#and Hawkeye's standing there experiencing every emotion known to man at once
youngpettyqueen · 2 years
running with the idea that Trapper thinks Hawkeye is dead due to the Incident in “The Late Captain Pierce”, scenario where after the war ends Trapper finally makes himself go to Crabapple Cove to visit Hawkeye’s grave and he finds the late Mrs Pierce’s grave but he can’t find Hawkeye’s and he awkwardly asks someone he finds visiting the graveyard where he can find the grave of one Benjamin Franklin Pierce, explains they were close during the war, and the person looks at him with complete and utter confusion like “you mean Dr Pierce? I mean, yeah, he visits his mom here most Saturdays, but I think it’d be more appropriate to just go to his house. He lives up the road”
and that’s how Trapper finds out Hawkeye isn’t, in fact, dead
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imaginativemarvel · 7 years
Visit Me - Loki Laufeyson x Reader Soulmate!AU
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Prompt: Soulmate!AU Where every time someone goes to sleep they relive their soulmates worst memory.
Summary: Y/N hates sleeping, she hates the dream she is always forced to have. Every night she goes to bed to feel this overwhelming feeling of fear, coldness and rejection. Imagine if she realized that her biggest enemy is the same man reliving her worst nightmare.
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader (SOULMATE!AU, there’s not enough of these out there.)
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: i came up with the prompt myself but if someone did b4 me I’m rlly sorry for not giving credit SENDDDD REQUESTS ❤️ Bucky request will be uploaded tomorrow 👍🏼
The air was cold. You continued to look around you but found nothing but emptiness, lifting your hands to see the chilly blue color take over. Your heart began to race as you quickly set down the mysterious glowing object that appeared in your hands. A voice is called out from behind you as you turn to the familiar face. It was an old man, someone you didn’t recognize. He was yelling, his words wouldn’t form and you couldn’t understand him but you knew he was angry. Suddenly you felt anger rush through your body, but it’s soon taken over by rejection, misplacement and disappointment. You try to lift your hands to your head to grip your hair in agony but you couldn’t; you weren’t allowed to do anything but relive the worse moments of your soulmates life. The old man quickly fell lifelessly and you felt your body jolt awake.
Sweat formed around your body as you sat up and placed your head in your knees. The worse part about reliving your soulmates nightmare when you sleep is that you can actually feel what they’re feeling. Of course you aren’t going to naturally feel upset when you don’t necessarily know what’s happening. Another horrible part is that they never show who your soulmate is; they may show parts of their body, like their hands, but nothing for you to truly recognize them. One you meet your soulmate, their horrible memory is replaced by their most cherished memory, whether it’s the moment they met you or the moment that keeps them alive. Most of the people you knew had already met their soulmates due to them being around the age of 25-35 but you, not so much.
Your soulmate had a weird memory, and by weird I mean not like what everyone else has. Usually people have a soulmate where they consider their worse memory as a fight between their family, a death or maybe even something they did that they strongly regret. You? Your soulmate turns blue and yells at a man before he falls to the stairs as if he lost every ounce of life in him. Most of the time people would laugh at you when you told them your nightmare, most of the time they’d tell you it was ridiculous but it was your soulmates worst memory and you couldn’t change that. You’ve been having the memory for years now and not once have you ever thought of a way to explain it.
The horrible memory also was a huge motivation for you, so it had its advantages. You always thought of the possibilities of your soulmate actually being human, I mean no human is just going to randomly turn blue. You tried to think of examples and the only one you were close to comparing him to was the infamous Hulk. He could turn from a simple man to a huge, raging green monster. Or so that’s what the rumors said. You heard about the mysterious man and the mysterious hammer falling from the sky, and you heard about how S.H.I.E.L.D. covered it up. You assumed they had a lot to do with the worlds beyond Earth and that’s why you took so much interest in them.
You didn’t only take your interest in S.H.I.E.L.D. because of your dream, but because of your own worst memory. There was a man that you couldn’t describe, a man you were searching for. If anyone could find this guy, it would be S.H.I.E.L.D., they could find anyone. This man you were searching for took away the only thing you cared about, and he wasn’t a ordinary citizen. He was a monster. A monster who had no emotions and killed on sight, that’s why you dedicated your life into finding him.
