#and I dont have a copy of cats cradle but I really should
eluvion · 11 months
4 notes · View notes
elliotthezubat · 4 years
[[cont from part 121]]
 Takigi: *walks into Oze mansion* "Hey, I'm home." *looks at the maid*
maid: welcome back, sir.
Takigi: "Where's Mom? I picked up dessert." *holds up a bag with his good arm* "I heard Dad say Maki might stop by for dinner."
maid: oh, that's later, she actually has dinner with a coworker tonight from what i heard.
Takigi: "Ha! Knowing the 8th and how lazy they are at self-upkeep, it's probably some greasy ramen stand."
maid: oh no no, i heard the captain invited her to dinner at higanbanas.
Takigi: "... ... ..." *throws the bag of dessert at her and runs out the door* "I'M GOING TO SMASH HIM!!!"
Petra: *sits down on the couch* "So, what is this?"
iris: movie night! ^^
Petra: "I know. But what kind of film?" *picking at the toppings on her slice of pizza*
iris: well, we have a few options, but each of them have subtitle options for rita.
Relan: *looking through the watchlist* "Comedy, romance, horror, docudrama...Vote for it?"
-that evening-
Waiter: "Your table is this way--with an excellent view of the nighttime outside..."
maki: thanks. ^^ *takes her seat*
Takehisa: *nods, sits across from her* "..." *staring at Maki*
Waiter: "May I start you both with drinks?"
maki: i think i'll have a raspberry iced tea, how about you, captain?
Takehisa: "Oh...Um, the same, please."
Waiter: "Two raspberry iced teas--coming up! Please look at our specials as well..." *departs*
Takehisa: "... ... ...That is a new dress."
maki: yeah, one of naomi's coworkers helped me pick it out! ^^;....i-i like your tie!
Takehisa: "Thank you. Vulcan and Lisa picked it. I am afraid I am still 'fashion blind.' ...I don't know whether your dress is lovely, but I have to assume it is given that you have good sense about these things."
maki: *chuckle* thanks.
Takehisa: "..." *small smile* "Did you have a good time with your shopping trip? How are your friends?"
maki: oh, they're doing as great as ever! y'know? and you?
Takehisa: "Me? ...Fine, if a bit-- ...Sorry, I didn't want to get into work right now. My fault."
*as he talks, someone is seated at another table, looking over his menu*
waitress: is everything alright, sir?
Takigi: *looks up, wearing fake facial hair* "Yes, thank you. Another water, please. And could you tell me what those two at that table ordered?"
waitress: um. ._.;
Takigi: "..." *shifts his coat, revealing a badge and gun* "Official police investigation. Please, answer."
waitress: O-O;; t-two r-r-raspberry iced teas. t-that's all. pleasedontshootme.
Takigi: *harsh tone, but whispering* "Alcoholic?!"
waitress: it's not an alcoholic beverage, sir.
Takigi: "Ah-ha--then he's going to roofie her?! I won't allow it! Waitress, I am deputizing you--_you make sure that muscle-bound woman is not drugged!"
waitress: um.... .___.;;
Takigi: *HARD STARE* "DO IT!"
maki: hmm *looking at the menu* steak or shrimp, that is the question.
Takehisa: *nods* "A shame not to order both. ...Or one of us orders one, the other orders the other."
maki: maybe. steak's delish, but shrimp seems to be the cheaper option...
Takehisa: "??? Oh. I thought I was paying, so you should order whatever you want."
maki: you sure? i mean, i wouldnt want to go over budget-
Takehisa: "I have been saving up for this--it helps that so much of my attire are free promotional giveaways."
maki: i...see. ^^; (that explains a bit)
Takehisa: "...I also heard the bread rolls here are excellent. I read a copy-cat recipe online once."
maki: really?
Takehisa: *nods* "They use this herb-infused butter--but I am struggling to determine the last ingredient. Nothing in the herb list tastes quite right..."
maki: maybe it depends of if the bread is wheat or rye? i dunno. *shrug*
Takehisa: "Ah, good point...Have you dined here before?"
maki: i think my family ate here twice or three times for christmas dinners. but that was way back when i was just a baby, but mom still has photos.
Takehisa: "Ah...And were you...a well behaved baby while at this fancy establishment?" *slightly sardonic smile*
maki: i think i was, but takigi used to throw a fit if his peas were touching his mashed potatoes! *laughs*
*the diner behind them crushes the menu in his hands*
Takehisa: "Ha ha. ... I...am sorry."
maki: it's fine, really. so how about you, you ever been here before?
Takehisa: *shakes his head* "No, much too busy. That was why what happened last month took place..."
{Akitaru: *cradling Takehisa in his arms like a baby as he marches out the door* "Nozomi, tell the others we'll be out--this man needs to eat something or he's going to die!"}
{Takehisa: O___O "...It's only been 2 days without food--"}
maki: jeez.
Takehisa: "He is quite insistent as to self-care. That's one reason he was so adamant about your weight training regiment."
maki: i guess. he's like a dad to the 8th, isnt he?
Takehisa: *nods* "He is... ... ...Oh, God, that makes me the mom, doesn't it?"
maki: eh, you're more like the uncle that helps babysit the kiddos. not that there's anything wrong with being the mom, of course!
Takehisa: "No, of course not. It's just...Well, it reminds me of an earlier conversation when we moved into the cathedral, and I think the Commander was afraid he was being homophobic."
maki: i dont remember that conversation, maybe i was doing something else at the time?
Takehisa: *nods* "There was a lot of dust in what was going to be our future offices, so the Commander asked you to pick up more cleaning supplies. You came back with a pallet. A literal pallet. Over your head."
maki: oh yeah. *chuckles*
Takehisa: "Your strength is superhuman. You sure you don't have some additional ability? I mean, your family seems diverse in gifts..."
maki: well, i guess it's hereditary. both my mom and dad are pretty strong, and my mom used to be a lieutenant general back in the day.
Takehisa: "A famous one at that...I actually had hoped to serve under her when I was younger before...Well."
maki: yeah...the accident....
Takehisa: "..." *looks down*
Takigi: *GLARING* ("I can't hear, but he looks like he said something to make her sad! HOW DARE HE TORTURE MY SISTER!")
maki: *wipes her eyes* it was a scary time for all of us, but she pulled through. cant keep us harudori-oze girls down for long, y'know? *flexes her arm*
Takehisa: *nods* "Quite. That's what I like about you--your strength. ...Internally."
maki: *smiles*
Takigi: *watching* "... ... ..." ("What did he say to make her do that?! And what was with that flexing?! IS HE MOCKING HER?! IS SHE FORCING A SMILE TO SIT THERE AND TAKE IT?!!!")
Takehisa: "...I have wanted to do this for some time."
Takehisa: "Maki...I--"
Takehisa: "Oh?" *turns--*
*a gun is pointed at his forehead*
maki: D8
Takigi: *still has the fake facial hair* "GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU NEANDERTHAL FREAK!"
Takehisa: "... ... ... Oh, that's cute. What is that, a Glock 19? The trigger looks rusty, though. By the time you release the bullet, I'll have already deflected it. ...Why would you shoot me when you know I can do that? That is literally my ability--"
Takehisa: "?!!!"
maki: oh my god, takigi, you're way too paranoid.
Waiter: "Two raspberry iced teas for the happy couple--"
Takigi: *grabs the Waiter's tray* "I'm seizing this as evidence! The folks in forensics will test these drinks! I'll have this whole restaurant shut down for drugging a customer!"
Waiter: O_O;
Customer: *at another table--and spits up their food* "WHAT?!"
waitress: no no, that's not what's going on!
stocking: huh, looks like dinner _and_ a show, huh kiddo?
Kid: "I think the dialogue is lackluster, and the makeup on that hobo is atrocious. Zero stars." *nom*
Manager: "What's the problem here?!"
maki: my paranoiac of a brother is ruining our dinner!
Manager: "Sir, I'll have to ask you to leave before I call the police."
Takigi: "I AM THE POLICE!" *shows his badge*
Manager: "... ... ..." *cracks her knuckles*
Takigi: "Hey, what are you--"
Hiro: "Hey, you can see the Big Dipper tonight!"
EF: wow.
*someone goes flying through the sky*
Hiro: "...And that's a shooting star?"
EF: it looks.....kind of person-shaped.
Kana: "Like a hobo."
-back inside-
Manager + Waiter + Waitress: *bowing* "We are so, so, sorry!"
maki: i-it's fine, im sorry about my dumbass brother causing a scene.
Takehisa: "He has been under a lot of distress lately."
Manager: "Your bill is on us! With dessert!"
maki: r-right, thank you very much.
Manager: "Not at all--we owe it to you and your boyfriend!"
maki: o////o
Takehisa: "... ... ..." ._.
Waiter: "I'll bring out the dessert tray!" *runs*
maki: .///. ....sooooo....youknowwhat? imma get both the steak AND the shrimp! haha!
Takehisa: "Good--that is great. You know, I've changed my mind--sushi. I'll get that." *his eyes are now really tiny*
maki: oh! your glasses!
Takehisa: "Yes, I have glasses."
maki: no, i think they fell off. ^^;
Takehisa: "...Is that why everything is fuzzy?" *looks around* "...I don't see them."
maki: i'll help you look for them. ^^;
Danro: *sitting in the den--then suddenly looks up* "..." *sets down his book, takes off his glasses* "Madoka? Did you feel that?"
madoka oze: yes. i certainly did. *cracks knuckles*
Danro: *calls to the maids* "Bring the car around!"
Kid: *walking on the promenade* "Sorry our meal was interrupted."
stocking: it's fine. pretty entertaining to be honest. *chuckles*
Kid: "Death City certainly is a rambunctious home--with some moments of sentimentality."
stocking: yeah...*nuzzles up to him*
Kid: =\\\\= *puts an arm around her shoulder*
higuchi: *drying Q's hair*
Q: >~<
Gin: "They were more behaved than before..."
higuchi: there we go, all nice and clean! ^^
Q: *squirms* "Good--" *shakes their head a bit like a dog* "But I'm not--" *yawns* "--tired..."
Asher: *climbing up fire escape*
cassidy: *at the window* where _were_ you?!
Asher: "..." *tries to get past her*
cassidy: *grabs their shoulders* do you know how worried i was when you didnt call?!
Asher: *shaking* "Let...go of me..."
cassidy: ....
Asher: "I...don't like being here any more than I have to."
cassidy:....im trying to save money for us....
Asher: "...It's not fast enough."
Asher: "...This isn't normal. What the fuck is this shit..."
cassidy:...*hug* im sorry.....im so sorry...
Asher: *shaking*
shinra: ......*sits up*.....*steps out toward the ryokan garden*
Konro: *seated up, bandaged*
shinra: hey.....you dont mind if i do a few stretches out here, right?
Konro: "I'm not stopping you." ^^; "You'll need it for what the Commander has in mind..."
shinra:......*sigh* *stretching* i guess you saw how fucked up we were, huh?
Konro: "..." *nods* "You've all seen Hell...Metamorphically. Which scares me if you saw the real thing..."
shinra:.....and tamaki....i knew she got messed up but.....shit, i didnt realize-
Konro: "...When she was here in previous times, she seemed to take her...malfunctions in stride."
shinra: yeah, but...it's like she's not even the same person anymore.......DAMMIT! *stomps on the ground*
Konro: "...Then she's going to need help..." *stands up, carefully*
shinra: i-im just so sick of this! how long is it gonna take for us to deal with these hoods, huh?! weeks? months? years? our whole lifetimes even?!
Konro: *grabs his shoulder*
shinra:.....*shaking* i just.....i just want my little brother back....
Konro: *nods* "I wish I could tell you that you'll see the end to this...but you're right, this could take a whole lifetime. But if it did, wouldn't it be worth it to get Sho back? To see Tamaki smile again? For you to be happy?"
shinra:.....*nod* yeah.....sorry, just felt stressed....needed to vent, y'know?
Konro: "...I know. But you're talking to an old veteran who has seen his friends die in this fight with the Hoods."
Konro: "...What is it Obi tells you? That you got to live and survive if you're going to fulfill your job as a firefighter?"
maki: well, tonight was sure eventful. *sigh*
Takehisa: "I am sorry. I should have asked for a security detail."
maki: it's fine.
Takehisa: *spots a fountain* "...Care to sit for a moment?"
maki: yeah, my feet are starting to hurt anyway. *takes off her heels*
Takehisa: *sits a bit away from her...looks at her feet*
maki: *dips them into the water* haaa, that's satisfying.
Takehisa: *smiles* "I imagine so...At least you're not third generation--wearing out shoes as fast as Shinra."
Maki: *chuckles*
Takehisa: "...Maki."
maki: hm? yeah?
Takehisa: "...I don't think I was honest with you about the Nether mission...No, even earlier than that."
maki: what do you mean?
Takehisa: "I joined the military because I didn't think I would ever again have people close to me who would miss me if I died."
maki: ......captain...
Takehisa: "I said as much to the Commander. When you were out on the errand when we first moved in, he asked about family..." *shrugs* "That was never going to be an option for me. But you have family."
-not far from them-
worker: ok, that should fix the leak for the fountain...
Worker 2: "You sure about this? We don't need a repeat of that smashed-toilet incident..."
worker 3: im sure it'll be fine, let's go!
Worker 2: *shrug* "Okay, start it up..."
worker: *throws the handle*
*water passes through the pipes*
maki: ??
Takehisa: "I thought that made you soft when we were in the military, and that you couldn't handle it all...But the strength you show every day shows what a fool I was--"
maki: what are you trying to say here?
Takehisa: "...I didn't agree to you spying on the military just to further our investigation. I too was scared you would get hurt in the Nether because I..." *sighs* "I can't say it..."
maki: cant say what?
Takehisa: "...I love you."
-the water bursts from the fountain-
maki: .......... *BLUUUUUSH* O////////////////////O *speechless*
Worker 2: "Dang it, Shu--the pressure is high!"
Takehisa: "..." *gulps, looks away*
maki:....it's getting kinda late, ya? we should be heading back to base, yeah? *INTERNALLY SCREAMING*
Takehisa: "..." *quiet* "Yes, of course." *stands up*
tamaki: ........
{-who do you think you even are? you cant save anyone-}
{tamaki: stop....}
{*the bodies of amber, nozomi, arthur, takeru, kana, and others are around her*}
{-you cant save any of them-}
{*the ambient noise has what sounds like scratches*}
{???: what a joke!}
{tamaki:...please.....stop it....}
{*the scratches get closer*}
{tamaki: *shaking as cuts appear on her body that start to bleed* !!! }
{-the cuts read 'die' 'worthless' 'kill yourself' 'disgusting' 'trash' 'go jump off a roof' and similar things-}
{*a cat screech echoes*}
tamaki: ..........
Arthur: *curled up*
tamaki:........*looks up at the support beams*................not sturdy enough....
Huang: *exits the surgery room, enters the bathroom...removes her gloves, staring at her hand* "..." *rubs the mark*
tao: everything ok, commander? *she's hanging upside down by her tail*
Huang: *quickly puts her hands in her pockets, assumes her usual frown* "Just got out of a difficult surgery--need to massage my hands to return circulation."
tao: *staaaare*
Huang: "... ... ...And you're here...in the restroom...because...?"
tao:.....there's a crease between your eyes, ma'am.
