#and also an Inner Beast that makes her REALLY FUCKING VOLATILE
zellk · 6 months
I'm in love with Aamira ❤️❤️🙏 can you give us more info about her? Some fun and maybe not so fun facts about her?
Hi Anon ! Thank you for your kind words and for your interest \o/ Aamira's side of the family is the one that Qalaa got her "Beast Curse" from. It's a bloodline hereditary curse that boosts the strength of those in good health (like Qalaari) and eats away at those that have a weak constitution... like Aamira. "Weak" members of the family are usually cast aside or cast out. Aamira ; while still quite young, 16 or so ; ran away from all of this to try to live her life following only her will and enjoy as much of it as possible. Even without the curse Aamira would have had a weak health, but think of it as her Beast basically making her immunodeficient and weaker and weaker as the years go by.
She managed to make a little life for herself in a small unremarkable place close to one of the older forest of the region. There she developed close ties with two siblings, Temhos & Olgha. Both of them members of a tribe that lives deep deep withing the old woods who come to visit the village semi frequently to trade goods and buy things to carry back where they live. Both siblings tried to court Aamira (after months of good relationship), and, eventually, Aamira chose Temhos. For two or three years things were pretty idyllic fro all of them. But then Aamira started talking about wanting a child... Temhos tried to reason with her that with her health it was really fucking dangerous for her to try and that her chances of not making it through were too high for his tastes... Aamira pretended to listen but actually didn't and things got really bad when Temhos found out she was pregnant. They argued, Aamira's health took a downside, Temhos took care of her until she got better again (and Aamira, with her rose-tinted delusional glasses, thought it meant he'd stay). When Aamira was around 7 month pregnant Temhos ran away (very very far away). It broke her heart but not her (by now frantic) determination to see her pregnancy though. She (somehow) found her away again to Temhos' village where she was taken in by Olgha (who was very confused, then very angry (at both Aamira & Temhos), then very panicked). Qalaari was born in this village. Olgha became her surrogate parent to help Aamira raise her (she was still in love with Aamira, but knew that her heart, broken as it was, would still never be hers... I think Aamira knew Olgha's feelings too and could only just be very thankful she still helped her raise Qalaari, despite how painful it must have been for her.) Aamira was very loving with her daughter, but her (now very bad) health and broken heart left her with long dissociative episodes, on top of moments where she wouldn't even managed to get out of bed. That's when Olgha would take care of Qalaari most (frustrated and heartbroken as she was over the whole situation, Olgha genuinely loves Qalaari like her own daughter.) 12 years after, the Beast finally eroded all of what Aamira was (she was still young... probably around 32 or 34 years old ??) and she passed away. Also, how Aamira survived giving birth is nothing short of a miracle. Most likely due to her will of titanium to meet and raise her daughter... Eventually the Beast got the best of her, but she managed to hold on for 12 more years !!
#and now Qalaari has trauma#and also an Inner Beast that makes her REALLY FUCKING VOLATILE#think hypersensitivity#except you are and get strong enough to destroy houses and whole villages when you are submerged by your emotions#Olgha has lost an eye during Qalaari's second worst “crisis”#which is the crisis that triggered her (temporary) banishment from her village#she is travelling now since she isn't able to come back for 3 years...#Olgha was banished too when she was younger so like it's “not the biggest deal” in the sense that you WILL be reintegrated when u come back#but it's still a big deal lmao#especially to Qalaa who can't really... control... her beast...#in the DnD AU apparently the Molandine familly (Aamira's side) has ways of 'taming' the Inner Beasts#but i don't have a lot more info bc i didnt get to delve too deep into what my GM has planned yet#but i'm eyes emoji#anyways that was Aamira's whole life without TOO much of the little details of the messes of her various situations fkjshdgkjh#but as you can see it's a mess#Temhos is probably the only person in the world that Qalaari wants to and would absolutely kill on sight#like she is so fucking kind and forgiving and patient#because all of her hatred is concentrated and pointed at This One Person kfmsdjhgj#also because Olgha and Aamira taught her so so much about Love and the strength of it#and about how she should use her own strength and unnaturally powerful body to do Good#aamira#aamira croquelune#aamira molandine#qalaari croquelune#qalaari#olgha#olgha croquelune#temhos#temhos croquelune#beary talk
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tropicoola · 6 years
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Character backstory and explanation for one of my main inquisitors under the cut. Will feature images.
