#with separation of mother and child starting literally at birth
msburgundy · 8 months
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dotster001 · 1 year
What kind of parents are they?
Requested by @stygianoir
A/N: as per usual with these long ones, staff and non NRC will be a separate post that I someday make
CW:raising kids, but gn. No talk of whether birthed or adopted
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Riddle Rosehearts
1 kid
Riddle is a learn as you go kind of parent. Breaking the chain is hard. It takes generations. He knows that, so was always hesitant to ever raise kids. But with you he thinks he can speed up the process. He is a little strict, you can't win every battle, but he's much more understanding. And that's the difference between him and his mother. If he makes a mistake, or upsets your child, he takes the time to understand and grow from it.
Trey Clover
3-8 kids
He's a jovial father. He's calm but everyone can see he's just so happy to have this life. He's the kind who will quietly sit with the kids to help them with homework, boop their noses with chocolate frosting, tell the worst dad jokes ever that make them laugh so hard they pee, and tucks them in snuggly so "the monsters can't reach them". A soft man, who when he passes, the kids will always remember dad as someone who had a smile for everyone.
Cater Diamond
0-2 kids
Honestly, Cay Cay is one of the ones who if you wanted to have kids, you'd have to try hard to convince him. But for the sake of these HC's, we'll ignore the 0. In all honestly, he starts out incredibly scared and tense. He's worry he'll break the kids. But he slowly gets over it, and becomes the cool dad. The dilf at pta meetings His holiday cards are always the best, he sets up a haunted house for the neighborhood during Halloween, puts on a light show during the winter, dresses the kids in modern fashion…a lot of parents are so jealous. They wouldn't be so jealous if they knew the literal blood sweat and tears he puts into it all though. You need to tell him to calm down from time to time.
Ace Trappolla
2-5 kids
Hybrid of cool dad, and concerning dad. He'll let the kids do pretty much whatever they want, as long as they don't disrespect you. Sure you and your friends can go snowboarding, but your room better be fucking spotless, or you'll be praying to the seven for your soul. Yeah you're friends can- what the fuck do you just say about Y/N? No more friends. You're grounded. You'll have to try your darndest to get him to watch his language. Spoiler alert, he never will.
Deuce Spade
3 kids
Deuce is the kind of dad where, when people asks if he wants to raise a boy or a girl, he says boy. Not because he doesn't want a girl, he's just scared he'll fuck her up on accident with some of his behavioral tendencies. But in the end…he's a girl dad. He raises three girls, whether by birth or adoption, that's just how his luck turns out. And he's the best goddamn girl dad ever. By kid three, he only wants girls, cause how the fuck do you boy dad? Even as the girls get older, he isn't scared of some of the things that come with women. He always carries pads and pain killers. Anytime they need advice on relationships, and societal problems, they know they can go to dad.
Leona Kingscholar
1 kid
The one is a struggle for him. He doesn't want to have a second born who will go through what he did. So only one kid. That's it. He…to his surprise…turns out to be exactly the way Mufasa raises Simba. Stern when necessary, but totally down to rough house and play. He never even thought he had the energy for a kid…turns out he does. He loves his little rat more than life itself, and will do anything to prep him for life so that he can have the things Leona never did.
Ruggie Bucchi
5-8 kids
Teaches his kids early on to be light fingered. Imagine a bunch of hooligans running through the street, and when they're gone, you realize you're wallet is gone too. That's your kids. But only when you're not looking. He's raised them to understand not to snitch on dad. 😒 Otherwise no one can have fun. Other than that, he's a really soft dad. Playing with the kids, good for hugs, cooking meals that get them all their nutrients, but also provide comfort. The moment he can afford it, Ruggie is becoming your perfect little househusband.
Jack Howl
5 kids
He's the kind of dad that outsiders worry is a little cold and distant. But that's not the case. They just don't know how to read him. He has his own language that his kids perfectly understand. Left eyebrow quirked=what do you think you're doing? Right side of mouth quirked up=I'm so proud of you. Left side quirked down=that's not funny. Etc etc. The kids can always count in dad for snuggles if they are sad or have a bad dream. Even if he doesn't always remember to verbalize it, they always know they are loved.
Azul Ashengrotto
He's the one who has every step of his parenting and finances planned, to flawless perfection. And then immediately panics when he realizes you can't plan for everything, children are unpredictable. The first kid that breaks a bone, he's just wanting to go back to his octopus pot. Not to mention if your kids are birthed, he's not prepared for half octomer, half human, kids. He's unprepared, and very scared, but he's a loving dad…even if he seems too tense sometimes.
Jade Leech
He's the Gomez Adams, raising little Wednesdays. Female and male Wednesdays, but Wednesdays nonetheless. So excited, big smile, happy to be alive with you, and with your kids! Meanwhile the kids are all dark and brooding. It always looks so professional when you all walk up in business attire, Jade smiling, as the kids, also in business attire, have the darkest expressions on their faces. 
Floyd Leech
Rough housing dad. He raises a bunch of chaotic rascals. They're all sweet kids, but damn some of them have so much energy it scares the neighbor parents. Then they'll look over and see eel merman wrestling three of them and laughing like a mad man. He'll bandage them up, and give them kisses on their boo boos, but he won't calm down. Not that he needs to, they don't want him to calm down. Dad's fun!
Kalim al Asim
8-whenever you say to stop 😁
Party dad! He's a, "we rather you tried it at home than with strangers" kinda guy. By the time he is parenting, he's a little better at self control though, so he's willing to be that buffer, and help kid's stop before their limits. Also, he's the kind that pouts if his kids don't say, "I love you" when he drops them somewhere.
Jamil Viper
Strict dad. Old habits die hard. Or don't at all. You'll have to be self aware if he's too hard on the kids. The thing is, he has only had his freedom for so long, and his kids. The reason he's like this is because he's scared. His kids have a freedom that previous generations of Vipers never had. He doesn't want them to throw it away. He's terrified one misstep and they'll lose everything. You'll have to calm him down sometimes. But the kids, especially the older they get, will understand that this is how dad protects them. He also gives out expensive gifts if he thinks he's taken things a step too far… the kids love that.
Vil Schoenheit
There's no way this man doesn't raise a high achieving, future ex gifted child. So at first, he'll beam with pride as his child produces the best results, grades, magic, appearances, etc. It'll be a bit of a learning curve when the crash hits, and won't understand right away. But once he does, he becomes the biggest advocate for mental health services,and getting kids the care and enrichment they need. He does speeches, runs rallies, becomes the face of any movement that has to do with his kid. 
Rook Hunt
Teaches his kids to hunt like wild animals. He's the kind of dad that says, "I'm gonna take the kids out!" And later you find them in the middle of the woods, hiding in the bushes, waiting to jump you in a tickle pile that is inescapable. He's raising wild animals. And yet…somehow…the kids seem normal as they age? At least that's what you see…
Epel Felmier
Another one who raises hooligans. You have a bunch of freckled, sunburned kids, all who live outdoors and climb trees. But the kids are never alone when they are hooligans. Dad is always in the tree with them.
Idia Shroud
Scared shitless. He's a gentle parent, but, God, is he terrified. Everyone knows it. Anytime the kids get sick, or hurt, or sad, he's always worried it's cause he fucked up in some way. But once he calms down, he's always good at calming them down. He's gentle and understanding…once he gets out of his own head.
Malleus Draconia
He has to raise the future heir. So on the one hand, he has to be strict. But he makes it clear early on, that there's separation from work and home. Aka, sometimes he is father, king of darkness, and sometimes he is dad, server of applesauce. The kids are smart enough to know the difference, and figure out which Malleus they are talking to.
Lilia Vanrouge
When you and Lilia discuss raising a family together, you aren't expecting Silver to come to you with stories of how he was left in the middle of the woods for training…and if you don't say anything, you're destined to be raising kids with Lilia Vanrouge, delightful scamp, and general to Malleus Draconia's armies. If you have that conversation, you'll be raising kids with Lilia Vanerouge, delightful scamp, and nothing else. Usually. Make sure if he's giggling, and you can't find the kids anywhere, you know exactly where they are.
Quiet dad. A lot like Trey. He's soft and gentle, and the kids can count on him for snuggles, whether he's awake or not. A man of few words, but perfect for a lullaby, deep life advice, and snuggles.
Sebek Zigvolt
Soccer dad. Angrily yelling at his kids when they are subpar, and angrily yelling at other kids when they come for his kids. Fiercely loyal to the end, and to a fault, he will protect his family at all costs, even if he does grump and groan about it the whole time.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Guurll I saw your requests are open and 1. I LOVE YOUR STUFF (esp. Aemond related but I sort of became an Aegon girlie thx to u). and 2. I love me some Aemond angst so here's my idea, I know is not original and probably there is something similar out there but hey, it is original in my head and I'm sure your talented hands will turn it into a bomb as always :)) - Aemond is married to this badass, sarcastic but super loving woman who loved him from the first glance and would do anything for him. Problem is, the war came, he left for Harrenhal and while he's away she finds out she pregnant; but what she also finds is about his whereabouts with Alys and she literally turns crazy heartbroken and angry, loses the child (if you're not ok with this please leave it out) but still informs her family they need to support him and this is how he survives the "dance". Aemond finds out about the shit he caused and feels shitty to say the least. He comes back home, his wife doesn't want to have anything to do with him and he tries to make amends and put the pieces back together. So basically angst lvl 9000 with slight fluff at the end. Please feel free to play with this as you see fit and remember I just gave you my heart for giving me the chance to send this in!!:X:X
The Spoils of Lies
PAIRING: Aemond Targaryen x fem!Wife!Reader, Aemond Targaryen x Alys Rivers [implied]
WORDS: 1,863.
WARNINGS: mentions of adultery, mentions of pregnancy/miscarriage, mentions of grief/mourning, brief reference to suicidal thoughts.
A/N - ugh I am a sucker for angst, nonnie!!! this concept makes me so wild for Aemond, cause he’s always presenting himself as a dutiful, loyal being. but he fucked up big time here 👀 also thank you x my agenda is to make people feral over both Targ boys! and thank you for the kind words nonnie, hope I did your request justice ♥️
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If there was an earthly possibility you could rewind the clock, turn back time itself with your bare hands, to a moment you were the happiest, you would in a heartbeat. A moment in time where you found yourself in the warm, familiar embrace of your devoted husband, Aemond Targaryen, the intense feeling of your heart being full of sheer affection and love.
Although, many would agree, mixed with the fate of the Targaryens, good things could never truly last… And that was no exception to your marriage with the Prince Regent.
Aemond made no hesitation in deciding to fight the resistance against his elder brother’s throne, often declaring and meeting such treachery, punishable by death. With much inevitability, Aemond would be absent, gone for months on end, away from your company with nothing but lengthy distance separating you both.
And much to your luck, a few months prior to Aemond having to leave, the Gods had blessed you dearly with the heartfelt news that you were with child... Aemond had always been eager to start his own family, especially after being betrothed to you.
"Our child shall be blessed with his or her father's resilience and its mother's grace and wit... Rest assured, my love, I shall return for the birth. What kind of a father would I be to miss the birth of their firstborn, let alone not be present to hold you?"
Aemond had you strategically relocated and confined under secure protection of some desolate keep in the Reach, not even your relatives being aware of your whereabouts.
Yet as the arduous days lingered on, the small talk of warfare that would often waft into your listening ear, began to dissolve with soft wisps of a young Prince taking the favour of some woman began to stir. Initially, you presumed the Prince in discussion could practically be anyone… Prince Daemon, Prince Jacerys, mayhaps even Prince Daeron. Aemond’s involvement was the least of your concern, that was until someone had mentioned in conjunction to such gossip, that the woman in reference, had resided in Harrenhal.
Harrenhal, where Aemond himself, as far as you had been informed, was his current whereabouts, where he was supposed to find himself undertaking decree over the hostage traitors.
Such rumours, the vile accusations [or so you had naively convinced yourself to believe] had spread to the concerned ears of your immediate relatives. Immediately you were determined to set the record straight, sending ravens with letters, adamant on reassuring your relatives, that your solid stance as well as theirs was to remain faithful to Aemond and the succession of his elder.
"Do not to indulge in the horrendous lies, spread about by the foes, themselves."
Little did you know, your words would come to haunt you with the terrible truth, and consequences with it...
