#and I remembered that silksong might be a thing that's announced today
4bsurdcreature · 1 year
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repentantsky · 3 years
6 Things I Want To See At The Nintendo Direct
After nearly a year and a half, we are finally getting another full on, Nintendo Direct. I am one among many who thought the Direct as we knew it was gone, but I am also so very happy to be wrong. While I’m also one to not put any expectations on a presentation like this, and please do not let this list hype you to the point where you are disappointed if they don’t happen, I can’t deny how fun it is to speculate. So, with only a little less than 12 hours to go before the show begins, let’s talk about 6 things that will hopefully be at the show. Please remember my lists are not ranked based on how much I want something or how popular it is, so much as how much I want to talk about it. That means your favorite possible thing can be in the first, or last spot of the list. Now let’s begin.
6. A Zelda Collection of some kind
There are a lot of important anniversary’s in 2021 for games, and none may be more important to many fans than Zelda itself. The series is turning 35 in four days if you can believe it. Mario got a lot for it’s recent anniversary and while it’s pretty likely something is planned for Zelda, getting a good idea of what that might be, would be nothing short of fantastic. Perhaps we’ll see Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, and something completely out of left field to round it up. Who can really say, but it is absolutely the perfect time to announce something, and something big at that. Nintendo does love to surprise people, so let’s hope something surprising pops in. 
5.  Falcom get’s some much needed attention
Falcom, one of the oldest developers in Japan, has been releasing hit after hit, after hit, but like many other fantastic developers making the best double A experiences, they’ve never really made it into the limelight like they deserve. With two games coming for the Switch YS IX: Monstrum Nox, and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV set to come out in April and Summer respectively, and with so many eyes on Nintendo, it’s time they got a proper slot to be talked about. It would also be nice to see something new come from Falcom that isn’t previously announced, as even though the focus of the direct is seemingly about the next 4 months leading up to E3, hints of something more are always possible. Falcom is a brilliant developer, so hopefully, they manage to get their time to shine. 
4. A Sonic Collection of some kind
Sonic is yet another franchise that’s hitting a major anniversary, as it’s turning 30. With that kind of history behind it, Sonic has a lot of ups and downs. Surely more than enough to make an enticing collection. to be...sure. Perhaps a remake of Sonic Adventure 2, a remaster of Sonic generations and maybe a fixed version of Sonic ‘06? Wouldn’t count on that last one especially, but Sonic has such a rich history of games it could pull from that could get everyone hyped. There’s also rumors of another 2D Sonic game, which would also be nice, but what’s an anniversary if you don’t target nostalgia in more ways than one? Hopefully, we’ll find out soon. 
3. Something Indie
While Nintendo has had some...issues with quality checks with the Switch, there’s no denying that it’s absolutely got hundreds of amazing Indies, and that the Switch is a great source for them. A couple of possible exciting indies could be Windjammers 2, Atomic Heart, Mineko’s Night Market (please gawd let’s hear about that one) Sports Story, Hollow Knight Silksong, Eastward and Garden Story to name but a few. Indie games need love just as much as any other game out there, and with so many potential high quality indies coming our way so far as plans go for 2021, it would be a sad thing to miss out on some spectacular games that are headed for the Switch. 
2. The next Mainline Pokemon game
Rumors were abound a few weeks ago that Pokemon’s 4th gen was already set to be remade for release this fall, 2021, and while as I’ve said this direct is planned and meant to tide us over until Summer when E3 comes along, it doesn’t change the possibility that something coming out past that point, if not several somethings will still be given an update or announcement. I think it’s safe to say based on the hype of the rumor that for a lot of people, Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum are top tier games and in a lot of ways, and rightly so. Sure, they could use a good number of updates, but that’s what remakes are for, and while a Pokemon direct on Pokemon day itself would suit just fine, I feel if something is coming for Pokemon 25, this is the time to get it out there. Just please, don’t throw in any DLC Pokemon you get for buying a special item. 
