#and an extra cause of the union circle :D
pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
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So i’ve been having fun hunting Shinies recently, sometimes the game just slaps me in the face when im cracking jokes XD
Don’t worry we found a Shiny Riolu for @xxtc-96xx at the tail end of our hunt XD
(Fun fact you and a friend can get matching shinies if you join a union circle :) )
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Scenario where young Brulee dies from her infected scar and Broyé taking over in her place, getting the mirror fruit, turning into the witch of the Seducing Woods. Basically a what if Scenario.
This was… really interesting to write :D I decided to take a somewhat different narrative approach, hope it still turned out right xD
Broyé taking Brûlée’s place after she died as a child scenario
„How are the trees today~?“
„Thirsting for blood, madame!“
„Ah, and the precious flowers~?“
„Longing to nag on someone’s bones,mistress!“
„Mhh… And our little intruders~?“
„About to face their worst fears,dearest Lady!“
„Oh, how splendid~! Call all yourfriends, for today we shall have a feast~!“
…One of the many legends circlingaround in Tottoland tell the story of a dark witch, who lives deepinside the forest of seduction. Not many have seen her face, butthose unfortunate enough to venture into her territory (and luckyenough to escape with their lives) always compare her to a demon withthe face of an angel. It is said that only the Queen and her familyknow the true identity of the witch- and some people evenspeculate that she used to be a child of the Yonko herself. But noone was ever able to find out the truth, since trying to take a peekinto her life will surely cost you your life.
„Hahaha, mamamama! Who would haveever thought that little Brûlée’s death would cause you to turn intosuch an useful and obedient child, my lovely —–?“
A tall woman, wearing a pure-white dressadorned with many beautiful flower, danced around in an abandoned little cottage located inthe middle of the dark woods. Her singing and the whispers of manydifferent voices filled the room with an unsettling atmosphere, one thatcould even frighten the most fearless of all men, the witch howevermarveled in it.
„I… I couldn’t protect her… I’mso sorry… It’s my fault that she died, —–!“
Long, pink hair framed the face of an elegant and youthful looking lady. Despite her beautiful features,no one could deny the sinister aura emitting from her sheerpresence, and the fear that would immediately spread through one’sveins upon facing her.
„Oh, these poor, poor creatures. Didthey not know that just stepping inside this forest is the biggestsin anyone can commit~? And do you remember why that is, mydearies~?“
she asked her underlings with a wicked undertone in hervoice,
„Because this earth was blessed~!Blessed, by the ashy remains of our wonderful late Lady Brûlée~!“
they answered in unison while singing.
„Correct~! That is exactly right~! And anyone who sets foot inside this forest or opposes this kingdom shallperish by the hands of…?“
„… by the hands of our one and onlyMistress Broyé!“
….Yes, for this wasn’t some crazy witch who originated from a fairytale told to scare children- but actually the 9thdaughter of the Charlotte Family, and reigning Queen of these Woods- LadyCharlotte Broyé.
And the whispering voices belonged tonone other than her ‘beloved’ homie underlings, who would assist herin keeping the Forest of Seduction save from intruders and enemies ofall sorts.
The various flowers and other beingshaunting her woods were extra restless today, since for the firsttime in a while a bunch of rookies decided to challenge the Captain of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Linlin. Theirscreaming and singing increased and echoed through the room, until Broyé snappedher fingers to silence them- with an angelic smile placed on herface. In moments like these, no one would be able to suspect thewicked soul hiding inside the body of this beautiful woman.
„Now, now my dearies~! Let’s not getahead of ourselves, shall we~? What good does killing them quicklydo, when we can torture and haunt those little creatures to theirgraves instead~?“
A cheer of agreement roared throughthe small cottage once more and Broyé smiled triumphantly beforeturning towards a large mirror hanging from the wall to her right. She quickly cleared her throat before looking at her reflection, who was smiling back at her.
„Mirror, mirror on the wall~ Show methese pitiful worms who dare to soil this holy ground, which my beloved bigsister keeps watching over from beyond her grave~!“
Within seconds, the reflection of Broyéfaded away and instead, three people wandering through the woods appeared.One of them seemed to be the famous rookie Monkey D. Luffy, and- much to Broyé’s horror- hewas accompanied by two beautiful girls and what seemed to be araccoon.
