#and Dean and Elijah would just want to murder each other
sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 28
Simon Said/New Earth
Before I start watching......I.........fucked up the schedule. The schedule is wrong. And I didn't REALIZE UNTIL NOW. I skipped a whole SEASON ONE SUPERNATURAL EPISODE so now every day is off by one. I'll fix it, but I'm not gonna be HAPPY about it (I've also bought a whole new physical planner and hopefully I don't fuck one up as well...)
Also, why is it only Sundays that I have actual plans that I have two episodes to watch? That's why this is gonna be real early.
"Simon Said"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I cannot shake the "The Great Game" vibes I'm getting from this opening scene, though obviously the threat is not the C4 strapped to your chest but what seems to be mind control? So...don't know that I could fight off whatever mind control is happening there, but as I've never been in SPECIFICALLY a gun store nor am I ever in the part of a store where guns are sold? It depends on who I am in this situation. Random extra? Yeah. The guy GETTING mind controlled? No.
Strangely heartwarming conversation. Dean going on about how it's not a good idea to show up to a place where there will potentially be a bunch of other hunters and announcing that Sam's a supernatural freak. Sam, worried: So I'm a freak now? Dean: You've always been a freak
They're really pushing this Dean and Jo thing, huh. Yeah, even Sam is...unimpressed by it. But like you can't just randomly put on "Can't Fight This Feeling" and go talk to the guy you halfheartedly resist flirting with when he shows up.
Yeah, you WOULD love this guy's "barbarian queen on a polar bear" van, Dean
Ohhhhhhhhh, I don't like what this implies about what happened with the girl whose apartment Andy just left...watching Dean so willingly give up the Impala like it was nothing. Like we knew this guy wasn't doing GOOD THINGS with his powers (you know, from the first five minutes) but this hammers it home.
Good on you, Sam. See? Using your powers to hopefully prevent a murder-suicide. WELL...the murder part anyway.
Oooooooooo, Sam's immune to the mind controllllllll. Hell yeah.
*DJ Khaled voice* Another one. (There's another psychic person in this town??)
Maybe he wants to...oh. Ok, I'm warming up to Andy whether I should or not. He's a nerd and a dork who "has everything he needs" who lives in a very 70s styled van, reads philosophy books, smokes all the weed...but is still potentially a skeeze. That's unconfirmed.
IT'S AN HONEST TO GOD EVIL TWIN SITUATION?? AMAZING. This guy's WAY WAY worse. "I take all my ladies here and they love it. Well, I do, so they do, too" Fuck this guy for real. I fuckin' hate this dude so much.
He's so used to getting his way at this point. KNOCK HIM THE FUCK OUT AT LEAST. Sam, get up and knock this guy out. (The twin looks like he's actually Elijah Wood's evil twin.)
Ok, that was a good fake out. Had me really worried for Dean before Andy shot his twin.
Oh...oh, Andy. He's not a skeeze. He really liked this girl and he didn't ever use his mind control on her and wanted to keep her safe...and now he's possibly gonna lose her because of something he can't help being. It's totally understandable that she's completely freaked out, but it still SUCKS.
"Been On My Mind...": The writers are pushing a Dean/Jo agenda that I'm not fully buying. I'll rent because it's kinda funny, but it's absolutely no Destiel. Oh. Nothing has actually happened between them, they're just circling each other right now.
"New Earth"
I just love that Ten takes Rose to New Earth as their very first trip together. Ten makes it up to Rose what Nine did on what she's calling their first date. TenRose is like...tooth achingly sweet. Now I remember why "Rose Tyler, I..." is so fucking devastating.
I remembered the cat people nurses...but I forgot that Cassandra was in this episode too...and probably the Face of Boe??
Yeah, I'd be grabbing some sort of weapon if Cassandra's Igor figure took it upon himself to separate me from the Doctor
"I look a bit different, but it's me" Like you're not talking to Jack Harkness (but he doesn't know that). But him dying of old age and wanting to see the Doctor one last time :'(
OMG SHE CALLED HIM GOLLUM. THAT'S EVEN MORE ACCURATE. Honestly. Every time he calls her "my lady" I hear "my precious"
The scenes where Cassandra is possessing Rose (or however the show wants to describe it) must have been so fun for Billie to film.
I wonder when we came up with "Never trust a nun. Never trust a nurse. And never trust a cat." And what would have transpired to make us come up with THAT phrase...or was it just, like, everything happening in this hospital with the nurse cat nuns.
Was worried for a second that the Doctor hadn't fully recognized the change in Rose's behavior. Like...but he was just biding his time til he was absolutely certain because Rose would CARE that these people were being exploited.
I love when Doctor Who plays up its campiness. "WHO NEEDS ARMS WHEN WE'VE GOT CLAWS" *SHNK* gorgeous. magnificent.
God. That's horrifying. Not that the lab grown humans being used to suck up every disease that comes into the hospital were freed, but that there SO. MANY.
OH....we're gonna get the scene where Cassandra possesses the Doctor soon. One of the most scenes ever. An absolute delight. David's acting is...it's so good..."he's slim. And a little bit foxy. You thought so too. I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You LIKE it." What a string of lines they made him say!!
(Poor Chip...he didn't deserve that)
Oh. The Doctor's excitement when he cures all the people that the nurses had lab grown. I'm...it's so wholesome.
DON'T MAKE ME FEEL SAD ABOUT HER. AND YET. Omg...is Chipssandra going to be the last person to call her beautiful? They're gonna make me cry over the bitchy trampoline.
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freakylilnutjob · 2 years
share 10 different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people 🎥🎬📺
I was tagged by @simplyjustsimping, thank you!!
Charlie Spring - Heartstopper
Charlie Kelmeckis - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Fezco - Euphoria
Jamie Fraser - Outlander
Penelope Garcia - Criminal Minds
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Elijah Mikaelson - The Originals
Nick Miller - New Girl
Sam Gardner - Atypical
Franky Doyle - Wentworth
I tag @skyisverybored @asxitxis @orientedsadaroace @charliespringsleftconverse @annissina @darcy-olssons @newtness532 @nelliereadsstuff @nicknelsonmyson @idealism-sits-in-prison if y’all want to do it!
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writingwhywhywhy · 3 years
Bypassing Attention
You were in a committed relationship with Elijah Mikealson. He was a dream, and committed to his family. The thorn in your side was the fact that you fell beneath his family on his priority list. You knew he loved you, but could you be happy when you knew you were second. Part of you just wanted to leave, but you did love him. 
Tired of this internal struggle, you decided to dress up in your best take me now dress and head down to Rousso’s. If Elijah cared, you knew he would stop you. “I am heading out.” You called out, after you had failed to run into Elijah while you were getting ready in the room you shared.
Nothing. Your phone buzzed. Have fun. Family business. Elijah had texted you. You wanted to scream. Fine you were going to go find someone who would pay attention to you. You had warned him the best you could. Now he would find out the consequences. 
You opened the doors to the bar with purpose. You falter a bit when you walked in. Blaming the fact you really loved him, you decided to sit at the bar and let people come to you. After all you have a boyfriend, but you deserved better. Okay, maybe you were just slightly upset with him and wanted his attention back on you. 
You were debating leaving when a man with amazing green eyes turned to you. He seemed to drink you in. He was a bit attractive and you did want to find a new boyfriend or make your current one jealous. You might be able to figure it out. “I must have luck on my side. I see that no one has bought you a drink yet.” He said in a voice that made you stay.
“Your luck could not be getting better. You caught me on my way out.” You said.
“So what should I get the woman on her way out?” He asked
“Whiskey.” You said, not really caring what you got as long as it was alcohol.
“I have to be the luckiest man. It is what I am drinking.”
“So Mr. Lucky, do you have a first name?”
“Well your angel of luck goes by Y/N.” You said, noting that he stiffened a bit at angel.
You gave him your most flirtatious smile you could muster and batted your eyelashes just right. He gave you a devilish grin. The next thing you knew the two of you were laughing over the third drink he bought you. You were enjoying yourself, and the two of you seemed to be hitting it off. You knew if you asked, he would take you home. Part of you was debating it. It was the reason you had come out, but was it what you actually wanted to happen?
Then the lights went out. Then like a spot light, the first one turned on over your boyfriend and a guy in the trenchcoat. You and Dean cursed under your breaths simultaneously. You turned to each other as the rest of the lights turned on. “That is my boyfriend.” You explained at the same moment Dean explained the same thing.
