#and as such my technique is spot on
machinerot · 5 months
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lylahammar · 10 months
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Let's take a moment to appreciate the amazing villains/monsters (sorry Nimona lol) we've been given in animated films this year
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cinna-bunnie · 2 months
was drunk at my friend's place yesterday and her bf was given some throwing knives, played around for a bit and i still got it 🧐 that was my last push to get back into knife throwing, haven't been into it since i was 17/18 lol. i ordered these ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა
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edit: if ur here from my top posts you can see me throw them here!
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neurotonic · 2 months
Ouh. I really like how out of all the antagonists in the series, Prism's motivations (and her turning to Zoraxis) are directly influenced by Phoenix's track record. She has the most personal beef with the agent, though it's a little ironic that her TK implant helped the agent's success. If it weren't for Prism, Phoenix wouldn't be the legend that they are known for.
...Except...That's minimizing Phoenix's own ingenuity and skill with the implant, isn't it? It's a useful tool, yes! But in the end, it's just a tool. Phoenix was able to use it in unique ways, and that's not counting whatever else Phoenix has to do in the moment without TK. If it weren't for Phoenix's own efforts (and their strange ability to not Die), Prism wouldn't be forced to take revenge.
They're their own self-made people, but inevitably they left such a huge impact on each other before the third game...and if Prism wasn't the one who personally added the implant in Phoenix's head, then they haven't even interacted in person!
It could be seen as a little tragic, and it sorta is--Prism's desire for revenge is a little misplaced (and, yes, it is bolstered by Zor when she switches to their side). For all we know, Phoenix never intended to be the villain in Prism's story. But Prism's frustrated and angry and devastated about being reduced to the One Project she made. She just wanted to make something bigger than herself.
And it's really nice to see Phoenix help her once she recognizes that Zor's been using her all this time...even if it takes some time for Prism to really let them help her.
It takes the combination of their unique skills, brainpower, and their eventual trust in one another to destroy Zor's volcano kinesium base. Prism gets saved by the person she thought made her dreams impossible, and in return, Phoenix gets saved in the one IEYTD ending where they're not declared legally dead. I feel like that's something interesting? Because this is also the one finale where Phoenix has an active ally working with them close to their side (...as close as Prism and Phoenix could get, anyway).
Well. Anyway. What was I talking about? Enemies who are closely intertwined with one another's journeys end up becoming each other's most important allies? Okay, yeah. Let's go with that.
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 8 months
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And what do you, lost hunter, dream about?
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robo-dino-puppy · 8 months
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horizontober 2023 | 9: cruel
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Miss Alice *a couple of days after she took in Rhine's kid*: Oi! Why's the light off? Is nobody home? The door shouldn't be unlocked if that's true!
Albedo *peeks out of the cocoon he made out of his winter comforter that must weight, like, a solid ton, eyes dulled, looking utterly distraught*: I am home.
Miss Alice: And what happened to you? Did anyone give you trouble?
Albedo: The lab is all wrong! It does not follow Khaenri'ahn safety protocol. I need to remake it from scratch but the room is too small.
Miss Alice: Soo...
Miss Alice: There's this mountain...
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abimee · 7 months
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the final commission in the set for @tsotc of the lovely couple Cyrus (he/him) and Phitsamai Wongsuwan (sy/hyr / she /her) ! first time in all my couch-drawing years drawing a chaise lounge [poses]
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masatos-wig · 3 months
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like this guy.the star
(based on this post by artwheat)
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aciakatura · 7 months
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Chaldea Theatre
I actually had this idea before the Halloween event happened, but since it also had a fairy tale theme I decided to go ahead and finish drawing it. Have a few other concepts that I might do later.
1. The Twelve Dancing (Singing) Princesses - starring Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory and Elizabeth Bathory, with special guest appearance from Elizabeth Bathory.
2. Sleeping Beauty - starring Ritsuka as the cursed princess, Arthur as the prince, Skadi/Merlin/Tamamo as the three caster supports fairies and Dantes as the evil sorcerer who Ritsuka must beat up in order to escape from the dreamscape that she got trapped in. Wait, what?
3. Little Red Riding Hood - starring Medb as Red Riding Hood and Cu as the wolf who is only just realising who was responsible for giving him the collar for his costume.