So I wanted to write about one of my main inquisitors, this is Levant Lavellan. She’s not really a Lavellan, because she was adopted into the clan when she was exiled from her home to the west. 
She’s a teenage inquisitor (16 when Inquisition starts and 20 when Trespasser ends) and a descendant of Ghilan’nain’s mutated slaves who escaped slavery before the fall of Arlathan/Elvhenan. It’s been referenced in the game that Ghilan’nain would create creatures and even experimented on her own followers/slaves so this was where I took the idea from, I suspected that there were at least some failed attempts. Anyways, eventually the slaves grew fed up  with how they were treated and attempted to flee. Fortunately (or unfortunately) Fen’harel had heard of this and wanted to help them, so he did but they were terrified. Having heard the terrifying stories of him. In addition, they were afraid they would no longer be treated as Elvhen for how beastly they looked and the fact that they were no longer immortal due to their mixed bloodline. So when Fen’harel was not looking, they escaped him and fled to the west over the Hunterhorn Mountains.
It was a mass exodus of grand peril, for the journey was filled with monsters, dark jungles, chilling mountains, scorching deserts, and, for the most part, uncharted territory. A normal Elvhen would have died, however they were no normal Elvhen. For they carried animalistic traits. For having the blood of animals and beasts, they had claws that could help them climb, some had wings, others had gills, others had fur that kept them warm, and most had unnatural colored skin (green, blue, silver, etc) that helped hide them from predators. Despite their different powers, there was one thing they all had in common - a deep tie to the nature that surrounded them. These people were almost entirely cut off from the Fade and instead they turned to the Earth beneath, but not to the Titans. They paid close attention to the sun, the stars, the winds, and all the creatures that crawled on the crust of the world. They did not talk to animals, but they understood that animals knew the way through these places the best and so they listened to them, followed them, and eventually found a clearing far from monsters and even farther from Elvhenan. It was here where they built their first settlement, living in peace with the animals. Eventually the settlement turned into an Empire and they dubbed it ‘Neo-Arlathan’ and closed its gates from foreigners for a very long time. Ever since, paying respects to natures and having beastly roots have become an intrinsic part of their culture.
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I made art of what Neo-Arlathan would look like and although it is by no means as beautiful or intricate like Arlathan, it does have a charm of it’s own. Much of it and the people - I have taken inspiration from myths and legends of Faeries and their courts, their politics, and their appearances. Here are examples of the kind of aesthetic it would have: x, x, x, and x, x, x, x. The last four are mainly to point out how beastly they can look and yes, some do look exactly like that (also follow the artist!! they deserve a lot of love!! i admire them a lot).
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(Pictured above, Levant with her claws coming out during Trespasser - a sign she is slowly maturing into whatever form she’ll be in as an adult)
In much of Faerie lore, the Fae are depicted as having pointed ears and dressed in clothes woven from insects (butterfly wings, moth wings, etc) and plants. They are known to be tricksters and volatile when even the slightest bit offended, their politics are commonly divided into two - the seelie and unseelie court. The first being filled with kinder Fae and the latter with more malevolent ones. Levant belongs to the latter, specifically the Autumn court. I won’t get into too much about this but if you think human politics is complicated, Fae politics is ten times more. Taking inspiration from this, the court Levant is in has a High Power (the king or queen) and needs an advisor because of how dangerous the politics are. Levant was studying to be the next advisor and was close to becoming one until a dispute between her and the High Power caused her to get exiled. 
