#and all of the normal bonding rituals being removed from those cultures
msburgundy · 8 months
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Kar’taylir Darasuum
A/N: This post has been a long time coming and I am SORRY for that. The lovely @darkmist111​ wanted to know more about courtship and romance as it pertains to the world of Resol’nare, and well... I sort of got carried away with research and head cannons and... well, you’ll see. 
Quick links: Resol’nare // Hokan’yc // Mando’a Dictionary
WC: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of violence, death - they are a culture of warriors, my friends, it’s unavoidable. 
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thank you so much for this ask and for your patience while i worked on it! oh boy buckle up here we go: 
Courtship in Mandalorian culture is often a very short time period. Relationships move quickly from one stage to the next, because Mandalorians know better than many cultures that tomorrow is never promised. That being said, they don’t just pair off indiscriminately, and while physical appearance holds little to no weight in terms of attraction, there are other things that do certainly tip the scales. 
For someone like Din, brought up in an extremely strict covert with an adherence to The Way of the Mandalore that leaves very little room for interpretation, the most attractive trait a person can have is skill as a fighter. Knowing that the person they are pledging their soul to is capable of not only watching their six in battle, but protecting themselves and any children that might be in the family (foundlings or otherwise) is extremely important to Mandalorians. As such, many courtships begin while Mandos are in the final stages of training, when they begin to leave the covert to go on missions. (See Hokan’yc for Din’s story of young love at this stage in his life, and meet Aashi Zurn, the Mando who bested him in the sparring chamber and won his heart in the process.) 
Trust and loyalty are extremely important to Mandalorians when seeking a partner. Marriage in Mandalorian culture is meant to be forever- eternal- as Mandalorians believe that their souls live on after death, and remain connected to their loved ones until the end of time. Depending on the level of anonymity the individuals in question choose as a lifestyle (i.e. helmets on at all times or removed in front of others, names known or unknown), Mandalorians might show their trust in a partner by telling them something personal about themselves, something that they would normally keep a secret either out of pride or protection. This is usually returned in kind, a sort of exchanging of secrets that begins the binding of their two souls together that will continue throughout their relationship so that if/when they choose to marry, they are speaking the truth when they say that they know one another- in a way that no one else ever will. 
Some small ways that Mandalorians will show affection or appreciation for one another during their courtship and long into their relationship (because Mandalorians don’t just fall in love and settle, they keep falling deeper into it, letting it grow stronger) include: helping them clean their armor or weapons, tending to any aches and pains from old injuries- most Mandalorians make their own herbal salves that they use to soothe inflammation or to help heal scarring, and sharing from your own personal blend to provide comfort for your partner goes a long way. (This will come up in more than one way in Resol’nare, so look out for that in the future.) sharing or preparing a favorite meal, and in the event that they really want to emphasize their feelings, they will give a piece of their own armor to their partner, showing that they are ready to view them as a part of themselves, ready to protect them with their own life if necessary. 
The tradition of wearing the armor of their beloved comes from ancient times, when a Mandalorian fell in love with another who was a member of an enemy clan and had been captured by her people. To protect her lover from those who would kill them on sight just based on the sigil or coloring of their armor, she traded some of her plates with some of theirs so that they could escape unnoticed. Once two Mandalorians are wed, not even blood feuds between clans can come between them, so the exchanging of armor became seen as a sort of intention to marry for many Mandalorians.
Because Mandalorian culture takes root in various other cultures, some traditions from those other cultures cross over into theirs. For example, while no Mandalorian would ever make the mistake of asking a woman’s father for her hand in marriage and Mandalorian women are seen as complete equals and therefore able to make their own choices when it comes to their partners, some clans will still partake in common practices like introducing their intended to their family or announcing their engagement to their families and loved ones before making it known to others in the community. While jewlery is extremely uncommon in Mandalorian culture (unless it is functional, such as a beskar collar style necklace) engagement tokens like pendants engraved with the two names or rings either without stones, or rings with low profile stones inlaid into the bands- in some cases a gemstone will be embedded within the metal on the underside of the band, where it makes contact with the finger- are considered standard in most other cultures, so they are sometimes still exchanged but are in no way necessary to solidify an engagement or an intent to marry. 
The actual vows exchanged between Mandalorians are short and to the point, and there is no required ceremony, no officiant or witness needed, no record keeping of any sort, so the actual wedding is usually done just between the two individuals in private. Traditionally they are as follows: 
"Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde" which translates to "We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors."
Once the vows are said, the marriage is official and the Riduurok bond is forged and must be acknowledged and respected by all Mandalorians.
Newlyweds will lift the helmet of their spouse once the vows have been sworn so that they may be sealed more intimately. In the case of Mandalorians who keep their faces hidden, this may be the first time that one or both of them sees the other without their helmet. In other cases, the removal of their riduur’s armor is merely symbolic. 
Although there are no formalities that need to happen in order to legitimize a marriage, there are of course some traditions and rituals that are completed which Mandalorians believe safeguard and strengthen their bond with their spouse. These include getting specific tattoos, and adding each other’s sigil to armor or weapons.  
Riduurok Tattoos 
Tattooing is an important part of Mandalorian culture. Regardless of their culture of origin, where they come from, or how they choose to interpret the Creed, it is rare to come across an adult Mandalorian with no tattoos. Even the New Mandalorians under Satine’s pacifist regime continued to carry on tattooing, though not as extensively or ritualistically as the more orthodox communities like the one that Din, Paz and The Armorer come from. For them it was done more for decorative purposes. Though their designs still pay homage to shapes and motifs that are meaningful to all Mandalorians, they also include more aesthetic design elements such as florals, vines or stars. 
Typically a Warrior will receive their first tattoo when they complete their training at thirteen; a thick black chevron shaped cuff on their left bicep. This symbolizes that they are part of the larger Tribe of Mandalorians outside of their own clans, and serves to remind them of the duty that they have to protect all Mandalorians. They have to look at it each time they don or remove their armor, and in the abhorrent event that they are stripped of their armor in defeat, the ink serves as symbolic beskar so that they remain protected in the afterlife. Bands and chevrons are added to symbolize achievements in battle or heroic action to protect their covert.(Din has five bands on his left arm, the latest one just below his elbow- his first when he completed mandatory training at 13, his second when he completed additional elite training, his third when helped relocate the covert to Nevarro- see Hokan’yc- his original covert was located on Dantooine- his fourth when he was injured protecting a group of foundlings, and the fifth after claiming the Darksaber. He would absolutely have more bands had he not spent so much time away from the covert. He absolutely will have more bands by the time Resol’nare ends.)  For Mandalorians who live a long life or are extremely skilled fighters, it is not uncommon for these bands to cover the entire arm from mid bicep to wrist. If more space is needed, another chain of bands is added to the left thigh ranging downwards. It is said that no Mandalorian has ever completely covered their entire left side, simply because in a war-based culture, life expectancy is cut short. 
Mythosaur skulls, clan signets, troop affiliations and words or short phrases in Mando’a are also typical designs that Mandalorians may choose to have done. The Mythosaur is usually tattooed on the back while the right bicep is where Mandalorians will honor their families in their chosen way. Usually it is by adding their clan signet, names of loved ones or parents, or even symbols or patterns that are significant to their culture of origin. ( Navina has a tattoo on her right arm to pay tribute to her mother’s- who was a foundling- culture. It will be revealed in an upcoming chapter so that is all that I can say about that! Din also has the Mythosaur skull inside of a triangle on the right side of his chest, and his Mudhorn signet on his right shoulder.)
