#and I use the basic ass sketch book app on my iPad
catface233 · 7 months
Omg an original post from me
Anyway my art.
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hahahax30 · 3 years
18, 20, 26, 31, 39, 40, 42, 47, 52, 60, 66 (dw about answering them all lol)
Okay dw I'm procrastinating I do want to answer them lol
18. ideal weather?
Probably late autumn/early winter when it's kinda pleasantly cold? I must have good genes when it comes to withstanding cold and I hate how warm summer is in the part of Spain I'm from, so definitely a cold weather without rain I can comfortably wear a short sleeved t-shirt in :)
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
I didn't see this while I was reading the post wtf Wagner can you answer this one along with the ones I've sent?
I mainly write on my (school-issued) iPad, but whenever I'm stuck with a part of the story, I just sketch it somewhere else, usually I use one of my apps but check this out:
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(I reused an exam sheet for tkc lol)
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
I used to like going swimming, but now it's kinda 'meh'. In summer I play a lot of video games, though so definitely that. Also, this coming summer my friends and I are planning to go on a roadtrip to a theme park, so I'm looking forward to that!
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Really, Wagner I'm the least adequate person to talk about outfits, much less to make anyone feel anything and I don't really take names nor want to lol. I dress only to be comfortable, but if it helps, I have very thick boots I could seriously hurt someone with.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
I've never had any...
However I'd probably say lemon cake because I've had meringue, and while it's good the first two or so bites you take, I quickly grow tired of it lol
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
I'm usually of the opinion that private school is usually kinda boring drama-wise, but:
Last Christmas the vice-principal (?) dressed up as one of the trolls from Trolls and sang a song
I think one of my classmates could be pregnant?
One teacher was kicked out when his students found out his sex tape. The students were no older than 12
My former Spanish teacher had a 'romance' with a student a few years older than me at her age
A few months ago, a teacher left my school because he apparently coerced girls into sending nudes
When I was 14/15 a few of my classmates illegally found our German teacher's phone number and began harassing her (btw I never took part in that and I don't talk to those classmates, it baffles me that they weren't kicked out)
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Pant pockets, I haven't worn a jacket in probably 3 years or so :)
47. favorite type of cheese?
Any, really. Cheese is so sexy
52. favorite font?
Font Vella nah okay no
I just had to search some up because my reaction was going the be Times New Roman like a basic bitch, so...
My favourite font is whatever the Voynich Manuscript had going on. LOOK
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This is how written Sazla looks like
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I think the wise choice would be to say I want to be part of one of those romance animes where the worst thing that can happen is your dog dying, preferably as a side character that's not involve in the drama. But were this not a wise decision?
One Piece as a member of Luffy's crew I'd love to be like Nico. So, fun fact, I once got this >< close to buying his pirate flag as if it were a pride flag to hang proudly in my bedroom. I went through a hardcore One Piece phase
66. favorite flower(s)?
Venus flytrap!
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Look at how cute those mouths are dodnsksnakanakabaisnsksnsk GORGEOUS
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