#and Ronnie is somehow the best behaved one here
waugh-bao · 1 year
The Stones (try to) take a group photo before attending the Grammy Awards (1986/Video)
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warriorteam1924 · 4 years
Biarritz calling
John Deacon x Veronica Tetzlaff (+kids)
Author’s note : Hi my beauties. Here we go for Johnica week 2021 hosted by the amazingly talented Rachel @eileen-crys​​. This is for day 6 and I chose the prompt ‘On holidays’.  I hope you enjoy it. Thanks in advance for the feedback (but please don’t put a like if you didn’t even read the piece, that’s very rude to my pov....) Also, I remind you English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes….
Warnings : Some slight sexual innuendos, nothing bad really....
Summary : The Deacons are on holidays altogether....
Words count : 1,802 words
Permanent tag list : @anotheronebitesthedick @reavenedges-lies​​​​​ @thosequeenboys​​​​​​ @roger-taylors-car​​​​​ @orionis8689​​​ ​ @theadorabletia @queenlover05​​
Johnica Week 2021 Masterlist
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After recording in a tiny studio and touring for several weeks, the only thing John Deacon was longing to have was his family by his sides. And holidays. He needed to refill his batteries before getting back to work.
 The Deacon family now had the habit to go on holidays in Biarritz, in France. It was a really nice seaside resort, with rentals available in September, right after the French summer holidays would end. It was perfect. And sunny. John was looking forward to being able to go to the beach without having an umbrella above his head and without hearing his kids having their noses running because of the cold air.
 Veronica and John always tried to go back to the same area : it was a rented house right next to the beach. From the garden, they could smell the sprays coming from the very close Atlantic Ocean. There were also several structures in the garden for the kids to play.
 It was only their first day, but after this long road, John only had one idea in mind : to go and swim in the ocean. The arrival was always a bit chaotic after such a tiring journey for everyone, but since Veronica’s key word to manage a family like theirs with four kids was organisation. At the end of the afternoon, after everyone had been given a specific task, everything was set up and the family was ready to enjoy their holidays. 
 The Deacons somehow now had their habits in the holiday house. The fresh bread coming from the nearby bakery in the morning, the smell of the tasty coffee, the marmelades on the toast were always the best way to start the day, after a well deserved night of good sleep.
 Right after breakfast, John tried to discreetly escape. He went to the garden, opened the little portal which was closing the garden but allowing them to have direct access to the beach. He tried to be as quiet as he could, already feeling the pleasure of feeling the water around his tensed body.
 “John?”, he heard his wife call him.
 “Comin....”, he replied, sighing. All he wanted was a bath....
 He came back inside and the whole family was getting ready, with hats and bags.
 “Dad, it’s market day today !!”, Laura exclaimed, visibly happy to go out and see the stands.
 “And the fridge is empty....”, Ronnie pointed out, laughing.
 The parents made sure everyone had everything they needed and they walked together to the market. The kids were so well behaving, it was always a real pleasure to go out with them. Robert and Michael insisted on taking care of the shopping trolley, while Laura was pushing her brother’s pushchair. The parents were watching the scene from behind, smiling as they were walking right behind them. Ronnie came closer and intertwined her fingers in her husband’s, enjoying this simple moment together. John was no longer a worldwide known rock star at this very moment. He was just a British dad on holidays with his family, just like so many others anonymous tourists in the area.
 The morning spent in the market was really pleasant, that was for sure, but John still had his idea in mind of swimming in the ocean. Just one bath.
 Veronica got organized to get lunch ready, while the kids were asking how they could help. Deaky saw everyone was busy and thought it was a nice opportunity to get away, just for fifteen minutes. He silently went to the garden, when....
 “John, honey?”, Ronnie called him.
 “Yes?”, he replied, just in front of the little portal.
 “Could you get the barbecue ready, please?”, she kindly asked him.
 “Of course.”, he said, sighing once again.
 He took care of the barbecue, making sure to keep the kids away because of the burning embers. The smell was absolutely divine and very soon, everyone gathered around the garden table to have lunch. Everyone was happy chatting and complimenting the chefs about the food.
 Willing to be helpful, the kids also cleared the table and brought the cups for a coffee. After all, they were in France, and after lunch, the adults had a coffee. Yet, dealing with the coffee maker was dealing with hot water so John thought it was better for him to be in charge. He knew Ronnie preferred to add milk in her cup so he made sure not to forget it.
 While the kids were playing in the garden, husband and wife quietly sipped their coffee under the sun, in silence, merely enjoying what they had before their eyes. Eventually, they got up to finish clearing the table and wash the dishes.
 As a habit, Ronnie was cleaning and Deaky was drying. As the kids were playing outside, John raised an eyebrow as when he saw his wife was slightly dancing to the background music airing on the radio. He swallowed and came closer to her, pressing his body against her back, moving along with her. She widely smiled, pushing her head on one side and John quickly understood he was supposed to find the special spot, the very one Ronnie liked to feel his lips on. He carried on passing his hands on her body, still covering her with kisses.
 “That’s how you dry the plates....?”, she giggled.
 “All right....”, John fakingly complained and carried on drying the dishes.
 They ended their tasks both still smiling. Ronnie thought of how funnier it was to do the chores when they were not at home.
 As if they had sensed the parents had finished, the kids all arrived inside as well, asking what was planned for the afternoon, each of them proposing a different activity.
 “The afternoon is already planned....”, John let them know. He still had his idea in mind to get his bath and now, there was no excuse not to go.
 “Dad is right.”, Ronnie nodded. “We are going....”, she left a bit of suspense to see the kids’ reaction.
 John was already removing his Tshirt, ready to cross the garden to go to the beach.
 “To the aquarium !!!”, Veronica proudly said, showing them the tickets she had bought.
 The kids all applauded and excitedly got ready. John on the other hand, rolled his eyes. Ronnie had had a great idea, but what about his bath in the ocean? He needed it so badly.... Yet, he put his Tshirt back on his shoulders and helped his kids get ready to go.
 The visit to the aquarium was really pleasant, no one could deny it. The fishes were well treated. The boys got fascinated by the sharks and Laura fell in love with the sea lions, as there was a tiny show, allowing them to see their skills in and out of the water.
