#and I don't like stardew valley so I was like hey what about minecraft? because if I get them playing together on a realm then It's fixed
neverendingford · 1 month
#tag talk#I feel good cause a new friend at work said something about how my boyfriend hasn't talked much to him since meeting me#And I was like uh oh I do not want to be that bitch#and I know he's been trying to organize some kind of game might and I was like rip you can't get him to play stardew valley with you#and I don't like stardew valley so I was like hey what about minecraft? because if I get them playing together on a realm then It's fixed#so anyway now I might have a new server and friend group to play with and hopefully I'll be less in the way of the preexisting friend group#because I'm really conscious of when I'm the reason stuff goes poorly so I don't wanna be a reason friends don't hang out anymore.#cause that shit sucks. jealous girlfriend type can go die I ain't about hogging people I don't feel good about it.#I just want everyone to get along and be friends#I'm putting in the work to learn bedrock mechanics. that's how committed I am to this. I hate variations on an established base.#it's the autistic in me for sure. I loathe multiple versions of songs. there can only be one true version. one right answer. all else is bad#so the slight discrepancies between bedrock and Java drive me absolutely nuts bonkers up the wall#I read a really good twilight fanfic and it rewired my brain and now I'm forever mixing up which is cannon and which is fanfic#because my brain immediately booted the version I preferred less and installed the new fanfic version as the correct right version#anyway. I'm hunting tutorials that actually explain the mechanics and taking notes so I know how to adjust the designs for aesthetics#because you need the minimum mechanical base to work before you can ad lib a building style and design onto the structural framework#I figured out the iron farm mechanics so tomorrow I think I'm gonna work on gold farm stuff. and redstone I just want to learn myself
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snailsagere · 2 years
Please read my dni in my bio before interacting
All about my requests! :3
🌸You can of course still request things not related to shows or games too, like animal related outfits etc! :3
🌸This isn't about my requests but please don't repost my things, I work hard on all my posts and don't appreciate someone else taking credit for them, if you want to repost please dm me to ask (please say why you want to repost something and obviously if I'm ok with it give credit please) you can still reblog posts just not repost
What can you request?
🌸I accept requests for storygames, outfits and agere bags!
🌸If you want to request something else feel free to! Keep in mind, no guarantee I'll accept the request though!
🌸Be as specific as you want!
How to request?
🌸check my dni, if you're in my dni then please get off my account
🌸Check if my requests are open, I say whether they're open or not on my ask box
🌸If they're open request it through my inbox, please don't request through comments or messages
🌸Please do not send me more than one request at a time
🌸Please be polite and don't shout! (even if it's positive shouting, it makes me uncomfy) remember I'm a person too, please be nice
What games and shows do I accept requests for?
🌸Omori 🌸Undertale 🌸Deltarune 🌸Stardew valley 🌸Animal crossing 🌸Pokemon 🌸Littlewood 🌸Slime rancher 1 and 2 🌸Minecraft (not dsmp)
🌸My little pony gen 4 🌸Most disney movies 🌸Bojack horseman 🌸In the night garden 🌸Winnie the pooh 🌸Hey duggee 🌸Angels of death 🌸Sanrio (the more popular stuff)
What do I not accept requests for?
🌸Dragons because they're really tricky to do
🌸Anything to do with real people because that makes me uncomfy
🌸Diapers, there's nothing wrong with wearing diapers, it's super valid I just unfortunately have a problem with nsfw people interacting with me and it may make the problem worse (I make sure to block all nsfw accounts btw)
🌸Anything m*d*c*l, I have ptsd so I find that kind of stuff very triggering
🌸Dolphin or orca requests, I have already done one of each but I don't really want to do any more of them because I really don't like them
🌸Zoos, I don't agree with zoos so I don't feel comfy doing anything to do with them
My amazon wishlist-
Here's my amazon wishlist incase anyone wants to get me something! No pressure to do so! I've just seen some other people do this and thought why not, if you do get me something please feel free to dm me or send me an ask saying you did I'd like to thank you for it! :3
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miniscule-meow · 2 years
I just read your stories and I don't know how long it's been since they were published but I'm absolutely in love with Zeke's and Isabell's dynamic! As well as Lark and Oliver- soft and careful giants are my therapy.
If you don't mind me asking for a tiny prompt, it's absolutely ok if you don't feel like writing right now but I wonder what would happen if Zeke started making more clothes for Isabell like pajamas or even socks, how she'd react to them and if it could further their relationship development.
Or perhaps someone coming into the house, invited or uninvited and the borrowers would have to find a quick solution to hide etc.
Looking forward to more of your work! ✨
Hi! Thank you so much for the prompts, sorry this took me several months to respond to! I'm really glad you enjoy my collection of specifically arranged words. I have a lot of fun arranging them. I've been writing Zeke and Isabell's story for waay longer than I've been posting them! Lark and Oliver are newer, but I'm really excited about where that story is going! I just need to write it lol. ANYWAY! I will absolutely circle back to Zeke making more clothes for Isabell because that is the cutest idea ever. But here is a quick solution to hide! I hope you enjoy!
