#Mandela pattern flowers
catface233 · 7 months
Omg an original post from me
Anyway my art.
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emblematicemblazer · 8 months
World building and theories of Engage
Mauvier (Mauve) was born in Firene and his name follows the theme of characters from that kingdom being named after fashion houses. Mauvais is a fashion brand producing trend led fashion and streetwear. Mauvier spent a period of time living in Elusia, being forced to worship the Fell Dragon before he was adopted by the Church of the Fell Dragon. His name also reflects the botanical theme of characters from Elusia. Mauve comes from the French for ‘mallow flower’ and is a pastel purple hue. In the language of flower the mallow flower symbolic meanings are: romance, giving into passion, being swept up in love, healing and survival in tough conditions. Mauvier is like a mallow flower managing to bloom in the negative environment in the Four Hounds. In Ancient Greece it was a flower with medicinal usage, Mauvier, as a Royal Knight, also has a medicinal function. In Ancient Roman society the flower was considered an essential part of a healthy diet and it was planted in graves because it was believed to feed the dead. In the Bible the mallow flower is considered to have a bland, humble taste and the survivability of the flower is mentioned. 
Mauvier's outfit reflects his Elusian upbringing. The colours of deep purple and pink are commonly featured colours in Elusian fashion. The pink flames and patterns also feature on clothing of other followers of the Fell Dragon. Fire has multiple meanings in Buddhism, in the Vedic tradition it represents the consumption of consciousness. The consciousness cannot exist without something to consume, the same as fire that cannot exist without something to burn. Fire has also been used to represent the sacred, an example is the mandela surrounded by a ring of fire. Fire also represents the detachment of the person to the body as a representation of the self. Some Buddhist traditions practise self-immolation to demonstrate that they understand the importance of impermanence. 
The armour is clearly very comprehensive and weighty, no expense has been spared in the production of it. The fact he had an impressive suit of armour reflects his role as a royal Knight to Veyle. He has a gorget to protect the neck and chin, what looks like a single sheet breastplate, a brigandine suit is under the torso armour for comfort and protection of the plate armour is damaged, Cuirass over the chest and shoulders are attached with crossed buckles at the front and back, spaulders overlap to protect the shoulders, gauntlets with a leather underglove for comfort, vambraces to protect the forearm, leg cuisses for the upper leg, greaves with like shin pads and sabatons to protect the feet.
The black crown or headdress resembles the crown worn by the head of Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. The crown signifies his power to benefit all sentient beings. Earthly embodiment of his aura,
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taisiakat · 1 year
June 2023 Strawberry Full Moon
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For the General Collective
Oracle deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid
Music: Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius
Candles: Red, Purple, Green, Yellow
Stones: Ruby, Amethyst, Light Jade, Citrine
Flowers: Rose, Honeysuckle, Lilac
Cards: Winter's Dream(63) Net Caster(42) Repairing the Veil(45)
Items: Shells, feathers, ribbon, netting
It's time to come out of one's shell or cocoon. Long have you waited, patiently (sometimes impatiently) for this moment to arrive, not sure what would it be like when it arrived, but knowing that this holding pattern you have been, the gestation period, would end! But it has always been on your mind - WHEN?
The Universe gave you that amazing opportunity to replenish, recharge, re-build, refocus, reconsider, exactly what it was you wanted to do, and why, but from the NOW time frame. Not from the time you originally set the intent, which so much has changed, the world has changed, and even you through all the healing and work you have done have drastically changed. And hopefully (I did) really take a hard look at all the aspects of your life and make some new intents with those ideas/goals you had set. And let go of those that no longer fit you.
This full moon is time to shed that shell, leave that cocoon, honor it, let it go, cast if off, if necessary, create a ritual of taking it off your person and placing it on the ground as an offering to the full moon and to the Universe. Feel the weight shifting, the change of the breeze now blowing upon your freshly released wings, as a butterfly. Stand proud and energized as you breathe in the energy of the Month, the Solstice coming up, you have made it through even more powerful than you were before. Rested, refreshed and revitalized.
At the same time, think of all the things you have done, preparations you have made, healing you have accomplished and give thanks, and be full of gratitude for them. For they are your new nets to use to cast out into the universe and bring in the abundance you want as you move forward now.
It's time to feel being free, to have a bit of fun, to expand your hope and desires.
Last but most important is to let go of any anger, frustration, even hatred if it even remotely exists in your space, and forgive.
