#and I'd love to learn more! :D
frc-ambaradan Β· 2 years
So, about Lusky...
In the latest Topolino issue there's a little exchange between Lusky and Rockerduck that I've found interesting:
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John: Here's another one! John: The Old Miser's vans are infesting the city! Lusky: While our shops, on the other hand, are struggling!
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John: We must counterattack! How's our Rocksells.duck coming along? Chief technician: Almost done, boss! We also have our AI! Zio Paperone e la P.A.I.: Paper Artificial Intelligence (2022)
Lusky refers to RK businesses as "our shops"... and John doesn't correct him.
Lusky's not new in taking these liberties, but Rockerduck would usually slam him back in his place, expecially in front of other people, yet he doesn't. Interesting πŸ€”. I mean, it's pretty obvious he says "our shops" 'cause he identify himself with the company, but its not like Rockerduck to let it slide.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it made me think.
In fact, I often wonder if Lusky has some menagerial role in the Rockerduck Industries... I'm entering fan speculations here, 'cause there's no evidence of this in the stories, only hints. First one that comes to my mind comes from "Paperino, Zio Paperone e una questione di piume" when it's Lusky who takes helm of the Rockerduck Industries while John's being held hostage by the Beagle Boys.
In the story he basically takes that role upon himself during five minutes of delusions of omnipotence (XDDD), but he wouldn't have done that if he has not the right to do it. He gives the press conference and the journalists present have no problem in inquiring him about Rockerduck's kidnapping and what the company's next moves would be: pretty weird if you consider Lusky to be just the secretary 🀨
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Lusky: Alas! Poor Mr. Rockerduck! Journalist 1: You fear there're gonna be serious consequences? Lusky: I'm afraid yes! That's why I announced this press conference with such short notice! Journalist 2: You wanna launch an appeal?
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Lusky: Better! I intend to announce that as Mr. Rockerduck's closest collaborator I'm gonna take his place as the leader of his empire, starting from today! Paperino, Zio Paperone e una questione di piume (2010)
While Quackmore's role as Scrooge's butler is well established, Lusky's role is a bit cloudy. He is officially Rockerduck's secretary, but he takes up so many positions and tasks that makes it difficult to call him a simple secretary. He actually has a say in the Rockerduck Industries' management being John's closest collaborator and friend and the only one he listens to... and he's universally considered Rockerduck's projection: if John's not available you talk to Lusky.
I don't know... it makes me think Lusky might actually be Rockerduck Industries' COO or executive vicepresident, whatever it's called in the US.
What do you think? Do you remember other stories where it is hinted that Lusky may have a much bigger role in RK Industries?
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iristial Β· 1 year
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Welcome to the Desire Grand Prix!
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c-is-for-circinate Β· 2 years
Background AD&D info for Stranger Things Fans
I'm doing it, I'm writing an overly-long post A WHOLE SERIES of overly-long posts about how the Stranger Things kids play D&D, and what exactly first edition and AD&D were for.
Source: I've been playing since 3rd ed/3.5 era, NOT AD&D, but I've had a lot of friends who've been in the game for much longer and I'm kind of a nerd for rulesets so I watch D&D bros go off on youtube sometimes for fun. Also, I've actually read the AD&D player's handbook, which is an experience let me tell you. If anyone who's played older editions wants to chip in, go for it!
I think I'm going to have to write a separate post (or posts...god hopefully not posts) about the kids' individual classes. So stay tuned for that. I'll link it from this one when it's done.
First, some history: The earliest editions of D&D are a little confused, numbering-wise, because they didn't know there were going to be numbered editions yet. Dungeons and Dragons debuted in 1974 as an offshoot of mini-based tabletop wargames that already existed at the time. These were mostly big games, where players controlled whole armies rather than creating individual characters, and set their forces against one another. (Not unlike very complicated games of chess, if you really think about it.) D&D was not, to my knowledge, the first individual-character-based ttrpg, but it became the biggest pretty readily.
Advanced Dungeons and dragons, or AD&D, came out in '77 or '78 (Wiki says '77, the publication date on the copy I've been using says '78), although they were still publishing Basic D&D as an alternate option, more or less until the mid-nineties. AD&D was a lot more rules-heavy and had a lot more intricacy going on (relatively speaking), and it's the game the ST kids play.
Compared to modern D&D, AD&D's basic rules feel both more and less. The mechanics themselves are often way more complex, and navigating your way through all of those percentage tables as a DM implies a pretty high level of math skill, worth noting for both an 11-year-old or a guy who failed senior year twice. The character options, on the other hand, feel slim. On first glance.
AD&D only has five classes -- ten if you count subclasses, which you probably should for AD&D. There's fighters, with special fighter subclasses ranger (Lucas's class) or paladin (Mike's class); clerics (Will's class, supposedly), with special cleric subclass druid; magic-users (or mages, theoretically El's class), with special mage subclass illusionist; thieves (NOT rogues! but this is definitely Lady Applejack's actual class, with some caveats), with special thief subclass assassin; and monks. You will note I did not mention bards. We will get to bards. (Probably in the character post, when I talk about Dustin. Bards are...special.)
AD&D had no barbarians, no warlocks, no sorcerers. No special, prescribed forked paths for a character to venture down. Subclasses functioned mostly like classes do nowadays -- you'd roll up a character and be a paladin from day one, simply lumped under fighter because many of the core mechanics were the same. And a significant percentage of text given to describing these classes seems full of really restrictive orders and conditions. Clerics are never allowed to use a bladed weapon? Druids refuse to touch metal? Assassins must engage the local guildmaster in a duel to the death in order to progress to level 14? Where's the creativity, asks the modern 5e D&D player? Where's the freedom?
And this highlights a really core, central thing about how AD&D works and what it was for, that I think modern audiences can very easily miss:
1st edition AD&D is a game about archetypes.
Modern D&D is a game played in a sandbox that's been dug up and worked over for the past fifty years, in a cultural landscape that values individuality and originality and sometimes pretends that daring to share a trope with anything that came before is somewhere between boring and a straight-up crime. Original D&D came with very different baggage, and while it was still very much a game about storytelling, the KINDS of stories being told were a little different.
Characters weren't intended to be highly specialized, granular creations with intricate backstories and complex individualized skill sets. This wasn't even because those kinds of character-driven games or narratives were seen as bad, necessarily -- it's simply not what the game was written for!
First edition D&D was designed for big, epic adventures, where players could embody their own personal instance of a specific stock character trope. It was written for "I want to be a knight!" and "I want to be the magician!". It was about getting to be YOUR VERSION of a very particular, already-existing idea that would have been familiar from fantasy fiction at the time.
