#and also sumtimes I don’t know the right words for comfort
mjtheartist04 · 11 months
@hypocriticaltypwriter r MY BABY MY POOKIE MY WIFEY😞
I know the past few days haven’t been your best AND I DONT LIKE IT WHEN MY BABYS ARE SAD so I made you a lil sumthing to maybe cheer you up! Becuz I love you very much and you deserve the whole world, just know I’m very proud of you, I know it’s hard but you are a very brave and strong girl, and I admire you every single damn day and think of how lucky I am to have you as my best friend🫶
SO HERE YOU GO HUNNY✨💖💖💖 you deserve it😚🩵
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Also to the assholes that were being rude to my wife…..
I hope yall get what’s coming your way👁️👁️
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uzumakiramen · 2 years
✯ the akatsuki with an artist s/o ✯
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gender neutral! reader.
a/n; this is a bit all over the place but it spent months rattling around in my drafts and I finally finished it!! enjoy<33!!
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he always knew you were an artist becuz pain knows everything about everyone in his presence
and he honestly could care less
it’s not something he really focuses on and never brings it up
he’s very 😐 about the whole situation
upon finding out deidara was quite salty ngl
becuz in his head there can only be one artist in the relationship and that's him😤
he lowkey didn’t want you steal his thunder as the “artist” of the akatsuki cuz he’s a big bby sumtimes😭😭
every time he sees you working on a new piece he huffs out of his nose and crosses his arms with a childish pout on his face
but he can’t help but admire your art
he loves how expressive it is and how true it is to you
and he tries his best to compliment you in his own slightly backhanded way💀💀
“you know what? it’s no destructive explosion of passion or anything 🙄 but it’s pretty nice y/n”
“awww thank you dei dei🥰!!”
ah yes the other artist of the akatsuki
as we all know sasori minds his damn business so he didn’t even know you were an artist at first
he ended up finding out when he looked up from working on his newest puppet to see you completely covered in red and blue ink on the other side of the room
he’d only ever seen you so concentrated on something when you’re in battle and he found it very intriguing
sasori honestly doesn’t mind having an artist s/o
sometimes he even comes to you for input on his puppets because how much he trusts your artistic skill and taste🥹
and also because he’s in love with you too but he doesn’t want you to know that just yet🤩
“y/n what do you think I should do with this one?”
“oooo umm🤔🤔 you should paint purple lines that swirl all the way down the arms and add poison covered senbons to the fingers!!”
and he looks at you with most blank and lovestruck😍 expression because wow that’s actually an amazing idea why didn’t he think of that
“i like the way you think.”
kisame thinks it’s adorable that you’re an artist✨
in this dark ninja world it’s nice to see someone create such beautiful scenes yk?
watching your face scrunch up every time you spot a small mistake in a sketch
or seeing your eyes light up when two colors you put on the paper look wayy better than you expect makes him so happy
you just looked too cute🥰 how could he not be happy
he’s always very interested in what you’re working on too so he likes to just sit next to you and watch you work
he never speaks in these situations tho
he doesn’t want to interrupt the process and ruin anything
so kisame just smiles while you register the fact his eyes are boring a hole into your side
you don’t mind it tho✨
so he’s in love with you right
itachi is severely in love with you
and falls more in love with you finding out that you’re an artist
watching you create beautiful pieces of art just makes him 😍🤩❤️🥺🥺✨🥰🥰🥰😫😫
you look so at peace and comfortable
and so so happy!!
he can’t even express in words how much he loves it
something about seeing you so happy and calm and focused when you create makes his heart burst and his head spin
he’s a lovesick idiot ik
one day you gave him a sketch that you drew of him in your last mission and this man folded like an omelette😭😭
“hey ‘tachi I made this for you🥰”
“i- wow y/n. it’s amazing🥹🥹”
he loves loves loves receiving little sketches from you
he takes them everywhere he goes
they’re his most prized possession🥰 besides you that is
now hidan.
hidan’s different
becuz like he loves you so much so he loves that you have an activity that you love
but he also doesn’t really care enough to make a whole thing about it yk
however there is one thing that hidan simply can’t get enough of when it comes to you being an artist
and that is when you paint on him
especially on his back
feeling the coolness of the paint combined with the warmth radiating off of you and your hands was very umm …. enjoyable for him if you know what I mean👀
and as much as he would love to act on that feeling he knew you would be mad if he ruined your masterpiece
“come on y/nie, it’ll just be one kiss, I promise😔🙏” no it won’t be mister
“no hidan! it’s not dry yet!!”