„Ah! Look at these pretty faces, mydarlings! No, could it be? Is that you, dearest Brûlée~? Have youcome back to haunt my dreams once more, taking on the appearance of ayouthful young girl? Will your soul never find rest?!“
Broyé dramatically took a stepbackward and clutched her chest as if she was suffering from a heartattack. The homies around her started to retreat a bit, knowing verywell about the mood swings their mistress was suffering from eversince she once encountered a young girl who looked similar to her deceasedsister.
„These beautiful eyes! That perfectskin! There is no mistake! These girls, they mock me! Pretend to bemy sister in order to have me spare them! Ahhh, I will slice them upand use their guts as cake filling!“
It was truly astonishing how quicklyBroyé’s mood could change from mourning little sister to deadly andbloodthirsty monster. …But, could anyone really blame her? After allthe hardship she had to endure ever since that fateful day overthirty years ago? When her older sister died in agony, due to thewound caused by a vengeful outsider? Yes, from that day on, Broyéhas sworn to torment anyone who dares to oppose her family ever again,especially girls with pretty faces that would remind her of Brûlée.
“Oh, I see that our beloved homies have already started playing their wicked games with them~ I wonder, how long will it take until they finally lose their sanity?”
She watched over the three people and raccoon like a predator stalked its prey, and everytime the forest homies moved and blocked their paths- forcing them to go around in circles- a giggle escaped from Broyé’s mouth. Hah, how she enjoyed watching these little worms squirm in her grip!
But suddenly, a bunch of forest homies bust through the door with fear reflected in their eyes.
„Oh dearest mistress Broyé, we are so sorry for interrupting you like this, …but we just gotword from some of the other homies guarding the outskirts of theforest- Lord Cracker is appearantly on his way to deal with theintruders as well!“
„What?!“ the witch hissed angrily,„Big brother Cracker is coming?! Here? That fool should know betterthan to enter my home uninvited like this!“, she ranted on and thehomies started to step back, fearing that their mistress might lash out onthem as well.
„Get King Baum here immediately! We’re moving!“Broyé bellowed at the homies while grabbing her sword and one of hersmall handmirrors. „Let’s take care of these puny little nuisancesbefore my dearest brother even gets to see their faces~! We’ll showhim not to underestimate the power of the Mirror Witch and her forestof death!“
Without waiting for a response, Broyé marched outside of the house and angrily whistled to summon some of her most trusted underlings. A few seconds later, loud chugging could be heard as well as the cry of a crane.
“Diesel! Randolph! Crane!” she screamed as three figures stepped out of the shadows the forest was casting.
“Yes, Miss Broyé?”, all three of them anwered in union,
“Go and mess up these rookies good before anyone can interfere! …But keep the girls alive, they are mine to cut open.” Broyé ordered and all three nodded in response before quickly disappearing inside the dark forest again. It was no secret that most of her underlings feared Broyé almost as much as they feared the Queen herself.
The witch smiled after them, but there was no kindness or warmth on her face. It was the cold and wicked smile of a hunter who was about to devourer his unsuspecting prey.
“Mamama, what is it now, Broyé?! I thought you were off to settle into your new home within the Seducing Woods?”
“I was going to, Mama. But… There is one thing I need to take care of before I can truly call that place my home.”
“So?! What is it???”
“… You… you keep Brûlée’s ashes in an urn inside the Treasure Chamber, right?”
A loud noise broke the silence around the cottage as the Master of the forest homies, King Baum himself, came running towards Broyé.
“You called-ju?” he asked her, but instead of responding, Broyé simply jumped up to sit on his shoulder.
“It’s time to get our hands dirty once more~! We will go out and slaughter these maggots, who spit on my sister’s remains~! Let’s have some fun before making them join dear Brûlée in the ground~!” she sang happily before pointing in the direction where the intruders were. King Baum simply grinned before following his queen’s orders and ran towards the spot she was pointing to.
“It will be a bloodbath~! Watch me, dearest sister, as I fulfill your grudge and hunt down anyone who wishes to harm our precious family~!”
“Here you go, miss Broyé. If Mama allowed you to take the urn, then I’m sure you know what to do with it. Perhaps give your beloved twin sister a proper burial? Even though that is something the Queen could have done years ago alre-”
“Thank you, you are now dismissed. Hurry up and get out of my sight.”
“…Brûlée? Can you hear me?”
“I’m taking you with me.”
“If I spread your ashes across the woods where I’ll be living from now on…”
“…then that means you’ll always be by my side, right?”
“Please don’t worry. We’ll never be apart again.”