So, when the AD&D rules say that druids hold oak and ash trees sacred, that they will never destroy woodland or crops under any circumstances, that they cannot and will not use metal weapons or armor, that there only exist nine Level 12 druids in the world and they form a council with students below them -- this isn't an attempt to micromanage players, to be arbitrarily pedantic or controlling. This is Gary Gygax attempting to present the archetype that 'druid' is meant to encompass. This is what a druid is, according to this ruleset: a priest of nature, part of an order with rules and loyalties, with these priorities and these ideals. Mechanics and personality are not divorced in AD&D as they are in 5e; they are written together, to outline a specific character concept, and that is what's presented for the players to get to play.
If this sounds like it leads to boring, formulaic stories -- well, it could. But archetype-based stories, particularly adventure stories, are by no means necessarily bad. A story about a mysterious and knowledgeable old wizard; a naive-but-determined farmboy full of destiny and potential; a reckless rogue, slick but sometimes bumbling, selfish but secretly loyal; a beautiful princess, charming and clever and sharp-tongued when she wishes to be -- it's a pulp novel full of stock characters and tropes. It's Star Wars. What makes Star Wars special is NOT that its characters are specific, convoluted, or entirely original. What makes it special is that the specific instantiation of these characters, the little things that make Luke Skywalker be Luke Skywalker and not any other callow farmboy. Star Wars uses these archetypes well, and that makes them deeply satisfying. THAT'S the kind of story ethic behind AD&D.
First edition D&D has a reputation of being all about combat, and not about story at all. And on the surface, it's somewhat true: AD&D's rules are also highly combat-based. This isn't because players were expected to only do combat and dungeon crawls, and never roleplay -- but it WAS expected that, by signing on to play D&D, players were most interested in a campaign of exploration and fighting towards some fanciful goal. There was an element of buy-in from the start. The game was (and still very much is), at its core, about going on a quest.
The thing to remember, though, is that a quest IS a story. It's not the psychological trauma-unburdening character-driven narrative that pop culture might tell you to expect in modern D&D, but AD&D was every inch as story-based as the game's ever been. The stories being told were a little different, but with a very similar root.
The 1979 Dungeon Master's Guide is actually full of information about how to set up a world and stock it with people, political factions, and socioeconomic logistics. There are extensive rules about how high-level adventurers become part of the political fabric of the realm, building forts and amassing followers and making names for themselves. (Here, again, we see echoes of AD&D's forebearers in war games, and certain elements of the game that are all but gone from modern D&D.)
What there AREN'T a lot of rules about, on the other hand, are things like skill checks. There's no "persuasion" or "investigation" in AD&D, no list of specific things players can do and how good they are at them. Aside from combat and a small handful of specific non-combat activities, discretion over the success or failure of just about anything was left up to the DM. A DM was always free to call for a dice roll, and could set an arbitrary target number for success at any activity, but the rules also don't say they have to. To see if the characters persuade the barmaid to give them a hand, the players would have to be persuasive. To find the hidden clue in the cluttered chamber, the players might have to describe themselves looking in the right place.
In other words, there are relatively few rules for activities outside of combat, not because those activities were expected to be absent, but because they were expected to be unpredictable. How much exploration, and what players had to explore; what NPCs to interact with, and how they might react to being spoken to; what factions might exist, what moral quandaries could unfold, even the goal and big bad guy of the whole campaign -- the original sourcebooks for AD&D offer at best some very general advice, and NO hard and fast rules. That was for players and DMs to decide.
Many players and DMs, I know, fell on the side of engaging in relatively little worldbuilding complexity outside of the very mechanically-crunchy dungeon crawl. What little we see from the campaigns in ST is certainly mostly combat-oriented. And yet there are also hints of storylines happening off camera. Season 1's one-day eight-hour adventure was probably mostly dungeon crawl. Season 4's campaign takes most of a school year, until the players recognize the members of the cult they've been chasing for months, and know Vecna lore that would only have been published in one or two places anywhere by then, which means they probably learned it in-game. We don't see a lot of evidence of specific character plotlines -- in fact, repeatedly we're shown that the Party's characters share names with their players, making the whole thing even more clearly a big kids' game of let's-pretend. But that doesn't mean there's not a story.
So in short, the original game of D&D is built for epic quests, founded in very specific archetypes, but with the space for just about infinite in variation within that framework. That's what the Stranger Things kids are playing.
(And with this posted, I can start writing about the individual classes these kids are playing and what that says about each of them.)
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damianosismyking Β· 11 months
So you have an au about damen being abusive with laurent ?????
Please let me know more?? Any hcs or thoughts or anything pls
The capri fandom needs some dark aus fr
hello my darling!
I've been gone so long that I have no idea when you sent this and I'm deeply sorry for that!
I came up with the idea for an AU in which Damen's abusive way back in 2019/2020 (2021?) and to say I was a different person altogether back then is an understatement. I also haven't re-read the books in a long while so I can't say I recall everything I had imagined for this fic to begin with BUT!, I've got some fuzzy thoughts stored in the back of my mind that may satisfy some of the crave for Dark Damianos (a concept deeply slept on in my honest opinion but with how much people like to hate on him for free, it's best if we keep it sleeping lol).
DISCLAIMER: in my very private opinion, Damen has a natural darkness to his character that I find appealing (or would be appealing if I wasn't a coward) to explore. Those are the lenses through which I approach the abusive patterns he could come to develop in a relationship with an already emotionally/psychologically vulnerable Laurent. And also in my very private opinion, Laurent is a vulnerable character (for all reasons we as a fandom dwelled on to the point of exhaustion, but, most of all, in relation to how he sees and thinks of Damen β€” in terms not only of admiration but almost adoration, just as he did with his brother).
We all rememeber the scene at the end (?) of PG when Laurent is stepping on Damen's toes by saying bad things regarding his family and how Damen loses his temper and hits Laurent hard enough to draw blood. The guards step in to arrest Damen for hurting the prince and Damen takes full blame for doing it without showing a single bit of remorse whatsoever. Laurent is the one to talk his guards down from arresting Damen by pinning the blame of being assaulted on himself and that is it.
This idea (of an AU that never came to be) was forged mostly on the side of Damen's character that has a tendency to jump believe he is always right in the assessments he makes and proceed to never question the truth behind his own reasoning. And on the side of Laurent's character that always blames himself for every bad thing that has ever happened to him despite his own helplessness, and nurtures an unhealthy need for a role model to hold on to β€” once his brother, now his lover.
