#there is a running them of the wol
agent-jaselin · 6 months
I’ve been thinking about it, and especially with Calem being a veteran hero in his world, like dridz’t big, he might not take Halsin’s confession very well?
Just, him as Tav going “I like you but i need proof you actually like me and not what I did for you.” Wants proof Halsin isn’t conflating being grateful for being attracted.
Tells Halsin to go talk to Astarion about him, ask him about the worst thing he’s ever done and his time in Garlemald. Says he’s not rejecting Halsin but doesn’t want to start anything until he has some assurance Halsin’s attracted to him and not to a hero.
Especially since like, Halsin likes nature and children and peace. And Calem is a chaotic gremlin who loves fighting and for whom domesticity makes his skin crawl.
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sofusenpai · 1 month
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it seems people really like woodwarder stuff so have some more (these r oldies but goodies)
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nuclearanomaly · 1 year
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Hashtag Nailed It
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shalpilot · 3 months
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cmoonghost · 5 months
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wanted to do the race swap thing ive seen around a few times teehee
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ahollowgrave · 7 months
Send 🪤 to see them with something they find hard to resist.
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of course, of course !
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Thank you for the ask @oneiroy!
][ Screenshot Meme ][
An additional shot, for all of us:
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haunted-xander · 10 months
Childe would unironically make a really good Warrior of Light
Like, okay, not only does he get to fight a bunch of ever increasingly powerful enemies (such as several angry deities, an extra powerful combo machine of said deities, dragons almost as old as the star itself, SEVERAL ACTUAL GODS and then some!) but he also gets to team up with a group of (mainly) strong warriors that you KNOW he'd be just dying to spar with (also you can't tell me he wouldn't take one look at the twins and go 'my siblings now').
He's also very loyal, so once he's in with the Scions he is IN ya know? Like he would kill and die for them no questions asked. They're also not really bound by law so he can do whatever he wants and what is the law gonna do? Arrest him? THE Warrior of Light? Don't think so.
(Also if he ever met Zenos all hell would break loose. The entire region is decimated and it's a miracle there even is a region left to begin with. They'd be the best worst rivals in existance and it would be everyones problem)
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"Not looking down on me just yet Vahju~"
Childhood friends who went through a lot of suffering but found each other again and treasure each other's friendship save me...
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scionshtola · 11 months
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a little reunion at the noumenon 💕
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picturesofashe · 9 months
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Followed by Cat Behavior
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necromeowncy · 1 year
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His form reclined back in bed. Ser Vaillencourt observed as G'raha reached behind himself, pulling off his wine-dark nightshirt to leave his torso bare. Candlelight outlined the curve of a bicep; the taught pectorals he ached to grab; the lowering of ears in what he could only assume to be anticipation. He swallowed convulsively.
And the vampire thought, in a rare moment of clarity: Raha does want this.
It ignited a fire in his belly. He allowed it to burn.
In one swift movement, he pounced, leaving the miqo'te momentarily breathless. A large hand pinned G'raha's wrists above his head, while the other dragged claw tips in a gentle scrape up that bare chest; up his neck with its pumping pulse; up to softly grab his chin, turning his head to the side. G'raha shuddered, wide eyed and wonderful; a delight illuminated by candlelight.
There was no fear in those eyes - only desire.
He liked being pinned down. Liked being bitten.
"You have unconventional tastes in pleasure, but ones I shan't complain about." The vampire bent to kiss his cheek; jawline; his neck. His pulse pumped harder under that pale, smooth skin.
"Then it's fortunate I seem to have found an unconventional lover," G'raha exhaled, tail thumping on the bed in anticipation. _
Excerpt from Hunger: a WoLxG'raha Vampire AU: Read here.
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sunnythanalan · 2 years
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... and they meet again where it all began..
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queseraphita · 7 months
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souridealist · 21 days
FFXIVwrite day two: 'Horizon'
[800 words or so, gen with maybe slight overtones of WoL/Thancred, set in early ARR. Everyone meet my alt, Bortei Dotharl.]
“Are you spending the night with us?” Thancred asks, deliberately light.
From this angle, only Bortei’s horns pick her out from anyone else in the Scions’ common hall. Just another ragged, faded adventurer lost in thought at the corner table, a drink in her hand and her eyes on the ceiling. She’s so small; he keeps getting caught off-guard by it, as if in his memory she’s always a little larger than she is in truth.
Then she turns to look at him.
