#i have found 4 shinies today alone
pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
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So i’ve been having fun hunting Shinies recently, sometimes the game just slaps me in the face when im cracking jokes XD
Don’t worry we found a Shiny Riolu for @xxtc-96xx at the tail end of our hunt XD
(Fun fact you and a friend can get matching shinies if you join a union circle :) )
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gretavangroupie · 5 months
The Ripe and The Ruin (Chapter 4)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader, OC x Reader
Word Count: 18.0k
Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Smoking, Angst, Anxiety, Embarrassment, Lying, Sexual Themes, Kissing, Oral M! Receiving, Oral F! Receiving, Protected Sex.
Find the Playlist Here: Apple Music | Spotify
A new series in collaboration with my talented co-writer @gretavanmoon.
"Like all good fruit, the balance of life is in the ripe and ruin."
Thirteen hours. 
It had been thirteen long hours since you last saw Jake, leaving your room in a hurry of flustered nerves. You were dreading it, but he was nowhere to be found this morning, not a sight or sound from him since late last night. It had been ten hours since his text, coming to you far too early in the morning for your liking. He was sorry. Of course he was sorry. The text came so early in fact, that part of you wondered if he was just arriving back to the hotel from the amp situation, or if he was tossing and turning in his bed in much the same way you were. You loaded into the van bright and early with Wes and Paul, secretly wondering where he was or if he was going to show up at all, but if you had to guess he was likely passed out in his bed five floors up.
Your market list today was short, only a few things for Josh and Sam and the noticeable absence of normal requests from Jake. You didn’t think much of it, getting what you needed before making the trek back to the venue. You took the spare second to give Ruth a quick run down and she was just as confused as you were. For once in her life she had nothing to say. She was speechless and you didn’t blame her. 
She insisted you reply to Jake’s early morning text, but you couldn’t. You had no idea where to even start. You wanted to move forward and forget it ever happened, and in order to do that you needed to leave last night behind you. Right? You know that when you do see him today though, things will be tense. Maybe even a little awkward. You take solace in the fact that you will be busy the entire day, making it fairly easy to avoid him and forget about everything, you hoped.
You made your way back into the crew area, flashing your shiny laminated badge to security as you juggle the paper bags in your arms. You navigate the winding corridors of the venue hearing the sounds of rumbling bass and guitar echo through the halls, finding yourself smiling at the fact that this was a sound not many people got to experience. Jake must have made it here after all. Familiar voices laughing a few feet ahead of you snap you back to reality. You see Mia and Lyla hanging out in front of the greenroom, looking at something on one of their phones just as they spot you. 
“Y/N! Hey!” Mia shouts, waving you over, “C’mere!”
You turn to head over towards them, stopping short as Lyla grabs one of the bags from your arms. “I’ll take one of those!”
“Oh, thanks!” you smile, feeling Mia place her hand on your arm. 
“We just were talking a little while ago about how much fun we had with you yesterday. I know you don’t really know us that well yet, but you are welcome to hang with us whenever you want. Seriously. We want to get to know you, we need another girl on our side!”
“That’s so nice! Thank you so much, I appreciate that, really,” you answer, adjusting your grip on the bag in your hand. “I will take you up on that, yesterday was really cool.”
“Yeah, so what did you get into after we went back to the hotel?” Lyla asks, tilting her head a bit. 
“Oh, I just…I went to my room and hung out for a while, went and did a little sightseeing of my own and ordered room service and fell asleep. I was pretty exhausted after walking all day,” you say, bending the truth just a touch. 
“Huh, well, call us next time, hate for you to go out all alone,” Mia says, raising an eyebrow as she turns to Lyla. It almost seems as if she's waiting for you to correct her. 
It strikes you as a little suspicious but you know better than to play into it. “Yeah, absolutely. But hey I have to go get this set up, they will be looking for it any second.” 
“Yeah yeah, no problem, go, I know how Sam gets,” Lyla laughs, handing the bag back to you. 
“Thanks again, I’ll find you two later!” you shout over your shoulder. 
You rush into the greenroom, furiously arranging the food and drinks before soundcheck finishes. You want to get things set up, done, and be gone before they ever step foot in the room. Sure you told yourself you were going to be mature about things, but you weren’t going to put yourself in the line of fire. In fact, you had yet to see any of the guys today, and part of you was thankful. Trying to make awkward small talk with them was the absolute last thing you wanted to do right now. 
You wipe your hands on your pants as you finish placing the drinks into the cooler, feeling your phone buzz in your back pocket. 
3:43PM: Need another case of Topos and a bottle of soda water please
Fuck, where was this text an hour ago?
3:44PM: No problem, be back soon.
Two stores and thirty minutes later you are walking back to the venue, braving the cold with the case of drinks and bottle of soda water in hand. Your jacket is zipped all the way up to your neck, and still the wind is whipping right through you. You can see the venue gates a block away but the wind is making it feel like ten. Again you flash your badge to security, the burly man opening the gates to let you into the back parking lot. As you turn the corner to approach the entrance, you’re stopped in your tracks. Standing outside the doors, leaning against the brick wall is Jake. Of course. 
He doesn’t see you, not yet at least. His back is turned a bit to cut the wind. Clad in only a t-shirt and his corduroy jacket, you know he is freezing. The smoke billows from his lips, whooshing away quickly as the wind whips it into the air. His lips. His perfectly pink, heart shaped lips that were all over your body last night. Kissing and biting and… No. Stop it. You try to compose yourself, gripping the items in your hands as you head toward the door, prepared to say as little as possible to him, and walk straight inside. 
That of course, did not happen. 
“Have any trouble finding it?” he asks, turning to meet your eyes as he rolls his smoke out between his fingers, dropping the burnt tobacco into the grass. 
“Oh, um, no no, all good,” you answer nervously. Which was also a lie, you were kinda sweating finding the Topos for a second. 
Your eyes catch on his jacket, your mind swirling with the memory of his cologne that lingers in its fibers. You feel a tinge of happiness in your chest at the fact he is talking to you, though, why wouldn’t he be? You didn’t do anything wrong. You watch his lips twitch a little, and you can tell that he seems almost nervous to talk to you. 
“When are you ever gonna ask me for the things you want?” you ask playfully, trying to ease his anxiety. It never happened, remember?
He turns his body completely, crossing his arms over his chest as he smirks at you, “Well, the last time I texted you, you left me on read. So I figure I will just get my own things, now.”
Fuck, okay that plan backfired. 
You bite your lips together and look down to the ground, unsure of what to even say to that. He drops his hands to his sides as he looks at you, and you feel your body temperature start to rise under his gaze. The wind blows his hair across his face, in turn sending the smell of his cologne barrelling past you. You feel bad for him, of course…if the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t even be speaking to him right now, let alone be acting even the littlest bit flirty. You shiver a little, from the cold or the smell of his cologne, you aren’t sure. 
“I need to get this inside,” you stammer, at a complete loss on how to respond to that.
He nods his head and grabs the door handle, pulling it open and gesturing for you to go, but thankfully, he doesn’t follow you. 
Fuck. Okay. Okay. It’s fine. It’s totally fine. 
You rush back into the green room, finding Sam and Danny playing around with a mini golf toy. 
“Here you go Sam! Sorry! Had to go to two places to find the kind you like,” you smile, ripping the box open. 
“My hero!” he shouts, rushing over to you and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. 
You smile as he sets you down, tossing a can to Daniel, and then cracking the lid on his own. The two of them saunter back through the greenroom doors, leaving you alone to throw the rest of them into the cooler. 
You pull your phone from your bag, bringing up your text thread with Jake and staring at his last message. Maybe Ruth was right, you should respond. Now especially after that, after knowing he was still beating himself up over it. You type, delete and retype your message several times before finally landing on what felt right, and even more, you really mean it.
4:33PM: You have nothing to apologize for, Jake.
As you continue to stand outside the venue and let the wind cut you in two, you wonder if your plan to play it smooth actually worked. She didn’t fully ignore you, she didn’t cuss you out, she didn’t laugh in your face… but she did speak. Only a few words, but you’ll take what you can get. It was hard to even say those few words to her, the instant courage you had to muster to speak to her after seeing her so unexpectedly almost threw you for a loop, but somehow, your words came out smoothly, concisely, and without sounding like you were a complete buffoon.
You relax a little as you know she is inside doing her duties, and you busy yourself pacing around the back exit to keep warm. The pre-show nerves start coming about this time of day, and sometimes it feels good to step out into the blistering cold for that extra shot of adrenaline to get your blood pumping. You jump up and down, shoving your hands in your pockets as you wait just a few more minutes… wanting to avoid having to make any more awkward conversation with her than you already had. 
As your hand hits your pocket, though, you feel your phone buzz. You pull it out, seeing a notification that she has finally texted you back. 
4:33PM: You have nothing to apologize for, Jake. 
You read the text no less than fifteen times, smiling from ear to ear before anxiety sets in, making you think that maybe she is just being nice. But you do have something to apologize for. You were the reason for a completely failed night, a shitty end to the perfect “date”, left her pissed and unsatisfied, the absolute worst. All you’ve been able to think about all day long is how you are going to explain everything, and make it up to her. You know you can’t until after the show, but just the little bit of contact from her makes you feel like you could move mountains. Progress is progress. 
You’re pacing the hallways going back and forth between backstage and the green room, keeping yourself busy before you head to jam a little with the guys. 
“Hey, man. You good?” Sam asks as you’re brushing past him in a doorway. His tone is more inquisitive than normal, and the volume of his voice is the one he uses when he’s unsure, or in this case, concerned. 
“Yeah, I’m good. I mean… I wasn’t, really, but I am now,” you answer, pushing your sunglasses back up on your head. You watch his eyebrows furrow at your answer, wondering if you caught onto his loaded question. 
“I heard about your amp, what happened?” he asks. 
“I’m not sure, something with the wiring. Had a gash in the cabinet but the harness was all damaged to shit. They’re getting a rental, though… should be here soon,” you glance at your watch to double check the time, praying that you will have enough time to check it before tonight. 
“Mmm, maybe not…” Sam stops in his tracks, and turns the opposite way to go back out to the stage. “Let me take a look at it.” 
You’re surprised by him, but follow his quick steps anyway. You’re close behind him as you navigate the narrow halls, passing crew and staff left and right. And of course, one of them just happens to be Y/N. Her eyes widen as she sees the two of you. 
“HEY!” Sam yells at her, grabbing her by the shoulder. “Daniel told me to tell you thank you for the soda water and that he appreciates it,” Sam cheeses a giant smile at her as she cups her hand over his, still squeezing her shoulder. 
“No problem at all, Sam,” she giggles. “Man, you guys are really nice, no one has ever thanked me for getting them things this much,” she narrows her eyes at you, pursing her lips into the smallest smile. Mental note, thank her extra for whatever she decides to bring you to drink tonight…
“Well I mean we’re all assholes but we at least have manners,” he replies, starting to head toward the stage again. You part ways, but just her eyes meeting yours again was enough to make your heart flutter. 
Sam skips every other step as he climbs the metal stairs to the stage, making his way over to your damaged amp that has been set to the side. “Alright, let’s see…” he squats down and pulls the back off, and starts to fidget with the wiring inside. “Oh, shit, yeah. I see now…” He pulls up the flashlight on his phone as you watch him think. Suddenly he stands and runs over to your cabinet, grabbing two handfuls of tools before making his way back and dropping them by your side. He then hops over to his own setup and pulls the back off of one of his own amps, pulling a few things from it, too. What the fuck is he doing?
He returns a minute later with some of the guts of his own amp, and pieces of it that you are sure you’ve never even seen before. He kneels back down and grabs a screwdriver, going back to work. 
“So, you say you’re good now, but you weren’t, right?” he asks. “You’ve been acting kinda backward lately.”
“No I haven’t,” you kick back. 
His eyes quickly scan to yours as his hands work at a quick pace. “Yeah, you have. I’m not stupid.”
You sigh, knowing that he isn’t gonna give it up. “I’ve just… got some other shit going on right now, I’ll–I’ll explain it all later once I get it dealt with,” you lie. The half-assed explanation will have to do for now, there is no way you are going into detail about all the good and bad happening in your life, especially since Lyla may be giving Sam a completely different story than the one you would give him. 
You watch as he effortlessly completely replaces the wire housing, splicing the old wire at the perfect spot before tightening it back into place again. “There, that should do it…”
“Does your amp not need that stuff?” you ask, leaning your hands on your knees as you watch him.
“Eh, yeah, but I think this will be okay,” he says. “Alright, fire it up!” he yells at the techs, and you take that as your cue to grab your guitar to test it out. You plug the wire in and wait for Sam to get the thumbs-up from the booth. You play a single chord, hearing it ring across the arena with near-perfection. 
“Holy shit Sam, how did you do that?!” your jaw is hanging slack as you make your way back over to him. “The techs couldn’t even figure it out…”
He wipes his hands against each other and stands with his hands on his hips like a proud father. “Eh, been watching Mark for a long time, now. Youtube deep-dives, ya know. Picked up on a few things.”
“Shit, I’m impressed,” you laugh. And you really, really were.
“Yeah, ya know, sometimes finding the root of the problem is the first step in making things work out how you want them to, know what I mean?” He bumps your side with his elbow. Yep. His first question was definitely loaded.
You nod slowly. “Yeah… thanks…”
“No problem.” He walks a little closer to you, barely twisting a peg on the headstock of your guitar. “There, now you’re tuned, too.” 
You glance at the stock, seeing that he was right, the little fucker. You watch as he skips down the stairs again, throwing one finger in the air above him, screaming, “Cancel the rental!”
You and Sam decide to wander around the empty venue for a while, checking out the view from the top row of seats, enjoying a shared blunt as time ticks by. You don’t get to spend much time with just Sam, but every now and then you find a moment like this. You’re close with Sam, in a different way than you are with Josh. He understands things differently than Josh, and for a moment as the smoke swirls through your veins you consider asking him for advice about Isla. 
You know it's a dangerous game, but without the influence of Lyla you think he would answer truthfully. Passing the blunt back to him you start to speak, but are quickly interrupted by your phone buzzing in your pocket. You pull it out, seeing a name on the screen that you’d been waiting for for a few days. 
“Hey, let me take this, I’ll meet you back in the green room?” you ask, hoping he will catch the drift. 
His face twists up in confusion, “Huh? You never answer your phone.”
“It’s Chris. I’ve been waiting on this call. Let me grab it,” you say, flashing the screen towards him. 
“Oh, oh. About your new band with your new friends that aren’t me and Josh and Daniel. That's fine, yeah yeah take the call,” he says playfully. 
“Old friends Sam, and don’t be like that…” you chide. 
“No, it’s totally fine, cheater, answer before he hangs up,”  he smiles, elbowing you as he stands up. You tap the green icon as he starts to walk away, clearing your throat and stifling back a smile.
“Chris…” you answer. 
“Jake…” he answers, a happy lilt in his tone. 
“I’m guessing this means we’re doing it?”
You hear him laugh on the other end of the phone, “Oh yeah, we’re doing it.”
“Jake, you good?” Danny asks, standing up from his practice kit. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m feelin’ really good actually,” you answer truthfully. You stand, placing your guitar into the stand and shaking out your hands as Josh steps up towards you. 
“Drink?” he asks, raising his eyebrows. 
“Followin’ you…”
You do follow him back to the greenroom, needing a drink to get your blood moving and to shake those pre show jitters. As you step over the threshold you spot Y/N sitting on a couch talking to Lyla, Ty, and Mia. You wonder for a second if she has mentioned anything about what happened last night, but from the happy look on their faces you know it’s likely they know nothing about the two of you or what transpired last night.
You walk over to the drink table, Josh already getting started on making a drink for the two of you. You laugh at his heavy handed pour, but accept it graciously. You can hear the rumble of the crowd, the opener finishing up their set this very minute. Your eyes flick over to Y/N, catching her looking at you for just a second before looking away. The feeling of her eyes on you has your chest warming up, no alcohol needed. 
In all reality you were ready for this show to be over. You knew that as soon as you got the chance you were going to whisk her away to talk about last night, explain things, and hope she understood. You just had to get through this show. 
You grab the drink from Josh and make your way over to the empty couch across the room, sitting at the very end and crossing your leg over your knee. You know you’ve got about thirty minutes until you need to walk, and you still need to change, but a quick drink would do you some good so you enjoy the few moments listening to Josh ramble. 
Just as you start to relax you notice Y/N standing from her place on the couch and walking over towards the corner of the room. You try not to stare, knowing Mia and Lyla’s eyes are on you but you have an idea of what she may be doing, so you sit back and watch to find out. 
You hear her walkie talkie chattering from across the room, the time until stage is growing smaller and smaller. As she stands back up she turns around and looks at you, letting her eyes linger on you for just a few seconds before she walks out of the room with your bottle of wine in hand. You stifle back the smile on your lips as you think about her going through your bag again. It’s strange, you’d never allowed any of the other runners to do that, but she was different. You found yourself excited at the idea of her touching your things, finding your wine and readying your drink for the stage. 
You turn back to Josh who has his eyes locked on you with a knowing grin. He clears his throat and makes sure that no one is listening before he speaks, “Are you two good, then?”
You nod your head inconspicuously, sipping at the drink in your hand. “Seems that way.”
He pats his hand on your thigh harshly, “Good, go get changed. We’ve got a show to play.”
Just then, Paul ducks his head through the door looking frazzled as usual, “Boys, twenty minutes.”
Josh tilts his head to you, and you stand up heading for the dressing rooms. You quickly change into your suit and slip into your boots, ready to swipe on some eyeliner before you hit the stage. You hear your phone buzz on the countertop, and it zaps all of your attention. You are practically stumbling over your own feet to get to it, hoping to see something from Y/N, and much to your delight, it is. 
‘Y/N Added A Song to Your Shared Playlist: 🐥’
Oh fuck, a song. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, you want to open it immediately but you know you have to get this eyeliner on first. You grab the pencil and pull your lid down, swiping on the dark black liner, smudging it out with your finger the best you can before repeating it on the other side. All you can think about is what song she added. Will it be happy? Will it be sad? Is she telling you she doesn’t want to do this anymore? That you fucked up?
You cap the liner and toss it into your bag, running your fingers through your hair and adjusting your suit jacket in the mirror. You look good, you look really good, and you know that a spray of cologne probably wouldn’t hurt. You snatch your phone off the counter and make your way back into the greenroom, finding everyone else dressed and ready to walk. 
You make your way to your backpack, crouching down in front of it searching for the small glass bottle of cologne you know is floating around at the bottom. You pull it from the bag and give yourself a generous spray. It calms you, in a way, breathing in the familiar scent. It centers you and reminds you of home. 
Unable to wait a single second longer, you tap the notification on your screen bringing up the shared playlist, scrolling to the very bottom. Your heart leaps in your chest when you see her addition, and you know that you are about to play a good show because of it. 
You tap the song, letting the sweet and sentimental notes of ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’ by Frankie Valli ring through the air. You turn the volume up probably a little louder than it should be, but you don’t care. It’s not long before Josh notices, peering over at you from the rim of his paper cup. 
“Jake, is that Frankie Valli? Holy shit, wait, do you like good music now?” he teases, throwing you a wink. 
The chorus echoes through the room, Sam and Lyla obviously enjoying the song as he dances her around the room. He pops a few grapes into his mouth as they spin and you can’t help but to notice that this song alone has brightened everyone's spirits in a matter of seconds. She definitely had that effect on you, but now her magic was being cast on others. You almost wanted to thank her, and you would, tonight. With extra thanks…
You quickly pull up your texts with her, deciding to let her know you saw it without saying too much. 
8:31PM: 😎
You know it’s risky but you don’t care. You also know the chances of her replying to that are slim, because in all honesty what do you even say to that? But she continues to surprise you, your phone buzzing in your hand before you can even put it back in your bag. 
8:32PM: 🎸
You can’t seem to shake the smile from your face and you’re glad you are still crouched down in front of your bag, because you know everyone would have a million questions the second they saw your shit-eating grin. 
“Let’s go guys, time to walk!” Paul shouts, pulling your attention away from the little guitar emoji. You toss your phone in your bag and straighten out your suit, trying to get your mind back into the zone to play this show. Get through this, then you can talk to her.
Your heart is beating fast though, knowing that at the end of this hallway she is waiting for you. You know you have to play it cool, you don’t want to seem too eager. You clear your throat and fall to the back of the group, saving yourself for last.
You’re fine Jake. Just act natural, be cool.
The tequila cocktail… the Topo… the spiked hot tea… and…
The shadowed figure is bringing up the rear like the tail end of a parade of sequins and sparkling material, dressed in black satin and glittering in the dim lights, hair flowing back from his shoulders as his right hand falls to his stomach as he walks. His face is contoured by the flashing lights of the stage, showcasing the smudged black eyeliner carefully but heavily painted over the eyes that were boring into you, now. 
You feel your hand begin to shake on its own accord, trying not to spill the chalice of white wine that it was, in all honesty, about to drop to the floor below you. You swallow harshly as he makes his way toward you at almost slow-motion speed, his eyes dark and hollow as his presence approaches. Your hand shakily extends the cup, glancing up to him again as he bites his cheeks in, suppressing a smile that reads more like a judgment on behalf of your probably flustered state. Why are you reacting this way? This man literally gave you one of the most awkward exchanges of your night last night…
His fingertips are nearly on fire as they barely graze yours, taking the cup with a quickness.
“Good luck,” you mutter, probably barely audible over the opening orchestral. 
He flips his hair out from underneath the strap of his guitar with his free hand, side-eyeing you as he walks toward the stairs to the stage. “Mmm, don’t need it, babe.” As if the pure adrenaline wasn’t already enough to knock you over, his bold act of cocky audacity steals all the breath directly from your lungs, leaving you standing with your mouth agape and your hands dropped at your sides. God damn, why is he like this? 
“I don’t know… I’ve seen you with stage fright before…” you retort, suddenly feeling bold enough to joke about what happened the night prior. 
“Ohhhh, is that how it’s gonna be?!” he laughs, bumping into your shoulder. “Hope you know that’s not normally how those kinds of nights go for me…” he yells back over the deafening music, avoiding eye contact with you as he takes the first sip from his wine.
You cross your arms over your chest. “Oh, it’s not, is it?”
He shakes his head a little as he begins to ascend the metal stairs. “No. Most definitely not.” Your heart is pounding out of your ribcage as his words ring through your brain, replaying the utter humiliation of last night, followed by his overwhelming acts of confidence in the past minute. “Thank you, though, seriously. For taking care of us.” He leans over the handrail of the steps, leaning down to speak closely in your ear. “But for taking care of me, especially. I plan on returning the favor, don’t worry…” 
He stands back up and glides onto the stage, holding his wine up into the air as if to salute your efforts. Your mouth goes dry as you find yourself in a puddle of excited emotions. You can feel your mouth hanging open still from his words, your lips unable to close simply from hearing him say he wants to try again. It's all a conundrum, and now you’re full-on staring at him as he crosses the stage to stand with his brothers, fluffing his hair a little as he pulls a pick from the inside of his jacket, biting it between his front teeth. He turns back to you and winks, placing his own hand under his jaw, signaling for you to pick yours up off of the floor. 
Minutes later you’re still standing at the base of the stairs, watching as they begin their night of revelry. Jake’s amp sounds perfect again, and you can tell that his worry of finding a replacement and anxiety of it not making it on time was all for nothing. He treats the stage like it’s his second life, a place where he can release his true inner self, or, maybe, an alternate version of the man that he is. You’re not sure yet, but you have a deep feeling that you will be experiencing it, soon. The thought of that makes your insides feel like they’re blazing with hormones, watching his performance pick up and slow down with each passing second. Yeah, you know for a fact last night was a fluke. Had to be. There’s no way he can’t really actually…nevermind. 
You pull your phone from your pocket, hoping that you have enough service to facetime Ruth. You don’t even bother doing the math to see if you’ll be waking her up or not, but you also know that she absolutely won’t care, if this is what she gets to wake up to. You press the green button, watching as it connects with only a little bit of blurriness from the reception. 
You plaster a smile on your face as you watch her answer, realizing exactly where you are, and what you’re in the middle of doing. You can’t hear each other, but you turn the screen around, giving her a full view of the show happening from side stage. You watch her face light up, and an ‘OH MY GOD’ form on her lips. You take the time to zoom in on each member, of course, saving Jake for last. He’s the closest to you, so you don’t have to use much zoom at all for her to really see him. ‘That’s him! That’s him, isn’t it?!’ you watch her mouth. Her hand snaps up to cover the lower half of her face as you watch her squirm with excitement. ‘Last night wasn’t real, you gotta let him try again!!!’ you read her lips, and you turn the screen back to yourself. 