You would have laughed, if you weren’t so sure Elijah might kill him. You saw the fear of getting the person you were flirting with murdered reflected in his eyes. Before you could say another word, your boyfriend was standing next to him. You also felt someone standing next to you. That was amazing, considering your boyfriend moved very quickly. “What would you two have to talk about?” Elijah asked
Curse words ran through your mind. Looking at Dean, you knew he wanted to curse as bad as you wanted to. “Nothing too crazy.”  You answered.
“Really?” Trenchcoat said from your side.
What the hell were you guys talking about? It was something. Why couldn’t you remember most of the conversation? Honestly neither of you had cared, and it was just talk to keep the other one with you. It was all flirting and you almost regretted it. “Really.” Dean said, unfortunately it did not even convince you.
You took a shot at ending this. It was a long shot, but may the two of them would believe it. “Besides he is gay.” You said, taking a sip of your drink. 
Three sets of eyes fell on you. “I am bisexaul.” Dean mummermered.
Your shot missed. You played the next card you had. “I thought you had family business tonight. I mean at least according to what you texted me.”
“I did, and once it was handled I came to find you.”
“You could have texted me. I mean you do that more than you go out with me.”
You had landed a good blow. “Cas, you had work tonight also. After all, my night isn’t that important in the scale of things. So why does it matter?” Dean said.
You could almost feel Cas stiffen next to you. That seemed to land a hard blow. “So going out and getting drunk is the answer.” Cas accused
“Or finding a stranger to flirt with.” Elijah started in.
“Or you could try caring sooner.” You countered
“Have you tried having a conversation?” Cas asked.
“How many times should you try before you give up?” Dean asked.
“Maybe one more time than you think.” Elijah said.
"Well maybe if it's one sided pushing a rock up a hill, I think the person doing the pushing gets to decide when it is enough." You said.
"If they had a conversation about the rock pushing, instead of stuffing it down, then maybe someone would know about it." Cas said
"You know Cas, I think you made a great point." You said.
Cas gave you a bit of a look. "Well maybe talking about feelings is hard when you grew up in an environment where having feelings was a weakness." Dean said
"Well maybe adults should take responsibility for who you are and who you become." You said
"Maybe it is hard to change." Elijah said.
"Change is hard, but friends and family are willing to help." Cas said
There was a heavy silence. "Maybe we should all go home and try talking." You suggested.
A silent agreement was reached. You went home with Elijah and the two of you talked about the issues you both had. It was different and difficult but your relationship was better for it. You had an actual partnership where you worked together instead of a relationship where you worked near each other.
It would be a year before Elijah and you would see Dean and Cas again. Dean and you were both wearing very beautiful engagement rings. The four of you chatted as old friends. There was an understanding that night had saved the two failing relationships. It was a comfortable friendship that sprouted from the most important night of your lives.
Tagging: @remembered-license @akshi8278
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zodiyack · 4 years
Being A Winchester And Dating A Mikaelson Would Include...
Requested by anon: Will you do a story about Sam and Dean’s little sister hiding the fact she’s dating an original and the families meet
Pairing: Freya Mikaelson x GN!reader, Finn Mikaelson x GN!reader, Elijah Mikaelson x GN!reader, Niklaus Mikaelson x GN!Reader, Rebekah Mikaelson x GN!Reader, Kol Mikaelson x GN!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mention of murder?, crossover, slight angst
This does not include Hope, by the way. I know I said all, but I meant from the Originals. I have yet to finish Legacies (though I’m getting there!)
Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @thewarriorprincessxo​
Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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Freya Mikaelson
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Your brothers don’t have much of a problem with witches than they did the rest of the supernatural
especially with Freya, as she can be useful in many ways
get your mind out of the gutter
When they first met her, they were a little cautious- as per usual, but she was cool with them pretty quick.
Dean definitely asked her a lot of questions.
Whether they involved magic or her sexuality, I’ll never tell.
they most likely did
Sam and Freya get along pretty swell
He’s Dean.
Remember when Freya snapped Lucien’s neck because she “works better with quiet”?
ok so that...but just knocking Dean out instead of killing him.
Sam’s kind of in shock, a little intimated, not sure if he should be thankful or mad, etcetera etcetera.
Not a whole lot to say other than the fact that they get along and Dean doesn’t have much of a filter good and bad, but I think we all know that
Putting an end to hiding her was an amazing choice
Finn Mikaelson
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His distaste for being what he is, your brothers can get behind, however, his stern mature exterior, they don’t like as much
He’s the kinda guy who they would call a “party pooper”
Dean doesn’t like how literal he is, Sam’s semi-okay with it but not to the point where he’d disagree with Dean
“What?” Dean suddenly stops laughing. Finn is glaring at him with strong judgement.
safe to say, Dean isn’t sure whether he likes Finn or not
Sam’s just trying to be respectful
The entire time he’s around your brothers, you have to be there.
To be honest, you more than likely wouldn’t allow your brothers anywhere near him if you’re not there with him
You’re trying to keep Finn from doing something he’d regret while eating with your brothers
be it, leaving, snapping, really anything- you keep him grounded
He’s not the biggest fan of your brothers.
Hunting, however,
though he won’t offer often, if it involves you, he’s by your side and ignoring any negative feelings towards your brothers
that won’t stop him from saying anything though. He’ll flat out admit that he doesn’t like them, but he’ll push past that for you
Not even sure if hiding the boi was good or not, so that’s up to you
Niklaus Mikaelson
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Now Klaus... Well, your brothers disagree with each other one some parts.
Dean likes Klaus, but he still doesn’t trust him all that much involving you or your safety
Sam...he just dislikes Klaus. He despises him. Like Dean, he doesn’t trust him and he doesn’t ever plan on doing so.
Since they meet the family, Sam often tells Dean you’d be better with Elijah.
Dean gives him a weird look but doesn’t respond, dropping the conversation with a his own wordless version of “no”
They will never allow you two any private time.
With Dean, that depends
However, they do indeed ease up when they learn of his protectiveness
Dean probably offers to go get revenge with him
after they learn that Klaus’ revenge involves hunting the creature / person who / that wronged you, they learn to like some parts of him.
Sam and Dean are very strictly against his willingness to, and lack of empathy when, killing humans.
As stated, Dean is like a human, more sane and human (emotion and other stuff wise, not literal), version of Klaus
Sam feels uncomfortable around Klaus and he notices
Dean and Klaus poke fun at him for that and you can’t tell me no
On that note-
Klaus is very likely to pull some shit on your brothers.
Dean thinks it’s hilarious (unless Klaus goes too far), but Sam is not having it.
At all.
Pretty much what happens when the meet him.
just Klaus and Dean laughing with each other and Sam sporting a very criticizing squint at the two every so often
Good choice to hide him, but they probably would’ve found out anyway. News gets around when it’s about Klaus Mikaelson.
Rebekah Mikaelson
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To be one hundred percent honest, Dean flirts with her the moment he sees her
but BOY is he surprised when he finds out she’s the one you’re dating
Dean definitely does some double takes between you and Bekah
Sam approves, Dean approves, it’s all good
Rebekah likes them both and is pretty quick to accept them.
she probably asks her brothers why they can’t be more like Sam and Dean, not even gonna lie
That’s how it goes. Their first meeting. All three have some good laughs and right away, they approve
They want her to come over and when she does, they want her to come over a lot more
Rebekah is probably one of the only Mikaelsons who don’t come off as...well, who don’t come off as Klaus-like to them. She’s the best person you could’ve dated and they’re ever so happy you’re doing just that
They’d be cool if you were just friends with her, but still
She too is definitely up for hunting, especially if it means protecting you
Bekah also despised when Klaus judged her for using a knife and being a woman, so you don’t have any need to worry about her preventing you from doing dangerous stuff
that just might be the worry you SHOULD worry about tho
They’re untouchable after meeting her. No one may harm them without being thrown like a javelin past hell itself
Her dreams of having a family really touch Sam and get some approval points after he learns of them
As we know, she’s not as open about that until she wants to be
Tbh, I don’t think they’d think anything negative of/about her
Right off the bat, there was no need to hide her.
Introducing them was absolutely 100% worth it, and your brothers can vouch for that
no promises that their answers wouldn’t be bias
Kol Mikaelson
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Sam would rather you date Klaus than Kol, and that’s saying a lot.
