#and anakin is just absolutely always ready to accept kisses and affection from obi-wan
tennessoui · 2 years
You look really tired for the actors au? The short ficlet or the bigger universe, whichever!
hey hello!! so this is a prompt fill for the actors au, but not the space actors one (someone else already asked for that!!); this is goes in the same universe as the ficlet up on ao3!
Actually, the thing that Anakin hates the very most about his job is the goddamn press conferences, the ad hoc interviews, the reporters who darken the room’s doorstep with a story they already know they’ll write, regardless of what Anakin says or does. 
All they need is a soundbyte or two, and Anakin hates it.
The movie trailer is out, the movie itself in post-production. Every day, he’s forgetting more and more of the dumb, stilted lines he’d had to memorize for it.
Every day, his co-star kisses them out of his mind until the only thing he can possibly think about is auburn hair and blue eyes.
If only he could find a way to tell Irene, the current reporter, this. It’s not like Obi-Wan and Anakin are in a private relationship. In fact, after Obi-Wan’s stunt in the restaurant six months ago, they’ve been very, very public. Contractually obligated to be public even.
But Irene seems to have temporarily forgotten this. She’s looking at Anakin and Padmé on the couch, and her eyes are narrowed in on the slim amount of space separating them. It’s not their fault they have to sit so close together. There are too many damn pillows on this couch.
This is one of those reporters who knows what story she wants to write, and Anakin knows it all too well. This reporter wants to write a trash-piece for a trash-website, about the chemistry between Padmé and Anakin, the forbidden romance of it all (given that, and this cannot be stressed enough, Anakin is in a relationship), the love that transcended the movie screen.
Anakin has been very, very quiet since the moment he clocked the reporter as one of those. It hadn’t been hard. She’d spent half the introductions stroking over his arm and the other half talking about how thrilled she was for such an unconventional romance to be shown on screen.
What is so unconventional about Anakin and Padmé’s characters kissing, Anakin doesn’t understand.
“Excuse me, I’m so sorry,” Padmé says suddenly. Her phone is ringing. Anakin silently begs her to stay, but Padmé is singularly incapable of ignoring a ringing phone. “I need to take this, I’ll be right back.”
The reporter croons and fusses and tells her to hurry, but there’s something very hungry in her eyes when she turns back to Anakin.
Padmé, please hurry, he thinks to himself and slouches back further into the couch.
“You’ve been so quiet, Ani!” Irene tells him.
“Uh,” Anakin says. “Yeah, sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“You look really tired,” the reporter agrees, and Anakin is offended on behalf of the make-up team who spent at least thirty minutes trying to cover up the shadows under his eyes. There’s a flicker of movement at the door Padmé had exited through, but it’s been much too short of a time for her to have finished her call, so Anakin doesn’t bother looking away from the reporter.
“Thanks,” he says. “That’s sweet.”
“Up too late…running lines with a certain co-star actress?” 
Anakin blinks and furrows his brow. “The movie’s finished being filmed. Why would we be running lines?”
She smiles, and it’s a hungry, bloodless thing. “Oh? Were you up all night doing something else with her?”
“I believe,” says a very welcome and beautiful and familiar voice, “that would actually be my job.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi flops onto the sofa next to him, all purposeful indolence and spread limbs. Anakin relaxes at the sight of him, going so far as to move over so that their legs brush together from hip to knee.
“You’re out early,” Anakin says. Not that he’s complaining. He thinks they should definitely be doing more interviews with the three of them all together, seeing as how they’re basically the main characters in the movie, but every time the executives say no.
Apparently it’s alright when Anakin and Obi-Wan are pictured being loved up in front of various restaurants and bars around the city, but sit them next to each other in an interview and suddenly all the footage is unusable.
“Mr. Kenobi,” Irene says between gritted teeth. Anakin huffs and sits up straight because that’s not nearly enough respect in her tone. She’s gotta learn to separate reality from fiction: Obi-Wan isn’t a villain, he just sometimes likes to play one.
Yes, sometimes when the cameras aren’t rolling. 
But Anakin’s into that.