In short, the High Powers (plural because the others in different courts were involved) wanted to 1) destroy any remnant of Arlathan/Elvhenan and 2) rename Neo-Arlathan under the basis of ‘why should we keep records of our abusers? let us burn it and move ahead’. Levant was extremely against this, especially because she was a scholar who was very interested in her people’s past. She even started a rebellion with her colleagues but that was stopped fast by the ones in charge, although her colleagues were allowed still in the Empire - because she was their leader she was sentenced to be exiled into Thedas under the basis of ‘if she loved Elvhenan so much, she can live there for the rest of her damn life’.
Distraught and alone in Thedas, she was surprised to find.... well... a lot of things (racist things, war things, apparently Elvhenan was dead things, and did you know about the Fade? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF THE FADE things). She literally did not understand anything, that was until she met the Dalish - until she met clan Lavellan. They were literally everything she could have hoped for. Unlike her people, they cared for what was left of Arlathan and Elvhenan. They also worshipped the Evanuris/Creators, unlike her people who saw them as slave keeping monsters (Levant is a rebel, at this point she’s everything against her people). This, in retrospect, is incredibly funny for me. Because she has been fed nothing but the truth since she was born, ‘Evanuris bad, they keep slaves’ ‘We have actual records of them being bad’ ‘Why do you think we look like this, Levant’ and Levant’s just ‘(in Dorian’s mocking voice) tRiTE pROPagANDA’. 
Anyways, although Levant wanted to share what she knew from her home she knew they wouldn’t believe (after meeting with other Dalish that didn’t really agree prior to clan Lavellan). She simply went along with the ‘City Elf who wants to be Dalish’ and she was in (reminder that she was 14 when she was exiled into Thedas)! She became a hunter and was much loved, and she loved everyone back just as much. Yet over time, it seemed like her secrets could not be kept for long. Eventually it got out, drama ensued, and after so much time trying to be Dalish - something she was not, Levant felt something in her broke.  She knew she would never be Dalish, never be like them, so she refused her Vallaslin and told them she had to leave - she needed to see Thedas and find out where she really belonged. Her clan forgave her over time and advised her to be careful, for an unmarked elf meant something - usually easier prey for slavers. Understanding this, Levant made it routine to draw her Vallaslin on every morning with a special ink and wash it off every night. She chose Mythal and clung to her religion of the Creators like a child to their mother’s skirts, praying she’d find her place.
She just never imagined it would be the inquisition. 
Now since we know how inquisition plays out, here are just a few tidbits:
Nobody believes her at first (typical)
Until they find her notes and books she took with her from the Empire (at which point Solas is ??????? ???????? SHE KNOWS ?????????)
Solas’ reactions are the funniest because while she sees him as a mentor and eventually a father figure he is almost constantly on the verge of ‘she has so much potential’ or ‘i need to get the fuck out of here’
Also it’s funny to see him going absolutely crazy at the fact she’s like ‘yeah my people said the evanuris were bad and they kept slaves and vallaslin r slave markings but they’re really not’ and he’s like (in a croaked voice) ‘oh??? who said so?’ ‘the dalish’ (in an even more croaked voice) ‘and you believe them?’ ‘i swear by the creators’ (cue solas’ inner monologue going absolute bonkers) IT’S LIKE SHE’S HITTING ALL THE MARKS BUT SHE KEEPS MISSING THEM AT THE SAME TIME???
‘oh but my people said fen’harel was bad’ ‘at least your people and the dalish have one thing in common’ ‘right?’ ‘.... yes’
which only makes the ending of inquisition and trespasser hurt even more
finding out that her people were right and Levant has been playing ‘know-it-all’ for the past 6 years of her life, that the creators really were bad, that mythal is in a form of a human woman, and that a man she considered her father figure and mentor was the dread wolf? who tried to help her people but they refused him? and now he wants to destroy the world?
her troubles with identity (inquisitor? levant? a lavellan? elvhen? an elf? a fae? a beast? a person? an imposter? a fool?), religion (who to believe, the maker? the creators? the earth and beasts, as her people do?), family issues, and culture.