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"Just tell me the truth of it, Aemond. You need not deny what others have confirmed."
Sighing, Aemond shook his head incessantly, looking down at his shuffling feet against the solid concrete, leaning himself defeatedly over the creaking, wooden chair.
"Just have the decency to speak the truth!" Infuriated and exhausted, one hand resting over the slight curve of your once prominent, rounded belly, now aching with a dull pain, the other slamming against the oak desk of some private, council chamber.
"I-I... I cannot."
The swell of hot tears begin to cloud your clear vision, as your face grimaces in a fusion of rage, sorrow and grief... As the gossip began to churn from whispers to outright concern, many lords and ladies in calling, had reluctantly granted your persistent questioning with their own testimonies. Each testimony, aligned with the other, and you spared yourself knowing any further beyond the truth that Aemond had bedded a strange woman, by the name Alys... That he had fallen for her, sparring her from death, only to remain by her side, than yours...
You found yourself, constantly enraged and stricken with the raw agony of heartache, clutching at your breast, and another at your belly, where your once growing babe was protected inside. Constant tears falling across your cheek, as you struggled to breath, incompetent to find rest. Your body grew weaker without the slumber, your appetite diminished or repressed, you could not say, yet you found yourself scarcely replenished. That was until the dreadful night, you felt a hot ooze, pooling from between your inner thighs. Hiking your modest gown up, only to find your fingers glazed with a crimson red, a sharp lightening of pain shooting from your stomach towards your bloodied entrance.
"Th-The baby-"
That night was a gruesome one indeed, that only ended with greater devastation. You did not think your heart could take any more anguish, hoping that the torturous labour would end your own meaningless life in the process. Yet, the Gods willing, you found yourself awake by dawn. With only having spent a day to recover and recuperate, you made the sole decision to seek Aemond out for yourself. Against the wise advice of the maesters and your ladies, they had succumbed to your wishes, only implying they arrange the travels for you, as means to lessen the burden.
During the journey, you found yourself soaked in your own thoughts, with moments of silence and numbness in between, to spare you from the hurt. In time, you had safely arrived, only to be met with Aemond's shock and false excitement.
Sparing no time for him to devise a plan, you spat of what you knew, with Aemond harshly ushering you to where you stood now.
"Ahh- So the husband who spoke of honour and duty, seems to have his tongue tied, just as a coward would incline to denial..."
"Y/N- m-my love, ñ-ñuha ōños [my light]-" Aemond's blatant stutter on his low words, was a sight you had never witnessed before, plucking at your heartstrings.
"Sh-She is a renowned witch. One that had deceived me so. I-I did what I did, not out of love but of craft... Deceit. M-My true love, Y/N-"
He strides over to you with a swiftness that caught you off-guard, too late to back away in defence. His calloused hand reaches over, gripping your soft palm tightly, his thumb stroking your skin.
"It has always been you, ābrazȳrys [wife]. I need you to believe me, just this once, even if it is against the world, I ask too much of you, I know."
"A-Aem please, you have no idea-"
"You came all this way in your condition to see me, to hear the truth... This is my truth, Y/N."
Aemond promptly fell to his knees, tugging your arm towards him, you weakly tried to resist, yet failed to pull away. His defined lips instinctively kissed over your tender skin, trailing up your arm ever so slowly, sending chills to coarse through your spine.
"Please Y/N... I wouldn't dare to live with myself if it meant you alone in the world, you alone hating me for the troubles I have done untoward you and our precious babe."
The babe... Your mind caught in a haste with Aemond's overwhelming presence, drifted from the fact you were no longer with child.
"I-I lost the babe, Aem... Last night. I-I bled-"
Halting in his affections, Aemond's viable eye remained fixated onto your stomach, as your hand instinctively planted itself against the silk fabric, rubbing at your empty womb. Silence drowned the room, only the faint depth of Aemond's staggering, dense breath could be heard.
"A-Aemond-" You breathlessly whimper, pulling your hand away from his loosened grip, as your fingers reassuringly comb through his delicate, neat strands.
"Y-You lost the babe... W-Was it because of- Me?"
You took a few sparing seconds to decipher whether to respond truthfully or to sugar-coat your response. In the moment of hearing the cold, hard truth, you wanted nothing more than to rid yourself free of Aemond and his cruelty. At one point in your trek, you felt the slightest temptation to disappear, bribing the driver to take the wrong turn only to cease your existence in Aemond's life altogether. Although considering the rawness of the situation, the truth was what you came for, and was what you intended to speak of.
"Th-The maesters believe, it was the-ugh- strain of the spoils of the war. They believe that I-I was under great stress, the babe simply could not cope."
Aemond's handsome face fell towards the floor, the swaying of his hair in motion to the shaking of his head, in utter disbelief. The stinging tears once more existent, streaked across your flustered face.
No further words echoed through Aemond, nor could you endorse the courage in yourself to speak. His lean arms snaked around your waist firmly, pulling your feeble frame closer towards him, burying his face against you.
Although muffled, you could discern the sobbing cries of Aemond's pain, triggering your own mournful cries once more. A few minutes passed, until he could gather himself, persistently pleading his apology to you, over and over again.
"It is all my fault. I-I had neglected you for far too long, failing my duty to devote myself to you, Y/N as a husband and as a father. I failed to uphold the vows I spoke of to you. Because of my weak mind, I killed our child."
The brutality in his words, his whimpering tone, and shaken hands as you released his embrace, cupping his wet cheeks, as you leaned towards him.
"You did not kill our child, Aem... The Gods can be cruel, just as they can be merciful... I, too, can be merciless. I could ask that you bid me free from the clutches of duty as your wife. And yet... I can be just as forgiving-"
"Tell me the truth of it, Aemond... Do you wish to keep me as your wife? To never again leave me to ponder and suffer in the whirlpool of vicious lies and gossip."
Aemond's doeful eye eagerly gazes up towards, a fleeting shimmer of yearning glistened across his blackened pupil.
"Yes, yes, of course, ābrazȳrys [wife]. You bless me once again with your everlasting kindness. A kindness that I am undeserving of. Ride with me on dragon-back. I want to go home, I want to be with you now."
"And what of the witch? What if she tempts you again? I cannot bear to go through this again, Aemond. Spare me that."
Proudly standing once more to his sturdy feet, his fingers now interlocked with yours lovingly.
"I shall have her head, if it pleases you my dearest. Punishment by death on the account that she con a royal Prince into adultery."
The familiar, stern tone that would adorn your ears like sweet honey to your lips, finally returned, subtly easing the ache in your heart. Earning a faint, warm smile scorned across your pretty face, Aemond lowered his head towards your height, planting a soft kiss across your forehead.
"I promised my sword to you, I promised my love to you, I promised my life to you. I intend to keep those promises till the end of my days."
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general taglist [bold means I could NOT tag you] - @evenstaris @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @hightowhxre @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylasthegrim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider @watercolorskyy @hypnos-daughter-certified @urmomsgirlfriend1 @backyardfolklore @snowprincesa1
Aemond taglist - @megatardisbaby @harrypotteranna23-blog
credit for dividers - @/firefly-graphics
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citrus-simp · 2 years
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A/N: So based off of this blurb here, I wanted to elaborate more on king Bakugou with his pregnant queen. (Idc if there has been a fic I’ve made about this I like Bakugou as a father and pregnant fics are fluffy and comfort)
So after being nagged by advisors about having an heir Bakugou uh....took care of it
Now you've missed 2 periods and you're more than sure you were pregnant. In addition to the constant tiredness, and morning sickness. Bakugou being the prideful king he was wanted to be the one to help you in the early months.
Holding your hair back, tucking you in bed, even making your food. Now he may be the king but the only person he would cook for is you himself and now your baby.
Once it was confirmed by the medic, Bakugou had to step out of the room for a moment while they spoke to you.
This was just an heir to the thrown this was his child. And he would be damned if he let them be treated only as an heir and not his pride and joy. The same thing went for you, he couldn't feel more pride knowing you were the mother of his child.
You thought he was protective before?? You haven't seen anything yet! it bumped up from a 10 to a 10000000.
He loved to watch you grow and sometimes he would stare at you in awe knowing what you and your body were capable of. This was your first child together so he was hoping all will go well
He would inspect the castle to make sure nothing was in your way to harm you.
"Katsuki you don't need the stairs taken away-"
"Oh yes I do, I'll go to hell before I let you go down any stairs" he answered back
"...katsuki its 3 steps"
"I don't care!"
He loved to wake up in the morning and watch as his stomach rose and fell. But it didn't fall completely flat. for the first few months there was a small bump, almost like bloating, but after about 3 months it started to round more. It only made Bakugou fall even harder for you
He would look at you and just wonder about it. The baby, its growth, who they'd look like who they'd act like, everything
Every now and then he'll wrap you in his arms and whisper a gentle thank you
"you both mean more than any gold I could ever have. I love you"
"awh katsuki" you'd say tearing up
While you were coming closer to the months of just bed rest he had the best midwives and doctors he could find in the village. He had them live in the castle at least until it was time for the baby to be born
He had already known women go through a great ordeal in life and childbirth was part of many. He couldn't bare your pain or take it away but he could help you. For once he had set his pride aside and asked to be taught all about childbirth and what he could do to help
he loves you....very much
"Teach me how this will all go down and what shit I have to do for her." he had his own unique way of asking for help. The doctor was in charge of scientific childbirth and the midwives told him how he can console and comfort you through labor.
he spent about 2 hours there
and he came out a new man with new knowledge. He wasn't the pregnant one and he was terrified. The labor was separate from actual birth and could go on for hours
birth wasn't fun either
and the months of recovery would not be easy either. In some ways, he felt regret for getting you pregnant and now he could only watch you through pain when the time came.
However, the midwives assured him that if he held your hand, encouraged you, and helped you in whatever way he needed, you would appreciate it even more.
While he snuggled you in bed he said "I learned some new information today. Just know that I'm grateful...for everything" he said cradling your bump
When the day finally came, he was there from the first light contraction to the very strongest. He would even see how your stomach contracted, but he knew the worst was yet to come
He had to admit it hurt him more knowing that you were in pain until this was over. Ignoring the pain in his hand from your squeezing. He wiped the sweat from your face, he held you while you let all your weight rest on him, he massaged any sore spots, he kissed your head to try and comfort you
"I know it hurts...but you're strong, you've got this" "that's it, it's almost over" "you're doing great, I'm right here" "good job, just one more push, you're so close"
After it was all done, a scream was finally heard, and the room fell silent.
It was a boy (:
The midwives cleaned him up while Bakugou kissed and congratulated you
"You did so good Y/N, I-I don't know how you pulled through all of that but you did amazing," he said kissing your forehead
The crying had died down while he was getting washed up making Bakugou look over, you squeezed his hand and said "Go see him" you urged him
he was a bit nervous to see him up close but his feet move without thought "your majesty, your son" said the midwife handing his baby over to him wrapped warmly in a blanket
"h-hey there...I'm your...your dad bud.." he was starstruck "He looked like him but he looked more like you. He even had his pout only being minutes old "let's go and see mommy yeah?"
"look at him babe....you did amazing," he said as teared up, handing you the small and delicate bundle. You couldn't fathom the amount of love you felt at that moment. He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in your life
"Hello, sweetheart...I'm your mommy" you sniffed as tears blurred your vision. Bakugou crawled into the bed with you and gently touched the hair on his head. His eyes open up to showcase his bright crimson eyes, just like his father
"Y/N..." he called for your attention "you are nothing short of a goddess. I won't lie to you I was scared through the entire process, but you pulled through so strongly I...just..thank you...thank you so much" he said kissing your forehead
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Would it just be perfect timing if MK had decided it was time to hatch during the trial for Macaque's soul? Like, Wukong be there spinning this sob story (that's actually mostly true for once) about how he jsut wanted to ensure his child could comenintot he world safely and it would be so very cruel to drag his Bama to Diyu before be even has a chance to see their precious little one! Then Wukong suddenly freezes, ever god and goddess of childbirth, motherhood, and children present suddenly tenses, and the court goes silent.
Wikong jsut whispers out: Oh... the baby.
