#and a lot of headcanons about klara
blaacknoir · 4 months
Thinking about Jewish characters and actors in the Boys.
In the Boys, superheroes were created by a Nazi (Frederick Vought) in an effort to make a master race. In reality, the Boys as a show is built on the legacy of Jewish people like Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
To say nothing of the fact that the Nazi's wife (Klara Risinger/Stormfront) is played by a Aya Cash, a Jewish woman. Whether or not you want to incorporate this fact into canon or not is up to you.
Stormfront never actually expresses an issue with Jewish people. We see a lot of racist sentiments, specifically antiblack speech, but we never see any antisemitism.
Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep is presumed Jewish because of his last name and his holiday film "Light the Menorah." Beyond that, however, there has been no in-universe confirmation. Translucent, on the other hand, is canonically confirmed as Jewish, and this is never acknowledged beyond a bar mitzvah photo at his funeral. His holiday film is actually a Christmas movie called "Ghost of Christmas Fury."
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leviismybby · 1 year
klara season 4 levi with baby twins
Ahhh Ackerman babies, pure fluffy headcanons below
When you told him you were pregnant, his expression didn't change much but on the inside, he was panicking in a happy way. Levi never thought that he was meant to be a father but at the same time having a child of his own excited him.
Sweats when you tell him that you're expecting twins, he was prepared for one but two? Oh boy he already knows that he will have a handful on his hands. And given his job and the situation, it won't be easy.
Levi is protective so when you're pregnant, he doesn't let you out of his sight. When he is working? You bet you have to be in his office so that he can attend to your needs.
Goes around the whole of Walls trying to find the fitting furniture and baby clothes. He doesn't like the thought of you being away so for now you two agreed to stay in the headquarters.
Hange is a mess, not only are they the commander now but two little Ackermans running around? That adds to their stress haha. They are happy for their friend tho, even have a list of names just in case you and Levi don't come up with anything.
When the babies are born, Levi will cry, he kept all the emotion inside for those nine months but when he sees his children and holds them for the first time, he melts.
Of course will make sure to take good care of you after you give birth. He found you four days after your labor trying to clean a bookshelf and you heard it from him. "Lay back down, you pushed two humans out of you not even a week ago, I'll do it."
He is quicker than you during the night, if they cry he is quicker than the speed of light to be at their cribs. He doesn't sleep a lot anyway, so taking care of his babies is not at all a problem.
Says he will discipline them but spoils the fuck out of both of them. Anything his child points at is brought immediately, he doesn't care about the price.
He makes sure that they are always comfortable, he didn't have the comfort he needed as a child but he will make sure his two sun shines do.
When they start to mumble and talk a little, he is over the moon and you best believe that their first words will be dada.
They bring a smile to his face more than anyone else, he often has them seated in his lap when he does paperwork. Their smell alone just makes him more calm. Always has toys in his office for them.
Levi doesn't like messes but given the two little Ackermans, he has no choice. Your room is almost always a mess especially when they start to walk.
Also, they are fast. You're always out of breath trying to catch them both and Levi finds it amusing.
They betrayed you too, came out looking exactly like him. Although there is still a hint of you in them, it's clear which genetics lead.
If he is away on a mission, he keeps two little plushies with him. He knows that there are times where it's hard for him with Marley and all the mess but Levi makes sure that he is a present father.
Forced his squad to baby-proof most of the headquarters because he isn't risking his children getting hurt. They still find a way tho, it's that Ackerman gene what else did you except?
Is worried when they get hurt or sick although they rarely get sick, he doesn't sleep until they are healthy again.
Will scold them but won't raise his voice, they are still so little and have so much to learn but he does scold them if they act bratty.
He knows them like the back of his hands sometimes even better than you do. When they are hungry, sleepy, or cold, he notices all of it.
In his free time, he is always playing with them, taking them to the stables to show them the horses, walking with them outside and showing them the outdoors.
Glares at strangers. Don't try to touch his kids, even when someone asks, he doesn't let them anywhere near the twins.
Overall, a good father, a way better dad than he thought he was going to be. He loves his twins over everything and would do anything for them.
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manadisc · 25 days
Punch out pet headcanons
These are headcanons of what i think the boxers have as pets or any they had in the past
•Glass Joe: He has two dogs, a picardy spaniel and a poodle to be exact, both of them are very friendly and are trained in assisting people. The poodles name is "Frostine" and the picardy spaniel is called "Hugo" He didn't really have any pets when he was younger.
•Von Kaiser:Currently he has a birman cat for emotional support named Klara, she is super sweet but she doesn't really interact with guests and sticks to Kaiser most of the time. His family used to own three cats when he was younger, he doesn't remember what breed they were since it has been a long time since then but he did remember their names:Hans, Lisa and Finn.
•Disco Kid:He owns quite a decemt amount of birds: 3 budgies, 2 cockatiels and 1 canary. He has given them all an accesory so he can tell them apart. The names of the budgies are: Swing(male, wears a gold band around his leg), Jazz(Female, wears a tiny flower crown around her neck) and lastly Honey(Female, to small to wear anything yert and is the child of Swing and Jazz). The names of the cockatiels are: Lulu(female, wears a pink glittery band around her leg) and Anna(Also female, refuse to wear anything and is the sister of Lulu). Lastly the names of the canary is Sunny(Male, wears a very tiny necklace around his neck).
•King Hippo:While he doesn't have any pets he owns, he has made a lot of friends with the fish around his island while swimming! He also  makes friends with all of the fish at any aquarium he visits, he is a big fan of the clownfish.
•Piston Hondo:His only pets are his mice named Kaede and Toshiko, he is quite close to them and Kaede is actually pregnant so he is very exicted for that! besides them he feeds a lot of birds that sometimes show up around the house.
•Bear Hugger:He sees the squirrel and the bear as companions more than pets. He is actually taking care of a south american horned frog named Jimmy and he is very close with the horses and other animals at his mom's horse ranch!
•Great Tiger:He owns a dove named Gita who is a bit introverted but once she knows someone she can be friendly, aswell as a barn owl named Mani who was rescued from a very bad circus when he was young and now he is very attached and protective of Tiger! His family used to own a little rabbit named Champak.
•Don Flamenco and Carmen:They own a little siamese kitten named Caramella! Don's family used to own a rose-breasted cockatoo named Rafael and Carmen's family used to own a chartreux cat named Dolce.
•Aran Ryan:He doesn't own any rats but he does own two ferrets and a dog! His dog was a stray border collie with one missing leg and some scars but he was still a tough little buddy, he named him Kieran. His two ferrets are a very adorable couple and they are very affectionate towards Aran, the lady is called Nora and the man is called Flynn and he wears a little bowtie.
•Soda Popinski:He used to just own a sweet Black russian terrier named Irina but he recently got a healed lab rat from the scientits who made his modified soda, he has some scars from the experiments but he seems to be healthy and he is called Ivan. His family used to own a bunch of dogs when he was younger.