“ugghhh fine🙄!”
and as grumpy as he is about this, hidan doesn’t mind being your canvas
similarly to pain, kakazu doesn’t really care that you’re an artist
it isn’t something that he pays attention to because as he so frequently says to you
“silly drawings can’t pay the bills y/n.🙄”
but little does he know that when ever you go into town, people pay you to draw a caricature of them on the spot🙃
so whenever you come back from an outing with several wads of cash 💵 he’s extremely confused and surprised
“where’d you get all that from?”
“oh don’t worry about it. you’d think it was silly anyways🙃.”
he doesn’t shut about it omg😭😭
everywhere you go tobi will make it his mission to brag about how talented you are to other people
he will tell anyone and everyone about your paintings 🖼
and your genius when it comes to color selection🎨
or how steady your hands are when you use ink🖋
to the point where it’s a little embarrassing 🙈
but no matter how annoying he can get with it you know it’s out of a place of love
he just admires you and your talent so much man
he’s just in love with you dawg idk what to tell you🤷🏾‍♀️
she loves it!!
she loves it so much omg‼️
similar to itachi, konan just loves watching you create art
you just look so mesmerizing when you’re focused and happy, she can’t help but look at you with heart eyes
her favorite thing is painting with you
it starts out normal with you two sitting in comfortable silence focused on your own pieces
but somehow at the end you end up throwing paint at each other completely abandoning the canvases in front of you
and as messy as it gets, seeing you covered in a swirl of different colors with a smile on your face just makes her feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside🥰
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© 2022 copyright. all rights reserved. @uzumakiramen.
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love-the-purple-cat · 4 years
Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me - Chapter 1 Part 5
“Yer hair again?” She asks, idly kicking one of the men when they try to get up.
“Not quite. They got mad I beat up their men who made fun of my hair and decided that I needed to be taught a lesson.”
She snorts unattractively. “Do ya even like yer hair colour?”
Once again, Ichigo pauses in though. “...Why do you ask that?”
“Cause, no offence, but yer hair keeps gettin' ya inta trouble, and ya don’t even seem ta’ appreciate it. If it’s too much then just dye it sumthin' borin'.”
...It’s not that he hadn’t thought about it, it’s just that it was one of the few connections he had still with his mother. Dyeing it seemed like a betrayal, and felt like giving up and admitting defeat after fighting others about it for so long.
“Ah, that does sound like a good reason not ta' dye it,” She says when he unintentionally thinks aloud. “But yer missin' ma' point: Are ya happy wit' yer hair? The colour will still appear when ya grow it out, it’ll just be temporarily hidden.”
He lightly fingers a strand. It was getting longer.
“I'll think about it.”
She nods. Neither pleased nor displeased.
“Come over this weekend.”
They are eating lunch in her classroom, in a way celebrating becoming friends after knowing each other for a month. Her classmates occasionally throw them looks that they ignore.
“Sure. What are we goin' ta' do?”
He thinks of the box of black hair dye that he got on his last shopping trip with Yuzu two days ago. Yuzu had looked at him questionably but hadn’t said a thing to their family. “I need help with my hair.”
Cherī raises a brow, not getting the hint.
“I’m...” He swallows, eyes flickering to the other people in the room. “I’m thinking of trying something new. That thing you talked about a few days ago.”
It takes a moment longer for her eyes to light up in recognition and understanding. “Sure, where will we meet up?”
The corner of his lip twitches up.
“Yer mom famous or sumthin'?”
He looks to where she is examining his mother’s poster. “No, my dad got it after she died.”
She appears to be contemplating something before looking away. “So, where’s yer bathroom? Ah’m not gonna lie, da dye will stain yer bathtub/tiles like a bitch when ya wash it out. Best ya put on some old clothes too.”
Ichigo nods and leads the way, feeling nervous and calm at the same time.