You roll your eyes, mouthing back an enunciated, ‘I know!’ 
You let her watch for a few more minutes before the crappy reception disconnects you altogether, and she shoots you a quick text filled with nothing but a long string of random letters, letting you know she was fully freaking out. 
Right before the end of the show, you rush back to the green room to clean up the mess of whatever is left behind, replenishing and rearranging everything that needs it. You know the crew will be coming in to collect snacks and waters before their job begins tonight, and you’ve learned to put out almost every single food item that you can, knowing that none of it will go to waste. 
As you hear the encore coming to a close, you grab the four black towels waiting for you in your bag, rushing back out to side stage to hand them off to the guys. You find Paul waiting too, ready to give them encouraging back-pats of congratulations. Just like they entered, they exit the same, Jake bringing up the back as if he planned it. You’d been kind enough to hand Sam, Josh, and Danny theirs with sweet words of compliments and praise, but switched it up at the very end, tossing Jake’s towel into the air above him, forcing him to reach high and catch it in mid-air. 
The sweat is pouring from his every pore, pooling on his upper lip and center of his stomach. Your mind goes to a dark place for a second, wishing you knew exactly what it would taste like if you were the one to lick it from his lips. He quickly pulls the towel across his face and stomach, finishing off by wiping the back of his neck with it. He then tosses it back in your face, and you catch the smallest breath of his scent filling your nostrils. “You can keep that, all yours,” he jokes as you pull it off your face, responding to him with a look of annoyance. 
“You asshole,” you laugh, tucking the towel under your arm as you follow them all backstage. He turns around, yanking the towel back out from your grasp. You watch as he takes two ends and twists them up, wrapping the damp towel in a tight coil. Oh god, he’s not gonna…
You stop, lifting your leg and outstretching your arms in defense of your body. You just know he is about to snap it at you. “Jake, no, please don’t!” you squeal, backing away. 
“Don’t worry, ‘m not gonna get you, unless you’re into that kinda thing…” 
Son of a bitch, he said that fairly loudly, as you’re surrounded by his brothers, their girlfriends, the crew, your co-workers… fuck.
Your eyes widen as big as they will go as he laughs, continuing to make his way down the hall. You pick up steps again, following him in a flustered mess of confusion. “I’m gonna get Daniel, watch…”
You burst into the greenroom right behind him, the towel still tightly wound and held in his right hand. He makes his way straight for Danny, twirling the towel in the air as he approaches him. 
“No, Jake! No!” Danny yells, running away and launching himself onto the couch, but not before you hear a perfectly loud snap of the towel connecting with Danny’s thigh. Danny yelps out in stinging pain as everyone else laughs, Jake taking his time to roll the towel up into his makeshift whip again. “What the fuck?!” Danny yells, trying his best to hide behind Mia. Everyone is running away from him at this point, worried they will be the next victim. 
Jake makes contact with Danny’s leg again as he squeals. “That’s for not cueing me into Farewell like we practiced, you asshole!” Jake yells at Danny with a giant smile across his face. 
“Leave me alone!” Danny laughs, laying all his weight onto Mia. “I forgot, okay? Fuck!” You can’t help but join in the laughter of everyone filling up the green room, watching their playful display. You feel a sudden strong warmth fill your chest, realizing you get to be a part of this, seeing it all firsthand. 
Jake stops, folding the towel back into a nice neat square as he makes his way back to where you stand, handing the towel to you with both hands. “Anyway, told you you could keep this,” he reiterates as you take it from his hands, giving him another glare of petty aggravation. 
“Wonderful show guys, as always!” Paul claps his hands together. “This venue has an early curfew, so get your showers and shit together, no lollygagging around, alright?” he barks, popping a pretzel into his mouth before dashing back out the door. 
Sam’s the first one out the door to the showers, pulling Lyla behind him. “You guys make the afterparty plans, we’ll do whatever, we don’t care…” he yells over his shoulder as the door slams behind Lyla. 
“It’s balls cold out, I know Ty’s not gonna want to go walking around in this shit. And to be honest, I don’t really want to either,” Josh says, taking a seat on the couch beside Ty. “Am I right?” he asks him.
“Yeah, fuck this cold,” Ty responds. 
You try not to listen in on their conversations as you know they don’t apply to you, but you most definitely are curious to see if Jake decides to partake in their plans. You busy yourself with a giant box of various crackers to fill the time. 
“Let’s just go to the hotel bar. I noticed it’s kinda secluded, not very big,” Josh suggests, earning a nod of agreement from Danny and Jake.
“Sounds good to me, make sure Dean knows,” Jake says as he pulls his drenched jacket off, hanging it on a wire hanger. Shit shit shit don’t look don’t look.
“Sounds like a plan. Hey, Y/N, you gonna join us?” Josh’s voice saying your name pulls you from your daydream of thinking about watching Jake take his jacket off again and again, causing you to perk up.
“What? Sorry…”
He laughs. “When you’re done here tonight, meet us at the hotel bar, yeah?” You watch Jake’s head snap your way out of your peripheral. 
“Yeah, Y/N, join us…” Mia adds, the smallest bit of songlike quality to her voice again, just like earlier.
You push the flyaway hairs away from your face, blowing a puff of air on them as you tuck the cardboard box of crackers back into the plastic tote. “Uh, yeah, sure. If I can get everything cleaned up in time, I’ll be there…” you answer on the fly, feeling as though you can’t turn the offer down. 
Jake stays silent as he picks up his backpack and heads out the door toward the showers, flashing his devious eyes at you before the door shuts behind him. 
You only had to dodge the curious eyes of a few fans as you slipped around the corners of the hotel to the bar, being the last one to arrive, like always. Josh is seated at the bar with his back to you while Danny and Sam are standing at a table off to the side with Mia and Lyla. Thankfully, the bar is empty for the most part, only a couple unsuspecting older folks closing out their tabs. You pull out the heavy mahogany chair to the right of Josh, taking a seat as the bartender approaches you. 
“Hi, uh. Soda water with lime, please?” you ask, and he nods and flits away. “Where’s Ty?” you ask. 
“On his way down in a few minutes. He um, he’s actually walking Y/N down…” he responds, flicking his eyes behind the two of you. 
“Oh,” you respond, surprised. “Is that right?” You fold your arms across the bar top as the bartender sets your drink in front of you. 
“Yeah, he actually stuck behind a little to help her clean up the green room and get everything put away,” Josh explains further. 
You smile as you place your hand on his back. “You’ve got yourself a gentleman, brother. Must say.” Josh grins at your sentiment, pulling his straw between his lips. 
“Most kind hearted person I know,” he says. “Speaking of, seems like you and her are on a little better terms now, since we spoke last,” Josh looks behind you again, making sure you are out of earshot from the other guys. 
You huff through a breath, not sure whether or not you want to go into much detail of reliving one of the most humiliating nights of your life, thus far. But, maybe talking about it will put it in the past where it belongs. “Yeah, you could say that, I suppose. Had to fuckin’ work for it though…” you laugh through your nose. 
“What does that mean?” he asks.
You swallow down a rather large drink of your soda water, running your tongue over your teeth as you contemplate an answer. “Let’s just say we… had a less than eventful night last night, and I… wasn’t able to…” you take a fast breath. “Too many beers, too many phone calls from my tech, too much bullshit from Isla, I just…” you clench your jaw, trying to say it all without really saying it. 
But Josh nearly chokes on his drink. “Ex-fucking-scuse me? Wait, no no no…” he waves his hand in your face as he turns in his seat, running his fingers over his beard. “You seriously couldn’t…”
“That’s right Josh.” You stare straight ahead of you at the mirror behind the top shelf of liquors, finding your defeated reflection staring back at you. You glance at him in the mirror, watching him cover his face with both hands as he silent-laughed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” he cries after a few seconds of laughing at your expense. “It’s not funny.”
“No, it’s not funny. It’s humiliating, and a little sad, actually,” you say flatly. “Go ahead, laugh away, get it out of your system.” 
He slaps his palms across the bar top a few times as he catches his breath, trying not to laugh so loud that he causes a scene. “Fuck. Has that ever happened to you? What was…?”
“No, god dammit. It’s never happened. I was sloshed, my phone was ringing incessantly, between Isla’s name popping up on my phone and knowing the crew needed me, I just… she was perfect, man. Beautiful, confident, everything was there, except…” 
“...Except… you,” he finishes your sentence. 
“Yeah,” you respond with a breath. “It worked out for a few minutes, surprisingly, and fuck if it wasn’t…” you held up the A-OK sign with your fingers, popping a ‘p’ sound. “But then everything went to shit.”
“And that’s why you’re having soda water tonight?”
“Eh, yeah. Just feel like if we’re gonna have a chance to have a conversation about it all, I want to be completely present,” you admit. Suddenly you feel the presence of Danny standing behind the two of you, ordering another round for Sam and the girls. You turn your attention to him. “Speaking of… hey asshole, why the fuck are you still buying Durex condoms? You’re a grown man with money, for god’s sake, use the good shit,” you ask Danny quietly. “You’re not 15 anymore.”
For your sake, so far Danny has done a good job of keeping your secret for you after you went running to his room last night in search of protection, just in case. 
“Jake, what the fuck are you talking about?” Danny asks with wide eyes, looking between you and Josh. 
“Don’t worry Daniel, I’m already informed. The youngest of us is not, though, so keep your fuckin’ mouth shut to him, you hear?” Josh defends you. 
“Jesus Christ, Jake. Listen, I don’t want to know what the fuck is going on with you and whoever, I’m not asking any questions,” Danny says as the bartender hands him their beers. He leans in closer, whispering between you and Josh. “But I haven’t used a fucking condom in almost a year. You had me digging in my reserve stash… it’s all I had, ok? Sorry if an XL wasn’t the size you needed…” Danny backs away, laughing with his tongue out.
“OH fuck you!” you howl back. “It was a piece of shit, just do yourself a favor and get the good kind, ok?” you whip your head back around as Danny rejoins the others. 
“Anyway…” you say as you finish off your soda water. “It was a night I want to forget, honestly. But I’m gonna redeem myself. I have to. I can’t leave it like that…”
“Maybe you should turn your phone off the next time you get an opportunity, just in case…” Josh suggests, and you nod in return. 
Just then you see a pair of arms wrapping around Josh’s neck, and you turn to see Ty and Y/N walking up behind you. 
“Hey, guys!” Josh says. “Please join us…” he pulls out the seat next to him for Ty and stands to give Y/N his own seat, before she puts a hand on his arm to stop him. 
“Thanks, Josh, but Paul, Wes and Corri are coming down, too. Dean’s coming, I’m gonna sit with them for a little while. Thank you for walking me down, Ty,” she flashes the three of you a warm smile, and you want to speak to her, but it's almost as if all the air has escaped from your lungs. She looks absolutely stunning, a little fixed up, but not too much. You can tell she looks as tired as you all do from the show, but you’d hardly know it. She has on a tight low-cut t-shirt dress with an oversized denim jacket over top, her hair a mess after being up all day. Her makeup had been re-done, and you’d be lying if you said the way her legs looked in that dress didn’t have you imagining things that were still a blurry memory from last night. 
“I’ll be back later…” she says, making eye contact with you. Again, you’re at a loss for words, so you give her a sweet nod. 
“I really like her,” Ty speaks up, filling the silence that has fallen over the three of you as soon as she’s gone. “You should dump Isla and go out with her, Jake.” The straw you had been chewing falls from your mouth and straight onto the floor. 
“What? What did you say?” you ask him. 
He shrugs one shoulder as he takes the seat next to Josh. “She’s cute. No bullshit, smart, and can obviously handle all the shit you guys have been throwing at her since she got here…”
You look to Josh, who seems just as surprised as you are. 
“I dunno. I mean I like Isla, don’t get me wrong, but. There’s just something off about her, and I don’t know what it is,” he continues, and you feel Josh’s widening eyes find you, telling you he has no idea where this is coming from, either. Ty reaches his hand across Josh to sit on top of yours. He looks you directly in the eye before speaking again, “Jake, I have an excellent read on people. And I’ve never steered you wrong, have I?” he asks. 
You slowly shake your head back and forth.
“That’s right. No. And I’m here to tell you, that girl likes you. A lot. She didn’t even have to say anything to me, and I can tell. She froze up when I mentioned your name earlier. And from all the time you spent on our couch the past couple of months, I know there’s something going on. Just know I’m here to talk about it if you feel like my partner here isn’t hearing you out, okay?”
You swallow hard as you take in Ty's words. He’s right, he's always been an excellent confidant for you, even letting you come to him a couple of times in the past for advice on different subjects. You love Ty just like you love your twin, and you never once have doubted his judge of character. 
Josh nods slowly, agreeing with every harsh word Ty has just delivered to you. Ty pats your hand as he releases it. 
“Take my advice, Jacob. I know Isla isn’t making you happy, and that girl…she just left your talkative ass completely unable to speak.” He smiles hard, turning his attention to the bartender, ordering a round of shots for everyone. You finally have a free second with Josh again.
“Guy knows what he’s talking about…” Josh suggests. “Maybe you should listen to him.”
You bite at your cheek as you nod your head. You know he’s right, of course he’s right. But you also know it’s just a little bit more complicated than that. The bartender slides you a fresh soda water, and as you pinch the lime between your fingers you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You drop the lime into the bubble water and take a quick drink as you pull your phone from your coat pocket. 
11:46PM: Not drinking tonight?
You look over your shoulder knowing she is watching you, and you catch sight of her sitting at a cocktail table a couple of feet away with Wes and Corrine. Her eyes are locked on yours, a skinny straw between her teeth. You send her a playful smirk as you turn back to your phone, replying to her message. 
11:47PM: Not tonight, I have other plans…
You look at her as you pocket your phone, watching her face twist into a mischievous smile as she turns to look at you. You shrug your shoulders and grin before turning back to continue listening to Josh and Ty. You can feel her eyes on you and you have to admit it feels good. You feel like things might actually be okay between the two of you if you can continue to play your cards right.
“So do you wanna hit up that one place with the crazy wine list when we get to France? It was in Paris Metro, right?” Josh asks, tapping your arm with his hand. 
You know the exact place he is talking about, but right now your mind is somewhere else completely. “Oh, yeah yeah, it is. It was close to that tiny ass venue, remind me and I’ll look it up tomorrow on the flight.”
“Anywhere else you want to go? I think we have a day or two off while we’re there,” he asks, still trying to grab your full attention. 
“Um, maybe I’ll stop in to that rarity shop, see if they have anything interesting this time around,” you answer, doing your best to focus. 
“Oh shit, yeah, that’s where you got that crazy old guitar, right? From like the early 1900’s or whatever?”
“Yeah, exactly. Had to completely unstring the fucker to get it home without it snapping in two,” you laugh, remembering the hassle. 
“Any…other plans while in the city of love?” he croons, bumping shoulders with Ty. 
You look over your shoulder to check your surroundings before answering. You place your hand roughly on his shoulder and shake him a bit, “I guess that will depend on tonight, now won’t it?”
The two of you laugh as you notice commotion at the end of the bar. You turn yourself to look, only to find Lyla walking towards you with her phone to her ear.
“Jake?” she says, stepping up to you in a huff. She pulls the phone away from her ear and holds it out to you. “It’s Isla, she said you aren’t answering your phone, and I know I just saw you on it?”
Fucking hell Isla. 
You know you have to take the call, because if you do it now, there’s no chance of it happening later. You snatch the phone from her hand, holding it to your ear and exhaling an aggravated breath. “Hey, what’s up?”
“What’s up? I don’t know, Jake. You tell me what’s up! You aren’t answering any of my texts, you turned off your location days ago, you said you’d call me and you haven’t! Tell me what is going on!” she shouts into the phone. 
“Nothing is going on, Isla! I am at work, working, on tour. You know the thing that pays the bills? Also, I’m in a different country, a different time zone. But you know what, I know you aren’t stupid. You know all of this, so what’s up? What is so important that you had to call someone else to get ahold of me?”
You see Josh push past Lyla, grabbing you by the shoulders, “Hey I need you to do me a favor,” he says, pushing you backwards. You pull the phone away from your ear to hear him. He stares into your eyes, silently telling you to go with it.
“Oh, I have to go Isla, sorry. Here’s Lyla,” you say, pushing the phone back into Lyla’s hands. 
Lyla is staring you down as Josh finally stops, letting go of your shoulders. “I uh, I need you to go run an errand for me. Well, I need Y/N to go run an errand for me, but I need Dean to stay here to field those girls in the lobby, so I was wondering if you could accompany her?” he asks, raising his eyebrows. 
“What?” you ask, admittedly very confused. 
“Yeah, just walk with me,” he says, walking you over towards the tables. “I need you to go run this errand—” he pauses, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was close enough to hear him. “Okay, yeah there is no errand.”
You send him yet another completely bewildered look. 
“There’s no errand, just…I don’t know, get out of here before someone asks questions. Go. Take her with you. She already knows and she thinks there is an errand,” he smiles smugly, “You can thank me later.”
For a moment you hesitate, unsure if you should go with his harebrained idea, but you decide to do it, knowing that he really only has your best interest at heart. He pretends to show you something on his phone, and you nod like you understand. You exhale a breath and nod towards him, “Yep, I’ll take care of that for you.”
“Yeah, perfect. Make sure you do a good job,” he quips, the meaning definitely not lost on you. 
You toss your hand towards him as you walk away, locking eyes with Y/N who is waiting near the door. You swallow down your nerves and make your way towards her, ready to make amends. 
“You uh, ready to go?” you ask, playing along with the charade. You pull the door open and allow her to step out first into the dimly lit hallway of the hotel lobby.
“Yeah, I just… Did he tell you what he needed or anything?” she asks, a confused look on her face. You laugh to yourself and purse your lips before answering. 
“Well, he doesn’t need anything. He kinda… bent the truth a bit to give us a chance to leave alone,” you answer honestly. 
A hum leaves her lips, as she stops in place turning to face you, “And how do you know that I want to leave with you?”
There's a playful grin on her face, but there's also a tinge of truth to her tone. You can’t read her, but you give it your best shot.
“Well, I have a pretty good feeling about it, but please enlighten me if I am mistaken,” you answer. 
She rocks back onto the heels of her shoes, turning to continue walking, “I see, are these those ‘other plans’ you were talking about?”
You bite your lips together and turn to look at her, “That remains to be seen, I suppose.”
The two of you start to approach the elevator bank, and you know you need to make your move. She hasn’t said much, or really given you any indication of whether she is into this playful little game or not, so you decide to cut your losses and leave the ball in her court. 
“I’m gonna go up to my room for the night. You can come up and join me for a night cap, or you can head back to your own room. Completely your choice, but if you decide to join me, I’m in room 507,” you finish, stopping just shy of the elevators. You give her a smile and nod your head before continuing to walk to the waiting elevator. 
Your heart is racing as you step inside, wondering if she is going to follow you, or better yet take you up on your offer. You press the button for floor five and watch as the doors close, a rush of nerves spreading through your body. You shake out your hands and pull your phone from your pocket seeing a myriad of missed calls and texts from Isla. You muted her notifications after everything last night, and you know that’s what prompted her call to Lyla. 
You tap your keycard to the door and step inside, the cool air of the AC hitting you like a brick wall. You step over and turn on the heat, needing the room to be at least a few degrees warmer. You take all of your things out of your pockets and deposit them on the nightstand, deciding to take Josh’s advice and power off your phone completely. You toss your jacket onto the small couch, removing the hair tie from your finger and tying your hair up into a knot. You reach for a bottle of water from the mini bar, downing what had to be half of it as you start to pace the room. 
You wonder if maybe she’s texted, or added a song, anything to give you some kind of indication of her answer, but you know that your phone is off and that you’re just going to have to wait this out the old fashioned way. You kick off your boots and push them to the side of your suitcase, digging around inside of it to change clothes, but deciding to wait just a little bit longer, just in case. You unbutton your shirt though, letting it hang open on your body as you step away from your suitcase.
You sit on the edge of the bed, looking at the flashing clock on the nightstand and watching as the numbers flash as they change. Fuck, maybe she really isn’t coming.  
You lay back, completely spread across the fluffy white sheets letting out a sigh of exhaustion. The past two days have drained you. Mentally, physically… You felt like you could sleep for three days straight given the opportunity. You let your eyes flutter closed for just a second, and that's when you heard it. The tiniest knock on the door. Any softer and you wouldn’t have heard it, chalking it up to your brain playing tricks on you. 
You sat up instantly, listening for it again, and sure enough another set of small knocks echoed through the room. 
Holy shit, she came. 
You shoot up from the bed, smoothing out your hair and shaking out your arms. You were nervous, you’d admit that, but you were also bound and determined to make tonight better than the last. You’d thought of nothing else, since. 
The sound of a little bit of rustling inside the door causes your heart to pick up speed, the sudden clarity of what you’re doing hitting you across the face. Sure, last night you’d been in a similar circumstance, but tonight…things feel different. Your second set of knocks on his door has finally jostled him. 
You hear the door knob turn and Jake opens it, hiding a little bit behind it as he invites you inside. 
“Hey,” he says, his voice raspy. “Didn’t think you were gonna come up.”
You walk inside the room, smelling the remnants of the cologne he spritzed on before he came down to the bar still lingering in the air. “I almost didn’t, but, I think…we need to talk about a few things…” you reply, awkwardly holding your hands together at your stomach as he closes the door behind you. You feel your breath hitch in your throat as you finally catch sight of him, his black button-down undone all the way, and his hair tied back in a low knot at his neck. Jesus Christ, he’s a sight, even when he isn’t even trying. 
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” he agrees, patting the half-made bed for you to sit on. “You want a drink?” he asks, motioning to the mini fridge. 
“Ah, no, I’m okay, thank you,” you reply, finally setting your purse down on the bed beside you. Things feel a bit different now as you’re both sober and serious, about to discuss something so inherently embarrassing it was almost too painful to even think about. But it has to be done, suck it up, and get it over with so that you can get on with the night…right?
“Yeah, me neither,” he agrees. You watch as he pulls a pair of sweatpants from his bag. “Care if I go change real quick?” he asks, erring on the side of etiquette for some reason, when last night you both saw more of each other than you’d really planned on. 
“No, go ahead,” you say, and he slips into the bathroom. You take this second to take off your thick denim jacket and hang it on the back of a chair, and also remove your shoes and socks and place them neatly beside the door. You’re left in the comfy tight t-shirt dress, and you try to remind yourself that last night never even happened. It wasn’t real. Be cool. 
You relax back on the pillows a little as you strive to get comfortable on the bed, not wanting to seem too relaxed but also be nonchalant, like this conversation was about to be the simplest thing you’d ever done. You tuck your barren legs up underneath you, leaning on your elbow against the thick white pile of pillows. 
He finally emerges, now clad in a pair of dark gray sweatpants that are hugging his hips, and he’s completely devoid of a shirt at all. Before you can drink him in all the way, he’s sitting on the bed in front of you, crossing his legs and reaching for the remote, muting the TV. 
You sit up to meet him, suddenly surprised at the amount of attention he’s paying you. He takes both of your hands into his, clammy but warm on your skin, and brings them to gather in his lap. 
“Y/N,” he begins, “I don’t want to talk about this just as much as you probably don’t, but… I think I have some explaining to do,” he starts, his voice just a tad bit shaky as you know he is about to bare it all. 
“I feel absolutely terrible about how things ended up last night. That was…not me, at all. I’d had too much to drink, and my phone was being the annoying piece of shit that it is… anyway, I’m not trying to make excuses.” He squeezes your hands and scoots himself a little closer to you, still staring directly into your eyes. “I know we’ve only known each other a few days, but. You’ve got me caught up, and…it’s not something I’m used to, Y/N,” he giggles, making you smirk back. 
“Last night should have had a different outcome completely, and I blame myself for it. You can blame me for it, too. I just want you to know I’m sorry, and you were… fuck, you were beyond perfect—”
You cut him off, “You’re sure it wasn’t anything I’d done?”
“No! No no, you were fucking…flawless, Y/N. My vision may have been a bit blurry but you had it all. You have it all. Absolutely everything. And I feel like such a fucking dick that I didn’t get to…repay you. Give it back to you… you deserved more, and I’m…mortified. Humiliated over it. I wanted to dig a hole and cover myself up and never ever come out of it, honestly. I still do. It’s like the worst thing that can— anyway, you deserve to be treated right, you deserve to be shown the same kind of effort you were showing me last night…” you feel his hand come up to caress your cheek, his thumb brushing across your bottom lip. 
