#and Lilia would come with a tower of gifts and say “you know on Mother’s Day your kid is supposed to get you gifts not the other way around
briarrosescurse · 3 years
Rozalina’s Birthday Celebration - Personal Story
9th of May
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(it's roza's birthday, happy day of borth my sweet angel... also my first attempt at imitating the ssr birthday cards, i hope it turned out okay?? hopefully i can catch up with everyone else too who i missed out on 😭 you can find roza’s personal story under the cut, i’d love it if you’d give it a read!)
NRC Newspaper
Birthday Interview - Rozalina Edition
Part 1
Diasomnia Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Yuu: Happy Birthday!
Roza: Hehe, thank you so much...! This is all so exciting, I just cannot keep sitting still any longer!
Roza: This is my second birthday that I am spending at Night Raven College and I wish to make it a grand celebration with everyone~!
Yuu: You seem to enjoy birthdays quite a lot.
Roza: How could I not? A day where everyone gets together to celebrate and honor the date you have been born on... A day of appreciation but also a day that goes to show just how much you have grown up! It is the most fun with friends though, really...
Yuu: What were your birthdays like before?
Roza: Hmm... truthfully, up until last year, I never have looked forward to my own birthday. Usually, on my birthdays, I would be spending it on my own, because my father and mother are quite the busy people...
Roza: They always have tried to at least spent a few hours with me, but with every year, it feels like less and less time...
Yuu: Were you not able to spend it with anyone else?
Roza: Uee... N... Not really. My wetnurses would try to spend time with me, but it would just feel like any other day...
Roza: Do not make that face!! ... I guess that was not what you were asking for... Ummm...
Roza: I did not have any friends my age for most years, so I was not having a party with anyone outside my immediate family or employees, if that was what you were curious about.
Yuu: What kind of people are your family? Please tell me about them.
Roza: My family... I think most people would call them strict and serious. My mother does not particularly enjoy taking the lead, therefore my father makes a majority of the decisions.
Roza: My mother is a rather gentle soul... She always used to spoil me quite a lot with sweets behind my father's back. I remember her signaling to not say a word when my father asked me if I had stolen one of the plates full of baked goods that one time, hehe.
Roza: My father... A lot of people call him scary. He has always such a serious face, his eyebrows being furrowed and all - wargh, he is gonna get even more wrinkles, at this point! - but he is very loving towards me.
Roza: Even though I know this had been for my own sake, I am not... particularly happy about how overly protective he is. This includes me not being allowed to have friends outside of our family's home.
Roza: Reading about all those fun and lively birthday parties in novels... I felt quite jealous that I could not experience those myself...
Roza: But it cannot be helped any more, I suppose, so no point in crying over it~
Part 2
Yuu: Are you very close to your wetnurses?
Roza: Absolutely! They have been my best friends for so many years now.
Roza: Hehe, if there ever was a problem or a concern, I was always able to rely on them... I know this is not something to be expected, so I am quite grateful.
Yuu: Please tell me more about them.
Roza: They are quite the... interesting trio, I must admit. Unlike the majority of the employees back home, they are fae folk.
Roza: I have always been a little curious as to why fae folk would decide to work for human nobles when there are plenty more fae noble to serve, but I never really had the chance to ask them.
Roza: One of the wetnurses is like a 'headmaid' of the bunch... She takes the control of majorities of things and is always able to come up with a solution!
Roza: The second one is a rather playful lady... She is always very lax about the rules. It's impressive how she manages to stand her ground if her attitude conflicts with the headmaid.
Roza: And then we have the youngest of the three! She is... always in her own world, her head in the clouds, but her dreamy nature had been a relief from the busy every day life.
Yuu: What kind of presents did you get so far?
Roza: Oh, oh! The most exciting part...! Silver had been the first to congratulate me today, he gifted me a portable sewing kit, embellished with typical materials from the Valley of Thorns.
Roza: Our dorm leader gave me an... encyclopedia about gargoyles... Uwergh... He said it would be useful for our club activities, but I read one single page and fell asleep right away.
Roza: I appreciate the... attempt though.
