#and Sargent says stops fawning over the time man
katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years
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Olly vs Melli vs Adaman
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indomitablemegnolia · 5 years
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He growled, his eyes rolled, I had finally pushed him onto his uncomfortable place; "My imagination, my wants, my needs are simple; I just hunger to be near you. I would love to just sip coffee and kisses for days; make out like mad teenagers; I want nothing from you; all I require from you, all I ask of you, all I want is for this sliver of a moment, a simple time away from time."
He stopped, a look crossed his face as if something inside was daring him to tell the unvarnished truth; I simply waited for that idea that struck so suddenly his jaw dropped as though he had a revelation, he looked away letting out half a chuckle, finally he came to a resolve; "I realize to rip your attention away, to cast these doubts away is to lay it all out; I finally understand it's my turn to lay it all out bare; I have to be as unashamedly honest, to let you know what my imagination screams: I hunger for you," he raised to his knees crawling over my legs, "I need to touch you; I am lost to it," he crawled slowly up my body, "I want you, all of you;" he locked me in place as his arms braced his frame planted on either side of my head; "your eyes, your lips, your mind," he sighed, kissing me soft, "your heart, your body," he nestled himself between my legs, "sensually," he kissed me harder doing things with his tongue that made my breath leave in a moan; "sexually," he ground suggestively against me "I want bury myself so deeply in you;" he stopped looking a little ashamed, he kissed me, holding me close, "I want you, simply as a man wants a woman; simple, no rules, no expectations, no explanations just simple, basically, I am willing to take as much as you are willing to give." He kissed me softly, slowly, undressing my soul; "I ask you in return, why not you? Why me?" I must have given him that look again, he set his jaw, "Seriously darling, why me? How did you find me acceptable?"
"Simple," I rolled to where he had left my journal, he tried to reclaim it from my fingers, I slapped lightly at his hands, pulling it farther away from him when he reached for it I carded through until I found the dress piece; "Read, I knew you, I loved you well before we met." I pushed the look under his nose, he read, his eyes flairing; he looked up. I nodded, "Yup, I wrote of you long before the possibility of you seemed real. Look at the date." I pointed over the cover at the left corner. "Ages ago, fifteen years; back when I had friends and they spoke to me of their wedding plans; a friend was belabouring the cut of the dress, the flavour of the cake, how the brides maids would behave; but always ignoring the fact that her intended was a jerk, who ended up beating her; I wrote that to satisfy my soul; solidly believing that no such human existed; that I was safe; then there was you."
"How, how, I doubt anyone knew me; I didn't even know me, then." I watched him read it again, "I gather you thought these were impossibilities," he rolled to his side as close to me as possible, that long leg laying over mine like a downed tree; he began reading in that dramatic voice; "I was listening a friends diatribe about trying to find the perfect wedding dress… It has to have a bit of this, or an overlay of that. She was fussing and fawning over the bow details when the Person about to stand opposite of her was of inadequate material. So I started mulling over who, if ever anyone, I would stand opposite. I thought I would fuss over the important things.
Accepting NO less than the sum of all of these traits.
I imagine it like walking up to the service counter a lot like a cosmetic counter, kind of playing paper dolls. I would like him have eyes of green and blue; he must be tall like Clint Walker;" he was holding caressing my journal in one hand in the other he began counting the qualities he possessed; "he would speak with a strong Baritone like Marshall Dillon; he would have the sensibilities of Sargent Tyree, 'no ma'am I don't chaw and I don't play cards'; in essence no conformity and no lying;" his leg began caressing and rubbing where our bare skin touched; he looked to me, "I am sure our current understanding does not count in that" he looked into my eyes as I confirmed with a nod, he counted three; "the ideals of Steve Rogers. Boots and Hat would be nice, Cowboy, Mountie, fireman or other.' Hiking boots, I hope, count," he held up five fingers; "He must love dogs, cats, goats and well most animals except killer whales.' I have a dog, don't mind cats, never met a goat and we will come back to the whale thing; 'I’d like a man who can speak at least one computer language and two audible languages.' Check and check." He held up another completed hand of qualities.
"Someone who gets String theory, science jokes, bad puns and delicious entandre." His eyebrow raised deliciously on the last word, understanding what I was inferring. "Who loves all kinds of music, or at least who can stomach my musical schizophrenia, entailing all of, but not limited to: rock, punk, classical, country, especially older country, psychobilly, regae.' Oh, darlin you know I do;" he kissed my cheek; "The ability to laugh at himself is a MUST, laughing at my jokes…. still a maybe, I know they are bad.' You will have to believe me, but yes, I can. 'He has to enjoy singing and dancing, even if done badly.' I am charmed by your sing along and dances actually when it comes to the dances I am more than charmed, it's more of a turn on, and you know I dont hold back that much either; 'I would like a soul who loves whimsy, doing the funny walk up Market Street, singing and walking in the rain and willing to do the insane and comical, including moving every item in the house to center around a new precious gift.' I never thought about it, but I am game to try, 'I would hope he would like to cook; observe good etiquette, open the doors for me;' at all times, 'he should know the ignition timing for a ‘64 Chevy 283.' Not that exact information, but I like to tinker and grease monkey around in cars; 'I hope he would understand me when I tell him that simple things like a french toast breakfast for dinner using almond extract instead of vanilla, washing my hair or checking my engine fluids, means 'I love you' as well as hand written notes, cards made of glitter and cardboard are as romantic as diamonds in the right setting.' Anyone else I would doubt, but you, you are that anomaly."
