#and arguably one could say Halsin runs the risk of loving what Tab represents more then them
agent-jaselin · 6 months
I’ve been thinking about it, and especially with Calem being a veteran hero in his world, like dridz’t big, he might not take Halsin’s confession very well?
Just, him as Tav going “I like you but i need proof you actually like me and not what I did for you.” Wants proof Halsin isn’t conflating being grateful for being attracted.
Tells Halsin to go talk to Astarion about him, ask him about the worst thing he’s ever done and his time in Garlemald. Says he’s not rejecting Halsin but doesn’t want to start anything until he has some assurance Halsin’s attracted to him and not to a hero.
Especially since like, Halsin likes nature and children and peace. And Calem is a chaotic gremlin who loves fighting and for whom domesticity makes his skin crawl.
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