While I would like to leave it at that, I have some headcannons to finish. So-
They really just- despise the living crap out of him during their first meeting
Dean thinks he can vibe with him, but then Kol says something Kol-like and Dean is just no
As we all know, Kol, in all three lifetimes he’s had, doesn’t have a filter.
In the slightest.
He won’t hold back.
Once he’s started, there’s no stopping him.
Dean has a filter, but not much of one; he’s a genuinely nice dude with nicer things to say than Kol, however, if those two get in a fight-
Sam would definitely jump in, but Kol’s lack of nice things to say in that moment, is also fighting him
have fun pulling that apart
But because he’s dating you, he has a soft side.
Once Dean and Sam find their way to his soft/good side, they like him a little more.
Sam will probably approve of him by then and forget all about his secret preference involving your love-life
Kol is up for any hunting the boys are doing as long as it doesn’t involve his family
Once the three are all buddies, he thinks of them as family
he thinks of them as off-limits when he first meets them because they’re related to you.
in his mind, no one can hurt them, but he’s allowed to threaten and injure them if they’re still living afterwards
When they’ve reached the family point of view, he’s all over protecting them
demands they allow him to join them on hunts but won’t admit why
They apply to the whole Mikaelson “no one hurts my family and gets away with it” thing
can we just thank Elijah for that quote for a sec? k thanks
Basically, you’ve been hiding him for good reason but if he does eventually get along better, you don’t regret it nearly as much as you once did
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Home (Winchesters x Reader)
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Summary: What happens when the Winchesters and the reader return to the readers home, after being gone for a very long time, for a case. A case that sounds very familiar to the reader. What happens when the brothers find out why?
Warnings: violence, cussing, magic
This may become a mini-fic. Haven’t decided yet. Also don’t forget to send in a request!
“So get this,” Sam chirped up from behind his computer. I had to hide my smile behind the lore book I was reading. His go to phrase when he found a case. In the two years that I had been working with the Winchesters, I’ve probably heard that phrase several hundred times. I first started working with them when a coven of witches in Montana were killing cheating spouses, thinking themselves as some kind of heroes for all the jaded men and women who were cheated on. Being a witch myself, I had gone “undercover”. I still hate to think about how close I was to being killed.
“The serial killer has been carving smiles into the faces of their victim, after the victim has been completely drained of blood.” Sam said. This news made me quickly raise my head. I remember something very similar to that happened years ago.
“Where was this again?” I asked, closing the book and setting it down.
“New Orleans,” Sam closed his laptop. “Let’s get going.”
“Laytez liz bong tomps roulette,” Dean grinned slapping the table, while absolutely butchering the popular Creole phrase.
“Dean, it’s laissez les bons temps rouler,” I laughed in an attempt to hide my absolute discomfort. 
It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been in New Orleans. I made a promise that I would never return. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to return. It’s that I was forced out of the city and was told I would be killed if I ever came back.
“Let someone else take it guys. Besides, we have to find a way to remove the mark.” I opened my book back up, hiding my face.
“Come on, Y/N. We need you on this. You’re from New Orleans. You can show us around, get us on the inside.” Sam nudged me. I sighed and stood up.
“Fine, but we’re not staying in the city. I know of a place where we can stay.” I sighed standing up. It didn’t take me long to get my things together but I did have to wait for both men. I leaned against baby, still reading the same book as before. A minute later they both came out. We threw our bags in the back of Baby and took off. 
We arrived to New Orleans 17 hours later and in that time there was another murder, “So where is this place we’re staying?” Sam asked. 
“It’s on the other side of the river. Just keep driving.” I sighed looking out at the city I love. 
“I’m stopping and getting some beignets first. Oh, or a po’boy.” Dean jumped up and down in his seat.
“No Dean I can make some for you just please keep driving.” I begged but it was too late. Dean had already stopped and parked in front of a familiar restaurant. Rousseau’s, a very popular bar in the city. Dean jumped out of the car like he was a kid in a candy store. I sighed and slid out as well, whispering a cloaking spell for myself. 
We sat down at one of the tables in the back of the bar, me keeping my back towards the door. The two kept talking about the case and I listened but I mostly listened to the noises around me. I sat up a little straighter at an all too familiar voice. 
“I gotta pee.” I said as softly as I could and quickly walked to the bathroom. I was just about to push the door open when I was spun around and pushed against the wall, a hand squeezing my throat.
“I thought we told you to stay out of the city.” Two dark brown eyes bore into mine, anger very clear. I grabbed onto the man’s wrist, trying to pry it away.
“Marcel, please,” I grasped his wrist. The hand loosened only slightly and his eyes scanned my face. The anger slowly going away. 
“What are you doing back here Y/N?” He asked moving his body slightly closer to mine. 
“Some friends of mine read about the murders online.” I tried to explain and the fury ignited in his eyes again.
“You brought hunters here?” His hold on my neck tightened again.
“I tried to keep them away. I tried to distract them.” I gasped.
“Get them out of this city before Klaus and Elijah find out you’re back.” He snapped and let go of my throat. 
“They’re back?” I rubbed my throat, watching the man I once knew walk away. 
“Klaus has a daughter. The brought her mother here to protect the two of them.” Marcel sighed rubbing his face, “Where are you staying?”
“I was gonna stay in that building on the other side of the river.You remember the one.” I looked up at him. I could see the memories flashing through his mind as a small smirk appeared on his face but quickly disappeared. 
“No good. That’s where I am. I have a group of freshly turned vampires staying there. Unless you want your hunter friends to become food you need to find a new place to stay.” He shook his head. 
“Where the hell am I supposed to stay then Marcel? I can’t stay there. I definitely can’t stay at my home either.” I threw my hands up. I could see Sam and Dean looking around for me, wondering why I’ve been gone for so long.
“I can just compel the hunters,” he started to say but I was already shaking my head. I looked over his shoulder and saw another familiar face, getting a little too friendly to my best friends for my taste. I started to recite a spell, pushing past Marcel, marching up to the table. The blonde’s knees buckled and screamed as she held her head. 
“Everyone I apologize but we’ll be closing a little early today. Please make your way to the exit. All meals are on the house.” An unfamiliar voice spoke up.
“Y/N,” Marcel warned, “It’s not safe to do that here.”
“Oh please, I’m just having a little reunion with my amazing sister.” I growled, she looked up at me black veins running under her eyes turning black, fangs extending down. Dean and Sam pushing their chairs back, drawing knives, “Good you see you again Rebekah.” 
“What the fuck Y/N?” Sam asked, “Is that a demon or a vampire? And what do you mean by sister?”
“Rebekah here is one the first vampires that wasn’t turned by an Alpha but my magic.” I explained pushing my hold on her more, my concentration never breaking, “She is over 1000 years old and yes she is my sister. Our beloved mother changed her and my older brothers into vampires using magic, instead of the alpha vampire.”
“Marcel, is everything ok?” The voice from earlier came over. I turned and saw another blonde woman standing beside my old friend, her hand on his arm. And that’s when my concentration broke. In a flash I was slammed against the wall, a grip that was nearly ten times tighter than Marcel’s held me up against the wall.
“Why aren’t you dead yet?” She snarled in my face making me laugh.
“Oh sister, we always knew Marcel liked me more than you.” I smirked, pissing her off even more. I saw Sam and Dean take a step towards me but a simple shake of my head made them freeze. Rebekah smirked and looked over her shoulder then looked back at me.
“You know, at first I thought they would just be a little tasty snack. But now that I know they’re with you, they’ll die with you.” 
“Everything they’ve been drinking for the past two years has been laced with wolfsbane and vervain. Go ahead.” I spat at her. Before she could say anything else dropped me and held her head in a similar manner as before. Standing in the doorway was a young woman whose lips were moving in a familiar manner and a man standing behind her. 
“Davina Claire, I’ve heard very good things about you.” I breathed heavily. She just gave me a simple nod and her and the man with her left, not saying a word.
“Y/N, you’ve got to tell us. What in the fuck is going on?” Dean yelled. That was his angry voice. 
I nodded and snapped my fingers, breaking Rebekah's neck, making her drop to the ground. The little group crowded around me even though 90% of them knew the story already. 