It was your fifth year of training to be the perfect assassin and you were declared to be in the top five greatest worldwide. S.H.I.E.L.D. was highly impressed with you, it usually took over 15 years of training to be on the level you were on, but you were just highly motivated. Your motivation was to meet the man who has lived his life in constant fear; someone you have lived through night by night, feeling and enduring his pain. And to meet the man who killed your brother. You knew your soulmate would be reliving the moment you saw the soul leave your siblings body, and you knew he would feel the same pain as you, he would be the only person in the world who is capable of saying ‘I know exactly how you feel’.
That night was the last night you experienced the horrible nightmare, for it was the next morning when someone from outside of earth decided to declare war to all humans. That morning you received a call from Nick Fury, surprisingly. You both weren’t close but he knew who you were, what you ranked and how to contact you if in desperate need of help. It was your month off, you were promised a break in a normal house that was off the grid but it was soon turned into another mission.
“We need your help, (Y/N). The team is in no position going against another race lead by a god. Some of our best members are under his trance and we have no solution other than recruiting and preparing to attack. I know you have the opinion to reject my offer but if you do and the world ends because of that-”
“You wouldn’t be contacting me if you weren’t desperate for help, it’s boring being here alone anyways. I’m in.”
You were being guided into the base beneath Stark Tower before reaching the final door. The man opened it up for you and pointed into the room, signaling for you to enter.
“He can attack any minute, Captain. We need to suit up and wait until he attacks!” A raging redhead was loading her gun and placing them in her twin holders while simultaneously yelling at a seated super soldier.
“You want us to be sitting ducks when we could be evacuating the city? Do you really not care about their lives, Natasha?” His face was stone-cold, not once ounce of emotion besides annoyance.
“That’s not what she’s saying Capsicle, she’s trying to say that if we do happen to evacuate the city and they happen to attack us while we’re surrounded by innocent citizens, well, then that’s a bigger chance for them to be hurt. They should be put into hiding, evacuation isn’t the best idea.” The well-known Tony Stark walked out from behind a corner with his whole suit on besides the helmet, eyeing down the blonde man.
The door slammed behind you as the man who once was holding it open had left. The whole teams eyes raced to whoever had just walked in.
“Good, you’re all suited up. I assume Fury let you know the plan?” Tony eyes down your black army pants, spandex and the mask covering your face.
“Yeah, but it sounds like the face of America has something else in mind?” You tilted your head at the angry man who sighed before standing up and putting on his mask.
“Yeah, but nobody is agreeing with me so we’ll just stick with plan A.”
“Good, because your plan wouldn’t have worked anyways. I don’t know where that army is coming from but I’m guessing their coming soon.” You saw the rolling of his eyes as you took the side of everyone else.
“What makes you so sure?” Tony gave you a questioning look before grabbing the helmet on the table.
“Considering they’re coming from space or some type of portal, the weather would somehow change, right? That’s what happened when Thor originally came here, and that’s what’s happening right now.” Tony held out his hand and a projector screen popped up, showing the current weather right outside the stark tower.
“Thor, how long did it take for you to reach earth once you started to travel here?”
“5 minutes, tops.”
“How long ago did you see that, Agent ….” Starks eyes travelled back to you as he trailed on the word.
“(Y/L/N). And about 4 minutes ago.”
“Grab you weapons, looks like we have a war to attend.”
“So we’re just suppose to trust her? We have no idea who she is.” Bruce stood up, staring at Tony and pointing towards you. He was underdressed, but you guessed the hulk didn’t need armor anyways.
“Fury sent her, have some faith or prepare to kneel beneath the rock of ages.” He laughed at his own joke before everyone evacuated the room.
By the time you all reached the top of Stark Tower, a portal had began to open and allowed a foreign army to enter. As if on cue, everyone had ran and separated before defending the city. You were side by side with Steve and Tony, completely destroying every Chitauri in your paths. It seemed never ending, minute after minute new enemies came to you. After a good hour of fighting, everyone was beginning to get tired.
“Loki is on the dock of the tower, the mechanism that is keeping the portal open is right above him.” Thors voice boomed into the earpiece.
“I don’t think I can.” Nats voice is heard before being joined in by Clint. “Yeah, me neither.”