One of my favorite quotes is from Nelson Mandela
Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for their actions, but freeing ourselves of negative energies that bind us to them. It is repairing ourselves, from the damage that we are doing to ourselves by holding on to these energies.
Forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive those before you, and forgive those that will come after you have left this mortal coil. Flow the energy all around you of forgiveness and let it go, and help the healing.
For tonight, the 4th and the 5th, spend an hour each night, reflecting rejoicing, having some fun along with forgiving.
Blessed Be
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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whocalledhimannux · 6 years
I started thinking today about Queen’s Thief BUT WITH TATTOOS and I just had to share because... I love tattoos and making this post is cheaper than getting another
EDIT: I realized some of the links in this post are dead (including Eugenides’s sleeve which is my favorite design), so I’ve edited this post to just include images with artist credit. That means it’s now a GIANT post and most of it is going under a cut.
Eddis: the Eddisians have nothing to do during the long winter except train for war and develop superior artisan and tattooing skills. the Eddisians are ALL ABOUT tattoos, especially to mark their role in society and moments when it changes. the most traditional designs are abstract patterns; meanders around people’s arms or legs are very common.
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Eddis-the-person is very deliberate in her choices. across her back she has the mountains, with the Sacred Mountain in the center, and she has a full geometric sleeve, sort of like a combo of this half and this half, with band elements and a sunburst. (Full sleeves are an Eddisian royal thing.)
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Once she receives Hamiathes’s Gift, she also marks the occasion by tattooing a circle with Hephestia’s name on her right hand, cuz, you know, symbolism.
Eugenides: ya boy is INKED UP. while Eddis has a small number of mostly large pieces that she thought about for a long time, Eugenides has got a bunch of smaller ones he got more or less on a whim. there’s an old sailor’s tradition that getting a tattoo of a pig on one foot and a sailor on the other will protect you from drowning--well, in Eddis, there’s also a tradition that a tattoo of a cat on one foot and a bird on the other will protect a thief from falls, so he’s got one of those each. I’m going to arbitrarily decide that snakes are symbolic of Eugenides-the-god, and that he also has (had) a tattoo of a snake around his wrist, and complains about losing that more often than he complains about losing his hand. replaces it with something like this on his chest. (there’s a reason he’s really not bothered by friendly black snakes in his bed.)
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Most of the tattoos he has pre-KoA are somewhere they can be easily hidden for thieving purposes, and a fair number are for other people. a rising/setting sun on the horizon on the back of his neck for his mother, the national flower of Eddis on his chest, a knife-dance knife on his forearm for his grandfather. Assuming astrological signs are a thing in this verse, he has one of those too. I don’t imagine words are a prominent part of Eddisian tattoo culture, but post-The Thief he gets Hephestia’s name inside a series of circles, representing her court the way it was laid out in the temple. he has a very traditional meander on his ankle. The most delicate tattoo he has is a branch of orange blossoms for Irene, somewhere on his torso.
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Monarchs in Eddis traditionally have sleeves on their right arms, so once he becomes king of Attolia he gets one of those. I’m picturing something like this (credit: Nazareno Tubaro Tattoo), just maybe a bit shorter so it ends before his cuff, and without the chest element--a lot of solid black and then some patterns at the bottom, including a geometric representation of Attolian lilies. When he becomes annux, he also gets three stars tattooed on his finger as a reminder of the responsibility. I’m running out of ideas but seriously, I can see Eugenides having a bunch more than this.
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Irene: Nope. Nuh uh. tattoos are not a thing for upper-class Attolians and she refuses to bow to barbaric Eddisan customs. but she does not-so-secretly love all of Eugenides’s tattoos and blushed like crazy when he got the orange blossoms done, although when he tried to get her to admit she liked it she wouldn’t say anything but “it’s fine.”
Sophos: I think Sophos is, admittedly, a bit of a wimp when it comes to tattoos and would never go as all-out as Eugenides or even Eddis, but he does get a sleeve when he becomes king of Eddis in acknowledgement of their customs. It’s similar to this design (credit: Brandon Crone)--a bit less bold and all-encompassing, but with a mandela that transitions into the leaves of an apricot tree for him and Eddis, cuz we know how much Sophos loves his tree categorization. I didn’t realize “men who get fruit tattoos in honor of their wives” was where I was going with this, but apparently that’s what we’re doing now.
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Costis: now, Attolian SOLDIERS definitely go for tattoos, and Costis has a couple, although culturally they’re not as significant as they are in Eddis. He gets the seal of Miras on his shoulder, which is pretty traditional, and his is encircled by lilies, which are also pretty big in Attolian tattooing because they’re not as wedded to the geometric designs of Eddis. Prior to leaving for the Mede Empire, he gets a Eugenides-the-god snake wrapped around his forearm.
