this is for the people like me who can never remember which story a certain scene you’re trying to find came from 💢 and for anyone else who just wants to know what happened 😭😭
Part 1: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia Part 2: Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia (coming soon!)
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Riddle 🌹 There’s No Drawback to Not Knowing
Ace and Cater discuss which phone cases are in style right now; Riddle doesn’t know anything about the latest trends but he’s fine with that because it makes no difference to him. When Ace tries to explain them, Riddle repeats that it’s not important and snaps at them to go somewhere else. Once they leave, he mutters to himself that he’ll look into them later.
They mention that a paper talking about new discoveries in the history of the Land of Hot Sands was published (which affected everyone’s history tests) 👀 I wonder if that involved Jafar at all
Riddle doesn’t check the results of his exams because he knows he always gets 100%
Cater’s phone case is considered trendy right now lmaoo
Ace mentions wanting a phone case design featuring creatures with “fuzzy heads and legs growing out of their eyes” (the momeraths??)
Ace ♥ Such an Honest Freshman
Ace helps Trey carry back groceries from the store, under the guise of wanting a piece of pie with lots of cherries on it in return. Trey suspects that he wants more than just some cherry pie—Ace ends up spilling that he wanted Trey to tell him which topics would be covered on their history tests.
Ace’s brother is 7 years older than him, and used to take him lots of places together 🥺
Trey usually reads or does homework to pass time at the dorm; he didn’t slack off even as a freshman because he knew Riddle would be coming the year after and he didn’t want Riddle to be angry with his grades 😂
Trey used to make sweets for his little siblings when they pestered him for them!! And he’s been helping around his family’s bakery since he was little
Deuce ♠ One With the Wind
Ace can’t decide which club he wants to join since they all sound tempting. Deuce mentions he joined track and field because there was no Magical Wheel club, which gets him started on a tangent about how much he loves those motorcycles and how he can’t believe Ace has never even touched one.
Deuce tried to open a Magical Wheel Lovers Club but Crowley rejected it
When he was little, Deuce used to get Magical Wheel magazines and admire all the models 😂😂
Magical Wheels are fueled by the drivers’ magic power 👀
Deuce loves the high-speed feeling of “becoming one with the wind” (ie. going really fast on a motorcycle, also sprinting and things for track and field)
Cater ♦ The Portrait of Rosalia
Cater tries to get Kalim and Leona to join a party to keep the lonely portrait Rosalia company. The truth is, he just wanted to put Rosalia in a good mood so she’d share what would be on the next history test with him.
Rosalia hangs in the west school building (the rose in the west wing??), near the staff room and has been there for years; she knows stories about magift tournaments from the past.
Cater implies he knows some secrets about Kalim 🤔
Mentions that Leona comes from a ‘ladies first’ culture
Trey ♣ Open Your Mouth
The Queen has a rule saying that if you eat turkey for dinner, you must brush your teeth two times that night. Ace tries to get away with only brushing once, but Trey catches him and asks both him and Deuce to let him smell their breath to make sure they both brushed at least once already; then he apologizes because he used to do that with his little siblings and it became a habit. He proceeds to give them detailed advice about brushing their teeth.
I didn’t like this one lmao it felt kind of pointless
But anyway Trey knows weirdly thorough tooth-brushing techniques, a lot about teeth in general, and has multiple brushes for focusing on different parts of his mouth 🦷
Leona 🦁 I Grew Up Spoiled
Vil needs Leona to take some pictures with him for the school newspaper. Although reluctant at first, he eventually agrees because Vil won’t stop annoying him about it. Before they go to the shoot, Vil notices one of the buttons on Leona’s vest is coming off and offers him his sewing supplies to fix it. But Leona says if he wants it fixed he should just do it himself (also Leona grew up spoiled and doesn’t know how to sew). Vil gets really salty with his attitude and says he’ll only do it because he needs “his props” to look pristine.
They’re both super catty with each other 😂
At one point Vil said the button wasn’t the right one and asked for a different one; Leona handed him a new one and said “Oh btw this is a magic button, it always comes back even if it comes off.” Vil was like “????” and Leona explained sometimes he’ll leave his clothes that lost a button in his room, and he’ll find it later with this button sewed back on again
Vil said it’s probably Ruggie who quietly sews them back on for him 😭😭 but smh Leona just replied “Oh well same deal, it always comes back”
Jack 🐺 I’ll Expose Your Crimes!
Jack smells something weird in the cafeteria and decides to go investigate. The smell first leads him to the Leech twins; he wrestles Floyd for this suspicious briefcase that they have (turns out there was just a beauty serum inside that they were bringing to a customer). Then Jack realizes the smell was actually coming from Epel; he forcibly pulls a container out from Epel’s jacket pocket and finds... several types of onion product in there (Jack hates onions). Epel reveals he’s been hiding the onions because Vil is forcing him to eat really bland food and the onions help give them flavor.
Jack suspected the smell was a chemical leak in the school and his first thought was “I won’t be able to get in today’s workout!!” sir,,,,,
His sense of smell gets immensely better in his wolf form
After they sorted everything out, Epel invited Jack to sit with him for lunch 🥺
Ruggie 🐆 In Grandma’s Hands
Ruggie comes down to the cafeteria in the middle of the night because Leona wanted a midnight snack. He finds a bunch of vegetables in the kitchen and decides to make some soup with them. Jade appears and informs him that those actually belong to him; to avoid having to owe him any debts, Ruggie offers to teach Jade some ways to cook them, since the reason Jade had left them there in the first place was so that he could ask the ghost chefs for recipe suggestions in the morning.
The awkward laugh they shared when Ruggie realized the vegetables were Jade’s tho 😂😂 I wish the side stories were voiced omg
The one who taught Ruggie all of those recipes was his grandma
Also Ruggie sings while he cooks 👁👁💖
Azul 🐙 Just One Die
Idia brings a game called The Magical Game of Life to one of the board game club meetings; Azul gets very passionate about it despite at first turning his nose up at games that only rely on luck. Eventually he starts practicing how to perfectly throw a die to land on the number he wants so he can cheat the luck factor.
Azul.... honest to god he never slacks off 😭
Jade 🐬 A Mindset I Can’t Understand
Jade is making teas in the middle of the courtyard when Kalim stops by to see what’s going on. Kalim ends up talking about teas from his home, and Jade asks if he could show him how to brew the special tea they have for guests. It’s supposed to be super sweet so Kalim insists on dumping as much sugar as possible into the cup, but Jade really hates sugar.
Kalim got so disgusted when Jade was talking about his raw meat diet in the sea 😂😂
But also Kalim 🙏 He tries so hard to help everyone but he always happens to miss the mark
Floyd 🦈 Talk with Me About Something Fun
Floyd gets bored working on a report so he decides to go bug Riddle, insisting that they do their homework together. He helps Riddle find a book he needs but won’t quit playing around with him over it. In his anger, Riddle brings up how differently Jade is compared to him, and Floyd immediately gets bored and leaves.
The book Riddle needed was called “The History of Magic Carpet Weaving”
Kalim 🦂 Let’s Get Along!
Kalim is shopping at Mr. S’s Mystery Shop for the Scarabia 1st years welcome party. Riddle asks him why he’s the one running errands and not Jamil (the reason was that Jamil was stressed with how Kalim was handling the decorations for the party so sent him away basically 😂). Kalim ends up inviting Riddle to the party; he only agrees after he hears there will be a magic carpet there.
Kalim is so rich it hurts 💀 Riddle called him out for yawning during dorm leader meetings and he said “If I yawned at Scarabia, Jamil would just get my bed ready for me!”
When he was talking about the magic carpet Kalim said “Let’s go to the end of the world together” (Was that the name of the wintry tundra in Aladdin??)
This is the one where Kalim talks about how he only eats Jamil’s food because he used to get poisoned as a child; his dad & Jamil had told him “This is the fate of the oldest son of the Asim family”
Jamil 🐍 I Mean It
At lunch, Kalim and Ruggie go get food for themselves plus Jamil and Leona; while they’re waiting, Leona implies that Jamil might try to hurt Kalim someday, much to Jamil’s offense. Later Ruggie and Jamil mull over having to work with their respective ‘masters.’
Leona’s intelligence is often downplayed bc of how lazy he is but he really is good at figuring things out 👁 This was shown in Cater’s story too.
Ruggie and Jamil having that little squabble about how they think each other’s masters (for lack of a better word) would be more difficult to deal with was kind of cute 😂
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teffyjeffy · 5 years
(Most of) JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure: Stardust Crusaders but almost everybody are kids having fun at recess.
Want a random JoJo post out of nowhere? No? Okay well here you go anyway!
A lot of the time when I was watching JJBA I felt like I was watching a very dramatic retelling of what was actually two kids playfighting.
“My guy punches super fast!” “Oh yeah? Well my guy can stop Time!” “Oh yeah?! Well, mine can too! I just discovered it!” “WELL MINE CAN DROP A ROADROLLER ON YOU” “THATS CHEATING”
Anyway, the idea started to snowball, so please enjoy my masterpost of (most of) JJBA Part 3 where the Stardust Crusaders are a group of 9 year old rascals who met up one day during recess. This is just for fun ^_^ also these are all copied and pasted from discord so the structure is a little jumbled. Enjoy!
Oh, and Spoilers are ahead.
“I can punch super fast!”
“Well I can use cameras and TVs as crystal balls, but I need to break them!”
“Mine can shoot flames, ooo ooo and-and I can control them at will!”
“Mine has a sword that can stab anything”
“No Kakyoin that’s not how we play. Youre not allowed to have an invincible attack”
Kakyoin’s introduction:
“I have an invincible attack”
“That’s not how it works Kakyoin but you’re cool, so you can keep playing with us”
The insect stand “Tower of Gray” was when the group was bothered by a fly on the school bus and they got a little too rowdy in their attempts to kill it, which pissed off the elderly bus driver. Thus the kids agreed that he was responsible for bringing the fly onto the bus in the first place. They got detention.
Jean Polnareff’s introduction:
“I have a sword that can pierce through anything!”
“Okay Jean, you can play with us, but you have to promise to stop pushing Avdol into the wood chips, he doesn’t like it.”
The stowaway girl is actually a 5 year old girl who wants to play with them and they hate it at first but they eventually warm up to her. The monkey with a ship stand was actually a retelling of the groups trip to the town’s public swimming pool. The boat was just an inflatable tube and the monkey was a chipmunk. And the original boat that blew up? That was the group’s original inflatable tube that got popped because the 5 year old wouldn’t stop gnawing at it
Later, the kids SOMEHOW convinced their parents to let them stay in the same hotel while the parents all hate business trips to go to. They “promised” not to pillow fight, then everyone except for Jean went to go get snacks while Jean went to explore the new room.  Unbeknownst to them, the previous guests of the room accidentally left their daughter’s doll behind. Jean HATES dolls. He accidentally stumbled upon Child’s Play when he was surfing channels way too late at night without his parents knowing. Fear turns into aggression and someone from the hotel staff goes to check on him. He finds Jean and realizes it’s the same kid who shot him with a water gun earlier. Jean is kicked out and the parents have to pick their kids up. Jotaro and everyone else weren’t happy. 
Rubber Soul is actually just that one bratty kid who thinks it’s sooooooooo funny to mimic other people while also making fun of the person they’re mimicking. It makes them feel “powerful.” Jotaro encounters Rubber Soul when the latter is mocking Kakyoin one day, while Jotaro is playing with the 5 year old; he then chases Rubber Soul all around the playground, and when he finally gets him, he busts his teeth in. They were only baby teeth though, they grew right back, which saved Jotaro from a brutal punishment. He was still forced to go without dessert for a month. He didn’t complain though because his mother was dealing with the flu at the time. He would give all his desserts to Kakyoin, which his how Jotaro discovered Kakyoin’s creepy habit of juggling maraschino cherries in his mouth.
J. Geil was somebody who used to play games with Jean’s sister. When she found out he sucked at party cake and teased him for having “Two left hands”, J pushes her into the mud and never plays with her again. Jean has held a grudge ever since.
Hol Horse is Geil’s “New friend” which pisses off Jean. Hol Horse, being a member of the wrong crowd, beats up Avdol and J. Geil just goes along with it. Jean is all “Avdol why are you even here, you had nothing to do with this!” And Kakyoin’s like “Should we call 911?” And Jean responds “Not yet, I need to beat up these guys first!” And Kakyoin calls 911 anyway.
The Mirror stand is just J. Geil going “Made you look” and punching your shoulder.
And Hol Horse’s stand is just a nerf gun. The reason it hurts is because he likes to get right up in your face before firing it. It’s ineffective if you’re too far away from him, because the dart bullet loses momentum and hits the ground harmlessly.
Jean eventually gets back at J. Geil by chasing him into the middle of a group of kids, then pointing up at nothing, shouting “Made you look,” and poking J. Geil in the eyes, which causes him to cry like a baby. And later, Jean is like “Oh yeah, I totally stabbed him with my sword!” when Jotaro asks him what happened.
Then Hol horse runs away because he realized J. Geil was a total loser.
The Empress stand was just Joseph’s retelling of his parents taking him to the doctor’s office so they could deal with a wart on his arm. He hated how boring the actual process was, so he pretended that he bested the wart in a game of wits and tore it asunder. Jotaro was grossed out. 
(Btw in this AU Joseph is only a grade older than Jotaro, instead of being his grandpappy)
Wheel of Fortune is just the result of a very nasty game of tag with a brat who wouldn’t leave the group alone.
Enya is the crazy cat lady at the end of the street whose house the kids were forced to pass one day when they missed the school bus.
Steely Dan is the snobby “Cool Kid” of the playground, and a sore loser when the kids don’t play the way he wants them to. So Jotaro gives him a black eye.
