#importing official merch from Japan is not at all cheap
katboykirby · 11 months
all your merch !!! how long have you been collecting? do you have a favorite item?
asdfghjksks I am so sorry it always takes me forever to answer Asks 😭 I have no idea why but Tumblr literally never gives me any notifications when I get them and I don't even know they're there in my inbox 💀
But anyway, thank you so much 🙏
I guess, technically, I've been collecting (in general) since I was really young - the earliest that I can still remember is being around 8 or 9 years old and obsessively hoarding every single piece of Pokémon merch that I could get my tiny little hands on. I do not know why my parents enabled this, but hey.
I still collect Pokémon stuff, since I still adore the franchise just as much as I did back then. But nowadays I usually stick to the merch that you can find at the real Pokémon Centers. I do have this fat Pikachu from like 1996 though, and he's completely unrecognisable
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To be loved is to be changed
Obviously, my biggest collection and "main" collecting target is Obey Me! and OM: Nightbringer merch. At this point, my Satan & Solomon collection has consumed my entire house.
Here's a video tour of my collection
And that's not even the complete collection in full - I still have merch that I've yet to unpack and display, and I still have merch that I bought/ordered online and am waiting to receive when it's delivered in the mail 🥲
Thank you so much for your kind words! Whenever people tell me how much they love my SoloTan Shrine, it makes my entire day ☆
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I hope that these silly little guys that I like to fill my house with can continue to make people smile 💚
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absolutebl · 2 years
There is one question that is starting to pop up for me these days a bit recurringly these days:
Is there even the slightest chance of any sort of home media market for dramas to come to be in the West?
Coming over from Anime I realize the audience over there is rather spoiled with physical media releases and even a bunch of collector's editions here and then. If I wind up liking a certain title a real lot (happens rarely enough), I kind of like buying it, due to those tending to have a high rewatch value. And maybe just have a pretty cover/packaging for it. Also, my rewatches are often very jumpy and nonlinear and doing that on a streaming platform with all the buffering waits is a major pain. An additional nuisance for anime is keeping track about which platform holds the streaming license currently, because some things get constantly removed and re-added elsewhere. And all the geoblock nonsense on streaming plattforms. (This seems a bit more stable with dramas? But one major platform (Line TV) seems to have just died right before I got started getting into this section?) Also, a BD release (mostly) has a better video quality than streaming platforms get. Offline file copies of paid platforms titles are a bit more complicated to track down and even if there is some gray version the quality sucks ass a lot of times. And I don't really don't like the idea to begin with, because I prefer to just buy an official, well done Blu-ray release.
So I looked a bit into it and, there is about zero in the West in terms of home media releases bar maybe the very occasional Japanese manga movie adaption picked up by anime publishers? (Or maybe some (wannabe?) high cinema movies of sorts? Something like Boyslove seems to have a release over here... Blegh.)
Japan doesn't seem to like foreign subs on their home release much at all, but luckily that itself isn't so much of a biggie for me at least, since I know Japanese and can just import the original release as I already do with the occasional anime I really like. (It just gets a few folds more expensive.) But anyhow, no obstacle on getting me a copy of "Utsukushii Kare" eventually, yay~
Then musing about that I simply do the same thing for Thai, I was curiously looking at Thai releases and from what I could find samples wise - Unlike Japan they seem to add English subs somewhat often so are a lot friendlier to international audiences. But then somehow they are all DVD-release exclusive?? This seems so bizarre to me, because given the extra merch tad on releases they also seem to be geared for die hard collector's fans like the Japanese physical releases, but you'd still have a release that has a lower video quality than the official free streams on youtube at al? Kind of harder to import, tto. The only place I know is just yesasia, and they tend to only list fairly recent or popular stuff. Thailand's domestic prices are also about the same range as Japanese domestic releases. But with being DVD-only. Like, why---- (Is this me being brainwashed by that collector's best quality version edition mentality anime fans are infamous for?)