Cherī orders him to sit on the edge of the bath, or bring a chair but then there’s a chance that it would be stained so he doesn’t. She starts by brushing his hair and parting it before beginning. “Ya sure ‘bout this, Ichigo?”
“Yeah.” His tone is breathless, heart thumping hard in his ribcage and something is lodged in his throat.
“Okay.” Her voice is soft and quiet, though not in comfort. It just is.
His eyes close, a foreign calmness taking over him as she works on his hair. It isn’t as short as it used to be, but it isn’t as long as he would have guessed it would be after not seeing a hairdresser for nearly a year.
“An’ now we leave it fer 25mins.” Her voice arouses him from the half-asleep state he had been in. He turns to look at himself in the mirror, but she blocks his view. “Let’s leave that fer later, okay?” Her voice is soft again.
He swallows thickly and nods. “Okay.”
They go to his room. They don’t talk, not really, but the silence doesn’t feel suffocating. She looks around the small space, and the though of how empty his room looks strikes him. There is only the essentials of a bed, a desk with a corkboard over it, and a chair. It doesn’t have any personality.
But, why does he care what his room looks like to an outsider?
“Ya got any favourite books?” Cherī asks, done looking around the bare room.
“Shakespeare.” He answers automatically.
“He’s good. Don’t know much ‘bout his works, only Romeo an' Juliet an’ that’s just a general idea. Ah like Dracula, an' Dr.Jekyl an' Mr.Hyde. Ya know, books wit' what could be considered a homoerotic undertone nowadays.” She looks at the notes stuck on the board. Most of them are related to school or past commitments so he doesn’t see a problem with her looking.
“Ya got any relatives? Ah got at least two first cousins an' a bunch of other great aunts an' uncles that ma' parents want me ta know ‘bout even though Ah only meet ‘em once every five years. Kinda pisses me off when they get annoyed that Ah don’t know any of their names, but that’s what happens when ya barely see someone.”
He blinks. This was the first time since the first day that she is mentioning family. “Not on my mom’s side, I think. But on my dad's...”
Did he have relatives in Soul Society? There were quite a few similarities between him and Kūkaku, and Ukitake-taichō had mentioned that he looks like his former lieutenant Shiba Kaien.
“’s okay ta' not know.” Cherī says. “Family’s confusin' sumtimes, an' it doesn’t help when they keep secrets, or don't bother mentionin' important stuff.”
She was right. His father had kept the fact that he was a shinigami from him, what’s one more secret?
“Time ta' wash yer hair. Ya need help wit' that?”
She doesn’t smile, nor does she frown. “Okay.”
He doesn’t like how he looks.
He hates how he looks. He looks way too similar to Kūkaku, with his sharp chin and eyes.
He looks way too similar to them.
What was one more secret?
-The past is never dead. It’s just buried underneath soil and concrete-
“Ichigo,” Cherī calls, brown brows furrowed in concern. “Are ya okay?”
No. “Yeah.” He croaks. He clears his throat and tries again. “Yeah, just getting used to the new look.” He tries to smile but it must have come out as a grimace with the way she frowns.
“Okay. Ya got a dark hat or sumthin'?”
“’Cuz we're goin' ta' da store an' we're gonna buy ya a new dye.”
“This one is fine.”
“No, it ain't.” Her voice is a touch harder. “It’s makin' ya sad an' that’s da opposite of what we were aimin’ fer.”
“Cherī-“ He tries but is cut off.
“There's nothin’ wrong wit’ not likin' how ya look. Nothin' wrong wit' not likin’ black.” She says, and for a single moment, it feels as though she is talking about something else, like she knows what his inner tumour is about. “Let’s go get ya a new colour, Ichi.”
He nods, and chokes out an “Okay.”
They're at one of the shops on the main street.
The first thing that greets them when they enter is hair dyes on one side of the aisle and deodorants on the other. Ichigo browses through the ‘natural’ colours first before going to the more ‘fun' – as Cherī calls them – ones. 
 All the colours of the rainbow were here: red, green, blue, purple, yellow and orange, along with a couple of other colours, each having different shades from lighter to darker. 