And suddenly, they're all hurrying to get Wukong to the infirmary or his quarters (the original ones built for him when he first became the Great Sage and before he ruined the festival, nobkdy had bothered to remodel them), anywhere really so long as it's not in the middle of the FREAKING THRONE ROOM!! The good news, literally every maternity god and goddess is there to play wetnurse and tend to Wukong or help keep Macaque calmed (a job that mainly falls to Nez Ha because Macaque is very much freaking out). Bad news is that Wukogn was REALLY hoping his egg would have picked a better time and place because the Heavenly Court and being tended to by the Queen Mother herself (she's THE mother goddess of China, guys, she'llhe involved alongside Guanyin) and every other god remotely related to his child wasn't in his list things he wanted to do. One unexpected benefit of this was that after all was said and done, Sun Qi Xiaoation's arrival had actually helped to push the trial into Wukong's favor since not a lot of people are willing to separate a new mother from her mate right after giving birth, although Wukong will be forced to spend several weeks if not months in the Celestial Realm afterwards during his recovery.
referencing SWK in Heaven's Court.
Oh gosh just imagine. The Stone Egg has been comfortably baking for nearly 500 years, it's parent is awake and has been reunited with their mate, and they're being exposed to a lot of healthy divine magical energy.
So when Wukong steps into the Jade Palace, its like a countdown to when the Egg decides "Hey Imma hatch like right now."
More writting under read more cus talk of childbirth stuff;
The trial for Macaque's soul and LBD's contract takes hours to resolve, and Wukong is getting more and more frustrated as it drags on, even with Fire Star's amazing lawyer-ing.
Doesn't help that Wukong's stomach has been feeling like a washing machine all day and he seems to have mega indigestion that won't go away. A bunch of gods also keep looking at him with weird concerned glances - Weirdos.
Then, after Wukong is forced to explain his condition/why he sought out immortality in the first place - a small trickle is heard in the quiet courtroom.
Wukong quickly looks down, super embarassed thinking he's lost control of his body - only for him and the witnesses to notice that the liquid is clear.
Complete and utter chaos breaks out in the Throne Room as the situation sinks in.
Someone is giving birth in the Throne Room of the Jade Emperor. And it's THE MONKEY KING!!!
Guanyin, in the defence's side: "BED. NOW." (*Wukong is lifted up by Pigsy and Sandy into a soft cloud-like bed and is brought to the nearest guest room. A bunch of maternity gods follow them, including the Queen Mother herself. Nezha escorts Macaque in seeing how the Shadow Monkey is handcuffed.*) Wukong: "H-hey! I thought the water breaking can still mean a few hours to go!" Guanyin: "Normally yes. But it seems you've been in active labor since the trial started. Your baby wants out now." Wukong: "You sure-OW!" *contractions get stronger* "Yep! It's trying to bust out all right!"
The room has to be closed off from lookyloos as it's already stuffed with at least ten people - most family or gods. Nezha and Sandy are helping Macaque breathe slowly as the shadow monkey/other parent of the baby (at least according to what was heard in the trial) is panicking like any other bama would.
Tang and Princess Iron Fan are at Wukong's side, holding his hand as any good family would, wondering how thrilled DBK would have been to be here. PIF is glad that the Ao-Long couple agreed to babysit little Redson on earth during the Trial, as she's certain that her fireball would have bitten and charged at anyone that came close to his favorite monkey. Pigsy is outside the guest room with all the royal court members, offering to make them some coffee and noodles as he makes some calls to earth - they agree but are a bit confused why Marshal Tianpeng is here and why his cooking is so good?
The Queen Mother is ultimately the one who catches the cracking egg-shaped thing as Wukong pushes it out into the world. Within seconds of touching the air, the shell of the egg practically explodes, leaving a tiny, screaming newborn in the Goddess's palm.
Wukong is sobbing with joy as he hears the healthy crying chirps coming from his baby. He sees them squirming as Guanyin washes remnants of the Stone Egg from their body. His little one is so strong and perfect already.
Macaque escapes his bindings via shadow portal (Nezha: "Hey!") to join his mate on the bed, no god moves to stop him. Mac doesn't last long before he's crying into Wukong's neck at the sight of *their* cub. The cub is quickly wrapped in the shadow monkey's (thankfully laundered) red scarf before being passed into Wukong's excited arms.
The baby isn't a direct copy of the Monkey King. Their face marking is a brownish half-heart that scatters into freckles at their chubby cheeks. Their fur is a silky brown-black almost the texture and shade of Macaque's(!!). They keep their eyes closed for the moment, far more interested in latching on to their birth parent's chest for their first meal.
And if Wukong doesn't feel like he's holding a little piece of heaven in his arms right now, he'd be lying to himself.
Wukong: "Xiaotian. You are my Xiaotian."
A series of quiet Awws ripples through the room and into the hallway beyond the closed doors. The Queen Mother even smiles.
SWK wins his case against Heaven and Diyu for his mate's soul. Even the gods can't bare to separate this new family. Preparations are made to apprehend the Lady Bone Demon for creating a geas that violated Diyu's laws.
PIF pays Fire Star generously for their lawyering.
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tenkos-heart · 4 months
tenko/tomura and fenrir: similarities
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Welp. I consider this my proper post for the MHA fanbase, as I've been a lurker because the fanbase can be... something! If you wanna know more about me, pinned post!
Anyways, I've been thinking over the past couple of days of how strikingly similar Tenko is that of the figure of Fenrir in Norse Mythology. Also, if I DO get anything wrong in terms of Tenko, please let me know! My memory is shit and this manga is 400+ chapters long.
The thing with Fenrir is that his fate was already pre-destined, in a way. One of the seers told Odin that Fenrir would be apart of Ragnarok and being told to "swallow the All Father," as so as been told. Fenrir's tale already starts with tragedy. Being separated from his mother, his sister Hel was taken to... Hel, to be imprisoned in there, in a way. His brother, Jörmungandr, a regular snake was tossed into the sea, with hopes of drowning him. Instead, he grew so large, he became the Midgard Serpent, or World Serpent. For those who don't know, Midgard is our world within Norse mythology. But, the Gods had a different plan for Fenrir.
They decided to take Fenrir with them and to keep an eye on him. The one who took care of him the most, and cared for him the most was the God Tyr. The God of War, and even Justice. He was formerly apart of the Æsir. Also, something to note of, Tyr is also a God of Justice. So, Fenrir is raised in Asgard, home of the Gods and Goddesses, and fallen soldiers. Fenrir was a very happy, excitable pup who loved having a lot of fun. However, the wolf pup seemed to grow quite larger and larger. This worried the Gods, and because of the prophecy that Fenrir would eat Odin, they put together a plan to trap the wolf.
The Gods disguised their efforts as a game for Fenrir. Fenrir, the excited wolf he was, loved playing games. So, for this first "game", they chained him to a rock. It was a contest of sorts to test his strength. Even then, Fenrir broke through the chains. The chains weren't strong enough to hold the wolf down. So, the Gods turned elsewhere.
To the dwarves. They asked the dwarves to make the strongest chains, ever. This chain was quite different from the others. It looked more something like a ribbon. In some different stories, this happened twice before the ribbon idea. And naturally, the third time this happened Fenrir is suspicious and isn't sure what's going on. The wolf agreed to only be chained, IF only one of them would placed a hand in his mouth.
Tyr, the closest God to Fenrir to him offered his own arm up. Then, Fenrir couldn't be freed. He couldn't get out of his bindings, and thus, bite off Tyr's arm. Then, they teleported the wolf far away, and placed a sword within the wolf's mouth so he couldn't use his jaws. Then, it's said that the only way Fenrir will be free is during the destruction of Ragnarok. Odin confronts the beast on his stead with 8 legs, Sleipneir.
He will swallow Odin whole. However, Odin's son wouldn't let this stand. Vidarr would slay the wolf with his magical boots, splitting the wolf's mouth in half, thus his fate had befallen him.
I promise, there's a reason why I gave a lot of the backstory, we'll get into it!
If you haven't read up until MHA chp 425, spoilers will be here!
Tenko, since birth, had his entire life planned and trapped by literally one of the most awful people to ever exist. It didn't help that his father would emotionally berating him, leaving him outside. Even physically abusing him when he was 5 or the people in his life who were suppose to protect him, being bystanders. While Tenko does love his family, the bystander effect is very real. Or no one on the streets helping a bloodied, orphaned child on the streets.
Wondering for days and many nights without shelter, home, and food. That is, until All For One "found him and took him in." I.e. kidnapping his grooming victim, and then molded and neglected this kid for literal years until the LOV came around. I could go on about how much of a brillaint character Tenko is, but so many people have done that already and I wanna get into the meat of this.
Tenko and Fenrir were both happy, hopeful people who were molded and shaped by the very environments they were made in. Even before birth. For Fenrir, he was destined to be this destroyer of the world, and bring an end to a mighty King of Gods. While Tenko was going to be All For One's next vessel. The next Symbol of Fear. Both Tenko and Fenrir were molded into being their own separate Symbols of Fear.
Fenrir and Tenko never had a chance. Fenrir and Tenko never had a chance since birth. Fenrir and Tenko's destinies were already pre-determined. Both were left to rot by the societies they both were in, and no one bothered to give a helping hand. With Tyr, he did give justice, in a way. He had to deal with the consequences of his own inaction when he placed his hand into Fenrir's mouth. They both got something the other wanted, in a way.
Fenrir got some semblance of justice. While Tenko did gain friends, in the end. All Fenrir and Tenko (before his hatred was destroyed) thought they could do was bring destruction, violence, and chaos onto the world. I mean, fuck. They weren't taught anything else. I remembering reading a comment on a YouTube channel going over Fenrir's mythos and some others, and it perfectly sums up their situation.
The Gods just created their self-fulfilling prophecy. That is something that can absolutely be applied towards the heroes. Instead of trying to PREVENT Fenrir from being this symbol of destruction, and treating him nicely because of the prophecy, they decided that Fenrir was evil from the get-go and already plotted of leaving him to rot when he was a fucking pup. It was said of being a hopeful, happy pup who just loved to play games with his family. If someone had stepped in and actually HELPED Tenko, he wouldn't be dead.
(Or supposedly dead, with that one mysterious guy.)
If someone didn't ignore and just swept the problem of a stumbling, scared, child, they could have prevented so much. And now with Tenko being dead, they just created a self-fulfilling prophecy of another Symbol of Fear being groomed again.
Fenrir and Tenko were just two kids who were happy and hopeful of their world, and their innocent got snatched away from them from their respective societies. At the start of it all, they were just kids who loved their families.
