#and alice sister falls into Real Reality 2.0
kurtbrussels · 1 year
back in middle school, part of the wonderland torment in my story was everyone misgendering and deadnaming alice while trying to convince her she is someone else until it finally got to her
and now that im older i realize it was.. pretty distasteful.. but i feel like theres still a good idea in there somewhere i just dont know how to form it
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kassies-take · 4 years
Kane Vs Luthor
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SuperBat^2 (Kara/Kate) all earths have merged so Batwomans Gotham and Supergirls National City exist on the same earth (Star City also exists next to NC as does Central City so Kate gets a Costume from Cisco and Kara gets a device from him so she can become more human when she needs to) Kate and Lena end up in a battle of wits while trying to take over CatCo. Humour/Serious/Romance/NSFW
A/n: I don’t know how this gonna go down but thank you for giving me the opportunity to try something new. I also don’t know what you mean by take over Catco? Did you want the two CEOs to try to buy Catco for Kara? Ooh ideas just popped into my head!
SuperBat^2, Supercorp, (Insert ship name for Lena and Kate)
Word Count: 1966
Kara had hope. She is the Paragon of Hope after all. After Crisis she desperately wanted to have a certain Luthor by her side again. Back when flowers filled her office, back when brunch was a weekly thing, back when she could’ve shared her secret, back when they were best friends. But the Luthor, the Luthor wanted nothing to do with the Super after her betrayal and hurt.
Kate, Paragon of Courage. Batwoman had the courage to come out as a lesbian to all of Gotham, and confront her past. All with a bit of help from the Girl of Steel, now it was her turn to repay the favor.
A knock interrupted Kara’s staring contest with the refrigerator. She lowered her glasses and looked towards the door. A benefit to having x-ray vision, no peep hole needed.
“Kate?” Kara walked towards the door. “What are you doing here?” She moved out of the way to let the brunette in.
“We spent the beginning of crisis looking for the Paragon of Courage together, and the later half stuck in the Vanishing Point together. You have the same face of lost hope, when you video called for Batwoman’s coming out, like the one then. Thought I come by and check on you.”
“W-What about Gotham?”
“The Crows have Alice, Gotham can last a few days without the bat. It lasted three years before. And if the city really needs Batwoman, the World’s Finest would be there.” Kate opened Kara’s fridge for a beer and walked towards the blonde on the couch. “So.”
“What?” Kara grabbed the remaining potstickers from her coffee table and began to stuff her mouth trying to avoid the elephant in the room.
“What has made the Girl of Steel lose a bit of hope?” Kate asked while pointing the bottle top at Kara before she grabbed the bottleneck to open the beer with her bat-a-rang.
“Lex is running the D.E.O now and the whole world thinks he’s this... hero.”
“Lex Luthor a major dick huh,” Kate sat down next to Kara.
“You have no idea. I want to know what he’s up to.”
“Well we know Lex Luthor is a psychopathic lunatic, who wants to take over the world,” Kate took a sip.
“I know that, but...”
“What is his plan?”
The two sat quietly in Kara’s loft trying to think of ideas of Lex’s plan. That was until Kate spotted a picture in Kara’s open journal.
“Who is this?” Kate teased as she held up the photo of Kara and Lena.
“Lena, she was my best friend.”
“She’s Lex’s sister. But she’s not like him or the rest of the family, she’s good. Before Crisis I betrayed her, kept the biggest secret from her. Lex told her. She had a mission to make sure no one could hurt each other again, because I had hurt her when everyone in her life had already done so. She told me, all those times I checked in on her at her office, during brunch, game night and each one of those times she told me about her Achilles heel. And now, now she’s got her wish that I experience the same thing she has. She wouldn’t even look at me now, and she’s working with Lex.”
“Were you two close?”
“When I was around her I didn’t have to feel like I had to be Supergirl. I was normal, and I didn’t have to worry about the weight of the world on my shoulders.”
“Like she’s the only one who truly knows you, and not your alter ego. Yeah I know how you feel.”
“Ex-girlfriend actually. Sophie Moore which gives me the impression that she is more than a friend to you.”
“She’s my best friend, she’s my family.”
Kate froze and stared, eyebrows furrowed at the oblivious girl in front of her.
“I appreciate you coming here, Kate. I don’t mean to kick you out but I have work in the morning and Andrea would not be happy if I’m late.”
“Tomorrow is a Saturday, you could help me on my suit though.”
“You brought your suit here?” 
“Well no, but Cisco said my suit ‘is too last crisis’” Kate used quotations as she said it.
“Huh maybe Cisco could help me with something.”
“You already have an upgrade on your suit, did you want another one?”
“Oh no, a gadget actually or something you know to help me feel more human. To be Kara Danvers and not Kara Zor-El or Supergirl.”
“Like forever?”
“Just when I want to be.”
The World’s Finest Duo entered Star Labs greeted with hugs and shouts. The shouts were mainly by Cisco, he was excited to show off the new bat suit.
“Ta-da!” Cisco pulled off the white sheet in the main corridor.
Barry had his arms crossed, as Caitlyn and Iris turned their heads to the side, Kara’s eyebrows creased together with her mouth slightly open, and Kate was the only one with courage to speak the truth.
“What’s the difference between this and my old suit.”
Cisco gasped in mock hurt. “Excuse me, your old suit may have Kevlar armor, damage recording, night vision lenses, and a defibrillator. But this! This baby can fly!”
The suit began to levitate as Cisco gushed at his own creation.