•Bald bull:He didn't think he could have a pet because his parents were strict about not having pets and he wasn't that great at taking care of plants when he was younger. That was until he saw an adorable spotted turtle and knew he had to get him, he is super happy he made that decision and he named him Bilge. he has also visited Bear's family horse ranch and has gotten quite close to the animals there.
•Super Macho Man:He is a big fan of dogs, he had a variety of them in his child and teenage years but he also has another type of pet he likes which are birds. He currently owns a cockatoo named Stella and a Collie named Felix!
Mr. Sandman:He has two very chill pets, one is a bearded dragon named Sherry and a scottish fold cat named Harvey! He used to own a guinea pig when he was younger but he had to move it to the living room because it was too loud.
Doc Louis and Little Mac: They have a fish tank  with a combination of Tetras, Danio fish and guppies. Doc used to have some hamsters when he was younger and Mac's family had a Yorkshire terrier named Mary who didn't really like Mac.
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goji-pilled · 2 years
here's the epilogue that should've been sent after my headcanon ask, but SoulsLike x PMMM ficlet was on the brain.
so yeah, here's that! short dialogue only finale to the Meguca Madoka ficlet series, until i wanna write "boss fights" with the Quintet+ in the future.
here's to you waking up to probably violence! 🍶
"How are you being so blase about all of this, Klara?! You were there, of course, but why aren't you- you-"
"Angry? Sad? Smad? Believe me Tony, I am... feeling something right now. It's just a whole lotta something and not enough 'not something'."
"Of course, right, you're right. I'm sorry. It's just-"
"A whole lot with Mama and Mother right now. And this is the only time we've had this discussion, Fuzz, before you think otherwise. 'M too tired for time shenanigans."
"Were you 'tired' when you got mugged by that, what? Nephilim wannabe? Or was it one of those special cases you never say anything about."
"Calm down before you blow a fuse, Anthony. We haven't replaced the sprinklers yet after Spring."
"Oh, don't I have the right to be upset when I find out my little sister was attacked and my aunt/step-mother signed away her soul to the fucking rat-"
"Yes you do, but so do the rest of us too! Jeez, what's up with you. You and the rest filled us in with what happened with Mom, and as far as I know the rest of us aren't as wound up as you. What's up, Anthony?"
"What is 'up' is that she nearly went back to her damn roots!"
"... What?!"
"... I always wondered where it all went."
" Wondered 'what' went 'where'?"
"... Nothing. C'mon Ant, let's go to bed already. Lil' Hogie is probably wonderin' what's taking us so long for pyjama night."
"That's the third bottle, Nagi. Your mouth is sparkling with cleanliness now, you can stop."
"No, not yet. I can still taste it in my mouth, feel it on my lips and chin. It was... too familiar..."
"Hmm... Dug up some bad dreams?"
"Yeah. Hey Yuma?"
"How fast was I? When she went full Shoujo and stuff?"
"Um... I think..."
"Probably around half a second, followed by Mami and Oktavia."
"Hey, it doesn't mean anything. It just shows you're still the quickest on the draw out of all of us. No biggie!"
"... Thanks, big sis."
"Always, lil' sis."
"How did we get blood out of wool and cotten again?"
"We didn't. We jus' tossed 'em out and replaced 'em as soon as we could, if we should've at all."
"Ah, I see. Thank you, darling."
"'Course, Mami. Don't- Well, keep it t'a minimum okay?"
"Teehee, no promises~."
"... Heh."
"... She's not going to be back until morning, will she?"
"I don't blame her. I'm still wracking my head if I wasn't hallucinatin' some of that scuffle, let alone the kiddos and Homs and 'Doka. What a hassle..."
"Indeed, it was quite the flurry of a commotion in here. Such a shame to see the tea and couch go, they were lovely."
"P'sure the Kanames will appreciate their kids bein' very not-dead more than the hot leaf water, Mami."
"As they should. I just worry about whether or not they'll take the new revelation well. At least they'll finally get that sectional sofa they've eyed for so long."
"'Swear you just tossed Homs' in here for the collateral."
"You can't prove that~."
"Hmm, you're right. But maybe Holger could..."
"... Did you feel it too, Kyouko?"
"... That feeling of seein' an ol' friend? Yeah..."
"It suits Madoka-chan, at least. The outfit looks like those doodles she showed us so long ago."
"... Once she calms down enough, I'll ask Homs 'bout it. Been on my mind lately."
"At least in a few days time, okay Kyouko? You remember how she was back when we all first reunited with Oktavia."
"Homura-chan, please relax. Your shoulders will stay wound up for the rest of the week if you keep them hunched over."
"It's unfortunate that I had to sign a contract, yes, but it's something that I would always be willing to do. You remember, right Homura-chan?"
"... I do."
"You know about how selfish I am, to be wanted, to be needed. To help the world in whatever way I can - to be special."
"...I know."
"So please, don't blame yourself. Don't blame anyone. It was my choice, and it was always bound to happen."
"Constants and variables..."
"... Yeah..."
"... Homura-chan?"
"Yes, Madoka?"
"Could you... teach me, what I should know, as a Magical Girl? If it's something you can't do, I'll understand."
"... Homura-chan?"
anyways here's the end to that saga, maybe, until full video game idea hits me with the urge to write. i kinda wanted to add Walpy's PoV too, but dhe's kinda... uhh... psuedo-canon i think to the DW verse at the mo'? just know that I would've added her if i didn't already find this fitting as is.
tune in next time where i write about the PMMM FromSoft edition ficlet series. Until then~.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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weetlebeetle · 11 months
I had a major health scare a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure I'll be alright, which is why I'm talking about it. Everyone's sure that I'll be a-okay within the next few months, they just want to figure out why this happened.
I've been in and out of the hospital since, seeing specialists and getting blood work and all that depressing stuff.
So... I had plans to participate in lots of different fandom events but that's definitely not happening. Kinda bummed about it, but I'll live lol.
Anyway I feel bad saying this but I could use a happy little distraction 🫶 If you have any requests or anything for Zeke and Bo (I'll take Yelena/Bo or Klara/Pieck too, for my OAA lovelies) please send them 👐 fluff, angst, horny, anything. I will either draw the request or write a little blurb for headcanons or whatnot.
Not to be a debby downer but I've been pretty bummed out and would like to focus on something else 🩷
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
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SERIES. keeping up appearances masterlist
MULTIPLE CHARACTERS. two worlds apart | killjoy, viper, sage, jett, neon, reyna. angst. to toy with you | killjoy, viper, sage, gett, neon, reyna, fade. smut. allies or enemies? | neon, sage, jett, reyna, fade. angst. pantie flashing neon and fade ! | smut. morning cuddles. | reyna, sage, jett. fluff. catching you masturbating | jett, neon, akali. smut.
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ONESHOTS. not just a fling | continuation of 'making out with sage'. smut. caught up with mommy | maybe playing smart with sage wasn't a good idea on this particular day. smut.
