#and as always- if you see orpheus pop up anywhere you must inform me immediately i miss that boy
beamthechao · 5 months
Played enough Hades 2 the past few days to give a solid Early Access non spoilery review:
Got quite far on a run by chance the other day, and just from experiencing that part of the story (and fleshing out character interactions upon dying) I can safely say Im blown away by the SHEER scope of the story so far.
Theres character art and UI clearly unfinished, some mechanics to balance, incomplete areas and some other things that clearly need work- but I actually dont even notice!!! Ill be getting a boon staring at sketchy blocked in bg art and it doesnt matter because Im having so much fun!!
When recurring characters show up its in little nods and in ways that are surprising, the amount of choices you can make, all the extra goodies and mechanics they added.....im scalped bro
The weapons so far are a nice variety and im getting the hang of them easily. The combat is clearly more cast-based but theres still some good options for close combat, and most weapons have both close and ranged options.
Music-banger. Character designs-banger. Voice acting-banger. Levels-banger. (3rd area level was especially poignant to me, a level of unsettling creepy previously unaccessed in the last game). Also you get animal friends in this one so already GOTY.
I am loving miss Melinoë and how she fits into the broader legendarium and her relationships with the previously established characters! I can also see the direction of her character development and her flaws, and look forward to seeing how she grows through the events of the story. I love the connections she is having with the new characters and the new and different ways you can get to know them (bath salts anyone?!?)
My biggest concern is that perhaps they added *too* many mechanics, such as one where they add elemental attributes to boons which apparently you can stack, but it feels like one extra thing I dont need and adds just more icons to keep track of. I cant see myself going out of my way to get ONLY fire boons, for example, Im gonna pick the boons that work well for me that run regardless of what they are. But this is minor and Im sure there will be refinements. I do love the addition of extra "wildcard" boons such as the Moon boons with the upgrade paths however.
This game is gonna be wonderful in V 1.0, I cant wait to see what else they add but until then im gonna keep playing what we have and see how much I can learn about the world!
Please feel free to comment, message or reply what your impressions of the game are so far, I want to talk to people about it because Im really enjoying the heck out of it!
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