Riduurok tattoos are placed on the left side or center of the chest, over the individual’s heart, and are done as soon as possible after marriage vows are sworn. Taking the shape of the Kar'ta Beskar, Mandalorians personalize them by adding their spouse’s name in Mando’a in the empty space in the middle of the design. Like the arm bands, these are also meant to symbolize armor of sorts. They represent the way that married couples remain connected no matter if they are together or apart; that they are one, an integral part of the other, even in death. They also signify the strength gained through marriage, as well as the protection a Mandalorian vows to provide for their partner. Love is seen as something that fortifies, never weakens, and that is represented in this tattoo as well. 
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(Terrible graphic made with love by me)
This particular tattoo comes directly from a Mandalorian myth predating modern record keeping. Legend has it that long ago, a Mandalorian warrior returned home from battle, eager to see his riduur after so much time away. When he arrived, however, he found only her lifeless form, the soul of the one he had tied himself to no longer inhabiting the flesh and bone of her body. She had been slain, taken from him and from their life together, and it opened in him a new capacity for rage, something far more fierce than fire. It is said that in the moment that the Mandalorian warrior saw what had happened in his absence, vengeance itself was unleashed into existence. 
The warrior, fueled by this new urge, this extreme desire to avenge the death of his wife, tracked down the marauders who were responsible for her death and killed them one by one. The last of them, as he watched the Mandalorian take his accomplices’ lives, did not beg or grovel. He could see that it would do no good. Instead, he confessed that he did not think that Mandalorians had the capacity to love so deeply as to inspire such retaliation, that he did not think Mandalorians were open to things that could make them weak, things like love. 
“Only fools like you would think that love makes one weak.” he spat at the man. “True love is power, it is strength- it is the joining of two into one and nothing, not even death can diminish it. But you? Death will erase your soul and before long you will be forgotten.” 
The Mandalorian warrior killed the final marauder then, and as he did the pure rage that he felt upon discovering the death of his riduur quieted. Instead, he felt her presence, as though she were there to wrap her arms around him. He felt her strength enter his heart, and though he would mourn her loss immensely, he knew that she would never truly be gone, that he would always carry her and that they would reunite when his journey came to an end. As a tribute to his riduur and what she would always mean to him, the warrior etched her name over his heart in ink, encasing it in the oblong diamond shape of the Kar'ta Beskar, symbolizing that she is the source of his strength, a kind of armor that protected him from facing eternity alone. From then on, Mandalorians added the Riduurok Tattoo into their marriage rituals.   
Clan Sigils 
In the case that both Mandalorians have already been assigned sigils, or if they have sigils that they inherited from their own clans, they will either combine both symbols into one new one, or they will add their spouse’s sigil right beside their own on their armor and/or weapons. (In Resol’nare, Navina’s beskar kal that she inherited from her father- thanks of course to Firo- displayed the sigils of both of her parents, as well as her own name)  
If only one of the two can claim a sigil as their own distinct mark, they will extend it to their spouse as they extend every part of themselves through marriage, and if neither one has been assigned a sigil, they will both take the sigil of the first one who is assigned one.  
It is completely up to the individuals regarding whether or not they will choose to take their spouse’s name- the important thing is that they are under the same sign, as their sigils are yet another bond that they carry into the afterlife that helps them reunite once both have rejoined the Manda. 
THANK YOU AGAIN TO @darkmist111​ for this request. I had a lot of fun thinking about and writing this, and it was a great way for me to finally dive back into the world of Resol’nare. :) 
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to or removed from the tags! :)
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Before the Dawn AU - Sephiroth (long post)
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Music Theme Found Here
Basic AU Info from Profile:
Sephiroth is the only one of his kind--many a Dryad there have been, and some birthed forth from his home land, but none like him. He himself is bound to the Mother Crystal found within the Great Woods in the Forgotten City. For many years, he believed himself a pure being, created to protect his Mother and all that was pure and good that she created or reigned over in the City and at its edges. He knew she hated the weak, the powerless, just as much as she hated those greedy with power and arrogant with toxic ego. And so he hated them as well. For why would he not, if mother did? He protected the City, and roamed within it. But when the day came that a dark Vampire came strolling through, intent on clawing out one of the mothers resting within the crystal (as the form of two women seemed to rest within the great large crystals core), something in him changed. By nature and nurture, he was intent on fighting this Vampire off, but he spewed nonsense about being his true creator, and that his Mothers were useless and greedy wenches. Argument and battle ensued, and what few friends Sephiroth may have gained from the very small population of beings and descendants of Ancients (the original elvenesque people of the Forgotten City and keepers of the crystals and the pure energy of the woods), they tried to aid him, to reason with him. But this Vampire, Hojo, seemed to tear assunder the very fabric of the life the Dryad had lived--He tore too deep into the crystal, and into Sephiroth’s own belief of his existence, and both made Sephiroth susceptible to control….from the very one he trusted most, his great mother Jenova, who’s power had finally been freed enough by the damage to the crystal to reach him. From then on out, she used him like her very tool of will. A great many inhabitants of the City died at his hand, as holy fire wrought throughout it, only a few fae and ancient descendants escaping, seemingly by Sephiroths failure to seize them… Jenova would seek to continue using him as her own puppet, building his power, his strength, twisting him into a possible vessel if she could ever have him free her from the crystal without absolutely destroying it. But Jenova wasn’t the only one in the crystal--no, when Sephiroth was to be made, by Hojo and his mate, Lucrecia, using a shart of Jenova’s crystal, conflict grew between them all, jenova influencing them without their know, breeding Hojo’s greed further, and Lucrecia’s love for those innocents who did not deserve his cruel actions (both the vampire pawn Hojo intended to create, and the back up they saw their claimed son would be). During a confrontation, Lucrecia was stabbed by the shard, which Hojo still used, thinking the ordeal only gave it more power, unknowing of the fact that it had corrupted his mate. Throughout their time developing Sephiroth, she found herself twisted between a cruel darkness akin to Hojo’s, and her true heart shining through. She was almost consumed by that darkness, but escaped with what seemed to be a crystalized egg, holding a small toddler within, and she begged Jenova to make it right, to forgive her her sins in what she’d done to the crystal, and help her give Sephiroth a chance to live. Jenova took advantage of this plea, took Lucrecia into her crystal under the pretense it would prevent her corruption, which it did, but it also locked her away, and she took advantage of having her. Sephiroth was made a monster, by a corrupted Ancient locked away in the Great Crystal, meant to lock and purify her, but it could only bind her for so long. He was a nightmare upon the world, making victims of many beings, from werewolves, to vampires, to demons, to fae, to humans. It mattered not, so long as Jenova saw weakness that needed to be snuffed out. It seemed as if he would either end the world, or have to end himself. It was by the will of warriors that he was finally stopped, and the faint influence of the mother who sacrificed herself for his best chest, Lucrecia, that he found his end….and began again. He returned to the Forgotten City, forging from it’s waters anew, stronger, and wiser, and wearing his crimes and cruelty and truth like a weight upon his shoulders. He now wanders the world looking to purify crystals by a ritual taught to him by a tender ancient decadent girl from before his wreckage upon the City--he wanted to ensure Jenova’s reach would not continue, that she would be removed, never to harm anyone again (unbeknownst to him, his rebirth after defeat at the hands of a specific warrior would produce Jenova’s last attempt at presence, a Water Nymph in their combined visage). He is seen as a monster by most, and does not deny it, but he carries on, to make the world better from the damage he did to it. His natural form involves pale skin, very little clothing if any, minor horns sprouting backward from his bangs, discoloration of the skin around his, elongated nails, markings upon his skin that look like tattoos made to look like cracks in his skin, a few embedded crystals in certain patterns here and there over his upper body. He also has a feral form which involves glowing eyes, discoloured, iridescent skin, crystal embedded horns as opposed to his normal horns that look similar to dull and half dead branches of the trees of the Great Forest of the Forgotten City, a wing of Crystal and light, and slightly increased size. (timeline of his story is dependent entirely on what we as rp partners decide).