DRABBLES. making out with sage | suggestive. sage is a pervert ! | smut. afraid of fire. | sage with a reader who is afraid of fire. fluff.
ONESHOTS. the viper's other side | viper can be nice and sweet, just behind closed doors. fluff. snakebites | sabine was under a lot of stress lately because of her failed experiments, hoping this one wouldn’t fail she called you down to her lab breaking her own rules. smut.
DRABBLES. half a feeling | headcanons of viper with a radiant reader who has troubles controlling their powers. fluff. stealing kisses. | times when viper believes in pda. fluff
ONESHOTS. nothing here
DRABBLES. help my head clear | scissoring with reyna. smut.
ONESHOTS. touch yourself | it wasn't something hazal seen you do so much, so she wondered what it was like to make you do it. smut.
ONESHOTS. the other woman | after coming back a mission, killjoy finds that you have left the protocol without a goodbye. angst, no comfort.
ONESHOTS. small cuts heal fast | today’s mission wasn’t about being unsuccessful, but rather the fact that she hardly accepted failure. fluff.
ONESHOTS. a soul finds you | clove has been alive for a little while, perks of being immortal they say, but not when finding your one and true love takes this painfully long and under these circumstances. fluff.
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offbranddrpepsi · 2 years
Somedays you just wanna get comforted by fictional characters over your issues... Today is one of those days for me so can I request Chamber, Killjoy, Cypher, Fade, Omen, and Skye comforting their chubby S/O headcanons? Like normally their S/O can handle or ignore comments about their body, but one more rude "You look pregnant" breaks them. Thank you ~BC
Who ever is being a dick to you can meet my hands, people really need to mind they damn business and shut the fuck up.
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Chamber is the king of body positivity, he's a fan of all body types and will worship you REGARDLESS of what you look like. If the event happened in front of him he would go on the defensive, immediately confronting the commenter with such questions as: "What makes you think you can make a comment at that towards someone? Did your mother not raise you correctly? Have you never seen another human before?" and would basically trap them and force them to apologize to you, insulting them for being rude before sending them on their way. Would take you home right away and absolutely shower you in affection, pampering you thoroughly. If you wanted anything he would go out and get it or have it delivered. The entire rest of the day will just be him reinforcing you are absolutely perfect and that its okay to cry, not everyone can be strong all the time and you certainly shouldn't have to be subject to those types of comments all the time. Would listen to you vent or ramble as much as you desire, peppering any problem spots with kisses as he compliments you. Chamber is the partner that goes rabid the moment his love is insulted and sometimes nearly breaks his composed image over it.
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Killjoy is more passive and wont confront someone but would openly and VERY loudly say, "That was so rude, what kind of idiot says something like that? They must have issues with their own confidence if they are ragging on others in public." aka doesn't say it to their face but very loudly talks shit about them before excusing you two to somewhere safer. She absolutely loves her partners chub, its one of her favorite things so when others are assholes about it she gets annoyed to say the least. Treats you to video games and even encourages you to wear your favorite clothes around to make you feel better, commenting on how good you look and awing over your chub. Certainly has a roasting session over the person who made the comment to cheer you up, makes the promise to step in more to keep you from having to deal with people being insensitive.
Klara HATES to see you cry so she really wants to do her best to cheer you up despite not being the best with emotions or people. Would really want to try to talk about how you feel so she can have a better understanding but wont push you if its touchy. Would also entirely hit on you more openly and more frequently, your body is loved and perfect and she will make the very clear.
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Cypher is a passive aggressive little shit so the moment you came home crying he was asking you a million questions to figure out who did this. Holds you while you cry and vent, jotting down all the information about the event he could to hunt that person down later. Gets you set up with your favorite shows, food, and comfort items while he goes to handle a "business call" aka hunt down this persons social media and ruin their image. Does run a full check to see if this person does this a lot, if they have any other nasty traits or opinions he can pin point, eventually digs up all he can then emails it to their employer as a concerned customer/business partner. Wouldn't tell you about what he did but would return and start going off about how perfect you are and how much he loves your body, might get a bit lewd as he describes all the bits he likes but thats just him being specific.
Cypher is the type of guy that regardless of how you look or what people think you are his entire world. He would do what ever it takes to make sure those who treat you poorly get the karma they deserve while making sure your self image stays as high as he holds you.
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While Chamber is the king of body positivity Fade is the queen. How her powers work lets her be very honed in when something is bothering you or when you're self conscious so she's aware the moment someone has upset you. Without a word removes you from the situation to a more isolated location if not directly home, she doesn't want you to have to feel even worse over crying in front of people. Makes sure prowler gives that person hell for a while, if you want to poke at peoples insecurities then you certainly can deal with yours being poked at. Uses alot of logic/reasoning to help calm you down, even revealing some of the persons fears to make you feel better that it wasn't you that was the issue its them. Doesn't stop calling you beautiful/handsome/gorgeous what ever term you most favor it never stops.
Fade really understands how people feel at their core so she's one of the best equipped to squash those bad feelings and replace them with better ones.
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Shadow boy is very confused as to why someone would care so much about your weight to make a degrading comment, seeing someone's weight as an insignificant detail when it comes to judging people. Gets rightfully upset once he sees you crying, considers ending the person on the spot but Sage would be disappointed in him so he just teleports you away to somewhere safe. He may be far from the human he used to be but he knows how hurtful those words are, making sure you know that regardless of other peoples words it doesn't change how you are or mean you are any less. Focuses on reinforcing your own personal value as well as stressing that the stranger knows nothing, noting everyone at Valorant thinks you look amazing as you are. Honestly super confused over how you even look pregnant and may ask the stranger what they mean by that, basically making them explain the insult until they cant anymore and embarrasse themselves. Omen, despite being a confused noodle, would do his best to make sure you know your worth is not set in your weight or how people view you. Would also cite how well you usually handle things being a sign that you're stronger than the person making the comment and that crying isn't a bad thing since you usually have to deal with so much.
Muscle wife is really understanding but would not seek any conflict, removing you from the situation and comforting you as best she can. She knows that some people prefer buff people like herself but she also knows not everyone can be that way and shouldn't be shamed for it. Skye absolutely loves your chub and worships your body much like Killjoy does. She things all bodies are beautiful in their own way so what if you work out a lot or dont, doesn't make a difference to her. Offers to take you on a trip with her just the two of you so she can show you that person was entirely in the wrong to say something like that aka body worship but an entire vacation. Skye certainly is in the same boat with Omen when it comes to not understanding why people feel so entitled to comment on others bodies but likes to disprove them and make you feel valid and worthy. She also does get pretty upset when you cry and would probably make a point to be overly affectionate to you when that persons around, making it clear that you aren't undefended if they want to fuck around and find out again.
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randoimago · 2 years
Can I request headcanons for what Klara, Oleana, Melony, would do with their male S/O's on Valentine's day? Also how Honey and Mustard would spend their Valentine's day together?
