#and I'm not gonna watch it if there isn't Stiles and sterek
I swear to God , or whatever is most holy to me , if i ever make it big, as in money wise??? I'd just cast dylan O'Brien and tyler hoechlin in a gay drama where they meet after going their seperate ways for years , only when derek's nephew(hem hem son) is getting ready to go to college . They actually talk(fight) it out , finally reveal their feelings .
Stiles was like ," I couldn't face you after i woke up with your sister of all people!! I don't do that derek. I was madly in love with you!!!! And i don't even remember how or what happened"
Derek was like " i already forgave you. She already told me you both were blackout drunk and she was high on- wait . You.....loved ?? Me??? !? "
And then they proceed to have the bestest hottest most romantic lovemaking scene in the history of film , and their son has to gag everytime they're on screen together coz they're oh so sappy.
I WILLL do it. I'm threatening you all , whomsover it may concern.
I will make them kithhhhh 😡
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teencopandthesourwolf · 11 months
yeah so my brother was over tonight and after we'd had a heart-to-heart and a gossip i stuck TEEN WOLF on—which he is aware of and knows it's one of my shows, but has never actually watched himself—just for a bit of background bc it was there in my 'continue watching' as i'm never really not watching it lol.
ANYWAYS we continued chattering through it for a while (the majority of eps 1&2) but then he started sporadically paying it more and more attention, till he was eventually commenting and asking me questions etc.
here are some of the veritable golden nuggets he dropped:
“well, that coach fella's my new bestie.”
“the hammy lad with the face (jackson) is giving me such biff from back to the future vibes.”
“why is clark kent (he knows hoech from superman & lois) being an autistic male model with serious pmt?”
(still taking about hoec) “oh, bloody hell, he's actually really good looking, isn't he?!”
"the sfx in this are so fuckin bad they actually double back to being terrific.”
“so, are we, like, supposed to not give a shit about the main guy then, or what?”
(more scott talk) “although i do actually kind of want to hug him—but i feel that's somehow unrelated to his character.”
“pretending to do back flips off a roof is cool af i don't care what anybody says.”
(about k*te argent) “hoho, she's gonna turn out to be a massive cunt, isn't she?”
“this is fucking brilliant, they (the wolf transformations) look like were!fonzies!”
“jesus, we're like, 3 eps in and there's already what looks to be the beginnings of quite intricate character arcs? this show should honestly not be this intriguing, wtf.”
(commentary on the acting chops) “oh, wow, so the one that's playing scott is pretending to be scott... while the one playing stiles just IS stiles!”
(scene at the start of magic bullet where stiles is talking to scott about derek):
stiles: okay, sorry, no more talk about alphas or derek; especially derek—who still scares me.
my brother: yeah, that's because he quite clearly makes your willy hard, mate.
also my brother: OH, SHIT! THAT'S STEREK, RIGHT?! well, it's no fucking wonder that that's a thing.
so yeah my hope is now obviously that he'll go home and get obsessed and spank the entire 6 seasons in 4 days and become one of our most prolific fanfic writers.
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
3, 12, 18, and 19 for teen wolf (no worries if you want to pass on any of them)?
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
oh see now this question is impossible because teen wolf fandom is capable of producing bad takes that other fandoms can only dream of. "scott helping align a dog's broken leg in his capacity as an assistant vet tech is animal abuse." "stalia is problematic because malia is 45 in coyote years." "scott violated/raped derek" (re: a scene in which scott is forced under duress to make derek bite gerard, which derek only objected to because he did not know about scott's secret plan). "stiles is the only one who ever respected derek." "scott has been narrating the entire show to make himself look better." "deaton is shady and evil." "scott abused jackson" (a real thing someone sent to my inbox). even jeff davis got in on it with "kira's story didn't have anything left to explore." however despite stiff competition i do think we have to give this award to "scott is a werewolf colonizer" because there is something so special about accusing a mexican boy of colonizing the culture of white people who are living in california. and also because it is so so funny to say.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
hm. i don't know if i like any characters who are unpopular within the fandom circles i travel in. like certainly scott is unpopular with the fandom at large, we know this, but i don't travel in those circles so. idk. i guess i think victoria argent is interesting? imo after allison she's the most compelling argent. i think killing yourself rather than becoming a werewolf shows a kind of commitment to one's ideology that automatically makes a character interesting. i don't know what the popular opinion on victoria argent is but that's my take.
