#and THANK YOU for the ask! i'm always very happy to provide hcs and rants about my children so. yeah :3 this was fun
freetobeafcknriot · 2 years
My Tumblr keeps glitching out, sorry if it's sent more than one ask xox I was just wondering (since it's Oikawa's brithday) if you had any Oinoya headcanons for when either one of them has a birthday :D
omg hi kit~!! how are you?? ♡
don't worry, i noticed that tumblr is being weird with asks but i've only gotten this one from you. and sure thing, i do! so—
oinoya & birthdays, huh?
okay, psa that in the long-chaptered fic that plays in my head like a movie they meet by chance, fall by accident and get together during the time-skip. which means, long-distance relationship.
they try their best to make plans and accommodations so that they can be in the same place for oikawa's birthday in july and noya's in october.
best case scenario: they spend oikawa's birthday in san juan, then noya leaves, and when october comes along — and if oikawa's schedule with the volleyball team allows it — they spend noya's birthday somewhere else. as in, oikawa flies himself there.
a personal example of mine? ireland. during the fall season. they had so much fun!
of course, it depends on schedules and finances. traveling isn't cheap, noya works around backpacker-level earnings, and oikawa is a professional athlete. if anything happens, even though obviously it is sad, they still text and video call each other.
no timezone will stop oikawa from being the first to say happy birthday to his boyfriend and shower him with love and a certain kind of attention, just like no distance will stop noya from ordering a huge-ass bouquet or cake or breakfast to be delivered to his boyfriend from literally the other side of the ocean, either.
speaking of, noya is very extra and spot-on with gifts as in general, but he also has a witty and mischievous sense of humor so joke's on you i'm positive oikawa got serenaded by a music group under his window once. it was fucking hilarious, especially because of the words, but he also kind of wanted to go become a hermit lol.
he shouldn't have introduced his bf to his team's libero. libero affinity knows no border, you fool!
another thing i'm sure of is that noya popped up at oikawa's doorstep unannounced to surprise him even though they were both sure he wouldn't make that time around.
also, i mentioned cake before, didn't i? well, let it be known i have the hc that for noya's 26th birthday last year they did celebrate with a homemade cake at oikawa's place. it was made by the old lady who lived next door, to be clear, as tooru is a hazard to any kitchen. and it also... well, it only had six candles because he only had six in his house. noya literally didn't give a shit though, if the kisses he gave him were anything to go by.
last but not least, not to be crass — and mind the nsfw here! — but their libido is so high birthday marathon sex is 101% their thing.
all in all, they're two stupid mfs who try their best to celebrate each passing year together. because they are in love, obviously, and also because they don't want the other to feel lonely with how far their families and friends live. they'll never say this but heh, i know it. you guys know it too now.
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Share your thoughts on frostiron and cherik?Also share anything you like.
I don't know you but you're amazing and deserve happiness and I love you. And I'm also drunk. So, random person on the internet, cheers!
Hi there!! Sorry for taking so long to answer! Life's been really busy lately, and unfortunately not always in a good way, but such is the way of life :'D And omg, thank you for your kind words, I really melted here, it means so much to hear it, now more than ever ;; Cheers to you too, my friend!
As to my thoughts on frostiron and cherik - honestly, it's a little overwhelming, I feel like there's so much I could say about either of the ships that I can hardly say anything at all, if that makes sense? Like I don't even know WHERE TO START. Also I’m not sure if you meant like, share headcanons or meta on the relationships themselves, or what I feel about the ships in general, but I realized that I should’ve clarified that already after a small rant, so... sorry :’D
Frostiron is probably the dearest, most precious ship for me, one that I have never stopped loving ever since discovering it, one that gained me a lot of amazing friends and even, dare I say, affected some of important life choices for me (well, not really, it was mostly Tony Stark's fault, but I'm not kidding when I say he played a major role in my University choice). I'm not really big on changing fandoms, only ever joined a few, so it may not be much, but still, there are fandoms and ships that you enjoy, and then there are fandoms and ships that stick with you, you know? So while I can enjoy new peices of media I discover just fine and will really get to it, I know for sure that I will still eventually come back to frostiron, even if it will be another short break :’D
Cherik is... a bit complicated for me right now, I guess, because while I was very much there when XMFC came out and was really into it, it didn’t feel like something I could really get into... then again, it happened at a time where I had a lot going on in my life, and not a year later I got sucked into frostiron, actually, so. :D But the force with which it hit me this time around, I feel like it has the potential to become another ship and fandom that sticks with me (I think by now it’s safe to say that I tend to cycle between three fandoms, and now it might very well become four). So what I mean to say is, cherik is both an old flame for me and a newest obsession, and I’m cautious to evaluate my involvement yet (I have yet to provide any content, ten year old drabbles and vids aside), but it’s been... a really long time since I fell for a (kinda) new ship quite this hard, and it couldn’t have come at a better time - with the amount of shit I have to deal presently, it became my saving grace to the point where I exist on no sleep, just coffee, alcohol and cherik, and it’s enough to keep me going and not break down completely :’D
Sorry for the rant and thanks for the ask again!! I’d love to share some hc’s and ideas maybe as well as long as you’re interested :)
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