Spending Valentine’s Day Together
Character(s): Klara, Oleana, Melony, Honey, Mustard
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Sure thing!!
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Might try to make a competition out of the day. Just seeing who can woo the other. Of course she is very easy to please with flowers or candies.
Seriously you gift her with something and she just gasps before stating that she has something even better for you! She’s blushing the whole time though so it’s very cute.
Would like to go out with you to a fancier place for dinner. Just because it’s not something you really do every day and so she thinks this is a nice occasion. Secretly hopes that you’ll pay but she’s happy splitting the bill instead!
Klara would also like to just take a nice walk around the Isle of Armor with you. Both of your pokemon are out and running around, having a good time while you two just hold hands and enjoy each other’s company.
Melony is making lots of Valentine’s Cards for the other Gym Leaders as well as getting little candies to go with them. She would be more than happy if you’d help her with those too.
Absolutely makes sure to make you a card and really hopes you make her one as well. It’s just a really cute tradition that she enjoys.
She’d be really happy if you want to take her out on a date or anything. She wouldn’t want to do anything too fancy as she wants to enjoy her time with you, but she’s happy no matter what you two do.
Might want to bring Allister along. Just because she is her son and she’d like to spend time with the both of you. He probably wanders off at some point because you two do get real lovey, but it’s fine.
Honestly wouldn’t want to do anything too fancy. If you send her flowers then she’ll have them in a vase on her work desk. Might write you a Valentine’s Card in her really nice handwriting.
I can see her being gifted chocolates from her boss, which she’ll share with you later. 
Not too big on Valentine’s Day. If anything, it just adds more paperwork on her desk because everyone wants to do something grand for the holiday.
If you do get her something like a stuffed pokemon or a cute present then she’ll take it, state she’ll put it on her desk, and then hides her blush when she turns around to go put it somewhere safe.
These two have been together for so long but Valentine’s Day still lets them continue to fall in love with each other.
Due to running the Dojo together, they might not be able to really have a nice date night but there are many compliments and lovestruck looks shared between them as they go about the day.
Mustard would try to get her some flowers while she makes him some nice chocolates. It’s very cute as they want to surprise the other and end up both getting gifts.
They would also try to make cards or get candies for their disciples at the Dojo too. Just something to thank them for their hard work, but also because it’s a holiday and they should have fun!
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brewing-radianite · 2 years
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For nanobomb parent trio and tremorheal pleasee
so many ships... i love you...
i will say: im really bad with finding character-specific theme songs, let alone ship themes. like i listen to rap, r&b, low-fi, edm, kpop, jpop, alternative, indie bands, videogame soundtracks, and MORE; i still could not tell you a song off the top of my head unless i already had one in mind so i highkey scuffed that question im ngl. sorry nonnie ily
i would like to personally thank you for giving me a nanobomb mood to work on Instruction Manual. kisses your forehead
28.) What do they do when they’re away from each other?: They have the same friend group so I imagine even outside of 1-on-1 time, they see each other a lot! But ofc they can't always be together. Killjoy listens to a playlist Raze made for her specifically of songs that make her (Raze) think of her (KJ) + Raze probably has a little robo buddy (like a tamagotchi!) that KJ designed custom for her to play with. very cute...
29.) One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart: I feel like they really try their hardest to keep their relationship secret, but if it ever got out and they were pressured to break-up (especially by Brimstone or Viper, two people very impressionable on KJ and Raze respectively), they genuinely would. And it would hurt, it would tear their hearts up, and ultimately prove to do more harm than good keeping them together. But I don't think they (especially Killjoy) could look the higher ups in the face and really advocate for themselves and risk any further consequences. Confrontation really isn't Klara's thing, and yeah she'd be miserable, but it'd be a huge stress point for her.
30.) One headcanon about this OTP that mends it: Aside from being girlfriends, they're really good best friends too, and that makes a good foundation for their relationship. Granted, Raze has a number of people she considers close to her (Jett, Breach, etc.) but Killjoy is certainly among them and that's part of how their romantic feelings sprouted to begin with.
Tired Parent Trio:
28.) What do they do when they’re away from each other?: All three of them have significant roles in command, so they’re often together, but often deep in their own work too! They usually have to divide their attention and spend time tending to the other agents (especially the duelists + breach + cypher who are usually doing something they shouldn’t be) more often than not. 
29.) One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart: The amount of stress that comes with keeping their relationship secret - especially while they actively advocate for others to not have relations - puts so much strain on them. They really are walking on thin ice everyday of their lives, and they’ve probably come close to breaking up if not having already broken up before because of it. It’s so wrong, but being together feels so right. 
30.) One headcanon about this OTP that mends it: they make each other feel young again. 
28.) What do they do when they’re away from each other?: to be honest, given how loud the duelists are, i can't imagine sage misses the volume aspect of breach when he isnt around LMAO. but she's definitely one of the fewer more gentle and delicate agents, and he misses her soft touch and soothing words (and voice of reason that he hates to admit is usually right). She misses his smile, though, and being held in his arms. Passes time with the duelists because their rowdiness simulates his well, and Raze is close to Breach, so Sage can talk to her about him. Breach, meanwhile, prepares the sappiest shit he can think of to say when they're together again. Figures it'll make her smile. (It does.)
29.) One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart: Their morals and personalities are so different they probably clash a lot at first. And neither of them admit it, but both can be hurt pretty easily. I imagine there's a lot of times where they must genuinely think, "Is this going to work out? Am I happy with this relationship?" because their needs and expressions are so vastly different. If not for their diligence, respect, humility, and (Sage's) maturity, they probably wouldn't go too far. Out of the 3 ships here, this is probably the one that has the highest risk of breaking up going off personality clicks alone.
30.) One headcanon about this OTP that mends it: They give each other so much strength. He teaches her to be more confident and outspoken and advocate for herself more. She teaches him to be more gentle, that it's okay to cry, it's okay to be in pain, it's okay to seek comfort in others. He can always come to her, and her arms will be held wide open to receive him. And he will always fight by her side, she doesn't have to bear any burdens alone or be overly cautious to protect herself and those she loves. They can fight together.
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piershoesz · 4 years
Relationship HCs → Hop, Marnie, Bede, Klara, and Avery!
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A/N: Rival headcanons are finally here! I’ve been looking forward to posting these for a while now and love them all so I hope you enjoy!
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- Hop was very clueless when it came to love... so when you came along and charmed his heart... he wasn’t exactly sure how to go about with things, so he followed your lead! 
- For the first few months, you’d help him adjust, and take things at his own pace... but once he got it... he knew what to do!
- Loves to hug you from behind, and bury his nose in the crook of your neck. He just feels so safe when he does so. He also loves running to you and swinging you around in his arms! Just watching you laugh when he does it makes him smile!
- Speaking of laughing... Hop will do just about anything to see you laugh, and you do the same of course! You two do quite a lot of silly things together... and definitely have a few inside jokes between you two.
