#and I'd don't wanna take pictures of videos until I have all of them changed up
littlewigglers · 1 year
Gonna be taking a posting break for a bit, the tanks all need changed up and I don’t feel like taking pictures while I do it.
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percy-ils · 2 years
Nooo I have become unrecognizable even to you I don't even really like my new url but I didn't know what else to come up with
I have been feeling pretty bad apparently one of his editors called him a horrible person on Twitter today? I'm not very sure but after learning about that I decided to uninstall Twitter and just chill out for a while basically
Sorry for not answering right away as well it's because I literally stood up and went and busied myself I have started coding and you know just yesterday I was thinking wow I'm doing something Dream was doing at this age too I wanna make him proud which maybe it's rather silly but it helps me keep wanting to do it
You shouldn't abstain yourself from your own coping mechanisms because of what other people could possibly think about you if you know hearing his voices and seeing him would make you feel better then go ahead and do so you don't have to punish yourself or anything it makes me really sad and worried to hear you are going through so much pain right now I wish I could be there and give you a hug
You put it into words but now whenever I log on I just feel the same pit on my stomach that I felt when we learned about Techno but just like back then I'm sure we will make it through
I also don't really understand it very well I also think so many people were just fed up and saw this as a good moment to dip like they saw his face the meetup the live panel and the pictures it's like their storyline was finished and now they can move onto something new
But remember it's not your fault the fact that you got a special interest isn't your fault you are in your full right to have it and to keep enjoying and loving Dream I know for a fact I'm staying on Dreblr and whenever lore drops I'm watching it and whenever he streams I'm watching it and whenever he makes a video I'm watching it because at the end of the day no matter what I can't help loving him
Also remember it's only been like two days since this whole thing has started there's a lot we don't know yet so we just gotta wait and see
I still think very much that by the next Saturday everybody will have moved on and those who stay will continue to enjoy it and those who don't will be missed and we will all come out stronger from it and more united
Don't lose hope after just two days we will get through this eventually
I love you too <3 sending you all my hugs and strenght and hope :) - Beloved and idk how to introduce myself anymore ex-Drellumina I suppose
You literally mean the world to me thank you for taking your time to write this all <3
I didnt answer this until now because I had to make my mind about things and I'm pretty clear about what I think now.
I'm not changing my blog, im not leaving the fandom or Dream. I read so many things and listened to many people and I'm pretty sure that Dream is innocent and I trust him. I'm not gonna apologise for loving and following him and there's so many people already sure that he's innocent and this Amanda girl's story makes no sense and it keeps changing, it's just untrustable and inconsistent and she's just seeking clout.
So many people are just acting weird and I cant understand them and you know what. I'm giving up on trying to understand. They do what they want. I'm gonna keep watching Dream. I was saying that I'd trust him with my life last week, that still stands and I trust him with his. He's gonna handle it and it will pass.
But I'm still mad at these people for treating Dream like shit and ruining everything only for a little bit of attention, or the "fifteen minutes of fame" as it is. I'm pretty calm and content right now, just gonna wait for it to pass.
Take care of yourself :))
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This is gonna be a flashback chapter. How our babies met because I remember a few people had forgotten. Had to have one of these eventually, right?
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Part 21: Introduction
Should I download Tinder?
Glee plays from the firestick, the scene where they're all walking and singing How Will I Know.
I should.
Laying cozied into the couch in a faded t'shirt with the tiniest pink shorts, your head rests on the butt cushion and your feet dangle over the arm as you hold your phone up in the air over your face.
"How will I know?.. How will I knoow..," you mumble along with the crew. You've heard the Glee version of this Whitney classic at least 8 times.
No, but what if I do and someone recognizes me? Someone I work with? What if my family is on Tinder? I'd die.
You put the phone down on your belly and pick up your apple juice from the coffee table, doing a sit up to sip.
Mm. You wipe your mouth nearly spilling. But if they're on there too then they shouldn't comment on what I'm doing, right? We'd ignore each other's presence and continue like ships passing in the night. So technically I should be able to download this app with no blowback.
Picking the phone up, you hit download and open the app. It immediately asks for your information and won't let you skip. Not even your location. You fall back down to your back raising the phone up again.
But what if someone's a serial killer?Would they look for me? No, that won't happen and I could tell if they were psychotic..
Tapping the download button, you go through the steps to set up an account including giving them access to your location and posting a headshot from a selfie. Scrolling through your gallery for more decent pics to post, you decide one's enough and upload a full body photo so that whoever meets you will know who they're meeting, no surprises.
Inputting your information, you decide to write into your blurb that you're looking for some awesome friends, specifically a movie buddy. In reality, the activity doesn't matter you just crave human attention and closeness. Any decent, polite, nice, smart, funny, left wing, hopefully attractive, young, black human.. possibly male.. will do. Not that you're picky. In the meantime, you swipe right on everyone black nearby, men and women. Somebody's gotta respond. Someone sane who wants to meet. Shockingly there are a lot of pretty people. Unfortunately the app only gives you one super like.. a blue star which you decide to save.
Giddily you head over to your match tab and see four matches. Drew P seems nice. Ashley J looks stylish. G Papa looks like he lives in a Freaknik video. Pussy Hunter is just nasty. Your nose twitches as you shamefully start conversations with all four. When neither responds right away you return to swiping and a notification says you've been super liked, but you can't access who super liked without paying money. You're not doing that so you just go back to the bios and swipe right until you get a reply.
Wyd, Pussy Hunter writes.
Bored, watching movies. You?
You gotta fat ass
Um. Thanks?
Netflix and chill?🙈
Netflix and Netflix. We can talk and hang out..
So no chill
No sex, but we can hang out and do something else
After 5 minutes, you realize he's not going to write you back. You start to swipe again on pictures, left for the whites and weirdos. Right for the black people.
Your finger hovers in the air as you gasp lightly at the thirst trap provided by a man self-identified as Erik. It deserves another sip of apple juice. You gulp it down from your cup. "Jesus.." You can't even see his face, because it's all BODY, but you can tell by the picture exactly what he's on Tinder for. Same m.o. as Pussy Hunter.
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Erik S, 28
Fucc around and find out
Good Lord.. those shorts are yet holding on, you stare as if they'll slip down further by you willing them to. You swipe right. Your eyes widen as the app alerts you with a blue star meaning... He super liked your profile.
"NO," you gasp wide eyed at the phone ready to chuck it at the wall. Switching to the messages, there's a new one.. from him.. and you know what it's about. "I need some tea."
Erik lazed around his house bumping Schoolboy Q, clad in a white terry cloth bathrobe with a short glass of iced Ciroc and Lemonade in his hand. Dancing, he exfoliated his face with his spin brush, trimmed his mustache and beard, shaped himself up, and moisturized his locs and facial hair. The lil lip scrub he'd gotten as a gift from Cierra, he'd initially fought her on because it smelled like peaches but he liked how soft it made his lips. They even tasted good. He licked his lips for the umpteenth time tasting sugar. They tasted like Cierra.
Speaking of sugar, he looked at his phone wondering why his hoes ain't called. Then again, they could've. He wasn't near the phone all day. Checking the iPhone on the charging dock he saw that he had a missed call.. from Cierra.
Checking the time she called, he figured that was back when he was cleaning his guns and checking the parts. He'd already cleaned and sharpened his knives. He'd checked his security cameras. He felt good. Having no major responsibility and no place to be.
Outside of the missed call he had three new nudes and a video sitting in his messages to watch and record himself masturbating to. He was looking forward to doing that especially since Rell hadn't called with no bullshit local cases. Erik had stated he ain't want no hits near his temporary home.. for a year, he wanted peace. One damn year. But here he was still racking basic skills for pennies. "Chump change is still change," Rell's voice played in his ear. "You don't wanna get rusty. Gotta keep your skills sharp."