They enjoy an afternoon together. Most of the exams that have been stressing the lads out have passed, and have been passed, and all of the work projects have been completed. So, the chaos around the house has gone down significantly. Isabell reclines on the couch, seated comfortably between her two gigantic human friends as they play a game together. This isn’t one of the games that she can play very easily, so she is content to just watch. She has gotten pretty good at using the controller. She can play Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and even Minecraft all by herself! But the game that the lads are playing currently, you have to be able to move and hit all the buttons really quickly, even the buttons on the back of the controller. Marcus seems to know all the right orders to push the buttons in. His hands move with confidence and precision. When she first started watching him play, it looked like he was just mashing buttons at random, but the longer she’s observed him the more that she’s been able to recognize that he's hitting the buttons in specific patterns, they’re just really fast patterns. Zeke, on the other hand, is definitely just mashing buttons at random.
“Hey man.” The door to their apartment groans open and a new voice enters the room. Both of the humans beside her whip around to look at the newcomer, their game quickly forgotten. Before she can blink, a hand snatches her up and stuffs her into the pocket of their hoodie. It happened so fast that for a moment she isn’t sure who’s pocket she ended up in. Her heart plummets into her stomach as the giant stands and makes his way over to the door. The movement causes her to tumble around awkwardly in the pocket. She suddenly regrets how comfortable she has let herself get with these humans. At the end of the day, they’re still humans, they’re still unfathomably massive. If they wanted to, they could snatch her up, toss her around like a little doll, stuff her into a pocket… much like what just happened. She feels like just a tiny thing, not much of a person at all.
Tight spaces have never bothered her very much, when you live most of your life in a wall, you kind of have to get used to it. But she realizes that she really doesn’t enjoy being in a pocket. The fabric shifts around her like an oversized hammock, folding over her uncomfortably. The air is too hot, making it difficult to breathe, and immediately causing her to sweat. She can’t see out of the pocket from her position, and she doesn’t dare trying to get closer to the edge to attempt a view. She lets herself settle in the bottom of the pocket, trying to make herself as small as possible. She tries to give herself a mental pep talk in an attempt to ward away the growing panic she feels in her chest. Everything is fine. They'll get rid of them and this’ll be over with soon enough.
She’s in Marcus’s pocket. She can tell when he goes over to greet the newcomer, his voice rumbles around her. That makes sense. Between Marcus and Zeke, he would be the one to make a split-second decision that ended with her tossed haphazardly into a pocket. She likes the guy, but he really doesn't think things through all the time.
From the interior of the pocket, she also discovers that there isn’t just one new human, but three. Apparently, they share a class with Marcus.  Connor, Daniel and Curtis, she hears their names as they are introduced to Zeke. Marcus then introduces Zeke in his typical fashion.
“Guys, this is my roommate, Zeke-“
“My name is Ezekiel. Nice to meet you all.” Zeke interjects. That must be their thing, because that's how Zeke was introduced to her. He only ever corrects Marcus on his name when he is introducing him, so maybe he doesn't actually mind being called Zeke, he just wants people to know that's a nickname? Or he does mind, but he gave up on trying to correct Marcus every day? But she has called him Zeke, and he's never said anything to her either.
“So, we’re working on a big group project together. I guess I forgot to tell you that it’s my turn to host.” She doesn’t hear Zeke respond to this, most likely he just nodded and walked away.
“Sorry if we’re interrupting something man," the new human lowers his voice, "your roommate seemed pretty peeved.” One of the guys says. She doesn’t know their voices well enough to be able to tell which one.
“Oh, nah don’t worry about him," Marcus laughs, "That's just his face. He’s literally always like that. You get used to it.” Marcus shrugs, and it shifts the fabric around her. Every movement that he makes pulls the hoodie, jostling her hiding spot and making it impossible to get comfortable.
She realizes now that she’s in the room with more humans than she’s ever even seen at once. Marcus and the new guys settle in the living room and begin discussing their project. They talk about formatting and presentation order. Apparently, they have already done the majority of the work and this meeting is more about putting it all together.
Inside Marcus’s pocket she’s already getting hot and sweaty, and her arm feels like it’s going numb from how she is laying on it. But she doesn’t want to make too much movement in the pocket and draw attention to herself, and she can’t really think of an easy way to adjust. She just focuses on staying calm as she listens to the discussion drone on. It is incredibly boring, and the meeting seems to drag on for ages. So much for it being over with soon.  
Time passes slowly, but eventually things start to wind down. “Alrighty, I think we’re in a really good place with this,” says one of the guys, she thinks Curtis maybe?
“Yeah, this is coming together,” another responds. She is relieved to hear them begin packing up their things. They’ll leave soon, and she can get out of this pocket.
“Hey, do you want to grab some food?” Asks the third guy, maybe Connor? She really can’t tell.
“Hell yeah!” Her heart sinks as Marcus responds. He must have completely forgotten about her. He leaves the apartment with the guys and bounces down the stairs. By the time he climbs into the car she feels absolutely scrambled. For a moment she thinks she could get his attention in the car, but they all drive together so she’s forced to stay hidden and she doesn’t dare risk leaving Marcus’s pocket when they’re out of the apartment, especially not when there are other humans around. They seem to be having a great time though, blasting music as they make their way to wherever it is they’re going. It’s not so great for her as the seatbelt presses into her uncomfortably, pinning her against Marcus and making her feel even more claustrophobic than before.