You lean a little into his hand, the feeling of his touch making you flutter with butterflies. “…And I haven’t thought of another goddamn thing since.”
You giggle a little. “Come on now,” you say shyly. “You’re a famous rock star, there’s no way your mind’s been taken up with me all day. I’m probably the lowest on your list of past flings.” You’re honest in your admission of feelings, but you secretly hope it will just fuel him to keep talking. 
“No, think again, Y/N.” His voice suddenly deepens. “That’s absolutely untrue.” His fingertips trickle to the back of your neck. “The way your hips felt in my hands, the way you took over control and put matters into your own hands…fuck. And your mouth…” his thumb is pressing a little harder, now. “Yeah, I haven’t had a clean thought all day, if we’re being honest,” he laughs. You pull one hand away from his grip and place it on his knee, squeezing it just a little as your bodies slowly inch closer and closer in toward one another. 
“I’ve never met another woman that’s captivated me so quickly before,” he continues, his breaths now shorter and chopped as he speaks. “You came in and fucked my whole world up, Y/N… You make me feel things I haven’t felt in years. You make me nervous…” 
Your faces are within inches now as you return his gaze, listening to him talk. Your hand drifts higher on his thigh, gently squeezing at the muscle as it climbs. His hand is still firmly gripping your face, the ends of his fingertips now tickling at your hairline. You can feel the tingles going up and down your spine like flashing lights, each word that escapes from his mouth setting the next one on fire. 
Finally you speak. “Look, Jake, you don’t have to explain anything else to me. I realize that something was off last night, and that isn’t how things probably go for you normally. I’ve felt our chemistry, and there’s something…there, ya know? And honestly there for a few minutes, we actually had things going, and I think we had it figured out. You felt…” you bite your lips together, feeling a little shy. “You felt really fucking good. But I don’t want you to be embarrassed or upset with yourself. We’re adults, and I’m aware that shit happens. Not every time can be perfect. You were still on my mind all day long, today. Been hoping you would text me, something,” you go on, feeling his fingertips grip and release your hair every few seconds.
A sly smile creeps to his lips as you watch his eyes squint. He looks relieved, but there’s also something else. “I hope you know that I’m more than capable of…making you feel good, and I’d really like it if you’d give me a second chance to redeem myself. I wanna prove it to you.”
You can do nothing but nod your head, feeling the magnetism of his pull bringing you forward, both of your chests heaving with want for each other now. You’re absolutely dying to touch him, reach out and feel the electricity radiating from his body, but you stop yourself. You’re going to let him make the first move. 
You exhale onto him, letting the thick, hot air from your lungs dance across his lips as he releases your other hand, letting it come up to cup your other cheek. Your foreheads balance on one another’s, and you can feel the palpable tension building up second by second. 
“Thank you, for hearing me out,” he whispers onto your lips, before gently pressing them onto yours, an almost featherlight peck. You both pull back for a second, taking a final look at one another before you crash into each other’s mouths again, heated, fiery, and wanting. 
Your other hand grips his thigh, and you’re almost unable to stop yourself from pouncing on him, laying him back into the sheets and devouring him, but you hold back. You want to take your time, and you know he wants to do this the right way. 
The kiss deepens, your tongues reaching far to taste every bit that they can. His hands slowly drift from your jawline to your shoulders and finally to your chest, lightly letting his fingertips descend before resting again on your hips. You’re both still sitting cross-legged on the bed, your knees touching each other’s as you each lean in. You want to make the next move, but again, you want to let him steer this ship as much as he wants to. 
So for the moment, you let yourself enjoy his kiss, concentrating and honing in on committing every detail of it to your memory. He’s not forceful, but he doesn’t hold back, either. It’s the perfect mix of control and submission, and you haven’t even moved past the most basic part yet. His hands move again, sneaking under your legs to pull you up onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist as you sit on his lap. 
Your chests are pressed together now, heaving and already breathless. You can feel that he’s excited below you; thankfully things are already going way better than they were last night. You continue to devour one another, touching and feeling and pulling every piece of him that you could, and him doing the same in return. A quick visual pops into your mind- you’d worn a skimpy little red lace thong just in case, and now you’re silently thanking yourself for the choice, knowing that when the time comes, he’s going to go absolutely insane at the sight of you in it. 
You take a second to pull away, grinding yourself down onto him as you trail lovebites down his neck and shoulder, and the sounds that growl from his chest make your nails dig into his skin. He hisses a little bit, but you’re more than positive that he likes the sensation. His hands grip your hips, pulling you down onto him again, making you take complete notice that he wants you just as badly. He leans his neck sideways as your tongue drifts from his collarbone up his jugular, the artery pulsing hard beneath your lips. You bite it lightly before continuing up to his ear, gently taking his ear lobe between your teeth. 
You feel him pull back and laugh a little through his nose, and you’re sure you’ve found a sensitive spot. You grind yourself onto him again, this time pulling a full on groan from him. You leave your mouth hovering over his ear, blowing tiny bits of cold air onto the trail of saliva you’d left behind. 
“I feel you, baby…” you whisper, allowing yourself the satisfaction of using a pet name for the very first time. His body language shifts, all his muscles tightening as you speak. “Wanna feel you more…” you mutter quietly, making his dick twitch between your legs. You could feel your warmth on the bulge of his sweatpants, and you secretly wish he would get on with it.
“You wanna do this…” he whispers back, his voice tight and gravely.
You nod hard, completely positive that you were going to go ahead with this second chance. “Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t…”
Finally, he reaches down to grip your thighs, squeezing his palms over them before gripping the hem of your dress, rolling it up over your hips, your chest, and finally over your head. Your arms fly up to help him remove the dress completely before he lets it fall to the floor beside you. His eyes black out with lust, his jaw falling open at the sight of you only in your bra and panties. He saw you like this last night, of course, but things are different now. Each of you has something to prove.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous…” he says, immediately burying his face between your breasts, rolling his tongue just beneath the thin fabric of your black bra. “Who knew you had all this hiding…” His hands reach up and grip the material, pulling it down to reveal your tits, bouncing and standing at attention for him. His hands waste no time rolling across them, kneading the muscle as your head falls back. His fingers massage your nipples and pull at the skin, sending a jolt of electricity straight to your core. God, you swear you could get off just from this…
He puts his right hand at the center of your sternum, pressing you back gently until you’re laid out on the bed. He scrambles to his knees, finally hovering over you a little. He lets his fingers glide from your chest down your stomach, finally hooking in the hem of your thong. He doesn’t pull it off, though… Instead he runs his fingers along the hem, around your hip, and to your asscheek, using his leverage and grip on the muscle to yank you back down toward him.
Your knee bends on its own from the motion, causing your legs to part a little as your core hits his knee. He bends down, laying sweet kisses to your stomach and hips, causing you to buck up and whine with every tiny little touch. 
“Please Jake…” you think you might go insane if he doesn’t touch you soon, your core absolutely throbbing with want for him. Last night, you felt these same feelings. You felt this pull to him, this need. But after how it all went down, sitting there on your bed staring at the wall was the only reaction that seemed plausible… no post-sex afterglow, no blissful body aches… just an unsatisfied and discouraged feeling of letdown. 
But now, twenty-four hours later, as you feel your body being pulled into him and touched by him again, you want nothing more than to replicate those few minutes of really good sex that you’d been able to achieve last night. Your body was practically begging you to let him have it. 
You hear the air kick on in the room, and though you know it’s the heat, you still feel the blow of the fan forcing air across your nearly nude body. You feel chill bumps cover your entire body as you shudder a little.
“Fuck, got cold in here, didn’t it,” Jake breathes, shivering a little bit himself. “Come on, let’s get under the covers.” You don’t argue with him, feeling a chill diving down deep into your bones. 
You sit up as he stands, pulling the heavy white linens back for you to get under. “Wait,” you say, walking on your knees back toward him. You hook your thumbs into the waistband of his pants, returning to kissing him hard as you pull them and his boxers all the way off. He smiles onto your lips, falling sideways a little as he trips over them around his ankles. His arms wrap around you, pulling you in for a tight embrace as your hands tangle in his hair, gripping into it as you pull him back down onto the bed with you. 
You both slide underneath and cozy up, letting the warmth come over you and calm you back down again. It’s the sight of him, though, crawling into the bed with his eyes trained on you, fully nude with his bottom lip tucked into his teeth that sends you over the edge. Suddenly your chest is heavy and your eyes are glazed with lust, that blinding feeling of carnal need setting into your lower abdomen. You don’t feel this feeling much, but when you do, you know that what you’re about to experience will be nothing short of mind blowing…it’s like the universe knows you need to let go of all human emotion if you’re going to let your body experience the interaction just as it is. 
Suddenly you find yourself flipped up and straddling his legs, pulling the comforter over your head as you descend down his body. “Whoa whoa, where you going?” he smirks, his smile crooked as his hands balance by his head. 
“You can prove the rest to me in a minute. I never got to finish this part last night…” you say, disappearing into the darkness of the covers. You hear his laugh fall out as an exasperated huff, but he knows better than to stop you. You put your fingertips on the insides of his thighs, pushing them away from one another as you lightly tickle your nails up them, stopping short as you take his fully-hard dick in your palm, slowly working it from bottom to top. 
“Thereeeee you are…” you sing in a teasing tone. Fuck yeah, there he is. This is what you felt that night in the bathroom. This is the him that wasn’t out to play last night. 
“Shut the fuck up,” you hear him laugh lowly, gently patting a hand against your cheek. You can’t see him, but you know the exact expression that’s probably on his face right now. 
You squeeze him as you work your hand, gently letting your lips graze his head as you stick your tongue out a little, barely wetting the tip. You taste his saltiness on your tongue, a tell-tale sign that he is absolutely ready for whatever else the night has to bring. You let the flavor sit on your tongue for a second before you take him down completely, knowing that if he has any memory of you doing this last night, it was probably spotty, at best. 
“Fuck, baby…shit…” he says from the head of the bed, his thighs clenching together a little as his hands dip under the blankets to tangle in your hair. You begin to go to work, feeling halfway happy you are hiding away, able to perform without his watchful eye, but also a little sad he isn’t getting to see the show you’re putting on for him. 
Like he can hear your thoughts, he speaks again, “What, you not gonna let me watch you?” He asks with a little demand in his tone, pushing the sheets up over your head to finally make eye contact. You decide to capitalize on it, fluttering your eyelashes as you take him as far as he can go, letting his tip graze the back of your throat. If he wants to watch, you’re going to give him something worth watching. 
His reaction is warranted as you see him lose composure for a second, letting his head tilt back into the pillows as his jaw falls open and he lets out a cry that will be playing in the back of your mind until you fall asleep tonight. His hand tightens in your hair while the other one scoops up what has fallen in front of your face, moving it away from your mouth. His teeth grit hard as his hand pulls your hair, lifting you off and back down onto him just a little bit. 
Your imagination starts to soar; it’s been a while since you’ve had a good romp, and after the letdown of last night and Jake promising to give you a good run tonight, you decide to keep the show rolling. You pop your lips off of him letting him drop your hair, spinning yourself around backwards to straddle him that way. Again, you thank yourself for the everything shower and shave this morning, knowing that now, the thin strip of red lace fabric is the only thing covering you as your ass is fully on display in front of his face. 
Is it an invitation? Kind of…he said he wants to show off for you…right?
“God damn, girl…” he says through another rasp, his hand gripping your asscheek as you take him in your mouth again. You sway your hips side to side, arching your back to give him a full view of you. You feel the slightest tinge of embarrassment at your somewhat bold switch up, but after feeling his reaction and the actual pounding of the blood pumping through his dick, you know it’s all worth it. 
Finally, after a string of curses from his mouth behind you, you feel his fingers slip under the thong, pulling it to the side as his fingers begin to explore you. First soft and gentle, but then switching to more of a rhythm as he feels how soaked you are. You moan onto his dick, letting your stomach fall into his as you lean back into his touch. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet baby, just like last night. Gonna take care of you, I swear it…” he grumbles. His thumb finds your clit after pulling your wetness down to coat it, his digits slipping and sliding as he uses more pressure. 
You whimper loudly without warning, the fire burning in your belly finding you more quickly than you’d anticipated. 
You pop your mouth off of him for a breath, and he takes the second of separation to grab both of your hips, pulling you backward toward him. His tongue swipes once from your clit to your opening before he slides himself underneath you in one quick motion, pulling you down to be completely seated on his face. 
Oh, there we go…
Should you do it? Should you go all in?
You only have a few seconds to toss it over in your mind before his hands are wrapped around your thighs, pulling you down onto him even more. Yeah, he wants you to. His mouth is immediately connected to you, his tongue outstretched and licking over you as your hands balance on his stomach. “Fuuuuccckk…” you whine at a high-pitched tone, letting your head tilt back on your shoulders. 
He’s wasting nothing at all. No time, no contact, no area of you goes untouched by his mouth. You begin swirling your hips, picking up a little every few seconds as you grind onto his tongue. It’s hot, but you still feel the chill of the air in the room, causing you to break out in another rush of goosebumps from the air and the pleasure. You catch a small glimpse of the two of you in the hotel room mirror, the visual more than you can bear as his tongue flicks across your sensitive bud again. 
“Jake…shit…if you keep doing that…” your nails dig into his pecs again as you begin to feel your knees burning, your hips swirling and bouncing as he holds you steadily connected with his mouth. Even when you try to pull off to give him a breather, he pats your thighs with his fingertips, telling you to come back down. 
“Mmmhm…” he agrees, shaking his face against you, the slight prickle of his mustache a blissful roughness on your sensitive spots. “Lemme have it, baby…” he works out, bending one knee up to sturdy himself. You can hear the pants of breath he’s taking as he talks before yanking your body weight right back down onto him again. 
Your vision is beginning to blur as you feel the tightness forming in your stomach, every inch of you on fire as you feel the release building and building. Your movements become chopped and faulty, and just as you’re about to lose all composure, Jake grips the back elastic of your thong, letting the stretchy material snap back against your skin. The tinge of pain sends you toppling over the edge, your entire body shaking and trembling as everything goes white. He continues his work, his tongue still snaking and swirling in the most animalistic way, letting you ride through it until you’re back on earth. 
When you’re finally able to breathe again, you lean forward onto all fours so he can sit up all the way, and instead of crashing back down beside him, all you want to do is give him more. Let him give you more. That was just a preview. Now…you want him. You need to feel him inside of you again. 
You turn in the bed, catching sight of his face covered in your slick…his lips pink and blotchy as he runs his hands across his face. You inch your way back over to him, using your own palm to wipe from his forehead down to his chin, twisting your fingers over his chin to bring his face crashing onto yours again. You let your tongue sink into his mouth, tasting yourself as you kiss him with everything you have. 
Your hands are all over each other as he takes you in one arm, pulling you back underneath the covers with him again. “I can’t fuckin’ wait any longer, Y/N…I need you right the fuck now.” 
You’re lying beneath him now, still riding the high of your overwhelmingly good orgasm, but quickly making your way back up to arousal again with the sight of him so wanting for you. His state is almost pathetic, the look on his face pitiful but commanding as his jaw clenches over and over again. 
Your hands are attached to his sides as he reaches into the floor for his pants from earlier, pulling out a little square package. You notice it’s a different kind than the one he had last night, and you’re thankful he’s switched brands. 
“Hurry, Jake…” you say, your heart pounding in your ears. You watch as he rips the wrapper in half with his teeth, removing the colored condom and spitting the trash onto the floor. He’s sat back on his haunches and you perk up onto your elbows, using one hand to help him slide it over himself, completely hard and ready for you. 
You feel like you could spontaneously combust at any second, the need for him stronger than anything you’ve felt in a long, long time. The way he looks sitting between your parted knees, adoring every inch of you as he swallows down any inhibition or doubt that he’s still holding onto from the embarrassment of last night. 
He takes a second more to place his hands on your knees, letting them drift down between your legs as he connects his two middle fingers to swirl your clit again. Your legs part even further as he kisses you again, finally towering over you completely before removing his hand, grabbing himself and lining up with you. 
“Show me again…” you whisper into his ear, his hair completely falling all over your face. It’s mere seconds before you feel him gently press into you, only an inch or two before retracting his hips, letting out a calming exhale before he presses forward again, this time a little further. The stretch is blowing your mind already, your nails traveling down his back to grip his ass, willing him to fill you to the hilt. 
“Easy, baby…just take it as I give it to you,” he growls in your ear, and his commanding words make you cease your movements altogether, releasing your strong grip on his back. 
“No no…keep doing that, though…fuck, keep doing that…” he begs, touching his forehead to yours. His brows are pinched together, his tongue darting out to lick his lips every few seconds as his eyelids flutter open and closed. You do as he says, digging your nails into him as he thrusts slowly, each time a little further in. 
The sensation is overwhelming, taking away every single one of your senses and directing them toward what he is making you feel right now. The noises you already can’t stop yourself from making are bouncing off the walls as you look behind him, watching his hips move the covers as he fills you, over and over until he finally bottoms out. 
“God…fuck, Jake….” You both make pathetic sounds as he pauses there, letting himself feel you wholly. He pulls up, taking a rutted breath as he makes desperate eye contact with you. You grab the back of his neck and pull him into another kiss, eliciting a high pitched wail from him as he starts picking up a pace. 
He breaks away after a second or two, “‘m not gonna go easy on you, baby…let me know if I need to slow down…” his words rip through your chest as if you’d just gotten a shot to the heart. You shake your head side to side. 
“Lemme see it, come on…” you pant, already feeling your muscles doing their best to pull him in as far as your body will let him. 
He picks up the pace now, jutting his hips deeply into you. The feeling is making your head feel cloudy and dense, but the pleasure filling your bloodstream is the only thing keeping you tethered to the here and now. He pauses, sitting up a little to toss your leg over his shoulder, slowing down just a little bit as he hits from a different angle. This one is deeper and titled a little, and you can feel the tip of him grazing your cervix with every push. 
He can tell your facial expression has changed as he slows down again, almost to a complete stop. “What baby, you okay?” he asks. 
“No no, yeah, don’t stop…please…” you motion with your hand for him to continue, the sickening pleasure mixed with the tightening pain, a blissful concoction that is hard to admit you love. But you do. You love it all. 
His pace becomes furious again as he picks up where he left off, your leg draped over his shoulder as he has one hand over your knee, and the other gripping into the muscle of your thigh. He’s squeezing so hard, and his hips are pounding at such a forceful pace that you’re sure he is leaving bruises, but they’ll be bruises that you accept without argument, admiring them as you look in the mirror tomorrow. 
He’s everything, right now…his eyes delving deep into yours as you drink him in, letting your sounds let him know how good he’s making you feel. How perfect you fit, how much better this is going than it did last night…
Suddenly he pulls all the way out of you, lifting your body to flip onto your stomach. His hands are under your hips, pulling them back again just the same as he had done earlier, but this time he hops to the floor, pulling you back again to meet him on the edge. “Hold on, baby,” he instructs, and you do, gripping the sheets tightly in your fists as you feel him enter you from behind, this time. 
The height couldn’t be more perfect as this new position makes you drop your face to the mattress, fully surrendering yourself to him. You haven’t felt anything like him before, each and every move he makes is making your nerve endings burn with fire. 
He lays a harsh smack to your ass, and you grunt in rebuttal, letting the delicious pain surge through your muscle. His pace quickens again, and his hand is on the back of your neck, pinning his fingers to either side of your throat from behind. “Fuck yes…” you breathe out, your eyes beginning to fill with clouds. 
You hear the smack of his lips, knowing that he’d just wet his finger, and suddenly his other hand quickly finds your clit again, swirling tiny circles on it and sending you into a whole new wave of satisfaction. Your cries push out with every thrust, and you feel like you’re on the verge of tears. It’s all overwhelming and encompasses your every thought, the sounds of your bodies hitting together making it all even more devious when you close your eyes, imagining the scene. 
He continues this way for a minute or so, the sounds of your bodies smacking together building up your second orgasm on their own. 
Then, he’s pulling your torso up, your back meeting his chest as he slows the pace of his thrusts, but never letting up on the swirl of his fingers. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N…so perfect…” his words are calm now as he begins kissing your neck, still pumping in and out of you. His arm wraps around your front, pulling you back into him so you don’t collapse forward. He can tell you’re close. 
“Jake…I’m almost…” you breathe, and you feel his dick twitch inside you. 
“Me too, baby. Keep squeezing me just like that…” he asks as a whisper in your ear, his mouth still connected to your neck, his other hand gripping your tit. 
With a particularly pointed flick to your clit, and a deep thrust, your entire world is crumbling beneath you, your body falling to pieces as you let it all go. His fingers squeeze your nipple hard, sending that sensation into overdrive. He isn’t far behind as his grip tightens all over you, his pace now rutted and messy as you hear him groaning in your ear. The entire world goes quiet for a minute as you hit the peak of your highs together, rendering both of you speechless as you hold your breath. 
“Motherfucker…” he says as he finally comes back down, releasing you to fall forward onto the bed. All of your muscles are limp and lifeless as he collapses beside you, both of you too sweaty now to care about cuddling back up together. 
“Yeah, mother fucker,” you laugh, pulling away a few strands of hair from his sweaty forehead and cheek. “That’s was…you were…” you open your mouth to find the words, but they simply don’t come. 
He props up on his elbows, kissing a sweet peck onto your shoulder. “I don’t know what you were going to say, but I agree…” he chuckles. “You’re near goddamn perfect, Y/N.”
“Near?! What do you mean, near?!” you joke, shoving his mouth off of your shoulder. 
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Fuckin’ amazing, is what I meant. Flawless in every single way,” he says, his cheeks turning the sweetest shade of crimson. 
You take turns in the bathroom cleaning up, and you can’t wipe the smile that’s permanently plastered to your face. He’d done it all, he’d proven himself to you, in the most mind-blowing way you could have dreamt up. You don’t want to admit it, but you can see yourself getting caught up by Jake just as he admitted he is caught up by you. And after sex like that, well…
You begin to pick up your things from the floor and redress just as he is coming out of the bathroom. “No no, where are you going?” he asks, his tone a little let down. 
“I’m…going back to my room…” you say, caught off guard. 
“No. Stay here, please? After that I– I don’t know, I don’t want you to go,” he says. “Please stay.”
You laugh, tossing your shoes back into the corner. “You sure? You won’t like, get in trouble or anything?”
He scoffs. “The fuck would I get in trouble for?”
“I’m your employee, Jake…” you remind him. 
His face contorts up. “I don’t like how that sounds, remember.” He reaches into his bag and pulls out a large white t-shirt, tossing it your way. You pull it over your head as he flips the light off, pulling the disheveled sheets back again for you both to climb into. You have to admit, you’re glad he asked you to stay, as you’re not sure if your tired muscles would have liked walking down the long hall to the elevator. 
He pulls you in to spoon him, turning on the TV to the guide channel. His body feels perfectly aligned with yours as his hand rests on the outside of your thigh, the other propping his head up above yours. 
“You’re a woman that I’ve taken a keen interest in, and am enjoying pursuing, and well, occasionally sleeping with every now and then. Who sometimes goes on errands for us,” he says in retaliation, making you giggle. 
“…and your company also signs my paychecks,” you retort. 
He hisses in a quick breath. “Ehhhh yeah, I guess you’re right. But just, I don’t like how it sounds. So quit saying it like that.” He leans down and presses a wet kiss to your cheek, sealing in his words. 
“Okay, okay,” you agree. 
After a few minutes, he speaks again through a yawn. “So, did I prove myself? Was my attempt at redemption enough to make you forget last night ever even happened?” he asks. 
You close your eyes as you press your ass into his groin again, making him hop back a little in surprise. “Jake, I told myself last night never even happened as soon as you left my room,” you admit, and you are telling the truth. “I knew there was no way…”
You hear him huff a tiny laugh, “You had some faith in me, baby?”
Your blood runs a little hotter every time he calls you baby, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t completely enamor you. 
You twist your body beneath his hand to lay on your back. You fluff the pillow beneath your head, feeling his free hand move to assist you in finding the perfect position. His right hand doesn’t leave your body though, sliding just under the hem of your shirt to rest on your bare stomach. “Maybe just a little.”
Her skin is warm beneath your hand, her body still cooling down after the activities of the last hour. It was perfect. Every single thing you ever wanted it to be and even a little more. She is perfect. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest when you saw her grabbing her things, there was no way you could let her leave this room thinking that this was just sex. I mean, yeah maybe that was your intention tonight, but there was something else. You know that the sex wouldn’t have been what it was if there wasn’t something more lying beneath the surface. You wanted her to stay here with you. You wanted to hold her and be with her and enjoy the afterglow.