“When Ah first started dyeing ma' hair,” Cherī says, picking up a box and examining it. “Ah did it in ma' favourite colour – purple. Months later, Ah found out that if Ah planned on continuin' ta' dye ma’ hair fun colours, da colours would need ta' be ones that can easily be turned inta the next. Fer example: Ya dye yer hair blue, few months pass and ya want a new colour, yer either gonna havta bleach it or yer gettin' it done in green. Understand?” She places two bleaching kits in the basket.
Ichigo nods, examining the colours. His eyes stray towards the blue dyes, specifically the one that reminds him of Grimmjow.
He swallows.
Several months have passed since he had last seen the Espada; how would he react if he were to see him now – powerless and alone?
Well, he glances at Cherī as she compares two different shades of pink, not quite alone.
“Do ya like blue?” She asks, both boxes securely placed in the basket.
“Yeah,” He wets his lips. “I do.” It feels like he is confessing a sin by saying those words and thinking about his enemy. Were they even enemies now?
“Then get it.” She doesn’t reach for the box, preferring to wait for him to do it.
“It will clash with my complexion.” He argues weakly. Raising two girls since he was nine forced him to dive into fashion and learn the rules: body types, complexions, colour schemes and such. There were many other things he had to learn and do while his father was in mourning to survive but now was not the time to think about the past.
“So? This ain’t a fashion statement, Ichi. It's about makin' ya feel good and happy. But... if ya want a more autumn colour we can get red.” She reaches for the box and he grabs her wrist.
“No, not red.” Red reminds him of Renji, who reminds him of Rukia. Neither has bothered to visit him the months following Aizen's defeat. The excuse of him being unable to see them wouldn’t fly, not when he knew Urahara keeps gigais in his shop.
-There are bodies in the soil-
“Okay.” She says, slowly pulling her hand away. “Not red then. Bad memories?”
He winces, releasing her wrist to rub at his neck. “It’s... complicated.”
The girl huffs, “What does it remind ya of?”
He meant to say, “Nothing”. He wanted to say, “Renji”.Hell, he could have said nothing and she would have accepted his silence as an answer. Which is why he is so surprised when the word leaves his mouth without his permission.
And it is true. The shade she was reaching for also reminds him of blood. It makes him remember the wound he had been inflicted in Hueco Mundo, where he quite literally died and was dead for a while, long enough for his inner Hollow to take control and battle the cuatro Espada Ulquiorra and win, before he managed to wrestle back control of his body. It also reminds him of the markings on his hollow mask.
Cherī looks surprised - not mortified, just... surprised. “Okay,” She repeats. “Not red.”
She’s examining the colours, searching for one that would fit his complexion, when he reaches forward and plucks the blue, Baby Blue, one and puts it in the basket. She doesn’t question him, doesn’t even indicate to have seen him do it but he knows she saw him and he appreciates her silence.
“What ‘bout green?”
His first though is Ulquiorra with his acid green eyes, marble skin, and black black bat wings that carry him over the sands of Hueco Mundo.
His second is Nelliel.
 “I like it.” He picks a turquoise shade called Mermaid.
He likes pink, he's worn it often enough when he was younger and his sisters wanted to dress him up, but...
“No, not today.”
“Bad memories?”
He thinks of Yachiru, the girl with what he would describe bubblegum pink – even if that shade is called Cupcake here – hair and the man whose shoulder she would ride on.
“Not really.”
She nods, then juts her chin violently towards a reddish-pink colour named Love Letter. “What ‘bout that?”
The colour is nice so he gets it.
They continue on like that for a while, choosing and comparing colours - some of which repeat since Cherī also likes them - until the basket is overflowing. As a final colour Cherī chooses Snow – a pure white colour that reminded him of his inner Hollow's hair.
There's so much hair dye that he wonders whether he would ever be able to use each at least once.
The cashier is baffled by the amount but remains silent while she rings them up. It's as the numbers climb higher and higher that he begins to worry, given that he hadn’t brought that much money. But before he can open his mouth Cherī is already handing her credit card with a, “Could you also add one strawberry and one cherry flavoured chapstick? Thank you.”
He turns to look at her in bafflement. This was the first time he hears her speak ‘properly’ and it honestly unnerves him.
“Not ev'ryone can understan’ me, Ichi.” She says, handing him one of the bags.