culture because she suddenly finds it unfair that her people got off this train wreck of a history before the fall, how many lives were spared because they left early. how grateful and horrified she might have been when she saw the shattered library, heard the voices of the distant brethren of her ancestors.
standing before solas at the end and wondering if she should just go home, beg for a place in her court, wait for the world to end - what hope did thedas have? after having her heart shattered like that?
were her people right? was burning anything they had of arlathan/elvhenan justified? were her emotions just stupid, insensitive of the truth of it all? were her people being prideful and haughty as usual, or was there an act of kindness and progress in it? what if they were right? what if they really should just move on? should she move on as well?
god knows if she doesn’t, she might end up like Solas.
but like... despite that i feel like she’d still come to believe what the dalish believe. sort of caught in between her leaving thedas to go back home or just fully 100% acknowledging herself as a lavellan or just being a silent and distant protector of the dalish
yknow, like a wolf (considering she’ll grow to have a wolf and lion-like appearance)
like a neo-fen’harel.
anyways sorry for all the word vomit but this is what i have on levant so far!
also cool tidbit: instead of Solas offering Abelas another place in the world, it’s Levant who offers him the secret to getting to the Empire in the west. After a lot of talking, he takes it and leaves.
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johobi · 6 years
Ok ok ok so this is way overdue but I was in a little denial yesterday and got caught up in some work. But! I am here now to theorize. So I've seen some of the other theories floating around on your blog and I have to say that whole having an arranged marriage that Jungkook wanted no part of thing seems really interesting but I find a couple problems with that. One being, why would he continue to see his fiance if he didn't want anything to do with it? Also considering he has a terse -SK (1/?)
relationship with his parents why would he agree to the marriage at all? The second problem I see is that when OC caught JK and mystery gal (I’m gonna refer to her as MG for now) canoodling JK apparently was smiling at her in a loving manner? He seems to love her just as mush as he loves the OC. And yes I do believe he loves them both (not sure about equally though). I think it’s plausible considering at one point OC was really in love with Tae but at the same time liked JK. Damn this -SK (2/?)
a long ass theory and I haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg?? This?? Is what you do to me?? Seriously though here’s a brief intermission to praise your writing skills because OH MAN HOLY SHIT is it good. I legitimately felt emotional pain when I read that ending. I haven’t been this invested in fictional characters in a while now. Anyways I digress. Even if JK loves OC what he did was shit. No way around that. Keeping your fucking engagement a secret is a hella no. Honestly I -SK (4/?)
team JK in the beginning and now. i just. I’m on neither team? I think OC just needs a little time by herself. If she tries to rebound with Tae she could feel the same way she did when she began dating JK? And like i guess she probably wouldn’t wanna be reminded of the traitor bc she’s hurting? And I’m afraid her self-esteem may have taken a hit during this whole debacle which is like shitty bc she was literally just saying how JK made her feel confident and sexy? OK hold up I just -SK (5/?)
of something. Assuming JK and MG are like most couples wouldn’t JK have an engagement ring? Maybe not because not ALL couples have engagement rings must MOST do. Why has OC never seen it? Honestly the more i think about the more i start rooting for Tae. Maybe I’m biased because lying is my #1 pet peeve and Tae is no saint but at least he gave OC space. And when he kissed her he seemed like he wanted to tell her something but instead asked if she liked JK. Did he maybe want to tell her -SK(6/?)
that the kiss meant more to him but seeing as OC was genuinely happy he let her have that peace? Is that why he broke it off with Tara? Am I thinking about everything too much? Also I saw on your Ask My Muse post you have two unidentified characters under WYLEI? ASDFGHJ is MG Candy or Dorothy?? Did I miss something or do you really have another character we’ve yet to meet in the story? also WHY IS DOROTHY IN QUOTATION MARKS!! What does it all mean?? I feel like I’m really all over the -SK (7/?)
