#and I don't think hell society is transphobic by default? or at least I'm choosing to believe it's not because fuck that hahaha
prince-liest · 6 months
I've seen a couple of fics where, through happenstance, some of the characters get turned back into humans while still in Hell (whether they lose their memories is flexible) and it just made me think about how this would be the absolute worst case scenario for both Alastor and Vox but in different ways.
Alastor would lose his power, he would no longer be able to hold himself seperate as an enigmatic figure of immense importance because he'd just be a human, a human surrounded by demons at that. He'd suddenly go from being the most dangerous person in the room to being the most powerless. It would be a horribly revealing situation for him.
Speaking of horribly revealing, Vox would just have a breakdown. I can't even imagine how he'd react other than a full shut-down because he's done such a good job hiding his secrets that most people don't even realise there's a secret there to be found, so to suddenly have it be revealed while also putting him back into immense dysphoria-- it would be very, very bad.
Ahhh, that's such a fun little AU idea! I think, as far as 666verse is concerned, you're on the ball with regard to Alastor, but... I actually think Vox might be relatively okay.
Vox wilts slightly. “...Jesus. I haven’t gone off like that since—Val, probably. Like, years and years ago. I forgot what it felt like to give a shit. Um. Thanks.”
There's this moment in the seventh fic, that refers to the fact that Vox has spent many decades coming into himself as a person and establishing his persona. It has genuinely been a very long time since he was worried about how people perceived himself or his gender, and while being trans is not something that he'd like to advertise, it's also not a secret he's desperately keeping, at least beyond the fact that it's nobody's fucking business.
Like, this is a guy who's fully into putting on a sexy maid dress and doing horrible, horrible roleplays with Valentino. Putting on the costume of femininity isn't discomfiting for him because at this point it is very much "a costume." Like I mentioned in the ask about nightmares, I think he fears and resents what his life used to be like... but just plain getting slapped back into his human body would be, y'know, dysphoria-inducing, but not even remotely close to being forced back into the role he used to play.
He would probably go straight back to Vee Tower and take advantage of the support network and power structure that he's spent decades building for himself! It would suck, it would be deeply uncomfortable, but I think he would be very practical about it and, honestly, in a more advantageous position than Alastor would be in his shoes because he's not just Vox - he's one of the Vees.
That's why it fucking blindsides him that Alastor's opinion could risk hurting him so much. He's long since forgotten that particular insecurity - and there are very, very few people whose opinion he thinks matters enough to drag it back up.
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