Huang: "...Yes. I know. Age and stress can do that."
tao: that crease only seems to appear when you're really worried about something, right?
Huang: "?! Wh-Why do you say that? Been watching me?"
tao: i just have a talent for picking up on people's physical habits, even ones they arent aware of themselves.
Huang: "...That is useful in the field. And yes, I am concerned about a few things."
tao: want me to listen?
Huang: "The restroom is awkward for that." *opens the door* "My office."
shinra: *snoring*
Arthur: *sleep grumble--his foot kicks into Shinra's face*
shinra: =A=
*it sounds like shoveling near them...*
shinra: *eye opens* hnm?
*then dirt falls on top of them*
shinra: *opens his eyes*
*they seem to be in a dirt hole...*
shinra: WHAT THE F-?!?!? *jumps out* oi! oi!!
Tsukiyo: *tosses a shovel of dirt over her shoulder--and on top of him* "I'm almost done burying the bodies, Boss!"
Benimaru: "This is one of the patented Asakusa training techniques: surviving a premature burial."
Arthur: *yawns--and spits up dirt* "Ugh!" *looks around* "... There's not even treasure in here..."
shinra: DUDE!
Benimaru: "It woke you up, didn't it? Notice your reflexes kicked in to leap out. But you are a deep sleeper. And snore."
shinra: jeez... *looks into the hole*
Arthur: *trying to climb out--and keeps sliding down* "...Okay, fine--I'll do this the hard way..." *takes out Excalibur* "I'll just dig down." *aims a plasma blast into the dirt--*
Benimaru: "..." *takes a big step back*
shinra: ._.;
Tsukiyo: *opens an umbrella--*
*a blast of dirt flies up--and Arthur with it*
*dirt rains down*
shinra: using excalibur as a pogo stick.....huh.
Benimaru: "It's when we're at our lowest that we are forced to come up with creative options--"
Arthur: *crashes face-first into the ground*
Benimaru: "...'Creative,' but not always 'smart.'"
shinra: ....hey, where's tamaki?
Benimaru: "She was up before you two."
Benimaru: "I had her go to the shrine to calm down."
Vulcan: *stretches* "Morning--" *steps into the kitchen* "???" *looks around* "Where the heck is breakfast?"
karin: viktor's working on a 'breakfast machine' -_-;
Vulcan: "..." *deep inhale* "There are some things humans were not meant to mess with..." *marches to Viktor's lab* "LICHT! DON'T YOU EVEN THINK--"
*a gattling gun of cereal fires at Vulcan*
Vulcan: "?!!!"
lisa: *tackles him* get down!
nozomi: i tried to talk him out of it!
Vulcan: *lands--as he sees a frying pan on the floor* "???"
*the floor opens, revealing a giant fire column coming at him*
Vulcan: "?!!!" *grabs Lisa, rolls away*
nozomi: D8
Vulcan: *arrives at the dining room table* "THIS IS NUTS!"
*a spring is heard going off*
Vulcan: "..." *looks up*
lisa: ?!
Viktor: "Grab the milk!"
*the fridge has been flung up on springs--and is coming down at Vulcan and Lisa*
lisa: !!!! *uses a flame tentacle to grab the fridge*
Vulcan: *ducks--*
*the fridge's descent was slowed by the flame tentacle--and Akitaru punched it away*
lisa:....*sigh*.... LIIIICHT!! OUT HERE. _NOW_.
Viktor: *hiding behind a metal barrier* "No! You'll hurt me!"
lisa: oh, im not gonna hurt you.
Viktor: "You won't?"
lisa: no. *a tentacle wraps around his neck*
Viktor: QwQ *choking*
lisa: the ground might, though. *yeets him out the window*
iris: *hanging up laundry*
iris: !!! *looks behind her*
Viktor: *fell into a dress, hanging by the clothesline*
-back inside-
lisa: *dusting off her hands* all in a morning's work.
Akitaru: "Good throw. Well, I ruined our fridge--sorry about that. Guess we're getting breakfast on the go before patrol--But why didn't the Lieutenant make breakfast this morning?"
nozomi: he said he was feeling unwell.
maki: *coming downstairs*
Akitaru: "Oh? I thought he would have-- ...Nevermind what I thought--Morning, Maki!"
maki: MORNING! ^w^;; wow did i sleep good last night! haha!
Vulcan: "...I'm sure you did." *smirks*
nozomi: *muttering to herself* did the food not agree with him? or maybe he got a cold from being soaking wet? then again maki was drenched too last night- oh! maki! hello.
maki: ^w^;;;; well, i think im gonna take a morning jog, get the blood circulating, yknow?
Akitaru: "Well, you might as well pick up your breakfast--none here this morning before patrol."
maki: will do! *heads outside*...... *TEXTING* [guys, meet up @ deathbucks! code omega! CODE OMEGA]
maki: [will explain when we get there!]
Patty: "Zzz..." *curled up in chair*
takeru: ....nhh... *sits up* p-patti?
Patty: *groans, shifting in the chair--before falling out of it* "GAK!"
takeru: patti! a-are you alri-... *looks at his stub* .....*SCREAMS*
Patty: *gets up* "..." *hug*
takeru: *crying* m-mama! mama! *shaking*
Patty: *holds on tighter* "It's okay--you're going to be okay..." *shaking*
takeru: *sobbing*
Patty: "..." *lets him cry into her shoulder*
Karim: "..." *sits down in confessional*
onyango: what's on your mind?
Karim: "It's been twelve days since my last confessional...and I think I'm responsible for someone's death."
onyango: *listening*
Karim: "For the longest, I thought it was my fault for not reaching out to Rekka earlier, or saving him in time. But...I'm scared it's not that I let him died. What if I wanted him to?"
onyango: did you want him to?
Karim: "...I don't know...but since he died and what has come out...I'm so angry at him, and at myself, that I can't figure out what I felt at the time and what I feel now..."
onyango: hmm...
Karim: *shakes his head* "He was such an idiot--just running into whatever he believed in...How did he believe in those...those heretics?"
Spirit: *pulls over in front of an apartment building*
*the car is still...not in good condition*
Spirit: "..." *pats the hood of the car, then looks at the building*
izumi: this is the place.
Spirit: "...Do you want to stay here, or..."
izumi:....i should...go with.
hibiki: thanks for letting me come with, mr A.
Spirit: *nods* "But I don't want you getting hurt, so if I tell you both to get back, you do so, okay?"
Spirit: *the apartment building's front door is locked* "..." *turns his arm into a scythe--and picks the lock open*
izumi: .....
hibiki: .....
*the stairway is rotting apart...*
hibiki: shit....
Spirit: *steps over a step to avoid falling through it*
Asher: *passed out in bed*
mrs blythe: *watching TV* .....
Asher: "..." *opens their eyes...looks around the bedroom*
cassidy: *asleep*
Asher: "..." *reaches for a glass of water--and it's empty* "...Shit..." *grabs it, gets out of bed...listens at the bedroom door*
mrs blythe: ....damn cable....never anything good on....
Asher: "..." *throat tightens...* *opens the door*
mrs blythe: arent you gonna say 'good morning' you little bitch?
Asher: "...Good morning, you little bitch."
mrs blythe: *throws a beer bottle at the door* dont go getting smart with me!!
Asher: *ducks in time, wide-eyed* "..." *looks away, trying to get to the sink--*
*footsteps can be heard running up...*
mrs blythe: ?? if you're with the foreclosure office, then fuck off!
Asher: "It's probably just neighbors running up and down the stairs again--stop yelling at them..." *filling up the glass*
-knock knock-
Asher: "..." ("Oh no...")
mrs blythe: well, go answer it. if it's the foreclosure office, then tell them to eat shit.
Asher: "..." *puts the glass down, goes to the door, keeps the door-chain on, opens it a crack...*
izumi: .....
hibiki: hey.
Asher: "?!" *practically hissing* "What're you doing here?!"
izumi: *winces*
mrs blythe: ashley, who the fuck is it?
Asher: "...No one. And it's Asher."
mrs blythe: *throws another bottle* i know damn well what your name is! you trying to call me a liar?!
*this time, some glass hits Asher's leg*
izumi: !!!!
Spirit: "Girls, get back, now."
cassidy: ?! asher? what's going on!?
Asher: "It-It's fine! Just--everyone--shut up!"
*looks like some glass hit their leg*
cassidy: !!!! you're bleeding!
Spirit: *while this is happening, he slices the chain inside the door, carefully opening it*
mrs blythe: shut up! im trying to watch my shows in peace! i dont need my retard daughters interrupting!
Spirit: "Excuse me!" *walks in*
mrs blythe: ?!?!? what the hell is a death scythe doing here?! ashley what the FUCK did you do?!
Asher: *shaking, glaring with exhausted eyes*
Spirit: "Oh, I'm glad you recognize me, Mrs. Blythe--that'll make things easier."
mrs blythe: oh, so just because your famous you think that gives you the right to break into people's homes and meddle with their business?! *storms over to asher*
Asher: *cringes*
Spirit: *stands in front of Asher and Cassidy*
mrs blythe: ?!?!? get the hell out of my way! i need to teach that little cunt a lesson about respecting her mother!
Spirit: *stands in the way* "Cassidy, could you grab your and Asher's belongings? Hibiki, Izumi, help her?"
hibiki: right away.
izumi: y-yeah.
mrs blythe: ?!?! *grabs for izumi's arm*
izumi: !!
*a tonfa smacks Mrs Blythe's hand away*
mrs blythe: ?!?!?!?!
Asher: "Hands off my meister."
mrs blythe: are you kidding me?! you'll protect this twat but not your own mother who raised you?!
Asher: "...What you've done...for years...is not 'raising.'" *points at Cassidy*
mrs blythe: why you-
Asher: *growls at Mrs Blythe*
Kyoka: *yawns, sits up in bed* =n= *sniffs*
atsushi: *looking at a recipe book* ok, now to add a bit of salt...
Kyoka: "Good morning. Practicing something new?"
atsushi: just making some omelettes.
Kyoka: "I see...Green peppers?"
maki: .///////.
Naomi: "Why would he do that after one date?! That's rushing things!"
maki: i dont know!....m-maybe he misspoke and was trying to say something else like 'i respect you' or 'i admire you'! y-yeah! that's got to be it, right?
Naomi: "...Did you hurt your back with that stretch?"
maki: this is legit freaking me out, guys! i mean, what if i made things awkward between us now?! like, what am i supposed to say?! it was like something out of a romance movie but this is real life and I AM COMPLETLY UNPREPARED FOR THIS AND-
Naomi: "And do you feel anything like that for the Lieutenant?"
maki: h-how am i supposed to know that?!
Naomi: "You may not know either way! But to figure out where to go from here, you kind of have to. And if you don't know now, then you don't owe him anything--this is your life, and he doesn't control you."
maki: yeah...
Naomi: "...Also, is this something to report to your commander? Is this sexual harassment or..."
maki: i-i dont think so....
naho: it's important to go at your own pace, believe me, i almost made a big mistake some time ago...
Naomi: "??? Um...Yeah, what she said."
Spirit: "Yeah?"
izumi: what's going to happen to mrs blythe?
Spirit: "...I hope help. Otherwise, how would she get better?"
sachiko: *examining asher's wounds*
Asher: *cringes* "Ah!"
sachiko: i know it stings, but this will help it get better..........damn...to think someone could do this to their own child...it's sickening...
Asher: "It's nothing...I'm sorry that Izumi almost got hurt."
sachiko: she really cares for you, asher.
Asher: "...You'll understand if I don't see a point. Just how things are."
sachiko: ....
Asher: "Not everyone has good parents like she does."
sachiko: .....izumi never told you about my ex husband, has she?
Asher: "??? 'Ex'? No, I just thought--...that her dad--biological dad--wasn't...around anymore."
sachiko: well, he is dead, good riddance, but.....her birth father was dr rodigy...
Asher: "...Hold on...That name was in history class."
sachiko: so you know of him?
Asher: "Yeah, the Dokeshi supremacist movement. I did a school report on it once. He was..." *holds their forehead*
sachiko: he was a monster who used his own child in experiments to try and turn her into a dokeshi like him...
Asher: "..." *shaking* "I don't want to think about that."
sachiko: ....
Asher: "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Is that why Izumi is--...Nevermind."
sachiko:......i think the DWMA has been good for her. years ago, she probably wouldnt have had the courage to do what she did...
Asher: "...Lately she's been running into danger. That scares the shit--...crap out of me."
sachiko: ......maybe she's also trying to emulate maka....
Asher: *nods* "That's kind of obvious. That...person Monica got into her head already about that."
Takehisa: *curled up in bed*
iris: captain?
Takehisa: "Door's open." *he's turned away from the door*
iris: *opens the door* are you feeling ok?
Takehisa: "...I already told the Commander I'm taking an off day." *he's not turning around*
iris: captain...*goes over to him*
*there's a man with a full and long beard in the Captain's bed*
Akitaru: *runs in* "?! What's wrong?!"
Takehisa: *sits up, the beard rolling down*
iris: t-that!
Takehisa: "I haven't shaved yet this morning."
Akitaru: "THAT MUCH HAIR?!"
iris: IN ONE NIGHT?!
Takehisa: "...Hair grows faster from stress."
iris: .....did something happen last night at your dinner?
Takehisa: "No, the dinner went wonderfully. The restaurant paid for it after Detective Oze shot a round at my forehead."
iris: WHAT?!
Akitaru: "Okay, so dinner was...'fine.' What about after?"
Takehisa: "Oh, it went awful, and I know Maki will never want to speak with me again. Therefore, I've prepared this." *hands Akitaru a letter*
Akitaru: "... ... ...RESIGNATION?!"
iris: what did you _do_?!
Takehisa: "Something awful that earns me absolute scorn and makes me lower than dirt."
Akitaru: "... ... ..." *cracks his knuckles* "Oh?"
iris: O_O;;;; *backing up slowly*
Takehisa: "Yes. I told her I love her."
iris: ..............
Akitaru: "...Well, duh, that was pretty obvious--DUDE! YOU DON'T SAY THAT ON A FIRST DATE!"
iris: that explains why maki was so flustered this morning...
Takehisa: "See? We cannot have the 8th functioning like a machine with the wheels falling off. Therefore, I have already requested my transfer to another brigade--"
Hibana: *reading the letter* "...Who the fuck is Hinawa?"
-back at the 8th-
Takehisa: "--and I think it will be good for me, as the Commander there treats most of her men as awful as I deserve to be treated. I've already practiced yoga when she makes me into human furniture."
Akitaru: "..." *facepalm* "Iris, what is wrong with your sister..."
iris: .....*goes up to takehisa and...* *CHOP*
Takehisa: *the beard hair flies off of him, as he's knocked off the bed and into the wall* "?!!"
iris: you're being ridiculous!
Takehisa: "No, I am not. Otherwise, why would Maki have lost all composure?"
iris: well leaving the brigade isnt going to fix things either! the best thing you can do is talk to her about it, come to an understanding.
Takehisa: "...I'm afraid to understand it from her point of view. What if I offended her?"
Akitaru: "Then you work through that. This team is made of people who don't always get along, but they are committed to work together. And you're not giving Maki enough credit--trying to shelter her like you're some monster instead of her commanding officer--now equal officer. So don't you dare run away when you have a job to do, soldier!" *picks up Takehisa by the shoulders*
iris: *nod nod*
Takehisa: "...Okay. I will try when she returns. ...I think I will need to change out of these." *he's in...unique sleepwear*
Kana: *staring at suitcases* "I see. How long will you be out of the country?"
tsugumi: well, i think two weeks?