The Sun is a kid who likes to fry ants with a magnifying glass. But Joseph likes bugs, and seeing this made him cry. So Jotaro, Kakyoin and Avdol plot to destroy the magnifying glass, which they thought was really funny. But at that point, the magnifying glass had to be returned to the science lab, so the kid was spared. 
Or, in another interpretation:
“Hey guys, I wanna play! My guy’s power is that he’s literally the sun!!! ” 
Joseph: “Wow, that’s pretty powerful-“ 
Death Thirteen was the result of the kids being forced to deal with a baby who was throwing a tantrum while they all waited to get on the giant slide at the County Fair. Kakyoin was especially pissed. 
I have nothing for the Judgement stand.
I don’t have anything for High Priestess either.
And Iggy is still a dog, but I’m getting rid of his tendency to fart because I just HATE IT
N’Doul isn’t blind, he wears glasses and can’t see shit without them. And he has a water pistol. And he hoards the playground’s sandbox.
Oingo and Boingo are a 6 year old and his 1 year old brother and they’re just the cutest little demon spawns.
Anubis is a dog that snatched Jean’s toy sword in its mouth, and the sword’s power to transfer souls was just Jean fearing that the dog had rabies. Jotaro rolled his eyes but convinced Joseph to help him buy a new toy sword to shut Jean up.
Mariah... I dunno man, I didn’t really care for her arc and it definitely doesn’t fit the “kids playground” scenario I’m going for.
The D’Arby brothers are known for being the cheaters of the playground. So Jotaro scares the eldest brother in a game of Go Fish, and it messes D’Arby up so much that it triggers his Asthma and he he has an Asthma attack. 
Pet Shop went down as the day when Iggy had a fight with a seagull and got pecked the ever loving SHIT out of. Jotaro tells the story at every Christmas party.
The younger D’Arby battle happened on a day when he and Jotaro were playing video games together. They accused each other of cheating, which resulted in Jotaro insulting him for liking dolls before pummeling him and consequently getting kicked out of the house. Joseph gave him a high five though, so it was worth it.
Vanilla Ice was the toddler who didn’t bother to move out of the way if you got in his path while he was driving his toy mini jeep. But if you asked Jean or Avdol, they’ll tell you that the toddler deliberately puts people in his path to run them over. And the occasional dog.
And finally, DIO.
DIO was a kid who got transferred to Jotaro’s school after being expelled because the principal of DIO’s previous school couldn’t get him to leave two of the students alone, by the names of Johnathan and Erina. He was pen pals with Johnathan, but that was the only connection DIO bothered to maintain.
Jotaro thought DIO didn’t even deserve the title of “School Bully.” He thought DIO was just a weird freaking kid. Despite that, most of the kids were scared of him, Jotaro’s friends included.
DIO loved to utilize the classic “Time Out!” whenever he played with the kids, and if they didn’t abide to the time out, they got a knuckle sandwich.
Jotaro was the first kid in a long time to just say “Nope.”
That’s when he learned that DIO was a kid who liked to screech like a banshee when things didn’t go his way. As well as throw a whole bunch of pencils (seemingly from out of nowhere) at any person that he upset with.
The road roller in this AU is the closest thing to a lethal heavy weapon that you can get on the playground: a frickin BIKE. 
And DIO is like “TIME OUT SO I CAN SLAM THIS BIKE ON YOU” And Jotaro goes “Nope, your time out is cancelled because you’re a freak and also you tried to bite Joseph which was just gross, anyway-“ and he punched DIO in the leg, pushed him to the ground, and kicked woodchips in his face.
They both got expelled.
A few years later, on his way to middle school, Jotaro bumps into a kid named Josuke...
<============ TO BE CONTINUED
The Pillar Men are a reflection of the infamous day when three highschool bullies showed up to the playground. One of them beat a kid named Ceasar in a Rock Paper Scissors match; in responce, Joseph (who at the time was only 4) went apeshit. He kicked the first highschooler off of the carousel at the County Fair. Then he located the second highschooler, tied up his shoelaces, then lit them with a match. Finally, during the school’s annual science fair, he tracked down the third highschooler, who had just finished rigging a student’s baking soda volcano to blow up in his face. Joseph threw a bunch of rocks that he found outside at the highschooler, and then proceeded to lock him up in the school’s astral observatory. The first two highschoolers fled town after that, but rumor has it that the third one is still stuck in the abandoned observatory.
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sp4c3-0ddity · 5 years
Jumpstart Your Heart
it feels like it’s been a while right?? well, it’s been raining for a few days every week for about a month, so take ~4400 words of post-canon fluff (where Allura lived though it doesn’t really matter tbh). enjoy!! 
Pidge’s car refuses to start.
Fat raindrops steadily pelt her windshield, the lights in the Target parking lot blurring through the streaks of water on the glass. The chill of the winter air fills the interior, her breath misting out in front of her, and when she turns her key in the ignition, all she gets is a stuttering choking sound.
Pidge growls as her forehead falls against the steering wheel. All she wanted from Target was a jar of peanut butter and a bottle of orange juice for tomorrow’s breakfast, but all she got was stranded.
(Well, and the peanut butter and juice; those, along with a bag of cherry-flavored licorice that looked really good on the shelf but tasted awful the instant she tore apart the first strip, lay safely inside a paper grocery bag on the backseat.)
This is fine though! She was a Defender of the Universe - she was in worse situations before launching into space in a blue, lion-shaped weapon of mass destruction. What’s a little car trouble to a Paladin of Voltron?
Pidge drums her fingers on the steering wheel, thinking…she has a jumper cable in the trunk, right? Or, no, she let Hunk borrow it last time he was on Earth and forgot to ask for it back. Maybe another total stranger in the parking lot would have one - and a working car battery - and be willing to help her out? If they need convincing, she can even put on the old gremlin Pidge voice for them.
What drained her battery anyway? It’s not like she has to worry about leaving her headlights turned on when they’re supposed to turn off automatically!
Wait, when was the last time she had the battery changed?
“Quiznak,” Pidge grumbles when she realizes she’s never changed the battery. She spends all day - and sometimes night - designing some of the most advanced ships and weaponry in the universe, but her own damn car still has the battery she bought it with.
She’s going to have to call for help.
Right as the thought crosses her mind, her phone vibrates in her jacket pocket. She fumbles for it with stiff, cold fingers, expecting it to be her mother wondering if she’s home yet (never mind that she moved out of her parents’ house and into her own Garrison-issued apartment almost a year ago) only to be greeted with an alert from the weather service.
A flash flood warning for her county of residence.
“This is fine,” Pidge tells herself despite her heart skipping a beat in alarm. She’s never seen it rain this hard and for so long in this corner of Arizona; is a tsunami of muddy water about to wash across the Target parking lot and sweep her and her traitorous car away while she deliberates?
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she mumbles, scowling at her rain-streaked reflection in the window. “Tsunamis occur as a result of earthquakes, and I’m nowhere near the coast.”
But what if the dam on the river—
Pidge unlocks her phone and dials the first number on her “recent calls” list without glancing at the contact name. Her leg shakes, but she can’t tell if it’s from agitation or the shivers occasionally gripping her.
“Pidge!” Lance greets her cheerfully at the other end. “How’s it going? Not that I’m not happy to hear from you, but since when do you—”
“Lance,” she cuts himself off, “do you have a jumper cable?” Usually speaking to him on the phone leaves her a tad breathless and her palms so slick with sweat she risks dropping anything she’s holding - why does a simple phone call feel so intimate anyway? It’s weird; she calls her parents and brother on the phone all the time! - but now urgency steadies her voice.
“Right to the point, huh?” Lance muses with a chuckle. “Where are you?”
“Uh…the Target by the state highway two miles off-base,” Pidge tells him.
Lance laughs and wonders, “The peanut butter at the commissary not good enough for you?”
Her face warms - is she really that predictable? - but she muffles an irritated groan with her sleeve. “The commissary’s not open this late.”
“Yeah, I guess you could’ve just walked there too,” he adds.
“In the rain?” Pidge snorts. “I’m not crazy enough to risk pneumonia like you.”
“Hey, sometimes I like the simple things,” Lance says, “and one of those is walking around in the rain.”
As if on cue, the downpour becomes a torrent, the sky dumping buckets of water on her car where she sits huddling in the driver’s seat. “Oh, really?” Pidge retorts, rolling her eyes. “You’d better not walk here unless you want me to use your quintessence as if it’s a thirteen-volt battery.”
“Please, I know you need another car to jumpstart your battery,” Lance says. “And since you asked so nicely, I’ll even bring you my umbrella since I’m guessing you didn’t bother with yours when you left.”
Pidge slumps in her seat, tugging her hood over her face as if he’s there to witness her embarrassment when she admits, “That would be…nice.”
(Too bad an umbrella won’t keep puddles from soaking into her socks.)
“All right, hang tight, Pidge!” Lance says. “I’m already in my car, so I’ll be there in a bit.”
Huh, so some of the rain she hears is on his end. “I’ll be here,” Pidge mumbles, “waiting for you…as usual.”
“Hey, don’t be like that!” he says over the rumbling of his car’s engine. “Your knight-in-shining-armor - your very own Sir Lancelot - is on his way to rescue you!”
“Great!” Pidge says with false cheer. Sure, Lance is coming to get her, but she’s still stranded in the rain after the weather service broadcast a flash flood warning to her phone. “Just don’t die because you’re talking on your phone while driving in the dark during a storm.”
“If the Galra and a bunch of other crazy aliens couldn’t kill me, this won’t.”
Pidge runs her fingers through her rain-soaked ponytail and grumbles, “It better not, so please put your phone away and concentrate on driving.”
“All right, fine,” Lance says, and she can almost hear him rolling his eyes. “I thought you found the sound of my voice soothing or something…”
Ah, right, she told him that a few nights ago when she made the mistake of calling him after a nightmare kept her from falling back to sleep.
"It's not like I'm about to have a panic attack now," Pidge bites.
"You sure you're okay, Pidge?"
The concern in his voice...startles her; is he worried a tsunami will wash her away too?
Well, she already decided that fear is completely irrational, so she forces a smile onto her face and says, "I'm fine now that I know you're on your way, Lance."
"Uh—" He breaks off with a cough before he falls silent, the only sound coming from her phone the low hum of his car's radio.
"Lance?" Pidge prompts. "Are you—"
"Fine!" Lance exclaims brightly. "Great since my car still has a working battery! I'll be there in ten minutes, so see you, Pidge!"
He hangs up without giving her the chance to reply.
Pidge, not a little confused, stares at her phone's screen until it darkens, her brow furrowed. She's known Lance for the better part of a decade, but his behavior can still be such a mystery to her, especially of late. It’s almost as if he l—
Maybe she should just take the direct approach and ask him if anything's eating at him.
Luckily Lance doesn't leave her with enough time to really puzzle over it. His car's headlights flash obnoxiously - the jerk has his high-beams on! - through her windshield as he pulls into the parking spot in front of hers. A heartbeat later the driver's door swings open and Lance steps out, opening a Sailor Moon umbrella.
(She makes a mental note to ask - or tease - him about it later, and she won't take "It's my niece's" for an answer.)
He raises a hand and waves, his face barely discernible through the water splattered on her windshield, but she opens her door when he rounds his car.
The sound of the rain was muffled with her ensconced insider her car, but now it hammers down, pattering against Lance's umbrella and hitting her face as she turns to him.
"Hope you didn't miss me too much," Lance says, voice louder than usual to make himself heard over the rain.
Pidge raises an eyebrow and points out, "I saw you at work on Thursday." Never mind that something in her chest loosens at the sight of the smile - warmer than this quiznaking miserable weather - curling his lips...
"And yet you were desperate enough to drain your battery just for an excuse to call me for help." Lance's smile morphs into a smirk that has the unfortunate side effect of both irritating and endearing her.
Pidge snorts and mutters, "As if I need an excuse." She presses the button to pop her hood open before turning back to Lance. "Where's the jumper cable?"
Lance jerks his thumb over his shoulder. "In my trunk. Just wanted to make sure you were okay first." His gaze drifts over her, making her skin crawl with heat, but then he assesses, "You look a little cold."
Pidge rubs her arms, his comment reminding her of her trembling. "No k-kidding, so can we hurry up and jumpstart my car?"
"Okay, okay." Lance raises the hand not holding onto his umbrella defensively. "I forgot how bossy you are."
"I'm not bossy!" she retorts, but by then he's already retreated to his car, the rain covering up the sound of her voice.
But not the sound of his feet splashing through puddles.
Pidge sighs. What are the odds Lance knows how to jumpstart a car? Will he know on which terminal the black clamp goes? Will she need to show him?
Lance is a pilot; of course he knows how to do something so simple as jumpstarting a car, especially if he owns a jumper cable! But Pidge should step outside and hover near him...just in case.
Pidge winces the instant water soaks into her shoes - she should've worn boots rather than sneakers - but follows Lance to the front of her car. His umbrella handle is tucked awkwardly under his arm while he works on attaching the clamps of the jumper cable to her car's battery, his brow furrowed rather sweetly in concentration, at least until Pidge takes the umbrella.
He glances up in surprise, turning to her with wide eyes before a slow grin stretches over his lips. "For a tick I thought you were going to make me do this alone."
"Maybe if it wasn't raining," Pidge teases. She raises the umbrella over both their heads, huddling under its poor approximation of shelter.
(Lance is a better source of warmth anyway.)
Lance attaches a red clamp to the positive terminal on her car's battery and the black clamp to something metal. She trails after him to his car but can't help wondering, "You shut the ignition off, right?"
Lance frowns at her. "Can't you see the engine isn't on, Pidge?"