Roza: Uuuhh... right, then there were Sebek and Lilia! Sebek did not appear too joyous to bring me a gift, but Lilia gave him the right push forward! A blue, towering cake!
Roza: The candles almost dropped on Sebek's head, haha! Thankfully though, Lilia was able to stop them.
Roza: I am feeling a little nauseous at the thought of trying Lilia's baking, but a gift is a gift!
Yuu: Your dorm mates really seem to care for you.
Roza: Mhm! I firmly believe the greatest gift anyone could ask for are loyal, caring friends.
Part 3
Yuu: You mentioned you grew up really sheltered... What's the biggest lesson you learned during your time at Night Raven College?
Roza: E-Eh? That is quite the big question... Umm... Let me think...
Roza: For as long as I can remember, I always used to think that maintaining a proud image of a proper lady is what should be valued the most.
Roza: I always looked up to heroines that feel into that category... Benevolent, kind, generous, composed and all that - flawless, really.
Roza: But... I grew to understand that this is not all what should be aimed for in life... Or rather, this was never really something I desired.
Roza: That is why I appreciate today quite much - as it reminds me of how I grew, but also of that, which I treasure the upmost.
Roza: The connections I made here, all good and all bad.
Roza: Coming into contact with people alike you and unlike you, you grow to understand new perspectives and discover parts of yourself you had not known of before.
Roza: ... That is what makes growing up so fun yet scary, I think.
Yuu: That is quite the mature lesson.
Roza: Waa-wahaha, you think so? I-I was just saying whatever felt right, really...
Roza: ... Unless you were asking about school lessons?!
Roza: N-Nonetheless... I think what we may able to take away is that... All those connections should not be forgotten. When you lose sight of the brighter days, remember the kind hands that reach out to you and take them.
Roza: ... Even if you are thrust into an unkind fate from birth on.
Roza: All dreams can become more than 'just a dream' with the right attitude~!
Yuu: Thank you for talking to us about so much.
Yuu: Again, happy birthday.
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raiiningforever2ice · 4 years
Victor Nikiforov x Reader [Cinderella AU]
Requested on Quotev https://www.quotev.com/story/12466031/Oneshot-book
Gender Neutral, can be easily read by anyone!
(Y/N)= Your Name
(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name 
Everything in bold is your thoughts!
Disclaimer: In this, the reader is a young adult in their 20s. They never left their stepmother's house since she did everything to make sure to never let them study or find a job that would let the reader stand on their own.
Scrubbing the floor with a wet rug sure was taking its toll on your knees. It didn't matter that you did this every day, your body won't get used to it. Why couldn't you just use a mop? Poor-poor Y/N scrubbing your life away at your stepmother's house to get it squeaky clean! So squeaky it would over-squeak her spawns' voices. Oh, and here they come, pointy noses making their appearances before they did.
"(Y/N)! Is my breakfast not ready yet? Hurry it up!"
"Yes, Anya."
"(Y/N)! Wash my dress! Be careful with it, it's for an upcoming contest!"
"Yes, Isabella." A sigh fell from your lips as you barely caught the dress your stepsister threw at you. 
That would be very bad if it fell inside the bucket with the dirty water!
"Come on I'm starving here!"
"Right away-"
"Yes stepmother?" You turned around, dress hanging from your shoulder and two eggs on your hands, ready to be cracked.
Your stepmother, Lilia, stood there with a condescending frown on her face, arms crossed in front of her chest as she picked at her red, freshly painted nails.
"You have to do all the housework, prepare lunch, do the washing up... and give a bath to the cat! Oh, you also have to clean the carpet by hand! The girls and I are going shopping!"
Another sigh left you, and you placed the eggs back inside the fridge. 
"Yes, stepmother."
Poor-poor (Y/N), never able to take some rest.
The two girls you were so sure came from the depths of hell, laughed their evil laughs as they followed their mother outside.
Dusting the living room had become so boring. You would just sweep and sweep and sweep and then someone would knock on the door-
Somebody's knocking on the door!
