#and Evans isn’t keen on frozen
jessieren · 5 months
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So apparently now they’re saying I have a waist like a disney princess
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I mean… really? A disney princess? What do you think?
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I wonder which princess … I mean they haven’t been specific
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So I’ve reread all the stories and given they’re also obsessed with my hair, I think either Rapunzel or Brave… which do you think?
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Sleeping beauty?? But I never sleep… it can’t be that
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Elsa?? Seriously???
I mean it’s not even a classic..
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basementbeholden · 5 years
Trials of the Dead Ch:1
Visit {AO3} for a Non-Stylized version of this writing.
The anger of the entity grew white-hot in intensity. The Skies were nearly flooded by the shattered glass-like embers marking the “dawn” of something new. They all should have given up by now. Survivors and killers alike should have all Festered and a new batch should have been brought. It had truly never lasted this long. 
The entity decided a final mountain should be added to trials. It’s killers would be stronger in said wake but maybe the onslaughts would dull down the edges of such beasts and let them succumb to their short-comings. Maybe they’d all give in and be proper fuel for the nightmare realm it had created.
As the skies dimmed so did the fire, for the first time safety didn’t feel so safe. Jake sat in his tree with a flick the dim light from his lighter illuminated his face so as to be visible as he talked down. The first voice to pierce the silent dark-
“I’ve learned a lot here and I doubt I’m done learning, but I think that was a bad sign.” His voice quiet, eyes flicking about scanning the darkness.
“No damn shit Goblin-Boy.” Meg tried making light with a half-hearted smile but nonetheless worry consumed her. 
“Hush! The both of ya!” Bill snapped alert as Jake but more battle-worn he peered into the dark. 
Others frozen almost in fear or even wonder watching. Detective Tapp soon joined the watch. Then Quentin, Ash and Jeff. Quietly staring into a deep black abyss. It actually caught Adam’s eyes first, the photographer was good at catching minute details and soon saw a pair of eyes deep in the dark.
“We have eyes- Human height- shit..” A panicked whisper escaped him as he crept closer to the fire’s remains now near-embers it hardly glowed. 
Bill quickly took a defensive stance as with Tapp holding a flashlight at the ready. Jake took hold of a branch far too weak to carry his weight, hoping to rip it down and then jumped down off the tree, ripping the branch down with Far more clatter than he intended. 
In the moment the intensity changed and the noise startled not only those by the fire but also the thing they’d caught glimpse of. A silent moment dies with a garbled wail as the set of eyes turns into two into four into eight then twelve. All survivors now on their feet.
“SHIT!” Bill took a brief realization then quickly sprung to combat better than any man his age should be able to. Tapp and King followed suit Dwight began digging through bloodwebs to find something, anything that would help.
“Aha!” Dwight, nose bleeding cheered as he dug a small hatchet out of a now brackish charcoal-like patch in the ground that faded as soon as it sprung fourth. “David! Catch!” He shouted and both King turned around. David Tapp had learned long ago Dwight would usually always call him Mr. Tapp or detective. David quickly caught the new weapon wordlessly and began Properly bashing these hard to see attackers but if bill saw a threat so did he.
After about an hour of fighting the things it started to calm down, those with medical skills now stressed about the injuries to their team and what the hell the opponent was. Nothing fatal but still worrisome. 
“Everyone okay? You all still awake and with us?” Adam called out to the group. He was the louder of the two medical “professionals.” Though Claudette isn’t someone who lets you just walk all over her, she tends not to shout because she considers it a waste of breath. 
A few nods and some vague noises of agreement and Adam quickly moved to the next question. “So then, what the hell was all that?”
Before anyone else could make any guesses bill butted in. “What do you think that was kid? God Damn Zombies out here where it was already bad enough. Now we have this shit to deal with.” Bill sounded near out of breath but wouldn’t let it stop him from lighting another cigarette and taking a long puff. 
Even Jake and Jeff separated themselves from everyone else slightly to take a puff of something stress-relieving Ace quickly followed them as he had figured out long ago what Exactly they were smoking. He didn’t always partake but in this moment he figured as long as he didn’t overdo it he’d be able to keep going with a little less pain from his younger-years. 
As they settled and began removing bodies they noticed a few of their own missing. The fire bright once more conclusions were soon come to that trials had began again, though who knows how safe the fire really is anymore.
The usual routines now disturbed by this odd light-show a few killers who had made some semblance of a “living” if you could call it that, now watch from their places. More keen and aware than the survivors, the few who find companionship or friendliness in this harsh environment now face a similar foe but with much more composure.
Wraith, Trapper and Hillbilly find themselves fighting beside each other. Spirit, Nurse and Huntress find a similar coexistence. The legion gang fend for themselves alike Myers and Clown. Hag and Pig find a neutral ground and defend each other mostly for their own benefits while Plague finds herself comforted by these atrocities. 