She smiles sheepishly and says, "Yes, now that you point it out."
"Then quit micromanaging me."
She shivers as he attaches the remaining two clamps to his car's battery, rain soaking into her clothes despite her efforts to stay under the umbrella. Her cold fingers loosen around the handle, too stiff to hold on properly, and she can't help a relieved shudder when Lance tells her it's time.
Her engine roars into life, a gleeful laugh escaping her when Lance whoops over the sound of two engines and the rain. "Perfect," she mumbles. "Now to let it charge for a few minutes..."
Her engine shudders and dies.
"What?" Pidge exclaims, her heart jumping into her throat. She smacks the steering wheel - as if that'll do any good - and groans, "No..."
A tapping on her window makes her jump, and she opens her door to Lance, sans Sailor Moon umbrella with his hood pulled over his head. "Didn't last, huh?" he observes regretfully.
Pidge shakes her head, slouching. "I'll have to buy a new battery in the morning," she says, "and..." She bites her lip before wondering, "Can you give me a ride home?"
Lance meets her eyes before he smiles and says, "I'll do you one better. You can spend the night at my place, and in the morning I'll take you to buy the battery before bringing you back here."
Pidge's jaw drops, but when she recovers - though her cheeks still feel hot enough to warm the interior of her car if only all the doors were closed - she says, "Lance, you don't have to do that. I can call my dad tomorrow and—"
"So you'll make me drive twice more in the rain?" Lance says, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow - which, frankly, looks absurd with his hair plastered to his head and water dripping down his face. "And one of those times without you to supervise me and make sure I don't commit some atrocity like texting while driving?"
Pidge throws up her hands and asks, "What are you, a teenager who just got his license?"
"Nope." Lance leans down, close enough to her level she can imagine the warmth of his breath touching her forehead. "Just a concerned friend who wants to do you a favor."
"Do you...owe me something?" Pidge wonders suspiciously.
"Come on, Pidge!" Lance rests his hands on her shoulders and shakes her slightly. "Let's have a sleepover like we used to on the Castle! You'll get warm and dry and be able to fall asleep to the sound of my oh-so-soothing voice if you want"—is he...blushing?—"and I'll even feed you. I might even have some hot chocolate mix and bread for you to slap some of that peanut butter onto if you want."
"But...I need pajamas," Pidge protests, though she knows she's already fighting a losing battle. "And a toothbrush—"
"I have an unused one," Lance says with a dismissive wave of his hand, "and I'll lend you something to sleep in. So...what do you say?"
Pidge's jaw flaps uselessly, taking in his hopeful expression and wondering if she can really make an objective decision about this with her heart hammering - does she really want to spend the night with Lance? - and with his obviously faked guilt trip.
"Fine," Pidge grumbles. Lance grins so brightly, his fist pumping, that she can't help a smile of her own.
But that doesn't stop her from warning him, "On one condition: I am not sharing my peanut butter with you."
Lance's car hydroplanes twice on the way to his apartment complex a few blocks from Garrison premises. Pidge holds tight to her seat belt, her heart bouncing in her chest until tires touch wet asphalt again.
Both times, she turns to Lance and socks his shoulder before saying, "Quit trying to kill us!"
Both times, he screeches in indignation and rubs his shoulder before retorting, "Quit trying to kill me!"
Both times, she retorts, "I barely hit you!"
And both times, he snorts before rolling his eyes and smiling with a fondness that makes her heart skip a beat for a reason that has little to do with fear that he'll skid off a cliff or into an overflowing canal.
"Relax!" Lance says after the second time. "I've got this, Pidge. I've driven in the middle of a hurricane before, so this is nothing."
Pidge crosses her arms. "You do know I have your mom's contact information and I can literally call her to fact check that claim?"
Lance laughs but presses a hand to his chest. "Oh, Pidge, you wound me by not trusting your old war comrade's words." When she continues to stare at him with her lips pressed together, utterly unimpressed, he scratches his ear sheepishly and confesses, "Fine, it was just a dying tropical storm, but come on!" He gestures broadly and adds, "We've been in the middle of space dogfights, so this really is nothing."
Pidge, in the end, can't fight her smile at the reminder - for all the misery that all caused her and her family and her planet - but she turns to the rain-streaked passenger window to hide it. "Just keep both hands on the steering wheel," she mumbles.
"As you wish, my dear Pidge," Lance says almost snidely, and she's pleased when he actually listens.
His apartment is familiar - she's visited many times by day or dry evening to play video games or watch a movie while eating takeout from that bizarre "Earth-alien" fusion place on the corner - but the walk from Lance's assigned parking spot to the door on the second floor deck feels long in the downpour.
Before Pidge can open the passenger door, Lance's hand on her arm freezes her. "Wait," he says. "I'll come around with the umbrella so you don't get too wet."
"You don't have to—" But his door shuts behind him, and Pidge barely sets foot outside - right in a puddle that soaks into her sneakers and the hems of her poor leggings - when he's there to greet her.
"By the way," Pidge says as he raises the umbrella over both their heads and she unthinkingly loops her arm through his, "what's with the Sailor Moon?"
Lance flushes, but he hides it well by reaching around her to grab her grocery bag and shove it into her free arm. "It's my, uh, niece's."
Pidge smirks. "I knew you'd say that."
"Let's just go inside," he grumbles.
They hightail it, running awkwardly standing close together under the umbrella before they give up on it and sprint full tilt, splashing through puddles with raindrops hitting her face and soaking into her hair when her hood flies off her head.
Pidge storms up the stairs ahead of Lance, and when her foot nearly slips out from under her, her breath escaping her in shock, he catches her around the waist. But she doesn't pause to consider the imprint of his touch on her, and by the time he unlocks his door and they pile into the warmth of his apartment, Pidge is shivering too violently to do much more than stand in her soaked clothes and tremble.
Lance shucking off his own wet jacket is enough to get her to move. She tugs hers off, handing it to him to hang on a hook from the shower rod in the bathroom, before kicking off her sneakers and peeling off her disgustingly wet socks and sinking her toes into the warm carpet in front of a vent blasting hot air.
Pidge shudders in relief, squatting in front of it as she combs her fingers through her sodden ponytail. She'll have to do something about all the tangles now too...
Lance clears his throat behind her, and she stands to see him handing her a towel and a set of old clothes. "You can, uh, change in the bathroom. I'll be in...the bedroom...changing my own clothes."
"Right." Pidge watches him retreat, his back to her while she admires the way his soaked shirt clings to his shoulders and shows off how the muscles in his back move.
And then he pauses in his bedroom doorway to glance over his shoulder, his eyes widening when they catch hers.
Heat rushes to her face when he turns back around and stretches his arms over his head with a groan before tugging off his shirt.
Pidge spins on her heel and buries her face in the towel he gave her. Did he do that because she was watching?
"Quiznak," she curses, her voice muffled in fabric.
Despite the chill she just escaped, Pidge splashes cold water onto her face once she's safely ensconced in the privacy of the bathroom. She's just here to spend the night, to accept the favor Lance offered her with no strings attached (for now), to maybe chat and play games with him before she catches a few hours of sleep on his surprisingly comfortable sofa.
No, she won't think about running her fingers through his damp hair or tracing the Blue Lion tattoo that peeks out of his shirt collar or feeling his breath warming her face or press her lips against his like she's wanted to do for years.
No, she won't think about damaging almost a decade of friendship for a kiss he might not want.
(But what if he...does?)
Pidge changes into the clothes Lance provided - an old, baggy t-shirt and a pair of soccer shorts with drawstrings she has to tie very securely - and brushes her teeth with a toothbrush she finds under the sink buried in a stockpile of beauty and hygiene products. She leaves her hair in its ponytail and figures it’ll be one problem to tackle in the morning.
She emerges from the bathroom and heads straight for the kitchen, intent on the snack she craved enough to leave her own apartment to drive to Target in the middle of a dreary winter storm. She locates a bag of bread in the fridge and pops two slices in the toaster before shrugging and helping herself to a Granny Smith apple. She cuts it up and dips the slices directly into the jar of peanut butter.
That’s how Lance finds her, sitting on the kitchen counter munching on apple slices and crunchy peanut butter right as the toaster disgorges her burnt toast.
Pidge offers him the jar. “Want some?”
Lance - looking comfortable in a bathrobe over his pajamas - stands across from her and raises an eyebrow. “I thought you weren’t sharing with me.”
“I changed my mind out of the kindness of my heart,” she deadpans before her sarcasm fails and she flashes him a smile. She shakes the jar and nods at the toast. “Hope you don’t mind that it’s a little burnt?”
Lance laughs. “Lucky for you, I don’t.” He takes the slices - wincing and gasping “ah!” when they prove too hot - and drops them into a plate before grabbing a knife.
They share their snack quietly, with Lance leaning against the counter beside her. And when it’s a little too much - when his arm brushing against hers makes goosebumps rise across her skin - Pidge blurts, “Thank you.”
Lance turns to her, his eyes wide. “For…what?”
She bites her lip and stares at a fleck of peanut butter stuck to her middle finger. “For coming to get me in the middle of a storm and letting me spend the night even though I live literally ten minutes away.”
Lance smiles when she dares to glance at him. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t invite you over?”
“A…sane one, maybe.”
He snorts and walks off to wash his hands at the sink. “Good thing I’m crazy about you then.”
“Yes, good—” Pidge stares disbelievingly at the back of his head, her breath catching and heat flooding her and…yes, Lance’s ears are definitely turning red. Maybe she misheard her or just misinterpreted him. He can’t possibly have said what she thinks he did. “What?”
She holds her breath as Lance turns to face her, something intense but…familiar in his gaze, almost trapping her in place. Her heart pounds too quickly as he approaches her, one step at a time, every second dragging yet passing so fast when he stands right in front of her too soon.
“Lance,” she says, and she might’ve hated how breathy it sounds if he didn’t capture her lips in his the instant his name escaped them.
He pulls away too soon, barely giving her the chance to reciprocate, but the heat in his eyes and his body so close to hers and her own swirling thoughts and rising emotion make her slow to react, her tongue tied into knots.
Until Lance wonders in a low voice that sends a shiver up her spine, “What’re you thinking, Pidge?”
“How fitting it is that our first kiss tasted like peanut butter,” Pidge says, because for some reason that’s the first thing that popped into her head.
Lance’s jaw drops - obviously he wasn’t expecting that - but then he chuckles and asks, “Why?”
“Because I love peanut butter.” She rests her hands on his shoulders and tugs him closer until he stands between her knees within easy kissing distance.
She takes advantage of it immediately.
Pidge kisses Lance in the way she almost convinced herself she never would, hungrily, with her lips parted over his and her fingers gripping his robe. One of his hands cradles the back of her head, and the other sits on her knee, his finger only just brushing against the bare skin of her thigh under her borrowed shorts.
Her heart races as she tears away to gasp for breath before finally telling Lance, “But I love you more than peanut butter.”
“Oh, good!” exclaims Lance with a dazzling smile that she matches. But he clears his throat and flashes her a smirk. “I mean…my work here is done. I was starting to worry I’d have to break you two up.”
Pidge rolls her eyes but wraps her arms around his neck and laughs while he embraces her around the waist. She threads her fingers through his hair and listens to the sound of his steady breathing, shoving away the memory of a time she feared she’d never hear it again.
Lance shifts just enough to rest his forehead against hers. “Is there any way I can convince you to spend the night more often without sabotaging your car?” When Pidge’s eyes widen, he hurriedly adds, “Not that I did this time!”
Pidge giggles and says, “Maybe.”
His lips brush against hers as he murmurs, “Is ‘I love you too’ a good enough reason?”
Pidge’s chest is so warm she wonders how she almost froze in the rain barely an hour ago. She touches Lance’s cheek and says, “Help me replace my car’s battery. Then we’ll talk.”
168 notes · View notes
feadae · 6 years
Yo so I’m gonna rant a little about the murder mystery dinner theater show I did over the weekend because I’m still in Post-Show Mode, which means that this is all I’ll be talking about for at least a week, if not more, because I miss the show and don’t want it to be over Brace yourself
So the show is called Final Cut and the story is that all the characters are B-list Hollywood stars (3 actors, a director, a casting director, and a makeup artist) and the audience is a bunch of potential backers for the director’s new movie, in which all of the characters are involved. Then murder happens and one of the actors takes it upon himself to solve the case before anyone calls the police, since being witnesses/accessories to a murder would not be good for the careers of anyone present.