1. Metroid/Bayonetta/Breath of the Wild 2, get something. 
Am I mashing a whole bunch of entries into one, yer damn right I am, otherwise I’d be here until the direct started, and where would the fun in that be? Jokes aside, these franchises all of have been lying kind of dormant in the mainline entry department at the very least, and while it’s like I said, something for Zelda is going to be announced mostly likely anyways, to see a continuation of that as we look to the future for the series would be amazing. It would also be nice to see Metroid Prime 4 get an update, or see the original trilogy hit the Switch. Bayonetta 3 is the Devil May Cry of Switch these days despite having DMC on it, and darn it all, it’s time we got SOMETHING for it. Sure, none of these games are coming out before the holiday season this year and that’s fine, but just to know they are on their way, would be good enough. 
And that’s my list, did I miss anything you’d like to see? I’m sure I did, especially since I left Smash on the table as that was confirmed. Let me know what else you want to see at the Nintendo Direct today, reblog this if it interested you, and feel free to leave a note. 
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entergamingxp · 4 years
15 Upcoming Indie Games to Put On Your Radar in 2020
January 16, 2020 12:00 PM EST
2020 looks to be another great year for indie games. Here are 15 of them to keep an eye on as the year rolls on.
Last week, we gave you 10 2020 releases that you absolutely shouldn’t miss. However, that list mostly dealt with the biggest games of 2020. What about all the awesome games being made by smaller studios? Well, here’s the list for them. Below are 15 incredible-looking games coming from the indie scene in 2020.
Before we start, it’s important to note that with the continually growing indie space in games, there are hundreds of games that could easily make this list. I’ve capped the list at 15 mostly for my sanity, but the initial shortlist for this article was a mile long. Here are a few extra honorable mentions you should give a look: TemTem, Boyfriend Dungeon, Griftlands, Minute of Islands, Sable, Roki, Baldo, Garden Story, Ikenfell, Knuckle Sandwich, and She Dreams Elsewhere. I also chose to not include Axiom Verge 2, as that was already covered in last week’s article. Anyways, on to the list.
Lenna’s Inception
This Legend of Zelda-like from Bytten Studio is actually out this week. You play as an unlikely hero in a procedurally generated world that flips from 8- to 32-bit pixel art. It looks to turn the typical conventions of the genre on its head with a wild storyline that features multiple endings. You can also play the game with a friend in local co-op. A Link to the Past is my all-time favorite game, so any game that looks to iterate on that excellent formula is automatically something I’ll be paying attention to.
12 Minutes
Time loops are all the rage these days after the excellent Outer Wilds took the world by storm last year. Interestingly, 12 Minutes is another Annapurna-published game that explores the mind-bending concept. While Outer Wilds had you exploring an entire galaxy, 12 Minutes’ experience is a bit more intimate. As a husband trying to share a romantic evening with his wife, you’ll discover the many secrets taking place inside your apartment. On the surface, it might not sound like the most thrilling concept on this list, but everything I’ve seen has been very impressive.
Cook, Serve, Delicious 3
Before seeing this in action, I wasn’t really sure if the world needed another Cook, Serve, Delicious game. After all, how much more cooking, serving, and delciousing can a person reasonably expect to do? And then I saw that the game takes place in the post-apocalyptic US and you play as the owner of a food truck. As you travel across America, you must both cook food and fight off roving bands of evil cooks. It’s hard to imagine a cooking game with a better elevator pitch than this one.
Earthbound-like games are a dime a dozen these days. The SNES classic made a major impact on the developers of today, and we’re seeing that love play out in games like LISA, Citizens of Earth, and, of course, Undertale. However, there’s something about Eastward’s style that really sticks out to me. While other games have done a great job of capturing Earthbound’s charm and gameplay, Eastward also nails the look. If I close my eyes and imagine what Earthbound would look like in 2020, Eastward isn’t far off. Hopefully, the team at Pixpil can nail everything else it’s going for just as well.
Sports Story
Golf Story is my favorite game for Nintendo Switch. Full stop. And now Sidebar Games is adding tennis and dungeons and espionage and buried treasure and a meeting with a queen? I need this game yesterday. If Golf Story wasn’t up your alley, this probably won’t be either, but for us beings of superior intellect, Sports Story is set to be one of the most exciting releases of 2020. I cannot wait.
The Red Lantern
The Red Lantern basically looks like FTL except instead of crossing the galaxy, you’re racing the Iditarod with a team of the best boys. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the book Stone Fox. So, a game that lets me play out the fantasy of racing Searchlight through the Alaskan wilderness is very much right up my alley. My only worry is how brutal the game looks. The trailer has a scene where a bear attacks one of your dogs and I really hated watching it. Hopefully, that’s a rarity or else this might just become an idea I love and not a game I play.