"'He has to know how to say things that cut through to the heart of the matter, either romantic, apologetic, inspiring,or just truth and mean every word.' I have left the days of part measures behind. 'He has to like pancakes and breakfast for dinner' more of a waffle guy but I do understand, 'and ice cream in the morning. He has to value my thoughts BUT not weigh them too heavily,' you just watched my transition, 'debate especially HEATED debate is fun (and more than a little sexy),' Sounds fun. 'I would love someone who adored words as much as me, I always wondered if it was hoping too largely to hope for someone who could pick up my favorite books and know the passages that strike my very innermost being, maybe read them aloud to me with the longing and emotion I myself read them with,' Oh what a fun game that will be. 'Money wouldn’t hurt but neither is it a must, it is not important to me, neither are looks, according to most I do have an odd taste in beauty anyways.' Odd taste? I must probe that later, 'Most of all He has to take me as I am because I can’t change myself for anyone else. I was 12 the one time I tried to be someone else, I have never wanted to be anyone other than what life has shaped me into. He has to appreciate my laughing snort, my funny ugly toes, and the fact that I will laugh when he trips or falls, stubs a toe, or any other slapstick comedy-esque routine injury that doesn’t involve blood…He has to find my oddities, eccentricities and idiosyncrasies, the fact i wear oversized thermals as my sexy night clothes, t-shirt and ripped sweats, flirty dresses and sparkle jeans as sexy as fishnets and a bustier…. But most of all He has to laugh with me, love me even when he’s mad at me and not mind a lot of residual radiation…. Until then I don’t care to even think about bows, bustles, frocks or hoops, I want a hero, anything less would be completely inacceptable and uncivilized' god I love how you laid it all out exactly like playing paper dolls."
He kissed me long and deep, "So, you think I stack up pretty nicely do you? The ideals of Steve Rogers and the voice of Clint Walker. So, you like cowboy shows?" I nodded, "eyes of green and blue, so, then k mmm I assume for you this has been oddly easy for you?"
"Not in the least, I have to trust in hope, and we are not on speaking terms, I had to trust that you were not some figment, some dream, I had to trust in the universe; just this once. Too often, especially of late, hope has dangled dreams just beyond my fingertips simply to pull them away, just as I almost touched..." I sighed, still mourning the loss of my last dream; "so, when you appeared I assumed this was another hard lesson to be learned. You made that easier by being you." I pulled him down to me kissing him sweetly.
He sighed, finishing reading, "Damn darling. I am stunned. How did I make it easier by being myself?" His eyes got glossy and he drifted away.
"The cupcake, I didn't even think you were truly real until you did the most thoughtful thing I had ever seen personally." I kissed him sensually with a subtle roll of my hips; I pressed hard to him, it was his turn to let loose such an erotic sound, half moan, half growl. He pressed me hard down feasting on my soul. He almost let himself run with the moment; he slowed fingers soft, lips cajoling; slowly he edged to a stop, pulling away.
"Where did you go?"
His music changed again, Billie Holiday singing kiss me once, god, his smile, "I imagine recapturing that first kiss, no stumbled step just a surrender; you naturally, fiendishly moving against me; god, that first kiss we shared, the laugh, it wrecked me." He tucked my hair back behind my ears, I cuddled my cheek into his palm. "I want to see in your eyes, when that simple truth, that in this give and take, that you give yourself to me freely, that you take equally greedily; not because you have to, or because I asked you, but because you want it too. I want that mad passionate love. Mostly, I want you, any way you will give, the only way I get you."
He pressed me back into the bank of pillows, "Now, of course, for such a gem, I offer all that I am," I moaned as I felt his weight settle into my body. "I offer you freedom; a pure and total freedom; freedom from the drudgery of that other everyday life." He laced his fingers through mine, kissing each fingertip. "I offer freedom as an abstract ideal. I can't offer a freedom from pain." He ran his hands delicatly over my body, lingering in places "I offer you a freedom from responsibility, from guilt, from regret; momentarily a freedom from sadness. I offer you moments of pleasure, moments to be happy. Oh, I can offer you pleasure likes of which you have never known."
I rolled my eyes closed, pleasure already making my soul free. "No, please, don't close your eyes;" my eyes snapped open, "I need you to look at me." I let a slow breath out, "I want to see the realization in your eyes that I am offering you my love." Slipping along the deep V in the robes neck, his skilled hands teased my flesh, his deft tongue pulled my eyes. I felt so very alive, his fingers moving at a slow, a tantalizing pace, pressing the edges of the robe out, exposing more of my flesh; I was already drowning in lust and need; his eyes holding me captive. "Ah there it is, all of me is what I offer you, all of you is all I ask of you."
