#and I almost spat when Alan Tudyk said his first line. is he literally in EVERY Disney Animation Studio movie from the past 10 years??
Watching Frozen for literally the first time since it came out and boy it still SLAYS me that Olaf says “True love is putting someone else's needs before yours” SECONDS BEFORE “Some people are worth melting for.” Dude is literally DYING in order to stay with Anna in her time of need and both of them are like “obviously the most important act of love here would be a kiss from the SECOND dude I literally just met but am pretty sure is my One True Love.” Anna doesn’t even decide she’s in love with him, she just decides HE must be in love with HER. And cus she’s in a Disney movie, she turns out to be right
Okay, so, obviously if you’re given a choice between “kiss a dude like in all the fairytales” and “watch the cute side character slowly die in front of you” you’re not going to choose #2, but still…SLAYS me
Plus Anna being like “By the way, love melts the ice” and Elsa just goes “Wow, okay! *waves hands* Awesome, I don’t have Mental Illness anymore! :D ” Gimme some of that pls
Like, it is what it is, and it’s nice that a musical and a girl-centric story with a female screenwriter and co-director was The Biggest Thing Ever—but my main frustration is that it could’ve been one of my all-time favorite movies if Elsa’s obvious anxiety disorder had been a front-and-center complex emotional Hero’s Journey. But nope it’s Wacky Princess Romcom Adventure: The Musical, And Also Her Sister Is There Too. And the wacky princess doesn’t even end up with the obvious best choice of her many suitors, the snowman :/
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