The boys disposed of the zombies fairly quickly but it’s not so easy afterwards. Confusion ensues and a very curious Max can’t help but ask a million and four questions about these things. Philip being unable to talk and Evan having no answers leaves Max wandering the outskirts of their little dwelling looking for more of the things to beat and/or question. In a moment of frustration he finally asks:
“EVAN! Why’d these things come to us anyways? ‘Mean like, we killed ‘em too quick for ‘em to think we was actually smomethin’ they could beat!” Evan’s emotionless mask finally turned towards the curious one.
“Maybe we have something they want. Maybe Them Below sent them after us. I don’t fully know Max, were learning this together.” He sounded almost irritated, but that was usual. Exhaustion and irritation were commonplace for the behemoth. 
The girls had a little more trouble but only because they didn’t have everything at their disposal they normally did. It hurt for Sally and Rin to constantly enter the spirit world. Meanwhile Anna didn’t have near-infinite hatchets the entity allowed her to create and provided places in fairly easy access.
“I’d say that could have gone better.” Sally patted her dress down brushing off dirt and bits of dried blood.
“Better than we are not hurting.” Anna replied nearly out of breath. Picking her posture back up after making sure the little hovel she’d scrapped together wasn’t damaged.
“We must hope those do not come back to Haunt us.” Rin snickered just a little. “Or we might never see each other again!” her voice echoed out in anger. So quickly her curse messed with her mentality.
Legion dealt with it with bits of bickering between each knife stab.
“I am, Frank! Jeez calm your ass down were FINE.” Julie never once questioned her ability to fight and she wouldn’t start now.
“I am! i swear! You can’t just yell at me for nothing Frank!” Susie huffed, almost whining as she took an arm clean off one of the undead foes before them.
“I wish you all would shut up and just Keep Fighting.” Joey’s words almost hissed as he continued to take heads from spines.
Amanda and Lisa had probably the most trouble fighting though, Lisa wasn’t interested in the things whatsoever and Amanda just wanted to get back to tinkering on her traps.
“You know this doesn’t change that i despise your Death-Game.” Lisa’s comment made sure she was clear where she stood on all this. She never would have killed had it not been for what was done to her. Now she couldn’t escape it.
“Whatever just work with me here okay?” Amanda wanted to believe Lisa’s mentality was right but she didn’t dare defy Them. The spider deity was far too unforgiving for her to decide rebellion was a good idea.
Though others were alone they didn’t struggle much due to size or strength or even just strategy. Ghostface lingered around other killers hoping to lose anything following him until he could pick off a few and escape back to his solitude. 
The beginning had everyone on their toes but what was to come, no one could prepare for. The Entity was pissed and now all beneath them would suffer.
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unfortunatelysirius · 7 years
Color Me in Red [Sirius Black – Marauders Era]
♥PROMPT ♥ [Requested by ashnf01] Hey, I am in love with your writing!! I’d like to request a Sirius x reader soulmate au. Where the world is black and white but they start to see color when they first kiss their soulmate. ♥ A/N ♥ This prompt has me giggling with delight. I’m ready. So ready. Thank you for requesting, darling, and thank you for your sweet words! I’m so glad that you enjoy my writing. I hope I did your prompt justice, and if you want a sequel imagine, all you have to do is ask! Have a lovely day, dear :) ♥ WARNINGS ♥ Swearing, Fluff ♥ WORD COUNT ♥ 1325
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Ever since you were a little girl, you dreamed about meeting your soul-mate. Your entire life was written in black-and-white—but upon getting your Hogwarts letter, you were struck with a sense of exultation. You were so full of hope, thinking about the day when you’d meet your soul-mate—when you’d kiss him, and your whole body would feel like it was on fire. You’d find Heaven in his kiss, pure bliss in his touch—and you could be complete for the first time in your life, after missing a piece in the puzzle for years of being on Earth, of being a witch.
In your first year of Hogwarts, you spent every day wanting to know who your soul-mate was. Though you were young, every fiber of your being itched to kiss any bloke that passed by just so you could know. But there was a part of you afraid to think about kissing someone that wasn’t your soul-mate, to feel anything for someone that wasn’t your soul-mate—so you tried depleting your hope to make the intensity of your want and desire less extensive.
Second year passed, then your third year, then your fourth year—and it was in your fifth year that finally, someone by the name of James Potter made to do something about this whole “soul-mate” thing. And this certain something just-so-happened to include the entire Hogwarts population and an enlarged Room of Requirements.
You weren’t necessarily adamant on joining the cause due to your discomfort at the thought of being kissed by strangers, but you were good family friends with the Potters and knew James a great deal better than most. Because of this, you decided to take him up on his offer (well, his demand) for a soul-mate intervention. You were suspicious that he merely wanted to use it as an excuse to corner Lily Evans and snog her. Whatever it was, you were both anxious and uncomfortable at the thought.