It occurs to me that I’m gonna be using names a lot and that you know precisely none of these people and presumably none of these characters so quick key: Me = Cherri Pitt (ba-dum-tss) = Slightly desperate actress new to Hollywood, hellbent on keeping Eddie in line and keeping the lead role, dating Rock because he has connections, pretending to be dumber than she is Nick = Rock Stud = Leading man opposite Cherri, dating Cherri, neither the brightest nor the humblest crayon in the box Jason = Eddie Cheek = Director of the movie, stole the script and claims to have written it himself, Douchebag of the Year (played by the sweetest human being on the planet--gotta love acting), murdered second Faith = Nova DeVoe = Second lead in the movie, One Diva to Rule Them All, known for stealing lead roles from other actresses, murdered first, Rock’s ex-wife and Eddie’s ex-lover, found Eddie and Cherri sealing the movie deal as it were Katherine = Billie Clubb (ba-dum-tss) = Casting director, head of a bankrupt management company, the real author of the script Eddie stole and SPOILER ALERT the killer, the script doesn’t say so but Katherine decided that Billie’s gay--it’ll become relevant later Shannah = Quinnie Winston = Eccentric makeup artist, works on all of Eddie’s movies because Eddie hit her with his car and arranged a deal with her where he’d employ her if she didn’t take him to court, it’s revealed about halfway through that she faked the car accident and that she’s done it before and been arrested for fraud Savannah = director of the show = One of the most amazing people alive
It was a lot of firsts for me, including my first murder mystery dinner theater, and every second of it was So Much Fun
We only had two weeks of rehearsal, and even though there were some bumps along the way (missing people for several rehearsals due to unavoidable schedule schtuff; being told two days before our dress rehearsal that we couldn’t actually pull costumes from the costume closet, etc.), those bumps resulted in really fun things (one night we were missing Faith, Nick, and Jason--half our cast--so Shannah, Katherine, and I did character work with Savannah for nearly three hours, just talking through our characters’ backstories and attitudes toward various things and people and backgrounds with each of the other characters, which was really fun and resulted in us doing the same thing the next day with Faith, Nick, and Jason, which was even more fun, because Faith and Jason did the whole thing in character like they were on a talk show, and their characters are giant divas/asshats, so it was hilarious. Because of the Costume Veto, we had/got to go thrift shopping for our costumes, and Nick, Jason, Shannah, and I all went together, which was super-fun. We talked and joked and it felt really nice to become closer to these people who are all so sweet and so much cooler than me. Jason found a scooter, wheeled around on it like a giant, adorable child, then proceeded to buy it for himself along with the tux he needed for the show. I was looking for a red dress, since my character’s name is Cherri and it Works, and we couldn’t find one that fit that day, so the next day, Jason drove me to another thrift shop and we found a perfect dress nearly straight away and spent the next half-hour or so just browsing the store and chatting and if he weren’t in the most adorable relationship I’ve ever seen with Nick, I’d have the Crush to End All Crushes on him, like the child I am. That being said, I have Friend Crushes on literally this entire cast and just about 90% of the theater department as a whole. Anyway)
Like I said, the show was a lot of firsts for me, and more firsts included the first time I’ve ever worn red lipstick, liquid eyeliner, or fake eyelashes (all very fun to play with but way too much effort to be worth wearing for anything other than theater). I had to have help putting on the eye makeup; otherwise, I would certainly have gone blind. But multiple times, I was told I looked really nice, which you better know I have internalized like there’s no tomorrow (compliment people, folks; you never know, you might just make their day/week/life/etc.). This was also my first role involving sex, bc I am a Smol Bean Child both inside and out. No sex happened during the show (see again the Smol Bean Child point), but it was a big part of my backstory and a big part of why I’m suspicious. It’s established that my character, Cherri, is new to Hollywood and has had so many failed auditions that when she auditioned for Eddie (played by Jason the Adorable) and he proposed a casting-couch deal, she agreed (don’t worry--she got evidence of it so she could blackmail him if he stepped out of line), and now she’s got her first lead role in a movie. Also, Cherri started dating her costar Rock (played by Nick the Tol) at the first readthrough for the movie, and that had really fun implications for our cast because 1) Nick is 6′4″ and I’m 5′2″ and Rock & Cherri were supposed to be all over each other all night and she was supposed to be hanging on his arm a lot of the time so for half the rehearsal process my hands were up by my face, then I got 4-inch heels (which were 3 sizes too big for me--ha!) and during the actual show they were closer to my sternum but it was still funny whenever I cuddled him because it was like “here let me nuzzle your elbow, Rock, dearest” and 2) Remember when I said that Jason and Nick are dating each other? They’re the Cutest Cute to Ever Cute and I will fight you on this I get diabetes every time I see them interact out of character but it was really fun to pretend to have slept with both of them when they’re dating each other irl. I think it was our mutual friend & castmate Jamie (a different Jamie than the one who will turn up later) who called it “living the dream” when I told her, and I was only half-kidding when I agreed (It doesn’t help my juvenile brain that Jason is bi, so me dating him is a “plausible” fantasy--dammit brain knock it off).
I’m really proud of all the character work I did, though, and I loved going really deep into my backstories with everyone and with myself (I have a 12-page Word document of stuff I came up with for Cherri and I could easily have done more if we’d had more than 2 weeks of rehearsal), and I loved the guided-improv style of the show (we had less of a script and more of a sequence of events, with really important Here’s-A-Clue lines being scripted, and in between big important “scenes” we mingled with the guests in character but we had so much character work done that it was less like improv, which terrifies me, and more like a real conversation, which terrifies me slightly less). We’d done so much character work that I felt like Cherri was for the most part a full-fledged human, whom I was temporarily inhabiting, rather than a character I was playing, which I’m told is what acting is supposed to be, and it was a blast. There were hiccups, of course--improv’s not my strong suit, and I did sort of procrastinate on memorizing the scripted lines I did have--but it was all still super fun, and the show went really well! 
More miscellaneous memories:
-The time Faith was helping me fix my hair and just looked me in the face and said “Cali, you’re so pretty” and I Melted -The few times people would tell me I looked great in Cherri’s dress (you better know I internalized that shit) -The lift that wasn’t (at the end of the show, after the killer is revealed and apprehended, I’m supposed to leap into Rock’s arms and proclaim him my hero. Remember, Rock is 6′4″, I’m 5′2″, and I’m in a floor-length, close-to-the-legs dress and 4-inch heels that are 3 sizes too big. That ain’t gonna work. So we changed it to a ballroom-dance lift where I’d be on his hip and he’d spin me around then put me back down instead of me being in his arms and kissing him the way the script says (cue sigh of relief because I’ve never kissed anyone before onstage or off and I didn’t want to subject poor Nick to what I’m sure would Not have been a Good Time). Then we tried it in costume and between me not being able to jump in the Hell Heels and Nick not being able to get a steady hold of me, we decided to just cut the lift altogether and just hug each other instead) -The stage fall that wasn’t (nearer the beginning of the show, a kerfuffle is heard offstage: Rock says, “What are you doing? No!” And screams and you hear an explosion and Rock throws himself into the room as though thrown back by the explosion. He pretend-dies and freaks us all out, then reveals that it was a prank and Eddie threatens to fire him for it. When we started rehearsals, poor Nick was understandably apprehensive about throwing himself onto the hard-wood (or whatever the heck that substance is) floor, since he’s so Tol and he says he wasn’t very good at stage falls in Movement (I refuse to believe there is anything this Angel is not good at, but I digress). So we ended up having him crawl onstage as though mortally wounded, which we decided was funnier anyway, since it took so long and was exactly the kind of extra Nick had decided Rock was) -The dumb names that our audience members wrote on the name cards we gave them and with which we had to address them all night (including but not limited to Captain Schmitty Jones, Two-Tap Shakur, Me No, Schnitzel, and Dr. Dixmal--I had fun appealing to “Dr. Dixmal” when Nova died; I looked right at him and said, “You’re a doctor! Do something!” And he Panicked. “Me No” about died laughing.)   >“Me No” later told me that his name came from when everyone was mingling around before the plot really started and Eddie had come up to him and said, “I like your shirt; who made it?” He responded, “Me,” because he had in fact made it himself, and Eddie went, “What’s Me’s last name?” Jamie (“Me No’s” real name) just looked at him and went, “No...” Eddie walked away, muttering “Me No...” And Jamie put it on his name card and that was that. -The audience’s investment in the show and in messing with us   >They had really vocal reactions to both of the deaths and to everything else.   >I was asked point-blank what was in my purse multiple times during the ten-minute window where there was nothing in it but Cherri didn’t know there was nothing in it, so I panicked and said “just lady things,” and that became a meme for the rest of the night, including when we were lined up along the front for questioning and it was brought up again and I kept insisting it was “just lady things” and Jamie (“Me No”) said “It’s okay, honey, we’ve all seen a tampon before” and started a chant of “Lady things! Lady things! Lady things!” Reacting to that in character was an Adventure.   >Jason’s sister and cousin gave all the characters nicknames, which we didn’t discover until the killer was revealed and Jason’s sister shouted, “Billy Ray Cyrus, no!” (I asked them later what my nickname was and they admitted to calling me Cherri Armpit--I expect nothing less)   >When Eddie died, he had the knife that killed him in his hand (he was stabbed in the back, though; clearly homicide) and Rock took it and later used it to threaten Billie when she was revealed as the killer. He pulled it on her and Jamie shouted “Kill her!” Billie took the knife from Rock and threatened him with it while she monologued and Jamie shouted “Kill him!”   >One person called me over while we mingled to ask what my favorite color was (I said red, because my name is Cherri and it Works) and why my dress was red and why I had “lady things” in my purse (“for...I dunno...blood??”).   >A few people asked what was on my recorder after I’d semi-privately threatened Eddie with it and after he’d stolen it from my purse but before I was scripted to reveal it to everyone, so I had to dodge the question and when they asked if I could play it for them, I ended up saying it depended on how Eddie behaved and walking away as mysteriously as I could before they could ask any more questions.   >There were a few instances during the mingling sessions where Billie called me over to insist that I could do better than Rock and several audience members overheard and agreed with her (it pained both me and Cherri to have to defend Rock).   >When Eddie died, he had my recorder in his hand and it was scripted that I go straight for it, and when I did, Jamie yelled at me, “He’s dead, girl!”   >He also challenged Rock to spell motive when Rock was saying he was going to figure out everyone’s motives for killing Nova and Eddie, and Rock stood there for a second before starting, “E...” and I ended up having to feed it to him.   >During one of the mingling sessions, Rock was talking about how smart he was, and to prove it, he said, “Did you know that there are actually two Himalayas? Yeah. One’s in Africa and one’s in Europe.” Eddie overheard him and mocked him for it, and it came back later and Jamie overheard and yelled, “That’s not even a little bit true!” I ended up having to defend Rock again, leading to me looking Eddie in the eyes and saying, “If there’s only one, why is it called the Himalayas?” Cherri was screaming inside her head; she graduated magna cum laude from Bryn Mawr, and this is what she’s doing?    >My friend Gaston came to watch our dress rehearsal, because we needed humans on whom to practice, and I need you to understand before I tell this story that Gaston is Good and Pure and Must Be Protected. When Nova died, it was revealed that she’d prepared an acceptance speech for when Eddie took the lead role from me and gave it to her, and Quinnie had to read it out loud (it was a Cleverly Disguised summary of everyone’s motives to kill her), and it hammered home just how much of a diva she was. So during the subsequent mingling session, I went over to Gaston and said, “I’m surprised she didn’t write anything about how humble she was” (I was supposed to let how smart I really was show upon occasion so that audience members would suspect me). Gaston the Good and Pure responded, “Well, I’m sure she’s humble wherever she is now.”   >There’s a scene where I lose my recorder and accuse Eddie of stealing it because he knew it would get him blacklisted if I played it for anyone, and Rock comes up and asks me what’s wrong, and I’m supposed to say, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Rock. Eddie promised me the female lead if I, well...if I...you know...well, let’s just say that he’s a strong advocate of the casting couch,” and I keep going. But in those pauses on Saturday, our dear friend Jamie took the opportunity to interject, “It’s okay; you can say blowjob.” This guy made it really hard to stay in character sometimes, let me tell you.   >So when Eddie died, he had a blood pack that was supposed to be in his mouth but was too big for him to reasonably conceal it and still be able to bite down on it, so he held it in his hand and broke it with his hand while coughing to make it look like he was coughing up blood. For both the dress rehearsal and the performance, Jason left that blood pack on the floor with the knife that killed him, which he had also been holding, when Nick and Shannah picked him up and carried his “body” offstage. At the dress rehearsal, our test audience was two people and neither of them said anything about the blood pack, but Rock pointed it out and asked, “Is that a used condom? Such a pervert.” (Our blood packs were indeed condoms filled with stage blood and Scotch-taped shut.) For the performance, while Rock and Quinnie were carrying Eddie away, several people asked, “You’re just gonna leave the knife there?” before Rock was supposed to pick it up, and “Captain Schmitty Jones” asked what the blood pack was, to which Rock responded, “It looks like a used condom. Eddie was always a pervert.” The whole room exploded (led by--you guessed it--Jamie), to the point where I almost didn’t hear Billie comment, “Well, I wouldn’t know.” (See it’s funny because she’s gay and therefore doesn’t use condoms--humor)   >After the remaining suspects were lined up and questioned, we asked everyone to write down who they thought was the killer and why, and then before revealing who the killer was, we went over the solutions so we could give prizes for the most and least correct ones. Three separate people submitted that Billie killed Nova and Eddie because she was in love with me (Katherine had decided that Billie was gay, but hadn’t outright told anyone, because the show was supposed to take place in the 1950s), so snaps to Katherine for Quality Acting and letting her character work shine through.   >One person submitted the solution that I had thought was correct when I first read the play: Quinnie killed Nova because Nova knew about Quinnie’s habit of jumping in front of cars and suing the drivers, and Cherri killed Eddie because he had broken his promise to her and given the lead to Nova and then to a random audience member after Nova’s death (and also I decided that it would have been because she hardcore hates Eddie because he’s a scumbag and she hates that she stooped to the casting-couch level and just Angst) -General fun with my fellow actors   >One rehearsal, we didn’t have Katherine, so Jason stood in for her when we had to run over the end of the show, when and after Billie is revealed as the killer. This scene includes Billie being shoved into a chair, forced into handcuffs, and screaming and kicking in frustration after she’s caught. The sounds and facial expressions Jason made were generally adorable and hilarious (he has one sound in particular that can only be written down as “oh!” but is So Much Cuter and that’s the sound he made when Nick shoved him into the chair it was great)   >The script says that Cherri and Rock are very lovey-dovey with each other almost at all times, and that was an adventure at first because Nick is really only lovey-dovey with Jason and I’ve never had an opportunity to be lovey-dovey with anyone so I Don’t Know How, but as the rehearsals continued, we got more comfortable with cuddling each other, and it got to the point where he booped my nose of his own accord and it was Great (is this what human affection feels like)   >When we entered, we all had a quick introductory spiel to give, and in Rock’s, he mentions that he was the lead on a TV show that was cancelled after 6 episodes. The show was called Sky Fling, Pilot PI, and Nick decided to make it a running gag that Rock could never say it right, even though he was the lead in the damn thing. So I made it a running gag that every time Rock stumbled on it, Cherri would say quietly, “Sky Fling, Pilot PI, dear.” To which Nick/Rock responded by patting me on the head and telling anyone who was listening, “She’s so cute when she tries.” And like it was a dick move for Rock, and Cherri hated it, and I’m not usually a fan of being patted on the head (which has actually happened to me before, very condescendingly, and I hated it), but I kinda liked it when Nick/Rock did it??   >Our introductory spiels weren’t in the script; we had to come up with them, and when I improvised mine the first time we did it, it was a bit of a trainwreck, so that night after rehearsal I wrote a speech up and sent it to the director for editing and she said it was great and didn’t need to be edited, so that was Validating as Heck   >Backstory: there’s a scene before Nova’s death when she says one too many rude things about me and I run up and shove her and say, “I heard the horrible things you said about me!” Then she proceeds to continue to be a terrible human being and says loudly enough for the whole room to hear, “We could have even been friends if I hadn’t found you with Eddie in my bed.” I lose it and try to strangle her, shouting, “Take it back!” because this is the first time it’s revealed for the whole audience to hear that I slept with Eddie (this is after I confront him with the recorder, but that’s quiet and only implies that we slept together). So, during one of the last rehearsals, while Rock is monologuing about how Nova’s body had red marks on her neck, so she must have been strangled, I felt someone’s eyes on me and found Billie staring pointedly at me, which was legitimately terrifying, so of course we had to put it into the actual show.   >During the dress rehearsal on Friday, I had a real live good improv moment! During one of our mingling sessions, Billie got fed up with me and said that I was nothing special, because there had been a thousand new, desperate actresses to whom Eddie had given the casting-couch deal. She said to me, “There are a thousand Cherri Pitts out there.” Without even thinking, I innocently tilted my head and said, “No, I’m the only one called Cherri Pitt.” Savannah told me afterward that she had had to physically restrain herself from cackling when I’d said that, so that felt really good.   >The performance on Saturday night was the first time we’d run the killer reveal with actual (plastic) handcuffs, and it turned out to be an adventure. Quinnie spent at least a whole minute, if not longer, trying to get one of Billie’s hands cuffed, and then was struggling so hard with the other hand that Rock had to help her (I desperately wanted to help, but I was supposed to stay on the other end of the room so I could run to Rock all dramatic-and-romantic-like after Billie was cuffed), and when they finally got her cuffed, there was enough time for the audience to applaud just a little, and then Billie tried resisting and yanked herself right out of the cuffs, so I gave up on my blocking and went over there and ended up just hovering uselessly while Quinnie just held Billie in place while Rock gave his triumphant monologue, ending with “Who’s the moron now, Billie Clubb?” Our dear friend Jamie chimed in with “Still you, dude.” I ended up only crossing a couple of feet to declare Rock my hero instead of the whole room. Dramatic.   >So, by now you know that the recorder on which I recorded Eddie’s arrangement with me is pretty dang important to the plot. Well, for the whole rehearsal process, I’d been using my phone as a stand-in for it, assuming we’d have one in the prop closet which we could pull and I would use and it would be great. Not so--the closest thing the prop closet had to a cassette recorder was this big-ass boombox that must have been two feet across and weighed as much as a small dog. For the performance itself, Faith lent me a cassette player she had, and that fit in my purse and it was fine, but for the dress rehearsal, I got to run and get this behemoth for my big reveal for Eddie, and poor Jason had to drag it in with him when he died, and he had to pretend that Eddie hadn’t seen me recording us with it!   >In the ending scene, when it’s revealed that Billie is the killer, she takes the knife that she used to kill Eddie back from Rock and holds Rock at knifepoint while she monologues and explains that Nova’s death was an accident but she meant to kill Eddie 100% and why she didn’t care that Nova was dead and why she killed Eddie and yada yada yada. Then at the end of all that, Rock rushes her and forces her to stab him, and he “dies,” and it looks real and I rush to him and cry over his “body” while Quinnie tries to keep Billie from escaping, and it’s revealed that Rock isn’t really dead, there’s a callback to his first fake death, it’s great. But this onstage death-by-stabbing means that we need a retractable knife. The only retractable knife we have is at least a decade old and on its last leg. So in Billie and Rock’s struggle for the knife during the dress rehearsal, it breaks before Billie’s had the chance to stab the blood bag Rock’s got in his shirt pocket. This means that Billie, panicking a little bit, starts trying to punch his blood bag open before giving up and sprinting off and the show continues as normally as it can. During the actual performance, we used another fake knife which wasn’t retractable, since the retractable one broke, and I couldn’t see whether or not Rock’s blood bag had broken properly because of where I was standing, so just to be sure, when I threw myself onto his body, I made sure to hit the blood bag. This was when I discovered that it had in fact broken and sprayed blood all over Rock just like it had been supposed to do. So I had fake blood on my dress and hands and arms and in my hair, and when I threw myself onto Nick, I heard the poor guy go “oof,” because he wasn’t expecting me to hurl myself on him with that much force. Sorry, Nick.   >So, it’s been established that Eddie, Douchebag Director of the Year, was played by Jason, the Sweetest and Purest Human Being to Ever Grace the Planet. One of the notes he got from Savannah on Friday after the dress rehearsal was to be even sleazier and grosser than ever before for the performance, because when he died, she hadn’t felt like “Good, Eddie’s dead;” she’d gone “Awh, Jason died.” So on Saturday, while we were waiting for people to show up and starting to get into character and all that, this precious bean came up to me and asked in the politest manner you could possibly ask this question if he could slap my ass just to show how sleazy and gross Eddie is. This precious ray of sunshine and purity couldn’t even say the words “slap your [ass/butt/whatever he says, idk];” he had to mime it and say, “you know...” Now, the most intimate thing I’ve ever done with anyone is a Congratulations-On-Doing-Well-In-Your-Show Hug, so I panicked a little bit on the inside, but what I told him was, “It’ll make both Cherri and me really uncomfortable, but it’s 100% in character for Eddie, so yes. Go for it.” He looked unsure because I’d said that it’d make me uncomfortable (the BEAN), but I reassured him that I’d given him permission, so it was okay, and we agreed that he’d do it. So I was on tenderhooks the whole show waiting for that to happen, and then the grossest thing he did the whole show was get really close to me and tell me I looked “ravishing” (which still had my brain going, “Well, mark me down as scared and horny!”) and hug me mock-protectively when Nova called me “tainted goods” (I wasn’t expecting that, and neither was Cherri, and oh boy was it startling). I asked him about the absent ass-slap after the show, and he told me what had happened: there’s a bit where Eddie’s gone for a few minutes and right when we start to wonder where he is, he comes back in with women’s lingerie on over his shirt and pants, and he explains that he wanted to try it because he saw Ed Wood, Jr. do it and because it helps him relax, but he assures the audience that he’s still “all man, all right.” He had been getting closer and closer to me during this bit, and I had walked away to give him room and because I felt like that’s what Cherri would have done, since, you know, she’s slept with this sleazeball and hardcore regrets it and would rather not be closer to him than necessary. Jason told me that he was getting closer to me so that he could slap my ass on the words “all man, all right,” and I had walked away. So that happened.   >Cherri’s supposed to be pretending to be dumb the whole show, with little bits of how smart she really is leaking through at key points, and I was kind of struggling with the dumb act for a while, especially with physicality and voice (bc my voice is v low & I naturally stand up hecka straight, and neither of those things is true for Cherri’s dumb act), but then I talked with the director about just what kind of voice she wanted from me and as she demoed it my brain went MARY KATE WILES AS ANNABEL LEE, so I gave her my Annabel impression and she said it worked great so Cherri’s dumb act was basically Annabel Lee but a little dumber and on the one hand I’m so sorry, MK, that I used Annabel as my basis for a dumb character, but in her defense she’s only pretending to be dumb, and also I got lots of compliments and was told it worked well, so I’m proud of myself and v excited   >On a related note, while I was getting the note that I needed to be dumber, the director told me straight to my face that I naturally walk “very strong and tall, leading with [my] chest,” and like, it wasn’t explicitly a compliment, but it still felt really nice to know that this was a thing she’d noticed about me, and I considered it a good thing (ofc when I’m not playing a character who’s not supposed to do that), and it’s really nice when people tell you things they notice/think about you. idk   >After the show, it was announced that we’re hoping to make the murder mystery dinner theater an annual thing, which is super-exciting because I freaking adore this and wanna do it more (although at this moment I’m still in post-show mode and specifically want to do this show with this cast and director again)   >There was a lot of just chatting with the folks in the cast like actual friends, which was super-fun and still feels really special to me because Socialization Is Not My Strong Suit, nor is Having Real Live Friends With Whom I Interact Face-to-Face, and this entire theater department is filled with people who are all so much cooler than me, so it’s validating as hell when these people actively include me in their conversations and straight-up tell me nice things to my face and it’s clear that they mean it and it feels like they think I’m cool too which just??? Does not compute???? But feels so nice
Sorry about the big ol’ wall of text, but if I hadn’t done this, I would just rant about it for weeks on end and end up telling the same stories a hundred times because I’ve forgotten who’s heard which stories, so here are all of them.
So... yeah.
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sweetfaerycherry · 4 years
Best Home Based Internet Business - The Secret To Success With Your Best Home Business Ideas
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The best home business ideas are the ones which can be profitable in this downturn of our market. A growing number of individuals have begun seriously looking into starting their own home business. This isn't surprising since companies all around the world are decreasing their employee base to save money and just remain in business. The amount of jobless in the U.S. is near 10%. That's a massive number of people that aren't working and the outlook isn't very encouraging. In this column I'll discus what is needed to get the best home based internet business.
The development of the Internet during the past decade has been phenomenal. Businesses of all sorts and sizes have been migrating their physical stores to an online environment in droves. Many are moving online to just remain in business! Why? The main reason is because the technology behind trade on the internet has grown to the point where it's extremely easy for clients to now see, compare costs, and shop online. And, it's never been easier for people to setup their very best home based internet business online, be it via sites, blogs, affiliate opportunities or alternative ways. Is is now simple and inexpensive for nearly everyone to take their very best home business ideas online.
Obviously, with whatever chance or program you select from your very best home based business ideas, you'll want potential customers to be interested in, or determine value of, what it is you need to offer. It's best to select something you'll be enthusiastic about, as your excitement will encounter when communicating with clients. However, establishing your very best home based internet business is just the start. Now, the work starts. The job of getting your business in front of customers. The prime property of the online world is the very first page of Google or other search engine result pages. How can you get on the first page of results when someone searches for things related to what you sell?
Marketing is the action that you perform using your computer from house to get ranked on the first page of Google. In case you have some funds for advertising, then you can pay to have your business links appear on the initial page, or have banner ads or other advertisements appear in prime property of the online world. In case you've got no funds for advertising, as is true for the best home based internet business, then you will find FREE methods of marketing, quite a few in reality, which you can use to receive your links on the first page of search engine results. The paid methods will provide results faster than the free, but the free methods last longer and pose no risk of losing money, which may occur with a few paid methods if you lack experience.
The key to success, and to have the best home based internet business, is almost entirely dependent on the efforts and effectiveness of the marketing techniques you use to get your business in front of customers. The remarkable thing is, not only are the free marketing methods very, very effective, but they can be learned by anyone and executed from the comfort of your own home. Just do a search on article marketing, video marketing and blogging and you will find a bunch of information on those techniques. There are quite a few other free techniques also. However, the key is in consistency of work. With educated and consistent attempt, you can watch your very best home business ideas triumph.
For more business ideas check out SWEET FAERY CHERRY
How To Bring Originality To Your Business Ideas
If you're immersed in the world of internet marketing, you've probably heard many times the advice: do not re-invent the wheel, follow somebody successful. But simply replicating a business idea is cluttered and may not get you the results you're dreaming about, simply because it's been done already in this manner. So how do you put in a zesty twist to your business idea?
A lot of men and women use the exceptional technique of brainstorming. You just write down, without editing, all of the business ideas you can consider. Bear in mind, you should not judge any idea at this time.
The ideal place to begin, of course, would be to consider business ideas concerning your interests and passions, things you understand quite a lot about or are enthusiastic about learning more about. Anything could work: pet care, model planes, car accessories, home decorating, knitting...
But identifying your passions and interests is just the very first step toward a wonderful business idea. Let's face it, a lot of individuals have cats, for example and find out about the best food for their cat or all about the best product for removing tics. So how can you produce initial business ideas on such a popular subject?
To your first business idea, try to stay with things you've experienced. Have you got a special idea to share with people? Something you heard while trying something new? Is there a lifetime experience you can explain in detail and through it help others that are going through exactly the exact same experience also?
The point is you will always have an original twist to your basic business idea, because nobody has gone through any expertise in the specific manner you did, with the exact emotions and lessons, decisions and thoughts...
You may always have something different and unique to say about something shared, a few small change to provide to an already existing system, a personal perspective on matters that gives you something to offer. There is your personal bank of business ideas.
A first original business idea can help you establish yourself as a brand name in the subject of your interest. But what about other subjects? What about your next business ideas?
Continue to brainstorm, using questions and associations. Associations will be able to help you identify smaller niches, different suggestions for complementing products, like a set of books or even a suite of apps, create related sites and a whole lot more beyond that. The sky is your limit, plain and simple!
