#and I got told off for basically swimming too fast and disrupting the other kids
egglygreg · 8 months
I had a lot of weird dreams last night for whatever reason, but in one of them I was a kid who accidentally fell of a cliff into the river, and managed to paddle to and climb onto a rock at the bottom of the steep bank.
Then an emu came wading over to me and started curiously pecking me and trying to steal my buttons 😂
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glitterygayvodka · 5 years
Your fluff writings are so cute!♡ can you write about Harry getting sick in the middle of the night and being upset about it because he and yn havent dated that long and he's worried she won't want to be near him but she helps him and takes care of him and even after he's been throwing up she helps him shower and dress and actually let's him cuddle with her so he starts crying because she loves him and he's been in love with her for awhile?
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Aww thank you so much love!!! The fact that you enjoy them makes my heart swell because I literally love writing fluff! I swear I’m always a soft ass bitch for Harry. I’m sorry if it’s taken me a while to get to this request. Tumblr is an ass sometimes and it doesn’t tell me I’ve gotten anons! It also takes me forever to write in general lmao. I switched it up and decided to write this in the 3rd person so please let me know what y’all prefer. Anyways I’m gonna stop rambling. I hope you like it! 💖
Warnings: None!! This is all fluff :’)
Y/N is woken up to the faint moonlight peaking through the blinds of the bedroom. Despite being bundled up under the thick comforter, she can still feel the chill of the air lightly caressing areas of her skin that are exposed. Burrowing deeper into the blankets, sleep is slowly calling her name again, urging her back into an unconscious state. Its call is disrupted however when she hears muffled noise coming from the direction of the bathroom. Startled, Y/N turns over to wake Harry, realizing his side of the bed is empty. The sheets are cold and crumpled as if he had gotten up in a hurry, and a feeling of concern washes over her despite her tired state. Making her way out of bed, the contrast between the warmth of the covers and the coolness of the air causes goosebumps to scatter along her skin. She navigates through Harry’s large room using the light from the forgotten TV. It was still faintly playing the baking show her and Harry had chosen as background noise for their nightly reading together. Taking care not to trip, Y/N approaches the bathroom door. Light faintly creeps from under the crack, and listening closely she can hear soft sniffling from the other side. Confused and worried, she slowly turns the knob, cracking the door ever so slightly.
“Harry, baby, is everything okay?” she questions softly, opening the door wider. The warm glow of the bathroom illuminates the dark bedroom as Y/N steps onto the chilly tiled floor. Her gaze is almost immediately drawn to where Harry is balled up next to the toilet. He lifts his head up as he hears her voice, his green eyes meeting hers with a mixture of embarrassment and exhaustion. His whole shirt appears to be damp with sweat, and if she didn’t know better, from the way he’s drenched, Y/N would assume he had been working out. His damp curls are pressed against his forehead, and his skin appears to have lost some of the golden color that she’s so used to seeing. Harry can visibly see the concern spreading across her features, and he’s mentally kicking himself for not being quieter. They hadn’t been dating for very long, and the last thing Harry wanted was for Y/N to see him in such a state.
“M’fine darling. Y’can go back to bed.” Harry manages to rasp out, his usually smooth voice sounding a bit strained. She ignores him, moving further into the bathroom to crouch down beside him. Reaching out a hand to press against his forehead, Harry almost moans at the feeling of her cool touch against his feverish skin. His eyes fluttering closed as Y/N’s widen in shock at his temperature. “Oh my god Harry! You’re burning up!” She gasps, brushing his damp hair away from his face. “Why didn’t you wake me up?!” Harry sluggishly opens his eyes to look at her again. The amount of concern for him that’s etched across her face makes his heart swell. He’s not sure if the butterflies in his stomach are from how pretty Y/N looks despite being woken up at such an early hour, or if they’re from the bad seafood that had gotten him into this situation.
“S’no big deal love. I think I’ve just got a bit of food poisoning s’all...didn’t wan’ to wake you up just cause I can’t handle a bit of shrimp...” he murmurs, giving a weak smile as he makes eye contact with her. Y/N can’t help the grin that spreads across her face despite the situation. Here he is, nearly on the brink of death on his bathroom floor, still cracking jokes. That’s Harry for you. Shaking her head, she reaches a hand out to him to help him up. “I told you that it smelt weird and not to eat it!” She exclaims as she helps him on to his feet. “But no, y’just had to have some! You’re so bloody stubborn.” Her voice is firm, yet tinged with slight humor, and Harry knows she isn’t actually upset with him. He tries to hide his smile from her. Harry would never admit it, but he loves when Y/N dotes on him like this. The fact that she cares for him so much makes his heart flutter and his head swim. Well actually, his head might be swimming because he stood up too fast, but thats besides the point. She guides Harry to sit on the toilet as she begins to run him a bath, making sure the water isn’t too hot or cold. After adding some of her favorite bubbles, Y/N turns to Harry to begin helping him out of his sweaty clothes.