Erik had done his share of moving around, racking up international kills and earning the nickname Killmonger. But for a little while, he wanted to settle down in one concealed location where no one knew where he lived, who the fuck he was, or where he was coming or going. He wanted the illusion of peace and normality for a year at least. As much money as he had, he figured he could afford to stay in one place for that long if he was careful.
Only two people knew where he lived and that was Rell and Swift. They knew not to come over. Not even the previous owners of the house knew he was there.. because he'd made them an anonymous offer, killed them and moved in a few days after they'd sold it to him for cash. Needless to say he took all that money back.
He dialed Cierra, roaming to his bedroom to collapse over the bed as the phone rung. "Sup Ci?"
"Master," she whimpered, the desperation in her voice telling him she needed release. She'd been working too long through the past week and needed Master to come take control for a few hours. He could picture her on her knees, already in puppy space. She knew exactly how he liked her to wait for him.
"Yes, Ci. You need me to come for a scene?"
"Rrrrr," she growled. "Arf arf!"
"My bad. Lil Bitch."
"I gotta go to Target and see my sister," but come through later. I don't care how late just call up."
"Your sister? The one you met on Facebook?"
"Yeah, her! She live like an hour away. I'm a link with her and put her on Tinder! Get her a man to pop that back out," she giggles.
"You know I don't mind a two for one," Erik teased knowing she wouldn't go for it. He liked to mess with her anyway.
"Not with my damn sister, I'm not that nasty. A white girl can have it,"
"Damn crush my dream."
"Aight, I'm a let you go." Hanging up, he sat up and went to his closet pulling a colorful glass bong he'd gotten from a nigga he once knew in the military. Bruce Everett, white boy. Cool nigga... Too bad he shot hisself with his own gun. Sighing, Erik shook his head and went to the bathroom to fill it with water and headed back to pull his chrome grinder from his drawer along with a screen, hempwick, and a nug of Dr. Greenthumb's Emdog OG, grinding it down to pack the bowl making it fluff up.
"Perfect," he whispered lighting the bong with the hempwick. He lit the edges of the weed going around in a circle for an even and smooth burn as he stood taking a good long hit. "Shit," he exhaled releasing the smoke. I love bongs.
He looked and the bowl was empty as he'd expected. One hit's all you need when you do it right.
"Tinder...," he played in his mind. He already had a fetlife which was how he'd found his subs. Tinder was something different though. He was curious.
Downloading the app on the phone used almost solely for contact with subs, he went through the process of setting up an account, hesitating to put his info. It was general enough and the shit that was too specific, he could just lie. Still, he wouldn't upload his face.
So all I gotta do is swipe and see everyone in the area, he mused looking at all the faces.
"No.. No.. Nope.. Facially challenged.. The fuck is that?.. Hell nah.. Yes.. Yes.. She cute.. Hell nah.. Yes... No..," he paused looking a little closer at the screen. "Hello... Damn."
Out of curiosity he clicked on the profile. "That ass tho!"
He smirked hitting his super like.
"Shid... You can get the blue like.. Whatever the fuck that mean.." He stared at the picture. She had a juicy looking aro with thick black curls, brown skin, bright almond eyes, and enough ass to feed the needy for months. "Shit, if I was on a deserted island with coconuts and that ass.. that's enough meat for a damn.. shidd.." He chuckled. "Fuck is a super like? I super like yo ass meat..," he chuckled again falling back on his bed. "It mean I'm a break yo shit in thirds and fuck the pieces," he coughed, over his own bullshit.
Jumping up, you speedwalk into your kitchen and quickly heat some water in a pot, pulling a red mug and a bag of chamomile and a bag of lemon balm to mix with sugar. Combining it all, you take a sip and stand there staring at the wall before taking it with you back to the couch. "Okay," you sigh picking up the phone to open the Tinder message thread.
Cum talk to me, he says. You stare at the words. Wow, this is so cringy you don't know how to respond. You sit the phone back down taking another sip. You think about ignoring him, but you keep touching the phone, coming back to the message and staring.
Hey, you finally type hesitating at the simplicity before sending.
How are you tonight ? Why you up ?
Bored, lonely, contemplating my existence over Glee and wondering why my high school years were never that damn musical. You sip your tea.
Having a tv party with just lil ol' me. Why are you up?
The fuck kinda life you living. You need me to cum spice shit up for you? 👀
You think you that spicy? 👀
You wanna taste me and see?
Jeez. You flip back to the faceless picture of his body. Lord have mercy.
Don't play with a real one I'll show the fuck up real shit, he writes.
Internally you're screaming. He really thinks you're about to have sex with him. "I can't, oh my god," you sigh bouncing your knee. You hesitate before responding.
You can come, but bring food.
Hell yeah. Then you can be dessert. 😈
What? You turn the screen off and grab your head, your elbows on your knees.
What am I doing. Y/N what are you doing.
No sex nigga, you type before taking it back and staring at the screen perplexed. If you say that, he won't message you back.. If you don't say it, he'll be expecting to get some! You still want him to come through though even if he leaves because you're bored. You just want a little company for a little bit.
Maybe you should get a cat..
Your leg shakes unsure of how to respond and you take another sip of the hot tea mix feeling anything but calm.
Without further delay you just drop your address and hope for the best, wondering if you just signed off on your own murder. Maybe I should've told him to meet me somewhere else in the daytime.
Washing your apple juice cup, you put it away and then throw on some black leggings and rainbow fuzzy socks not wanting to open the door in pink bootyshorts adding onto the wrong message you'd already sent him. You also put a kitchen knife under the sofa cushion for easy access just in case.
40 minutes. You like wings?
🤢 Love yourself, sis. I'm getting a mix.
Oh I see you Mr. Petty Labelle, you smile getting a taste of his personality.
Yep. Finna get some of Ms. Petty's pie 
Uh uh, you smirk.
We nuh ave dat
That right? Guess I'll see for myself when I pull up 👅
He's a whole fool. You set the phone down smiling at the tv. Meanwhile you watch another episode.. actually watching it this time.
Knock knock, he messages and you see it having kept the thread up just in case he had an issue.  Jumping up, you snatch your phone and take a deep breath to steady your nerves. This is the first time you've ever done something like this and you hope it doesn't go badly.
Who's there, you jest messaging back right before you unlock your multiple locks and crack the door. Peeping out, you shut the door automatically throwing your body against it, holding your breath. He's huge! You didn't even look up, you just saw all that muscle like Kangaroo Jack. And why was he all up on the door?!
"Word? You must not want these wings then," he says through the door. You hear plastic rattling dramatically. "That's aight I don't mind eating em by myself."
You crack the door again, peeping out. You hadn't even seen the plastic bag hanging from his hand, you'd shut him out so fast. You reach out to grab it and he pulls it back.
"Aht! This how you treat guests? Door in the face? Snatching bags?" Your eyes roam from his hard chest to the broadness of his shoulder, resting on the sleeve of his charcoal grey Chicago Bulls shirt. Those biceps.
"Look at you undressing me in your mind already. Go ahead, you can touch me," he adds holding his arm forward as if reading your mind.  He talks a lot.
You snatch the bag and put it behind your back a bit, opening the door. Then you look up and your kitty jumps. It's the devil himself. You try to control your surprise but between his sharp narrow chestnut eyes that smirk down, his sculpted nose, and his full pouting lips, you don't know if you want to kiss him, bite him, or climb him. You wanna do all three and more right in the hall.. up against the wall. His hair too, it's a mess of semi-thick locks that point everywhere like Coolio. It's his everything really..
Omg. It sounds so good coming from him. This isn't fair.
"Aye..," he waves.
"Hm," you sigh staring at his face.
"You gone let me in?"
"Huh? Oh." You step back quickly and scan him from head to toe as he steps across the threshold. Bulls shirt, black track pants, black sneakers. His shoes are ugly though, the back heel juts out too far. Balenciaga is written in white. Oh.
You look up and see he's looking you up and down too. Oop. Leading the way you take him to the living room and he settles on the couch, his develish eyes on yours. His knees spread wide as he leans back, hips forward.