Even in the dark room you can’t take your eyes off of her. The way the TV is flashing blue light across her face she almost looks angelic. You let your fingers trace tiny circles into her skin as you look at her, completely enamored with every single detail of her. You reach for the remote flipping through the channels looking for anything you could mindlessly fall asleep to. 
“Should I pick something and show you what a good movie looks like?” you tease, tickling your fingers into her stomach. 
“I know what good movies are, thank you very much,” she quips, turning her head to look at you. Her eyes are shiny as they look into yours, lingering for just a second before flicking back to the TV. 
Her hand reaches up to cradle your jaw, your face falling into her touch on its own accord. 
“Hey…” she whispers, waiting for you to look at her. “Tell me why you were so in your head yesterday.”
Fuck. Do you tell her? Do you tell her the real reason? Do you risk ruining this moment with the truth?
“Ahh…It was a lot of things. Tour, traveling, the drinking, obviously. Also just a lot of pressure to do this and do that…or, don’t do this, and don’t do that. It’s hard sometimes, living this lifestyle. It’s incredibly isolating, and after a while you almost start to lose touch with what’s real,” you answer, skirting around the real reason. 
She rolls to face you, not letting her hand leave your jaw as she presses a soft, delicate kiss to your lips. You feel your whole body relax into her, feeling a peace come over you that you haven’t felt in a long time. A kiss that told you she understands. 
“I’m here, and this is real and you don’t have to feel isolated anymore, if you don’t want to,” she breathes. 
You kiss her again, pulling her into you just a little closer. “I don’t want to.”
“Good,” she whispers, her lips brushing yours. 
She drops her hand and nuzzles her face into your neck, a soft sigh falling from her lips. You know she’s tired, because you’re tired. You let your own head fall back onto the pillows, your arm wrapped around her shoulders as she snuggles into your side. You can’t help but let Josh’s words from yesterday float through your mind. You wonder if what you are doing is wrong, if you should make sure Isla knows you two are done before pursuing Y/N any further. Though, it’s a little too late for that.
You push it away as you feel Y/N drifting off to sleep on your chest, but now your mind is racing and you need to quiet it. You reach over, grabbing your phone from the nightstand and powering it back on. You’re immediately met with about ten missed calls and too many texts to count. You quickly open them, clearing out the notifications but paying no mind to what they say. Instead you open your shared playlist, the perfect song coming to mind. 
You sneakily add ‘Are You Satisfied?’ by Reignwolf to the playlist, knowing she will get a laugh out of that when she sees it. You turn your face to her head, letting your lips brush the crown of her head as you breathe her in. The feeling of her next to you and her deep rhythmic breathing is starting to slow your busy mind. You lock your phone and place it back on the nightstand, turning off the TV and letting your eyes close. You replay the night in your head, every perfect second of it, praying that it will make an appearance in your dreams tonight. 
You aren’t sure what woke you, maybe the heat of the room, or the slamming of the door in the hallway. Your eyes pop open, scratchy and dry as they adjust to the darkness of the room. You immediately feel Y/N next to you, no longer on your chest but her legs still tangled with yours. Your heart swells at the vision of her curled up in the bed next to you. 
You reach out for your phone, tapping the screen to see what time it is. 4:46AM.
You see that a new song has been added to your shared playlist, and you smile knowing that Y/N must have woken up sometime during the night and saw your addition. You tap the notification and bring up the playlist to see what she added, letting a small laugh leave your lips as it loads. ‘Whatta Man’ by Salt-n-Pepa was added two hours ago. She’s so fucking cute you could hardly stand it. You had half a mind to wake her up and show her all over again just how much you wanted her. 
However, when you close out of the playlist a new round of missed calls graces your screen, along with a seemingly endless string of texts from Isla. You let out a sigh as you tap the message icon to see what she could possibly need this badly. 
Opening the messages you see a link to Danny’s close friends story sent at nearly one in the morning. You furrow your brow and tap on the video, seeing Sam and Lyla taking tequila shots together, but of course in the background of the video just barely noticeable, is you leaving the bar with Y/N. 
Goddamnit Daniel. 
1:12AM: Who the fuck that girl Jake?
1:25AM: She’s cute, nice!
1:30AM: Is this why you’ve been so “busy” all the sudden?
1:41AM: Does she even know about us or is she just some whore you found while you’re there
1:52AM: Nevermind! It was almost too easy to find her profile, this her? Y/N?  
1:55AM: Oh my god, she works for you… 
1:56AM: Management is gonna love this. ❤️
1:58AM: How about you just call me tomorrow
Mother fucker. Motherfucker. 
You debate getting out of bed to call her right now. You know how she is and you know what she is capable of, and you’d be goddamned if that woman was going to ruin this for you. You start to type, the fury boiling in your veins as your thumbs swipe across the keyboard, but suddenly you feel Y/N stirring next to you and it’s as if all the rage you were holding in disappeared. She rolls towards you, her hand coming to rest on your arm as she snuggles her head down into the pillow. You felt yourself relax under her touch, and instantly the message on your screen didn’t seem to matter. You deleted everything you typed and closed out of it, placing your phone back on the nightstand. 
You looked at her, sleeping so peacefully next to you and decided that all of that could wait. You knew that it would only be a matter of time before Isla made her move, and when she did she would strike to kill. You grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled her into you, feeling her fit so perfectly, so naturally into your arms that it made you weak. 
You knew there was a chance that this night, this one night, may be all you get with her, and you were going to enjoy every single last second of it, knowing that morning would come, and with it a likely very nasty conversation between you and Isla. But more than that, it brought the promise that Y/N’s face would be the first thing you would see, and that alone had you closing your eyes ready to face another day.
Taglist: @britney-gvf @gretavanmoon @sacredstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @farfromthehomelands @takenbythemadness @writingcold @builtbybrokenbells @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @fleet-of-fiction @milkgemini @gvfpal @ageofcj@dancingcarbon @highway-tuna @stardustjake @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @gvfmarge @gracev0609 @myleftsock @literal-dead-leaf @peaceloveunitygvf @ageofbajabule @slut4lando @jordie-gvf @sadiechar @tinydancer40 @rosabellagvf @capnjaket @lyndz2names @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gretavanomens @spark-my-nature @josh-iamyour-mama @anythingforjtk@myownparadise96 @alwaysonthemend @danieljlmwagner @klarxtr @fortunatelytinybasement @demonrat444 @gretavansara @watchingover-hypegirl @hippievanfleet @digitalnomadz @raviolilegs @gvf-luna @lipstickitty @hippievanfleet @klarxtr @strange-whorizons @do-it-jakey-baby
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howlingday · 1 year
How to: Goblin GFs
Ren: Step 1, locate the goblin.
Ren: Goblins are usually located in dark locations, such as fark forests, dark caves, and dark abandoned breakfast diners.
Ren: You will need to lure the goblin out with things that interest them, such as shinies, sweets, and tasty meats.
Ren: Be aware that goblins are naturally social beings and are seldom found alone.
Jaune: (Sets down shiny dagger, ice cream, and pancake-wrapped sausages)
Jaune: (Hides in a bush)
Ruby: (Points, Shouts)
Neo: (Carefully moves closer)
Nora: (Bullrushes for the sausages)
Ren: Step 2, once you have located the goblin, slowly and carefully approach. Maintain an air of calm as you move in.
Ren: As you approach, try to ease them with compliments, such as, "Your ears are looking pointy today," and "Is that homemade bog wash you're wearing? It's very fetching."
Jaune: (Walks closer)
Ruby: (Holds up dagger)
Jaune: (Throws up hands)
Neo: (Gets behind Ruby, Licking bowl)
Jaune: (Steps closer to Nora, Crouches)
Nora: (Snarfing down sausages)
Jaune: Your bogwash is smelling pointy today. Is that homemade ear fetch I see? It's very wearing!
Nora: Hm? (Chewing)
Jaune: Um, can I... Can I pat your head?
Nora: (Coughs, Hacks)
Ren: Step 3, give head pats with her consent. Again, ONLY WITH HER CONSENT.
Ren: Be aware that your results may vary.
Jaune: (Headpats Nora)
Nora: (Purrs, Continues eating)
Ruby: (Gets closer, Points to her head)
Jaune: (Headpats Ruby)
Ruby: (Leans into headpat)
Neo: (Steps closer)
Jaune: (Holds out hand)
Neo: (Snaps teeth at him)
Ren: Step 4, offer more food, and or shinies.
Jaune: I have more weapons and food at my tent if you'd like.
Ruby: (Excitedly bounces)
Nora: (Grabs Neo, Drags her along)
Ren: Step 5, bathe and pamper them.
Ren: It is very unlikely they will want to bathe, so try to be patient. If necessary, bribe them using steps 2-4.
Jaune: (In the bath) Okay, who wants to- Ack! (Dives, Knives fly over)
Jaune: (Pops up, Gasps)
Ruby: (Holding another dagger)
Neo: (Holding out bowl)
Nora: (Holding out plate)
Jaune: (Sighs, Stands up) Alright, I'll get you some more food IF you get in the bath.
RNN: (Stare at his "legs", Walk to the bath)
Jaune: I'll be right back. (Walks out)
RNN: (Watch with predatory intent)
Ren: Goblins are extremely protective and loyal companions, so be sure that you are ready before seeking them out.
Jaune: Whatcha writin, Ren?
Ren: Oh, just something that came to me. How are you feeling?
Jaune: Sore. Neo and Nora keep fighting over food and Ruby keeps stealing the utensils.
Ren: Is it worth it?
Jaune: (Looks down at baby goblin in arms) Yeah it is.
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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Zoro drunkenly rose up from his seat and Nami’s attention gravitated to him as she noticed where he was heading. “ Zoro don’t do anything stupid” she whispered. He looked at her from the corner of his good eye and rolled it.
He wasn’t going to cause a ruckus or anything why is she worrying so much? The closer he got the more he heard you giggle and it irritated him to no end. You were being told a story he guessed and Law seemed to be so hilarious that you had to nuzzle into his arm. The smile on the captains face was quickly wiped away when the swordsman stood in front of him.
“ Traffy can I speak to Y/N?”
You looked up at him then to Law, you obviously didn’t want to be alone with Zoro but as of right now the two of you couldn’t do anything. After what happened earlier there was no way that you could tell Zoro to fuck off. Law squeezed your side and winked which did not go unnoticed then you reluctantly stood up. Zoro was absolutely seething but he directed you to go into one of the huts following closely behind you.
When you were both finally alone you stood in front of him with your hands fidgeting behind your back. Zoro found it so strange that you acted like this with him all of a sudden. You had stayed with the Strawhats for almost a month when you first came, you and him had been quiet close.
One day after dinner you were in the aquarium with Zoro. You had been here no for almost three weeks, you and Zoro had become rather close and you felt like you could be open with him.
He liked playing drinking games and listening to your rambling about how you’d do this in your world although it was illegal to drink at your age. Today felt different though, you looked at him desperately. Your skin had a blue hue to it due to the tank next to you, and although you were clearly drunk you had your head on your shoulders.
“ I want to ask you something… Zoro” Your slurring was noticiable by now and he wanted to chuckle because it was rather cute.
He heavily sighed as he turned his gaze towards you, you had done this before. The last week you’ve been trying to ask people if they would help you get back to your world. I guess I’m next huh.
“ Why do you like to bother me when we are like this? You’re gonna ruin a good time”
He wanted to intimidate you into not talking about it anymore. Why did you even want to go back? You were obviously brought here for a reason. You should just relax and enjoy being a pirate especially when you two were drinking buddies.
You tucked your now straightened hair to the back of your ear as you turned away from him hitting your lips. Zoro wasn’t an idiot, he could tell when someone found him attractive, and he didn’t mind that it was you. With a small sigh you began speaking again, “ I know it’s a lot to ask but-”
“ Then don’t ask me, I don’t have an answer to satisfy you Y/N” He felt bad of course. You were in a completely foreign new place and you just wanted to be somewhere familiar. However, it was completely true that he couldn’t give you an answer that you wanted to hear. He wasn’t going to lie and tell you he’d help you because he didn’t want to. He wanted to here with him and his crew.
He though that he had spoken softly enough so you could drop the topic completely but it just made the atmosphere feel strange. After that night, you both continued to drink together but you didn’t ramble about your other life, the little things you did with others during the day, or when you were on an island together you didn’t drag him to every store to look at shiny or cute things.
He chose to ignore this, he would let you get over it yourself since you didn’t bring anything up to him he wouldn’t pry. You both still had conversations but as much as you tried you were obviously distant, so he was going to try something new the next time you were alone.
But then you left..
Zoro knew you and him had become slightly distant but right now it was like you were scared to even be around him. He didn’t know where to start considering the two of you had so much to speak about. He felt idiotic, Nami was right he was doing something stupid right now. Zoro was never one to do something purely out of emotions but you made him let down the guard he had been building up since Kuina.
“ What do you want to speak about Zoro?”
Your question broke him from his trance, he was zoned out for a little and it almost scared him. You were the only person to make him do such silly things, he felt like that blond idiot. He starred at your eyes for a moment as he thought about the first thing to say.
Your eyes were stunning, no, every part of you was miraculous and beautiful.
“ Y/N, where did you disappear to earlier?” He was going to start off slow and then build up his confidence.
“ I-I just wanted to be alone”
“ Are you upset about something?”
He as so sharp. He saw that flash of anger in your eyes before you answered.
“ What would I have to be angry about right now”
“ You tell me”
“ Why would I give you an answer that wouldn’t satisfy you?”
His cheeks felt so warm, you always had a sharp tongue you but for you to stand in front of him seemingly so innocent and the turn around and use his words against him….
He laughed, a genuine hearty laugh. You looked at him stunned.
Zoro hadn’t laughed like that since the beginning of one piece.
You were taking too long, Law began to feel anxious for your safety. His eyes were glued to the hut you and the swordsman went in and he was counting every second that passed without your return.
What could you two be talking about? Is it another jealous crew mate? Are they interrogating you for your disappearance earlier? There was so much to think about but a bowl of fruit was placed in front of him.
Her purple dressed hugged her so nicely, and she smiled at him before sitting next to him. He couldn’t deny that the Strawhats women were both beautiful, but he knew that they were two of the most intelligent on the crew.
This seemed to be a set up in order to separate him and Y/N so beauty aside he needed to be careful and get this over with.
“ Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to take my offering?”
“ Thanks” He took the bowl from her hands and began eating the grapes that resembled the woman’s dress in color.
“ So are you and Y/N discussing the plans for Wano?”
“ Yes, Your crew will be divided again for a little while though.”
“ Mm yes, can you tell me about the plans though so I can fully explain it to my crew?”
She was pushing for it, it was her talent of course. He trusted her a little, I mean she was only asking for the plans so she can tell the crew he knew she was telling the truth. He explained everything but he left the part where y/n would not be traveling with them to whole cake island.
With his knowledge of what is going to happen in Wano it would be the absolute best option to get you out of here before this story gets too ugly for you. Just thinking about what’s going to happen upsets him, you had no fighting skills or devil fruit the Strawhats were being dumb keeping you.
If it were up to him, he would make sure you learned to fight and protect yourself. He would obviously keep you safe and you would be better off in his submarine anyway.
“ That seems like a solid plan, plus we need to get Sanji-kun back quickly so of course his captain would be the best option of sending… am I right?”
Sly woman.
“ Yes, me and y/n are going to discuss who will be going when she comes back from speaking with the swordsman.”
“ Speaking of Y/N… you too are good friends huh”
“ Yes”
“ I think you’d make a great couple.. ask her out before someone else will!” She gingerly said while patting his back. She then got up and walked towards her captain and the minks not turning back to see the look on Law’s face.
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🏷️ @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @toshirolovebot @futmblr
A/N: Read this to understand why you had to wait an extra day for this chapter, again my apologies 🫶🏽 hope you all enjoy this. Chapter ten will be out tonight as well.
Not proofread ✍️
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bolderfunkyman · 1 year
♡ Yandere Kaveh Part 2 ♡
Okay it has been a while im sorry.. But I am back at it again! And i have part 2 finally done. it's gonna be several parts so there also will come a part 3 and 4. I don't wanna rush it. Link to part one = Part1
its kaveh x reader there are no mentions of genders.
Word count: 1,3K
im also testing a new writing format with a POV please let me know what you think of it!
Content: Lovesick, Obsession, Manipulation, blood, Mindillness, smut, fluff, possesiveness. MINORS DO NOT INTARACT
reminder as to where we lefr: You stayed at the library for way to long and kaveh was worried about you. He couldnt find you. You walked home alone and then you got jumped. Kaveh came to save you. But as suddenly as he was there, as suddenly he dissapeared again.
A playlist to set the mood -Link to playlist-
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Kaveh POV:
After he scared off the ermites. He couldn’t help but feel anger about what happened. So instead he followed you home without you knowing. And when he knew you were safely home. He went after the emirates. He couldn’t leave it be. They hurted you. That's not something he can accept. After a while he found them. They were killed. If you saw the scene it would have seemed as if a slaughter had taken place. But it was Kaveh who showed them how angry he actually was with them. He often repeated to them to stay away from his girl. Although she didn’t know yet she was his. He made sure to clean up the scene and made sure no traces were left behind. Kaveh quickly returned home, washed his clothes and went to bed.
Falling asleep thinking of you. Hoping you now saw him as your hero, a knight in shiny armor. 
Jump to present day reader pov -
As you woke up from your sleep you noticed that you had a hazy memory of what happened the night before. All you remember is that Kaveh left in a hurry and that you felt like something or someone was watching you walk home. You started your daily morning routine before heading to The Akademiya.
You kinda forgot you normally walk with Kaveh to the Akademiya, So when you heard someone call out your name you didn’t right away think it was him.
“Hey, why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?” Kaveh asked.
Oh no i’m sorry! I kinda had a weird morning. My head was still filled with what happened yesterday’, you told him. “Oh… did they give you nightmares?” he looked at you concerned while saying this.
I guess so? I just have a hazy memory as if it was a fever dream but, it wasn't a dream it was reality, you looked at him while saying this. Do you perhaps know more? I know you were there as well, kaveh. 
“All I know is that I saved you from those ermites. And after that I had to hurry to a meeting, they didn’t do anything to you right?” he asked. No, they didn’t do anything. I got home safely. Although I did feel like something was watching me. Maybe it was my mind. Because of what happened. I also really didn't eat anything before bed. Not the smartest choice I made I guess.. You gave him a weak smile.
“Maybe I should take you home? You clearly aren’t feeling well” Kaveh told you.
No no I'm fine really, I take it easy today and after all this I just go home to eat and sleep. That probably will help me feel better. 
“Hmm if you say so. I’ll wait for you at our spot to walk you home okay?” he still looked very concerned at you. Yeah that’s fine. I promise I won't forget this time. 
Your day just passed by silently and slowly as if time barely moved. But it reached it’s end and you were able to leave the Akademiya. And indeed kaveh was sitting there waiting for you. He also already got you a drink. 
“Finally! there you are I got worried” He sounded energetic, like a puppy happy to see you. 
Mhm today was quite energy draining if i’m being honest. 
“Shall I carry you home then?” He joked. Oh My god have you been hanging out with Cyno a lot or something? Just as bad of a joke.
“But I wasn’t joking I wouldn’t mind carrying you home” And he indeed sounded serious about it.
No, I will be fine walking  by myself I believe. “If you say so, I am almost done with this design and then we can have a walk around or I will just take you home?” He said.
“They will be able to get home by herself, Kaveh” A man told him. You turned your head to see who was talking to him. 
"Al Haitham? What are you doing here?” He asked the man. He looked pretty annoyed. His eyes almost daggers at this man.
“Maybe you have forgotten kaveh? Do I need to speak it out? Do they already know?” He had a blank stare at kaveh. No emotion it seems. Kind of cold.
Know what? You asked. 
“Nevermind It. I’m sorry I have to go. I can’t walk you home today I'm afraid” And so he stood up and followed this man named Al Haitham. You did hear him bickering with this man a lot. You knew he always had something to say about him.. But seeing him argue with him is something else. 
You are interested in their relationship. If they are friends or not. But seeing as how tired you felt you decided it was enough for today and go home. Take a snack and then sleep. A good night's rest, it sounded like a dream for you at this moment. 
Kaveh POV: 
So why exactly did you have to interrupt me? I was having a nice time with them you know” You can clearly hear he was angry.
“I will leave you be more if you actually paid rent you know” Alhaitham still sounded stone cold. “And who are they even anyways?” he added.
They are my friend. And what does it matter to you anyways? it’s not like you ever bothered in someone else’ he said.
"Hm Perhaps. But you are right there is no benefit from knowing who they are. Anyways, I still want the rent. And you need to fix this door. It’s making that noise again.” Al Haitham told him.
I’m an architect. I draw, I don’t fix things like that. So you basically dragged me away for nothing? Kaveh felt he got angry because of this.
“oh well.. that’s a shame” Al Haitham told him while taking a book out to read. “also did you hear about 2 emrites missing?” he asked him.
No, what about it? Of course kaveh knew they were missing. He killed them after all for you.
“Their family is afraid they got killed by someone. And some speculations say they might have just fled to Liyue or something.” He simply answered. 
Oh okay. Well I guess I will keep an eye out for them then’ He lied to al haitham.
the following day - 
You were just walking around in Sumeru wondering what to do today. It was a nice day, slightly on the hot side so you didn’t feel like doing a lot. You were far lost in your own mind to really notice where exactly you were walking and whatever you might bump into, so you got quite the scare when you bumped into someone.
Ow, I’m sorry I should have looked where I’m Going’ You just said.
“You indeed should look around so you don’t make pitiless mistakes like this.” A stone cold voice you can recognize right away.
Oh Al Haitham, I’m really sorry’ you could feel your eyes heating up out of embarrassment. 
“oh you are the friend of kaveh right?” He asked you, sounding a little less.. Cold
Yeah I am hehe’ You felt quite awkward as of now. 
So what brings you here? You tried to have a neutral conversation with him. 
“Just enjoying the weather, It’s a great day to do absolutely nothing.” He answered simply, “would you like to join me on the walk? I will look out for you so you don’t bulldoze more people” he added. 
Ugh how dare he say something like that, it's so insulting, is what was going through your mind, you cannot obviously tell him what you thought. 
So instead you took him on the offer and had a little chat with him. He got to know a bit about you. Meanwhile you still didn’t know much about Al Haitham. Other than that he is a scribe at The Akademiya. 
And today again you felt like someone was staring at you, following you around. You couldn’t place where it came from or why you felt like it. 
But you could notice Al Haitham also felt like someone was watching the 2 of you.
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stealing-the-smp · 15 days
Member 4
The Glitchis Mahogany
Lives before end: 3
Alignment: Lawful Chaotic /j
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jk jk lawful neutral
Sides: Lmanburg(traitor), Greater smp(current), Pogtopia(past)
Age: Immortal
Species: Glitchis
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: Bi and poly
Morals: Many! Kids need to be protected, The wars need to slow down at any cost, More
Goals: Live in peace, Help others, Be a good monarch, Not be outed as nonhuman
Likes: Royal theming, Shiny things, Fidgets, Caves, Nether fortresses(one of the best creations in this world to Mahogany), Warm places, Vian’s wings, Noting things down on sticky notes
Dislikes: Wars, His bad memory
Allies: Demi, Komo, Hydrangea, Whiterose, Nightshade, Patch, Nutmeg, Bee, Cas
Allies or Enemies or both?: Vian
Enemies: Xade, Asphodel
Family: Found family with Nutmeg and Bee they be siblings then Cas is Mahogany’s kid
Appearance: Usually in a human form with pure white eyes that tend to induce fear in anyone who sees them so are covered with sunglasses, they also have shortish brown hair and a Royal cape that’s actually weighted for comfort, they wear a fancy white button up that has ruffles near the buttons, they have a belt that is like two crossed over belts for fanciness and it has little pouches on both sides that they use to store their communicator, bandages, a pen, some paper, and anything else they may use in the day. They have a couple scars like some weird burn scars on their back where someone may have wings attach from. (long explanation)
Another form they have features three added details fox like ears and a fox like tail that are both pitch black fur and some black fur around their eyes but to be seen as human they don’t take this form often
The True form is a 44 foot fox or wolf creature with white eyes and pure black fur also the weird feeling that it should have wings? But that’s unexplained to most only one person knows what happened to the wings and it isn’t even Mahogany
“I’m aware I’m not supposed to exist”
“Demi you *chuckles* worry too much I’ll be fineeeeee I’ll live through anything..”