“And before you ask, yes, I did keep him up far too late last night,” Obi-Wan tells her, wrapping an arm around the back of Anakin’s shoulders and pulling him closer to his body so that he’s half on top of him. “We were celebrating.”
“Celebrating?” The reporter asks, even if it’s clear she doesn’t want to.
“Six months,” Anakin says before Obi-Wan can, and he tilts his head up for a kiss.
The reporter looks like she’s swallowed a lemon. “There are some people who believe the two of you are faking it,” she announces, as if Anakin cares what some people believe.
“That’s ridiculous,” Obi-Wan seems to be on the same page. “And anyway, even if we were to begin with—” they hadn’t been, Anakin had insisted on trying this for real and Obi-Wan hadn’t protested at all— “then we certainly wouldn’t still be doing it after six months.”
“The press circuits—”
“I mean,” Obi-Wan says as if she has not said anything at all, “he’s quite lovable, isn’t he? After six months pretending to be in love with him, I probably would have actually gotten there. What do you think, darling?”
Obi-Wan’s slate blue eyes have a special sort of super power: the ability to drag any sort of truth from Anakin, no matter the setting. “I thought I was in love with you when I was fifteen and you were a poster on my bedroom wall,” he admits. “I had no idea though.”
Obi-Wan grins and presses a kiss onto Anakin’s forehead. He likes that sort of admission, but then, he was a child star who practically grew upin the limelight. Of course he enjoys a bit of an ego stroke.
“Oh no,” Padmé says from the doorway. “It appears my seat has been stolen.”
Lazily, Obi-Wan tilts his head to look at her. “Apologies, darling,” he drawls, hand slipping low and proprietary over Anakin’s chest. “Only, I am the villain.”
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darthkruge · 4 years
Anakin taking care of you while you’re sick 👉👈
Anakin Skywalker x Sick!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Sickness, mentions of vomiting but nothing detailed
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Anon, I hope you feel better if you’re sick!! Also so many of my friends aren’t feeling well, either! I know @beskar-tano and @artiza-n have been feeling shitty and @buckysbeloved and @anakinlove were feeling a little worse for wear, too, if I remember correctly. Wishing all of y’all (+ anyone else who might be feeling under the weather) fast recoveries!! 
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Let me start this off by saying that Anakin does not get grossed out. He’s surrounded by dying soldiers everyday and when they’re deep on missions? Safe to say they don’t always have access to a nice refresher. So if you ever try and say you’re disgusting or he can’t see you because you feel too gross, he’s having none of that.
First, he reassures you that you’re beautiful. And it’s true, too. You could literally be on death’s door and Anakin would still think you’re the most gorgeous person he’s ever seen. And second, he’s just completely unphased. 
He will literally stay by your side the entire time until you feel better and then for at least a good 48 hours afterward, wanting to make sure you’re back to your normal self. 
The only time he’d leave is if you asked him to. He knows that sometimes you just feel really shitty and need to be alone. Most of all, he wants you to be comfortable. But if you do ask him to leave, he keeps close. He won’t go on missions and keeps his commlink on him at all times, just in case you need anything. And if he doesn’t hear from you in a while, he checks in to make sure you’re okay.
If you’re just being stubborn and/or it’s difficult for you to accept help even though you desperately want it, he can see through that. He knows you so well, he can tell if you actually want space or if you just don’t know how to ask for his comfort. And if it’s the latter, he gives you really easy outs. He’ll put it on him, saying “I’d feel a lot better if I was here, my love. I want to make sure you’re okay, is that alright?” 
If you have a favorite piece of his clothing, he lets you wear it. This is not just when you’re sick, either. But if you’re not feeling great, he makes extra sure to wash it if it's not already clean and brings it over so you can have it. 
Anakin gets nervous when you’re sick; he feels helpless and you’re normally so strong and now you’re weak and in pain and there’s nothing he can do to make it go away. To compensate, he’s constantly doing stuff for you. It helps him keep busy and he feels like he’s helping you, so it’s a natural solution.