“My name is not Y/N Y/L/N. It’s Y/N Mikaelson. I am the youngest Mikaelson and before I was born my mother turned my brothers Klaus, Elijah, Finn, and Kol and ever so wonderful Rebekah here into vampires using magic. They weren’t turned with the alpha Eve created, hence the different look. It was over 1000 years ago when it happened. They saw me as nothing but a slave.” I spat at the woman on the floor. “There’s only one thing that can kill them and it’s the wood from a white oak tree. One that they had destroyed soon after they were turned. There are daggers that can keep them in a state of sleep but the dagger must remain or they will wake up. I was tired of how they treated me so about 75 years ago I daggered each of them. The last words Klaus spoke to me was ‘if I ever see you in my city again I will kill you.”
“And that’s why you wanted to stay at the bunker?” Sam asked and I nodded. 
“I’ve seen Klaus before while we traveled. He was in Montana when we met so I knew he was awake, which I’m assuming you did that Marcel after coming back.” I scratched my head. He shrugged confirming I was right.
“Wait, you’re 1000 years old?” Sam asked.
“Actually, I’m 985 but if we’re rounding sure.” I shrugged. I saw Sam’s little nerd brain go crazy on that information.
“So Columbus or Vikings?” Sam asked referring to who discovered North America first. 
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, “Vikings. Columbus was an idiot and an asshole. My family didn’t kill when they...actually never mind they did kill when they got here. But we’ll discuss my adventures another time Sammy.” I winked. 
“Y/N you have to get out of the city.” Marcel looked at me with pleading eyes, “Go to the bayou. The wolves do not have any allegiance to the Mikaelson family.” I nodded and stood up taking Sam and Dean’s hands dragging them to the door. Our friendship was definitely changing after today I could already tell. We were just about to make it to the door when it was shoved open and two nightmares stood in front of me.
“Hello little sister,”
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whitewitchdani · 6 years
Infinitely Different: Chapter 16
Read Chapter 15 Here
Word Count: 1,819
Pairing: Winchester!Sister Reader x ???
Warnings: angst, language, fluff
A/N: Chapter 16 is here! I hope you guys like it, big things are coming in the future for the reader! As always please give me all of the feedback and let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
Infinitely Different Masterlist
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Dean was yelling after he picked up your body off of the floor where Klaus had let it drop. The Winchester and Salvatore brothers were now the only people in the house, as Elijah vamped after Klaus following the incident.
“SOMEONE ANSWER ME!” Dean exclaimed.
“I don’t know, Dean. It’s been two days. Elijah’s blood may have cycled out of her system by now. We won’t know for a few hours,” Stefan said. He was in shock; he had just seen his best friend be murdered in front of him. Although he knew it wasn’t what you wanted, he was praying to every deity ever thought to exist that you would wake up.
“We shouldn’t want her to wake up Dean, you know it isn’t what she wants,” whispered Sam. He brushed a piece of hair from your face as a single tear slipped down his cheek. Guilt flooded each of the Winchester brothers; you were the youngest, it was their job to protect you. And they had failed.
Stefan and your brothers turned when a crash sounded from behind them. Damon was breaking any piece of glass he could get his hands on. He had been ready to yell at you for not telling him about Elijah, but now all he wanted was to see your beautiful eyes again. He didn’t care about whatever was happening with you and Elijah. He just wanted you alive.
And Klaus’ head on a pike.
“Damon, you gotta calm down,” Stefan grabbed his brother’s arms in an attempt to calm him.
“Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Are you serious Stefan? She’s dead! She’s dead because of that goddamn Original who you told me would leave us alone once we left them alone. But guess what? You were wrong and Y/N paid the price.” Damon continued to break things as he yelled at his brother.
“It’s not Stefan’s fault, Damon. It’s our fathers. Once the trail for the yellow-eyed-demon went cold Dad went nuts in his new obsession of hunting the Original family. He only stopped after Y/N came into the picture because he couldn’t find the weapon to kill them. We’re hunters, it’s an occupational hazard.”
Damon huffed at the youngest Winchester brother, “It doesn’t matter. Just pray to God she wakes up.”
“It isn’t what she wants, Damon. She’s never wanted to be one of us, you know that.” 
The eldest Salvatore glared at the youngest, “IT DOESN’T MATTER! I’d rather her be alive and pissed than dead and, well dead!” Damon was pacing but stopped suddenly, “Call the girls, they need to know what happened. I’m gonna go lay her down in my room.” With that, Damon picked up your body and left the room.
Stefan sighed, “I’m sorry guys. I-”
“How long til she wakes up?” asked Dean quietly.
“If she wakes up, it should be a couple hours. I’m gonna go call Caroline and have her get everyone over here.” Stefan left the room to call the rest of the gang.
Sam turned to his brother, “What do we do Dean?”
“There’s nothing we can do. Except wait.” Dean sat down on the couch and rubbed a hand down his face. He was terrified. They both were. Their sister was lying dead in a bed upstairs and they were praying she would wake up and become a vampire; something they never thought they’d wish for.
An hour later, all of your close friends in Mystic Falls had gathered at the boarding house. Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena were sitting on one couch, the blonde comforting the other two as they silently cried over your death. Alaric stood by a window and quietly mourned, until he grabbed bourbon for both himself and Damon. He attempted to comfort the vampire, and felt he was moderately successful. The two Winchester brothers were on the couch across from the girls, and Stefan sat on the arm of that couch.
“So what happened?” asked Alaric as he sat on the arm of the couch the girls were sitting on.
Stefan sighed, “Y/N went to see Elijah and apparently Klaus saw her as she left and recognized her. He thought she was here to go after the Mikaelson’s and I guess just killed her before she could do anything.”
“But that’s not why she’s here! God this is all my fault, I’m the one who called her here,” Caroline dropped her head into her hands.
“It’s not your fault Care, Klaus is just a paranoid bastard,” Elena rasped through her tears.
“That I can attest to,” added Damon.
“Do you think she’ll wake up?” asked Bonnie.
“I have no idea. It’s been two days since Elijah healed her and I’m not sure how much blood Elijah gave her. So it could go either way really. If she’s gonna wake up, it’ll be soon,” said Stefan.  
“Stop saying if. She’s gonna wake up.” All eyes in the room turned to Damon, who was standing by the window. 
“Don’t, Stefan. I know this isn’t what she wants, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to be dead either. When she wakes up she’ll have a choice.”
“What do you mean?” asked a confused Dean.
“If she wakes up, she can choose whether or not to complete the transition. She can either feed and become a vampire, or do nothing and die permanently 24 hours later,” Alaric informed your brothers. 
“I believe Mr. Salvatore doesn’t plan on giving her that choice.”
Everyone’s heads shot around to find the source of the new voice that had entered the room. Damon’s fangs descended as he vamped across the foyer and pinned the visitor to the wall with a hiss.
“Take it easy, Damon,” Stefan warned.
The eldest Salvatore turned his head to glare at the youngest, “Take it easy?? Are you serious Stefan? IT’S HIS FAULT SHE’S DEAD!”
“You think I don’t know that?” he snipped as he shoved Damon off of him, “If I hadn’t invited her to my home and apparently checked my voicemail, none of this would have happened.”
Caroline looked at the visitor thoughtfully, “This isn’t your fault Elijah, it’s your brothers. I hope you realize he’s a complete psychopath.”
The eldest Mikaelson sighed, “Yes. Unfortunately we realized that long ago.”
“Do you think she’ll wake up?” Sam inquired quietly.
“I’m not sure.”
“Guess then,” quipped Dean.
“I’d say yes. With the amount I gave her, it should’ve taken at least three days to cycle out. But I must warn you everyone is different, so it is possible it already did. We should find out shortly.”
“You know you have a lot of nerve coming back here,” Damon interrupted. 
“I need to know if she’s alright.”
“Of course she isn’t alright,” Dean stood and walked towards the Original, “She’s dead, Elijah. And she may not wake up. Do you really think she’s gonna want to see you after your brother literally just snapped her neck?”
“Y/N understands the nuances of my family and vampire life, and I’ve come to know her fairly well. If she wakes up I can talk to her and if she sends me away, so be it.”
“Oh you are so not going near her. Back off, Grandpa Moses,” snapped Damon.
Elijah glared at the eldest Salvatore, “Last time I checked, you weren’t in charge of her. Let Y/N make the decision of whether or not she’d like to see me. Your jealousy does not make you her keeper.”