~   ~.  ~
Name: Sephiroth, the Crystal Dryad, the Silver Fae, the Fae Curse.
Species: Crystal Dryad, only one of a species never seen before him. (Much like a Dryad of the forests and its soul tree, but he is bound to a Great Crystal of the old Ancients culture).
Role/Profession/Job: Originally protector of the Forgotten City of the Ancients, and indirect Knight of the Mother Crystal. Then, the will and hand of Corrupt Jenova bound in Crystal, he became a curse upon all. Now, he wanders alone to mend the world, to help it heal from the damage he caused. 
Age: 30′s
Nature: As a Dryad, he is drawn to protect, care for, and stay near his connection source, and so he was very much a proud dweller of the Forgotten City and it’s forest. He mingled within the trees and smaller crystals, explored, tended to nature, and took down harmful beasts sent to taint the land. He was a peaceful being, but as he got older, he got restless and more protective, more intense, more closed off. He secluded himself. And then all connection and concern was twisted up and locked away inside him as intense loyalty turned into corrupt loyalty, leading him to harm others and lands beyond. But, his true nature is explorative, curious, intense and valiant, willing to fight as much as he is willing to stand by.
Personality: Curious, loyal, restraint with his empathy but yearning to reach it out to more in the world. He is a being seeking experiences but bound by loyalty for much of his life, and so he resigns himself to that existence and how it requires him to be, personally. But he begins to loose his free will, and control, and seemingly all chance at a free life to experience a great many things. In the throws of Jenova’s worst influence, he is cruel, angry, and seeking what he feels is vengeance and righteous cleansing. But it is not what he truly feels nor how he wished to live. When freedom comes once again, he finds himself experiencing the world with the weight of his crimes on his shoulders.  
History: Unknown to him for a great many years, and still a bit of a mystery in the present, he was the result of a cultist covens experiments and their desires to make a powerful supernatural being under their will. It was a failure, of course, as they delved too deep into their desperation and used the power of a cruel locked soul to aid their work. Through the greedy pride of Hojo, the conflicted coerced efforts of Lucrecia, and the cells of another experiment as well as the cells of the crystal mother, a new being was forged. His crystal cocoon holding his toddler sized, beginning form was carried forth to Jenova by Lucrecia, who begged for salvation for her son. His formative years was full of wonder and pride and appreciation of his land, respect and bonding with the locals within the town, and curiosity of what was beyond. He always found himself coming back to rest at the foot of the Mother crystal, where he felt at home, cradled, watched over by Mother Jenova, glowing and beautiful, and Mother Lucrecia, gentle and soft. His teen and adult years grew with troubles and problems, and more responsibilities, but he sought to do right by all. But, without his awareness and willingness, he felt that desire shrinking and narrowing, and slowly the world seemed to become toxic, the cruelties endless and festering, and he found himself haunted by visions of a doomed, decaying future. And he found himself followed Mother Jenova’s pleas for him to cleanse lands of the cruelty waiting to ruin the world. His bloodshed began in his home, the Forgotten City, but it stretched beyond, for only a few years, before a few warriors and one in particular stood against him, breaking through some part of him (or was it the influence of Mother Lucrecia, or both?), and taking him down, freeing him from the fate of being a dark hand any longer. By will of the mother that loved him truly, he found himself reborn for a second chance, and so he has taken it, to make amends and find where he once was again.
Energy influence over some nature and weather. The darkness or light of his influence is dependent on his state of mind.
Crystal energy connection, manipulation, energy flow.
Crystal influence as a part of him, meaning he naturally influences shards as a part of himself, and sometimes they can grow into sort of guards or simple crystal sources embedded in his skin.
Super speed, strength, extra senses especially connected to the awareness of the planet.
Energy warping for various purposes, from light display, to energizing, to healing, to blasts or shields.
Feral Form Powers; specific attacks linked to his claws, increased crystalizing, flight due to the wing upon his back made of crystals and energy, stronger levels of all other influences, can tap into the energy of the planets crystals for devestating power, if he so chooses.
Fae magic and Ancient magic spells and treatments.
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sepublic · 5 years
It’s been forever since I last posted about Bionicle: RaE, but... looking at Hollow Knight, and in particular the character of the Mask Maker, it’s been making me think;
In RaE the Okotans (most of them at least) are human, or at least have a human appearance. They have actual faces and for me, it’s fun thinking up and designing these human faces, trying different features, etc. But with the whole heavy emphasis on masks in the original Bionicle lore, I’m wondering;
What if in RaE, the characters are all human. But as a cultural norm, Okotans wear masks because for them, the face is a deeply sacred thing. To not wear a mask and to expose your face is basically like being naked, or mooning someone. 
(Yes this was heavily inspired by this post; 
The discussion and reblogs on this post really informed this idea of mine in a lot of ways, please read it if you have the chance!)
I feel like this is a really fun concept to work with, because one can really go out of their way to individualize and express characters through appearance (which is ironic, since masks are often used to suppress identity, not enhance it). Perhaps there’s a culture involving making one’s own mask as a rite of passage? How would the Masks of the Dead function in RaE? 
From a character design standpoint, having everyone wear distinct masks is a lot of fun while also still making the setting stand out from a regular human one, incorporating that Bionicle flavor, and exploring the idea of a different cultural norm. It would also be interesting to explore a culture that considers faces to be such a private, sacred thing, and what art about them is like. How would body language expand? For those who are deaf, sign-language would be a total necessity because masks prevent you from seeing a person’s lips.
Likewise, what does this tradition of masks have to say about identity? How sacred would the role of a Mask-Maker in RaE be, even prior to the invention of Masks of Power? Masks that are passed down, such as the Protector Masks, could say a lot about how each person inherits the role and ‘identity’ of Protector. Are there deities who are given direct homage in Mask designs, especially for the standardized, catalogued designs for specific Mask powers? In my notes, I have the concept of the Okotan Emperor being a person who completely forsakes their individual identity, donning the mask, robes, and regalia of the position to represent Okoto as a whole. 
I just... think it’s a very fun concept to explore. Especially since some Okotans may challenge the idea of what constitutes as a mask and what materials have to go in one. Or how much the mask has to cover. Character interactions are great because imagine the intimacy and trust behind the act of showing one’s face to another? Are certain roles assigned certain Masks, essentially saying that, for now at least, a person wearing that mask has their entire identity rooted in that role? Likewise, even if all Masks are required to be made from sturdy material, what if they’re broken or lost? How would a character react? Especially with the Skull Spiders being a constant threat.