I'm going to leave all my thoughts for this AU bellow the cut, in case some people may find the matter too upsetting to read about. Trigger warnings for domestic, physical and psychological abuse, obviously! Proceed at your own accord and don't come whinning later🫰
so putting two and two together:
Damen is prone to angry outbursts or just violence in general. We see in more than one occasion that it doesn't take much for his 'bad side' to come out, which is a characteristic a lot of aggressors in this very patriarcal society we live in also showcase. And as their universe is ALSO incredibly patriarcal, this would check out.
As aforementioned, one of the most significative intances of Damen's violence is the day (after he had already slept with Laurent, after he admitted to himself he was in love with Laurent) where he he baits into Laurent's provocations and hits him.
Laurent's edge, I personally believe, though attenuated as it may be by the end of the cicle of abuse he endured all the way from his late childhood throughout his adolescence, will continue to be in place. It was wired into him as a survival mechanisms and old habits die hard. Whenever he is overwhelmed or any of his emotions slip from his iron-cast grip, he will likely spit fire and try and hurt whoever is within his reach.
Honeymoon phase being over, let's say the kingdoms were in fact merged (not going to get into any of that). Let's say Damen is the king of Vere as much as Laurent is the king of Akielos. Let's say their troups, their guards, palace servants β€” they are all unbiased and answer to both Laurent and Damen as their true kings equally.
Let's say Damen and Laurent continue to get at each other's throats. Lets's say they still got plenty to disagree upon and that their personalities continue to make them butt heads. Let's say their grudges, though they have agreed to leave the past be in the past, hold and come up again. An underlying resentment inate to their love. There's a lot of tension that I can see surrounding L/D's relationship. If you don't believe that it's fine, if you don't see it, that's more than okay. But I'm asking you to bear with me here.
They are having a heated argument in their palace about something that wasn't (shouldn't be) personal, but all of a sudden is. Damen says something that offsets a chain reaction in Laurent and he becomes a boy in selfdefense mode resorting to the good old habit of pushing Damen's weak spots just for the pleasure of making him angry and miserable. Damen has had a long day, he is weary, he is fed-up with all the kyroi, all the councelors making demands and telling him how to do his job. Laurent says the wrong thing at the wrong time and a moment later he is on the floor, with his hand on his cheek touching the burning spot where Damen slapped him. He bit his tongue in the impact and he can feel the blood in his mouth which he swallows.
There are no guards that come in this time, because they know better than to step into their king's quarrels. Damen tells himself it was Laurent who pushed him too far, he didn't mean to do it. Laurent agrees β€” Damen would never have done that if Laurent himself hadn't asked for it. Damen was good. He's only ever been good. He doesn't do anything without a good reason. Laurent is the one who fucks things up and pushes people too far. They make up.
Next time isn't that different. Nerves were high for a thousand different reasons. Laurent maybe got up from the wrong side of the bed. They argue. Damen pisses him off so he goes on to piss him off in return β€” just to give him a taste of what that feels like. In the back of his mind he remembers what happened last time they argued but he brushes it off as a mistake. Damen wouldn't dare to make the same mistake twice.
Then Damen does. And just like the other time Laurent loses his footing from the strength of the blow. His eyes tear from the pain but they don't fall. Damen is fumming over him, telling him how Laurent pushes him over the edge. Damen, who is such a just, charming, fair king. A much better king than Laurent is, with his head in place at all times in a way Laurent's own never is. If he lost his temper, it was because he was forced into it.
Laurent is the one who went too far again; Damen simply reacted to it. He stands and tells Damen he was wrong for saying the things he said. He shouldn't have. Damen agrees; Laurent shouldn't have. They make up.
Every time Damen is forced to loose his temper with Laurent he get angrier with Laurent and becomes a little wilder. Laurent should not make him keep doing it! He doesn't mean to do it! When the anger subdues, after they make love, in the morning after, Damen shows Laurent the tokens of the love he still has for him β€” a new mare of an excellent breed for Laurent's private stables, a new imported book he would like for his personal library, a new delicacy their cooks learns to make as sweet as a human can handle just the way Laurent likes it.
Damen is a good lover. Most of the time. If only Laurent stopped bringing out his bad side.
Laurent understands how every time Damen hits him it's his own fault. He tries to stop himself from causing their arguments but he can't. He always ends up saying the wrong thing, he always disappoints Damen somehow and though he can keep his stance straight and his face void, deep down he's terrified he will eventually drive Damen away.
After the loss of his entire family, after the death of Auguste, of living so many years under the sadistic regime of his uncle, Damen is everything Laurent has. And Laurent, warped as he is by nature, tainted and wrong and bad at his very core, doesn't deserve him. He knows he doesn't deserve Damen, who is so honorable, so good a leader, so righteous and mighty. But he wants Damen and he wants him to stay. He wants to be good for him and for Damen to think he is good.
So when the slapping evolves into punching, Laurent searches his own words, his own actions for where the fault lies. And always he finds it. The exact word he said in a meeting with their kiroi and councelors that undermined Damen's authority. The exact moment he stopped to speak with an ill-intentioned courtier who flirted with him and he must have unintentionally flirted back. The provokation implied in a comment he thought was innocuous. And the fact Damen only found more and more of reasons to be dissatisfied with Laurent, despite him becoming evermore self-aware and trying so hard, so much of the time, to please Damen, meant nothing more than the fact that Laurent was a man full of flaws. It wasn't on Damen.
They both agree Damen's assessment and his morals could never be wrong. He is too good and honest a man for that. Laurent is causing all of it.
The oldest members of their guards notice the slow, steady shift. Those that used to compose the old Veretian prince's guard are worried. They whisper among themselves when they see a new bruise blooming in their king's fair skin or hear the shouts coming from inside the royal chambers. But no one dares to raise a voice against king Damianos. Jord or Lazar (or whichever of the prince's guards you like best) goes to Laurent to raise their concerns and ask if everything is all right between him and Exalted. If there is anything Laurent needs. Anything at all. They will stand by him come what will. But Laurent berates them and tells them to keep their noses out of royal business.
Damen is approached by Nikandros and inquired about it when one day Damen unintentionally leaves Laurent with a black eye. Damen finds that is the perfect opportunity to lament about all the ways Laurent has been driving him insane and making him miserable. That he is getting worse with time where Damen had hoped he would have settled and his temperament improved. That years after the events they lived through, he keeps holding Damen accountable for things that should be left in the past. That Damen doesn't blame Laurent for killing Kastor, or torturing him in Vere anymore, so why should Laurent still resent him for Auguste.
Nikandros understands. He feels sorry for Damen, that Laurent makes his life so difficult. He has witnessed their quarrels before, had seen the way Laurent evokes Auguste's name as a dagger to dig into Damen's heart.