Placing the duster on the little table next to the couch, you rushed over, patting down your clothes, before opening the door. A short, chubby mailman, stood there with one arm resting on his bag, the other up to his chest and an envelope clutched in it.
"Good morning (Y/N)! This is all you have today." The man said and handed you the letter. 
"Thank you sir." You took the envelope in your hands and waved him goodbye as he took off. 
Closing the door, you carefully open up the letter, curious of its contents. After all, it was addressed to the Baranovskaya household, you could read it too.
You have been invited to the greatest ice-skating contest of the century!
Yakov Feltsman and Victor Nikiforov ask YOU to show off your skills!
Put on your blades and come compete for the amazing prize of Victor Nikiforov himself, coaching you to your dazzling future of skating on ice!
We will be waiting for you!
"Give me that!" The letter was ripped off of your hands and your stepmother started reading it, her creations peering over her shoulders.
"Victor Nikiforov?" Anya gasped.
"The Russian hottie?" Isabella cupped her red cheeks in her hands.
"The legend of ice-skating himself!" Your stepmother adds with wide eyes. 
"When is it-WHEN?" The two sisters screeched in sync and your ears almost started bleeding from their shrill voices.
Lilia's eyes searched the paper in frantic, quick moves. So frantic in fact, you still wonder how they didn't end up falling out.
"Five days... we have five days to make you the best ice-skaters you can be! You, (Y/N)! Better star preparing their outfits and make sure you take their ice skates to be checked! They need to be perfect!"
You looked down to the ground and nodded. 
If I start now I'll be able to finish all three outfits in time! What color should I go fo-
"Are you listening to me (Y/N)?! Where's your mind travelling to?"
"Oh! I was just trying to think of what I should do for my outfit for the contest!" 
All three of them busted out laughing, pushing each other over and slapping their knees. You looked at them, jaw slacked open. Lilia noticed you and quickly collected herself, urging the others to do the same. They all stood up straight, arms crossed in front of their chests, eyebrows raised up to the gods.
"Ahem, you really think you will be attending too? Just because you have basic knowledge of ice-skating passed down to you by your late parents, doesn't mean I will allow you to come."
"But, why not? I will have everything ready! The house will be perfectly cleaned and the outfits will be ready in time and amazing!"
"We can't bring a mere housemaid to such a huge event. Besides, you have no chance at winning!" Isabella cackled.
"Exactly! And can you imagine Victor's face when he sees you? He will be absolutely disgusted!" They started laughing again as you fought the tears threatening to flow down your cheeks.
The trio left you alone, standing in front of the door with your fists tight at your sides. 
I will go! They won't stop me!
It has been three days since the news about the contest, and you were almost done will all three -yes, three- outfits! Tomorrow morning you were to go get the skates checked to make sure your stepsisters don't fall on their faces. 
"For now, let's just add a little bit of sparkle here." you murmured to yourself as you placed a few details on your sister's clothes. 
Both outfits turned out amazing! Both girls would look truly beautiful in them. Anya and Isabella are actually both very pretty, too bad their personalities had to be so ugly. 
Anya's dress was a sugar-white base color with deep red details sewed on by you, wrapping around the whole length of the cloth diagonally in tiny spirals and branch like shapes. 
Isabella's dress was exactly the same, a request by the two sisters, but hers was a midnight blue with black details.  
Your own outfit was already done. You just needed to make sure there were no tears anywhere. You didn't need to do much you never had a chance to wear it after your kind parents gifted it to you in hopes that they would see you in it.
Letting out a little sigh at the memory of your parent's smiling faces, you took the pink and white cloth and checked it all over. 
Perfect condition!
You hid it back at the darkest part of the closet and took out the shoebox sitting on the bottom. Glancing at the clock, you stuffed the ice skates and all other essential items in your backpack and went off to 'The library'. They would never check there anyways. 
Opening the large glass doors, you walked inside and greeted the young woman stand in behind the desk. 
"Hello Yuko!" You gave her a tiny wave as she smiled wide at you. 
"Oh hi (Y/N)! I was worried you wouldn't come today! You are just in time, the rink is all yours!" She went over to the door turning the hanging sign 'open' to 'close'.
