#and also i cant fucking wait until they´re finally allowed to talk about the kiss
madfoxx · 1 year
lol yeah michael we wouldnt want to put any labels on it for sure
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Chapter 34 ~ Incomplete
Even though it seems I have everything I don't want to be a lonely fool All of the women, all of the expensive cars, all of the money don't amount to you (you can have it all) I can make believe I have everything, but I can't pretend that I don't see (Just give me my baby) That without you girl my life is incompleteEven though it seems I have everything I don't want to be a lonely fool All of the women, all the expensive cars, all the money don't amount to you So I can make believe I have everything, but I can't pretend that I don't see That without you girl my life is incomplete Without you girl Without you girl Without you girl you girl my life is incomplete Without you girl you girl my life is incomplete Oh yeah My life is incomplete
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We had to go to court, because today was the last hearing for us suing Avery for  full custody of Aden and me adopting him.  
It broke my heart that we were dragging him in this, and no matter what happens I will always treat him and love him as my son. I’m getting all of the kids therapy after this. Avery has tried everything in the book to destroy this case, but my lawyer was the best family lawyer in the state.   
She even had Aiden taken out of our home, and put in a temporary foster home until everything was solved. When I tell you I cried when they took my baby boy. He calls me every time he needs something and we talk every day. If we could, I would go see him everyday, but we have to go by the book in order to win. So it’s been supervised visits for the past few months.
It hurt that I couldn’t represent myself and Jeremiah in the case, because I had to put my trust in a man that I hurt. But Jordan was absolutely amazing at handling the case, and he didn’t put personal feelings in our dealings. He respected Jeremiah and vice versa.  
They are hearing the testimony of Aiden first and then the judge was going to tell us what is going to happen, and I am absolutely nervous.  
“Olivia, can you stop pacing please? You’re making me dizzy.” Jeremiah mumbled.
We were in the hallway outside of the courthouse, and I couldn’t sit still.
“His testimony is taking too long J.” I said, I was really nervous.
“I know you’re nervous, but please.” He pleaded with me, I knew that he was also just as nervous, because if everything went in Avery’s favor, she would make our life a living hell.
I finally sat down, and held his hand, and whispered my worst fear “I don’t want to leave here without him J. I don’t know if I can take that.”
“I know. Trust me I know.” He said kissing my head.
Before I could even respond, the bailiff came out and got us. Jeremiah and I walked in with our heads held high. We couldn’t let Aiden or Avery know that we are scared.
The judge called everything to order.
“I have went over every single piece of this case. Every time that a case like this comes to my desk, it upsets me. That not everyone involved can get along with each other for sake of the child in question. Aiden is a very bright boy, he knows exactly what is going on and is trying his best to stay happy, but all he wants to do is go home.
With all that being said, Ms. Jordan your team gave a compelling case, its obvious that you care for your son.”
“I do your honor, he is my only child.” Avery spoke sweetly and I wanted to barf.
The judge acknowledged her outburst, but continued:
“If you love your child as much as you claim to, why did you blatantly ignore him the days he was supposed to be in your house without supervision. You only came back into Aiden’s life because of his father’s relationship with his wife. Aiden doesn’t remember you, but he can account all the times Olivia put him to sleep and nursed him while he was sick.
Now for Mr. and Mrs. Lavigne, it’s obvious that you care for the boy as well. Especially you Mrs Lavigne. Aiden speaks extremely highly of you and his father. He loves his brother and sisters and his home life. But Mrs. Lavigne, as an officer of the court, I would expect you to have a higher regard, and not fight Ms. Jordan, every time she does something you don’t like. That can jeopardize this case and your career.”
I simply nodded my head, because he was right, I have literally been arrested 3 times since this case started because Avery cant stop talking shit and she acts like I won’t hit her. Of course because of my reputation, they don’t put these arrests on my record, but obviously the judge knows of my wrong doings.
“Like I said, I have looked at every single side of this case, and with my final decision, I grant Mr and Mrs. Lavigne, full custody of the child, Ms. Jordan, you are to have supervised visits with the child and if and only if the parents agree to let him spend unsupervised visits with you, I suggest you take them wisely. Aiden will be dropped off at your house with all of his belongings with the social worker, as soon as court is adjourned. Being that Mrs. Lavigne needs Ms. Jordan to recuse her parental rights to adopt the boy, the request is denied because Ms. Jordan refuses to do so. Court Dismissed.”
I wasn’t happy about the adoption but I was happy that he can finally come home. Before I could even speak, Avery came and slapped the shit out of Jeremiah.
I went to jump up and defend him, but Jeremiah stopped me.
“I will never allow him to be alone with you. I will never allow him to disrespect you, but you don’t get to disrespect my wife. I did that years ago, when I stepped out of my marriage to create Aiden, and it will stop today. Olivia has been nothing but wonderful to him, unlike you have, that’s why he chose her over you.” He turned to me and reached out to grab my hand.
“Our son is waiting for us.”
And we left to go home. Sure enough Aiden and the social worker were waiting in the car outside of our house when we pulled up.
I couldn’t hurry enough to get out of the car, apparently neither could Aiden. By the time I came around to the back of the car, he was running towards me. I dropped down on my knees and he threw his body into me, hugging me.
I was crying, my baby is home, and I am never letting him go.
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Living by myself has been an adventure. Not in a good way either. I miss my wife, and I miss my girls. I think that it’s crazy that Kamryn wants a divorce. I gave her, the space she asked for, and I thought she would want me back, but she only asked for a divorce.