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neuroprincess · 2 years
Abbott Elementary - Having a baby with Melissa Schemmenti (Headcanon) - Part Two
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: +1800
Part One | Part Two
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- The baby didn't have a name picked out until the birth, when Melissa looked at him she knew exactly which name from the big list you were going to choose. A name of Italian origin, simple, strong, beautiful and with a meaning to match, bringer of light. Suitable for your little human being who brought light into your lives, along with happiness and love. Luca Schemmenti;
- Luca was born with 6.2 pounds, 19 inches and completely healthy for a premature baby, perfect reflexes, intelligent, communicative and very bossy, gave work for the nurses, after two days in the hospital he was liberated to the relief of the new moms;
- Unlike what one might think, your wife prefers that you have no visitors in the hospital except Barb and the immediate family, considering it a very delicate and intimate moment to share. She also took hundreds of pictures, most of which were placed in a dedicated photo album to record each stage of the baby's development. There is a whole page especially for the first photo of you three together. In a few months your house will be full of framed photos of Luca;
- This woman would literally kill for her family, rest assured she will act like a 100% lion mother and devoted wife, you will both be in good hands. She will make sure you are all well and happy so there will be fresh meals, clean clothes, she will do the housework and help in every way, Melissa is a naturally protective person and her main love language is acts of service;
- Barbara was the best friend you could have in the first days of your child's life, as an experienced mother she has a vast knowledge of newborn care and basically teaches you everything you need to know, from the essentials to little tips that make everyday life easier;
- Luca is a bossy little boy, his needs have to be met quickly otherwise he will spend the rest of the day in a bad mood, sometimes he can be impatient, moody and have some attitude, even as a newborn, no surprise considering he is the son of the one and only Melissa Schemmenti. Like mother, like son;
- She hates being called by affectionate nicknames in public, but loves to give it to those she loves, Barb is one of the exceptions, you have several affectionate names and your son is no different, Melissa likes to call him by the affectionate Italian nicknames she gave the boy during your pregnancy (Tesoro, Amore mio, sometimes Bambino) and LuLu, her little LuLu. The teacher thinks it's cute and he seems to like being called that, especially if the redhead uses a baby voice, Luca always cracks a dimpled smile when he hears her;
- She is the best partner of all, Mel gets two weeks off to stay with you and give all the necessary support to take care of the baby, when your son cries she is the first one beside the crib, she changes most of the diapers, loves to give baths, talk and sing until he falls asleep, but her favorite things are cooking with Luca by her side in the stroller and choosing his clothes for the day, when you were pregnant she may or may not have bought an absurd amount of cute clothes and loves to dress him like a prince. Melissa feels the separation from this routine too much when she has to go back to work, secretly crying in the car on the way to school after dropping you both at home;
- The first month away is emotionally exhausting for the teacher, while at work all she can think about is how you two must be, you start doing video calls every break, lunch is the most torturous time because it's her favorite family time, she loved watching LuLu while making sure you eat well with homemade and healthy food. These calls calmed her heart and helped kill the longing, but nothing beats the feeling of coming home, finding her wife and son waiting with a smile and a warm hug to make the day better;
- It's cliché, but Melissa has pictures of Luca in the wallet, secretly waiting for someone to ask so she can show them all, then her phone gallery filled with pictures she's taken of the boy. The photo of him wearing the Eagles bodysuit is her phone's lock screen, the main screen is Luca lying on your lap being cradled in the nursery, she can spend the day staring at these two specific photos;
- The baby's nursery is decorated little by little, you were undecided about the theme, she painted the walls at least three times before the birth, choosing to keep it in yellow. Gradually the room has gained identity as Luca grows, when he shows interest in animals you start buying stuffed animals that he is obsessed with, suddenly there is a cute jungle-themed wallpaper, green blankets, themed decorations and a giraffe next to the nursing armchair that he likes to look at while falling asleep;
- If you feel very insecure about your body postpartum Melissa tries to assure you in every way that you are beautiful, always praising your body, kissing every stretch mark and that she loves each part of you. Thanking you for giving her a son, pointing out that they are memories of LuLu's home, where you welcomed and cared for him, and how you brought your baby into the world;
- In a few months you slowly return to work, coming to an agreement to teach part time so you can dedicate the rest of the day to your son, before you could even think about enrolling the baby in daycare most of the Schemmenti family offered to care for him during your hours, despite initial reluctance you left Luca with Melissa's parents, they simply love spoiling their grandson, this is a temporary option until you feel Luca is ready for daycare. Mel wouldn't mind if you preferred to be a housewife, the years of work have earned her a reasonable salary and we know that woman probably has many side businesses, the teacher always finds a way, so you staying at home is a possible option and she secretly likes this possibility;
- LuLu's six months arrive quickly and you face a dilemma, to continue breastfeeding the baby or not, the exclusive feeding of breast milk has been followed to the letter and this woman has been anxiously waiting for the time of introducing food. Melissa is that emotional support for both of you in this process, helping and respecting the time;
- The process of weaning becomes easier when your wife introduces other foods to him; at the beginning it's fruit, mashed potatoes and light meals, but when Luca's teeth start to grow Melissa can't resist giving him pasta, which quickly becomes his favorite food. Not surprisingly the boy begins to gain weight, turning into that baby of her imagination, with chubby cheeks, hands and feet, he is simply adorable and has indeed inherited Schemmenti's appetite;
- She is very worried at any cry different from him, a mom who suffers along with the baby and spends sleepless nights worried that something will happen. She has worked for years with little children, but they know how to communicate and say what hurts, so seeing your child suffer without knowing what it is and how to help makes her feel powerless, distressed. The teething moment was a nightmare, because besides Luca feeling a lot of pain he also became irritable, her co-workers were worried and then tried not to laugh when Melissa shows up one morning in a miserable condition and with the mark of two teeth on her hand;
- He is such a smart and precocious child, however you didn't expect Luca to talk before the first year of life, but one night while Melissa is preparing dinner with the baby in the feeding chair, he calls out to her by "Mel" trying to reach for the meal. The redhead brakes, not believing what she has just heard because your son is only 10 months old and has called her what you lovingly refer to her, letter by letter, waiting for an answer. Right away she cries out in tears for you to witness the boy repeat it several times until he gets some Penne Pomodoro. Melissa is sure to brag about it to everyone for weeks, teaching him new words and recording everything to watch like a fool over and over again, a month later she cries when he officially starts calling her Mama Mel;
- They are an inseparable pair, LuLu loves to sit on his mother's lap (usually playing with her necklaces), she takes him to Eagles games, he likes to sleep between you, share a plate with her and can be very jealous, he is that typical baby who doesn't like his parents kissing because he is jealous of one. You only realize this when he pushed you away from the redhead when you went to kiss her goodbye and made a funny face, which was supposed to be angry;
- Luca isn't just jealous of his mother, he's jealous of Barb too, you would easily be exchanged for the teacher since he is completely obsessed with that woman. She is his favorite person in the whole world. The little olive eyes light up when she shows up at Friday dinners, you have started this couples tradition and LuLu wants to spend the whole night on her lap, admiring and trying to communicate;
- And Barb is the first option to leave him when Melissa wants to take you out to dinner or do something different, followed by her parents, you have a good support network in this journey of motherhood, even the work team is there for you when necessary. She never imagined that one day she would have a baby and all these scenarios, feeling the love and support of the family is something priceless;
- A year after the arrival of the little bundle of joy you manage to settle into a peaceful routine after going through all the rough patches and first times in a first trip motherhood, your heart overflowing with happiness to see your prince so big, smart and healthy. Melissa insists on having a birthday party with everyone at home and thank god you recorded every moment, because this way you recorded Luca's first steps as he walks towards you to get the balloon shaped like One in the redhead's hand. It's another video that she would watch on a loop without getting tired. She picks him up in her lap and distributes kisses all over LuLu's chubby little face, then turns to you giving a gentle kiss on the lips, whispering thanks for that wonderful little being you brought into the world for her.
"You know, we could give LuLu a little brother or sister, I like the name Olivia.... Damn, Y/N! Just one of these doesn't seem enough."
Schemmenti Family Masterlist
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Five years earlier, Rey became the Queen of a prosperous Kingdom overnight. After it was clear that Ben was going to survive his near fatal wound, she immediately set the wheels in motion to have him crowned as King alongside her, and to claim all the land under their rule for Theed. Any traces of Exegol or the man she never wished to think of as her grandfather were quickly gone. It was the start of a new life.
And not long after, there was quite literally new life.
Some weeks after returning from war, it became clear to Rey that she was with child. The thrill of it was coupled with the fear of growing their family while ruling an entire Kingdom. And then there was Leia to think of, as her health was continually declining. But something unexpected happened when she heard the news of her first grandchild. It was as if she found a new drive to live and held firmly to it. 
They could all hardly believe that Leia was able to be there for the birth of Mira, let alone be able to enjoy the baby’s first few weeks of her life. Only then did Leia fall peacefully asleep in death, as if content that she’d had everything she wished for. It was bittersweet for Rey and Ben, because while they were grateful for the time they didn’t think they’d have, now they weren’t just missing a beloved mother, but also a grandmother for their baby girl. The last remaining piece of the generations that had come before them was gone now, with only memories remaining.
For some time after Mira, Rey began to think they wouldn’t be able to have another. She and Ben made peace with that, perfectly content with their little family. But now, with four year old Mira filling the halls of Theed castle with her laughter, it would soon be time to once again welcome a new little life. Things would be a little different this time. It made her miss Leia all over again, as well as her own mother of course. 
Mira laughed, making them turn their attention to her. She was giggling at the butterfly she’d been chasing, having landed right on her arm. “Look! He likes me!”
“Remember to be gentle, darling!” Rey reminded her. Then she sighed and looked up at Ben. “We’ll have to cut our walk short soon. I have correspondence to attend to.”
“As do I.” He wrapped his arms around her from behind, chin nestled in her hair so that she could feel his words against her scalp. “But I hope you’ll not be so busy after dinner tonight? And after Mira’s songs, of course.”
Rey smiled. That was a nightly ritual which Mira absolutely insisted upon. Ben had to sing her exactly three lullabies before she would agree to settle down and go to sleep. 
“What exactly did you have in mind?”
She felt him inhale. “Oh, a number of things. But most importantly you’ll need a relaxing bath. Perhaps a massage as well, to ease the added strain on your muscles now. And I may have sent away for your favorite fruits. But of course, if the royal responsibilities can’t spare you,” Ben teased.
Laughing, Rey, wrapped her arms around his. “I feel sure I can take some time for myself tonight. I’ll never waste such an offer.” Her voice inadvertently became more serious. “I nearly lost you once, so I’ll not take a moment for granted.”
Ben chuckled, holding her tighter and leaning over to press a kiss to her temple. “I hope you know you were nowhere near losing me, sweetheart. Even if I had died… I’d still have crawled my way back to you.”
As she leaned back against Ben’s chest while they watched their happy little girl play in the field, Rey smiled to herself. Because she believed him.
Nothing could ever separate them again.
The End 🌹
- Look At Me: Chapter 17 (fanfic) by @writingwife-83
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anima-writer · 2 years
maybe childhood friends with Adam and Jonah? where Jonah and the reader get to mess around with Adam!
Childhood Friends w/ Adam Murray and Jonah Marshall
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Summary: Literally the title
Pairing[s]: Adam Murray × Reader × Jonah Marshall, Platonic.
Warning[s]: suicide (From Lynn Murray) and mentions of kids kidnapping.
Word Count: 827
A/N: Finally stoping being a tramp and working on the previous requests (:<
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How you guys meet up?—
It's very likely that you guys got to know each other pretty early on, because I feel like Lynn would be the type of mom who likes to have a group of first-time moms where everyone helps each other out, you know? And because of that, you literally met each other at birth.
With all this news of mass child abductions, your mother ended up making the decision to throw away her TV as she didn't want to wait to find out what'd happened to you. It would have been nice if Miss Lynn had done what you mother also did earlier.
One afternoon, you mother wanted to stop by her friend's house just to deliver some things that she had promised to return, but when she entered the house, she ended up encounting with a woman hanging over the ceiling and the TV on, but only the rustle was heard. Your mother knew exactly what this scenario was about.
"Oh no... It happened." —said your mother with her eyes still focused on the dead body of her, now, ex-friend. Upon searching the room a little further, your mother ends up finding a small baby lying in the corner of the TV, sobbing and choking on his own tears. The woman picks up poor baby Adam and tries to calm him down before calling the police.
In short: the cops couldn't do much since the boy's own father was reported missing a while back and so the little boy had to be given up for adoption. Your mother ended up not liking the idea so she tried to go to court to get legal custody of little Adam. She did it :)
So...yeah... You and Adam are practically siblings now...yay!! :D
Now about Jonah, there's a large percentage that you and Adam met him together at school and became friends at the same time making the three of you a well known trio around school. Rumors are going around that the three of you were never seen apart, and those who see the trio separated would be unlucky for the rest of the week 😰
Just kidding! Hehe...or maybe not— 🤨
Your relationship with them two—
Your relationship with these two would be chaotic as the three of you are literally the troublemakers and like to pester everywhere you guys can step. Mainly you and Jonah, Adam even participates in these things but mostly he just stays with you just to follow and making sure you guys are still alive.
Now about your relationship with each one, let's start with our dear Adam!
100% sure you would have that classic relationship of siblings who are always fighting over everything but in front of mom they are the greatest angels that the earth has ever had. And if they are not fighting, manipulation is also valid.
"Remember when mom adopt you and now you're my favorite brother?"
"...go take me a cup of glass—"
"fuck you."
What a lovely siblings relationship 🥰
Despite lots of name-calling, death threats, punches and all that's good... you two love each other very much and would never let anything bad happen to either of you :)
Now a little bit about our other sweet boy, Jonah!
Jonah would be another brotherly figure for you and Adam, Jonah ended up being such a close friend to the point that he could always arrange sleepovers, that was when you were kids but who says you can't do that in your adulthood?
"Guys, guys, guy—"
"I saw that my neighbor has candy but I need some distractions so I can take them..."