“Is anyone free enough to go visit Reindeer Games?” The annoyance was heard in Starks voice as he found off more enemies.
“I’ll do it, anyone want to help me get up there though?” Realizing you were the best fit to go and face the leader of the pact, you figured ‘why not?’.
“Why borrow a ride when you can steal one from the other side?” You may not have been able to see Hawkeye, but you could practically hear the smirk on his face.
As if on cue, He had knocked down two of the Chitauri’s on a flying vehicle with an arrow. Noticing the motive, you ran toward Steve who boosted you up from his shield; just in enough time for you to land and take control of the flying saucer, riding up to the Tower.
It was hard to control; you had to admit that. Instead of properly landing, you crashed into the window of the tower and fell to the floor of the outside dock. The ear piece that connected all of the avengers thoughts fell out and landed under the crashing machine. You silently cursed under your breathe knowing that they would get worried by not being able to contact you or hear your voice.
“Oh? And who may you be? I must say, just from afar I can definitely tell you’re more interesting than the others.” A playful voice beamed out from the building.
Talking was never an option during a fight; it was either a distraction or just dark entertainment for the other side, so you grabbed out both guns and started shooting straight at the mans head and torso. With a flick of his scepter, the bullets turned around and flew towards you, but you stood up easily and dodged them.
“You humans really are pathetic; you think that stupid machine will come even close to killing me?”
“You’d be surprised.”
You figured any gun or weapon wouldn’t work on him, so you went straight into hand to hand combat. Throwing punches at him only for them to be dodged with his tesseract and magic thrown back. You were quite surprised by how good he was at close up fighting, but you weren’t even close to showing him your true nature. With a swipe of your legs, he fell to the ground, scepter falling out of his hand and out of hands reach. You delivered a few punches to his face to make him more tired and less able to move.
“My, my little one. You don’t seem afraid of me at all! That’s sure it a surprise… and a relief. But you’re rather angry, aren’t you?” He leaned up on his elbows before wiping blood from his lip. You stood up from his body and laughed at his pathetic attempt of manipulating you.
“I’m not angry, only one man in this world holds my anger and that isn’t you.” Your hand reach behind your back before pulling out a katana and pointing it to his neck.
“You can’t blame me, I can’t even see your face. But do tell me, who holds your anger?”
“What’s the point in telling you?”
“Either I win this war and make you my slave or I spend the rest of my life rotting in a cell, I suppose no matter what there is no reason to hide it from me.” He wasn’t wrong, and you didn’t care. You supposed it wouldn’t do any harm, and it would be a good way to distract him.
“I don’t know who the man is. I know he has long brown hair, a mask to cover his face and a huge metal arm with a red star in it. He killed the only thing I loved right in front of my eyes, so he holds my anger.”
His eyes widen completely, eyebrows colliding together in shock. His mouth practically collided with his chest, and you had no idea why.
“What? Do you know the man?”
“Every night I refuse to sleep, but when I do… I have a dream that’s oddly similar.”
In that moment you completely froze, face full of shock, but of course he wouldn’t know that because of your mask. Did he not know about the whole soulmate thing? You always thought it was just humans who were forced to live with this horrible curse, but from the beginning you always wondered what if your soulmate wasn’t human. If he wasn’t, it would explain the dream and how he turns blue. But then again, it would completely demolish the rule where only humans are suppose to live the soulmate plague. It didn’t matter though; if he had your memory then it was his memory that replayed over in your head.
“The tesseract. That’s what turned you blue, right? And that old man who fell to the stairs, was that your dad? Is that rejection and misplacement the reason why you’re attacking all living humans?” The katana that was once in your hand was sliding back into the holder connected to your back. Your legs slowly carried you back in disbelief.
“How do you know that?” He straightened his back up before staring at you in bewilderment.
“You’re my soulmate. No fucking way, my soulmate cannot be such a cruel man, there’s no way… I don’t believe it.”
“What are you speaking about, peasant?!” He screamed at you after demanding for an answer. He really didn’t know about the soulmate rule.