Damon turned red in the face and stormed towards Elijah only to be stopped by both Stefan and Alaric, “Let me go,” the men obliged, “I’m not jealous of you because you aren’t competition. You’re a Mikaelson; an Original vampire. Y/N is a hunter and knows what you and your family have done. How in the hell can you even begin to believe that she would choose you?”
Elijah smirked, “Because I’m nothing like my siblings. And she trusts me, even more than you. I haven’t even known her that long and she’s chosen to tell me her personal truths. Tell me, Damon, has Y/N told you the truth about her mother and father? Or her brothers who seem to shut her out for being their father’s bastard child?”
“You son of a bitch,” Dean stormed toward the Original but his brother halted his advance.
“Dean! Stop. He’s just trying to get a rise out of us,” Sam said in an attempt to calm his brother.
“Yeah, well, it won’t work. Leave, Elijah. You don’t belong here. When she wakes up she won’t choose you and I’ll be the one to help her comes to terms with this. So, uh, get bent.” With that, Damon turned and left the foyer, heading upstairs to check on you.
As Damon entered his bedroom he sighed. He approached your unmoving form and took another deep breath before sitting down next to you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. This is all my fault. I’m the one who pissed you off before your hunt and then I kissed you earlier and freaked you out. I should’ve told you how I felt before. God, I wish I could just talk to you.” He sighed once more as a singular tear slipped down his face. 
“I was so angry when I found out about you and Elijah; angry at you, angry at that posh asshole, angry at myself. I wanted to fight a goddamn Original for you. I don’t know what you see in him but I know it’s your decision. And I’m sorry I sprung my feelings on you, I know it freaked you out. According to Elijah, you’ve been having some problems and I know what I did had to add to that, and I’m sorry.”
Damon paused and wiped the tears away, “Please, Y/N, just wake up. I promise I’ll help you through it. I know it isn’t what you want, to be one of us, but it has its upsides I promise. I think you’ll love being a vampire personally; the speed, the strength. If you want, you could continue hunting, and be the best hunter in existence,” he smirked.
The eldest Salvatore took your cold, limp hand in his and gave it a kiss before leaning his forehead against it, “But you have to wake up. Please Y/N, I love you. Just wake up.”
Suddenly, a gasp sounded throughout the room. Damon’s head shot up as you sat up in the bed. Damon looked at you in awe, not believing his eyes. He may have vehemently denied out loud the fact it was unlikely you would wake up, but deep down, he doubted you were going to actually wake up.
He looked straight ahead and let out a shuddering breath, “Y/N?”
Read Chapter 17 Here
Tag List: @lovesamwinchester @winchesterxtwo @waywardrose13 @assass-is-here @winchesters-favorite-girl @captainam-erika-trash @hunterplushy @bee-wrecker @letmebeyoursforever @colie87 @m-blackshy-m @impala-baby-winchester @sassy-and-classy-cowgirl @vxidnik @theroyalbrownbarbie @fandooomqueenforyou @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @evyiione @artsyicon @cinnamonrollsforlife @crowleyshenchmen @spunky-89 @so-get--this @henrietteoaks @lidiamiota @mypage-myfandoms @capsofwinchesters @putyourherohaironstefan @plethora-of-things @bucky4cap45 @unicornblood4ever @gh0stgurl @redwhitenbucky @sallyp-53 @i-am-not-a-goats @hauntingnightterror @just-another-fan-blog
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writingwhywhywhy · 5 years
Derailed Chapter 4
5 and a half years ago.....
You and Dean had been gliding through a beautiful honeymoon phase. There were a few fights here and there. None of them were like the fight you were having right now. "Last time I checked I was an adult Dean!" You shouted
"Well as an adult you should have known how stupid it was to make that move was!" Dean shouted back
"YOU ALMOST DID!" Dean yelled back
"YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T NEED THIS! I DO GREAT ON MY OWN!" You screamed as you ran to your room, leaving Dean stunned and silent
You started packing what little you owned into a duffel bag, ignoring any and all tears appearing in your eyes. "Don't go." Dean said causing you to jump
"Why should I stay if you're just going to second guess every single decision I make?" You asked wiping away a few tears while keeping your back to him
Dean wrapped himself around you. "You think I could live without you baby?" He asked
"You were doing just fine before I arrived." You said
"I was. Then you changed it all by walking into my life." He replied
"Then why were you fighting with me about my decision to save you?" You asked
"I told you. I really can't live without you." He said.
You turned around and kissed him. "Well your bag is packed, so I think you should change rooms." He said after you pulled apart
"What room should I move to?" You said trying to be coy
Dean picked you up and you wrapped your legs around him. "Let me show you." He said before carrying you to his room.
He laid you on his bed. "Too bad I have to get up and get my bag." You said
"That can wait." He said kissing you again.
Three years ago.....
You had spent a lovely day with Jackson and Hope at some park. Haley, Klaus, and Elijah had handled some vampires who thought that they were up and coming. Jackson didn't want to hunt and murder vampires, and Elijah had asked you to help protect Hope. He said you would know the signs of any vampires coming, but you knew he was being overprotective in a keep you out of danger way. So you let it slide. The last thing you wanted to do was remind the Mikaelsons that you use to be a hunter.
You were walking to the kitchen and your heart broke. You could hear Elijah and Haley laughing. You cursed yourself. They obviously were friends. Elijah would never send you away  just to spend alone time with Haley. You wouldn't have been a great distraction to keep Jackson busy. You knew all of this, but your brain screamed it all at you anyways/
You shook your head and entered the kitchen. Haley had her hand laying on Elijah's arm. Kill Bill sirens played in your head. You took a breath. It was probably explainable, but they were leaning too close together for your liking. The green eyed monster roared inside of you, but you were fighting it every single step of the way. "Hey" you said
"Hey." Elijah replied
You wished they had broken apart like two teenagers being caught making out. They had the nerve to stay exactly as they were. If you had been willing to stand there all day, you knew they would stay glued to each other. You felt a scream building inside of you. "Jackson and Hope were wonderful today! How was it here?" You asked in place of screaming.
"Great. The problem was handled relatively quickly." Haley said, still smiling from the joke, with her hand still on Elijah's arm.
At that moment you wished either Haley would disappear or that your jealousy would. Unfortunately for you neither would, so you did your best to ignore your jealousy. What to say? "Hope found the cutest butterfly and chased after it. She said something like she wanted her daddy to paint it. It's so hard to believe she is only three. I mean she seems to grow by three years each day." You decided to ramble on about everyone's favorite subject.
Haley smiled at the thought of Hope. Please continue this conversation you begged both of them silently. Yet again, today you were disappointed. They just let your ramble hang in the air for a minute before it fell. You didn't know what you wanted to happen, but you knew you wanted out of this moment. You were stuck watching two people perfectly made for each other glued together, and one of them happened to be your boyfriend.
You wished you had taken Jackson up on his offer of a beer. You had for some foolish reason missed Elijah, and you had forgotten he had Haley to keep him company. If you had taken the beer Jackson had offered, you would be laughing with a friend while Elijah and Haley had some alone time. Then you remembered that the base of your relationship with Elijah stemmed from sex as a moving on technique and it could end anytime. He could ask you to leave right now and you would have nothing to stand on.
The moment dragged on for what felt like eternity. Finally Haley decided to go home to Jackson and Hope. You finally felt like you could breathe again."So what was that?" Elijah started
"What was what?" You tried to play it off
"Y/N you know exactly what I meant." Elijah growled
You shrugged. The next thing you registered was Elijah pushing you against the wall and staring deep into your eyes. "You need to be honest with me. Haley was trying to be nice." Elijah said
"That was nice? I tried to start a conversation with her but both of you let it dry up. I understand that you guys were made for each other but you don't have to rub it in my face.  The fact that you sent me off to babysit her husband while the two of you had alone time. You could just tell me to leave. " You replied
Elijah stared into your eyes. You regretted being that honest. You could have lied. "You were jealous?" He asked almost shocked
"Well you two seem to complete each other." You said with a bit of anger
"So are you afraid I am just going to ask you to leave whenever Haley says she wants me?" He asked joking
Somehow he had managed to hit exactly what you felt on the head. "I will never ask you to leave. I promise." He said kissing you.
"Do you think you can keep that promise?" You asked once he pulled away
"You know what I don't know if I can, so I guess I should ask you to leave now." He said with a smile.
"Fine. I will leave." You said with a bigger smile
The two of you laughed a bit. A lot of your jealousy was put to rest. But a part of you had this nagging feeling that he might break his promise. He wouldn't be the first.