Will bring you absolutely anything you ask for. And if you say you’re fine and that you don’t need anything, he’ll probably still bring you stuff. He makes sure you’re always stocked up with tissues, food, water, medicine, blankets, etc. 
I headcanon Anakin as a good cook, at least with a few core recipes. One of the recipes he made sure to memorize is a really good soup. He asked you what your favorite one was one time randomly after you’d been dating for about a month because he wanted to file it away in his brain for whenever you’re sick. And now as soon as you give even one cough or sniffle, you better believe he’ll make it for you. 
He basically babies you the entire time. You’re not lifting a finger until the sickness goes away. He’ll bring stuff to you or, if you’re cuddling with him, he floats it over with the Force. And if you absolutely need to go somewhere, he carries you. 
He’ll rub your back or anywhere else you might be feeling achy. I’ve talked about it before and I shall reiterate: Anakin is amazing at massages. He uses his warm, flesh hand first to start to work into your muscles, getting them ready before using his metal hand to apply a bit more pressure and work out the knots. 
If you’re throwing up, he’s in the refresher with you. He rubs your back and pulls your hair out of your face, giving you soft encouragement the whole time. “Get it out, it’s alright. You’re gonna be just fine, you’ll feel better afterward, okay? You just need to get it out of your system, love.” It’s quite soothing, especially if you’re the kind of person who hates vomiting. 
Afterward, he knows that you might be feeling really clammy and weak. If you want, he’ll gently wash your skin to get the sweat off. He’ll let you lean into him as you brush your teeth or, honestly, he’s fine doing that for you, too. 
Anakin will wait with you on the cold, tile floor for as long as you need. As soon as you feel okay enough to move or you fall asleep, he scoops you into his arms and carries you back to bed.
And if you’re throwing up at night or just overall feeling too sick to sleep, he stays up with you. He’s not going to let you be alone. 
He’ll also tell you stories or just talk to you about whatever comes to mind to distract you. He doesn’t want you to spend all day just thinking about how horrible you feel so he tries to take your mind off it and entertain you whenever possible.
Once, when Anakin was making you some food in the kitchen, you decided to try and get up and go to the refresher alone. You made it a few steps before you were hit with an overwhelming wave of dizziness and lightheadedness and just quietly called Anakin’s name, unsure if he would even hear you. It was practically a reflex. But he did and he ran over immediately, bracing you against him to steady yourself as he called a chair over to him with the Force, firmly sitting you down. 
He was so terrified when he saw your face draining of color and your body begin to crumple to the floor, he just hugged you and kissed the top of your head. He asked, “Why did you do that?! What would have happened if I didn’t hear you?!” 
“I just… you’ve done so much for me and you were already making me food and I don’t know I thought I could do it…” You answer lamely, tears pricking in your eyes as you realize not only how flawed your logic is, but also that you made him worry.
Anakin notices and quickly hushes you. “It’s okay, I’m not mad. Just scared me, that’s all. But angel we’ve talked about this! I want to help you, I like that. And besides, if you’d fallen and cracked your head open you’d need a lot more help than a ride to the refresher, huh?” 
You just nod against him and pull him closer to you. Because you’re sitting, he normally stands between your thighs and you hug his waist, pressing your face into his middle. He’ll hunch over a bit, rubbing up and down your back and your arms while pressing kisses to the top of your head. 
If your throat is sore and it hurts to talk, you’re not talking. Anakin actually has a little fun with this one. Don’t get me wrong, he hates that you’re in pain, but he likes to tease you a bit. He’ll be like “Y/N, do you think I should swap Obi-Wan’s face wash with shampoo?” and you’re shaking your head but he just says “Oh, I guess I can’t hear any objections...” 
But then you’ll croak out a “Anakin, no!” And he’s immediately “Shh! Don’t talk, you'll hurt your vocal chords!! I wouldn’t have done it anyway!! Stop talking!! Not until you feel better!!” 
If you have a headache, he’ll let you rest your head in his lap. He uses the Force to close the blinds and turn off the lights and makes sure to talk in an extra quiet tone. He’s calmly petting your hair with his flesh hand while massaging your scalp with the metal one. He’ll also massage your temples, doing so until you feel enough relief to sleep. 
