#and statues all came to life and started chasing me which was scary
egglygreg · 8 months
I had a lot of weird dreams last night for whatever reason, but in one of them I was a kid who accidentally fell of a cliff into the river, and managed to paddle to and climb onto a rock at the bottom of the steep bank.
Then an emu came wading over to me and started curiously pecking me and trying to steal my buttons 😂
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impostcrs · 1 year
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introducing ;; lorelei wu !
chase sui wonders + she/her + cis woman – have you seen lorelei wu around long beach? the twenty four year old can be spotted at the skyline mall during their free time. word around the city is that they’re passionate and intuitive, yet, they can also be unreliable and judgemental, but you didn’t hear that from me. they’re currently a bartender at adam & steve’s lair and have been in the city for two years. when i think of them, i think of fighting for your life to free a necklace from a cluster of jewellery, the excitement of watching a scary movie for the first time, stolen lighters, and tarot cards at a house party to try and make friends. they’re typically seen walking the streets of long beach with her staffie mix rescue named angel. let’s hope the city treats them well!
full name: lorelei wu
nicknames: lori, lei
age: twenty four
pronouns: she/her
gender: cis woman
sexuality: bisexual (questioning whether she's bi or gay currently)
birthday: june 8th 1968
zodiac: gemini sun, scorpio moon, aries rising
hometown: decatur, illinois
time in long beach: 2 years
occupation: bartender at adam and steve's lair (recent hire)
relationship status: single
mbti type: ENFP
fc: chase sui wonders
pinterest board (some non-90s stuff in there my apologies)
more info.
eldest daughter born into a family of very dedicated evangelical christians, lorelei spent a good portion of her life trying to fit in where she did not. she wanted to be a good daughter, a good christian, and a good person – but in so many ways she never met the mark on any of those things. by the time she was a teenager, her younger brother was old enough to relieve her of some of the pressure. the fact that she started to mumble hymns and avoid youth group at every opportunity didn't go unnoticed, but it did go unmentioned.
the first real strike came when she was 16 and she started dating her first kinda serious boyfriend. he understood her in a way no one else had, and when she said she didn't want to go to church anymore he said he'd cover for her. always find them something to do so she would be busy. though it provided much relief, it upset her parents deeply. and suddenly that outsider feeling was growing stronger and stronger, ostracised by her parents and brother. left feeling alone, save for her boyfriend.
so it wasn't all that surprising when about a year later, lorelei and her boyfriend decided to run away. leaving their high school educations unfinished with the dream of freedom paired warmer weather. and for the next five years it was exactly that. making their way towards the west coast. but unfortunately, like most things, it wasn't all sunshine. relying on each other that much became tough for the young couple. while they understood each other in a way that made their lives easier, they also understood each other in a way that made them experts at twisting the knives in the other's stomach.
two years ago, her boyfriend caught her cheating and that's when things ended finally between them. she does deeply regret the choices she made, but in some ways she's glad that it ended and glad that it ended when it did. she thinks it was best for the both of them, even if it majorly fucking sucked.
it was after the break up she moved to long beach, desperate to find herself in this new place. she no longer had her family or the church defining her, nor her ex boyfriend. she was just her, and she was determined to find out who that was, and find people that would accept her for that. warts and all.
her first job in long beach was at the pet store (what inspired her to rescue her staffie mix angel <3) but after coming into her own a little bit more, becoming more comfortable with people around her knowing things about her and specifically her sexuality which had been a point of shame most of her life – she decided to apply for a bartending job at adam and steve's lair. and that's basically where she's at now. she's tryna be a good person but more importantly she's tryna be herself !
the summary ;; grew up extremely religious, as a result ran away with her boyfriend at 17 - that relationship was not good. ended just before she moved to long beach, and now she's on a bit of journey to find herself first and then people who can love that self second. accepting her history but also accepting that it doesn't define her. it sucks but its good babes !
looking for.
chosen family ;; whether they feel the same way about lori is debatable but these people are staples now in lori's life. she considers them family, she would do anything for them. they help her and she hopes she helps them too. must be queers. (thinkin maybe 4?)
housemate ;; she works at a bar there's no way she's livin alone. imagining they met when lori took up their ad in the paper and she moved to long beach. upside: lori can cook on a budget, downside: her dog farts in its sleep. (ideally combo the housemate with a chosen family member and they became super close through living together etc, but open to others)
current coworkers ;; she needs a new work bestie pls (even better if its a bit begrudgingly) she cannot thrive without someone to annoy in the workplace
ex coworkers ;; previously worked at pet depot, definitely still wants the gossip yk – also see above she cannot thrive without someone to annoy in the workplace
shmokin pals ;; she smokes weed thats it thats the connections thanks xx
friendships ;; lori is pretty desperate to be friends with everyone she meets but maybe some of those attempts stuck ! she loves horror movies and crafts and music and havin a good old time. she'll read tarot cards for u (and by that i mean she'll tell u what the cards mean and u can interpret it lmao) and will lend u any of her jewellery if u want
hook ups ;; she might be emotionally unavailable for a relationship but she's still a bitch with needs. she is currently leaning more towards women/more femme presenting people but! open to everyone she's in an experimenting era and needs to feel desired or she'll go feral <3
literally anything else lets get cookin my dears
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thomsong93 · 7 months
Living or just dying?
2023 proved to be one for my worst years for mental health. I did hope that turning 30 this year would inspire me to live life to the fullest, now that my youth is going to start disappearing.
It's now the end of the year and all I experienced was constant pain. And I'm still trying to figure out why.
I did this thing again, where I search for happiness. Or I suppose you could also call it 'trying new things' but basically as usual, I was unhappy with the status quo.
I did a vocational course which proved to be difficult and taxing. Perhaps it was what I needed to see that I'm not doing so well. Very quickly, I just deteriorated. Though I'm unsure how much of this deterioration was situational.
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I wanted
... to change my antidepressant, as I began to feel more conflict within. This was a risky thing to do when I was already struggling. Quitting an antidepressant is difficult enough. Now I'm on a new one and it's hard to tell if it's working. I need to endure another month or two before I make a decision. And I use the word endure because that's what every waking minute as been like.
I'm almost finished with the course, almost done with the year and hopefully get to visit my family soon.
But this year has felt like more than just total burnout. It's felt like a year of the worst depression I've ever experienced. I feel like I realised something and my mind is having trouble coming to terms with it.
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I realised
I lost hope of one day becoming somebody. Of talent. It was always a dream. Not necessarily famous but leaving a mark in someway. Through music or acting. I gave up on music long ago. I lost that talent. And I've lost my confidence with acting. And I'm starting to lose my self worth.
I've realised that I can't be happy chasing a dream because I'll forever move the goal posts. And now I'm left thinking 'now what do I do?'. I began to self harm again, I needed to keep a 'worthiness diary' because suicidal thoughts were daily and at times my partner held me as I fell apart in his arms.
I think I'm struggling to be okay with being nothing. And I want so badly to be okay with just nothing. I came from nothing and I'll go back to nothing. Nothing is just nothing and it shouldn't be scary. I want to do a full 180 and focus on 'nothing' over something.
But it feels impossible to do this safely, without seeing the logic of suicide. I don't feel joy with nothing. Maybe contentment. Maybe relief. But there is no joy.
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So here I am.
Alive. But not living. And I can actually feel my brain and my heart dying. My brain seems to not be sharp anymore. I'm slow, stupid and losing my memory. And my heart has this constant pain, it is a physical pain stemming from an emotional pain. And there's not much of my heart left.
I am leaning more towards suicide as an option every day and feel anger that it is unacceptable. I want nothing more than some way for this pain to end.
I am weak. The weak perish and that's life. I can't survive on my own.
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So what now?
I can't die. I have to live.
So I must find a new medication, therapy or way to feel joy again. That's all I know. It's hopeless. I'm hopeless.
This all feels true, I don't care if it is or isn't in actuality. I should at least be allowed to admit what feels true to me.
I don't know how I'll recover from this.
I don't know how long it will take. Or if a full recovery will even happen. If I'm making a mistake not cutting things short.
For now, I'm in limbo trying to count my blessings.
Trying to make sense of all that does not make sense. Trying to see fairness in all that isn't fair. Trying to find myself when I'm lost.
Trying to live while I'm dying.
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gremlinp0lice · 4 years
Night Lovin’ Thing
Prompt: Draco reacting to finding the reader dancing to muggle music. Specifically Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson. Specifically this choreography. https://youtu.be/JavMJziiLjE
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
Word Count: 3253
Rating: Explicit
CW: Smut, language, voyeurism
Draco Malfoy was an enigma. Spoiled, rich, handsome, rude, and smart as a whip—he could even give Granger a run for her money if he applied himself. All that put into one young man (plus a little ‘bad-boy’ reputation) should make him the fantasy of any teenage witch or wizard, and you were no exception. But you knew better than to chase after him because that’s all it was—a fantasy, a crush, a fixation. With half of the castle out to get him, and the rest out to snog him, there was no way you ever stood a fighting chance. You knew that, and you had made your peace with that. You were much more realistic.
Which made it all the more painful that you found yourself lost in a daydream while staring at the back of his head in Potions class. 
“Eyes to yourself,” your desk mate (and roommate), Pansy bloody Parkinson, swats at your arm and gives you a nasty look, “or they might just fall out of your head.” 
Rolling your eyes, you go back to your notes, muttering, “I don’t even know what you see in him, Pans, he’s actually a bit of a prat.” Your words seem to light a fire in her, and her eyes burn with rage for a fleeting moment, and she opens her mouth as if to bite back before closing it just as quickly. 
You smirk to yourself; Pansy was all talk after all, but she could still be bloody scary when the mood suited her (and it usually did). 
You steal another look at Draco, a fleeting glance, really, and see his eyes looking back. He looks almost wounded, as if he had heard what you had said. You turn away, baffled. It must have been a trick of the light, or the fumes from your cauldron—Draco Malfoy would barely give you the time of day, much less be upset over something that you had said. 
The lesson, blessedly, concludes soon after, and you practically skip out of the classroom and head for the dormitories, hoping to get there before Pansy does. All the while, all you can think about is the look on his face.
You have about twelve seconds alone in your room before Pansy bursts in, wand drawn. You know she won’t use it (probably), but you pull your own wand close to you just in case.
“That was extremely rude, you know. He heard you. Didn’t your filthy muggle father teach you any manners?” She’s been angry with you before, but never so mad that she has attacked your family. After all, both Tracey and Millicent were half-bloods as well, and she should know better than to bring blood status into whatever squabble you were having.
“First of all, do not speak about my family like that if you value yours, Parkinson,” you snap, drawing yourself to your full heigh (which wasn’t very tall, but you worked with what you had) “and second, I don’t care. Did I upset your boyfriend? What a pity. What are you going to do about it?” 
“You don’t even know him, so piss off, and besides,” her wand drops to her side and she wilts, “We’re not together. Neither of us want to be tied down at the moment. It’s called being mature, have you heard of it?” 
Clearly, Pansy had not. You also suspect that their arrangement was less than mutual, but you knew how badly Pansy pined over the boy, so you pulled back. You knew how to pick your battles.
“Listen, I may have been out of line in class, and if I see him later, I will apologize, alright?” you offer, and she sniffs, but nods in approval, “But if you ever speak about my father like that again, it’s you who I will have to apologize to, and believe me I will make it count.” 
A look of fear passes across Pansy’s face, but she keeps a stiff upper lip, glowering at you. Whatever, you didn’t need this. It was a nice afternoon, and a Friday to boot, and the castle would soon be empty. 
Taking a deep breath, you collect your thoughts, ignoring Pansy as she leaves the room in a huff. You change into something more comfortable, something with more movement, and pack your bag with the essentials; the old radio that your mother had charmed for you years ago, and a pair of sturdy, strappy black heels… ready for some release.
Dropping your bag gently on the floor of the dusty room, you take a moment to examine the room. It was a tiny old Muggle Studies classroom, more of a large closet really, on the third floor that you had convinced Professor McGonagall to let you use as a dance space in your fourth year. As long as no one needed the room, you didn’t make too much noise, and you kept it clean, you could do whatever you wanted in here. You had put a lot of work into it, managing to craft a barre (with the help of Professor Sprout) and you even got ahold of some old, floor-length mirrors left behind by Lockhart. With plenty of natural light streaming in from the windows, it made for a pretty good studio. It wasn’t much, but it served its purpose well.  
You plop gracelessly to the floor and begin to stretch, feeling that pleasant burning sensation in your hamstring when you lean down so far that your nose touches your knee. As the feeling fades, you feel the stress of your day go along with it; as your body loosens up, so does your mind, until there’s only one thought still stuck in your mind. You roll your shoulders and stand; he’ll go away soon enough when you start to actually move. 
With a wave of your wand, the radio crackles to life, it’s not terribly loud, but it suits your needs. It was tuned in to a muggle station playing Michael Jackson’s greatest hits— perfect. You listened to the King of Pop with your father often enough when you were home, laughing whenever he would try to moonwalk across the kitchen floor. There was something about the singer, though, something in his voice that moved you to move as well, something that made you feel powerful, strong, even a bit seductive (not that you would admit that thought to anyone). This was the perfect thing to get you out of your head and into your body.
With another wave of your wand, the door slams shut, and it’s just you and the music, and that’s just the way you like it. 
She says that’s okay, hey baby do what you want... I’ll be your night-lovin’ thing, I’ll be the freak you can taunt…
You had found your inspiration, a beat that moved you deeper than any magic spell could and had begun refining the movements that your body had come up with. With a wave of your wand, the song starts over and you return to your first position, you just had to get this right. Not that you would ever show anyone this dance, it wasn’t for anyone else to see. 
This was for you. 
Though, you couldn’t deny the raw and enticing confidence that this dance was instilling within you, and that maybe, one day, you would dance like this for someone…
With a flip of your hair and a shrug of your shoulder, you were completely focused.
She likes the boys in the band, she knows when they come to town…
Sometimes it made you nervous, the way you could channel the lyrics, written about people you were nothing like, and turn them into a dance that was, inexplicably, them. 
This one was all about the legs—kicking, bending over, dropping to the ground in a deep split that made you feel so alluring that when you got to your feet you almost expected to be followed by a herd of salivating admirers. You would look over your shoulder, give them a smirk and a wave before moving on… This isn’t about them anyway.
It wasn’t about him anyway.
You still couldn’t get him out of your head. When you dropped to the floor, you imagined him landing on top of you. When you ran your hands down your chest in time with the rhythm, you imagined they were his hands, pulling you close. And that scared you. 
And I don’t care what you say, I want to go too far, I’ll be your everything…
You had never felt like this about him before, never thought about him like this- so obsessively. 
Just keep dancing… Out of your head and into your body… You would forget if you just kept moving… 
Blimey, it’s so hot in here you can barely breath.
She looked me deep in the eyes, she's touchin' me so to start… She says there's no turnin' back, she trapped me in her heart…
Raising one arm above your head, you pull your loose tank top off with a flourish as you strike a pose. Catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you look… good. The black bralette you’re wearing (the one with the lace, not the flower print) accentuates your modest curves nicely, and you feel good, sexy almost. How could you not, with the music playing like that, and those lyrics—this is not a song you ever listened to with your father. 
Forgoing the choreography that you had been practicing, you decide to let yourself feel the music again, finding a new rhythm for your new confidence.
You had never danced like this before, caressing your body like this, moving your hips like that, shaking your hair out so wildly, so unabashed. 
And it felt good.
Until the song ends. 
Until you hear heavy breathing from the door.
You whip around, crossing your arms over your chest, to catch a glimpse of your voyeur, frozen in the corridor. Of course.
Draco Malfoy stood in the doorway; eyes wide, breathless. He’s not moving, he’s not speaking, he doesn’t even have that silly little smirk that seemed to be permanently stuck on his face, he’s just… watching you. Somehow that was worse.
“Malfoy,” you say quietly, voice scantly above a whisper, “what are you doing here?” 
Your voice seems to jolt him out of whatever trance he’s in, and he steps forward into the room, which you realize now is extremely small, and closes the door behind him. You instinctively cross your arms over your chest.
“I- I, uh, I just came to talk to you, I didn’t mean to intrude,” he stumbles over his words, eyes bouncing all around the room before landing back on you, “but I’m glad that I did.” His composure returned, he steps forward, eyes dark, one eyebrow cocked and…
There’s that bloody smirk.
“How did you even know where to find me?” you ask, shivering under his gaze, contemplating whether to hear him out or throw him out. 
“I hear that you can be found here most afternoons,” he says, chuckling softly, running one long finger along the barre. 
“Yes well, you’ve found me,” you start, but you’re not quite sure how to stop. This exact scenario had played out in your head countless times, and you had to take a deep breath to recenter yourself, and not let your imagination run away with you.
“I have, haven’t I?” he looks down at your shoes, dragging his eyes back up your body. Merlin, was he just going to stand here toying with you or do something? “You know, it’s funny. I seem to have completely forgotten what I was going to say. The way you move is a bit hypnotic, I think.” 
He’s so close to you, Merlin he’s close. You had never realized how much bigger he was than you—taller, broader, he could throw you over his shoulder as if you weighed no more than a bowtruckle if he wanted to.
This is your chance, you realize. You can apologize to him for what you said in class, just like you told Pansy you would do. 
Or you could…
“Did you like what you saw?” you ask, voice low, almost husky. You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye yet, you just can’t. 
Draco is quiet for what feels like an eternity, the only sound the crackling or the radio and your breathing. 
“Yeah, I really, really did.” 
Merlin’s beard, this boy was going to kill you. 
“Would you like me to show you some of my moves?” You can hardly believe the words are coming out of your mouth—this is insane, you feel insane! It’s taking everything in you to keep your composure, and you allow yourself to glance up at him.
His grey eyes are dark, cloudy, a few strands of that platinum blond hair falling in his face, and you barely recognize him. 
“Actually,” he murmurs, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “I was hoping I could show you some of mine.” 
That’s all it took for you to take him in your arms and kiss him, which was just as well because he was kissing you back. With both hands tangling in his hair, his loop around your waist and pull you even closer. The feeling of his body pressed against yours is intoxicating, and you have to pull away for a moment to breathe. 
“You have no idea,” he mutters between fervent nips at your ear and neck, “how long I’ve wanted this.”
You let your head fall back as he lavished you with his lips and tongue, world spinning, as he begins to guide you backwards until your thighs hit the edge of a desk pushed up against the wall. 
Shaking fingers working the buttons of his shirt, you do your best to return his kisses, though it’s hard to maneuver, let along think, when his mouth is doing such beautiful things to your skin.
You can’t explain the magnetism between you two, it’s almost frightening, but you can’t bring yourself to care. It was as if you had known he was watching, as if your dancing was foreplay for whatever was unfolding between you now. You weren’t scared at the thought of him watching you, you liked it, and that scared you more. Or maybe it just turned you on.
“Fuck!” you keened as he sucked hard at your neck, his hands and mouth roaming all over your body, grabbing onto any piece of flesh that they could. 
His fingers tease at your nipples through the lace of your bralette, which was so thin and flimsy you may as well not have been wearing anything. You arch into him at the contact, eyes wide as you realize that his other hand is travelling further down your body. 
“Is this what you want?” he whispers in your ear, rubbing you through your athletic shorts. 
Is this what you wanted, to be fucked by Draco Malfoy in an empty classroom? You never did this sort of thing, not this quickly at least, but there was something about him, about what you felt. Maybe it was the dancing, the music that made you feel like this, maybe it was the fact that he was watching you, or maybe you just really needed a good shag. Whatever the reason, you knew your answer.
“Yes Draco, please,” you choke out, helping him to take off your tiny shorts. You reach down to unlace the heels your wearing, but he grasps your wrist and pulls it away.
“Those stay on,” he says, well, commands, and fuck if you couldn’t come from just his voice alone. You nod and loop your arms around his neck, allowing yourself to be picked up and placed on the desk behind you. 
Draco wastes no time, reaching between your legs and thumbing at your clit in a way that makes you quiver beneath him. You breathe hard against his neck as he works two fingers into your cunt, pressing sloppy kisses to the skin there while wrapping your legs around his waist. Merlin did his fingers feel like heaven, drawing in and out of you, curling against your walls so that your vision went fuzzy. If his fingers felt this good, you mused, his cock has to be divine.
On the cusp of orgasm, you bat his hands away, reaching for the button of his pants. As much as you wanted to come, you wanted it to be on his cock. 
Pushing his slacks and underwear down to his knees, his length bobs free, red and glistening under your touch.