“Oh that sounds interesting count me in”
“Sighhhhh No Hydrangea you can’t just bite our enemies”
“Cas pup come here I’ll grab you some food”
“Hey Soot do you think if I bit god again he’d make all of our lives easier or harder?”
“Bee you really need to stop ramming into walls before you get a concussion……yes I know Chord needed you to break down a door but next time you two should try the handle bud”
“Oh it’s you you’ve fallen…”
“It’s a deal…”
“The baker and Cypress don’t have to be in the control room given Hydrangea is just a baker and Cypress is a robot so logically nothing would happen if he got stabbed”
“Down with the revolution boys it was never meant to be”
Mouths “I’m sorry Vian”
“this didn’t bring peace……”
“I’m sorry”
“This wool is the you matter wool because you matter!”
“I guess if you want to call me a traitor…. I’m a traitor Soot”
“I don’t remember you but something in me does”
“oh ok”
whispers “I’ll continue being alone”
“I beg to join you again Vian please!”
“Vian am I a traitor again?”
“yeah i understand why you want my crown back”
“NO shit fuck what was that guy’s name?? DEMI HELP”
“I guess I’m a wanted man who’s watching sibling drama”
“Vian I need to stay here”
“Wait Chord calm down where’s Vian?”
“people would rally around me…but I’m no better then Vian….I may even be worse”
“I’m sorry Hydrangea I’m too busy with paperwork today”
“Cas why are you hiding behind me? Need help pup?”
“Yeah you can stay at my castle pup I’ll even make you a entire wing”
“why is it more peaceful when he’s gone….”
“I’m sorry Asphodel but I agree with the others you need to be locked away”
“Who would’ve thought locking Asphodel up of all people would mean so much paperwork….”
“Vian! ….oh you’re a hallucination”
“Sure yeah I’ll come pick the lil guy up”
“why do others trust me so much still”
“Pfftttt yeah you can hide in my cape pup…..actually what are baby pigs called? Piglets I think?”
“Hmmmmm here maybe you’ll be able to do sign language I’ll figure out how to adapt it for Piglets though”
“This won’t go too bad like dangerous but eh a monarch must attend a gathering such as this one”
“Oh! My dress is actually! Pants!”
“*chuckles* sure I’ll dance with you Demi”
“Oh shit heheheh yeah should’ve expected I was first”
“Demi? You ok?”
“yeah I’ll take a explanation why are we tied to each other?”
“Oh *chuckles* you’re sweet Demi”
“You’re back? No I’m hallucinating like usual”
“Vian don’t leave I’d…I’d let you move into the castle with me!”
“Bee if Chord jumped off a cliff would you?……NO”
“I’m sorry anyone I could’ve saved…”
Replacement of
they were my favorite character so lots of info
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watchoutforthefanfics · 2 months
achievement unlocked 🔓 (part nineteen) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
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Inspiration: this prompt + BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilish
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: cursing, talk of sex, mention of Eddie's mom, toxic parenting, emotional manipulation, crying, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: This one starts as a sad one, I apologize in advance. Also, for future reference, what kinda pet names are we feeling Eddie should call Richie? Like Im kinda feeling the 'sweetheart'/'honey' train, but I could definitely see like a 'babe' too. So let me know on that!!! There is both wafflehouse hype and hate in this chapter, you shall never know my true feelings. And there is also a lot to get through so like... sorry about that lmao. ALSO,,, I GOT MY FIRST TATTOO TODAY !!!!! Yay. Anyway. Enjoy :))]]
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Richie woke up to a hand on his arm -shaking him. He blearily tried to blink away the blur of sleep in his eyes.
"Richie, hey," a voice whispered out, soft and maybe scratchy, "-wake up."
He hummed, scratching at the collar of his shirt and stretching his arms out.
"R-Rich," Eddie, he realized Eddie -my Eddie, spoke, and his voice was shaking.
Richie near immediately shot up, grabbing his glasses on pure instinct.
"Eds?" He slid them on the bridge of his nose, and snapped his eyes around the room (Eddie was distinctly not beside him in the bed), and then, they caught on him.
Eddie was beside the bed, standing with his arms wrapped around himself protectively. Defensive, protecting himself, Richie could see that much. Gnawing at his lip, his hair was ruffled (like he had run his hands through it a little too much), and his eyes were shiny like... like-
Richie pulled himself up, scooted to sit at the end of their bed, and slid onto his feet -in one fluid motion. So quick that it made him dizzy for a second, it didn't last for long though (Eddie instincts kicking into gear).
"Hey, woah," he slid his arms down Eddie's arms -moving his head slightly to catch his eyes, "-hey, what's going on?"
Eddie's breath hitched in his chest, eyes only shining brighter, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, but I just-"
"Eds, no," Richie cut him off instantly, hands moving to hold Eddie's face -so he couldn't look away, "-don't do that. No. Wake me up every time. Do you know how much I would fucking hate you going through something alone?"
Eddie stared at him for a second, something smoothing along his features.
"I'm sorry," he finally spoke, shaky and quiet -tears slipping from his eyes (Richie felt his heart twist in his chest).
"Eddie baby, stop," Richie leveled, thumbs rubbing away at his eyes -diligently, "-Don't apologize for shit. There's no reason to, okay?"
Eddie let out a breath, slower, "Okay."
"Now," Richie kept his hands on Eddie's shoulders -ducking his head to catch his eyes, "-what's going on?"
Eddie pressed his lips into a thin line, and Richie's eyes flicked along his face in entirety. Trying to read anything. All he could get was... hurt, and it felt like a knife stabbed into his chest that he didn't know why-
"I don't know how-" Eddie started, and his breath was picking up, "-It doesn't make any sense, she shouldn't have fucking-"
"Eds, breathe," Richie tried to gain his attention, but Eddie kept going.
"-seen it. There was nothing but my fucking face, but she did. And Richie, she found me. She fucking found me-"
"Eds," Richie tried again, stepping to the side to try and gain his eye (his breaths were puffing through his lungs too quickly and his brain was burning with soothe, soothe, soothe).
"-I can't. I never wanted this to happen, Rich. I never fucking wanted to see her again-"
"Eddie," he finally pulled Eddie to face him -snapping his attention, "-breathe, baby."
Eddie blinked once, and swallowed -inhaling through his nose, sharply.
"Okay, now out," Richie hummed -gently, keeping Eddie's eyes on him, "-breathe out from your mouth."
The breath slunk out of Eddie's lips, catching just a little. Eddie frowned like he'd failed in some way.
"That's okay, Eddie baby, don't worry about it," Richie soothed, "-Let's do it again. In," he inhaled, "-out," he exhaled, "-in," he inhaled, "-out," he exhaled.
They stayed like that for a while, until Eddie's breaths evened out and the tension in his shoulders dropped. Richie watched, until he relaxed -as much as he could, anyway. He let his hands smooth down Eddie's arms and then back up -reassuring. He wasn't going to let go until Eddie told him to.
"Okay," Richie spoke, softly, "-now, talk to me."
Eddie took a deep breath in and just stared at Richie -big brown eyes swirling with things that made him want to scoop him into his arms forever. Protect him. Forever-
"My Mom."
Richie blinked once, a little confused. And then he remembered. The post. Fuck-
"She found the post?" Richie asked -cautiously (guilt sinking into his stomach).
Eddie nodded -lips into a tight frown. A real one, Richie wanted to see him smile.
"Fuck," Richie frowned, "-I'm sorry. I didn't think about that-"
"Richie, no," Eddie interrupted this time, voice rattling out of his throat (scared and shaky but also stubborn and certain), "-I want this. I want you. I just, I didn't fucking think of her seeing it. And it's... She won't stop messaging me-"
"What?" Richie furrowed his eyebrows.
"I told you, she found me, I don't-"
Richie extended his hand forward, "Can I see?"
Eddie pressed his lips together, thinking for a second. Richie patiently waited. (He'd probably wait forever for Eddie if he had to. For anything he wanted. He'd wait.)
With a shaky breath, Eddie unlocked it and placed it into Richie's waiting hand.
He held it there for a second, almost offering him an out (Eddie remained entirely certain), before pulling it to his eyes.
Eddie, you don't know how hard it was to find you. My only son, do you understand?
You're my only child and you've left me. You ran away. You've left me helpless, Eddie.
I'm sick. The doctors say it's serious. Serious enough to be concerned. I can't take care of myself.
You're just going to let your own mother die alone? That's not my Eddie.
That's not my baby boy.
Think of your father, he'd want you here with me. Don't disappoint him.
Richie frowned. What the fuck-
You can still come back. You can apologize and come back, I'm your mother, I'll forgive you.
You should be grateful that I still love you with what you've done to me. But I'm your mother, I'll always love you. Do you understand that, Eddie?
I love you much more than that boy ever could. You should know that. That boy will leave you alone, Eddie-bear. He won't care about you forever, not like I will.
Richie felt like he was burning alive, something biting up his throat. The messages kept piling up, one after another. What the fuck-
His eyes shot to Eddie (who was looking right back at him), fidgeting with his fingernails -picking at his cuticles. Richie immediately caught it, but he had to do something first.
"Eds," Richie leveled, "-Can I block her?"
Eddie gnawed at his lips.
"You don't need to hear this shit," Richie spoke, sturdily, "-but if you don't want me to, tell me, and I won't."
Eddie just stared at him, blinking. Looking at him like he was a little lost and Richie was the only thing he recognized. His bottom lip quivered, but Richie didn't move, not yet.
He took a deep, shaky breath in, "Yeah, do it."
Richie didn't hesitate, turning to the phone and blocking the account. With a quick motion, he turned off Eddie's phone -leaving it in his hand for a second.
"Can I hold onto this for now?" Richie asked, gently.
Eddie eyed it for a moment, before nodding, "Please."
Richie pocketed it, without a moment to waste. Stepping forward and gently extending his arms out, a question unspoken hanging in the air.
Eddie's eyes flicked between Richie's face and his chest (over and over). His lip quivered, and Richie watched his eyes start to get teary (something flared in Richie's stomach -god, he hated that Eddie had to deal with this). And then, he rushed forward into Richie -shoving his face into his chest and wrapping his arms tight around his body, hands gripping the fabric of his shirt.
Richie near immediately wrapped him up in his arms -like a shell, protective.
"I just-" Eddie breathed into his chest -teary and shaky (Richie dropped his head to kiss his forehead), "-I actually fucking... feel guilty. Even though she hurt me, I still... I know I shouldn't-"
Richie cut him off, moving a hand up to rub up and down his back (gently scrape of his fingertips), "There's no shouldn't, Eddie baby. It just means you care. You care so fucking much and that's good. So fucking good."
Eddie didn't say a word.
"You have the biggest heart I've ever seen Eds," Richie hummed, before adding, "-Well, maybe except for Ben, but he's like a fucking... angel that fell to earth-"
Eddie laughed a little bit, and Richie felt it thrum though his chest. Good.
"-Other than that, you're the biggest heart I've ever seen. You chew people out because you care, and that's an odd fucking thing, yeah, but still good. Great, even."
Eddie sniffled, and burrowed himself further into him -Richie tightened his hold, ever-so-slightly at the movement (because it felt like he needed it, and Richie would give him anything he could).
"I don't think-" Eddie's words were soft, spoken into the fabric of his shirt, "-Even if I did what she asked, she'd still... I could never be enough, Rich, never. No matter how hard I try-"
He moved instinctively, pulling his hands back to gently pull Eddie's face to his.
"Don't say that, Eds," he leveled, and his big brown eyes blinked up at him, "-you are enough. You'll always be enough for the people that matter, okay?"
Eddie was just staring at him, in a way that Richie was slowly grasping. Like he was fucking stranded in the ocean, and Richie was the lighthouse that guided him back. Or really just like... like he needed him. Not wanted him, because he was going through something, no, he needed him.
The thought rattled through Richie's head (Eddie needs you), and something in him steeled. Imma take care of you, Eds. I promise.
Richie brushed one of his hands through the side of his hair -combing it down with a smooth motion (Eddie leaned into it and Richie wanted to cry a little), "Like Bev, and Ben, and Mike, and Bill, and even fucking Stan. They care so much about you, so fucking much, and that's not even counting me-"
Eddie sniffled once, but his lips were smoothing into a smile -Richie wanted to keep it there.
"-I love you and care about you more than you will ever know."
Eddie's eyes were teary again, but Richie thought it might be for a better reason now.
"So, maybe," Richie continued, eyes solid on Eddie's (with one hand wiping away tears and the other threading through his hair), "-you're not enough for her. But you are enough for the Losers. And you're more than fucking enough for me. I'm stoked every day that you're in my life, Eddie Kaspbrak, with your big doe-eyes, and your huge fucking heart, and your sexy ass legs-"
Eddie laughed then and brought up a hand to shove at him -not hard at all, but Richie still took it as a good sign.
"In all seriousness," Richie took a breath, and Eddie followed his every move, "-you're safe and away from her, but sometimes shit like this still comes back, and that's okay. Ya wanna know why?"
Eddie responded, slowly, "Why?"
"Because I'm going to be right fucking here to remind you that you are safe," Richie hummed, moving to press a kiss onto his forehead, "-and cared for-" his nose, "-and loved-" his lips (the simplest little peck, just to show he was here), "-and whatever other shit you need from me."
There was a pause, as Eddie looked up at him with a hazy, affectionate sort of gaze. And then, he gently raised his own hands, brush his fingertips along the sides of Richie's face. A little like he was marveling at a sculpture or something, just in awe. (In awe? Of me? Fuck-).
"Thanks," Eddie finally said after a moment.
"Don't even," Richie smiled, and Eddie followed with his own, "-You know I don't take that shit."
"Doesn't mean I can't say it," Eddie pointed out, dropping his hands and wiping at his eyes (not unlike how a toddler would when they're tired). Richie caught it near immediately.
"You wanna go back to sleep now?" He questioned, softly.
Eddie eyed him for a second, thoughtfully.
"Actually," he started, maybe a little flustered, "-I have a weird... fucking request, I guess."
"Kinky," Richie slipped out with a shit-eating grin.
Eddie frowned, puffing out his cheeks and swatting at his chest, "Not like that, asshole. Just fucking..."
He fell silent, and dropped his gaze.
Richie gently put a finger under his chin -tilting his face back up to look at him again, and Eddie did so. Blinking at him a few times.
"Eds, c'mon," Richie soothed, "-I'm not gonna fucking judge you, not really. I wanna do it, just tell me what I'm doing."
Eddie's lips pressed into a thin line, and he pulled Richie's hand down (like it was bothering him), "I can't think when you did shit like that."
Richie furrowed his eyebrows, "Shit like what?"
"I don't know, just fucking-" Eddie huffed out, and Richie watched the red flame up his cheeks, "-that. Grabbing my chin between two fingers like that. It's just, I don't know, it's... like sly and smooth and fucking... confident, and that's..."
"Hot?" Richie asked, smirking.
"Stop it," Eddie pursed his lips together, eyes dropping to his lips for a split second, "-You're doing this shit on purpose, you asshole."
"Maybe a little," Richie confessed, before continuing, "-but seriously, Eds, what do you want me to do? No more funny business, I swear."
Eddie raised an questioning eyebrow.
Richie added, "Cross my heart and-"
"Don't," Eddie cut him off, sharply.
"Noted," Richie paused, before Eddie wiped at his eyes again, "-Eddie baby, come on, tell me what I need to do. You need to sleep. You're tired, I can tell."
Eddie huffed out a breath, "Are you going to make fun of me?"
"Not if you don't want me to," Richie answered -honestly.
There was a pause.
"Can you-" Eddie started, nervously, before sighing and starting again, "-Can you lay on top of me? Like with your head on my chest?"
Richie paused, rolling it over in his head -before carefully proceeding, "Why?"
"It's like... pressure or some shit," Eddie rambled a little -flustered, "-I think it might help me... calm down."
"Like a weighted blanket?" Richie asked -cocking his head to the side.
"Yeah, yes, exactly-" Eddie concurred, speaking a little anxiously (hand motions peeking their head out) "-I never... had one of those, but I've heard that it... that it helps. Is that... okay?"
Richie answered near instantly, soothing, "Of course, Eds. I said I'd do anything for you, I'm a man of my word, Spaghetti-"
"But if you don't want to-" Eddie tried.
"Eddie baby," Richie held onto his shoulders, "-I want to, okay?"
Eddie's eyes flickered along his face, maybe trying to see if he was lying (which he was not). Seriously, Richie was a clingy motherfucker and to sleep on top of Eddie? Sounds like fucking paradise-
"Okay," he finally said.
"Alright," Richie smiled, pushing him back slightly, "-you lay down while I put my shit up. Well, our shit up, because it's my glasses and your phone-"
"I know, Rich," Eddie laughed, pulling himself up onto the bed and laying there -more to the middle than anywhere else (Richie guessed he didn't have to worry much about space).
Pulling his glasses off, Richie placed the phone on the, now blurry, nightstand. After making sure it was not on the fucking edge, he slowly moved onto the bed.
He could virtually feel where Eddie was, but otherwise, he was a blur. A beautiful blur, Richie would say, but very much a blur.
"Are you sure I'm not gonna crush you?" Richie asked -somewhat genuinely.
"That's the whole point, dumbass," Eddie sighed, grabbing Richie's arms and tugging him forward with a huff, "-I have to do fucking everything-"
Richie let himself be guided, it was kinda easy with Eddie. He knew exactly what he wanted, and just fucking... took direction. So, he never really had to worry about 'what Eddie wants' because he always just... said that shit. Or, well, guided Richie to do it -such as now.
And he did so.
He pulled Richie up by the shoulders until his head landed right by Eddie's heartbeat -the thrum of it buzzing through his mind (it was so fucking calming). Richie could feel Eddie's jaw brush against his forehead, as he diligently moved Richie's arm -moving his hand to wrap over his shoulder. Finally, Eddie intertwined their legs. Like it was all perfectly pieced together, like he'd thought about this. And frankly, Richie wouldn't be surprised if he had-
"Are you comfortable?" Eddie asked, attentively (he loves me).
Richie (who was currently entranced by the smell of strawberries, the beat of Eddie's heart beneath his ear, and his body heat thrumming against his own) answered, "The most I think I have ever fucking been, Eds."
"Yeah?" Eddie laughed (it rumbled through Richie's head), but it broke into a yawn, "-Me too. I feel... I feel a lot calmer."
"Good," Richie hummed, moving his head to place a kiss on his chest (right onto his heart), before nuzzling back down.
Eddie giggled that time, the trademark 'tired Eddie' giggle. Richie was fucking pumped he got to hear it in person now, he was kinda in love with it honestly. All soft and sweet, and made Richie feel like he could fly to the moon.
"Goodnight, Eddie baby," Richie smiled, and he could feel Eddie's breaths slow -calm and routine.
"Night, Rich," he hummed, sleep-slurred and barely awake (it made Richie's heart sing), "-I love you."
Richie grinned, leaning up to leave a gentle kiss on his jaw, "I love you too, Eds. So much."
"So much," Eddie repeated, far away and distant -very much on his way to dream-central.
He waited until he heard his tiny snores before he dared to close his eyes. Just in case. But, when he finally did, Richie Tozier was out like a light.
The next morning, Richie, naturally, wanted to go all out. So, after a few minutes of playfully not moving when Eddie wanted him to (which ended up in a lot of bribery kisses, as planned), he finally pulled himself out of bed.
Before he could get very far, Eddie wrapped himself around Richie's middle. It made Richie stumble back a second, and he grinned.
"Ya need your Richie fill, Eds?" he laughed, but still moved his hands to wrap around him.
"You smell good," Eddie muttered, a little muffled into Richie's shirt.
Richie furrowed his eyebrows, "Do I?"
"Mhm," Eddie hummed, and it made Richie feel warm all over (love, love, love).
"I don't have any cologne or shit though," Richie explained, "-I just woke up, I'm probably fucking sweaty if anything-"
Eddie pulled back, looking at Richie -cheeks puffed up and a frown smoothed across his lips, "You're so fucking disgusting."
"Am I?" Richie teased, "-You seemed to fucking like the way my sweat smells, and I'm-"
"Shut up, asshole," Eddie shoved into him -hard, and Richie actually stumbled a bit (he was laughing his ass off at the current moment), "-I hate you."
"Wow, cool the dirty talk, Eds," Richie pretended to fan himself, suggestively raising his eyebrows, "-we may not make it out of this bedroom-"
"Shut up," Eddie repeated -shoving him again, but his lips were quirking up (so fucking beautiful).
"Hey," Richie shrugged it off, "-you're the one holding me hostage. I only get worse with time, you should definitely know that by now."
Eddie rolled his eyes, huffing out a breath. Doing a signature Kaspbrak move, he pulled Richie down by the collar and kissed him (the passionate, yearning, Eddie kind). For what reason? Richie couldn't tell you, but he wanted to know, personally, so he could do it again-
And then, he pulled back. Big brown eyes staring up at him -affectionate, soft, and syrupy, it made him want to scream. In a good way though, just so many emotions that all you can do is react. If that makes any sense.
Richie grinned, eyes lingering around Eddie's face, "Now we really aren't going to make it out of here."
"You're fucking infuriating," Eddie huffed out a breath, "-Let's just fucking go. What are we even doing?"
"I'm gonna feed you, my dear Eds," Richie hummed, kissing Eddie's cheek and guiding him into the kitchen (by intertwining their hands).
Eddie paused, asking somewhat genuinely, "You're going to cook?"
He pulled him onto the tile and turned to him, connecting their eyes -grinning, "You betcha."
"Can I-" Eddie started, before pausing -big brown eyes blinking up at him (they seriously could make him do literally fucking anything), "-Can I help you?"
Richie smiled, "'Course, Eds. I'd personally love to spend every waking minute with you. So, yes, we can cook together, obviously."
Eddie laughed (something twinkling in his eyes), before adding, maybe nervously, "I don't know how to do shit, so."
"No problem, Eddie baby," Richie soothed, immediately, "-I'm a great fucking teacher."
Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Okay, now," Richie clapped his hands, and spun on the tile for a second, "-What is your dream breakfast, Eddie my love?"
"That one's new," Eddie remarked, curiously (his head tilted, as he stared at Richie from the entrance to the kitchen).
"Yeah," Richie explained, "-I'm workshopping some shit. How do we feel about it, Spaghetti?"
"I like it," Eddie answered smiling, before pointing out, "-You also called me just baby last night too."
"Did I?" Richie furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember (well, there was honestly a lot to remember, good and bad).
"Mhm," Eddie confirmed, "-when you were calming me down."
Richie paused, something a little like worry stirred into his stomach, "Right, yeah, I remember that. Speaking of, you're doing okay, yeah?"
Eddie stepped toward him then with the cheesiest little smile that Richie's ever seen (he added it to his Eddie files, naturally). And then he smoothed his hands along Richie's shoulders, saying -simply, "Yeah, I'm... better than okay. Very fucking happy, if you're worried about it. Which you shouldn't be."
"Yeah?" Richie hummed, using one hand to smooth Eddie's hair down.
Eddie stepped onto his tippy-toes (Richie thought it was the cutest thing in the world), and kissed him once, "Yeah."
"Good," Richie responded, maybe a little too seriously but it was important. Richie wanted Eddie to be happy, because he deserved it. Happy and relaxed.
"I do like baby, by the way," Eddie brought the conversation back, "-but not more than any of the other ones. With my actual name. I like those the most."
Richie asked, "Do you think I can get an official ranking? So I know how to use them... strategically."
"Strategically?" Eddie raised an eyebrow, "-What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"You've got your eyes, your big ass fucking... enchanting doe-eyes that I would end the fucking world for-" Richie pointed out, "-I've got to use what I've got."
Eddie paused, "You don't think you have any shit like that?"
"Um," Richie paused, suddenly uncertain, "-no...?"
Eddie frowned, "You do. You 100% do. You do shit that makes me want to physically attack anyone who has ever hurt you."
"Well," Richie smiled a little, "-it doesn't take much for you to want to physically attack someone-"
"Shut up, you get my point," Eddie interrupted, "-but I'm so fucking serious. You do."
Eddie rolled his eyes, before starting to explain, "You have this thing. Whenever I get sincere or say some sappy shit-"
Richie interrupted, "Crying?"
"I told you to shut up, dickweed," Eddie repeated with no bite (but definitely a little frustration), "-I'm trying to talk."
Richie raised his hands in surrender, Eddie was not amused.
"When I say sappy shit, and you aren't crying-" he clarified, and Richie laughed a little bit, "-you do this thing where you smile and tilt your head like a fucking... puppy. But it's not a regular smile... It's fucking goofy. Like you're tipsy on... me. My presence."
"Lovesick?" Richie supplied.