Silently screaming, you look away and sit the plastic food bag on the table.
You can feel him staring. The air is full of raunchy expectation and you can't say you blame him. You practically encouraged it on the phone.
"You want something to drink," you smile in friendly attempt, risking a glance and it's just as you thought.
"You know exactly what I want."
"To DRINK," you exphasize, ignoring the thump of your heart in your nana as his eyes roll over your hips.
"Mmm... You got Henny?"
"I have apple juice, tea, water.."
Your face screws, Didnt I just-- "I don't drink.."
You shake your head.
"Damn, Apple Juice."
Taking your sweet time to pour his juice and refill your tea, you re-enter the living room as the Glee cast kicks off another song that he mutes.
"Here ya go."
You give him his cup and feel the chill in your spine as his fingertips brush yours. Unmuting the tv, you sit on the opposite side of the couch, legs crossed, tense and unsure of what to say to him now that he's there.
"You look uncomfortable."
"Me? I'm fine. I was just marathoning Glee before you came," you say handing him the remote, "I've already seen it though."
He hands the remote back. "You seen Menace II Society?"
"I've heard the title!"
"Well pull it up, let's watch it."
Thank God. That's something easy. You fumble through buttons and he starts opening the food as you set up the movie.
"Ooh Laurenz Tate he so fine," she smiled sitting up as the movie started. She would be into his ass. Erik rolled his eyes. Wait for it.
"I hate when they do that," she mumbled in response to the Asian woman following them around the store.
"Yeah," he agreed with swig of the juice looking from the tv to her face, watching her reaction. Wait for it.
"Why don't you give my homeboy his change," O-Dog says before walking to the door. "I feel sorry for your mother," the store owner snubs.
Bitch, don't talk about my mama. That part always pissed Erik off.
"What you say about my mama? You feel sorry for who?!" O-Dog shouts. "I don't want any trouble, just get out," the shopowner shouts, backtracking like the bitch nigga he is.
Fuck that, shoot his bitchass, Erik barked in his head. POP. POP POP. POP. POP. There you go! He shot the wife too, meanwhile, the princess jumped in her seat, absorbed in the felony she just observed on screen. Double-homicide.
"He shouldn't have shot them.. Bruh, now the cops gone be looking for him and his friend wasn't even in it but now he's an accomplice."
"You telling me you wouldn't have shot a nigga talkin shit on your mama?" Erik leaned into her space, curious, but she ain't seem to notice.
"No, 'cause they're rude, ugly, and racist but still. You can't kill without consequences."
Erik steeled. She wasn't wrong.
"I'd have shot his ass too," he admitted watching her. She didn't seem to agree. "Should've kept his mouth off his family."
"You close to your family," she asked suddenly.
"Yeah," he lied knowing his people were dead. "...You mind if I get more juice," he pointed to his cup and she took it refilling it.
Fifteen minutes into the movie, she noticed her wing choice wasn't in the selection and Erik kept a poker face having wondered when she'd realize. He'd already started on the barbecue.
"Where's my parmesan," she frowned looking in the boxes.
"They ain't have it," he lied. "Ran out."
"You're such a liar. Now what am I gonna eat," she pouted to his humor.
"Eat the carribean jerk," he nudged the box to her. She eyed it and he felt like a wolf trapping a rabbit, the wings being the bait.
"I ask you for one thing."
"Yeah and? I wasn't finna buy that shit," he chuckled grabbing a jerk wing and biting it, closing his eyes and humming as he chewed to entice her. When he peeked, she was watching his mouth out the corner of her eye as he licked spicy sauce off his thumb. Sliding down in the cushion, she crossed her arms and raised a knee with her fuzzy foot on the couch. Such a damn brat. Ol' hungry ass.
He started to flex the length of his tongue since she was looking but decided against it. He couldn't be too aggressive or she'd spook and he wouldn't get no ass. Why he cared, he couldn't put a finger on other than the fact that she'd become a challenge. This girl would not let him anywhere near her. She was very shy considering she was down for a one night stand. I'm getting the draws, he promised himself right then. How? He just had to make her come to him.
Her nose wrinkled as she picked up a jerk wing, rotating it.
"Girl eat the wing, this ain't rocket science," he fussed watching her bite it.
"It's better than parmesan?" Lie, he dared watching her closely.
She took another bite.. then she attacked the wing and when she licked her fingers, he looked away grabbing another wing and swig of his juice.
"OKAY. SHUT UP." She grabbed another wing chewing through it as he coughed in his elbow hiding his laugh.
"I didn't say anything," he croaked shrugging her off.
"But you smiling and I can hear you thinking."
He couldn't hide the fat grin plastered on his face though he'd tried by looking away. "How you hear me thinking," he squinted watching her collect bones.
"Because I do, you're loud," she stressed.
"How I'm l-"
"SHH!! I'm tryna hear," she whispered. He shook his head watching the corner of her mouth lift and they watched the movie in silence until she reached for another wing and all the jerk were gone. He pushed her another box.
"You all the way over there. Come sit next to me."
"I'm not that far."
"You are. I promise I won't bite you.."
Her eyes rolled.
"Not unless you into that shit," he added patting the cushion beside him. She lifted, barely moving. "You scared?"
"What you mean?" She looked nervous all of a sudden looking anxiously in his eyes. This was gonna be a tough wall to break.
He patted the cushion again, waiting, and she finally moved in closer filling the empty seat beside him. He determined right then not to touch her but to get as close as possible maintaining proximity to get her used to his presence. Draping an arm over the couch behind her, he observed silently as she sat tense for the the next five minutes before relaxing. He had his work cutout.
@soufcakmistress @itsiesha @ju5tp34chy @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @blackpantherimagines @blackpinup22 @muse-of-mbaku @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku @purplehairgawdess @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent-blog
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: this contains more writing than pictures!! really excited with this series, the ideas just kept coming in my head kfndkf how are you all liking this so far? i'd love hear your thoughts in replies! or you can send me an ask, whichever you're comfortable with ^3^)/ enough chit chats, here you go happy reading!
masterlist; regrets@1004
friend!megumi x fem!reader, friend!yuji x fem!reader
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you knocked on megumi's door bouncing on the balls of your feet, "gumi i swear to god i will kick this door down!" you shouted from the other side, hearing his footsteps you wear a glare on your face as soon as the door opened "sorry was doing something"
you let out a huff making your way inside his house, your glare soon turned to a soft smile seeing the acoustic guitar lying down on his couch. you turned and face him showing your smile, he raises a brow at the sudden change of your mood "for someone who grew up with a person that sang nonstop to them, you sure get excited every time"
megumi sat down holding his guitar, his finger mindlessly plucking the strings random chords filling the room. "but yuta's overrated" you said waving a hand around, you situated yourself in front of him leaning on your hand. "besides, it's not like you always sing to us"
he just shrugs looking up at you before returning his attention back to his guitar, "why did you call me so suddenly anyways?" your head slightly tilting to the side, "yuta said he was gonna be busy today recording a cover, he forgot that we we're gonna have one of those jamming"
"and you called me just for that?" you got confused since it's not like he need someone to hear him sing a cover song, "no, been composing something actually" you gasped loudly causing him to look back at you, "what?"
you pointed a finger at him other hand on your chest, showing you're hurt "and you didn't tell us- me?!" megumi grumbles looking to the side, his mouth slowly turning into a pout "it's nothing special, why would i need to?" you shake your head at him before realizing something.
"wait. does that mean i'm the first to hear it?" you look at him, your eyes sparkling in excitement. he shake his head, "actually it was yuta" you threw your hands up not caring about his statement, "no, i stand by that i'm the first" he let out a sigh, yuji really has been rubbing off on you.