“Ready?” he pumps his cock once, twice, pressing in close to you. Your head is swimming and you can hardly string together a coherent thought, but you are certain of one thing.
“Fuck me.”
As soon as the words leave your lips, his inside you. You yelp—his cock is much bigger than his fingers, but nothing that you can’t handle. You feel full, grinding your hips against his to get more of that delicious friction. 
He mutters a curse under his breath, “You,” he breathes, “are so bloody gorgeous,” he maintains a steady rhythm that is starting to drive you a bit mad, adding to the heat building deep within you, “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted you, and to see you like this now,” he pants, “about to come on my cock… it’s fucking breathtaking.”
It doesn’t take much longer for you, until you’ve wrapped yourself around him, moaning in his ear, and coming, hard. He holds you close, crushing your body into his, fucking you through the aftershocks as you finally come down. 
But then something’s not right.
The door opens and you both freeze, panting.
“Sorry for interrupting your ‘you-time,’ but I wanted to say—”
Pansy. Bloody. Parkinson. 
You shut your eyes tight as you see the look of complete rage you see spreading across your face, and Draco cranes his neck to catch a glimpse of her.
And he starts thrusting into you again.
“We’re a bit busy,” he says breathlessly, hips still rocking against you, “would you mind shutting the door?” 
You hear Pansy sputtering for a moment, before the slam of the door, and you open your eyes.
Draco is gazing intently at you, and bears down harder than before, making your heart race yet again. 
You come again, just before he does, his hips stuttering to a halt as you hold each other, pressed together so tightly you wonder if you will ever separate. 
You do, of course, but not without some effort. In a breathless heap, the two of you slide to the floor, where you find your wand and cast a cleansing charm. Draco has his back against the desk, and you lean against his chest, trying to catch your breath.
It was nice, holding each other like this. He ran his hands up and down your arms, a soothing motion that tempted you to fall asleep right then and there, but there was much to discuss before that.
“Did… did that—”
“Merlin’s saggy left—” 
“I know.”
The two of you burst into a fit of laughter for a brief moment, cruelly reveling in Pansy’s subsequent misery. 
“Bloody hell,” you groan, an unfortunate realization striking you, “I have to share a room with her.”
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma Dark [Prologue]
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ーー That burning feeling inside my throat,
is the sole thing which vividly remains in my memory.
Crackling flames flare up. 
People scatter about, tears streaming down their faces
as they call out someone’s name.
And I, ran straight towards
said fire.
It’s hot. So incredibly, unbearably hot.
Yet, I desperately dashed forward.
Swallowed by the flames and smoke, 
I could barely still see my own feet with my dried out eyes.
I could barely even breathe,
as the heat assaulted my throat.
Even so, I attempt to shout.
ーー Wanting to find someone.
ーー Wanting to save someone.
???: ( ...Who? )
( Who am I looking for amidst the flames? )
???: ーー ...ar!
???: ( I don’t know. I can’t remember. )
( Who was I searching for? Where was I? For whoーー? )
???: Bear!
ー A young Yuma wakes up and finds himself in town
Lucks: You’re awake?
Bear: ...Boss...
Lucks: Are you okay? You were groaning in your sleep again. (1)
Bear: Yeah...
Bear: ...What’s with that face, huh? Whatcha grinnin’ for?
Lucks: It’s because you always look like you’re about to cry when you sleep. What’s wrong? Did you dream about your mommy again?
Bear: ...As if! Don’t treat me like a kid!
Lucks: Haha! My bad, my bad! Come on, eat this. It’s today’s grub.
ー He throws some food at him
Bear: ...Where did you pick up fresh bread?
Lucks: I didn’t pick it up, I secretly took it. Of course...Making sure nobody saw me?
You should hurry up and learn how to steal food (2) without getting chased after as well. I’m sure you’re fed up with getting beat up after being caught?
Bear: ...
Lucks: Well, it’s a common beginner’s mistake. Come on, just take a bite already. I’m sure you’re starving after tossing and turning around in your sleep?
Bear: ...Thanks for the food.
Lucks: Now I think about it, quite some time has passed since you hit me up, huh? You still can’t remember anything?
Bear: ...Nothing.
Lucks: I see. Well, if only it was that easy, huh? Have your burns healed yet?
Bear: They’ve gotten way better thanks to the medicine you gave me.
Lucks: I see. Isn’t it rough to be missing your memories?
Bear: ...Well...It is, but...
But, I don’t want to force myself to remember either. I feel...comfortable staying here with you after all.
Lucks: You get to eat without getting beaten up as well, huh?
Bear: ...That’s not what I meant!
Lucks: Haha, I’m joking. Well, if that’s what you want, you can stay here as long as you’d like. The gang likes you as well.
It’s just...Things may not stay this peaceful for long.
Bear: Did something happen?
Lucks: There’s been suspicious movements amongst one of the gangs at the neighboring city. The one lead by that nasty guy sporting a mohawk (3).
Bear: Aah, that idiot whose hair looks like a chicken’s?
Lucks: Yeah...He has already done a number on three of our gang members. If they won’t back down, we won’t be able to avoid a conflict forever.
Bear: Hmph! I’ll take them on at any time! They may think they’re strong together, but they’re no match for us!
Lucks: Haha. When it comes to your built and vigor, you really are formidable. You’re totally one of us now.
...Honestly, I know that continuing doing this won’t solve anything.
Bear: Boss?
Lucks: Say, Bear? Do you like this city?
Bear: ...What do you mean?
Lucks: Exactly as I said it. Take look at those worn down streets and houses. ...This city has started to rot.
All of the aristocrats and politicians keep on running their mouths about revolution or reforms and how it’s all in the best interest of the people but...This is the reality we have to face.
In the end, it’s only the rich people who get to benefit of it. (4) On the other hand, the number of children like us who end up on the streets is only rising. 
But no matter how ashy and grey the city gets, only the sky is still...
Look, it’s this blue...Underneath the blue sky who doesn’t belong to anyone, status or family does not matter.
I believe that all humans are equal and deserve to be free.
...However, I am also aware that such utopian dreams will never come true in this rotten city.
Bear: ...
Lucks: That’s why I’ve decided I will guide this country towards the right path.
To achieve this, I have to fight my way to the top. Of course, using a method other than violence.
Bear: ...Seems like you have a long way ahead of you.
Lucks: It’s frustrating but I’m still a child right now. I’m not stupid enough to think I can win against adults who have political power. I know that this will be a long fight.
But you know, I also want to know just how far a single orphan raised in the filthy slums can go.
Now that I’ve told you all of this, you’ll have to watch me till the very end, Bear. From your VIP seat right next to me.
Bear: Hah, I just hope you don’t drag me into the grave with you.
Lucks: Just give up if that happens. You were out of luck, getting picked up by me.
Bear: ...Guess so. I do feel like I owe you one. 
A huge debt, for giving me a place I can call my own...That is.
Fine then, I’ll stick with you. Until the day...This world changes.
ー The screen fades to black
Yuma: ( Exactly, that was our dream. )
( For us brats who had no money, let alone power, changing the country, or even the world, that was the real Utopia. )
( ...However, it’s strange. )
( Boss, I’m sure you can do it. That’s what I ended up thinking. )
A city thorn apart by the destruction of war.
in the very corner of the slums laying in the very back of said city,
that is where I lived at that time.
About my life before that,
I could not remember a single thing.
At some point, I found myself laying on the ground,
of this filthy back-alley. Why was I here? 
Where did I come from?
I did not even know who I was. 
That’s the kind of situation I found myself in.
ーー Yo, what’s up?
A young boy called out for my puzzled self,
greeting with a tone,
as if we had been long-time pals.
That was Lucks.
ーー Got nowhere to go? 
Come with me then.
The moment he spoke those words without asking about what happened,
without a single hint of hesitation. 
I was at a loss for words, 
deeply moved by this boy.
I felt indebted, as well as respect for him,
even a little envy...
But the most accurate way to describe it, would probably be admiration.
And that is how,
I decided to live alongside this person,
who was the leader of a gang.
Based on my physical appearance,
I was given the nickname ‘Bear’.
ー The flashback ends as the scene shifts to the hallway
Yui: Haah...
( It may have been decided by drawing a card, but how could I have picked such a scary-looking person... )
( He punched me when I was brought here, and he goes around calling people ‘Sow’... )
( I wonder if I’ll be okay, having someone like that watch over me...? )
Yuma: Hold it, Sow! (5)
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Don’t just be wanderin’ ‘round like ya own this place! If ya wanna have a look ‘round, at least ask me for permission first!
Yui: ( Speak of the devil...! )
Yuma: Che. Ya really not tryin’ to hide that you’re displeased, huh? ...I’m not exactly thrilled to have to babysit ya either, ya know!?
But well, guess I have no other choice. 
Oi, I’ll only tell ya this once so listen up. These are the rules attached to becomin’ my personal toy.
Yui: Toy!?
Yuma: I’m not wrong, right? My own toy which I can use as I please, whenever I want to. That’s what ya are, right?
Yui: I-It’s my first time hearing about that...!
Yuma: Do I really need to go out of my way to tell ya? That’s what Sows (6) are for, right?
Yui: ( ‘Toy’ and ‘Sow’...That’s just too cruel... )
Yuma: What? Got a problem with it, huh?
Yui: R-Rather than a problem...
Yuma: Aahn!?
Yui: ...!
( Uu...Yuma-kun really is scary with that tall physique and loud voice of his...! )
Yuma: ...
Yui: !!
Yuma: Can’t hear ya very well!? This toy came with a mouth, didn’t it!? Speak up a lil’ more, aahn!?
Yui: ( He’s even more scary when he towers over me like that...! )
Yuma: Che, you’re so annoyin’. If ya can’t say, don’t try and mutter a halfbaked response.
This is exactly why I hate chicks who just stand there pissin’ their pants the whole time.
You’re on the same level as a farm’s pig if ya can’t even voice yer own opinion out loud.
Listen up, Sow. Watchin’ those kind of people makes me gag.
Yui: ( He doesn’t have to put it so bluntly... )
( ...However, it’s true that I’m frightened and that I can’t talk back... )
Yuma: Haah...What a fuckin’ pain in the ass.
If it turns out ya don’t taste better than Sugar-chan, I really got the short end of the stick.
Yui: ( Sugar-chan...? Could he be talking about sugar cubes? Also, he’s eating them plain... )
( I wonder if he likes sweet stuff...? )
Yuma: Well, I’ve got no other choice now that I’m chosen. There...!
Yui: Ow...!?
( He strongly wrapped his hand around my throat...!? )
Yuma: Woah there, don’t make a fuss. I’m actually holdin’ back so I don’t snap it in two.
If ya struggle too much, I might end up puttin’ in some strength.
I might just break yer neck even if I didn’t mean to?
Yui: ( I don’t want that...! )
( But it hurts and it’s hard to breathe, so I can’t just keep still...! )
Yuma: Did I not just tell ya to keep still!? ...Che, ya really are a pain. Come on!
Yui: ( ...He loosened up a little. It’s somewhat less painful like thiーー )
Yuma: Dont get the wrong idea.
You’re a damn infuriatin’ woman. But it seems like ya are the chosen Eve after all. I’ll handle ya with care for now.
Well, either way...Ya chose me. Even if it’s a drag, I can’t alter said truth.
Yui: ( I didn’t choose him myself though... )
Yuma: That being said, ya better try yer best to become a toy to my liking, capiche? 
Yui: Why...me...?
Yuma: Hah. Haven’t those Sakamaki’s already treated ya badly plenty of times anyway?
Yui: That’s...
Yuma: What? Tryin’ to play hard to get now? Don’t cause me any more trouble!
Yuma: Come on. If ya understand, do as I say. If so, I’ll treat ya decently. Hehe.
Yui: ( ...! )
Yuma: Looks like ya don’t like the ring of that? Heh. Perfect. 
Ya should have just been honest back then. Don’t be havin’ regrets now...!
ー Yuma bites her
Yui: !!
( Ow...! He suddenly...! )
Yuma: Nn...Nn?
Yui: ( Uu... )
Yuma: ...Haah...Heeh...Guess this is to be expected of Eve? Ya taste quite nice.
Nn...Hah...Amazin’...The blood’s so sweet...Just like sugar...No, even sweeter?
I wasn’t lookin’ forward to havin’ to watch over some chick’s sad ass but...Hehe, in this case, it might actually be kinda fun.
Yui: Please, stop...
Yuma: Hah, already havin’ regrets? Didn’t I tell ya...!?
Yui: Uu, ah...!
Yuma: ...Hah...
Yui: ( He keeps on thrusting them in and pulling back out...I’m becoming numb from the pain... )
Yuma: Hehe...I think it’s annoyin’ when a woman goes quiet after I yell at her, but I don’t dislike chicks who keep silent durin’ this kinda thing?
I wouldn’t mind if ya expressed yer desires, or let me hear some nice cries...tho!
ー He pushes Yui away
Yui: Kyah...!
Yuma: I’ve had enough. I’m sleepy too so I’m done for today.
Well, guess now ya just have to try yer hardest to be in my good grace, huh?
Yui: ...
Yuma: Hehe...See ya, Sow.
ー Yuma leaves
Yui: ( ...No matter where I go, I always get treated like this. )
( Although I still can’t believe...I actually want to have my blood sucked myself. )
( If I could, I’d honestly love to go to a world without any Vampires... )
Translation notes
(1) The verb うなされる or ‘unasareru’ refers to both ‘having a nightmare/bad dream’ as well as the noises and movements accompanying it.
(2) He uses the term ‘to supply’ or ‘to raise’ here, but it is obvious from the context that they are stealing food. 
(3) They describe his hairstyle as トサカ頭 or ‘tosaka atama’ with ‘tosaka’ referring to a cockscomb.
(4) Literally he says they are the ones who ‘get to suckle the sweet nectar’. 
(5) そこの or ‘soko no’ is a set phrase shouted when you want to stop somenoe in their tracks. You will often hear it being used by the police and such when they spot someone suspicious. Usually it is combined with 君 or ‘kimi’, in which case you can translate it as ‘You over there!’. In this case, I had to alter it a little because he uses Yui’s nickname ‘Sow’. 
(6) The word メスブタ or ‘mesubuta’ technically means ‘Sow’. However, it is also a common slang word to call somewhere a ‘whore’ or ‘slut’.
<- [ Yuma prologue ] [ Dark 01 ] ->
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diamondcamefromhell · 3 years
Blood Moon
Part One of the Blood Moon series
A/N: for A/N see after the fic
Blood Moon summary: Lena (pronounced as Le-na, not Leena) is a renounced witch, a grisha feared. Aleksander goes by many names, not many of which ring true. The pair is similar in more ways than one, but also as different as can be. One seeks power, another fears what the hunger might cost them both, however there is something about the darkness that invited them both. They meet in the middle, where the world collides. 
Important info: this takes place before the shadow and bone/six of crows, before there even is a shadow fold, and there isnt that much information about grishaverse in those times (note i havent looked much outside what books provide) i am taking a lot of creative freedom with it!
Lena wasn‘t sure how she ended up here, but she knew better than to ask questions. Aleksander, as she knew him, was a kind man. To her. Or maybe she was just one more foolish girl to him, whichever it was, he had accepted her for who she was.
A blood witch, many called her. All across Ravka and even beyond. They both had extraordinary talents, but for whatever reason, Aleksander was more accepted than her. Or, as accepted as grisha could be in these times. However, Lena remembered making the King himself kneel before her, then downing his entire army to do the same.
The power she felt, the name she earned. She used to wear lifeless colours, blending in, but she wore deepest of reds now, which seemed to be more fitting. It matched Aleksanders black attire quite nicely.
She counted herself lucky to even know him by that name, as he would never use it nowadays. He was known as something else, a shadow just passing through.
Aleksander was looking at the girl now, remembering his own mother, who once pretended to go by that name too – just like Lena did now. To him, she was Telyna, but for many reasons she didn’t like sharing, she despised that name.
Telyna was who she was before she became worthy of being a blood witch, it was a time of drowning and fear and pain. She broke through, but it cost her greatly, sometimes she wondered if it cost her humanity herself.
Aleksander liked that about her, as she stood there, glowing and graceful, radiating the power she had within. He saw the army kneel against their will. The world could be theirs, as they knew it.
But he needed to get stronger, to be worthy to stand next to her.
Lena looked at the man as shadows danced around them and he caught her gaze, smirking. The shadow extended, and she couldn’t see the light anymore.
“Impressive.” She said lazily, rubbing her hands on her cloak.
“Not enough to take down an entire army.” He said, letting the shadows drop – sunlight returned making Lena cover her eyes.
“No, I’m afraid not.” She agreed as he came to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She felt the surge of power rush through her, as a reminder that he is an amplifier. Her mind for a second thought about what she could be is she bore his bones permanently, but she chased the thought away.
“Together we could-“
“Have the Ravka, Shu Han, Fjerda. Our reach might take Ketterdam and the whole world.” She finished as Aleksander just grinned.
She glanced at him and he involuntarily stepped back. His face grew tense but there was playfulness behind his eyes.
“I thought we agreed you wouldn’t do that.” She let him go, dropping herself to the grass and staring at the surrounding area. They were in an opening in a forest north of Ravka, close to the border.
“I thought we agreed not to discuss your plans to take over the world, Aleksander.” He pressed his lips tightly. This was a discussion neither of them really enjoyed.
“You almost took down the king.” Lena shot him a glance, sending him to his knees. He grunted but remained silent.
“It was for his treatment of grisha. Now he may never forget that if we wished to, we could destroy him and all he stands for.” Her voice trembled in anger. “That was his final warning.”
“Until he hurts another grisha.” Lena looked at Aleksander, who was still on his knees, staring at her. Shadows seeped out of him, seemingly not out of his will. She looked away.
“Then I will have him bring me his own head.” She said through her teeth. The woman couldn’t see Aleksander grin, as if he was twisting up a plan.
She only heard grass move and they were surrounded by darkness again. Even in it, she could see Aleksanders face change, as his shoulder relaxed, his skin began to glow. He looked better the further the darkness reached, and Lena wondered, what was happening to his soul in these moments.
Was he letting the darkness out, hence the glow, or was he letting it in, nest inside of him tainting all there is, eating him from inside out.
Lena has met Baghra once, even if she has been acquainted with Aleksander for some years now. The woman looked at her son with so much love, the girl felt herself grow jealous, even if just a little. But there was something behind her eyes there too, and only weeks later Lena had realized it was fear.
At first, she thought that it was for him, but perhaps it was for the world. Aleksander seemed to grow more and more power hungry every day he spent traveling across Ravka with her. They had no goals. After their visit to the royal court, they were both, hunted and feared.
But neither of those things really gave them power. And Aleksander wanted power.
Lena was scared to let him too close. To drink up his darkness, out of fear for becoming more like him, for wanting the world. She hated herself for what she did at court, yet she felt ecstatic about it too – using her power to it’s full potential. The fear in their faces.
She couldn’t see her cloak anymore, but the dark red was getting in her skin like permanent ink. She was owning the blood witch status. She loved being a scary story kids, to otkazat’sya. She was legend, she was seen and feared.
She hated how it made her feel. But she loved it too. She understood Aleksander better than anyone.
The sun reached her again as the man looked at her, gracing her with a full-toothed smile.
“That was better.” For a moment, he looked like a child. They never discussed their true age, but in the many lifetimes they are yet to have, perhaps they were just kids now. Two small children playing with fire they might not be able to contain.
“It was.” She said, against her better judgement.
There was a steam nearby. She felt the water as she was a Tidemaker, a name that seemed to stick to those of Small Magic who learnt how to manipulate water. She couldn’t see it behind the trees, but her lips twitched as the tried to hold back a grin.
She lifted her arm, twisting it a little, and then flicking it. Water rushed from its source, soaking Aleksander who seemed to be struck by it unexpectedly. He was staring at her in disbelief as she allowed the water to fully drop, her laugh echoing across the forest.
“You should see your face.” She was bent over with laughter, but she still could see Aleksander biting back a smile too, until he burst out laughing. Lena knew he must be freezing though, so she did her best to get water off of him and his clothes once they had finished laughing.
They set camp then, sitting close by the fire. There was a comfortable silence between then as it seemed they have had all of the conversations through the years. Lena still felt herself yearn to hear him speak, tell a story of his earlier life, but he didn’t have many happy ones.
Nor did she.
“Do you think there is more people like us?” She asked, curiously, watching the embers in the fire.