The questions you can ask yourself about a business idea are, such as: Why does such a product already exist? Can I improve on precisely the identical idea? Can there be a concern of individuals who share my interests which hasn't been taken care of yet? Can I develop an easy solution to a simple issue?
Bear in mind, someone may have come up with a business idea you're interested in already, but you could always search for a personal twist of your own to include and make it uniquely yours.
Brainstorming is the trick to that mind vault of business ideas every one of us has. You can brainstorm everywhere, from the desk or in a restaurant. All you need is a sheet of paper or an open document. Let your mind run, do not hold back.
When you're done, you'll be surprised by how many new and exceptional business ideas it is possible to collect from this listing. 
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Ouma, Amami, Tenko, Kirumi and their S/O trying to cook something new and unfamiliar
How fun! Thank you so much for the request! I had a little trouble with this one, mostly because I had rewritten it a total of 7 times without feeling satisfied with my end product, haha. I want to make sure that I only give my best for you all!
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Kirumi Tojo
- As the Ultimate Maid, there exists nothing that she has never cooked or prepared before. No recipe that she hasn’t carried out and no dish or confectionery or baked good that she has not made with her own hands and proudly served. Nothing leaves the kitchen unless it meets her standards, after all. 
- So when you suggest that the two of you prepare something unfamiliar, Kirumi was dumbfounded as to what to say or do. That was just impossible. You pondered your request for a little longer. After some thought, you propose making something spontaneous and ridiculous, and, although it did not exactly suit Kirumi’s dignified tastes, she agreed to it to please you. 
- So the both of you head to the nearest supermarket, with Kirumi behind the wheel as always since she enjoyed driving. As refined and patient as she is, she would occasionally experience a little road rage and would have to take deep breaths. Because the two of you have been together for such an impressive amount of time, Kirumi has seemed to loosen up around you because you insisted. You wished for a loving partner, not a maid. So since then she has tried her best to be less of a servant and more of an expressive lover to you. 
- While at the supermarket, any time that it appeared that Kirumi was picking up ingredients for one particular dish, you would randomly pick up something unconventional and toss it into the shopping cart, flustering her. After some pleading, she gave her consent for you to push her around in the shopping cart, and vice versa. You both had fun, and came home with an assorted bunch of ingredients. Nothing leaned toward a specific recipe, but the two of you decided that both of you would make dishes out of some of the ingredients and occasionally add in something unorthodox, or even combine them with other dishes.
- In the end, the two of you ended up with:
Miso and butternut squash soup
Fried bacon slabs covered with peanut butter (Kirumi does not particularly enjoy fried foods so this was your idea)
Macaroni and cheese (but with quinoa and some chopped almonds instead of macaroni pasta)
Cauliflower disguised to be chicken wings dressed with Kirumi’s newly curated hot sauce (made with mangoes and apples)
Salty cotton candy with hints of lemon/lime (Kirumi has a cotton candy machine stowed away somewhere she was sure of it and you used salt instead of sugar?)
Chocolate avocado ganache cake
- Needless to say, the food combinations were really strange, but the two of you had a great time, and that’s all that really mattered. Also, Kirumi does not see herself doing this again and insists that you leave the cooking to her.
Tenko Chabashira
- You and Tenko mostly dined out, as you both shared a taste for healthier meals but can’t seem to prepare them well yourselves (a bunch of iceberg lettuce dressed with excessive amounts of dressing just wasn’t the same as ‘that one salad with that one dressing’ you had at a restaurant). The two of you were clueless when it came to the names of salads and dressings, despite enjoying them so often. In addition, you both never took too long to eat, and were in and out of cafes and such fairly quickly. 
- One day, she suggested that the two of you come up with your own salad dressings! It was going to be so much fun! You could even keep it in those fancy jars that everyone seems to have and everything! 
- It was a sudden and unexpected proposal, but you agreed to it. You two could experiment and have fun for a day or two and take a break from your Neo-Aikido training (she was teaching you and you would always jokingly call her your sensei). To the supermarket you go!
- While you were there, you really had no idea what you were doing or planned to do. You just bought a lot of random ingredients (mostly liquids) that you THINK would be good in salad dressing. You left the store with red wine vinegar, cherry wine, garlic, white wine vinegar, almonds, peanuts, sesame seeds, chia seeds (Tenko insisted on chia seeds because they looked like sesame seeds so why not), olive oil, salt and pepper, dijon mustard, honey, all the seasonings, red onions, rice vinegar, lemons and limes.
- Here were your end results (Tenko labeled the jars with what was inside):
Red wine vinegar, salt and pepper, olive oil, chia seeds.
Paprika, sesame seeds, dijon mustard, honey, a little salt and pepper.
Rice vinegar, red onions, lemon, salt and pepper, sesame seeds.
Olive oil, white wine vinegar, chopped thyme, lime zest, salt and pepper.
Garlic, peanuts, rice wine vinegar, honey.
- There were some hits and misses, but overall, you and Tenko felt a little more accomplished since you two invented new things!
Kokichi Ouma (this was arguably the most difficult, since I felt his was boring)
- It was around 10 PM. You and Ouma were nestled comfortably on your couch, complete with plenty of pillows and blankets since that’s how he liked it best. Even when it becomes rather humid, he insists on gathering the usual amount of pillows and blankets on the couch. It has been quite a while since he has been this calm. You were running your hand through his hair, and he purred with each stroke. That was, until, an advertisement for a soda making machine appeared on the television.
- His ears seemed to perk up just like a small animal’s, and he turned his face to the screen. Everyone and their mothers knew of Ouma’s love for Panta, a grape flavored soft drink. It was unhealthy, and you always tried to supervise his Panta consumption, much to his dismay (miraculously, he never obtained any cavities. If he did, it would be gross for you to receive a kiss from him, nishishishi~). 
- So when he discovered the existence of a machine that could produce his favorite thing in the world (aside from you, of course), at at home too, he HAD to have it. You were quite content with your position on the couch beside him, but during the advertisement, Ouma pounced off the couch and scurried over to glue his eyes to the television screen. Once it ended, he turned his head to look back at you sadly and almost pleadingly, and before you knew it, both of you were in the car and on your way to the nearest store. 
- You returned with the carbonator, some soda flavoring packets, and two large water bottles. The most difficult part wasn’t the actual making of the soda, but rather the assembly of the machine. Neither of you possessed any knowledge on how to assemble things, but somehow you both managed, and all you had to do was place a large water bottle beneath the dispenser and put in the soda packet.
- Ouma was practically vibrating as he saw the soda being made, and once it was finally done, he quickly grabbed the water bottle. But strangely, he did not put it to his lips right away. Instead, he stared at it for a little bit before handing it to you. He was looking downward, so it was difficult to hear him when he shyly said thank you, and told you how much he appreciates you for always going through so much trouble to make him happy.
Rantarou Amami 
- After finishing a movie, Amami felt inspired to cook its main dish: ratatouille. He had never heard or seen such a unique dish, and was drawn in by how colorful it was. He asked that the two of you pay a visit to the supermarket immediately, as he did not want the inspiration to slip away. You agreed wholeheartedly, as seeing him Amami this way always brought a smile to your face. His carefree and ‘go-with-the-flow’ attitude prompts him to do things spontaneously and on a whim, but they were usually enjoyable and productive things. 
- He insisted that there was no need to replay the clip, as he memorized everything that he saw, and with his basic knowledge regarding cooking matters, he also knew what was fundamentally needed. So the two of you walked to the local supermarket, picked up what you needed, and arrived home.
- Cooking sessions with Amami were always wholehearted and warm. He was always extremely compassionate and enjoyed taking the cooking process slowly, often taking the time to wrap his arms around you if you are working on something and he finished what he was doing, pointing at something and taking some food while you looked away, and planting kisses on your forehead every now and then. You had accidentally cut your hand while slicing the squash, and he immediately went to disinfect it and place a band-aid over it and kissed it. 
- For some strange reason, whenever the two of you used the oven, the smell of the food in there seemed to be strong, and whenever you would bring that up, he would always reply with, “Maybe it’s because we prepared it with so much love?”
- Once the ratatouille was finished, he brings it over to the dining table and you two enjoy it together with some laughs and some wine, and discuss how grateful the both of you are for the other.
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olivereliott · 5 years
Basic Instinct: A Ducati Monster 797 from Hong Kong
The Ducati Monster is one of motorcycling’s greatest success stories. Miguel Galluzzi’s brainchild first rolled out of the factory in 1993, and has remained part of the Bologna line-up ever since.
Even 26 years on, the DNA of the original M900 is still very visible in the Monster range—and it’s especially clear in the entry level Monster 797, the most basic yet traditional Monster in the set.
Instead of using the liquid-cooled Testastretta motor employed by its bigger siblings, it has the simpler 803 cc air-cooled mill used in the Ducati Scrambler. And its stripped-back design makes it ripe for customization.
When an almost new Monster 797 rolled through Angry Lane’s Hong Kong workshop, French brothers Ben and Guillaume Barras immediately saw the connection to the Monster’s legacy. They’d worked on a 94-model M900 a few months prior, and fell in love with its simplicity.
“In 2017 Ducati went to basics with the Monster 797,” the guys tell us. “803 cc L-twin motor, 72 hp, 67 Nm, no traction control, no riding modes, air-cooled, just ABS, making it accessible to basically any rider. The spirit of the original Monster was back: easy to ride and not a sports bike.”
Angry Lane’s client wanted a more aggressive vibe, and to retain the Monster’s pillion accommodations … but left the Barras bros. to figure the rest out themselves. So they decided to build a “tribute to the original Ducati Monster, and the millions of smiles it puts on riders’ faces.”
Angry Lane wanted to slim the Monster 797 down even further, so they started by reworking the rear. They called in their friend Tom, a local go-to welder, to fabricate a single aluminum unit to cover the bottom of the subframe and cap off the tail.
It’s a trick design that incorporates the original tail light while simultaneously tightening up the lines.
Tom also made a new battery box, which now houses both the original components and a Lithium-ion battery. The seat was shortened, and reupholstered in two different Pittards leathers by Ben. The top has an especially unique finish—it’s the same anti-slip ‘digital’ leather that’s used on the palm of most MotoGP race gloves.
The 797’s a pretty decent performer out the box, so Angry Lane left the suspension alone. But they swapped the alloy wheels out for for a stunning set of spoked tubeless items from Alpina, to give the modern Monster an extra classic hit. And Brembo Italy sent over some new brakes and master cylinders.
Ben and Guillaume also fitted a slew of upgrades that would make any Ducatista jealous. They started with a transparent oil-in-bath clutch cover from Ducabike—visually similar to an open dry clutch, but without the rattle. That meant upgrading the clutch to a hydraulic system, which they did with a CNC Racing slave cylinder.
CNC Racing also supplied a set of see-through belt covers, adjustable rear sets and new wheel axle nuts. The air filter was upgraded to a high performance one from DNA Filters, and the air box removed.
Angry Lane chromed the original exhaust headers, then capped them off with a titanium muffler from Spark. There’s also a gas cap and swing-arm mounted license plate bracket from Rizoma.
Up in the cockpit, Ben and Guillaume had OTR Performance in Germany machine up a new top triple clamp, so they could fit a set of LSL clip-ons. They specifically picked a set that was raised, for a more aggressive stance without too much discomfort. Other updates include Motogadget bar-end turn signals and mirrors, and a KOSO LED headlight.
There are also a bunch of parts you can’t order from a catalog—namely the carbon fiber fenders, side panels, exhaust shield, and a couple of smaller trim bits. “You can find a lot of aftermarket carbon parts,” Guillaume explains, “but we wanted similar carbon as some supercars: twill full carbon glossy weave, like you can find on some Aston Martins and McLarens.”
They designed the parts in-house, then sent the designs to a firm abroad to produce. Given the complicated request, it took a full three months to get the parts back—but it was certainly worth it.
For the final finishes, Angry Lane’s client originally requested a lot of black. But he also trusted the brothers to throw their own ideas in—which they did, with spectacular results.
The frame was treated to a burnt bronze Cerakote coating, and the swing arm sand blasted, then vapor blasted for a smooth aluminum finish. The tank was done in Porsche colors from 1996—a combo of black and dark grey, with bronze highlights to match the frame.
The Monster looks a whole lot tighter and more aggressive now, and it’s reportedly more precise on the road now too. But Guillaume tells us that the cherry on the cake was the message they received after the client’s first ride:
“Il Monstro just had its first ride to Shek-O and back. Rides like a katana blade and makes a noise like a belly full of lions roars. I was laughing most of the ride.”
“Thank you guys. Love it.”