At least I have found out, that Japan seems to throw a whole bunch from Thailand's BLs on their home media market. (They have "He's Coming to Me" on Blu-ray, yaaay! Although they gave it a very absurdly lengthy trashy-Light Novel-esque subtitle.) Japanese subs-only of course. But their releases seem to differ vastly between titles and their popularity. Some get fancy digipacks with loads of extra material from photocards, booklets to photobooks and whatnot and others are just getting fairly bog standard releases with maybe a little booklet at best. (Sometimes even with a Blu-ray release slapped into a cheap DVD case like as with "He's Coming to Me", oh Japan...) But they seem to release everything more recently produced on Blu-ray at least (which hopefully isn't the Thai DVD master just slapped onto a Blu-ray disc). But it's not like everything gets over to them either. (They have Love by Chance 1-2 and TharnType 1-2, but no Why R U? Licencing politics be damned. Through not like Western Anime publishers didn't manage something as brainy as to release a direct sequel S2 of a franchise and never putting S1 out before either...)
I haven't managed to like anything from Korea so far, but their's probably one to spoil collector's partly? At least I know about popular Western movies or anime releases getting some fairly special editions over there sometimes even English friendly. (If it was an anglosphere movie to begin with then English subs are kinda irrelevant. Their Anime releases tend to never be English friendly, but Hyouka's anime release beats even the Japanese domestic releases to a punch even if I can't read naught of the printed booklet book and the Korean dub/dub are maybe future Korean learning material.) But I haven't really heard about anything that was originally produced by them, bar maybe the very occasional animated movie picked up by some anime publisher. At least, running some whatever higher scored random Korean title I found from your spreadsheet export into KimchiDVD also yielded nothing at all.
I haven't even started looking into Mainland Chinese or Taiwanese stuff. But given how anime fans from production out of the former are crying notoriously for both home media releases or even just readable subs it's probably even worse. (Ironically, the best shot of any Chinese anime to have a physical release is to hope for Japan again? At least I observed somebody being super mega happy that they picked up "Mo Dao Zu Shi" for a Blu-ray release.)
I know about the history of anime fans being fairly peculiar with their buying what originally was meant to be bought by video rental houses and how their collector's mentality are now an important leg to stand on for the anime industry to finance their productions.
But BL fans kind of seem to be kind of adjacent, so maybe similar in terms of notoriety and spending power? At least there seems to be some considerable overlap with the anime/manga/otaku fandom (and fujoshi's are kinda famed for their spending power on manga?) along with the idol fan (which are fairly notorious for collecting whatever, too?) sections? And the market is expanding; even Western mainstream movies and series seem to get at least a bog standard Blu-ray release in the West if it's not something taken hostage by Netflix/Apple/Amazon/you name it.
Any chance of a decent home media selection to evolve? Be that as of the kind of targeting very niche die hard collector's fans or it growing to become a smaller slice of something more mainstream with simpler standard releases?
(a.k.a. this is me just venting about having wanted to buy Bad Buddy physically, but being completely stomped over the DVD-only part of its box release and now waiting for a Japanese Blu-ray release that hopefully gets more love and care than poor "He's Coming to Me". Although I suppose one should maybe be surprised it got a release at all, given how it's this so notoriously overlooked gem title...)
DVD Releases of BLs, International Access? 
I would LOVE this more than anything but I think it highly unlikely. 
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Like you said Thailand does it internally only as DVD exclusives AKA special collectors limited run editions (although there are a few local "traders" who try to gather and then redistribute international at markup - fair). And, so far, I think mostly GMMTV and the larger studios have done this. (I believe Thai DVDs are UK burned though, so you need an international player if you’re USA.)
This seems so bizarre to me, because given the extra merch tad on releases they also seem to be geared for die hard collector's fans like the Japanese physical releases, but you'd still have a release that has a lower video quality than the official free streams on youtube at al? Kind of harder to import, tto. The only place I know is just yesasia, and they tend to only list fairly recent or popular stuff. Thailand's domestic prices are also about the same range as Japanese domestic releases. But with being DVD-only. Like, why---- (Is this me being brainwashed by that collector's best quality version edition mentality anime fans are infamous for?)