“There aren’t anybody else like us.” Aleksander was looking at the girl, so she met his dark eyes. “And there never will be.”
“What makes you say that?” Lena asked as Aleksander smirked, closing his eyes and leaning in. Her heart skipped a beat as the girl shut her own eyes, but the man simply landed his forehead on hers.
“You and me, we are going to change the world.”
A/N: Hey, hey, so, I am kinda back? Idk if I will be writing Y/N fics (tho I do plan to do it) Ive had this idea of Darkling [kinda] fic for awhile, and i have it started on AO3 HOWEVER, the story there takes place in Grishaverse as we know it, aka, around Shadow and Bone trilogy era, whereas what I am sharing here is the backstory of Lena and Darkling, so I hope y’all enjoyed?? Let me know what u think, anonymous feedback can be left on my ask page. This part is short and they all might be, so i can get them out faster, that is if you actually like it?
either way, shooting my shot.
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Where is the real me
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Summary: Ever since quirks became the new normal the US decided to try to recreate some powers from the movies such as Marvel and DC. I happen to be one of those people that they recreated powers on. I was the lucky or unlucky one depending on how you look at it that got scarlet witch powers. I've was recently got accepted into UA college.
A/n: This is an aged up fic. The UA students will be college age. Since I decided to make this story a love triangle between the reader, bakugou and Dabi and since bakugou and the reader would be a early age teen in the original story I didn't want the FBI to be breaking down my door so aging them up was the way to go.
We were also given comms for our ears.  I followed the boys as we walked through the building to find the dummy bomb. “So what’s so special about an extra like you go get into UA?” Bakugou asked. I didn’t answer him which seemed to piss him off. “Hey I’m asking you a question extra.” Bakugou said. “My name is not extra. When you ask me nicely I will tell you.” I said. “Whatever I don’t care.” Bakugou said. I rolled my eyes as the three of us walked into the room that the dummy bomb was in.
“Even though this is training it pains me to be aligned with criminal behavior. So this is the weapon we must protect. Fake of course.” Tenya said. Of course it’s fake not like they would trust us with a real one. “Hey!” Bakugou said. This cause both Tenya and I to look over to him. “Do you really think Deku has a quirk?” Bakugou asked. “You saw how he threw that ball. Though I think his power hurts his body. Why is it that you seem to be especially angry when it comes to Midoriya?” Tenya said. I could feel that he was very angry and thought that Midoriya lied to him about having a quirk. “I don’t think that he lied to you.” I said. “How in the hell do you know what I was thinking!” Bakugou said as he turned to look at me. “One of my quirks is telepathy.” I said. “One of your quirks? How did an extra like you get multiple quirks?” Bakugou asked. “My name is not extra.” I said trying not to lose my temper. “How did you get multiple quirks Y/n?” Tenya asked. “I was experiment on when I was little.” I said. “Sure you were.” Bakugou said. “I really don’t care if you believe me or not. At least I’m not caught up in the past.” I said. “All right! Let’s begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D your time starts now!” All might yelled through the loud speakers.
“So what’s the plan you two?” I asked. “You two can handle guarding this thing.” Bakugou said as he started to walk out of the room. I motioned my hand and the door slammed shut. “What in the hell.” Bakugou said as he jumped back. “You are on this team with Tenya and I. So you should help and not try to use this as a reason you get even with Midoriya.” I said. Bakugou rolled his eyes and tried to open the door again but I slammed it back shut. “Will you stop that!” Bakugou said. “If Bakugou wants to go just let him Y/n.” Tenya said. “Fine.” I said letting Bakugou leave the room. It was a few minutes later an explosion could be hear and the building shook. “What in the hell was that?” I asked. “It was Bakugou.” Tenya said. “Do you trust me?” I asked. “I’m sorry?” Tenya asked. “Do you trust me?” I asked again. “Yes I trust you. Why would you ask me something like this?” Tenya asked. “Are you okay with guarding the weapon by yourself?” I asked. “What are you going to do?” Tenya asked. “I’m going to stop Bakugou from destroying the building.” I said. “You think you can stop him? I mean no offense by this but he seems a lot stronger that you.” Tenya said. “Yeah I do think I can stop him.” I said. “Alright please be safe.” Tenya said. I nodded and walked out of the room.
As I rush through the building to try to find Bakugou I could hear more explosions but these were small and sounded closer. So I knew I was close to finding him. I found him with Midoriya standing a few feet away facing him. Half of Midoriya’s masked was missing probably burned off from Bakugou earlier attack. “You’re shaking in your boots you’re so scared. But you wanna fight me anyway. That’s why I hate you!” Bakugou said. “Bakugo! Come in! Give me a status report. Where are you?” Tenya asked through the comms. “Just shut up and defend the weapon. I got more important things to worry about.” Bakugou said back. “Are you forgetting what our mission is? Hello? He hung up on me! This isn’t the time for radio silence. We’re supposed to be a team. Argh!” Tenya said. “Calm down Tenya I have my eyes on him.” I said. “At least your being helpful.” Tenya said. “Ah! Uraraka! Go!” Midoriya yelled. I could hear Ochako running away as I made a shield to protect me. “Ballsy move. Think you can take me alone?” Bakugou said. I looked to see that Midoriya was about to use the capture tape on Bakugou so I used my powers to started to control Midoriya movements and also pulled Bakugou closer to me. Both boys were very confused about what just happened. “What in the hell was that?” Bakugou asked as he got up from the ground. “A simple thank would be nice.” I said as I walked over to him. “I don’t need your help.” Bakugou said. At the same time Midoriya started to run off. “Get back here Deku!” Bakugou said as he chased after him. I let out a groan as I used my powers to start to levitate off the going after Bakugou. I landed in front of him. He had both a look of shock and anger. He grabbed me by the neck and shoved me against the wall. “How in hell did you get in front of me so fast?” Bakugou asked as he put an arm against my throat. “I already told you.” I said as I tried to get his arm off my throat. “And I told you that your story was bullshit.” Bakugou said as he put more pressure on my throat. I slammed my hand on his chest which sent him flying back against the wall. I started to cough as put my hands against my throat. Again Bakugou looked at me in shock as I ran off and away from Bakugou.
I keep running until I bumped into someone which sent me to the ground. “Oh sorry Y/n.” Midoriya said as he helped me up from the ground. “Thanks.” I said. “Woah what happened to your throat. Did Kacchan do that to you?” Midoriya said.  “I’m fine don’t worry about it. I might have flung him against a wall.” I said. “How did you do that?” Midoriya asked. “I’ll explain later.” I said. “Dammit! You were tricking me for years by acting weak. Bet you’ve been laughing behind my back huh? So where’s that flashy power of yours now?” Bakugou yelled. “Go.” I said pushing Midoriya. “What?” Midoriya asked confused. “I said go.” I said raising my arms as red energy came out from my hand lifting Midoriya up from the ground and I flung him away.  I started to run again and as I did I could hear more explosions.
Meanwhile in the viewing room
“That guy has some real anger issues. Kinda scary.” Denki Kaminari said.  “What about that girl she seems to be handling him fine on her own but it’s weird since their on the same team. She seems just as strong as he is maybe stronger. I can see why UA accepted her.” Eijiro Kirishima said. “She seems to have more than one quirk but they do seem to be controlled by that red energy.” Shoto Todoroki pointed out. “That’s because when she was little she was experimented on. She told me and Ochako before we started.” Tsu said. “That poor thing.” Mina Ashido said. “Her quirks seem so familiar I swear I’ve seen it somewhere before.” Denki said. “Yeah you’re right I’ve seen it somewhere too but it’s just not coming to me.” Kirishima said. “She told us that they recreated the powers from the movies but she didn’t tell us who.” Tsu said. 
Back to Y/n POV
I somehow ended up catching back up with Midoriya. “Sorry about flinging you away.” I said trying to catch my breath as I stood next to him. “It’s alright I get why you had to do it. Your quirk seems to be really strong. You might have a stronger quirk than Kacchan.” Midoriya said as he was trying to catch his breath too. “Quirks actually.” I said. “You have more than one?” Midoriya asked. “That’s what happens when you get experimented on when you were little.” I said. “What?” Midoriya asked. “Yeah I was experimented on when I was a kid. They wanted to recreate powers like in the super hero movies stuff like that. I was born quirkless so instead of having a quirkless kid my parent let me get experimented on.” I said. “That’s terrible.” Midoriya said. “Well it took a few years but they realized what they did was wrong.” I said. “Who did they recreate with you? Wait no. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked that.” Midoriya said which cause me to laugh a little. “It’s okay Midoriya I don’t mind that you ask me that. Scarlet Witch from the Marvel moives. I never really got much training to help control it. I got some but most of the training I got was from watching the movies and just copied what she did.” I said. “Well you seem to handle Kacchan enough and he being fighting most of his life.” Midoriya said. “Well he seems like a bully to me.” I said. “Well that too.” Midoriya said. I laughed a little.
“Stop hiding! Come out and face me you coward!” Bakugou yelled. “Maybe I should go find and calm him down.” I said. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. He might hurt you.” Midoriya said. “I wouldn’t get to close to him just close enough. Besides like you said I might be stronger than him.” I said. “But you said it yourself you barely have any training.” Midoriya said. “I’ll manage if we don’t do anything to calm him down he might try to bring this whole building down.” I said. “All might wouldn’t let him do that.” Midoriya said. “Someone will have to hold him off until All might could get here.” I said. Then Midoriya started to talk to Ochako through the comms.
I wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying since I started to use telepathy so I could hear when Bakugou was getting near us and he was. “Go.” I said. “What?” Midoriya asked. “Go get out of here he’s getting closer.” I said. Then I hear a bell like sound. Both Midoriya and I looked behind us to see Bakugou standing behind us. “I’m all loaded up.” Bakugou said as he raised his fist. “What does that mean?” Midoriya asked. “Why aren’t you using your fancy quirk? Don’t tell me you’re underestimating me Deku. Get over here and show me what you’re really made of. Then it’s me and you girl.” Bakugou said. “If you think I’m scared of you then you’re mistaken.” I said. “Kacchan. I’m not scared of you anymore.” Midoriya said. “Since you’re such a stalker by now you probably know how my quirks explosion works. I secrete nitroglycerin like sweat from my hands and make it blow up. Imagine what I could do if I had a lot of it. That’s right the gauntlets aren’t just for show. They’ve been storing up my sweat inside for one monster blast.” Bakugou said as he opened a small compartment from the gauntlets on his hands. It was too small to tell from where Midoriya and I were standing but if I had to guess I would say it probably was a pin since the gauntlets looked just like grenades. “Young Bakugou! Don’t do it! “You’ll kill them!” All might yelled through the loud speakers. “They’ll be fine as long as they dodges!” Bakugou yelled pulling the pin back. I quickly stood in front of Midoriya as I created a shield while as tried to keep the explosion and the damage contained. But I could still feel the strong winds start to push Midoriya and I back. I had some managed to stop the explosion but the strong wind sent Midoriya and I flying back into the room down the hall.
I hit the ground hard enough that the wind was taken out of me. “Come in! Come in Midoriya! Come in Y/n!” All might yelled. I let out a groan as I sat up. “Damn that really hurt.” I said. “Is that even allowed?” Midoriya asked. There was still a lot of smoke but other than that I really didn’t see any damage. I could hear Bakugou start to laugh as he came out of the smoke. “These are awesome. The more nitro sweat that’s stored in these gauntlets the stronger the explosion is. Go ahead. Use your stupid quirk on me Deku. Even if you give me everything you’ve got you’ll never beat me.” Bakugou said as he walked towards Midoriya.
Meanwhile in the viewing room
Everyone else in 1A watched in shock at the power that Y/n had. “That girl is seriously powerful.” Kirishima said. “She managed to make sure he didn’t cause any damage.” Tokoyami said. “You think she can take much more of this?” Denki asked. “Well she has lasted this long. She could probably stop him by herself if she wanted to. She had no problem flinging him into the wall.” Todoroki said. “Sir what are you going to do if he does that again?” Mina asked. They watched as Y/n got up from the ground saying something to Bakugou but they couldn’t hear exactly what. Bakugou had yelled something back. Which made Y/n glare at him making the red energy appear in her hands again. 
Taglist: @flowersgirl02​
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
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While me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , are still messing around with our Owl House inspired AUs and changing some stuff with season 2 still coming out, decided to maybe at least explain the character roles in the AUs, this one being The Thunder House, an AU on disneyfan’s series, Descendant of Loki and my series, Marvel Descendants and Entity High:
*Henry Valens- also known as the Demon Man, Henry almost did join a coven when younger but ended up deciding not to as he didn’t feel like being limited in his magic, but this resulted in the Empress’s coven constantly chasing him and as a result, he’s been on the run for a while and survives on selling human junk from the human realm and on one of these days of almost no sells, he ends up with two humans running through his portal door after their book and as a result of them, his life changes forever. 
*Ophelia ‘Lia’ Lawson- a human from the human realm, Lia was always in charge of keeping her foster brother in check and as a result, was always getting dragged into his antics, which ultimately resulted in her being sent to his summer camp as well in order to ensure he actually behaved as their strict father expected both to have dropped their childish nonsense by the end of the summer, but both don’t go as instead, both run after a hawk who stole Samson’s book and in the process, both find themselves in a realm right out of Samson’s book. 
*Samson Lawson- a human from the human realm, Samson doesn’t know where he came from outside of the fact that he was found by Lia’s father and taken in and while he knows his foster father doesn’t truly care about them, he still loves his foster sister at least but often ends up dragging her into his antics based on his love for fantasy and after a incident involving snakes and fireworks, the two are almost sent to summer camp to straighten them out, but they never go as instead, they chase a hawk for his book back...and run right into a world right out of Samson’s fantasy book.
*Theo- rumored to be the lost god of death, Theo doesn’t recall what happened to him outside of waking up somewhere that was soon discovered by Henry while he was on the run from the empress’s coven and once the coven was gone, Henry and Theo ended up leaving together and despite insisting he’s scary, many doubt Theo there fully.
*Screechy- the demon that resides within the house, Screechy is The Thunder House in some sense and as a result, resides within the door if not roaming the house or even going beyond the town and despite coming off as creepy and annoying a lot, does mean well at the end of it all.
*Soren- Henry’s palisman he made out of Palisman wood when younger, Soren is a hawk palisman that when not being used by Henry and Samson with Lia eventually, roams the house or goes to get human junk for Henry to sell when Henry needs him to.
*Trinity ‘Trina’ Valens- Henry’s sister, Trina lost contact with her brother when she joined the Emperor’s coven after winning a fight she doesn’t like to discuss and in present, has risen to coven leader status, but after losing a fight to her brother, she ends up with the task to capture her brother, with the promise that his curse will be cured if she does so. 
*Locket La Valle- a student in Hexside, Locket is known to come from a powerful family but despite that, was a latebloomer which resulted in her friend, Erica, ditching her while they were children and in present, Erica mocks her fully for her failure to succeed at the Abomination Track, but after she sneaks two humans into school one day, she finds herself being moved to the Illusionist Track and even befriends the two humans.
*Celina Blood- a student in Hexside, Celina is known to be pretty crazy and is known to excel at her chosen track off the Potions Track and has a love for the human realm and its treasures at the same time, meaning she is eager to befriend the two humans Locket sneaks into school one day, easily becoming a loyal friend.
*Erica Sharp- the youngest of the Sharp children, Erica can often come off as cold and aloof to the people around her and when it comes to former childhood friend, Locket, she often made her life hard, especially when Locket failed at the track that Erica excelled in, aka Abomination, but after a few run ins with the humans, she ends up changing for the better slowly while befriending Locket again and even finding herself slowly falling for the human, Lia. 
*Eluf and Erico Sharp- the eldest of the Sharp children, Eluf and Erico are known for their mischief a lot of the time and their skills in the Beast Keeping Coven, but when it comes to their sister, they vary in getting along or turning nasty if she tells on them.
*Indra Storm- a student in Hexside, Indra is known to use her families status to get away with anything she wants, which includes tormenting others, with her main target being Locket a lot, but she still excells at the Bard Track while being the schools sports star.
*Thorn Warhammer- a student in Hexside, Thorn often tags with anyone really, but mainly tags with Indra and Erica, often joining in on the torment of students like Locket, but mainly focuses on excelling at his chosen track off Healing.
*Asmund and Ms. Sharp- the parents of Erica, Eluf and Erico, they are known to expect only the best from their children and as a result, can come off as rather harsh to their children, especially Erica. Being in the oracle and abomination covens respectfully, they own and run Sharp Industries.
*Empress Torunn ‘Tori’- once a kind ruler, something went wrong with Tori one day and she suddenly turned on people, becoming corrupted and almost nothing like herself and in the name of some being called Surtur, she made the coven system, with any witch being punished if they didn’t join, but she still seeks to extend her power to the human realm by any means.
*Deesei- the empress’ right hand woman, Deesei is loyal to her coven and willing to do anything for it, but is rumored sometimes to be the reason why Tori suddenly changed all those years ago, and has a great dislike for the Golden Guard when Tori gives her more jobs then Deesei.
*The Golden Guard/Frigga II- named after a late queen, Frigga has no clue what happened to the rest of her family but is loyal to the remaining member, aka her sister, Tori, and she is a child prodigy due to all her training and is loyal fully to the coven, and only starts to get doubts due to her run ins with the humans.
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honey-hippie-harper · 3 years
Winston, my beloved
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY @healing-winston-pratt !!!!!!
I’m not going to write you a huge ass letter because I already did that the entire day <3 but here’s your tumblr gift afghjafgsja it’s very short but I still hope you like it, and I hope you know how important you are to me, and how blessed I feel for having met you :’333333 <3 <3 < 3 <3
There are no words to describe how great of a person you are, and I hope we keep being friends for many, many years :’)
I love you <3
And I hope you like this agaghjaghjs (it’s just our canon divergence version of the Leroy-meeting-Maggie thing).
Maybe she would look less similar when Leroy was sober.
That’s what he thought back then.
Maybe the child from the janitorial team would look less similar to Nova once he was sober; because, well, it’s not that he was absolutely wasted the first time he saw her. He was only mildly drunk, to be honest.
But even then, he knew that he couldn’t think straight while in that state. Hence why, when he saw the kid from the janitorial team walking around and she was scarily similar to a younger version of Nova, he just let it pass. After all, back then, he was still thinking that, once he went to jail, it would be the last time he ever saw Nova. Upon being a little drunk, it made sense for him to be seeing Nova in places where she wasn’t.
However, one year later, when he was released from jail and saw her on the street once again, she still looked like a younger version of Nova.
Leroy was in his break from work, which he always used to go out to smoke, as it was a smoke-free building. The kid was coming out of the convenience store across the street, carrying a blue bag, and wearing civilian clothes instead of her Renegade uniform.
Now, Leroy wasn’t the best father figure that had ever existed on Earth. He had never defended he was.
But he was decent enough to recognize Nova when he saw her, and, even if her childhood pictures were embarrassingly scarce, Leroy had done a great part of the parenting and he had seen her. 
Had he done it correctly? Probably not, but Nova was still in one piece.
And she was in one piece because not everything had been that awful.
Could’ve been better, definitely. But it had been enough.
The point was…
Leroy remembered the kid version of her. And he remembered it because he had chased after her more times than he could count.
When he thought about little Nova, he often felt a twinge in his stomach, because, basically, they were too fucking stupid when she was younger.
Not that Winston and him weren’t fucking stupid now, but the brain cell Honey, Ingrid, Winston and him used to share was hopeless and it needed a goddamn therapist almost as much as they needed one, individually. When he thought about little Nova, he saw them posing with her like they were in a renaissance painting, that time a mosquito broke into her nostrils and her nose started hemorrhaging like a red waterfall when she was too rough at trying to take it out. Ingrid sat her on her lap, telling her to stop screaming because they were going to think she had punched her. The truth was, Nova wasn’t screaming. Rather, she was breathing so fast she was swallowing her own blood like nose drops and she was fucking choking.
No matter how hard Ingrid tried, the demonic sounds Nova was making ended up summoning the rest of the Anarchists, and that’s when they all gathered around Nova, looking like a cult adoring a bleeding statue.
Usually, when a tragedy happened, they just did dumb shit like that, and they always ended up gathered around her, panicking instead of doing something about it, and that’s why Leroy was pretty confident on the fact he knew what his freaking child looked like.
And she looked like that.