 At the end of the afternoon, the kids all took time to choose one souvenir, which was hard given the range the place offered. Ronnie and Deaky’s hearts melted in front of Joshua, who was cuddling his turtle plush.
 As they got out, they all still had glitters in their eyes, chatting about the wonders of the oceans. This of course reminded John of his very special plan to have his bath in the said ocean.
 Yet, it seemed his plans were once again going to fizzle out, since it was almost diner time. Everyone was starting to get hungry so the parents decided to treat everyone with a lovely seaside restaurant. Since it was September, there were not many tourists, so they were lucky to find several free tables at the nearest restaurant. The weather was still very pleasant so they all agreed to eat outside, as the place was offering a nice view on the beach.
 All had a very pleasant diner and they headed back home after such an entertaining day. As soon as the kids arrived home, they all collapsed on the sofa, still chatting about the afternoon they had spent at the aquarium. Ronnie took care of Joshua, who was getting really tired and needed to sleep.
 John went to the garden and sat on a chair, feeling the air on his cheek. The sun was getting down at the horizon and soon, it would be dark. Surely too dark to have a bath.
 The father had a very nice day with his family, he had enjoyed every single moment with each of them, but he really wanted to swim on his first day and he could not deny he was a bit annoyed. He looked up, glancing at the stars that were starting to shine above his head, trying to chase this silly thought away from his mind.
 He was lost in his thought when he felt Ronnie’s head on his shoulders. She bent and gave him a kiss, leaning on him.
 “What are you doing?”, she asked.
 “Nothing. Just admiring the stars....”, he replied, taking her hands in his.
 “You know what?”, she said.
 “Tell me?”
 “As soon as we arrived, I wanted to feel the ocean again. It’s been so long....”, she confessed.
 “You wanted a bath in the ocean?”, he asked, a bit surprised. “But you had the whole day planned....?”, he carried on frowning.
 “That didn’t prevent me from thinking about it....”, she replied.
 “Any plans for tomorrow? We could go in the afternoon, the weather should be nice....”, he suggested.
 “What about now....?”, she proposed in a whisper.
 “What?”, he turned his head to see her better.
 “You, me. Ocean. Now.”, she teased him.
 “What about the kids?”, John asked.
 “Robert, Michael and Laura are in front of TV and Joshua is sleeping. Rob is old enough to keep an eye on them....”, she reassured him.
 She came in front of him and took his hands, making him stand up on his feet. She lead him to the little portal, the same John had been trying to cross the whole day. They could hear the waves getting closer.
 Veronica stopped, taking all her clothes off. John’s eyes widened, looking around to see if there was no one else.
“Oh, so we’re totally going for a midnight bath then....”, he blushed.
 “Hum hum.”, she replied, kissing him and helping him to get rid of his clothes.
 They giggled and swan a bit, until the water was reaching their shoulders. Husband and wife didn’t talk much, but cuddled.
 The feeling of the water around them, their body pressed one against the other, their skins merely touching was enough.
 During the whole day, John had been willing to have his bath in the ocean, just wanted to relax after touring for so long. But it was only at this moment he realized his bath wouldn’t have been complete if he hadn’t had his beloved wife by his sides. 
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allthevmff · 6 years
Okay, guys so somehow my story was deleted so I had to republish the first four chapter. Also, I do not own any of the characters. I might add my own people later on in the story until then I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS.
Chapter 1:
March 24, 2000
The first time our eyes connected I already knew I was in deep. I had just won a soccer game against Solana Beach. I was so happy because I knew since I won my dad was going to take me and my friends to get ice cream as he promised. As I was getting ready to meet up with my best friend Lilly and her brother Duncan, she came over to me and hugged and congratulated me on making the final goal in the game. That's when I saw him, Logan Echolls is what Lilly introduced him as at first glimpse I thought he was cute. He had these brown eyes that you could get lost in. But anyway, we met up with my father and he took us for ice cream at Amy's as promised. Afterward, we went to Kane's house because my dad had to work and my mom was way too busy getting drunk that I couldn't be there alone with her. Apparently, HE was staying over for some guys night thing with Duncan so Lilly took it upon herself to invite them swimming with us so that's where we are right now us girls laying by the pool while the guys are swimming around.
"Hey, Lil I'm going into the house to grab something to drink want anything?" I said being polite.
" Oh, sure could you grab me a green tea I need to stay fit," Lilly says. I just laughed and said, "Okay." I then went to the edge of the pool and asked the guys if they wanted anything since I was already going inside and Duncan says thanks but no he was fine and Logan says he would like an orange soda and so I went inside and saw Mrs. Kane in the kitchen reading the paper. So being the well-mannered kid that I am I asked if it was okay if I went into the refrigerator to grab everyone their drinks. " Of course Veronica, you know you don't have to ask to get anything in this house you're just like another daughter to us," she says. ( in the story Celeste is nice to everyone but still angry about Leanne and Jake. And she still thinks that Veronica is Jakes' but isn't mad at Ronnie about it.) So I went to grab the beverages and she asked if we wanted the freshly baked cookies that were sitting on the counter smelling delicious. I told her I'd take them out and see if they would eat them. As I was on my way out I bump straight into Logan, about to fall over but he caught me and we just stared into each other eyes blue to brown.
"I'm so sorry I didn't see you coming out," Logan says with sincerity. " Oh it's totally fine I mean at least everything is still okay especially the cookies if they fell then we'd probably have some problems." and we just laughed. He told me Lilly sent him in to check to see if I was okay with carrying everything. Knowing my best friend she's like to be trying to play matchmaker. So I say, "As you can see I think I'm okay but since you're here can take your drink." He says, "Oh no problem." So I went back out to the patio and sat in my chair putting the drinks and cookies on the table. Lilly looks at me with this secret smirk on her face and says, " How did it go?" " I knew you sent him in trying to play little Miss Matchmaker as always," I say with a laugh. " Oh c'mon you know you like him and you guys would be totally cute together." I laughed again and said, "Yeah but my dad would never let me date him, well not until I'm thirteen or fourteen anyway." She then hits my arm and says, "V, your birthday is in like two months so you cannot use that excuse anymore. I'm going to get you two together if I have to talk to your father myself. It's gonna happen either way, besides he seems to like you I mean if the secret glances aren't any hints I don't know what is." "He is so not throwing me secret glances," I said sarcastically. So then Mr. Kane came out and asked if we wanted to order pizza tonight and watch movies in their home theatre and of course, we said yes because what kid doesn't like pizza junk food and movies at the same time. I found out a lot of facts from Lilly about Logan while we were in her room getting ready for movie night. Apparently, he's the son of not one but two movie stars Aaron and Lynn Echolls and they moved in from Los Angeles so he could have a normal life, well semi-normal knowing Neptune he's going to be extremely well known. When we're done getting dressed I realized Lil and I had on the same thing and we burst into laughter, except my shirt was white and had black writing that says Mild one, while her shirt was black with white writing that says Wild one which is totally true. Our pants were, of course, the opposite colors of the shirt we had on.