Then it becomes common knowledge all around their court: Laurent is as unbearable and hard to reconcile with as he'd ever been, prideful and resentful and cruel. And Damen is the poor man who has to handle him atop a whole kingdom he has to rule. There is no soul in their kingdom that doesn't feel bad for Damen's situation.
What no one seems to notice is that Laurent has taken to flinch whenever Damen lifts his hand. That he tenses when he raises his voice. That he is much more succint and careful with his words whenever Damen is around, because he doesn't want to upset him.
All they notice is Laurent's worsening moods. His renewed bouts of broodiness and anger. That he takes anything and everything out on everyone β€” the servants, the guards, officials, nobles of the court, the walls and the furniture. Nothing seems to please him anymore. Everything sets off his rage. Which is something else Damen has taken to punish him for, in the privacy of their chambers.
Laurent never cries. Not when Damen tell him how difficult he is, how impossible he makes to love him. Not when he sees the several shades of new and healing bruises all over his body, not when he gulps mouthfuls of his own blood. Laurent hasn't cried since he was thirteen. But he gets more and more hopeless each day that passes and he is proven again no good man could ever truly love him because nothing good and pure remains so in his presence.
Laurent always brings out the worse in people, no matter how he tries to get things right.
But he keeps on trying. Because maybe one day he can. And maybe Damen will see there is good left in him to love even though he makes his life hard and harder every day. And maybe one day Damen will love him easily.
Because all he really wants is to be worth it of Damen's love.
And that's all Damen wants too. He already loves Laurent so much. He would never, ever hurt him again if only Laurent would stop provoking him into it.
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll Β· 11 months
ily "betrayus was friends with pac's parents" truthers ! please imagine sunny's horror having to watch their best friend (bff since highschool if you're like me and like adding Extra Spice) be executed , and Definitely not grieving after seeing someone he cared for deeply be put in a the pacworld equivalent 2 the electric chair :3 they're fine
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gumy-shark Β· 11 months
finally i have time!! so i come here to ask questions aboout cynthia laflorem!
would love to heat more about here sentient spell book- how sentient are we talking? like on a scale of moon jellyfish to human?
you mentioned she fully bought into the religious propaganda, yet she studies it. What made her so interested in it? Does she eventually go "oh old on wait a minute, my nation was wrong to think like that?" how long does it take her to reach that point? does she do anything/ want to do anything about it?
what was her last happy memory, and how often does she look back on that? Is said memory distorting over time?
you mentioned that someone used a spell in the past to frame her for murder- huh? how did she take that/ how long did it take others to find out she was framed?
you mentioned she lived in a farming village (me too bestie lmao)- what were the main crops grown/ main animals taken care of? how did that effect her as a person? because of that, is she decent at making things from scratch, etc.,?
what's some things she likes to do in her free time?
I'd ask more, but i dont wanna give you a literal essay of questions :")
cynthia's wizard subclass is order of scribes, and one of the major features of that subclass is that you have an awakened spellbook, with some level of arcane sentience. I decided to have dandy be fully human-level sentient, on the basis that it would be fun (for me. mostly for me), and bc it added into the backstory pretty nicely!
ok, so this one's interesting, since her knowledge of religion wasn't a part of her initial character concept in the same way as her buying into the propaganda was. i was originally going to have her be pretty disdainful towards religion and stuff, but then in session 2, i ended up rolling a lot of religion checks, and getting really good rolls for all of them. so, i decided to change that part, and so the studying-religion-in-secret thing was born! it's not going to be the thing that makes her start Really questioning the exclave, but it's a step in the right direction, and i like it as a character direction- she believes the propaganda, but she's willing to disregard her own beliefs for the sake of curiosity + knowledge!
(i think out of what i know of the campaign lore so far, the thing that would Really make her question the exclave more than anything else would be finding out the Real reason why they drove out the wood elves. that or finding out that like. her assignment is literally just a suicide mission, presumably to get her out of the way for smth) (i don't know how long it'll take for her to reach that point- it really depends on how long it takes for it to come up as we're playing)
the last time she was Really happy was when she was back in her village, but she doesn't look back on that time much. the memory Has distorted over time, but that's because she's hasn't really revisited it in so long. she's been really busy over the years, and doesn't have too much time to reminisce. she'd much rather look towards the future!
oh, i think i might've given the wrong impression with that one- cynthia's never been framed for murder! the spell dominate person was used by an unknown villain in session 1 to assassinate a government official, and cynthia was able to recognize the aftereffects of the spell because she'd had dominate person used on her in the past, presumably by a teacher, or her current mentor. (probably as a training exercise? i don't quite remember)
i don't actually know what crops were grown in the farming village- most of her backstory isn't super fleshed out, since it'd require a lot of worldbuilding details and i feel really awkward about the idea of messaging the DM like "hey what are the staple crops of the exclave? major trade routes? imports and exports?" and such. i've been imagining a lot of wheat, but i don't know much about wheat farming, and i don't actually know how young magic students start at the wizard school. i'd say the main effect her background would've had on her personality today is that it left her with a very strong belief in the power of hard work- if she just keeps trying, keeps working harder, she'll succeed eventually!
i'm not really sure. definitely talking to dandy, maybe reading? she seems like the type who would really enjoy reading, whether fiction or nonfiction. also the idea of her reading a book and talking about it with another book is funny to me
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lightgoddess Β· 5 months
shes so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! she also. cannot read the room sometimes ( @ignorantblessings )
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swxrdie Β· 8 months
I should use this Tumblr more to write down the dumb ideas that've been sticking with me for a while, so... here we go!
Dramatical Murder (DMMD), but it's a tabletop campaign and the people who play Aoba and the main love interests have no idea what DMMD is (they can name the characters and give them personalities based on their appearance alone). The people who do know what DMMD is play the NPCs, and try to guide the main players through the plot while sticking closely to canon events as much as possible.
...With that in mind, it's going to be chaotic and practically not DMMD as a result, but I'd love to just see how it'd all go. I'm a newbie GM, I've GMed a short SPELL: The RPG one-shot, am currently running a Rings & Running Shoes short campaign, and am currently also learning to run the Jojo's Bizarre Tabletop system. The things I would do to make this dumb idea work LMAO!
(As a player, I've been playing in 2 D&D campaigns that have been going for more than a year, so also take that what you will.)
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theheadlessgroom Β· 2 years
At her compliment, an uncharacteristically strangled-sounding squeak came out of Randall’s throat, and he resisted the urge to throw his hands up over his masked face and curl up into a ball, reminding himself that his bright red face was still hidden from her-yet still, he felt the urge to hide his flustered reaction, instead casting his eyes down at the attic floor to avoid looking at her.