He had spent so many hours of his life staring at Nova, that he knew what that pitch black hair looked like. Her small eyes. The way her face became disfigured when she was mad, and even the weird thing she could do with her hands. That thing, where she would bend the upper part of her fingers, with the exception that, while Nova could do that with all of her fingers, the kid from the janitorial team seemed to only be able to do it with three of them.
She had the same chipmunk cheeks, and while the nose was a little different, Leroy was sure he had seen it somewhere else, in a person that was no longer here. And that nose was also too similar to that person’s not to be the same.
Maybe it was just an awful, scary coincidence, because the chances of this meaning something were extremely low, and it was overall impossible, to say anything.
Yet, when she bent down to tie her shoes, Leroy stared at her with the cigarette still into his mouth, maybe judging or maybe waiting for something that would more likely not happen.
At least, that’s what he thought until the moment something did happen.
Leroy had always been told, by a person who was no longer here either, that he had a pretty heavy stare. Heavy and acid, like the thing that came from his pores. And, apparently, the kid from the janitorial team agreed with that, because, after a while of struggling to try to tie her shoes (she didn’t look like a person who knew how to do such thing. She was improvising), she looked up and across the street, where Leroy was, staring.
And she stared back, frowning.
And for a moment, she didn’t look like her own person, but rather a doppelgänger of the teenager who would be waiting for him at home once his shift was over. And, frowning in that way, she was also victimized by the same phenomenon as Nova.
Because when she frowned –and probably when she cried, too- she looked like she was about to ask Leroy to join her revolution, right before putting on a ridiculous helmet and proceeding to destroy the city.
And that.
That was also too much of a coincidence to him.
Maybe, the next right thing to do would’ve been to help her tie her shoes, but Leroy didn’t, because he was frozen, despite his face being emotionless.
So, solemnly, he just nodded, as a way to greet her even from that distance.
In response, the kid stuck her tongue out towards him and told him to go fuck himself with her finger.
Then, she got up and started storming away.
Not even two seconds later, her shoelaces gave her what she had coming, and she fell on her knees.
Leroy pretended he hadn’t seen that.
He supposed that’s what she would’ve wanted.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
The Duke - Chapter 8
I feel that I need to apologize for the delay ahahahahahah some things - depression - have happened in my life in the last few months, along with the horrible results of my exams that made me fall into a limbo of feeling like a failure - it's no use telling me that I'm not a grade, I know that, but it still hurts And all of that was a block for me to be able to write anything I needed to think too much, and in the few days that depression left me alone, anxiety came to do her job and I couldn't control myself enough Anyway, something happened on Saturday and I wrote the last 5k of words that were missing and here's the chapter
thank you the people of discord who did not let me give up and asked for this chapter, I hope you all like it, it is by far one of the most sentimental chapters I have ever written in this story :)
TW: description of injuries that may be a little disgusting or too much for some people, be careful if you are sensitive to this
read bellow the cut or on AO3, SIYE (soon), or FF.NET
| J. P |
James still remembered the lullaby whispered against his son's sweaty, childlike curls as he cradled the boy in his arms, feeling like the happiest man in the world, with a life in his arms.
He still remembered how beautiful Lily looked, lying on their bed, sleeping soundly after breastfeeding Harry, her white nightdress wrinkled and her messy red hair against the pillow, resonating just like Harry did, hugging his father.
He still remembered putting him to sleep, kissing his forehead where a birth scar made him unique, making James think of how magical it was to have that life there, so close to him.
It was Harry's first day trying to sleep in a room separate from his parents.
James still remembered Lily's scream, how he couldn't move when looking at the empty crib, the broken window, how he wanted to vomit when the curse breaker said there were Dark Arts there.
James still remembered running through the streets of Godric's Hollow, wearing only a red robe, as he rummaged through the garbage, entered the alleys, and looked desperately for his son.
James still remembered shouting at the healers when they brought a dead child, the same size and appearance as Harry, hit by an Avada Kedavra, 'It's not Harry!'
He still remembered the photos, the stories, the chase over them, how Lily got sick with each passing hour, and how he needed to take charge of everything, even if all he wanted to do was cry and scream.
How did someone catch a child? A newborn?!
When Lily asked him to put an end to it, when she asked him to just find a way to get all those people out of the castle door, stop the reports and let them cry in peace, he said. He went on the balcony of the main hall, the one on the third floor and facing the main street in the village.
James, feeling sick to see all those people, feeling that he had been overcome by pressure from the press, from the population, from the King, raised the black flag and left, not waiting to see the reaction of the people when he confirmed that Harry was dead.
But he knew he wasn't, he knew Lily knew it too, they were just tired of looking like two nuts, when they still had to deal with the pain of having a kidnapped child.
James still remembers the taste of blood, when he fought with Death Eaters, when during one of the missions, he left for Yeovil and was caught. He still remembered the torture, the blood splattering on his face as they beheaded a child identical to Harry. He knew it was the Imperius Curse, he knew it was all a lie, but it still hurt and haunted him more than all the deaths he had seen in person.
He thought he was going to go crazy.
James remembered all of that, he still remembered when Dumbledore told him about the whole prophecy, about the expiration date that their son had.
'You are crazy!' James screamed, breaking everything he saw ahead, feeling so angry that he thought he might explode. 'My son is not dead.' He assured him, snarling at Dumbledore, the fucking King, teeth clenched and faces close together, as if James dared him to deny it.
There were so many things that James remembered; from when Lily talked about hosting the Dueling Party because a fortune teller had told her that Harry was closer than they thought; from when he spoke to Arthur and heard the man say that his daughter was going to get married, the same girl who was supposed to marry Harry, the same girl that Dumbledore said she had a power that could be even harmful to her.
James remembered all of that.
But he didn't remember where he met that man.
'Henry Figg..' He murmured, watching the Auror follow Miss. Weasley through the garden, discreetly and very attentively, while the girl spoke non-stop, which James thought it should be with the man.
'It's a pretty common name,' Lily replied, smiling at the elf who poured tea into her cup. The two were sitting on the balcony of their room, watching from a distance all the guests to settle down and have time to discover the garden, the rooms, before the opening dinner. 'Figg is a Muggle surname.'
'But he is not a squib.' James scorned, and as if to prove it, the Auror levitated a gnome who tried to pull the hem of Miss. Weasley, who didn't even seem to notice, still talking and interacting with the statues.
'No, but he may be a Muggleborn.' Lily shrugged, legs crossed, and a magazine propped there, even though he knew she wasn't reading, but was also following the guests with her eyes. She was less brazen than James, wearing a hat that cast enough shadow over her eyes so that no one would notice that she was staring at them. He had already been caught in the act by a Marquise and a Count, both of whom seemed very close for someone who has met a few minutes before.
'Do you think they would have sent him? Aurors tend to be prejudiced, you know. ' James said, sipping his own tea.
'Oh, of course I know.' Lily laughed humorlessly, flipping through the magazine when a Lady watched them. It was as if they were two jesters on top of the ring. 'That girl, doesn't she seem very interested in Mr. Longbottom?'
'Who? The one wearing a yellow dress? For sure... Do you think they have an affair?'
'Of course not, Frank is a good man-'
'-I'm talking about Mr Figg and Miss. Weasley.' James interrupted, noticing when she sat at the water fountain, Henry standing.
'Why do you think that? She's a decent girl.' Lily seemed convinced enough to drop the magazine and actually look at the girl, watching them both in silence, at the same time that Henry seemed to smile and so did Ginny.
It was as if they were talking telepathically.
'I don't know, I just thought he was too careful with her, as if at any time he could jump in front of an Avada Kedavra to save her.' James said, shrugging.
'He's being paid well to do just that.' Lily reminded him, dropping the teacup next to his, then intertwining her fingers with James'. 'We need to get down.'
'Unfortunately.' James winced. 'I feel that nothing we talk about is taken seriously, it is as if we are forced to wear black for the rest of our lives.'
'It's only a week,' Lily whispered, making him stop looking at Henry and look at her, those green eyes that made him fall in love. 'I promise it will be worth it, you will see.'
'I always believe in you,' The two got up, walking together into their room, so clean it was as if no one slept there. James had spent so many years just with Lily at home, that he didn't even remember having such an immaculate environment and people around. It was a little scary. 'But this time I admit that I'm a little reluctant.'
'You are stubborn by nature,' she said, leaving the room as she straightened the pink scarf around her neck. 'I remember you complained about my desire to have this party.'
'But I still don't understand the reasons.' James whispered, now that they were in the corridors, even though it was the fourth floor on the west side and there was no room being occupied over there.
The walls have ears. He remembered his father always saying.
'What if she is wrong?'
'What if she isn't?' Lily looked at him, eyes steady on him. 'What if our son is here?' She spoke hopefully, almost in an inaudible whisper, it was horrible when other people got into their hopes for Harry.
'I haven't seen him anywhere.' James argued, a little irritated, following his wife into the room where there was a crowd of people.
'And how would we know if it's him? We haven't seen him for more than 20 years.' Lily shrugged, stopping them before finally entering through the big white double door, wide open and making them listen to the side conversations. 'We have an ace up our sleeve, and if it doesn't work...' She seemed unable to continue the sentence, but James thought nonetheless, we will accept that he is dead.
'Oh, duchess!' A short, plump lady howled from across the room, near the door to the garden, the egg yellow color in no way favoring the pale skin. 'We were waiting for you to have tea.' James couldn't help thinking about all the teas that Lily hadn't been invited to until that last month, having to force himself to smile at that woman who was staring at them curiously.
'Thank you, Mrs Brown, but I think it will be more pertinent to start the party, it will be quite a week, and we will have so much to do!' Lily smiled happier than usual, also seeming to force herself on it.
They continued to socialize and chat with everyone there, hoping to give the right time they had planned to serve the main banquet, smiling and laughing at the bad jokes.
'I have never seen people more false than these.' Sirius whispered, reaching for James for the first time, serving him with firewhiskey.
'Thank you very much,' he thanked, the drink burning the inside of his throat. 'I don't remember receiving so many invitations to drink since I was 18 and the four of us were single.'
'Half of these people already speak ill of us, the other half will after tonight.' Sirius barked, a blonde woman looked at them as if she was afraid. 'Not unlike before, but now they feel they need to lie and pretend it isn't true.'
'Don't say that next to Lily, she's trying hard.' James scolded, watching when Miss. Weasley came into the room, her cheeks flushed with the sun and her hair a little disheveled, nothing much, she looked a little sweaty, as if she had run around the garden like a child. Mr. Figg was right behind her, camouflaging himself in the sea of ​​people, barely seeming to be seen by others as he walked over to an empty window.
The Auror kept watching everyone in the room, stopping for a few seconds to observe some people in specials, but then rolling his eyes around the room again, always ending at Miss. Weasley sitting on the couch, talking to her brother.
When he once again scanned the room, he looked at James. The boy suddenly looked scared, as if he had been caught - and he was, in a way - but soon he rearranged his posture and nodded to James, as if asking for forgiveness for not making himself so invisible.
James knew him from somewhere, he knew it, he just didn't remember it.
He didn't go to the Ministry much to end up colliding with an auror, and he hadn't visited the Weasleys' house in a long time to have seen him there. The few times he will travel and speak to Arthur, he was careful to only have them at home.
Where did that boy come from, then?
James was about a second away from going to him and bombarding the man with questions, but he was stopped when Lily took him by the arm and drew everyone's attention so she could start the Duel Party.
As if to prove that he was a good Auror, Mr. Figg was not in James' view for the rest of the day. Which showed that he was efficient at work, but that did not make James forget the restlessness that rumbled in his chest, his mind working hard to remember.
James wouldn't rest until he remembered.
| G. W |
Ginny never thought that being alone would be so much fun.
Okay, maybe she wasn't alone, because Henry was still watching her like a shadow, and there were still all eyes on her like they were just waiting for her to explode and destroy everything around her.
But still, Ginny felt a strange freedom as she walked through the garden at night, shortly after dinner, thanking everyone for not paying too much attention to social rules and that Ginny was a single woman. Maybe it was because no one else really had any hopes that she would end up getting married so she didn't need a lady company beside her.
And Henry was always there, it was hard to ignore that. At least for her.
'Do you think we can manage to reach the stream that Mrs Potter told us about? She said it looks beautiful at night.’ Ginny asked, but Henry - who was particularly awkward since they got there - said nothing, just nodded.
This upset the woman.
Not having other people talking to her, or not having men praising her as they did tirelessly with the Patil sisters, or Miss. Brown, it was something Ginny no longer cared about - she didn't care so much, because there were still days when she was sad and cried with that loneliness. But not having Henry talking to her, it looked like a much sharper knife that cut through it in a much deeper way.
'Do you think they will let me take part in the Duel tomorrow?' She looked over her shoulder again, hands folded in front of her as she walked down the stone road, surrounded by flowers, bushes, fairy lights and sculptures that waved once or twice other.
'I don't think so, Miss, I'm sorry.' Henry kept his hands back, three steps away from her, still not looking directly into her eyes.
Ginny could still see him, even though the fairies didn't seem to make much of a point of illuminating him, as they did when following her, however, she still realized that Henry's green eyes were always a spot above her head, as if suddenly he was afraid that if he looked at her something bad would happen.
Henry's coldness hurt more than the others, Ginny didn't know why. Maybe she was used to being alone, but she could always run back to Henry and be heard.Maybe she was just used to his friendship.
'A pity, then.' She started walking again, blinking away the tears that had gathered in the corners of her eyes. How silly to cry about that!
One of the fairies that flew around her, landed on her shoulder, didn't bite her or anything, just sat there, as if comforting her. Ginny continued on the stone path, completely silent.
She never imagined visiting such an elegant house, but even so, Ginny felt that if the walls spoke they would contradict themselves with the various colors that painted them and the cheerful style that perpetuated in each room, and would make you cry.
It was easy to see how dejected Mrs. Potter always looked, looking for someone in the crowd and never seeming to find. Her green eyes had a gray shade that Ginny thought was sadness, and her cheeks were so pale that it was as if her skin hadn't been exposed to the sun for weeks, if not months. She also noticed how thinner Lily was than the photos that appeared in the history books or in the newspapers that she stole from her father; Lily was taller than she, with long arms and legs, but even smaller than Mr. Potter. The fabric of her dress was very elegant, but it looked too loose even with all the ribbons tied around her back.
Ginny wondered if Lily was sick, if the sadness had consumed her, or if she had always been that way.
She did not fail to notice when the Duchess smiled at her over dinner, everyone was talking to everyone and Ginny was silent - except when her mother or Ron asked her something - and Lily was sitting next to the husband, across the table and to the right, but the woman maintained eye contact with Ginny as if she knew what she felt, smiling at what seemed for the first time that day to be a real smile.
Lily should have known very well what it was like to be lonely and have to get used to it. Not that Ginny understood the pain of losing a child, she hoped she would never know, but she could still imagine.
Before leaving for the gardens, Lily asked her if she would like to have tea with her and the other women. Nobody had ever invited Ginny before, she was nervous with the idea of ​​sitting in a room with all those women who didn't seem to like her very much, so she denied and thanked her, saying that she preferred to know a little more about the garden.
'It's a good choice,' the Duchess said, smiling and with her hand on Ginny's shoulder, not looking away even for a second. 'The stream is wonderful at night, with the stars and the moon illuminating... Very romantic.' Lily blinked, then straightened her back and turned to the other women who were talking near the bookcase, calling them to join her in a tea.
Ginny did not expect - at least, she would like to think she did not expect - the romantic mood that Lily referred to to influence Henry's attitude towards her, but she continued to allow herself into the silence of her mind to imagine if the Moon at the top of the sky and the stars reflecting in the water, they would make Henry attracted to the corset she had squeezed in, and the red lipstick that the elf stained her fingers to paint on Ginny's lips.
Perhaps because of the perfume Bill had given her last Christmas, which smelled of flowers and something French that reminded her a little of Fleur, but not so sweet.
However, when they finally arrived at the stream, where the idea of ​​a great place for dating really passed, Henry continued to stand three steps away from her, standing by a tree, watching as Ginny stretched the rug she had taken for both of them and sat facing the water.
Something inside broke when reality invaded expectation, her hand smoothing the fabric of the dress as if it were the most interesting thing. The fairy was still sitting on her shoulder, her wings were not flapping and the light was getting a little weaker, as if she were feeling Ginny's pain and trying to make Henry realize her intention of going to that part.
'Don't you think it's a very hot night for tea?' Ginny asked, trying one last time.
'It depends on the tea,' Henry replied, looking thoughtful. 'Perhaps a tea with fresh herbs will become a little refreshing, or with orange peel.'
'Who would have tea with orange peel?' Ginny looked over her shoulder, just for a few seconds, and Henry's eyes locked with hers.
'I know some Aurors who drink them during missions, when they need something that will calm them down and remind them of home, but that will keep them awake,' he said calmly, hands still behind his body, eyes looking away to watch the sky and then the various trees that were around them.
'Did you notice how that guy... Mr. Rosier, looked a little uncomfortable when dinner started?' Ginny remembered what she wanted to say as soon as she left the table, but she ended up forgetting, and also needing to change the subject and make him look at her again, feeling a little pathetic about almost begging for attention.
Henry looked at her. 'No, I didn't notice. Why do you think that? He seemed very excited when talking to Mr. Black.’
'Maybe it was nervousness, there were two pretty girls sitting next to him, and they seemed to want to get his attention. But I realized, just that, he looked a little out of place.' She shrugged, looking back at the water when Henry looked away again.
Ginny cursed herself for thinking that Henry might want something with her, she should already know that things were not as easy for her as for other women.
'Not that it is very difficult to feel out of place here,' she said, watching her reflection in the water.
'Did you find it?'
'Well, we are at a Duke's house, I don't think I will be able to not feel out of place… Mr. Potter has already met the King.' Ginny whispered the last part, as if it were a secret between them that she wanted to keep, remembering how furious her father looked when he learned that the man had come to the King to ask questions that, of course, no one wanted to tell her about.
'I don't know, there is something about them that makes me feel almost familiar.' Henry approached, she could say, because of the noise of the branches breaking and the leaves crushing under the boot he wore. But Ginny continued to look at the water.
Something moved deep inside, something she couldn't see what it was.
‘Familiar? Yes, they are very polite and seem to want to get close to people and make them feel at home.’ Ginny put her hand in the water, curious as a child looking for Christmas presents around the house.
'Didn't you feel like you already knew the two of them for a long time?' Henry asked, standing a few steps behind her, she saw him in the reflection of the water, now cloudy because she was trying to catch whatever moved below.
It could just be a fish, of course, but Ginny was skeptical of that. She heard Mr. Potter talking about how the only lake that had fish was one much further away, close to the quarries.
‘No, but it’s also like they’re not complete strangers.’
‘I don’t know, the last time I felt like this, was when…’ But Ginny didn’t pay attention, she finally got to whatever it was, it was icy and slippery like moss, but it had scales that scraped her skin. Something small and thin clung to her wrist and she screamed at the sensation, agonized by the sensation of small hands sinking into her skin.
Ginny pulled her arm up as fast as she could, screaming even more when she saw an animal stuck in her arm, big eyes and pale skin, the head bigger than the rest of the body, sinking the small nails further into her arm, and what should have been the animal's hair, burned like fire against her skin when it touched her. The mermaid's tail bounced off Ginny's arm, causing pain that seemed unreal when compared to the animal's size.
'Run.' The mermaid said, neither seeming to blink or paying attention to the fact that she was out of the water. ‘Now.’ Before she could say anything, a spell made the animal drop from Ginny's arm now red and looking irritated, falling into the water like a piece of stone.
'Come on.' Henry grabbed her, forcing her to get up.
Ginny was paralyzed, fear freezing her veins and making her barely able to breathe properly, still seeming to feel the slimy, cold sensation of the animal against her, huge dark eyes locked on hers, how the voice sounded thin and made her feel dizzy as if she had been attacked by a spell.
She didn't even realize that it was Henry who was pulling her all the way until she tripped over a rock, seeming to be enough for her to wake up from the panic trance she was in. 'What was that?'
'A mermaid.' Henry continued to hold her arm, wand drawn and Ginny's body close to him, as if he were ready to hide her behind him and take down anyone who appeared there.
'You can't think she was serious... can you?' She asked a little hopefully, feeling her arm burn and sting as if it had been cut and now it had been dipped in alcohol.
'Do you want to stay there to see if it's true or not?' Henry looked at her, his green eyes dark with what seemed to be concern, his teeth clenched. 'These animals do not lie, let alone speak to humans on a regular basis. That was not right. ’
‘Why did my arm look like this?’ The two didn’t follow the path they came from, but Henry took them for what seemed to be where the elfs walked, behind the house, in a part that had almost no fairies lighting up or statues. It looked almost abandoned when they got closer.