“Thancred!” Her voice cuts over the noise of the hall; a few heads turn, then laugh and turn away again at the sight of Thancred with a pretty recruit. She grabs his wrist, dragging him down into the nearest seat with the easy self-assurance of a woman far closer to home. “Sit, drink, warm yourself.” It’s a bit too warm, actually, but from the way she says it, it’s only a greeting. “Yes, I mean to stay here the night. Couldn’t get further than Horizon before dark, and the inn there’s not worth the coin. Piss-weak beer and too much dust.” She rolls her eyes. “I need to get a decent tent, if there’s one to be found in this place. And if your birds of burden can carry one. But in the meantime, I’ll be glad of good company.”
“Not going to make use of the Ul’dah aetheryte?” Thancred slips — offhandedly, if he’s done his job right — into a pause in the good-natured torrent. Bortei shrugs, taking a gulp of her beer.
“Can’t,” she says, and drags the back of her hand across her mouth. She shrugs one shoulder at his bemused look. “Still got my aether all out of balance from when I first came here. I’ll be staying out of the aetherial sea for a while yet, unless I want a good long stay.”
“Now here’s a story I don’t believe I’ve heard,” Thancred says, settling back in his chair. She mirrors him, sprawling: one arm slung on the back of her chair, elbow braced on the table, legs kicked out in front of her and her tail spilling over the edge of the chair. This is why he always thinks she’s bigger than she is. “You’d mentioned you didn’t come to Eorzea intentionally?”
“No, nothing like,” she says. “I was as surprised as anyone. See, there’s this woman back home — we grew up together.”
“Ah.” Thancred stifles both his flare of disappointment and the twinned flicker of voyeurism. “A sweetheart?” He’s not expecting her thunderous snort.
“Sweetheart? She’s no one’s sweetheart, mine least of all. She was my competition.” She grins, sharp as a knife. “She’s leader of the tribe, now — more of her time wasted on other people’s petty squabbles, if you ask me — and she’d won herself some glory in a few good fights with the Oronir.” Thancred’s not sure he knows who, what, or where the Oronir are, but he nods along anyway. “Can’t let her have all the fun, but she scared them off pretty good, so I figured I’d take the fight to them. I tried for their aetheryte.” Her smile turns crooked. “Might’ve been drunk.”
“Tried for — tried to break their aetheryte?” That’s a disappointingly selfish bit of vandalism. Or — “You don’t mean you tried to go through unattuned?”
“Oh, I do mean.” She toasts him ruefully. “Next thing I know —” Her eyes skitter off him, back to the ceiling. Thancred can take a guess; Minfilia has told him a bit about it was like, the first time she heard Hydaelyn’s voice. “Well, next I knew what was happening, I was naked on a rock in southern Thanalan.”
“That’s — damn.” He blows out a breath between his teeth. “You’re lucky to be alive.”
“Oh, I noticed,” she says. “This is a good life, I’m not done with it yet. I’ll be a long time working it off, though.” She stretches her arms out in front of her, twisting her fingers together. “Had a lot more muscle on me before that. You’ve seen what it did for my magic, though, so I got nothing to worry about.”
“I have at that,” Thancred grants. That’s something of a relief, actually, if there’s an explanation for the sheer blistering heat of her fire. He’s no thaumaturge, but it’s looked worryingly wild to him. “That must be hard. The aetherytes. No good way out of a bad situation, no quick jaunts across town to visit a friend…”
“It’ll come back,” she says with a shrug. “And when I make it home, I’ll be Bortei, Who Crossed the World.”
“And that’s what they’ll call you when you’re, ah, next reborn?” She explained herself and her people, ever-reborn, back on that first night in Ul’dah. It’s most likely not be something he needs to fish about — it’s nothing that would lead to a primal, and beyond that her faith is her business — but he’s curious, in his own right. “Bortei Who Crossed the World, running around at your next mother’s knee?”
“Until I do something finer,” she says, with another offhanded shrug. “At least, as long as I make it home in this life to tell them that I did it.”
“Well,” Thancred says, and he’s surprised by how much he means it: “I’m sure you will.”
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candycryptids · 1 year
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noun: survivors guilt
a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress experienced by someone who has survived an incident in which others died.
"he escaped with his life but suffered from survivor's guilt"
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agent-jaselin · 6 months
Anyway I think with Calem's ultimatum Halsin absolutely would go and talk to Astarion about Calem's Past enslaved for ten years followed by destroying his own village and considering he can also fall in love with Durge, who definitely did shit just as bad and didn't follow it up with a nervous breakdown like Calem? I think Halsin wouldn't hate him, He'd acknowledge what he did was terrible yeah, but also understand how bad what he was went through. He went through three years of the same after all, except he was older and it didn't also include gladiator pits and vivisection.
L'Calem convinced he's irredeemable and Halsin just being "That explains why you are so protective but distant with all the kids we encounter." And Astarion in the background rolling his eyes cause he's already told the idiot he was being ridiculous.
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