Harry holds back his cheeky remarks about her helping him undress, accepting her help into the bathtub. He sighs as he sinks down into the warm water, the soft smell of freesia and rose invading his senses. It’s a familiar smell he realizes, one he often finds caressing his nose after Y/N has spent the night. Harry allows his eyes to flutter closed for a moment, the warm, soothing water around him instantly easing his stomach cramps slightly. Y/N is perched on the edge of the tub, studying his face. Partly because she’s still worried about him, and also because she could stare at him forever. Even when he’s sick, Y/N still thinks he’s the prettiest thing she’s ever seen. Breaking out of her trance and realizing his eyes are now open and on her, she smiles at him softly. For a moment, they just look at each other. Their eyes tell each other the words neither of them have been brave enough to say yet. It’s almost too intense, and the amount of gratitude and love that Y/N can see in Harry’s eyes is too much for her.
“I’m gonna go get everything ready for when you get out of the bath,” She smiles lightly as she stands up, wiping her damp hands on the edge of the fluffy jumper Harry had let her borrow for bed. “Let me know if you feel like you’re gonna be sick again okay? I’ll be right back.” Before leaving, Y/N leans down to press a small kiss against Harry’s damp forehead and he hums in response, tilting his head back against the cool tile of the bathtub. With that, Y/N makes her way back into the dark bedroom, turning on lamps as she passes them. First, she grabs one of the assorted towels that Harry keeps folded neatly in linen closet. She chooses a big, fluffy, yellow one that she knows is Harry’s favorite. It takes her a minute to navigate through his many drawers, but eventually she finds him a clean pair of underwear and a t shirt. Deciding that, despite his fever, he would probably be a bit chilly after his bath, Y/N makes her way downstairs to put the towel and clothes in the dryer for a minute.
From his spot in the tub, Harry can hear Y/N shuffling around in his room and it makes his dimples appear along his cheeks. He loves how absolutely normal everything feels with her. Even though they’ve only been dating for a few months, Harry never has to hide from Y/N. He can be his authentic self without worry of judgement. He loves how big her heart is, how she cares for everyone and everything so dearly. The way that she instantly jumped to his aid with no questions asked. There’s so many things about her that check every single box on his list, and as she stumbles back through the bathroom door moments later, arms full of anything and everything he might need to feel better, the fact that he’s in love with her is solidified in his mind.
“Okay bubs! M’back.” Y/N smiles, placing the now warm towel and clothes on the closed lid of the toilet. “These are for when you get out, and I also brought you up some ginger ale and medicine.” Harry’s goofy smile turns into a frown of disgust at her words. “Darling, y’know I can’t stand the taste of ginger a-“ Before he can finish his sentence, Y/N cuts him off. “Shh! None of that. I know you think it’s gross but it’s gonna make you feel so much better, I promise!” Harry grumbles slightly but nods in agreement anyways, a slight smile still plastered on his lips at the way she was basically mothering him. It makes him think about how good of a mom she would be to their kids someday, but he has to reel his thoughts back in. He hasn’t even told her he loves her yet for Christ sake! But here he is, already thinking about starting a family. His friends would call him whipped, but as he watches Y/N scurry around the bathroom in his oversized jumper with sleep ruined hair, he doesn’t mind being whipped all that much.
“Alright!” She says as she stops in her tracks, looking around the bathroom, almost as if she was looking for something she had forgotten. “Are you ready to get out love? I’m sure the water isn’t as warm anymore.” Her eyes meet his, her eyebrows scrunched in a concerned way. Harry shakes his head lightly in amusement as he begins to rise of of the tub. “Yeah m’ready, you’ve got me turning into a bloody prune over here!” he smiles playfully. Y/N let’s out a distracted laugh, her eyes following the water droplets that flow down his defined and tattooed shoulders and chest, dripping down to the delicate ferns that adorn his hips. Butterflies envelope her stomach at how gorgeous he is. She isn’t sure how anyone could be so breathtaking, but here he is right in front of her. Y/N avoids letting her gaze fall any lower, a warmth spreading across her cheeks. Though she’s seen it before, now wasn’t really the time to be focusing on his dick. “Well, at least you’re a prune that smells good!” she laughs, a cheeky glimmer in her eyes as she looks back at him.