Kana: "Good. That'll be enough time for me."
EF: ^^; good luck on your trip, and come back safely, ok?
Meme: "We're bringing a hella bunch of souvenirs! As soon as I figure out what the industries are in Yngling! I want to say windmills and sheep."
Anya: -_-; "It's not windmills and sheep."
Vulcan: *drying Takehisa's hair* "See? Nice and clean now."
Petra: *cleans the razor* "And shaved." *pats his face* "Jeez, what did you do to yourself?"
Takehisa: "Like I said, stress causes hair growth."
Viktor: "It really doesn't." *still in the dress*
maki: im back!
Takehisa: "...Well, I must be going." *walks to the second-floor window--*
lisa: *grabs him by the collar* sit.
Takehisa: ._.
maki: hey viktor, nice dress.
Viktor: "Thanks! It's something I just fell into. After being thrown out the window."
maki: yikes.
lisa: hey, vul's working on a thing, want to see?
Vulcan: "Yeah, over here in the shop..."
Petra: >_>; *walks away from Takehisa*
Takehisa: *screaming internally*
maki: ah-......
Takehisa: "..."
Vulcan: "...Oh, wait, I think I left it--somewhere else. Over there." *walks away*
Takehisa: "..." ("Bring up work? Wait--day off. Okay, work the next day--Ask who she's feeling? Ask about her brother--No, he's probably arrested.")
maki: (oh fuck oh fuck what do i even say?! what if he hates me now? what if he kicks me out?! AHHHHH!!!)
Takehisa: ("Okay. I can do this. Just talk to her...") *opens his mouth*
Takehisa: "I'M SORRY--"
maki: <-<
Takehisa: "...Sorry. You first."
maki: no please, after you.
Takehisa: "...Then I...said things."
maki: yeah...... .///.;;;
Takehisa: "And they were...embarrassing. ... ... ... ..."
Takehisa: "..."
Vulcan: *walks in carrying something*
maki: ??
Vulcan: *sets down on the workbench in between Maki and Takehisa a helmet that resembles an elephant* "..."
Takehisa: "..."
Vulcan: *nods* "..." *walks away*
Takehisa: "... ... ..." *walks towards her*
Takehisa: *has picked up the helmet* "??? ..." *moves the helmet to the table* "...Sorry. That ugly thing was distracting me. ... Wait, you said you're not ready for a relationship?"
maki: *WINCE* >~< i-i just- it was really a sudden confession and i-i dont know how to process it all yet.
Takehisa: "Oh. ... Okay, I understand. Thank you for telling me."
maki: eh? you arent...mad at me?
Takehisa: "No. I thought you were mad at me."
maki: what? im not mad at you at all! if anything it's my brother im mad at! *laughs*
Takehisa: "You are? But he got us a free dinner."
maki: ....touche.
Takehisa: "..." *smiles* "I'm sorry for acting weird."
maki: it's understandable....did you, really mean it?
Takehisa: "...It lingered for some time. When we were in the military."
maki: .....does the age gap thing bother you at all?
Takehisa: "At that time? Yes. Now? ... I'm not sure. You are definitely someone with soft stuff like romance flooding your brain all the time--"
maki: ^^;;;
Takehisa: "--but I'm hardly someone who is all together with it for someone my age to castigate...how do I say this without it being weird...You are an adult. I'm an adult. We seem to get along well despite age differences."
maki: i guess....
Takehisa: "But it makes you uncomfortable?"
maki: eh?
Takehisa: "Does the gap between our ages bother you?"
maki: i dont know, i mean, we're both adults now, right?
Takehisa: *nods* "Right."
Takehisa: "..."
maki: so...now what?
Takehisa: "I don't know. I suppose we continue with our work?"
maki: i guess....i dont want this whole thing to make things awkward between us...
Takehisa: "I will take responsibility for that. If I am affecting your work, I will transfer or resign."
maki: you dont have to do that!
Takehisa: "I just mean only if it comes to that."
maki: i wont let it.
Takehisa: "...Okay. Thank you."
tamaki: *sitting by the shrine's garden* ........
*giggling is heard nearby*
tamaki: *glances*
*looks to be the twins, playing tag through the garden*
tamaki: ..... *looks back down at her feet*
hikage: hey look, it's that streaker catgirl!
Hinata: "Oh, hey! The one with the worstest luck!"
hikage: hey cat lady! come play with us!
tamaki:.....not right now....
Hinata: "..." *smirks at Hikage*
hikage: kikikikiki~
Hinata: *lifts her hand*
tamaki: ?
*Hikage and Hinata both smack Tamaki on the butt*
tamaki: !!
hikage: TAG! YOU'RE IT!!
tamaki:....just stop.....
hikage: it's raining~ it's pouring~ tamaki-chan is boring~!
tamaki: leave me alone, you brats...
Hinata: "She bumped her rump on some rando's junk and just ended up moaning!"
tamaki: *biting her lip and shaking*
hikage: hey hina, i think she's gonna cry like a big baby!
Hinata: "Baby needs a diaper! Baby needs a diaper!"
tamaki: *flame tails out and wrap around hinata's neck* i said KNOCK IT OFF!!! *THROWS HER INTO THE SHRINE*
Hinata: "?!!!! WAAAAA--"
*Hinata crashes through a wall, knocking into some shrine nuns*
hikage: HINA!!
kirei: !!!
Hinata: *she's not moving*
reimi: oh shi- she's bleeding!
hikage: !!!! grrr! you big meanie! *foxfire* you're going to regret that!!
Nun: "Call the commander!"
tamaki: ....*twisted smile* come at me then.
{???: "Ah, now look who's got a backbone..."}
{tamaki: what the hell do you want now?}
{???: "For you to stop being such a sad sack..." *the voice seems to be forming a shape of someone familiar...*}
{tamaki: ........}
{*eyes like stars appear*}
{tamaki:.......i know that's not who you really are.}
{Rekka?: *cat pose* "But it's a form you're more familiar with, nyah?"}
{tamaki: you're the last person i want to see right now.}
{Rekka?: *frowns* "Hmm. I had hoped that would get you full of righteous fury. Maybe the more serious touch..."}
{*the being shifts, appearing as--*}
{Amber?: *frowns* "There. Does this motivate you?"}
{tamaki: !! *throws a punch* dont you DARE take her face!}
{Amber?: *dodges--then nuzzles against her fist, like a cat wanting to be pet*}
{tamaki: *yanks her hand back*}
{*the being grabs Tamaki's wrist, holding it over their heads*}
{Burns?: "Give an answer, soldier!"}
{tamaki: just shut up.}
{*Tamaki's arm is still up--but nothing is holding it up, as the being still stands in front of her...*}
{Takeru?: *missing his hand* "Didn't you manage to save lives?"}
{Tatsu?: "But you also did some bad things, too, huh? Do you still feel badly about that?"}
{tamaki: *shaking*}
{*everything fades to black, except for the giant cat eye*}
{???: "Such wasted potential. You have all this power. You have all this training, not just in combat but in putting souls to rest...And you're pitying yourself."}
{tamaki: shut up, you think im not trying?! what do you want me to do, huh?!}
{tamaki: im...im not weak, im not a fucking weakling, i'll show them....i'll show all of them what im capable of!!}
shinra: *running and screaming*
Tsukiyo: *giggling madly, swinging her mallet* "What's wrong, little boy?!"
*fireworks are going off around them, almost striking at Shinra's face*
shinra: D8 i thought you were the nice one!
fang-hua: sorry, orders are orders
Tsukiyo: *leaps up, right behind Shinra* "Be lucky you're not the samurai boy--Beni-hottie is going to slice him in two!" *swings her mallet at his head*
shinra: DX> *SCREAMING*
fang-hua: ?!?!
Tsukiyo: *misses, swinging around widely--before crashing down into a building* *muffled* "I'm okay!"
shinra: ?!?! what the hell was that??
*looks like smoke from the shrine...*
fang-hua: !!! i'll go find the commander.
Benimaru: *dodging Arthur's swings easily* "Control your breath."
Arthur: *eyes looking blank--as he makes a deadly strike*
Benimaru: "?!" *leaps up* "Impressive. How did you do that?"
Arthur: *eyes look alive* "??? Do what?"
Benimaru: "...So, you're mindlessness has taken you to a higher level..."
kirei: benimaru!!
Benimaru: "??? What's wrong? Why are you running?"
-she's carrying an unconscious hinata-
Benimaru: "...Who did this?"
reimi: m-miss kotatsu, she just went nuts all of a sudden! hikage's fighting her now!
Benimaru: "...Son of a bitch. Boyle, get over to--"
*Arthur is already gone*
shinra: *flying over* (what could have happened? an infernal?) *looks* ?!?!?!
tamaki: *tails striking at hikage* burn...burn....burn to death......hehehe...
Hikage: *trying to run along the tails--only to trip over one* "UMPH!"
tamaki: die.
tamaki: *knocked back*
shinra: tamaki! what the hell are you doing?!
Hikage: *lands on her feet* "SHE'S BEING A REAL KNOB, THAT'S WHAT, DEVIL BOY!"
tamaki: stay out of this kusakabe...unless you want to get torn to shreads, nya~
Hikage: "She went crazy and killed Hinata! LET'S KICK HER HEAD OFF!"
shinra: !! (she's acting like how i was at the 4th....)
tamaki: *LUNGES*
{Hitohashira-me: *smiles*}
shinra: *dodge* tamaki! snap out of it!!
Hikage: *flash step, swinging her foot at Tamaki's head*
tamaki: make them pay.....make them all pay.....
-tamaki's flames seem to be forming some kind of cat like armor?-
Hikage: *her foot collides with the armor* *SCREAMS* *the fire around her foot dissipates, showing a burn*
shinra: !!! this is bad...
Hikage: "IT'LL GET WORSE FOR THIS WHORE!" *punching at the armor, uselessly* "YOU BASTARD! YOU KILLED HER!" *crying*
tamaki: *flings hikage to the side*
Hikage: *knocked away* *screams--*
tamaki: *tilts her head to look* hmm~?
Arthur: *frowning* "Tamaki."
tamaki: arthy....are you ashamed of me?
Arthur: *bluntly* "Why would I be? You've embarrassed yourself enough times that I didn't think you could have any shame left."
*silence everywhere*
tamaki: *her flames intensify*
tamaki: *charges at them*
Arthur: *stands his ground, aims Excalibur at her*
shinra: !!! *kicks at her* tamaki snap out of it! i know you're upset, but getting mad and hurting people wont help anything!
tamaki: what the hell do you know about me, huh?! you all keep telling me to try harder and harder, but i still fall flat! i try everything to protect people, yet _im_ still the one being protected! *tail whip*
Arthur: *still standing back*
tamaki: and whenever i manage to do something right, everyone else is one step ahead of me! not to mention how my bad luck keeps on making me out to be a useless joke who's only good for her sex appeal! its humiliating and im sick of it! im sick and tired of all of it!
Arthur: *slowly inches up, blade aimed at her* "That's what you think of yourself?"
tamaki: you know what~? if i turned into an infernal right now....i wouldnt even mind at all.....
Arthur: "..." *drops his sword*
shinra:.........how can you say something that stupid?!
tamaki:...it'd be better than continuing to suffer like this-
shinra: ......
Hikage: ._.;
Arthur: *approaches*
tamaki: !!! wha...what was....
Arthur: *hug*
tamaki: ........*shakes* what have i done? i...i hurt her.....
Hikage: "HUMAN?! SHE FUCKING KILLED HINATA!" *charges up her flames again--*
Hikage: Q__Q "OW!"
Benimaru: "ENOUGH." *glares at Shinra*
shinra: OxO;;
Benimaru: "..." *looks at Tamaki* "..." *takes off his kimono* "Hinata is fine, just unconscious..." *drapes the kimono over Tamaki*
tamaki: .........
Benimaru: *looks at the damage everywhere* "Not bad. Almost worthy of the 7th. But this isn't your home--you belong to the 8th. So act like you do."
Haumea: *sighs* "Okay. Let's get this straight. That schmuck failed to kill the stigma man at the 7th. We still have these other stigmata running around. And for some reason, _I have the worst headache and want to strangle a cat_!"
Bee: "...To be fair, Mr. Konro at the 7th is a really big man--"
Haumea: *punches Bee--into the wall*
Inka: "God, I wish that was me..."
gold: what would you recommend we do now, lady haumea?
Assault: *bandaged* "The 8th is a lot stronger than we expected. I still can't look at vending machines without crying."
Haumea: "... ... ..." *smiles* "Yes, the 8th is stronger...They have been building their allies over time with the other brigades, making the 8 into a united front."
*Haumea opens a door, revealing a room of various members of the different brigades, training against the Hoods*
friz: um...
Haumea: "I wonder where they got that idea~"
2nd brigade member?: !! lady haumea!
*the different members of the splinter cells turn...and start to bow*
Haumea: *holds up her hands, gesturing for them to keep praising her* "Yes, yes, feed me your divine energy! How would you all like to have some fun?"
Ogun: *whistling, as he walks up to the 8th and knocks on the door*
iris: yes? oh, hello ogun.
Ogun: "Hi, Sister Iris! Lieutenant Pan sent me to pass along a note to Commander Obi?"
iris: oh, come on in. ^^ would you like something to eat or drink while you're here?
Ogun: "Could I have it to go? I really need to head back--" *spots Nozomi* .\\\\.;
nozomi: oh! o-ogun! i wasnt expecting you. h-how are you? ^///^;
Ogun: "I'm welling do--Er, doing well! How's it going?"
nozomi: well, hectic, to put it lightly.
Ogun: "Want to talk about it? I have time for a drink..."
nozomi: ....since we went back to the nether, tamaki hasnt been doing well....and im really worried about her.
Ogun: "..." *nods* "Yeah. I had visited Takeru, but he was still in a coma...Where is Tamaki now?"
nozomi: she and arthur took a holiday to asakusa...
Ogun: "...Oh. Um, I'm sure that'll be good for them." ^\\\^;
nozomi: i hope so...
Huang: *sitting back in her chair* "And that's been about it. Ever since touching Kusakabe's flame, I've had this scar."
tao: wowie.
asako: ......(grandpa....)
Huang: "It's curious. I suppose my body was not enough to handle the Adora Burst. Kusakabe's biology must be something else for such pyrokinetic power."
tao: maybe shinra's an alien?
vivian: <-<
Huang: "... ... ...That is just silly. Although...Didn't Lieutenant Pan's report mention some 'other dimension'?"
asako: ...commander, if i may, i'd like to pay a visit to the 4th and see if i can review the reports?
Huang: *nods* "Leave granted."
minoura: honestly, oze, what the hell were you thinking?!
Takigi: "I wasn't thinking--it was pure investigative instinct!"
sansa: and ruining your sister's date.
minoura: -_-; are you sure you arent being paranoid?
Takigi: "You didn't see his cold calculating unblinking eyes...Like some anglerfish..."
anglerfish cop: *offended gasp* D8<
sansa: im sure he didnt mean it like that, mike.
mike: is sure hope not!
Takigi: "!!! O-Of course not!" *nervous grin*
-footsteps are heard-
sansa: *looks* ._.; oh... oh dear.