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Costis is That Guy who gets a relationship tattoo way too soon!! Very soon after TaT, he gets a Hercules knot, on the opposite wrist of his other tattoo. It’s a symbol of love and commitment in QT-verse too, and then his also has the symbol of Ne Malia. Kamet is Flustered.
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Kamet: Scorns the whole idea at first, because in the Mede Empire tattoos are pretty much reserved for only prisoners and slaves who have tried to escape, so in his mind it’s one of those barbarian things. When he sees Costis shirtless for the first time he starts to reconsider--because the Miras seal with the lilies is such nice artwork, of course. Eventually, months or years post-TaT, he gets a hamsa on his back, which is known as the Hand of Sesmegah in QT-verse. His version is pretty elaborate, and includes the symbol of Ne Malia in the place where this tattoo has the chai symbol. He drew the design himself.
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goodvibesatpeace · 5 years
Tips For Color Shading
Let's take a mandela
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Colors Used
Reds dark to light:
Tuscan Red 937
Crimson Lake 925
Carmine Red 926
Blush Pink 928
Deco Pink 1014
Greens dark to light:
Olive Green 911
Apple Green 912
Chartreuse 989
Yellow Chartreuse 1004
Golds dark to light:
Goldenrod 1034
Yellow Ochre 942
Jasmine Yellow 1012
If you don’t have these colors, substitute five reds (including pinks), four greens (including yellow or nearly yellow green) and three values of gold to light gold or cream. Cream would have worked as well as jasmine. Or use shaded colors of other hues or values, make up your own color harmony! I chose predominantly red and green for a natural look but you could color this in any way you wanted!
Hues can change along a value gradient too, you could use a blue-violet, purple, red-purple, magenta and pink range for a gorgeous effect. The rose design in the center is a traditional heraldic rose based on wild roses with only five petals rather than today’s multipetal varieties.
If you have fewer colors, shading red, green, orange up through yellow works well and cold colors like violet, blue and magenta to white. A white pencil can be used instead of the Colorless Blender pencil but darks should be restated over it.
Here’s five great tips for good shading!
1. Pressure Shading
The simplest, most natural type of shading is to just alter pressure on your pencil. Sharpen it to a fine point and make small overlapping circular marks with as light a pressure as you can. Try to cover the area smoothly at the light end of the section and then gradually increase pressure as you work toward the darker end where it’s filled in nearly solid.
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Alternately, you can shade the entire area smoothly in the lightest value, then add more layers as it gets darker and darker shrinking the area of the last layers. You can fade these smoothly into each other or leave a clear line between areas shaded once or more than once.
Pressure shading is a good way to take a dark or medium value pencil and get more variations out of it.
Pressure shading is a good way to take a dark or medium value pencil and get more variations out of it. The red in any 12 color set will give at least three or four different pinks before you reach the point where your hand can’t press more lightly and still have control. Practice extends the number of values you can achieve just by pressure changing.
Here’s the petals on the Rose Mandala shaded in entirely with pressure changing:
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2. Colorless Blend
Pressure shaded areas show flecks of white from the paper. One of the simplest ways to smooth them is burnishing with a colorless blender. Start at the lightest area and press hard while making slightly larger overlapping short or circular marks. Stay within value areas and work light to dark. This will darken and intensify the color, smooth out all the white specks and give a polished surface to the areas.
Colorless Blender pencils burnish away white specks and blends layers of colors. Use over a color change to get a soft transition.
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3. Add darker colors to intensify shading
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The contrast diminished in the large petals once I applied the colorless blender, so I intensified the dark edge by adding Tuscan Red right over the burnished area. Colored pencils are translucent and Prismacolors blend easily with the layers under them. It didn’t get quite as dark as Tuscan Red does by itself but reached a nice dramatic dark anyway that lent the flower some depth. A lttle band of stronger Crimson overlapping that into the pinker area smoothed the transition.
Layering darker colors over light or medium adds color and darkens. Layering light over dark burnishes and adds nuances without dramatic changes.
Work back and forth with the medium and dark colors till the transition looks smooth. Either color can help where strokes went awry to create unwanted streaks, spots or patterns blending out the colors under them. Pressure is medium to heavy on these later layers since the paper tooth is filled and you’re smudging with each new stroke, blending new color with what’s under it.