'It can be many things, I will have to look closely.' He knelt on the floor and opened a secret passage as if he had been doing that for years, lighting up the stairs for Ginny. 'Come down. We don’t want anyone to see your arm like that. ’
'Where are we?' She did as he was told, even though her right arm seemed to hurt to the bone, taking care not to fall off balance and fall backwards in what appeared to be an underground path. It was cold and dark, with few candles lighting up the front, and it smelled of mold.
'Under the kitchen.' Henry closed the passage, finally seeming to calm down from the latest events, pulling Ginny's arm close, lighting it with his wand. 'It hurts?'
'A lot.' She felt dinner coming back when he touched the wound, the pain almost leaving her on her knees.
'It is probably a poisonous mermaid, we will have to clean this up and... Cut it out.' Ginny warned herself then, her eyes bulging towards Henry, who even in that gloom seemed to apologize for having to hurt her. ‘It’s a small cut, just to extract the poison they contain and that’s probably why you’re feeling so much pain.’
'Great, it's the first day we're here and a mermaid attacks me,' she said, her head thrown back and a snort coming out of her lips. 'My mom will be ...' Henry interrupts her, his hand on her mouth in a silent request for her to be quiet once in her life, while they can hear footsteps above them, footsteps that don't seem to come from the kitchen, but from the garden.
Ginny hears when the person runs and stops over where they entered, Henry is quick to camouflage them with a spell and pull them close to one of the walls, as if he just waits for the person to open the door and go look for them there
But the person seemed to give up, saying something to someone that they cannot identify who it is or what is said, but they both seem quite irritated. Ginny almost loses her eyes when she realizes that the second person didn't seem to have come from anywhere, and that he was probably already around, just waiting for them. Again, fear freezes her, but this time it is a little different, she looks at Henry, who is also looking at her in fright, and it is almost as if they are communicating by mind again, because Ginny knows what he's thinking when the drags into the tunnel, at a much faster pace and without lowering the wand once.
The mermaid was right, and they weren't as safe as they thought. Someone there was planning, at best, to kill Ginny that night.
Ginny didn't even wait for Henry to pull her to run any further when they thought they heard the noise of the passage being opened, she didn't even remember the pain, or she cared about the noise of rats and other animals that got scared when they passed, moving on, not quite sure where the tunnel ended.
It was common for older houses to have these tunnels, especially if the family was wealthy, her father had said that the tunnels served as an escape route for when things got bad with the advance of the First Wizarding War, and then they became useful for wealthy families to hide their wealth or, families allied with Voldemort, to keep their prisoners.
Fortunately, the Potter didn't seem to want to keep any prisoners there, all through the tunnel there were only other paths that they would probably lead to either in the main rooms or in the office, as they had at home. Ginny and Henry passed a wine cellar too, where two elves were, but luckily, none of them heard them, or if they did, they pretended not to.
Henry helped Ginny open the wooden door that, by his calculations, would come out on the floor where Ginny was, near the winter Garden that served as the divider of the west and east wing. There was no one around, thanks to Merlin, all the doors were closed and few were the rooms that had the light on. She wondered if people had already started sneaking out to date, or did they wait at least one day.
Ginny heard many stories of couples who were married eight months after a Duel Party, and the woman had a child who was born ‘’early.’’
'My mom must have realized that I didn't come back.' She whispered, pulling Henry into her room, the two of them walking on tiptoe. They were still invisible to anyone, but she doubted that they could put a silencing spell on them without anyone noticing, even the pictures could scream for it. She herself had seen the great-grandfather's picture yell at George when he did it once.
'If she talks to me, I will say that I brought you safely but you wanted to go to sleep early.' He calmed her, looking embarrassed when Ginny put him into the room. ‘Miss, I don’t know if it’s very-’
'Henry, no one cares about my honor anymore, and my arm is turning purple.' She showed it, almost vomiting when she realized how swollen and purple the arm was getting, as if blood was not flowing from the elbow down. 'Get it over with,' Ginny pleaded, feeling the pain again now that the adrenaline had gone, sitting on the bed and turning her face to the window.
'This is going to hurt,' Henry predicted, after silencing the room and taking her hand gently, stretching her arm and causing Ginny an absurd pain, which felt as if the bones wanted to rip her skin.
‘Ah!’ She screamed, biting her lip hard as soon as Henry tied something separating the injured part from the other.
'I need to ensure that the poison does not rise further,' he explained.
'Just get it over with.'
'Miss, I'm going to need you to stay here...' Ginny went to the desk, stretching her arm over the wood, thinking how she hadn't wanted Henry to touch her for the first time under those circumstances. She wanted him to take her hand, to caress her skin, but not when her arm looked like it would explode in pus. 'I'll start.'
'OK. I trust you.' Ginny took a deep breath.
'Thank you, Miss.' Henry said, before finally touching his wand on her arm and murmuring words that Ginny didn't understand, not when the pain left her deaf and blind, making her stomp like a madwoman, struggling when the heat took part of her right arm, going up her shoulders, throat, and making her look like she was going to explode in seconds.
It burned like pure fire, and she made the mistake of looking at the outstretched arm and seeing the open skin and spilling yellowish green goo mixed with blood, Henry squeezed her flesh as if it were nothing, and Ginny thought she would die because of a damn mermaid.
The scream burned her throat and echoed throughout the room, she hoped Henry had protected them well, because she could have woken up the entire mansion now. The taste of blood and iron filled her mouth, probably her lip had hurt when she clenched her teeth to stop the scream, but it was impossible, it hurt like it never hurt, it was almost torture.
Fingers on her right hand didn't move, or if they did, Ginny couldn't feel it. This time she didn't look at Henry when he swore, touching his wand again to her feverish skin and saying more charms, also seeming to mumble an apology.
Ginny continued to scream and struggle for what seemed like eternity, until everything went cloudy and she heard Henry say it was over, casting healing spells that stopped the heat from rising in her arm, just as the pain subsided, but Ginny still felt she was shaking and would probably fall if she tried to get up or move her arm now. Henry untied the tape and placed his hands on her skin as if to calm whatever was going on there, she was unable to observe.
'It's over, it's over,' he murmured, conjuring ice and placing it under her skin. 'There was more poison than I imagined, but I promise that there is nothing more, I took everything away... Tomorrow you will be better again, I promise.'
'Thank you, Henry,' Ginny said weakly, not even feeling the tears that were streaming down her face, the sobs being the only thing she heard now.
She looked at the arm again, this time closed, returning to the original color, a little less swollen, and with only small reddish parts, where she believed Henry had made the cut. Henry continued to run the ice over her injured skin, his other hand holding hers as if he said he was there, and everything was fine.
'I'm going to need help getting to bed.' She had also been thinking about one day having his help to go to bed - and it wasn't for sleeping - but today she really needed help, and Ginny doubted that a house elf would help her more than Henry was doing. ‘Sorry about that, but I don’t think I can take my dress off by myself.’
| H. F |
Henry gasped.
It seemed more frightening to have to help Ginny get into her pajamas, than to tear off what looked like a kilo of Mermaid venom, watching her skin open spewing goo, blood, and listening to her scream.
He almost fell off his chair when she asked him to.
But he was her security guard, the guy who should cherish her life, and Ginny had already suffered too much in one night, he wouldn’t make her sleep in those tight clothes just because he felt he could get hard just by looking at her back.
'Of course, Miss.' Henry stood up. He had already washed many aurors, people would be shocked at how weepy men are when they get hurt, and how they beg for help when they see their own blood dripping on the floor, even if it is for a small injury.
Joe once nearly passed out when he realized that his shoulder was dislocated and his arm looked almost like gelatin. Henry had to help him shower that night.
But Joe and everyone else were guys that Henry wasn't attracted to, they stank of blood, sweat and dirt, Ginny didn't. The woman's arm had almost been eaten alive by the mermaid's poison, and she still smelled of flowers and looked like the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It would never be the same.
Henry went to the wooden barrel that was in the corner of the room, separated by a wooden divider, taking the towel placed there and stretching the rug in front so that Ginny would step on when he left - he didn't want to think too much at that moment - and moved the wand to fill the barrel with hot water. He spilled some salts and soap, before making sure it was warm and good for her to get in. Henry didn't know if she would prefer to use the stairs or not, but he left it there anyway. If she wanted, just push it with her foot and use it.
'You don't have to look that worried,' Ginny said, looking even weaker, but at least she wasn't crying anymore. 'I already said, nobody cares about my honor, besides, nobody will ever know.' She shrugged. ‘It’s not like it means anything, you’re just helping me.’
His chest hurt a little, the idea of ​​another man helping her into the bath - but with ulterior motives - making him a little more discouraged. Just as he had been since they arrived, failing to forget that she was likely to return to her house, married.
Yes, it meant nothing. For her. Henry was just a personal security guard, not a man she would like to show off in the bath.
The wet skin, red from the heat, the foam hitting the breasts...Henry denied, trying to clear his mind of those thoughts.
'Sure, Miss.' Was all he said, walking over to her and helping her to her feet, holding her for a few more seconds with the excuse that she looked like she might fall at any moment.
The two went as far as the bath awaited her, Henry remained behind her when Ginny stopped in front of the barrel, hands shaking like a teenager when he undid the first button on her dress. Her skin was much more fragrant there, and it looked much softer and paler, he could even see some freckles disappearing under the back of her neck. Henry salivated with the urge to kiss that part.
He undid another button. Two are gone, only ten more to go, he thought.
Ginny said nothing, a firm hand on the wooden partition, waiting patiently as Henry discovered how much more beautiful she was under the dress. There were other clothes underneath, of course, but Henry could feel the warmth of Ginny's skin much more eagerly now.
When the top of the dress fell to her waist, arms free from the sleeves, Henry found himself with the job of untying the corset. The piece made Ginny look so delicate and fragile that he thought she could break it when he undid a knot and loosened the piece. He had never taken off any woman's corset. In fact, he had never taken off any woman's clothes, and it seemed such an intimate moment that he thought sex was too overrated compared to undoing every button, tie and knot that women used.
As soon as the corset fell, Ginny seemed to be taking a deep breath, and Henry almost laughed softly at what seemed to be the best time of her day. And then, all he needed was the chemise so that he could see the top of her naked.
But Henry thought it would be more polite to wait, so he began to undo the lace on the dress, and loosen the fabric so that it fell completely to the floor, and again, he heard Ginny sigh for what seemed like relief.
Henry looked at her delicate calves, and found himself a fool for wanting to run his hands and mouth over that region, slowly climbing up every little part of her beautiful legs. Of course, he had never seen her legs, only when she wore pants to fly, but Henry liked to imagine that they were as beautiful as everything else.
'Excuse me, Miss.' He asked, politely before pulling the white petticoat down, his chest swelling and throbbing madly as he watched the fabric tease the floor and was aware of how long her legs were even though she was short , and how beautiful her ass was. Henry felt his own cheeks warm, noting the few freckles lost on the back of her thighs, and a few on her ass.
The monster roared in Henry's chest at the thought of another man having knowledge of these freckles. It seemed so intimate now that he saw her that way, and Henry thanked him for never giving in when co-workers asked him to go to Fantasy House, where he would probably see various types of naked bodies. He liked to be surprised at how soft a woman's skin - Ginny’s - looked beneath all those layers, and how much more beautiful it was than his colleagues' descriptions.
He never had much time to court anyone, and even when he did, there weren't many women who wanted him. They generally preferred the richest, tallest, and strongest, or those who at least knew how to speak to them without stuttering, Henry thought. He didn't expect the special woman either, he just always seemed very… empty. None drew him enough attention that he wanted to see her naked, of course some were beautiful and made him feel hot, but they almost never wanted to chat with him, so there was no opportunity either.
'Excuse me,' Henry asked again, now reaching for the hem of the thin white chemise that Ginny wore, hoping she would nod so he could properly see her naked, or at least, her back.
'Okay.' Ginny nodded, her voice a little hoarse, raising her arms up - the right not so much, and he believed it was still hurting.
Henry almost ran out of breath and fell back when the fabric went up and showed him the wealth of freckles on her back, her pale, delicate skin looked even softer than her legs, her shoulders smeared with a little sun, and shoulder blades filled with freckles of all sizes and shades. Henry noticed that there were orange, others more brown, some a little reddish and few that were almost black. He wanted so much to run his hand over her skin.
Her scent invaded Henry's mind in a way that he thought would go crazy, and he probably would, never being able to see another naked woman and not compare her to Ginny and her perfection.
Again he wondered why she had never been asked to marry. He almost fell to his knees right there.
'So, Miss.' He managed to say, his voice hoarse than usual. 'Do you want help getting into the bath?'
'I can do it, Henry, thank you very much.' Ginny didn't turn to see him, and Henry thought it would be better, maybe if he saw a tiny part of her breast, he would be cursed for the rest of his life for not being able to touch her.
'I'll be waiting for you, there's a towel over there, and if the water is not as you like, you can call me.' Henry turned on his back, thinking that seeing her walking naked was also not the best way to try to survive the burning desire in the chest.
But listening seemed even worse, because his imagination didn't stop, the noise of the water and her moan of satisfaction made him have to thank the witch fashion and the fact that his robes protected him from being discovered.
The next few minutes would be slow and painful torture, he knew it, smelling the sweet soap, listening to the water fall to the floor whenever Ginny moved in the bathtub, her little murmurs of satisfaction, filling Henry's imagination with the most perverted images.
He felt ashamed to think that this woman would subject herself to things as dirty as the ones he was thinking about in his fantasies.
'I'm done.' Ginny woke him up from what appeared to be the fifth fantasy that Henry created in his mind. The water fell again, and worse than before, now he imagined her body smooth and warm, reddish and sensitive, smelling like the fragrance that would lead him to death.
Henry waited for her to call on him to help her go to the dresser where all her clothes were, not wanting to pay much attention to the strands of hair that stuck to the back of her neck.
'The bath really helped me,' Ginny said, walking back into the partition. 'I can manage to put on my pajamas, it's button-down, I won't have to make so much effort.' She smiled at him, flushed like a pepper, disappearing behind the wood and making him wait again. 'Do you really think that whoever it was was after me?' She asked, still dressing.
'I think.' Henry was blunt. 'But I did not understand why the other person, who clearly saw where we entered, said nothing. We don’t hear footsteps, which means he was there.’
'Should we tell someone?' Ginny appeared, wearing a light pink nightdress with dark pink buttons, delicate flowers embroidered on the hem. She accepted Henry's help to walk to the bed, she was not so pale anymore, and her arm looked much better, but he still realized that she was holding firmly on the furniture to stand.
'Let me take care of that, Miss, it's my job,' Henry said, covering her up as if Ginny were a helpless child who needed help. He sat next to her on the bed, enjoying that moment that would probably be unique, forgetting that she had been tagged with a boy who was probably dead, or if not, very far from her, and that Arthur had already found a replacement for the position of husband.
And it wasn't Henry.
He sighed, feeling strangely at peace when she shook his hand. 'Thank you for taking care of me.'
'I would never do the opposite.' He smiled, unable to take his eyes off her. 'How's the arm?'
'Sore, but I can feel my hand again.' To prove it, Ginny wiggled her fingers for him to see, laughing softly at that.
'Tomorrow will be better, I put good healing charms on you. It won't even be scarred.' He knew that women could care about that, he even cared about the one he carried on his forehead, always keeping it hidden behind his hair.
Ginny didn't say anything for a moment, just stared at him, luscious brown eyes that reminded Henry of a home feeling, flushed cheeks from hot water or a combination of that and the sun, and adorable freckles that he would like to spend hours counting each one, foolishly trying to memorize them for when he was forced to leave, not wanting, and not thinking he would be able, to ever forget her.
Henry thought how much easier life would be if he could just woo Ginny the right way, that seeing her naked would mean much more than just a helping hand, and that he probably wouldn't see just her back.
He thought about the life he would have had if he had been lucky enough to be born in a mansion like that. Not that he didn't love her mother, far from it, he was very grateful for everything she did. But things could be simpler if he were the son of the Duke and Duchess and had the opportunity to marry Ginny.
But life was not that easy. And, not for the first time, Henry cursed Harry Potter for disappearing and putting him in such a difficult position, of having Ginny so close and yet so far.
'Good night, Miss,' Henry murmured, and just because he felt brave, he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. 'Sleep well.'
18 notes · View notes
roseabelle21 · 4 years
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Sypnosis: It had been over five years since your last encounter with a certain explosive blond. Ever since then, you're happy. You felt complete, fulfilled, and contented. Going on that date with Inasa was the best decision you have ever made in your entire life, he went from being your fanboy to your future husband. Quite a story to tell if I do say so myself. Life is good. Though someone says otherwise.
Read before you proceed: That Your Love Is Gone.
Status: Edited
Tagging: @jazzylove
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He stared at the white envelope before him, unfeeling. He didn't know how long he's been staring at it, maybe when he opened the mail and placed it down his table? That was well over an hour ago. 
Katsuki just stared at the envelope, like it's going to explode the moment he opened it. The paper won't, but his heart just might. 
Wait, is it still beating? He thought it stopped the moment he saw you two locked lips once in the coffee shop. Boy, did that sight hurt like a bitch, yet he pretended that he saw nothing and held on his mug in a bone-crushing grip. Kirishima and Denki had pointed it out to him discreetly before it exploded. He stomped out of the shop before you noticed that he was there. 
The two of you had avoided each other ever since that disaster of a confession. The only communication both of you ever had was on joint missions together, and you won't even speak to the other unless necessary.
He wanted to talk to you again, but his pride and humiliation won't let him.
Selfishly, he prayed that the date with Inasa didn't go well, still hoping that he still had the chance to be with you. Or when he found out that you two are finally official, things between you won't work out in the end and go your separate ways.
That didn't happen much, to his dismay. The wedding invitation on his table said otherwise. 
Katsuki knows it's wrong, waiting patiently for the day that your relationship with the whirlwind user to fuck up, and he'll be there to sweep you away from him, and maybe knock teeth or two out. 
He scoffed at his thoughts. All of this was his fault. He knows it, knowing full well that he can't do anything to change the past. He even tried dating other people to get over you, alas the hunt remains fruitless. He can't look at another girl, much less be with them without thinking of you. 
After all these years, he still loves you. 
His silent tears hit the cold floor. He didn't even bother wiping them away. His ruby eyes continued to burn holes at the letter before him. Heart pounding in his ears, he felt like he couldn't breathe, his heart aching, mind empty, wishing that he'd wake up soon and end this nightmare. Maybe even wake up with you by his side. 
No matter how hard he tried to stop, his wishful thinking is always there. Even he knows that it's not healthy thinking that way about someone for so long. It's been five years, for Christ's sake! His heart needs to let you go. 
But how could it? Every time he sees you, it feels like there is a fucking zoo rampaging on his stomach, every time you smile or laugh, it puts the sun to shame because of how bright and warm it is. He wished that he was still the one causing those. 
Before then, he didn't need to do much to make you happy. Him being himself was all he needed to be; his sarcastic remarks and angry faces were a few of the things that put a smile on your face. 
He likes being the source of your happiness until he wasn't.
Katsuki swallowed the lump on his throat, taking a deep breath before wiping his eyes. He waited for a bit of a steady, racing heart and mind before gently picking up the envelope, careful not to make even the slightest of crumple. 
He could have burned his hand honestly, that's how bad it hurts. Maybe it's just his imagination, but he can smell the tiniest bit of your favourite flowers. Katsuki held the paper to his nose a gave it a smell; it has a scent. 
He smirked, imagining you insisting that the paper is scented since it is a special occasion, the amount of scented paper you used for your friends at every holiday and birthday to make your cards.
Katsuki then opened it, making sure to be extra gentle when tearing it up. He stared at it again, that open flap with the letter inside. It's there, his worst nightmare. 
With a heavy heart, he took it out and admired its designing and details: the swirls and flowers embroidered on the sides, the fancy calligraphy in your names, the neat print below with the details of the wedding, and the picture of you and your fiancee. 
His heart clenched seeing it, yet at the same time, he felt a small glimmer of happiness that came along with it. 
Your smile, it was so beautiful, so genuine, so happy. 
Tears made its way down his cheeks again, and despite that, he grinned. 
He's happy that you found someone that can treat you better than he can. And even if he's no longer the one making you happy, he can't do anything to stop that. 