They make their way to his house, talking about which colour they should do first. Cherī wants to see him in Love Letter or Milan – a light yellow colour that reminds him of an éclair's filling – but he says that he wants to try Baby Blue. She nods and gives him the strawberry chapstick.
“Yer lips are chapped.” She says and he accepts it.
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urichannie · 6 years
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〘boyfriend baekhyun moodboard ❆ christmas ❆ edition!〙
| chanyeol | sehun (soon) |
yo where do i even begin with this man
a welsh corgi trapped inside a 26 year old man’s body
holidays with baekhyun is just,,, pure bliss
ok basically whatever season it is as long as you’re with this crackhead, you’re happy
but christmas + baek is something else 
who even is mariah carey bih we only know a bbh
bf! baek’s hype level will be up ^ there from dec 1 until new year
this cutie will be extra enthusiastic bc of the holidays
and the fact that he’ll be spending it with you, his world
skskjsjhs he treats you like you’re his world okay he won’t be able to function without your presence
or at least it will be very hard for him
that’s why whenever he’s not able to spend the night with you, he’ll video call you 
“Jagi, can’t you go here? ' ^ ' The space is so big and i’m not used to it. The sheets are spotless and fragrant too. Just like how you wanted, you neat freak.” he said not too loud, almost sounding like an asmr, but loud enough for you to hear his sincerity 
“Don’t you have your PC there? Go cover the empty space with it. You have my permission.” you reply in a teasing tone, causing him to shriek 
“Ayh you, how many times do I have to tell you that I love you more than my pc??”
but when you are to spend the night with him,,
he’ll prep himself for the whole night 
and by prep i mean be highly caffeinated 
this pup can sumtimes tend to be lil sleepy so he made sure he’ll not sleep on you this time
In times that you didn’t cook food, he’ll bring full course meal and snacks for the both of you, making sure that he will not have to go out anymore to buy anything
but what is baek without games, right?
expect battles every night whether it’s through PSP, Nintendo, VR, PC, or even phone
being in a relationship with him means having to try all the games he plays
and impossible it may seem to you, but your interest in it will grow
explains why you two are shouting at each other at 10:00 pm
either celebrating your victory in League of Legends, or blaming each other for the defeat
can also be yelling by instructing each other where the enemy is as you both play PUBG through your phones
and after your gaming session, you’ll snack in to the food he brought, quickly and quietly, no conversations in between
this guy eats so well have you seen him eat kaskjkds i want to give him all the food in the world and just stare at him as he eats and so are you
you two will then get ready for bed after that
and maybe brush each other’s teeth and laugh midway everything he is just happy to be spending the night with you okur 
and slop yourselves to bed the second after you both dress in your pjs
and pretty much talk about everything, anything, even the silliest thing you could ever think of
boi he clingy, always always touching you
there can be surprise tickle fights too this man is too in love with u
tickle fights will end by you two catching your breaths from laughing so much
and you both will now finally  try to get each other to sleep
all wrapped up in clean and warm comforter, squeezing your bodies together in the middle of the queen sized bed bc you two are cold and you just love each other very much dskhdhs
he’d play his favorite laid back songs through his phone
u in his  a   r   m   s
boy he may be a smol puppy but this man has been gifted a whole ass 50 cm wide shoulders u can his upper proportion ur habitat
and once he believe u’ve fallen asleep, he’ll start whispering sweet words to you as he plays with your hair and eyelashes, tracing your face with his fingertips (fingertips that u envy of)
phrases he doesn’t have the balls to tell you when you’re conscious
his sweet words will wake the heck out of the butterflies in your stomach
and that will make you hard to pretend you’re asleep
so you take your arms off his waist and wrap it all over his neck
fully aware that u’ll get to be really close to his face, or ears rather as what you’ve planned
“I heard everything, silly.” you softly whisper to his ears
which caused him to pull you even closer to him and let go a deep chuckle
“I know, kitten. Your acting as if you’re asleep was awful.”
bitch can i fucking cry i am so jealous of whom i wrote
➵ this is a request by @92byunie (hi babe! thankyou for requesting~ I hope you liked it. ♡) also tagging @g-exo [my co-whipped hoe for mr. byun].
➵ send in asks for moodboard requests! [ exo member + theme ]
➵ asks are open too for literally anything, i just want to talk and interact before i go hiatus again this january :c
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