#and I also do not wish to slander Logan Sargeant because he looks like a genuine nice guy who is veing treated like shit
alexjcrowley · 2 months
I do not wish to participate in any Lance Stroll slander
However Nepo Baby by Danny Gonzalez is his song and I will die on this hill
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leclerc-s · 5 months
i did something bad - part ten
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teaganhorner monthly dump!
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username boyfriend charles is my favorite charles
francisca.cgomes when i followed you it was to see your beautiful face not sharl.
↳ lilymhe i agree, go back to being a secret.
↳ teaganhorner stop being haters. let me be in love!
arthur_leclerc ew what is that thing?
↳ charles_leclerc i'm telling maman!
↳ username typical sibling behavior. always pulling mom into things.
↳ username in charles defense, arthur's acting like a typical younger sibling.
↳ username alex gets it.
↳ username this man also helped poach charles from ferrari of course he'd be glad to see charles at red bull.
↳ teaganhorner god, you must hate love albono
maxverstappen1 oh come on! is no place safe from you two?
↳ username pray for max, my guy has been going through it.
logansargeant mom? dad?
↳ charles_leclerc no.
↳ teaganhorner yes!
↳ username i bet charles never anticipated becoming a grid dad to two rookies and an f2 driver.
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redbullracing you know the drill people. it's a red bull 1-2 here in canada! il predestinato is on a role with another win!
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username the way charles ran up to max to celebrate their win. those two are best friends.
↳ username no, you're forgetting the way both of them ran up to lando to celebrate their first podium of the season together. they're brothers ladies and gentlemen.
username LET'S FUCKING GO!
username i was going to say that another season of red bull dominance was going to be boring but this season has been so interesting. with mercedes back on the rise and williams/alpha tauri pulling through this season. it's been so interesting.
↳ username i hate that mercedes is back on the rise because lewis once said that when he had his 8th wdc he'd consider retirement and i'm not ready to watch him go.
username the best fucking karma to ferrari would be if charles won the wdc in texas.
↳ username if he keeps up his streak of wins he probably will
↳ username fuck that, he's winning monza and he's winning spain because fuck sainz sr. not sainz jr.
↳ username wasn't carlos the one who punched and bashed teagan? why not fuck him?
↳ username because it's his father who's the dickhead not carlos. the man genuinely seems to dislike what's happening at ferrari now and we all know people say things when they're angry.
↳ username but also it's his parents who've been constantly bashing charles in the spanish media. i can still remember a specific situation involving honor last year.
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SPAIN 2024
teaganhorner posted a new story
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hola españa, are you ready for it?
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lance stroll horrified looks from everyone in the room...
daniel ricciardo seriously? again? lance stroll once again, says the guy who sang our song in an interview and has basically made his love for taylor swift known daniel ricciardo she is arguably the most talent person born in 1989 lance!
lando norris slander to sza but okay.
lewis hamilton i don't know if i should be impressed that you know who sza is or not?
lando norris i had to look up other celebrities born in 1989, sza was the only one i recognized on the list
logan sargeant i recall teagan playing nobody gets me by sza last year
teagan horner listen, my boyfriend was having a horrible season, i was allowed at least one depressive song per race.
alex albon heathens, is maximillian okay?
teagan horner he's fine. the impact winded him and it was definitely a little dramatic bringing him to the hospital. but yes, he's fine. max verstappen that's not my name alexander! alex albon he's fine. got it.
oscar piastri i bet daniel wishes he were travis kelce.
charles leclerc but you didn't do anything?
logan sargeant oh funny thing, people want oscar on the monza podium as a fuck you to sainz sr.
max verstappen fuck that guy. i can’t stand him.
teagan horner amen to that brother.
pierre gasly spanish media has been real quiet lately
lewis hamilton teagan, charles, and i grabbed lunch two days ago. i’m waiting for a ‘teagan horner trading company secrets’ article. teagan horner they’ll leave out the part where charlie was with us and say something like ‘teagan horner cheating on disgraced ferrari driver with 7x world champion’
charles leclerc wow calling me disgraced is a bit mean no?
oscar piastri it’s what they’ll say. we all know it.
mark webber you people are so dramatic
logan sergeant zip it multi-21
lewis hamilton i would agree but i also have a flair for the dramatic.
george russell yes, we all recall the “well he’s not my friend.” alex albon hearts were broken that day. mine included. esteban ocon didn’t he also get asked if he was a better driver than he was in 2016 and didn’t he respond “yes, and teammate” i could be wrong. teagan horner AND WASN’T NICO PRESENT DURING THAT INTERVIEW??
lando norris expecting brocades 2.0 and we got brorarri instead.
lando norris that doesn’t sound as nice.
lewis hamilton i get it i’m dramatic, it’s the capricorn in me
yuki tsunoda that excuse would work if you actually believed in zodiac signs but since you don’t, it doesn’t lewis hamilton i could! yuki tsunoda but do you?
teagan horner lewis how do feel about songs such as the great war and my tears ricochet by taylor swift?
lewis hamilton haven't heard them, why? teagan horner no reason!
liam lawson the real question is how does max feel about seven?
max verstappen if i cried, it's no one's business but mine charles leclerc he totally sobbed like a baby. max verstappen fuck you charles, i didn't! teagan horner he did, i was there! max verstappen go back to being a secret!
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redbullracing despite issues this week, charles and max were able to come out on top this week. it's another red bull 1-2 here is spain!
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username calling giovinazzi crashing into max and later trying to provoke charles issues seems so funny to me
↳ username it seems hilarious to me
username they were on a mission this week and i loved it
username this is for everybody who said it was pure luck charles kept winning races. he went from p18 to p1 and max went from p19 to p2. those are MY red bull drivers
username they were not about to lose that red bull streak in spain of all places.
username spanish media has been real quiet today
↳ username they can't say anything because charles handled the situation yesterday with grace.
↳ username they can't even say anything about teagan leaving with max to the hospital because the camera's literally picked up charles telling her to leave with her 'brother'
↳ username i knew max was basically christian's son but this just confirmed it for me.
username two failed by ferrari drivers and carlos sainz sr.'s least favorite driver being on the spain podium is my favorite thing ever
username crying as a ferrari fan but also crying because charles has had his best season ever and i love that for him
↳ username leaving red bull was definitely the correct choice for him
↳ username facts!
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taglist: @landonorizzz @nichmeddar @bionic-donut @embrosegraves @six-call @unluckyyoshi @jamie-selwyn @storminacloud @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @int3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @baw-sixteen @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @cataf1
note: i can only tag up to 50 people in one post so i'll be rotating the people tagged every other post. so if you were tagged last time, you won't be tagged for this one and so on. this is just so everyone gets tagged, i hope y'all can understand.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i'm not dead, i just lost motivation for this story for a little while but i'm back! it's a new year miracle! as i said before, someone had to be the bad guy and i didn't want it to be carlos for too long in the story. sorry to antonio giovinazzi, i'm sure he's a great guy but for plot purposes it's just the way it goes.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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