18. it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
see again i could point to fandom at large for this but frankly fandom at large sleeps on anything that isn't sterek or steter so i could say anything and it would be true. so my actual answer is that i think more people should ship theo/mason. i get why sceo is popular but i don't know why thiam is so big when...thason? meo? (personally i am voting for meo as a ship name because it looks like meow. however i am willing to be overruled.)...is right there. one of my actual most unpopular opinions is idgaf about morey because i couldn't care less about corey. i don't even know that boy's last name. he's nothing to me. but theo/mason??? both of them experimented on by the dread doctors, one of them 'evil' and the other 'good' (too 'good' to be traumatized, if you ask jeff davis, which is why you should never ask jeff davis), one of them so compassionate and caring, the other callous and lacking empathy, on opposite sides of the fight, yet both bound by the same trauma, and both deep inside wanting to help? look i'm not a big m/m shipper so i'm not gonna write the fic but SOMEONE should write the fic. is what i'm saying.
19. you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
disclaimer i am not ashamed of liking anything because, to paraphrase the great cordelia chase, shame is not something to be proud of. however i am a little mad that stiles and derek genuinely have such a fun relationship. i do actually wish they had more scenes together and i would happily watch an entire episode that was just the two of them on a buddy cop roadtrip and if people wrote more platonic fic of them with their canon personalities being forced into Situations together then i Would read it. i don't ship them because it's not my cup of tea shipping-wise and i think fanon sterek is nothing like canon sterek and is deeply uninteresting but in the year 2024 i must confess that canon stiles & derek did make some points.
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well now that it's been a couple days since i watched the teen wolf movie and i've sufficiently forgotten 90% of it, i think it's time i told you all what i liked/disliked about it
1. jackson whittemore
he was just so fucking funny, like why was he even there?? did they give colton a script or did they just give him a recap of everything he missed in the show before simply throwing him on set and going "good luck."
i loved him though. it really feels like he's more comfortable in himself now. when he came back in s6, he wasn't as bitter but he still felt quite stiff. now he's comfortable in his sexuality and his place in the world, and he's no longer trying too hard. love that for him. his friendship with lydia also means a lot to me. i originally thought they were gonna put them back together, but i adore them as snarky besties.
also i'm glad they didn't break him and ethan up. we got our lgbtq+ scraps, guys!!
2. peter hale
hasn't changed a bit and i love it. his entrance was iconic and so fitting for his character. the tension between him and chris was obvious (perhaps because of melissa?) and i love how they still have an air of mystery when it comes to him. no one truly knows if he's on the good side or the bad.
also i can confidently say that peter crawling on the floor in human form, sniffing, was the absolute highlight of the movie.
3. eli hale
he was a great addition to the cast. i loved his relationship with derek, but him as a character really refreshed the film and gave us some wholesome but funny moments.
also we all know he's basically a stiles mini-me, so it was nice to have someone there to fill what the film would've been missing because of stiles' absense without full-out replacing him.
4. jr borne
his acting in the movie was absolutely outstanding. i was in shock. he was already amazing in the show but he's outdone himself. i really felt his emotions through the screen. literal chills. what a powerful performance!
5. the hellhound
i'm so glad they gave parrish an important role in the film. the hellhound was one of my favourite supernatural creatures from the show, so it was great to see ryan kelley shine once more.
6. coach finstock
he also has not changed a single bit and it's really refreshing to see. they didn't try to shoehorn him into the story too much. he simply played the part he always has, and made us laugh doing it.
7. the jeep
when they said the jeep would be featured in the film, i didn't think they meant they would try and stick it in every scene possible. i love it.
as a sterek shipper, i love the idea of eli nicking the jeep because he knows derek has some complicated feelings towards it. i won't do a sterek section on this list because i don't know whether i'm happy or mad about it, but this was an interesting addition to the film.
8. melissa had a crossbow
she had a crossbow. it's about fucking time.
now what i disliked:
1. the misuse of key characters
why were liam and mason used as side characters?? why did they barely speak, they're best friends?? why did they introduce hikari and not bother actually giving her a personality outside of being a kitsune?? i have too many thoughts on all of this, but it pissed me off.
2. just general confusion
they didn't specify if melissa and chris were still together or not. no explanation on why scott and malia split up. how did parrish and malia get together? who is eli's mum? why did liam have the nogitsune? why did scott and allison adopt eli?
also where has all the chemistry between the cast gone?? shelley especially felt so awkward with everyone. it's like they're not friends anymore, which i know isn't true.
3. the nudity and swearing
i could've gone my whole life without seeing allison, parrish and malia's bare asses. also the swearing was great, but they all felt like year 7's when they did it.
4. the returns
as someone who didn't really care for allison, her return was just annoying. out of all the characters they could've brought back, allison is the one they definitely should've left alone. hers was a major death in the show, and the start of a lot of character development for scott and chris. they should've come up with a different story not involving allison or the nogitsune. you know they only brought her back so that scallison fans can have their endgame.
and adrian harris?? what?? why?? he didn't even do anything of purpose in the film. what was the actual point in bringing him back??