- When you’re nervous or upset, Hop will thread his hands into your hair and just comb through it, or he’ll intertwine your fingers and just let you hold his hand as long as you need, and vise versa!
- Overall, Hop is the sweetest lover ever! He’ll always look out for your needs and look out for you... and you do the same for him! You two are as close as close can be!
- Marnie may not speak too much... and at times, she can be uncertain... but that sure as hell doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you with all her heart! Marnie just wants to take things at a pace you both are comfortable with, that’s all!
- Because of the gym, she can’t be around you all the time, and it’s understandable. But you put in the effort to show up to her matches! And sometimes you’ll give her a surprise visit!
- Piers is especially protective of her towards the beginning of your relationship, and you understood why. He had cared for her the entirety of her life, and just wanted to keep her safe and happy, so he was suspicious of you at first. However, the more time that went by, he saw just how much you cared for her, and warmed up to you!
- She’s not one for PDA... but in private, she likes to lay her head on your lap or chest and just rest after a long day... and you like to lean on her shoulder and just lay beside her as well! Lots of soft touches make her heart race!
- Marnie isn’t the best with words, so when you’re feeling down she’ll open her arms to you, and hold you until you feel better, she’ll also comb her hands through your hair in hopes of soothing you. 
- In the end, though she looks and can act a bit shy, she’s never hesitant with you, because she loves you! She knows she can go to you, and you can go to her, she knows you two can rely on each other when needed!
- Bede is the type who would never rush into anything with you... though you would definitely have to grow close in order to start dating. Though once you do eventually get there, Bede would prefer to take it slow.
- Despite Opal’s influence... Bede can still bottle up some anger, then release it at random times, and he still struggles a bit with keeping his emotions in check... but you try your best to help him!
- When he arrives home stressed and exhausted, you let him collapse in your arms. There, he’ll lay his head down against your lap while your fingers brush through his soft curls. You’ll ask him about his day and he’ll ramble on, but you don’t mind! You like when he lets out everything he’s been thinking.
- With Bede, it takes a while to open up about your relationship, with him being Ballonlea’s gym leader, it would cause a ruckus for him... so you two wait! And you’re both okay with it... you just have to be patient!
- He’s not too into PDA, but he will have an arm around your shoulder in crowded places, and will always welcome you into his arms when you’re upset. You of course, would do the same!
- He can be aggressive at times... but you love him! And you let him know that you’ll always be there if he needs to vent, and you can do the same with him! You two communicate, and that’s how you get passed problems!
- Ah Klara... she definitely is the super energetic kind of lover! You two are always together... and she makes sure everything she does, she can rope you into it!
- Because she wants to be a future gym leader... you help her train! You’re matches are always close, but no matter who wins... you two will still head out and celebrate! 
- You both shop a lot, though towards the beginning of the relationship, she mainly dragged you along to the shops... but as time progressed, you also found yourself in the thrill of the shopping too!
- Klara isn’t the best at comfort... and is prone to outbursts when things don’t go her way... but when she sees you upset, she’ll let you rest beside her while she strokes your hair and whispers words of comfort in your ear... and you do the same when she’s upset.
- You two actually started off as rivals... and not friendly ones, so it shocked everyone when you had suddenly become lovers! Though in truth, you had began to understand her the more you hung out and battled... and to your surprise, Klara was the one to ask you out!
- Klara can be hard to understand sometimes... but you both love each other so much... and she would risk everything just to keep you safe and happy!
- Like Hop, Avery had no clue what he was doing when you two got together... though he certainly wanted to learn! Even if you two didn’t start off on good terms... you two learned to get along!
- Because he also wants to be a gym leader like Klara, that involves training between you both as well! Though... if you win, he’ll throw you some snarky comment... but then proceed to congratulate you... and if he wins... you do the same!
- Definitely enjoys when you play with his hair! I mean... he had a lot of it... so when you twirl his blonde locks around your delicate fingers... he can’t help but smile and pull you into a kiss.
- Somehow can be very smooth with you once he gets used to the flow of a relationship. He can be hesitant as first, meaning you have to lead the way with a lot of things... but once he knows what he’s doing, he’ll go all out!
- Like the others, comfort is certainly not his strong suit... but he will hold you for as long as you need, and let you talk for as long as you want if you’re stressed or upset.
- In summary... he may be very clueless at first... but Avery learns fast, and will be able to make you swoon with simple actions! He loves you with all his heart and will cherish your love forever!
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Final post for the throwback series! I hope you all enjoyed!
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leviismybby · 6 months
Hi Klara, I’m not any of those other anons. I have been following you for a while and I wouldn’t go so far as to call you a homophobe. But one of your tags to an anon ask not too long ago sort of rubbed me the wrong way as it was kinda homophobic, whether intentional or unintentional. It was about that Halloween official art edit with Levi wearing a black cropped long sleeve shirt, and your tag was along the lines of “why do people like to degrade Levi so much”. I decided not to comment at the time but since we’re on the topic of homophobia… I don’t think you meant that statement with malicious or blatantly homophobic intent, but I think it’s worth considering that line of thinking. It isn’t degrading for a man to present in a feminine fashion, nor is it meant as an act of humiliation or degradation for someone to want a man to present in a feminine way. Anyway, I’m not trying to accuse you, I like you a lot which is why I follow you. I just thought this was worth addressing. Take care.
Oh hey, anon, I probably should've worded it differently haha, I was not addressing the edit itself, of course, there is nothing wrong with a man dressing up feminine. What I meant by that was a certain group on Twitter who often see Levi as nothing more than a pawn to step over, I have seen so many people say some pretty nasty stuff about him, especially when the bad boy leaks came out and some people were sick enough to celebrate Levi almost getting sex trafficked because in their mind it confirmed their headcanon, which is just sick. Still tho I could've worded it differently to specify more what I actually meant and I did want to but I can't edit asks I answered any more thanks to the new update!
I am so sorry if I happens to offended anyone with the tags but I really had no bad intentions. :))
You take care too anon! ❤️
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klarazy · 2 years
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Public knowledge ( easy to dig up )
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Her career as a social media star and influencer alongside her various sites and other outlets.
Her (attempt) to be a underground pop singer that wasn’t very successful. But her huge following has started a recent resurgence.
A (post) student from the Isle of Armor under the tutelage of Master Mustard.
And currently the gym league leader of the Poison type gym in the minor league! The news made the debut during her appearance at the Galarian Star Tournament and the majority of her gym challenges happens during that circuit. 
Semi-Private knowledge ( You’re a regular acquaintance or friend ;; It’s been leaked or it’s observed )
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Klara is not nearly as nice as she appears on screen.
Her entry in the Dojo was a media stunt then actual interest. She only joined so she can document her progress and make content out of it. Klara was lazy and non chalant off screen.
She can’t photo edit for the life of her, infact please don’t let her touch up anything. Since the release of her awkward league card there’s a team of editors to do that for her.
