#and I've tried to yknow. try things. enjoy things again. but its hard and sometimes i just wanna lay in bed all day and just not think
aremegay · 1 year
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Ajdhdjsk okokok I just need to say it to get it out of my head but I feel like in a soulmate au, Dola's family would like,,, have her soulmark removed? To encourage her to focus on her art or whatever. And then Satan not being sold on the concept of soulmates, not saying anything when he feels that connection to her, and her not saying anything coz she doesn't even have the mark to prove it and wouldn't he have said if he felt the same?? Okay that's everything no more talking about soulmates.
I'm glad you're doing well!! I did see you wrote a thing but I don't think I can read it because hanahaki squicks me out 😭. Very glad you had fun writing it!! Super duper intrigued by what you've said about Lucifer and Dola's relationship as well :O
I'm pretty alright!! Morgen is..... Well I realised it's about time to actually work on them interacting with the other characters and stuff and then I got scared and started procrastinating lol.
I'm not super sure on how to write other people's characters and I really don't wanna get it wrong skfjsks. I know I'm the only one seeing it but it's still sjsksjd. Doesn't help that the love interest I see meshing best for them isn't my favourite either lol
Aksjsj why is creating stuff so hard 😮‍💨
Well okay I did like, write out an outline of how their childhood and teenage years go so I've not been completely unproductive with them but yknow. Might have to replay the game to try and get the creative juices flowing.
Anyway!!! Please tell me about amnesiac!Dola!! Either version!! I am going to look at your corruption arc Dola art again rn because demon!Dola is just akdhdjs perfect
- 🐝
… Nonnie… come on… You just sold me a really interesting soulmate au concept that likely involves lots of mutual pining and now I’m going to be thinking about it a lot…. I’d have to write this myself too >:( Unless you wanna? Lol
Ooh dw that’s fair!! Tbh just from the horror-ish take on hanahaki with the thing being a literal curse Dola developed with Lucifer’s help as revenge I’m not sure a lot would really read it because it’s not the slightest bit romantic (unless you think its lovely that dola went after someone who tried to mess with her boyfriend?)—it’s def something that that’s mostly self indulgent in like, a different way >.> And Dola and Lucifer only show up at the very end to inspect their handiwork too so it’s not like it’s fun to read if that’s what youre after lol
(Also shsjaj honestly next to Sol and Satan, I really enjoy thinking of stuff Dola does with Lucifer… Because unintentionally he ended up being someone who has a lot to offer Dola and vice versa? Anyway—)
Aaaaaa gosh, one of the more stressful and challenging parts of making a character… If it’s any solace it took a long time for me to feel any level confident in how I see Dola and Satan’s interactions and how their relationship unfolds? In the end I realized that all my favorite takes on Satan written by others were actually pretty different with a few key core characteristics kept in but presented at different levels. So so long as those key parts of the character are kept I think you’re good and people won’t notice that much? And like… Morgen’s going to be different from canon MC there so of course the characters are going to be different with them too, and since Morgen’s unique to your writing it’s even harder to spot what could be OOC
(Also idk. Unless the author themself says that x character would do y and z in situation n explicitly I think just by virtue of everyone understanding each character differently, your take may not necessarily be OOC or wrong? Also sometimes the slightly [sometimes heavily] altered version of a character is way more enjoyable than canon but this feels like an OM thing more than in media in general >.<)
But gosh… how’d you end up with your least favorite character being Morgen’s ideal LI?? Doesn’t that take some fun away? 😖
Waaaaa tell me about their childhood and stuff (if you want to, ofc!)!! And hopefully playing the game again would help… Perhaps you’ll spot ways for your fav characters to end up meshing great with Morgen along the way? 👀
As for amnesiac!Dola… One takes pretty much fluffy with a bit of ‘oh… hold on’ kinda sad realization about her past while one’s kinda… tragic in a way? Guess which is which ahsjshs
For the fluffier ‘her memories are gone for a while’ while she’s human version, it’s a bit like when Lucifer lost his memories in S2? Her walls are all gone and she has no reason to keep her cards so close to her chest, plus much of what’s made her Like That in the first place has been forgotten.
So quiet, serious, and private Dolasach who keeps herself fairly reserved most of the time turns into someone who’s a good deal more raw and expressive, but open with how she feels. I feel like she’d been more relaxed overall and have the same kind of naive freshness that amnesiac!Lucifer had too. There would definitely be that same vague hints of memory in her that remembers most of the cast sans the royals too.
Overall I think she’d be like a whole new person and while the brothers enjoy and make the most of it they’d also be like dang… what happened to her?
The other angstier version is of course demon!Dola and I… have honestly been thinking about it some.
Basically as Dola turned into a demon, she lost all memories of her life as a human but still has the personality she had as a human and lots of vague, fragmented bits of her memory. She very very vaguely recognizes the brothers and the angels, and is a lot more drawn to Satan and Solomon for reasons she doesn’t understand. A lot of things make her feel like she’s been there or done that or heard of that before but she can’t remember, and everyone tries their best to bring back all those memories.
It’s a little bit of a parallel to Satan’s whole thing, except it’s like… She’ll be wrangling with that fact that her existence brings them all pain because she’s just not the human they all love so much? That they don’t actually love her but an old version of her that they’re all desperately trying to bring back and no matter what she does, she will actually never be able to divorce herself from her human self because she’s so much the same.
It would genuinely be like… even if she got her memories as a human back, she’s not actually the same person anymore? It would be just demon!Dola but with all the memories of human!Dola so it’s not like anyone’s getting their Dola ‘back’ and more just now the demon they all live with knows where theyre all coming from and what they mean when they talk about the past with her.
Idk I just got super into thinking about how demon!Dola would be tbh and it just went here and it’s kinda really from wondering ‘how can i really make her suffer’ because I kept thinking about Dola as the Avatar of Despair or something roughly that >.>
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