"let's hear it let's hear it let's hear it" you chanted clapping your hands together, his fingers gliding in the right place for the correct chords. "it's still a bit rough, tell me if you hear something wrong or if you have any suggestion" he reminded you giving you a last look, you eagerly nod at him before he looked back down clearing his throat as the start of the song nears. his soft voice echoes the room blending perfectly with the warm sound of his guitar.
you stare at megumi with wide eyes after he finished his little performance, "what do you think?" he asked while putting away his guitar, "i think i'll have another famous friend" you exclaimed at him still amazed by his creation. he rolled his eyes at you, "so that's all i am to you huh? fame?" he crossed his arms playing around with you
you gasp sitting down next to him, "of course it's about your bank too, i mean jeez gojo really went into depositing money on your account" you turn and look at megumi who's laughing a little, "what? it's true" he raises a brow "the money?" you frown bumping shoulders with him slightly "about gojo silly"
you giggle hearing him breathe out in relief, "can't believe you really think of me like that" he shrugs "gotta be safe" you pushed him to the side yelling at him while he laughed at you.
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you repeatedly scroll on your phone getting frustrated as seconds pass by, you can't believe it yuji really forgot this. he's leaving you in his inbox, not even on read! you can't help but feel a little upset by this, it's been your thing for so long and it felt like it was part of your daily routine at this point.
you shake your head trying not to overthink, "no, he's most likely just busy" you said to yourself nodding in encouragement. you blink down at your phone screen not knowing you were calling someone,
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"y/n?" you heard megumi's voice from your phone speaker, "heyyyy i didn't realized i called you, sorry about that" you mumble to your phone as you press it against your ear, "did something happened? you don't sound like you usually do" he voiced out, talkative than usual.
you let out a sigh, lips slowly turning into a pout. "kind of a childish reason" you muttered drawing circles on your lap, "when wasn't?" you groan hearing his chuckle on the other side, "on a serious note, you wanna talk about it?" you shake your head before remembering you're on a call,
"don't wanna" megumi hummed, "wanna facetime instead?" you agreed angling your phone where he can see you properly, you waved at the camera seeing him leaning on his bed's headboard, you leaned on the pillow you're hugging mumbling your words "can you sing for me again?"
megumi looks at you for a minute before sighing, "fine since you're upset today" he cleared his throat beginning to sing you a song. before you knew it, your eyes are slowly drooping close, megumi's voice lulling you in the background. a few minutes passed and you're already fast asleep, he looked at your peaceful state longingly "so pretty" his voice cause you to stir in your sleep.
he purses his lips almost getting caught, holding his breath until you make no move of waking up. megumi smiled before taking a screenshot, "sweet dreams beautiful, hope you'll feel better when you wake up" he whispers before tapping the end call button.
-random facts;
megumi respects yuta more than the others because of his talents
yuta and megumi spend most of their time jamming
one time when the group decided to let loose, megumi got so wasted that he just randomly burst out singing on the top of his lungs
no yuji's not holding a video of that as a form of blackmail
you accidentally broke yuta's guitar back in your childhood yuta was and still so heartbroken bout that
maki is slowly getting encouraged by nobara to join her on making megumi confessed
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
taglist; @lumpiang-toge @deanodonk @duhsies @syynnaaah @calamariie @champagnetvstes @kirustne @iamlowkeycrying @asheseiler @janessawonderwall @erueru501 @mknz01-blog @xmellows @sukunas-cult-leader
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d-noona · 4 years
Chaper 6: The Search
"If I'd just gotten my ass kicked by a size three. I might be inclined to mind my own business." - Im Jaebeom
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At his computer console, Jaebeom fast-forwards through a video surveillance tape from the previous day, freezing on Seven as she approaches the adjacent building with a delivery. He blows up the image until Seven's face fills the screen, her eyes looking right into the surveillance camera, right at him. He studies the picture for a long contemplative moment.
Ruben enters the room and looks over his boss and studies the photo his boss seems to be engrossed at "Glad you're getting your money's worth outta that tape. Had to grease the guard a hundred for it."
But with this Jaebeom doesn't hear him. He's utterly lost in the image of the young woman on the screen. Ruben teases him "You trying to ID the perp or a new girlfriend?"
Jaebeom snaps out of it and responds "If I'd just gotten my ass kicked by a size three. I might be inclined to mind my own business."
With this Jaebeom gets up from his seat, grabs his wallet and a 9mm out of his drawer. Heads straight out of his apartment to his SUV and drives off for the day.
Jaebeom arrives at JYPE X-press, he enters and looks around at the motley assortment of messengers, then crosses to the dispatch counter where JYP barks out an order to his not so merry men. "Pick-up at four-eleven going to Gangnam" He tosses out the package to Mark who catches the parcel with ease accompanied by the boys Youngjae and Jackson with deliveries on each of her hands.
Jaebeom approaches the boss "I'm looking for a lady who works here"
Not giving the young man the time of day Jyp arranges the packages for the next deliveries and responds "Ladies would be elsewhere."
With this Jaebeom flashes the picture of Seven which was lifted from the surveillance video. He slides it up to the stubby man "Know where I can find her?"
The man scans and surveys the photo and smirks at Jaebeom.
"You don't want to. Listen brother, she may be easy on the eyes but she's trouble trust me." Then Jyp leaves the station with packages on his arm and calls out for his messengers "Hot run two-oh-two Sansome" the old man kept passing on the packages to his workers with Jaebeom trailing behind him not giving him the peace he needed for work.
"I need to talk to her" says Jaebeom. He feels the patience leaving his body as the old man continues to ignore him. Jaebeom then has had enough, he pulls out an envelope with large sums of money and extends it to him.
"How about you give me her name and address?"
Jyp eyes the money and pockets it. "Seven something. I got no clue where she stays. But she normally hangs out after work with a bunch of these losers at a place called The Crash."
Jaebeom tilts his head and purses his lips. He salutes the man and leaves the building. Putting the coordinates of the place on his GPS. The GPS advises him that it's ready to go, he drives off the night headed to look for the beautiful thief.
As Jaebeom enters the bar, he sees Seven and a friend playing a game of eight ball. He purposely observed her from afar at first. She was wearing nothing but simple black sleeveless shirt, black pants, black gloves and black rubber boots. She had no make-up on yet her skin is tanned and flawless. Her eyes were intense and brown as she concentrates on beating her friend at a game. Black hair flowing beautifully from her back as it sways showing markings on her skin. Tattoos as he scans her carefully. She has a tattoo of an angel on her back with cherry blossom edging on both her left and right shoulder. From a front another tattoo catches his attention on her upper left chest just right below her collar bone. Some sort of an ECG reading.
She seems to be having fun tonight...
As Jaebeom surveys her. There's something about the way she smiles. Her body is relaxed but her eyes are weary, as if she was hiding a secret from everyone else. Jaebeom decides to approach Seven while she was speaking to her friend. Whilst walking towards her Seven looks up and sees him approaching.
"So this guy walks into a bar and says..." as Seven intensely gazing upon Jaebeom's eyes without blinking, he swore when a flash of light from the bar swept by her it looked as if he was staring in to a cat's eye.
He smiled at her and responded "We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation the other night." Without taking her off Jaebeom, he felt compelled to stare into her eyes as well.
Seven unmoving speaks at her friend who seems confused "Summer, say hi to my good friend..." the man cuts her off "Im Jaebeom" he says as he hands his hand to shake the hand of Seven's friend.
Summer being an ever loyal friend just looked at Jaebeom and gave him a brief respond "Hey."
But Seven and Jaebeom just stood there still looking at each other. Sensing that it's time to make herself scarce, Summer looks at her watch "Xena's on", then she splits.
"Sorry about your window" as Seven breaks her gaze upon the handsome man. Jaebeom does the same "Can we go somewhere and talk?" the two then heads out of the bar.
The two walk in silence for a moment, an easy affinity between them. After a moment Seven slightly gave Jaebeom a glance "So...How'd you find me?"
Jaebeom stared at her features ever so softly there was something about her that's enchanting him to no end. Obnoxiously he gave her a smile "It wasn't that hard."
