#and FRANK
earlycuntsets · 3 months
had to transcribe this - too many defining moments
host: we got marty. marty's gonna come on the show. come on in. (introductions) come on in here (x3) now marty's brought a little something/something for you guys um marty, what have you brought for the gentlemen? I saw it. actually lets get them first, bring em out (x3)
tv lady: frankkk. FRANKK
frank: get away from me. get the hell away
tv lady: frank
frank: NO istg i'll start punching people
tv lady: (in the distance) FRANK GET OVER HERE
frank: goodbye!
spider guy: so frank apparenly loves it
tv lady: frank is gone he totally vaulted (I looked this up as a verb means leap)
gerard: look they left!
ray: he peaced out
gerard: see, the thing is...
spider guy: that's lola (some kinda) tarantula. we've got a nice little petting zoo for you guys to take a look at
host: do any of you guys want to touch that at all?
gerard: no-
spider guy: no ones ever been hurt by a tarantula. they're harmless
host: tarantulas cannot hurt you
tv lady: do you like spiders gerard?
gerard: they don't really bother me. frank is deathly- he's deathly afraid of spiders
tv lady: aw I feel bad now
gerard: yeahhh well you should (lol jk)
ray: is it gonna bite
gerard: nah, he just got outta here before he got too scared. they don't bite! T O R O go for it!
ray: alright (holds the spider) get it off me GET IT OFF ME
spider guy: alright we're gonna put her back. I got something you might like instead of the tarantula
ray: no this is actually kinda cool
gerard: hey frank can you hear me? they have scorpions!
tv lady: i'll go get him
ray: they brought snakes
spider guy: this is reggie. reggies our baby boa constrictor. friendly snakes lotta people have heard of them.
host: will it bite?
spider guy: not gonna bite ya not gonna hurt ya.
host: give it to me i'm gonna take it outside. i'm a little nervous though why don't you take it outside? (to gerard)
gerard: nOOO way man
spider guy: try her on, if you don't want to hold the snake. the snake will hold you.
host: lets go to (unintelligible) it's not so bad
gerard: no this is fine right here. lets get him off now. its actually. 🇮🇹 it's like a big piece of baloney
tv lady: frank won't come in i've tried to get him
gerard: yeah he won't it's because you have a spider in a box
lady: get it off me! (etc.)
much on demand 2005
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xx-sketchy-xx · 7 months
ok. Just..
can I just say
and then he gets super worried
. I rarely post without art, but I promise I’ll make art for this lol.
no longer was he the neighborhood mailman
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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wexhappyxfew · 6 months
hi shannon! i saw you were taking prompts and i knew i HAD to ask for bessie! can i ask for "i wouldn't miss it for anything" from the random dialouge prompts for her? excited to see what you come up with!
HEY BLU!!!! thanks so much for stopping by! :) let's just say i had a LOT of fun with this prompt and got to play with a few OCs i haven't introduced in writing yet - so, please enjoy our resident navigator of Silver Bullets, bessie carlisle, with judy rybinski and a guest appearance from marianne salinger! please enjoy and thank you again!
"Has Tommy written you?" Judy asked quietly from beside her against one of the walls inside the flying club, nudging her shoulder with that small smile of hers, "Any news from the Pacific?" Bessie grinned and pulled the letter from her pocket.
"That and some newspaper cutouts of the 100th that he's been seeing," Bessie said pushing some hair behind her ears, "a real sweetheart, truly, my Tommy." Judy giggled and looked through the cutouts and glanced at Bessie.
"He popped the question yet?" Bessie glanced at Judy before smiling slightly and crossing her arms.
"He's hinted….through his letters. When I see you again…..my Ma's house….back porch looks beautiful in the summer….I'll get you flowers the second we're home and a nice dinner….Mr. Thomas McKenzie isn't smooth when it comes to covering up his intentions in the sweetest way possible." Bessie said with a chuckle and Judy giggled again.
"Please tell me I can attend the wedding." Judy said, gripping Bessie's arm gently with a soft squeeze, "I'll make my Mom's lemon and blueberry scones for the bridal shower."
"Awe, Judy," Bessie said with a grin, "of course you'd be there, dressed in a beautiful blue dress no doubt. One that matches your eyes. All the girls." Judy grinned - she always looked happiest with the women of Silver Bullets. Her smile looked best glazed on her face with joy.
"I wouldn't miss it for anything, you know that." Judy said, looping an arm through Bessie's, "And you two are going to have a wonderful family, and a cute little home, and you'll be the best geography teacher Queens has ever seen."
"Thanks, Judy." Bessie whispered and Judy watched her, genuinely and deeply, her eyes peaking out from behind her long eyelashes and bright, blue eyes.