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writingwhywhywhy · 5 years
Derailed Chapter Three
Like two clocks in sync, they both called you back at the same time. Luckily for you, your phone could merge two answered calls. "I am pregnant, one of you is the father, and I have a DNA test set in two weeks." You said as soon as they were both on the line.
"Are you sure?" Dean asked
"6 home test and a doctor's confirmation sure." You said
"The reason you are calling either of us is?" Elijah asked very impatiently
"Well congratulations on being the last two people I have slept with." You spat out very annoyed, considering you hadn't slept with anyone since the two of them.
"With the past year you have had, you’re sure it's one of us?" Dean asked
"The timeline matches. But if it would make you feel better I could call the two men I slept with before either of you and have them come also." You snarled into the phone.
"That would help alleviate any doubts if you would be kind enough." Elijah said coldly.
"So I will see the two of you in two weeks?" You asked a bit frustrated
You got one sure and a fine. You would have screamed, and to think four months ago you dropped everything and ran to help both of them. Some stupid cult became obsessed with the righteous man and righteous brother. At one point they had turned Elijah human. Freya had reversed this, but during this time you had been with Elijah and Dean. To be honest it had been the farewell the you had never said. It was sweet  in it's own way, but you regretted it quite bit now. You also regretted sleeping with them within a day of each other. Nothing you could do about it now.
You gave them both the address before hanging up. You proceeded to call your favorite distraction. "Hey. I haven't herd from you in a few months." Damon, according to your phone, said.
"Well I have been a busy bee. I do need a favor." You said.
"Sorry baby, but I am finally back with the love of my life." He said with a smile.
"Would she mind if you took a DNA test to humor my actual baby daddies?" You asked
"Could you repeat that?" He stammered
"I am pregnant. The two actual possibilities won't take the test unless the two men I slept with before the two of them also take it. So I was wondering if you just showing up to help a friend out would upset your girlfriend?" You restated
"So was I a lucky name drawn out of a hat?" He joked.
"Well you're lucky enough to have been the actual last person before those two. The other guy I have to call is unlucky number 4." You said
He agreed to come and you gave him all the details he needed. You made the fourth phone call of the day. "Hey." You said as soon as he answered.
"Hey Y/N. How are you doing?" He asked
"Pregnant but I need a favor from you." You said.
"Okay. What is the favor?" He asked hesitantly
"I need you to show up for a DNA test. It's not yours, but both of  the possibilities want the last two men I slept with before them there." You rambled
"So I get to be one of the lucky four for a test. Sure I will show." He said
You gave him all the details and hung up. Part of you just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. You didn't want to leave this town. It was the closest thing to a home you had. You found yourself returning here. It was a weird safe haven. That's why you found Dr. O'Brien. She was a doctor who didn't ask many questions and she was on a more affordable scale. You knew this would be the last two weeks you would spend here. You were very tempted to try this child raising thing by yourself. The love you had shared with each of these men had turned them bitter. The love you still carried for both of them hurt you. Could you allow your child to be raised by two people bitter and hurt? You picked up your phone to maybe call it off and then it rang.
"Why the fuck does my brother insist that we have to drive to some town in two weeks?" Sam kinda shouted at you.
"Good to hear from you to Sam" you said with a fake pleasant tone.
"Look the town he wants to go to is where you normally hole up after a hunt so spill." Sam said ignoring your greeting.
Another call came in. "Hey Sammy hold for half a second I need to answer and merge this calls." You said knowing he hated that nickname, and you immediately answered the other call.
"Hey Nikki hold for half a second." You said before Niklaus could say anything.
You pulled the phone away from your ear long enough to merge the calls. You herd a string of curse words from your phone before it was back to your ear. "So do the Mikaelsons and Winchesters run on the same time? Or are the double calls just a standard package?" You said
"What the hell is my brother doing driving to you?" Niklaus angrily asked.
"Remember the last time you boys called me? I came running because your dumb ass older brothers got themselves into a jam. Well do you also remembers awkward oops I slept with both of you within 24 hours. I am pregnant and one of you gets to be an uncle!" You said with all the sass you could muster.
You could almost hear them deflate. "I need to go with Dean." Sam said
"Well then I will see the two of you in two weeks." Klaus said.
"Fun. Now is there anything else I could do for the two of you?" You grunted into the phone.
There was a beat of silence. "Probably shouldn't have cussed at the person maybe carrying my brother’s spawn." Klaus said
"Yeah not the brightest idea." Sam said
"Yeah, luckily I know you both are dummies and can forgive such language." You said
There was another pause, and then a round of goodbyes was said. After the call had ended, you felt a small pang of sadness. You use to be considered family by both of them. Now the relationships had broken a bit, but you had kept in touch like fresh high school graduates hanging on to their best friends from high school. You hoped against all olds that the relationships would be fixed, but part of you knew that there was no way to take back your leaving even if you had been asked to go.
Two weeks to kill. You wanted to find something to hunt. You tossed the idea out for the sake of the human growing inside you. You didn't want to think about the future for many reasons and one of them was the feelings of home this place gave. You had thought of 4 places as home. Your child hood home, the bunker, the compound, and this town. You would probably move back to either the bunker or the compound.
You were equally afraid they were going to feel like a prison or like home. Prison where you were held captive against your will, and forced to raise your child with someone who hated you. Home where you felt comfortable, and raising your child with the man you loved. The first terrified you because it meant the love you felt was not returned and may have never been there. The latter terrified you for the fact you might have wasted your time alone and hurt your adopted family and yourself for no reason.
Your past hurt. Thinking of your biological family brought you back to that fateful day every time. You could still see the fire and smell the smoke despite the 7 year gap in time. You forbade yourself from thinking on either Elijah or Dean, but you failed that quite often. Partly due to staying in contact with Sam, Klaus, Freya and Bobby. Yet the main reason you didn't want to think about them was that you still loved them. You always pushed that fact to the back of your mind. You refused to acknowledge it.
The only thing that you could do was say goodbye to this town. It would be the first goodbye you had complete control over. The only goodbye that wouldn't have people attached, but you found yourself talking to the human growing inside. You told them about this town and why you liked it. You even promised if they ever hated their dad you guys could move back and you would do the whole single parent thing.
The two weeks moved very slowly but still too quickly for your liking. You wished you could hold this bit of semi freedom for a while because you knew the second they arrived somehow your freedom would end. Yet you still dutifully showed up to Dr. O'brien's office early. You found two men waiting for you. "Damon" you said hugging him.
The other man stared at you a bit awkward. When you went in for the hug, he said "The name is Garth."
"I knew that." You lied completely during the hug. You had for some reason listed him in your phone as good number for repeat sex and not under his name.
"So what do we do now?" Damon asked
You looked at both of them. You wished the other two had arrived first. You were about to check in with Mercy, when Dean and Elijah walked in with Sam and Klaus. "Welcome to the party." You said walking away towards Mercy's desk.
"Hey are you testing all six of those men?" Mercy asked as soon as you arrived at the desk.
"No. Just 4 of them. The weirdly tall one and the one that looks likes he wants to murder things are here for emotional support." You said
"Well it's good to have friends." Mercy says with a smile.
"Not my emotional support, but one of them is the uncle." You replied
"This is a lot to unpack, but I am going to let Dr. O'Brien handle this because I am honestly not paid enough for this." Mercy said
"Thank you. Do I march the entire party to her?" You ask
"She wanted to see you first and check a few things. You can go see her now." Mercy said.
~(General POV in the Waiting room)~
You had failed to notice the awkwardness between the men. "So Garth I haven't seen you in a while." Sam started trying to break the awkward silence.
"So who broke her?" Garth asked
He got a questioning look from four of the men. "Most women stop calling you after you physically use them to break furniture during sex. They also don't call you back encouraging you to use them to break more furniture." Damon added
"Most women also remember your name." Garth said
"Most women also believe whatever name you give them." Damon said
Few people would be able to read the bit of hurt that ran across Dean's and Elijah's faces. "Personally if I wouldn't have called. Raising a child by yourself has to be easier than dealing with you lot." Garth spat
"Hey you don't know the full story." Sam started  trying to defend them
"Don't know the whole story is BS. We know enough of the story. I have never in my entire life looked into eyes that hurt and dead." Damon replied.