Her choice in Poison types was an accident that worked out in the end. The Pokemon she had originally only happened to be Poison type. She picked them at the start of her journey as her favorites.
And well it had the least amount of competition in the field. It was supposedly the easiest option.
Her rivalry with the MC and the promise to get them back for outshining her during their time at the Dojo ... but also secretly liking them and thankful for getting their priorties in check.
Her huge family. Some eight siblings and her parents. They’re not really in public knowledge for any inherently bad reason; it just never gets brought up and its exhausting to talk about.
Private ( you’re a close friend and someone she trusts )
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Her time in the Gym Challenge was actually around the same time as Piers, Raihan, Leon and the likes. Klara had a very bad run so she was never in the limelight compared to the others. 
Her disdain for Piers solely out of spite for his successful music career and the fact he “dropped” his gym leader position when she was struggling to get one.
She doesn’t like Bede for the same caliber though not as bad as Piers and wtf Opal am I not pink enough for u--
You’re Avery, this probably goes to the grave with them
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The abuse and the what else that she endures with her managers and sponsors social media wise. It’s a constant barrage of uploads and content creation tailored incredibly straight and perfect or else. She can’t differ at all from the formula. 
Complete and utter exhaustion keeping up with her media schedule, her gym career, and the meets, cons, and shows following it on a daily basis. Beneath all that makeup is someone juuust holding on by a very very thin thread.
Codependency. They’ve basically been together since their journeys started so being apart with their career paths rather recently causes a lot of strain.
The one time she laughed hard enough to shoot soda out of her nose. She made Avery swear to never speak of it again--
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more-pokeimagines · 4 years
Do you have any relationship headcanons for Klara or Avery?
Hey there! Thank you very much for your request. So, since I only own the DLC for Pokemon Sword and therefore don’t know much about Avery, I decided to write some HCs for Klara only. I hope you don’t mind! 
Klara x reader – general relationship HCs
Despite her sometimes pretentious behavior, Klara actually needs someone who supports her. She struggles with finding her place in life and often gives up before she can reach her goals because she feels like she isn’t good enough, so she definitely needs a partner who encourages her to keep going. She often acts like she knows everything and doesn’t need any advice but that’s actually not true.
If the two of you get into an argument, Klara can be really resentful, even if she started the fight in the first place. She often speaks before she thinks and therefore often says hurtful things, and it’s pretty hard for her to apologize to someone. Though she seems to be quite self-confident she struggles with finding the right words in a situation like that which is why she usually acts like nothing has happened after a few hours. It’s not ideal, she knows that, but it’s not easy for her to change her behavioral patterns.
Whenever she has a bad day, she just curls up on the couch, waiting for you to come home and cheer her up. In a situation like this, you’re the only person she wants to have around, especially since she thinks you’re the only one who’s able to understand her properly. Also, your hugs never fail to make her feel comforted and safe, so that’s a bonus too.
Klara doesn’t mind PDA at all. In fact, she’s the queen of PDA, not only because she wants everyone to know how much she loves you but also because she feels like it helps with her image. She often holds your hand when you’re out together and never misses an opportunity to sneak a kiss or two. If you’re uncomfortable with that, she would try to keep the physical contact at a minimum though because she doesn’t want you to feel uneasy when you’re with her.
She has a lot of cute pet names for you and uses them interchangeably, just to see how you react when she uses a new one. It always makes her giggle when you blush and tell her not to call you that, especially since there’s no way she stops to use pet names. In her opinion, they should be a part of the relationship, so it’s quite pointless to discuss that with her.
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years
Some more headcanons
Klara is very vain. She puts a great deal of effort into her appearance and refuses to go out or take pictures unless she is satisfied with how she looks. Klara cannot tolerate a single hair out of place.
She wasn't always like that though. As a child, Klara was teased often and everyone picked at her appearance. It made her very self conscious and have self esteem issues.
It's what led her to being interested in poison types. She found many of them to be very beautiful and even cute, yet hiding such a deadly nature. Klara wanted to be like that. She wanted to be admired and feared.
Klara only real friends are her pokemon. Her friendliness to other people are a facade and she isn't very close to most people to consider them friends.
Klara never tells anyone about her past. Where shes from, her parents, anything. Theres nothing particularly dark or terrible about her upbringing, but she didn't grow up with much money or in a nice area. So she prefers not to talk about it. After all it could mess with the appearance she worked so hard to achieve.
Klara has a one sided rivalry with Raihan and Nessa. The two of them have the biggest following of the Galar leaders and Klara sees it as a threat to her own. Nessa knows jealous and catty behavior when she sees it. Raihan dosen't give it much thought.
Klara knows how to dance ballet. She doesn't do it very much anymore since deciding to be a gym leader.
Grew up in the countryside on his wealthy grandparents estate. He was raised to be a proper gentleman. 
Has had psychic powers since he was very young. His family has always trained psychic pokemon so hes always known how to control it.
Was that kid that preferred reading over going outside. So he picked up a pretty large vocabulary. Pair that his very prim and proper grandparents, and you have Averys eloquent speech.
Is a fan of street fashions that incorporate old fashioned and vintage pieces with modern garments. Hes still trying to get the hang of it.
Despite how polite Avery is, he isn't very used to talking plainly with people. He can get very awkward and use a lot of big words to explain things. To some people he can come off as rather stuffy and posh. He doesn't mean to though. 
Despite being his types weakness, hes always had a soft spot for big pokemon. There was always a couple of them hanging around the estates gardens and young Avery would play with them.
Everyone thinks he loves tea. He actually prefers coffee. Preferably with lots of sugar.
Sonia has a big soft spot for dog/canine pokemon. Yamper, nickit, houdour, mightyena. Dog is a dog. The first thing she asked Hop and the trainer about Zacian and zamazenta was if she could pet them.
Sonias mom was a wild child when she was young. She never wanted to take up the professor mantle and could never stay in one place for long, until she came back to wedgehurst with a baby sonia. Sonia has never met her father and things between her mom and gran have been tense most of her life. It's the main reason Professor Magnolia can be hard on Sonia.
Started wearing makeup at thirteen. She watched a ton of online tutorials and secretly bought makeup, because grandma would not allow it at first.
Is a fan of dating sims. Has a few games in her phone that she'll play on break. Hop has caught her playing multiple times. Poor Hop is scarred, he seems to have a knack for catching her when she unlocks the spicy content.
Occasionally likes to read fanfiction, but has never been good at writing it.
Has a collection of cute mugs. The lab cupboard is overflowing with them.
Hop, much like his brother, never half asses anything. He puts his 100%best into everything. 
Always sought out attention growing up. While kids might act out for it, Hop always did his best to be like Leon to get it. Though his family always seemed to just nod and let him be. So Hop was never sure if it worked.
After Hop studies with Sonia for a while, he wants to try and study abroad. Hop has an interest in type advantages, so he wants to see if Kukui in Alola will be willing to take him on. Since his research on pokemon moves is very relevant to his interest.