"Yes, we are totally in."
Not a day is boring when Jonah is around you as he always makes a mess to get you all involved. There are times when you all participate but most of the time the biggest troublemakers are you and Jonah.
You two practically have clown-to-clown telepathy if you haven't figured it out yet.
Growing up together—
You end up not changing as much from what you were before, but one of you ended up changing drastically that you and Jonah would even think was cool, which was Adam. Adam was now a type of person who was always looking for something to risk and live an adventure. You and Jonah don't know where all that adventurous drive came from, but it's not like you're complaining, is it?
It didn't take long for Adam to find the perfect club for the three of you which would be the Bythorne Paranormal Club (which would later be changed by Adam himself to the Bythorne Paranormal Society).
In this club you end up meeting a new member for the group who would be Sarah Heathcliff!
"You guys are now a quartet! Nobody can stop you now!" — you thought with a big smile, little did you know that after participating in this society to hunt possible paranormal cases, everyone's lives would turn upside down.
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I've been thinking about this angsty AU for a while know...
But...what if each of the gifted Madrigals snapped before Antonio's ceremony?
Bruno was the first; He cracked under the pressure before Mirabel's ceremony. Honestly, being seen as a bad omen/curse, constantly giving out "bad" or unreadable visions that he knows will be seen as bad, practically being forced to give visions knowing they'll get a bad reaction, and constant migraines/headaches can't be good for someone's mental health.
The order of the other's snapping (I'm going in the order of age)
Pepa (after Antonio's birth) - So stressed out and emotionally unstable that she snapped and caused a rainstorm for a whole week until her body gave out.
Julieta (A year or two after Pepa)- Not sure what to do for her.
Isabela (When Antonio was two/three)- How would being the golden child and put under the perfection pedestal not take a toll on you mentally?
Dolores (a six months after Isa) - It could surround something about hearing way too many sounds/voices at once.
Luisa (four months after Lolo) - Surface pressure got too much to handle.
Camilo (two months after Lu) - Identity crisis, constantly told that YOU aren't needed but the other person is. In other words, feeling like you yourself aren't special at all. Need I say more?
By the time Antonio was four the only Madrigals what were left were Alma, Felix, Agustin, and Mirabel. How do you think you would interpret this au?
Do you think there are any mental hospitals in Encanto? I mean, there is always going to be people with mental issues so there has to be one. But I don't think a normal mental hospital could house such gifted people that could possibly turn into a threat at any given moment.
Idk, this is just an idea and maybe you could be a little more elaborate with it. But honestly, how do you think the gift less Madrigals would react to this happening? (and maybe the villagers?)
(Also, I don't think Antonio would be getting a gift in this au. The candle/Casita is way too scared of the pressure he may be put under and what it might cause. But it's up to you though)
Okay, I have ideas for this!
I’ll call it Separated.
My only note is why would the family separate and just abandon each other? Specifically, the wives leaving their spouses and the literal five-year-old. It makes more sense that they stay together.
Order and why the family finally snapped:
Bruno (1938) - basically the same as said here, but no relation to Mirabel. His reputation started falling after Pepa’s wedding, but by this point, there was nothing to be saved and he had no will to try save it. (The headaches thing isn’t necessary; Julieta can heal him).
Isabela (1944) - in response to being told she was going to start courting and ultimately marry Mariano, but the whole ‘perfect, golden child’ definitely added to the emotions. She didn’t leave the family straightaway, due to her age, but stopped following Abuela’s orders. She also began asking her parents if they could leave.
Pepa (1945) - following Antonio’s birth and her mother’s concerns over whether or not he would be gifted. Alongside her own suppressing of emotions and the equally poor treatment of Dolores. She finally had enough. Félix never officially snapped, just agreed with his wife without hesitation.
Dolores (1945, a few weeks after Pepa) - inspired by her mother, Dolores had also reached her boiling point shortly after and felt confident to express it. Not that it was necessary for her to do as she was obviously going to be leaving with her parents and brothers. But she felt that she should get the chance to for her voice to be heard.
Agustín (1946) - he had recently become aware of the townspeople’s treatment of Luisa and refused to stay a moment longer. If the warm family got out, so can they. To the point he threatened divorce against Julieta, was just going to take Luisa and leave. Julieta never officially snapped, just agreed with her husband; though it was after a few discussions.
Luisa (1949) - though her father’s snap happened earlier and in relation to her, she didn’t feel quite the same; that might be age and insecurity talking. Her treatment did briefly get better because of her father but settled back to old way soon enough and then got even worse. She was done being a mule for the townspeople, for some of the stupidest reasons.
Camilo (1950) - being a teenager is hard enough, a time for finding yourself and your identity. Chucking shapeshifting and those implications on top isn’t easy. He is the most recent member of the Madrigals to snap, though is the only one to suggest a desire to be a normal family. He is still a child - he just wants to play and hang out with the other kids.
Is there a mental health hospital in Encanto? No. It’s a rural town in the middle of nowhere. And it’s 1950. (Not that it matters because Encanto is frozen in the late 1800s). If they were to have anything, it would be a small asylum - which nobody would want anything to do with for very understandable reasons.
Alma, still very warped in her grief, probably doesn’t take this very well at all. With every separation, she just gets worse. The family is breaking all over again - she is losing them, not so different from how she lost Pedro. Maybe even worse because they are still alive, they just want nothing to do with her.
The husbands are in obvious support/defence of their wives and children. They are outsiders to this family, they are a little bit better at picking up on the pressure they are being put under and how it’s not normal. They only want the best for their families and won’t just accept being put through such extremes.
Mirabel is a little ignorant to this all. Being the actual giftless one, she was never hugely included in any of the discussions or such. She doesn’t question too much, she wouldn’t want to overstep. She had accepted her place on the sidelines a little more - even if her family is no longer front and centre (in the way they were before), she just sticks to the background and tends not to get involved with any family drama.
Antonio, who isn’t getting a gift - he doesn’t even live in Casita, so he wouldn’t even know about his door - doesn’t have much thoughts about this. His family’s separation happened so early in his life that he doesn’t known anything beyond this. This is just normal. He’s too young to understand or really be too curious either.
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forvalkyrie · 8 months
been watching chicago med and i’m either on s3 or s4 BUT i am starting to absolutely despise natalie manning and her character (ill put it under a readmore because i got a lot of words and she absolutely disgusts me)
First off, I know that she's an ER doc specializing in peds (though, maybe its because of how fast I watched everything but I never saw any epi specifically say that but its there whatever).
My disgust comes from how 1)she approaches people that aren't physically/mentally/emotionally prepared to have children and 2)how hypocritical she is. So lets get into it:
Her approach to her patients with children: I appreciate her dedication to childcare– whether this be giving the child the best of care or advocating for their rights when the guardian/parent(s) aren't listening. The thing... some of the things she's done or said are so surface-level, that they don't account for what happens after they leave the ER. Take the epi where she accidentally got a mother and her baby separated because she suspected child abuse due to a stained hematoma from child birth. Her medicine was sound, of course— anyone would suspect child abuse in that scenario. What I didn't like, and this patient (abbrev. pt) rightfully called out, was her judgemental ass. Like listen, I've worked in the medical field for years and even if you are judgemental towards something, you should NEVER let it affect how you treat/care for pt. Nat says she judged teh mom for being a single mother raising her child but... babygirl, you're a GD doctor. Your mother-in-law literally watches your kid FOR FREE. Your husband died from war– you know exactly who he is! That single mother was literally working two jobs just to support her and her baby. She even said that she doesn't know who the dad is so clearly she can't just "drop" the kid off at grandma's. People literally do the best that they can in the situation that they're in, whether purposeful or accidental. Whether or not they make sense is a wholedifferent thing. Like the other epi where the pt's older brother was a sociopath and the parents decided not to institutionalize him. As outsiders, ofc we'd be on Nat's side about taking him away from hurting his brother. But that's the thing– we are outsiders!! Nat's saying all this stuff yet if put in the same situation, she'd likely do the same thing as what those parents did and continue to keep him around. The decision to have kids is already an unfortunately loaded question but what about after? She has little to no care of her pts past the exit. This can get longwinded so if anyone wants more lmk otherwise imma stop here for this.
Hypocrisy: She's a straightup hypocrite. Early seasons, she followed most of the rules. She wasn't Will, ya know? But what got to me was how the show writes her cases. Ex. she had changed a treatment plan that Will was against because she didn't think it was that. Mind you, Will's under fire from that DNR incident. Before the autopsy, Will is rightfully angry that she switched treatment plans, despite her trying to justify it. Never change a treatment plan! Even with disagreements, shit will happen. There are contraindications, there are escalations, there's a bunch of different things that can happen even if the change is small. Not only was Will trying to be a good doctor, he was also trying to be a law-abiding, rule-following doctor. What about the time when she fought tooth and nail to use an experimental, not FDA-approved (not even a multi-stage study) drug to treat a cancer pt. Ofc, Will is furious that she's adamant on the switch and lo-behold, the pt dies. Now, this concoction could've worsen the cancer right? Except, rather than writing it so it either didn't have an effect or had a miniscule effect, the autopsy revealed that her concoction actually shrank it a few cms. Aint no fucking way that it did that-- mainly because there were no clinical trials documenting it. I mean, GIRL, WHAT ABOUT THE SIDE EFFECTS? Medicine isnt a magic potion unforunately. The time when she went off on that skivvy priest and his 14-year old wife is also on my list. She yells at Will or whatever doctor about professionalism but her attitude towards him (though RIGHTFULLY SO) was peak unprofessionalism. I mean there is a lot of bureaucracy in almost any institution, whether profit or nonprofit, but when anyone else breaks it, they get serious consequences. When Nat does it, its just a damn warning. Hell! What about when they induced a death-appearing coma to the guy that was abusing his wife? Shittt son, I'm surprised Will agreed to that given his DNR incident. God forbid that pt actally fucking died-- they both would've lost theirmedical licenses.
I just have so much to say! She gives me 'popular in HS' vibes since she is "always" right, rarely gets any true punishment/consequences and yaps of unprofessionalism to other people when she literally does the same thing. What crossed it for me and its the reason why I'm writing this now is when she snapped at Dr. Charles when she cut the dosage in half for a bipolar pregnant mother. You mean to tell me that YOU were in the right because you don't have time to keep up with every new psych journal? You literally specialize in peds– youre supposed to keep up with any and everything child-related, including pregnancies! Chief! God forbid there's new research and because you dont have fucking time to do some research (or at least keep up with medical literature), you end up killing a pt due to ignorance.
Maybe its how the writers are writing her but she's just... DISGUSTING. As a self-identifying female, I'm all about feminine/female power but this? Nah chief– Maggie is better written than she is and she's "just a charge nurse"!
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nicascurls · 10 months
Ok so I volunteered a little earlier today and I have this new kid, second time I’ve seen him. And he’s like SO quiet yet SO sweet, I’ve managed to make him crack a few smiles (first time I made him smile, he made a heart out of playdoh and showed me, then he cut it with toy scissors. I pretend like it hurt me and he smiled lol). He likes playing with me and making sure I watch him play. He hardly ever talks, I’ve only heard him say a small handful of words, but another volunteer and I agreed that he’s like a grown man in a child’s body from how extremely well-behaved he is. He’s also got like a discreet mischievous side, like hell out a triangle into a shape where it’s clearly a hole and I’m pointing at the triangle spot and then he will go all around before finally putting it in, he totally knows what he’s doing, he’s just fooling around. I think he’s attached himself to me and he’s just so cute and is probably now my favorite…and this got my brain thinking to another one of my favorites, Junior, so hear me out: 
Little Junior AU but with a twist—3 year old toddler Junior and 8 year old Jake. Lucy and I have this one AU that we basically never shared publicly that we called the Uncle Andy AU where essentially, Andy only pretends to be friends with Lucas and Logan to protect Jake and Junior and be the proper male adult figure that they deserve. 