Honestly, with Thailand, this likely has to do with in-country facilities. I wouldn’t be surprised if GMMTV has its own burner and is actually doing these themselves - like BY HAND. Super fan service kinda thing. I mean they have a high end printer service they work with for their lookbooks, but DVDs.... ?
Again, like you said, Japan will do some, like a few that are intimately connected to manga or anime collectors market. But mostly for local consumption (and occasionally Taiwan). These days I’m beginning to think of Taiwan as just a baby extension of the Japanese market, but that’s a different conversation. 
Weirdly DVD distribution seems to have more in common with theatrical release distribution patterns. 
But the moment a physical object is involved there’s a whole new mess of supply chains for international, not to mention warehousing, shipping, tariffs, and so forth. 
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Is there even the slightest chance of any sort of home media market for dramas to come to be in the West?
I highly doubt it. 
You pegged the few reasons people still buy DVDs in the west:
high rewatch value 
pretty cover/packaging - the Collector (luxury/scarcity)
low bandwidth (often rural or transient locations) 
fear of favorite piece of media disappearing off a streaming service 
higher quality (cinephiles - rare in BL fandom) 
Also, my rewatches are often very jumpy and nonlinear and doing that on a streaming platform with all the buffering waits is a major pain. ... I prefer to just buy an official, well done Blu-ray release.
Preach, me too. 
Leaving aside the DRASTIC decline in popularity of the DVD... 
I think international hard copy of BLs is pretty unlikely. 
Korea maybe doing collectors editions, because they have the distribution and production mechanisms in place due to Kpop. And China, maybe on the big historicals like The Untamed because, again, they have the systems in place. 
In Korea’s case, watch for them to release this puppy... my money is on it being the first:  
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Hard copy releases generally come 6 months to a year after digital releases. 
Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines = highly unlikely with any kind of consistency or volume.  
But one major platform (Line TV) seems to have just died right before I got started getting into this section?
Yes, but most of their content has popped back up again on Viki or GaGa. 
Honestly, I stopped even checking to see if I could buy the DVD of any of these shows ages ago. Like we barely if ever get translations of the original manga/manwha in paperback, fat chance on a DVD. 
At least I have found out, that Japan seems to throw a whole bunch from Thailand's BLs on their home media market. (They have "He's Coming to Me" on Blu-ray, yaaay! Although they gave it a very absurdly lengthy trashy-Light Novel-esque subtitle.) Japanese subs-only of course. But their releases seem to differ vastly between titles and their popularity. Some get fancy digipacks with loads of extra material from photocards, booklets to photobooks and whatnot and others are just getting fairly bog standard releases with maybe a little booklet at best. (Sometimes even with a Blu-ray release slapped into a cheap DVD case like as with "He's Coming to Me", oh Japan…) But they seem to release everything more recently produced on Blu-ray at least (which hopefully isn't the Thai DVD master just slapped onto a Blu-ray disc). But it's not like everything gets over to them either. (They have Love by Chance 1-2 and TharnType 1-2, but no Why R U? Licencing politics be damned. Through not like Western Anime publishers didn't manage something as brainy as to release a direct sequel S2 of a franchise and never putting S1 out before either…)
You know a lot more about this than I do. I’ve never delved into the Japanese market. The anime fad of life skipped over me entirely... my college years, I had other things on my mind, mostly pretty boys, edgy girls, one astronomically hot drag queen, and foreign exchange programs.... ah youth. 
But BL fans kind of seem to be kind of adjacent, so maybe similar in terms of notoriety and spending power? At least there seems to be some considerable overlap with the anime/manga/otaku fandom (and fujoshi's are kinda famed for their spending power on manga?) along with the idol fan (which are fairly notorious for collecting whatever, too?) sections? And the market is expanding; even Western mainstream movies and series seem to get at least a bog standard Blu-ray release in the West if it's not something taken hostage by Netflix/Apple/Amazon/you name it. 