Really? he thought to himself in silent amazement. She really thinks that I would be good company? That any woman would be lucky to have me for a date? It was extremely hard for him to fathom, and there was that angry, bitter little part of himself that doubted it, angrily even, that voice lashing out in his head, yelling in his mind Don’t you lie to me! No woman in her right mind would want to be seen out in public with me! Who on Earth would want to be seen with someone like me?
But Randal quelled this voice as best he could, trying not to let those nagging insecurities eat him up from the inside out (at least, anymore than they already were) and instead trust in Emily’s words. She wouldn’t lie to him, no, he knew in his heart of hearts that she was being honest when she said this-just as he was! He consoled himself with this fact, as he managed to smile for her, saying, in a tiny voice,Β β€œTh-Thank you, E-Emily...I-I really do mean it when I say anyone would b-be lucky to go out o-on the town with you!”
And they would! She was a charming conversationalist, she was polite to all she met, she had the sweetest laugh he’d ever heard, she made you feel as if you were the only person in the world when you were with her...all of this Randall himself could attest to, thanks to the time spent together, and so he felt very confident in telling her this-she would be wonderful company, because, to him, she was wonderful.
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voiceshearingyouloud Β· 2 years
My singing :)
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leatherbookmark Β· 1 year
somewhat pleased to announce that in case someone wanted to know, and i really don't see why they wouldn't, the cameras that atz use in the cawaii men photoshoots are
fujifilm simple ace p&s camera (for taking photos), and
most probably? pentax spotmatic (the one hj, sh and jh pose with)
#YOUNG PEOPLE NOWADAYS!!! they're wasting film like pros :''')#shrimp thoughts#actually this is terribly artificial behaviour. i was not organically possessed by the urge to check what kinda camera are they posing with#but i DID think it would be funny if i did and then acted like it's a completely normal thing to do. hence.#i should learn up on hj's photography... he did have an exhibit a while ago after all#i'm curious about the pics the guys took with the fuji cameras! what % of them was unsalvageable lol#i know it was probably cold/late/both outside and that they were on a schedule but yknow what they say#or maybe they don't. but anyway the person who picked up THING three seconds ago acts like they know everything there is to know about#THING. and so. as this very person. i'd like to say the pics would probably be better if they could take them outside? you can see#the p&s all have flash but still! oh also that reminds me of my minor gripe w/ atz photoshoots namely. they're All Indoors#well not ALL all but sooo many of them are and it pains me because i love outdoorsy photoshoots#like the one in the diary ver of fever 3 or the second part of the fever epilogue diary ver#...and fever 2 diary ver too. wait are diary versions just More outdoorsy/less Studio Photography? HM#but anyway! i just like when models can interact/blend in with their surroundings. it's always much more interesting when there's something#Else going on in the photo than just one color background/the walls of a room. this is why i loved l**na's predebut album photoshoots becau#*because each was in a different location! several different locations even! sometimes you'd even get a photo that has no people in it#simply because the surroundings are so pretty!#oooh now that i think about it d-day is like that too. yoongi heard me grumbling abt how much i hate those empty pages in bt/s albums#and went Not On My Watch lol#anyway. sorry i'm rambling for no reason gkhsfgkjfsf
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brick-a-doodle-do Β· 2 years
Tiny workers au! Do you have any idea of how Wilbur/sbi meet Tommy/benchtrio and what point Tommy is nommed willingly lmao and not some random kid. And maybe some conflict between the customers (SBI/Dream) the Tinies and the boss? Maybe he got one of those reviews and is punishing Tommy through noms, some trauma for the poor lad </3
okay SO
i'm changing my original plans for this au just a tiiiny bit :))
wilbur and tommy meet for the first time in the minigolf au. i reeeally like the trope where a sad depressed giant slowly just becomes significantly more mentally stable when a certain tiny comes around.
wil's family is very concerned for wilbur's health. he's been cooped up in his apartment not talking to anyone, so naturally they come up with a way to get him out. phil (or tech) gets him a one day ticket to the park, and basically being guilt tripped into it with the 'it was so expensive' and 'do it for us' shit, he forced himself to go.
eventually he settled on doing minigolf, somehow ending up with tommy as his tiny (i know how, but i want to keep some things a secret :])
as for emeraldduo meeting tommy, i'm not sure yet. maybe wilbur brings the tiny home one day and finds that his family is just chilling around his apartment lmao,,,,,, it would definitely give secondhand embarrassment depending on how i write it but i can give it a shot :D
i love love love using a stomach as punishment/timeout so YES that is absolutely happening. but, before that happens, i want wil to nom him at least a few times. and there is a reason why. i want tommy's comfort level around humans to be very high after he meets wilbur, and maybe even sbi & some other regulars. (pls give me ideas for more regulars,,, i'm thinking about maybe aimsey for ranboo? :0) he's naturally calmed down and shit so, even if he's a little bit hesitant or even frightened to willingly be eaten, he still goes through with it because he knows that humans are typically not bad people, especially not wil. then he gets nommed by another person, maybe dream or someone else.
all this trust he builds with the humans kinds of overrides his memory of the bad humans, like his boss. he's so used to being relaxed and himself around the customers that he forgets that he still very much needs to tiptoe around one particular human. even beeduo and the other tiny workers in some other locations are a bit worried about his sudden lack of fear, trying to remind him that he needs to take it down a notch before something bad happens.
and guess what? he doesn't take it down a notch, and something bad happens!! >:D
his cocky attitude comes out around strangers, especially kids who mishandle him. or ladies who are overly-curious. and people who hear it both first-hand, second-hand, or from a distance, take a situation without context and makes it a big deal, sending in complaints.
and of course, because his boss is an asshole, he goes chomp :D (not literally, tommy is physically fine for the most part)
tommy gets cocky around his boss (i'm thinking it'll be sam,, so don't mind me if i start using that name instead of boss asjfdnf) and truly lets himself forget just how dangerous these people can be. and when every single boundary of his shatters to the ground, tommy knows he fucked up :D
idk tw vore but there's so much of that here anyway lmfao,,,,
it starts with the fact that sam is everything but gentle. nothing he does is slowed or respectful. he's swept from the counter without warning and engulfed in a tight fist, where he's risen to a face too close for comfort that bares unusually sharp teeth, and is tossed into the moist maw that no longer feels comforting but instead feels incredibly uncomfortable and claustrophobic. then, to add to that, there's only a small moment where he sits on sam's tongue before he's thrown back into his throat and swallowed. the lack of saliva on him makes it difficult to go down and he's stuck in the thin gullet for longer than he wants to be. into the storage that has a significant lack of air in it, where he spends much longer than he needs to in there. and to make matters somehow worse, he's awake the entire time, extremely hyperaware :)
needless to say that his next encounter wilbur is nothing but fear C:<
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edenesth Β· 9 months
The General's Wife
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Pairing: military general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
Word Count: 1117 words (I'd normally put it as 1.1k but uwu)
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Ooh, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"
You sighed, wondering when these men would ever learn. It wasn't your first time paying this bar a visit; they should know better by now to not mess with you.