This new AU I came up with literally in the middle of playing with my kiddo is kinda like that but different. Basically, Andy ends up having to take in young Junior and Jake because there is no other living family member to take care of them and Andy doesn’t want to risk the cousins going into foster care and being separated (Jake’s mom recently died, Lucas drank too much and basically got himself killed, so Jake had to live with Logan for a short time, Bree died giving birth to Junior and Logan was neglecting and malnourishing Junior, and even began abusing Jake until Andy realized what was going on and took them both away). Andy’s still struggling with suddenly being a father and reaches out to his friend/crush/almost girlfriend, Nica, to see what she can do to help them. That’s where he sees how naturally she interacts with Junior and how he’s talked and smiled the most with her than he’s done since living with Andy. Nica agrees to babysit Junior and Jake while Andy works and he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy watching her almost like a mother with them. 
I’m literally word vomiting at this point but this is what I came up with like within 2 hours, hope you like this ramble and thank you for coming to my TED Talk—
OMG, yes!
I love it. That is such a cute AU idea! Nica would be so happy to babysit Jake and Junior while Andy is working. (And help out her friend/crush/almost boyfriend) Jake and Junior would definitely start interrogating Nica once they were more comfortable around her.
Andy definitely enjoys watching them interact and often invites Nica to stay for dinner once he's back. 🥺
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black-rose-writings · 8 months
I've had this idea about how the show would have been massively improved by making one little change.
The show, especially it's second season, feels boring, pointless. The only driving point of the whole season 2 is to yell "Darkling Bad". They obviously don't care about established characters, the worldbuilding or lore. Definitelly not about Grisha oppression.
So, what small change would give even the slightest hint of a point and theme to it all, a theme that transcends the creators' need to shit on their most popular character?
Make Alina Aleksander's daughter.
Narratives about cycles of abuse and generational trauma are really popular these days, so instead of making it a story about shitting on the Darkling, make it a story about how Ilya being a shitty father and a mad scientist literally fucked over the rest of the world. Instead of making the show a story about destruction of Morozova's legacy, make it a story about it's redemption.
(Again, my ideal version of the story would be one that works with the themes, characters and plots of the original books and expands on them in a way LB was too much of an american lib to do, but this is "how to make the show better with as few changes as possible")
First, some tweaks to Alina's backstory to account for this change (well, giving her a backstory pre-Keramzin):
There was a more open conflict with Shu Han like 25 years ago, that required Aleksander's presence. During his stay, he spent a few nights with a local woman (possibly anonymously initially, but she did end up finding out who he was, this is important) of Shu descent (though she considered herself Ravkan). The conflict ends and much of the Dva Stolba valley falls under Shu control, giving more explanation for the tension and racism Alina experiences later. Alina's mother stays in Ravkan territory, because, again, despite her ethnicity, she considers herself to be Ravkan, and a few months after the end of that conflict, she gives birth to Alina. She does attempt to contact Aleksander, wanting him to claim the child, but he initially doesn't, both because it's impractical and because he doesn't really believe he is her father, though he does arrange for her to recieve some money.
A few years pass and Alina starts showing signs of Grisha powers, and her mother attempts to contact Aleksander again, telling him of this. She is unable to explain Alina's powers, because she knows relatively little about Grisha and has no idea how Sun Summoning would present. Aleksander does respond this time and urges Alina's mother to take her to be tested and that it would be safest for Alina to keep her parentage a secret (he still doesn't fully believe Alina is his daughter). Before Alina can be tested, however, the family gets caught in the middle of a Shu raid and Alina's mother (and maybe stepfather) are killed, and she ends up in Keramzin, now having an extra trauma reason to hide her powers (taking some inspiration from Alina's cut pre-Keramzin backstory from season 1).
Now, for the changes in season 1, those would be largely in the form of Aleksander's flashbacks and slow realisation of who Alina is. You can still keep the make-out scene/"romance" bits if you really want, because GSI (genetic sexual attraction, a syndrome/phenomenon where closely related people who have been separated for the vast majority of their life, like through adoption, deadbeat/cheating parents etc. upon meeting as adults develop an attraction to each other) is a real thing, incest in media is also unfortunately popular, of course this fucking family would do it, and antis will enjoy getting even more reason to hate Aleksander.
If we go the non-ew route, there would be some changes to the tent scene (to account for Alina being a living amplifier) and perhaps expanding/adding scenes to the journey to Os Alta, giving room to vocalize some of these differences (like explaining the living amplifier thing earlier). Maybe having Alina saying something that prompts Aleksander to be reminded of her mother, and being confused as to why at first.
Their interractions in season 1 would need to be reframed through the father-daughter lens, but it wouldn't be all that dificult, because it already has mentor-mentee undertones. Ideally, there would be a point somewhere before the Winter Fete, possibly as a catalyst for Alina's breakthrough with her powers, when he tells her who she is. It would give Alina a personal stake in the story, because she clearly doesn't give a fuck about her duties/responsibilities as a Sun Summoner in either version. She doesn't have to destroy the Fold because she's a Sun Summoner, but because she's the descendant of the Black Heretic. She's not just the savior of a country she doesn't give two shits about, but the redemption of her family.
If we want to go the "shit on Aleksander" route, nothing about his interractions with Alina would change all that much and the reveal of her parentage, at least to Alina, would come through Baghra, giving Alina more obvious emotional reason to run away and feel betrayed (especially if the almost-sex-on-the-big-map still happens, because "ew, I almost fucked my dad, who know we're related" would be infinitely more understandable of a reason to run away than what Baghra actually tells her).
Either way, the information that she isn't just a distant descendant of the Black Heretic, but his actual child, that she has a grandmother he didn't bother telling her about, that he told her they were going to redeem their family, when he only planned on continuing his work and using her for it, hits Alina like a truck. Alina going though StuffTM emotionally makes her decision to run away make a lot more sense.
Anyway, there would be very little change plotwise, just some dialogue adjustments, maybe mentioning how the Stag is her legacy, her heritage.
It would reframe Alina's fear of becoming like Aleksander, that permeates the second season, have some basis. It would give a reason for the "fuck Ilya and everything he touched and made" narrative Baghra is spinning. Baghra telling both Mal and Alina the story of her family, of why she believes now that it all much be destroyed, how her father's greed drove him to create abominations, to twist the world in unnatural ways, and she looks pointedly at the two as she says it.
Make Alina's stand against Aleksander her way of saying "the cycle of abuse in this family ends with me. I will make our family better.". Make her and Nikolai's political marriage a symbol of a new begining for Ravka in more ways than one - redemption of the Morozov(a) and Lantsov families. And bonding over "I can't tell anyone who my real dad is because it would cause trouble."
But of course, at the end, it fails, because both of them misunderstood the fundamental reason why things became as bad as they did.
IDK, I just think that changing Alina to Aleksander's daughter would improve their dynamic and a lot of the surrounding narratives massively. Even in variations other than the show.
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
how many kids does your Loki actually have?
(hi everyone I am right now accepting eLoki’n’kids questions, pre-Elysium, past-Elysium, current-Elysium— pls. please please. pls pls pls pl—)
[prev question over here too!]
WELL i’ve actually been retconning one Elysium-child out of existence (no one cared about him anyway shshsh) and been back and forth with myself on doing that to another one EDIT:AND FINALLY DECIDED TO DEMOTE THE OTHER ONE so the current *but subject to change* count is 13!! ALL accidental it’s worth mentioning dggkfg
(plus - who knows if any more children might be in his future! Who knows!!! anything could happen!! anything at all………………...)
I’ll go through them all in order of oldest to newest!* (weird wording due to* Libby*) Please enjoy this blend of Norse mythy realness & Elysium brand chaos, under the cut cause it’s soooo extremely long of course; I mentioned it at the bottom but special warnings for some Dark Mentions in here of things like child death,/ murder/ miscarriage / & of course less dark but general pregnancy talks—
1- Sleipnir! Loki’s first born, the eldest son, also notably one of just two amongst all of them who has not been able to move into Elysium :(( Sleipnir- true to myth - is an eight legged horse, carried by Loki (in the shape of a horse) after being sired by Entire Horse Svaldifari. it’s… a long ridiculous story that ended up in an oopsie baby spider foal (you can just look up this Norse myth lmao) and that was all well and good until Loki finally returned to Asgard with toddler horse and Odin took him away. This first event - the first of what would be many tragic circumstances to follow surrounding his first six kids - was the start and beginning of Loki’s deep-seated trauma and paranoid caginess surrounding all of his pregnancies/children. to this day Sleipnir remains in service of the Aesir as Odin’s personal stallion, where Elysium can’t just take him since Odin would obviously notice and Loki is technically a wanted escaped fugitive in his home world so 🙃 horrifically sad and traumatizing forever. uhhh anyway!
2- Hela! Loki’s eldest daughter. I literally just drew her yesterday over here!! She’s the other one of all the kids who has not moved to Elysium. Loki is Hela’s mother, & she was sired by the Frost Giantess Angrboda, with whom Loki had begun to rendezvous with solely as an act of general rebellion against well, everyone. Loki uhhhhhh had not expected to somehow get magically pregnant from these encounters, biologically nonsensical as it was, but he’d delightedly rolled with it after the first time (and would return to her twice more hoping for more accidents - and receiving them - before she finally shooed him away). Like I said in her drawing, Hela was half dead once she was born, and half of her decomposes, regenerates, decomposes. As a teenager she and her younger siblings (the next two bullet points) were ripped from Loki by Odin and each respectively banished away in isolation out of fear of their growing powers. Hela is the queen of the Norse Dead and resides in their Underworld of Niflheim, where she has made a home and an obligation for herself that she will not abandon, even for the chance to reunite with her mom :(
3- Fenris! (also known as The Fenris Wolf….. also known as Fen), the former GIANT WOLF born to Loki & Angrboda again, nowadays shapeshifted into your run of the mill big hulking werewolfy Viking. Once again birthed by Loki as a puppy:) before growing extremely big with no sign of stopping. yes wolf-shape-Fen is larger than even Cerberus. Growing up as a gigantic bloodthirsty ravenous wolf but truly just misunderstood and unfairly judged Fen too was separated and banished during Odin’s scourge, imprisoned in isolation on the island of Lyngvi for many many years… until the coming of Ragnarok in ~2014ish (as Eisa and Einmyria were being born) - which Loki during canon Elysium events circumvented by freeing Fen, transforming him into a human shape, finally bringing him home to the Elysium palace. Fen is like ~palace adjacent~ he and his brother Jör are near inseparable and prefer to spend their time roaming the Underworld rather than confining to one place after so many years of being locked up.
4- Jörmundgandr! (also known as The World Serpent, The Midgard Serpent….. and also known as Jör) - the former GIGANTIC SEA SERPENT born ALSO to Loki and Angrboda, the last of their children before they “broke up” (had they even been dating??) Like By the time Jör was born - again to Loki yes as a big snake even then but. Quite a bit Smaller thank god. - Angrboda was finally like Jesus christ ENOUGH stop using me to sire children leave me alone??? and that was the End of that relationship or lack thereof. Jör was the last of the three kids that Odin banished away at once, he was thrown into The oceans of Midgard (EARTH) to wrap around the world nine times, ending with swallowing his own tail in one big ouroboros……. Like his older brother, Jör was freed and transformed humanoid to prevent Ragnarok in 2014 and lives Elysium-adjacent with Fen. Fun fact Jör was friends with mermaid Glaukos even as a big snake - from living in the oceans! Glaukos was able to reunite them when Loki first fell to Elysium yaaay. Also. it’s worth mentioning that even humanoid Jör is constantly biting his nails some things don’t change…. The ouroboros continues……
5 & 6- Vali and Nari! Who I just drew as teeny newborns over here and whomst I have drawn many MANY times. Normal human shapes except in the modern day Elysium canon….. they’re ghosties, eternally ten years old :(((( Loki carried the twins too though they’ve always called him father; their mother was the goddess Sigyn, nowadays Loki’s Big Ex (one of em.) after being Loki’s longest committed relationship, wife adjacent. the twins were conceived by accident of course very shortly after their previous three siblings were taken away, but Loki & Sigyn had been in a relationship for QUITE some time before that, as she’d acted as step parent to the trio since their early childhood. When Loki killed Balder as revenge for the loss of the trio, Odin magically bewitched ten year old Vali and Nari to kill each other and left their horrific remains for Loki to find (enough left for Loki to enchant the pieces himself and sEE WHAT HAD HAPPENED AND BY WHO).