After Leon moved out, Hop used to sneak into his room and use/take the stuff he left behind. From reading the books Hop was too young for, to stealing t-shirts he thought was cool.
Whenever Leon was home, Hop would have him sign his name on cards and Hop would sell them to kids at school and around town to make extra cash after they kept asking him if he could get them Leon's autograph. It lasted him awhile.
Considers Victor/Gloria's house his second home. Their mom is always nice to him and Victor/Gloria never ask about Leon. Despite how much Hop loves and admires his brother, it's nice just to be seen as Hop and not the champions brother.
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epicspheal · 3 years
Hello! Just popping by to ask about Calla! I've reread your oc post for the hundredth time now, and she just so interesting! Like what's her relationship with everyone and such. Not to mention she reminds me of Kipo in a way.( She seems the optimistic sort, not to mention insanely smart)
Also if you haven't, pls watch Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. It's animated, but it has a good story and music. Majority poc cast is a bonus.
Hi there ihopethisendswell!
I have definitely watched Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts, although I need to finish it (after I get done with studying for the MCAT, that test is *shudders*). I can definitely see Calla reminding your of Kipo they do have some similarities (there’s also one other champion OC of mine that has similarities to another Kipo character) Definitely putting everything under the Keep Reading tag because this is long.
Her outgoing, friendly nature is also very much in part due to the fact that as child genius she didn’t really get a chance to spend time with children her age as she went to college at 8. So she’s been kind of lonely and thus always eager to make a new friend. She can be a little too blunt with her words, but she’s aware enough to know when she might have crossed a line and will apologize profusely afterwards
Obviously her closest relationship is with Hop. Calla actually lived in Wedgehurst and not Postwick but Hop spent a lot of time Wedgehurst (because that’s where the primary school). They became friends over the summer at the berry shop and pretty much became joined to the hip when Calla wasn’t away at Motostoke University doing her chemistry degree. Hop (being a budding science nerd himself) enjoyed hearing from her about what she was learning in college and he would share stuff about Pokemon that he learned from Leon’s college textbooks. The two also bonded from being lonely with Calla being isolated from people her age because of being a child genius and Hop was ostracized for being Leon’s brother (in the fact of the kids in Wedgehurst loved Leon, but they found Hop annoying and only pretended to care about Hop if he mentioned something about Leon coming home). Calla was the first kid he met to be interested in Hop as a person, and not as Leon’s little brother so their friendship means the absolute world to Hop. They balance each other out as Hop is known to be impulsive and patient whereas Calla is far more cautious and deliberate. You would think given those descriptions Hop is the Sword Hero and that Calla is Shield Hero but it’s actually the reverse. Throughout their journey Hop and Calla learned the value of the way the other acts. Hop learns to be a little less impulsive (as his impulsiveness combined with his tendency to get flustered cost him many battles). Calla learned that’s okay to make bold decisive moves without meticulously planning them out which helped her in the long run against tough opponents (such as Rose who has a steel type team that walled her poison types or Leon who has a team fast heavy hitters that even with poison set up could still absolutely maul her team given the chance to do so) Also I should note Calla is not a Victor/Gloria stand-in. Victor and Gloria very much exist in my “Pokemon canon” but they were some of the fake friends to Hop who secretly thought he was annoying. Basically Victor and Gloria in my universe are those Pokemon fans who hate Hop and find him annoying. :(
Speaking of Leon, Calla of course was a fan of him from the start. She did get a little upset with him constantly keeping her and Hop away from the berserk Dynamaxed Pokemon, thinking that he didn’t think they were capable of helping out. Which wasn’t the case it’s just and this going into some of my broader personal headcanons, Leon and his cohort (Piers, Sonia, Nessa, and Raihan) were at the mercy of a jerk Champion (my OC Jack, the last champion on that OC Post). He didn’t want to take away from their gym challenge like what to happen to his. Of course once the Darkest Day and Sordward/Shieldbert arcs are over Leon and Calla ended up working well together as fellow champions and friends. As I alluded to in my oneshot Midnight Snacks (shameless plug) Calla has a tendency to be a night owl and if she’s stressed she’ll call Leon over to one of the battle cafe’s to have pastries and chat. Leon loves listening to her science theories (and yes he actually understands her rants on chemistry and toxicology) and Calla loves having a cool older brother she never got (she’s an only child). They also end up as in-laws when Hop and Calla get married at 23. Leon is also very protective of her, giving her less responsibilities than Rose gave him and helped to warm the public to her as some of them didn’t take too kindly to her using Eternatus in her champion matches. 
But in terms of the adult she most looks up to, that’d be Sonia. Strong battler (unlike in canon, we get to see why Sonia used to be Leon’s rival in my personal Pokemon verse) and a smart scientist lady. Calla was immediately awestruck by Sonia and always enjoyed her time talking to Sonia helping her with her theory about the truth of the Darkest Day. Sonia, Hop and Calla end up being the science trio once the SwSh events come to a close. Sonia was the one to encourage Calla when she becomes 18 (and has now held the title of champion for 5 years) to go back and pursue her PhD in Toxicology giving the Galar region their first ever champion professor! If Leon is the big bro she always wanted, the Sonia is definitely the big sister she always wanted. 
As far as the league goes, Calla is pretty much on good terms with everyone not named Klara. Klara choosing the poison type as her go to because it wasn’t as  popular as other types and she thought she’d have no competition in that realm. As someone who is very much passionate about breaking the negative stereotypes of the poison typing, she found Klara’s reasoning to be absolutely insulting.
When it comes to the league, Calla in particular is close to Marnie and Bea. You can often find Calla, Marnie and Bea hanging out together shopping for clothes or eating pastries at a battle cafe. Gordie, Nessa and Calla frequently have competitions to see who can do the best backflips or the best splits. It did take Calla a bit to warm up to Bede at first given how he treated Hop and how he almost wrecked her the first two battles (if wasn’t for her Stunky she would’ve been wiped by psychic trainer Bede), but they are kind of like how the player is with Gladion in SM/USUM. Not friends but not enemies.
Calla has mixed feelings on Rose and Oleana. Rose actually gave her a scholarship to go to Motostoke University when she was 8 (her parents wouldn’t have been able to afford it otherwise) so she’s indebted to him (he saw her as he saw Bede, Oleana, Leon- talents that can help the future of Galar). And on a personal level Rose was never rude to her. Oleana also kind of took her under her wing because of them both being science gals. But seeing how badly they miscalculated everything really shook her to the core. 
As far as my other champion OCs go, Calla gets along with everyone but Jack (but then again no one gets along with Jack). Calla and Marsha have a particularly close bond as Marsha taught Calla how to cornrow her hair and play spades (Calla was not blessed with parents who knew how to cornrow...or play spades). Marsha is another big sis for her. Calla and Jabari bonded over being type specialists (Jabari is a water type specialist) and Jabari taught her how to rollerskate in exchange for Calla teaching him how to do cartwheels. Calla was of course very interested in meeting Valen (a talking robot who’s a skilled trainer? that’s a dream come true for her). They delight in battling each other and eating Alolan Pancakes. 