She stops dead at her tracks, eyeing the man who was standing before her "Am I supposed to be flattered by all the attention?" As she snickers at him and walks a bit faster making Jaebeom speed up his pace.
"Well, now you know who I am, where I live. I figured I better find out who I'm dealing with in case you were looking to hurt me." He answers her earnestly.
They continued conversing whilst walking through a forgotten and condemned park. Surrounding them are old rusted rides all long forgotten. Seven sits on one of the old swings as Jaebeom followed the urge to push her slightly. She then turns to her side only seeing the Jaebeom's peripherals.
"So? Now you tracked me. What do you think?" as she continues to just sit by the swing.
Jaebeom moves to her side sitting on the empty space on her right. He looks at her "Hmmm...Too early to tell."
Seven giggles at him, catching the man by surprise. It's hard to think that this girl sitting beside him giggling over nothing actually took down Ruben and broke his window.
She then continues on "How does Mrs. Informant Net like being married to a guy on everyone's hit list?" she asks with a very innocent but serious look on her face. Flustered by her straightforward question he blushes, then she laughs at him obviously catching the man off guard.
"Aww, he blushes, how adorable. For someone who does cyber hacking I must say this is a surprise." As she continues to laugh on her own.
"Janna is not my wife." He replies to her.
"Girlfriend?" she quirks up an eyebrow on him.
"No. Janna Reid is the wife of James Reid. Her husband was murdered. She's one of my sources." As he intently looks at Seven's face to see if he can catch any type of emotion. To his dismay she never changed facade and stood up from where she was sitting as she continued to walk around the park.
"Tell me Im Jaebeom, what's your shot in all this? Being a famous underground pirate slash cyber journalist can't be much of a pay day."
He follows her as she walks around "Fortunately, my needs are met in that department" he says.
"So what, you just like the sound of your own voice?" Seven mocks him.
Jaebeom smiled in amusement. "Look around at all this Seven. This place was built by people till the pandemic and bomb happened on 2020. They blinked and overnight the government, the police, everything intended to protect the people had been turned against them."
Seven stops and turns at Jaebeom "You miss the good old days. Even though there were still poor people who died from diseases when they didn't have to...and rich people spent obscene amounts of money redecorating their houses to match the cat. Those good old days?"
Jaebeom sighs "Well at least people had a choice, even if they took it for granted. And now they obviously don't."
Nonchalantly the girl continues to walk "So what are you gonna do about it?"
"Something..." As Jaebeom answers, they continued to walk in silence for a beat.
Then to break the silence Jaebeom decides to speak up again. "That was a pretty extraordinary display of athleticism the other night. In fact, a little too extra ordinary. You wanna tell me how?" But he looks up at her and she's gone.
Jaebeom was left all alone on an empty park, looking for Seven who seems to have vanished in to thin air. 
At his computer console, Jaebeom fast-forwards through a video surveillance tape from the previous day, freezing on Seven as she approaches the adjacent building with a delivery. He blows up the image until Seven's face fills the screen, her eyes looking right into the surveillance camera, right at him. He studies the picture for a long contemplative moment.
Ruben enters the room and looks over his boss and studies the photo his boss seems to be engrossed at "Glad you're getting your money's worth outta that tape. Had to grease the guard a hundred for it."
But with this Jaebeom doesn't hear him. He's utterly lost in the image of the young woman on the screen. Ruben teases him "You trying to ID the perp or a new girlfriend?"
Jaebeom snaps out of it and responds "If I'd just gotten my ass kicked by a size three. I might be inclined to mind my own business."
With this Jaebeom gets up from his seat, grabs his wallet and a 9mm out of his drawer. Heads straight out of his apartment to his SUV and drives off for the day.
Jaebeom arrives at JYPE X-press, he enters and looks around at the motley assortment of messengers, then crosses to the dispatch counter where JYP barks out an order to his not so merry men. "Pick-up at four-eleven going to Gangnam" He tosses out the package to Mark who catches the parcel with ease accompanied by the boys Youngjae and Jackson with deliveries on each of her hands.
Jaebeom approaches the boss "I'm looking for a lady who works here"
Not giving the young man the time of day Jyp arranges the packages for the next deliveries and responds "Ladies would be elsewhere."
With this Jaebeom flashes the picture of Seven which was lifted from the surveillance video. He slides it up to the stubby man "Know where I can find her?"
The man scans and surveys the photo and smirks at Jaebeom.
"You don't want to. Listen brother, she may be easy on the eyes but she's trouble trust me." Then Jyp leaves the station with packages on his arm and calls out for his messengers "Hot run two-oh-two Sansome" the old man kept passing on the packages to his workers with Jaebeom trailing behind him not giving him the peace he needed for work.
"I need to talk to her" says Jaebeom. He feels the patience leaving his body as the old man continues to ignore him. Jaebeom then has had enough, he pulls out an envelope with large sums of money and extends it to him.
"How about you give me her name and address?"
Jyp eyes the money and pockets it. "Seven something. I got no clue where she stays. But she normally hangs out after work with a bunch of these losers at a place called The Crash."
Jaebeom tilts his head and purses his lips. He salutes the man and leaves the building. Putting the coordinates of the place on his GPS. The GPS advises him that it's ready to go, he drives off the night headed to look for the beautiful thief.
As Jaebeom enters the bar, he sees Seven and a friend playing a game of eight ball. He purposely observed her from afar at first. She was wearing nothing but simple black sleeveless shirt, black pants, black gloves and black rubber boots. She had no make-up on yet her skin is tanned and flawless. Her eyes were intense and brown as she concentrates on beating her friend at a game. Black hair flowing beautifully from her back as it sways showing markings on her skin. Tattoos as he scans her carefully. She has a tattoo of an angel on her back with cherry blossom edging on both her left and right shoulder. From a front another tattoo catches his attention on her upper left chest just right below her collar bone. Some sort of an ECG reading.
She seems to be having fun tonight...
As Jaebeom surveys her. There's something about the way she smiles. Her body is relaxed but her eyes are weary, as if she was hiding a secret from everyone else. Jaebeom decides to approach Seven while she was speaking to her friend. Whilst walking towards her Seven looks up and sees him approaching.
"So this guy walks into a bar and says..." as Seven intensely gazing upon Jaebeom's eyes without blinking, he swore when a flash of light from the bar swept by her it looked as if he was staring in to a cat's eye.
He smiled at her and responded "We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation the other night." Without taking her off Jaebeom, he felt compelled to stare into her eyes as well.
Seven unmoving speaks at her friend who seems confused "Summer, say hi to my good friend..." the man cuts her off "Im Jaebeom" he says as he hands his hand to shake the hand of Seven's friend.
Summer being an ever loyal friend just looked at Jaebeom and gave him a brief respond "Hey."
But Seven and Jaebeom just stood there still looking at each other. Sensing that it's time to make herself scarce, Summer looks at her watch "Xena's on", then she splits.
"Sorry about your window" as Seven breaks her gaze upon the handsome man. Jaebeom does the same "Can we go somewhere and talk?" the two then heads out of the bar.
The two walk in silence for a moment, an easy affinity between them. After a moment Seven slightly gave Jaebeom a glance "So...How'd you find me?"
Jaebeom stared at her features ever so softly there was something about her that's enchanting him to no end. Obnoxiously he gave her a smile "It wasn't that hard."
She stops dead at her tracks, eyeing the man who was standing before her "Am I supposed to be flattered by all the attention?" As she snickers at him and walks a bit faster making Jaebeom speed up his pace.
"Well, now you know who I am, where I live. I figured I better find out who I'm dealing with in case you were looking to hurt me." He answers her earnestly.
They continued conversing whilst walking through a forgotten and condemned park. Surrounding them are old rusted rides all long forgotten. Seven sits on one of the old swings as Jaebeom followed the urge to push her slightly. She then turns to her side only seeing the Jaebeom's peripherals.
"So? Now you tracked me. What do you think?" as she continues to just sit by the swing.