The silence echoed. "Damon you can go." Elijah said with a cold detached voice
"What suddenly you don't need the last two people she slept with." Damon snapped back
"You are a vampire the last time I checked, and unless you had been cured during your last time with Y/N like I was, you can't be the father." Elijah stated dryly
Damon left with a bit of anger. "Garth you can leave also." Dean said
"What gets me my pass?" Garth asked with attitude
"Because she knew it wasn't either of you two. We were just being pricks because she had the nerve to move past us." Dean said
"She never really got past you two." Garth said leaving.
Another silence settled between the four. It would be several silent minutes before you returned.
~(Back to your POV around the same time)~
"Mercy input four men for testing when she checked you in. I saw six out there and we originally thought it would be two." Dr. O'Brien calmly semi asked
"The real possibilities insisted that I include the last two men I had slept with and they brought their brothers for emotional support." You replied
"You know I could cancel the test if you need me to." She said staring into your eyes.
For what felt like the millionth time, you thought about being a single parent. "As stupid as it is, I still love both of the possible fathers. Even if I didn't, I couldn't live with myself if I kept their child away from them." You replied
"Children." Dr. O'Brien corrected you
"What?" You asked
"I told you it was twins last time. Were you paying attention?" She asked
"I  guess not. Can we keep that between us and the father?" You asked
After she confirmed it would stay between the two of you until you figured out who was the father, you went to collect the boys. "Hey where did Damon and" you took a pause and thought really hard about it "Garth go?"
You saw a flood of emotions roll over both Dean and Elijah. "Look I just need you two here to figure out the father so let's go." You said
"Did you know that I knew and hunted with Garth?" Dean asked
"Or that Damon, a vampire, has a complicated history with my family?" Elijah asked
"Turns out I keep making the same mistakes. I keep sleeping with a hunter than a vamp. Despite that I am not that stupid to sleep with anyone entangled in either of your lives." You said coldly
A silence settled between the three of you. The test took a few minutes. "You can come back in five days." Dr. O'Brien said afterwards.
"It's enough time to show you all around town." You offered as you walked out of the office
"No thanks." Dean said.
"How about you Elijah?" You asked
There was a moment where you could have sworn he looked like he wanted to. You could almost see the love you knew he use to feel. Then you arrived in the waiting room. "So it's going be about five days until we know which one of you is the lucky uncle. I was offering to show you guys around town." You said ignoring the no Dean had given.
To say the silence was heavy would be an understatement. You knew that Klaus and Sam had missed spending tine with you a bit. You also knew that Elijah was on the edge of saying yes. Dean's no was just a cover. Yet the emotional baggage you shared individually with Dean and Elijah hung over you. In a few days one of them would be locked in your life forever and the other would most likely be locked out.
"Or I could just tell you where the nearest place to eat and sleep is?" You offered trying to reach out but not push anyone where they wouldn't be comfortable.
This was also met with silence. "Or you guys could sleep here. I am sure Mercy wouldn't mind." You snapped trying to push them to a decision.
"I  for one would enjoy your company." Klaus said.
You knew that sealed the deal with Elijah. You watched as Dean gave Sam a glare that indicated his plan to kill him if he said yes. "Dean has already declined. I am inclined to do so myself. Yet I feel spending time alone with my brother is torture no one should endure." Elijah said, and you could have sworn that he was trying to help you out
"Sure." Sam said
Dean sighed. "Fine we can pretend to be a happy band of friends." Dean said
"That's exactly what you want to hear from someone you might raise a child with!" You said with enough sarcasm to drown a country. "If you want to follow that beautiful blue Ford focus, we can stop by the local motel. Afterwards there is a lovely dinner within walking distance." You finished trying to not to leave any room for them to say anything about your sass.
Tagging @idkhaylijah
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whitewitchdani · 6 years
Infinitely Different: Chapter 13
Read Chapter 12 Here
Word Count: 2,912
Pairing: Winchester!Sister Reader x ???
Warnings: angst, fluff, canon typical violence
A/N: I told you chapters would start coming out steadily again. :) I hope you guys enjoy chapter 13! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged and please give me all the feedback on this series!
Infinitely Different Masterlist
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“Well, you know all about my family, tell me about yours.”
Your head shot up from looking at the empty cup in your hands, “What? No. Trust me you do not want to delve into the mess that is the Winchester family.” 
You had been talking for a while and heard the full story of the Original vampires and the amazing lives Elijah and his siblings had led over the past 1000 years. You had countered with the story of how your brothers jumpstarted Judgment Day the first time. But to tell him the story of how you became a Winchester? That was one can of worms you would prefer remained tightly sealed.
“Nonsense, my family is an absolute train wreck. I doubt there is anything you could say that could make me think any less of you. After all, you can’t change your family.”
You sighed, “It’s not that I think you’ll think less of me, more that it’s kind of painful to talk about. And also after I tell you everything about my family, John should be happy he’s already dead. The last time I told anyone about my family was to Damon and he was dead set on kicking my dad’s ass afterwards,” you said with a dry laugh.
Elijah smirked, “If you don’t want to tell me that is quite alright, I understand. I just wish to know you better, understand you more. Perhaps knowing your background will give me insight into why you are the way that you are.”
You looked at the Original vampire in front of you and let out a long sigh. There was no reason for you to not tell him, you trusted him and well if you were being honest with yourself, you kinda liked him. NO, you can’t think about that right now. Until you were able to sit down and think you liked no one.
“Well, I don’t know how much you know about the Winchesters but we have an interesting story. Firstly, I am not Sam and Dean’s full sister.”
“I knew that already.” Elijah interrupted.
You looked at him confused, “What? How?”
“Your blood smells different to me than theirs. It’s obvious you only share one parent, father most likely.”
“Oh, well, yeah. John is the boys’ dad, and mine. I’m about two years younger than Sam. My mom was a hunter and met dad when he was still kind of a rookie, sort of saved his ass on a nasty vengeful spirit case outside Indianapolis. After that, there were drinks at a little hunter dive nearby and then... bada bing, bada boom. Nine months later, Y/N Winchester makes her appearance in the world.”
Elijah smiled at your colorful description, holding out his hand, “Would you like another cup?”
You looked down at the empty teacup and back to the vampire with a sheepish expression, “No offense, but if you want me to continue with the Winchester Sagas I’m gonna need something a little stronger than English Breakfast Blend,” you said with a sly smile.
Elijah smirked, taking your cups and leaving the room. When he returned he carried two crystal glasses and a decanter of amber liquid. He poured two generous portions into each glass and handed you one of them. When you took a sip you smiled. 
“Whiskey. Didn’t take the Mikaelson’s for whiskey drinkers,” you smirked as you took another drink.
“Not typically. But we have spent quite a bit of time in America and developed a taste for it. It was mostly a guess if you’d enjoy it, but hunters as a demographic tend to lean toward that type of liquor.”
You laughed, “I’m pretty sure we helped invent it and now keep most of the manufacturers in business.” 
He began to laugh with you until it died down into a somewhat uncomfortable silence; the only sound the fire crackling in front of you. You knew what came next in the story, and part of you didn’t want to tell it. Stefan didn’t even know. The only people who knew the full story about your mom and your childhood were the people who were there for it: Sam and Dean. You had told Damon bits and pieces during your late night drinking sessions, but never the full story. But here you were, about to spill your guts to someone you were supposed to kill on sight. Real smart, Y/N.
“In the first six years of my life, I only met John twice. The day I was born and the day I turned six, because apparently he was nearby. I really had no desire to meet him, Mom talked about him like he was a complete bastard and after I lived with him for a couple months I understood why,” you huffed a small laugh.  
“But John showed up the day I turned six and spent the day with me and after that I had this glowing view of my father. He was my hero. My dad saved people just like my mom and to me that was the best thing in the world. I wanted to be a hunter just like my parents. My mom never hid what she did from me, because she wanted me to be prepared for what was out there and because monsters and their families tend to be revengeful types. And she was right. Because that’s what took her from me.”
You were quiet again and suddenly found your glass to be incredibly fascinating. Again, all that was heard were the embers crackling in the fireplace. You could feel Elijah’s eyes on you but you knew they weren’t full of pity, rather admiration of the strength he had already seen in you. Now he was learning where it had come from. 
Without looking up you continued, “Um about four months later I was sleeping when I heard a noise downstairs. I sat there for a minute until the noise turned into a loud crash. I raced downstairs to find my mom wrestling with a werewolf on the floor of our living room...