There was a knock on the door so Lilly says, " Come in." It was Celeste and she says, " Hey girls I'm just here to tell you pizza is going to be here in thirty to forty-five minutes and the guys are downstairs waiting to start to the movie." We both said okay and we would be down in a few minutes she was about to walk out but instead says, " Oh and your father and I are going out to dinner so be good Lilly Kane if you guys need anything just ask Marissa." Lilly and I both said yes ma'am and I added that I would make sure Lilly behaved herself. "Oh and nice pajamas by the way, so true." Mrs. Kane says on her way out. We walk down the stairs to see Jake and Celeste walking out the door for their date tonight. We walked into the theatre room and saw that Duncan and Logan were trying to make us watch 'Resident Evil' and I said, " Didn't you watch this last week Donut?" " Yeah and the week before that and the week before that," Lilly says with a laugh. Then I say, "we are so not watching this crap again." So Logan says, "So what you wanna watch what " Bring It On." as he laughs. " Umm no I actually hate that movie I want to have a horror movie marathon," I say with a smirk. And he actually says, Hmm, my kinda girl."
So that's what with did, well not with Lilly complaining about nightmares she's going to have tonight. Almost an hour later Ms. Marissa came in and says, " Mr. and Mrs. Kane the pizza is here. So we paused the movie while Lilly and Duncan went to retrieve the pizza from the delivery guy. Logan took this as his opportunity to try to make conversation. "So… Your dad is the Sheriff of this town of Neptune?" So I said, "Yep so you might wanna stay out of trouble." with a smile. So he laughs and says "oh okay." I looked like he was going to say something else but, then the Kane kids come back in and Duncan says, "the pizza is here!" "Oooh meat lovers delight, my favorite." So that's how the night ended eating pizza and watching horror films.
The next morning I woke up in Lilly's room. I guess Mr. Kane brought us upstairs, at least that's what usually happens when we fall asleep down there. Lilly gets out of bed to head to her bathroom and I go in with her so I can do the morning routine. As I'm freshening up she starts asking what we are doing today. I tell her, that I'm supposed to have daddy-daughter day today with my dad since its Sunday and he's off duty. Once we're done getting ready we head downstairs and see everyone getting ready to eat breakfast. "Good morning everyone," I said. "Morning Veronica," they all say back. "Oh Veronica, your dad called he says he will be here to pick you up at 10:30 at the latest." Mrs. Kane says. "Oh, thanks for reminding me," I replied. So I sat down and started eating because my father would be here pretty soon. Everyone was quiet while eating breakfast and Jake was just reading the paper and drinking his morning coffee. After a while, we went into the family room to watch some tv until my father showed up. The doorbell rang at exactly 10:30 and Jake went to answer the door. " Oh hey, Keith nice to see you this morning." "Hello Jake, thanks for looking after Veronica last night. I just couldn't leave her alone with Leanne after what happened the last time." "It's quite alright Veronica is a good kid besides they had a sleepover with Duncan and Logan so it's all good. You know she can come over anytime she likes." "Oh well, thanks again." Veronica, honey, lets hit the road to check on your mother then off to daddy-daughter day." "Hey Logan are you going home anytime soon," Mr. Kane asked. "My dad said he would be here earlier but I guess not" Logan replied. "Well if you are going somewhere Jake I can take Logan home. I'm actually going that way anyway." "If it's not a problem I wanted to take the kids out for family day and I don't want to cause problems with his parents about taking him out." My dad replied, " Oh it's no problem, Hey Logan, you ready to go." "Oh umm.. Yeah by guys see you Monday. I think?" Logan replied. "
We walked out to the cruiser. And my dad joked with logan by asking him if he minded riding in the back of a cop car. We all laughed at that. My dad tried to make conversation and ask what we did last night and it was actually pretty funny. When my father finally pulled up to Logan's house he walked Logan to the door to make sure he got in okay. Then we were off for my house. My mom was as always lying on the couch with a liquor bottle in her hand. So my dad told me to go to my room and get ready to go as he tried to clean up. It upsets me to know that she drinks all the time, when I was younger I remember that my mom used to always up and about cleaning or cooking but when I started school it was like everything changed. But hey at least I still have my dad. Speaking of I really need to get ready for my day with him.
"Veronica are you ready yet?" I heard my dad yell. " Yeah, dad just a second," I replied. So I ran downstairs and saw that my mom wasn't on the couch anymore, I guess he took her upstairs. So we left and started the day just the two of us.
via FanFiction.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12974394/1/LoganVeronicaLoVe March 20, 2019 at 05:27PM
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lazyupdates · 6 years
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You don’t need to be a genius to make a bad movie. Literally anyone can do it. But it’s a challenge to make a movie so bad that it transcends into greatness. Making a good “bad” movie is nothing less than an art form. We don’t know if the makers of these movies actually intended to make them this way or it was completely unintentional. Nonetheless, we found these movies so bad that they actually end up being a fun watch. So, we list down Bollywood films so bad that they will have you in splits. Read on…
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1.Mission Istaanbul : Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai
Mission Istaanbul had a star cast of Vivek Oberoi, Sunil Shetty, Zayed Khan, and Shriya Saran. In the film, we see Sagar (Zayed Khan), a journalist who out of nowhere gets an offer to head a controversial news station by its owner Owais Husain (Sanjay Dutt). The news channel named “Al-Johra” is actually a mask for many terrorist activities and believe it or not you will see terrorists walking in and out of the news channel’s building like nobody’s business. Sagar accepts the offer initially because of the many perks that came with the job. But, when he decides to quit it is brought to his attention by a Turkish commando Rizwan Khan (Vivek Oberoi), that others who have quit had been killed for knowing too much. This movie was filled with products placement and mostly we see the two heroes chugging cans of mountain dew which also explains the unique choice for the title.