4. Shade light colors over dark to blend
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Instead of shading entirely by pressure, I did some areas by setting out several values in the same color group. Crimson Red, Carmine Red, Blush Pink and Deco Pink for reds (with Tuscan Red added on the large petals) and Olive Green, Apple Green, Chartreuse and Yellow Chartreuse for greens.
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5. Use Solvents
If you have watercolor pencils, just choose a watercolor pencil with a similar texture to your other colored pencils. My examples are all in Prismacolor Premier. If you don’t have any watersolubles, many different solvents can work with colored pencils.
Ronson or Zippo lighter fluid works for colored pencils. Bestine rubber cement thinner is very good as a solvent. Another popular solvent is Turpenoid also known as odorless mineral spirits. Test different solvent products on a separate piece of paper to understand how they work with your pencils before applying them to your project.
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daydreambts · 2 years
I listen to your explanation of the emperor and the empress smiling softly at the meaning. “No I didn’t know that … “ I smiled as they prepped us for the tattoo squeezing your hand a little. Still got a little nervous when getting one even though I was covered in them. The tattoo artist asks if I can take my top off as it might be easier than rolling my sleeve up. I nod letting go of your hand for a moment my cheeks burning red as I lift my top up over my head, the artist giving me a sheet to cover myself with but as I do I reveal a tattoo on my side just under my rib cage of a butterfly surrounded by bright flowers and a tattoo just under my chest with some Mandela patterns. I reach back over for your hand taking it in mine as he begins to tattoo looking over at you the full time. “So I’ve been known to fall asleep while getting tattooed so sorry if I do” I say with a little chuckle not really finding a tattoo that painful, it was more of a bearable pain. My fingers intertwining with yours as I look at you. - Amy rose anon 🌹
Jungkook’s eyes widened as he caught sight of the butterfly surrounded by other bright tattoos around your chest; he quickly looked away, since he didn’t want to be disrespectful. Still the image was imprinted in his brain–he found it fascinating, how your tattoos were truly reflective of you: vibrant and graceful. He nodded at your comment. “No, I totally get it. I find the experience kind of… meditative. That probably sounds a bit pretentious,” he chuckled, running his free hand through his hair. “But that’s how I feel. Like, the sharp but steady pain is almost relaxing… Now that just sounds provocative,” he laughed. “But I think you get it.” When you entwined your fingers with his, he took it as a sign that it was fine to rub your hand soothingly. It was cute, how you still seemed to be a little nervous about getting tattooed. He smiled at you reassuringly. When the assistant asked if it was okay if he were the one to do the tattoo or he wanted to wait for the boss, he agreed and shrugged half off his jacket and shirt. He pointed at a space on his arm, the stencil fitting perfectly amongst the existing tattoos. “It almost looks like this spot was waiting, that the dragon was meant to be here all along, huh?” He winked at you.
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decorishing · 2 years
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[gallery] 💎Diamonds and size -12 inches x 12 inches (30 cm x 30 cm), some diamond paintings, Mandela patterns and exquisite gifts. The package includes diamonds and tools. If you want more styles, please click Hibah 💎Special Shape Diamonds - This is a new type of special shape diamond, including drop-shaped, diamond-shaped columns and circles. It is an almost completely different type. 💎 Unique and stylish design - If you think your home's decor is bland, our cross-stitch diamond painting kit can help you make your living room, bedroom and other places active 💎 DIY production steps - first put the same diamond into the tray, then gently insert the "pen" into the square adhesive, leave some adhesive on the pen, and finally pick up the diamond and place it on the canvas On the corresponding number 💎 Product Warranty and Customer Service - We offer a 48 day refund and a 6 month warranty. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. [amz_corss_sell asin="B07RXBG71Z"] https://www.decorishing.com/product/diamond-painting-diy-5d-special-shape-rhinestone-mandala-flower-partial-diamond-crystal-diamond-painting-set-hibah/?feed_id=36260&_unique_id=62809720459d1
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maisyfmp-flipside · 4 years
All of the Mandela's I created were inspired by sci fi. The first one I made was inspired by some research on a certain symbols and what they mean culturally Like for example aboriginal Art and how certain colours and patterns mean certain things. I took this with my own take and wanted to do a drawing with well known symbols or symbolic elements. Here goes back to the idea of how certain symbols can mean different things, this would be known as the all seeing eye , surrounded by Ying yang That is commonly known as good versus bad. the union is a very culturally divided symbol that I think links well to the theme I am trying to get across. I really enjoy how some cultures have secret coding and I learned this with the aboriginal mandalas.