Yuko, looked at you again and threw the keys in your direction. With a grateful grin, you took off and unlocked the door leading to the ice rink. 
"Have you told Lilia you'll join the contest yet?" Your friend asked you and sat next to you while you were getting ready. 
"No, not yet. I will tell them last second. What will they do then?" You scoffed and tightened the laces. 
"Yeah, seems like a good strategy." She sighed "You know, I don't understand why they don't want you there! Your parents were both champions, and they passed all their knowledge and skill to you! Hell, you were probably already a great skater when you were still in your mom's belly!" 
"They don't want to be embarrassed by their housemaid." 
"They still call you that? Tch! Embarrassed how?! You will make jaws drop with your ice skating! Trust me, I know!" Yuko was now standing, flailing her arms around in frustration. 
You chuckled at her antics and pushed her back down on her seat. 
"If I am as great as you say, they probably don't want to lose by me then!" You both laughed and you stepped inside the rink. 
"No music today?" 
"No, I prefer chatting, you know that!" With that, you started gliding across the ice giggling at the stories Yuko told you, about her three daughters. 
Today is the day. You look at your outfit one last time and place it gently in your bag. You hear your stepmother yelling at Anya and Isabella to hurry up. Taking a deep breath, you go outside and meet up with Lilia. 
"Where do you think you're going?" 
"I'm coming with you. I finished all of my chores as you said. Look, we can pretend we don't know each other. I won't embarrass you this way!" 
Lilia with a scowl on her face, looked at you from top to bottom. After what felt like a year, she let out an exasperated sigh. 
"Fine. But you're not allowed to talk to us at all. We don't know you, you don't know us."
The sisters came down the stairs, hair and makeup already done -just like you- and they both rose a questioning brow. 
"(Y/N) will come too. We will pretend we don't know each other. Now (Y/N), you go first, we will leave separately." 
With a nod you left the house, a bounce on your step. 
"Girls, make sure to destroy (Y/N)'s night... We're leaving in five minutes." Lilia went to find her purse as Anya and Isabella shared an evil smirk. 
"Yes mother dear!"
The place was huge. People were roaming around, some warming up, some already dressed. Looking around and seeing so many beautiful costumes brought a warmth to your chest and a little bit of nostalgia.
The last time you saw something like that was when your mother won her last contest and she came running to you, held in your father's arms for a group hug full of happy tears. 
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" A voice piped up behind you, snapping you out of your little daydream.
You turn around and your knees almost gave out at the presence standing there. the Victor Nikiforov towered above you with a huge, somehow heart shaped grin on his face. And, he knew your name?
"Um... Yes that's me m-mister Nikiforov!" You said and bowed at the waist. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir!" 
He let out a beautiful laugh and waved his arms, motioning you to stand up. 
"Don't tell me you forgot about me! We used to skate together all the time when you came to Russia with your parents for their performances! Oh, I heard about the accident, I'm so sorry for your loss!" His mouth now formed a pout as tears hanged at the corner of his eyes. 
You kept looking at him dumbfounded. The little boy, your childhood crush was him? The boy who's name you never asked- 
"Surprised right?! I am too! After all that happened and your name stopped popping up, I though I would never see you again! I didn't know if you had anyone to take you in and I was worried about you! You didn't end up alone, right?" He grabbed your hands in his and looked at you in worry. 
You looked around you and notice everyone had their eyes on you, due to the little scene the gray haired man caused. At the entrance stood your 'family' and they were glaring at you. Flustered, you pulled away from him, ignoring the hurt puppy dog eyes he gave you and bowed once again. 
"I'm really happy to see you are well and thank you for everything! But I have to go change now!" 
"I can't wait to see you competing then!" His tone was now softer as he looked at you running off.
You finally reached the changing rooms. Your knees bent as you panted. Your heart was racing and you didn't know if it was because of running, the embarrassment or his pretty blue eyes staring into your very soul. 
"Snap out of it!" You scolded yourself and went in to get into your outfit. 
Checking it out on the mirror, you felt a rush of excitement bubble up and conjured your parent's happy smiles into your mind. 