He also constantly brings you cold compresses for your forehead, especially if you’re feverish. He gets you to lay down in bed and then he’ll sit beside you, one hand holding the compress to you and the other gently tracing patterns on your skin. 
Sometimes, you’re sick and emotional and the pain is really overwhelming. He gets this and if crying is going to help you, he wants you to. He’ll hold you in his arms, still, not wanting to worsen any of the symptoms by rocking you. And he’s so encouraging.
“Let it out, my love. There you go, it’s okay. I know it hurts, I know,” He’ll coo, “Baby I know, I’m so sorry. I’ve got you, you can cry, it’s okay.” 
And once you’re done he continues to hold you, cuddling you for the rest of the day.
Also, Anakin will literally hold and kiss you the entire time. Mans is not worried about catching anything from you. And if you ever say “No, Ani, you’ll get sick!!” He just “no I won’t” 
But, if you’re really serious, he’ll refrain from kissing your lips. That’s okay, though! More forehead and top of the head kisses for you <3
He’s just really accommodating and kind. He hates seeing you sick and in pain and just wants to shower you with love and care and affection until it goes away.
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@saltybreaddream @buckysbeloved @lolquarth @sodaoverstars @artiza-n @poesflygirl
anakin tags:
@anakinswhore @kennedywxlsh @coldlilheart @adamgetawaydriver @chokemeanakin @gayidioot @starwars-whore @katelynnwrites @haydens-moles @serpntines @anakinlove @rowley-with-ackerman @dexthtoyounglings @babykinskywalker @cluelessgurl @april-showers-and-flowers @ungodiys @beiroviski @captainshazamerica @alyssa-skywalker @mystic-writings @thejediuniverse @anakinravageme @cafeoiogy @dracowars @idkyouu1800c3  @luminara123
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everythinggeeky · 4 years
a fronte praecipitium, a tergo lupi | Anakin Skywalker PART I
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“A precipice in front, wolves behind”
Suitless! Darth Vader x dark side! reader
Warnings: angsty, some domestic fluff, slight canon divergence, anakin never gets crispy, references to sex (it’s sfw tho)
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Anakin has been increasingly distant in the last few weeks and reader has noticed. Suddenly, Anakin makes a proposal that reader can no longer resist. She never expected the horrors that followed.
Part II
A/N: this is part one! requests and tag lists are open! this gif makes me feel a certain way
“Has anyone told you that you look absolutely ravishing?” Anakin spoke up, stepping into your quarters after a long day engaged in battle. Sears from a lightsaber scattered his robes, a heavy tatter covering one of his shoulders. You looked him over with concern, your gaze landing on his face.
“Well, not today,” you grinned, leaning up to peck his lips.
“My darling, you look stunning, as usual,” he smiled against your lips.
“Thank you. How was your mission?” you asked as Anakin followed you to the lounging area of your quarters.
“without a hitch,” Anakin responded, brushing his hands over the robes that would have said otherwise. Typical Skywalker hubris.
“Good, I can’t have my Jedi getting hurt out on the battlefield now, can I?”
“I’ll always come back home to you, dear,” he gingerly kissed the top of your head.
“You better.”
You fixed a warm and comforting meal for the two of you as you relaxed together on the couch. Resting your bowl on the table in front of you, you got comfortable for the evening. Laying your head on Anakin’s chest, you carried on a normal conversation, asking about the current war effort against the separatists, how Anakin was active in the war, and so on. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for the next few hours, your breath synchronizing with each other.
Anakin shifted uncomfortably in his seat underneath you. You sat up briefly in your spot to give him space to adjust. He pulled you back into his chest instead.
“So I’ve been thinking…” Anakin leads quietly, filling the empty space.
“About what, dear…?”
“I’m leaving the Jedi...I’m leaving the Order,” he continued, gaining confidence as he uttered the words aloud for the first time.
“I’m leaving. Will you come with me?”
“Anakin...you’re speaking madness.”