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2.Tarzan: The Wonder Car In this film, we see Deven Chaudhary (Ajay Devgn), who is a talented car designer. Once he approaches a firm with his designs and even though the partners of the company like his designs, they reject him at the time only to kill him by drowning him in his own car and stealing his designs later. But, guess what? The story doesn’t end here. Many years down the line, Deven’s son, Raj (Vatsal Seth) ends up finding the car in which his father was drowned in. Raj gives the car a complete makeover. Once the car is made again, Deven’s soul somehow makes its way into it. And then it was pay back time! So, whenever Raj was sleeping or occupied with something else, the car (who actually was Deven) would just sneak out under his nose and would go on kill one of the partners who killed his father. We think the best performer in the film deservedly had to be the car… Which says a lot about the acting in the film.
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3. Awwal Number
In Awwal Number, we see Ronny (Aditya Pancholi), a star cricketer who lets his ego takeover him which also effects his performance in the game. In comes Sunny (Aamir Khan), a talented young cricketer who instantly takes Ronny’s spot in the team. So, just like how cricketers behave when they are dropped, Ronny (with the help of a terrorist organisation) goes ahead and plants a bomb in the stadium with 50,000 people watching the game. The saviour DIG Vikram Singh (Dev Anand) comes to everyone’s rescue. Vikram Singh who is also Ronny’s elder brother uses everything from truth serums to torture to his masterful skills of seduction to get to the bottom of the case. It seems that India needing some 30 odd runs in the last few overs wasn’t exciting enough of a cliffhanger for the makers so they went ahead and threw in a helicopter chasing sequence as well. This film also has a scene where they show a picture of Cindy Crawford with a garland over it. The reason being that the makers needed a picture of someone since they wanted to show that Dev Anand and Aditya Pancholi’s stepmom who passed away.
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4. Gunda
The essence of Gunda lies in its unique characters. First we have a gangster named Bulla (Mukesh Rishi), who goes around saying his signature line which is, “Mera Naam Hai Bulla… Main Rakhta Hoon Khulla.” Next, we have Chutiya (Shakti Kapoor), Bulla’s impotent brother who is kept alive through a steady supply of “London ki sex ki goliyan” or also known as “Vitamin Sex”. In the film, Bulla vows to take revenge from Shankar (Mithun), since he was the reason behind Bulla’s right hand man Pote’s arrest (Mohan Joshi), who also has a signature line of his own which says “Mera Naam Hai Pote… Jo Apne Baap Ke Bhi Naheen Hote.” Bulla manages to murder Shankar’s sister and his father after which Shankar ends up killing Bulla. You must have figured the plot of the film is wafer thin but dialogues like “Chatri Hoti Hai Kholne Keliye Aur Ladki Hoti Hai Chedne Ke Liye” do manage to keep it alive.
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Firstly, we just wanted to inform everyone that the four z’s in the title isn’t a typo but the makers have actually done it for a reason. Why you ask? Well, only they know the answer to that. So, this film was actually a remake of Rishi Kapoor’s iconic film Karz (1980). The story of the film too is mostly the same as the original but with a ton of overacting. And if you felt that the film lacked any substance in the acting department you are mistaken. The songs in the film (something for which the original film is still remembered for) are equally bad if not worse. Song’s with the titles like Tandoori Nights and Dhoom Tere Ishq Ki can give you an idea for what you can expect expect from this film.
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6. Prem Aggan
What do you expect when a relatively poor man’s son falls in love with a rich man’s daughter in a Bollywood film. Clashes, complex dialogues on the iniquity of society and traditions. Prem Again lives up to all that and much more! Prem Aggan was possibly one of the worst debuts that anyone could have in Bollywood. And the thing is that Fardeen Khan isn’t the biggest reason for which the film turned out to be so bad… it all comes down to lazy writing. So, in the film we see Sapna (Meghna Kothari) a daughter of a wealthy businessman. She falls in love with Suraj (Fardeen Khan), who is the son of an Army captain and plays in an orchestra to earn his living. When Sapna introduces Suraj to her father, he doesn’t take it to well since he has already made plans about her marriage with someone else and obviously because Suraj isn’t rich. So, the father forms a plan along with Sapna’s brother and they end up beating Suraj and take Sapna along with her abroad hoping that she will forget about him eventually. But our hero still doesn’t loose hope. He will do anything to get back to Sapna! Even if it means selling his most prized possession… his motorcycle. Sapna on the other hand has turned into (almost) an alcoholic since she is away from her beloved. The rest of the film is just filled with Bollywood cliches, we see Suraj reaching to Sapna and making her free from her evil fiancé and winning the heart of her father in the process.
The highlight of the film has to be when Sapna and Suraj are shown together and Sapna tells Suraj, “Suraj, Mujhe Yeh Haseen Dard De Do.” No points for guessing which “Haseen Dard” she is talking about!
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7. Jaani Dushman: Ek Anokhi Kahani
Jaani Dushman : Ek Anokhi Kahani (more like torture) was a film that actually had a lot of expectations riding on it before its release. Mainly due to a star studded cast which comprised of actors like Sunny Deol, Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty, Manisha Koirala, Aditya Pancholi, Arshad Warsi, Sharad Kapoor, Aftab Shivdasani and for some unknown reason Sonu Nigam. At the start of the film, we see Manisha Koirala taking a shower along with her friend with make up on (No, we’re not kidding). Later, when she is alone in the room, two of her “friends” break inside with the intention of raping her. And here we see the entry of Sunny Deol, who comes in and saves the day. Interestingly, when the principal finds out about what is happening in his college, instead of rusticating the culprits he tells them to go apologise to the girl they just raped. When they show up to ask for forgiveness, Divya (Manisha Koirala) is encouraged by her friends that she should forgive them as well. It’s like nobody in the film understands that even an attempt at rape is a SERIOUS crime! Another thing you notice in the film is the bombardment of product placements. Literally every other scene has a brand name being mentioned for no apparent reason. Jaani Dushman manages to take product placement even further, as in one scene, Akshay Kumar is shown to be watching a show on television with the camera fixed on the frame of the TV. So, in the show, the host announces that they will be taking a commercial break and during the entire commercial the camera is still fixed in front of the TV. Talk about being subtle. And let’s not even go to the bad VFX.