I had been so lost in this feeling I had forgotten to be self conscious, I notice finally, his fingers caressing some of my scars, angry red welts I have never let anyone see. I stopped breathing but then I saw his motion, his revrence, "Gods, you see them and you are not revolted?"
He shook his head, then I watched his lips caress the welt that transacted my sternum. "Nope, not even a little. All of you, it's all I ask of you."
"Kiss me until I forget how terrified I am of everything wrong with my life." God, did he, the man's kisses were amazing I felt his hands his tongue, both working in unison; I gravitate toward him, longing for, wanting to use my hands in such a delicious spell; thirsty for more contact. My awe apparent in my voice, as he pulled away, almost a whisper, "wow," I smiled. He was magnificent.
"Well, my sweet you never really defined, 'really, very good,' for me..." he kissed me almost in passing, "maybe we can work that out together." He kissed me, soft, asking, "or you tell me your favourite food."
"Chinese." I giggled,
He laughed, oh, that gorgeous marvel of deliciousness, pulling me to my feet, starting a sweet waltz, "I do love a good chinese dinner," he danced me in a soft circle, he buried his nose in my neck kissing at first; his tongue lightly licking, "I want you, I need you in the purest ways, the longing in my bones howls to be near you, to be with you;" he pulled me closer his hands, his lips, his tongue becoming more insistant; my arms slid along his wide shoulders caressing his neck my fingers playing with the soft curls there, he started with soft bites. I gripped the robes lapels, "I want bring all of your senses alive;" his hands began to move over the thick terry cloth, soft, looping circles he traced in the opposite direction of his tongue; pulling him closer, I let out a breathy sigh. My breath hitched, I slid my hands under his robe, sliding along his silky skin; "tell me sweetheart, total honesty, tell me how you feel about what I said."
"Hmmm, nerves, I never knew I had, are all on fire; I am lost on this ocean adrift on sensuality and revrence; I want more, to be honest no one has ever told anything like the intoxicating words the dreams you have been laying at my feet; like Yeats; I feel as if this is not one of those times hope isn't playing me for a fool. I am no longer unsure, afraid; we are alive in a way that I have never experienced; alive, I am having trouble making up my mind which I want the most; I crave your words, but that sweet haunting revrence of your touch," his hands moved with more intent, beginning to grip pulling the robe, holding me close, his lips with intention, I moaned unashamedly, living in the friction of his fingers using the terry cloth to excite, "mmm, the trailing fluidity of your hands creating punctuation for your crafted sentences, natural aphrodisiacs. Oh, those words followed by the delicious brush of your hands; oh, feeling, that feeling." Duet of the flowers started as if by Devine intention; "Apt moment for this particular aria, the quiet end of one flower, my fears, and the resurgence of beauty in this; these moments."
Kissing me breathless he bent me back taking advantage of the parting robe, his lips feasting along the edges of the terry cloth; I sighed, I bucked, I strained backwards, shuddering gasps escaped. "I love how you react instantly, honestly, you senses on edge, your shiver at my voice, your bend to my touch."
His revrent hand glided up my neck, dipping his thumb between my lips; words were pulled from me; "The way your touch softly glides, fingertips delicately trace the furrows, the hollows for those words to sweetly flow." I licked his digets, caressing the pads with my tongue; "the texture of those large, luscious, calloused hands, each of your fingers touched with just the perfect roughness; each finger pressed softly, trailing against my aching, hungry skin. The gentle veracity, the keening desire, your lingering breath weaves our tale." As I spoke I have been licking and kissing his glorious chest running my hands fore the skin of his shoulders.
His hands traced soft but insistently along my body over the robe; his lips sweetly asking for more. "Oh, sweet darling, please believe me your words flow so deliciously, just keep talking and I promise I will only follow your lead."
His sweet asking pushed me to a bold move; I traced my hands from his chest to his abdomin, his delicious breath hitched then shuddered his hands stilled; "Your kisses craft slowly flowing paragraphs; long languorous passages; savory, sensuous stanzas of will and want;" I found his sash and pulled it slowly, determined, it came loose, his robe falling open; he half moaned, half sighed in relief; my hands grew bolder at his reaction, my eyes skimming along, what can only qualify as the most beautiful specimen of human male I had ever seen, complete with perfectly bleached white jockey shorts, "the hushed whispers of the soul allows the movement of our bodies to create the chapters of our own perfectly written novel. Your eyes spoke to me of the extent of your will, I am shaken;" his hands now bold, reciprocated, pulling my sash, my robe fell open, I shivered, my soul had been standing here naked for a while, finally phisically I matched, dropping my arms letting it slide from my body; the steps to our dance had turned to soft swaying; he pressed our bodies close. His breath sucked in through his teeth, mine left in a gust of a sigh; "though, I confess not disappointed." He hooked his foot behind my knee and pushed; with a squeal I landed on the soft duvet, his weight delightfully covering me. I giggled.
