#and I understand that most people wouldn't be financially able to build collections like this
katboykirby · 11 months
all your merch !!! how long have you been collecting? do you have a favorite item?
asdfghjksks I am so sorry it always takes me forever to answer Asks 😭 I have no idea why but Tumblr literally never gives me any notifications when I get them and I don't even know they're there in my inbox 💀
But anyway, thank you so much 🙏
I guess, technically, I've been collecting (in general) since I was really young - the earliest that I can still remember is being around 8 or 9 years old and obsessively hoarding every single piece of Pokémon merch that I could get my tiny little hands on. I do not know why my parents enabled this, but hey.
I still collect Pokémon stuff, since I still adore the franchise just as much as I did back then. But nowadays I usually stick to the merch that you can find at the real Pokémon Centers. I do have this fat Pikachu from like 1996 though, and he's completely unrecognisable
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To be loved is to be changed
Obviously, my biggest collection and "main" collecting target is Obey Me! and OM: Nightbringer merch. At this point, my Satan & Solomon collection has consumed my entire house.
Here's a video tour of my collection
And that's not even the complete collection in full - I still have merch that I've yet to unpack and display, and I still have merch that I bought/ordered online and am waiting to receive when it's delivered in the mail 🥲
Thank you so much for your kind words! Whenever people tell me how much they love my SoloTan Shrine, it makes my entire day ☆
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I hope that these silly little guys that I like to fill my house with can continue to make people smile 💚
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youareinbarbados · 2 years
"How do I keep the feeling of the 'wish fulfilled ' ?"
Great/HUGE question. We have to unpack this carefully.
*PHEW* ok. SO.
To understand how to most efficiently and effectively stay in the "SWF" (State of the Wish Fulfilled), one has to understand what a state IS. A STATE is a subconscious Default. It's where you reside, subconsciously. It is fed by your habitual thought patterns, as well as habitual assumptions. These states are able to be changed by altering your thought patterns. These thought patterns are the results of conditioning. A good example of this is someone who often "catastrophizes".
"If my parents die, I'd have no one to live with. I have no family. I'd have to get 2 jobs, to maybe pay rent with a roommate. I'd have to drop out of school. I'd have to give up my business degree and I'd still be on the hook for financial aid. I'd be in massive debt for things that I cannot finish. How would I even pay these things off when I can't even afford rent ? How would I eat ? Omg, I wouldn't be able to afford my car insurance. I'd have to take a bus. Are there even any busses that go here ?...Etc."
We see here, that the mere act of this person's parents dying has , in their mind, created an entire timeline/universe where they must now figure these things out. The main idea here is the parents dying, or being gone. Given enough time and thought this idea will be given enough thought energy to being a possibility in the objective world, as this person has created what Emmet Fox calls a "mental equivalent". The more this person thinks about what they'd have to do when their parents are no longer here, the more that *state* grows . Soon, this person would be living in a world where their parents are gone. This would then reflect on the objective world.
Notice how they didn't have to affirm that "My parents are gone" x 30 times a day or do SATS. All they did was think, at length about all the implications. This state grows PASSIVELY.
People try so hard to change states through exercises like SATs and Meditation, but have forgotten how they most naturally change states. Meditation and SATS are not natural practices. You have to understand that states are changed PASSIVELY. You may try to actively change a given state, but the truth is that you don't know when the exact moment you change the state is. It's a condition that you suddenly realize, as a result of unconscious thought, or conscious exercise.
We often wonder why 2 hours of stress DURING a day can undo 24+ hours of our attempts at SATS. Well, ask yourself. What world did you create in your SATS sessions ? SATs is a world building exercise. You are God. God creates. How detailed were your creations ? This idea needs to be it's own post, but I'll get to that when Im not running after kids all day, lol
In the example above, the person who was afraid of losing their parents was at the point where they were trying to figure out how their car insurance would be paid. That's how detailed their "nightmare world" was. How detailed is your "wish fullfilled" ? Thinking about these things feed energy to the implied end. Everything has a purpose.
Want a house ? Then how often are you cutting the grass ? Are there termites ? How's the lighting ? How much is the electric bill per month ? Where are your posters hanging ? What is the texture of the floor tiles in the bathroom ? Is the neighbor nextdoor nice ? Do you trust him ? Where do guests park ? Do you have a guest room ? Does your mailbox have a "no commercials" sticker on it ? How often does the recycling truck come by ? Cardboard collection? Do you park in the garage usually , or the driveway ? How far are you from your best friend ? Are they too far now ? How's the work/commute ? How's being late going to affect your job ? Are you as loud as before now that you have picky neighbors who like "quiet" ? Should you plant flowers in the front yard, every one else has, and you're the only house without? What will they think ? Why didn't that asshole who lives across from you say hello yet ? She saw you move in, who does she think she is ? Her husky always barks at 10 pm. If she doesn't handle it, I'm going over there. Your sister just broke up and needs a place to stay. Is she going to ask you ? How long will she stay?"
Do you have answers for these questions? Do you realize that answering these questions PASSIVELY puts you in the state of you having your desired house without you realizing it ? Ever drive to your best friends house ? Ever BEEN DRIVEN do your friends house ? Notice how it takes longer when you're driving ? It's because you're actively driving there. It's fast when you're a passenger because you're not driving. You're probably on your phone not paying attention to the commute. We feel like it takes forever and we fall out of the state because we're paying too much attention to the commute rather than planning what were doing when we're there. This post is too long, and I'm definitely going to make a podcast episode of this, as it's alot to talk about, and it's just scratching the surface. I'm gonna stop because I have to clean. Please take care, and stay hydrated.
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