Spelunky 2
Spelunky remains one of the best rogue-likes on the market. The platforming is tight and the game has so many awesome secrets for you to discover. The sequel looks to be more of the same and I can’t wait to join the community in uncovering all the weirdness that lies within. This spot could also easily go to UFO 50, which is another Derek Yu project I’ve been waiting for with bated breath. Crazy to think both games are likely for 2020.
This is a resource management sim that is all about dying. You play as a ferrymaster to the deceased. As you craft your way across the world, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to improve your custom death ferry. Spiritfarer has a unique setting that is well worth a look. However, the thing that really made me pay attention is the game’s visuals. The hand-drawn art quickly catches the eye and seeing it in motion is even better. I’m intrigued to see if the game’s look and premise are matched by its quality.
Spoiler alert for 2016’s Inside. Carrion is like that ending sequence where you play as the gigantic amorphous blob except that’s the entire game. Oh, and this blob is straight out of a horror movie and is very interested in eating everything. Publisher Devolver Digital describes it as “a reverse horror game” and I have to agree. The way the blob moves through the levels is both deeply unsettling and incredibly cool.
Hollow Knight: Silksong
Y’all remember how Hollow Knight is one of the best Metroidvania games of the last decade or so? Or how it was a perfect match for Nintendo Switch? Well, how would you feel if I told you Team Cherry was going to do more of that except even more polished? Great news! That’s what happening and it’s going to be great.
Ori and the Will of Wisps
If you are a fan of sequels to tough-as-nails platformers with Metroidvania elements, 2020 is going to be a great year. Getting both Ori and the Will of the Wisps and Hollow Knight: Silksong in the same year seems like an embarrassment of riches. Plus, Axiom Verge 2 is coming, which is a bit different, but still sits in that same realm. Personally, Ori is the one I’m least excited about; however, I can’t deny that this will probably be great.
Mineko’s Night Market
Mineko’s Night Market is maybe the cutest game on this list. The “adventure/merchant simulator” wears its Animal Crossing inspiration on its sleeve. However, developer Meowza Games aims to put a much bigger emphasis on narrative and crafting. You play as a young girl named Mineko who has arrived on an island filled with cats. Your options for what to do are varied, but discovering the game’s secrets and preparing for the weekly Night Market is paramount. Mineko’s Night Market looks like it could fill a similar space to games like Stardew Valley. Great experiences to sit back, relax, and let wash over you.
Cris Tales
Cris Tales is billed as “a love letter to classic JRPGs”, but with a big twist. The game lets you simultaneously see the past, present, and future of your actions, which results in some fascinating situations. Maybe you warp your enemy into the future to make them older and weaker. Or you warp yourself to the past to make you shorter and are able to more easily dodge an attack. It’s an innovative idea that has major gameplay and narrative implications. The best part about Cris Tales is that there is a demo out on Steam right now. So, if you’re interested, you can go check it out and see if this game is up your alley.
Murder by Numbers
Picross is one of the best types of puzzle games in video games. However, outside of Picross 3D, there haven’t been that many innovations in the genre. Murder by Numbers looks to change that by adding a murder mystery narrative to the game. What a perfect marriage! And the whole thing is set to a score from Masakazu Sugimori who counts Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Viewtiful Joe among their credits. I need this game now.
Emily is Away <3
Both games in the Emily is Away series are incredibly moving experiences, especially for those of us who grew up in the time of MSN Messenger and AIM. The third game takes the series forward to a Facebook analogue. It’s tough to say if this release will hit as hard as the first two, but given the pedigree, I’m pretty confident in saying that Emily is Away <3 will be worth your time.
Obviously, the number of video games releasing in 2020 is vast. It would be a herculean task to try and cover everything. However, this list should be a great reference point for games to put on your radar. Of course, the best indie game of 2020 might not even be announced yet, but you can rest assured that when it is, DualShockers will be there to cover it.
January 16, 2020 12:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/01/15-upcoming-indie-games-to-put-on-your-radar-in-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=15-upcoming-indie-games-to-put-on-your-radar-in-2020
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