Speaking of which- This concept could also make the Skull Spiders a far more invasive, perverse concept to the Okotans than they already are. Taking control of a person is one thing, but tearing off their mask and applying itself to their vulnerable face? It’s an invasion of identity and dignity, and further shows just how terrible Makuta is. The sacredness of Masks would increase as they’re now also a form of protection against the conformity of the Skull Spiders. Likewise, the Skull Raiders, who wear protective helmets but otherwise lack such an emphasis on covering one’s face, could appear more ‘barbaric’ to the Okotans for this.
How early is one’s mask introduced to a child? Are there rituals for receiving masks? Is changing one’s mask a casual thing? Would a person have access to multiple masks at a time, for different social functions and purposes? Are some animals and steeds given masks? Given how Masks of Power have to be worn on the face to be activated, could the whole culture of protecting one’s face hearken back to a very ancient understanding of this link, even before it was normalized by Ekimu and Makuta? Do the Toa themselves wear masks or are they differentiated by a lack of constantly wearing them, which... In-universe and from a design perspective makes them stand out. Kind of like how art depicts greek gods as nude. Would some masks indicate social status, especially in terms of materials or designs used? Are certain designs considered taboo, sacred?
Imagine the symbolism, of a character’s mask not fitting their face! How would Naming Day factor into this and its emphasis on names, another major facet to identity? What if a parent dies, and a surrogate figure steps in to assume the role of parent, and ends up wearing the deceased parent’s mask as a symbolic gesture? Would people make Masks for one another? Perhaps Masks indicating romance, or familial or communal bond? Would prisoners and exiles be forced to wear a certain kind of mask while in confinement? 
Impersonation may or may not be harder because a Mask is easier to replicate than a face (unless a lot of skilled craftsmanship went into the former). Of course, this makes the trust behind showing one’s face all the more potent, because you show someone the ‘true’ you, or at least a part of you that can never change and truly defines your identity. Masks could be seen as better than faces because one can choose a mask, and thus it’s more indicative of individuality and self-determinism! In combat, taking a defeated opponent’s mask holds a lot of symbolism of you ‘conquering’ that person or their identity! 
From an autistic perspective, this is further fascinating. Because for a lot of autistic people, making direct eye contact feels invasive and far too intimate to do with strangers and even most friends. Likewise, many autistic people also have face-blindness, being unable to recognize and differentiate faces. With Masks removing the concept of faces and replacing them with something far more distinct and colorful, this would be such an accommodating culture! Likewise, depending on mask design, eyes are likely to be more obscured. Could this lead to greater emphasis on expression through eyes, or decreased eye-contact as a norm? 
I dunno, it’s... just a lot of fun to speculate about. My only concern is that this means that I’m going to have to come up with a LOT of Mask-designs, especially since identity is such a key facet to them. Likewise, a part of me has had fun designing individual faces, so it kind of feels like I’m throwing several of them away now that they’re not likely to be seen unless under very specific circumstances. I dunno. It’s such a fun and unique concept for me that I might just go ahead with it anyway, and I kind of already AM within my mind. 
The idea of exploring this norm that to us is so different and over-the-top, but for the Okotans is regular and taken for granted, not questioned at all... It’s a fun thing to consider regarding social norms and how we view certain body parts. Imagine if in RaE, faces are taboo to bare, but breasts are perfectly fine! It’d be a fun way of questioning why things are the way they are, why we value them, and what we feel about things.
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Rivethun Spirit Channeler (Medium Archetype)
Drawing upon the traditions of the dwarven Rivethun, a mystic sect that values insight into matters of body and mind through being “outside the normal (though not necessarily unnatural) order of things”, today we are looking at a medium archetype derived from those traditions.
Though dwarven in origin, the Rivethun as a whole do not discriminate, eagerly accepting members of all races into their ranks, seeing value in the mixing of cultures and identities in the same way that many of their members are transgender or nonbinary, using that identity of “between-ness” as the focus for their powers, resolving the issue of body and soul not matching as a metaphor for how they resolve the disconnect between material and spiritual.
I could go on about how awesome the Rivethun are, but we’re here to talk about how this applies to mediums with this archetype. Furthermore, even without the ties to that organization, this archetype still has value.
Regardless of how they explore their own inner conflicts, the teachings of the Rivethun allow them to forge a greater bond with their channeled spirits, altering how their abilities manifest.
 Interestingly, these mediums can channel their power through their understanding and empathy if they feel it is the stronger choice, rather than sheer force of personality. However, they seem to develop less capacity for generating magical effects via spells.
Additionally, rather than bond with a spirit tied to a location, these mystics instead invite a nearby spirit entirely into their own bodies, drawing upon it as needed in a variety of ways, but only having a limited amount of energy with which to utilize these myriad talents.
With their strong connection to the otherworldly, they also are better equipped to speak to fey, outsiders, undead creatures, and others that would fall under the blanket term of spirit.
Like animist shamans, they can also speak directly to the spirits of disease, poison, and less material forms of ailment, and attempt to command them to leave the bodies of those in their care.
With the focus on those abilities, these mediums learn to speak and channel haunts much later than most mediums.
Did you really like the spirit dancer’s ability to switch spirits quickly, but also wanted an archetype more focused on interacting with the spirits directly? This archetype may be what you are looking for. Keep in mind that they will be much slower to get into spellcasting than most mediums, so they’ll definitely be relying more on their spirit abilities than most. Since they have access to all 6 spirits at once in short bursts, I definitely recommend a build focusing on all six.
 With their focus on a stronger bond with their spirits, even if they don’t know said spirits for very long, this archetype could get a lot of mileage out of personal quests involving carrying out the last will of souls too far removed from the material to try and rectify them directly as a phantom or undead creature. Some spirit channelers may be followed around by the same spirit for this exact purpose.
  As a suli, Sha’za was expected to harness the elements, possibly even becoming a shaman of one such force. However, while he could call spirits, they were instead the spirits of the dead. While their disappointment drove a rift between him and his people, he remains dedicated to serving them, and prove the value of his strange abilities.
 They say that angry spirits dwell in Mergen Chasm, so as a coming of age ritual for would-be spirit channelers to go there to find a spirit to placate. More often than not, they are the spirits of those that failed, as the true source of the rift’s stories come from the rift creeper ooze that lurks therein, having leaked through a miniscule weak spot to some outer plane long ago.
 Slogging their way through the forces of a sinister outer cult, the party discovers through a projected image of the cult’s true leader that she has the soul of their deceased patron hostage, channeling her into her mind and body to enhance herself. Such an insult and despoilment cannot go unanswered, but first they’ll have to determine where her lair is.
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A Definition of Magic
What, then, is magic? The best definition to date is almost certainly that of one of the twentieth century’s leading writers on magic, Dion Fortune, who defined magic as “the art and science of causing change in consciousness in accordance with will.”[1]
Magic produces change by working directly with consciousness. Its effects often spill over into the physical world, but this occurs only indirectly. This is, in an important sense, the exact opposite of what modern science does. Science causes changes in the physical world in accordance with the “laws” of the physical world. Magic and science not only work by different means; they also work toward different ends, and, in fact, this difference in ends accounts for the difference in means. This is why practitioners of magic don’t conduct laboratory experiments, and why scientists don’t intone chants before altars inscribed with emotionally powerful symbols. The apologists for the conventions of our own age often claim that magic is a “primitive,” immature groping toward science, and now that science has arrived, magic is obsolete. But science and magic are different enterprises altogether. Neither can entirely supersede the other. Indeed, as will be discussed below, magic is as alive and well in the modern world as it’s ever been – it’s just been brilliantly disguised.