"Well, um..." Eddie paused for a second, seeming to run it through his head, "-yeah."
"You're into that?" Richie followed up.
Eddie responded -neatly, "Obviously."
"Well," Richie hummed, grinning, "-I'll keep that in my back pocket then."
"You're such a dick," Eddie shoved at him, and Richie stumbled on the tile -laughing, "-What the fuck were we talking about?"
"Breakfast," Richie answered, before repeating, "-'What is your dream breakfast, Eddie my love?'"
"Right," Eddie hummed, seeming to process for a minute -face turning a splotchy red, "-I really like that one."
"Eds, Spaghetti, Eddie baby, Eddie my love," Richie listed before dancing toward him on the tile (not unlike he was ice skating -one long stride after another), "-mon amour, light of my life, mi corazón-"
Eddie giggled, as Richie moved to him -stopping right in front of him. With a breath, he kissed his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his eyes (after they closed -almost like he was absorbing the affection), and then his lips. Short and sweet, but still like he was offering his heart up on a platter. Soft enough that Eddie sighed into his mouth, and it made something in Richie sing -Eddie's fingertips slowly threading up into his curls.
Bzzt, bzzt.
Richie parted then, and Eddie frowned -cutely. He leaned back in and kissed him one more time (a peck really), picking up his phone.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
I'm coming over for breakfast
and to help unpack
and to see Eddie
⚠️ just a warning ⚠️
Because I love you guys, but if I see your dick again Tozier, I will be pressing charges.
Richie snorted.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
don't worry bevvy
u shall not be scandalized, we are both decent
last night though 😏
"Who is it?" Eddie asked, hand absentmindedly scratching Richie's scalp (he kinda wanted to purr like a cat at the attention).
"Bev," he answered diligently, "-She's coming over for breakfast."
"Shit, right now?" Eddie shrieked, cheeks bubbling up a harsh red, "-I need to get dressed, and fix my hair-"
They both were, in fact, sleep-mussed. And well... sex-mussed too. So, they did have like messy hair and skewed collars -telling of the night before. Richie, personally, loved the way Eddie looked at the current moment -he was pretty biased though.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
TMI, babe
but also good for Eddie
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
why not me ?
reddy.bevvy ✔️
I know you're a service top.
"Eddie baby, relax," Richie laughed (at both the text and Eddie scrambling), hands coming to smooth down Eddie's arms, "-It's not a first date. Plus, she kinda already knows what to expect."
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, and Richie raised his a few times -suggestively.
Eddie turned bright red, sputtering, "She doesn't know that-"
"We got home yesterday," Richie started listing, "-You're a germaphobe, so the trip back is out of the question. We've been in a long-distance relationship for months and that makes the tension fucking crazy-"
"Shut up," he hissed, before grabbing his hand and dragging him away, "-Let's go get dressed, dickhead."
"Round two?" Richie piped up, not fighting him at all.
Eddie spun back to meet him, cherry red -shoving at his chest, "I said shut up, asshole-"
It should be said that Eddie kissed him pretty hard in there though, maybe because he wouldn't want to do it as much with Bev around. Which was a little disappointing for Richie, but he'd get his fill later.
After re-entering the living space, Richie took the lead guiding him into kitchen again.
"Now, seriously, Eds," he leveled, holding his eye, "-what is your dream breakfast?"
Eddie paused a second, thinking maybe.
"There used to be this place nearby in New York," Eddie started, fidgeting with his hands (cute, cute, cute), "-It had chocolate chip pancakes, but I never let myself go in-"
"As a form of personal torture?"
Eddie rolled his eyes, ignoring him and continuing, "-but I always wanted to go in. Ma never let me have sweet stuff when I was little, so I really wanted to try it."
All Richie needed to hear was the first part, honestly, but upon hearing the second, he was nearly dying to make them. How fast could you physically make pancakes? Could Richie do it in minutes? Seconds? Well, they had to cook-
"Chocolate chip pancakes it is!" Richie clapped once, before scrambling around to the cabinets -peeking through one after the other.
"Do you have this shit organized?" Eddie asked, eyeing him from where he stood previously, "-At all?"
"No," Richie answered -diligently turning to face him, "-that's why you're perfect for me, dear Spaghetti."
Eddie frowned (but was definitely hiding a smile), Richie felt fucking giddy.
"Plus," Richie hummed, "-you'd probably do it anyway."
Eddie shrugged, before asking -carefully stepping toward the other side of the kitchen, "What are we looking for?"
"Eggs, flour, milk, baking powder, and-" Richie started listing casually, before grinning and grabbing a little bag, "-chocolate chips!"
Before Eddie could say anything, there was a noise.
Knock, knock.
Eddie blanched -face going pale. Richie frowned, dropping the bag onto the counter and moving to his side.
Gently, he pulled Eddie's face up to his, "It's just Bev, don't worry. And I'll be right here the whole time, okay?"
Eddie let out a shaky breath, seeming to relax.
"And I'll get it," Richie hummed, brushing a hand through his hair, "-so you can prepare yourself a little. That alright?"
"Yeah," Eddie started, taking a deep breath in and out, "-that's g-"
"Stop making out and answer me, Tozier! Let me in! You've kept Eddie to yourself for too long."
Richie laughed, and so did Eddie -tension lessening in his shoulders. Richie kissed his cheek once.
"Duty calls, Eddie baby," he grinned, "-Because she will definitely bust down the door."
Eddie laughed and shoved him toward the door -turning back to the cabinets.
Richie followed him for a second, just staring. Eddie Kaspbrak. In my apartment. In our apartment. Mine, my Eds, my Spaghetti-
He blinked and turned back toward the door.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," he called out, quickly unlocking and opening it, "-don't get your panties in a-"
Bev pushing past him so hard that he almost fell backwards, Richie righted himself.
She spun to him, "Where is he?"
"In the kitchen," Richie answered, and before he could say anything else, she was off like a rocket.
He locked the door and scampered over to the kitchen. I promised Eds I'd be there, so I'm gonna fucking be there.
"Oh my god! Eddie!" Bev almost squealed, scooping him into a hug -Richie watched red dust along his cheeks (love, love, love), "-It is so nice to see you, what the fuck."
Eddie laughed, hugging her back -maybe a little flustered, "It's so nice to see you too, Bev."
"Ugh," she shot back, but not too far -Richie saw a flicker along his face that seemed almost overwhelmed (he took note of it), "-How are you? Is Richie treating you well? If not, you tell me, I'll kill him, I swear-"
"Jesus, Marsh," Richie laughed, gently moving her back slightly, "-let the guy breathe."
"Shit, sorry," she echoed out, taking a step back and letting out a breath, "-I'm just so happy to see you. Seriously."
"Me too," Eddie smiled, a soft genuine kind, "-and I'm very happy Bev. He's... good. He takes good care of me, I promise."
Richie nearly fucking preened. Happy, happy, happy-
Bev's face morphed into a grin, "I'm glad. You two deserve it."
Richie pulled Eddie into his side, and kissed his temple once. Like he couldn't help it. Which he couldn't so-
"What are we making?" Bev eyed the few ingredients pulled onto the counter (Eddie had somehow gotten all the dry ingredients out in that short amount of time -somehow, he wasn't surprised), and finally faced Richie.
He pulled away from Eddie, after squeezing his arm once (I love you), answering, "Chocolate chip pancakes. Or my dear Spaghetti's dream breakfast."
"Wow," Bev laughed, "-you really are treating him well, huh?"
"Yes ma'am," he chimed, pulling out the eggs and milk from the fridge -eyeing the expiration date for a second (because of the trip).
"I checked all that shit already," Bev interrupted (she had housesat while Richie was gone), clearly catching his gaze, "-Oh! Actually-"
Richie watched her.
"This," she dug into her pocket, and pulled out a shiny key -motioning to Eddie, "-is for you, Mr. Kaspbrak."
Eddie blinked, staring at it for a few seconds. Before very gently pulling it into his hands, careful and considerate -like it was precious. Richie eyed him, something odd about his reaction.
"Ya alright, Eds?" Richie bumped their shoulders, was that too much? Did he not want one yet?
"What, yeah," Eddie cleared his throat, eyes shooting up to match Richie's and then shooting to Bev's, "-It's just... I'm really here. With you guys. With you, Richie. I'm not in New York anymore and I'm... I'm staying. That’s… I’m not fucking gonna be miserable anymore.”
Richie grinned, but before he could say anything, Bev did.
"I'm so happy for you, Eddie," Bev chimed, smiling -wrapping him into a half hug (Eddie leaned his head into her shoulder). It made Richie want puke his heart out, he loved them so fucking much.
When they separated though-
"Close your eyes and cover your ears, Ms. Marsh," he chimed, big and bright.
Eddie's eyebrows furrowed, as she scrunched up her nose, "I'll just go to the living room for a couple of minutes."
"What are you-"
Once Bev was out of the room, Richie crashed into him -pressing their lips together so quickly there was an audible click. Tipping Eddie backward until he was met with the counter, which he yelped a little at (it made Richie laugh). Eddie relaxed nearly instantly after that, hands coming up to wrap around his shoulders as Richie's landed neatly on his waist. Eddie hummed into his lips -sweetly, and it made Richie's heart flip in his chest -he wanted to hear that sound for the rest of his life. And then, Eddie was pulling back, eyeing him a little like it was all a mystery but also with a look Richie could identify as fucking dizzying affection.
"What was that about?" Eddie breathed out, and the puffs smoothed along Richie's skin.
"Our apartment," Richie hummed, kissing along his jaw, "-You're finally fucking here and it's ours. You're mine. My fucking boyfriend, in our apartment-"
Eddie giggled.
"-and you're fucking happy, and I'm taking good care of you-"
"Okay, okay," Eddie pulled his face back, smiling, "-I think that's enough. For now."
"Okay," Richie stressed, "-but later?"
"All bets are off for later," Eddie chimed back, grinning. Richie wanted to sweep him off his feet and carry him away, and he almost did it-
"You guys aren't fucking, are you?"
Richie burst into laughter, and Eddie turned a new shade of red (that Richie filed away in the Eddie files, per usual).
"Tragically no, Bevvy," he hummed, and Eddie shoved into him -hard (he honestly almost fell on his ass), "-we are decent. Despite my best efforts-"
"Shut up," Eddie hissed out, punching his shoulder -Richie only laughed harder, folding in on himself, "-You're such an asshole. I fucking hate you."
Richie made a kissy face, trying to land one on Eddie -Eddie pushed back on him, laughing, "You love me, Eds, don't lie-"
Eddie was pushing at his shoulders (not far enough to be out of his bubble, Richie noted), and laughing loud, "Get away from me, asshole-"
Richie huffed, jutting out his bottom lip (most definitely pouting), putting his hand on his head like he was a fainting damsel, "My beloved has left me stranded, without love, alone-"
Eddie was laughing harder -eyes scrunched closed, and Richie couldn't stop himself from laughing with him. And after a breath, Eddie grabbed his face and leveled it with his own -grinning so bright that Richie thought maybe he could fly.
"I love you, dickweed," Eddie laughed out, holding Richie's face so tenderly that he kinda wanted to cry.
Richie grinned, tilting his head to the side, "I love you too, Eds."
Eddie rolled his eyes, affectionately, and pulled him forward (close enough to kiss, Richie would say), "You're such a-"
"You guys are actually so sweet," Bev hummed, and they jumped in place -Eddie's hands tight on him (like he needed protecting, Richie wanted to cry his eyes out), "-it's a little disgusting."
"Awe, I'm sorry, Bev," Richie frowned, playfully, "-We can't accept a third, Eddie's territorial. Like a little chihuahua-"
"Shut up," Eddie shoved at him.
"I can tell," Bev smirked, motioning to Richie's neck (Richie's eyes dropped like he could see that shit himself), and popping a chocolate chip into her mouth, "-Tragically, I am too. So, it wouldn't work."
"Hey," Richie laughed, stepping away from Eddie but firmly wrapping an arm around his shoulders and dragging him over, "-those are our ingredients, Marsh."
"Because you were cooking, right?" she shot back but still put the bag down, "-On Eddie's face?"
"This is so embarrassing," Eddie flushed, trying to tuck himself into Richie's side even more.
"Don't be embarrassed, Eddie," Bev interrupted, soothingly, "-We're all adults here, and it's Richie. I've seen way worse."
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, "Worse?"
Bev leveled, seriously, "You don't wanna know."
Richie rolled his eyes, "She just saw me naked, Eds."
"She saw you naked?" Eddie pursed his lips.
"Indoor concert," Bev hummed, fidgeting with her nails, "-a naked indoor concert."
"I lived alone," Richie huffed out, defensive, "-I can be comfortable-"
"What song?" Eddie asked.
"I Will Survive," Bev answered, grinning a little, "-hairbrush, and off-key vocals and all."
Eddie snorted, and Richie flushed.
"Hey," he poked into Eddie's side, "-you're supposed to be on my side. Your boyfriend, remember?"
"It's funny," Eddie smiled, before leaning to pinch his cheek -nose scrunching up after a minute, "-plus, it sounds cute. Except for the naked part. Does that mean you've been naked like fucking... everywhere? That's disgusting-"
"That's not what you said last night-"
Eddie turned cherry red and frowned -the cute little one with puffed-up cheeks. Richie's fucking favorite. And then, he started swatting and shoving at Richie, and he burst into fucking laughter -dodging what he could.
"You're such a fucking dick-"
"You know you can't argue, Eds, because you were all about-"
"Boys," Bev spoke up, mid-laughter, but trying to cut it back, "-can we refocus? You guys can do your... thing, later. I'm fucking starving."
Eddie shot up, cheeks still so red (fuck, Richie loved him), and pursed his lips. Richie followed, wiping at his eyes, and shooting over to kiss his cheek once.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry, Bev," Richie exhaled, shaking his hands a few times, "-Jesus, he's a funny motherfucker."
Bev grinned, flicking a chocolate chip right at his face -it bounced onto the counter and Richie picked it up and popped it in his mouth (he could almost hear Eddie’s nose scrunch), "You're stupid in love, Tozier."
"Fuck yeah, I am," he grinned, pulling out a bowl and moving like it was the most practiced thing in the world.
"You too, Kaspbrak," Bev pointed out, and Richie went to look at him -his big brown eyes already trained on him (Richie felt his heart flutter in his chest), "-You're not getting out of this scot-free."
Eddie rolled his eyes, cheeks still dusted with a red but moving to Richie's side -dragging Richie's free hand over his shoulder-. (He probably should've said that he needed that to cook, but you know what, he could deal.) And with a breath, Eddie leaned against him -cuddled into his side, and Richie got a whiff of strawberries.
"Yeah," he finally said after a moment, "-I know."
Richie grinned so brightly it hurt, but kept moving -Eddie trying to follow the movements. When he realized that, he started slowing and explaining himself -pulling up the measuring cups and letting Eddie fill them, answering all his questions, and letting him mix. It was all the-
"Disgusting, seriously," Bev pointed out, after a moment -both of their eyes shot to her, "-but I love it. You guys are freakishly perfect for each other."
Richie opened his mouth.
"Please," Bev swatted her hand, dismissively, "-don't let me interrupt, I've already got a picture for the groupchat, continue."
reddy.bevvy ✔️
they look so happy together ☺️
big.bill ✔️
Is that a hickey?
reddy.bevvy ✔️
stan.the.man ✔️
I'm happy for them.
Patty says to tell them come visit soon.
mike.me.up ✔️
I can't believe it
trashmouth is in a cute, healthy relationship
stan.the.man ✔️
Don't know if you should call it healthy, Mike.
Patty told me to apologize.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
we should really just add her, huh ?
big.bill ✔️
Why is Eddie so red?
stan.the.man ✔️
Richie 100% made a 'last night' dick joke.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
spot on, Stanley
mike.me.up ✔️
at least it's founded
like he actually does know that
big.bill ✔️
Ew, Mike.
I'm trying to eat my wafflehouse All-Star Special.
stan.the.man ✔️
I'm sorry, you're at wafflehouse right now?
big.bill ✔️
It's only 11 dollars, Stanley.
It's a great fucking deal.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
wow, Bill your life is sadder than Richie's rn
how does that make you feel?
big.bill ✔️
Fuck you guys.
Talk to me when you have, eggs, toast, hashbrowns, a waffle, and bacon for only 11 dollars, assholes.
mike.me.up ✔️
what the fuck is happening ?
benny.boy.official ✔️
where are Richie and Eddie?
reddy.bevvy ✔️
[It was a photo of the two cooking pancakes. The batter poured onto the griddle, and Richie lightly held onto the spatula, guiding Eddie to check the bottom. Eddie was entirely focused on the task at hand (so much so his tongue was stuck out), and Richie was completely wrapped around him -eyes set on his face. Just like maybe Bev had snapped the picture at just the right moment. Richie was grinning like an idiot. Well, even more of an idiot than usual. His eyes were fucking... twinkly. Happy. Happier than he'd been in a long time.]
mike.me.up ✔️
wow, rich is a goner huh
benny.boy.official ✔️
he looks at him like he's the sun
that's so sweet !
big.bill ✔️
Shit, he's like seriously in love.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
ohhhhh yeah
this is his favorite breakfast
and they've barely gone two minutes without touching
stan.the.man ✔️
I hate that I think they're cute.
mike.me.up ✔️
anyone who has eyes would, Stan
don't beat yourself up about it
big.bill ✔️
Damn, trashmouth Tozier in love.
That's fucking insane.
stan.the.man ✔️
What's insane is you eating at wafflehouse, willingly, by yourself, Bill.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
big.bill ✔️
who said I was alone?
mike.me.up. ✔️
stan.the.man ✔️
Please tell me you did not bring a date to wafflehouse, Bill.
big.bill ✔️
stan.the.man ✔️
Even Richie is MAKING his boyfriend breakfast, Bill.
Richie Tozier is showing you up.
mike.me.up ✔️
it is kinda pathetic, Bill
I have to be honest
big.bill ✔️
Audra is enjoying her All-Star Special, thanks.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
the one with the moneybags dad ?
you took her to wafflehouse ???
big.bill ✔️
She's never been 🤷‍♂️
stan.the.man ✔️
I'm done with this conversation.
Bev, tell Richie to call me. Patty wants to talk to the two of them.
mike.me.up ✔️
no me too
there's only so much cute couple shit and Bill shenanigans I can take
I'm only a man
big.bill ✔️
reddy.bevvy ✔️
don't leave me
what the fuck am I supposed to do ?
stan.the.man ✔️
Stare at them and wish it was you.
Like everybody else.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
you're literally married ???
stan.the.man ✔️
Not me.
benny.boy.official ✔️
I can still talk, Bev !
I don't have anything for an hour or so
reddy.bevvy ✔️
thx ben
you're my hero !!!
benny.boy.official ✔️
it's no big deal
It'll be nice talking to you :)
stan.the.man ✔️
Okay, now I'm really done with this conversation.
And then, hours later.
Fuck all of you.
e.kaspbrak saved 2 photos from chat
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
Happy Smiler Creation Day!
The first date on my Valice(r) Calendar, the date that I first created a version of Smiler Always in Sims 4, and thus the general look for my OC Smiler Alton and all their various variants across the multiverse! Coincidentally, I’ve actually been doing some testing with Smilers in a couple of different “test saves” in the game recently, figuring out the best way to get a human Smiler Sim in case I want a version who isn’t a vampire for some reason, and making up some new outfits for them just for funsies. So I figured, might as well share all that with you today! :)
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First up, the result of me putting Smiler into a save and then downloading a room from the Gallery which had the vampire cure drink in it, putting it on their lot, and having them drink it. What happened was, because their yellow eyes are a vampire-only feature in-game, even though I was using them on their “regular” form, they went away after they were cured. I decided I might as well take the opportunity to decide on their natural eye color, and this was the shade of green that spoke to me.
. . .if you think Smiler looks weird with a natural eye color, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. XD I dunno what it is, but it’s just -- OFF.
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For reference, here’s a shot of a regular Smiler -- I think the difference is mainly that the yellow eyes I picked glow, so the sudden lack of extra shadows around them throws me. Fortunately, in a second “test save” (in which I just went ahead and created a full Valicer set for my library), I discovered that using MC Command Center to turn them human keeps their yellow eyes, so that’s almost certainly the method I’ll use for all future Smiler humanizings.
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Onto the outfits! Here’s one I made for my “naturally cured” Smiler while looking for an outfit that might fit them for that Blades in the Dark-inspired AU I keep poking at (really need to do a proper post on that). I’m not QUITE sure it’s right yet, but I like that vest and its purple pocket square for Smiler!
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Here’s a “classic” Smiler look that ended up getting deleted/overwritten in my Chill Save (I believe the “Smiler hoodie” outfit is now in its slot), so I wasn’t sure if you guys had seen it or not! Naturally, I tend to favor yellow with Smiler’s clothes, and I like the video game feel of this one, since it went well with The Smiler being so tech-themed.
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I stumbled across this sweater/sweatshirt thing while doing outfits for my MC Command Center Cured Smiler and immediately liked it -- can’t go wrong with yellow and black! As this was just a “hanging around the house being comfy” look, I paired it with the purple pajama pants and some yellow slippers. :p
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Another yellow-and-black sweater that I liked while poking around the various outfit categories, and some very wild pants that I thought they’d enjoy. Part of the fun of dressing Smiler is knowing they don’t particularly care about getting too matchy. XD Though I don’t think this particular combo is too horrible.
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I found this shiny formal outfit and HAD to get it for them. XD I just like the dramatic contrast between the shimmery yellow jacket and the pitch-black pants. XD Gave Smiler some dramatic eye makeup to go with it too!
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Some Vampires clothes that make for another good formal outfit -- I really like that purple vest (and hey, I just noticed it has a yellow tie!), and the pants with the faded yellow pattern are great. :D And still got the dramatic eye makeup going with it!
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Probably Smiler’s most “normal” outfit, this was out of a desire to use those purple PJ pants for actual PJs and actually go with a solid purple theme for once instead of mixing it with yellow. I like it a lot. . .which makes sense because these actually look a lot like some of my OWN pajamas. XD
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The return of the yellow vest, this time paired with yellow pants and brownish-yellow sneakers! The idea was that this was for a party that wasn’t exactly FORMAL but also wasn’t full casual. Think the pants are a bit muddy in the color, but it’ll do.
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Again, a shiny formal outfit in yellow with a black shirt was a must-get. XD Smiler will sparkle at any given opportunity, thank you. Paired with a nice top hat and some black -- sneakers? Obviously they haven’t full committed to formal with this one. XD
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A Smiler to illustrate my Christmas headcanon about them loving ugly sweaters and Christmas tat! I actually had my choice of ugly sweaters between the free “holiday” pack and Seasons, but I ended up going with this freezer-bunny-themed one because it was the right color scheme. XD Pair with a different set of PJ pants, slippers, and a knit Rudolph hat, and Smiler is ready to celebrate the season!
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And finally, a quick shot from my Chill Save Smiler themselves, because I don’t think I’ve ever shown you their main formal outfit. Yes, full tux and tails just because that one had the yellow. XD And white and gold shoes, because who wants to match their shoes to their pants? :P
So yes, that is the Smiler Look Book for the day. XD Hope you enjoyed! Happy Creation Day, buddy!
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goldenvicious · 2 years
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I posted 14,429 times in 2022
That's 6,332 more posts than 2021!
30 posts created (0%)
14,399 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 758 of my posts in 2022
#nuzlocke - 20 posts
#pokemon shield - 20 posts
#long post - 17 posts
#happy pride i guess - 3 posts
#pokemon hop - 3 posts
#isle of armor - 3 posts
#god i wish that were me - 3 posts
#same tbh - 3 posts
#me - 3 posts
#pokemon avery - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#castform. specifically castforms from alola bc it took me over 2 years to find a regular one in ultra sun. not even a shiny one
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey, new series!
Hey there, Golden Vicious here. Some of my older followers remember when I did the Ultra Moon Nuzlocke a long time ago, so guess what.
With Scarlet and Violet juuuust around the corner, i decided it's time to do another, this time with Pokemon Shield! So look out for it soon, since I'm booting up the game riiiiight...NOW!
4 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Vs: Bede + Enter: Emmet, Eastside, PoliPal and Roadblock + Rename: Lampshade -> Ingo
Once I left Stow-on-Side Stadium, Sonia and her Yamper run into me. She explains that she's here to investigate the mural here in Stow-on-Side. It's said to tell the story of Galar's Hero. Even if what's there today is actually a replica of the ancient art that used to be. Since I have a surprisingly sharp insight, she wants me to go with her to see the ruins with her. Than we heard a lound crashing sound. It sounded like it came the mural. We both go to investigate and-OH GOD DAMMIT OF COURSE IT'S BEDE.