"For long moments there, I could not speak," his lips soft on mine, his words an echo of my soul, "the fate of the world could have hung in the balance of my one uttered syllable and I would have been unable to even whisper acknowledgment." His hands revrently sliding mine gripping along his warm delicious frame; "I wish I could say sorry for falling over you, but you are just so delicious, this communication, so honest like blatant souls." I giggled as his fingers tickled, turning quickly to a hiss of air between my teeth, his lips caressing the scars lacing my abdomen, shocking myself I didn't try to push him away, instead I continued letting my lips kiss every piece of skin it found. "The more I get, I just want even more; tell me more, please, just keep talking."
I licked my hungry lips, surreptitiously making sure they had not fallen off completely. His glorious mouth drifting revrently over my scars, resting and reveling in my hungry skin; the things he was doing his hands, lips and tongue were deliciously driving me wild, he wasn't kidding about waking every one of my senses, "Oh, I watched as your eyes spoke, I was drowning in those green seas of desire; now, hearts, souls slowly burn. Gods, now I admit freely, it is you that I want; it has always ever been you, believe it always will be you." I gathered his robe pushing down his shoulders, running my fingers light over his soft skin, letting my nails lightly trail, his growl played across my skin. "In fact, I will fan the flames, I want to let them burn, right through my skin, right through the heart of me. I want to burn in this sunspot moment."
Our eyes locked, the look in those fathom deep depths stilled my breath; will and want and something more simmered deeply; he pulled me close, our bodies pressing sliding conforming to eachother; his mouth moved along my sholder, his tongue tracing lightly the length, gripping softly pushing my face to the left; his lips taking full advantage of the opened space. Legs winding, my hands growing even bolder, gripping his bum, his fingers danced across my skin, they flitted, butterfly soft over my breasts; I arched off of the bed, my breath shuddering; I clutched at his shoulders; we melt together, like two links remembered and fused again together; "we thirst, hunger, want, need, crave … lust. How wonderful to be alive." I kept the words from flowing, but how will hurt when we are through?"
He slowed, pulling lightly away, as if reading my mind, "No one knows the if's, when's, or how's, we should just bask in the is;" his breath coming in deep billowing pants; keeping in complete contact; "I need to know how far I should go."
Panting, I try to quip, "I dont know, how far do you think you can make it in this storm?"
He laughed, delicious feeling rushing over my senses, my bare skin. "You know exactly what I mean, do we, you and I, go all the way, no regrets; we will just fall asleep together when the night is burnt and tired, and I want, I want, I want... you, I have wanted you, I want to finish this day feeling your pulse pressed against mine just so we know we are both alive, in this beautiful second. I want… I” he took a breath; "but to hell with what I want, if you wish we can just sip coffee and kisses, until the storm is past."
I took a deep breath, and willed myself to answer with every ounce of sexuality I had, in a very Lauren Bacall style; I angled my head seductively, stretching an arm over my head saying rather with a bored tone, "Here I thought my laying naked and panting in your arms would have been a clear indication." I yawned, "Take me to bed or lose me forever." God his laugh, "I want it all, if we were at a restaurant I would be ordering the lobster with out checking the price, or even looking at the chicken." I ebbed away losing steam, I wound up to let loose one of my nervous, inane topic traversing tirade.
He pressed his finger to my lips, "Shhh, yes, I know you are nervous, but seriously listen. You hold the power, be that hurricane you showed me, that amazon queen."
He nuzzled and kissed my neck sending delicious butterflies dancing through me. I hummed a solitary note of praise, "Gods, the way you see me, I. .." I trailed off as he worked deliciously on the sensitive nerves where shoulder meets neck, I went slack, I clung to him.
@iamhisgloriouspurpose this is the continuation to the last part.
@keeper0fthestars. @pedeka @writernotwaiting
@sweetfairy1 @fromthedeskoftheraven
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bucky-made-me-do-it · 7 years
She's My Bucky
Bucky x reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of death and mention of a heated kiss, I think that’s it.
A/N: this is my first fic and I’m not 100% what I’m doing. I’m no writer my any means but thought id give it a go and see what happens. the idea for this came to me a while ago and I’ve not been able to leave it alone. so after nearly 2 weeks of making notes and telling myself to just go for it. this happened. there’s probably spelling mistakes and grammar errors everywhere and I apologise. also I typed this out real quick as I got half way through once and the computer crashed and stole it all. thank you for reading.
“Come on!” Sharon sais excitedly as she dragged Bucky and Steve to the garage of the compound. “she’ll be here soon!” Steve and Sharon’s wedding was only a few weeks away now and Sharon had asked her best friend to be her maid of honour and she was coming today. “she’s always been there for me since we were kids, we spent so much time together at aunt Peggy’s after our parents died she practically lived with us, even Tony knows and loves her, being aunt Peggy’s god son and all. She has always been a bit protective of me, I suppose you could say she’s my Bucky” Sharon told Steve as Bucky trailed behind, still not comfortable with meeting new people no matter how many times Steve said it was ok.
