#and again I WANT MILLY SHES MY FAVORITE SHES EVERYTHING shes like lesbian jesus to me
penisliker-moved · 2 years
fighting my way thru the infernal hordes of hell like in doom WHERE'S THE GUY THAT AXED MILLY
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getreadytosmash · 7 years
Chapter 11
A-Bomb’s POV
We all stared at her for a long while not knowing what to say.
“Hey Hulk. What did you have to save Sammy from?” asked Carla.
“Oh! Yeah…right. I had to get you both out of a swimming pool because of a radio that fell in.”
Wait. That sounds a little too familiar.
“A-Bomb!” called Carla.
“Uh, yes ma'am?”
“You a fan of my movies right? I saw how you have designs that was based off of some of my films.”
“Yeah, but how did you know?”
“Well I kinda watch your show to know when it was time to come. Anyway, back to the question. There’s no time to talk about everything else.”
“Okay? I watched a lot of your films since they are so amazing and you are my favorite director.”
“Perfect. And I see that you are watching my ‘Crystal Aquarium’ film,” Hulk, describe what type of floaties we were on and what caused the radio to cause,” ordered Carla while pointing a  stuff snake at him with the name Mattie on it.
“Sure,” Hulk said uncertainty, not knowing the purpose.
“You were in a turtle floatie and Sammy was in a whale floatie. The radio fell because of a cat that was there.”
“Alright A-Bomb. Here’s the last thing I have for you. It will all come together for you and tell everyone else the meaning of this,” proclaimed Carla.
Carla went up to me and stood in front of me and simply said, “the S Theory.”
“No! You- It- it can’t be! Well. Uhhhh,” I stuttered like an idiot in front of Carla.
“Jones! What is it? What does it all mean?” demanded Red.
I couldn’t believe this. This is too much for me. Where do I even start? I looked at the TV and saw the movie. I went to pick up the remote and fast forward to a particular scene that Hulk will find out familiar.
“Okay. Let’s start from here.”
“Hold up. Why-”
“Let me explain Hulk. The climax of the movie is that the crew had to get all the fish out of the tank to another one correct? Well the last mermaids that were left was….Silas, a shark mermaid and Donna, who was a turtle mermaid. One of the feeders named Cordelia and a scientists named Mila tried to get them out of the tank. The bad guy, Mr. Katz, tried to drop this huge machine that will shock everyone in the water. The person who saves them was a visitor named Henry who saves everyone with a crane and carried everyone to safety. The movie was based off of that moment that Hulk was in,” I explain.
“However, there is a certain theory that everyone is talking about. The S Theory. For some reason in every movie there is a character that plays a huge part in it, starts with the letter S. As we see here this one is Silas. Then others like in EyeCatch that has Silvester, Long Hair that has Sean, and others too. Coat Black didn’t had one because it was a prequel to EyeCatch that was an organization that deals with weapons and and Coat Black that deals with stolen artifacts like paintings and selling them. Coat Black was EyeCatch’s backup if something goes wrong and that is why we saw Silvester in the end of Black Coat. Only in Samantha is where that main character has the letter S AND was based off of a true story and involve Carla but names and genders were change. The theory is that every person with the letter S is the same person in different universes because of the S and the same personality they all have that they were based off of someone. So if the theory is right then the person she based it off of was Sammy.”
Jesus Christ that was long. I don’t know if the others got it. Carla seems happy and looks very proud of herself that I understood it.
“That must mean that you were Cordelia,” thought Jen.
“And Dawn! That must have been Donna. Dawn is Sammy’s cousin,” Hulk explain.
“But what about Mila?” wondered Red.
“Mila was Sam and my kindergarten teacher and Sam did have a shark plushie named Millie after her,” said Carla.
“And Henry must be Hulk,” said Jen.
“Yup, you guys got it,” agreed Carla.
“Carla tell Hulk who Sam is?” asked Skaar.
“What!” shouted everyone in union.
“I only came here because Sam told me to after he left and never came back. All he said was that he will find me somehow but made me make a promise to him that I will come when Hulk was going to the past. I will refuse to give out Sam’s whereabouts so you are going to have to figure it out yourself. Every time you go to the past, I will tell you what happened later or any other information. Got it?”
Aww! The suspense of Sam’s or Sammy’s or whatever his name is identity. Well I least I can confirm the theory and I can ask a lot of questions about her movies. I feel like I have to binge watch all her movies just in case Hulk goes back.
“By the way, what ever happened to Mattie?” asked Hulk.
“Well, it turns out she wasn’t exactly a real snake and she actually escape from the zoo again at the same time Sam disappeared. Probably went looking for him. They never found her. It turns out she was human that was forced to transform into a snake by magic and couldn’t get back to normal. That explains her human personality.”
“Why Carla knows what happened to Mattie?” asked Skaar.
“Uhhh. I’m not telling. I already told too much anyway. It will ruin the fun and beside it Sam we want not Mattie,” declared Carla trying to hide her slip.
“You know what? Here have this stuff Mattie, I only bought it to scare Hulk. In surprised that they still sell these.”
Skaar took the snake and wrap it around his arm petting its head.