Jaebeom moves to her side sitting on the empty space on her right. He looks at her "Hmmm...Too early to tell."
Seven giggles at him, catching the man by surprise. It's hard to think that this girl sitting beside him giggling over nothing actually took down Ruben and broke his window.
She then continues on "How does Mrs. Informant Net like being married to a guy on everyone's hit list?" she asks with a very innocent but serious look on her face. Flustered by her straightforward question he blushes, then she laughs at him obviously catching the man off guard.
"Aww, he blushes, how adorable. For someone who does cyber hacking I must say this is a surprise." As she continues to laugh on her own.
"Janna is not my wife." He replies to her.
"Girlfriend?" she quirks up an eyebrow on him.
"No. Janna Reid is the wife of James Reid. Her husband was murdered. She's one of my sources." As he intently looks at Seven's face to see if he can catch any type of emotion. To his dismay she never changed facade and stood up from where she was sitting as she continued to walk around the park.
"Tell me Im Jaebeom, what's your shot in all this? Being a famous underground pirate slash cyber journalist can't be much of a pay day."
He follows her as she walks around "Fortunately, my needs are met in that department" he says.
"So what, you just like the sound of your own voice?" Seven mocks him.
Jaebeom smiled in amusement. "Look around at all this Seven. This place was built by people till the pandemic and bomb happened on 2020. They blinked and overnight the government, the police, everything intended to protect the people had been turned against them."
Seven stops and turns at Jaebeom "You miss the good old days. Even though there were still poor people who died from diseases when they didn't have to...and rich people spent obscene amounts of money redecorating their houses to match the cat. Those good old days?"
Jaebeom sighs "Well at least people had a choice, even if they took it for granted. And now they obviously don't."
Nonchalantly the girl continues to walk "So what are you gonna do about it?"
"Something..." As Jaebeom answers, they continued to walk in silence for a beat.
Then to break the silence Jaebeom decides to speak up again. "That was a pretty extraordinary display of athleticism the other night. In fact, a little too extra ordinary. You wanna tell me how?" But he looks up at her and she's gone.
Jaebeom was left all alone on an empty park, looking for Seven who seems to have vanished in to thin air. 
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bowieisworried · 3 years
weird sleep schedule gang wassuppp lmao
In retrospect with how messy my list of groups i like is now, it's very funny how Peaceful my first two years as a kpop stan were. It was basically just me, bts and stray kids chilling. No wonder i can't keep up with anything today i know too many groups hhffh
There's no way tbz knew they were gonna be on a second season, otherwise they probably wouldn't have gone ALL OUT the way they did. I hope... ^^'
Exo and their lineup changes... me as an outsider i have no idea what's going on tbh. But exo was one of the first kpop groups i was really ionterested in back in 2013/14 and i looked up their wikipedia article - as you do - and then there was this whole thing about the different exo subgroups and stuff and i exited the tab and never tried getting into kpop again until a friend made me dghsdghgh. I'm actually laughing right now remembering that it's to stupid i could've been into kpop for so long but all it took were the phrases Exo-K Exo-C and Exo-L to make me give up xDDDD
I have this thing with a few groups now where i love all their music and have all the reasons to learn more about them but i just listen to them, watch some content and only know two or three members. And that's fine i don't have the energy for more rn but also some groups i rlly Wanna get more into like Victon and Ace but rn is not the time i guess
If you have any recs for videos i could show my friend, i'll gladly take them. She said she just wants to start with their music and performances so maybe some of your favourite stages? idk
I like your second hand policy hah but i can't scroll past a whole album for 3€ just bc there's no pcs. BUT SAME the whole "pcs are more valuable than the rest of the album so i'll sell each for 10€ and the album itself for 5€" makes me... so angry
The BM theatre version has me so confused bc normally i'm a sucker for special versions/editions but this one has like.. Less stuff than the other versions overall and i think less photobook pages too? so i probably won't get that one either.
The only group i've ever collected all album versions of is stray kids and they always had 2-3 versions but i stopped after 2019 i think so i have a lot to catch up on now that i've decided i want to collect them again hhh
I exchanged my cd player with my dad's dvd player that i cracked so i can watch korean concert dvds lmao but i guess that doesn't make a difference.
I used to collect books i never got around to reading so i guess kpop albums just make more sense for me. No words just pictures and sounds :D
It's so hard getting old shinee albums right??? Oh i see you also have the bad love space ray ver. Please tell me have you opened it? mine is still unopened on my shelf bc the collector in me screams when i think about cutting it out of there ahhhh
(but i just remembered i ordered the box set ver too so at least i'll be able to listen to the cd soon)
I would love to see your pulls and other albums!
Aren't yOU SUPPOSED TO BE MY SECRET SANTA; NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND?? hsdfjhsdjfh but if you want an excuse i'd love some leedo & seoho interactions bc i'm basic
oh or seoho in the heartbeat cover stage! i just rewatched that and he looks so fluffy uwu
have a nice day 💖
~ santa (or honorary advent calendar)
Answer under the cut cos it's a long one xD
Jesus two years with just BTS and Stray Kids? I applaud your self control, I’ve been here for less than a year and I’ve already got a bias list as long as my arm and far too many groups lol! I’m curious though, who’s your Skz bias? (or biases hehe)
Honestly I have no idea with Exo either. The most I’ve gathered is that all but one of the Chinese members left (or were pushed out by SM, who knows), although Lay isn’t really there either right now. Probably locked in a cupboard somewhere in one of SM’s basements xD There are so many units though, it’s mad so I don’t blame you!
Yeah, that’s the thing, it’s music first and foremost so really who cares if you don’t get super into the other content and knowing about the members and everything. Victon and Ace though... I adore both of them, so if you ever want to know more just hit me up. All I have with them is pain right now though because both my Victon and Ace biases recently enlisted.
Ooh, you could maybe recommend their MAMA stage where they performed Lit after a wee medley of other stuff (including Sherlock :D) or just any of their Stage Break series with 1theK, they’re all phenomenal!
Ok yeah, if I came across an album for 3 euro then I’d definitely pick it up, photocards or not lol. I might have to break my rule on not buying albums without them soon though... I’m dangerously close to having all of Taemin’s stuff but one that I still need to get is Ace. Which, without a pc is still about 40 quid or something ridiculous. So unless I get really lucky with finding it cheap somewhere, I might have to just bite the bullet lol.
The Theatre version is odd. The theatre stuff was really cool, and it’d be neat to have a photobook with the different stylings they had for the videos but like you said, it’s a smaller photobook and the whole thing just seems a bit... light on content?
Oh jeeze, you’d have an awful lot to catch up on I imagine, especially with all the stuff they released recently. I don’t think they’d stopped for even a minute xD
That sounds like a good swap to be fair, gotta have those concert DVD’s haha
Ugh I know that feeling. You always see a new book somewhere and buy it with the best of intentions but then it just ends up being a shelf decoration.
Yeah, old Shinee albums are a pain in the backside. I do, it’s so neat! I opened it the day I got it, using a very sharp knife. VERY SHARP. Thankfully it went well and I’ve kept the plastic covering and the backing so it basically looks unopened when it’s on the shelf. Ooh, do you mean the one that looks like a cereal box? I got that one as well, you’ll absolutely love it. Genuinely the best marketing/production/whatever I’ve seen for albums so far, Key’s an absolute gem.
Hehe, cool, I’ll maybe put a wee post together with all my pulls. Would be good to have them all in one place anyway so I can check them quickly if I have to.
Ok, yes, but still! I’m going to be without internet (mostly) for about 3 days until I get it installed at my new place so it’ll definitely give me something to do. Good picks by the way, I shall see what I can do :D
Hopefully your day was an easy one and tomorrow’s the same!
0 notes
One Night Only 2, Part 7
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But what DMs? Who's talking shit about me," you hiss mid-stair. He's halfway down the hall.
"Bring ya ass on," he whisper-yells and you jog over to grab his wrist demanding his focus.
