#and I might have to be a true angel/spike/dru shipper
tubesock86 · 1 year
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taramaclaywasaterf · 5 years
I love that youre a Spuffy shipper. People talk about how abusive their relationship was but a 240 year old stalking a 15 year old is totally romantic? And soul-having Angel is SO BORING although I hear he's characterized way better on Angel. But Spike is such a fun character and hes fucking hilarious. And the backstory with his mother in Lies My Parents Told Me OMG. So deliciously twisted. And James apparently is a sweatheart with fans. But in my gay heart the only one for Buffy is Faith.
Oh their (Spuffy’s) relationship was totally fucked up, but like...I’m weak, and I can’t help but ship them anyway lol
AND YESSS remember how the Whistler was like “wow she must be prettier than the last slayer” when Angel first saw Buffy and said he wanted to help her? It was clear from the start that his intentions were to hook up with her! AND HE WAS 26 YEARS OLD WHEN HE WAS SIRED. NOT GOOD.
I’m one of those people who sees vampires as their human age, not their demon age (which I know is controversial among vampire...enthusiasts? Is there a word for that?) because I see it as they’re frozen in that emotional maturity level/brain development stage. If you’re sired at 17, you essentially have the mind of a 17 year old for the next however many centuries it takes until you get a stake jabbed through your heart. You might be a very mature 17 year old with a lot (A LOT!) of life experience, but your brain still works like that of any other 17 year old.
The reason I’m saying all that is because HOLY FUCK is it gross that Angel was supposed to be ALMOST 30 when he was sired!!! That’s TWICE Buffy’s age when he first started to quite literally stalk her!!! Add over 200 years to that- over 200 years of being a 30 year old man!- and the grossness is amplified times, like, a thousand.
And omg yes, he’s extremely boring in Buffy. He’s got the personality of a doorknob. And he’s also just an all around self righteous asshole lol but he is a lot better in his spin-off. I actually love Angel the Series. It starts off a little slow but it gets really really good (minus some major issues in the middle, which I won’t spoil in case you ever wanna watch it) as it goes on. His personality really comes through, and he becomes more than just one-note Broody Forehead Guy. David Boreanaz’s acting actually improves a lot in AtS too, which is great because there’s a few times in BtVS that he kinda takes me out of the moment, especially early on when he’s still figuring out how to play Angel.
As for Spike, he is SO much more entertaining than Angel. Like, coming from a character/story telling perspective alone, his character in Buffy is just infinitely more interesting than Angel’s is. And his characterization is flawless (well, thanks to Joss that’s not true, but you get my point lol) in the sense of going from William to Spike. IT ALL JUST MAKES SENSE. IT FITS HIM PERFECTLY. Everything Spike *IS* is a reaction to who he was as William. Like what Angel says to Willow in Doppelgangland: becoming a vampire amplifies who you were as a person (*cough* hence Harmony being The Literal Best vampire in all creation *cough*). The demon inside Spike is essentially going against everything Spike was as a human, and I think that’s how Spike was able to love without having his soul...his ability to love was amplified by being sired, but the demon inside him violently rebelled against it, leading to this weird sort of relationship we see first with Dru, then with Buffy. It’s sorta parallel to Angel vs. Angelus, only it’s William vs. Spike, going on inside him all at the same time. Ugh. Anyway, I can go on for hours about this so I’ll stop here before it gets even longer lol
As for Fuffy, I have another ask coming about all about them!!!
(Oh, and yes, Spike is hilarious too. I quote “you made a bear! Undo it! Undo it!” And “Just An Old Pal Of Xan-derrr’s” literally every chance I can get lol)
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drusillathekiller · 6 years
Questions 1-4 for the shipping ask :)
(Based on this ask game)
(also asked by @lycanthropic-tongue-twisters)
Thank you!
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had.
There’s a strong possibility it was Fry and Leela from Futurama, way back when I was a kid. I still have a soft spot for them. The Sting and The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings are both incredible episodes exploring their relationship and my personal rebuttal to anyone who says the series was just a ‘The Simpsons in space’.
Alternatively, there’s a chance it might have been Rose and The Doctor from Doctor Who. I sobbed my eyes out watching Doomsday. I think that was the first- though far from the last - time I experienced true shipper heartbreak.
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
First and foremost, Spike and Dru (apologies for the obvious answer). I’ve sailed many ships in my life, but never enough to run a blog about them- yet alone on a semi-regular basis for over two years (2014-2016) - apart from these two. 
It’s weird because while I have had a lot of ships, I think Spike and Dru might be the only canon pairing I’d call ‘important’ to me personally, so I’m struggling to think of the second or third ship. Buffy/Faith gets an honourable mention.
3. What’s your current OTP?
Right now I’m really digging my historical OTPs. King Edward II and Piers Gaveston rank pretty highly at the moment. I know that usually shipping real life people is a big no-no, but as these two have been dead for seven hundred years I can’t imagine they’re too uncomfortable with it.
4. What’s your current NOTP?
Drusilla and Angelus.
It will always be Drusilla and Angelus.
Maybe it’s a bit of a copout answer because I don’t think they were really written to be ‘shipped’. It’s made very clear that the chaotic kaleidoscope of brainwashing, stalking, Stockholm syndrome, and weird pseudo-incestuous undertones* that is Drusilla and Angelus is bad. By Angel’s own admission, siring Drusilla was his worst crime. I know I’m not rocking anyone’s world by naming a ship written to be reviled as my least favourite. Regardless, the writers did a good job. This ship terrifies me. 
As far as origin stories go, “abuse victim is broken and defiled and ruined forever by her abuser’s actions” is pretty heavy for real-life abuse victims to take in, many of whom do feel like they were somehow tainted by what happened to them. Drusilla and Angelus is a chilling reflection of the fears many people recovering from trauma experience.
(*- I’m still reeling from all the times she called him ‘daddy’. Ew). 
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