4. Peter Pan - starring Voyager as the boy who never grew up, Abigail as Tinker Bell and Erice as Wendy.
5. Snow White - starring Yang Guifei as the princess, Wu Zetian as the evil and cruel queen who is rightfully angry at Guifei for leading prince astray, and the Tamamo tails as the seven dwarves. Why does Tamamo get to star twice? No, no, the tails are completely distinct from Tamamo, you see, now ignore that shady image in the mirror please.
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bmpmp3 · 8 months
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learned a new technique for intaglio printmaking in school recently! did a quick print based off that drawing i did of the man who is definitely Not Made Of Fish from that dream I had once LOL
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coldbycrossfade · 2 months
i miss drawing :^(
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iturbide · 10 months

oh for sure i can share!! 5k old grima anon again, and honestly i feel like my math might even be off since i based this mostly off the timeline laid out on this wiki page in a single fevered afternoon (https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Archanea,_Valentia,_and_Jugdral) so if it doesnt make sense uhhhh do take me with a grain of salt x'D ill summarize it down into bare bulletpoints for better reading, and im using the arcahnaen calender for the dates
sometime between -4000 and -2794 (i use -2894(ish) specifically): rough estimate for creation, sinces thabes has to exist to have forneus create him before duma sets the place on fire
-1000: beginning of the dragons decline, naga's war w the earth dragons happens about ~350 years later
607: (yes, no more negatives) alm and celica go into the labyrinth, weakening the seal and thus (to me) being the first instance where grima can Leave the labyrinth and is likely his first contact with real, alive humans besides forneus (rip,,)
(this is more of a heacanon, but i usually put the grimleal faith coming into being sometime around 900-1000, even tho the countries as awakening shows us are said to be founded proper much later bc i like slower developments)
1609: grima is sealed by the first exalt/the mysterious schism is here now in which we know nothing about how anything was created except whoops theres countries now lookit that!!
2585(ish): grima is reborn as/awakens into robin's body!
and because of one more headcanon, i see grima as following lucina to the past in the year 2633, which means the non-amnesiac robin timelines take a bit Longer to "complete" than the awakening we play through, because of all the added grima threat involved and other major events which are changed (emm's death, chrom's injury, there was something about ferox too i think?)
SORRY I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD BE THIS LONG STILL... i hope it was entertaining and makes sense!!
OHOHOHO I HAD NEVER SEEN THIS TIMELINE BREAKDOWN BEFORE I've been trying to puzzle my way around correlating the Valentia and Archanea calendars from the Accordion, this is FANTASTIC!! It looks like your math is pretty much spot on using that timeline as a basis -- plus, I deeply appreciate that you account for Lucina's Doomed Timeline taking more time than the Revised Timeline we see in Awakening, because I hold to the exact same theory.
Even with this timeline, though, the biggest point of logical dissonance for me remains in Naga giving Duma the Falchion before his exile. According to the Wiki's timeline, it states that Naga gave Duma the Kingsfang (aka Falchion) "in the inevitable event that they degenerate into madness" -- but it's not until almost 3,000 years later that degeneration becomes a recognized phenomenon and the Divine Dragon Tribe seal their powers and become manaketes. To my knowledge, Naga's not gifted with precognition -- if she were, I suspect she'd have dealt with Grima a lot earlier than she did. That's not on you! That's on my brain rioting at how the events don't make sense in this order.
If degeneration was a known issue and enough of a risk that Naga gave Duma a weapon that would end his and Mila's suffering should they be afflicted by the condition, that makes me think that they've seen how bad it can be -- which would mean that they've seen the Earth Dragons degenerate and likely gone through the Dragon War. And considering that Naga's death is recorded in the timeline about 500 years after dragon degeneration becomes a known condition and a mere ~250 years after the end of the Dragon War and the sealing of the Earth Dragons at the Dragon's Table, Duma and Mila only making it about a millennium after their exile doesn't seem that unreasonable.
No, I don't know why my brain is like this. I want to be able to take the timeline at face value, but every time I see events ordered with Duma and Mila's exile first and the discovery of degeneration second I start gnashing my teeth.
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natjennie · 1 year
ohh my god the base of my thumb has been hurting on and off for so long and i keep trying different taping techniques but none of them have really helped that much but i just found one finally that i think is actually good thank the lord
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murderballadeer · 6 months
i am getting better at drop thumb stuff but boy am i sick of playing green corn over and over
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dogpixie · 1 year
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YAYYYY ive done like 5 visits for these kitties and this 1 guy always hides the entire time but today he came out n sniffed me!!!! i love tht lol
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