“I swear, from this day on- I will dispose of anyone who wishes to harm our precious family. Your death will not have been for naught, no one will ever hurt one of my siblings ever again!”
“I love you, big sis.”
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partnersportal · 4 years
The Most Common Symbols on Packaging Explained
With strict standards regulating the information found on product packages today, it is no surprise that many products are covered in symbols, which can have many different meanings.
Food products can have symbols related to ingredients, nutritional information, dietary restrictions, and allergens. Similarly, cosmetic products can have symbols for certain ingredients and allergens, but also for things like ethical production and testing.
There are so many symbols that exist out in the marketplace, especially if you include international products, but here are some of the most common symbols found on food and cosmetic products here in the U.S.
Food Symbols
Non-GMO Project
The Non-GMO Project seal verifies that the product was made in an environment dedicated to NO Genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are living organisms whose genetic material has been manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering, creating combinations of plant and animal genes that do not occur in nature. The Non-GMO Project offers independent verification of testing and GMO controls for U.S. and Canada based products.
Certified Gluten-Free
This logo, created by the Gluten Free Certification Organization (GFCO), verifies that the food within the package contains no traces of gluten and that the product was not exposed to cross-contamination.
Certified Vegan
This logo has been added to product packaging as a response to the growing number of consumers interested in vegan products. Products with this label are verified to be free from any animal products or byproducts.
USDA Organic
Produced by the USDA’s National Organic Program, this label represents the regulations and standards for products that are labeled as being produced organically. The products must have been produced in an environment that promotes sustainability where no synthetic fertilizers, irradiation, and/or genetic engineering is present.
Fair Trade Certified
This label can be found on honey, tea, chocolate, coffee, nuts, and grains. It certifies that the product was produced sustainably and fairly, benefiting the farmers and workers involved in its production.
Rainforest Alliance Certified
This label, created by The Rainforest Alliance, can be found on coffee, tea, chocolate, and fruit juice, among other products. It ensures that the products were produced sustainably, with the smallest possible impact on the environment.
OK Kosher Certification
The label represents the OK Kosher Certification (the ‘O’ being the circle). This symbol is used internationally and can be found on thousands of popular products from major companies. Foods with this label have been certified by the organization’s 350 kosher experts.
OU Kosher Certification
Also signifying Kosher food, this OU label was created by the Orthodox Union to verify which modern foods abide by ancient dietary laws. This label is used internationally for hundreds of thousands of products and is the strictest kosher verification system. Because this labeling system is so strict, there are different variations of the OU that can be found on products.
These variations include:
OU — the food contains neither meat nor dairy, a “neutral” product
OU-D — dairy product
OU-M — the product is made with meat or meat ingredients
OU-F — the product is made with fish ingredients
Heart Check Symbol
Foods with packages marked with this symbol meet the American Heart Association’s requirements of low amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol for people over the age of two. Additionally, this symbol supports the American Heart Association’s food science and recommendations.
Whole Grain Council Stamp
This stamp is put on Pack by Whole Grains Council. There are two different versions of this stamp, the Basic Stamp and the 100% Stamp. The product will only have the 100% Stamp if 100% of all the grains used in the product are whole grains. If all the grains are not whole grains but the product contains at least eight grams of whole grains, the product is given a Basic Stamp.
Animal Welfare Approved
This label for meat, dairy, and poultry products certifies that the animals were raised humanely and in an environmentally-friendly manner. This independent, non-profit recognizes farms for maintaining the highest animal welfare and environmental standards.
The American Humane Certified™ Program
Since 1877, American Humane Association has been ensuring the welfare, wellness and well-being of children and animals. They have been dedicated to improving child and animal welfare and have been at the forefront of every major progressive effort to protect children, farm animals, and companion animals from abuse and neglect.
Global Animal Partnership
Whole Foods created the 5-step program called Global Animal Partnership, a certification program it requires its vendors to use. Some small retailers have also begun using.
Certified Humane
This label was created by the Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) and, like the one above, it certifies that the animal products came from facilities that were proven to be raising and caring for their animals humanely.
Many also companies create their own standards and create a label for their products to create consumer trust. One example is the brand Happy Egg. They created their own clever symbol, call Happy Certified. They go beyond humane standards to create an ecosystem for their hens to flourish and thrive. They state they are committed to raising hens and eggs with love and make an extra effort to improve their hens’ welfare is what makes them happy calling their certification, Happy Certified. Beware, this kind of certification creation, does not always end happy. If it’s not back up by true claims, it can backfire like it did for the “Smart Choices” program.