The Aboriginal artists soon became concerned that the sacred-secret objects they painted were being seen not only by Westerners, but Aboriginal people from different regions that were not privy to their tribal stories. They did not want them to understand or learn the sacred, restricted parts of their stories so the artists decided to eliminate the sacred elements and abstracted the designs into dots to conceal their sacred meanings. The works were visual reminders of their own being. They painted land that they belonged to and the stories that are associated with those sites. In essence they were painting their identity onto the boards, as a visual assertion of their identity and origins.
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Instead of doing symbols for this one I did more symbolistic drawings As for these are based on technology and advanced science, this was inspired by a film called “Morgan” that is about a robot who is made to look like a young girl this was made by advanced science. my take was to tie in artificial body parts/organs that have a robotic side to it, this is where my idea of the robotic heart came from.
As this week was about mandala I still wanted the heart to stand out but still have that underlining meaning of the heart being the focus point behind the dotted patterns like with the aboriginal art Originally colours were restricted to variations of red, yellow, black and white produced from ochre, charcoal and pipe clay.
Later acrylic mediums were introduced allowing for more vivid colourful paintings. These art works could show dots, cross hatching, maps of circles, spirals, lines and dashes which is the long established pictorial language of Western Desert Aboriginal People. Aboriginal artworks painted in acrylic are a beautiful blend of traditional and contemporary. The dot technique gives the painting an almost 3D effect and a sense of movement and rhythm.
As Mandela's middle part should be about the focus point, the focus point was the heart and scientifically the heart is the symbolism for what keeps a body running. Then with the robotic technology I did a coding piece that made me think of these two being together.
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Then still linking on the theme I did the opposite and that was natural this is where nature comes in to the same running theme of Body parts/organs. and as I have said from recent research I began to like the empowering quotes this was the quote I used beauty within. this was the whole idea of the natural side meaning start from within is beauty this is the symbolism of Flowers. Like how also the triangle facing upward, triangles represent action and energy, and when facing downward, they represent creativity and the pursuit of knowledge.
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Military Intelligence, under General Malan was entrusted with the investigating the effect of Apartheid laws in District Six, a location where African homeowners were eliminated so that it might be turned into a whites-only area.A brand-new grave banked with flowers is a forecast of a damaged promise; an ignored tomb signifies distress; an open grave anticipates sad news from a distance; to fall under a grave signifies lost relationship; and to dig a tomb or to be aware of your own burial place is a caution that you are being warded off by secret enmity.There are large ranges of health club tee shirts are offered online, they provide you the best and trending workout t-shirts with the best quality too. Fashion clothes alone can not satisfy the need clothingbow.com of customer's satisfaction; the cost aspect also pertains to play a major function in the choice of fashion attire amongst people in the majority of parts of the world.Not only do such beliefs continue directly in the face of inconsistent proof, they persist in the face of continuous negative repercussions arising from their being held."" The most recent and biggest men.s clothes from - look for T-shirts middot. For instance, you can get Kohls voucher free shipping offers as well as in shop promotion codes, online discount coupons in addition to printable discount coupons, to name a few.
When it concerns the 'most popular 2011 fashion patterns', not everyone wants to opt for 'what's in'. A.M. For example, I recently bought a black pair of slacks at Macy's in a size 14 short, and needed to return them for a 16 petite because the waist cut was expensive, and too wide with the routine size (even tho a size smaller than small). used to enjoy wearing for instance monochromatic linen pants and blazers with matching monochromatic silk t-shirts IN beautiful COLORS not simply black and white but it is just not being made in any size.; how Africans are living-off much better than whites in contemporary South Africa; and how Boers are passing away in "greater numbers under ANC-led federal government, forgetting to tell the world that Africans are dying in droves, and burying in thousands individuals dying from AIDS, Hypertension, Sugar Diabetes, Dysentery, Cholera, Kidney failures; poverty, poor nutrition, ecological apartheid and disasters, etc.The facility of EMPLOYER led to among the most sustained protests in South African history, with protest originating from supporters, teachers, political leaders, churchmen and liberal editors.Today, we speak with the apologists of Apartheid that they are under the 'tyranny of the bulk,' and they are slaves under the ANC led federal government.
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thehookingpost · 7 years
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I may have a bit of a doily problem. I’m not afraid to admit it. I’ve come up with every excuse I can to make them, from sticking them on a t-shirt to using them to close a clutch purse to making jewelry out of them. Luckily for my family, my obsession has not yet reached the level of covering every flat surface with them, but give me time. And with all these lovely patterns to work from, I know you won’t be far behind.