I will make you guys proud!
You walked out, skates in hand only to crush onto someone and nearly fall to the ground. There stood your two stepsisters, wicked grins plastered on their faces. You gulped down the nervousness and give them a tiny smile, turning around to leave. 
"No, no little (Y/N). You're not leaving us now!" Anya said
"We agreed that we do not know each other while we're in here." You whispered to them and took a step back. 
"Change of plans!" Isabella exclaimed. 
Then, they both grabbed each of your arms and dragged you back inside the changing rooms which were completely empty. 
"You see our little (Y/N), we would never let you get any chance at winning this competition!" 
"Much less, participate in it." 
Everything went in slow motion as one grabbed your arms and held them behind your back, as the other produce a pair of scissors from her bag and started snipping away at your outfit, pink and white peaces falling helplessly to the floor. 
You kicked and whined and cried at them to stop from cutting away the gift, your mother and father gave you the same day they passed.
With one last push, you broke away from them as they his the scissors again and left you alone, surrounded by the scraps of hopes and dreams. You collected the pieces scattered on the floor and tugged them close to you, asking for a miracle to happen and for the outfit to sew itself back together. You cried and sobbed and cried some more. Who knows how much time had passed?
Trying to collect yourself, you changed back into your clothes and left the place quietly. You glanced back and saw that the competition had just started, Anya and Isabella were to compete soon. You glanced at Lilia and saw the grin she was giving them. You rushed out. You wanted to go home.
"(Y/N)? Where are you going?" There in front of you, stood Yuko with a large backpack hanging from her shoulder.
You clutched onto her, sobbing in her arms as she tried to comfort you. 
"What happend? Was it the sisters?" She asked in a hushed tone and closed her eyes in annoyance once you nodded in confirmation. 
"They destroyed my outfit! They destroyed the last piece of my parents I had!" 
"Hey, no don't say that. Alright okay, here. Let's go back in." She started pushing you back inside, checking around. 
After she saw the evil trio, she hurried you both to the changing room. She took the bag off her and pushed it to your hands.
"Do you still have your skates? Did they get them too?" She asked and you shook your head 'no'.
"Good... Take this and go change. I wanted to give to you as a gift after you won. Go wear it and I'll come get you, okay? You haven't registered yet, have you? Of course not. Now shoo, go! Don't take too long! I have makeup wipes too in there so clean your face a bit!" She rushed off and was out of sight in the blink of an eye. 
Looking yourself in the mirror once again you admired the new outfit. It was a baby blue color with silver little diamonds here and there making it simple and eye catching at the same time. You threw in the trash bin the last makeup wipe you used and took a deep breath. A knock on the door caught your attention. It was time. 
You opened the door and there stood Yuko with flushed cheeks, panting like a dog. 
"You didn't tell me Victor Nikiforov is your friend!"
"Oh, that's... A long story." You rubbed at the back of your neck awkwardly as she stared at you. 
"Well, thank that long story cause he pulled some strings for you! Wear this mask, that way the 'high nosed trio' won't recognize you." She handed you a nice, black laced mask.
You placed it on your face and she helped tie it securely at the back. You both made your way closer to the rink. You found a place to sit and put on your skates, Yuko making sure they were tied correctly. 
"He was there and when he heard me say your name while arguing that they should let you participate even if you were late, he jumped in and convinced the guy to let you in. He pulled me aside to ask if you were okay and I told him you had a bit of an accident. I explained that there was someone here you didn't want to recognize you and he asked if he should change the name registered." Yuko informed you and loud cheers erupted as the current participant landed a very difficult jump.
You clapped along with the others, as his performance came to an end. Next up was Anya. She strutted in with confidence and posed in the center of the rink, waiting for the music to start. You watched carefully while she danced on the ice, landing a few jumps and misstepping on a few others. As talented as she was, here performance had no emotions whatsoever and was overfilled with jumps. The same goes for Isabella's routine, who went right after her sister. 
After she was done, they both went up to their mother who looked at them disappointed but still gave them a smirk. The next participant went in. He was pretty good and made you nervous. As his routine came to a close, you leaned towards Yuko.