“And what if it runs out of battery?” Kate asked. “I wouldn’t want to fall out of the sky.”
“I’m glad you asked,” Cisco pointed to Kate before he tapped something on his tablet. “Kinetic storage! Everytime you move in the suit it charges it AND BAM nanotechnology! You can get to scenes quicker!”
“That’s so cool!” Kara smiled.
“Come on let’s try this baby out!” Cisco drummed his hands against the shoulder of the suit. “Barry has the ring, Kara has the glasses, J’onn with his shape shifting, and you, you get a necklace!”
“A necklace? Really Cisco?” Iris shrugged.
“Yeah yeah it’s all Black Pantery, not that origin-“
“I was hoping for more of a pizzazz,” Iris waved her hands in the air, displaying jazz hands.
“Okay, I see how it is. You try improving a suit that was already impressive.” Cisco sassed.
Ralph walked in moments later. “Oh hey, love the new suit Cisco, I’ve got info on our meta.”
“Thank you! At least someone has an eye for beauty.”
“Alright, Ralph and I will check it out.” A gust of wind blew around the corridor.
Cisco asked Kate for her birthstone necklace and placed some emitter on the back of it. “When you need the suit it’ll know.”
The suit slowly appeared on Kate’s body as the whole room now found it impressive.
“And for my favorite Kryptonian.” Cisco held out a bracelet.
“Is this blue Kryptonite?” Kara asked.
“So based on our existing world history, not only does blue K not affect you like Bazzaro, it can also suppress Kryptonian powers. When you whip off your glasses for your suit to materialize, the lead lined glasses would engulf the blue K letting you become Super. Superbat 2.0. Try them on, and see how it works.”
“So you want Kara to punch me while I fly away.”
“Okay when you put it like that, it makes it sound less interesting.”
Kara and Kate thanked Cisco after their test run. Things went back to normal, well as normal is it can get with the World’s Finest, for the next eight weeks. Andrea decided to focus more on Obsidian North than on Catco, therefore selling it with two potential buyers. Lena Luthor and Kate Kane. 
Ms. Kane and Ms. Luthor continuously went back and forth without giving Ms. Rojas the ability to jump in and agree or disagree with the two other billionaires in the room. 
“Okay, I’m going to go to the editorial meeting. You ladies should figure this out between the two of you before you come to me of who is buying and at what price. I don’t even care if it is less than what I bought it for, just get Catco out of my hands.”
“1 billion,” Lena crossed her arms in and leaned against her chair. 
“Is that how much you’re willing to pay for Catco?” Kate asked. 
“I don’t care about how much money I pay for it as long as I can make Kara happy.”
“So you are buying Catco for it’s Pulitzer prize winning reporter.” 
Lena was confused, as far as she knew Kara Danvers never got a Pulitzer prize, not since the multiverse was changed. So how could this insignificant real estate, tattoo covered asshole from Gotham know about what wasn’t even possible. 
“The lines on your forehead indicate that you are confused. That or you are just getting old,” Kate smirked. “And to answer your old lady confusion, Kara and I saved the multiverse, along with that no good brother of yours. Which you still work with despite the reality of his psychotic mind.” 
“Working with Lex was the only way I could keep an eye on him without causing any suspicions and to protect Superfriends from his ultimate plan.” 
“Yet your plan was to sit around while he did awful things?”
“What more could I have done? Sleep around with someone while being in love with someone else?” Lena called out Kate. 
It was Kate’s turn to be speechless. 
“Don’t think I don’t know Ms.Kane. You have all these tattoos to show you don’t care and is a player but deep down you really care for someone.”
“I could say the same for you Ms. Luthor. It is not all that surprising that you brought up sleeping with someone else and loving someone while we talk about Kara. That every time you are in a room with Kara, your eyes subtly move towards her arms or how you unconsciously bite your lip.”
“What goes on in my mind about Kara has nothing to do with this.”
“It takes one to know one, Luthor. I’m just stating the facts.” 
The room fell into silence for the first time since the younger Kane and the younger Luthor walked into the office. That was until a happy, beaming Golden Retriever walked into the room.
“Kate! You’re here!” Kara ran to give her a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“Andrea is selling Catco, wanted to see my chance of getting it. But it seems I have competition.” Kara followed Kate’s line of sight and noticed Lena. 
“Lena! You’re here!” Kara ran towards Lena before she hesitated to give her a hug.  Before the whole betrayal there would’ve been no hesitation but now, now she didn’t know what the right thing to do was. 
“I am, and when I buy it back. You will be editor in chief.” 
“No need to kiss ass, Luthor. We are both trying to buy Catco for the same reason.”
“What is that reason?” Kara smiled.
“I’m surprised you didn’t hear Kara. You’re the one with super hearing.” Lena whispered dangerously close to Kara’s ear.
“I-uh. I got a. I got a device from Cisco. He made something for me so I wouldn’t constantly need to control my strength and be human like you guys.” 
“Well feel free to use all your strength with me.” Lena bit Kara’s earlobe before she walked away. 
“I’ll tell Andrea, I’m buying then?”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m not going to make it that easy.” 
“Kate please save me.” Kara was redder than a tomato.
“I think you should follow her.” 
“You’re right. I’ll go do that.”
Andrea walked in the moment Kara left. “So it turns out Lena is buying Catco?”
“Huh what, okay,” Kate did not realize she agreed to Lena buying Catco. She was confused with how that whole thing played out. 
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