“Skaar likes Mattie.”
“Alright. Back to business,” said Red.
“Nope,” denied Carla.
“What do you mean no?”
“I have to go hide at a hotel and hope that no one saw me. You see how big my hair is? Do you know how hard it is to straighten it? Unless you don’t have another room.”
“You can stay here. Right Hulk?” I said. We have the answers right here and I’m not letting her identity be caught in public. If that happen, she’s going to have to go and people will ask why she’s with us.
“*sign* You can take my room, Carla” admitted Hulk. “I’ll see where I’m going to sleep at.”
“No that’s okay, I can get a-”
“My room! She can go to my room, since we are both the only girls here,” exclaimed Jen with the same idea of not letting her go.
Carla smiled really big. Oh Jen. You have no idea what you did. Should I tell her? Nah.
“Perfect. I need to get my stuff. Can you help me, Skaar.”
“Skaar help!”
They both went to get her stuff and Red look at me.
“Jones, stop trying to flirt with Albizu.”
“I’m no trying to flirt with her and I can’t. I’m trying to make her stay so we can have answers.”
“Wait, what do you mean you can’t?” asked Jen.
To say or not to say? That is the question. Imma say it.
“Well, it’s really hard to flirt with someone who is a lesbian. And jokes on you Jen and think she’s going to be after you.”
Red started to laugh while Jen didn’t know what to say. She was thinking about what she offered and blushed.
Carla and Skaar came back with a suitcase, a large bag, and…a cage? Because of the large bag was really heavy, the cage are fell down and -OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT!
Something really huge and furry came out of it. Me and Jen both screamed at  it as came toward us and went into the vents.
“Was that a rat?” asked Jen.
“No, I think it was a pony,” replied Red.
“Oh no! Icarus!” Carla went after the rat and followed the sounds of where the rat was walking in the vents.
“Rick, go follow her,” ordered Hulk.
“Me! Did you see how big that thing is?”
“Okay then, why don’t we get Walters to go get it,” suggest Red with a smirk.
“Oh hell no! I’m not getting that! Make Skaar get it!”
“Skaar carries bag and can’t go.”
“For fuck sake. I’m going,” said Red. “I’m going to the camera room first to look for her first. Get the room ready. And no flirting with the director.”
“I’m not flirting with her-” I started but was cut off.
“I’m not talking about you Jones.”
“Hey!” yelled Jen after she realized who he was referring to.
Red laughed as the went to the camera room.
Carla’s POV
I ran all over the place to get Icarus, Sam’s pet rat, but she won’t stop running. Suddenly her took a left turn that lead to a closed door. Since I watched the show before I opened it and saw Icarus running into a glass case and was trying to get in.
“Icarus! Don’t run away from me like that!”
I noticed how hard it was struggling to get out of my arms and wanted to get into the glass case.
I looked up and almost cried. I held Icarus tighter as I saw who was watching me. Sam was on the other side of the glass.
We stared at each other. I can see tears almost coming out of his eyes. I want to say so many things to him….but I can’t. There are cameras here and I’m not giving Sam away.
The door opened and Red Hulk came in.
“I see that you met the Leader. Don’t worry, he’s not coming out of there anytime soon,” he assured me.
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that. Icarus would go to….random strangers if they smell like….anyone familiar to her,” I lied. Great fucking Carla. That’s the best lie I can give.
“If I was that rat, I would have run the opposite direction from him,” joked Red.
God I wanted to punch him.
“So is the room ready?”
“Yep. Follow me, I’ll show you where it is.”
I went up and followed him through the door and looked at Sammy one last time. Red was already ahead of me and I swore I heard him sobbing from the other side.
Jen took me to her room and made another bed for her on the floor. She left me alone so I can get comfortable with the room. As soon as she left, I cried.
??????’s POV
My phone was buzzing. How strange. I never had text messages for a long time. How annoying but I went to pick it up anyway.
Unknown: Shorts. Is that you?
Agent Rag Doll: Who’s asking. Get lost if you know what’s good for you. I don’t want to get into any problems. That’s too much trouble.
Unknown: I’ll tell you later, but I have something that might interest you.
Agent Rag Doll: How did you get into S.H.E.I.D’s contacts?
Unknown: Enn…it’s about Samuel Sterns.
Agent Rag Doll: …
Agent Rag Doll: I’m listening.
\Holy Crap that was a lot! The movies are based off my imagination like different dimensions that I decided to put in there. Leave me and my naming skills alone :P I had these names for a long time. Oh yeah introducing person A. Hope you enjoy.\
(Oh boy that was emotional! I can't believe Carla and Leader got to see each other for only a few moments before Red ripped them apart 😢. I really love the names and the s theory, top notch fan theory there! And Skaar's showing an affection to Mattie, *wiggles eyebrows* wait till he sees the actual girl, cue heart eyes. And oh boy Jen, you've gotten yourself into a wild predicament and Red ain't helping one bit XD. And person A!!! I'm looking really forward to learning more about Rag Doll and their goal with Leader. Dang Samuel, bringing all the lovers and drama to the smashers, aren't you?)
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