I think there is at least some disposable income floating around, and with super fans/obsessive even if they aren’t solvent they will spend bank anyway. 
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Any chance of a decent home media selection to evolve? Be that as of the kind of targeting very niche die hard collector's fans or it growing to become a smaller slice of something more mainstream with simpler standard releases?
Honestly, if I were GMMTV, for example, I’d offer a high end “club” the way Kpops do, where one of the elite level subscriber perks is direct download with subs say... a year after the BL has aired. 
This would allow for international asset delivery but no need to monkey around with a physical product. Pirating might increase (but not as much as they think it would, if service is priced well). 
Direct sales/downloads after the initial enthusiasm has died is a GREAT way to reboot a backlist, and if it’s tied to a subscription model that would assist in daily operations costs? 
Also, direct access centralizes the fans with the highest spending power for any future endeavors (like a newsletter does for authors). These can be activated for additional revenue/market tests in many ways: pay to play private Lives with actors and/or directors, or first access to pilot products like lookbooks (or DVDs), subber check teams under the guise of early access privileges, merch, but also kickstarter-style backers for experimental projects. They’d need to set up the delivery portal/private forum, but that’s not too hard. 
All this to say that, as BL fans, owning the digital asset is probubly a better target than owning the physical asset. (If your primary reason is fear of losing access to your favorite BL - which is mine. I am wholly driven by fear of loss.) Frankly, it’s also achievable, just not legally. 
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Things to us International fans aren't that accessible, and I think that in a way you guys are helping to pay rejet back? If it weren't for you guys, we wouldn't have any idea what was going on in the games, and thus less people would want to buy DL things and get more involved. I know you guys aren't doing this to "rip-off" rejet. On top of that, you guys respect if people don't want stuff posted and buy rejet merch (and encourage to purchase rejet CDS).
I wonder why nobody ever talks about all the ways us international fans are punished just for wanting to enjoy content or merch from our favorite franchises. 
If you want to buy official DL merch from the SkiT Dolce website as a non-Japanese website, you are forced to use proxy shopping. Yes, the option is there, but it is not cheap. 
As a Japanese fan, you pay for the product and perhaps some minor domestic shipping. (Or no shipping if you live close enough to a Rejet store) 
As an international fan, you have to pay for the product, domestic shipping, the proxy shipping service’s commission fee, international shipping and if you’re unlucky, an extra customs fee/import tax once it arrives in your country. Which can get extremely pricey if you live in Europe or the US which are both very far away from Japan. I usually end up paying about double (or even more) of the price of the product itself just for it to get here.
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taeyohonic · 4 years
Just a Taste – Chapter One
Summary: Being asked to take a blood test just to work at a merchandise booth should have been the first read flag for you. But you just gave them a sample of your blood in exchange for a very much needed paycheck and a summer job during BTS’ world tour. After the youngest member of the popular kpop band finds himself in a difficult situation, you come to realize that this wasn’t the last time you shed blood for your idols. or: You becomes the new donor for seven bloodthirsty idols, who seem to be way too interested in their new food source.
Pairing: OT7xfem!Reader
Genre: Fantasy, Smut, (Fluff)
Warnings: blood, they aren’t very nice to you...
Words: 2.7k
Chapters: Prologue, Chap. I, Chap. II, Chap. III, Chap. IV, Chap. V, Chap. VI, Chap. VII
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“What do you mean ‘all the bags are gone’?”
Your supervisor does not look amused. The girl with an abnormal amount of glitter on her face does not look amused. Hell, even you don’t look amused. The stadium hasn’t even begun to let the fans in and your merch booth ran out of the official “speak yourself”-bag ten minutes ago.