So, here we go!
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The Viola Mandela
Joana’s Border
Peacock Feather Mandala
Crochet Mandala Pattern
Flower Petal Yarn Doily
Mini Rings of Change
Mod Floral Mandalas
Crocheted Rug
Vintage Crochet Doily
Crochet Doily
Crown of Hearts
Retro Owl Rug or Doily Rug
Celtic Flower Doily
The Dainty Doily
Autumn Spice Mandala
Amikomo3-13 Lace Doily
Cotton Smile Motif
Round Flower Doily
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Ami Flower Patterned Doily
Cotton Smile Motif
Cotton Smile Motif
Table Set
Circle Mat
Mini Cluster Doily
Tea Time
Fern Leaf Doily
Not Your Grandma’s Doily
Giant Crocheted Doily Rug
Pretty Pinwheel Doily
Chunky Doily
Spring Brilliance
Picot Picot
Linen Steel
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My first attempt at a Mandela. I don't have a compass so it's a bit messy! X - - - #Mandela #mandelatattoo #tattoo #tattoostyle #tattoopractice #tattooart #tattoodesign #pattern #floral #flower #firsttry #firstattempt #lineart #sketchbook #sketchpad #illustration #blackandwhite #art
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wyldwon · 7 years
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How to Recover From a Broken Heart Author: Joyce Marter Romantic love is mystical and magical — permeating every aspect of mind, body and spirit until you are completely consumed. The intensity of the attraction, the depths of the desire, and the power of the passion are simultaneously exhilarating, intoxicating and terrifying. Tremendous courage is a prerequisite for the awesome vulnerability of opening up your heart, body and soul for love. When that love is not reciprocated or sustained, it can be devastatingly sad, like a death. Like a flower that yearns for the sun until it blossoms completely, until every last petal drops, heartbreak leaves you feeling turned inside out. Not having your love reciprocated or being rejected can trigger a grief response that mirrors a depressive episode. Symptoms may include difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, sadness, apathy, hopelessness and sometimes even loss of the will to live. The heartbroken often struggle with feelings of powerlessness; frustration that it’s not within their control to make things the way they want. Many internalize the rejection of a break-up to mean that they are somehow not worthy, not capable of a sustaining relationship, or not lovable on a deeper level. This self-loathing can take root and cause a pessimistic view of the future, igniting panic and despair that love may never be found again. Many people seek therapy to remedy a broken heart. In treatment, we try to understand and analyze our love relationships. Are we recreating old patterns? Filling a void? Addicted to love? Seeking ego validation? Dysfunctional? Delusional? Naive? Insane? Perhaps. Or maybe we are just human and subject to the forces of love. Recovery from heartbreak is much like processing grief, so we go through the following stages: Denial (“This can’t be the end, I’m sure he will call.”) Anger (“I hate her.”) Bargaining (“Maybe if I behaved differently, it would work.”) Depression (“I never want to love again so I never feel this pain again.”) Acceptance (“It was. And now, it is over.”) In my practice, I have counseled hundreds through the depths of the depression that accompanies heartbreak. I recommend the following: 1) Know your love and feelings were real. Just because it didn’t last doesn’t mean it wasn’t real or true. You’re not crazy, foolish, wrong or delusional. 2) Understand love is always a gift. Love is a blessing even if it ends painfully, for heartbreak bears great wisdom. 3) Consider that all things happen and people come into our lives for a reason. Eckhart Tolle says, “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.” A relationship that ends is not a mistake or failure. 4) Stay in the present. Don’t ruminate about the past or second guess your actions. Don’t worry about the future. Stay out of your head, for that is a dangerous place to go. Practice mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and meditation. Imagine breathing in what you need (strength, hope, energy) and out what you don’t (pain, aches, sadness). 5) Release feelings of anger, hatred and thoughts of revenge. Understand this are all related to ego and cause you more harm than good. Anger exacerbates anxiety and depression, keeps us tethered and prevents us from moving forward. As Nelson Mandela said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies.” In a moment of quiet, repeat the mantra, “I forgive and release you and let you go.” 6) Let go of the attachment or connection. Don’t be a whack-a-mole and repeatedly poke your head up for rejection from the object of your affection. As Mark Twain said, “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” Care enough about yourself to conserve your energy for those who deserve it, starting with yourself! 7) Get support. Talk to friends and family who are empathic and kind. Tell them specifically what you need from them. If your friends are tired of your broken record, consider therapy or a support group. Get immediate help if feeling so depressed you are suicidal. 