They go to some kind of ‘fast food restaurant’ she only knows what two of those words actually means, but she uses context clues to figure out the last one. Marcus’s hand enters his pocket briefly, but it’s only to shove a thin piece of crumpled paper in there with her, pushing her over in the process. His hand leaves as quickly as it entered. He didn’t even feel her. So that’s how it’s going to be then. Here she is, stuffed in his pocket and forgotten. She knows he didn’t mean to forget her. You can’t really ‘mean to forget’ something really, because even then you have to remember to forget it and that’s a choice in and of itself. She’s so small, she’d really be easy to forget inside of a pocket, like a pair of old headphones, or a receipt.
She had grown so comfortable with these humans that she had almost convinced herself that she actually belonged in their world. She thought that they could really be friends despite the size difference. But it is so painfully obvious now that she was just so disillusioned by that fantasy. Sure, they made things very comfortable for her, they made her a space just for her where the furniture is almost the right size for her, they modified the gigantic furniture in their home to be easier for her to scale so she could be more self-sufficient. But they have whole lives outside of those walls, they know other people, they go to school, they have jobs and hobbies. That is something that she can never truly be a part of, she can never have that for herself. All she can do is be some kind of stowaway, hitchhiking in a life that doesn’t belong to her, in a world that she will never fit in. It was just one big game of pretend, now reality is crashing into her like a tidal wave. She is so miniscule, so small, so easily forgotten, and she is stuck in this stuffy pocket. She is forced to just wait until Marcus returns home. For some place that’s called ‘fast food’ they certainly seem to be spending forever there, laughing and carrying on.
 Finally, finally they leave and it’s just one more nightmarish car ride until they are back at the apartment. She is tumbled around once more as Marcus travels back up the stairs, but then they’re home. Maybe he won’t remember her. Maybe all he’ll do is get home and pull off his hoodie, tossing it in the corner of the room and she’d have to wrestle with the weight of the fabric on top of her to get out. Another wave of claustrophobia sets in, she doesn’t know how she’s managed to keep herself together for as long as she has. The guys leave with a chorus of goodbyes and Marcus plops back down on the couch. She is beginning to attempt finding the footing to make a break for the opening of the pocket when she hears Zeke.
“Marcus. I absolutely can not believe you.” He sounds angry.
“What? What did I do?” He sits up, making her slide back, losing what little progress she made toward the opening of the pocket.
“You’re kidding. Tell me you’re kidding.”
“What? Was it because I didn’t tell you the guys were coming over? Sorry I forgot and-”
“No! I don’t care about that! I’m talking about Isabell.” He pauses. “You forgot. You forgot about her?! I’m going to kill you. She is still in your pocket! She’s been there this whole time.” Zeke sounds very angry
“Shit,” Marcus jumps. In an instant he shoves his hand into his pocket. His fingers search for her for a moment, before curling around her and bringing her into his palm. He pulls her out into the open. The air feels so cool against her flushed face. She feels so sweaty and gross, and she doesn’t know if she is relieved or sad or angry, or some combination of all of those emotions. Her hair feels like it’s all sticking to her face, and her neck, she pulls it back into a ponytail for a moment, taking a breath before letting it go.
“Isabell. Oh gosh. I am… I am so sorry.” He brings her up closer to his face, she bristles with nerves as she feels his eyes trace over her. She doesn’t want to look up at him, so she doesn’t. She can tell that he’s anticipating some kind of response from her.
“…It’s fine.” She mumbles after a moment.
“No. No!” Zeke says from across the room. It is absolutely not fine!” The intensity in his voice causes her to flinch. She looks over to him and if looks could kill Marcus would be done for. “He is a complete ass, and you are being far too nice to him.”
“I mean. Yeah. It sucked,” she shrugs not knowing what else to say, “I just… Can I go? I don’t really want to be here right now.” She crosses her arms, wishing she could disappear, or teleport, or just not be so damn small in the first place.
“I am so, so sorry I-”
“Save it. You’ve done enough damage tonight, let her go.” Zeke steps forward and collects her in his hands. Marcus lets him without protesting. Zeke holds her to his chest, and she’s thankful to be hidden from view. His hands tremble slightly around her as he walks down the hall to his room. He unfurls his hands, setting her on the nightstand where most of her set up is.
“Bells, are you alright?” He’s kneeling in front of her to be more on her level, but she still has to look up to see him. He pulls his hands away to give her space, but he fidgets with them in a way that lets her know that he would really rather be holding her. She doesn’t think he’s aware that he does that. For someone so stoic, he really does have a lot of obvious tells that betray how he feels, you just have to know what to look for. She flops down on her bed and gives him a grimace paired with a thumbs up. Unsurprisingly that doesn’t convince him. “Do you need anything?  Do you want something to eat? Some water? I could set up a bath for you. I can just stop talking and leave you alone? Whatever you want, I’ll make it happen, alright?”
“What I need is to not be four inches tall anymore,” she sighs heavily. She could use everything that he’s offering. She is super hungry, probably dehydrated and she feels super gross from her extended stay in the pocket. She’s just annoyed that she can’t provide any of that for herself right now. Zeke frowns, he probably doesn’t know what to say to that, so she pipes up again, so he doesn’t have to feel awkward. “Food, water and a bath would all be very nice. Thank you.”
“I’m sorry I can’t… be more help than that.”