What’s even crazier, is that we have amazing sex still. Which pushes back our separation papers. Legally we have to be separated for 6 months, before getting a divorce meaning every time we have sex, the clock re-starts. Yet, we are in each other’s bed every week, when we trade off on the girls.
Which is where we are now. We just got done fucking and it was amazing, I don’t know why I ever cheated on her, but I regret it everyday.
She instantly got up to go to the bathroom, to clean herself up and she came back and got dressed.
“Are you going to stay the night?” I asked her.
“Nope. Mom has the girls, have to get back.” She said back to me.
“But, you can stay.”
She sighed, “Xavier, this is just sex, I just want your dick. You know that you’re the only person I have ever been with. We are still getting a divorce, Plus you have a ‘woman friend’ whatever she is.”
She was right, I was seeing Callie again. I was mad at the girls that they told her, but I know its hard to keep things from Kam. But She didn’t seem to mind, and neither did I, so we kept up our arrangement. But with Callie, everything was different this time, and we were actually happy. But I couldn’t stay away from Kamryn. Sometimes, it seems like Kam is happy that I have someone else.
“I’m not staying because she lives here with you, don’t give me that face, the girls tell me everything. Im not staying, because I fell out of love with you, years ago. We just have sex and we co-parent. That’s it.”
As soon as she got dressed, Callie walked into the room and say me naked in bed and Kam leaving.
Kam just chuckled, said bye to me and patted Callie on the shoulder, “You now know how I feel Calliope.” and walked out.  
“Really Xavier? My bed? When it was reversed, I had the decency not to step in HER HOUSE!” She said with tears in her eyes.  
I really couldn’t say anything, because I wasn’t sorry. I cared about Callie, I cared about our relationship but I care about Kamryn more. Callie knew that.
“Next time, keep her out of my bed.” She mumbled, slamming the bed room door, leaving me alone in my bliss of Kamryn.
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Today was the day. The day that my doctor clears me, and I don’t have to walk with assistance, I would still go to PT but not that much, and I could finally start driving.  These past 18 months  has been absolutely draining, with me being in a coma, the birth of my daughter, the uphill battle between Giselle and I. I can genuinely say that everyone is in a phenomenal place. 
Giselle decided to stay after our agreement, and I couldn’t have been happier. She was everything to me, and now I had my family back and this time we’re going to do this right.
“Daddy, can I hang out with Sage at Aunt Liv’s?” Angel said running in the room, with a new walking Dominique behind her.
I smiled at both of my daughters. They were absolute perfection. I slowly stood and bent to pick up Dominique from the floor, I knew that she was soon to put anything in her mouth. She instantly laid her head on my shoulder and put her fingers in her mouth.
“I don’t care, you have to ask your mother though. She’d have to take you.” I said to her.
She instantly sighed, “But she’s going to tell me no.”
“You don’t know until you ask.”  
“Fine. But I already know the answer.” She stormed out the room, and as soon as she left, Niq started to whine and reach out to Angel.
“Angel, Niq wants you!” I yelled.
“She’s been following me all day! Keep her!!” She yelled back, going to find Giselle
I soothed her as best as I could, and whispered in a baby voice “Your sissy, is a big meanie huh?”
That instantly had her laughing.
“Cmon, let’s find your mommy and brother in the house.”
At Physical therapy, along with my doctor, they were checking my motor functions as well as where I had gotten shot.
It was a miracle that I am getting out of this now. I should’ve been paralyzed for the rest of my life. But it’s nothing but the Grace of God and I am truly thankful.
Giselle was sitting in the seat, and I know that she was anxious to hear what the doctors had to say because she was constantly shaking her leg.
“Baby, please calm down.” I chuckled at her.
She rolled her eyes, “I can’t, I just want them to say everything is good. I’m nervous.”
I shook my head and followed through with my session.
About and hour later, my doctor told me that he wants to see me walking without any assistance.
“Where do you want to walk to?” I asked.
He sat in silence for a minute and asked Giselle about 25 Feet in front of me and she got up and walked to the spot.
I was kind of nervous because she had never seen me walk by myself. In the house, I typically walk with a cane or a walker or if I’m with the kids, they hold my hand and give me strength to not lose my balance.
At first, it was a struggle, but I just kept looking at Giselle, and I knew that everything was going to be okay. She was crying, but tried to wipe it away, so I wouldn’t see, but it just made me happier. When I got about 5 feet in front of her, she told me that my shoe was untied.
I bent down to tie my shoe,  
“Is everything Okay D? I can do it for you” She called out.
“I’m good, I promise.” I said to her,
I then acted like I was getting back up, but instead I took the ring box out of my pocket and got on one knee.
She looked at me with wide eyes and covered her mouth. I took her left hand, and said
“I’ve known you since you were 15 and I fell in love with you on day one, back in the principal’s office. We were torn apart and brought back together so many times, I don’t know how you still love me or put up with me. Not only are you raising our beautiful children, you’ve accepted my daughter as your own, which made me love you even more because you didn’t have to.  
You stayed when I was in the hospital, you were there when I didn’t have anyone else. That time when you did leave and the times we were apart from each other, my heart ached for you. Without you Gi, my life is meaningless, sad, and incomplete. I want to spend every single day with you, until I’m gone.
Yes, we are already married but we’ve never had the actual experience of being married. I have asked this question so many times, under different circumstances each time, now I want to get it right this time, here, today, when I walked to you and all I could see was you at the end of my journey, I want to ask it for the final time.
Giselle Marie Boudreaux, will you make me the happiest man on this planet, and marry me?”
By the time I finished talking she had tears rolling down her face.
“Of Course I will Dominic.”
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