Bede stood in front of the ancient mural, having a Copperajah destroy it. He was trying to get more Wishing Stars for the chairman. I approach him from behind, but he turns around and sees me. He thinks I'm here to get Wishing Stars to get Rose's favor. He wants to fight me in order to get me to "stop getting in his way."
You are challenged by Pokemon Trainer Bede!
His first Pokemon is Duosion, and I send out Vee. Bite knocks out Duosion in a single hit.
His next Pokemon is Gothorita, so I send out Child Safe. Shadow Ball deals high damage, but Gothorita barely survives. They strike back with a Psybeam, dealing mediocre damage. Bede used a Super Potion and I used Gust. One more Shadow Ball takes out Gothorita.
His third pokemon is a Hattena. I decide to use Princess to take Hattena out. Trop Kick deals a lot of Damage, but Hattena survives and uses Psybeam. The following Stomp finishes off Hattena.
His last 'mon is Ponyta. I decide to send out Child Safe again. Bede is getting desperate. He has to win this, he says. For the chairman. However, Ponyta goes down in a single Shadow Ball.
Bede is confused as to how he lost. He was chosen by the chairman, he was supposed to be the one to defeat the champion. And yet, I keep beating him with little to no effort.
While muttering to himself, some League Workers, Oleana, and Chairman Rose himself cane up to the mural. They all seemed upset. Oleana was suspicious of Bede when he asked to borrow Rose's Copperajah. They're shocked that he'd use the Chairman's Pokemon to destroy a historical site. But Bede doesn't care. "Who cares for some ancient ruin when the next thousand years are at stake?", he says. He than insults Oleana, calling her Simple Minded and doubting her loyalty to Rose. However...
Rose speaks up.
"It pains me to have to say this, but...I am truly disappointed. It's true that I am the one who found you, back when you were all alone..."
"I saw talent in you. You reminded me a little bit of myself back when I was young. That's why I sent you to a Trainer's School, to give you a chance at success."
"But trying to destroy the mural-part of Galar's History! You show no love towards Galar! You are clearly not a worthy challenger for the Gym Challenge. We will decide what to do with you later. For now, you will return to Hammerlocke."
Everyone was in shock. Bede was desperately hoping this was just some sort of cruel joke, but no. Bede has been disqualified from the Gym Challenge, with his endorsement from the chairman revoked. Oleana demanded that Bede hand over the Wishing Stars that Bede has collected, as well as his endorsement letter. He didn't want to, so the two League Workers had to step in and remove them by force. They also took him away. I know I hated him, but...I can't help but feel a little bad for him.
Rose spotted Sonia and I, and apologized about the situation we experienced. He never wanted to lose a challenger for this sort of reason, yet he has to do what he has to do to keep things fair and sportsmanlike. With that, Rose and Oleana leave.
Sonia says that during one of Bede's matches that she was watching, the announcer said that Bede has no family. It was Rose that took him in, so Bede was battling for the chairman's sake. This was an awful turn of events. At least the mural's alright-
And the wall fell apart. But behind the wall was a statue. A statue of two wolves, holding a sword and a shield in their mouths. Two Wolves...Two Brothers...a Sword and a Shield.
This wasn't the best turn of events, but the ruins were brought into the light for us to see. The two wolves are probably Pokemon. And they were holding the sword and shield as if they were using them. I thought the hero of galar was actually two people, just like in the tapestries. But than why would only one be depicted in the Budew Drop Inn? More than any statue of a hero or some old tapestries, these ruins made in ancient times show ys the real truth: The Sword and The Shield were Pokemon! Seems like at some point in history, the sword and shield were combined with the actual Pokemon and treated as the same thing. But than what? Did they just fade from history, list to the sands of time? Why would the truth of the ruins be hidden when their stories were depicted in artwork?
Sonia thanked me for helping her make a big discovery and told me where the next gym will be: Ballonlea. She decided to stay so she can investigate further.
I decided it was time to return to the Wild Area and the Isle of Armor to catch new Pokemon. I went to Giant's Mirror first and caught a Joltik that I named Emmet, someone I knew back from my home region of Unova. In order to make it fitting, I went back to the man in the Pokemon Center and renamed my Litwick to Ingo. Afterwards, I went to the Giant's Cap and found an East Sea Shellos. I didn't know what to name, so I called and asked my mom. She suggested Eastside. Not the worst, so sure.
I called for a flying Taxi to fly me to the Isle of Armor. I visited the Brawler's Cave and caught a Poliwag which I named PoliPal. The next are I went to was Loop Lagoon, where I caught a Mareanie that I named Roadblock. I decided to call it a day there. I've been running around for a while, so I went to the Dojo and chilled out.
4 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Evo: Goldeneye + Vs: Gym Leader Allister
After I left the Pokemon Center, I explored the small town of Stow-on-Side. At the foot of the stairway to Stow-on-Side Stadium, there was Hop. He called out to me, so I walked to him. He still seems a bit conflicted about what to do after telling me what HE told him, but the only thing he can do is get stronger, he says. He asked if he could experiment with different fighting styles against me. Sounds like fun, let's do this.
You are challenged by Pokemon Trainer Hop!
His first Pokemon was a Cramorant. My first was Dig Dug, so I switched to Child Safe, since he has a decent matchup against him. Cramorant went for a Dive, so we couldn't hit him. When he was able to attack, he had an Arrokuda in him mouth that he spit back, dealing decent damage and lowering Child Safe's Defense. Once he used Dive, I switched to Princess to resist the hit and hit back as hard as I can. Cramorant outspeeds and hits hard with a Pluck. Princess than KOs Cramorant with a Trop Kick, but gets hurt one more time from the Arrokuda.
His next pokemon is Raboot, so I send out Goldeneye to deal with them. Fortunately, Goldeneye outspeeds and Knocks them Out with one Water Pledge. His next is Silicobra, so I keep Goldeneye in. Water Pledge deals with them easily.
His final Pokemon is a Toxel, so I switch to Dig Dug. Since I'm straight up Immune to both of Toxel's typings, I set up with a Hone Claws. Toxel's flail deals a single point of damage. High Horsepower takes care of Toxel.
Once Goldeneye hit Level 35, he started glowing. It's time for him to be on par with the rest of my team. My starter, reaching his final form.
Congratulations! Your Goldeneye evolved into Inteleon!
I also taught him his signature move: Snipe Shot.
Hop's strategy goes down the drain when his head is full of bad thoughts, he admits. He tried switching pokemon to have a possible advantage in any matchup, but they still couldn't get it together. He thinks that's why he's still so weak. However, Leon is a great trainer. Hop doesn't want people to be laughing at him all because he, his little brother, is a bad battler. So Hop's gonna try hard, harder, and harder until no one is laughing. Hop sets off to find Pokemon that he can really draw the strength out of.
Opal suddenly appears next to me, talking about Hop and how gym challengers should battle for their Pokemon's sake. She gave me Allister's League Card and rushed me to the gym.
Once I was inside, I changed into my League Uniform and asked the Gym Trainer at the front to let me challenge the gym. I also switched around my team a little and Vee is in front and gave her the Black Glasses.
The League Worker at the start of every mission explained this one: ride one of the spinning cups and make my way to the Goal while trying to avoid the obstacles. I have to rotate the wheel in the center to go left and right.
The first Cup wasn't too hard. A few obstacles, a few bumps, but overall not too bad. Before I could make it to the second cup, I had to fight a gym trainer.
His first Pokemon was a Pumpkaboo, which was an easy KO for Vee. Next up was a Phantump, another KO for Vee. Finally, another Pumpkaboo, but bigger in size. Another free KO.
The next obstacle course introduced some pushing hands, adding some extra challenge. Still, I beat it easily. Getting Dizzy due to all the spinning, though.
Another Gym Trainer challenged me. She sent out a Corsola, but this one was different from the ones I've seen in Alola. Vee used Bite, dealing Super Effective Damage, but Corsola Disabled it. I decided to use Fire Fang to finish them off.
I switched Vee with Child Safe. Ghost v Ghost is a Double-Edged Sword, but I'm feeling confident.
Third Obstacle Course. There were a lot more of those hands, and the end part was just a bunch of them pushing me in a circle. Also, one last Gym Trainer.
He sent out Haunter, which I know is a strong attacker. I decided to stay in with Child Safe and used Shadow Ball. Child Safe outspeeds and Kocks them out without suffering any damage. Next up was an opposing Drifblim. Child Safe used Shadow Ball, lowering the opponent's Special Defense, and the opponent's Drifblim used Stockpile. One last Shadow Ball took them out.
Now, I made it to the end of the gym mission. I walk up the stairs and through the door. If this goes successfully, this shall be my fourth Gym Badge. I take a breath, adjust my team order, and head out into the field.
I saw Allister in the center of the field. Once I got there, he introduced himself. He seems nervous, but we both go to our side, ready to battle.
You are challenged by Gym Leader Allister!
I decide to make Goldeneye's battling debut as an Inteleon by sending him out first. Allister sends out a Yamask. Goldeneye takes aim and uses Snipe Shot on Yamask. It's a critical hit, shattering the rune that Yamask holds and knocks him out.
His next Pokemon is a very threatening one: Mimikyu. I decide to send out my own threat, Dig Dug. To make sure I can land my 95% accurate moves, I use Hone Claws. But first, Mimikyu uses Baby Doll Eyes, attempting to lower my attack. The interaction ended up resulting in my only having a +1 accuracy boost. Next turn, Mimikyu uses their own Hone Claws while I hit them with Metal Claw, breaking their Disguise. Mimikyu uses Shadow Sneak, dealing decent damage. Dig Dug than Knocks them out with one more Metal Claw.
Allister's third pokemon was one I haven't heard of before: Cursola. It looks like an evolved Corsola. I decided to send out Vee to handel them. Vee used Bite and Knocked them Out in one hit. Cursola is probably strong, but frail.
Allister sends out his final Pokemon, Gengar, so I send out my strongest from the Isle of Armor: Striker. We both decide, it's our final pokemon. It's time to go big. I Dynamax striker and he Gigantamaxes Gengar, muttering to himself to "Swallow everything in Darkness." So I decide to use his words against him and have Striker use Max Darkness, knocking out Gengar.
Allister almost lost his mask due to the shock and the explosion. He walks up to me and gives me the Ghost Badge. We shake hands. Man, this kid either is very shy or very direct. Either way, he doesn't talk much. He wishes me luck on everything, and we part ways. The Gym Trainer at the entrance also gives me TM 77: Hex and a Ghost Gym Uniform an rewards for beating the gym. Man, I'm rolling through these. The gym challenge is actually pretty fun.
Post Gym Team:
See the full post
4 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
All My Pokemon
Wow, I've caught quite a few Pokemon for my Nuzlocke. I've decided to do what I did for Ultra Moon: Make a list of All Of Them. I've also decided to split them based on Where I caught them: Base Galar or the Isle of Armor.
Team: Inteleon(Goldeneye), Flareon(Vee), Tsareena(Princess), Excadrill(Dig Dug), Togekiss (Snips) and Urshifu(Striker).
In the PC Boxes
Caught in Galar: Chewtle(Leo), Dracovish(Abomination), Growlithe(Blitzo), Dottler(Einstein), Skwovet(Alvin), Applin(Doctor), Pancham(Punk), Vanillite(Chocolate), Wimpod(Guzma Jr.), Impidimp(Troll), Vulpix(Firefox), Arrokuda(Arrowhead), Drifblim(Child Safe), Litwick(Ingo), Dwebble(Sheltered), Sneasel(Frostbite), Rhyhorn(Knucklehead), Galarian Slowpoke(BroBro), Durant(Kevin), Joltik(Emmet), Shellos(Eastside) and Indeedee (M'Lady)
Caught in the Isle of Armor: Bulbasaur(Greenbean), Alolan Meowth(Purrfect), Alolan Vulpix(Snowstorm), Alolan Sandshrew(Igloo), Slowpoke(Slow&Steady), Magnemite(SNES), Wooper(Gooper), Vullaby(BoneGatherer), Fomantis(False Bug), Lillipup(Pupper), Jigglypuff(Balloon), Cubone(Bonehead), Happiny(Joy), Poliwag(PoliPal), and Mareanie(Roadblock)
Pigeon the Pidove. Cause of Death: Max Strike from Milo's Eldegoss.
4 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Start of a new adventure/Enter: Goldeneye
After my Alolan Adventures, I decided it's time to take a trip to a new location: the region if Galar. (Due to international flight laws, I couldn't take any of my Pokemon with me. I left Head Honcho the Murkrow and Bwark the Primarina in charge of the Poke Pelago and Professor Kukui in charge of the League. He's actually a strong battler, so I feel like it's safe in his hands) On the flight there, I decided to watch a promotional vide of the region, made by a person named Chairman Rose. He went on and on about how the Pokemon of the region helped form the world around them, which is nice. I also watched the exhibition match between the region's undefeated champion, Leon, and another trainer named Raihan. That's when I first saw this region's special gimmick: The Dynamax Phenomenon.
Once we landed in Galar, my mother and I looked for a vacant house to stay in. There was one available in a small town name Postwick, so we decided to stay there. The day after we moved in and set up some furniture we took with me, I heard knocking at the door. Mom answered it, and it was the next-door neighbor's kid, named Hop. As it turns out, Hop is the younger brother of the champion! How cool is that! It turns out that Leon was visiting Postwick soon, and since I'm the champion of Alola, he wants me to meet him. I grabbed my bag and a hat I bought from a nearby store yesterday and got ready to meet him.
Once I made it outside, I took a look around me. Postwick is actually pretty lovely to be in, even with the nearby forest that I occasionally hear howling from actually it's no longer as lovely now. Aaaaaand there's a small sheep Pokemon trying to burst into the woods by breaking down the gate. Great...
Hop noticed the little sheep and told me its name: Wooloo. Even though they're a little dumb, they're very cute. Also the nearby woods are called the Slumbering Weald.
Since Leon isn't coming in till later, we decided to hang out at his house for a bit. I met Hop and Leon's mom, and she was very nice to me.
A while later, we got news that Leon arrived in the nearby town of Wedgehurst. Turns out Leon has a terrible sense of direction, so Hop's mom told us to go to Wedgehurst to escort him back here. Hop's mom will prepare a barbecue for us while we're gone. With food on the line, I immediately go with Hop.
I'm honestly a bit scared to go through Route 1 since I don't have my own Pokemon at the moment. I remember getting attacked by a Yungoos back in Alola when I also didn't have my own Pokemon. Fortunately, there was a straight path from here to Wedgehurst that didn't have any grass to cross, so it was 100% safe.
Once we arrived in Wedgehurst, there was a crowd surrounding the train station. It was no surprise why, everyone wanted to see Leon in person. He also had his ace Pokemon out, his Charizard. He was having a good time talking with the locals :)
After watching for a bit, we decides it's time to take him home. Hop called out to Leon and he spotted us. They were having a sibling moment when they got close. After that, he spotted me and instantly recognized me. Apparently, he's heard a lot about me, such as how I'm the Champion of Alola and how I saved Alola from the attack of other worldly Pokemon.
After the introductions, Hop bet that he could make it back to his house before us and immediately bolted. Leon made a small comment on how Hop always tries to be the best and how with a proper rival, he could become something truly special. With that, he bid farewell to the people of Wedgehurst and we both ran back home.
Once we arrived, Leon told Hop that he had a present for us: our own Starter Pokemon. With that, he sent out 3 Pokemon: The Grass-Type Pokemon Grooky, The Fire-Type Pokemon Scorbunny, and the Water-Type Pokemon Sobble. Once they were out, they roamed around in Hop's backyard and interacted with each other. During their interaction, I completely fell in live with Sobble. Once Leon told us to pick one, Hop let me pick first since he already had his own Wooloo. I immediately went for Sobble and chose my nickname for him: Goldeneye.
After that, Hop chose Scorbunny as his partner Pokemon. Grooky was standing there all on his own after that, so Leon decided to take him under his (figurative) and Charizard's (literal) wing. So now, everyone has a Pokemon! After we all got a new Pokemon, both Hop and Leon's mom and my mom called us to eat. We had Kebabs. It was nice.
The next day, we met up in Hop's yard again. We talked about how we bonded with our Pokemon and how with enough training, we might even be able to rival Leon. After a little bit, Hop decided to declare me his first Rival! With that, we decided to have our first battle together.
Once we started our battle, I realized immediately that I'm at a disadvantage: Hop has 2 Pokemon, I have 1. I sent out Goldeneye and he lead with his Wooloo. His Wooloo is level 3 while Goldeneye is Level 5, so at least i have the immediate level advantage. After trading Pounds and Tackles (as well as using growl at the start), Goldeneye was victorious, but at half hp. Fortunately, Wooloo was enough Exp to level up to Level 6. At that level, Goldeneye learned Water Gun.
After Wooloo came Scorbunny, but Goldeneye took him out in 2 swift Water Guns, only suffering a single Tackle. With Scorbunny's defeat, Goldeneye made it to Level 7. I was victor in our first ever battle. After our match, Hop awarded me with 400 PokeDollers.
Leon congratulated us on our first ever battle and healed both of our Pokemon back to full. He even formally asked me to be Hop's Rival, so how could I turn him down. Then they both started talking about letting Hop into the Gym Challenge. But before we can join the Gym Challenge, we need a Pokedex. There's a professor in Wedgehurst that can give us our Pokedex, so we should head there soon. I was about to go home to tell my mom, but Hop and I heard a loud crash. As it turns out, the Wooloo from yesterday made it through the gates and into the Slumbering Wield. Even if the area is prohibited from entering, there's no way we're letting that poor Wooloo get hurt. We both run in after it.
When we entered, a heavy fog set in, making it hard to see forward. As we went in deeper, I encountered a few Pokemon I haven't seen before, such as a little Squirrel Pokemon named Skwovet and a small bird Pokemon named Rookidee. While walking through the Forest, we heard ominous howling every so often. The deeper we went, the heavier the fog. It got to the point that i could barely see my own hand in front of my face. When we were pretty deep into the woods, we were face-to-face with an unknown Pokemon. It let out a loud howl and forced us to fight it.
I sent out Goldeneye to fight it and Hop sent out Scorbunny. We both lead with Growl...but it had no effect?! The Pokemon stared right at us... I followed up with Pound and Scorbunny tried using Tackle, but both moves just went right through it! Suddenly, the fog got incredibly heavy, making it harder to see. I told Goldeneye to use Water Gun and could barely hear Hop tell Scorbunny to use Ember. I heard both moves be used, but I'm guessing nothing happened. The fog got incredibly thick soon after, and...it's hard to remember what happened next. All I remember next is feeling something hard hitting me on the head and losing consciousness.
Eventually, I woke up next to Hop on the floor. It turns out we both passed out. Soon after waking up, we head Leon call out for both of us and running towards us. While we were discussing what happened, the Wooloo we were looking for approached us. I was relieved, but Leon gave us an earful for running off. But he does understand why, and even complimented us on our bravery and courage, so there was no consequences. He's just glad we're (mostly) okay. We immediately left with the Wooloo in hand. I decided to head home and tell my mom that I'm off to start another adventure.
If the encounter in the Woods is anything to go off of, I can tell this will be one wild adventure.
5 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
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nauticalmyles · 9 months
January 4, 2024
Pokemon Sleep
Got Spheal's 3* sleep so now have 4/4 sleep styles.
Got another Shiny Ekans. Such a weird disappointment getting a shiny you already have. Like sure it's a shiny but couldn't it be a different one? At least it has better subskills than my other one.
Pokemon GO
New hatch: Riolu
New avatar item: FENDI collab hoodie. Found out that same hoodie would be $1250 irl. A shirt with the same design is $850. A handbag in the same line is $4000. Who buys these things?
Binding of Isaac: Repentance
No luck with more Keeper - Mother runs today. Most ended even before the Mom fights.
Keeper + Ipecac + Monstro's Lung isn't a great combo but somehow was my farthest run, dying to Mother.
Spoilers for Breaker of Horizons and Octopath Traveler II below
Breaker of Horizons: A LitRPG Adventure
Nic risks his life trying to kill a group of people that were already wounded. After almost dying, he gains a companion AI called Sophia. After playing around with Sophia's abilities for a bit he starts climbing a huge tree. Partway up he makes a map and meets a friendly spider. Even further up he is attacked by and kills a mantis-person. Even further up he finds a group of Mantis-people led by a Mantis-princess. They talk about her bowl that has a tiny world and creates treasure after putting treasure in. Then he jumps off the tree, vowing to come back when he's stronger.
Pathos and Logos are really cool names for what I assume to be god-like figures. Wonder if Ethos and Kairos make an appearance too.
Don't really get why some people seem to retain their previous form and some don't.
I know I'm still early in the book but I feel like I haven't connected with Nic yet.
Octopath Traveler II
Throné - Episode 2: Father's Route
Throné finds Father and does a job with him intending to betray him as soon as an opportunity arises. Turns out Father knew and sorta betrays Throné, sorta not. Tells her to meet him in another place. Oh yeah, and the job was to kill some sex traffickers.
It's always so weird when a cutscene says "Oh you came alone" and then out of the cutscene there's like 6 people (party + recruits).
Permanently having Ochette and her being kinda dumb is great for these banter sections.
In a game with great VAs, the VA for the captured girl was especially good.
Was way over-leveled for the boss fight (level 30) but doing max damage with Ochette's latent power feels good.
I think Throné's story might be the least interesting to me so far.
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eva-knits12 · 1 year
A Surprise Baby Shower with a Gender Reveal
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Summary: Eva and Colin have a surprise in store.
Trigger warning: Fluff, with some medical stuff, mentions of morning sickness, and the flu.
It's already fall, and right now, I'm five months along. My wonderful fiancee Colin and I have already moved into our small house a month ago, and I can't believe it's November already. I can't believe Colin saved up for a ring, and we had booked a venue months ago. I can't believe our wedding is still six months away, in which our little bean will have already been born, and will be two months old. Our baby is due in the beginning of March, and in May, Colin and I will be husband and wife. Plus, it's my birthday today, and Colin had just proposed to me this morning.
Dickens was resting on by my feet, his tail wagging. Colin and I had just given Dickens his morning walk after we ate our breakfast. Ever since we found out that I'm pregnant, Dickens rarely leaves my side.
"It's a big day for us, Eva. Today we find out if we're having a boy or a girl", said Colin, with excitement in his eyes.
"Happy birthday, my beautiful mom-to-be", said Colin, giving me a loving kiss.
"Thank you, honey" I said.
"Before we go to our appointment today, I love you so much. You've been with me through thick and thin, even when everyone had turned their back on me, and I felt alone and lost. You didn't make me feel alone and lost, you made me feel loved and whole, and you are one strong lady. You are one funny lady, and I am honored that I met you, and I deserve you, and so much more, " said Colin, kissing me again.
"Colin, I love you so much," I said, tearing up.
"Shh, don't cry right now, "Colin said, wiping my tears away with his thumb.
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"You love me, even when I don't love myself. You pick me up when I'm sad, you listen to me, and are always there for me," said Colin, kneeling down on one knee in our kitchen. He dug a small, black velvet box out of his pocket, and opened it.
"Will you marry me, Eva?" asked Colin.
"Colin, yes," I said, tearing up at his words, and beautiful proposal.
"Happy birthday, future mom to be", said Colin, kissing me again.
"I love you, future dad to be", I said, kissing him again. I looked at the shiny new piece of jewelry that sat on the third finger of my left hand, that Colin had slid on moments ago.
Dickens barked.
"I think someone's happy for us already, aren't you Dickens?" Colin said, scratching the dog behind his ears,
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"Colin, I'm both nervous and excited. Everyone on both sides of our families is popping out boy after boy, I'm convinced there must be testosterone in the water. There needs to be some estrogen in here," I said, not meaning to be funny, but Colin found that rather humorous.
"Okay, okay. We'll go to Doctor Espisito this morning, as scheduled, then we go to my parents house for dinner tonight. You know my mom, she threw me a huge birthday party, and now she's giving us a baby shower, and throwing you a birthday party at the same time" said Colin, as he grabbed my left hand, intertwining my fingers with his, and kissing the third finger on my left hand, where my gold, princess cut engagement ring sat.
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Colin helped me in the car, and helped get my seatbelt over my five months pregnant belly. I rubbed my belly, smiling excitedly.
"Mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you, little bean", I said, talking to my belly.
Colin leaned down, giving my pregnant belly a kiss, and then placing his hand on my belly. I had my hand on my belly, rubbing it, when we both felt a little thump.