“It’s not your fault. I appreciate everything you do. It just sucks that it has to be this way. I just feel like I don’t fit… like in this world,” she shakes her head, not really knowing how to explain it. “I can’t do anything for myself. I mean I could try, but it would take so much more time than if you just did it. You can do things like just walk over to the kitchen, just turn the water on in the sink. Even if I was living in the walls or with a borrowing community, I would still need to rely on humans for everything. It sucks. I just hate that you have to take care of me. Sorry, that was a lot. You can just ignore me.” She shakes her head.
“No, I… I get it. We can try to find a way to let you do more things for yourself.” He pauses for a moment, and she thinks he might just get up to leave her be while he works on the errands that she’s tasked him with. But after a pause, he continues, “I don’t mind taking care of you,” he says quietly, the gentle tone of his voice sends electricity up her spine. “I mean… I don’t feel like I have to do it. Despite your size, I know that you are really more than capable of taking care of yourself. But even if you were my size I … I would still try to do all the things I’ve been doing. I would still want to make dresses for you, and all of your favorite foods, and I would still want to hold you when you were upset, and-” he cuts himself off, realizing how much he is sharing right now. They’re both blushing like mad, “I um… well, anyway, you are not a chore to me.” He pauses awkwardly, before standing, “How does a quesadilla sound?”
“Y-yeah. That sounds great,” she says, still blushing. He nods and quickly leaves the room.
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zydrateacademy · 5 months
Current Activities in Gaming #226
Alternative title: My Christmas sale haul. I'll start with something that wasn't even on sale but still bought it at the same time as the others; Rogue Trader. Pretty much along the same lines as BG3, I don't expect to ever beat RT. There's also a lot of reports that Act 4 and beyond are a buggy breakable mess, which is similar to how BG3's act 3 becomes a lagfest for me because I'm still in the process of saving up for a new CPU/Motherboard so I can run newer games like Starfield. Quick aside about Starfield: The one saving grace of not being able to play it right away... I hear it's a fairly lackluster game. Perhaps by the time I am able to play it at all, the modding tools might be out and help liven it up. I certainly expect to get a ReShade because it LOOKS like dogshit from most screenshots I've seen. I don't want to play in a brown mess.
Back to RT; Much like BG3 I am finding myself doing some alt hopping to see how other class/archetype combinations behave. I also want one of everything; A heretic, a dogmatic, and the "iconoclast", a word I'm not familiar with but mostly means "helpful and supportive".
I have 20 hours played but have only gotten past Act 1 just last night on my "main" file. My main girl is a crime lord soldier, whose main job is being the team's backline sniper. She's very good at it, and when she CAN hit, she's the most likely to crit into very high damages. But she's the least capable of AoE. Her sniper can sometimes hit an enemy directly behind my target but that's it.
Next on the list is Evil Genius 2. Don't know much about it, screenshots and reviews remind me one of those "Dungeons" games I had where I had a bunch of minions build various functional rooms in order to do dastardly deeds. But if Zero Punctuation is anything to go by it sounds like EG2 spends too much time on the room building part and not enough on the dastardly deeds. Not sure if I'll like it but hey it was on sale.
We got Sipho next, which acts like Stage 1 of Spore but more robust. I played a few rounds of it and I'm still not sure I understand how to really build my own creature. Controlling them seems sluggish too, and I wonder if that will be more smooth as I get more parts.
Next up is Death Must Die, a survivor-like that follows the same Diablo-esque mood of Halls of Torment. If you liked Vampire Survivors I recommend both of these. Death Must Die is fun but it currently has a problem where one build is vastly superior to others, based around the "Mayhem" trait, if you can get it, it adds permanent damage for that run. I once got it up to 416% so I killed the map's boss in about seven seconds. That's gonna be nerfed.
We got Dome Keeper, which acts like that old digging game I can't recall the name of (but it was iconic for its era, I just didn't play it myself). You kinda play a bit of minecraft but your dome gets attacked every couple of minutes so you need to use the resources you get to upgrade it and fight them off. It's cute, finding it a bit difficult though.
Keeping the same theme here, Graveyard Keeper. Same developers as Stardew Valley which I really liked and most reviews state that if I enjoy Stardew than Graveyard follows a lot of the same beats. I just wish I could mod my bearded chud fellow into a girl but that doesn't seem to be available. Didn't play it for very long, I'll get around to it some day.
I -finally- got one of those Vampire Masquerade visual novels, a genre I don't usually care much for because there's not enough "game" in them. Sometimes one will add RPG elements and that catches my interest more. Right now I have "Shadows of New York", which I believe has a gal PC. I think the other ones you switch around like five different characters. I installed it but didn't play it.
I have Vectorio which I can't even get past the tutorial. I should probably refund that one. It's haunted my wishlist for so long but I have no idea what to actually do.
Got Hard West 2. Looks like another XCOM-like, as Rogue Trader is. Not installed yet. Low priority.
Startup Panic, another game dev simulator like. Not installed, low priority.
Crossroads: Anniversary edition has been on my wishlist for fucking ever but it's been locked to mixed reviews because apparently it's buggy to the point of unplayable for some people, and I'm just hoping I get lucky. The christmas sale finally put it on sale to an acceptable price so I nabbed it. Not even fully sure what kind of game it is, just an inn manager sort of thing.