“You seriously don’t know? Humans… humans are cursed to relive their soulmates worst memory when in a deep sleep. I always had a dream where I would hold this glowing box, the tesseract, and it would turn me blue. Then I’d see a man yell at me before falling lifelessly to the floor. I’d feel rejected and like I didn’t belong, I’d feel every emotion that man was going through just like how you relived mine. You had to! You had to have dreamt about that man killing my brother, that’s because we’re soulmates. Two meant to love each other until death.” His eye squinted towards you before taking all the information in. “Maybe it’s not just humans who have this curse, maybe it’s for anyone as long as their fate aligns with a human.”
“I suppose if I was suppose to love any human, I’d prefer you.” His eyes were staring at your mask, full of honesty. Ironic for the god of mischief.
“Oh no, don’t do that. Just because you’re okay with this doesn’t mean I am! You’re destroying New York and killing innocent people! God, out of all the people I’m destined to be with you?” Your hand collided with your hair as your other balanced onto your hip.
“Just because I would pick you over any other pathetic living human does not mean I am okay with it! But… you’re the only one who understands what I was feeling during that moment, correct? Just like how I understand how you were feeling when-”
“You’re saying that we’re the only ones that truly understand each other’s pain.”
“Precisely.” There was a moment of silence, a moment where neither of you knew what to say, what to do. What were you suppose to do? He was the leader of the side you were fighting against, the love between you both would never be able to exist.
“What do you want me to do about that? I’m still going to be on the side of humans. Just because you’re my soulmate does not mean I’m going to just abandon the avengers and take over the world with you.”
“I didn’t expect that.” He sat up completely before pinching the bridge of his nose. “I was actually hoping you’d stay loyal to them, I would not want to love someone who could turn their back on their allies so fast.”
“Love? You want to actually try to be something? How is that even possible? What can I possibly do?”
As if on cue, the portal closed after hearing a loud explosion. You were too busy thinking about yourself and Loki to realize that there was still a war going on.
“Goddamn it! I’m so selfish, I shouldn’t have-”
“Don’t worry love, I lost.” Your eyes widened at the words coming out of his mouth, you looked back at the man. His eyes were closed and his knees where bending against the floor.
“How could you be for sure?”
“Look.” His finger pointed to the window, to the largest building in eyes sight.
Every Chitauri that was latched onto a building had fallen to the force of gravity as if their life was being sucked out of them. The many Chitauri Leviathan’s that were roaming the city fell lifelessly into any tower in their way. After a few moments of staring out of the glass wall, the team landing on the dock. The armor covering Tony was completely beaten and the others looked drained of any energy left in them. As they walked in they noticed loki laying on the floor, eyes shut and knocked out.
“Good job, Agent (Y/L/N). I have to give you props for being able to knock a god out.” The captain had given you a salute before walking toward Loki’s unconscious body.
“Amazing, (Y/L/N). You managed to win against my brother!” Thors rock hard arm wrapped around your shoulders before giving you a squeeze.
“Yeah.” You muttered before eyeing down the God that was declared as your soulmate. His lips somewhat curved at the edges, he was pretending to be knocked out so they didn’t realize you were talking to him the whole time, other than fighting him.
After many minutes of talking of what was going to happen to him once he woke, he decided to pretend to wake up to face everyone with a weapon before him. Thor had scolded him before putting chains around him, ensuring he couldn’t escape. Before he could place the muzzle over his lips he looked at the floor and spoke his last words.
“I just wish for you to visit me, that’s all.”
“What, brother? What do you mean?”
He refused to respond and gave his brother silence. Thor sighed before placing the muzzle over Lokis face. He may have been the villain, the man who tried to take things for his own selfish reasoning but you couldn’t ignore the fact that you were meant for each other. You both knew that; and you both knew this wasn’t the last time you would see each other. It may be hard visiting him considering he is going to be taken back to Asgard, but you wouldn’t just give up. Loki would serve his punishment and face the consequences. And until then, you’ll be finding out a way to visit him, just like he asked. Not because you felt bad for him, not because you loved him; but because you both were set together by fate. That had to mean something.
You watched as Thor carried him to the dock, holding his chains in one hand and Mijolnir in his other. Lokis eyes connected with your figure, trying to memorize as much as he could, because in the end all he knew was your last name and your worst memory.
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Tags: @saltbagpooky @iamwarrenspeace @txcountrybelle @nadtandy @feelmyroarrrr @xabeautifultragedyx A/N: yes I know it’s 3:34 am and yes I know it’s REALLY late but have you read my bio?
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