The final clause of Fortune’s definition is “in accordance with will,” which refers to both the will of the person or people working the magic and the person or people upon whom the magic is worked. The elucidation of this principle in the 1590 work On Bonding in a General Sense by the Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno remains the most thorough to date. In this treatise, Bruno details the role of bonds – simultaneously in the sense of “relationships” or “closeness” and “fetters” or “constraints” – in magic. His central thesis is that in order to bind another – that is, to transform the desires of another so that they aid the fulfillment of one’s own desires – one must work with the other’s existing desires. To get someone to believe or to do something in accordance with one’s own will, one must present the belief or action in such a way that the person feels it to be in accordance with his or her own will, thereby satisfying the desires of both the enchanter and the enchanted.[2] Whether this ends up helping or harming the person upon whom the magic is worked is beside the point here; either can be the case depending on the context. The point is that magic can only be successful if it satisfies the desires of all involved in the working. The historian of religion Ioan P. Couliano has rightly discussed On Bonding in a General Sense as a broader, more existential, and ultimately more ambitious counterpart to Machiavelli’s The Prince.[3]
Magic in the Pre-Christian Germanic World
You’re likely thinking at this point, “Okay, but that only works on humans, right? What about influencing the weather and the behavior of animals and plants, activities with which sorcerers, shamans, and the like from all over the world are credited?”
It’s a perfectly valid question, and it can be answered by pointing out that this sort of magic typically takes place in a cosmological context that’s very different from our own. The pagan Norse and other Germanic peoples believed that spirit could be found in countless things throughout the world, rather than exclusively belonging to mankind. This included even things that we today would consider to be nonliving, inanimate objects. And if something has a spirit, then in some sense it is conscious and has a will of its own. Thus, humans weren’t the only beings who could be influenced by magic. Inasmuch as a storm, or a cat, or a ship partook of spirit, it, too, was subject to the workings of magic.
For the ancient Germanic peoples, magic was a fairly normal part of the fabric of everyday life. The practitioner of magic worked with the basic principles that were thought to underlie the workings of the cosmos rather than against them. If he or she was set apart from other people in any way, it was in his or her level of knowledge concerning the cosmos in general and those upon whom he or she was working. It’s worth pointing out that this is something Bruno emphasizes as well: the person who binds most successfully is the person who knows the beings to be bound and their desires the most thoroughly.[4]
The Old Norse vocabulary of magic revolves around conceptions of knowledge. As Professor Catharina Raudvere, a specialist in Norse magic, explains, “the verb kunna, meaning both ‘to know, to understand, to know by heart’ as well as ‘to have insight in the old traditions and lore’…is at the core of this semantic field.”[5] The most common and general word for “magic” is fjölkyngi,[6] which is derived from kunna and means “great knowledge.”
In addition to the knowledge of magical techniques and knowledge of the beings involved in the working, another form of knowledge at the heart of traditional Germanic magical practice is the knowledge of fate. In Raudvere’s words:
The importance of destiny must not be understood to mean that the Norsemen held purely fatalistic beliefs. Rather it must be understood in terms of knowing the future, in order to keep it under some kind of control. Divination rituals and the performance of seiðr [a type of Norse magic discussed below]… were expressions of ways of finding the keys to hidden parts of reality and measuring what was given. The results of divination marked the limits of individual free will and after the divination ceremony strategies could be made for acting within these limits. Hence, prophecies, dreams and dream interpretations, and curses were treated with the greatest concern. … They reveal a tension between freedom and dependence. Nevertheless, there can seem to be a contradiction in terms: the conceptions of destiny could also be viewed as a definition of personal freedom. On the one hand, the limits are set and it lies within the human condition to identify them and act within the given space; on the other, choices and their consequences over a longer period of time is an important theme in the sagas. …
Destiny was in one sense given, but there were still opportunities for developing different strategies… in connection with the fundamental structure of the perception of time.[7]
Magic, therefore, is (amongst other things) the ability to discern fate and work with it to accomplish one’s purpose.
When modern people speak of magic, they often make a distinction between “white magic” and “black magic,” the former being “good” magic and the latter being “evil” magic. This is as common in anthropology as it is amongst the general populace. Such a taxonomy, however, is nowhere to be found in the conceptions of magic held by the pre-Christian Germanic peoples, who had radically different moral standards than those of what we today call “morality.”
Were there any truly indigenous categories or divisions within Germanic magic, then? There were, but we know frustratingly little about them today. The only type of Norse magic that is clearly marked off from other kinds of magic in Old Norse literature is seidr, a form of “high” ritual magic practiced only by women and “unmanly” men such as the god Odin. Men who practiced magic typically delved into the amorphous complex of “warrior shamanism” practiced by initiatory military societies. The Old Norse word galdr, derived from galan, “to crow,”[8]denotes magic that centrally involves the use of runes and incantations, and may have referred to another particularly organized magical system, but, due to the absence of sufficient evidence, this must remain an intriguing speculation.
Magic in the Modern World
Magic was an integral part of the Western world up to and including the Renaissance. However, that “Rebirth” of Classical culture, arts, and sciences was crushed beneath the boot of the fearfully pious and reactionary elements of the European society of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which included the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Counter-Reformation, the Inquisition, and the Witch Trials. Out of understandable concern for their own safety, philosophers and scientists – formerly among the most likely to be avid practitioners of magic – stripped their crafts of anything that might seem “magical,” rebranding them as the study of inert, mechanistic phenomena. This brought their disciplines into harmony with the dominant strains of Christian theology, wherein the visible, tangible world is an unthinking, unfeeling artifact created by a god who is utterly separate from his creation. Consciousness was dismissed from the world – except, conveniently, from the human mind, but even the workings of the human mind were reframed in mechanistic, as opposed to animistic, terms. Magic had been banished from the world – and, it should be noted, for purely ideological reasons.[9][10]
Or, at least, polite society demands that we speak as if this revolution had actually been successful in removing magic from Western civilization.
Politeness aside, however, the “mechanistic philosophy” of René Descartes, Isaac Newton, and their ilk has utterly failed to erase magic from the modern world, or even to diminish its influence. Magic occupies as prominent a place in modern society as it ever has. We just prefer to call it things like “psychology,” “sociology,” “advertising,” “marketing,” and “personal development” rather than “magic.”
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biayahlife · 3 years
Stories on Grief
We all have stories that govern our lives. Some are stories that we tell ourselves. Some are stories we inherit from our families or the culture in which we were raised. Either way, they are things that inform our guilt, our façade, and our actions. Sometimes it’s easy to identify the stories we tell ourselves. We tell ourselves stories about who we are – an artist, a chef, a father, an aunt. Those are often stories about what gives us an identity, and often, there is an actual narrative of how we got there. Other stories are more subtle – how we define success, what being “good” means. A lot of times these stories are intertwined with cultural expectations or religious ties. Often when I’m feeling guilt or inadequacy, these are the stories that I have to address.
