#and Janet about 5. hank is at roughly 8 and counting. I doubt he’ll do a jean grey and do 2 decades but I really wouldn’t count on him
xmenred2022 · 1 year
Every so often I think about hank pym and I’m like damn he’s been dead a while I wonder when they’re going to bring him back. And then a year goes by and they still haven’t resurrected him. Or even separated his corpse from ultron which is really fucked up. I think part of it is the mcu synergy which means Scott gets to be antman forever so marvel editorial isn’t really pushing for him to come back but I also think there just isn’t a lot of interest in the character, which is weird since he’s such an iconic character and it’s almost been a decade. But who knows maybe next month they’ll announce the “The Cage of Ultron” event and they’ll bring him back. who knows.
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