This job is in the top three most gruesome things you had to do for money. But money was tight, and you didn’t want to survive another summer on ramen and cheap wine. The job ad was harmless at first glance. Just another sales job. But they promised good pay and international traveling, which was enough to let your eyes linger. There was no company mentioned, just a post box.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise when BigHit responded to your application a week later. With Bangtan’s rising popularity and the massive size of their tour, extra staff had to be hired. Still, the ARMY in you couldn’t contain her excitement. This was a big deal for you. Touring with one of your favorite kpop bands, traveling to Japan and getting first dips on all the merchandise? This was a no brainer. Hell, you would have even paid them to tag along. So you dressed to impress when you attended the interview, keeping your giddiness locked behind a professional smile.
“You want what?”, you ask – disbelieve coloring your voice.
“A blood test”, the interviewer repeats nonchalantly without looking up from her questionnaire.
Was this normal procedure? You had only ever worked in your aunt’s bookstore during senior year of high school and at a fast food place all through undergrad. Neither asked for your freaking bloodline.
“What? Do you discriminate certain blood types?”, you say in mock humor. A laugh disguised as a cough rings through the room, as the cute guy in the back of the room tries to hide his amusement. His eyes are locked on your features.
“We just want to make sure all our employees are healthy. You’ll be travelling to a foreign country, working long hours.”, the woman in front of you replies, ignoring your bad attempt at a joke. She continues: “You don’t have to – of course.”
“But then I won’t be asked back for a second interview, am I right?”
The woman looks you in the eyes for the first time since entering the room. She doesn’t look as evil as she sounds. “No”
So, you guess you’ll leave with a bit less body fluid than you anticipated.
There wasn’t a second interview. The test results came with a pre-signed contract.
“What the fuck is up with this boy today?”, Joo-Won swears as his eyes are glued to the screen in front of you. Your shift is officially over. Most of the merchandise is packed up, all the sold-out item IDs are sent to the head quarter and you already got a notification that the next delivery will be arriving first thing tomorrow morning. Now you’re sitting together with some crew members, a half-finished soju bottle in your hand and an empty carton of take-out on your lap. The guy at your job interview turned out to be quite fun.
Joo-Won introduced himself during the briefing on your first day in Japan. He is responsible for the ARMY Bomb stands, which seems to be a very big deal around here. This is his third tour with Bangtan and he seems to know nearly every henchmen in this operation. So it came to no surprise when a stage assistant invited you both to watch the concert from one of the twelve monitors backstage. Of course, you didn’t look too out of place with your name badge and the Love Yourself-hoodie you may or may not have purchased with your employee discount.
The stage assistant, whose name you can’t remember, is fuzzing with screen number five as you take another sip of your afterwork drink. You stare not really focusing on anything. Just blank nothingness.
“You did see this as well, right _______?”, Joo-Won asks breathlessly.
You can only nod. The Fake Love performance just ended. And even though all seven idols were on fire, the youngest was just out of control.
“What did we just see?”, the boy continues.
“Rudeness”, you answer and empty the bottle with a hefty swing. You knew Jungkook would lift his shirt. You were prepared as you had seen their comeback stage more times than you’d be comfortable to admit. This was not news to you. But the aggression in his stare, how dark he growled his verses, the hard edges on his mouth, not even hinting a friendly smile, was making you uncomfortable.
Before your new friend can respond his headset beeped. Joo-Won answer, his eyes still on the screen.
“Yeah?” After a beat his eyes flash to you. You squirm uncomfortably in your seat.
“_________ is with me”, he says and you need a second to register your role in the conversation.
Joo-Won’s stare lingers on your face – a silent question in his eyes.
“Sure, sir. I’ll bring her to you right away.” Then he ends the call sifting, so your knees are brushing against one another.
“Care to explain, why Bangtan’s prime management wants to speak with you, _______?”, your friend asks, no judgement in his voice. What?
“So, I have to sign another NDA?”, you ask the manager in front of you, trying to swallow your nervousness. This is the Sejin, Bangtan’s right hand advisor. Every fan knows him from countless Bangtan Bombs and can easily recognize the fathering care in his work.
“This one… is more specific”, he explains and moves the stack of papers to you. You try to calm your excited fingers as you grab at the legal document, flipping through it.