*the water in Mike's glass shakes with ripples*
*the top of the entry way smashes away as a head on a very tall men collides into it*
Danro: "...Ow."
minoura: aw shit, now i gotta call the repair company...
Takigi: "... ... ..." *runs for the window*
madoka oze: SIT. DOWN.
Takigi: Q_Q *collapses onto the floor*
*everyone else but the Oze parents also sit down*
mike: i gotta go take my parrot to her yoga class bye *runs*
Takigi: "Mom! Dad! Hi! Would you like donuts?"
madoka oze: ^^#
Danro: *eyebrow titan stare*
Takigi: Q_______Q *bows down* "HAVE MERCY!"
Spirit: *walking through the hall* "..."
Spirit: "Cassidy, there you are...You have a second?"
cassidy: yeah...
Spirit: *sits with her* "...I spoke with child welfare, and after they visited your apartment, they said you can't stay there while your mother is...in confinement."
cassidy:...i figured....
Spirit: "Sorry, they just don't think you're old enough..."
cassidy: what now?
Spirit: "Child services needs to place you and Asher with responsible families..."
Spirit: "Usually children are placed with foster families that have been vetted, and it takes a long process...But I spoke with them as Death Scythe, and asked whether it would be possible to have you and Asher placed with us."
cassidy: !!!
Spirit: "S-Sorry! That was presumptive. I just didn't think it would be a good idea if they couldn't find a family to watch over both of you together..."
cassidy: ...i wouldnt mind that, mr albarn. i promise, i'll repay you for this.
Spirit: "Hey, you don't owe us anything. This is about making sure you and Asher have a home."
cassidy: thank you, so, so much.
Spirit: "You're welcome. Police will let us in to finish packing..."
{*a young recruit is panting, soot on his face, shaking*}
{Recruit: *looks over...at a corpse in a firefighters outfit* *shaking, looking like he's about to break down*}
{???: it is a soldier's duty to protect human life above all else. but never forget that the most important life is your own.}
{Recruit: "..." *mouthing...but no words come out...pulls his whistle to his lips and...* *slight nod* "PHTWEET."}
{Pan: *assumes the prayer posture*}
{???: pan, it is important to keep calm and move around the scene of the fire with care but also love. we are not heroes, for we are ultimately the same as the victims we try to save.}
{Pan: *removes his whistle* "Sir...Do you admire heroes?"}
{???: i suppose. it'd be nice if something beyond our understanding would appear to us....}
{Pan: "Something beyond...Like a role model?" *looks up at Commander Arg*}
Pan: *walking the halls* "...??? Oh, Nurse Arg." *salutes*
asako: hello. hope you dont mind me dropping by.
Pan: "Not at all. Is this business from the 6th?"
-asako explains-
Pan: *nods* *walking with her to Arg's office* "You can imagine how busy he's been..."
asako: *nods*
Pan: *knocks on the door* "Commander? Nurse Arg is here on business."
-no answer-
Pan: "...Commander?" *pulls his axe out of his coat*
asako: *sniffs* *tenses* do you smell that?
Pan: "!!!" *kicks down the door*
asako: !!!!!!!!!
*nailed with spikes to the window, hanged by ropes in a crucifix pose, is Commander Arg*
Pan: *pushes a button on the wall's intercom* "Get medical and forensics to the Commander's office, now!"
asako: ah-....*collapses to her knees, staring* ah-.....*she starts screaming uncontrollably*
Pan: *screaming into the intercom* "NOW, GODDAMN IT!"
*footsteps are heard running down the hall*
juria: ??!!? what the fuck?!
Pan: "Help me get him down! Commander! COMMANDER!"
shinra: !! wha-what happened?
fang-hua: you zoned out.
Benimaru: "A lot of that going around."
hinata: nnnh...mama?
Tsukiyo: "..." *strokes her head* "How do you feel, kiddo?"
hinata: *opens her eyes* my head hurts really bad...
Tsukiyo: "Stay down—you took a lot of damage."
hinata: w-wheres hika?
Hikage: Q^Q *sitting next to her* "You...dummy!" *slaps her head with her sleeve*
hinata: owie! >~<
Hikage: T~T "I was so worried! And you were dead!"
hinata: Q_Q;;
shinra:....do you know where konro is?
Benimaru: "She wasn't dead--she was unconscious." *pats Hinata's head* "??? Konro? He's in the other room, recovering."
shinra: i-i have a bad feeling...
Konro: *sits up, calling out* "Shinra? Is that you?"
shinra: konro, i-i think commander arg....i think he's dead...
Konro: "What?"
Benimaru: "..."
shinra: i know, it sounds crazy, but i saw him getting impaled in a vision just now, i-i dont know, it could be related to the adora link?
Konro: "...Beni, call the 4th and the 8th."
Benimaru: *nods* *grabs a rotary*
Akitaru: *staring at the paper* "..." *locks it in a safe* "Thank you, Officer Montgomery. Don't tell anyone else about this."
Ogun: "??? Sir?"
Akitaru: "Instructions in the letter--keep this to yourself."
Ogun: "O-Okay?"
karin: commander, phone for you from the 7th!
Akitaru: "???" *picks up the phone in his office* "Hello...?!!!"
Haumea: *slow clap* "Great work, everyone~"
gold: indeed.
Charon: "Surprised anyone could get into Arg's office without being seen..."
gold: we have our methods.
Inka: *staring at Gold* "... ... ..." *inches closer*
gold: cease.
Asher: "...Looks big."
sachiko: yep. we got two spare rooms upstairs, plus one of the bathrooms. there's also a bathroom downstairs along with the laundry room.
Asher: "...Oh. Didn't realize. It's a nice place, ma'am."
Touma: *staring at a number on his phone* "..."
???: what's up, boss?
Touma: *pushes the phone away* "Just reviewing records. You have something to report?"
???: we recieved a call from the demon moon company in japan; they want to send a second team over for additional backup when we attack the next hive.
Touma: *nods* "That will be useful. Did they send names?"
???: *hands over the files; Makoto Narumi, Yayoi Endou, Rika Inoue, Tarou Kagiyama, Shusaku Iwasaki*
Touma: "...Narumi. Really?"
???: for such youngsters, they're amazingly talented.
Touma: "Yeah, yeah--well, around here, you can't throw a rock without hitting a child prodigy..." *picks up a ball off his desk*
Sakuya: *walking through the commercial district* "How about that shop?"
naho: oh my gosh yes! the new volume of Raven Butler should be out!
Sakuya: "Cool. Lilac, want to find something to read?"
lilac: i-i guess so...
Sakuya: "Okay. Let's head to the touch-and-feel books." *smiles*
lilac: *small smile*
Huang: *puts on the facial mask* "Okay. Let's examine the body."
nurse: right. *pulls the sheet back* ...just awful...what could have done this?
Huang: "That's our job to ascertain based on where the evidence leads us...As of now, the cause of death is listed as 'undetermined.'" *looks at the spears through the legs* "Begin the recording. The time is 2:45 PM. Spears through the lower extremities, seem to be iron composite. I do not see a pattern to the angles..." *looks at Arg's face...then touches the scars along his face--*
Huang: "?!" *looks around...*
nurse: doctor? doctor are you alright?!
*what Huang sees looks...like Hell*
Huang: *blinks--everything is back to normal* "...Fine."
Ogun: *runs into the 4th Headquarters*
gwen: *shaking* no no no no no no no....
Ogun: "Gwen--" *runs up to her* "I got the report at the 8th. Where's Captain Pan?"
gwen: *shaking* no not again...no no no....
juria: he's in the boss's office.....fuck. what the hell....
Ogun: *walks up to the office, which is covered in 'Police' tape*
Pan: *looking through files*
Ogun: "Sir, I--"
Pan: "There's nothing taken. Nothing. Why did they want him? What did he know..."
Ogun: "...Sir, do you think the Commander was assassinated, or was it suicide?"
juria: seriously?! how can a guy do that to themselves?!
Pan: "...Internal investigations will determine the cause of death."
Benimaru: "So. You sticking around, or is vacation over?"
shinra: we should...probably get home...
Benimaru: "You got a long way ahead of you. And you're attracting danger in this quest of yours to get your brother back."
shinra:....i know. but im willing to take that risk.
Benimaru: "Even if that means destroying what--or who--is in the way?"
Konro: *coughs behind Shinra*
shinra: *turns*
Konro: "Ugh...You know, here in Asakusa, we wreck buildings because they can be rebuilt. We wreck our bodies because they can heal..." *gestures to his ash disease* "Mostly."
{Akitaru: "A firefighter can't give up their life to save people and property--we have to do it all. We can't let anyone die."}
Benimaru: "As for Kotatsu--where is she heading?"
shinra: ...
Kana: "I finished sweeping outside, Miss Misery."
miss misery: thank you, kana dear. ^^ i just made some lemon tarts.
Kana: "Yay." *looks down the front loop* "??? Is that a tank?"
miss misery: ??
*The Matchbox pulls up...*
Takehisa: *looks out the window*
miss misery: may i help you?
Takehisa: "Good afternoon. I'm Lieutenant Takehisa Hinawa, Special Fire Force Company 8."
Kana: "??? Tamaki's division?"
miss misery: and dangerously close to me gardenias. ^^#
Takehisa: "...Sorry. Vulcan, back up--"
Vulcan: "Whoops."
miss misery: OuO###
Takehisa: "...Weareheretoproposeanopportunityforoneofourmemberstorecoverwhileonleaveformentalhealthcare--" *opens the back door, pushing someone out* "Hurry, hurry."
Spirit: "Izumi, how are they doing with the move?"
izumi: they seem to be adapting...
Spirit: "And how are you adapting to this?"
izumi:...im happy for them.
Spirit: "Is this too much? It's going to be a little more crowded."
izumi: i dont mind.
Spirit: *nods* "I know Asher appreciates it."
izumi: *nods* it's up to us to be good hosts for them!
Spirit: *smiles* "That's the spirit! ... So to speak."
izumi: *groans*
Spirit: ^^; "Dad humor. Sorry. Well, I better get the rest of dinner made."
Asher: *walks by* "..."
sally: *stocking shelves*
*the door opens*
Kerona: "Hey."
sally: welcome, welcome!
Kerona: "Busy as usual."
sally: shall i get your usual order, friend? ^^
Kerona: *pulls out a list--that keeps going and going* "I'm afraid quite a bit this time. Let's start with wortsbane--got any fresh?"
sally: why yes. will that be whole or powdered?
Kerona: "Hmmm...Let's go with whole--the recipe may need it minced later. How are you holding up, Sally?"
sally: got my new summer stock of ingredients, and yourself?
Kerona: *smiles* "Cooking up a surprise for Eruka and her kid."
sally: ah! how is eruka these days?
Kerona: "Doing rather well--she mentioned a new project she had in mind, but she'd need to take a trip."
Witch's Assistant: "She was seen in this area." *passes a photo*
sephy: *examines the photo*
*looks to be someone in a black hood, carrying a baby*
sephy: hmmm....
Assistant: "Getting a lock on a witch's soul is still notoriously difficult..."
sephy: so you want me to investigate?
Assistant: "Are you available?"
Kana: *making a bed*
EF: kana! your friend is here!
Kana: "..." *walks into the hall*
Kana: "..." *walks up, hugs Tamaki*
Kana: "Are you staying here?"
Kana: "..." *takes her hand* "I have just the room for you."
Kana: *leads her into her room, which has an empty spare bed* "This is my room. I redesigned it since you were here. That's my tarot reading rug. I have collectibles on my desk."
Kana: "...You look exhausted. How about a nap?"
Kana: "What's wrong?"
tamaki:....what _isnt_ wrong with me....
Kana: "...Something happened. Are you okay?"
tamaki: *whimpering*
Kana: "..." *hug* "It's okay. You're safe here."
Vulcan: *pulls into the garage* "We're back..."
Takehisa: *steps out*
Akitaru: *sitting at his desk*
iris: ....
Takehisa: "??? What's wrong?"
iris: do you think...tamaki will be ok?
Vulcan: "...I don't know. But given what I've seen others do in these situations, there's a chance she'll get through it."
Akitaru: "We have a lot more than that. With the news coming out of the 4th..."
Takehisa: "You think all of this is coordinated?"
Akitaru: *nods* *looks at Shinra*
shinra: i have a really bad feeling....
Akitaru: "Same...We need to investigate, but we're going to need to do this more covertly. If they went after Arg for what he knew and killed that many people in the Nether..."
Vulcan: "You think it's the Hoods?"
shinra: who else could it be?
Takehisa: "Except Honda's expedition went so poorly that I don't think it is fair to only suspect outside forces. And what was done to Tamaki could just as well have been perpetrated by other forces. We may be looking at an attack from inside."
nozomi: you mean a traitor?
Akitaru: " 'Moles' may be more apt."
Takeru: *asleep...moans, before opening his eyes*
mrs noto: *HUG* <MY BABY!!>
Takeru: X~X <M-Mama?! You're choking me...>
nurse: *rushes in, panting* m-ma'am, please..
Takeru: *GASPS* "It-It's fine--she's my mama!"
mrs noto: *hugging him and sobbing*
Patty: *outside, screaming* "DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!"
mrs noto: ??
nurse: *looks outside*
Takeru: .~.; "Patty? What is she doing out there? Who is that?'
*Patty is in the hall, wrestling...a ripped up Company 2 uniform?*
nurse: .__.
Patty: *knocked into the room* "UMPH!"
*the uniform looks up--and talks*
Uniform: "TAKERU!" * 'hugs' him*
Takeru: *mouth open, silently screaming*
mrs noto: o__o
Uniform: "You're awake!" *turns, glaring at Patty* "SHE DIDN'T TELL ME THAT!"
Uniform: -^- "She's just upset since I gained sentience. I am no longer just a regenerative piece of clothing..."
felisia: *pants* i-im here!
Takeru: .________. "...This is a bad dream. I'll wake up now. Please wake me up!"
Uniform: "??? Mama?"
felisia: oh dear. ._.;
Takeru: "What happened..."
felisia: perhaps i should explain...
Uniform: .w.
Spirit: "Dinner is served."
izumi: thank you for the food.
Asher: "..." *stomach growls*
sachiko: you hungry?
Asher: "..." *nods*
sachiko: *puts some mashed potatoes on asher's plate*
Asher: "...Thank you." *nom--then momentary shiny eyes* "..." *nom nom*
cassidy: this is wonderful!
Spirit: "We got a lot of good recipes for this kind of thing." *passes rolls*
izumi: *nom* mm! ^^
Asher: "...C-Could I have more water?"
Mephisto: "Okay, we got enough controllers now."
rui: thank you for inviting me over, headmaster. *bows*
Mephisto: "Oh, it's my pleasure~ My nephew Ambrosius has told me so much about you."
Amaimon: "Really?" *looks around* "Where's Ambrosius?"
Mephisto: OwO#
rui: ^^;
Amaimon: "...Ha ha ha. Kidding."
Yoh: "So it was a giant rock monster? And it kidnapped a child?"
guy: no, it was two broads that took the kid.
Yoh: "Hey. They're called 'women,' sir. Show some respect."
guy: feh... *smokes his cigar*
Yoh: "...Officer, is smoking allowed here?"
officer: *smacks the cigar out of the man's hand*
NOS: "He just keeps locked in there. What is with the toy figurines on his desks?"
dabi: he's just weird like that.