8) Know you are lovable. Do not misinterpret the end of a relationship as meaning you are somehow not enough. Sometimes people aren’t capable of giving us the love we need and deserve, which is their issue and not yours. You are exactly as you should be and are perfectly lovable just the way you are. 9) Practice self-love. Recognize masochistic and self-harm behaviors (not eating, substance abuse, risky behaviors, etc.) and nip them in the bud. As Buddha said, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Stick to structure and routine and get proper rest, nutrition and exercise. Don’t isolate yourself or your depression will take a deeper hold on you. 10) Know this too shall pass. Put one foot in front of the other and time will heal your wounds. Even if you can’t imagine feeling better or being open to love again, you most certainly will. “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...” —Nicholas Sparks Author: Joyce Marter
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tfleming2 · 8 years
Graffiti, Apartheid, and Soweto
Johannesburg is a fascinating city. The inner city is being renovated, boasting many new businesses. Walking throughout the district brought me in contact with colorful characters. The African culture flourishes with a rainbow of colors, intricate patterns, and unique styles. Graffiti graces many walls and buildings. It has become so accepted in the culture that several of the larger works had been sponsored by businesses. Some images are political. Many display hope or newness. One that really touched me was of an elephant mother who had given birth. The scene was predominantly reds and pinks. As the baby stepped out of its placenta, it dragged it's umbilical cord behind it. Trailing behind, the cord began exploding into flowers, as if to remind us that life goes on. Afterwards, the Nelson Mandela and Apartheid museums beckoned. News reports, photos, and mementos remind us of that horrible episode in history. As we ventured into Soweto, I was reminded that the battle continues. Hundreds of tin shacks lined the road. Ali, my guide, explained that when a family is able to buy a home, they surround it with shacks which they rent. The rent money helps pay the bills. Thus, wealthy homes, middle class homes, and tiny tin shacks exist side by side. As we passed the huge and defunct smoke stacks, I learned that the facility had used coal to make electricity for Johannesburg. However, filters were not used at that time so smut and pollution filled the air of Soweto, several communities of black Africans. Those who lived in Soweto were not allowed to even have electricity but must live in the dirty air caused by producing it. So much for 'separate but equal' of Apartheid. The murals that cover the surfaces make better use of the towers. This educational tour has renewed my interest in how we, the people, can make our communities better rather than overlooking the plight of our neighbors.
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therevaliir-blog · 7 years
New Area: Zets'Ki Cradle
Here is the link: Zets'Ki Cradle Here is some info for you guys to hold you off until we get the wiki articles done on it!: Place: Highest Peak of the Zujiuchu Mountains Race: half-angels (Name is below) Race Name: Salji (Half-Angels) named by the first gods of the world for how fair their skin and hair was. They are graceful and unique like the snowflakes they were named after. Plural of Salji: Saljian, Saljis Name Meaning: Tower to the Heavens Weather: Snowy, Sometimes Blizzard conditions Linguistics: Georgian Lore Language Called: Saljiese Architecture: Art Nouveau - Dark Granite Buildings - Stained Glass. Art depicts their history as a race and their ancestors. – Art is done in both the stained glass and carved into large portions of important buildings like the palace and library. Leader Titles: King: Me’e Queen: Dedop’ali Food: Greenhouses + In Mountain herb gardens + Indoor farm like areas for animals Current Leader of Zets’Ki: (Dedop’ali) Ia Tsiuri – Family is part of the legendary Tsiuri family dating back to the most ancient times of Revaliir before history was recorded in books. Worship: Reverie, the original religion of Revaliir. The mother Celestial of the planet. This is a forgotten religion outside of Zets’Ki but to those who live in the Tower of Edhit in Abed. Major Buildings: Palace(needs name), Library, Reverie’s Cathedral Cathedral: Dedicated to Reverie the mother of the world. Even larger than the Palace to show their love for the mother Celestial. Carved out of only the most precious stone and detailed with only the rarest most perfect gemstones and other minerals. Think something like the pantheon in Greece. Ceilings: bewitched labradorite to illuminate the cathedral with the constellations of her daughters and sons Fountain: A malachite fountain with her standing there with a regal vase made of illuminated black opal and the water looks like stardust and glitters like the