Angry Lane | Facebook | Instagram | Images by Maxime Champigneulle
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titheguerrero · 5 years
More Than Just Dander
First, a sort of meta-comment in the form of a shout-out to HCRenewal's intrepid editor, Dr. Roy Poses, for his just-published analysis of what we might call "blogging: rise and fall." He sees decline reflected in publications long  devoted to health and health policy, yet now flaking off. Methinks, however, despite the usefulness of his overview of recent decades, Dr. P need not fret excessively. Water spilling out of the barrel's lip will slow down once folks come along and punch a whole bunch of little mid-section tweet-holes in it. Information still flows. (Sort of.)  In any case, surely there's overlap between blogs' and tweets' readerships. Surely well-researched and -reasoned long form still has its place. Unfortunately, hard to know for sure: it's hard to measure. Nobody's polling these folks and to my knowledge information scientists haven't published much--a quick search inside Google Scholar bears this out--that's of a quantitative nature. So we're left with admittedly rather unsatisfactory anecdotal reports on people who need blogs like ours and find their way to it. Congressional staffers you know who you are. Rightly or wrongly, I'm hopeful. Maybe we shade this a little by the suspicion that many younger social media users share with me a short attention span. Hence they come to rely more and more on quick hits. In any case, let's hope this is evolution and diversification, not just entropy and a race to the bottom. Now to my theme of the day. Yet again the dander hath risen for I've lost count how many times around what ails our health delivery systems. And so is my lunch: the gorge, too, hath risen. The miscreants' very relentlessness is nauseating. More, then, on two of them that keep cropping up here like those small burrowing insectivores in this tedious yet oddly riveting game of Whack-A-Mole. A. Chicanery at the VA: looking back and looking forward. On balance, and despite its many flaws, VA health's operation in all its enormity is not itself a miscreant. Different story for those folks trying to destroy it from within, on the dubious premise that lest we privatize it it's irredeemable. Search this blog on "VA Cetona" for detail on such matters. Why does this even happen? We've described the VA's Shadow Rulers (search here on that as well) in these pages. The SR's fall in the 0.1%. Why do they need or want the headache of trying, in what's fated to be a futile effort, to upend and hollow out the health lifeline extended for nearly a century to patriots returning from the military? When the left gets power it tries to expand and improve government. (Of course the efforts can unfortunately go awry, viz. Hillarycare in the 1990s, and cast shade on future attempts.) When the right gets power, at least in the two generations since an actor became president in 1980, government is seen as "not the solution but the problem." The response may be to try to rejigger and downsize. "Drown the baby in the bath." Or, perhaps far more likely, something else now happening in the VA and throughout the Trump kakistocracy. Namely, don't seize power to return it to the people. Seize it in order to use it in a third-dimensional play to drain resources. As for the first two dimensions, don't even try to improve--David Shulkin's mistake (see below)--or eliminate (despite Mick Mulvaney's baby drowning proclivities, hugely unpopular) care provided by the VA. Not when there's a third way: divert those resources. In fact, from the earliest instances of frontier exploitation to the newest frontier we have--our heretofore private personal information--despoliation has been the watchword, the core motive, the secret sauce: don't ameliorate. Don't eliminate. (Honestly: viz., Shrub's expansion of guvmint.) Despoliate. It is, as Shrub used to say (maybe), one of our country's most basic pieces of strategery. Such a strategy was discussed (and surely it's as old as the hills) by Times tech reporter Steve Lohr in a recent piece on, of all things, artificial intelligence. ("Elixir of prosperity [or] job killer"?) Lohr makes clear that what's old is new again, linking the asset of private data to all the other assets that've been strip-mined. "In the American model," notes Lohr, "coming from Silicon Valley in California, a handful of Internet companies become big winners and society is treated as a data-generating resource to be strip mined." As Buffy the Vampire Slayer once said, "can you spell 'duh'?" Strip mining started with the earliest settlers, and now ... data, the final frontier. Same deal, though. The American model, and economic maldistribution, and so much of our plight is bound up with this baked-in trait, which seems to've seeped into society's DNA. Or else originated there. Find a mine. Strip it. Let others pick up the pieces. But let's go back to that last credible VA Secretary. How do we know that Shulkin pissed off the strip-miners? Why, just read what he himself wrote in a scholarly publication just a few months ago in the prestigious New England Journal. In a piece entitled "why the VA needs more competition," he and closely-associated Michigan colleague Kyle Sheetz first declared, unequivocally and repetitiously, competition: good!!! Emphasis in the original through repetition. Clever. After reassuring their audience how much they liked competition they let the cat out of the bag in the final paragraph of a long-ish article: "Privatizing the VA by offering unregulated access to private-sector providers is probably not feasible, necessary, or the best way to care for veterans." That's exactly what the quietly-undermining, unelected Trumpsters pushing for strip-mining veterans' health care didn't want to hear. We know (see below) how that came out. Similar in emphasis is a piece just out (January 2019) in the equally prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine, by (no pun intended) veteran federal health official Carolyn Clancy and her own VA/AHRQ colleagues. I'm perplexed at the way Clancy herself has hung in there (and yet she persisted) at the federal agencies to which she's contributed greatly over recent decades. I'm perplexed about how, within these agencies,she's been bounced around, most recently landing as the VA's "Deputy Under Secretary for Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks." (That top's spinning so fast what I just wrote may already be superannuated news.) In any case Clancy et al. put their shoulders to Shulkin's wheel extolling the May 2018 federal MISSION legislation streamlining VA and non-VA care, and the ostensible role their new Center for Innovation might play in such an effort. They pointed out all the right innovation-cum-research caveats about the need for adequate data: "paying for value could backfire without accurate measurement of costs and outcomes." In this case they were certainly correct: privatizers in this particular world aren't interested in evidence-based anything. They're profiteers. (See: "Department of Education." See: "Department of the Interior." See: Environmental Protection Agency.) Shulkin's words saw the light of day about a month after the MISSION legislation, in the final days of June, 2018. But here's why I put Shulkin having "liked competition" in the past tense. By the time his NEJM piece appeared Shulkin, also accused of what I still deem to've been truly flimsy ethics violations, was already gone from his organization. By the end of March the Orange Man had already fired him. As a personal fiasco this was unseemly, since the VA secretary was a rare bird who both consented to be a hold-over from early administrations, yet managed early on to be a current POTUS favorite. Surprising? In this White House? In none of these events was there ever put forward any really compelling justification either for privatizing VA care or for starting with the assumptions that outside "leaders" and outside doctors could do a better job than--what with all their flaws--VA medical staff. Suzanne Gordon, a distinguished journalist and author, admittedly parti pris as a fellow of the Oakland-based 501(c)3 Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute, has just published an American Prospect piece on "Trump’s under-the-radar push to dismantle veterans' health care." Her central thesis is worth quoting in extenso.
[The Republican] strategy will not only erase what has been the most successful American experiment in government-delivered health care, but will also send veterans out into a private system that is more expensive, less accountable, and unable to meet their particular needs. The key notion underpinning the Mission Act, that the private sector can offer comparable care to the VHA, is deeply flawed. Study after study (after study) has found that the VHA generally outperforms the private sector on key quality metrics, and that private providers are woefully unprepared to treat the often unique and difficult veteran patient population. The most recent evidence came in a Dartmouth College study published in December, which compared performance between VHA and private hospitals in 121 regions across the country. The results: In 14 out of 15 measures, government care fared “significantly better” than private hospitals.
Gordon also has a new book out on this subject, as most supporters of the traditional VA system already know. Worth a look. Meanwhile the Senate and White House and those advising them clearly never really cared about quaint ideas such as "studies," "evidence," or "data." They cherry-pick a few quotes about the brusqueness of some VA care, which often is admittedly more bureaucratic than today's "consumer-facing" and endlessly-polling private-care organizations. You can find those quotes as well as I can--any search engine known to man will do the trick. Recent events on the larger political canvas make it abundantly clear, in the meantime. It's not about quality. It never was. It's about callously starting with a dismissive attitude toward government workers, then back-solving from there. Having worked for years at the VA, I can vouch for its quality as well as its struggle to assist the really needy patients who depend upon it. In fact, this new study shows quite rigorously that the VA was already dramatically reducing wait-times within multiple VA installations, right down to private-sector levels. So this branch of government has listened and successfully striven to achieve a performance level that's not just high-science but also high-touch, as medicine's "customers" (yechhh) have come to expect. The present furlough of federal employees proves the point. If you can dismiss someone as human collateral-damage, you don't start first by examining the good things they've done for you. You're an elephant poacher. Take the spoils and leave the carcass to rot. B. More on the Opiate Eaters Who Eat Very Well. Speaking of despoliators, Dr. Poses and I both wrote here recently on how, in the world of dangerous narcotics, this single family of mostly physicians, the Sacklers, garnered a much more grand market share than they like to let on. Time to add to that and earlier reporting with a few updates. When, in a different venue than the VA I was providing front line medical care to privately-insured patients, I noticed an arresting change. I saw more and more folks arrive in my office in shop-till-you-drop mode seeing opiate renewals. Always OxyContin, Percocet or Vicodin. If I didn't provide the "fill" they'd go next door. The demand built and built. The drug makers kept assuring they were safe and effective. At free dinners they paid an army of fellow physicians to regale us with the same message. Then those patients started to die on me. OD courtesy of "safe" Purdue (and others') product. Then in the past very few years, and I honestly should've seen it coming but didn't, the crisis spilled over from doctors' exam rooms into the political arena. It's actually something, unlike the VA, that's garnering a certain timid degree of nonpartisan interest in finding practical solutions, call it consensus even, starting with decriminalizing measures. But I find it gorge-raising to see the usual suspects continuously fighting the notion that as a society, we blew it with opiates. We blew it. With their help. I've spent a fair amount of time looking at similar medico-legal crises, including the far-reaching tobacco and environmental lead poisoning matters, as well as narrower ones such as evolving surgical and pharmacological approaches to certain diseases. In every case our tort system, combined with the deep pockets of those who are (allegedly) truly guilty, conspire to perpetuate Bleak House-style court battles over culpability. Strip miners seem to believe--or want us to swallow whole the absurdist notion--that they leave the world a better place. In the case of Purdue, this false consciousness is undoubtedly propped up by the Sacklers' prowess as culturati: one can hardly turn around, as I recently did at the Met in New York, without finding their name plastered on this gallery or that institution of higher learning. But the motive, be it within the strip miners' organization or that of a cultural organization, comes down to the same thing: "we need the money." Allegedly. Recent disclosures from "sources," including internal Purdue emails, clarify all this. Fortunately for us it turns out the founder's (Raymond's) son Richard was an early adopter--relatively so--of email. Both were physicians, but Richard was of the first generation to be granted an American MD. Email was barely used at all in 1995 when Microsoft first added a TCP/IP stack to its operating system, with the introduction of Windows 95. Then email really took off, by 2001 having a fair amount of penetration in the business world. So maybe we shouldn't be so surprised that Purdue Pharma was squirreling away some of Richard's pronouncements in an archival time capsule for our delectation nearly a generation later. According to a new court filing recently revealed in the NY Times, Richard Sackler said some, um, fairly incriminating things to say in these internal emails. Still earning his spurs as head of daddy's (and Uncle Mortimer's) company after a couple of years or so in the saddle, and undoubtedly aware of the dramatic uptick in addiction issues that I saw in my own clinic in those turn-of-the-century years, he allegedly blasted everyone else in sight--except, of course, his own ever-so-cultured family. "[T]he launch of OxyContin tablets will be followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition. The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white...." said Sackler fils. Based on no evidence reps were told to claim a “less than one percent" risk of addiction. As for that small subset of patients who did find themselves hopelessly addicted, the claim was to be made that “We have to hammer on abusers in every way possible.... They are the culprits and the problem. They are reckless criminals.” Now, hot off the press in 2019, the Guardian reports how this overall attitude has been replicated within the lobbyist-influenced government of Messrs. Trump and Azar. Since 2015 (pre-Trump! pre-Azar!) chair of the FDA's own Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee, Kentucky anesthesiology professor Raeford Brown has bravely characterized the rift that now mires down the FDA in tackling this crisis seriously. Admittedly with cover from many in Congress, Brown said this to interviewers.
I think that the FDA has learned nothing. The modus operandi of the agency is that they talk a good game and then nothing happens. Working directly with the agency for the last five years, as I sit and listen to them in meetings, all I can think about is the clock ticking and how many people are dying every moment that they’re not doing anything. The lack of insight that continues to be exhibited by the agency is in many ways a willful blindness that borders on the criminal.
Scott Gottlieb, who's tying your hands? Is it this guy? The FDA seems to be replete with such interlocking-directorate staff, all trying to assure  the "level playing field." And what is that playing field? Who are the players? We can answer this. Talk to the drug reps (I have). Except of course those who wake up and see what they're really doing, burn out and bail out. Talk to the lobbyists and the investors (I have). The watchword is not "safe and effective." It's blame-the-victim and lucrative. Let's get our motives straight here. You can do that just fine without listening to us at Health Care Renewal. Just listen to Richard Sackler in a time capsule from 2001. Ever wonder why the strip-miners need so much of our patients' loot? Well, take a little trip to Davos, Switzerland, where the rich and rich go to rub shoulders and tell each other how smart they are: YouTube offers a hint here. B'bye--too much dander, got to go take a bath. Article source:Health Care Renewal
0 notes
Glacier National Park & Livingston, Montana
Glacier National Park
& Livingston, Montana
Saturday - Sunday, August 11 -12, 2018
Smoky, 82°
 “Before Alaska came along and ruined everything, one of every twenty-five square miles in America was Montanan.  This much space has nurtured a healthy Cult of Place in which people find perfection, even divinity in the landscape.” (Ellen Meloy)
 Saturday - Before leaving the Golf Course RV Park, laundry was done, oil added to the RV and in about an hour we would be at the border crossing on Highway 93 in Roosville, Montana.  Border crossings can be fun or a little annoying depending on how crowded or the moods of the border patrol officers working at the time.
This little back road entry into the United States was not crowded but watching the vehicle in front go through the passport procedure gave a little hint as what was to come.  The couple in the car in front of the RV, after giving their passports to the patrol officer, was asked to get out of their vehicle and go inside for further examination.  After several minutes, the man came out and moved his vehicle so we could pass through.
 The patrol officer asked the usual questions, “How long have you been in Canada?”  “Do you have more than ten thousand dollars in the vehicle?”  Are you carrying any fruits, vegetables, or other agricultural products?”  The answers were, “about a week, I wish I had ten grand, and no.”  The officer explained that the couple in front was pulled inside for a random inspection but since they had other issues the random inspection would go to the RV instead.