“This could be our time. I have the ability to have true power as no other Jedi has ever known. And I want you to rule with me.”
You stood, searching his face for any sign of a decision that was already made before he had stepped into your room tonight.
You can see the distraught in his eyes. He is standing on the ledge of a precipice so far above the ground and he is ready to launch himself into the abyss.
A man stuck between two sides of the force. 
Without another word, Anakin walked away from you to stand on your balcony, looking out onto the vast expanse of the Coruscanti skyline, contemplating his future within the Jedi Order. Was this where he belonged? In the most recent weeks, he felt otherwise; the thought lingering in the back of his mind since he was a padawan.
Suddenly, Anakin reaches his hand out to you, asking you to be his empress. Your eyes flicked from his open palm to his face, his expression softening ever so slightly.
“Y/N...the power you could have by my side…”
“Ani...I can’t…”
“Why not? If you do, you’ll be by my side forever.”
“I thought you loved me,” you pleaded, “and if you did, you wouldn’t do this.”
He had gone cold and you should have seen it earlier. In the weeks past, Anakin had increasingly pulled himself away from you and from his work as a Jedi. Had you been paying attention, you might have noticed it. Judgment clouded by love, you had considered it. A poor choice of actions on your behalf, nevertheless.
You mulled his words over in your mind. You were devoted to Anakin and vowed to love him forever, even if the Order forbade it. If you were to follow him, you could be free. Free to love him and act upon your passion without consequence. Of course, there were things you didn’t agree with about the Order and you now recognized the internal turmoil it caused Anakin.
 You raised your hand from where it rested by your side, “forever?”
Hesitantly, you placed your hand in his, confirming your allegiance to him. Anakin grinned wickedly, pulling you into his chest, cupping your face tightly, kissing you hard. In a moment of pure passion, your hesitation drowned away. After a few moments, Anakin pulled away.
“I’ll speak to the Chancellor tomorrow. He has a great plan in store for you and I. True, unabashed power.”
“All I care about is you, Anakin.”
“You’ll never have to worry again, sweetheart.”
You and Anakin went to bed late that night following a dizzying, passionate lovemaking session where Anakin pledged his allegiance to you as his empress.
You weren’t prepared for what followed in the days ahead. Darth Sidious had executed Order 66, slaying all the existing Jedi. You were told to go into hiding until Anakin and Sidious had considered it safe for you to return. The following days were lonely; harrowingly lonely. You received no update on the success of the command, nor on Anakin’s condition. 
About a week later, you received notice that it would be safe to reunite with Anakin, now known to the galaxy as Darth Vader. When the guards had arrived at your secret location on the star destroyer, you could sense the cold in the room. The guards parted ways and Anakin walked through them as their Emporer’s apprentice. Heavy armor weighed down his frame, affecting his gait. Now a man shrouded by power, he came home to you to envelop you in the same way he had before he left.
Dropping the mask to the side, he rushed to you, pulling your body to his body with ease.
“Darling, I missed you so much. I was so worried about you,” Anakin muttered into your neck.
“Worried? I was worried about you…” you pulled him tighter to you, memorizing his new powerful form.
Anakin was the first to pull away. You took one more look at his armor.
“Is this your new look…?”
Anakin raised his arms, “for the Empire, sweetheart.”
“Yes, my new empire...our new empire…” he corrected.
Nodding to yourself, “ours,” you manifested looking to the floor.
“Are you having second thoughts…?”
“Anakin...what the guards told me...all this death...murder…I don’t think I can do this.”
He cupped your face into his hands, “don’t worry about that. Think about what you and I can achieve together.”
Anakin releases you, allowing you to rest in your original position. 
You thought over your decision, reminding yourself of the opportunity that lies with the Sith. This was your moment to be free in your feelings and act upon your passion. Anger was accepted and was utilized to gain an advantage over the enemy. As a Sith, you could love Anakin openly and use that passion to take down those that try to stand in your way. This new future could be where you and Anakin belonged; he clearly had felt that it was.
“Darling, I have a gift for you. Something that is very important to your new role as my empress,” Anakin said, pulling a sleeve from his belt, handing it over to you.