Just then the garage door opened and a bright purple ‘67 mustang with white racing stripes rumbled in. As the engine cut off and the door opened Bucky could have sworn his heart stopped when out climbed the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. “(y/n)!”
Sharon squealed just as (y/n) closed the door and ran for her. the two women clung to each other so tight happy to be back together again rocking each other as tear filled hellos and compliments flew between them.
As they released each other Sharon looped her arm with (y/n) and lead her over to the men. “(y/n) this is Steve. Steve (y/n)” Sharon introduced with a huge smile. Steve held out his hand and (y/n) shook it and said “wow, so your the amazing Steve I’ve heard so much about?” as she cocked an eyebrow at Sharon with a playful smirk on her face causing Sharon’s face to warm up and a slight blush to dust her cheeks. “And this is Bucky. Bucky, (y/n)” no one had noticed that Bucky had not taken his eyes off her, just then Steve nudged him and knocked him from his trance and he took her hand with a “nice to meet you.” Just then the door to the compound opened and an agent carrying san armful of paper work came in, “captain rogers, Agent carter, sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I might have you signature on a few of these please?” “Sure” Sharon said as she turned to (y/n) “ill be right back.” as Sharon as Steve turned to walk way (y/n) stepped up to Bucky and whispered in his ear, “see something you like, soldier?” his back stiffened as Sharon called (y/n) over took her arm again as she lead the way in to the compound to get (y/n) settled and meet the team. “You ok , buck?” Steve calls from across the room, “yeah, I’m fine. I think I just met my future wife!” he replies still staring at the door the women disappeared through.
walking in to the common room with Steve and Bucky in tow, Sharon introduced everyone to (y/n). “everyone this is (y/n). (y/n) this is Sam, Wanda, Nat, vision, Clint and Thor.”
(y/n) gave a small wave. she was just about to say something when,
“THERE’S MY JELLYBEAN!” a rather loud Tony entered the room with a rather timid looking Bruce. “Tony, its been how many years and you are still calling me that?” (y/n) replied with a playful smirk on her face as she hugged tony. “Of course, things like that aren’t easily forgotten.” looking around the room at a sea of confused faces Sharon took in upon herself to explain that you got the nickname from tony due to sticking a jellybean in each nostril as a child and freaking out when they got stuck and you were convinced you were going to die, she even told Sharon she could have everything in her room to remember her by. “Thanks.” (y/n) deadpanned and blushed as a few giggles were hear around the room. Bucky thought it was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen. Later that evening after the kitchen had cleared bout after dinner save for Sharon, Steve, Bucky, Tony and (y/n) who were talking and catching up, “so what are you doing for work at the moment?” tony asked (y/n) while he sipped his drink. “oh, I quit my job before I came out here, they said they couldn’t give me the amount of time off I wanted and Sharon needed me so I left.”
“what about your apartment?” Sharon asked, “a neighbour is watching it.”
A couple of weeks later the night of the bachelor and bachelorette parties arrived, “HURRY UP (Y/N)!” Nat called, everyone was ready and waiting to leave. when (y/n) entered the room she was met with wolf whistles and cheers, and a Bucky that looked like a fish gasping for air. she was wearing leather bottoms that hugged her in all the right places a corset style top and a leather jacket with high heeled boots, smokey eye make up and bright red lips. as everyone made their way to the door she caught Bucky’s eye and winked at him and went to join everyone else and Bucky leaned in to Steve and said “is she trying to fucking kill me?” After everyone had decided who was going in what car they all met a local bar for a few drinks before going their separate ways, (y/n) looked over to the bar where she noticed a very uncomfortable looking Bucky and a woman fawning all over him. “ill be right back” she told Sharon and got to her feet and made her way over to Bucky with a very seductive look on her face. Bucky saw her coming over and wondered what was happening. At the same time Sam saw and nudged Steve and got all the men’s attention to watch the events unfold.
As (y/n) got closer to Bucky she pushed the woman out the way ad held Bucky’s chin between her thumb and index finger so he was looking in her eyes and said very seductively, “me and the girls are heading to a club where we are going to have men grinding all over us, so I’m gonna be as Horney as fuck when I get home so you better be ready for a rough ride, Sargent.” then she pecked his lips and walked away with a “see you later, lover.” Before Bucky had a chance to do or say anything she has made her way over to the woman and said “honey, as cute as you are I don’t share so if I were you, I’d make myself scarce.” blowing a kiss in the woman’s direction as she walked away.