"Tell me."
"I hear you," he says a little forcefully, unzipping the fly to his black Levi's and walking sock-footed into the main bathroom on the way to the toilet.
"Okay so? Why have you never brought any of this up to me? And how many of these messages you been getting?"
"Hella. Bae, get out I gotta piss."
"I need to see these messages."
"You finna see more than that."
"I don't care, I've seen your dick before.. Erik!.."
"Out," he points to the door. 
Closing it behind you, you wait in the hall while he does his business. When he opens the door he double-blinks shocked to see you standing so close, glaring up at him.
"You never mentioned it... Don't you think that's something important to tell me?"
"For what," he deadpans. "What would you do with that information?"
"Tell you I'm not cheating!"
"I know you not cheating." He says it so matter-of-factly that it catches you off guard.
"It's just odd. Someone sends you pictures and you aren't the least bit curious?"
"Should I suspect you?"
"Hell nah! I'm very loyal," you scoff. "But with all these seeds being planted in your mind, you never had any doubts about me?"
"Once or twice," he admits, his forearm now resting on the wall over your head.
"WHEN?" Your eyes are wide.
"You remember when I hit you up and you said you was at the studio, but my producer ain't see you?"
Of course I remember that.
"I couldn't figure out why you'd lie to me about something that small."
"Erik, that was the night I wanted to surprise you by having your favorite cheesecake from Sugar's because I was excited you were coming home!"
"I know that now," he smirks sarcastically. It was also the first night we played with food and sex. The cake was a mess, we had to buy new sheets. "Only reason I was trippin then was cuz three niggas DM'd me the same video saying you was in the clubs with 6lack and that I'm a simp cuz the nigga was kissing all down your neck." He rubs down his own thick neck in distaste for the mental image. "I zoomed," he pinched the air, "She looked like you, her skin and her hair. Side profile. The fucked up part was I knew through the business 6lack was tryna collab and you were on to collab with a rapper. Plus I was away for a lil bit. But I looked at that picture real close and I saw she had green polish. Last I'd seen, you were wearing white."
"I've never even- ...what? Erik! You should've told me!"
"No need. Even if the rumors were true, I wouldn't leave you.. Not immediately."
"Not immediately, but you'd dip on my ass and I wouldn't know why." That actually kind of hurts. "I mean, I do get it. Cheating is definitely my dealbreaker."
"Oh for sure. Disloyalty is mine and I hate liars."
"Wow," I mouth just staring at him. "You really never hit me with the questions.."
"I checked up on you to make sure you were straight," he straightens defensively.
"No, I know. I mean clocking my moves. You never did that."
"I'm not your last nigga," his brow raises indignantly. "You know where home is just like I know what I deserve."
"You're right, you deserve the best. You deserve me," you smile, the smile drooping seconds later. "Erik, those messages.. all these lies about me. They really bother me and I know they shouldn't and that I should get used to it but I don't like having my integrity on trial like this. I don't get why people would say so much about someone they've never met, like I'm not a person with emotions."
He unlocks his phone and taps a few times and when he shows you the screen it's his Twitter account. His DM's are packed full of people, just like yours. It suddenly hits you how you never check each others' phones. You never felt a need to check his. He puts his phone in your hand and you scroll opening a random message.  It's a nude of a blonde white woman sent with no other information. She's showing pale pink nipples and barbie proportions but he hadn't responded. The next message is one from one of his fan accounts sending him a bunch of hearteyes. He takes over the phone exiting out of that and scrolling. The next message he shows, they'd forwarded a post about you fucking 6lack with a sad face emoji.  You open it and have to admit there's a strong resemblance, but you've never, ever cheated on him.
"What the hell? That's not even me, I swear!"
"I know."
"This is raising my blood pressure."
"It goes with the fame. They always talk shit about me being a fuckboy even though I been with you all this time. It just means you're relevant."
"There's gotta be other ways to stay relevant- Shh. Wait... You hear that?"
You listen to the air. It's silent, you just noticed. You decide to peep in on the baby. He's still knocked out. Though it's quiet now, he'd slept through another World War and it makes you wonder how bad Nay and Corey have been cuttin up in that apartment for this kid to be that used to the noise. Nay probably underplayed the severity of the situation.
Erik cracks the door again concealing the baby from your sight to direct you to the stairs with a nod. Leading the way, you head down silently
in search of Anaya. She's not in the living room where you'd left her with Corey and they're not in the kitchen, his favorite place.
"Where did she go," you mouth watching Erik peep through a window and cross the room. You look through the same window, see nothing, and follow Erik as he heads to the hot tub. As you approach, you can hear noises. Splashing, plopping, moaning, and..
"Shit, y'all getting it in ain't you," Erik grins. Anaya's body melts into the water as she grips the edge of the hot tub to hide. Corey hits one more pump and she hits him, not wanting to moan.
"GET OUT," Corey yells sending a splash out of the tub in Erik's direction. It sprinkles you both, but most of the water falls back down as you hop back.
"This my house," Eriks grins.
"And I like to watch,"  you add, humored by the fact that they can't find it within themselves to stop fuckin.
"Y/N get out!" Anaya splashes, water bouncing from her arch as Corey's hips clap against her ass underwater. You laugh holding your knees so not to fall.
"Get it Nay! That's how you get baby number 2!"
"GET OUT," they both yell in unison.
Back in the house, Erik's eyes are crinkled and he's trying to contain himself like you but you're both actually children and can't stop giggling. In any case, the two seem to be alright now.
"Baby. I wanna finish this conversation." You wait beside the sink looking at his eyes. "As you know, Anaya and I made a fake page and found some of the people who be spreading shit about me. Hate pages and they're mostly mad because I'm with you."
"I saw that shit. Sent them to Quentin and he said he traced the IP addresses of the two Twitter accounts we sent him, but something ain't sit right with me." He pours himself a bowl of Cap'n Crunch and leans against the counter to eat it, smacking loudly. "Who been watching us to know my schedule.. They said some bout me leaving the house and us barely being together. My tour schedule is public but other than that don't nobody but you and my team really know where I be."
"You think it's somebody on your team doing this?"
"Nah, everybody on my team love you and glad you're here to make me more manageable. They feel like they can snitch to you to keep me in line."
That one makes you giggle.
"I think it could be someone on your team. Someone you hired." He stares through you as he chews and you wait for him to finish his theory, on edge. It's all got you paranoid especially when he sits the bowl down unfinished. "Gimme your phone." He looks serious and confused, you hand it over.
"I'll be back," he says zipping up the stairs. Within minutes he's back with shoes on fully dressed grabbing his keys. He kisses you on the cheek and you jog after him to the door.
"TELL COREY DON'T NUT IN MY TUB," he yells back as you watch him leave.
With nothing to do and no one to do it with you decide working on your music is the best use of your time and return to the home studio to work on track six of your album. Last you were there, you couldn't get quite right. Erik could hear it and so could you.
Pursing your lips you slide back up to the computer, put your Drop headphones back on, and play it back. Then you add the rap from earlier and play it back wishing the team was still in the house to give some advise. Hell at this point you'd listen to Courtney, the new and improved nanny. 
Before another thought can cross your mind, you're tossing your headphones back on the table and running down the stairs out to the hot tub where Anaya and Corey are in their underwear slow dancing to Marvin Gaye. Rushing in, you immediately start looking for their phones in their pile of clothes.
"Sis. Whatcha doin," Corey asks still looking at Anaya but he can hear me ruffling through their things.
"Looking for a phone, Erik has mine."
"Under y'all coffee table," he says finally making eye contact to see your face twisted in mock disgust. "What.. don't act like y'all niggas don't fuck everywhere in this house."
"It's our house! That's okay though y'all just roll in where we nutted at, it's fine," you wave dismissively.
"Y'all can soak in where we nutted at! Have fun cuh' I skeeted all in this bih-"
"BYE COREY. Stupid ass," I mumble so he hears. I don't have time to play with him I need to call Erik.