Noun Town Language Learning. Installed but waiting for them to add Norwegian. I could get in there now and start a little bit of Japanese. One of my favorite things about learning other languages is watching movies and occasionally catching to see if the subtitles are accurate or not, which I can typically do with German even though I'm no longer remotely fluent in it (took German classes for a couple years in high school, those days are long behind me).
But I'm on a Norse lore kick lately and I want to be a little "closer" to it by learning Norwegian.
And that's a wrap!
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anyawarrior · 3 years
I've seen a few mutuals of mine do this sort of thing so I might as well.
I'll get the DNI stuff out of the way immediately. Don't interact with me if you're a pedophile/MAP, queerphobe, TERF, zoophile, necrophile, racist, sexist, ableist, etc, or if you support any of those kinds of people. Also if you're mainly involved in discourse I would prefer if you didn't bring that here.
Also if you don't like me using the word queer for myself or as a general umbrella term you can suck it, I'm tired of discourse and I don't want it here. I am also very inclusionist and will not hesitate to defend "controversial" identities that are only that way because of queerphobes, TERFs, or trolls.
Another thing: I AM A MINOR!!!! NSFW IS A BIG NO-NO HERE!!!!!! IT MAKES ME UNCOMFY AND IT'S JUST PLAIN WEIRD!!!!!!!!! DON'T FOLLOW ME IF THAT'S THE MAIN OR ONLY FOCUS OF YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Relating to this: if you're a Full Adult (which basically means over 25) you can interact but just don't be weird. If you act kind of weird but just don't understand that's okay but like you're on thin ice.
I will not stand for any sort of toxicity on this blog, directed at myself or others. If I or someone else enjoy something you don't and you don't like that, deal with it. If I or someone else don't enjoy shipping and you don't like that, deal with it. People are allowed to have their own interests and things they enjoy, independent of you.
Intro continues under the "keep reading" (intro, hyperfixations, tags, that kinda jazz)
And now, with all of that out of the way...
Hey, I'm Anya, but Chalky's another nickname of mine. I'm neurodivergent in several ways (autism, ADHD, OCD). I'm a bisexual non-binary genderfluid genderqueer who uses she/they pronouns (I have many a pronoun crisis but she/they always stay consistent). I'm also grayrose, which means I'm graysexual and grayromantic but not grayaroace. I'm also sex-ambivalent and romance-ambivalent. And polyamorous (but not looking for a relationship of any sort rn, I'm just putting it here for self-acceptance reasons). The ironic part about all of that attraction stuff is NONE OF IT SYNCS UP-
My goal in life is mainly to become a therapist, as my struggles alongside my friends' struggles have ignited a will to help others that's blazing brightly to this day. Alongside that, I do writing as a hobby (poetry, songwriting, etc) and sometimes draw. I enjoy singing, but I have extreme confidence issues involving my voice, such as volume, tone, etc.
I have plenty of hyperfixations, feel free to ask me about them using the ask feature! Even if it's not a currently active hyperfixation, I'm absolutely willing to talk about it. My hyperfixations/interests include:
Pokemon, Demon Slayer, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Slime Rancher, JJBA, Terraria, Celeste, Ace Attorney, A Hat In Time, Gravity Ghost, Undertale/Deltarune, Vocaloid/Utauloid, BWW, Rhythm Heaven, Kirby. I'm also getting into MHA.
Please note that some of these are not as active as they once were and some of them I don't even know much about. I am in no way affiliated with the toxic parts of any of these fandoms and do not wish to become affiliated with those. If you're going to try and start up conversation about these topics, adhere to the rules at the start of this post, please and thank you.
Oh, one other thing! The one thing that's always active in my mind is my writing! Check out my sideblog @anyaswriting if you wanna learn about it! I'm only just getting started on jotting things down but please ask about my characters I am DYING to share them!!!!!
Onto the tags! I will try to tag my posts with certain tags to indicate what they are.
"#important" is for, well, important things. "#please read" is for things that I find urgent or important enough that I want people to read them rather than just scroll past. "#urgent" is the highest level of importance.
"#antics" is for general chaos, whether it be me with my friends or just something fun or funny. There may be other tags put in front of it to indicate what kind of antics, such as it just being me ("#personal antics") or mutuals ("#mutual antics").
"#personal" is for things mainly relating to me, whether that be things currently going on in my life that are weird or that I feel a need to talk about. This can range from something dumb that happened that was funny to me announcing that there may be a change in content due to something happening in my life.
"#friends" is for things that relate to my closer friends. I will always try to remember to block out their usernames and profile pictures to respect their privacy, and that is final.
"#mutuals" is for things relating to mutuals, like ask games. Also conversations with them.
"#reblog" is for, well... it's self-explanatory. Same with "#long post".
"#vent" will be on my vent posts, the one rule there is don't laugh at or attack me for venting here, as I rarely ever do that anyway.
"#serious" is for posts that don't have many or any at all punchlines and cover matters that I felt a need to weigh in on. If it's a reblog, I either won't say something or I'll just put notes in the tags.
"#hyperfixation" is going to be for posts talking about things that I'm hyperfixating on and things like that. "#writing" will be similar but it'll mainly be about my writing that I've been trying to keep off of this blog (but if you manage to hit the VERY VERY BEGINNING of the blog you'll see some of it get mentioned!!)
"#positivity" will be for positivity posts, encouragement, etc. Usually in the form of reblogs, but might end up trying to do that myself hehe. "#support" is a bit of a subcategory of this.