NOS: "Hmph. A grown man acting like that. Likely a messed up childhood."
dabi: no shit.
NOS: "Granted, I think most of you humans have messed up childhoods. You obviously have problems with authority."
dabi: oh yes, you completly got it. congradu-fucking-lations.
NOS: "Oh, goodie. That is validating. My sarcasm sensors are off the chart."
dabi: ...you really love being a killjoy, dont you?
NOS: "It's what I add to the group dynamic: the child is a hyper ball of what she calls 'love,' the duplication man is wacky, the masked man is theatrical, the woman is the only likable one, the swordsman is overly serious, and you are a dick."
dabi: *flips him off*
banshee: i do have a name, you know...
shaula: the fuck am i? chopped liver?
NOS: "Oh, you're here? I was referring to Magne."
magne: aww, thanks! ^w^
NOS: "And thank you for recalibrating my electromagnetic sensors."
Huang: "..." *knocks*
asako: .......
Huang: *enters* "Asako?"
asako: *looks up, her eyes red and puffy*
Huang: "..." *hug*
asako: *crying*
Huang: *strokes her back*
-seems to be rainy out-
Kana: *heating the tea kettle*
Kana: "Do you still like fruit teas?"
Kana: *small smile, brews berry tea* "...You don't have problems heating up tea."
tamaki: *wince*
Kana: "??? ..." *turns off the heat...holds Tamaki's hands*
Kana: "What happened?"
tamaki:.....im a monster....
Kana: "??? No, you aren't--you're Tamaki."
tamaki: ..... i wish i wasnt...
Kana: "...But you can't change that. That's who you are."
Kana: "What would make you think you are? What happened?"
-tamaki tries to explain, but it's difficult-
Kana: "...I'm so sorry. Did you get to apologize?"
Kana: "I see..." *rubs her hands* "That's not easy for me either..."
Kana: "...I used to be afraid of fire a lot more than now."
Kana: "When my parents..."
tamaki: *winces*
Kana: *buries her head in a hug*
Akitaru: "They're still running the autopsy. No idea when the funeral will be announced, but that'll be an official event requiring my presence, likely yours, too."
shinra: *nods, looking out the window*
Akitaru: "..." *stands up* "Are you ready to return to active duty?"
shinra: i guess.......i wonder....
Akitaru: "??? What's up?"
shinra: should i let myself become desensitized to this sort of thing?....
Akitaru: "...What are you saying?" *walks by a photo of his family*
shinra:....sorry....just rambling....*shivering*
Akitaru: *stands in front of him...* "..." *hug* "We don't have the luck to just forget what we lost."
Akitaru: "Firefighters protect lives and property. Forgetting our failures doesn't let us learn--doesn't let us figure out how to avoid those mistakes in the future. Desensitizing yourself is making yourself stop caring about our duty."
shinra:...you're right....im sorry.....
Akitaru: "It's okay--your allowed to feel that way, especially after all of this. But also think what you're teammates are feeling now."
Akitaru: "Speaking of which, let's figure out this work schedule..."
*whimpering is heard*
Timmy: "I want to go home!" *grabs the cell bars*
girl: ....
Guard 2: *smacks a metal bar on Timmy's hand*
Timmy: *screams, falls back, crying*
girl: told you, its not worth it to cry.
Timmy: "I want to get out of here!" *clenches his fists*
Yoh: *grabs a donut* "So, how long you been on the force?"
katy: *checking reports*
Yoh: "??? ...Good talk." *nom, looks out the window* "...! Hey, that looks suspicious." *gets up*
katy: ??
Yoh: "You!" *runs after someone in a hoodie and shorts*
Hoodie: "?!" *runs down an alley, carrying a brown paper bag*
katy: *follows after them*
Hoodie: *starts climbing the fence--*
Yoh: *pulls Hoodie loose--tackling them*
katy: freeze!
Hoodie: "Let go of me! I didn't do anything!"
Yoh: "Oh! Then why did you run?!"
Hoodie: "YOU SHOUTED 'YOU' AND STARTED CHASING ME!" *swings back their head--the hoodie knocking off before the back of her head slams into Yoh's mouth*
katy: *pulls out her stun gun*
Yoh: "OW! Oh, yeah! Then what's this in your brown paper bag?! Probably some illegal substances--" *pulls out a cat magazine, bread rolls, and a carton of milk* ._.; "..." *looks back*
Hoodie: "..." *grabs the magazine, rolls it up--and starts knocking Yoh upside the head with it*
katy: alright, break it up you two.
Hoodie: "I could sue you for this--false arrest!"
Yoh: "Joke's on you, ma'am--I'm not even a cop--OW!"
Hoodie: "That's 'Doctor' to you!" *slap slap slap*
katy: alright, you leave me with no choice but to bring out my secret weapon- the NAUGHTY STICK!
Yoh: @\\\@;
Hoodie/Doctor: "Ow!" *rubs* "That hurt..."
Kyoka: *ducks*
atsushi: looks like it's getting stormy out... makes me wish the agency building was a bit closer. ^^;
sylvia: *cowering under a table*
Kyoka: *shakes her head* "Not a good plan to go out in this weather..."
atsushi: i'll go see if fukuzawa is home, maybe he could give us a day off? ^^;
Kyoka: "..." *nods* *looks at Sylvia*
sylvia: s-s-scary... >~<;;;
Kyoka: "I know..." *pats her shoulder*
-suddenly the lights go out-
atsushi: EEK!
Kyoka: *covers Sylvia*
atsushi: looks like the power went out. im going to head out and see if the other's are alright.
Kyoka: "Okay..."
*grumbling can be heard in other apartments...*
-knocks on the door-
Fukuzawa: "Hello."
atsushi: morning mr fukuzawa, sir.
naomi: *in her rain poncho, waving*
Fukuzawa: "Looks like torrential weather knocked out the power."
naomi: kunikida went to check the breaker, and big bro is trying to bring dazai back inside.
Tanizaki: "COULD YOU NOT?!"
Dazai: *mouth open, looking up at the sky, letting rain fall into his mouth*
atsushi: i was half expecting him to be out there with a metal rod...*sweatdrop*
Dazai: *suddenly has a metal rod*
Dazai: *waves the rod*
Tanizaki: "STOP THAT--"
atsushi: D8
*lightning strikes...*
Tanizaki + Dazai: *looking worse for wear*
naomi: BIG BRO!! D8>
Tanizaki: ._.; *hair on fire*
Dazai: *coughs up smoke*
-and so-
kirako: *helping to tend to their injuries with yosano*
Fukuzawa: "Doctor, how is Tanizaki?"
yosano: well, aside from a little shock, he should be fine now.
Tanizaki: Q_Q; "I could see my life flash before my eyes...And my great-grandmother's life...And the dawn of time..."
atsushi: so i guess we're staying in then?
ranpo: i hope so, we could have a pillow party and tell ghost stories!
Kyoka: *pops up* "Ghost stories?"
ranpo: heck yeah, and plus, we got plenty of snacks!
Fukuzawa: "Nothing stops us from working from here..." *takes out a phone* "...Zero charge."
kirako: *sigh* sir, i do keep telling you to charge your phone...
Fukuzawa: "I thought I had. I must have forgotten it while doing important work..."
{Fukuzawa: *watching cat videos*}
Kyoka: "Oh, you're sharing snacks?"
ranpo: yeah, may as well. i have over 45 hiding places for snacks in this apartment alone, here are just a few.
Kyoka: "...Okay. Kenji, do you want--"
Kenji: "I got blankets!" *dumps a bunch down*
aya: well kuni is trying to fix the breaker, but it's too dark to see anything, let alone use his notebook to fix it.
Kunikida: "I could rebuild the entire thing, you know!"
ranpo: aw dont be a killjoy! how often do you get to experience a power outage? huh?
Kunikida: "With storms like these, too often..."
naomi: oh just sit down and enjoy the party.
Dazai: *woozy* "Tie me down to the mast before we sail over the edge of the world, you parrots!"
Kunikida: -_-# *sits*
kirako: *laying his head on her lap*
Dazai: =w= "A soft path to a safe harbor..."
yosano: *rolls her eyes* oh brother.
ranpo: *with a mouthful of chips* yah?
*the door slams open*
atsushi: *jumps up to the ceiling*
Lucy: *in a poncho* "Hey, I didn't see anyone at the office--" *carrying in cafe take-out* "--and was told to bring this over. ...Tiger, what are you doing up there?"
atsushi: oh, lucy. *phew* ......guys, i think im stuck. help?
Kyoka: *holds up a broom--pokes him with the stick*
Kanin: "Sorry to ask you to come here with this kind of weather..."
genny: ./////. i-it's fine...
Kanin: "Amelia was worried with the storm, and I figured with school out, we could...Um..." >\\\>;
genny: O//////////o
Kanin: *holds up a box that says 'Rainy Day Activities'* "We needed a third person to play!" ^\\\^
genny: oh! right! sounds great! ahaha!
amelia: =x=
stocking: *still under the covers* mmm...
Kid: *hug*
stocking: this is like, perfect cuddling weather.
Kid: "Indeed--nice and comfy indoors." *cuddle*
stocking: hmhm~<3 ^///^ *kisses his cheek as she takes a pic of themselves*
Kid: =\\\w\\\= "Aw, you're making me blush~"
stocking: hehe~ and now to post. 'enjoying some cuddle-times with my hubby<3 #cuddleweather'. and now to choose a filter...
Kid: "Oh? but can you really put a filter on perfection?”
stocking: *giggle*
Izuku: *holding the umbrella* "Having fun?"
tsuyu: *nods*
Iida: "Greetings!" *coming up in a poncho*
ochako: hey guys! *waves*
Izuku: *waves* "Really coming down, huh? They suspended outdoor training."
tsuyu: *looks at iida's engines* so how do you keep them from getting rusty or electrocuted, iida?
ochako: huh, i actually asked him that this morning...
Iida: "The poncho is one way to limit precipitation, but my family also designs these 'rain caps.'" *points to caps over his exhaust pipes* "It prevents the water from getting in. The flaps still allow exhaust to get out when using my Quirk."
tsuyu: ah, i see. that would make sense.
Izuku: "Your family is really impressive with the design!" *already drawing a blueprint of it*
ochako: plus they come in different colors!
Iida: "The color-coding helps with differentiating which are most optimal for specific weather condition, such as rain, snow, sleet..."
Tachihara: *sneezes* *snort* "Ugh--I hate the rain..."
katya: tch- coward. i've done training drills in worse weather than this!
Tachihara: "Just because you were born in the mud doesn't mean the rest of us were, wormy."
Tachihara: *YELPS* "My fucking foot!" *holds his foot, bouncing in place*
gin:.....when did you...-
katya: ask pushkin.
Pushkin: "We got a doggie!" >w<
gin:...i...see....just dont let him around ryuu, he's not a dog person. at all.
Pushkin: "What?! How could anyone not like a pupper like this?" *rubs King's face*
King: =w= *lick lick*
gin: well, we did have to deal with hungry strays when we were little.
Pushkin: "Aw...Sorry."
Tachihara: "I think Akutagawa prefers pussy. By which I mean tigers, not girls."
gin: *smacks tachihara up the head*
Tachihara: "OW! Worth it!"
Akutagawa: O_O#
gin: ryuu!
King: *tail wag*
Akutagawa: "..." *looks at King...then at Tachihara* "..." *aims Rashomon at Tachihara*
Tachihara: "STILL WORTH IT--"
Hyde: *talking into a megaphone* "Okay, you foam-suited casting agent failures, we're doing this again until we get it right!" *plays a song on his phone* "And keep up the steps..." *singing* " 'Mr Raindrop, falling away from me now..'"
misono: i cant see out of this thing!!
Kuro: *shifts--and falls over* "Help me."
Lily: "You're doing great, sweetie!"
tetsu: wait....what are my lines again?
Hyde: "Maybe we shouldn't have done this on the top of the steps--"
Kuro: *falls over--and rolls down the steps*
romina: OW ok that's a hernia!
Hyde: "THERE ARE LITERALLY ONLY LIKE THREE LYRICS! 'Mr Raindrop,' 'Falling Away from Me Now,' and something else!"
Hyde: "THERE ARE LITERALLY ONLY LIKE THREE LYRICS! 'Mr Raindrop,' 'Falling Away from Me Now,' and something else!"
licht: how foolish.
Aoyama: *navel blast*
guy: MY LEG!
Hyde: -_-; "Next time, I work with zombies. You never hear zombies having problems with idol shows."
mahiru: ._.;
Mina: "It's like hearing little drums on the roof with each raindrop... Tap tap tappity tap..."
jirou: *listening intently* hey dad, are you hearing this?
Kyotoku: "Oh, yeah..." *nodding his head to the beat*
jirou: *writing down the notes*
Kyotoku: *hums along*
Axel: *standing in the bus shelter* "Dang--can't believe we got caught in this. And without an umbrella..."
zeke: i'll see if the dorm master can give us a lift.
Axel: "Good thinking!" *looks at the puddles* "Hey, you think those water puddles lead to portals that connect different locations?"
zeke: if not, they certainly lead to wet sneakers.
*one puddle starts to ripple--before a hand pops out*
zeke: HOLY-
george: *pops her head out* nope, this isnt the right place either. *dives back in*
Axel: "...CALLED IT!" *taps a button on his phone, playing victory music*
hyakuya:.....uuuugh. im so BORED. AUGHGH!!
Yoichi: "Want to play board games?"
Kimizuki: "Practicing would be better..."
mitsuba: *checking her phone* didnt yumikage say some new recruits were going to be here sometime soon?
Yoichi: "Really?"
Kimizuki: "I heard about that..."
shinoa: indeed. and they're apperantly among some of the strongest teams of the demon moon company.
hyakuya: really now? heh, i bet we could totally take them on!
Yoichi: OwO;
Kimizuki: "Is that just inflated talk, or do you have the skills to match those words?"
hyakuya: you wanna go, kimizuki?!
Kimizuki: "It would get you to actually practice instead of mouthing off and whining about being bored."
hyakuya: you know what, i think i will, just to spite you!
Kimizuki: "Finally, some excitement." *battle position*
mitsuba: hey, at least go to the training room for that.
Kimizuki: "...Oh, right. Five minutes. Be there."
hyakuya: ok here we go! *opens the door-*
mafura: ~?
hyakuya: ?!?!?!?
Kimizuki: ._.
mitsuba: .__.
Yoichi: "Awkward." >_>;
shinoa: oh dear.
mrs noto: so let me get this straight. takeru's uniform has...a life in it?
felisia: it seems likely a lost soul was sewn into the uniform by accident.
Patty: *pokes the uniform*
Uniform: >_< "What the eyeball, girlie!"
Takeru: Q_Q;
Uniform: *strokes Takeru* "Don't worry, I'll always be here~" =w=
Takeru: Q__________Q
Patty: *grabs scissors*
felisia: *sweatdrop* oh dear.
Takeru: "Mama, this is rather typical for Death City, sadly..."
mrs noto: <first talking animals and now this...>
Takeru: <Schop isn't still making trouble, is he?>
*the walk-in clinic is busy*
Patient: *speaking to the receptionist* "What do you mean Dr. Summer isn't in yet?"
receptionist: you'll just have to be patient, sir-
*the door opens, with Dr. Summer walking in, looking upset*
receptionist: speak of the devil...