"So, how was I registered as?" 
"Next up we have Cinderella!"
"That's you, go! I'm cheering for you!" She gave you a hug and pushed you towards the rink. 
You gulped the lump in your throat and went to the center, posing the way you had so many times during practice, and closed your eyes as you waited for the music to start playing. 
The first notes sounded and you started your routine, gracefully sliding around. You started thinking of the first time your parents took to the ice rink. The first time you skated without falling. The first jump. The first competition. Your parents proud smiles as your mother held up a camera to capture it all. The times spent with Victor• two children sharing their love of ice skating without understanding each other's language. 
You were flying to the rhythm of the music and slowly came to a stop as the song did too. The crowd went crazy and you lowered your arms to bow. You stood back straight and made direct eye contact with the silver haired man, who had tears running down his face. 
You hurried off and went next to Yuko, who hanged onto you, sobbing about how beautiful your performance was. You hugged her tight, and watched on the rest of the competition. 
"And the winner of the 1st place is... Cinderella!" 
The crowd once again cheered loudly as a medal was placed around your neck. Victor came up to you and shook your hand, a soft smile on his face. 
"I knew you would win. Congratulations, Cinderella!" 
"Thank you, Victor." You said and grinned at him.
All excitement left your body as you saw Lilia and the sisters glaring in your direction, as the mother ushered them to go change. Looking around and seeing that the attention was now off you, you went to change too, silently thanking Yuko and Victor for their help. 
Now back into your normal clothes, makeup and hair un-done, you shot Yuko a quick message explaining your situation. You quickly found the back exit, choosing to go this way and avoid bumping into Lilia and the others. 
"(Y/N) wait! Wait please!" 
You skid to a stop and turn around to see Victor running towards you, his hair bouncing making him look all princey.
His hair is definitely a paid actor. 
You stare at him as he stops in front of you. You tug your bag closer as you glance at the huge clock in the distance. 
"I wanted to congratulate you. For real this time, (Y/N). Your routine was amazing. Whatever you were thinking of, made your performance all the more beautiful. I felt the passion you were feeling at the time!" He took your hands in his gently as he did before and brought you closer to him, his bright eyes hypnotizing you. 
"I'm really proud I get to be your coach (Y/N)."
The big clock started chiming signaling the midnight hour. The others would be home soon. 
"Victor." You grabbed his wrists "Thank you for everything. Really! But I have to go now. I don't have much time. Goodnight." You gave him a quick hug and ran off, hopping to reach the house before they did. 
"Wait no! You didn't leave any contact information!" 
But you had already left.
Glancing down in exasperation, he saw one of your skates laying on the ground. He took it and went back inside, thinking of a way to find you again.
It has already been two days since then and you mostly hid away in your room, only coming out to do the house chores and eat. 
You stared up at the ceiling thinking back to that night. The glimmer in Victor's eyes as he talked about your routine. Your heart started racing as the childish crush you had on him, came back hitting you like a truck.
A notification on your phone caught your attention. It was Yuko, asking you to go over to her, asap.
I should go and thank her again for her help. 
​​You got dressed and left quickly. You opened the glass doors and went up to the desk. Yuko jumped up and hugged you. 
"Yuko thank-"
"Yeah yeah, later! Now, go in, there's someone there for you!" 
"What? Okay okay I'm going!" You laughed at her as she kept pushing you. 
You slowly walked to the doors you were so used to unlocking and going to the ice world by yourself. This time, the silver haired prince stood there, beaming at you and holding out the shoe you had lost in your rush that night. You grab it and sit down after you see he has his skates on. 
"I remember that woman that registered you for the competition. She seemed like someone you trust a lot. So I searched around for her hopping she would give me your contact information. It was her idea to call you over." He offered you his hand and you made your way to the rink. 
You dance together in circles, his arm firm on your waist as he dipped you down. Placing your arm around his neck, you brought yourself back up and he placed his forehead against yours, looking lovingly into your eyes. 
Neither of you noticed Yuko, hiding away in a corner, clapping silently to herself, and trying to keep her happy tears contained.
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