"#misc" will be for anything that does not fit into these tags.
"#Anya's Adventures with Gender" is for some of my antics involving gender such as gender envy, dysphoria, realizations, and more. Won't be put under the "antics" tag usually.
"#conversation" will be used for reblog chains and the like that are ongoing conversations, since just using "#reblog" again and again feels weird and it'll just be redundant. Also used for posts where I'm more of giving input instead of just reblogging and throwing out a one-off comment.
"#out of touch thursday" is, well... out of touch thursday. I will reblog a post with this tag every Thursday (or well used to, but if it shows up I will).
"#shitpost" is just, well, shitposts lmao.
There may be dumb little things I drop in the tags, so always check if there are any weirdly long ones, as those are probably weird notes I put in.
I will always attempt to tag things with the correct trigger warnings, please let me know if there is something I should add. Do note that my older posts will likely not have any of the above tags, as I didn't realize people had tagging systems, and I just kind of went for it.
I'm sorry if I ever end up misinterpreting something or saying something wrong or hurtful, the most likely reason is I just didn't know that what I said or did was wrong. I'm still learning, and still trying my best! My heart is always in the right place!
I will always consider my blog as a safe space for all kinds of people, just don't be a mean person and I'm sure things will turn out great.
That concludes my intro post! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay hydrated, and stay awesome! (god, that was cheesy...)
Edit like 5 seconds after I posted this: I FORGOT THE LINK TO MY PREVIOUS PINNED POST WAHEAHFSADF HANG ON ONE MOMENT I'LL GET IT https://anyawarrior.tumblr.com/post/657551796217217024/a-very-sudden-post-made-out-of-a-spurt-of-anxiety
Extra note: This post gets edited every so often! It includes new tags added to the tagging system and changes some details so that they're up-to-date. If it's been a while since you read it, go ahead and read it again! The DNI and such will likely stay the same, but my hyperfixations list sometimes gets new stuff added to it, so that could be good conversation.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hi! Could I get a romantic nsfw matchup please?
also like your writing is soo good oml, you're a very skilled author <3
First off, I'm 20, my pronouns are she/her and I'm into guys. I have long (like lower back) brown hair and light blue eyes. I'm about 5'3"? I think? Definitely on the chubbier and curvier side. I don't quite wear a full face, but I do wear some makeup, usually like some mascara, eyeshadow, blush, and lipgloss. I have kinda long nails? They're always painted though, usually a pastel color
I wear like a ton of pastels. My wardrobe is very feminine and cutesy, like lots of skirts and dresses, and like "kawaii" clothing? Just like really soft uwu stuff lmao, I like feeling cute :) 
I'm in university as a history major with an anthropology minor. I study a lot, and I put a bit too much effort into it. 
I'm kinda shy, I have trouble making friends and getting to know new people, but I'm very open and talkative once I get to know someone! I'm really empathetic, and definitely a people pleaser, I just wanna make other people happy, y'know? I'm kinda impulsive and clumsy, which low-key makes me a danger magnet?
My have some like artsy kinda hobbies? I draw, paint, and needle felt. I play video games a lot, mostly cozy and / or open world games (my favorites are the Assassin's Creed series, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft). I put a lot of effort into my notes, I really like having those like aesthetic notes
 I listen to mostly alt rock and alt pop, but I'll jam out to other stuff too of course. My favorite bands are AJR, Neon Trees, Lovelytheband, and Weathers. I love Sanrio and Disney so much. I love animals, I have a pet rat and a frog. Also, y'know those bitches who have like a collection of rocks that they just found outside and thought they looked cool so they kept them? It's me, I'm bitches. I love baking, I have a huge sweet tooth. I also have a major caffeine dependency ngl, I drink coffee like there's no tomorrow
Loud noises freak me out, and big crowds make me nervous, so I tend to avoid really big social settings like that (like concerts or walking around in major cities)
Ngl, I can be really clingy, but if my partner tells me or I feel like I'm being too much, I'll tone it down, but generally I'm very affectionate. I really like partners who are like kinda protective? And are like kinda possessive? Protective + kinda possessive guys are just *chef's kiss*. My main love languages are physical touch and time spent together <3
As of more like nsfw kinda stuff, I'm a huge sub. I've tried being dom, very much not a fan. I have a pretty big daddy kink, and I'm into rougher sex. I have a huge praise kink, but I kinda like degradation too? I really like choking too, and like biting?? yes please 😌 I have a lil bit of a size kink too ngl
I hope this isn't too much? Or not enough? 
Thank you so much <3
Your matchup is…. Toby!
Read more because of NSFW :}
In general:
This took me a minute or so to finally come to a conclusion because I felt two strong matches here, but I’m going with Toby because romantically, I feel the two of you just click together so, so well. I’m gonna have to explain the NSFW stuff though so let’s get into that.