Summer: "Sorry, sorry!" *takes off her hoodie* "I got delayed coming over..." *she has a red mark across her face, like she was hit by a stick*
receptionist: are you alright??
Summer: -_-; "Just had a run-in with an idiot and some...N-Nevermind, just glad to be away from it." *forces a smile* "So. Who's the new patient?"
Spirit: "Cassidy, everything set up okay?"
cassidy: still unpacking.
Spirit: "It's still coming down outside, but anything I should pick up?"
cassidy: i think we got everything we needed from the apartment...
Spirit: *nods* "Could I ask about Asher?"
cassidy: i suppose so.
Spirit: "Thanks. Is there anything I should know--allergies and such?"
Summer: "Hmm...Yes, this is a unique Quirk, ma'am. You say it only just developed last month?"
woman: y-yes.
Summer: "It's scary, isn't it?"
woman: am i going to need to make changes to my diet now?
Summer: "That's what we're going to figure out. You said you feel lightheaded after using your quirk?" *pours a glass of orange juice and sets out a cookie*
woman: y-yes.
Summer: "Could you show me?" *pushes the plate with the cookie towards her*
woman:.....do you have a scalpel?
Summer: "..." *passes the scalpel to the patient*
woman:....*inhales and makes a slice across her arm, which then begins to close on it's own* nnh....
Summer: "...Shocking...It looks as good as new. Are you okay?"
woman: i-i think, just...need to lay down....god, my ears are ringing....
Summer: "Please do. And sip this. And I'll get you a pillow." *calls to the receptionist* "Hey, could you make a call for me?"
woman:....*takes a sip*
Distributor: "..." *hangs up* "The doc's got another one. When's that Yakuza showing up?"
???: he'll get here, dont worry.
Distributor: "I'd be less worried if we had someone here isolating these new-quirks out of the specimens. Where are the girls?"
girl 1: we're here, chill would ya?
Distributor: *holds up a paper* "New address. A woman. She will be at her house tonight, so capture her there."
girl 1: kay, and her family?
Distributor: "This is a quiet job. If you can get the woman out of there undetected, great. If not, you better keep them quiet before they have time to call the cops on your asses."
girl 1: you ready, sis?
Girl 2: "You know it!" ^w^
Kishiri: *lying down, listening to the rain* "...This sucks."
ryuuko: you could always train, you know, instead of lollygagging about.
Kishiri: *frowns* "The 4th's commander is dead. All that training didn't save him."
ryuuko: you could show a little bit more respect and sympathy.
Kishiri: "You don't get it--Arg was one of the strongest in the Fire Force. I am showing respect--and I am terrified."
ryuuko: ....it is rather concerning...perhaps we should bring this up with the commander, see what she thinks.
Kishiri: "...On that, we agree." *gestures* "Lead the way."
-and so-
ryuuko: commander? may we come in?
Hibana: *looks up* "I got time..." *sets down a print-out--looks to be a speech* "How may I help you?"
ryuuko: kishiri and i would like to express our concerns regarding...recent events.
Hibana: "...Arg's assassination."
ryuuko: so you believe it was an assassination, commander?
Hibana: "I got the autopsy and criminal investigation reports from...someone. Internal investigations may not have come to a conclusion yet, and as a commander I have no business to give an official statement. But you'd have to be braindead to think someone crucifixes themselves like that--no one is that talented with ropes."
Kishiri: *opens his mouth--*
ryuuko: *smacks him right in the mouth*
Kishiri: "OW!" *bites his tongue*
ryuuko: i heard that it was wires that were used.
Hibana: "...Ryuuko, has Mikami spoken to Shinra?"
ryuuko: i havent asked her yet...she's still resting.
Hibana: "...You better protect her. Shinra's already been targeted, now Arg and Konro in the 7th."
Takehisa: *walking in the rain in his bunker gear* "Like cats and dogs today, huh?"
maki: little 119s...
Takehisa: "Ha, good one."
maki: heh ^^.... do you think tamaki's ok?
Takehisa: "No, I do not. She experienced horrible setbacks in the Nether, then in Asakusa, and it has practically traumatized her. ... Sorry, that was blunt."
*looks to be some kids playing in the rain in the road*
maki: and if what shinra told us was true....
Takehisa: "Then I want to know what is causing these visions--and whether there is a way to weaponize them to our advantage."
*a car is coming at the kids in the road...*
maki: hey kids! be careful!
*the car isn't stopping!*
Takehisa: "!!!"
girl: !!! *PUNCH*
*the car tilts forward, its hood crushed--before the back wheels slam back down*
Driver: "?!!! MY HOOD! MY CAR!"
maki: ......
Takehisa: "...Oh."
girl: watch were you drive, mister! >XP
Girl: "Holy moley! You really hit it up this time!" >w<
boy: that's our roxanne!
Driver: *gets out of the car* "You little brat--look what you did! Do you know how much this is going to cost me?! Cost you?!"
roxanne: run!
Girl: "Hee hee--"
Driver: *snatches the girl, reaches for Roxanne* "You little shits aren't going anywhere!"
Takehisa: *grabs his gun* "Maki..."
maki: HEY!
Girl: "You're hurting me!"
maki: *punches the driver right in the nose and then kicks him in the gut*
Driver: *doubles over in pain, letting go of the girl*
Girl: Q____Q "Roxy! He hurt my arm!"
maki: here, let me see it. ^^ it's ok, im a firefighter, see? *shows her badge*
Girl: "Wow...You're strong too, ain't ya?"
maki: yep.
roxanne: do you have a quirk too?
maki: *shakes head* i just train a lot.
kids: wooooow!
Takehisa: *picks up the Driver--then grimaces* "Jeez, how much did you drink?"
Driver: *swings his fist at Takehisa--*
Takehisa: *catches the fist--then squeezes*
Driver: *screams*
Takehisa: *pulls his arm behind his back, slamming him down on the asphalt before calling into his radio* "Vulcan, we're going to need a police officer. Drunk driver, looks to be in his mid-40s--"
Driver: *sobbing* "I'm 32!"
Asher: *staring at their box of possessions* "..."
izumi: need any help setting things up?
Asher: "This shouldn't take long--nothing much to set up."
izumi: well, you have a larger room to work with now, right?
Asher: "Yeah...Bed's bigger."
*the rain is still pouring outside the window*
Asher: *has already put their Storm Trooper figure onto the nightstand* "...Thanks for doing this."
izumi: you're welcome. *small smile*
Asher: "...I'm still pissed, though, about you and Hibiki getting involved. That was embarrassing..."
izumi: yeah...but even so, i dont regret it...
Asher: *grunts* "Yeah, I figured as much, but I do--bad enough you came in, but what if that crazy...what she could've done to hurt you all?"
Asher: "?! ...Um..." *nudges*
Karim: *watching the priests meandering* "..." *grunts*
*even while busy, the monastery seems rather quiet, as if full of nervous energy*
ruby: *praying*
Karim: "..." *walks to her*
ruby: *looks up* hey father fulham! ^^
Karim: *nods* "Is this spot taken?" *kneels beside her*
ruby: nope.
Karim: *closes his eyes, tries to pray...he looks tense and annoyed*
ruby: not sleeping well?
Karim: "Among other problems..."
ruby: wanna talk about it?
Karim: "...Just rumors..."
ruby: *listening*
Karim: "I'm just annoyed at stories about the Hoods and the Church."
ruby: that is understandable.
Karim: "I don't know how anyone else here is not just throwing it all away..."
ruby: maybe they dont believe it?
Karim: "And what if it is true?"
ruby:....i dont know....
Karim: "Yeah, me neither."
hinata: =~=
Benimaru: *checks her bandages* "Still hurts?"
hinata: is it gonna scar?
Benimaru: "I don't know. You'll need to keep the cut clean and not pick at it."
hinata: =~= mrgrgr...
Benimaru: "Quit whining--you should be happy to be alive." *fixes her bandages* "This may sting."
Chuuya: *sets out snacks*
miyuri: yaaay!
sonia: *looking out the door leading to the backyard, watching the rain fall*
Chuuya: "Try some of the dip with the carrot sticks." *shows Miyuri*
Mito: *nuzzles up to Sonia*
miyuri: *nom* mmm crunchy! ^w^
Chuuya: "Yep--and good for you. Good enough for a rabbit?"
sonia: *jumps slightly*
Chuuya: "Sonia, be careful near the door..."
sonia: ....
Chuuya: "It's really coming down out there."
sonia:.........someone's outside.
Chuuya: "!!! Get behind me..."
hachi: *shivering* Q~Q;;
Chuuya: "?! Wait--I remember you..."
hachi: open the door, it's too hot out here! >~<
Chuuya: "It's cold rain, and you know it, you liar! Why should I let one of you in here?!"
hachi: you arent even going to show a lost girl a bit of sympathy?! TT~TT
Chuuya: "I thought you weren't lost--you were with the Sheep."
hachi: well YEAH! i just got lost on my way back to camp!.....n-not like i'd tell _you_ where it is!
Chuuya: -_-; "If I leave you out there, you'll just keep whining...Sonia, grab a towel." *points his fingers to his eyes then at Hachi* "Don't try anything funny."
hachi: im not! i just want to wait out the storm is all, jeez!
Kouyou: *listening to the rain in the garden* "..."
leo: is something troubling you, lady kouyou?
Kouyou: "Rainy days remind me of some quiet times..." *rubs her hand*
leo: i suppose so...
{Kouyou: .\\\. *looking outside*}
{???: *behind some trees, waving her over*}
{Kouyou: *looks up at the storm clouds* *carefully walks over*}
{???: *smiles* hey, kou}
{Kouyou: "H-Hello." *slight bow*}
Kouyou: *sighs* *leans back*
Kyoka: "You have landed on Park Place." *holds out her hand--with a switchblade in it* "Pay the rent. Now."
tanizaki: holy-....you're very terrifying, you know that?
Kyoka: "I play to win." *has her Monopoly money organized*
Naomi: "You got this, big bro! Don't give up--or else!"
atsushi: so how's the breaker looking, kunikida?
Kunikida: *flashlight in his mouth, muffled* "I think I got it..." *pushes a breaker, and--*
*sparks blow up above Atsushi's head*
atsushi: O.O
Kunikida: *groans, takes out the flashlight* "Damn it--that just caused a power surge--" *passes the flashlight* "The light bulb even burst--"
*bright dots shine behind Kunikida, but he doesn't notice...*
atsushi: um.....kunikida?
Kunikida: "What?"
*something whizzes by his head*
atsushi: EEP!
Kunikida: "?!!" *reaches out--*
*and gets slapped by something tiny*
Kunikida: *winces, holding his cheek*
atsushi: *squints*
*it looks like tiny people...*
atsushi: are those...fairies?
Fairy: "What's it to ya?!" *slaps Atsushi*
atsushi: ow!
Fairy: "And there'll be more of that if you get out of line again, haircut boy!" *slaps Atsushi again*
atsushi: how...did you get _in_??
Fairies: "WE FLEW IN!" *tug on Atsushi's hair*
Kunikida: "... ... ..." *aiming his gun*
atsushi: >~<
Fairy: "HA HA HA HA--"
*Kunikida has bound the Fairies in his gun's wires*
*The woman from the walk-in clinic exits*
Yoh: *into a walkie-talkie* "I see her--time to follow her home..."
katy: just dont do anything stupid.
Yoh: "Hey, this is me--trust me!" *stays well behind the woman--while he is wearing gold sunglasses and the gaudiest, flashiest, white sequin Hollywood attire*
Mandy: "This is a slow motion car wreck..."
Woman: *takes a few steps* "..." *stops, turns around*
Yoh: *hangs back, standing with his back to the wall--and just happens to be next to a performer in a Cookie Monster suit*
Cookie Monster: "Hey, bub--this is my corner! Go perform somewhere else!"
Chuuya: *heating up water*
hachi: *eating*
Chuuya: "Jeez, at least chew your food--you'll get a coughing fit."
miyuri: ^w^
Chuuya: "..." *sits between Miyuri and Hachi, staring at Hachi*
Chuuya: "Why were you out in this weather in front of this house?"
hachi: i just happened to be here. i wanted to see if anyone threw anything out.
Chuuya: "And that just happened to bring you around here? And didn't you have anything real to eat, not just garbage?"
hachi: well, you let me in to have food, didnt you?
Chuuya: "Because you looked like a wet rat outside and said you were in the Sheep."
hachi: what's it with you and the sheep anyway? you got a vendetta?
Chuuya: "A history."
hachi: oh?
Chuuya: "..." *shows a wristband*
hachi: !! that's-
Chuuya: "Sheep-approved attire."
hachi: where did you get this?
Chuuya: "From being the Sheep."
hachi:....does riko know this?....
Chuuya: "Riko?"
hachi: she's the boss of the sheep.
Chuuya: "Jeez, a lot's changed since the Sheep and the Mafia split."
hachi: WHAT?!
Chuuya: "?! Jeez, calm down! The Mafia used to use the Sheep for work--"
hachi: the sheep worked for the _mafia_?! i never heard about this!
Chuuya: "It was a long time ago, before...Dragon's Head."
Chuuya: "Who else is with the Sheep? How many are left?"
hachi: why should i tell you? you might try and kill us all!
Chuuya: "If I wanted to kill you, I'd--" *looks at Miyuri* "..." *covers her ears* "I would not invite someone into this house, dry them off, feed them, only to then kill them. Especially not a brat."
hachi: D8<
Chuuya: -_-; "Could we not talk like this in front of my kids?"
Sakuya: *curled up in bed*
tsubaki: *knocks on his door* do you need anything?
Sakuya: *shakes his head* "No...Just resting. Thanks..." *stomach growl*
tsubaki:...would you like some hot pockets?
Sakuya: "...Yes, please."
shinra: *staring up at the ceiling*
Viktor: *rises up into view* "...Watcha doin'?"
shinra: concentrating.....why are you in my room again?
Viktor: "I sneak into everyone's room."
shinra: disturbed but not surprised.
Viktor: "I'll take notes. Just do whatever you do when you get into the zone..." *leans down*
shinra:..... <-<;;;
Viktor: "Are you in the zone yet?"
shinra: i was before you came in.
Viktor: "...If I have to leave, can I leave a camera on?" *holds up a camcorder*
Emine: *hiding under blankets*
mono: *locked outside* LET ME IIIIN!!!
Emine: *puts on headphones, humming* " 'Can't be a prankster without a prankstee~'..."
*thunder rattles outside with Mono*
mono: >~<
*wind blows rain onto Mono--followed by a newspaper to her face*
mono: >A<
*wind passes her neck--before she feels something rub against her feet*
mono: OPEN THE DOOR!!!
???: "Mon-woof?"
mono: ?? *looks*
Shotaro: *holding Bone of the Dog in his mouth, on all fours at Mono's feet* "Hey! Nasty weather, huh?" *shakes rain off himself*
Joker: "You need to hide me."
scarlet: what did you do?
Joker: "I may have tried to teach Nana how to play darts--and she is has gotten really good at it. In that, she thinks I am now a dart board."
scarlet: oh, she's actually taking a nap now.
Joker: "...Seriously? Huh. How did you manage that?"
scarlet: she tired herself out.
Joker: "Phew! That's a relief." *sits down on Scarlet's bed* "I can rest more comfortably." *lies down*
nana: *opens her eyes.....she is surrounded by fire?* (where....where is this?)