(y/n) walked back over to the table of women missing the animalistic growl that left Bucky and proclaimed it was time to move on swinging her hips that little bit more knowing she still had an audience. As the women left Bucky was still standing there uncomfortable except now it was for a whole other reason.
a few days later the girls went for their dress fitting, while they were all in a fitting room pulling on the third dress suggestion from the woman who was clearly trying a little too hard for her commission Wanda spoke up, “so (y/n) what’s up with you and Barnes?” “if you’re referring to the other night at the bar, I was simply helping a friend in need,” she replied as Nat zipped up the back of her dress for her, “of course you were,” Nat smirked. After leaving the bridal shop, Nat and Wanda were called away for a mission so (y/n) and Sharon decided just to get coffee and head home, but they were so wrapped up in wedding talk they didn’t notice they were being followed. As they made their way back to collect the car a man dressed completely in black grabbed Sharon from behind and lifter her from the floor. Just as (y/n) was about to launch herself at him, she stopped and turned her head just in time to catch the fist that was about to make contact with the back of her head. she used the momentum from it to flip the man over her head, temporarily knocking the wind from him and went to help Sharon. after a full on fist fight that lasted maybe less time than the men imagined, (y/n) and Sharon had managed to contain the men and get some agents to come and collect them for questioning and headed back to the compound.
“I don’t get it,” Steve said confused looking at Bucky, “I don’t see how Sharon managed to beat those two on her own, they are big men!?”
“that’s because she didn’t,” tony said with a smile, “here, watch this.” he put the cctv footage of the attack on the big screen on the wall and Bucky and Steve watched in awe as you helped Sharon fight off the men with moved some would say rivalled Nat’s. “wow!” Bucky breathed out. That night while snuggled on the couch watching a movie with Sharon, Steve said “where did (y/n) learn to fight like that?”
“she went to the S.H.I.E.L.D academy with me but dropped out before she finished training.”
“why? she’s good.”
“I know I asked her far ages after she done it but she never would tell me.” Sharon said with a hint of sadness in her tone, Why do you ask?“
“I was thinking of asking her to join the team.”
“that’s a great idea sweetie!” Sharon said excitedly, I’m sure she would!“
“id love to! as long as Sharon is ok with it!” (y/n) said excitedly when Steve asked her the next day to join the team.
“she’s fine she was really happy I wanted to ask,” Steve smiled.
“well ill leave you here in Bucky’s capable hands, he’ll be your mentor anything you need just ask him.” and with that Steve left you in the gym. “right. lets get started, doll” Bucky said as he took a defensive stance.
over the next few weeks, (y/n) and Bucky grew closer and started spending more time together outside of training. until one day, “would you like to come out to dinner with me one night, doll.” “are you asking me on a date, Sargent Barnes?” “That i am,” he said with a boyish smirk that made her knees weak. “Then yes, id love to go out to dinner with you. maybe pick me up at 7 tomorrow?” “7 tomorrow it is, doll. i cant wait.” As (y/n) left the gym she caught Bucky punch the air and whisper “yes!” and couldn’t help but giggle to herself.
As it happens news travels fast around the compound and as (y/n) sat down to breakfast with Wanda and Sharon, Wanda said, “a little bird told me, (y/n) that you are going on a date with Bucky tonight?”
“yes I am but never mind bout that, today is cake tasting day, so I’m going to have a shower and get dressed and ill meet you ladies back here in say, an hour.” and with that (y/n) quickly left the room.
“why does she do that?”
“I’m not sure she’s been like it as long as I can remember, never wants to talk about herself, its just the way she is I think.” Bucky and (y/n) returned from their date laughing together and decided to sit on the couch for a bit and watcha movie to finish off the perfect evening. while (y/n) went to change in to some pjs, Bucky found a bottle of Tony’s very expensive whiskey and 2 glasses and put the movie on just as (y/n) came back in. they sat watching the movie for a while (y/n) snuggled into Bucky’s side, “(y/n)?”
“yes, Bucky” she replied as she sat up and looked at him, he stared into her eyes for a second before swallowing thickly and said “I think I’m falling for you.”
(Y/n) didn’t say anything she just closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to his in a heated kiss, they both stood from the couch and went to Bucky’s room and it turned out the movie wasn’t the perfect ending to the perfect evening.
Laying awake with her head on Bucky’s firm chest. (y/n) started to feel uneasy about how she felt for Bucky. she knew that if she was seen people would want to talk to her about it, she couldn’t handle it so she very slowly removed herself from Bucky’s  hold and snuck out back to her own room making sure no one saw her.
The next morning at breakfast (y/n) is sitting talking animatedly to Steve and Sharon about things for the wedding when a very pissed off looking Bucky walks in.
“Are you kidding me!? Where did you go?” he asks with a frown and a jaw so set it could cut glass. “Bucky,” (y/n) sighs, “I cant do this now.” “No. you can and you will, we spend a great night together, we confess our feelings and sleep together and I wake up and you are gone!?” everyone looks at (y/n). She looks at her hand that are now clamped together in her lap and lets out a sad sigh, “I did it because of Sharon.”