galaxy. Her hair is literally decorated with only the best saltwater pearls. The fabric of her dress is almost too real to be stone edged in gold to offset the green. Above her frolic her seven daughters carved into a dome roof that let bits of light shine in to help illuminate her in a heavenly form. The daughters are also carved from Malachite and suspended with powerful levitation magic from the origin. Carvings: The birth of the origin Tree, The birth of Verya and Voice, and depictions of the Stairway to the Skies from legend. – Throughout the temple illuminated by large labradorite lanterns in the form of teardrops suspended in air by levitation magic in a trickling effect. Each lantern has 4 teardrops and goes from largest to smallest illuminating like a trail of tears. –all carvings are edged in silver and gold to stand out in the light. Flooring: The floor is patterned from mandela creations using varying hues of black opal tile pieces. It glitters like the night sky as the constellation lights bounce off of it. The Origin: The main focal point of the entire Cathedral lies in the center. It is a large solid gemstone of pure Moonstone, though it is an odd color of blue with what appears to be a depiction of the night sky inside of it. This houses all of the magic that runs the Cathedral and no one knows the mysteries of what it is or where it came from. Legend says it was a gift from Reverie herself when she birthed the world. Onnen gave it to the people of Zets’Ki during the first World Order and has remained with them since. It cannot be removed, used by any mortal or god, and is too sacred for the Saljian to even try to study it even going so far as to stop scholars from the outside world. This is the most guarded place in all of Zets’Ki. Disturbing this place for anything other than prayer has resulted in executions before. Building itself: Walls are made from Azurite and Neptunite making it darker than of the granite buildings in Zets’Ki. Palace: Kristaluri Palace Library:Ts'odnis Adgili Town Attractions: Lighting: Tall silver lampposts with large shards of labradorite that shine brightly as the sun goes down. Roads: Crafted with fine dark marble bricks, kept clear of snow by street sweepers. Plants: Snowberries, Snowbelles(in the coldest parts of the city, Very rare (its one of our enchantments actually), Fir Trees, and deep rich blue flowers that only thrive in harsh winter climate.
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55% Advocate
The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
35% Spiritual
The Spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
10% Caregiver
Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
The Advocate Report
PATTERN: Being a champion for a good cause 
I live for: Fighting for a cause 
I’m at my happiest: Fighting for a cause I believe in 
Habit to break: Having a personal agenda 
You might be an advocate if: You often find yourself “volunteering” 
My style: Natural, eco friendly and fair trade 
Beauty Profile: You go for safety over efficacy with natural, good-for-the-environment, and politically correct beauty products 
Kissing Style: The healthy, organic kiss 
Dream Getaway: Ecotourism and trips to places in need of help (Haiti, Galapagos Islands, Africa) 
My idea of a good time: Getting pumped up and passionate at a protest 
We love: Francine LeFrak Same Sky 
advocate + TAURUS SLOW BUT STEADY: Your down-to-earth pragmatism is invaluable. 
 STYLE GUIDE Searcher Boots by Tom’s Shoes 
BRANDS GOOD: UNICEF, Gaiam, The Hempest 
BETTER: Blue Fish, Green Loop, Jonano, Komodo, Lalesso, Acacia 
BEST: Stella McCartney, Hanna Andersson, Missoni, Monkee Genes 
MAGAZINES Inhabitat, TreeHugger, Our Planet, Living Green Magazine, Dwell 
Fed Up, Waiting for Superman, Inconvenient Truth, We Are Not Broke, Blackfish, The Cove, Food Inc, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, Planet Earth, Ferngully, Erin Brockovich, An Inconvenient Truth, Meer Cat Manner, Bowling for Columbine, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Gasland 
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, Cradle to Cradle by Michael Braungart, Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser TV SHOWS TEDTalks, Years of Living Dangerously, The Michael J Fox Show, Ugly Betty, Captain Planet, Planet Earth 
MUSICAL tastes Indigenous music 
Causes we love
The Shriver Project (Maria Shriver), Teaching Gardens (Kelly Meyer), Joyful Heart Foundation (Mariska Hargitay), remind.org (Lee and Bob Woodruff) Same Sky (Francine LeFrak), Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation (Chris and Dana Reeve) The Felix Organization (Shelia Jaffe)
Social issues, Environment, Politics, Climate change, Renewable energy, Advocacy Organizations, Green initiatives, All things vegan, Charities websites 
BEST JOB SITES: ecojobs.com, eco.org, Idealist.org, peacecorps.gov App VeganXPress 
DIET: Vegan diet 
FLOWER: Air Plant 
VACATION: Oslo, Norway (where they turn garbage into energy) 
MUST HAVES: Same Sky Jewelry, Laura Bush Feed, Tom’s Shoes  
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