“And it’s time sensitive”, Sejin adds and searches your eyes for attention. You give it to him.
“Time sensitive?” The papers abandoned on the table. “Is something wrong with the boys?”
There will come a time and place when you reflect on the choice of calling these men “the boys” as if they were your closest friends. But it’s not today. Today you just see a glint in his eyes.
“Yes, it’s Jungkookie”, Sejin starts and your memories flash to their concert an hour prior. How Joo-Won and you both discussed how beastly the youngest looked – how aggressive.
“Wh-what?”, you answer in question. The manager’s hands move on top of yours.
“He is ill and … you might be able to help him. We can’t transport him. And we are not sure he’ll survive an ambulance ride.”
Your brain blanks as you stand up in a swift move. This is simple: One of your most cherished idols is ill and his trustworthy manager tells you that you’ll be able to help. This is a no brainer.
“Take me to him”, you order, not even caring that Sejin’s words are not making any sense. How can a twenty-four-year-old college dropout help the golden maknae? What even is his illness?
Sejin’s smile should have been another red flag. “Slow down, _________”, he sooths and moves around the table so he is standing in front of you. “This is important. You have to sign the documents. You’ll have to transfuse blood to him.” He is handling you a pen. “There are health risks. This isn’t … the most optimal environment for a blood donation.”
Jungkook needs your blood – memories of your job interview come back.
You sign the contract, not even reading all the small-printed clauses on the pages. Before the ink is even dry, Sejin is moving you through a long corridor. His hand rests on your neck – squeezing reassuringly. A glimmer travels across your body and you try to ground yourself. Of course you are nervous. This is reasonable. You’ll donate blood to one of your favorite idols. Maybe you’ll see him, when he gets better. Hell, maybe he’ll even thank you in person! Meeting Bangtan is the closest form to aspiration you have at the moment.
“When is the nurse coming?”, you question the logistics as you move towards the farthest door labeled “BTS”.
“Which nurse?” You look at Sejin in surprise – if not a nurse, who’ll take your blood?
“Then a doctor?”, you ask and Sejin shakes his head, a humorless chuckle escaping him while you both come to a halt in front of the door.
“There is… no time I’m afraid”, he answers – with remorse in his voice. There is a sinking feeling in your stomach, some of the fog lifted. How the hell should you give Jungkook your blood if there is not even a transfusion station here?
Sejin knocks at the door, ignoring your thumbing heartbeat and opens the door, softly pushing you into the room. “I’ll explain everything; I promise.”
The starving vampire smells your sweet blood as soon as the door opens – Sejin a mere decoration in his vision. Jungkook’s whole body turns towards you while your eyes nervously shift across the room. Time slows down as the maknae swiftly moves straight to you. His muscles ache and he cannot even recognize his swallow breathing. His stare is fixed on the nap of your neck – deliciously soft, milky. Not even the slightest imperfection in this human before him.
You do not even sense Namjoon’s and Seokjin’s presence as your eyes take in the predator advancing towards you. The older ones seem frozen as their youngest stops just a breath away from you. You look mouthwatering – clad in one of their merchandise hoodies, hair pinned in a mess at the top of your head, some bold eye make-up, but otherwise barefaced. You look… just right.
Before Jungkook’s grin spreads across his face, Jin takes action – trying to move between the sarved vampire and this … girl. What the hell was Sejin thinking just throwing her in here? Did he want this human dead so badly?
But the oldest is too late – Jungkook growls aggressively as he snatches you against his firm chest. All the air leaves your lungs – your breasts pressed painfully against solid muscle.
“Ahh”, you groan. As soon as the noise leaves your mouth, his lips descend against the white of your neck. The maknae hisses in pleasure; and then he is biting – hard.
Your scream misses the volume and you feel tears on your cheeks as you gaze into Seokjin’s overwhelmed eyes – hands outstretched.