Cosmetic Symbols
PETA Bunny
PETA, an animal-welfare organization, created this symbol for verified companies to indicate that their products are strictly cruelty-free and are not tested on animals during any part of production.
Leaping Bunny
Created by The Leaping Bunny Program, this label certifies that the product is cruelty-free and was not tested on animals. In order to display this label on their products, companies must take a pledge that none of their products or any ingredients have been tested on animals.
Period After Opening (POA) Symbol
Since cosmetics products can degrade over time and can cause products to go bad including causing skin infections, this label indicates the shelf-life of a product after opening before it is considered to be expired and should be thrown away. The number followed by the M stands for the specific number of months the product is good after opening. This information is typically given to you by your manufacturer.
Further Information
This symbol, which can be shown on any type of products in addition to cosmetics, is normally found with product information on the package or product itself. It communicates that you are only seeing a portion of the total product information and might have to refer to a different part of the package or product for the rest of the information.
Estimated Symbol
This E symbol indicates that the product was filled using “average fill system”. So, if this E appears under the amount in grams or milliliters on the package, it means that the product contains the amount advertised. This must appear on all products sold in the EU.
Green Dot
This green label is meant to show that the manufacturer of the product pays to recover and recycle it. While this label is used for recycling internationally, the program is only in Europe. This label is not meant to replace the general recycling symbol, but to be used in addition to it. For more details on how to use the Green Dot, go here.
This symbol on a packaging indicates that the product itself or at least one of its ingredients is flammable if it is exposed to high heat or a flame. It serves as a warning to keep the product away from sources of heat.
Resin Identification
One of these six symbols, created and used by Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI), is usually found somewhere on plastic products. These symbols identify what type of polymer resin the plastic product is made out of so plastics of the same polymer resin types can be recycled properly together.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Trixie's day out 3- Return of the jedi (Trixya) ~ hobnob
A/N: Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Little does Luke know that the galactic empire has secretly begun construction on a new armored space station even more powerful than the first dreaded Death Star. When completed, this ultimate weapon will spell certain doom for the small band of rebels struggling to restore freedom to the galaxy.
“TRIXIE” Katya screeched, spazzing out on the floor.
“Tf cunt” Trixie awoke, rubbing some of those crispy yellow balls out of her eyes graciously.
“We’re out of milk go get some” Kathua cried, looking down at the milk she just spilled.
Trixie couldn’t believe her ear nubbs. She’d have to pop down to Tesco extra and miss Antiques roadshow on telly.
“Not today satan, im having…Trixie’s day in” she spoke softly, sneezing into katyas wig.
“You have to what are we going to eat with our weetabix” Katya said, stealing a pack of haribo from the mini fridge.
Katya did make a compelling argument. Every morning they would talk about last nights Britains got talent and eat weetabix.
Trixie grabbed her Jacamo coat and wellies. She was out the door like a vegan in maccies.
The streets were surprisingly quiet apart from a few D list queens sat on a bench, making audition tapes. Today she may actually achieve what she set out to do without any wacky antics.
Just then Trixie fell, making sweet tender love to the floor as her dentures fell out.
“Ur mum drinks spaff!” Trixie yelled in pure unadulterated rage, getting up and dusting off her boy body.
She looked around to what caused the accident.
It was the head of ivy whinters, rolling around in panic. “Woo0ooah!” She tumbled, blood spewing everywhere as her decapitated head made circles on the ground.
“Hows ur head” Trixie said drenched in blood.
“Ive been having some complaints” Ivy cried, licking a garden snail. “Somebody stole my body-ody-ody!”
“I could get you 2 litre bottle of tizer” Trixie said sympathetically, picking up ivy’s head. Tizer always made her feel better.
Ivy, shook her head, though it was really more of a vibration because she had no neck. “I want you to find who did this to me”
Trixie nodded, throwing the decapitated ivy to the floor as she rolled down a storm drain. The dairy goods would just have to wait.
Trixie walked over to the bench of D list drag queens, they all eyed her down apprehensively. She needed information.
“Wott do you want?” Vander von odd spat, sticking our her forked tongue.
“Yeah, piss off!” Evah destruction hissed, ripping trixies skin with her talons.
“Tf u doing you rat bastard?” Trixie said slapping away eva’s hand. “I just need to ask if-”
“We ain’t saying nothing!!” Soju snarled, lifting her microphone to Trixie’s face. “However, do something for us and ill give you answers”
The girls on the bench nodded in agreement, going back to making audition tapes.