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8. Prince
We have seen plenty of spy films that have ended up being successful franchises in the past years, The Mission Impossible series, The Bourne series to name a few. Prince makes a failed attempt at trying to recreate the magic of these spy thrillers. Prince (Vivek Oberoi) is a spy who has no memory about his past. In his quest to find answers, he discovers his name is Prince, he used to work for a man named Sarang (Isaiah) and his girlfriend’s name is Maya (Aruna Shields). Prince is being chased by the biggest criminal agencies in the world since only he knows the whereabouts of a heist that just took place. As the story moves forward, Prince finds out that there is some chip in his brain that makes him forget everything whenever it is activated. And the one behind this whole mess was his boss Sarang. Prince is able to tack down Sarang and gets hold of the coin to deactivate the chip along with killing him in the process. To sum it up, there is no story to begin with and with times it is clearly evident that the actions are as well mindless and in most places unneeded.
There are a million plot holes but no need to pick those as after about 20 minutes in the film you will understand that the producers have only paid for the action sequences and the worst part is the action sequences are not even original. Almost every action scene in the movie is picked out from a popular Hollywood film and it is painfully obvious the way they have executed it. One thing that the film does get right is the casting especially of Vivek Oberoi. Vivek Oberoi doesn’t have much acting in the film besides looking lost and confused which he manages to do extremely well!
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Players was “inspired” by Italian Job (2003) which wasn’t a masterpiece on its own but somehow they managed to make it a 100 times worse. The reason being that Abbas Mustan trying too hard in making this movie their own. Since this is Bollywood, a thief cannot be a thief just for the thrill of it or his greed for money. There has to be a noble cause for which he is doing it. And in Players we have the aim of making the largest orphanage in the world. While the original version of the film had crisp dialogues and likeable characters, the Indian version had an overdose of emotions and characters like Spyder (Neil Nitin Mukesh) who is constantly flitting with his Artificial Home Intelligence system named “Baby”. The entire cast of the film was a big let down and failed to impress in their roles. Bobby Deol is the guy you relate too. He wears a pained expression throughout. It’s the same look you have at the end of this film.
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10. Aag
Ram Gopal Varma’s Aag was (apparently) an adaptation of the 1975 classic Sholay. But it had no resemblance with the film whatsoever. In Aag, the character of Jai, who’s called Heerendra is played by Ajay Devgan and Veeru who is called Raj is played by Prashant Raj Sachdev. The heroes in this film had an insane ability to dodge bullets. In a scene, they are seen taking on a group of men who are firing at them with AK-47 assault riffles but they conveniently defeat them without getting a single bullet hitting them. This scene alone literally made movies like Rambo look mundane.
Amitabh Bachchan plays the role of a psycho villain, Babban to the best (Probably the only 40 mins of the reel that shouldn’t be burnt). If you somehow could remove the rest of the movie and just watch Amitabh play around with his character, it would still be worth a watch
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Drona was another failed attempt at the superhero genre by Bollywood. Every aspect of the film was extremely disappointing. The excessive use of slow motion in the film didn’t do it any favours either. It became so frequent it was predictable. Every time the hero appears, cue slow motion and take several shots from every angle of the hero with his sword as he is killing the bad boys. Even the script of the film didn’t feel like a finished product since it was continuously shifting to different time spans with sudden jumps ignoring any continuity.
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The post 11 Bollywood movies that are so bad that theyâre actually good appeared first on Lazy Updates.
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Holly Potter and the Witching World CHAPTER 5: A Weasley Visit
"All right… nine, ten… stand still, Lydia! Ten. Did I say ten? I think I said ten."
"You've counted Charlene twice, Dad."
"Have I? Oh, bother…"
Just as Holly was preparing to break into the cupboard under the stairs at Number Four, the Weasleys were standing outside Number Seven, trying to make certain that everyone was present.
The Weasley coven was unusually large, even for a coven. All in all, it counted eighteen members: There was of course coven patriarch Arthur Weasley, and his five wives, Molly, Francine, Alice, Amanda and Flora… and of course, their twelve daughters, from sixteen-year-old Will to four-year-old Lydia.
"…eleven, twelve, and six adults make eighteen!" said Arthur, relieved. "Everyone present and accounted for!"
"Why doesn't this Albus Dumbledore just get a Floo connection?" said Flora. She was the youngest of Arthur's wives and her American accent stood out in the mix of Devon and Estuary accents spoken by the rest of the family, almost as much as her bright green hair stood out in a sea of redheads and blondes. "You can't tell me it wouldn't be more convenient than having everyone arrive on foot. Less chance of wandering children too."
"I said I was sorry," Ronnie muttered.
"It's okay, Ronnie." Ten-year-old Fred patted her on the arm. "We had fun while you were gone."
Fred's twin sister, Georgina (or "George" as she preferred to be called) nodded. "Especially when that Muggle lady told Flora-Mum her hair looked like…"
"Yes, thank you, George!" said Amanda.
"…And then Mandy-Mum went all…"
"I said thank you! Since we're all here, maybe someone can finally ring the doorbell and inform the people we're here?"
"Let me!" said Arthur eagerly. "Muggle doorbells are so fascinating!" He looked about as excited as the youngest girls, as he gathered his robes around himself and walked up to the door. "Let's see if I remember this… you just put your finger on the button like so…" He looked delighted at the sound of a chiming bell.
Seconds later, the door opened, and the doorframe was filled by the exceptionally large form of Hagrid.
"Hagrid!" a couple of the youngest girls cried happily. While children who didn't know Hagrid were sometimes intimidated by how impossibly large he was, it seldom took long before they learned that he was much gentler and kinder than his appearance suggested, and the Weasleys had got to know Hagrid quite well over the last couple of years. Four-year-old Lydia and five-year-old Marlyssa even stormed up to him to hug him; each girl grabbing onto one of his sides even though he was much too wide for either of them to reach around him.