“Gather ‘round, gather ‘round!” James yelled cheerfully on that fateful evening, in a room full of people. Quite a bit of students decided against attending the ordeal, but the room was still filled to the brim. James seemed to notice this, too. “I should have asked for a bigger room.”
“Was the lack of leg-room not obvious enough?” his friend Sirius asked irritably, looking like he wanted to strange the daylights out of the jittery Hufflepuff next to him. He glared at him viciously. “Get the bloody hell away from me!”
The Hufflepuff didn’t need to be told twice.
James gave his friend a dirty look for interrupting him, then turned his attention back to the room of familiar faces. “The roles are to not snog! Too many people for that to be appropriate,” he said, and you fought the urge to scoff. You know that the moment this whole fiasco began, he’d instantly pursue Lily and snog the daylights out of her. Who was he trying to fool? Himself?
“Can we just begin already?” Sirius asked, looking more anxious than you’d ever seen him. For a split second the two of you had direct eye-contact and you made sure to flash a small smile in his direction. He returned it, surprisingly enough, a strange twinkle to his upturned mouth.
James nodded, his eyes searching the crowd for Lily. He grinned wickedly at her when he caught sight of her freckled face. “Yeah, sure.”
Everyone began kissing somebody. You were just awkwardly standing there, looking around in bewilderment—like a lost pet trying to find a way back home. You saw James kissing Lily, and just as suspected, there was a bit of tonsil play occurring here and there. Even Dorcas Meadows, an innocent girl from Ravenclaw, was kissing someone.
Were you the only one with morals?
You quickly made your way through the kissing individuals, dodging swaggering boys that seemed intent on making you their next target, and you kept trucking on until you made your way to the back wall. There, you felt you could finally breathe. The room was small, but here, it felt like the largest space of air and solitude. You spent minute after minute breathing in the cool air, brow drenched in sweat, when a tall, lean body slid up next to you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, and you instantly recognized him as Sirius. Slowly, your turned your eyes to meet his. It was hard to see in the dark, but there was a flicker of something there, something you couldn’t quite place.
You smiled at him, though it was weak. “Hi, Sirius.”
“Suppose you aren’t too keen on this, are you?” he asked, his eyes following James as he ran after a fleeing Lily. “I have to admit that I’m not quite happy with this, either.”
“Why’s that?” You couldn’t help but be surprised. Sirius was known to be extroverted and a overwhelmingly hard-coming pursuer. You remembered him as being one of the select few in your year that was completely adamant on the idea of finding his soul-mate. He was always kissing random strangers and then giving a disgusted expression, which honestly made half of the Hogwarts population detest him. You were a bit confused on how he hadn’t yet made his way to you yet. You assumed that was his intention in coming over here.
Sirius shrugged. “I don’t really know. I guess… it’s just stupid. Isn’t finding your soul-mate meant to be private and intimate?”
He had an honest point, one that you kept reminding yourself every time you wanted to attack a stranger in kisses just to see if you’d find your first flicker of color. You pursed your lips at him. “It is,” you said. “I just think it’s stupid how you have to kiss your soul-mate to find out who it is.”
He smirked at you. “I dunno. I find it quite… endearing.” He leaned closer, his mint-laced breath hitting the side of your face like a merciless wind. “Doesn’t it get you back into a phase of intimacy?”
You had to laugh. “What a way to put it, Sirius—” His lips were touching yours before you could finish teasing him.
The first thing you noticed was that he tasted like cinnamon. There was a touch of cherry there—and spearmint. Vanilla, too—if your tongue stayed in a certain position.
The second thing you noticed was the fireworks. His touch was electric, and it propelled your body forward, leaving you defenseless as his arms enveloped your waist and he dug his hand into your skin.
The third you noticed was the way he felt. His body was like a wonderland, and the way it felt against yours—the way you curled into his like a piece to a puzzle—just made you know. He wasn’t just Sirius Black anymore, nor was he this arsehole that only ever cared about his mates.
No, this was Sirius. Your soul-mate.
You pulled back for breath. Eagerly, you blinked open your eyes, and you noticed the fluorescent green lights flashing on and off—and the dark brown that shrouded his black irises. He was pale and black-of-hair, his robes embellished in the standard style of a Gryffindor.
He was staring at you in wonder and shock. “So.. you’re the infamous Sirius Black’s soul-mate,” he muttered, body frozen.
You giggled, sharing his same look of astonishment. “I guess I am,” you said.
He just had to reach over and grab a strand of your hair. He twirled it around, looking at it in utter fascination. He looked back up at you with a goofy smile plastered on his face. “You’re bloody gorgeous,” he whispered. He tucked the strand of fallen hair back behind your ear, tugging you against his muscular frame. He laid his head softly against yours, and for a moment, all you could hear was the steady beating of his heart.
And it was bloody perfect.
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