Pushing your drink aside, you turned to look at the brave soul who was stupid enough to put his hand on your shoulder. He smirked when you remained quiet, "You're a shy one, aren't you? No worries, I can make things more fun for you."
The men around him were muttering fearfully amongst themselves, wide-eyed, "Does that fool really not have a single clue who he's dealing with?"
You shrugged off his hand and felt sorry for him, "Oh dear, I pity you." Confused, he followed your gaze as you showed him an emblem you'd pulled out from your pocket. His heart nearly stopped when he finally realised who you were.
"Y-you're... shit, you're the general's wife."
You winced, realising those might be his last words, especially when you saw your husband walking into the bar.
Seonghwa halted just behind the man, fixing an intense glare on his vulnerable back. In a voice that sent shivers down spines, he growled, "Have you grown tired of living, soldier? If you're looking for dumb ways to die, consider today your lucky day."
The man visibly trembled as he turned around slowly to face his superior, falling to his knees in fear, "G-General Park! I swear, I d-didn't know she was your wifeβ€”"
A resounding smack cut off his sentence as a powerful backhand slap connected with his face, sending him sprawling to the ground.
You gave a subtle shake of your head, silently urging Seonghwa not to escalate the situation. However, your plea proved futile as your husband, with a wink in your direction, assured you, "Don't worry, my love. I won't be too harsh on him. I'll give him just enough punishment to ensure he understands never to lay a hand on my wife again."
Despite his comforting words, you knew better than anyone those were lies. The man probably wouldn't see the light of day again. Beneath the sweet exterior he reserved for you, your husband harboured a ruthless side, a quality that propelled him quickly up the military ranks, earning him a formidable reputation.
Before becoming your husband, General Park Seonghwa was a fearsome military commander, striking fear into almost everyone. Uninterested in academics or any other pursuit, he was a natural-born warrior. At the mere age of 12, he knew he was destined to be the god of war.
However, amidst the battlefield and bloodshed, there was one thing he treasured above all else – you. His first and only love; he stumbled upon you in your backyard, clandestinely wielding your brother's sword in an attempt to learn self-defence when no one else would teach you. A noble lady yearning for more than a mundane life.
At first glance, he knew you were special.
Seonghwa vowed to make you his wife someday, and he did. Not one to follow rules, he sneaked into your backyard one day, scaring the daylights out of you. With sharp critiques, he pointed out the flaws in your stance, inadvertently teaching you enough to defend yourself.
In short, love blossomed before you discovered that he was none other than the renowned General Park, the King's most trusted warrior leading the royal army. When he sought your hand in marriage, your parents were more than delighted to see their only daughter assume the esteemed title of the general's wife.
Due to Seonghwa's crucial role in the kingdom, he frequently found himself deployed to battle whenever political tensions arose between Wonderland and neighbouring nations.
Despite his repeated warnings, you always made the journey to his war sites to be with him. During your visits, much like the current one, many of his inexperienced men, unaware of the situation, would mistake you for a lost civilian in a war zone and foolishly attempt to make advances.
Now, this unfortunate man, like those before him, would meet his end before having the chance to serve his countryβ€”all because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
You were escorted out of the dimly lit bar before you could witness what your husband's right-hand man did to the poor bastard. Whatever it was, you knew it would be far from pretty. To distract you from the unsettling thoughts, Seonghwa wrapped his arm around you and kissed you hard.
Pressing a hand against his chest, your attempts to push him away were useless. He was well aware of your shyness, with his men watching and all, but that was his intention. He needed these fools to understand that you were his woman.
Sensing your discomfort, your husband gently cupped your cheeks, pulling back slightly to assure you, "It's alright, darling. I'm here. No one will dare touch you again. You trust me, don't you?" Without hesitation, you nodded; there was no one in the world you trusted more than him.
His heart melted at how swollen your lips looked, and he couldn't resist pressing his lips softly against yours once more.
With a self-assured smirk, he withdrew slowly, his arm securely wrapped around your waist. He turned to cast a cold gaze at the men who instantly cowered under his scrutiny, "What are you imbeciles standing around for? Don't you recognise who this is?"
They gasped and immediately straightened up, bowing deeply before offering salutes in your direction, "Welcome to the base, Lady Park!"
You acknowledged their greeting with a nod, and with an elegant wave of your hand, they finally dared to disperse. It was an unspoken rule that everyone under your husband's command had no choice but to follow. Those who defied these rules deserved nothing less than severe consequences.
As you nestled into Seonghwa's temporary quarters that night, a comforting warmth enveloped your heart as he drew you close in bed. Planting a tender kiss on your head, he asked, "My love, do you ever regret marrying me?"
Given your dislike for violence, it was truly ironic that you found yourself wed to a military general, of all people. He often wondered how a refined lady like you could fall for a man of his rough demeanour.
Before his thoughts could linger, you gently cupped his jaw, compelling him to meet your gaze, "Never. I want no one else but you." The intensity in your eyes conveyed a steadfast conviction, reminding him you were different from other women.
Indeed, you were special.
After all, you were the only woman audacious enough to capture the intimidating General Park Seonghwa's heart.
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Would you believe me if I told you this man isn't my ultimate bias? Yeah, me neither. He wrecked me so bad this comeback, I'm barely recovering. Y'all stay safe tho lmfao.
Anyway, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed! As always, let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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yandere-sins Β· 3 months
You know how, irl, people get fascinated and turned on by the IDEA Of a yandere? And how a yandere, ofc, stalks and learns as much as they can about their darling? I just imagine the Yandere using that to their advantage and to their Darling's horror. "Oh, but you like this don't you? You've read so many smutty tumblr stories about being taken and taken and held hostage. You reblogged so many headcanons about a character killing your bully or that co-worker you hate. I know all your questionable porn tastes. I know all your deep, dark secrets. I know your violent vent posts that I got to enact for you, Darling! I've given you everything you've ever fantasized about, so of course you'll love me. <3" And of course, the yandere fails to realize that any of those behaviors or actions in real life is absolutely, gut-wrenchingly horrifying. But they think they're giving their darling everything they could ever want, and they'll continue to do so until they stop playing hard to get.