place with these asks so I’m sorry for that. Your brain must hurt from the constant subject change. Speaking of subject change I just skimmed through chp. 9 and I see that when talking about his relationship with his parents, his parents pressured him into “business stuff.” And while I don’t think this is the case, such a scenario could mean that JK’s parents tried to force him into marrying MG? Anyways that’s really all I have for now (lol ALL). I’d just like to say I really like your -SK (7/?)
inclusion of background characters in the story. I feel like most writers forget that there is a world and life outside of the main characters. Also I’m living for Sope. I’m hyped for what’s to come but will be patient until you feel the time is right. I think most people feel the same way lol. Don’t stress yourself hun. You’re an amazing writer and deserve rest. Anyways I’m really sorry this was so long and messy. Im p sure I messed up the numbering at some point.Take care! -SK (8/8)
Hi SK!! This is probably the longest ask I’ve ever received and y’know what, I was so freakin happy reading each message as it came in. ^^ I loved hearing you go from confusion, to doubt, to revelation and everything in between LOL. 
I’ll answer what I’m able to and probably only confuse/frustrate you more with the stuff I can’t really answer yet.😂😂
Everything you mention at the beginning are, indeed, notable discrepancies if we’re to go with the ‘Jungkook has a fiance that’s been forced on him’ theory. So either there are details about that that will come to the surface and explain these contradictions, or it’s not correct. Or I’ve come up with something with a million plot holes. Which I can (hopefully) confidently say isn’t the case, considering I made this completely unnecessary beast of a mind map just to ensure the explanations behind what just happened are all accounted for: 
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You’re actually the first person to suggest that Jungkook is also in love with his fiance, as well as Y/N. This is a really cool angle! Like you said, it’s totally possible, considering Y/N is also struggling with the love for two men (though the longer she’s with Kook, the more Tae’s diminishes).
What is a popular thought, though, is that Y/N shouldn’t be with either of them right now. She’s pretty damn damaged and could probably do with a holiday with Yoonseok somewhere sunny and sandy lol. Thing is, because she’s fleeing like a prey animal now and her emotions are all over the place, Y/N is going to be quite volatile. She’s never really been pushed into this place before. She’s fallen for someone before, obviously, but not had that rejected in such a humiliating and traumatising manner. So her behaviour in the next chapter is going to reflect how she deals with it.
Good spot on the engagement ring thing. Maybe Jungkook doesn’t have one. Maybe he does, but doesn’t wear it. Maybe he wears it only when he meets with his fiance? Maybe she isn’t his fiance at all? After all, we only ever heard that word from the woman’s lips, not his. 
You’re definitely not thinking about things too much. These things were all woven into the story to get your cogs turning. ^^ Tae hesitated when Y/N asked why he kissed her (or something along those lines) and instead answered her with another question: “Are you happy with Jungkook?” And that is, perhaps, the most important line he’s had so far, as to revealing his inner workings. If you can come to a conclusion as to why he would ask that, his succeeding actions will begin to make sense.
Haha, Candy is actually Jimin’s girlfriend from chapter 4, she’s not a huge character but I thought some people might want to ask her questions of the more humorous variety, especially about Jimin (who will be back for ch. 12) ^^ ‘Dorothy’ is in quotation marks because it’s all we have to identify Jungkook’s ‘fiance’, or MG as you call her, so far. It’s what Y/N coined her in the elevator.
Yes, the ‘business stuff’ is central to many things where Jungkook is concerned. Like, all of it. You’ll find out more about that in 12, too. 
And thank you!!!!! I wanted the background characters to have life, too. I mean, they’re the protags of their own stories, too, and that’s why I wanted it to feel like things happened even when Y/N wasn’t in the picture. Yoonseok began something with each other, but you don’t know when or how it happened; it’s their business, and you find out with Y/N as you would with any of your other friends. Like, this stuff doesn’t just not happen, or only around Y/N. 
Don’t apologise for your asks tho!! They were so interesting to read through and consider, you got me thinking more about the next chapter, too!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!
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