What he likes about you:
Physically speaking, Toby just loves hair. He wants to run his fingers through it and braid it and just y’know touch it lmafo. Your eyes are also really, really beautiful to him. Your body is so beautiful to him too, like I feel like Toby has a thing for curves and just thighs in general like -- yes. Your style is also really cute and he finds it so light and airy. Toby doesn’t understand makeup but he does like yours! Likes your lipgloss kisses. That uwu soft stuff REALLY appeals to him but I’m gonna have to come back to that too. Your hobbies are all really cool to him and he’s gonna want to see what you’re up to. Toby likes video games and wishes he’d play more of them, and I think he also likes history so AC? Absolutely. Just history, stories and asssasination how fun. He also likes your music choices! You being clingy is admirable to him because he’s into that,,,,,
General cute things:
The video game dates are a must between the two of you. He’d sit you on his lap and let you play something while running his fingers through your hair, just enjoying your presence. Will doodle with you, and will also take joy in your needle felt. Is amazed by your talents. He loves your rat and frog!! He has such a fondness for frogs omfg the rat might take some getting used to but I guarantee he’d fall in love after some exposure. He will find cool rocks in the woods for you and give them to you like gifts. Like, y’know those penguins that gift stones to their loves? That. That. Toby is slowly taking up baking but like, he will eat everything you send to him. He’d love it so so much. He has a sweet tooth. Please. Also feel free to run your fingers through his hair with your long nails? Like scratching his scalp? I feel like Toby would be so into that. Toby likes history. PLeae tell him about history and anthropology. He just wants to hear everything you have to say.
You two as a couple & NSFW:
Toby is super protective of people he loves, so of course he’s gonna be all over you. He’s also relatively tall so like, hey. Doesn’t mind that you’re shy, finds it cute. You making other people happy/wanting to make them happy is something he finds cute as well, mostly because he just likes seeing people being selfless like that. He’s admittedly clumsy so like, he’s always ready to patch you up if something happens. I don’t actually think Toby is all that impulsive so he will every now and then reel you back in and be like “uh no lol.” He’ll also do the quiet, lowkey kind of things with you as to not stress you out. So, no crowds, or cities, stuff like that. Just things that make you feel safe and secure. Toby is really good for that ngl.Toby is possessive,,,,,
ALRIGHT SO Toby loves your body, I have established that, and he loves your thighs. Always gonna be touching your thighs. They’re just mesmerising to him. Your cutesy style also fuels his daddy kink like please call him daddy. He’s such a loving guy and kind of a soft dom so like, I feel like he’s a perfect guy to fuel your daddy kink. He’s really, really good at praise and will have you heated over the things he’s saying. He can make your heart flutter like no one else!! He’s working on degradation but honestly his voice is hot so like,,,,,,,,,,,, it just works out. He’d definitely taller than you and muscular in all the right places so he’s gonna just engulf you in his size because you’re so tiny in comparison to him. Toby CAN get rough. I’m talking hair pulling, biting and scratching, fucking you until you can’t breathe or think straight but he can also be kinda soft. Toby is also getting used to choking but he can choke you so good with his rough hands.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, you sent me a good amount! Tell me about your favorite AC game/characters! Edward Kenway was my very first assassin and AC4 was the first console game I’d ever played. I’m extremely biased towards him. Thank you so much for complimenting my writing skills, you seem like such a lovely person! You and Toby just feel like a perfect match to me. I briefly thought of some other characters - LJ was my other intuition thought, but like, I just feel the two of you wouldn’t match up romantically?? So, Toby it is and I just think Toby would be super soft and protective of you and that’s that. 10/10 I love this matchup. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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fictolotus · 5 years
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q: what's self shipping? what's an f/o? what a s/i?
a: self shipping is exactly what is says on the tin - shipping yourself with fictional characters. for many people, including myself, it's a coping mechanism. f/o is short for "fictional other", a play on s/o or "significant other", n it's a character you self ship with. s/i stands for "self insert", or a character who is basically you that is in the source's universe.
q: why do you go by multiple different names?
a: well, my actual name is rory. i used to go by keith, n key is a shortening of that (kei, but spelled differently). lotus is just a cute nickname based on my url. i've gone by several other names in the past, most notably cas and cash, but i don't really use those anymore.
q: i'm confused about your sexuality!
a: i'm multisexual, mlm/vincian, nln/diamoric, and wlw/sapphic. i call myself both omni + bi!
i'm aromantic, which means i don't experience romantic attraction. i'm aromid, which means that i share experiences with alloaros + aroaces due to me being acespec (greyace, specifically)!
i am also fictosexual + fictoromantic. i know these are controversial labels to some people, but they're very important to me; n as they were originally coined for aspec people, i refuse to feel guilty about using them.
i am attracted to fictional characters regardless of gender, but i have a preference for men + enbies, probably due to my irl preference in attraction.
q: wait, if you're transmasculine and agender, how come your s/i(s) look so feminine?
a: i'm extremely gnc (gender non-conforming) and i'm a femme. i actually dislike looking super masculine - the only reason i wear masc stuff irl is so i pass. however, since my s/is are fictional, i can have them wear anything i want, and they will never be misgendered no matter how feminine they are!
also, all of my s/is have had or end up having top surgery (or the magic equivalent), so i don't usually draw them in binders unless i'm drawing a backstory. this is partially to relieve my dysphoria (i desperately want top surgery lmao) and partially to open up new outfit options. but hey, if you were wondering what the scars on my s/is chest in every canon are from, now you know!
q: what do the acronyms on your f/o list stand for?
a: they're acronyms for the source material! here's a list of the full names!
