#and also remarries so
bloominglegumes · 2 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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daipeanutsaiban · 2 months
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the little miss baskerville at around 14 years old- a young lady with a mischievous streak 😺. her father makes her wear white as a way to know when she's sneaked out against his orders, because her clothes will be visibly dirty. sometimes she'll disguise herself and klint (and occasionally barok) as east end kids and they'll blend in the crowd for a day. her color scheme is meant to be reminiscent of a candle, both in reference to the headstrong, fiery personality i write her with and to her short-lived existence.
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whoblewboobear · 22 days
Jace was totally a Hudol kid right?
He failed wizardry 101 three years in a row, he probably hooked up with your crush, ​he was voted most likely to be arrested on account of all the pranks he pulled around campus. He smokes cigarettes in the parking lot. He’s at the top of his sorcery classes and his name is on everyone’s lips, he’s Jace Stardiamond and if you don’t know him, then maybe you’re just not cool enough to.
By the time he’s a junior, everyone has an idea of who he is but when he’s alone with himself, he has a hard time deciding if he knows who he is. Every moment of his life he’s been told the whos, whats and whys and he feels trapped inside of the labels and high standards so he takes comfort in the unknown.
For once he finally feels in tune with his magic. He doesn’t need to know where it comes from when it comes to him as easy as breathing. He still has such a keen eye for it, though. He approaches sorcery with such a precision and resolve that leaves people in awe of him, the attention doesn’t hurt either.
He always admired that quality in the wizards surrounding him, there’s no reason he can’t borrow that kind of self discipline for himself if it leads to better self discovery.
Still, he can’t take the way his old wizardry textbooks mock him from where they live on his bookshelf. He finds a home for them far at the top of his closet and doesn’t look back.
Is2g the way he told Adaine he couldn’t take a level of wizard, “I tried.” And then him saying he always thought wizards were a bit stinky has haunted me since the finale aired. That man has a deep vendetta associated with wizardry, you just know it. That shit haunts him.
#ngl I feel like Jace’s mom was probably a high elf and wanted her kids to go to the most prestigious school in Elmville but his dad was a#human adventurer that just wanted his sons to be happy#they get divorced by the time Jace is 15 and he chooses to stay with his dad bc the thought of going to live in fallinel with his mom makes#him itch#fallinel reminds him of Hudol and he doesn’t /love/ Hudol#his brother does though and his brother is definitely the good boy pragmatist wizard of the family#Jace’s dad tells him if he doesn’t wanna go to Hudol anymore he can transfer to aguefort and he does it. he doesn’t even attempt to try#wizard classes and it’s way too late to find an adventuring party#that final year is kinda a blur but it was fun.#he spent most of his time at parties and hooking up with more people than he could count#also in my head Jace has a brother and then when he’s like starting college his mom remarries and has his sister with his stepdad that he#haaaates#he hates visiting fallinel but he wants to get to know his sister#his dad also dies on an adventure during his college years#he comes back to an empty house because his brother just couldn’t#it’s the first time he’s really left to be the responsible one and he’s not bad at it but he’s so out of depths#he sells the house and starts couch surfing until he sees that Aguefort is hiring for a sorcerer teacher so he takes it#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#fhjy#jace stardiamond
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kikkomansoymilk · 2 years
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partnerships, duality, union ʎuoɯɹɐɥsıp ,ssǝupǝpıs-ǝuo ,ǝɔuɐןɐq ɟo ssoן
reversed version under the cut
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superloves4 · 6 months
I think Fëanor should be put in an odyssey >:3c
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Scrolling through the “anti Viserys I” tag is something that can be so personal and beautiful
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heyclickadee · 6 months
So, my family is rewatching Rings of Power, and since I’m the one in the family that read The Silmarillion (like a masochist), I’m the one who keeps getting asked all the questions.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 10 months
Major TWST Chapter 7 Spoilers!!
So we all know Queen Leah is Aurora’s mom AND Silver’s mom.
But y’all that literally means our sweet 17 year old Silver is Aurora’s long lost brother that never had to experience a sister. He got a brotherly experience with Malleus and Sebek. What I’m more worried is one day someone does a DNA test(possibly Aurora’s children or descendants) and his name pops up. Or someone recognizes Silver’s face because of how similar it is to Aurora’s or Leah’s(I mean come on, we can usually tell when people are related that closely just by looking at them) Like I Can imagine it now. Also fair warning, this gets pretty sad.
🌹: *Aurora is impossibly old, hair gray* Older brother, is that you? You look just like mom said you did? I see the years have caught up to you with your hair.
🗡️: Umm? I’m not that old-
🌹: Momma used to tell me stories all about you once I woke up from that curse. HOO boy those times were wild. I wish you got to meet my father, but what’s done is done. Probably should catch back up with the princesses some time later. Anyway, we should meet up sometime and catch up on the years.
Aurora sits on a bench next to Silver.
Aurora’s descendants: I’m so sorry! My grandma/great grandma is getting old and possibly senile. Hopefully she didn’t bother you too much.
🌹: I did no such thing! I was just catching up with my older brother here!
Aurora descendants: Grandma/Great Grandma, you know he’s-
🗡️: No, it’s fine. Really. I would love to catch up someday too.
Aurora and her descendants walk back to whatever castle or home they came from. Aurora’s dreamy blue eyes linger in Silver’s mind.
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armulyn · 10 months
Galaxy brained idea that maybe three people will get:
Feanor and Fingolfin with the Noldorin inheritance being identical to that of the Annieran rulers in the Wingfeather Saga, specifically the Throne Warden/High King set-up.
