#and Marienne was Joe’s boss at the library
johndoe-lesbo · 2 years
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I’ve noticed Joe seems to have a pattern of dating employees…
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Every me Every you
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Joe Goldberg x OC
Based on @just-joe-goldberg and @nietbelangrijx . Needed to give the character some backstory because I hadn't even figured out her name for myself yet.
Your name is Adelaide. You are twenty-five years old (twenty-six this fall). You have an American father and a Dutch mother. You wear too much strawberry perfume. You own 343 books that you've read, and 264 books that you haven't. You hoard books, and trinkets too. Your apartment is a minefield of things but you like it. You get attached to stuff easily. People? Not so much.
Monday through Thursday, you are a receptionist at That! You think That! is a stupid name for a company and every time you have to answer the phone - “Hi! This is Adelaide from That! How can I help you today?” - you die a little more inside. But the job pays enough for you to afford your rent, and you even have time to write during the day, so you don't complain.
On Fridays, you volunteer at an animal shelter. You enjoy this more than your actual job, but less than what you do on Saturdays, which is go to the library. You tell yourself you go there to write, but really, you're people watching.
And then, you're just watching him.
His name is Joseph Goldberg, but he hates being called Joseph. He goes by Joe. A quick Google search reveals he was born on September 19th, 1988 and is married to Love Quinn. They have a son named Henry Forty Quinn-Goldberg together, and sometimes Joe brings him to the library with him. You like it when he does.
Joe loves books. It is the first thing you learn about him without the aid of Google. He also, you realize, loves his boss Marienne. You don't know if that means he's fallen out of love with his wife. You hope it does, then wonder why you would care.
Joe becomes a bit of an obsession for you. You don't know what it is about him, exactly, but you begin to look forward to your Saturdays in the library, just because you know you'll see him. When he isn't there, your day is ruined and you go home and you don’t know what to do with yourself. These are the bad days.
On the good days, you sit in your corner and pretend to write and watch him as he shelves and reshelves books. He is meticulous. A place for everything, and everything in its place. You admire that and envy it - you can't keep your apartment clean for the life of you. You have too many things.
One day, Joe has to leave in the middle of the day, so you follow him. You can't explain why you would ever do that. You know it's strange but you need to know where he’s going.
You feel bad, at first. And then you realize Joe follows people too, and it becomes a game of sorts.
Stalking the stalker.
You learn all your best tricks from him.
He never sees you. He's not paying attention. He doesn't think anyone would ever pay attention to him, but you are.
He even buries a body while you're watching. By then, you don't have it in you to be surprised.
You dig into his past and it's surprisingly easy to find names. Names of dead people, people with a connection to Joe. Did he kill them? You can't prove it but you think that he did, and this game is getting dangerous and you don't care.
You want the danger.
You don't get attached to people, but you feel attached to Joe. Boy, do you feel attached.
He kills his wife and burns his house down, and you burn your life down at the same time. You quit your job and sell most of your stuff except a blanket and some books, and you rent out your apartment, and you follow him. You follow him to Paris, and then to London. You've given up your life for this man and he doesn't even know you exist, but you are not letting him slip away from you.
You debate reaching out to him. It may be time.
But then, Joe - sorry, Jonathan Moore - slowly loses it.
He thinks he's being stalked. But you watch him almost every day, and there is no stalker, unless you're counting yourself.
Joe is talking to himself. Yelling at himself. Murdering people and forgetting about it. Seeing things that aren't there. Sometimes, you have to clean up his messes after him so he doesn't get caught. But does he notice? No.
You don't think you can reveal yourself to him when he's like this.
You've given up your life for this man but he's locked another woman in a cage and gone and lost his mind. You feel cheated out of a prize, cheated on. You almost want to go home.
Then, beautiful sanity - Joe figures out he is stalking himself.
He goes to New York with his new girlfriend, and you're almost out of money but you follow him back to the states. You ghostwrite stories for pennies and manage to survive, and you spend weeks watching him from afar.
Joe breaks up with his girlfriend. Or his girlfriend breaks up with him. Or maybe they do not break up at all. Maybe they are both just busy, and seeing less of each other. You're not clear on the details.
You don't really care. You just know you're running out of patience.
You're going to approach him, any day now you will.
But you have to be careful. You know now that Joe is… Joe. He is not always a sane man. And he doesn't always appreciate like minded people. He chooses the wrong people to love. He might do to you what he did to Love Quinn, if you're not careful.
Joe is on his phone a lot these days. You want to figure out what he's doing, so you look him up online again. You find a blog and you know it's him because of how he talks, and you send your first message:
Hello, you.
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