“Y/N RUN!”
“MOM NO!” 
You watched as your mother continued to fight against the wolf holding her to the floor. The little training you had began to kick in and you bolted for the arsenal under the stairs, grabbing a gun and silver bullets. When you came back, the wolf now had your mother pinned to the wall. You pulled the hammer of the revolver back, loading a bullet into place. The sound of the gun cocking caused the werewolf to turn and look at you.
“My beef ain’t with you kid. Do what your mommy said and run, I don’t wanna hurt ya.” 
While the wolf was distracted your mother had pulled the spare knife she kept from her boot. She went to stab him but the wolf was quicker, grabbing her wrist and turning it back around on her, causing the blade to go into her own stomach.
The wolf must’ve been a pure-blood, as he drew back his claws and his eyes returned to normal. He stalked toward you but your wide eyes were still locked on your mother’s slumped form against the wall. When he got close you finally noticed his advance and began to back up, dropping the gun as your back hit the wall behind you.
“You got someone you can call?”
You nodded.
“Good. Here, this was hers.” He handed you your mother’s cell phone, which you took with a shaking hand. “Now, don’t ever let me catch you hunting or I won’t be as nice next time. Understand?”
You nodded again, a tear streaking down your cheek.
“That’s a good girl.” He patted your head a couple times before walking out of the front door like nothing had even happened. 
You stared at your mother’s body. You couldn’t find it in you to go over to her, so you looked down at the phone in your hand. There was only one person you could call and you hoped like hell he would even answer. With shaky hands, you dialed the number your mother made you memorize for this very instance. You thought she was being overzealous and paranoid, if you had only known.
The phone rang four times before a gruff voice answered, obviously upset at being woken up at the late hour, “What?”
You were silent. You had only met John twice and had literally just watched your mother get murdered; you were entitled to a bit of a freak-out.
The voice on the other end huffed, “Hello? Who’s there? How’d you get this number?”
Thinking your only family was about to hang up on you jolted you into action, “Hi,” you said in a small voice, “Is this John Winchester?”
“Yeah, who’s askin-” he paused as he thought he recognized the voice and when he checked the number that had called, he recognized that too. “Wait, Y/N?”
“Hi, Daddy.”
“Baby, why are you callin’ me at 3 in the morning?”
You sniffled, trying to keep the tears at bay, “I need you to come here.”
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Where’s your mom?”
The tears had managed to escape and were cascading down your face in full force, “Just come here please.”
“Where’s your mom, Y/N?”
“A man got into the house. There’s blood. Daddy, please.” You begged, crying hard at this point.
John sprung into action, waking his oldest son to get his youngest together. “Okay baby, I need you to go upstairs to your room and get into your closet and shut the door. Don’t come out for anyone but me, understand?” John thanked whatever powers there were that he was only an hour away from your house; with a Winchester driving it could be made in about 20 to 30 minutes.
When he arrived he rushed into the house, ordering his sons to stay in the car until he returned. He entered the house and cringed at the sight he saw; he and your mom may not have always seen eye to eye but she was the mother of his child and because of that, whatever did this was going to pay.
He ran upstairs to his daughter’s bedroom and tore open the closet door, finding her small form sitting on the floor hugging her knees and sobbing. Thankfully, she had no blood on her and looked unharmed. Physically at least. John knew it was going to be difficult for her; Dean was only four when Mary died and it took months to get him talking again.
He crouched down to her level, “Y/N/N?”
You looked up at him with red-rimmed eyes, “Daddy?”
“Yeah, baby. It’s me. C’mon, let’s go.” He scooped you into his arms and carried you out the front door, making sure you didn’t see the scene in the living room again. They were close enough to Bobby’s that he could drop off his children and then return to deal with this mess.
As he plopped you down in the front seat next to him, you turned to look at the two boys in the back seat, both older than you.
You turned to look at your father, “Who are they?”
He sighed, this wasn’t how he wanted to do this, “Y/N that’s Dean and that’s Sam; they’re your brothers. Dean, Sam, this is Y/N, your sister. She’s going to be staying with us from now on.”
The flashback played like a movie reel in your head as you told the story to Elijah out loud. It was strange; actually telling the full story to someone felt kind of... good? Freeing? Sort of like a weight had come off of your shoulders. Sam and Dean knew everything of course, but had always walked on eggshells around you when the topic came up. Something told you Elijah wouldn’t.
“I know this is not helpful nor any consolation to what you’ve gone through, but I am truly sorry. Losing your mother that way...”
You looked up at the Original vampire in front of you and smiled, “Thank you Elijah. You should know that you’re the only person who knows the full story besides Sam and Dean; I’ve never told anyone.”
“May I ask why?
“I didn’t want their pity I guess? Also I guess I’ve always felt sort of guilty. I could’ve pulled that trigger and saved my mom but I froze. It’s my fault she’s dead.” A lone tear streaked down your face.
Elijah moved closer to you, a bit hesitantly at first to see if you’d stop him, and then moved right next to you when you did not. Using his thumb, he wiped the tear from your cheek.
“First, you were six, merely a child when she was killed. Parents are meant to protect their children, not the other way around. You were incredibly brave for a child of your age, mature in your actions and thought processes.”
You laughed, “My mom always used to say you could’ve plucked my brain from my skull and dropped it into the body of an 18 year old and no one would’ve been the wiser.”
He smiled, “She was most likely correct. You should not blame yourself for her death, Y/N. If the blame lies with anyone, it is with the creature who took her from you.” He cupped your cheek after wiping another tear away.
“He’s dead.” You whispered into his hand.
“How do you know?”
“Because I killed him.”
Elijah pulled back and looked at you, “When?”
You sighed, “When I was 14. Dad came back from a hunt one day and said he had found the wolf that had killed my mom and that it was time for me to put everything he had taught me to the test. So he took me to the house the pack was holing up in and he took out the other two and left he one who killed my mom for me. He recognized me too. Cursed me for turning into my mother: a hunter, a cold-hearted killer. And then I put a bullet in his heart. John was so proud, I don’t think I spoke for a week.” Remembering the alcohol you had in your hand, you downed it in one fell swoop. 
The room was quiet again. Tears were flowing down your face in full force now. You hadn’t cried in years, not since Sam had left for Stanford, but you had ended up on his heels anyways. You went to wipe the tears but two hands beat you to it. Elijah cupped your face and wiped the tears away with his thumbs. 
“He was right. We’re all killers. Why we claim to be better than the things we hunt I’ll never know. I tried to leave this life, I did. But everyone always gets pulled back in. Even when I tried to leave I ended up here, a town made up of 75% supernatural beings. John made his children into killers, Dean never asks questions; it’s always so black and white for him. I never followed John’s orders like he does, even less than Sam did. No wonder Dean resents me so much. All I did was come into the family and piss John off basically with my existence as I got older.” 
You were still crying at this point. Why were you spilling your entire guts to him? What the hell was happening to you? Oh yeah, this is why you didn’t want this can of worms unsealed, because it was so damn difficult to keep them all from crawling out. Now you were basically having a breakdown in front of someone you barely knew.
Elijah brought you into his arms and you instantly relaxed in them. He held you tightly and you wrapped your arms around his neck, reciprocating it. You felt your breathing begin to even out as one of his hands rubbed your back and one cradled your head. 
“It may not mean much, but from what I have seen and heard you are an incredibly strong woman.” You both pulled back from the embrace but stayed close. “You protect yourself and others but know that there is a line that should not be crossed, and that there are shades of gray when it comes to people like me. To deviate your beliefs from those of your friends and family I know is not easy. From what you have told me you have overcome insurmountable ordeals and dealt with events no one else will most likely ever experience. Yet you still dropped everything to come aid your friends here in Mystic Falls.” 
Elijah moved even closer to you, your noses almost touching, and you swore you completely stopped breathing. You knew what was coming, and even though you knew you should, you were making no effort to stop it.
“You are an amazing woman, Y/N.”
With that, Elijah closed the space between you until your lips finally met. The kiss started slow and gentle; you could feel the care he had for you behind it. Then it became a bit harder, more passionate. He cupped your face and you drew the lapels of his jacket into your fists. Your lips moved in sync and the rest of the world seemed to melt away. You didn’t know how exactly you felt in that moment; all you knew is that you never wanted it to end.
Oh you were so screwed.
Read Chapter 14 Here
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