He read the invitation; although it pained him to continue reading it, he was happy that he even got an invite. Despite not talking much this past few years, he's satisfied that he still got invited. 
Katsuki placed the paperback in the envelope and placed it down. He's happy for you, he is, and then, he's hit with an epiphany.
Pulling out his phone, he took a deep breath and searched his contacts, then he messaged them. 
To (Y/N): Can we talk?
It's oddly peaceful. 
Katsuki has attended a few weddings in his life, and from what he's experienced, all of they tend to be chaotic in one way or another. 
It's either one of the family members is late, missing a tux or a dress, god forbid the annoying children running around without a care in the world whilst their mothers frantically chase them around. Now, he's not seeing any of them. 
Quite the opposite. Everyone seems to be on time, have everything they need, and surprisingly, the children are cooperating. It's almost scary, almost unnatural. And it's freaking him out. 
Maybe the Maid of Honor has something to do with it. She's snapping at everyone who so much makes a noise or goes out of line. Running back and forth when someone calls her for help, checking everyone's process every ten minutes. Making sure everyone is right on schedule. 
Katsuki can't help but feel bad for her, dealing with so much pressure in one body can be tiring. Alas, there's nothing he can do about it. Although he finds her quite cute when angry, he knows nothing about her other than she's (Y/N)'s cousin. 
The rest of the Bakusquad are chilling on a bench near the pool. Everyone already had their hair, make-up, and dressed done. Mina is talking with Jirou and Yaoyorozu, planning on their girls day with the newlywed woman soon. Kirishima and Sero are talking about their latest missions, and last but not least, Kaminari staring at the Maid of Honor with a bit of drool on the corner of his mouth. 
"You look like an idiot dunce face," Kaminari jumped at Katsuki's voice," she might think you're a weirdo more than you already are if you keep staring at her like that."
"Oh shit, you're right." The blond immediately wiped his mouth and straightened his tux, fixing his hair and clearing his throat. 
"Sorry, she's charming, though. Like an angry chihuahua." Jirou slapped the arm of the blond with a scowl on her face.
"Don't say that! You don't even know her." Everyone can tell her questioning look.
"You talk as if you know her Jirou," Sero inquired. The girl shrugged as she twirled her ear with a finger. 
“We work to the same radio studio. She's the one who does the cover songs and news most of the time."
"No way! She's DJ Fox?!" Kirishima and Kaminari shrieked, fanboying.
"Man, that is so cool! You gotta introduce us!"
"No," Jirou replied immediately. 
Before anyone could react, the girl of the subject yelled at her mage phone. Telling everyone to proceed to the church and get in line as planned. 
Katsuki stood up and glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the crowd. The door of your room opened, and his heart leapt at the throat, imagining how beautiful you would look in your wedding dress. That fuzzy feeling soon turned into a mix of rage and disappointment as the once again Maid of Honor rushed to your door and yelled at you for being impatient. 
Everyone made it to the church in no time. The groom and his best man were shoving each other playfully to ease his nerves. Katsuki immediately glanced away from them, remembering his talk with you a few months ago. 
Not long after they were in place, the music started playing. One by one, everyone walked down the aisle, his partner looking at him anxiously, but he couldn't care less. His mind wandered.
There you are, sitting at the corner of the cafe, looking outside with a mug of steaming hot coffee in front of you with a pastry beside it. Another pair of coffee and pastry beside it, which he assumes as his since it was his favourite.
Slowly, he and his partner stopped for a short while for the photographer before proceeding on their walking. 
Small talks and laughs were made, the atmosphere between the two of you more at ease, unlike before. As happy as he looks, his heart can't help but shatter every time your ring glows in the sunlight. 
The rest of the guests followed; not long after, the door shuts, and everyone stands up in their seats. The familiar music filled the air.
He apologized. Apologized again and again, and you could only give him your soft eyes and smile. Not pitying him one bit, only looking at him with fondness in your eyes as you took his hands between yours. 
Inasa was crying as soon as the door opened, the light momentarily blinding your features, but when it faded, Katsuki can also feel his eyes tearing up. 
"I should have told you what you meant to me," he says, voice breaking up.
Cause now I paid the price. 
Words can't describe how beautiful you look walking down the aisle in the arm of your parents. A wide smile is plastered permanently on your face as you look at the man in front of you. All the love is visible in both of your eyes as you look at your significant other like they are the only person in the room.
You reached the front of the altar, your parents kissing you on both cheeks before hugging you and your crying groom. 
Katsuki's heart warmed at the sight of you laughing softly at Inasa, placing your hands on his face as you wiped his tears with your thumbs. The said man is grinning at you despite the tears that continue to flow down his cheeks. 
Katsuki didn't realize that his tears escaped his eyes. Had it Kirishima not point it out. He quickly wiped them away and stood up straight. The faux redhead is gently patting the blond at his back and offering him a sympathetic smile. 
As Katsuki continued to observe the both of you, and he couldn't help but smile at the pure, childlike happiness on your faces. He can feel his heart slowly letting go. Letting go of his jealously, the bitterness, and the anger he has left for himself. 
Though the only thing he can never let go of is his love for you. It might not be the same love he has with you before, but he is and will always love you till the end of time. He loves you enough to let you go.
Maybe in another life, he can make your stay. He never planned that one day, he'd be losing you. Now here he is, watching you get married to the love of your life. 
He never imagined this, not without him there with you, but he certainly isn't regretting it.
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Hello! I have a given question if you don't mind. I absolutely fall in love with akiugetsu and I was a little heart broken when they didn't end up together. But something I don't understand is why did they drag out this complicated relationship. They were both suffering and wanted to end it but didn't and they both were with others but still continued. If they were still in love why couldn't they work on it to be a couple again?
Hello, dear anon and a fellow AkiUgetsu enthusiast!
I don’t mind Given asks at all. They are both a nice change to 19 Days posts and also a challenge since Given is a very different kind of work to analyze.
So far, I have talked about AkiUgetsu a couple of times:
My thoughts on AkiUgetsu’s story
My thoughts on Akihiko forcing himself on Haruki
About Ugetsu and Akihiko’s lack of motivation
I will probably repeat some of the things I have already said, but quite a lot of time has passed since my first ever Given ask. I have had many interesting discussions, thoughts, and notes since then about AkiUgetsu, so I wanted to take this ask as a chance to perhaps update some of the previous things. Given is the kind of very layered and complex story that you always find new things to mull over.
To me, it looks like you kind of had two questions: Why didn’t AkiUgetsu end their relationship earlier if they were both unhappy? Why couldn’t they have tried to fix it and the story took the AkiHaru road? I’ll be dividing my answer according to those two matters.
“why did they drag out this complicated relationship”
I would say AkiUgetsu is by far the most complicated relationship in Given, so I don’t think there is one clearcut answer to that. Both Akihiko and Ugetsu had their own complex and conflicting feelings regarding each other. And to make matters even more complicated, they were both poor at communicating when it came to each other.
I tend to visualize AkiUgetsu in two ways: a cycle and two layers on top of each other. I think both of those dynamics of their relationship contributed to them not being able to let go of each other and dragging it out as you put it.
Circles repeat themselves, but even they have a beginning that started it all. I think the beginning of the AkiUgetsu circle was when Ugetsu wanted to break up for the first time (vol. 4 ch. 17):
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Ugetsu loved Akihiko. Before meeting Akihiko, Ugetsu’s life and passion had only revolved around music and the violin. But the more he fell in love with Akihiko, the more Ugetsu realized his passion was being pulled away from his music. Instead of chasing new heights in the violin, he was “chasing” Akihiko as in his mind was more filled with him. (There were also reasons regarding Akihiko, but I will get to those a bit later.)
I think that kind of disturbance of his priorities made Ugetsu both uneasy and scared. It felt like he was losing control. His music that was such an essential part of him that it borderline defined him was becoming almost stagnated. He was in this place where Akihiko loved him and he loved Akihiko but he was staying there at the expense of his music.
The bottom line is, he didn’t want to break up with Akihiko because he didn’t love him (anymore) but rather because his love for Akihiko was threatening something that was at the very core of Ugetsu’s existence. And I feel where he was coming from in all that. In fact, it’s something I can even relate to in his character.
But it seems to me like he never explained any of that to Akihiko. He just said that they should “end this already”. That choice of words was the end result of his own contemplating, so it sounded as such as well. Like there was this laundry list of problems in their relationship, and they should put a stop to it already. To Akihiko, this all seemed to come as a surprise and shock. Like he didn’t know what Ugetsu was talking about and despite them fighting a lot, Akihiko still thought they had been happy. And if Ugetsu didn’t explain his thought process and real reasons - like I strongly suspect he didn’t - I’m sure it all sounded to Akihiko like Ugetsu didn’t love him anymore.
It wasn’t told to us in the comic, but I have always had this headcanon that Akihiko suggested they stayed roommates. Maybe he suggested it as such or maybe he originally asked for time to find a new place and it never happened. Maybe he suggested they stayed under the same roof to see if they could still be something. Regardless, I think it was Akihiko who was reluctant to accept Ugetsu’s decision. And that ultimately wore out Ugetsu’s resolve which was on a shaky basis to begin with. After all, he still loved Akihiko and wanted to be with him, and deciding to break up was painful. So, when he allowed Akihiko to stay as a roommate, it was like an in-between solution that ended up entering them both in the painful cycle.
Then for two years, they were stuck in a circle that replayed the highs and lows of their relationship (vol. 4 ch. 20):
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Whenever they had been apart for a while, they remembered the good they had together. They knew each other in and out and had years of history together. It was as if they both took comfort in the other one always being there. No matter who Ugetsu dated or where Akihiko spent the night, they could still fall back to each other when it all went back to “normal”. It was familiar and safe in many ways. Ultimately those honeymoon phases discouraged both of them to seriously move on. Ugetsu dated people halfheartedly and Akihiko could feel like he was needed in Ugetsu’s life again.
But the lows of the circle were also like small break-ups over and over again. For Akihiko especially, it was like being suddenly reminded of their real relationship status. That he was in this position from two years ago once again. Ugetsu didn’t love him and he was pushing Akihiko away. And Ugetsu being unable to take the last step and make up his mind already was frustrating to Akihiko. He still had feelings for Ugetsu, so he needed Ugetsu to put an end to it. All the while he didn’t know that Ugetsu was feeling the same and was waiting for Akihiko to walk away.
So, as I said, complicated with a side of poor communication.
Besides the cycle that was very hard for both of them to break, I think they were stuck also because there were two layers in their relationship as roommates. (vol. 3 ch. 16):
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Officially and on the surface, they were just roommates. On paper, they weren’t romantically involved anymore and both free to date and sleep with other people. So, in this regard, Ugetsu had a full right to date whoever he wanted without that making him a “whore”, “slut”, or “cheater” as I have seen him being called in the fandom. He and Akihiko weren’t in a romantic relationship anymore, so he was single.
But I still understand why Akihiko got angry when he walked in on Ugetsu sleeping with that other guy and why the situation escalated. Below their official relationship status, under the surface, they were still very much romantically involved with each other. Akihiko still had feelings for Ugetsu, and Ugetsu still had feelings for Akihiko. They had sex together, they were still intimate with each other. It wasn’t said out loud but they weren’t just roommates and they were both aware of that. So, when Ugetsu slept with someone else which he was free to do, it still hurt Akihiko because it disregarded what they had going on under the surface.
That second hidden layer was also something that kept them dragging their relationship on as well. They had this “roommates with benefits” relationship going on while the strings of their previous official relationship were still firmly attached.
As far as the fandom discourse goes, I think this is where a lot of debate is brewed. The two layers created this “yes, but...” situation between AkiUgetsu. And I think people sometimes knowingly ignore one of them to support their interpretation of Akihiko and Ugetsu one way or another. I don’t personally think that you can be black and white about their situation.
What ultimately kept them together was both of them being unable to let go and waiting for the other one to sever their relationship. And so, together they sunk deeper and deeper while clinging to and rekindling memories despite both being miserable and in pain. Ugetsu wanted to be with Akihiko but he couldn’t feel at peace with him and he didn’t want to keep hurting Akihiko. Akihiko clung to Ugetsu because he loved him and some of that love still lingered, but the more he refused to let go the more he was putting himself down.
“If they were still in love why couldn't they work on it to be a couple again?”
Even though AkiUgetsu is most definitely my Given OTP, their final break-up still made sense to me and I think it needed to happen. I think the end of their relationship was already sowed in the beginning of their relationship.
As I already said about Ugetsu, despite loving Akihiko, he wasn’t at peace. He was also (and originally) in love with music and couldn’t have both fit in his life without feeling suffocated. I also mentioned there were reasons regarding Akihiko to which I would come back later. I think those reasons were another big factor why their relationship couldn’t work despite them loving each other.
Ugetsu didn’t originally want to break up just for his own sake but also for Akihiko (vol. 4 ch. 17):
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When Akihiko was faced with Ugetsu’s immense natural talent, he both fell in love with it but also resented it. It excited him but discouraged him at the same time. And eventually, he lost his drive and motivation for music (violin) and gave up on it.
I think that reaction was a defense mechanism of sorts for Akihiko. In the presence of such intense talent, it was scary to try his best and still come second. That would have only confirmed what Akihiko already was thinking about. So, it was safer to give up, but that was painful, too. Giving up on one’s passion doesn’t kill the passion. It just gets shoved almost violently away in a place where you can pretend to have forgotten about it. That only became easier when Akihiko started playing the drums where he could find a proper distraction from the violin.
I don’t think any of that escaped Ugetsu. He noticed Akihiko’s lack of motivation and thought it was a shame. He knew Akihiko was good and had plenty of talent, but he had lost his trigger to evolve. On some level, Ugetsu realized Akihiko was giving up on the violin because of him. That Ugetsu’s music was painful for Akihiko. That his music was making Akihiko feel and do things he didn’t want to.
So, even though they loved each other when they broke up for the first time, it was the kind of love that made them unhappy. Now, could they have worked out those issues back then with proper communication? To some extent, maybe. Maybe they could have talked about Akihiko’s insecurity and figured out solutions for it. Maybe Ugetsu could have found a balance between the violin and Akihiko.
I want to say maybe, but...I tend to lean more towards a no. To me, those issues were about how they reacted to each other. I think Ugetsu would have always made Akihiko feel inferior and Akihiko would have always made Ugetsu feel like he had to make an either-or decision. I think those feelings would have always been underlying in their relationship.
And by the time they broke up for good, I think their relationship was at a point where there was nothing left to safe. When Akihiko finally decided to walk away from Ugetsu, I’m not sure if there still was the kind of love left between them that could have been salvaged. Over the years, it had twisted and changed shades. I honestly couldn’t have seen how they could had gone back after the pain they had put each other through. Instead of loving each other like they had used to, their relationship had become more about being afraid of letting go.
I don’t think neither of them - and especially Akihiko - could realize the state of their actual feelings until Akihiko spent some time living with Haruki. It both broke the cycle but also effectively helped Akihiko see the situation from a proper distance. He had loved Ugetsu but it had turned suffocating and he was scared to go back to it. He didn’t want to go back to it. He also realized his passion for music again, now with the trigger that Ugetsu had talked about. I’m not saying all this to make Ugetsu sound like the villain or poison, but Akihiko needed to get away to see things with a clearer mind.
Then there is also the development of AkiUgetsu to AkiHaru to consider. Now, I feel like I have to make something clear before entering this part of my answer. I do not ship AkiHaru. In fact, it’s probably my Given NOTP. Personally, I don’t see any romantic/sexual chemistry between them and I think they would have been better off as friends regardless of how AkiUgetsu ended. For me to feel their relationship, I think their development should have been executed better/differently.
But all that being said, the overall move from AkiUgetsu to AkiHaru made sense. It was the poetically satisfying storyline choice for Akihiko instead of AkiUgetsu being the endgame despite everything. From darkness to light. From the basement to the balcony. From losing motivation to being driven again. From coming in second to being someone’s number one. From angst to fluff.
As much as I’m not interested in AkiHaru, I do recognize its poetically symbolic value. I think to an author, Ugetsu-Akihiko-Haruki was an excellent opportunity to build parallels and “healing” type of character development. So, as such, I understand why the story went as it went despite preferring some other routes.
Thank you for your question, dear anon! It’s always nice to bump into AkiUgetsu folks!
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
saint.|| soobin (2.3)🌪
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🖤┊𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 . ೄྀ࿐ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙/𝖆𝖚 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 2803
“some funny shit is going on and I don’t like it”. michael mentions to the guys in the bathroom. they’d all been in there from skipping their last class of the day. 
“what do you mean?”. kevin asks, putting a lighter to his cigarette. 
“soobin and that girl”. michael continued. 
“what about them?”. beomgyu continued drawing on the bathroom wall. he thought his picture was coming out great. 
“he set this whole shit up with mia and he kind of dissed us for that bitch. I think he’s lowkey plotting”. michael says in the sea of scoffs from the other guys. 
“now why the fuck would he do that?”. seongjun questions, nudging kevin to give him the pack of cigarettes. 
“think about it. he’s not even responding to group messages anymore. he started this shit and had us thinking this was a group effort and he left. all he cares about is that stupid ass girl”.michael trails off getting kind of annoyed.
“she has to be giving him the best pussy in the world”. kevin snarls blowing a thick cloud of white smoke form his lips. 
“who that girl? hell no. she’s a saint. she’s not giving him shit”. beomgyu assures. 
“then what the fuck is he so obsessed with her for?”. michael questions. 
“we don’t fucking know michael. if he doesn’t want to be down with us then fuck it”. seongjun adds.
“just delete the last group chat and we can make a new one with just us”. kevin suggests. 
michael nods while leaning on the bathroom sink. that was a good idea of course. but what he wondered most was why he was losing his best friend to some girl. especially since before she came along, they were practically doing everything together.
it was pretty fake if you asked him. It pissed him off. he needed to do something about it. and quick. 
with the help of you, mia safely made her way into her parents car after school. you told them about the situation and they were sympathetic that they had no clue as to how their daughter been feeling. you were relieved that they would now be more aware of her just in case something else happened again. 
and you hoped nothing else happened again because after all, you told soobin to tell his friends to quit it. it’s cruel with their doing to mia, and they’re just lucky mia was too afraid to call the cops on them. with exam season approaching though you knew your days were going to be long and difficult soon. you hated that exam season was in the same season as daylight savings time. which means that not only your days will be long but you will be more tired due the sky growing dark faster. you were already drowning in homework your teachers gave to prepare you, and the last thing you wanted was to be bothered. 
you shut your locker door only to see olivia standing behind it with a pouty expression you jumped a bit. “what are you doing?”. you asked. she took her hand and patted your shoulder sympathetically. “I’m so sorry that happened to you”. she apologized. 
“what are you talking about?”.
“you didn’t know?”.
“know what?”. 
“it’s about soobin”. 
you crossed your arms, becoming more serious. 
“what about soobin?”. she pouted her lips again. 
“you must not have social media?”. you shook your head no. she flashes her phone in your face. you saw kevin’s name written in bold and a status underneath it, 
“It’s crazy how dudes will turn fake over a bitch especially when he was bragging about mia howard sucking his dick not too long ago #CSB”.
at first read you blinked. “how are you so sure that’s about him?”. olivia smiles cheekily. 
“everyone knows that CSB stands for choi soobin. and who else in kevin’s friend group associated themselves with mia as much as soobin?”. 
you bit the inside of her cheek, thinking it about it. you didn’t want to get angry but you couldn’t help it. your cheek started to grow up hot and you hadn’t noticed a tear slipped from underneath your eye until olivia patted your shoulder again, pretending to feel sorry for you as she laughed and walked away. 
you couldn’t believe soobin would do something like that. you two weren’t dating but, you two had something special. 
or at least that’s just what you thought. 
“hey mama you ready to go?”. soobin approached you from behind. you stood in place, unclenching and clenching your fists. you didn’t want to lash out on him. you didn’t know the truth. but god it broke your heart just thinking about it.
“mama?”. he says again, this time coming around and looking at you. he lifted your chin with his head. your eyes rimmed with tears. and his heart immediately broke. 
“what’s the matter?”. 
“is it true soobin?”. 
soobin made a confused expression. 
“is what true?”. 
“check kevin’s status”. soobin gave a weird gaze before he pulled out his phone to see. he typed kevin’s username in the search bar before clicking on his profile and reading his posts. soobin became angry. fake? and why would he expose him on social media? and most importantly, how did you find out about it?
these questions floated around his head and you let them while you walked away. it was time for you to go home and study anyways. it was bad enough history is going to eat your report card you couldn’t afford for the other grades to do the same thing. soobin chases after you of course. 