Blood flows freely into Jungkook’s mouth and you hear a sickening slurping sound. The pain is blazing against your skin, every fiber of your body vehemently trying to get away from the maknae. But your fingers don’t push him away. No, the curl around his biceps – acting against every rational though inside your brain. You cling to the man sucking your blood as if he’s merely leaving a love bite.
The pain in your body slowly ebbs and you feel a bright bliss surrounding you. You’re not even sure if you are still standing at the door. There is no room – just lips against your neck and whimpers in your throat… and Namjoon’s voice far, far away.
“Jungkook stop now.”
“This is an order.”
“Jin, help me.”
“Let’s lay her down.”
“Is there a pulse?”
“How do you take your coffee?”, Yoongi asks while starring at you with such indifference in his eyes you’re not sure your answer even matters.
“Uhm- I” His sigh interrupts you as he makes his way from the couch across form you to the kitchenette. The whole room is dimmed in a soft light, the furniture a clean white. You feel your head spin as you try to recall what happened. Weren’t you backstage? Didn’t Jun-
“Jungkook”, your voice more of an accusation than a whisper. Yoongi’s back stiffens, but he continues to brew hot water over a ceramic filter and soon a soothing smell of coffee drifts towards you on the white leather.
“Jungkook sucked m-y – he su”
“-cked your blood. Damn girl, how hard did you hit your head when you fainted?”, your favorite rapper asks – his body finally turned towards you.
Slow, leisure steps are taken and then he sits in front of you, taking you all in. You must look like a mess; grease and sweat from your shift in the booth, plus the incident with the youngest vocalist in the band. All the blood. Your stomach turns around uncomfortably.
Yoongi is looking into your eyes and for a split second you see something other than complete boredom behind his stare, but as soon as you try to pinpoint the emotion, it vanishes.
“That’s what vampire do”, he continues and you heart reacts before the triggering word even registers in your brain. Vampire. No way.
“Go-ood one, Yoongi-ssi. This… this isn’t – some romance novel for teenagers”, you scoff, disbelieve in your voice while your heart beats hard against your chest. Without missing a beat, the idol is in your face – literally just millimeters away. The air is stuck in your lungs as you try to calm yourself.
“You know what I hate, dumb human?”
His fingers draw lines across your face – just a feathering touch, barely more than an illusion. You can only shake your head; afraid your voice will give out if you try to answer verbally.
His face moves down to your neck as his hands frame your face – no longer brushing but locking your head into place. Then his mouth dives into your neck, just resting against your pulse. You can feel the sinister smile against your skin as you shiver.
“Talking to dumb people”, his lips vibrate and you feel goosebumps traveling across your body.
“You have all the proof, but your silly little brain still doesn’t – connect the pieces”, Yoongi trails small kisses across your collarbone; a stark contrast to his insulting words.
“Do you really think our little maknae just has a blood kink?”
He moves to the other side of your neck, while titling your head forcefully to the left. You can’t move your body – muscles frozen into place. You’re just passively… enduring what your favorite idol does to you. Now his teeth are grazing your right earlobe, as his voice drops another octave into a threatening growl.
“That we just hire a college dropout because of her work ethics?”
His words hurt, but you’re more concerned with the information behind them. They know about you, must have read your file. Shame colors your cheeks and Yoongi’s nose inhales deeply against the red of your skin.
“You smell fucking delicious”, he moans and places an open mouth kiss against your rosé cheek. You can feel his saliva on your skin and a whimper of your own escapes your throat.
“You like that, dumb human? Knowing I’d love… nothing more than to bite in your flesh? Drain you dry?”, he slurs. You both know that this is nothing more than a rhetorical question – your heart, your breathing and the wetness between your tights enough evidence.
But before he can act on his words, a searing pain flashes through your brain.
“Argh”, you groan pressing your head against his cold hands with virgo. The dead skin of his fingertips sooths the throbbing in your brain temporarily. But he knows that your time is nearing its end.
“Human, listen to me”, he whispers, his previously threatening tone making place for urgent whisper.