Ngl, probably one of my worst fears for the future, but thanks for requesting because it makes good yandere content :'D
I'm imagining a really smug yandere, you know? One that thinks they are doing you such a big favor and give you all their love by expressing it this way. But in reality, they don't even realize how messed up it is.
They were just breaking into your home after you went to bed to admire their darling from afar for a little bit. They are not daring to stir you from your sleep when they can stand beside you and watch. It is enough; they won't be greedy. But they couldn't have known they'd find the holy grail of smut and depravity on your bookshelf when they started browsing as their curiosity got the better of them. They are almost appalled by their darling, if not for the fact that when they browse through the pages of a random book, the words kidnapping, stalking, love, murder, and quite a few more seem like a temptation made for them especially.
So, you actually like that kind of stuff, huh?
Someone following you on a dark street, their steps noticeable but their face masked as they are always just five steps behind you. You run, they run. There's a red rose on your windowsill the next day. It scares you, but they know now that you are just pretending. That your heart is beating faster now, elated by the chase and the promise of love it brings. The fact that you have your own mad person excites you. The yan continues to borrow one book after the other, annotates them, and takes notes for themselves before putting them back onto your shelf for you to find one day, horrified to see lots of "I'd love to do this to you," "How about I kill the coworker you hateβ€”would that make you love me?" and "Love this, love you, always you" in them.
They thought being a silent observer, loving you from afar, was the way to be with you. But they can't help but masturbate to the sex scenes, thinking about how they'd reenact them with you. Your books will be devastatingly ruined by stains and tears in the pages as they have either ripped out a scene to save for later or bit into the book as they've hit their orgasm. Your bookshelf was a collection of dark romance before, but now it is literally the remnant of a massacre of the once neat collection.
But of course, they won't stop there.
Everyone gets sick of reading books someday, even though it's been nice doing it sitting next to youβ€”part of the yan hoping you might wake up and they get to act out some of the scenes you read about. However, there are more things to uncover and learn from. Your public social media they've stalked so far was nice and dandy, but the favorites and posts you hide on your private computer have so much potential to learn from.
The yan can learn about all these little desires of yours. The masks you like, how you want to be taken, cared for, and loved forever. You seem to believe in soulmatesβ€”crazy! They do, too! If the yan is delusional enough, it turns out that you two are so similar to each otherβ€”a perfect match. Even the kinks they didn't share with you before can be arranged with enough dedication to you. They'll make preparations so you'll be able to ease into these depraved things that you kept hidden from them. You might have been afraid to act on your desires, but the yan is ready to let you live them out to the fullest.
Never mind that you cry after being chased home, it's what you wanted, right? It doesn't matter how you actually feel when they harass and stalk you, leave you little notes and flowers everywhere, because they are just doing what your book-partners would do (it worked for them, after all). You wanted the yan to be possessive over you; why are you sad that no one wants to be your friend when the yan went to the trouble of making sure everyone would be too scared to approach you? And really, aren't you grateful for the yan taking care of your coworker problem? Was sending you their pinky not enough proof of their love?
How come you don't love them yet? When will you love them like the protagonists of your books?
Haven't they done enough? Are you seriously saying you don't like their gifts and dedication to you? Or perhaps you are just trying to play hard to get... of course! That must be it. You are so lovely; you must know that you deserve to be desired immensely. Only they can desire you as much as to go to such lengths, but perhaps it hasn't been enough yet. You deserve more. You are waiting for the yan to prove their undying, absolute love for you. It must be something big, something extraordinary. Something that will show you just how much they care about your interests and especially you.
They will take you and give you the life you wantβ€”you deserve.
Even if you hate them for it.
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caeunot Β· 9 months
johnnie guilbert x reader
➷ breeding kink plus some fluff :3
PSA: the johnnie ive written about is the fictional version we all have in our minds, we truly don't know how he actually is and it's good to make a balance to avoid any uneasy or parasocial feelings when writing about a real person.
you and johnnie have been dating for around three years and you already decided that he is the man you are going to marry, you two are both almost 30 now which is terrifying but it also is making your baby feaver worsen.
you have always wanted kids and johnnie knows that, he never was fully against it but he always looked a bit awkward when you two would talk about it.
johnnie also knows that you have an extreme breeding kink, which has led to a lot of roleplay in the bed but you feel it's time to do something a bit more official.
when one of your friends asked to babysit their 17 month old baby you agreed! one part because you love kids and other so that you can give yourself and johnnie (mainly johnnie) a feel for how it's like to be a parent.
"thanks so much you guys! we haven't had an actual break for so long we need this.", "it's our pleasure I promise we will take good care of lil jess". your friend passes her into your arms and johnnie bends down and pokes her arm. "hey jess! I'm Johnny and I'll help look after you for the next few days :D"
you start unpacking all the baby stuff like diapers the toys and milk, johnnie watches you in awe and for almost every item asks you questions about it. "and what about this?" he says pointing to a cream. "that's for diaper rashes! their bums are super sensitive so it's important to add after changing a diaper". " so u gotta like.. rub it on and stuff...".
you laugh at him and he laughs back, but his laughing stops when you mention how he will have to try change her a few times himself. eventually you two settle everything in and you teach him the basics like how to feed them and how to make the bottles.
"okay can u put in microwave for 20 seconds! she prefers it warm". johnnie put the bottle in and started staring intensively into the microwave, you can't help but let out a laugh by accident making your hand immediately smack your mouth. "okay what was that for!! I thought I was doing this properly.." you walk over to him and put your arms around his waist. "I laughed because you looked so cute doing it baby, I'd love to make you a dad"
that comment made him turn his head to the side as his face went a bit red, you remove your hands from his waist and use it to guide his face to yours and you two share a deep kiss.
that night after putting jess to sleep in her fold out crib you and johnnie cuddled on the bed while watching some tv when johnnie turns to face you, "do you think I'd make a good dad?". " johnnie are you kidding?! you would make an amazing dad! you have such an sweet nature and you are the perfect mix of playful and serious, baby your the blueprint for a perfect dad" he let out a big gummy smile after that and pulled you on top of him and you two start making out for awhile before falling asleep in each other's arms.
at the end of the weekend you two had learned a lot, you learned that johnnie actually is really good with playing with babies.. not so much the unfun stuff like diapers and spit but that's something you get used to over time. and johnnie learned that there was nothing more than he wanted at that moment than to make you a mom, the way you were to gentle and sweet to the baby and the way you knew exactly how to do everything with her. honestly he found it really hot. that's why that night after jess went back home he took your hand and started to gently lead you to the bedroom.
