#and almost all of kendall’s gay sex potentials are tied to drugs (him and stewy him and nate even the ‘techno gatsby’ moment)
stewykablooey · 1 year
just re the ask about kendall sleeping with older men: im a bi kendall truther but imo kendall's general attraction to men is 100% packed tightly in the big box in his mind where he puts all the shit he compartmentalizes. i truly think the only guy he believes he's ever been attracted to is stewy and that's just because he rationalizes to himself that "it's just stewy and it's undeniable that stewy is hot". i find it hard to imagine that he would feel remotely safe or comfortable enough to allow himself have sex with any other men (even while high/drunk), let alone someone who could have the tiniest potential to remind him of logan. your point about it traumatising him is spot on
totally heard, i flip flop between the two a lot. i feel like i can definitely see kendall compartmentalizing gay sex so much that he PEMDAS’s himself into some weird ‘this isn’t gay sex because im not gay. im just getting off’ thinking. but also kendall would aaaaaabsolutley love the brand of homophobia that is ‘im not gay i just like ✨you✨’ or ‘im not attracted to stewy because he’s a man im attracted to him because it’s stewy’
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