We are not islands. We have relationships with those around us, and often our interactions and intentions can become distorted when viewed through the lens of another person. This isn’t bad – it’s simply what happens because our experiences vary. It’s the point of open communication. July has been a month to recuperate, regroup, and reset; it’s been easier to accept what is and give myself the space to rest. I’m thankful that I’m in a place of resting right now because in the last two weeks of July some pretty heavy things happened in my personal life that circle around change and grief. This restful space has given me time to slowly unpack some of my own stories around grief.
If any of these things had presented themselves five, or even two, years ago, I would be a mess – my brain would be swirling with big emotions, misplaced guilt, and I’d be in serious danger of relapsing into maladaptive coping behaviours. Now I see when these big emotions happen and acknowledge them for what they are without having the immediate need to squash them so that they can’t affect me. Previously, my immediate response would be to disassociate. My childhood was tumultuous, and I learned quickly that emotional responses only created more drama in the household. This followed me into adulthood, and it made even small emotions feel very big. Being able to feel and identify my emotions has been a long journey, and it’s been rough.
Grief is a big feel that is pretty all encompassing. It brings up a lot of things that maybe you thought you’d dealt with long ago. What I’ve also found is that grief is something that we as a culture do not actively deal with. We treat grief as if it’s something to cause shame and to be done in isolation. We cover grief with platitudes of, “It’s going to get better,” “I’m sorry,” or “Everything happens for a reason.” We do not acknowledge its necessity and shame those who outwardly grieve. Grief, when left to fester, can cause fear and anxiety, which causes one to isolate more, and then turns into a vicious cycle. The reality is that grief is uncomfortable, and the only way to alleviate that is to let it ride its course. When confronted with another’s grief we try to let it slide away instead of simply being there with the person as a shared witness. I’ve been asked a lot recently what to do when someone else is grieving because of my past, and fairly recent, experiences.
Here’s what I often end up telling people:
Acknowledge the grief, and don’t apologize. Unless you are the direct cause of the grief, you are not the responsible party, and, therefore, don’t need to be apologizing. Apologizing doesn’t acknowledge the grief. As silly as it may sound, acknowledging that the situation is crap is important.
Don’t try to “fix” it. There is literally nothing anyone can do. Instead, allow yourself to simply be there with the person. Reaffirm how crap the situation is as they need it. Let it be silent as they need it. I know that people often asked me what they could do, and frankly, that was wildly frustrating because there wasn’t much anyone could do. It made me feel guilty and uncomfortable because they just wanted to help. What would have been more helpful was that person acknowledging that the grief was there and that they would be there. Greif causes us to sit quietly with our own thoughts, and sometimes it just needs that quiet space with another person standing witness.
Let them vent and affirm their actions. Grief is messy. It’s like a roller coaster – one moment it’s silent and the next it’s loud, and the next it’s questioning every choice made. As witness, it’s okay to cry with them, be silent with them, and affirm the questions. They know they did what they could. Stating the obvious, or rehashing is looking for that affirmation.
A lot of times grief brings us back to stories we tell ourselves. In our grief we question our actions and there is guilt. When the guilt comes, we have to look at why we feel guilt. Personally, I’ve found that the guilt is often misplaced and intrinsically tied to what Becky and I (affectionately) call Dysons. They are the “shoulds” in our lives. Think: I should have been more ____________ (affectionate, caring, successful, a better partner, etc). Shoulds suck. Dysons are vacuums, and vacuums suck, hence, Dysons. The reality is that we all do the best we can with the tools and skills we have. Will you always make the best choice? No. Do you acknowledge that? Yes. Then there is grief. This is why grief is so important. It helps us acknowledge the things in our life. It helps us acknowledge our actions. It needs to be seen.
In our modern culture, we don’t give grief the space it needs. We have removed grieving rituals and ask those grieving to hide it. We act as if it doesn’t exist. We cover it with purchases and food and drink. I propose that instead, we allow grief to be a time of compassionate care. Often those who are grieving aren’t in the headspace to care for themselves. As witness, you can’t take the pain, but you can help them help themselves.
Ensure they are able to take care of basic needs. This is why meal trains exist. The person grieving may not eat a lot, but the point is that it’s something they no longer have to worry about. I’ve also found that making sure that there are plenty of tissues and water constantly available is important. Fold a basket of laundry, load their dishwasher, or take out the trash. These are everyday basics that still need to be done, but aren’t a high priority at the moment.
Encourage them in self-care. Sometimes, that’s really just encouraging them to take showers, put on day clothes, etc. Having moisturizers and lip balms for chapped noses and lips can be helpful. I also like having cooling face masks available. Crying always makes me puffy, so I imagine it’s the same for other. Encourage them to engage in hobbies or games they enjoy. If they want to snuggle in blankets, encourage it. Self-care is very important. When you care for the physical body, it makes taking care of the mental space easier.
Encourage normalcy. The reality is that immediate grief is heavy and large. Normal routines or work check-ins can be comforting. Grief is altering. It’s a type of permanent change, and change is hard. We crave our normal routines and habits. Acknowledging this is okay is important. Our stories can sometimes tell us in those moments that we weren’t enough because we want that normalcy. The reality is that having that bit of normality is necessary so that we can process our grief and move through it.
Grief is powerful. While painful, it can connect us to those we love. By allowing grief to have space, we give ourselves the space to connect with each other in meaningful ways. For the one experiencing the grief, they are allowed to be vulnerable and to receive comfort and care. For the one standing witness, it allows them to give comfort and care by standing watch over the space. We are allowed that space to connect and bond. It shows that we are there when things are hard as well as when things are easy. I don’t know that grief ever goes away – it doesn’t change actions – but it does change. It becomes less acute. It holds less of a grip. I encourage you to examine the things that need space for grief. Allow it to happen – it’s a real thing! Allow yourself to connect and accept it where it’s at. You can’t move past it until you acknowledge that it’s there. I think that at end of the day, it’s a peaceful feeling – something that makes you feel a bit more complete.
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skyaches-aaa · 3 years
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Here are Krishna’s thoughts on all of her companions , much of which is based on personal headcanon and my canon divergence about Origins’ timeline so I don’t expect everyone to adhere to this development ! This includes companions from the main game and DLCs and I’m using general terms from the companion relationship chart to describe them before going into detail.
EREYEN ( BEST FRIENDS ) : He is a companion created by my best friend who will be bringing him to tumblr in the near future. He is a Warden as well , in Alistair’s recruit group , but also did not want to lead the party. Still , he became a very good friend of Krishna’s over the Blight to the point where her daughter calls him Uncle.
ALISTAIR ( FRIENDS / DISLIKE ) : Oh boy. Krishna’s relationship with Alistair got very complicated. In my game I took the fact I kept sniper romancing him as canon of him developing a crush that ultimately went nowhere when she turned him down which made things uncomfortable for a brief period but she does care for him as a friend. I also have it where the Landsmeet happens in the middle of Origins instead of at the end , and Krishna spares Loghain. She doesn’t want Alistair to leave but she is firm in her decision and is very sad to see him go. She often thinks of him and feels guilty if she ever hears what became of him after the Blight. If she could , she would love to repair their friendship even if it’s not quite what it once was.
ITZAL ( BEST FRIENDS ) : Who’s a good boy ? Itzal’s a good boy !
