#and I'm stuck in these pants'
still stuck on ssstupid letter board ideas man. i have ideas for the small one but the big one is harder :(
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nyaawn · 8 months
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Happy 10(+3) Birthday FFXIV!
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meirimerens · 1 year
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i'm putting together a folder of set designs for the named kids + some NPCs variations so i can reuse them and i'm kinda intrigued by dandy's hair. i'm trying to figure out what it's reminding me of.
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hootgrowlbears · 5 months
It truly pains me to say this, but for the first time in the whole series I am disappointed in Gilear Faeth.
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skapunkpee · 7 months
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slightly older yotsuba
digital version coming in the near future maybe
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rainbow-arrow · 7 months
inertia gives me neotheater vibes and ngl might be why it's my favorite song
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venusmages · 2 months
i think i nailed down why im scared to talk to family i still care about and its because i'm a very different person now from when they all last saw me. getting out of an abuse situation where you were in shutdown flight mode all the time is obviously going to make you different. like my style changed my personality changed i'm more happily 'me' now but what if they're like 'ew. remember when you didnt dress like that and also were much meeker. we're not gonna mention how you wanted to die all the time though'
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I saw a drawing somewhere in the depths of google search that triggered a new idea and I should be in bed right now but I HAD to doodle it real quick. I lost the original image that inspired it when I stupidly closed the tabs... 
Basically the premise is:
Eddy and Ed try to “prank” Kevin by handcuffing his motorcycle to a road sign. Before he even does it, like an idiot, Eddy tells Ed to swallow the key. Immediately Eddy somehow gets himself stuck in the handcuffs.
Not to worry, Ed has an idea, but he needs Double Dee! He goes and finds Edd and locks him on the other side. How is this going to help?! Nobody knows, but now Edd and Eddy are stuck together and they spend the entire afternoon trying to get these things off while shenanigans ensue. Cue something stupidly embarrassing like one of them really needing to piss or something.
In the end, they discover they were never actually locked by sheer happenstance.
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sysig · 2 years
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Self-Made Man (Patreon)
#Doodles#Deltarune#Spamton#I guess Pink is technically there too#Pink Addison#Dangit I really should've written down my original haphazardly made-up headcanons while I was deep in the paint lol#I do at least remember not really showing much interest in acid theory(?) or anything I was just off in my own weird little corner lol#I have no idea how much overlap or lack thereof there is but it's fiiine I'm just here for funsies#I do remember the basics! Let's start there it's a good place to start lol#The first two were just headcanoning around Add clothing - either shoes that match pants or something like leggings#And then a jacket right over their chests no undershirt or anything#Spamton texture stim headcanon? Maybe 👀 Is that why he switches to a turtleneck under a similarly cut red jacket? Maybe 👀#Pink's not super sympathetic haha#And then the colour sets in ♪#One idea that's definitely stuck with me is something along the lines of Acceptance of Change or some such - othering oneself#The more distant he feels from the Addisons the more his changes ''take'' if that makes sense#Feeling like a black sheep? Hair more readily accepts the black dye#I left it in a caption but I really liked my description of ''Increase opacity for every inch you fall from grace'' :)c#There's also something to his legs and feet morphing into one shape like how the pants/shoes of the Addisons' outfits look I think hmm ♪#I do overall like the last one but I do wish I'd made his glasses black with little pink and yellow eyelid indications instead haha#Ah well - next time
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cthulhubrain · 2 months
my cheap-ass gaddamn dollarstore watercolour paper (the closest thing to actual proper watercolour paper i've been able to get my hands on in the past several months) is not only textured in a way beyond reasonable watercolour-paper-texturing, bUT ALSO reacts to water like goddamn printer paper!
what is this greasestaining water-seepage, paper?!? You literally are supposed to prevent that, you're supposed to not allow seepage at the slightest hint of moisture, that's what your ugly plasticy texture is supposed to protect against!
I thought 'oh maybe the water seeped underneath the paper through the masking tape and i just didn't make a good seal at the edges', but no, the water is being absorbed directly through the paper in splotches here and there, looking like grease stains. I also thought 'oh maybe it's the brushes i'm using, they're more acrylic-leaning and using them has produced more oily-like textures in my watercolour strokes on other papers, so maybe sOMEHOW that's what's going on?
No. no. I might have found a solution: I'm gonna have to turn the paper backwards.
that's right, i'm testing the smoothie smooth back of the paper and it didn't have the grease problems that immediately popped up when applying to the 'right' side. I'm waiting for this paint and water to fully dry but so far so good. Looks like i'm gonna have to be a lil freak and flip this goddamn insult-to-watercolour-paper around and use the pretty aesthetically pleasing backside like a goober.
art is a journey.
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monster-noises · 1 year
it's a very silly thing to turn your nose up at something just to be ~different~ but all the same I will continue to refuse to wear button up t-shirts.
#monster noises#I'm trying to figure out how to make my summer wardrobe more Interesting#particularly for being at work#cause like at home I have plenty of fun tank tops and band shirts and other stuff that make me happy#but I can't wear those to work sadly so I'm kinda stuck with... plain black t's#which is like Fine#but it's not Fun#and I it doesn't make me Happy#so I need to find a way to craft a work friendly summer wardrobe#with the same vibe as my fanciful dress shirts#whimsical embroidered vests#and brilliant colourful cardigans#so I can hit the hardware store looking like a Hot Weather Wizard#and sadly the Easiest solution for whimsical summer wear is the booming button up t-shirt industry frequented by my trans-masc peers#but alas I have a long held refusal to partake in the tradition for reasons not fully known to me and also I don't think I'd look good#but I'm Also not thrilled by the thought of patterned Regular t-shirts cause that's some Average Joe type stuff#unless I can hunt down some Radical Prints#so I think I'm gunna go the route of seeking out weird shorts/pants I can make into shorts and keep the plain tops#but we shall have to see..#also to be clear I'm basically working on clearing out and replacing parts of my wardrobe#lots of my stuff isn't necessarily Old as it Could Be but it is From Another Time#if you know what I mean#and I'd like to bring it up to where I'm at#They're all Milo clothes and I'm Bartholomew now#y'get me?#anyway yeah if anyone has suggestions I'm open to em!
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pastelwhile-art · 2 years
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I can’t believe it’s Oliver dialtown’s late real birthday
Finally drew dialtown fanart ;v; Hopefully I get better at drawing these guys because I want to draw a lot more!!
Version without words under the cut!
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robotpussy · 1 year
i have not bought any outfits for the beyonce concert 😭 all I have is a denim jumpsuit I've never worn. can someone give me suggestions on what 2 wear to beyonce or should I just bedazzle the jumpsuit I have
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texas-bbq-pringles · 6 months
had to have a blood test, i want my blood back
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see the problem is that i can't resist the silly
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minty-bubblegum · 7 months
🐸 📷 ?
📷 - answered here!
🐸 - oh goodness... It's like I see any aesthetic and I immediately take into my system and it joins in with the other 500 I've collected...
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