Hagrid's bushy black beard split into a grin. "Hello there!" he boomed, gently ruffling the hair of Lydia and Marlyssa. "There yeh are! Was startin' ter wonder if yeh'd got lost or summat!"
"Yes, hello…." Arthur had the decency to look sheepish. "Sorry we're late, Hagrid. It's a little difficult to keep track of twelve children sometimes."
"And a husband who spends five minutes looking for a parking meter even though his very Muggle-born wife keeps insisting that there won't be one," said Amanda dryly.
"Ah, well, you know, better safe than sorry…"
Hagrid guffawed. "No worries," he said. "Don' jus' stand there, come in! Tea's ready!"
A few of the Weasleys looked at each other. "Tea?" said Alice. "You mean the, the potion, surely?"
"Yeah, that too! C'mon in!" Hagrid stepped aside (Lydia and Marlyssa squealing in delight as he effortlessly lifted them up and carried them along) to let the flock of adults and children past.
They stepped in through the door and into the hallway. Most of them had never been here before, and the children looked around the unfamiliar room, which had colourful patterned rugs on the floor and magnificent-looking landscape paintings on the walls, so realistic that the many potted plants that were placed somewhat willy-nilly along the walls almost seemed like they were part of the landscapes.
Despite his vast bulk, and despite currently carrying two little girls, Hagrid was surprisingly light on his feet. He led the Weasleys up the staircase that led to the first floor, and none of the steps so much as creaked a protest under his weight.
The Weasleys were almost orderly and well-behaved as they followed. Of course Nella tripped on the first step and had to be picked up and put back on her feet, and Persephone was sighing about how you couldn't take children anywhere, which again caused Ronnie to suggest that Persephone go and boil her cabbage head… but all in all there weren't any incidents.
The twins, usually the loudest and most exuberant of the Weasley daughters, were unusually quiet as they walked hand in hand up the stairs.
Fred and George were not identical twins. While they were more alike than different —the same long red hair, the same mischievous brown eyes, and the same freckled noses, and the same colourful dresses — when they were next to each other like this it was easy to see that Fred was slightly taller and skinnier than George. There was another difference too, but that was one the family had spent the last year or so preparing to erase.
"Nervous?" George whispered, clutching her twin's hand.
"Nervous, me?" Fred's laughter wasn't quite sincere. "I've never been nervous in my life! What's that word mean, again?"
George giggled. "That's it, you're getting a dictionary for Christmas."
When they reached the first floor, none of them were particularly surprised to find that it was much larger than the ground floor; really it was much larger than the outside of the house allowed for. The hall they now entered was enormous; there would easily have been room for a hundred people here… or perhaps fifty, if they were all the size of Hagrid.
Here, the décor was wilder and more exciting, to the point of being impossible; here the paintings were grander and livelier; a ship on the sea was moving back and forth, with seagulls flying about, and a stately-looking wizard on the portrait opposite the ship turned to look at the flock of people as they passed, waving and winking to a couple of the girls. There were doors of all shapes and sizes on the walls; some small and wooden, others big and made of iron, and one of them looked like it had just been drawn on the wall with chalk.
And perhaps most fascinating of all: While most of the floor was polished marble, over at the very end of the hall it seemed to fade into dirt and grass, to fit very nicely with the small grove of sturdy oak trees that somehow grew and thrived there and looked perfect for climbing in. Between the trees hung an unusually large hammock, with a patchwork quilt almost the size of a tent draped over it, and on one of the branches, a large scarlet bird was unconcernedly preening itself.
It was the sort of place that just begged to be explored by a group of curious girls, but Hagrid just led them over to the chalk door.
"Everything's ready here in the study," he said. He touched the chalk drawing, which slid aside to reveal a new large room.
This room was large and circular, with a domed class ceiling, its walls filled with shelves containing myriads of leather-bound books and strangely glowing devices. The few patches of wall that were not occupied by shelves, had mysterious-looking star-charts, chalkboards filled with strange equations, and — interestingly — a photograph of the Beatles in their heyday, bearing the signatures of all four members of the band. A work-bench opposite the entrance gave part of the study the feel of a mad scientist's laboratory with its assortment of test tubes, beakers, burettes, Bunsen burners, and flasks with liquid in various colours… but the large table in the centre of the room had a white crotchet tablecloth and a brown clay pot where yellow dandelions were blooming cheerfully, as well as tea cups, classes, a large teapot and several places of cakes and biscuits.
By this table sat Albus Dumbledore, now dressed in a yellow poncho over a smart blue business suit, together with a short plump woman with long, straw-coloured hair, dressed in a scarlet velvet jacket over an embroidered trouser suit that seemed just a little too tight around her belly.
"Weasleys are here, Albus," said Hagrid, setting Lydia and Marlyssa carefully down onto the floor.
"Welcome to all of you!" Albus raised himself and motioned to the woman, who was just swallowing a large gulp of tea. "I do believe this is the first time I have had your entire family under my roof at the same time!"
"Well, it was easy to get all the children," said Arthur, shaking Albus's hand. "Summer holidays are here and they're all home from school. Harder to get all the adults, really… work schedules and all that."
"I'm very happy that you managed, at any rate," said Albus. "A number of you will no doubt remember Hortense Slughorn — but for those of you who do not: This is Hortense Slughorn, the mastermind behind the Mulierarius potion."
"Of course we remember," said Molly. "How do you do, Professor!"
"Oh, no no no!" said the woman with a shake of her head. "It's not 'Professor' these days, my dear Molly! I haven't been 'Professor' since I made the best decision of my life and opted for early retirement!"
"Sorry. How do you do, Hortense."
"That's much better," said Hortense Slughorn. "Pleasure to see you again, of course! And Arthur! And, let me see… I remember Amanda, Francine and Alice from the old classes, but I don't seem to remember this pretty young thing. Interesting hair colour… you don't see many green-haired witches these days."
"I'm Flora," said Flora, obviously pleased at being called pretty. "And it's not my real hair."
"Well, you never know," said Hortense. "Dyed? Charmed?"
"It's a wig." Flora smiled sweetly. "I'm bald as a cue ball."