LELIANA ( FRIENDS ) : There was a bit of a tense start given Krishna’s feelings on the Chantry and Leliana’s naïve view on elves. But she is willing to learn and she develops as a person and they become close.
MORRIGAN ( FRIENDS / DISTRUST / FRIENDS ) : Another complicated relationship. Krishna befriends Morrigan and they do trust one another. They’re very close and Krishna appreciates her blunt honesty. But then the Ritual comes and Krishna has been through a lot. She doesn’t love the idea of it but she also doesn’t want to risk Loghain or Ereyen dying because she loves them deeply. Plus , Morrigan and Ereyen are together so it wasn’t like sex was an issue. And then Morrigan disappears with the baby and Krishna worries about her and , honestly , what she is doing with the child. When they meet again in Witch Hunt , Morrigan is cryptic and refuses to show the baby and she is going to disappear with him again. So Krishna stabs her with every intent on going through the mirror and getting Ereyen his son and the portal closes. It leaves Krishna riddled with guilt until Morrigan shows up again in Inquisition. There is a long conversation where they slowly begin working through what happened and rebuild their relationship. Morrigan admits that she had plans but they changed so Krishna’s paranoia was understandable but they both agree stabbing was probably a bit too far.
OGHREN ( DISLIKE / FRIENDS ) : I take a lot of personal headcanon when it comes to Oghren. He is deep in the ways of the warrior caste , the subsequent removal from it , and the abuse from Branka. Krishna sympathizes , especially after learning the importance of caste in dwarven society. Still , she tells Oghren he can’t talk like that to women in particular , and that drinking this much is an issue. I won’t say she’s unkind about it , but she isn’t exactly gentle either. She doesn’t ever give him alcohol as a present because she does not want to encourage his alcoholism. Krishna is the firm hand he needs to learn to be better. He relapses while they’re apart between Origins and Awakening and she doubles down on him with his new responsibility as a father and husband and that’s when he turns his life around for real.
SHALE ( BEST FRIENDS ) : Shale is her favorite sassy golem. Krishna is very happy to not have control of her. The very blunt nature hides a very soft heart and Krishna knows it. Shale likes to pretend she doesn’t care but she can carried an injured Krishna all the way back to camp and didn’t let anyone else touch her until they got to Wynne. They are very good friends and Krishna misses her when she leaves and is happy for any visits.
STEN ( BEST FRIENDS / RESPECT ) : Sten learns a lot from Krishna and she from him. They build up a combatant’s respect first before they get to a point where things become more personal. She does have to kind of put him in his place in regards to some of his attitudes but all in all Sten is someone she comes to care for and respect very deeply and vice versa.
WYNNE ( RESPECT ) : Oh , Wynne. Krishna is older than the game attempts to imply the Warden is. She’s 30 and Wynne treats her like a child while still expecting her to be fully shouldering the Warden responsibilities. As someone who also lost her mother , she is very against many mothering types save for Adaia’s friend from her former Dalish clan but those are special circumstances. She respects Wynne to a degree , but at the same time Krishna has experienced a lot more than her given Wynne has lived the majority of her life in the Circle. Age doesn’t automatically earn you that respect or right to council. It only comes from her magic / healing experience and the fact that sometimes she does give good advice. But I still wouldn’t call them particularly close.
ZEVRAN ( BEST FRIENDS ) : The assassin sent after her is now a part of her found family , thanks. If it isn’t clear , Krishna does have a preference for her non human companions but it’s not intentional lol. But yeah , Zevran is easily one of her best friends ever and she emotionally supports him in leaving the Crows. They send letters often after the Blight and he regularly offers to kill any annoying nobles for her for free. She doesn’t really directly say no lmao.
LOGHAIN ( LOVE ) : That’s her husband. Again , as the Landsmeet takes place in the middle of the Blight instead , Krishna gets Loghain as a companion early. Krishna has zero intention of falling for him , but she finds an unexpected ease with him. She treats him like a normal person and does understand Rendon was absolutely playing on his paranoia while also acknowledging the things he was at fault for. He is someone she comes to rely on with her leader responsibilities and Krishna finds herself caring more and more. They get married a few years after the Blight and have an adopted elven child named Nina together.
ANDERS ( BEST FRIENDS ) : After everything with the Blight and then having Warden Commander duties , the levity Anders brings is refreshing and she really sympathizes with someone wanting to escape the Circle , given what she saw there and knows even the stories she heard are far worse. She gives him his cat and it cements their permanent friendship. When she hears what happened at Kirkwall , she does briefly hide him in Gwaren. There is discussion about potentially putting Krishna and Nina ( as he doesn’t really have a personal relationship with Loghain and Nina is still young ) in danger for harboring him but they insist it’s okay but he still moves on eventually.
JUSTICE ( FRIENDS ) : Admittedly , it’s a little weird to have a spirit possessed corpse running around but Krishna comes to care about him. He’s interesting and she appreciates his unique perspective on the world. It’s very interesting for her when she realizes Justice and Anders are bonded but she cares about them both.
NATHANIEL ( FRIENDS ) : He is a young and angry kid and Krishna gets that. She really does. So she tries her best to help him but also remains firm in handling the way he is dealing with his mix of guilt and confusion and anger and love surrounding his father. Eventually he comes to look up to her and still calls her Commander even when she eventually passes the title to Valaros.
SIGRUN ( FRIENDS ) : The death jokes are funny but Krishna does encourage Sigrun to find purpose for herself. They are good friends and enjoy having a laugh together , getting drinks after long days. The way Krishna gives her gifts over little things she mentioned is very sweet.
VELANNA ( FRIENDS / RESPECT ) : Krishna and Velanna have an understanding of being abused by humans but Krishna has interactions with humans beyond the antagonistic ones Velanna had. She does knows her anger , and her hating of humans is valid. But they do disagree on how to handle situations. It’s more Krishna’s willingness to cut through her barbed exterior that allows them to be friends but they don’t necessarily become best of friends still.
VALAROS ( FRIENDS ) : This is actually her half brother. Adaia had a child a year before she met Cyrion and she was shunned by her clan for being pregnant out of wedlock. She left Valaros with the clan so he can still have his culture and she thinks this is a better chance for him and her. Val does grow up embittered by this , especially when he purposely finds out where his mother is and sees she has another child. He becomes determined to make his own way in the world and winds up with the Wardens in Orlais. When he discovers Krishna got into the Wardens and became a Hero within a year it did make him rather angry and he requested to be sent to Amaranthine so see what happened with the Ferelden Wardens post Blight. He didn’t tell Krishna why he had a problem with her for a very long time but it eventually came out but because Krishna refused to be the point of blame for all of her brother’s problems , they did work through Valaros’ anger and became close. They do consider one another siblings and the position of Warden Commander is granted to Val since he actually wanted to be a Warden and she did not. He is the one out looking for a cure for the Taint.
ARIANE ( FRIENDS ) : More angry elves for Krishna to befriend. She likes her upfront and confident nature and likes the banter she has with Finn. They write one another on occasion.
FINN ( FRIENDS ) : Finn is not the first mage she’s met that liked the protection of the Circle but she isn’t a big fan of his unintentionally badmouthing Anders. Still , they get along well enough and he is usually there to greet her when she comes to visit the Circle for information.