Harry hadn’t missed the way she was looking at him with noticeable admiration in her eyes, but he doesn’t say anything, instead choosing to wrap the warm, fluffy towel around his waist with a grin. Y/N smiles and leans against the doorframe as he gets dressed. Once he’s fully clothed, she guides him to sit down on the closed toilet seat. She hands him the ginger ale as well as two small pills he assumes will lower his fever. Harry looks down at the light brown liquid, already dreading the taste of it. “Do I really have to drink this?” He grumbles, looking back up at Y/N with pleading eyes. She grins at how dramatic he is, rolling her eyes slightly. “Yes you do! Ginger is great for nausea and I want you to feel better as soon as possible.” Her voice turns into a murmur towards the end, her hand reaching out to rest against his cheek. Harry sighs, unable to resist nuzzling his face into her palm. “Fine, but I’m only drinking it because you’re cute.” With that, he places the pills in his mouth, quickly drinking the whole glass as fast as possible.
Y/N throws her head back in laughter at the disgusted look on his face, her arms resting loosely around his neck as she moves to stand between his thighs. Harry is smiling up at her with a goofy grin, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. Because he’s sitting down, his head rests just below her chest, and he cuddles into her. He can feel the vibrations of her laughter, and it makes him smile even harder. Harry absolutely loves the sound of her laugh. It’s undeniably contagious and reminds him of everything good in the world. That might be a bit dramatic but, what can he say? He’s in love. “M’glad you think my pain is funny petal.” Harry mumbles against the fabric of her sweater, humor lacing his tone. Y/N’s laughter slowly fades into small giggles, her fingers twirling the little curls at the base of his neck.
“Did the bath help any?” She questions, continuing to run her fingers through his damp hair, her nails brushing against his scalp every so often. “Do y’still feel bad?” Harry hums at the feeling of her playing with his hair, every ounce of tension leaving his body. “Mhmm. Felt like I was bloody dying earlier, now m’just sleepy.” He slowly opens his eyes to look up at her, smiling when he finds her already looking down at him. “Thank you so much love. I can’t believe y’even wan’ to be near me when I’m sick. I dunno what I’d do without you.” Y/N laughs slightly, gripping his cheeks softly in both hands. “H, you could have the fucking plague and I’d still want to be near you. Nothing you could ever do would scare me away. Especially not something as small as a bit of throw up.” She smiles, concluding her mini rant by pressing several kisses along his forehead. Harry is almost speechless. He’s never had anyone care about him this much, and the emotion bubbling in his chest is overwhelming. He sees everything he’s ever wanted right in front of him in the form of Y/N, and he never wants to let her go. Before he knows it, stray tears are sliding down his cheeks and Y/N is frantically wiping them in concern.
“Harry? Baby, why are you crying??” Her voice is higher than usual, unaware of what could be wrong with him. Harry simply hugs her closer, sniffling against the plush fabric adorning her body. For a moment they just hold each other, Y/N quietly murmuring to him every once in a while. His hands run up and down her back slowly, the sound of her heart beat pressed right against his ear. Once he’s finally composed himself, he looks up at her with his beautiful, now red rimmed, eyes. “I just...” He sniffles some more, his eyes tracing over her features, and his fingers intertwining with hers. “I love you so much Y/N, and I know we haven’t been datin’ for that long but y’already mean so much t’me and it’s been eating at me and I jus’...needed to let you know.”
Harry looks down, almost shyly, after his admission. His heart is pounding in his chest, and he feels like he might cry all over again, but when he feels Y/N’s soft hands tilting his chin up, he reminds himself to breathe. When Harry finally brings his eyes back up to meet hers, they’re shining with happiness, a huge smile etched along her cheeks. “Harry Edward Styles,” She murmurs, pressing a kiss to his face between every word, “I’ve never loved anyone in my life more than I love you. You own my whole heart.” A weight is lifted off of Harry’s shoulders at the sound of her words, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was throwing up his dinner a few hours before, he would kiss her with everything in him. Instead however, he opts for the tightest hug he thinks he’s ever given anyone. “Oi! I love you but y’gotta let me breathe!” She laughs, playfully swatting at his back. She can’t help but giggle at the dopey smile on his face once he loosens his hug.
“M’so glad you feel the same, petal. That would’ve been a real bruise to my ego if you didn’t.” He laughs cheekily, earning yet another playful swat. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about we get you and your ego in bed? It’s almost 4 in the morning and nurse Y/N is pretty tired.” She yawns through a smile, reaching out a hand to him. Harry grins yet again, taking her out stretched hand.
“M’okay with that, but only if y’let me be the little spoon tonight.”
Y/N smiles for what feels like the millionth time tonight, nodding her head at him. “Sounds like a plan!” And as they make their way back into bed, Y/N can’t think of anything that would be better in this moment, than falling asleep next to the love of her life.
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