“When you wake up” What? His hands still a vise to keep you grounded, while the pain in your head expands to your whole body. “Damn human, focus!”
He searches your eyes for recognition, but your stare moves around the room – now noticing how alien the light looks, how… clean the colors are. Is this? Are you still sleeping? How?
“When you wake up”, Yoongi’s voice nothing more than a vibrating hum in your ears, “Say no to Namjoon.”
Now he is shaking you. “Say no”
“Good morning, sleepyhead”, Namjoon says after you open your eyes – the morning sun blinding you momentarily.
“I made you coffee”, he adds as he pushes a steaming mug in your hands. The familiar smell takes you back to your dream, to Yoongi, his words, his plea – and you gape at the leader in front of you.
“I thought we could talk?”
A/N: What do you guys think? I am so thankful for the feedback you guys sent me. It means a lot! I hope you like this chapter as much as i do! I’d love to hear from you again! love, dana
taglist: @m0chilattae @gali-005 @fangirls94 @dinopowa @toddsgirl27 @littlemanismoon @dkck99 @slutkoo @subtlepjiminie @coffeebeanismylife @iloverubberduckiez-blog @geminidrawsstuff @olivialovemason88
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kido-kirigaya · 4 years
How to: Buy HoneyWorks (Worldwide)
I know that buying merch/cds/etc. seems to be very complicated expecially for fandoms like HoneyWorks, which isn’t one of the Top Anime Fandoms.  With some luck you can find on your countries Amazon some CDs of HoneyWorks and maybe you can find some CDs and merchandise on eBay.
Pls don’t buy there!
I guess if your looking for Merchandise you’ll find the shop “tak****” with lots of merchandise from a lot of fandoms. I bought some CDs there and yeah there fine! But I paid more than double for Second-hand goods.
Most of the shops on Ebay are rebuyer. They go an Yahoo! Auctions and win for little money a lot of merchandise and goods, then there double the price and only accepting “Free Shipping” Yeah, “Free” sounds great, doesn’t it? But it’s the cheapest shipping method of all and you have to wait for an eternity. It is just a rip off.
DVDs/CDs: CDJapan!
CDJapan should be your first guess while thinking about import music.
I nearly pre-order every single of my albums there. Its always worked out great. It’s no second-hand, you’ll get your first press and pre-order bonus and its always arriving safe and sound!
If some items not there, you can try proxy shopping. In this case there will be adding some services fees and Domestic shipping fees to the item price, but it will be in the best condition (only second-hand if you wishes for!) and much cheaper than in Amazon/eBay (~4-8 Dollars more than itemprice).
Merchandise: Buyee!
Buyee is a proxy service that gathers a lot of japanese shops together. Yahoo Shopping, Yahoo Auction and mercari. You can bid for auctions, buy lots of items for a cheap price and Buyee will collect all your purchases in thei warehouse (30 days for free). After everyting arrived you can let them packing up all together in one parcel and then you can choose from a lot of different shipping methods. You can find Second-Hand and New Items in the different shops.
(Buyee also has a addon for chrome, where you can shop from the official HoneyWorks Shop, Amazon Japan, Animate, HoneyWorks booth Shop and so on.)
Finally, I would like to introduce your to “Otsukai”. There you can make request for items your looking for and one or two or three “japanese friends” will make your an offer and then get the item for you.
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I literally couldve just responded to the ask but I'mma stupid hoe (for Subaru) but I totally understand about buying merch thinking it's cheap. Im over here debating if I wanna buy some key chains from a manga series for like$3 each but then having to pay like $25+ for shipping and tax. *Insert someone contemplating gif here*
Honestly us international fans are at such a disadvantage because shipping and import costs are ridiculous and you can never get around it when you order from a place like Japan. ;; 
We also have to rely on proxy shipping a lot of the time because all the official web shops or the flea market sites don’t ship abroad like aaaah.
I’m not faulting Rejet for not making an English version of the games, but I do wish they would be a little more considerate towards the international community in regards to merch availability and such. > <
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