“you didn’t even give me a chance to answer”. 
“I know the answer soobin. it’s yes. your answer is always yes”. 
he caught up to you and stepped in front of you. you didn’t even want to look at him. 
“can you please talk to me?”. he begged, and there he goes acting like a puppy again.
“what is there to talk about? why do I have to find out new things about you every single day?”. 
“that happened before I realized how much I liked you. you have to understand that”.
you stared up at him and your tears wouldn’t stop flowing. he used this moment to start speaking again. 
“know that the way I feel about you right now I’d never do any of that shit. I never want to see you like this. broken and crying over some dumb ass shit that I did when I thought I had real friends”.soobin admitted with hurt in his eyes. you sniffled, trying to calm your heart rate. 
“did you make her do it or did she do it on her own?”. 
“she did it on her own”. 
“why were you bragging about it to kevin?”. 
“because that was the kind of person I was and I am sorry. I really am and I’m trying to be a better person”. 
you sniffled a little more and soobin wasted no time approaching you to swipe your tears away with his thumb. he cups your cheek, 
“don’t cry mama okay?”. 
you sighed. coming down from your emotions. 
“it’s hard not to cry when you hear stuff like that about someone you have something with”. he pulled you into his chest. 
“do you want to come over my house today?”. 
“I have to study. and aren’t your parents home?”. 
“you can study at my house. and yes they’re home”.
you pulled away and looked up at him. 
“have they been beating you?”. soobin shrugs. 
“yeah but it’s okay. they won’t hit me if you’re there”.
you knew this would be a stretch. but you never know something until you try it. 
“do you want to ...come to my house?”. you offered, not sure how your parents would act. you weren’t expecting soobin’s eyes to light up the way they did. you rolled your eyes and laughed. 
“yes I’d love that”.
it was weird with soobin following you to your doorstep. you were so used to him staying behind in his car and waving at you before he drove off. but to actually have following you into your house? wow. 
“my house isn’t as big and luxurious as yours so I hope you’re not expecting anything extravagant”. you confirmed while unlocking the door with your key. 
“I don’t care about what your house looks like”. soobin assures. the both of you walked into your open living room and kitchen. your mother happened to be in the kitchen cooking and you hadn’t even known she was going to be home as early as she was. she turned around to grab a seasoning behind her and locked eyes with not only you, but that tall boy behind you as well. 
“hey baby. who do you have with you?”. 
she didn’t even looked mad or anything. just concerned which surprised you. you sucked up your pride and brought soobin further into your home. you took a deep breath while your mother waited for you to speak. 
“mom this is Choi Soobin”. 
soobin reached over and grabbed your mother’s hand and kisses the back of it like he was her knight and shining armor or something. you wanted to laugh but you knew he was trying to be friendly, and your mother was way too flustered to stop him. 
“like the choi’s? you’re their son?”. 
“yes ma’am. it’s a pleasure to meet you”. soobin answers. your mother had a shocked expression on her face. 
“and you miss lady? what is he doing here?”. she smirks. she expected that out of you. you know, the boyfriends. the dating. the teenage life. she just never wanted you to go too far and ruin your life. 
“well he’s--”
“her boyfriend”. soobin finishes and smiles shortly after. your mother’s eyes expanded. not in a freaky like scary way but she was just so shocked to see her daughter growing up. but you were just as shocked as her with soobin’s answer you just couldn’t show it. 
“boyfriend?”. she repeats. 
“yes. I’m sorry that we’re meeting so late. coming from a religious family myself it’s hard to know how our parents are going to act with these types of things but--I hope you can accept our relationship. your daughter means a lot to me”. 
“hm. any sex?”. she asks.
the both of you shake your heads no way too quick for your liking. 
“of course not”.
“he’s just here to study for our upcoming exams mom. nothing more than that. I promise”.  
“hm, fine. I’ll be keeping an eye on you two alright? study hard and don’t fail those exams or there will be punishment for you”. you nod, grabbing soobin’s hand so that you could lead him to your room. 
“that goes for you too choi soobin!”. your mother yelled after you making the both of you laugh. soobin loved your room. he loved how fluffy and pink your pillows and blankets were. he loved the knick knacks that you kept at your study desk. he loved the picture of your family that hung on the wall, just beside your crucifix. most importantly though he loved how innocent your room looked. like something from a movie. He hops on your bed and watches you set up your things at your study desk. he thought you were the cutest when you’re doing something you obviously loved. you kick your shoes off and glare at him. 
“what are you doing? you’re not going to study?”. 
“well I really don’t know how to study”. 
“you’ve never studied before?”. 
soobin shakes his head. 
“my parents beat me for getting bad grades but they never encourage me to do good. they never show that they have any expectations from me. so I never learned”. you frowned. 
“well, my mom is expecting you to do good now. so now you have a reason. she’ll really put you on punishment”. you laugh and soobin smiles. you bring your notebook and textbook over to where he was sitting. 
“so usually the way I study is I go over what we went over in class. I’ll read the textbook and write down the important information--”.
“why do you have to read the whole thing?”. 
“because when you are actively reading it you want to internalize the information, not memorize it. memorizing isn’t good for exams. you want to make sure you remember of course, but exams don’t ask for facts. they ask for the how, why, when, and put your perspective into question”. 
“so i’d have to tell them what I think?”. 
“yes exactly, based upon the information of course. but you have to know the information well”. 
“can’t I just say one thing that has to do with the topic and babble off? I don’t know if i’ll be able to think too critically”. 
“that’s why you internalize information. you’ll always have an opinion that way”. 
soobin thinks for a moment. “huh?”. 
“for instance. abraham lincoln. he issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free slaves on september 22nd, 1862. this is a fact. and it’s also something i memorized. now if I get a question on my exam that asks me something like, How did the Emancipation Proclamation open the door for black soldiers? you wouldn’t know how to answer it right? because you are focused on memorizing facts instead of internalizing the event and knowing the how he did this, why he did this, what did intend by doing this, and how did this affect others. do you know what I mean?”.
soobin stared with his jaw hanging low. 
“how the hell are you so smart?”. 
you couldn’t help but laugh. you hoped he was listening though. 
“do you get it?”. 
“yes ma’am. but I do have a question”. 
“is it bad to fall in love with your teacher?”. soobin smiles knowing your cheeks were on fire. 
“stop it”. you point playfully in his face. he grabs you by your thighs and makes you straddle his lap, 
“make me”, he smirks. you became nervous but of course you didn’t want him to know that. 
“soobin--we have to study”. you pleaded, when really you didn’t want him to stop at all. 
“have you ever had a hickey before?”. he whispers in the small space that separated his face from yours. you shook your head no. he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“do you want one?”. your fingers toy with your pleated skirt and you hesitantly nod. “all you have to do is suck the skin really hard, and maybe bite it a little for a more dramatic mark. like this”-- 
he reaches his lips up pressing them onto your neck and you forgot how delicate his lips were. he tongue kisses it all over peppering it with his mouth. your arms wrapped around his neck for support. he chooses a spot and starts sucking it gradually. he sinks his teeth into your skin but it didn’t hurt like you thought it would. your eyes began to close as he picks another spot and does it all over again. his wet lips always uncaged your butterflies. 
you whine as his hands travel down to your waist. he licks another spot before tongue kissing it. he sucks this one just as he did the others and you couldn’t believe the pleasure you were feeling from a kiss alone. “you like it?”. he whispers into the crook of your neck you mutter and yes, an invitation for him to keep going. 
you bit your lips and threw your head back giving him more access to your skin, which he definitely took advantage of. by the time he was finished you attached your lips to his neck in exchange, trying to copy his movements. he was stunned. he was going to tell you that you didn’t have to return the favor but your lips made his adrenaline rush. you were feeling needy on his lap like this. you rock your hips gently against his growing boner and soobin hisses. you were biting and kissing all the right places and he couldn’t remember the last time he’s gotten a hickey. 
“am i doing it okay?”. you ask innocently, “yes”. soobin answers prior to catching your lips and pushing his own against yours instead. without hesitation his tongue wandered your mouth and you rock down on him even harder, loving the friction you received. he laid back on your bed leaving you on top of him. his hands brushed against your thighs going higher and higher with each stroke.soon he was rubbing your ass while you were tongue kissing him back like the needy girl you were. 
“dinner is ready guys! soobin you are more than welcome to join us!”. your mother yelled from downstairs. the both of you sat up quickly and it dawned on you that you were really just about to have sex.
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x0401x · 4 years
Jeweler Richard Cobalt Short Story
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The Checkered Half of Edward Baxter’s Life
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He met him for the first time when attending a boarding school in Switzerland.
He had no plans for homecoming even as summer vacation came about. It was better to stay in Switzerland as things were noisy at home, his father had told him on the phone, and he was not a fourteen-year-old innocent enough not to catch onto the meaning of “I’ll have to look after you if you come back and this would reduce the time I have for my research” that lay underneath.
There was no helping it, so he secluded himself in the library. However, the library was full of children like him, with no place to return to. He gradually started feeling depressed.
Switzerland, which Queen Elizabeth also loved, had many picturesque tourist attractions. There was no lack of places to have a fun time from dawn to dusk and a pipe organ concert was being held at a church in town, which was quite close to the school, so he imprudently thought that it would be safe even at night.
Since he had an unnecessarily exemplary daily conduct, it was easy to earn permission for exiting the campus. The question of where he was going was disregarded, and it was hard for him when a nuance drifted about, saying that he should go play around a little, if anything. He already knew by then that he was most likely a child who did not specialize much at behaving like a child.
The summer city was brimming with sightseers. Made of brown bricks, the cityscape that looked like those from fairy tales was decorated everywhere with pink and white potted flowers. The city seemed to have many watersides, with restaurants lined up by the river shores, a big black dog that was probably someone’s pet dragging its leash around and waggling, looking like it wanted him to play with it. Just when he thought of playing a little, its owner apparently called for it from afar, so the dog turned its body around and rushed away.
The city was fun at night. Being able to get the feeling that he was with someone even without being accompanied was just what he needed.
He only realized that he was lost long after he had started losing his way. He was certain there was a church in that area where a concert was taking place, but while roaming around, what came into his field of vision was nothing but apartment complexes, garbage dumps and tunnels with no signs of life. He had apparently entered a residential area where the public order was not too good, but did not know how to get out. As he decided to just go back the way he had come from, there were people standing behind him once he turned on his heels.
He was able to tell right away that they were around seventeen to eighteen years old because the boys were wearing parkas and baseball caps. With such looks that one would not see so often in a waterside of bustling terrace cafés, they spoke while chewing gums. Just as an earl would sometimes do, he pretended not to have heard them.
“Shortie, what’cha doin’ out here? Where yer papa and mama?”
“They not around? You alone?”
“Then don’tcha have a wallet with ya?”
“You’re as pretty as a doll, huh. Can’t talk?”
“Young Master, could you please spare us a blessing?”
Cold sweat beaded on his back as he wondered what would happen if he refused. He had begun having boxing lessons, but the classes were strictly separated by age and body weight, so he could not think of it as training for fighting opponents who were clearly older than him.
Just when unpleasant memories started whirling in his head as he pondered what he should do, what he had to do, what he was supposed to do to cut his way through a time like this all by himself, someone most certainly grabbed his arm from the side.
“Hey, Edward! Edward, isn’t that you?”
For a second, he did not know who the owner of that familiar voice was.
Brownish blond hair and light blue eyes, a knit vest and black slacks. Shiny leather shoes and an armor-like smile.
“Je... Jay!”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s me, Jay. I’m happy you remembered.”
The one who went around the boy from behind and hugged him from the shoulder was his cousin, Jeffrey, who was two years older than him. Even as the boy stared at him with eyes that asked why he was in a place like this and how he had gotten here, Jeffrey maintained the same-old theatrical face that he pulled off so well and hid behind his back the one who had the status of a younger brother to him.
“What’re you doing in this place? You’ll be late for the meeting if you don’t hurry. Won’t your uncle be mad if you make him wait any longer? He’s a really scary person.”
“I-I’m sorry. I will be going right away.”
“That’s it, so bye!”
Tightly hugging the shoulder of the one that he was supposed to protect, Jeffrey left the scene. Perhaps due to him handling the matter with such a lighthearted and loud voice, there were no signs of the two chasing after them.
“That was terrifying.”
“We’re leaving this place.”
“All right.”
Jeffrey walked in long strides from the semi-darkness where a fishy smell drifted about to the main street lined with the glow of light poles. The boy walked keeping his body close to Jeffrey’s, as it did not seem like the latter intended to let go of the shoulder that he was firmly holding onto otherwise.
“Honestly, good thing I was around.”
“‘How’, you ask? I’m your super hero, so isn’t it obvious that I’d rush to you when you’re in trouble?”
“Not that; what is the truth?”
“I meant it as the truth, though... Kidding. It was just a coincidence. If I’m not wrong, today’s the day that summer vacation started for you, right? My school was a bit faster to give us leisure time, so I planned to ambush you and make a surprise. But when I visited your school, they said you’d gone out all by yourself, so I was the surprised one,” the older cousin said cheerfully.
He was a man with a big heart, the kind that constantly changed his voice tone and facial expression as he spoke, who was always smiling and accepted first-thing the evaluation that he was charismatic yet shady. Moreover, he continuously took his little brother, who had been born to free-spirited parents and was younger than him, under his feathers. For the boy, his existence was much more than that of an older brother.
At the words “I’m the only one here”, the boy realized that he was relieved. The earl and the even older cousin from whom he would have to conceal this were not there.
“You okay?”
“Yes, but the earl and Brother Henry are not here.”
“Father was in Cannes, I guess. Henry is following him to make appearances. Looks like it’s a busy season for the high society.”
“How awful.”
“I wonder if they’re getting caught up with playing around. Aah, but Henry is a serious guy. Piano practice might be more fun to him than a casino.”
“I think I understand how he feels.”
“That’s right. Let’s go to Cannes with him someday too. Let’s live it up in a casino or something.”
“If I become penniless from buying too many books by then, what will we do?”
“Leave it to me. I might be like this, but I’m hoping to enter the financial business. I’ll lend you as much money as you want. With damn high interest.”
“You little—”
They shoved each other around as if to hug one another, and by the time they had all but arrived at the main street, filled as it was with human presence, the boy finally released a sigh. That was dreadful. He was not very used to being threatened. At school, he had already grown somewhat used to having his appearance mocked or people using the words “I’ll throw the trash away for you” as an excuse to touch his body, and had come up with countermeasures to some extent, but troubles outside the school were always beyond hypothesis.
As he gave an abrupt shudder upon recalling being sandwiched from front and back by two older boys, something landed on top of his head with a tap. It was Jeffrey’s hand.
Patting his golden-haired head in light rolls with the palm of his hand, the boy who was two years older grinned at him. “Well, first things first, you should start with not getting lost.”
“You were watching me?”
“I wasn’t. I ran around here and there because of that. It had me out of breath, but I was a prize-worthy elite actor for not letting it show, huh? I want a trophy.”
“Then how did you know I was lost?”
“You’re not the kind of kid who’d go to a place like that on purpose, Ricky.”
At that moment, the boy had the sudden realization that his cousin was a child merely two years above him, and so he was supposed to be protected, not to be protecting someone else. Fearing kidnappings, everyone in the earl’s estate had an enormous amount of money on insurance payouts. The fact that he would rather be someone who had next to no worries in going outside of school than have the presence of the bodyguards who would be tagging along with him in normal circumstances made the boy shiver again.
“Hum... Jeff, is everything all right for you? My apologies for that. Your guards—”
“You’re still on about that? Y’know, you could just leave it as ‘that was terrifying’. I lost my guards. I mean, it’s no fun with them. I think I’ll get a call from Father lecturing me again, but isn’t it kinda disturbing to have two old men in suits clinging to my back even when I go see my dear little brother’s face?”
He had probably taken that measure due to foreseeing that the bodyguards would scary his cousin, the boy realized. Before he sank into an apologetic sea once more, Jeffrey found a random shop at the side of the road and took a seat in the quiet interior. He ordered two lemonades. As he was striking a lighthearted talk about how they were perfect for Switzerland in the summer...
“Who was that Edward from just now?”
“Uh? Aah, no one. I let it out of my mouth without much thought.”
Jeffrey did not say, “It’s because they might memorize your name if I were so stupidly honest to call you Richard”. His consideration from not wanting to say it and expressly scare his cousin, as well as his carefreeness of not deeming it necessary to be said, were comfortable for the boy.
Edward, Edward, he repeated in his heart the unfamiliar name, and after drinking just a little bit of the lemonade, the boy whispered intermittently, “It’d be good if you had a name like that too.”
As he said, “Like Edward”, Jeffrey laughed.
“Isn’t that ‘Jay’?”
“That was just because I didn’t manage to say ‘Jeffrey’...”
“Hmm,” Jeffrey interjected with an indifferent attitude, sucking onto the straw of his lemonade.
Aah, it’s the face of someone who’s planning something fun, the boy noted, and as he laughed a little, his older cousin showed a smile three times happier than that.
“Then give me one.”
“You can give me a name like that too. Let’s make them secret names between us.”
“For Brother Henry too?”
“Keep it a secret from Henry.”
The smile of his cousin, who laughed without any maliciousness, was as sweet as nectar. The boy displayed a facial expression of sincere reassurance, then began turning over the name dictionary inside his head with “not this, not that either”. No matter what, his favorite names either were related to individuals from classic literature or leaned towards Japanese people, but none of them suited Jeffrey’s face.
The boy made up his mind about the fact that a basic name would be best and raised his head, peeking at his cousin’s eyes. “James.”
“Huhu, roger that, Edward. I’m James, yeah? Aah, what’s my family name? Anything but ‘Bones’, ‘kay? I don’t like martini that much.”
“Jeff, you already drink?”
“We’re talking about James now and Jeff has nothing to do with it.”
While he jokingly raised the lemonade’s straw, spinning it in twirls like a magic wand, the boy observed him as if looking at a gemstone that emanated a dazzling shine. He was a wonderful person who could do anything and who showed concern for the boy – more than that, the boy considered him someone special and could not come home to anyone else in the world, no matter where he searched. He was a treasure that the boy most definitely could not exchange for anything, not even if an ancient king came up to him with an elephant loaded to the brim with pearls, rubies and emeralds on its back, and whenever the boy was in bad health, he would always think that, if they were ever pulled apart to places where they could never see each other again, he would cry profusely.
He was the one who promptly contacted the boy whenever anything happened in general, driving away the latter’s nightmares, so the honor of granting a name to someone like that gradual and silently filled the boy’s heart, turned into a word and overflowed, “Ya’aburnee.”
As Jeffrey had apparently not heard it well, the boy repeated the word for him, “Ya’aburnee. The word is cut between the ‘ya’ and the ‘aburnee’. The accent is on the first vowel.”
“‘Ya’aburnee’, huh? It’s pretty yet has a mysterious ring to it.”
“It is Arabic.”
“Learned a new word again, huh, you damn prodigy?”
“I am no prodigy.”
“I meant an ‘effort prodigy’. ‘Cause you’re a hardworker. Okay, my secret name is James Ya’aburnee. Edward, what about you?”
“What’s Edward’s family name?”
Taken aback, the boy hung his head after a moment of indecision, looking depressed. When Jeffrey asked what happened, the boy timidly raised his face. “Hum... The two are real brothers, so they have the same family name.”
As he said so with a voice that sounded like it was fading, Jeffrey’s eyes widened just slightly, and after nodding with a “hun-hun”, he grinned. That smile of Jeffrey’s was even now said to be difficult for his parents to distinguish whether it was fake or not, but the boy was able to tell the difference. If a dimple appeared on his left cheek, it was not a fake smile. Jeffrey himself had told him that.
There was a dimple on his elder cousin’s left cheek.
“Heeh~! That so?”
“It is so.”
“Then James and Edward are really just like us.”
“I mean, we’re real brothers, right? That’s how I think.”
As Jeffrey ill-manneredly drank the remaining part of his lemonade in slurps, the clerk made a disgusted face at him. The headline on the magazine that she had in hands read, “How to Date Rich Men”, and so the boy felt like saying something rude to her, such as, “I think the person you just glared at is probably richer than the ones in that magazine”. It felt like he could do anything that the boy usually was unable to. He was cheerful, bright and warm at heart.