Judy, young as she was, was by far one of the most genuine people one would ever meet. Attentive, kind, considerate, as well as someone with incredibly good aim (but you wouldn't guess that about her from first meeting), Judy was like Bessie's little sister in some ways. An incredibly good friend, listener, and tagged along with every opportunity - beers, darts, dancing - she was there.
"Good evening, ladies," both Bessie and Judy looked up and over and found the newest replacement pilot - Lieutenant Robert Rosenthal - stood there, perfectly gelled and curled hair, a soft look in his eyes, a slight smile on his face, and his peak cap tucked under his arm, "I don't mean to interrupt." Bessie watched the Lieutenant; she'd never spoken to him, but Annie had come back from a meeting with Operations, mentioning that she'd had a run-in with a new Lieutenant, Robert Rosenthal, and that he'd been real sweet, a calm presence, and had flown B-17s in Texas in his skivvies. Bessie smiled. Quite the combination.
"Not at all," Bessie said, with a wide smile growing on her face, "what can we do for you?" Lieutenant Rosenthal smiled and nodded and stuck out a hand.
"Robert Rosenthal, I just wanted to introduce myself to all the women a part of Silver Bullets," he said, and Bessie shook his hand firmly, "I met Lieutenant Bradshaw and she advised for it and said you'd all be here, and I wanted to follow through with that."
"Bessie Carlisle, I'm the navigator." she said, before glancing at Judy and almost chuckling at her face. Judy - sweet, innocent, Judy Rybinski, was stood, bright-red in the face, a nervous smile on her lips, watching Lieutenant Rosenthal, staring up at him like she suddenly didn't know how to speak. Bessie nudged her ribs.
"Judy Rybinski, sir," Judy said, sticking out a hand, "turret-ball gunner. Pleasure to meet you." Bessie watched Lieutenant Rosenthal shake her hand, a small smile on his face as he nodded, before readjusting his gaze to the two of them.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both," he said, "Lieutenant Bradshaw discussed with me the previous happenings of Silver Bullets and her position as well….I'm sorry about Captain Faulkner." Bessie watched Lieutenant Rosenthal, feeling Judy's tightening grip on her arm an evident signal that Judy's emotions about Captain Faulkner were still as prominent as the day it had happened.
The day Francis had called over the comms that Birdie had died on impact, that she, Francis herself, was taking control of the fort, that she was going to make sure they'd make it all back, safely. Bessie remembered Judy coming up and out of the ball turret, eyes red, stumbling as she tried to control herself, curled up in her cot thereafter, struggling to get out of bed. It was their first real loss and ultimately the most devastating. It wasn't like they'd gone down and she was MIA; she was gone, she was dead.
"She was one of the best pilots I'd ever met," Bessie said, "thank you though, Lieutenant Rosenthal." Lieutenant Rosenthal nodded and then looked towards Judy. Bessie took a willing glance at Judy and saw her, a few drips of tears in her eyes being fought back in her vision and she nodded.
"Yes, sir, one of the best," Judy offered.
"I'm sorry," Lieutenant Rosenthal said quickly, "I didn't mean to upset you both, just that I recognize how important she was to the 100th-"
"No, no," Bessie said quickly, placing a hand on his arm and shaking her head, "not at all, she was the best, but really, don't worry, it's okay." Lieutenant Rosenthal smiled and nodded and then glanced towards Judy again.
"Can I buy you both something?" he asked them. Bessie knew Judy had a nearly entirely filled beer in her hand and that Bessie's was almost out, so she cleared her throat and nodded.
"Yeah, Judy here could use a refill, I'm pretty filled though still with my beer, thank you though, Lieutenant." she said with a nod and glanced at Judy who was staring at Bessie with wide eyes.
"Let me get you something," Lieutenant Rosenthal said to Judy and Bessie watched as Judy swallowed and stood up a bit straighter and nodded.
"Thank you, sir, I'd appreciate it." Judy said, nervously tucking her dark brown strands of hair behind her ears that had fallen from her curls, "You really don't have to though, sir, I was thinking of taking the rest of the night in." Lieutenant Rosenthal smiled - he had an incredibly nice smile - and glanced back at the bar and then back towards Judy.
"You sure?" he asked her, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. Judy watched him for a moment before a nervous smile grew on her face.
"Maybe just one drink then, sir," she said, her cheeks glowing red, before glancing towards Bessie, "I'll be back in a bit, Bes, don't wait up for me." Bessie grinned and watched as Judy stepped forward and waded beside Lieutenant Rosenthal towards the other part of the bar, a smile riding on her face, far and wide. Bessie couldn't remember the last time Judy had let herself as loose as she seemed to be tonight. She deserved to relax a bit, especially with how the last few months had been for her.