NDRV3 - New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
SDR2 - Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
DR: THH - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
BNHA - Boku No Hero Academia
DDLC - Doki Doki Literature Club
UT/DR - Undertale/Deltarune
YTTD - Your Turn To Die
MC - Minecraft
SDV - Stardew Valley
STH - Sonic The Hedgehog
q: why do you use [certain pronouns] for [f/o]?
a: as a trans + nonbinary person, i headcanon a lot of my f/os as trans and/or nonbinary. here's a list of my (headcanoned) nonb f/os, the gender headcanon, n the pronouns i use!
Izuku Midoriya - Bigender - Any pronouns
Rantaro Amami - Genderfluid - Any pronouns
Sayori - Demigirl - She/they
Mina Ashido - Feminine Xenogender - She/xe
q: you said you're neurodivergent/mentally ill, but how?
a: i have the following conditions (in order of how much i use this blog to cope with them):
madd (maladaptive daydreaming disorder)
bpd (borderline personality disorder)
hpd (histrionic personality disorder)
trauma, possible c-ptsd (complex post-traumatic stress disorder)
anxiety disorders (generalized and social)
mdd (major depressive disorder)
did (dissociative identity disorder)
also, as mentioned in my about, i'm on the autism spectrum.
some of these are professionally diagnosed, some i'm in testing for, n some are self diagnosed.
q: you said you're disabled, but how?
a: i have scoliosis + other crap that causes me chronic pain. a lot of activities are difficult for me because of that. i tend to be very self-consious about my disability, n hide it well, even when my symptoms and pain are really bad. i would consider myself to be "invisibly disabled".
q: what is [insert group on my dni]?
a: it's probably a discourse term for a group of bad peope. please ask off anon or message me if you need an explanation; but keep in mind that this is a coping blog n it may take me a while to answer questions abt negative things.
q: i have a question that's not on this list!
a: send me an ask or a dm! please understand that interaction with others is hard for me n i run out of spoons very quickly, so i likely won't answer right away. it's nothing against you, i'll get to it!
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artikgato · 2 years
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I posted 2,877 times in 2021
60 posts created (2%)
2817 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 47.0 posts.
I added 67 tags in 2021
#souyo hell - 21 posts
#arti writes - 18 posts
#souyo - 6 posts
#persona 4 - 4 posts
#trash prince - 4 posts
#pokemon - 4 posts
#long post - 3 posts
#nuzlocke - 3 posts
#i want that - 2 posts
#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#will atlus make sutble hints at souyo being canon that only us diehards will actually pick up on
My Top Posts in 2021
It's Pokémon Day, and to celebrate I wrote a Souyo Pokémon AU!
It's SFW, aside from a little bit of cursing. Enjoy~
10 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 18:32:21 GMT
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14 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 05:49:01 GMT
Don't buy Harvest Moon games people and also do your damn research
Video games journalist that has done 0 research: (describes the plot of every single farming game that isn't Farming Simulator 6000 or whatever) Oh hey that sounds familiar *wink* like Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon right? Me: Yeah, gee, I wonder why that is, I sure do wonder, and I sure do hope this journalist isn't implying that Story of Seasons is ripping those titles off because if they had bothered to do LITERALLY ANY RESEARCH- YES they all start out with a city dweller inheriting their Grandfather's farm, that's how it's been from the OG Bokujou Monogatari on the SNES, because any time Marvelous tried anything different the fans complained or the game didn't sell well. YES they all have romanceable NPCs and marriage because the one or two times they DIDN'T the fans complained and the game didn't sell well. YES of COURSE they all have crops and animals and cooking, why wouldn't they?! What is the point in going "oh wow these games sure are all the same hurr durr" that's the POINT you TROGDOLYTE JOURNALIST. Would you wink wink nudge nudge if another Halo game came out and WHAT A SURPRISE IT HAS SHOOTING IN IT? Would you be surprised if another expansion of Minecraft had SQUARE THINGS in it?! Would you go "oh hey look more adorable monsters to catch" if the next Pokemon game had MORE POKEMON IN IT?! Hi, my name is Arti and apparently I get very angry about small, insignificant things like this. Don't fucking give Natsume any more money, they stole the Harvest Moon name and put out shitty games every year as cash grabs and now people don't take localized Bokujou Monogatari games seriously any more.
Anyway I'm gonna go play my premium edition of Olive Town now
28 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 13:52:12 GMT
I like the fact that you can play as a boy or a girl
New professor is hot
200+ Pokemon is a pretty good number, even if it’s less than ¼ of the total number of Pokemon in the franchise… maybe they’ll add more as updates or expansions?
The scenery in this game looks amazing, and the thing I like most about it is that they didn’t go for a real-world hyper realistic look, but very much a Pokemon world hyper realistic look (if that makes any sense at all)
If they put out this trailer now, what in the world are they going to be showing off on Pokemon Day in February?!
Also, Meganium is much bigger than I thought
39 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 15:39:07 GMT
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I love the 2020 Graffarts P4 merch, but the weird smirk on Yosuke's face in this one always kind of bugged me. I know it's just supposed to be him smiling a big smile because he's hugging his bro, but the grin is crooked in a way that makes him look kind of psychotic, so I decided I wanted to tweak it just a little. And I added extra blushes because of course I did. Anyway, disclaimer that this is obviously not my art, all I did was spend like 5 minutes in photoshop on it lol. Feel free to use with or without credit.
84 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 19:30:31 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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