As she says it she look over to a very hurt and confused looking Sharon, “excuse me, I don’t follow. how is this my fault?” “I don’t mean it like that, not in a bad way. this is your time. your wedding. people should be talking about that and congratulating you, not talking about me and my feelings for Bucky.” (y/n) says matter of factly like its the most obvious thing in the world. “Hold on, I think its great you found someone. maybe even better that its Bucky. you always do this you always cut yourself short, you draw attention to my happiness even if it costs yours.” (y/n)stays quiet with a guilty look in her face, she could see the realisation dawning on Sharon’s face. “is that why you never competed the S.H.I.E.L.D training, you always were better than me, and why you enrolled in college out of town so it was harder for people to get to yours so you told them to come to mine instead?” (y/n) just sits with tears in her eyes and nods.
(y/n) gets up from the table and turns to Sharon, “I have always put your happiness first. you are so special to me and deserve the world, you are like a sister to me the one I never had. you and I both know I’ve done a lot of shitty things in my life, things I could never make up for, I thought that by looking out for you, protecting you and making sure you were happy it would be a start. I know i will never be able to make it up to you or fill the void I created, I done the worst thing imaginable top you and all you did was ask Peggy to help me. if she hadn’t agreed who knows where id be now. All I have ever done is try and make you happy but all I seem to do is make things worse. I’m sorry I ruined your moment and Bucky, I’m sorry I hurt you.“  
Before anyone has the chance to say anything (y/n) turns on her heel and bolts from the room with tears streaming down her face. “what the hell was that all about?” a very confused Steve asks a very upset Sharon. “I think its time I showed you something,” Sharon says walking over to the TV. “F.R.I.D.A.Y, bring up the file on my parents deaths.”
(Y/n) packs to leave and stops to visit Tony on the way out. “thank you for having me tony but I’m leaving,” (y/n) say s willing herself not to cry again, she doesn’t deserve to be upset she ruined it all, again. “why? what happened?” Tony walks around his workbench and hugs her. “because as usual I’ve shown up and ruined Sharon’s life and hurt people i love.” she realises what she said after id leaves her lips. she said love the one thing she’s not allowed herself. the one thing she has no rights to. “can I stop you?” tony asks and she shakes her head, no. “well I don’t like it but you are your own woman now, Jellybean, but you know where I am if you need anything.” “thank you, Tony.”
(y/n) makes her way to the garage and wasn’t prepared for what she finds. Where do you think you’re going, doll?“ Bucky say leaning against her car. "Away, Bucky. I’ve done enough damage I’m sorry.”
“Sharon told us everything. None of it was your fault.”
(y/n) lets out the breath she didn’t know she was holding, “we both know that’s nor true. if I hadn’t have been so caught up in my ex, brad, Sharon’s parents and mine would still be here.” “(y/n) there’s no way you could have known he was HYDRA, there’s no way you could have known you were used as bait in a hit on Sharon’s parents lives. but i know that if you wasn’t there that day Sharon wouldn’t be here either. she told us how hard you fought for her, taking all the hits, even taking a bullet to the leg. you may not have been able to save yours or her parents lives, but you saved hers. she owes you her life and she’s living it, she graduated college, she’s an avenger, she’s getting married and pretty soon her and Steve will start a family and its all because of you.” (y/n) stands staring at him with fat tears rolling down her face. Bucky pushed himself off her car and walks towards her. “you deserve everything she has too. all these years you have lived thinking you don’t deserve happiness and you do, so much. I cant let you leave here knowing you still think that way. I know I cant force you to stay but I need to tell you something before you decide what to do. I love you (y/n). her breath hitches in her throat as she raises her eyes to meet his, "what did you say?” “I love you.” he smiles. “Do you mean it?” “with everything I have.” (y/n) drops her bags and falls into Bucky’s arms and he just holds her .
A couple of weeks later the wedding goes well. Bucky and (y/n) steal glances at each other across the alter and they couldn’t be happier for their friends.
At the reception Bucky seems agitated, “are you ok, baby?” (y/n) asks.
“Yes, doll. I’m fine.” he kisses her forehead and wraps his arm around her.   
Before long Sharon calls for all the ladies saying it’s time to throw the bouquet. everyone counts to three then Sharon turns around and hands it to (y/n) and tells her to turn around where she is met with Bucky down on one knee.
she brings her hand up to her face and has tears already in her eyes and he begins to speak, “ (y/n) i cant begin to put into words how much I love you. you mean the world to me. hell, you are my world! I cant see the rest of my life without you and its been that way ever since the day I saw you. the day I met you I told Steve I met my future wife.”
Steve nods and laughs “he actually did.” there was a few giggles from the crowd.
“(y/n), would you make my dreams come true, doll and become Mrs. (y/n) Barnes?” She stands with tears in her eyes and gives a small glance to Sharon who gives a small nod. “yes! Bucky, a million times yes!” Bucky pushes the ring on her finger, picks her up and spins her around. “I love you so much, doll!” “I love you too!” Steve and Sharon watch as Bucky and (y/n) dance and steal kisses whispering sweet nothings in each others ears. “I’m glad they got their happily ever after.” Steve tells Sharon as he kisses her cheek. “me too,” Sharon says with a smile, “ after all they have been through. id go against the world for her like you did for him. but after all, she’s my Bucky.”