"Bald as a — my goodness!"
"And no wonder you don't remember me, I didn't go to Hogwarts."
"Good heavens, why ever not?" Hortense tried to collect herself. "Oh, wait, no, of course… your accent. Ilvermorny girl, are you?"
"Kansas girl, really… but yes, I did go to Ilvermorny."
"Fancy that! And now you're here in jolly old England, and married to the Weasleys! Well, that's a story I'd love to hear sometimes…" Hortense looked at the gathered children. "But perhaps not just now."
"Indeed not," said Albus Dumbledore. "Since you have met four-fifth of the adults here, Hortense, let me just introduce the young ones — this is Wilhelmina, Charlene, Anna, Persephone, Winifred —"
"It's Frederica!"
"Ah, my apologies. Frederica. And Georgina, Elaine, Veronica, Nella, Ginevra, Marlyssa and Lydia," Albus finished. "Please, everyone, sit! I have tea for those who want, and lemonade for those who want that."
Under normal circumstances the Weasley children probably would have dearly wanted to explore all the interesting things in the study, but the prospect of lemonade and chocolate biscuits at least temporarily convinced them to take their seats at the table and behave. As they sat down, the teapot stood up on four legs and walked over to each of the Weasleys in turn, pouring hot tea into mugs and cold lemonade into glasses.
There was room for them all around the table, even if Hagrid took up a fairly substantial portion of it.
The adults thanked the teapot, and Albus, politely, but Amanda looked a little sceptical. "We didn't really come here to have tea," she began.
"Oh, pish-tosh," said Hortense, accepting the refill. "I rather insisted on the tea. All for the sake of the patient, of course. When you're about to have the Mulierarius, it's always better to have a nice cup of tea inside you first."
"A truth that applies to more situations than just taking the Mulierarius potion," said Albus. "Chocolate biscuit, Amanda? Or perhaps you would prefer a ginger snap?"
For a few minutes, talk ceased as everyone got a biscuit.
"So," said Hortense after she had eaten half her ginger snap. "Take this as a compliment, or an insult, however you choose… but which one of you children will be taking the Mulierarius?"
Everyone looked at Fred, who seemed rather pleased as she raised her hand. "Me."
Hortense nodded as she looked Fred up and down. "Well, now," she said. "You do rather look like a girl already, don't you?"
Several of her sisters winced as Fred frowned. "I am a girl," she said, in a tone that didn't accept any counterarguments.
"Of course, of course," Hortense hurried to say. "My apologies, young lady! I just have to make certain, you know, just have to ask… You aren't currently under the effect of any other potion or charm, are you?"
Mollified, Fred shook her head. "Molly-Mum said you'd told her I shouldn't be under any other type of magic when I came here."
"Quite right!" Hortense nodded. "Mixing magics sometimes leads to unwanted results. But you have been under the effects of temporary potions and charms, am I right?"
"Well, yeah," said Fred. "But not since yesterday!"
"That should suffice," Hortense agreed. "And you are sure that this is what you want? The Mulierarius treatment isn't like those temporary potions or charms. Once you've started the treatment, you can't change your mind."
Fred looked straight at her. "I've tried to be a boy. I hated every minute of it, but I really did try. And I'm absolutely sure I never want to do it again! I don't care if boys are supposed to be so very special and get all sorts of special treatment. I am a girl."
Arthur cleared his throat. "We've had long discussions about this," he said. "The entire coven supports Fred's decision. We know that it won't make us popular among certain families, but…" He looked around at his five wives, who all nodded. "Our daughter's happiness is more important."
"And she's a much better twin sister than she was a twin brother," George shot in. "She's a lot more fun now!"
A few of the other sisters nodded enthusiastically. Molly, who was sitting next to Fred, ruffled her hair lovingly. "A much bigger handful too," she said. "But it's a small price to pay, really. We're far better off with a happy daughter than with a miserable son, even if she misbehaves a little more."
"You mean I haven't been the perfect little angel, Molly-Mum?" Fred tried to look innocent and failed spectacularly.
"No, you've been rotten to the core, just like me!" said George cheerfully.
Fred giggled. "That's tough, but fair."
"Of course, I'm always right!" said George. "Comes with having a vagina, as you'll soon find out!"
"Who do you think you're talking to, sister?" said Fred, and pretended to be insulted. "Some kind of novice vagina-haver? I've had a vagina dozens of times by now!"
"Temporary vaginas don't count, sister!" George answered.
A couple of the other sisters laughed at the twins' conversation; Ginny laughed loudest.
"All right, girls, that's enough," said Molly firmly. She gave Albus, Hortense and Hagrid an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry about this. They don't mean to be impertinent. They're just excited."
Albus, however, had chuckled along with the children, and Hagrid seemed quite unconcerned.
If Hortense disapproved of the conversation topic, she didn't show it. She just took another large sip of tea and then turned to speak to the adults. "So, what sort of charms and potions have you been using?"
"Started out with simple Sex-Change Charms," said Francine in a business-like manner. "Just to see whether she would take to it. The problem with those charms, of course, is that they are so temporary. Polyjuice Potion gave the most complete results, of course, but…"
"Polyjuice Potion is temporary as well," Hortense agreed. "Yes. Even I haven't ever been able to brew a Polyjuice that lasted for more than twelve, thirteen hours, and most batches don't last for half as long. Much too inconvenient to have to remember to keep drinking it, especially for a young lady who is soon off to Hogwarts for the first time."
"Not to mention expensive," sighed Alice. "Some of those ingredients aren't cheap."
Hortense nodded. "And of course, there's this pesky limitation that it can only give you a copy of someone else's body… though I suppose that might be less of a problem if we're dealing with twins."
"It was fun being identical twins for a while, wasn't it?" said Fred to George. "Switching places, confusing everyone…"
"We should be identical more often," agreed George. She looked up at Hortense. "Can you make Fred look permanently like me?"
"Yeah, can you?" said Fred eagerly.
"NO!" The cry came from Will, Anna and Persephone all at the same time. The three older girls looked at each other, somewhat sheepishly.
Ginny laughed.
"I'm certain you would prefer having your very own feminine body, Frederica," said Albus. "I would imagine having to live as someone else for the rest of your life would be a strain… even if that someone else is your twin sister."