5. derek's death
i'm not even gonna touch this. but i'm fuming.
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mrkgrl · 1 year
please can you explain what's going on with the jeep? I love sterek but I never intended to watch the movie and I'm not gonna, but I'm so confused! what happened?
Wise decision, anon! Basically, at Derek's funeral the Sheriff gave the keys to Stiles' jeep to Eli while saying "your dad had complicated feelings about that jeep" and then held a speech about how Derek worked on the jeep, tried to fix it and in general just couldn't let go of the jeep. Stiles' jeep. Stiles who left the jeep in Beacon Hills 15yrs ago. 15yrs of Derek keeping that jeep despite having these "complicated feelings" and hating it when Eli stole the jeep (to piss Derek off). But you know no homo.
Now we took the "complicated feelings about that jeep" and absolutely ran with it because it's just too hilarious making it all about the jeep (and if that isn't just a code word for Stiles then I will eat my ass.) and it helps coping with the train wreck of a movie. I think that's basically it but if anybody has something to add pld drop a comment I wrote this in a rush. 💦
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whenwordsmakesense · 2 years
#16 for Thiam or Sterek because passive aggressively asking your crush out seems like their thing 🤣🤣
From this list: #16. "You and me - Movie night."
(I went with Sterek, hope that is fine with you!)
Be My Cushion
((can be read on AO3 now!))
Stiles is laughing at Isaac's crushing defeat in their uno game when Derek comes up to him. He's wearing a soft green henley and form-fitting jeans, hair styled like he has actually tried to tame it and hasn't handed the duty over to the breezy winds Beacon Hills has started to get during winter. He looks good, really good, and Stiles feels his heart drum in that familiar beat that Derek causes every single time he is near.
"Hey," Derek says, like he hadn't greeted Stiles not an hour ago at the door.
"Hi," Stiles replies.
"Sounds like Cora is calling me, I'm gonna go." Isaac interrupts their—staring; that would be the apt word for what they were doing. Derek's eyes are just like that, meant to be looked at, examined carefully, layers of colors picked off one by one until only the soul remains. Unhidden, true, beautiful soul of a beautiful man.
Stiles clears his throat and watches as Isaac gets up from the couch, three cards put face-down on the coffee table, and walks hurriedly away from him and Derek like they stink.
Erica had told Stiles, "You two stink of unresolved sexual tension all the fucking time, Stilinski. Do something about it!" that time that she had been cursed by a witch to speak everything that crossed her mind for exactly seven days. That's one of like, Stiles' favorite weeks, ever.
Stiles doesn't look back at Derek, hands thumbing at the unused deck, smoothing down the corners that remain folded no matter how many times he tries to flatten it. "Wanna play?"
Derek doesn't move for a while. Stiles can feel him, a solid, ever-present line of heat at his side, even when he isn't looking at him. And then as if he is considering something, a sigh escapes Derek, and he walks foward, sitting down exactly where Isaac had been. "Sure," he agrees.
And so they play for the next fifteen-minutes, Stiles winning again while Derek is stuck with seven cards and a scowl.
"This game is rigged."
"Whatever makes you sleep at night," Stiles grins, and after a beat Derek is shaking his head, chin dipping down as a smile blooms across his face, like he is still afraid to let others see his happiness. "Hey," Stiles says, heart clenching as it always does at the reminder of the pieces that fell to bring about the life they have now, "What do you say about another round? And if I win again, hmm, what do you say about giving me the Camaro for a day?"
Derek looks up, mouth pressed into a thin line, like he is suppressing a smile. More likely a smirk, to go with his tone of voice. He mixes his cards into the deck, hand moving to collect the used ones as he says, "And if I win?" He sounds awfully sure about winning, too.
"I doubt you will, seeing as I am the champion of Uno,"
"Champion of being single, sure."
Stiles' heart beats double time at those words. Not because he is angry or even upset, because he likes his life like it is right now, he is content, but because Derek's playful, dry sarcasm just... does things to him. He can only be so strong, okay?
Derek shuffles the deck this time and hands them both ten cards—Stiles protests that it's seven cards at the starting, but Derek just doesn't heed his trivial rules—and they're bantering, a playful, fond give and take of words that has become their own language, now. From cutting words to a healing balm, their relationship has evolved a lot in the four years that they have known each other.
Derek wins the game this time.
"You cheated," Stiles accuses, even though there's no way Derek could have. It's just how he is, honest and honorable, too high above to stoop down to dirty tricks for a win. But Stiles is a sore loser, one who is also worried for what Derek might ask of him, and so he will accuse Derek all he wants.