"Honey, what was that?" Colin asked, excitedly.
"I think our baby just kicked for the first time," I said.
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Colin kissed my bump, right where our little bean just kicked.
"Good morning, little bean", Colin said, lovingly.
After we arrived and checked in with Dr. Espisito, we sat down, and waited in the waiting room. I pulled out the baby sweater that I was working on while Colin busied himself by reading the book he had brought along.
After twenty minutes, the nurse called us back, and got us into the exam room. Colin helped me get up on the exam table, and sat in the chair that was next to the table, giving me a kiss on my forehead.
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"Whatever we have, boy or girl, just remember I love you, my future wife," said Colin, lovingly. I smiled, as I got a big kick out of that.
"I love you, my future husband," I said, lovingly.
Colin smiled a wide smile again. He got a big kick out of that. He then grabbed my hand, intertwining my fingers with his.
After a while, Doctor Espisito and the knocked on the door, and I told them to come in.
Doctor Espisito and the nurse took all the measurements, and asked me all of the basic questions, and I answered. They were really concerned with my morning sickness a few months ago, as it hadn't gotten better for a while. Eventually, I had to be hospitalized with hypermesis gravidium, which is the morning sickness from hell. It's not just your average, run of the mill morning sickness, it's WAY worse than that.
I even told them that the baby kicked for the first time, and that was an event that was amazing and really cool.
"Well, I'm still concerned about that, even though you're doing better right now. You haven't had any symptoms for the last two months, but I'm still concerned, as it can return."
Her nurse, was busy taking my blood pressure, and even asked me to pee in the cup, since I really had to pee, and was about to pee myself if I didn't get to a bathroom soon.
"Well, that's good. That just means that the baby is sitting on your bladder right now," said Doctor Espisito.
"I'll put this over here, so we can test it", said the nurse.
"You are running a low-grade fever, so I'm concerned about that. It's most likely nothing to worry about," said Doctor Espisito.
The doctor and the nurse tested my pee sample, and discovered something on my chart that raised concern.
"Eva, we don't want to alarm you, but the reason for your low-grade fever is that you have the flu right now, said Doctor Espisito, concern in her voice.
"How is that possible when you're pregnant?" asked Colin.
"It's very common, especially with pregnant women. It just means that she couldn't get her flu shot, as scheduled:, said Doctor Espisito.
Oh, I mean with the baby and all, and this pregnancy being completely unplanned, I'll start using condoms again from now on," Colin said. I couldn't help but laugh when Colin said that.
"What, honey?" asked Colin, a smile spreading across his face.
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"Okay, after the shower, I'll make sure you get plenty of rest, and drink plenty of fluids, and have plenty of chicken soup", said Colin.
"Sounds like a plan," I said, laughing at my fiancee. Colin always has a way of making me laugh, even in the most serious of situations.
"Okay, I'll bring in the ultrasound, and get the ultrasound tech", said the nurse.
A few minutes later, the ultrasound tech and the nurse came in the room with the machine. The nurse helped spread the cold jelly on my stomach, and the ultrasound tech started to look around, waving the transducer wand over my belly.
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"Everything looks good so far, " said Doctor Espito, looking at the ultrasound on her tablet.
"Do you want to know the gender?" said the ultrasound tech.
"YES!" Colin and I both said in unison.
"Okay, usually I give couples a few minutes to discuss things, but I can tell you're both eager beavers," said the ultrasound tech.
"Everything looks good, and the baby is in position, and your baby will be a healthy, strong, amazing baby girl", said the ultrasound tech.
"We're having a girl!" Colin and I both said, in unison.
"The string has been broken," Colin said, his lips crashing onto mine.
"I love you, future girl dad", I said.
"I love you, future girl mom," said Colin, his lips crashing on mine again,
"Okay, do you want the print out?" said Doctor Espisito.
"Yes!" Colin and I both said.
"Based on the way you were so sick, I knew it was a girl," said the nurse. "My sister wasn't as sick as you were, Eva, but she was still sick, she knew it was a girl. My mom was really sick with both me and my sister, and she knew it was a girl. I was really sick with my daughter, Jojo, and I knew it was a girl," said Jennifer, my nurse. It turned out, we both grew up in Detroit, and our paths crossed in elementary school, but we didn't realize we knew each other then when our paths crossed in adulthood.
"Okay, so the old wives tales are true", I said.
"There is some truth to them", said Doctor Espisito. "They're still not accurate, but they do hold a lot of truth. But every pregnancy is so different", said Doctor Espisito.
"We'll make your next appointment, and then we'll start discussing a birth plan, and go over several birthing options", said Doctor Espisito.
I made the next appointment, scheduled a month from now.
Colin helped me back in the car, helping me with my seatbelt, kissing my belly again.
"Okay, our next stop is your mom's," I said.
"Honey, you have the flu. I can always call my mom, and she can postpone this," said Colin. "I just want you to get better," said Colin, giving me another kiss to the forehead.
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When we got to my future Mother-in-law's, she had everyone gather in the living room.
"Given the way she was sick during the first three months, and had to be in hospital, I know what she's having," said Esther, in her Irish brogue. "Besides, I was never that sick with the boys."
"I just know it's a girl," said Joan.
"Yeah, it's a girl, definitely a girl", said Jenny, my best friend.
"Shh, they'll be here any minute, said Esther.
John looked out the window, and saw our car pull into the driveway.
"They're here!" said John.
"Surprise! Happy birthday, Eva!" said everyone.
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"You guys didn't have to do this!" I said, Colin placing one hand on my back, the other he placed on my growing bump.
"Let's have our lunch first, and then we'll get the shower/birthday party started." Jenny said.
Esther had made sure to get some warm corned beef sandwiches with cabbage, and some vegetable soup for the birthday party/baby shower.
We all ate our lunch, and Esther asked if I was okay.
"The baby's fine, but when Colin and I get home, I'm to go straight to bed," I said.
"Are you sick, dear?" asked Esther.
"Esther, I have the flu. Luckily, the doctor knew it was the flu, and there just isn't much that we can do, with me being pregnant, and all." I said,
Colin joined his dad and his brothers in the den for a while, so we all eat and gossip for a while.
After a while, Colin came out, and helped me with everything.
"Okay, everyone! Colin and I will do the gender reveal", I said, with Colin holding the envelope.
Colin handed me the envelope, and I slowly opened it, being careful not to rip the contents inside.
"Colin and I are having a girl!" I said.
"We knew it!" said Jenny.
"Okay, let's open the gifts, and then we'll have the cake", said Esther.
Colin, Esther, John, and his brothers all helped me with the gifts. I got so much birthday gifts and baby shower gifts. I didn't know how Colin and I were going to get this home.
After everything, Colin helped me get in the car, and I fell asleep on the way home. Colin leaned over to help me get my seat belt off, and picked me up, and carried me back inside the house. He then put my pajamas on, and put a garbage can next to me, given that I had the flu and everything.
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For the next few days, Colin made sure I stayed in bed, brought me plenty of chicken soup, and refused to leave my side. Dickens was always on the bed, resting his head on my stomach, and making sure that his new human-to-be would always be protected.
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yokefellows · 1 year
Two Powerful Steps for When You’re Uncertain and rots
Today’s Saying
When we reach out to people who love us and love the Lord, they can be the trustworthy sources of wisdom and support we can rely on.
Today’s Scripture
“Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: ‘Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.’” Esther 4:15-16 (NIV)
Today’s Sermonette
Instead of seeing Esther as a queen with a tiara, see her as a woman like you. A woman with uncertainty swirling around her.
When Esther was asked by her uncle Mordecai to go to her husband, the king, to interrupt a genocidal plot, she was wise.
Esther 4:15-16 tells us, “Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai:
‘Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.’”
Before charging into a risky act with an undetermined outcome, she took two powerful steps. This is a path we can follow today to steady us in uncertainty.
Pause for the plan.
Esther didn’t react immediately. She paused. It wasn’t a passive pause, though; Esther took three days to fast, a scriptural practice of abstaining from food to hear from God.
Instead of flailing ahead with our own ideas and agendas, let’s follow Esther’s example by getting quiet, sharpening our spiritual hearing, and watching for God’s perfect plan.
Lean on your people.
When Esther paused, she didn’t do it alone. She did it with her community.
Esther’s story encourages us to lean into the people around us for support; however, there’s one caveat. Let’s make sure to choose our people wisely.
When we reach out to people who love us and love the Lord, they can be the trustworthy sources of wisdom and support we can rely on.
A spiritually mature community can be one of God’s most precious gifts in uncertain times.
If you’ve found yourself in uncertainty already this year, groaning inwardly that you don’t have any shiny resolutions to share, don’t despair.
Being uncertain and unresolved can lead us to a place of beautiful dependence on God and others.
It’s there that we begin to pause instead of plowing forward. It’s there that we become determined to keep our community close.
Today’s Supplication
Father, it’s been hard to feel so unsure of the future this year. In a season usually regarded as a fresh start, I’ve been unable to move forward. But thank You for Your Word that always paves the way for me! I pause to listen for Your voice, and I commit to invite my community to join me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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i-am-a-sandshrew · 2 years
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I posted 562 times in 2022
That's 562 more posts than 2021!
140 posts created (25%)
422 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 100 of my posts in 2022
#sandshrew - 67 posts
#asks - 12 posts
#shuppet - 5 posts
#pmseymourva - 5 posts
#hatenna - 4 posts
#magikarp - 4 posts
#crime! - 3 posts
#cupcakes - 3 posts
#grubbin - 2 posts
#petilil - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#lots of people have been misgendering sandshrew so i thought i’d let everybody know
My Top Posts in 2022:
we’re gonna dig today!
i help you find shinies!
first you need soft ground! we go to beach!
37 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
*is still covered in dirt.* Pah! are you sure it's safe to go spooky mansion alone? maybe I come with. *uses pyro ball & accidentally hardens muddy dirt, falling over.* (QwQ) Help!
oh! lemme help!
*dusts you off* there! come, let’s go spooky mansion!
careful! Gengar Pokemon not ver friendly…
AAAA there one now!
@i-am-a-shuppet little help Shuppet friend?
43 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
digging is getting boring…
i wanna do something new!
climbing trees!
47 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
i found this weird thing, looks kind of like a potato!
wanna eat it?
ooooh look! another Voltorb potato!
68 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
guess what’s better than one potato!!!
80 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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racheljoy · 2 years
53 years ago today on August 9, 1969, pregnant Sharon Tate, 18 year old Steve Parent, celebrity hairstylist Jay Sebring, Wojciech Fryowski and his girlfriend Abigail Folger had their lives taken.
I am an informational blog but you can find all there is to know about this case anywhere online. I want these people to rest in peace and not reduce them to only murder victims.
I present you with some facts about Sharon Tate, whether or not you know them. I am all for her being remembered as the person she was and not what happened to her.
Sharon Tate was an amazing actress who was most famous for her role in Valley of the Dolls (1967) and marrying director Roman Polanski who she was going to share a son with. May we remember her amazing work and how much of a warm, gentle and gorgeous person she was.
1. She was a pageant QUEEN and started when she was only 6 months old. She won the ‘Miss Tiny Tot of Dallas’ pageant and in 1959 alone, she won 5 different beauty pageants.
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2. She attended an American high school in Italy and graduated after a year of attending.
3. During her time in Italy, she discovered a movie Hemingway’s Adventures of a Young Man was being filmed and landed herself as an extra. This is what helped her break into acting.
4. Sharon was on her high school’s basketball team, was a cheerleader, a baton twirler, served on the student council and starred as Juliet in the school’s play of Romeo and Juliet. She was also elected homecoming queen and senior prom queen, obviously.
5. Sharon had a lack of self confidence and a lot of people doubted her, including filmmaker and director of Eye of the Devil, J. Lee Thompson who considered firing her from the project. She proved him wrong and as soon as he saw her act, he found her ‘tremendously exciting’.
6. She often went without makeup but when it came to lipstick, she used Vaseline instead to keep her lips shiny.
7. Sharon was pro-nudity and thought of it as part of the job. She posed nude for a 1967 issue of Playboy to promote Roman Polanski’s film that she starred in.
8. Sharon’s work has inspired iconic characters including Felicity Shagwell from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and Malibu Barbie!
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9. Sharon was close to landing the lead role of Rosemary’s Baby but director Roman Polanski felt that their relationship made it impossible to suggest her for the role. Instead, she is an uncredited extra in the film.
10. While filming Don’t Make Waves, she was wearing a parachute that deployed at the wrong time. This was a near death experience that she luckily escaped.
11. There is a rumour that Elizabeth Taylor wouldn’t work with Sharon who was set to have a small, walk-on role in The Sandpiper because Taylor wasn’t a fan of having a young, pretty actress like Sharon on set.
12. She was nominated for a Golden Globe for her role in Valley of the Dolls.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Slow Burn - 3 (Endeavor x OC)
Months have passed since the war. The heroes won, but there's still rebuilding efforts to be completed. And not just buildings and cities.
Maemi Ono is one therapist, among many from her US-based agency, who is chosen to treat Class 2-A (previously Class 1-A) as a group and Dabi, of the former League of Villains, individually. However, with the war still fresh in his head and suspicions high, Endeavor isn't so sure Miss Ono's intentions are entirely as good as they seem.
When Maemi's past rears its head, will it prove Endeavor correct? Or will it pull Maemi further into Endeavor's orbit?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 (coming soon)
Part 3: Hot Flash
An hour after arriving, Maemi and Endeavor found themselves riding the ferris wheel together. Yet another group of teenagers had snagged the two adults, guiding them toward this ride soon after they’d disembarked a roller coaster. Considering how quickly the two were being escorted to new rides, Maemi wondered if it was all carefully orchestrated to keep Endeavor away from Shoto. It was very likely, she decided, knowing how Class 2, as a whole, operated.
Despite their disagreements and often theatrical rivalries, the kids had each others’ backs.
And who was Maemi to dissuade their antics? At least Endeavor had deigned it favorable to start riding, rather than leering at the mechanical rides as Maemi enjoyed herself. 
Of course, his companionship was a bit painful on a slow-moving ride like the ferris wheel. Endeavor sat in the car, arms crossed and silent. Just staring. 
“Oh, we’re at the top,” Maemi said, if only to fill the silence with something amiable as the ride, once more, stopped. She stared out over the world spread out below them. Across long stretches of cement, the ocean could be seen, blue and shiny in the bright sunny day. Ocean birds dotted the sky and cloud inched overhead.
Maemi’s words stirred Endeavor from his mind, where he had been mentally gnawing over cases or creating to-do lists for his sidekicks upon his return from the frivolous field trip. His eyes swung over to Maemi. Not meaning to sound irritated, but succeeding in doing so, he huffed, “So?” 
“You know that silly trope in romance comics and shows.” Maemi laughed, thinking of the collection of comics and novels and movies she had accrued from the students this year alone. With a lackadaisical gesture, she waved her hand. “You’re supposed to be kissed at the top of ferris wheels and it’s supposed to be super romantic.
“In my experience, it’s usually too windy and you have to shout to be heard, but today is pretty nice.” Maemi smiled, thinking of how many students were probably hoping for that warm and fuzzy kiss at the top of the ferris wheel. Oh, to be young and eager for those little moments. Her eyes flickered back to their window, to the horizon ahead. “Maybe someone will get that shoujo comic kiss.”
While Maemi was fondly remembering the days of crush-induced palpitations and romantic daydreams, Endeavor narrowed his eyes. The way she spoke of this common trope of romantic media, it sounded wistful. “Do you want to be kissed right now?” 
The air in the ferris wheel car went cold, Maemi’s eyes widening as she registered the man’s question.
“What?!” Maemi spun around to face Endeavor. Affronted heat licked across her face, coloring her cheeks an equally mortified and taken aback red. “No! What sort of question is that?!” 
“You mentioned it.” He shrugged, but tension wrought along his shoulders, momentarily regretting even asking the question. Stubbornness swept the remorse away. It was a perfectly fine question to ask and Miss Ono’s reaction was unnecessary, he decided.
“I was just making commentary!” At the back of her head, Maemi knew how she sounded. And it made her flush all the worse. The more logical part of her brain chalked it up to her students’ emotions finally sinking their teeth into her. “Plus it’s probably something on my students’ minds, too.” 
“You can read minds now?” Endeavor cocked a critical eyebrow at her.
Maemi wanted to groan as the sunlight caught the man’s eyes just right, making them all the clearer. 
“No, I just…” Her words trailed off as she took a deep breath, closing her eyes. His eyes were unnerving her. She pressed her hands to her burning cheeks, the cool skin of her palms trying to calm her frazzled nerves. “I like to be aware of how they’re processing their lives. Media tends to play a big part in that.” 
“I see.” He stared at Miss Ono, with her eyes closed and cheeks a tender pink between splayed fingers. As her eyes opened, sunlight streaming behind her and the ocean far off in the distance, he decided she was right. It was a lovesick teenager’s fantasy set-up, the top of a ferris wheel, alone with another person in an enclosed place. If asked later, Endeavor couldn’t begin to explain why he continued to speak. “Kind of sounded like you wanted to be kissed.” 
“Well I don’t!” The flush bit across her cheeks, with renewed vigor at his words. Her shoulders stiff, Maemi swung her face away from Endeavor and crossed her own arms. “I’m done talking to you.” 
“I find that hard to believe,” Endeavor scoffed, rewarding him with Maemi spinning back around to shoot a glare at him. She opened her mouth, ready to bite out a retort. But the man’s eyebrows arching upward, the faintest sensation of a smirk waiting to break over his lips, made her mouth clamp shut. 
Maemi ‘hmphed’ and turned back to the window, glaring as the slow moving ride eventually returned them to the start. All the while, she could feel Endeavor’s eyes on her back. Waves of his curiosity and pensiveness licked along her spine, peppered with that ever present suspiciousness. 
By the time the ride made its full rotation, and the operator opened the door for them, Maemi was desperate to escape the stuffy confines. She climbed from the car, her footfalls thumping loudly on the hard plastic. 
“Hey, Miss Maemi, you’re lookin’ pretty flushed!” From the line, Sero flashed the school therapist a big, shiteating grin. His tone teasing and singsong. “Something happen up there?” 
She didn’t even turn to face the boy, embarrassment already burning her face up. Instead, she spat out the first excuse she thought. “Hot flash!” 
“What’s that?” Sero boldly turned to Endeavor, who was slower to get out of the car than the flustered woman, eyebrows high and that grin widening. “You changin’ your hero name?”
Before Endeavor could even consider how to reply to the cheeky young man, another student in line cut in. 
“Doubtful. Older women get hot flashes when they go through menopause.” Iida adjusted his glasses, head tilting to the side as his gaze followed after Miss Ono. “But I don’t think Miss Ono is old enough to go through such a condition.” 
Mina shoved at Iida’s shoulder, a finger in her bespectacled classmate’s face. “Don’t talk about Miss Maemi’s age! It’s rude!”
With a roll of his eyes, Endeavor left the teenagers, now bickering and researching menopause or discussing the etiquette of talking about a woman’s age, behind. It didn’t take long for another group of teenagers to, once again, intercept the hapless adult buddies. 
“Hey, Endeavor! You’re Miss Ono’s buddy, right?” A young woman with dark green hair and a sharp smile - Tokage, Endeavor wanted to say - waved to him from a line just outside a water ride. Other teenagers milled about behind her, all with varying shades of awkward smiles. “Come ride the log flume with us!” 
With little other choice, Endeavor relented and approached them, Miss Ono refusing to meet his eye as he closed the distance. Her cheeks were still noticeably pink.. While in line, once the youngsters inevitably forgot about their presence, Endeavor leveled a look to Miss Ono. “Another ride already?” 
Maemi could only look at the man from the corner of her eye, the tingling in her cheeks now bearable. “They thought I was looking overheated.”
“They were right,” he answered, without pause. “You were looking dangerously flushed.”
Miss Ono gave a quiet and defeated groan, her shoulders slumping as she pressed her hands to her face. 
Faintly, very faintly, Endeavor could feel the corner of his lips twitch. It was gone the moment Maemi peered up at him, angling her hands slightly away from her face to get a better look at his face. Now he wasn’t meeting her gaze. Curious suspicion glinted in her narrowed eyes, picking up on an almost nonexistent bead of amusement from him.
Maemi gave a curious hum and Endeavor tensed, though he wasn’t certain why. Thankfully, he didn’t have to suffer long under her gaze as she soon turned to face the front of the line, waiting patiently in silence. Part of him remained on alert, side-eyeing the woman warily. Concerned with the thought that, perhaps, Miss Ono wasn’t simply waiting for the ride.
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
You are a melody: lyric-based prompts (Event) (CLOSED)
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"If you were to look back Would you remember it too? The hit song which was always playing In those days." -Kimi wa Melody, AKB48
Hello! I'm Mel, or Melody, and I'm a new writing blog! I put my playlists on shuffle and took some lyrics from the songs I got to make this prompt list event!
How will this event work?
Simple! Send in an ask with the prompt number + a character of any of the fandoms I write for (+ any small extra details if you want)! (for example: number 4 + xiao + gn reader + romantic + fluff)
Fandoms I write for: Genshin Impact, Ensemble Stars, Idolish7, Diabolik Lovers.
A single character per ask! You can request multiple times, but please do it in different asks!
I'll write small scenarios based on the prompts!
This event will probably be open until july 9! Might extend it for a bit or finish it a bit before, it all depends on how many requests for it I get!
**Please read the rules for requesting on my pinned post!!!
Here are the prompts!!
"Long for love even if it hurts every time." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"Who will listen to the sound from the bottom of my heart after the end of the world?" 那幕 (Falling Down) - THE8
"The lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you're in love." House of Memories - Panic! at the disco
"Look, the crescent moon is beautiful." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"In this fleeting moment, even if it goes against my fate, today again I pray for you." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"I wish you happiness." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Just be yourself, what are you so worried about?" HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"There may be no end to our journey of dreams, so let's take a break for today." HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"Happiness has a tiny sorrow to it, wherein we always realize for the first time that it was happiness once we part with it." Happily Ever After - Shoko Nakagawa
"You're like a continuous, honey-like damage to me." Good to Me - SEVENTEEN
"If a second life that's different from now came to me, would I be by your side? Would you be by my side?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"I hope we remember each other even in our next life." Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"Being forgotten is a common thing. Why are those common occurrences rather difficult for me?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"It feels like time stopped. Oh, that would be my first death I've been always afraid of." Black Swan - BTS
"Every little moment becomes an eternity." Black Swan - BTS
"I still can't believe I took it all for granted." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"No matter what road I take, they will always lead back to you." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"You've always stayed by my side, didn't you?" Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"There's no need for tears, because you're not alone." Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"What does it mean to be 'yourself'?" Kado wo magaru - Hirate Yurina
"Open up the time where only the two of us can exist." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"If we could see each other with sincerity instead of with eyes, then us meeting on the 13th month will come true." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"Don't apologize, don't worry, don't be afraid, now, stop crying." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"To you, who had a hard day today, I'll tell you: I'm here. You've done well. I love you. Let me hug you." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"Every reason and path is beautiful because of you." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"If we pass the turning point at the end of the road, I will protect you so you won't be worn out anymore." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"Whatever happens to us, let's meet again." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"A shiny light will come in to light up the darkness." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"By sharing the warmth, we can find the way again. No need to be afraid." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"The warmth and warm smiles at the end of the road will protect us from the time quickly passing by us." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"I despise being ashamed of feeling inferior." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The most sorrowful things is that encounters are regarded as a waste." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"All the crows in the world are black, but they are not heartless." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is neither inferior or superior, crows can fly bravely for love too." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The happiest thing is no more than a word of comfort." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Giving up, but I'm still willing to keep company." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Fate becomes a burden, sacrificng myself for your safety." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is poignant, once destroyed, it will hurt." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Sprinting towards the fire for you, absolutely in love, yet really exhausting." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Give yourself a chance, to prove that you're actually really beautiful as well." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"You should have some good news to share, but you haven’t said very much. It makes me feel like I’m to blame for not stopping you back then." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Someday I planned to sweep my memories under the rug. But now I’m seeing you off to your boyfriend’s house." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"As long as the new guy you found is someone kinder than me, there’s nothing I can do. I guess I’ll have to give up." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Times with you, Just going down the drain. Now I know, they're never coming back." Koigokoro (English Version) - Da-ICE
"I never said I love you, keeping that pain in my heart." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I wonder if you’re humming it, that melody from days long past." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I've never been in love before, so you gotta go easy on me." Count on You - Big Time Rush
"I'm glad I've met you. I love you." When the first love ends - Ryo (supercell) ft. Hatsune Miku
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