#and a buddy sugggested posting it on tumblr
secretmellowblog · 6 months
Here’s my impression of what book Grantaire would sound like in the modern day, as he posts incoherent “media analysis/philosophy/traumadumping” video content on his YouTube channel:
"Aren't memes a form of modern dadaism? 'I can haz cheesburger" edits are relics of history, as is the work of Duchamp. Duchamp made that famous urinal. Perhaps memes are but the urinal of the human race. All of art is but humanity’s sewage, our waste. But can sewage be fertilizer? There was a waste treatment scandal in the early 1980s, when a sewage company did not properly clean the water, and people became sick. Many of our rivers are unclean because of corporations polluting them. Chicago has creeks that are still bubbling with the remnants of the old slaughterhouses. Carl Sandburg wrote a poem where he is achingly horny for the city of Chicago, and its hog-butchers: "Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning." That poet’s love for his anthropomorphic city was never requited; he was disdained by his deity, which could not love him, being mostly smog and steel. But his poem is now a meme for its homoeroticism. Thus all art is coarse pollution, sewage, wastewater, memes!"
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