*the fire feels...cold?*
nana: *looking around until she spots someone* hey!
*there's a boy seated upon a throne that looks like it's made of bones...the boy's eyes seem to look through Nana*
nana: hey! where the hell is this place, huh??
*the boy looks at Nana...his hair is white...his teeth are sharp...*
Sho: "Exactly. Hell."
nana: then what are you, the devil?
Sho: *cringes...stands, and the shock of his stance causes a mound of white feathers to fly up*
nana: ??! *she takes a defensive stance*
Sho: *holding his sword in front of him, its tip on the ground, as angelic wings come off of him* "I am the Third Pillar. She calls me her Angel."
nana: and who is 'she' exactly?
Sho: "..." *his feathers sink* "I wanted to get away from her...She never leaves me alone now. I-I-I don't want to be..."
nana: that doesnt answer my question! who is _'she'_?
*the sky cracks above them*
Sho: "?!!! No! Not now..."
nana: ?!?! *looks up* wha..what the fuck?
*a toothy grin lights up the sky, as a hand reaches down to pluck Sho's wings...*
nana: *jolts up* GAH!!
scarlet: nana?
nana: (what was that? a dream?....shit, my skin's burning up....)
Joker: *looks around Scarlet--he has a black eye* "??? You didn't wet the bed did you? ...Or burn it?"
nana: i just....had a weird dream is all....
Joker: "...Probably something you ate. I'll get you some water." *smiles--but as he turns to go downstairs, he's frowning*
Sho: *shaking, trying to get up* "Let go of me!" *kicking*
arrow: sho! wake up!
Sho: *swings his arm*
arrow: *shakes him*
Sho: *eyes break open* "... ..." *hugs Arrow, sobbing*
Ragnarok: "And I used to be afraid of this stuff--but now look at me!" *sticks his head out, letting the water soak him* "Yo, Mami--bring us some food!"
mami: ^^; it's really coming down, isnt it?
sayaka: yeah, i think kyouko said she was going to help put sandbags at the canal.
Ragnarok: *gargling water outside*
Crona: "O-Oh? Does she need help?"
Crona: "...Ragnarok, go answer it."
Ragnarok: *spits up water* "Why me?"
Crona: "You're already up."
Rangarok: -^- "Y'all lazy..." *walks--dripping water everywhere as he opens the door* "We don't want any!"
Ragnarok: *crushed by the door*
Crona: *looks at Nagisa--ignoring Ragnarok* "???"
mami: what is it?
nagisa: so i was looking at that weird marble thing you guys found in africa, right?
sayaka: *remembering her cave encounter* *excalibur* yes?
nagisa: well after i touched it, i was able to do THIS! *claps and puts her hands out, focusing until...*
-a small creature appears-
mami: oh my!
Crona: "?!!"
Ragnarok: *leaking black blood from his door-related injury* X_X
sayaka: oh yeah! something similar happened to me in hoozuki!
Crona: "Is it like a familiar?"
nagisa: i dunno, but she looks a lot like bebe from bebe's candies, doesnt she??
creature: *chrip*
Crona: "I wonder if she eats anything..."
Ragnarok: "I wonder if she tastes better broiled or fried."
Crona: ^^; "I guess that answers that question."
mami: i think this might be one of those 'doppels' i heard about...
Ragnarok: "What, this thing's a magic mouse or something?"
nagisa: her name is charlotte.
mami: i would be careful, something about her makes me a tad uneasy for some reason.
Ragnarok: *tries to steal the cheese back--*
Crona: "Mami?"
charlotte: *hisses and opens her mouth, revealing a large black worm with a clown like face which bites ragnarok's hand. hard.*
mami: O__O
Ragnarok: "... ... ...Ha! I like this hellspawn! Now, GET IT THE FUCK OFF MY HAND RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" *shaking his arm and screaming*
Crona: D8
nagisa: CHARLOTTE. NO.
charlotte 2:.....*lets go*
Ragnarok: OnO# "Dumb little rodent--I ought to drop kick you!"
Crona: ._.; "Maybe we need to talk to someone for assistance..."
ManBearFix: "How many days we been locked up?"
mimeca: *shrug*
ManBearFix: "I'll tell you how long--long enough!" *pulls up the prison bed, revealing a tunnel*
mimeca: *shiny eyes*
ManBearFix: "After you~"
Kanin: *carrying Amelia to her bed* *whispers* "Thanks for your help today, Genny."
genny: a-any time. .///.
Kanin: *tucks Amelia in* "...Do you have siblings?"
genny: i have an older brother.
Kanin: "I don't have any. I mean, I didn't grow up with any, so having Amelia here is something different...Sorry, I'm not making sense..."
genny: i-it's fine, i think i understand...
Kanin: "...Things can feel lonely and isolated like this."
genny:.....*offers a hug*
Kanin: .\\\\. "Um... ..." *hug* >\\\>;
Asher: *seated for dinner* "..."
sachiko: tonight's dinner is pasta!
Spirit: "Great!" *brings out the bread rolls* "Cassidy, could you grab the salad?"
Woman: *walks into a small but cozy Los Angeles suburban house* "I'm home..."
child: mom's home!
*someone calls from the kitchen*
Partner: "Hey! I was keeping the food warm..."
Woman: "...It was a late day." *hugs the child*
child: are you ok, mama?
Woman: "It's been a difficult day." *smiles* "I'm just glad to be home."
*knock on the door*
Partner: "Oh, that should be the mail!" *walks to answer the door*
Yoh: *watching from an undercover van parked across the street* "You do stake-outs often?"
katy: *focusing*
Yoh: "..." *looks into the back seat* "She's not much of a talker, huh?"
mandy: nope! ^^
Yoh: "So what are we even looking for? Just because a couple people went missing from a walk-in clinic isn't much of a pattern to even know the kidnapper looks like."
Woman: "Okay, you washed your hands?"
child: yes, mom.
Woman: "Honey, hurry up! We--" *stunned at what she sees*
Partner: *held at knife-point*
child: DAD!!
In: "Sorry. We let ourselves in."
Out: "And we're taking you out." *cracks her knuckles*
Woman: *gets in front of her child* "Let him go!"
in: hmm let me think about that....hmmm. nah. *shoots him in the foot*
Woman: "?!!" *rushes at In*
Yoh: "?!!! Was that my imagination?"
katy: come on!
Yoh: *gets out of the van, following*
*nearby, someone else is watching...*
Yoh: "There!" *leaps the fence*
*the figure follows through the shadows...it seems to be getting bigger in size*
in: sis, grab the brat!
Out: "Hey, kiddo! Let's play a game!" *reaches for them*
child: NO!!
Yoh and ???: "LET THEM GO!"
Yoh: "..."
???: "..."
Yoh: "Who said that--"
Yoh: *slow-motion--as he collides into the Rock Giant*
Rock Giant: *not moving at all--as Yoh just slides down with an embarrassing squeeeeeeeeeeeak noise*
Out: "..." *looks at the child--and just grabs them*
child: *screams*
Rock Giant: "OH NO YOU DON'T!" *reaches for Out--*
Yoh: *springs up, leaps on top of the Rock Giant's head--*
Rock Giant: "UMPH!"
Yoh: *grabs Out's arm--and pulls it behind her back*
Out: "AH!"
Yoh: *pins Out* "Got ya!"
Rock Giant: *picks up the child* "Don't worry, it'll be okay..."
Yoh: "?!" *sees the Giant picking up the child--and his thought balloon sees this as a kidnapping*
child: d-daddy's hurt!
Rock Giant: "Don't worry--I know how to help--"
Yoh: "Hey! Unhand that child!" *dramatic pose*
Rock Giant: "Wait, you don't underst--"
Yoh: *manages to land a punch so hard it slams the Rock Giant through the wall of the house*
Rock Giant: *stunned* ("How the hell--")
child: *YELLS*
*and the Giant smashes into a light pole, knocking it down*
*...does it sound like the house is rocking?*
Out: "...Sis. What's a 'load-bearing wall' again?"
*the house is collapsing...*
child: !!!!
Yoh: "...Whoops."
Woman: "Leah!" *runs to her child as the building collapses--and has a burst of speed from her new Quirk* "Take my hand!"
leah: *too afraid to move*
Woman: "Leah!" *reaches--*
in: *grabs leah* too slow~
Woman: "?!! No--"
Out: "Bye-ee!" *grabs In, throwing her and Leah away before bouncing away herself*
*and the house crashes down around the woman, the father, and Yoh*
Out: *giggles* "That was great!"
Out: *lands* "Woo--good work out, Sis! But how do we get the test subject under that rubble?"
in: oh shit....well, im sure lil miss leah here might have picked it up~
Out: "..." *looks into Leah's eyes* "Hey, kiddo--you got a Quirk?"
leah: *crying*
Out: -_-# *slaps Leah*
in: shut up you stupid little orphan!
Out: *shakes Leah* "You don't know how good you have it! Now speak up--do you have a Quirk or not?!"
katy: FREEZE!
Out: ._. *looks behind* "...Fuck-stick."
mandy: let the kid go you trashy hookers!
Out: D8<
in: screw you, we arent that trashy!
Out: "And you're one to talk when dressed like stripper cops!"
mandy: jokes on you! we're dressed rather appropriate for the job!
katy: -__-; this is getting us no where. let the girl go!
Out: "...Wow, your job is worse than ours then, sweetie." *picks up Leah* "Let's get going, Sis--their stupid is rubbing off."
Kana: *lying in bed*
miss misery: *tucks her in* sleep well. *forehead kiss and heads to the door*
Kana: "Could you leave the door open a crack?"
miss misery: ok. *exits and walks to tamaki's room* tamaki?
-no answer-
Eternal Feather: *walking down the hall* "??? Ma'am?"
miss misery: oh, i was just checking on kana's friend.
Eternal Feather: "...She has been rather quiet."
miss misery: miss tamaki? *opens the door....*
-the window is open....and tamaki is nowhere to be seen-
miss misery: !!!!
Eternal Feather: "Oh no...Where could she have gone?"
-there is a note on the desk; 'please dont bother looking for me'-
miss misery: *runs to the phone*
Eternal Feather: *looks at the note, then out the window*
miss misery: *on the phone* is your commander there?? oh it's horrible! miss tamaki, she-she's gone!
Takehisa: "Miss Misery, slow down. She is not present. Did she leave anything behind?"
-the rain is coming down harder now-
-some roads are flooding...-
riko: come on! let's go! we can still make it to undertown!
sheep member: we're packing as fast as we can!
riko: and where's hachi? she should have been back by now!
"Zack": "She's still out."
riko: dammit!
"Zack": "...Maybe she got lost."
???: hey! guys!
riko: *turns* !!! hachi- !!!!!!!
"Zack": "...Oh crud."
hachi: *approaches.....with chuuya following*
riko: what the hell is this, hachi?! you know grownups arent allowed to know about this place!!
Chuuya: *holding an umbrella* "..."
hachi: well, it's a long story.
Chuuya: "You shouldn't be out like this--you'll catch your death of cold."
riko: why do you care? you're just some adult, _and_ part of the mafia!
Chuuya: "..." *reaches into his pocket*
riko: *takes out her knife*
Chuuya: *shows a blue wristband*
riko: !!! that's-... *grimace* what did you do to big sis may, huh?!
Chuuya: *gulps*
riko: answer me! *lunges*
Chuuya: *shifts his weight, hands back in his pockets--and trips Riko*
riko: *falls, cutting her cheek* GAH!! why you-
Chuuya: *kicks Riko's knife away* "I don't know whether May survived--not after Dragon's Head."
riko: what would you know? lots of us lost everything in dragon's head! big sis may found us....but then she abandoned us...it's all that stupid pumpkin man's fault!
Chuuya: "?! What?"
hachi:....may said she didnt go with GSS and took the younger sheep somewhere safe....she took care of us, before that guy from los angelus came and took her away....riko's had a vendetta against adults ever since.
Chuuya: "...May is alive..."
riko: how do we know you didnt-
*the ground shakes below Chuuya*
riko: !!!!
Chuuya: *stops* "That's what I can do. If I wanted to kill someone, that would be no problem."
riko: ................what do you want from us...?
Chuuya: "To get you kids out of the rain."
hachi: mister.....
Chuuya: "Nakahara."
riko:....why should we go with you?
Chuuya: "Because I think it's time the Sheep stick together."
riko:.....tch-....and where do you propose we go, huh? we got a lot of stuff to move, you know!
Chuuya: "I know a place." *turns around*
Akitaru: "This is top priority. Stick to your sectors and comb every last bit of it."
shinra: right!
Arthur: "..."
Akitaru: "Nozomi, you're with me."
nozomi: r-right.
Arthur: *walks ahead of Shinra*
-Los Angeles EMT and firefighters are pulling debris-
Firefighter: "I can't find them!"
neighbor: how awful...
???: "Allow me to help."
Firefighter: "Please stay back--this is not for civilians--" *turns* O_O;
Rock Giant: "..." *lifts up debris*
*a noise is heard...*
???: " 'Bout time--I was getting tired of holding this up..."
*Yoh peeks behind the debris*
katy: !!!
Yoh: "Thanks to the commendable efforts of local firefigh--" *spots Katy and the Rock Giant* "... ... ...I'll just let this slab crush me now if you don't mind, thanks--"
Woman: "DON'T YOU EVEN DARE!" *cradling her husband under Yoh*
Man: TT~TT "My leg..."
EMT: "Get a stretcher here, now!"
Yoh: ^^; "So, Officer, can we pretend this didn't happen~?"
Rock Giant: "You got in the way of what I was trying to do! Both of you!" *glaring at Katy and Yoh*
mandy: what _were_ you trying to do, exactly mr-...
Yoh: *ignores Mandy* "We were trying to find out why all these Walk-In Clinic patients were getting kidnapped! And I bet you had something to do with it!" *shoves the Rock Giant*
Rock Giant: -_-# "Don't do that."
Yoh: "Or what, huh? You'll hit me?!" *shoves the Giant*
katy: just who are you, anyway?
Rock Giant: *inhales* -_-# "I am just someone with a Quirk, interested in the welfare of others with Quirks, like that boy those two goons kidnapped on the Boardwalk..."
katy: do you have a license?
Rock Giant: "Not as such--this isn't my line of work?"
Yoh: "And how did you know to come here?! I bet you're in on it with the staff at that Walk-In Clinic! Officer, what was the name of that doctor at the clinic?!"
mandy: dr summers, i think.
Yoh: "I bet she's the one behind this! I--"
*The Rock Giant clutches Yoh by the neck--and squeezes*
Yoh: "GRK!"
katy: !! *reaches for her gun*
Rock Giant: "You've pissed me off for the last time, you loud little shit! And I assure you, Dr. Summer--and that's her name, 'Summer' not 'Summers'--didn't do this!"
Yoh: *chocking* "Oh yeah?! Prove it!"
Rock Giant: -___-# "..." *sighs*
*suddenly, the rock armor falls off in giant bits, as Yoh is lowered to the ground--with a human hand still clutching him by the neck*
*the person holding Yoh by the neck is a woman in shorts and a hoodie*
mandy: oh. OH! ._.;
Dr. Summer: -_-#
Yoh: "...I knew it! You're that woman I chased down the alley! I told you she was the one responsi--"
Dr. Summer: -_-### "God, I have wanted to do that for days..."