“What is it?”
“Open it and find out. It’s for you.”
You shed the velvet sleeve from the hilt of the lightsaber. You tested it out in your hand, tossing it back and forth from one hand to the other. It was sleek, black, and featured an decorative floral engraving in the main hilt of the saber.
“It’s beautiful, Anakin.”
“I designed it myself. Go ahead, try it out.”
You stepped back a reasonable distance before igniting the blade. An angry red extended from the hilt, to which you grinned as you examined your new weapon.
“I think it suits you,” Anakin smirked.
“I do too,” you twirled the saber once, before disengaging the blade.
“Of course you’ll need training, but I have time set aside to do so. It’s critical to your role that you be trained to fight in order to execute the missions we have planned for you.”
“Planned for me?”
“Of course, you are not just ornamental, sweetheart. The Empire has a great plan for you.”
“Thank you, Anakin.”
“You’re welcome. Now, this weapon is everything. Do not take it lightly.”
“I see Obi-Wan has left his mark on you…”
Anakin’s demeanor changes in an instant, “Do not…! Mention his name,” he spits.
You shuffle back, fearful of the man Anakin has become.
“I’m sorry.”
He ignores your apology and walks to the window that borders your new quarters on the Star Destroyer. Looking out onto the expanse of the galaxy, he takes a moment to collect himself.
“The man I was in the past no longer exists. I am Darth Vader.”
“Only you are allowed to call me that. When we’re alone.”
“Are you asking me to lie to the galaxy about my love for you?” you eased closer to him.
“Quite the opposite. Act upon it. You’ll have a mission next week. There is a rumor of a rebellion in a distant system. You will be deployed there on a secret mission to receive intel about what they know about the Empire. You will crush the rebellion before it has any strength,” Anakin speaks coldly.
“Of course.”
“We will begin training this week.”
Later that week, when Anakin had returned from another mission, he finally deemed it time to train you to use your new lightsaber. Of course, you were an exception to the regularly accepted lightsaber users. Many looked on with jealousy; the apprentice’s girl is what they had chosen to call you for the time being. Soon enough, they will bow down to you and call you queen, as you deserve.
Anakin first started with the basics, gradually increasing the difficulty of the skills and maneuvers he had taught you. Later, he left you to train with the remotes, as he once had as a Jedi padawan. You would have thought that the Sith would have had a more rigorous and brutal training program, one that required a similar sacrifice as receiving your title.
You pushed the stray strands of hair that threatened to interfere away from your face. Settling yourself into the soles of your boots, you slash through the program of the remote with ease. When Anakin enters the room again, he looks impressed. Shoulders pressed backward, posture high.
“Very good, my empress. Soon enough you’ll be ready to do the Empire’s highest bidding.”
You grinned, standing tall, confident in your new role by Anakin’s side.
“The galaxy soon will see what true power looks like. It’s you. With me by your side.”
With a nod, Anakin disengaged the program. 
“Go rest, the days upcoming will be taxing.”
“Yes, my lord,” you semi-bow, leaving the training facilities to head back to your quarters to refresh.
Anakin returned a few hours later, once again shedding the mask and cape that covered his shoulders. Carefully storing them away in the bedroom. He walked over to you, pulling you into a comforting embrace. 
“You did well today. I was proud,” Anakin said softly.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he pecked your cheek softly.
You cupped his face gently, and he leaned into your touch. Here, he felt safe and free to be the man he left behind in the ashes of Mustafar. Here, it was just you, and him, and your love for one another.
Anakin pulls back from you, inviting you to relax for the evening. Had you known any better, you wouldn’t have noticed any distinct difference from your life before the Sith. Now, Anakin is covered in just a few more scars with a little more darkness covering his heart. Still, there was a space for you. A space set aside for just you. 
And maybe that spot was a little bit softer than the rest of Darth Vader.
tagging: @kenobee @hxldmxdxwn @smokahuntis @obiwkenobi @jbarnesss @takenbymyfandoms @ilovesupersoldiers @outofdaylight
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