This was one of the most horrifying and traumatizing things to have ever happened to Loki, now SIX losses of his beloved children— a catalyst for his period of supervillainry in which we allll know what happened. Sigyn also left him - an incredibly ugly breakup that didn’t help anything, as she’d blamed him fully for their deaths. When Loki ended up in Elysium, Tory transferred their ghosts from one Underworld to another and reunited them at long last :’)) finally the beginning of a happy ending!! As cheerful ghosts, solidified and recolored by their new bestest friend Meli (the goddess of ghosts) the twins DO live a happy and fulfilling life, and their return to his arms was the biggest step to Loki in Elysium finally starting to pull himself together. yay!!! and now the Elysium continuation kids!
7- Fjöer! son of Loki and Laphi, Loki’s first baby in the Elysium palace! Fjoer is half owl like his dad Laphi and is the shape of a big blue feathered. uh. thing. Fjöer like alllll the rest of them was an oopsie baby, after screwing arounddd and finding himself pregnant in the palace wth NO idea who the other parent could be. Loki panicked and ran away, preferring ALWAYS to be pregnant alone anyway (leaving secret instructions to find him just with Vali and Nari, though Epi was able to contact him through dreams.). Within a month Loki had given birth to… an entire bird’s EGG, narrowing the other parent down to ONE specific half-owl-god lmAO. He returned to the palace at that point, and Fjöer hatched two months later. Fjöer was actually the first cross couple baby of all the palace let alone with Loki (lmao look at us now!) but Laphi and Jesse took this in stride especially once Laphi’s owl-parent instincts took over. Fun fact!! Fjöer speaks only in chirpy bird talk, but all of his siblings and parents can understand him seamlessly! NO ONE ELSE, THOUGH
8- Rane! Daughter of Loki and…….. hmmm redacted due to in-progress retconning.(also she has never had a twin shhhhhhhhhhhgg). Let’s call her Flower Nymph for now. Rane’s humanoid but the first of Loki’s kids to LOOK and act Jotunn, as she came preloaded with a super low body temp and ice powers (which she hardly uses in favor of playing with mortal card tricks as a better form of magic), and was powerful enough in utero to knock all of Loki’s magic haywire. Soooooo back when Loki had left with Fjöer in utero, he’d somehow befriended a stray Flower Nymph residing newly in the palace, detached from everyone else; Vali and Nari had brought her to him to make friends lmao. what followed for the next few years was a friendship turned sort of romance, as she was COMPLETELY in love with him - he was not - he humored her for a while - it was a bad pairing all around - finally they broke up. They…. hooked up a few more times against their better judgement. Aaaand of course then Loki found out he was pregnant.
Loki’s relationship story with Flower Nymph is in the process of major retconning but they remain NOT together as a couple, just finally friends after many years of turmoil, and Rane shares split custody between the two of them (most of her time with Loki in the oalace). MOST fun fact about Rane of all time is!! she was actually born IN the avengers tower😈😇 which is a whole other story that I will not include here bc this length is so stupid already but. lmao! This is also Loki’s least favorite fact
9 & 10- Eisa and Einmyria! …Haha oh boy. they are Loki’s daughters with TORY, and the first EVER babies who Loki didn’t carry himself - while Loki was about eight months pregnant with Rane, on accident he had knocked up Tory, who had given birth to baby Raz himself not long before. Eisa is made out of molten lava - Einmyria is made out of smoldering ash. Before I talk about All this here is a DISCLAIMER that everything is fine with them and everyone NOW in terms of coparenting and a happy family!! but the series of events surrounding their surprise conception and birth was nothing but CHAOS. Maci had allowed Loki to sleep with Tory one time - NOT GET HIM PREGNANT, and she was BEYOND furious. Generally Maci AND ALSO TORY are NOT calm people they are both Very quick to anger!! Loki, bugging out of his mind from not carrying the babies himself, also feeling cornered from Maci meltdown rage and Tory’s anger and panic, responded to all of this by- perpetuating an all out war right back at them.
from all angles there was SO much screaming and yelling and fighting and custody battling— For like a solid four months of Tory’s pregnancy there was just utter turmoil, including events such as Tory fully leaving the palace (falling ill as the babies powers surged too strong for him to handle and returning); separately Maci leaving the palace in a fit and returning when Tory got sick; then separately again Loki himself getting kicked OUT of the palace after another explosive blowup— Tory and Loki PUNCHED EACH OTHER AT ONE POINT — oh my god it was a dramatic NIGHTMARE. You have to remember back then Loki and Maci HAAAATED EACH OTHER!! But finally tempers cooled and everyone calmed down, agreed to coparent and make nice for the babies’ sake, Tory allowed Loki to name the twins himself, everything was fine.
Everything is fine today! lol Maci was so bitchy about the kids and took one look at them and fell in love so bonus babies no issues. All that fuss and for nothing. …. By the way during Tory’s pregnancy with them had been when Thanatos had escaped and been exploded by Loki, and THEN— due to the stress of all these events of the past year— Ragnarok was triggered to begin. right around when Tory’s water broke (prematurely). Oops. Just uhh Loki things. This is when Fen and Jör came to the palace though!
11- Vrykolakas! Aka Vryk. Most of you probably know Vryk cause this was around the time I had started updating everyone on Elysium goings ons! Vryk is Loki and Epi’s son - sired by Loki and carried by Epi, and his claim to quirky fame is his action of traumatically dying in utero, and then clawing his way back out of his own grave to carry on forever undead. Vryk’s conception also came with a great deal of drama even before Epi had miscarried him. Epi and Loki (&Eury) slept together with the intention of possibly getting Loki pregnant, whatever happens happens, new free baby since Epi and Eury’s previous pregnancies had not been easy for either of them, but it was a panicky shock when Epi ended up pregnant instead. (None of Loki’s genetics or biology make any sense lol.) Though Maci and Loki had been playing nice with Eisa and Einmyria by then, Maci immediately started a fight with Loki with the misguided intention of protecting Epi who was terrified to be pregnant - to which of course Loki retaliAted back at her and ALLL THE DRAMA OF PREVIOUS STARTED UP ALL OVER AGAIN. Epi ended up barring both of them from being near him and hid in Chal’s house - this was when all that was going on too! - until unexpectedly miscarrying.
This was devastating of course I mean do I even need to say that. Aaughhhhh god and- Loki had lost so many children before, but never in this way, and he reeled as well. With even worse emotions at play now and those previous tensions only Barely having been smoothed, Loki and Epi got into a vicious fight - but reconcilied soon after over Vryk’s coffin. Aaaand then Vryk came back to life later that week and was fine ever after :)
Fun fact Vryk was the FINAL actual key for Maci and Loki to actually finally start to tolerate each other with any degree of warmth - for the reason OF warmth, actually. Vryk, being DEAD, does not give off body heat, and cried for days and days straight with no one able to tell what was wrong…. Until Maci, fire goddess, picked him up and immediately got him to stop. Vryk has always called Maci Mama :) shockingly Loki did not kill her over this— if only because Vryk would cry any time Maci put him down OR Loki left the room. They had no choice but to be together AHH lmao once again everything is fine now but! harrowing series of events!!
12- Sæunn! Sæ is the current youngest of all of Loki’s children right now! Also appearing Jotunn-like, Sae’s most exciting feature is the ability to turn into a giant squid for NO reason, an ability only recently discovered. She is the daughter of Loki and Jesse (yknow. Laphi’s husband. whoopsies.) Jesse and Loki hooked up, on birth control bc Loki had too many fucking kids. Because Loki is Loki, that birth control did not work on Jesse And!!! Jesse found himself pregnant!’ The big thing about the birth of Sæunn is that - Before Jesse had ended up pregnant Loki had thought he’d been handling processing the events of Vryk’s almost loss quite well but suddenly having another baby IN someone else right after he’d watched Epi lose Vryk made Loki twitch out of his mind a little bit. He drove Jesse absolutely crazy treating him like he was made of glass for all nine months even with Jesse’s assurances that everything was totally fine. In fact the ONLY unusual thing about Sæ before she was born was that Jesse was inexplicably drawn to water and the pools the entire time. Otherwise the whole pregnancy was healthy and uneventful! Six years later (she’s six now!) the reason for that became extremely clear…. Squiddy :)
however. honestly. a quick aside. lmao the REAL lasting result of Sæunn’s birth was that Loki ended up taking like a three year celibacy hiatus due to EVERY FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL failing either him or any of his partners and oh my god this is so many babies back to back to back. celibacy in the… loosest sense of the word as Loki can just make clones of himself so 🙄 lol. up until - what with Maci being naturally infertile - well. was it possible she was the ONLY person Loki could actually sleep with without knocking up!!? yes😈 hence Loki’s long-standing grudge against her finally snapping, leading into that very first time in 2021…… and then, the next year! everyone discovering an,,, herbal birth control dealio….. that not only did successfully prevent pregnancies in Loki due to trial and error but also doubled as a….. sex pollen-esque aphrodisiac…… whose consensual yet probably hilariously irresponsible use by ALL parties can probably be single-handedly blamed for the blossoming of THE NOT THROUPLE DYNAMIC that we are dealing with today SO LMAO UHH— thanks Jesse and Saeunn?? ANYWAY-
FINALLY the last Lokikid currently is! of course! drumroll!!
13- Libitina! Aka LIBBY who we all know and love! Yes, Chal’s Libby! Most people say that Loki adopted Libby but Loki’s adamant that he gave birth to her and— he kinda did. Technically chronologically, Libby fits in before Vryk, because she was “born” when Chal was first caught by the palace and everyone discovered that she was sleep deprivedly hallucinating an entire girl as her best friend and conscience. When Chal healed her sleep deprivation and thus lost Libby, Loki was commissioned by Ty and Bel to bring her formally to life straight out of Chal’s head, and the real tangible Libby was created! Even from that moment they’d all joked that Loki was Libby’s mom. However it was some time later - hence this chronological timeframe - that Libby clarified with Loki— hey, ARE you my mom? “Do you want me to be?” “…yes?” “Then yes :)” and since then Loki has unequivocally treated Libby completely like one of his own.
Actually secretly Loki had wanted to formally adopt Chal too, he’d been the one in the first place who’d found Chal floundering around and had pushed most strongly For her rehab. but Chal and Loki’s relationship had never been parental or close due to both of them being little shits - in different ways. For that matter - When Tory and Maci (Maci and Chal are little shits in the SAME way) formally adopted Chal, they’d actually tried to loop Libby in, which is the exact moment they discovered that unbeknownst to anyone that Libby and Loki HAD established a parental bond and Loki refused to “toss her aside” to them (Libby didn’t even know this had come up Loki shut it down SO immediately 😅). So!!’ Libby Lokidottir!!! Even though no one will ever be closer to her than Chal is, Libby HAS been wholeheartedly welcomed and embraced by all of her Lokikid siblings, who are all completely ride or die for each other and Libby is no exception. She loves them and has so much love to give! And they all love her back!!
It is Chal’s sulky belief that Libby appears to have joined a cult and you know what? The Lokikid clan is. not far off.
thank you for joining me on this EXCEPTIONALLY LONG essay journey this was an absolute delight to write up. I’ve drawn all these guys except for Sleipnir so feel free to ask for links and pics if u wanna see any of them!! And so, Loki’s lucky 13!
only time will tell if the count will ever increase! like I said… anything could happen, even though Loki hasn’t been pregnant for SO long (since Rane a decade ago!!) and he IS on working birth control right now so…… but who knows!! WHOOOO KNOWS—
EDIT now after some retconny decisions have indeed been made: a previous version of this post included Kaia, formerly known as daughter of Loki and [REDACTED NYMPH] hut this is no longer! Despite being close with her half sister Rane and by extension, step-parent-ish Loki (for a time, ssssssort of,, sort of, it’s complicated), Kaia is no longer not one of Loki’s kids but simply the biological daughter of [NYMPH] and a Lampade, since they can. just. do that✨ gender notwithstanding✨ she was conceived and born roughly around the same exact time as Vryk was and though she’s completely offscreen, [NYMPH’s] pregnancy with her was enough of an emotional weakness for Loki for him to distance himself from the Chal debacle at the time for her safety. Addendum needs to be placed here, in my opinion, since kAia has previously been included in all Lokikid lineups! sorry for the demotion bby girl but she’s more interesting that way!!
phew thank u again If you actually made it to the very bottom. If you can’t tell. I like to write just a bit…,,
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sihayadunee · 1 year
Mythic Symbolism in the Mayfair Witches
a mythic and psychoanalytical thread exploring themes of: alchemy, star lovers, fairytales, greek myth, three fold goddesses, and beastly grooms within the amc series ‘anne rice’s mayfair witches’
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This post will be split up into multiple parts as it is very lengthy.