“What you want”
“Im out of alcohol to give to my guests” soju cried, her fake microphone crumbling apart. “Im under 18 so i need you to go to get me some bevs”
“Im about to pop into tesco, i could get you the latest beano and a kopparberg” Trixie offered, dressing her open wound in spongebob plasters.
“Yh peng”
A few minutes later and a quick chat with pete behind the till, Trixie had a bag of cheap booze. She slammed it into soju’s belly.
“Ah” soju thumbed up, clasping her chest in pain. “Rad, how can we help u”
“There was a decapitated head rolling around”
“Word on the street is” Evah destruction leaned in “there’s been a body snatcher goin round, nabbing queens!”
“I saw a shadowy figure jump into that there bin” Vander van odd pointed, taking a puff oh her novelty oversized pipe.
Without hesitation, Trixie leapt into the bin. It smelt of old gum and used condoms, much like katya. It was nothing but a plain bin! She’d been dooped!
Before a disgruntled trixie could react, the lid was slammed shut. She heard cackling as the bin moved. She was going on her biggest day out ever!
After about 7 hours of squatting in a bin, the lid lifted. She found herself in an underground science lab surrounded by tubs of body parts and leftover curry.
“Nice of you to join us miss mattel” a shadow figure said, all intimidating like.
“Wasn’t voluntary was it you daft cunt” Trixie retorted. At some point her hands had been tied up.
Trixie looked over to the table. An abomination of human limbs and makeup lay on there, covered in blood and wig hair.
“Intrigued?” The shadow stepped forward. Making them not a shadow. By teresa may’s sagging ballsack, it was karen from finance!
“Karen you old slag! Let me out ill be your bff”
“No trixie, i shan’t fall for that again. See i need your body-ody-ody for my experiment”
This wasn’t an ideal situation, Trixie just wanted to watch Antiques roadshow with weetabix.
“You see, we are the forgotten queens!” Karen monologued “None of our shows get booked because of people like you!! But thats about to change. I am creating the perfect queen, to outbook all other shows in england!!!”
Trixie nodded.
“Ive used the legs of Naomi smalls, the body of Courtney act, the collar bone of Alaska, and i was going to get ivy’s head but she got stolen by sewer rats idk where she is”
“Karen m8 i have to call the police this is well messed” Trixie said, busting out her phone and contacting the authorities.
“How in the dickens did you escape from the rope?”
“You tied me up with strawberry shoelaces you berk”
That very second, Laganja estranja slammed down the laboratory door. Her half reptilian body shone in the UV lamp rays.
“Oh yall wanted a rescue??” She deathdropped, making her way over to karen from finance. “You going straight to jail you best believe mamawww”
“Im in a secret location, how did you find me” Karen panicked.
“I got my snapchat location services on” Trixie said, getting out the bin and giving laganja a scooby snack. “Were in the middle of sheffield”
“Im young and hung and clearly march to the sound of my own drum” Laganja shrieked. without hesitation, she whipped out a gun and shot karen square in the face.
“Shit thanks laganja you can go now” Trixie nodded, poking Karen’s lifeless dead body with her foot.
“Okuuuuur mamaw” Laganja sashayed. She really hadn’t been the same since the accident.
Another job well done. The killer had been caught, with a little help from her friends of corse!
Trixie looked over to the rotting pile of flesh. Karen was some form of mentally disabled, it would never of worked.
She made her way back to camden. She spotted evah, vander and soju still on the bench, chuckling to themselves menacingly.
“Lads that prank was shit” Trixie said, shaking her head.
They all began to cry, hanging their heads in shame. “We had to let karen slice you up. How else would we get money?” Evah sobbed.
Trixie gave them all a knowing smile “investment…”
They all nodded in agreement, looking into the sunset. She would be seeing more of these girls, possibly on bbc news in some form of scandal.
Trixie bought the milk and got back to the hotel room. Katya was sat on the bed watching the biggest looser on telly.
“Its been about 5 days trixie where you been” Katya said, her eyelids peeled back from dehydration.
“I had to walk from sheffield to london :/”
They both sat together and watched telly, eating weetabix as the day came to a close.
“We not only have a parliamentary democracy, but on questions about the arrangements for how we’re governed, there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves, and that is what we have done. The British people have voted to leave the European Union, and their will must be respected.”
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webart-studio · 6 years
Iridescent Wedding ceremony Album Free WordPress Theme
No rankings but.
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