BROGAN ( FRIENDS ) : Admittedly , I never played the Golems DLC but Krishna did complete it and I believe she would have liked Brogan’s company.
JERRIK ( FRIENDS ) : Same as above , though she does prefer Brogan I think.
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yourmanjume-blog · 7 years
mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi
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If your parents or lover not agree for marriage and you loved a lot your special someone and want every cost. But you have not a right way to change the parents or lover mind. Then now be having great solution for you’re this problem by vashikaran mantras for change mind according to you. After do your parents and lover agree for love marriage? Aacharya ji provide online vashikaran remedies for solve all love problems. He is love marriage expert in India and his clients now happy take services, He is best love marriage specialist in Indian Famous sites Time to time Go here and organize exhibition for Vedic astrology like:- Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Patna, Ahmedabad, Gurgaon, Goa, Panaji, kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Jammu, Ranchi, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Indore, Bangalore,  Aurangabad,  Lucknow, Dehradun , Kullu, Nagpur, kanpur, Raipur, Rajkot, Jaipur, Surat, Visakhapatnam, Kochi, Jamshedpur, kota, Udaipur, Barelly, Coimbatore  etc.
The specialized and proven solutions offered by mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  will get you out of every type of harrowing and distressing situation and will definitely tie you in that eternal bond of love.mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  is basically an arranged marriage by the boy and girl themselves overlooking every custom and ritual their families boast. It can be inter caste too that most parents completely deny for. The solutions offered to get you married with your lover are a blend of astrology and vashikaran and then jyotish remedies to convince parents for love marriage.
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mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi
The knowledge and the knack that mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi possesses are highly influential and are highly known for delivering the most promising results. No matter what type of problem you face as a hurdle in your love marriage, everything can be solved in a classy manner by this love marriage specialist. The paramount services and support offered by mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  come out to be of great importance specifically for these delicate purposes.
He assures to provide you with swift, everlasting and the safest solutions to facilitate love marriage issues making your life really painful. You can simply take the appointment and avail the supreme solutions provided by mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  Even if you are situated out of India, do not worry. You can still experience his services. His solutions are available and accepted all across the globe. He is known for the distinguished recognition like hypnotism expert, vashikaran specialist, Jyotish rattan, Jyotish visharad, gold medalist in astrology and lal kitab rattan. Also specialist in lal kitab totke to make parents agree for love marriage.
mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi 
Things often get pushed off, or ignored when a couple gets married. Formerly, sight-seeing, feeling of honeymoon, and those imaginary dates at restaurant in the marriage used to decline. What could be the reason for this? Not that the love for each other has reduced. The spouse may be busy with his or her work, struggling to cope up with deadlines, or being under control like a junior. In lieu of the things getting smoothly settled, it may sometimes give a great, normal and a crappy feeling. We’ve got to understand what the fear of love is. Sentimentally, love obsesses our culture and media just like other emotion coming and going like a commodity. We become feverishly happy when we fall in love and then become miserable when we fall out of love. Romantic love seems temporary and inconsistent enough to misunderstand love completely.mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi
In the Universe, love connects us with everybody and everything as our natural state of being and it is not an emotion. When we fall in love it gives a wonderful feeling because we are going to get accustomed to the love spiritually available to us but the problem is that we get scared of too much love and begin to contradict it before the return of long fear and uncertainty to our lives and weakening of love feelingsmohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi .
mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  Love Back
Vashikaran is a Sanskrit word that is made up of two different terms- Vashi and Karan. “Vashi” refers to allurement, influencing, excitement or controlling the desired person at your will. “Karan” on the other hand refers to the used methods and techniques for the needful. On the whole, mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi means controlling an individual outright or shaping his/her mind as if he or she is like a monument to your hands. Vashikaran is an ancient science that should not be disclosed or shared but practiced by means of Tantrics in tribal regions or in India. Vashikaran for love back influentially and effectively makes your loved ones get attracted and be passionate to you. Anyone can come in contact and leave an everlasting impression. Side by side, the thoughts of your loved ones can be regulated. Our astrologemohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  is the best in Vashikaran Shabar mantra. He have great knowledge of mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi and he solve all love distribution and life unsuccessful problems. He provide all service like get love back by vashikaran mantra, Get Husband back by astrology, get ex wife back solution by mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  astrology.
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The main question is in concern to its performance. This can be independently done by anybody. And as perceived by people, this thought is not so easy. Vast knowledge with know-how is needed to perform Vashikaran. A sorcerer (tantric) is required for doing the same. Many mantras are also available for its efficient performance, side by side. Besides full knowledge, these sorcerers have outright understanding about it. For effective outcomes, seek proper instructions to do the same. Only Lal Kitab contains such mantras to perform the same. mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  are present to assist performance of this occult mantra. This yantra has to be put in your room, wallet, workplace or any other suitable place for you. This yantra contains effectively positive rays. Side by side, this yantra when used shows effective performance.
Many people are satisfied after using this occult power. It does not accommodate worry, tension and distress. Be tension free to spend your life. Make your life wonderful to eliminate all your life and love relationship problems via Vashikaran. If your affectionate feelings for your love partner are true and honest, this occult tool is the right way. All kinds of love relations can be maintained and further assistance is provided towards betterment of these. mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi is always there for sure shot love relationship protection.
Technically or  mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  is a Sanskrit language word that is made up of Vashi and Karan. Vashi means controlling an individual and Karan means practice of doing so. This occult tool has anciently been in practice. It involves use of tantra and mantra power. And this power of tantra and mantra is quite effective
Love originates from the heart directly as true feeling. The love we impart to our soul mates is pure and honest which is dependent on the purity of our internal soul. What our love gets is based on how we feel. Love break ups and divorce is a result of deficiency of trust, communication, finance and liberty. In this glamorous and fashionable society, you won’t be able to understand others feelings and how they care upon loss of worth of true love from the society. For overcoming love problems and issues related to love marriage or inter caste marriage, you must consult our Love attraction Vashikaran specialist mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi who is a highly qualified astrologer and is popular worldwide to serve you with all aspects of issues related to love problems.
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mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi,,,..Vashikaran mantra is part of ancient astrology. This mantra is use to influence someone according to you. Mostly this mantra is use to get desired love or to get lost love back. Love is great boon of God. It blessed our life so that we live happy. It’s not easy for everyone to get successful love relationship. If you are facing problem in love you can use mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi . This mantra also use for following love problem. If You want success in lost love back or stop divorcee then consult mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  most popular in doing mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  magical love spells.
mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  for love marriage
When two people fall in love with each other they just have one motive to get married with each other. Some people get marry and some face problems to get marry with each other. In love marriage sometimes your parents don’t allow to marry with your choice’s partner. May be he or she belong from other religion may be your parents don’t like him or her. There may be any reason due to that they don’t allow to marry with your choice’s partner. If you are facing such kind of problem in love marriage you can take help of Vashikaran mantra. This mantra helps you to convert the mind of your parents. So you can use vashikaran mantra for love marriage problem.
mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi  for lost love back
Falling in love make our life blessed. Everyone wants a blessed loving life. All people wants that whom they love that person also love him or her in same way. Sometimes you don’t get love back by your partner. It may have any reason may be your beloved don’t have any interest in you, maybe he or she have other lover. There are many reasons that are why you face love problem. If you are in such a situation you can use mohini vashikaran mantra for love back in hindi to get lost love back.
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