"johnnie you weirdo what are you doing!" you say jokingly as he closes the bedroom door and pushes you onto the bed. he leans over you and whispers in your ear, "im ready" knowing you would know exactly what he ment. you immediately reached for his face and you two share a deep kiss and slipped tongue, he picked you up slowly to push you further onto the bed and immediately took off his shirt and pants as you do the same.
he crawls towards you like a hungry animal, while sitting on your thighs he starts kissing your belly and slowly gets higher and higher till he's finally kissing your face. in between the kisses you moan out, "fuck me johnnie, fuck a baby into me". you could see how much those words did something to him because with no hesitation he immediately starts pulling down your panties, but instead of what you expected he slipped his hand in between your legs. he slipped 2 fingers in making you shudder and hold the sheets as he went back and forth inside of you before letting one finger out and using it to rub your clit slowly.. enough to where it's making you go crazy but not enough to orgasam just yet
after a few minutes he takes his soaking fingers out and licks them, "are you ready darling?" he asks you in a sweet whisper without actually giving you time to answer as he slips it in almost instantly
he starts grinding back on forth inside of you and leans forward to start kissing you and grabbing your boobs to keep him steady, after a little bit of him going slow you decided to speed things up by pushing up your hips making his dick go deeper inside you, taking him off guard he let out an accidental whimper. this was enough to make him go harder and faster.
and harder and faster he did
the whole bed was screeching as you two rocked it back and forth, you have never seen johnnie like this before, he normally is really sweet and gentle but this time he's being really rough, he's digging his nails into your back and leaving bite marks all over your chest.
"after this your all mine y/n.. this is me claiming you" and as he says that he moans and grips onto you harder and you feel his warm seed filling you.
when he took it out he immediately stuck his finger back inside to make sure you don't loose any of the baby batter he gave you.
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etanow Β· 3 months
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The Experimental Monster Laboratory, or Monster Labs, is a TADC AU where the cast is in the physical world! Sorta..
C&A Research Facilities is one of the cornerstones of the science and medical worlds! They do everything; funding research, manufacturing equipment, and research into the known and unknown in an effort to understand everything. To the public, that is.
They experiment heavily in everything, from hiring literal Gods on earth to manage the more ..sensitive divisions; mixing machine and magic, technology and the supernatural, genetic experimentation, you name it, they’ve probably done it! The world outside may not know anything of the advancements they’re researching but there is little C&A Labs won’t allow in the name of progress in understanding and cataloging everything in their universe. Our story takes place in one of the more private residencies deep in C&A, belonging to Caine; a minor God with mysterious origins, unknown limitations, and boundless enthusiasm for learning everything he can about his little science friends.
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β•°β”ˆβž€ Content
β•šβ• Unnamed fic (Coming soon...) β•šβ• Bubble can cook?? .
β•°β”ˆβž€ Asks
β•šβ• Does Pomni act like a zombie? β•šβ• Is Zooble's Demon Snake Leg happy? β•šβ• Gangle is in a Situation.png β•šβ• Gangle's temperament β•šβ• Has Ragatha ever shocked anyone? β•šβ• Gangle love RAAAH β•šβ• Do Caine and Ragatha fight over Pomni? β•šβ• Why did Gangle summon a demon? β•šβ• Why does Pomni wear a bell collar? β•šβ• Kinger's eye β•šβ• What if there was a baby crying? β•šβ• Death trauma [Gangle and Pomni] β•šβ• Kinger has ONE hobby outside of Bugs β•šβ• Is Zooble protective of Gangle? β•šβ• What happens when you touch Pomni's brain? β•šβ• JAX DATED SOMEONE?? β•šβ• What does Jax do? .
β•°β”ˆβž€ References
β•šβ• Intro Cards β•šβ• Height Chart Lineup β•šβ• Zooble Demon Snake Leg Intro Card /j β•šβ• Queenie β•šβ• Gummigoo β•šβ• The Sun Room β•šβ• Logo .
β•°β”ˆβž€ Arts
β•šβ• First ML AU Post β•šβ• Second, exploring outfits β•šβ• Design sketches part 2 β•šβ• Pomni + flower language β•šβ• Showtime + Ragapom doodles β•šβ• Jax not practicing lab safety β•šβ• Abstragedy cuddles β•šβ• Raga doodle β•šβ• Ragapom doodle β•šβ• Jax and Meadowsweet β•šβ• Pomni staring out a fake window.png β•šβ• [Gives pomni flowers] β•šβ• more doodles ig
β•°β”ˆβž€ Misc.
β•šβ• Caine Lemon Rant [Animatic] β•šβ• Zodiac signs?? β•šβ• Caine gets called a Tumblr Sexyman and cries β•šβ• Bubble Looksmaxxing β•šβ• Jax wants to take ketamine with you (Romantically) β•šβ• Caine eats a lemon [Animatic] β•šβ• BUNNYSUITSSS β•šβ• Magma doodles β•šβ• Magma doodles part 2
β•°β”ˆβž€ Pomniverse
β•šβ• Wonderland and Zombni are friends :D
β•°β”ˆβž€ Boundaries / Q&A
β•šβ• Any story plans? I'm not sure yet, currently writing a fic and several comics on the way.
β•šβ• Any boundaries? None, so go crazy! I am OK with gore, NSFW, angst, violence, etc, just be sure it is tagged/TW'd appropriately as not everyone is OK with that content. I'd also like to see please LOL
β•šβ• Can we create fanart/fics/content? Can we dub or fancam? Yes of course!! Please tag me, I'd love to see all of it! I'm tracking the tag #TADC Monster Labs AU for other's content
β•šβ• Is NSFW allowed? Yes, both art and fic, so long as it's marked appropriately I'd very much love to see!
β•šβ• Can I ship the characters, self-ships, or OC x Canon? Yes, ship away! Just be aware the only au-canon ships are Caine/Pomni, Ragatha/Pomni, Gangle/Zooble, and PAST Ragatha/Jax.
β•šβ• Can we make OCs? Go on ahead! Here is a PSD file for the blank template and the PNG can be found here.
β•šβ• Who are you?
✦✧ Hi I'm Audi! 26, she/they. Full-time office worker, I do art in my free time. ✦ My current interests are TADC, RWBY, Looney Tunes, and Trolls. ✧ I draw using a custom PC, a Huion Kamvas 16 (2.5K), and Adobe Photoshop. Currently learning to use Procreate. ✦ I do not RP and this isn't an ask blog, asks interacting directly with characters will probably not be answered. ✧ Asks are not guaranteed to be answered, sorry if yours isn't but please don't spam/send multiple times! ✦ Commissions and requests are not open at this time, thank you. ✧ My main tumblr is Audi-art. My Twitter is Hammerspaced.
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