 He took the passports; off inside we went and after about 10 minutes another officer came over and would go out to the RV to inspect it.  I had put a bundle of firewood in the shower to keep it dry and looking at the border crossing from Alaska into Canada there was about a cord of fire wood in “camping bundles” off to the side so I figured this time the firewood would be grabbed up by the officer.  He came aboard, looked into the refrigerator and found two and a half lemons there.  This was forbidden fruit, even though it was purchased in Alaska, he had to confiscate it.  Oh no, contraband being brought in the United States.  They were bought to help my throat irritation from all the fire smoke.  Lemon and honey plus maybe some Jim Beam to help soothe that crappy feeling over the last several months was what the hot toddy was going to be used for.
 After the identity check and confiscation of the wayward fruit we were allowed to enter the USA! 
Welcome to the USA Sign - Simple but True
 It was about time after this forty five minute pause in the drive.  Down the road a way was the beautiful little community of Whitefish.  There were several deer grazing in people’s yards and the road through town was filled with people doing their Saturday chores.  The town has a rustic feel to it, much like Jackson, Wyoming, with its old style buildings.  There was a fire truck with firemen collecting money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association for the upcoming Labor Day drive.  This would be another beautiful place to live with a population of only about 6,500 people.
 We were heading to Glacier National Park to Apgar campground, a first come, first served facility which fills up quickly each morning.  Arriving just at eleven o’clock the board at the Park’s entrance still showed campsites available. 
 Glacier National Park Sign
 It took only a couple minutes to drive into the campground but the camp host said that the last spot was just taken minutes ago so there was no room anywhere in Glacier National Park to spend the night.  The smoke was really bad and we could only see Lake McDonald through a fuzzy bluish-white haze.  The mountains with the glaciers were not visible and were covered by the smoke that drifted everywhere.  It was lunch time so a picnic by the lake was in order.  After lunch, a drive along the lake revealed a black bear and several deer wandering the campground.
 Deer in Campground
 It would have been nice to spend the night but it was time to head toward the next bucket list place and cut down on some of that drive tomorrow.  Heading out from Glacier was Flathead Lake where I wanted to drive along the west side on a major highway south.  Missing a turn somewhere, we ended up on a small country road on the east side of the lake.  This whole area was filled with cherry groves and small roadside stands selling fresh, off the tree cherries.  Another unexpected find and the cherries were great, large Rainier cherries.
 South on highway 93 was the National Bison Range, it was debated whether to turn down an old dirt road to see if there were any bison but decided not to as there were still many miles to go.  Where the highway hits the town of Ravalli, coming over the hill and down a long incline were several herds of bison off to the west. 
 Bison off the roadway
It was another pretty amazing sight, seeing these ancient animals grazing or waddling in the dirt.  It would be several more hours before stopping for the night in a small town called Deer Lodge, Montana.
The city is perhaps best known as the home of the Montana State Prison, a major local employer.  The Montana State Hospital in Warm Springs, and former state tuberculosis sanitarium in nearby Galen are the result of the power the western part of the state held over Montana at statehood due to the copper and mineral wealth in that area.  Deer Lodge was also once an important railroad town, serving as a division headquarters for the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad ("the Milwaukee Road") before the railroad's local abandonment in 1980.
The current Montana State Prison occupies a campus 3.5 miles west of town.  The former prison site, at the south end of Deer Lodge's Main Street, is now the Old Prison Museum.  In addition to a former cell-block building, the museum complex includes a theater, antique and automobile museums, and a former Milwaukee Road "Little Joe" electric locomotive.
 Deer Lodge is also the location of Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, dedicated to the interpretation of the frontier cattle ranching era.  This site was the home of Conrad Kohrs, one of the famous "Cattle Kings" of Montana whose land holdings once stretched over a million acres of Montana, Wyoming, and Alberta, Canada.  The Grant-Kohrs ranch was built in 1862 by Johnny Grant, a Scottish/French/Metis fur-trader and trapper who encouraged his people to settle in Deer Lodge because of its pleasant climate and large areas of bunch grass prairie, ideal for raising cattle and horses.  The city's name derives from a geological formation known as Warm Springs Mound which contained natural saline that made for a natural salt lick for the local deer population; the protected valley in which Deer Lodge is located was where most of the local wildlife would winter as the temperatures lowered in the high country. (Wikipedia)
We pulled into the small KOA campground as the sun was setting.  It cast a warm, red glow on the western horizon toward Warm Springs Mound.  The other campers were sitting by their fires but after the long day of driving, it was time for dinner and off for some much needed sleep.
Sunday – It would be another long day driving across Montana.   As I was doing my routine of disconnecting the water, power, and sewer, I saw that the thread was showing on the driver side front tire.  This was not good as there have been over 18,000 miles on this trip and whatever was on the tires when the RV was purchased.  It is Sunday morning, in the middle of nowhere USA, and all of the tire stores are closed today.   
It was only about fifty or sixty miles to Butte, so hopefully, we could find something open on a Sunday and replace the tire.  It was a slow careful drive into Butte and hopefully, this Montana town would have something open.  There was a large Walmart with an automotive section that was open so we spent the day there getting two new front tires.  The young guy helping check me in looked at the tires, said the rig was out of alignment causing the excessive ware on one side of the tires.  He had replacement tires but thought he would have to put the new tires on the rear of the RV and swap out the rear ones to the front.  After checking, he decided to put the new ones on the front since the rear wheels have dual tires on each side.
It was going to take several hours to get to the RV ready so it gave us an opportunity to buy groceries, get a pedicure, and hang out for lunch while the vehicle was being readied.  One stop shopping for all your needs at Walmart.  There were even a couple of overnight campers Boondocking in the parking lot.  It was about four in the afternoon when the tire change was finished.  Finally, it was time to hit the highway towards Bozeman and another “hot springs” campground. 
Calling ahead, we found the campground was full so it was time to adapt, overcome the obstacle and find another campground for the night.  On a previous trip, I remembered another KOA campground just past Livingston, Montana on the way to the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park.  So, it was time to drive there for the night.
While driving towards Livingston, I remembered a dream from the night before.  It was weird and funny and came to me out of nowhere.  I was checking into a camp ground and the camp host was “Jerry Lewis”.  He was the airline pilot, “Captain Eddie” from “The Family Jewels” complete with the funny looking mustache.  After getting set up at the campsite another “Jerry” came by to show me how to start a campfire.  This one was “Skylock”, the Sherlock Holmes style detective with glasses and bushy mustache.  He went around placing kindling and haphazardly threw logs in the fire pit.  Once that was done, he threw gasoline all over the logs and lit it causing a huge explosion and fire.  His eyebrows and mustache were singed off as he excitedly said what a great fire he started.  I’m not sure what brought this dream on but could only figure that driving through Whitefish, seeing the fireman with the MDA boot must have triggered something from long ago.
 We checked in just before sundown.  While taking a walk, I started up a conversation with another veteran staying there.  He and his wife were staying in one of the “Kamping Kabins®” that KOA offers.  They were with another couple riding their motorcycles through Yellowstone and that part of Montana.  Each year, they pick a place and do a road trip.  They camp in the cabins and ride each day to see what the area has to offer.  A walk down to the Yellowstone River as the sun was setting was a nice way to end another day on the road while Traveling Life’s Highways.
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ser11 · 7 years
Online Slots Rules and Terms
How to Play Online Slot Machines
Playing slots was once a very simple enterprise. You just put your coin into the slot, pulled the "arm" of the "one-armed bandit," and watched the wheels spin around as you hoped that a winning combination, such as three bunches of cherries in a row, would appear. Today's online slot machines are a lot more complex. Along with the added complexity, of course, comes more choices, more excitement, and more opportunities to win. Reels and Paylines Play Online Slots/span> In the original mechanical slot machines, a reel was simply a wheel with symbols painted on it. When you pulled the lever, the reels spun around. The reels on an online slot machine are the same except that they are virtual and not mechanical. http://www.shamray.ru/images/pages/igrovue_apparatu_na_realnue_dengi_.html A payline is a line that runs across all the reels and touches one symbol on each reel. The old-fashioned slot machines had one payline that was a simple horizontal line across the reels. A modern online slot machine can have many payline: horizontal, diagonal, and zigzagged. But the idea is the same. To win at slots, you must have winning symbols appear on a payline that you have enabled. Reel Slots, Video Slots, AWP and Progressives The two main types of online slot machines are reel slots and video slots. There are also AWP slots, which can be thought of as a variety of reel slots, and progressive slots with giant jackpots. These are the characteristics of each. Reel slots are the most like the original mechanical slot machines. They have three reels, and one, three, or five paylines. As in a mechanical slot machine, the reels in reel slots can stop anywhere. As a result, the symbols appear in a random pattern, and a symbol on one of the reels can appear slightly above or slightly below, but not exactly on, a payline. Of course, the symbols must be on a payline in order to win. Video slots look more like a flat-screen TV. They have five reels. They have at least 5 paylines, often 15 or 20 or even more. The Cashapillar and Lion's Pride online slots games have 100 paylines. Some of the modern video slots games have eliminated paylines and instead offer hundreds of "Ways To Win". The reels in a video slot machine always stop perfectly lined up. What you see on your screen, then, is a neat 3x5 array, with three symbols showing on each of the five reels. AWP (Amusement With Prizes) slots are based on UK-style fruit machines. They are distinguished by their special Hold and Nudge features. Online fruit machines often feature games within the games, such as the darts game in Pub Fruity. These games add an element of skill to the luck-based slots game. Progressive slots can come in both a 3-reel and a 5-reel format. What makes online progressive slots special is that they have a top jackpot that increases every time someone plays the game and can be worth many thousands — even millions — of dollars, pounds, Euros, or kronor when some lucky player hits the jackpot. Scatter Symbols, Wild Symbols, and Multipliers Scatter symbols appear in video slots games only. The special feature of scatter symbols is that they do not have to appear on an enabled payline to win; they can be "scattered" anywhere on the five reels. In Bush Telegraph, for example, the Seedpod is a scatter symbol. If two Seedpod symbols appear anywhere on the five reels, you win 2 times the total amount of your bet. If three, four, or five Seedpod symbols appear, you win even more, up to 400 times the amount of your total bet. To make it even better, your scatter-symbol wins are in addition to anything you might have won on your enabled paylines. Wild symbols appear in both reel slots and video slots games. Like a wild card in poker, a wild symbol can substitute for any symbol to complete a winning combination. Moreover, in many online slots games, the wild symbol is also a multiplier. This means that if a wild symbol is used to complete a winning combination, the payout for that winning combination is doubled, tripled, or even quintupled. In the Jellyfish Jaunt slots game, the Diver is a wild symbol and also a 3X multiplier. The normal payout for three Snorkel symbols is 15 times the number of coins bet on the winning payline. But if two Snorkel symbols and a Diver symbol appear on an enabled payline, the Diver acts as a wild symbol to complete the winning combination, and also acts as a multiplier to triple the payout to 45 times the number of coins bet. Some slot machines have even higher multipliers. In Couch Potato reel slots, for example, the Couch Potato symbol is a 5X, 25X multiplier. One Couch Potato that completes a winning payline will multiply your normal winnings by 5; two Couch Potatoes will multiply your winnings by 25. Free Spins and Other Bonus Features Many online slot machines have a free spins feature. In Thunderstruck, for example, three Ram symbols award you 15 free spins. Free spins are really every gambler's dream: 15 chances to win real money, but without risking anything. And it gets even better than that: all wins during your free spins are tripled. And if you get three Ram symbols on a free spin, you get 15 more free spins on top of your free spins. Thunderstruck also has another bonus feature called Gamble. After every winning spin, you have an option to go for double-or-nothing by guessing the colour of a playing card, or quadruple-or-nothing by guessing the suit of the playing card. Of course, you also have the option of declining the gamble and simply collecting your winnings. Some slots games have their own special bonus features. In Tomb Raider, for example, three or more Idol symbols on an enabled payline will activate the Tomb bonus game, which enables you to multiply your winnings by anything from 36 to 2,500 times. Other online slots games have other bonus features. Be sure to check them out. Picking an Online Slot Machine The first step to playing slots online is choosing your slot machine. Wild Jack Casino offers hundreds of online slot machines. It is not hard to find the one that is right for you. In the casino Games Lobby, click Slots. A menu of all the slots games appears. If you place your cursor over a game on the menu, a game information pane opens. This will tell you everything you need to know about the game: how many reels, how many paylines, the highest and second-highest jackpots, whether there are scatters, wild symbols, or multipliers, and any special features or bonuses. You can run your cursor down the menu and easily check out the information for all the available online slots games. Once you have found the online slot machine that you want to play, double-click on the name and that online slots game will open. How to Play Slots Online Before you start to play online slots, you must make three decisions: coin size, number of paylines enabled, and number of coins per line. Coin sizes run from one penny ($0.01) up to five dollars ($5.00). You select your coin size with the Plus (+) or Minus (-) button. Use the Select Lines button to choose how many paylines you want to enable, that is, to bet on. Use the Select Coins button to determine how many coins you want to gamble on each payline. In a nutshell: If you select a coin size of $0.10 and you select 5 coins per payline, you are betting $0.50 on each enabled payline. If you select 15 paylines, your total bet will be $7.50 on each spin. Once you have made your three selections, you are ready to play online slots. This is the easy part and the fun part. Just click the Spin button, cross your fingers, and hope for the best. How to Win at Online Slots You win at online slots when a winning combination of symbols appears on a payline that you have enabled. If you have enabled multiple paylines, it is possible to win on one or more paylines and to lose on other paylines. Every slot machine has a payout schedule that tells you which symbols, in which combinations, pay out how many coins. The payout schedule is easily accessible, and you may consult it whenever you want. However, it is not necessary to memorize the payout schedule, or to do anything to claim your winnings. If you are playing online slots for real money, the machine will do the figuring for you and will automatically add your winnings to your casino account. Click to Post
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