(For non-Wingfeather Saga fans: In Anniera, the crown prince/princess is the SECOND child of the high king/queen, and the eldest child becomes the Throne Warden, whose job is to protect his/her sibling from all harm/guide them in their rule. The Throne Warden is very much honored for their role, but it's made clear from birth that they will never rule.)
(For non-Silmarillion fans: Feanor is the eldest from Finwe's first wife, Miriel, and Fingolfin is his eldest son from his second wife. This is a race of immortals, so remarrying has been unheard-of before this. Feanor hates Fingolfin's guts, and after Finwe dies there's a bit of puzzlement of who actually is the king here?)
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hellsingmongrel · 11 months
You know, one of the funniest things after 20 years in this fandom is being so used to the character designs that I often forget just how Just Like That some of the elements are. And then I go to watch the original anime with my 16 year old cousin for the first time, after they sat down and watched Stampede with me and we decided to watch the old one, too, and we get to the episode where Nick shows up on the bus.
And then we got to the shot where he's leaning against the bus, reaches into his coat to pull out a cigarette and it's just a closeup shot of his chest when he reaches in, and the cousin made a weird little wheezing noise and I looked over to see them gawking at the screen and just kind of laughed. "Were you expecting him to take out something else or something?"
"No, I just wasn't expecting to just have his tits in my face! They're just all out there!"
Lemme tell you, when I fuckin' cackled until I was wheezing! I was just like "Yep! That's our slutty priest! There's a reason the fandom draws him with his tits out constantly!" They were laughing and so gobsmacked at the same time, it was great. XD
Sometimes you really do have to rewatch it with a newbie to the series to really remember just how memorable parts of the old shows really were.
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amatres · 30 days
i do find it interesting that by westeros's usual right of succession, rhaenyra did technically have the strongest claim as heir while still a single child over daemon, but because of how her own father became king and the precedent set by it and how jaehaerys came into kingship over rhaena, it wouldn't have happened smoothly.
and also like, the fact it didn't even occur to viserys to let rhaenyra be his heir even just temporarily and have her raised with the knowledge of political state and the likes, or at least not to enforce her to study it regardless of the fact she may not be interested. like, had things gone how he expected them to go, she would have a younger brother close in age to her whom she would likely marry, and she would still be queen and need to execute queenly duties beyond having children.
even if he didnt expect her to marry this theoretical younger brother, she would likely marry a high ranking noble and have to tend to their estate. and yet? he didn't even consider to do it and he has his wife continuously pregnant in hopes of more children, an heir and spare at the least, all while turning a blind eye to his daughter and her education. but of course how could he expect her to, or let her, run anything when his own rule was based on denying another woman claim to a throne many who followed the normal law of succession would assume would be the more rightful candidate
but theres also the fact technically neither of them were true direct heirs, which is why there was so much debate in the first place. just like how for example, a woman leads the eyrie during rhaenyra's reign because she was all that was left of the direct line, and once she passed it went to the second branch nearby. by that logic, daemon would have never been viserys's heir in the first place, as rhaenyra as his kid would already have claim over him for succession, and yet everyone including viserys himself treated daemon as his heir for years, not his child. all because that was the precedent they set up to get viserys on that throne to begin with
there is no conclusion to this, i was just writing my stream of consciousness bc i thought of aemma and how viserys kept trying to have more children, and never prepared rhaenyra for anything. like, by the time she is reaching teenage years and you still no other children i think that's the point you change tactics and do your best to prepare the one child you have even on the supposed off chance you are unable to have any other healthy children, which did happen. and yet still. i do think it's tied to how his own claim came from denying a woman her's, and that his grandfather before him was the same, and i just want to know what his reasoning for all of this was
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transmasckagami · 8 months
Kagami never mentions his mom in the manga. He only mentions that he was supposed to live with his dad in his apartment in Japan.
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quarter 140 i'm really glad
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silyabeeodess · 6 months
Rashta, after becoming Empress and Navier has left the Empire, to the tune of "Part of Your World": So what if I ruined a marriage? Killed my hero, but who's keeping score? Though I'm bathing in wealth, I'm still jealous, Of Navier... Who's not here... I want MOOOOOORE!!
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myimaginationplain · 7 months
something fun about Scooby-Doo as a franchise is that none of the five core characters have consistent family members. Their mothers, fathers, siblings, aunts, uncles & cousins change in every single iteration with no real cross-over between shows (with the notable exception of Scrappy). So if you're writing a general Scooby-Doo fic not based on any one canon, literally all of their families are free game for headcanon-ing. You can do whatever the hell you want with them. Be free
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deva-arts · 2 months
Is Nate technically a carnivore since he has fangs?
While this would have worked for other variant species, Nathaniel doesn't abide by the rules of nature in any respect, especially as an atypical-form shifter.
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His body has a predisposition towards humanoid forms, so it's safe to assume he'd have the same overall conditions that a human would- omnivorous. He's made a nutritional plan for himself that incorporates more veggies and less saturated fats. Ew! boring!
(Can you tell I love talking about Variant physiology)
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superloves4 · 7 months
I was thinking, if Finwë had to choose, like, let’s say he was offered reembodiement (let’s say Fëanor had already been reeembodied) but he could only keep one of his marriage bonds, who would he choose
(This, of course, is just a thought experiment, Finwë when petitioning Miriel reembodiement does put it that he loves both of them, but I just wondered if anyone had headcanons about it. Like, the “I love both equally” is a nice sentiment but it would be awkward either way he picks, it sort of reminds me of those “which spouse would you be buried with” kind of things)
(Also, while I appreciate the sentiment, for the sake of the experimentation there is no cheating and answering Elwë, also also, Finwë’s choice doesn’t mean they are going to take him back)
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