The point of this post is not to discuss how the show adapts the source material, but instead how the show stands on its own, utilizing psychological and mythic motifs in its plot and character journeys.
For those who want to see the show, it is available on physical DVD and Blue-Ray as well as streaming. The entire eight episode first season is available on AMC+ which you can get a free trial for through Prime Video channels.
A second season has also already been green-lit. However the first season ends on what I would consider a very satisfying note.
Part One, Part Two,
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Our heroine Rowan was adopted, and we do come to learn the way she was separated from her birth mother. But from the start, despite having a loving adoptive mother, Rowan expresses nonetheless that she is searching for “home”.
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This becomes more apparent later, as we see Rowan admit she wants to understand her genetics, where she comes from. Who she really is. Something that has been one way or another discouraged by her archetypal “too good” mother Ellie.
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Rowan has compensated for this void and lack of control in her life, through success in her career. This is where we see how she has identified with the masculine and begun to traverse the male dominated medical field. She is confident in her ability to play the game until she comes out on top.
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The dragon among her trials, is when Rowan learns that her mother Ellie’s cancer has returned. Her boss Dr. Keck appears seemingly as an ogre guarding her bridge toward finding a solution. Which leads her ultimately toward experiencing the illusory boon of success.
She goes to see Daniel Lemle about the position at his company. He is enthusiastic about the aspects of Rowan Dr. Keck was critical of, and to have her on his team and her mother submitted to the trial. This is that male validation she has been yearning for. However as she gets to know him and his style further, her enthusiasm wavers.
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Once again she is encouraged to “run with the boys” to be a “killer”. And if she does this, she will succeed in retrieving the healing elixir for Ellie. However this means replacing an existing candidate in the trial with her mother.
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This is something that morally she can not do. Fed up and in grief, this moment shatters her composure so thoroughly that the power inside of her which she has all along been struggling with (and that her ordinary world was not capable of addressing) lashes out at Lemle to his demise.
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Earlier when she is having a tryst with Max the bartender, we see how her intomacy is intentionally distant. She yearns for home, for companionship, but also doesn’t want to deal with the vulnerability that comes with it.
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She compares the true love Max seeks, to something she experienced as a child with her literal and metaphorical shadow. She says it knew her thoughts and her secrets and had always loved her. But in the current state she is now, she looks back on this and dismisses it though the thought of it makes her wistful.
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Rowan has ignored her shadow since she was young. Following her guilt and the passing of her mother, that’s now becoming impossible to keep doing. After Rowan flees her counselling session, dishonest with and in fear of herself, she is faced with a murder of crows perched by her car.
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In alchemy, the crow is associated with the stage of Nigredo, calcination, or the Blackening. This is a stage of cleansing through the burning of ingredients into ash, often associated with death. To Jung this is the Dark Night of the Soul. Robert Bly also ties crows to the Shadow and the need to face it. We see crows and smoke heavily featured in promotional material for the show.
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The bulk of the season then goes on to follow Rowan as she begins her descent to the goddess and encounters the literal personification of her shadow, of her animus. Progressively fulfilling stages in the alchemical process…
End of Part One
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clover0101 · 1 year
Weakness - Haruka Sakurai analysis
aka: rewritting my old analysis because I missed so much visual clues and I don't know how to cope with that
(CW: themes of neglect, ableism, animal cruelty and other sensitive topics ahead)
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Water is a fairly recurring symbolism in the two videos we have to date. A way of representing that Haruka, in the situation she finds herself in, is drowning. Dying by drowning is for many one of the most agonizing and desperate deaths. By trying to breathe, asking for help, talking or struggling you only make your own situation worse, little by little losing the energy to keep trying until you let yourself go. This time, the water falls on him like a strong wave after seeing himself in the mirror, remembering what life was like for him as a child and knowing that those days will never return.
The blue light in the video literally represents 'being the focus of attention'. Haruka, as a child, was. He received the love of his parents and his basic needs were met. From a certain point in his life (presumably as he entered his teens, around age 12) his family began to leave him behind. Haruka was very close to his mother, so he was especially hurt by her. And why did this happen in the first place? Haruka is a neurodivergent person, his specific condition is up for interpretation, but it's clear that he struggles with learning difficulties. As he entered his adolescence, his condition became much more evident, denoting that he would not be able to do what others can, thus causing rejection and mistreatment by his parents.
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We can see in shots like these that Haruka, even when present in the family environment – living in the same home, sharing the same space – always takes the position of a spectator. Someone who, despite having tried everything, is not capable of influencing the world enough for these efforts to bear fruit. It seems that there is something separating him from everyone else, from his family, from those who should love and support him. As if he was looking at them through a glass wall (or from inside a fish tank, as we will see in akaa (?)
Something that is also important is that the video makes a clear separation between Haruka from the present and the one from the past. The child is shown as someone happy and innocent, never acting to harm anybody, however, present Haruka carries all the negative feelings and subsequent bad actions. Haruka seems to be envious of his past self, even pushing him out of focus so that he falls and drowns, just like he is now. My interpretation is that when we see Haruka interacting with himself as a child, we are actually seeing how he interacts with the girl who appears later in the video; her victim. The reason why he is shown as himself in Weakness is because Haruka projects onto her the happiness he felt at her age. His parents' neglect may have started shortly before or with the birth of his sister. Haruka mentions in his interrogation that his name was chosen because his mother wanted a girl. Having a daughter, and also one without any condition that hindered her development, led her to give all her time and attention to her, and to completely leave Haruka aside, because the more he grew, the more it became clear that he could not function as a “normal person” could without any special treatment or attention. His childish or incapable attitudes were normal to see at the age of a child, but when they persist during adolescence they become annoying for his caregivers. Ableism and ignorance leads many people to be negligent when having autistic children or with some type of developmental problem that makes their upbringing difficult, culminating in abuse instead of looking for tools and help to handle the situation correctly.
This sequence is particularly interesting to me because the well she falls into is not something "real" as such, but is made up of scratches and drawings that Haruka himself made. Haruka longs for roles to be reversed, even if it means condemning her to suffer the same as him. But this suffering that he pushes her into is not genuine. They are circumstances made by his mind that will never come true, because Haruka will continue to be ignored; and before that truth Haruka sinks again.
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The translation of the original video is a bit inconvenient in my opinion because it's difficult to extend due to grammar errors (?) so I'll be using this fanmade translation to complement some things.
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The fireworks event is particularly important because Haruka mentions it as something he remembers well. It's possible that, due to his condition, he was unable to attend such event (or, for example, see the fireworks during a celebration) because he's sensitive to loud noises and cause him anxiety and discomfort. "The future correct, unfairly, chose the wrong me." Haruka sees himself with his sister because he wishes he could be there with her, enjoying this special event. He thinks that if they were both the same age, or if he was a "normal person" everything would be better. If he didn't have this condition, he would like to be able to get along with his sister and be friends, which would be possible if only he was able to "do the things that others can do without trying." Again, his life passes before him without his decisions or thoughts having any real importance. It is repeated through the chorus that Haruka wants to be pitied. He wants to be seen completely, with everything and the weaknesses that have been blamed on him throughout his life. He just wants to be accepted and loved even with those flaws, without having to make an effort to be someone he is not or to fit into what is "normal" for others.
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The flowers that surround Haruka are yellow garden roses (although after looking up they seem quite similar to Golden Celebration or Graham Thomas, but I can't tell for sure). The meaning of yellow flowers and roses varies; in a more positive lens (in this context not so much) it could reflect the desire to communicate or take action to achieve a goal. Yellow is also popularly associated with envy, jealousy, and betrayal. According to color theory, being exposed to large amounts of yellow in a room or space can be irritating – so it could also reflect how Haruka is perceived by the people around him as someone that's better to treat in "small doses", because living with him daily is suffocating. Taking action, along with jealousy, fit well with the next sequence, where Haruka reaches up to reach for the girl and kills her, and is then seen laughing on top of her body. That's when for the first time in the video Haruka is the focus of attention. However, it was all a nightmare. This would reflect how little by little Haruka is thinking that the only way to get back what was taken from him is by hurting others, but in the end he sees himself scared with his own thoughts. For now, he wouldn't act to make them a reality.
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Another symbology reflected in Haruka's drawings becomes much more evident; eyes watching him after doing something he knows is wrong and his different perceptions of his mother, during his childhood (first image) and in the present (possibly second image, though I'm not sure if that's his mom). Haruka has this tendency to draw people or things he sees as villains like that, like he also does with the family dog.
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The following sequence has been the cause of my nightmares and my suffering both when watching it and when writing this essay. We are presented with what would be Haruka's first murder, the victim being precisely the family dog. What stands out above all is the fact that not only does Haruka's home seem to have an unconventional structure to say the least (?), but even though it's implied that the dog ran off into the forest, there are details that go against this, the most notorious being the pieces of wood on the floor that remain as a constant. Another interesting detail is that the outside world looks more like a collage or something artificial created by the mind of someone who doesn't know how it really looks. This may suggest that Haruka and the animal did not leave the house, which I also find credible given the symbology seen later in AKAA, where Haruka spends most of the video locked inside a small room unable to see what is outside or even go out.
While little Haruka looks for his dog following the tracks he left behind, at one point he looks at his hands and sees them covered in the animal's blood. He then switches to revealing that the perpetrator of the crime is the current Haruka, who even looks horrified after realizing what he has done.
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This part of the lyrics especially expresses a lot; “You complimented me on being crazy”, aka, the only thing Haruka's mother acknowledges that he does well is being crazy, to which he replies “thank you, I'll do my best.” He wants to be the best at the one thing he's told he does well, which is kind of sad in my opinion (?) “How many times do I have to do this to be seen as a human?” The hostile environment in which he grew up has led Haruka to believe that he's much less than a person, and that this is the only way for him to put himself on the same level as others, to be recognized. Only if he becomes despicable would he be able to be seen again. "I have become a victim, my loneliness was wanted (by you)" his mother kept him isolated from the world, knowing the damage it did to him, because Haruka is seen as a disappointment. He's a victim of abuse, and tries to convince himself that his motivation for doing what he does is acceptable as a victim.
Now, when Haruka is face to face with the corpse, the flash of blue light over him is present for the first time in the video. However, it doesn't cover him completely, only illuminating a part of him. It's here when he realizes that of everything he has tried the only thing that manages to capture the attention of his environment is this. It's the only thing that worked out, and quickly his options narrow down to just that. Because, as he mentions in his second voice drama, what else could he have done?
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During the bridge Haruka is standing, crying. His tears come out of his right eye, the one that his hair covers, so it may represent how his suffering has been ignored or conveniently obscured/covered so as not to be recognized. The fireworks are back in the background. This time, the blue light is drawn on him with crayons, along with the silhouettes of various people and eyes watching him. It's what Haruka longs to achieve.
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Haruka tries to reach his mother again, but he fails and she disappears along with the light. "Even if I keep trying (to hide it), it's already broken." Her relationship with her was broken from the beginning, wanting to have her back are and will always be wishes in vain, because he won't be able to make her turn and look at him again. Using just the fanmade translation as a base, this line could also refer to himself. How trying to hide or change his flaws is never going to repair the kind of person he's become, or on a more fundamental level, how his condition is the part of himself he considers broken, and for obvious reasons he can't get rid of it. “The things that are not here (or that I do not see/see), the ones that you don't need, do they still exist somewhere else? (Or are they just a dream?)” I interpret this line as Haruka trying to make sense of his own existence. Unloved, unneeded and ignored, he tries to see other possibilities – to see if he might still be able to exist in the same world as everyone else, perhaps finding a normal life that meets his wishes. It's as if he's asking permission to continue breathing the same air than others. (who else does that in their video- oh no mu kusunoki from the hit series MILGRAM please get out of my house) In the end, Haruka gets tired of watching, longing, and wishing. He decides to act, attacking his sister and suffocating her. Now, being over her corpse, the focus of attention is entirely on him. Even if he's reproached, hated, or disapproved of, he is fine with it. Because in the end he achieved what he wanted.
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