As he sat quietly without saying anything, Jeffrey smiled subtly and gently rested his hand on the boy’s golden-haired head. “Wanna go back to school? Or not?”
“I want to be together for a bit longer.”
“Okay. Then let’s do that.”
Holding hands with his “little brother” of two years bellow him, Jeffrey escorted him to a hotel near his dormitory, converting into a parent and calling the boy’s school to request permission for him to spend the night out, and after checking into one of those cheap inns that was would be crammed with skiers in the winter, the two immersed themselves in conversation on their bed the all night long.
Jeffrey talked about their homes and families. About his friends. About financing, which he was studying. About drama theory. About how he felt like throwing up from agony when preparing for an assignment where he completely slipped into the role of a prime minister who had only managed to rescue 150 civilians alive out of 300 that had been taken hostage by terrorists. About how he cracked up when he was told, “Everyone will stop trusting you” after he showed off too much the chameleon acting that he had mastered in drama class.
Jeffrey’s talks were not tiring – all topics were interesting, adding gemstones of lustrous gleam to the boy’s heart one after another. In return, the boy talked about the satisfying life he led in at the Swiss lodging house. About the bright sunlight, the climate that was warmer than England’s, the ever-white snowy peaks overlooked in the distance, the lively teachers who were like sportsmen. About how he not have many friends, but believed that it was due to him not conducting himself like a child, so there was no helping it, and how he would not mind it much if he did not have anyone, as long as he had Jeffrey.
As he was sprawled on the bed while resting his cheek on one hand, Jeffrey tipped Richard’s head back down. “You shouldn’t please me so much. Or else we won’t be able to stay away from each other.”
“What is so bad about that?”
“When you start hating me, I don’t want you to think, ‘I hate him but I can’t let go of him’.”
“I believe something like that will never happen. So that is okay.”
“There you go again saying something that makes me happy... Y’know, Ricky, people have this thing called a ‘rebellious phase’.”
“It seems I do not.”
“Plus, it’s pretty scary afterwards; I read a paper that said reactions also happen.”
“I do not have that, but thanks.”
After rubbing each other’s heads into a mess, they resumed the talk about Edward and James. Where the two of them lived, if their relationship was a favorable one, if they had any other acquaintances and what they usually did to pass the time. Dreams and jokes mixed up with the human drama built up amidst their sleepiness, and so they became yakuza, lived in Japan and fought over whether or not to put wasabi on sushi, but were the good-natured kind of duo that would always make up immediately. They did not endeavor illegal activities and instead were yakuza who respected the old-fashioned thinking of “humanity and justice”, of lending a helping hand to people in trouble, and did not bear tattoos as they were a little scary. Amongst the yakuza, there was a pledge called sworn siblinghood, but since they were blood-related siblings, so there was no need for such a thing.
By the time they had started to doze off, the boy woke up with a start. Jeffrey was not making a drowsy face. His bottomless eyes, which appeared to be looking into somewhere far away, even so maintained their focus immersed on Richard’s face.
“Hey, Ricky, what’s the continuation to that story?”
“What happens to Edward and James in the distant future?”
Amidst the sensation that he seemed to be airily drifting towards the world of dreams, the boy tilted his neck. He had no idea why Jeffrey was asking something so obvious. His mouth moved in a natural manner, “They continue getting along forever.”
“I see. Go rest already,” Jeffrey said, getting up from the single-person bed, giving him a pillow and putting a blanket over him, then tucked himself into his own bed and attempted to sleep.
He did try to fall into slumber, but upon noticing his small cousin staring at him with eyes that seemed to be imploring for something, he took his pillow and went back to the boy’s side. Like two hatchlings huddling their feathers onto each other, the two children slept while dreaming about the future.
The next morning, Jeffrey took a still sleepy-looking Richard back to school, scattering an amiable “I’m leaving him in your care” all over the place, shaking people’s hands here and there and returning to his angry-faced bodyguards’ side. Gossip ran about like gale amongst students with time to spare, saying that the second son of an earldom – a brilliant honors student even within a famous public school from England – had apparently come to see a sibling of his who was in this school, which became a rumor in the whole school at one point, but said rumor, like a mirage faintly surfacing over a lake in the summer, was gone before autumn came around.
“Let’s decide on your name.”
“Calling you ‘Seigi’ would have a bad effect in a situation where there are only enemies. If I call you by a completely different name, there is the possibility that you would not be able to react, so I believe a name somewhat similar to your own is safer.”
“Then, ‘Seigi’, ‘Seigi’, ‘Seigi’... Make it ‘Seiji’.”
“Too close. Some people might mishear it as ‘Seigi’ instead. Think of a surname. I will call you by that.”
Richard had started saying odd things about perhaps having to throw fists at an accessories shop that was disseminating fake turquoises. For me to come up with a fake name. Indeed, revealing our true names even if by accident could be a dangerous situation.
I squeezed up a knowledge that I didn’t have, deep in thought. Something that sounded kind of similar to my real name. Yet was a different name. Hmm.
“‘Nakata’, ‘Nakata’, ‘Nakata’... ‘Yamada’, Yamada? No, ‘Tanaka’ is also... Ah~, I wonder which. Yamada or Tanaka?”
“Then let’s make it Yamada. Yamada Seiji-san. I will be counting on you. I am Edward Baxter.”
“Where’s ‘Richard’ as the base for that?”
“I will be in your care.”
“My pleasu~re.”
Wearing a red open-necked shirt that looked like it could show up in contests for rare clothing articles, I sat on the Jaguar’s passenger seat. However, in terms of outfit eccentricity, I didn’t feel like I could beat the man sitting next to me. White, white, white. It was thoroughly white from top to bottom, the hairstyle pulled all the way back. It was a bit of an underground person look.
“I’m checking just in case, but what kind of setting is this Edward Baxter-sensei from?”
“A messenger from the Great Universe who miraculously predicts fortunes and foresees the fate of gems.”
“Uh. Got it. I’ll do my best not to laugh.”
“Obviously. Laughing at a messenger of the Great Universe is insolence.”
The Jaguar sped up like always. If this car had a voice, it felt like it would frantically cause a stir, asking, “Mister, aren’t you too different from usual?” but the Jaguar was reticent and loyal.
As the vehicle kept running, my nervousness increased a little. I wanted to say something, but Richard’s profile was rock-hard. It would feel awkward if I discussed about tea and snacks that had nothing to do with it here and now. But I wanted to talk. I was able to come up with just one thing when wondering what I should say.
“Is there... a family in the setting of that Baxter-sensei? Or does he not have any, since he’s a messenger of the Great Universe? Sorry. You didn’t think that far, did you?”
When I asked that, Richard briefly made a strange face. Unlike his usual refreshing smile, that expression could only be described as a “suggestive grin”, with a gaze that didn’t appear to be looking at me but at something in the distance.
Then he stated, “He has no relatives whosoever.”
“Roger that.”
And so, the two of us headed to the shop of shady history. Edward Baxter-shi, who claimed to have not a single relative, seemed to be making a just slightly sad-looking face within the glass of the windshield. However, Yamada Seiji courteously pretended that he was not at all seeing the weakness of a messenger of the Great Universe.
He had no idea what Nakata Seigi made of it, though.
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vvaane · 3 years
Hi, i’m Evon. Yea that’s the best way to start writing about a god damn serial killer, a proxy or whatever you guys call us. It’s late at night and you might be wondering why someone like me would write a book, dont i have people to kill? Cops to run from? Watch my back maybe? Nah man i used to do that before... that happened. Do you ever contemplate about your life? You know things like: what if i didn’t do that? what if i stayed silent? what if what i said once changed the whole story? Yea i know, a lot of what ifs. What can i say, i like to think. I may be a monster who kills like killing machine but i still have 'me' time.
I think i’m just rambeling now but yea another thing about me is that i like to talk, maybe too much sometimes. I wasn’t always like this though, as a child i was very quite and kinda depressed. Childhood isn’t my best memory to be honest, all i remember is wasting it on suffering and building up rage, until of course, i snaped.
Usually if someone asks me about that time of my life, i kill them without hesitation but in this case no one asked me so here we fucking go. Appriciate this because i’m not gonna talk about my shity life ever again. I was born on a beautiful day of summer, 4th of july 2000. I don’t have memories of my family, the only thing i know is that my mom commited suicide because of postbirth depression and dear old dad didn’t even bother to raise me or to even be in my life, good i killed him. Anyways, i spend my childhood at a church, raised in the name of this so called god, yea that place as holy as it sounds like, it wasn’t. Everyone feared the priest. What can i say, he was the best, always beating and torturing us many times even if we didn’t do anything wrong, my best and only friend was killed by this motherfucker. I myself got in trouble many times just because i 'wasn’t a man'. I don’t know how are you supposed to be a man at 13 years old but sure. You got 3 chances to 'go on gods way' if u didn’t make it you were send to a room that looked like an old basement of a castle. The room was dark and the only light you were seeing was from a little window, the door was big and scary honestly, when you first come into the room you would see a big statue of that bitch Mary. There the priest would give you 3 options: beat you, tie you in chains and not feed you for a week or put you in isolation for up to half a year. That guy was crazy and i’m pretty sure he hated children. Every kid would choose to be beaten because it lasted a short period of time compared to the other options. I was a maniac since i was little so i tried everything, being beaten till i was unconscious which isn’t that bad compared to the other things, i was beaten with everything you can imagine, chains, belts etc. I still have scars all over my body from that. Many kids weren’t strong enough and died. Their bodys were thrown in a room and from there they would be put then in the crematorium like they were nothing. Next i was tied and not fed, let me tell you, you get so hungry at one point you would even eat youself and i have seen one kid bite into his own arm somehow. Now the last and worst, isolation.I’ve been in isolation for maximum 2 months, i was put in a diferent room, this one had no windows so no light would come in, i felt like i was in a box, i had no bed, no nothing, i would eat once every 2 days half a bread. Many kids who went there didn’t come back. My friend was always send there even if he didn’t choose that. Dear Mike died when he was 15, i was 14 at the time.
Anyway, believe it or not that prepared me for what was next to happen. How do u think i survived the proxy training? That shit is hard but i will get there in a minute. After my friends death i felt like i wasn’t myself, i felt like some other me was taking control over my mind and body. When the priest found out about this change in my behavior he said i was possesd my some kind of demon and he performed this so called exorcisms on me that consisted in bathing me in holy water, tyeing me to the bed and saying many prayers. Useless. It wasn’t any of that. I actually had a second personality, a manifestation of my darkest and deepest thoughts and ideas. It was really hard for me to get used to this other me, over the time i even gave him a name: Devon. He became my best friend, he was the the only one who understood me. I faked being a normal kid so that the priest won’t try to take Devon away from me. I didn’t take any meds so day by day he was stonger and stronger, over the years we did many things, we destroyed a lot, first it started slow with plates and glasses but then i started to kill some animals around the church and the fact that i enjoyed it scared me at first. After i started doing this things i always felt watched, usually i was dizzy and sometimes i started to hear whispers even if i was alone in a room.
Years went by fast if i think about it, like if they were nothing, winters were the hardest because it was always cold and with all the tortureing sure it wasn’t the best thing. I was 18 when that event happned, i still remember every detail. It was summer, the weather was really hot, i was in my room when Devon took control out of nowhere, he wanted me to escape, to be free, to take revenge for every single thing they've done to me. He was right, i had to do something to get out and i wasn’t only gonna do that, i had to kill the priest and burn this place down. That church was what you guys call hell. If it’s hell then it has to burn. All day i wondered through every room in search of gasoline and matches, eventually at exactly 7:45pm i found what i needed, i stared at the objects like they were my saviours. Devon took control again and everything started, i poured the gasoline on every hallway of the church until the priest saw me, he wanted to hit me but i managed to fight him for a while, he was stronger than me so i ran away with the gasoline, i took a hatchet just to know i have something to defend myself with. I lit the match and threw it, i enjoyed the view of this place burning, i felt like i was able to dream again, i felt free and i didnt care who was still in there, the only thing that mattered was the fact that i got revenge and that im finally free. The view was ruined by the priest who was running in the woods. Of course i chased him with the hatchet until i lost him for a minute but then i heard a scream so i went in that direction. the adrenaline was overwheliming, i felt so powerful like i could do anything. After running for like a good 10 minutes i saw the priest dead with his killer getting off of him. The anger i felt in that moment is unimaginable, he stole my victim, the only person i wanted to kill with my hands, he took that away from me. I started running towards him with my hatchet. He stayed still like he didnt care, as i got closer to him i saw that he had the same weapon as me. I stopped and he smiled at me:
-You remind me of myself when i was little.
-I don’t fucking care what i remind you of, you just killed my victim!
-I’m Toby, Ticci Toby, nice to meet you...
- Evon, i said hesitantlly. Why are u doing this?Being nice.
-Thats a rule i have to follow, don’t kill or be rude to other killers.
Thats what changed everything, right after that i saw this faceless man behind Toby, he wasnt scared at all. This creature began speaking to me somehow.
-Child, i can give you a new home and i can let you be who you are, you don’t have to be afraid!
I didn’t have a place to go to so i accepted, i didnt know the training was gonna be so hard and long though. First i had to fight every proxy and that Masky guy left a scar on my face that went over my eye and my eye changed colour, from brown it went bloody red. Then i had to learn how to kill, how to survive, how to run from cops, it was hard for me but Toby helped me a lot. We got close and he took me with him every time Slends would give him a job. He was the youngest before i came in the picture. He told me his story, i told him mine. I had a friend after a long god damn time.
Now i’m 21 and i’m one of the best proxys Slender ever had. Toby is still the best of the best and to be honest he deserves the title. That’s my story. Now that you know it you should be prepared because i might come for u next.
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seotellite · 4 years
5:00 P.M.
Warnings: curse words
1.6k words
“Hide it there!”
You and your best friend Haechan are both out of breath from trying to chase the little pup around his and your brother’s dorm room.
“Why is he so fast at running?!”
“it bit me!”
“Stop overreacting Haechan, it barely has teeth!”
Your head was starting to pound and you knew the two of you are screwed, because no one really planned this. It’s hard to ignore a puppy okay!
The two of you were out and about in the sunny streets of Seoul and there you see a sign at a whimsy café’s glass door that said “Puppies for Adoption” written with a pink marker with small drawings around it. The café itself looked cozy at the same time adorable, it didn’t look sketchy at all. You’re itching to get in there and play with the puppies. You were immersed at the simple thought of getting to pet the little doggos. Haechan tugged on your jacket’s sleeve while inching closer to the café’s door.
“Y/n, let’s play with the puppies before we go home, please?”
The boy did his best aegyo, it was unnecessary since you were up for his plan anyway. You were sure that he had his ways and has everyone wrapped around his finger. That adorable fucker.
“We will only play with them. We can’t adopt one, my complex doesn’t allow pets and I’m not sure with your dorms.”
“but Wayv hyungs have 3 pets.”
It came out of his mouth as more of a mumble but you were sure that he was responsible enough not to get carried away you weren’t so sure about yourself though. When you entered the café, you were greeted by a high-pitched bark coming from a tiny little dog. It had caught your attention since it was all alone, and went to play with it in the pen while the both of you were waiting for you drinks but you suddenly got curious as to why it was alone, you thought there were more? You stood up from the play mat to go to the owner of the café to ask about the other puppies, she looked few years older than you and looked really kind.
“Miss, is that dog the only one?”
“He’s the tiniest one, because of that, no one really considered to adopt him. If you are willing to adopt him, I hope you do since we really want to give him a home, we have 5 dogs at home and couldn’t take care of more and your boyfriend seems to be enjoying the little one’s company.”
“Oh no, we’re not together.”
“I’m sorry dear, you two would look great none the less.”
You were shocked at what the owner told you but the feeling of sympathy for the little pup washed over you. Your heart broke, and clearly Haechan’s as well. He looked like he was about to cry and went to pick up the tiny dog from the pen since they allowed customers to play with the pups they have for adoption and took him to your seats, he gave the pup belly rubs while it was laying down his lap. He heard everything due to the small space but brushed of his feelings instead and continued on playing with the puppy.
At last your drinks arrived. As you expected, it looked really pretty, too pretty for a drink. It was unexceptionally amazing, it was sweet but not that it would turn you off after a few sips the fresh berry flavours are dancing their way around your tongue, which you loved. On the other hand, Haechan looks like he’s enjoying the puppy’s company over the drink but you didn’t mind. All of a sudden, he looked at you with big eyes. Oh no.
He lifted the puppy up to your face and it licked your nose, and in that exact moment, you were sure you couldn’t leave the poor thing. It was like magic, like the dog had a spell on its saliva. You were overreacting but you swore no one would resist it! The both of you fell in love with the small dog and it would break the both of your hearts to not give it a permanent home.
You went to the register again to sign athe papers for adoption while Haechan was waiting for you with the puppy peacefully resting in his arms, you took a quick glance at the boy and he had apparent heart eyes for his newfound friend. He held it like it was an actual newborn baby, you found it really cute. Haechan looked so soft with the puppy, if only he couldn’t hear you, you would have squealed, the sight was that adorable it made you feel all fuzzy, not to mention he matched the café’s interior design so well, he was wearing a light brown fuzzy sweater paired with jeans. It looked like Christmas, it was so cute.
As the two of you were walking down the street to their dorms with you holding the small dog with a blanket wrapped around it like a baby, he nudged your side with his free hand, he had two paper bags of pet supplies filled with every single toy you could find, clothes and of course the essentials. Some of the plush toys you bought together were bigger than the puppy, for future use of course.
“You do realize that we’re coming back with a puppy right.”
You flashed him your most awkward looking smile hoping that he’ll get your point, you were scared since you were older than him for a few days, but he insists on calling you “noona” anyways. You had to be the much responsible one, but there’s no turning back.
So here you are, trying your best to now hide the puppy somewhere inside their dorm room, beads of sweat are forming against your forehead and you just received a text from your brother that him and Doyoung are on their way home from their schedule.
“what the hell do we do now?”
Haechan sounded fazed, why did the two of you adopted a dog when you were planning to hide it anyway? And as if you can even hide a pet. Now, you’re starting to feel bricks in your head, you didn’t ask to be in this situation but you had to take responsibility due to you and your friend’s decision.
“You were the one who looked at me!”
“What does that even mean?! You signed the papers!”
Your voices were rising as the argument went on, thank God no one was in the dorm unit besides you two or else the others would have locked you both in separate rooms knowing hoe none of you liked losing an argument.
“So it’s now my fault?!”
“That’s not wh-“
Suddenly you heard a beep from the door meaning someone just came in, as soon as the door opened the puppy who finally came out under the bed, ran to the door and started jumping around the person. Johnny looked at it as if he saw a ghost, he looked at it for a moment before switching his gaze between you and Haechan who just stood there looking at the ground.
“Johnny oppa…”
What the actual-? You didn’t expect Lee Haechan would call your own brother “oppa”, oh God. A knot was forming in your throat since you found his way of consolation disturbing but hilarious.
The boy glared at you while you were still trying your best not to burst out laughing. This isn’t a good time for laughs since your big brother was standing by the door frame with the dog just staring at his slippers, but his was still standing there like a statue waiting for the one of you to explain. If Haechan calling Johnny “oppa” is funny, then Johnny looking that intimidating from the head almost down to toe took it for you, he was wearing his Totoro slippers for Pete’s sake.
“So we saw a sign…”
Now you were about to shit your pants, he wasn’t even answering his roommate.
“There were puppies up for adoption, it said. But that puppy was left alo-“
“And you two decided to adopt it without telling us?”
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole, pissed off Johnny wasn’t good Johnny, you didn’t want to be in the same room as him whenever he was all riled up. He doesn’t do anything but that’s scary, him doing nothing, like he got struck by medusa he was goddamn intimidating, good thing Doyoung came into the room to check in.
“The two of you need to take responsibility for this though.”
He pointed at the puppy still sitting there doing a staring contest between him and your brother’s totoro slippers. Doyoung started laughing, is he okay? They’re so odd.
“John, looks he’s staring at your slippers.”
Your brother shifted his gaze towards the dog and let out a defeated sigh. Finally, he did something, but you and Haechan are still afraid to make a move. Still testing out the waters?
The four of you discussed it to Taeyong and he was fine with keeping the puppy, just as long as you would agree to watch it when no one was home. Who were you to not agree?
“See, told you they would love Jwi.”
“You didn’t tell me that?!”
Jisung begged Haechan to name the puppy “Jwi” for some reason. Jaemin and Jeno spoiled the pup with treats and a bed. Jwi, was living the life.
1601 words
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