#and I beat him today some amount of minutes (I think 5-15) before 6h 10min or 6h 20min
robotsprinkles · 6 months
okay so having beat margit, I have two issues with the game right now:
the first is that for some reason every time I get a crit/riposte/whatever it breaks my lock on and I have to re-lock, which is annoying and I don't understand why that happens. It's not game-ruining, but it's a perplexing design choice that doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than inconveniencing the player in a pointless way
the second is that — and this one I think is one that could be argued against — I'm not especially fond of the camera. Namely, it doesn't seem to have any x-ray/transparency, so if I get backed into a wall/accidentally roll up to a wall or the enemy I'm locked onto positions themself juuust in the right place for some random object/foliage to be in front of my camera I just can't see what's going on at all. also sometimes when enemies do jumping attacks it seems to either give up on tracking them so that they're just off my screen or it tracks them in such a way where it's hard to gauge how far they are from the ground
Now, it could probably be argued that that second one is intentional, so you have to think about positioning and consider your environment and all that so you don't get a faceful of wall/bush/rock/etc in the middle of your fight, but I'm not especially fond of it
anyway, margit was alright. I think the only real problems I ended up having (as in, thing I still don't know how to deal with and consistently get screwed by as opposed to "oh I dodged too early/late there"/"why did I attack there I know there's a followup") were his funny beyblade attack with the hammer and stick and one of his combos with the magic light sword, which I seem to only be able to deal with by rolling away from him the moment he begins the first attacks in those combos and continuing to make distance for the duration of the combo because I seem to always get hit by one of the followup attacks (I assume you're meant to like. pace the dodgerolls in a way that he doesn't hit you with them but I ended up panic rollspamming at him when he did those combos until I decided to just get out of dodge the moment he started them)
(which isn't to say I didn't die a lot. I think I died. uuhh. maybe twenty to thirty times? (maybe more. I don't have a good memory) in my defense, I did try to parry him for most of my first few runs and intermittently went back to going for parries on my following runs. and I did manage to semi-consistently parry a couple or so of his attacks (the main ones being two of the forehand attacks with the stick that he does together, so I ended up getting quite a few ripostes off that. ended up giving up on the parries and just twohanding again though. square off is stupidly good for staggering)
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