The last time Derek had asked him for a favor had been when he'd wanted to show up to the Beacon Hill Police Department's Fundraiser, but he'd been so nervous about his appearance that Stiles had thought he was going on a date. That had been a painful afternoon, right up till Derek had asked if it's okay if he donates a hefty amount of money, because he wasn't sure if Stiles' dad would accept so much from him, given that Derek—along with the Pack—protect the town just as much as the police, if not more, but don't get paid for it. Stiles had laughed hysterically at that.
Now, that had been a line of luck stringing Stiles along, but he isn't so sure if another one of Derek's favor wouldn't hurt him again. Because statistically speaking, Derek's favors do hurt him, in the physical flavor most of the time. That, he can handle.
But not Derek going on a date again.
"I didn't cheat," Derek informs him like it's news, and leans forward, elbows on his knees, eyebrows doing that dance that means he is nervous.
Oh hell no, it's another date!
"Oh, look, it's almost midnight!" Stiles yells, way too loudly given Derek's wince, and starts to stand. Derek, though, he catches him by the wrist—damn it Lydia and Erica's demand of having the couches at the corner of the room, making him cross, well, try to cross Derek to get out of the room—and pulls him back.
"It's literally nine," Derek says, and Stiles looks at the clock on the other wall. Fuck. "And I have a favor to ask you."
Stiles turns around slowly, eyes at the wall behind Derek. "I can't help you, Der," He admits softly. "Good for you that you found someone you want to go on a date with—"
"How do you know?" Derek sounds defensive, and the small bubble of hope inside Stiles deflates into a thousand needles, all of them stabbing him in his heart.
"I'm sorry," he repeats, trying not to cry. "But I just—have someone else help you,"
He turns to leave the room, but again, Derek catches his wrist. This time Stiles doesn't turn to see him, something that makes Derek sigh deeply like he is dissapointed, and then he is being turned around forcefully but gently, Derek's hands resting on his shoulders, their eyes boring into one another.
Stiles wonders if he'd imagined all those moments between them, borne out of some sick part of his brain that likes hurting him.
He waits for Derek to say something, anything. Derek doesn't.
Stiles smiles, sad. "It's okay. I'm happy as long as you are—"
"You and me, movie night!" Derek exclaims, eyes wide like he hadn't meant to say them. Stiles stills. Derek's hand burn where they touch him, the shocked silence stretching until Stiles breaks it with a small:
Derek's eyes flick to his lips and back up, eyes showing so much vulnerability that for once, Stiles doesn't—can't—get his words out.
"You and me, movie night," Derek repeats, slow, like he wants Stiles to understand the meaning of them. "I want you and me to spend a day in your bedroom, sitting close, laptop on our knees. You with your stupid commentaries while the movie is playing—"
"That's the fun part of watching together," Stiles says automatically, and Derek's intense look melts into a fond smile. He smiles back, less subdued.
"It's fun with you. Everything is," Derek admits, and his hands wander up Stiles' shoulder to his face, to his cheeks, like he is holding something precious in his hands. "So. You and me, movie night, on the first night of the year."
"Because what we do on the first day we continue doing the rest of the year?"
"Yes." That one word is so simple; a stupid confirmation to yet another stupid tradition Derek believes in—that you believe in too, says Stiles' inner voice—but it's also so much more than that.
So much more than that. It's a brilliant start to a new chapter in both of their lives.
Stiles smiles so big he fears he'll be stuck like that forever. "Yes! Yes, yes, a thousand times yes," he would have continued his yeses, but Derek decides four is enough and shuts him up.
By kissing him.
Derek is kissing him.
He is kissing Derek.
"Fucking finally!"
"What the—" he and Derek separate to find the pack—Erica, Boyd, Isaac, Cora, Kira, Malia, Jackson, Lydia and Allison—looking at them with a camera, a smile, a douchey smirk, another camera, a phone being used as a camera, a wolfish smile, a faux-bored expression, a satisfactory smile and yet another camera.
Derek sighs deeply as Stiles curses them out, arms wrapping around Stiles' waist.
More pictures are taken.
Stiles doesn’t stop smiling the whole night, and when their kiss goes on for way, way too long at midnight and grosses the pack out, there's no stopping him now.
Take that, you thousand needles! He has a Derek Hale shaped cushion in his heart now, ain't nothing gonna hurt him after this.
(Derek calls him an idiot when Stiles informs him of this and the pack laughs, but later when everyone is gone and Derek is in his arms in Derek's bed, the Alpha admits that he, too, has a Stiles shaped cushion in his heart).
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