Yoh: X_X
Dr. Summer: "Now, let me check the injured man..."
katy: so let me get this straight, you're investigating this?
Dr. Summer: *checking the father, not even looking at Katy* "Yes--when I read the news, I kept recognizing the names of patients at my clinic that were the ones disappearing, and they all just happened to gain Quirks out of nowhere. You don't need to be a detective to piece together someone at my clinic is feeding information to those kidnappers."
mandy: omg i am SO sorry i called you a mister by accident! >~<;;
Dr. Summer: *sighs* "It's fine, it happens..."
Yoh: "I'm sorry, too. If I had known you were a woman, I would have--"
Yoh: "..." *steps back*
in: i bet the pump's gonna be super pleased with us, eh, sis?
Out: "I dunno--we were supposed to get the old woman, not the kid."
in: well we'll just tell him it's leverage! it's a hostage situation, y'know?
???: "Oh, you two are finally back! The boss is waiting on you!"
-it's the receptionist from the walk-in clinic-
in: hey~!
Receptionist: "Don't 'hey' me, bitch. What the fuck is that thing? That don't look like any mother! That looks like a kid!"
in: well excuuuuse me!
leah: *whimper*
in: oh my god shut UP you little shittard orphan!
Out: "Hey, sis--maybe we should adopt her."
Receptionist: *staring with absolute 'You got to be kidding me?' at these two*
in: EEEEW! i dont want some whiny kid! they're so loud and gross!
Out: "You just got to train it out of them! Like this!" *slaps Leah's head*
leah: ah!
Receptionist: *not even paying attention, just opening a door into the Distributor's office* "Sir? The morons are back."
in: OxO;;;; *gulp* oh shit.
*it looks like the Distributor has been smoking, as he sets down a cigar*
Distributor: "...What the hell is that?" *points a curled finger at Leah*
leah: *shaking*
Out: *whispers* "I told you we should've grabbed the old woman..."
Receptionist: *sits on the Distributor's desk* "They screwed up, again." *crosses her arms*
in: ^w^;;;; it's a.....kid?.....sir?
Distributor: "I can see it is a kid. What, do you think these eyes can't see?"
Out: "...I mean, they aren't cut very well--"
Distributor: *GLARES*
Out: "Eep!"
in: QxQ;;;; *clings to out* please dont kill us! may! help us out here!
may: ....
Distributor: "Don't kill you, huh?" *stands up--and picks a handgun up off the desk before he walks over to Leah*
leah: *shaking, in tears*
may: sir, let me...
Distributor: *turns his head...revealing a pumpkin face* "May..."
may: she's scared enough as it is...
Distributor: "..." *gestures with the gun at Leah before he steps back*
leah: *wince*
may *kneels in front of her* hey, it's alright, sweetie. what's your name? *small smile*
leah: l-leah...
may: leah? that's such a pretty name. *pats her head* now listen close, we need your mommy to be here so she can help us with some important research, ok?
Receptionist: *rolls her eyes* "I could've done this."
Distributor: *whispers* "Then why didn't you?"
leah: m-mommy....*sniffles* mo-mommy...
in: <w<;;;;; *gulp* errr.....
Distributor: "May, can you convince her?"
in: *backing up*
Out: *follows In's example--*
*a gunshot fires in-between In and Out*
Receptionist: *holding the Distributor's gun* "Did Boss tell you to leave?!"
in: EEK!! O-O;;;; m-m-mr lord pumpkin, we can explain!
Pumpkin: "Easy, easy..." *takes the Receptionist's hand, lowers the gun* *walks up to In and Out* "I know you can, and you'll have plenty of time to..." *his thorny fingers take In by the chin*
in: QxQ;;;;;; *gulp*
Pumpkin: *smiles* "In, have I ever mistreated you?"
in: n-n-no sir! QuQ;;; you've been reeeal good to sis and me!
Pumpkin: *smiles* "That means a lot to me--thank you."
Out: *nod nod nod*
in: ^^;;;;;;
Pumpkin: "But I'm sorry."
*suddenly, In's eyes burst into flames*
Out: "SIS!"
may: !!! *hids leah's face to her chest* dont look, sweetie, just dont look.
Pumpkin: *adjusts his cloak* "May, bring Leah along. Mitsy, please take In to the industrial eye washer."
Mitsy (Receptionist): "Aye-aye." *grabs In by the arm, guiding her*
Out: *shaking in fear*
in: *screaming in pain* JESUS FUCKING CHRIST IT HURTS!!
Mitsy: *grabs In by the back of her head--and dumps her face-first into the fish tank* "Shut up."
Takehisa: *driving the Matchbox* "..." *looks to the passenger seat*
maki: *looking* jeez, this weather....*speaks into the mic* tamaki! where are you? tamaki!!
Bystander: "It's late--shut your stupid speakerphone off!"
lisa: well, here we are.
-they're at vulcan's workshop-
Vulcan: "Hang on--don't step forward yet."
lisa: ??
*Vulcan grabs a nearby pipe...and taps a tile on the floor*
*a dart blasts out of nowhere and into the wall right next to Lisa*
lisa: !!! right. i forgot about that...
Vulcan: "We don't have to be as cautious as we were then..." *looks at her*
Vulcan: *nods...before he turns on the lights*
-everything is as it was left, albiet dustier-
Vulcan: "Remind me to fire the maid..."
lisa: ha ha.
Vulcan: *walks past work benches and to a stairway...*
yu: *waiting outside* ..... ??
cat: *meew*
*the rain is still coming down*
yu: hey there, are you alone?
cat: *meows and turns, seems he wants to be followed*
Yu: "???" *pulls up his poncho and follows*
-the cat is heading towards an old car-
Yu: "???" ("That's not safe in this weather--the rubber tires are gone from it...")
-there's....someone inside??-
Yu: "???" *looks through the windows*
tamaki: *curled up on the seat in fetal position, staring blankly*........
Yu: "!!! Tamaki!"
tamaki: *glances at him*
Yu: "We were looking for you!"
Yu: "We were so worried! Are you okay?"
tamaki:.....just leave me alone....
Yu: "...Why did you run away?"
tamaki:.......someone like me doesnt belong in the fireforce......someone like me.....doesnt belong anywhere....
Yu: "..." *opens the car door, sits in the passenger seat, shuts the door behind him*
Yu: "I'm sorry for all that has happened. But you're not the only one who has felt like...they don't belong in the Fire Force."
Yu: "Look at me--I got shot by Doc-Doc...I got shot. I'm just tech support. You at least use your power to help people."
tamaki:....even though that power can hurt people?
Yu: "Only if you let it."
tamaki: you didnt see me in asakusa, you didnt see me in the nether, so how can YOU judge me?!
Yu: "I'm not judging! I-I-I'm just telling the truth--you have this awesome power, so it's just like how Lisa has that power and has to use it better to help people!"
tamaki:.......wasnt _she_ in the hoods?
Yu: OwO; "Y-Yeah...But she's not now?"
lisa: yu! where did you go?!
Yu: *calls out* "Over here!"
tamaki: and what difference does that make, huh?! *flame tails appear* no matter what happens, everything always, ALWAYS goes wrong for me!!
Yu: "Eep!" *presses his back to the car door*
lisa: yu!! *runs over*
Yu: "No! But that's what you are--"
tamaki: SO YOU AGREE THAT IM A FAILURE, HUH?! *she lunges at him*
Yu: "EEEK!" *rolls on the ground, trying to dodge*
Yu: >~< "I'm sorry! I meant that you can't change what you are--you just have to accept--"
tamaki: ACCEPT THAT I'M WHAT, A MISTAKE?! *tail whip*
Yu: *too scared to move, so instinctively shields his face*
lisa: *blocking the tail with a flame tentacle* tamaki! please calm down, we dont want to fight you!
tamaki: i wouldnt want to fight me either. *charges at her*
lisa: *deflecting tamaki's attacks*
Yu: *getting up, trying to run through the mud* "Vulcan!"
Lisa: *circles a tentacle along Tamaki's arm* "Let's calm down and talk. I know you're scared."
tamaki: why do you keep trying to build me back up when im just going to crumble again like always?! why wont you people accept that im just a lost cause?!
Lisa: "Because everyone in the Eighth was a lost cause, you stubborn fool!" *swings tentacles at Tamaki's shoulders, trying to pin her down*
tamaki: at least you all are able to pull your weight when it matters! all i can do is just stand around doing nothing! even IRIS contributes more than i can!
Lisa: "What?! I'm terrified to fight! After what happened to me?! You've been fighting more than I ever did!"
Lisa: "..." *drops the tentacles, stands on her own legs* "I am not going to play a game here, comparing who has it worse. If you haven't noticed, a lot of us have had the same jokes and gags and embarrassment tossed at us, too. Or maybe you didn't notice because, yeah, life hasn't given you a fair shake at all. And I'm sorry for that, Tamaki. It's not fair to you..."
tamaki: i....im just tired....im sick of being a joke....sick of being useless....i...i dont know what to do....
Lisa: *walks up to Tamaki--and hugs her*
tamaki:....uu.....*she begins sobbing*
Lisa: *hums, stroking her back*
tamaki: i hate this! i hate this! *sobbing*
Lisa: "I know...I'm sorry..." *holds onto her*
yu: there they are!
Vulcan: "Lisa! Are you okay?!"
Lisa: *looks at Tamaki* "Are we okay?"
tamaki:...*sniff* y-yeah......
Lisa: *rubs her back* "Okay...Let's get you home."
-the rain seems to be dying down now-
Takeru: *looking outside* "..."
nurse: mr noto? it's quite late.
Takeru: "I couldn't sleep."
Chuuya: *flips a giant industrial switch*
hachi: woah...
riko: what is this place?
Chuuya: "An old armory, since abandoned."
sheep member: it's huge!
sheep member 2: does it have a bathroom?
"Zack": *looks up* "It has gangplanks..."
Chuuya: "You're going to have to make due with this for the night--but at least it give you room and a roof."
riko: and what do you want from us?
Chuuya: "Nothing. Just don't draw attention to yourself, since this was Mafia property."
riko: *gives him a look*
Chuuya: "What?"
riko: there's got to be some catch or ulterior motive.
Chuuya: "Like I said, Sheep have to watch out for each other."
Kyoka: "Zzzz..."
atsushi: well, the power's working again now...
Kunikida: "Good. Now, onto the next problem..."
-everyone had a sleepover in Atsushi's apartment-
Gin: *looking at her phone* "...Hm. Ichiyo?"
higuchi: yeah?
Gin: "Chuuya texted for some materials."
higuchi: oh?
Gin: "He listed blankets, clothes...Is he planning a trip for the kids?"
higuchi: maybe.
Gin: *texts back*
Chuuya: *looking at his phone*
miyuri: *coloring*
Chuuya: "..." *sets his phone down, checks on the girls* "Girls?"
sonia: *looks up*
miyuri: owo
Chuuya: "Do you feel okay?"
sonia: is this about the sheep?
Chuuya: "...Yes, it is."
sonia:....whats going to happen when the other executives find out?
Chuuya: "If all works, they won't."
Chuuya: "So it would mean a lot to me if you wouldn't tell anyone."
sonia: *nods*
Chuuya: "Miyuri, this means not mentioning this to Grandma."
miyuri: okee! ^w^
Chuuya: "Thank you..." *boxing some canned food*
Vulcan: *sets down a plate of food*
tamaki: *eating* t-thanks....
Vulcan: "There's more where that's coming from..."
Akitaru: "You need anything else? We got blankets."
tamaki:...t-thanks...im sorry....
Akitaru: "Tamaki...You've been through hell, and you're not alone in that. But I think you should direct that apology to Yu and that girl."
lisa: i have a name. -.-;
Akitaru: "No, I mean the twin in Asakusa. From what I heard, you handled yourself great, Lisa."
lisa: oh. right. ^^; t-thank you, sir.
Vulcan: *small smile before he picks up Tamaki's empty plate and sets down another one*
Akitaru: "Tamaki...What happened?"
-tamaki explains-
Akitaru: "...I'm sorry. I thought being at the dorm would help you get a change of scenery. This sounds like something else is needed."
komori: *writes* <how about therapy? like i suggested?>
Akitaru: "Did you find a name to recommend?"
Timmy: *huddled with the other children*
Child 3: *crying* "Mama..."
Timmy: *looks at Leah* "...When did they bring you in?"
leah: *whimpering*
*the door at the end of the hall opens, as someone walks to the cells...*
leah: ....
Mitsy: "Why do you even want to talk to that brat again? I don't remember boss telling you to."
may: well someone has to make sure these kids are being fed properly.
Mitsy: "Except the ones in Cell 4--Boss wants to see whether their abilities are tied into their metabolism..." *looks at Child 3...wicked smile* "Remember me, Xavier? I was the one who booked your appointment for next week~"
Xavier: "..." *spits in Mitsy's face*
girl: you bitch! when my daddy hears about this, you're going to be locked up for a LONG TIME! >n<#
Mitsy: "..." *grabs the girl by the collar, practically strangling her* "And when Overhaul gets here, you'll be dead! You hear me, you cunt--you're going to be a slab of meat on some surgeon's operating table!"
leah: *crying*
may: mitsy, that's enough!
Mitsy: *shaking the girl* "Where's your daddy now, bitch?! Ha!"
may: STOP! *pulls mitsy back*
Mitsy: *lets go of the girl* "Get off, May!" *swinging her arms*
leah: *whimpering*
Timmy: "..." *stands up, walks to the bars, staring at May* "...Why?"
may:....im sorry...
Timmy: "No, that isn't good enough. Why are you doing this?! We didn't do anything!" *shaking the bars*
may: *winces* i dont want this either.
Xavier: "Then let us out!" *starts...biting on the bars...*
may:...it's not that simple...
Timmy: "That's what every adult says! You're just like all of them, you bastard!" *kicks the bars* "I didn't want to go to that damn doctor! And now I'm stuck here! And it's your fault! You did this to us!"
Mitsy: *smirks* "See? They don't deserve your pity..."
*someone looks at a map on their phone: "Sacramento to Los Angeles"*
???: *groans* "8. Hours. This sucks."
*he has on a distinctive plague doctor-esque mask*
-phonecall incoming-
???: *swipes to answer* "Talk."
???: the next shipment is going to be here in a few days.
???: "Tell the capos to get them to their targets..." *grabs a tissue, scrubbing at a spot on the smart phone screen*
Dr. Summer: *opens the door so hard to the walk-in clinic that it flies off its hinges* "...Sorry. I'll fix that later. Hey, Meg--new haircut?" *passes another doctor as she goes to the reception desk*
Yoh: *looks at Meg* "Dr. Ma'am." *nods, follows*
meg: ._.
Dr. Summer: *opens the cabinets, looking for files* "Meg, did Mitsy come in today?"
meg: she's not in. she's probably blowing some guy behind a 7 eleven again.
Yoh: "...Jeez, are all doctors at this clinic rude?"
Dr. Summer: *shoves a stack of files into his arms* "Shut your mouth and get moving--the cops are waiting for us. Later, Meg."
Yohei: "Jeez, you look like you had a rough night."
mono: =~= *ACHOO*
Shotaro: "We were locked out in the rain!" *his hair is a mess*
Yohei: "...Okay, you're going to bed with soup, and you're taking a bath."
0 notes