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gastlyash · 4 years
Pokemon Sw/Sh Hug Headcanons
my first time actually posting headcanons, just thought of this and it made me happy
(under the cut b/c it’s pretty much all important/recurring characters minus Swordward and Shieldbert b/c,,,i don’t like them)
Hop: Quick, tight hugs. He’s hyper, and doesn’t have time to have a long hug with one person, he wants to hug everyone right NOW! Only exception to this is if he’s comforting someone, or he’s being comforted himself. In times like that, he’ll just let the hug last a bit.
Leon: TIGHT HUGS, AND BEST HUGGER IN GALAR!! Who do you think Hop gets his tight hugs from? Lee will squeeze you, pick you up in the hug, and just hold on for a moment (i just really need a hug from lee, i think we all do). Will keep an arm around you after the hug, just to keep you close.
Sonia: Gentle hugs, usually a brief side hug. Unless you’re Nessa close to her, then it’s a full on hug, tight and with a kiss on the cheek. Pulls away so she can look at you and talk, but keeps her arms around you.
Professor Magnolia: She’s a grandma! Of course she gives good hugs! Very gentle since she’s old and kinda frail, if you squeeze her she’ll probably laugh, or demand you let go. Could go either way.
Bede: Oh, this bastard. He’d act like he hates hugs, like he’s too good for them, above some stupid show of affection...But as soon as someone he can tolerate hugs him, he doesn’t want them to let go. Loose hugs, just puts his arms around the other person gently. However, if the other person squeezes him, he’ll squeeze back tighter. He’s not losing to them in this “who can hug tighter” game.
Marnie: Very gentle hugs. She’s gotten confident since she started the Gym Challenge, but is still pretty timid. Basically just a shy kid/teen that feels kinda awkward with hugs, but also kinda likes them and wishes there were more chances to hug people (totally not speaking from experience here). 
Chairman Rose: Gladly gives fans hugs, and accepts hugs if he has time...Usually he’s too busy though, having Oleana pull him away from anyone that wants a hug. His hugs are quick but firm, usually patting the other person on the back. 
Oleana: Not a hugger. But if she does let someone hug her, she’s very light with her hugs. Just a quick embrace, probably just uses one arm, not even a full-on hug. If she’s hugged unannounced, she just calls for security. Do not hug her if she doesn’t explicitly tell you she’s okay with it (i mean, same goes for anyone tbh). 
Milo: YOU ALREADY KNOW THIS BOY GIVES 10/10 HUGS. Do you see his arms? Those arms probably feel like pure comfort and affection. He HUGS his pokeball when he Dynamaxes, so I imagine he will hug you on sight. How dare you enter his line of vision and not prepare for a bone-crushing hug. Definitely pats the other person’s back, kisses their head, and lets the hug last a while, squeezing real tight before letting go (Piers and Rai may be my big faves, but Milo gives off Amazing Hug Energy). 
Nessa: Kinda like Sonia, she gives gentle hugs. A bit firmer than Sonia, though. She’ll rest her head on the other person’s if they’re shorter, or rest her head on their chest if they’re taller. Gentle as heck. 
Kabu: Grandpa time. Gives quick hugs, patting the other person’s back/shoulder before letting go. If you’re close to him, he probably hugs a bit longer and tighter (guess you could call it a warm hug??).
Allister: TIMID. Do NOT try hugging this boy, he’ll get uncomfortable. If he initiates a hug, he’s very gentle, and still extremely unsure. Hug back, but GENTLY. Don’t squeeze! He WILL get upset, and Gengar WILL come out to defend his trainer! Really comfortable with the other gym leaders, though. Will occasionally run to Melony, Bea, or Raihan for a hug.
Bea: Also not the biggest fan of hugs, but if you ask her for one, prepare for a tight hug. Will make you regret hugging her, squeezes until your back cracks. 
Opal: Another grandma, but different hugger. Picky with who she hugs, and when she does hug someone it’s usually light. She’s frail, but don’t underestimate her. Will trick you with a hug sometimes, gentle at first...But will squeeze the HELL out of you...Just because she can. Worst part: You never know which hug you’ll be getting. Loves keeping people guessing.
Melony: For an ice type user, she give the warmest hugs. Very snug grip, pretty much cradles the other person in the hug. Will reassure the person she’s hugging if they need it, or just ask how they’re doing. If someone needs a hug, she’ll be there right after Lee. Her battle style is brutal, but her hugs are so, so gentle. 
Gordie: Oh, you want a hug? Sure, he doesn’t mind hugging a fan! Gives pretty tight hugs, pretty quick ones too, definition of “bro hug”. Pats the other person’s back, will ruffle their hair when they pull away (he has like 4 siblings, he’s pretty skilled at hugging).
Piers: Big fave time. He has a lot of fans, and a little sister, so he’s become pretty comfortable with hugs over time. Quick hugs for fans, tighter and longer hugs for Marnie. If you’re close to him, he gets pretty flustered with hugging. If someone else initiates the hug, he gets pretty shy and flustered, but hugs back gently. If HE initiates it, expect a tighter hug (nothing bone-crushing, but just very firm), a hug that’ll last a bit before he decides that it’s been long enough. He doesn’t seem like the kind to be into hugs and touching, but actually probably craves it.
Raihan: SECOND BEST HUGGER IN GALAR (since he’s Lee’s rival). Will hug you tightly, pick you up in the hug, spin you around, and not let go for a while. Also expect videos and selfies, he’ll let Rotom fly around to capture the hug. Has probably recorded himself hugging every gym leader + Lee by surprise, just hug-tackling all of them out of the blue to get a reaction. This resulted in Gengar chasing him, Opal lightly hitting his head with her cane/umbrella, a very flustered Piers, and Leon totally expecting it, and hugging even tighter.
Avery: Ew, a hug?? Fine, but only because he feels bad that you’ll never be as great as him. Another case like Bede, except he’s genuinely somewhat uncomfortable with hugs. Only seems truly comfortable with hugging Mustard and Honey. His hugs are pretty light, nothing extreme. 
Klara: I know next to nothing about Klara except that she’s similar to Avery. But judging from that, I assume she’ll hug reluctantly, very light, and shove the other person away when she thinks it’s been too long. If someone asks for a hug, she’s smug about it. Why, of course you want a hug from her, she’s the best!
Mustard: For an old man, he gives stupidly tight hugs. Hugs like a Bewear, blames that on being the Dojo Master.
Honey: Quick and tight hugs, will gush over the other person like a proud mom if they’re close. Actually, even if she’s not close to someone/has just met someone she’ll hug them as a greeting. 
Hyde: He’s probably more of a high-five person. Only hugs his parents, and high-fives/fist bumps everyone else. Super chill inventor kid.
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