"I think I could manage," said Fred.
"My dear child, I'm afraid the Mulierarius doesn't quite work like that," said Hortense. "Whereas the Polyjuice Potion gives you an exact copy of someone else's body, the Mulierarius Potion simply aims to give you the body you would have had, had you been born female. I can't say with any certainty what that body would look like."
Fred pondered for a moment. "Whatever it looks like, it's got to be better than this one," she finally said.
"Very well," said Hortense. "Once we've finished our tea, we can start your treatment."
Fred punched the air. "Yes!"
The adult Weasleys exchanged glances, smiling but not completely without a gleam of concern in their eyes.
They all knew that while there was no actual law against what they were about to do, the witching world in general would not approve. Of course it wasn't uncommon for witches and wizards to experiment with being the opposite sex for a bit; there were plenty of potions and spells that could temporarily give you the experience of being a different sex, and few people ever batted an eye at this... it was only natural to be curious, after all. Sometimes it could be good to experience life from the other side of the fence, as it were. Not to mention, consenting adults could have quite a lot of fun with a temporary Sex Change Charm. But a permanent transformation of a wizard to a witch? That would not be met with a lot of understanding.
Still, as Arthur had said, that was a small price to pay for a child's happiness. If Fred, or Frederica as she was going to call herself, was happy, then who cared what conservative covens like the Malfoys thought?
Yes, when the twins had been born ten years ago, they had been delighted to have a son. With how rare it was for magical children to be male, it was by no means a given for any coven to be blessed with a boy.
But it turned out that, at least if young Fred Weasley had a say in it, the Weasleys had not been blessed with a boy either. From a very early age, he had preferred wearing the exact same clothes as his twin sister, and refused to have his hair cut shorter than hers. Three times, Molly had tried giving him a short and boyish haircut like the sons in the Diggory and Lovegood covens had, but every time Fred's hair would grow back again in a matter of hours and be just as long as Georgina's again.
At first, the adults hadn't been too concerned. After all, Fred was the only boy in the household, and it was possible he just didn't like to be treated differently. Children often had their own very blatant opinions about fairness, after all, and it wasn't completely unheard of for little boys to grumble and complain because they weren't allowed to do all the things their sisters were allowed to do. So, thinking that perhaps Fred just needed to see that there were other boys around and that he wasn't alone, they'd arranged for him to spend some time with other wizard boys.
Luckily, the two covens who lived closest, the Diggorys and the Lovegoods, both had sons close to Fred's age, and both covens had been more than happy to have the then-five-year-old Fred over to play with said sons.
Things hadn't really worked out the way the Weasleys had hoped.
The visit to the Diggory coven had been the worst. Fred had not hit it off with little Cedric, who was only a few months older than him, and had spent the entire visit playing with Cedric's sisters instead.
The visit to the Lovegoods had gone somewhat better, but had led to a rather startling revelation. The Lovegood coven was in the almost unheard-of situation that they had two sons, Lucian and Damian, and Fred had been a lot friendlier with them than he'd been with Cedric — but it turned out that this had been mainly because the Lovegoods had immediately accepted him as a girl and consistently referred to him as a "her."
By the time Fred was seven, it was clear to everyone that this "wanting to be a girl" thing wasn't just a passing fancy. So after some long and serious talks between the adults, some of which included Fred and some if which did not, it was decided that they would do what they could to help their only son become one of their daughters.
And so, Fred Weasley had been allowed to try out life as a girl for a while, to see if she really liked it. The family had researched sex-change magics, acquired temporary potions, and (since Fred liked her name better than her sex) spent ages arguing over whether "Winifred" or "Frederica" was a better name for a girl Fred.
The idea of talking to Albus Dumbledore had in fact come from his sister, the Headmistress of Hogwarts. Albus might be an unorthodox wizard, and certainly not a name welcome in the "finer" parts of the witching world, but he had helped out a lot of people over the years, and had several friends and connections among witches and Muggles alike.
Luckily, one of these friends was Hortense Slughorn, the old Potions Mistress at Hogwarts and one of the most renowned potioneers of the century… and, as it turned out, the inventor of the exact potion they needed.
"We really don't know how to thank you for this, Hortense," said Arthur as he looked over at said renowned potioneer.
Hortense had chosen a chocolate biscuit, and now she held it in her hand as she looked at Arthur. "The best way to thank me, my dear fellow, is to not tell anyone who you got the Mulierarius potion from. Believe me, I'm happy to do my old friend Albus a favour… but I have no wish to become known as someone who invents and provides potions to permanently turn wizards into witches. My reputation would be quite ruined."
"I, however," said Albus cheerfully, "have never had a reputation to ruin, except among the outcasts of witching society. And I feel certain that they would quite approve, or at least understand. So feel free to put the blame on me."
"Same goes fer me," Hagrid rumbled between two enormous bites of cake, "Well, 'cept nobody'd ever believe I'd invented a potion. I can barely make a decent cuppa tea."
"Don't sell yourself short, Hagrid," said Albus, his eyes twinkling. "Your tea is quite adequate." Then, he turned to look at the collected Weasleys. "Mind you… if you really want to express your gratitude, there might be something…"
"Yes?" said Arthur.
"You all know the story of Holly Potter." It wasn't a question, but a statement. Everyone in the witching world knew the story of Holly Potter.
"I met Holly Potter!" said Ronnie, in the middle of her third biscuit.
"You never did!" said Elaine, who was sitting next to her.
"I did!" Ronnie swallowed. "Just today, while I was… er… while I was looking for you lot! She showed me the way here!"
Ginny looked utterly betrayed. "And you didn't tell us about it straight away?!"
Ronnie blushed a little. "I just…" she murmured, without really having any way of continuing that sentence.
Albus, however, nodded thoughtfully. "You've already met her, then," he said. "Forgive me for asking a personal question, Veronica, but what did you think of her?"
"Well…" Ronnie began, a little awkwardly. "I don't know. I liked her. She was nice. Not, you know, stuck-up or anything."
Albus nodded again, this time with a smile. "I'm glad to hear that. I will have to talk to her about it, of course, but I might ask your family to do her a favour sometime in the future…"
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