"What bitch," he answers and you almost fire off, feathers ruffled and taken aback until you remember you're calling from Corey's number.
"Y/N," his tone changes. "Sup baby, you okay?"
"Yeah I thought about what you said and the NANNY.. what if it was her? Not Courtney but the one I caught in my stuff.. Raven. She freaked me out."
"I think you might be right, I got her info from your phone. I'm headed to her now."
"You're going to her apartment?"
"Yeah, trust me okay?"
"Okay but I've got a bone to pick with her, I would've went just so I could beat her ass one time."
He snorts. "You're staying out of it. As far as anyone knows, you aren't the one who deals with this shit. You have an image to protect.. unless you wanna be painted as aggressive and reckless like me." 
"I don't care."
"Yes. You do."
"And anyway you're not as reckless as they paint it and when you are I like it," you shrug resting your hand on your hip. "You've got character.. and so do I."
"Okay well keep your character over there, you got enough drama on your name."
Hanging up with him, you realize you can't call the bitch either because her contact was in your phone, but that can't be the end of it. It's not that you don't trust Erik, you just want your one hit in. Heading to the hot tub again, you catch Anaya and Corey as they're coming back toward the kitchen.
"YES? WHAT," she asks wide-eyed like I'm blowing her high.
"You won't believe this. I think that old nanny, the one who neglected my godson to play dressup in my closet, might be the one who leaked my number."
Immediately she freezes in place. "You know you did contact her before it happened," she points at me connecting dots in her head. "She was probably the type. No, definitely. It was her ass," she nods swinging hands like she's ready to fight.
"Godson?... My son?" Corey looks interested now, chin angled down like it better be a lie.
"Anthony, nigga. I hired her to give Anaya a mental break and the trifling hoe did nothing all day but walk around my house and go through my stuff."
"She ain't even feed or change my son," Anaya adds tapping Corey on his chest. He's pissed all over again, his lip curled in disgust.
"Hell nah where she at," he frowns.
"Erik went to find her and took my phone since he figured it out first. I don't have her information."
"Hell, I do." Anaya jogged up the stairs and returned holding the sleeping Anthony and a slip of paper. "I wrote it down after what she did cause I was ready to find her ass myself but didn't wanna do it here and drag you in it, you got enough problems. Sorry for unlocking your phone, but hmm," she hums as Corey takes the slip scanning it.
"I'm glad you did it," you assure glad to have the information now. Corey's already gone and when he returns he's got your car keys in hand, storming out the front door and you jog after him with your hand out. "Uh uh! Bring my keys back!" He looks at you like you've got to be kidding but when he comes back, you snatch the house key to lock up and toss them back to him. "Now we can go!" This time you don't stop him as he jogs off. You, Anthony, and Anaya are right behind him. It's the fastest Anaya has ever put Anthony in that carseat with him waking up only to look around and out the car windows, touch his shoes, and go back to sleep.
Pulling up to the address you see Erik's car and hop out the passenger side of your car as Corey leaves the car running for sake of the A/C. "Stay here with my son," he orders to Anaya, slamming the door.
"Easy. On. My. Car," you fuss rolling your eyes. The both of you jog ahead to the apartment building and there's no elevator in sight. Without a second thought, he jogs up the stairs and you follow, walking up.
By the time you get there, your legs hurt but you make it to the apartment not sure of whose ass you can beat until your legs recover. You try the door and it's unlocked so you walk in, stopping short before you turn the corner. When you peep around...  There standing with his arms folded is Erik in front of Corey who's threatening to kill someone. Never have you ever seen Corey this angry to threaten to kill someone but he's serious. Briefly you wonder why Erik's standing there in front of him like that and not brawling then you peep a little further. There's a gun pointed at them but you can't see who's holding it without exposing that you're there and coming in further. It looks like it's Raven's arm.
"You better pray you don't miss," Corey laughs behind Erik as he moves to block Corey's vital points.
"Say that to my face.. step around," the girl's voice taunts. "Scared?"
Corey is losing control and it finally hits you that Erik's using himself as a shield because the girl won't shoot him.
"COME ON," she challenges. "I don't want you here, I just want HIM," she chuckles.
"Fuck that," Erik retorts. "Never again."
Again?? You almost walk in there but stop yourself. It had to be before you. Yeah, that has to be the case.
"If you strip for me... right... now," she giggles, "I'll let your friend go. Simple.  Whaddya say Erik? I promise. Baby, I promise."
Oh hell nah.
"He ain't doing shit bitch, shoot me. I dare you," Corey jumps causing Erik to shift again.
You can't leave and you don't have a phone to tell Anaya to call 911. Besides, neither of you would respect calling 911 anyway it was already out of the question.
But you also know if the bitch is this crazy and Corey is this mad, she will shoot him dead and Erik can't move because he knows she'll shoot Corey. They're stuck and she's taking advantage. There's only one thing left to do.
"BOO BITCH," you yell running around the corner praying you don't die tonight. You anticipate her firing her gun at you and slide as she shoots.. like a boss until she fires down. You try to dodge and get hit in the shoulder before Erik tackles her to the ground almost breaking her hand to seize the gun, snatching it.
"Corey, take Y/N and go," he orders.
"Hell nah! I ain't get shot to leave I'm in this," you fuss.
"She said she ain't leaving till this bitch dead," Corey points to the woman who's pinned to the ground.
"If it's by your hand, I'll accept it," the woman on the ground laughs like a psycho.
"Harpo who this woman?" You stare at Erik's head and he looks back at you briefly, sighing in irritation.
"You wanna talk about this now??"
"Did you put your dick in that bitch? When?"
"When we separated. It was one time."
You gasp. "You was fuckin groupies while we were apart?!"
"Baby.. yes, okay. Damn."
"So what was the difference between me and them? You were really fucking random bitches!!"
"You're not special," the woman he's sitting on teases and you finally get a good look at her to realize it's not Raven at all...
"Who is this bitch," you squint looking down at her.
"SOME BITCH," he yells.
"Psycho bitch," Corey adds. "Slice her fuckin titties off yo."
"Corey... Who's this bitch," you ask.
"Superfan. Stalker ass.."
"What?" Now you're really confused.
"This was never about you. She was tryna get to me," Erik reveals.
"Cuz you fucked her," you blurt.
"What you expect," Corey interjects. "I told your ass to go get him, how long you expect him to hold out. Two years? Cut him some slack. Man was going through it."
"Don't worry, I took care of him then, he'll be okay if you walk out again," the girl under Erik giggles pissing you off for the last time.
"Uh uh, Erik get up," you command and initially he ignores you, but you tap his shoulder and gesture for him to stand up.
Groaning, he gestures to your injured shoulder but steps back and the woman chuckles standing up from the floor.
"I'm a beat your ass myself. Woman to woman," you nod feeling her out to see how she'll move. You haven't been in many fights in your life, but win or lose this is one you feel like you need.
"You can try, " she shrugs and you both move trying to find that in. She raises her hands like she's finding a time to swing and you wait doing the same.
"Hit me bitch," she laughs.
"I will," you chuckle ready to boo her.
She jabs and you dodge but her follow-up hits you in the nose knocking you back and you can see Corey in the background balling his lips like a mother saying you better not lose.
She hits you again and you miss her when you swing giving her the chance to grab your injured shoulder. Yelling out in pain, you grab her and scuffle knocking her backward where gravity does the work. She hits her head on the floor and straddle her to return the hits she gave you to her face with interest until Erik pulls you off by your waist holding you back.
"Put me down, I'm a drown her in her own blood!"
"Chill bae, I called my bodyguards. They'll handle her and her funky ass cousin. We need to leave though. Let's just go home.."
You still, calming yourself and smoothing out your hair before scooting to kick her one time in the ribs, "For Anaya," and once more "for Anthony. Now I'm done."
Spinning on your heels and walking out, you head down the stairs where Corey and Erik come down right behind you.
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