"A pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Carlisle," Lieutenant Rosenthal said with a wave over his shoulder and Judy shot her a grin. Bessie nodded with a smile.
"Who's that?" a voice asked, appearing beside Bessie in record fashion - she glanced over and found Marianne Salinger, resident tail gunner of Silver Bullets, with her orange cat, Frank, curled in her arms, a slight smile dancing on her face as she watched Judy stand at the bar next to Lieutenant Rosenthal, the widest smile spread on her cheeks.
"Lieutenant Robert Rosenthal, you heard anything about him?" Bessie asked her. Marianne shrugged her shoulders and glanced towards Bessie.
"Flew planes in skivvies, that's about it. Likes Artie Shaw, taps his fingers a lot." Marianne said quietly, ever-observant as she was, "Seems like a nice crew, don't know much else though." Bessie smirked and glanced over back towards Judy and found her rather excitedly talking to Lieutenant Rosenthal - Judy was very enthusiastic about a select few things and that usually involved intense hand-waving and apt descriptions and Bessie could tell the girl was in her element. And Lieutenant Rosenthal, ever the enthralled and attentive person he appeared to be, was listening intently and deeply, his eyes seemingly refusing to leave her face.
"Judy looks happy and I think that's all that matters," Marianne said with a smile, lifting up the fat, orange cat, "and we'll let Frank here get the final word, but at the minute, if she's happy, I'm happy." Bessie reached forward and scratched behind Frank's ears, the cat purring slightly and the touch before she noticed the slight tear in his ear.
"What happened to Frank here?" Bessie asked and Marianne rolled her eyes and glanced towards where DeMarco was with Meatball.
"Meatball was bothering Frank, and so Frank, as he should, not putting up with his bullshit, fought back and well, his poor little ear got the brunt of it," Marianne said, "I was up Benny's ass about letting Meatball all about - you know it killed one of the neighbors' chickens? I told Benny to get a grip on his dog or else there'd be issues." Bessie let out a laugh and shook her head and Marianne sighed.
"Major Cleven had to go pay the poor son-of-a-bitch because Meatball killed the thing," Marianne grumbled, "I mean, Frank's one of the most chaotic cats I've ever gotten the pleasure of holding, but he's not going around doing that. He's just crazy when he wants, but I control him."
"You're too funny, Mar," Bessie said and watched as Marianne smirked and shook her head, "so, you want to introduce yourself to Lieutenant Rosenthal, get the pleasantries out of the way with Frank?" Marianne smirked and glanced towards the Lieutenant and Judy, before glancing at Bessie.
"Let's wait until Judy has come down for air first," Marianne said, "she's having fun. Frank can sniff him out later."
"Sounds like a plan," Bessie said.
And to top off the night - Frank really loved Lieutenant Rosenthal.
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disintegratingnoodles · 11 months
i feel like this is important to announce that i just read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief- the Blood of Olympus in 11 days
technically that is 10 books
one of those days i had a surgery in the morning and was asleep for 6 hours in the middle of the day.
ADHD hyperfixations are fun.
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coolerdracula · 6 months
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greenwolfie · 1 year
I was going to sleep when...
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This happen 😩 🦩
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year
So uh
Would anyone like to chat with me/listen to me ramble about my Percy Jackson Western AU??
Wherein Percy owns a ranch where he raises and sells horses, and Jason has just acquired Tempest, a mustang stallion, and needs help to train him, and he's also the sheriff, and Leo and Piper are basically family and stick together from town to town, and Annabeth and Percy are married possibly with kids, and it's a whole good thing. I just really wanna talk about lol so if anyone wants to hear abt it that would be nice?
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russolaw · 9 months
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i need to know how the gang sound in spanish dub
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frnkiebby · 6 months
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pls i love them~🎃
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farfromstrange · 1 year
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@shouldbestudying41 That would look good on our shelves tbh
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bunn-iiii · 9 months
guys I am so not normal about my stuffed animals /pos
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txxxciii · 1 year
alright I have to admit
at first I felt skeptical towards wally and julie (either as a romantic pairing or a platonic friendship) and I never quite understood all the hype(?) going on between these two. but one singular comic on instagram featured their relationship in a romantic way and at that very moment my mind changed.
never thought I would start supporting some ship after just one (1) sketchy comic on fucking instagram holy shit.
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sylvertongue · 10 months
I love seeing Oc’s that are like “here is my traumatized rotting man named Dreadwatcher Masther and his dog. Frank.”
Idk it just tickles the brain right
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fearandregret · 2 years
please tell me there is a my chem show tonight because i DEEPLY miss the horrors
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