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nexhqs · 5 years
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GENDER : Cis man, he/him
DATE OF BIRTH : 10/11/88
FACE CLAIM : George Mackay
❝  Standing soul scratched wrestling with heartbeats.  ❞
AESTHETIC — coffee stained rings on the kitchen counter, the warmth of the sunrise, the blurred landscape of a train ride, echoing laughter, a bout of tenderness, a bottle of champagne, night bleeding into day without sleep, an ever-present smile, keys hung neatly on the hook.  
LIKES: coffee, trains, early mornings, a glass of red wine (or several) on Friday nights, the weekend, spending time with friends, running, being environmentally friendly, good communication, his sherpa jean jacket. 
DISLIKES: not being able to sleep, guns, horror movies, people raising their voices, calling his mom, falling asleep on the couch instead of his bed, honking matches on the street.  
content warnings for drugs, death, abuse, miscarriage.
     Love was never complex for the blue-eyed boy. The golden child, an only child, fawned over by parents who loved him in the ways they knew how. It was the only constant that ran between them, a small palm always seeking the calloused hands of his father, fingertips chapped from the burns of a blunt smoked too far. Filters are a scam, his father had told him offhandedly, not that he’d been old enough to know what that meant. He can barely pronounce the different names of them all, but likes his parent’s pals all the same, when they don’t raise their voices and get all rowdy. Maybe a childish naivety carried him through, his ignorance benefiting his parents who couldn’t care in the way Jack didn’t know he needed them to. Independence came naturally only because he wasn’t aware that there was any other choice, as though setting his own alarm for school, making his own breakfast, being out on the porch ready and waiting for the bus was what every other kid did too. Innocent eyes acquaint themselves with acts of immorality, only in retrospect can he classify them as that. At the time, he doesn’t mind, and he likes the cuddles at three in the morning, snuggled between his mother and father with re-runs of Gilligan’s Island on the television and clouds of smoke floating to the ceiling.  
 It can’t last forever, the limbo the Detler family fell into, where it all worked out and nobody ever questioned it. Reality shakes him by the shoulders, pulls him from a dream. He’s fourteen when he arrives home to a brigade of policemen and his mother wracked with tears. He still remembers the features of a young cop that informs him that his father has been shot. To this day, the sound of a fired gun makes his stomach drop. The policeman checks him for bruises, they only find minor signs of malnourishment and a scared, confused, kid. The state of their home, littered with needles and powders is enough to rip a child from his mother, a voice wrung horse from the screams that ensue because of it. Two years spent in the foster care system gives him plenty of reason to leave at sixteen, a runner. He feels guilty for not sticking with it, but can’t bare the thought of going back. The remnants of innocence he has left never fades, it’s what inspires the hope, and the love that pours out of him at his friends’ kindness. Home can be on their couches, forever indebted to them. Reality fails to make him a cynic, graduating with almost average grades and a steady job at his local grocery store, promoted to manager as a gift he receives with a newfound excitement.  
 It’s the start of his life, and he knows it for sure when he meets her at nineteen. He gives himself to her fully, because he’d forgotten what family felt like and she has these beautiful green eyes. Her mother tells him that he’s the one, her father compliments his handshake. Love triumphs for six, blissful years. She tells him she’s pregnant under the covers, legs entangled in the midst of whispering sweet nothings. He proposes that very night, with a ring his parents had given him in a drunken stupor. Five months later, reality shakes him by the shoulders again and this time, it doesn’t let go. She awakes in a cold sweat, severe pain in the abdomen and the sheets painted red. They both know what it means even if words of comfort tumble from his lips, it’s a litany of mourning. It’s not the same after that, their relationship is fundamentally different, but it’s his misbelief that it could be the same that pushes her away from him. His words become nails to a chalkboard to her ears, insufferable and exhausting. One day, years later, she asks him to leave and he doesn’t say no. He picks Eden per his mother’s suggestion. His godfather is there, apparently. He arrives to find out that he passed a few years back, but falls in love with the small, quaint town immediately.  
EMMA PHILLIPS – One of his best friends. He doesn’t know what he’d do without her, and while they fall into melancholy over their loveless lives more often the not, there’s no one she’d rather share a glass of wine with. The best karaoke partner and fellow daydreamer.
ODETTE ROSILIO – His other best friend. He has an insurmountable amount of respect for her, and also thinks she’s possibly the most beautiful woman alive. Thankfully the days of cringe-worth attempts at flirting have come and gone, and they can be found stopping by each other’s workplaces every other day and talking in tongues about their potential romantic interests. 
CAROLINE SARGENT – Someone he has a crush on. Quite a big crush, but they’re taking it slow, which is why they’ve only slept together once. She’d just gotten out of a thing, but it’s hard for him to keep anything casual. She’s sweeter than honey, but sometimes he can’t seem to get a read on her. 
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